#I'm writing for jade and the whole contract situation
baejl · 2 years
Ooh my God I just read ur twice jade last shot one with nmixx and it was there that she was on her last tour as a twice member?? Did she not renewed the contract?? I'm sry I'm confused 🥺 buttttt also I love your work 🤍✨
I'll be quiet about Jade's situation for now 🤐
but thank you so much! ❤️
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wolfiesmoon · 3 months
Deal or no deal
Azul x gn!reader
finally writing for my baby boy azul, i can't believe it took this long since i am an azul girlie myself
a very funny silly definitely innocent business man methinks
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"First, tell me what you desire. We can take it from there." Azul smiled slyly, interlocking his hands as he leaned on his elbows.
You were currently located in his private office, about to sign a contract with him. You had to think long and hard about coming to him, but you figured that if anyone can fulfill your wish, it would be Azul. You feel kind of guilty asking him for this in the first place.
You see, you've been in love with Azul for a good amount of time now, but are too afraid to make a move. You beat yourself up for being such a coward every day, and even moreso right now because you're about to ask him if he can make "someone you've had your eye on" fall in love with you. You're not sure what exactly he does to make it happen, but you hope it's doable without much instructions on your end. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Though you still feel like a bit of a villain for doing this at all.
Your guilt and nerves are probably showing in your body language, too. Which you suppose only makes Azul more interested in learning what you desire. You can practically feel the grins on the Leech twin's faces, too. It's like they genuinely like seeing you nervous and scared.
Why are they even here, anyways?
"I want... someone to fall in love with me. Someone who I've had my eye on for a while now." you fidget with your fingers, unable to look Azul in the eye when you say this.
"That's..." he tried his best to hold back from laughing but a snort escaped from his lips anyways. "Forgive the reaction, your wish was just... unexpected."
You suppose he thought your wish would be more sinister because of your body language. Or way more embarrasing. But still...
"Ehhhh, I didn't know Shrimpy was in love..." Floyd's eyes were slightly widened but his creepy grin was still as wide as ever. "It is quite surprising, indeed." Jade added on. By the suspicously calm way they're acting, you have no idea if the twins already know about your little crush and are just acting along or if they're actually surprised.
"Yeah, uhhh, I guess that's it?..." you had no idea what else to tell him. You just hope that this can be over as soon as possible since things are getting really awkward.
"I can certainly do something for you. Tell me, what is their name? They attend this school, I assume." Azul seemed delighted. Probably because that means he'll get free labour from you as a collateral. You don't have any magic to offer him, after all.
"T... their name? Is that required?" You froze up. There's no way you can say that. That would be the worst way for your feelings to get outed, ever. You suppose it makes sense, though. He can't do anything if he doesn't know who you're in love with.
"But of course it is. Don't worry, judgement has no place in business affairs." He smiled reassuringly at you. You felt your face heat up. No, no, nope. You can't do this. Not like this.
"You know what.... Never mind. I can't do it." You abruptly stood up from the cushy office chair, apologising curtly before practically bolting out of his office.
"Oh my god, that was so bad... oh my god..." you mumbled to yourself when you were out of Octavinelle. You just royally embarrased yourself in front of your crush.
Was it obvious?
"What was that about?" Floyd pouted at the direction of the door, which you left slightly ajar in your panic to escape the situation as soon as possible.
"Hmmm... how odd." Jade looked deep in thought about something.
"This is why I tell you to stop coming to my office when I'm trying to make a deal. You scared the poor thing off." Azul shook his head dissaprovingly.
"That wasn't our fault. Shrimpy was acting super weird the whole time anyways." Floyd defended himself and his brother.
"I suppose you're right..." Azul took a deep breath, seemingly... relieved? Not about the fact you ran away, but still relieved for some reason.
Jade made a realisation. "Oh. I see. I see."
He smiled knowingly at Azul, who raised a brow. "What is it? Is there something on my face?"
"No, it's nothing. Don't worry."
Azul gets the feeling that Jade knows something, but doesn't want to tell him.
"If you say so."
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The thrilling sequel to the Jade Leech vore tease: the Floyd Leech vore tease
except it isn't a sequel I just decided to write another one of these but with Floyd this time
It's a similar scenario to the Jade one, but things end a bit differently hmhm~
Warning(s): vore tease but nothing actually ends up happening to you, Floyd actually tries to eat you
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"Alrighty, let's try our potion!" You said, proud of what you'd done. You're not even from this world, but you successfully made a potion!
"You got it, Shrimpy~!" Floyd said, before dumping the potion on your head.
"Hey, what was that for?!" You asked. You worked so hard on that!
Then, you noticed everything was getting bigger...
No, that's not right.
It isn't that things are getting bigger, it's that you're getting smaller.
"Oopsies~" Floyd said, a smirk on his face.
Floyd leaned down and picked you up off the floor. You were small enough for him to pick you up by the head with just his thumb and pointer finger.
He set you down on the desk you two were using. He looked down at you contently, a very slight blush on his face.
"Aw, lookit you~!" He said, hands on his face. "You're shrimp-sized now, how cute!"
Floyd looked around, making sure nobody was going to see what he was about to do.
"You're small enough... I might as well~" He said to himself, licking his lips.
"Huh...? What are you talking about?" You cautiously asked.
"Nothing, nothing... just close your eyes, m'kay, Shrimpy~?"
