#I'd be grateful either way
urostakako · 3 months
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Utahime dancing Dabke !! id in alt - as always, from the river to the sea, palestine will be free
Embedded within the heart and soul of the Palestinian people, the dabke – an ancient folkloric dance native to the Levant – transcends mere artistic expression, serving as a resolute act of defiance against the Zionist state's occupation. With each rhythmic stomp and synchronised movement, Palestinians reclaim their cultural identity, defiantly asserting their existence and resilience in the face of systemic oppression, while igniting a flame of resistance that resonates with generations past and present, affirming their connection with the land. - Fadila Khalid, Dance & Defiance: Dabke as an Emblem of Resilience in Palestine
below are resources for information on palestine and donations !! and reference photo is below that
donation masterpost by @/nabulsi:
An Indicative Archive: Salvaging Nakba Documents | Institute for Palestine Studies (palestine-studies.org)
A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution | HRW
Institute for Palestine Studies | (palestine-studies.org)
Free Ebooks for a Free Palestine! | HaymarketBooks.org
Palestinian Culture - Anera
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castielsprostate · 9 days
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hansama · 1 year
I had to ask since I saw it, but do you have an Amino account?? Just asking since I saw this and since it happens so commonly, wondered if it was an impersonation account
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WHAT???!! That is NOT me, I don't have an Amino account!
Thank you for telling me about this
Please, do not trust the impersonators. My accounts are listed in my Linktree. Ask me if you're not sure.
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corfisers · 12 days
haven't opened discord since january (and probably was quiet weeks before deciding to stop even looking at it too, but i don't remember for sure) and it's not like i'm planning to open it now, even thought i know that i left it on invisible and that nobody would be able to see if i'm online or not anyway. it's not even about being perceived, i just don't want to see and acknowledge that someone might've been trying to talk to me in a genuine effort to connect or check if i'm alright. let alone respond to that. i've even had a few dreams about it. keep telling myself "next week, next week i'll reach out and fix this" and then i don't. again, it's been months. when shame and guilt will inevitably overweight the feeling that causes this and i do come back, i hope i won't hear a single "i missed you" because i wouldn't even be able to reply "me too" sincerely. which is another thing. i don't really miss people. time isn't real. and it's not anyone's fault, it's not like i don't care about the people who somehow managed to get close enough (although you can argue that if i cared i wouldn't be this way, and you wouldn't be the first one), but it doesn't really help, does it? so much compassion and care completely wasted, and on me of all people
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crimeronan · 4 months
At this point, does Luz ever sleep alone? Or do Amity and Hunter kind of have an unspoken agreement that someone should always be with her??
it's Pretty Rare for luz to sleep alone, if it ever happens. this ask got me thinking about it and going.... waugh....
i'm Very soft for the thought that, like. amity starts checking hunter's schedule. and mysteriously showing up whenever he's doing a night shift. aka when he can't sleep with luz because he's guarding her door.
amity being a totally-not-emotionally-involved cat about it like "i got a bad feeling about my roomies so i'm sleeping here tonight," and it's only like the fourth or fifth time it happens that hunter realizes Oh. this is not a streak of random uncharacteristic paranoia. this is amity making sure someone is near luz while she sleeps.
i don't think luz would pick up on it for a while because she's so certain that amity and hunter's whole Thing is, like.... a self-isolated relationship completely unrelated to her. amity thinks she's being really obvious in her friendship overtures and luz cannot read any of her cues at All. autism4autism.
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new-lorien-artist · 4 months
When you were too passionate in the tags (and hit tag limit) that Tumblr starts breaking around you
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A controversial thought just occurred to me that I've tried to put into words many times now about my hero (Janis Joplin) and other musicians and people who died "tragically" (especially in a "self-inflicted" way), and that is: every time I see someone online, on Youtube or Facebook or wherever, say something (always unprompted/unrelated to what the video/photo/article/etc. is about) along the lines of, "What a waste of their talent/skill their death was," I think, What a waste their death was? What have you said of their life? Why do you only choose to comment on, and apparently highlight, their death? Did their life, and their accomplishments, and what they brought to the world while they were alive mean nothing to you? Have you not a SHRED of gratitude that they were alive at all?
I am quite sure that there is some sort of psychological explanation (and I say that with the confidence of only having a basic understanding of psychology) for why people focus particularly on people's (in this case, celebrities') "tragic" deaths, but is it not a tragedy in itself to reduce those people's lives to their deaths and the fact that they're dead? Why not appreciate what they were able to share with us while they were here? You know?
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(wip) fuck it friday (on saturday)
Rules: Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
totally meant to do this yesterday but then I got distracted, and you know how that goes... tagged by the amazing @the-likesofus @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy and @shortsighted-owl thank y'all so much!! ily <3
every time a tag game like this comes around, I always wish I named my docs in a more interesting way, and then I never change the names of any of my docs. anywaaaay, the names of my current wips are:
fisting wip
nancy/marjan get caught?
fake dating au
wax play wip
smutfic for minja (psst @lilbuddie)
technically i don't even have a doc for minja's fic yet, since everything i've written for it is in my notebook, but i figured since that's the fic i'm sharing a snippet of, i should list it? lol
please don't judge this, i wrote it yesterday and haven't looked at it since:
It's something he would usually be eagerly listening to and asking so many questions about, but Eddie's hand is on his thigh, hot to the touch even through Buck's jeans, and he can't focus on anything but his boyfriend. He rubs circles into Buck's inseam with his thumb, and it takes all of Buck's willpower not to glare at him for the torturous touch. But they can't afford too much attention on them, so Buck refrains, pretending he's engrossed in the conversation instead of barely listening. Chim and Maddie return a few minutes later, and Buck uses the distraction to shoot a pointed look at Eddie, grabbing the hand on his thigh to halt its movements. Wordlessly, he tries to beg Eddie to stop teasing him, but the older man just smirks before adopting a faux innocent expression and asking Maddie what song they signed up to sing.
no pressure tagging @mooshkat @lilbuddie @swiftiediaz @alyxmastershipper
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toshidou · 1 year
Hi I'm autistic and bad at gauging stuff like this so I hope this doesn't come across as creepy but I just need you to know that never before have I found a blog that was filled with my EXACT both preferred style of smut (is that what the kids call it? idk I'm too ace to know that) and the type of humor that catches me off guard and is so so funny. I am obsessively and desperately reading some of the dirtiest debauchery I've ever seen in my life like a starved housewife and I can't get over how fucking funny your tags are
STOP this ask made me grin so hard pls
It's not creepy at all! Honestly I'm just so glad you aren't annoyed by it AJXJSKD i tend to just. blab. and never shut up. especially online, if i have a thought, it's going in the tags, no matter how weird, it's a problem LMFAO
but also may i just say this ask genuinely made my day, like honestly you're so funny and sweet 🥹🥹 i will do my best to keep writing debauched smut, and hilariously down bad tags AJXJSKD
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emometalhead · 2 years
#having a time so I'm here to rant about a couple things#I'd say I use Tumblr like a diary but I have an actual diary that I don't write this much info for#so like after being sick + concussed I'm doing much better now! no lingering symptoms of either anymore and I'm grateful#caught back up on my school work and I'm feeling in good standing for the rest of the semester#feeling fine thinking about the next couple semesters as well#basically this is just me establishing that I've been in a decent mental state lately. yay!#that's shifting a little. not entirely! I'm fine. just struggling with a couple things so I'm writing them out before they really affect me#I'm upset with my mom's opinions on gay people. she goes back and forth between really supportive and really homophobic comments so quickly#just the other day I was excited because she said something positive in response to seeing cars decked out in pride stuff#today she said lesbians can't have kids and expressed that she'd be disappointed if I 'chose' to be one bc 'there's expectations'#like what is that supposed to mean?????#I am gay and I want kids one day. those statements aren't contradictory to one another but I can't tell her that.#switching gears!#I have driving anxiety and hit and run OCD#basically driving makes me very anxious. I am constantly convinced that I've hit someone/something/caused an accident in some way#going over any bump or uneven road makes me feel certain I've ran someone over#I spend LOTS of time looking behind me in my mirrors to check for bodies/broken things/damaged vehicles or just to check for potholes#this causes further worry that I'll cause an accident by not paying attention to what is ahead of me#I also can't trust my memory. my brain tells me I've repressed memories of the accident I caused. this makes me confused to the point that#I no longer remember my route or even where I am. I'll assume I got off route and make panicked turns that actually get me lost#because of this I'm heavily reliant on visual markers to remind me I am on the right path. unfortunately it is fall now.#the nature on my route looks different than it did a couple weeks ago and it's throwing me off. plus there's new construction.#my usual environment has changed and now I'm back to being as nervous about my school commute as I was at the beginning of the semester#it's all just a lot#okay I'm done now. just needed to get that out before I went into a spiral#hope everyone is having a good night 🖤#ashley rambles
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->It was back to the Moonwood Mill library to check out a few books! The gang even brought the pets along -- though I think there was a brief moment of regret about that when Alice went inside and found Coty the librarian in full wolf mode with Fury coming off him in waves. Fortunately, he never actually started rampaging (hell, as you can see, he actually introduced himself politely to Shadow), so the gang was able to do what they liked --
-->Namely, read books and work out! Smiler was the first one in the gym, taking a nice long run on the treadmill before coming out for a little browsing and a chat with Coty, while Victor read a couple of books, played with Shadow, and then headed for the weight machine. Alice, for her part, remained pretty laser-focused on her werewolf reading, devouring (pun intended) the book on stereotypes and the romance novel about fated mates. (Which she is not particularly interested in -- she’s FOUND her mate, thank you very much.) That completed her book goal, and thus the Werewolf Initiate aspiration! I had her choose the Emissary of the Collective aspiration afterward when the game prompted me, though I don’t think I’ll have her complete it -- she’s not really a “pack” werewolf in that sense. But the one “lone wolf” aspiration requires you to be mean, so that’s not a fit either...really, I think Alice is just more interested in leveling up her XP so she can finally get a few more powers. :p
-->As for the pets, they kept themselves amused by wandering around and greeting the other patrons -- though when Kelly began complaining of a need to go to the toilet, I realized that, oh, yeah, there wasn’t actually any pet stuff on the lot. So I threw a couple of food bowls and a covered litterbox into the “spare room” that looks like its falling apart by the entrance. Can’t do anything else with it!
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heartbroken-ghost · 2 years
I'll be dead by some time next year and I can't fucking wait.
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katya-goncharov · 26 days
i think i might have literally eaten several bits of mould today, but it hasn't killed me or anything so i'm just gonna assume it's all fine
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alainascrawls · 1 month
if you watched yowapeda can you make one on Kuroda x Teshima? thanks. make it at most a T rate and do it in alpha-omega setting i guess.. oh yeah and make teshima female
Thank you!!
so my first instinct is that this is some kinda meme or troll or smthn but I've also heard horror stories of fic readers acting this entitled so it could be real but I don't understand social interaction at the best of times so I'm just gonna respond to this as if it was a serious request ig
hi! thank you for taking an interest in my work, but I do not take requests. I especially don't take requests for characters I'm only peripherally interested in and au's I'm not at all interested in. also no matter how politely you word it, it's kinda rude to approach someone you don't know and ask them to do a very specific thing for you unprompted (and on anon), and you're unlikely to get what you want this way.
and if this is a troll,,,,,,,, dude. you have better things to do with your time than bother some smalltime fic writer on tumblr dot com with your weird drama bs. I am only barely peripherally in any fandom. I don't talk to people, I barely interact even with the things I like, I literally just look, like, sometimes reblog, and rarely throw a fic or a fanart into the fray & then disappear back into the void. I am like The worst target for this nonsense lol
anyway, I hope you have a pleasant day!
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gender-euphowrya · 3 months
nooooo :(
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draconicace · 8 months
also the webnovel has images. yonder where are the images. come on.
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