"...why should I do that?"
"I said just close your eyes." He angrily sighed.
"No, I'm not going to-"
"Fine. I was going to do this gently, just sorta... HOMPH! Y'know? But oh well! If you wanna do this the hard way, we'll do this the hard way!" Floyd yelled to you.
Floyd grabbed you tightly and then tossed you as high as he could in the air.
You were completely in shock, you were so surprised that you didn't even have time to scream.
Floyd caught you in his mouth.
He played with you a bit, making sure you'd been thoroughly soaked before tipping his head back and-
He got hit in the back of the head by Crewel and he spat you out onto the desk.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Floyd angrily asked, rubbing the back of his head in pain.
"What do you think it was for, Leech?" Crewel asked, disappointed.
"Shrimpy's bite sized, Beakfish, what did you expect me to do?" Floyd asked, grabbing you and once again attempting to shove you into his mouth. Crewel slapped Floyd's hand, causing him to drop you again. "I'm hungry, they're the size of a shrimp, it's a win-win."
"How is it a win-win? What do I get out of being eaten by you?" You asked.
"Shut up!"
"Create a growth potion immediately, water pup."
"Wha-?! B-but Shrimpy's the one who made the shrinking potion-!"
"Yes, but you're the one who tried to eat them. You make the growth potion."
Floyd sighed.
"If we'd just done this the easy way, Shrimpy, I wouldn't be in this situation!"
"Why are you blaming me?!"
The two of you had to be supervised by Crewel the whole time on account of the fact that Floyd just kept trying to eat you.
You don't think you're ever going to see him the same way again after this.
After that day, you've tried your best to avoid Floyd whenever possible.
You know, you didn't exactly feel comfortable around him after he literally tried to swallow you whole and alive and saw no problem with that...
But you couldn't refuse the invite when Ace asked you to come to the Mostro Lounge with him (he had a coupon!)
You, Ace, Deuce, and Grim were waiting for your meal when a certain someone walked over to your table.
"Heeeeeeeya Shrimpy~ It's so good to see you~!" Floyd smiled, making sure to show off all of his razor sharp teeth. "We haven't seen each other since... ehe... the incident."
"Yeah, but we REALLY don't need to talk about it in public, Floyd..." You said nervously.
"Eh? What incident?" Ace asked.
"Did he hurt you, (Y/N)?" Deuce asked.
"He didn't force you to make a contract with Azul, did he?" Grim asked.
"Like I said, we REALLY don't have to talk about this in public..."
"Fine, fine, we won't talk about it." Floyd rolled his eyes.
Then, Floyd noticed someone with a shrimp-based meal. He got a devious look on his face, and stole a shrimp from them.
"Hey hey, Shrimpy~"
Floyd opened his mouth and placed the shrimp in there. He leaned in close to you, grabbing your hand and placing it on his throat.
Then, with his mouth still open, letting you watch, he swallowed the shrimp whole.
You felt it go down.
He stood up, and winked at you.
"I've gotta get back to work now. See ya later, Shrimpy~"
Is that some kind of threat?!
Maybe not, but what else is it supposed to be?!
"Thanks for inviting me, Ace, but..." You uncomfortably thought about what you just witnessed. "I-I think I've lost my apatite..."
"Oh, really? Dang, well uh... have a nice night, I guess." Ace said to you.
Yeah, it's gonna be hard to have a nice night after that.
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
Dorm Leaders with a Ranpo like MC
warning(s): probably a little ooc lmao
gender neutral reader
note: i only know until chapter 3 bc procrastination and i know a tiny bit pieces abt the other chapters from spoilers but i wont write that so forgive me if some of theirs are too short or inaccurate
A talented detective, you can solve any and every case no matter how impossible it may seemed. Taking pride in your job as a detective, you surpass even your own limitations at times.
A carefree and childish individual, you mostly spend your time snacking away and lazing around, sometimes even refusing to take on a case out of laziness or spite. However, you do know when to be serious when the situation calls for it.
he saw how you threw a small tantrum because the mirror said u have no ability, saying that you DO have an ability and it's called "super deduction"
he doesn't have a good first impression of you
and it got even worse when he sees you around school grounds
lazying around and not getting anything done, eating snacks in the middle of class and just getting into trouble a lot
you probably already broke lots of the queen of heart's rules and he does not like that one bit
so he mostly avoids you honestly
sometimes he calls you out too but you never listen
well until that whole overblot incident
he appreciates that you helped(?) him so he doesn't avoid u no more
though he doesn't avoid u anymore, you're still as childish as ever
found out you have a perfect grade and goes😡
bc no matter how talented or gifted you are, you'll have to try harder!!
with your memory, you probably memorized all of the queen of hearts rules
but still broke them anyway
whenever he invited you to the unbirthday parties, u ate almost all of the pastries served
riddle goes 😦⁉️
he doesn't care or like you
its like pride vs pride go bzz⚡⚡
saw through his whole scheme and solved the investigation crowley told u to do in like 3 secs
no need for help or asking the victim around
u just "👓✨ultra deduction‼️" one time and done
but they were like evidence where dumbass🤬
so the story goes just like in the game
but maybe with more braincell in ur part or not but who knows
probably called him out like lilia did
im sorry but i just imagined the reader giving leona a get well soon card. not bc he's sick but bc he should do better
you probably don't even wanna do the whole magic football game(forgive me, i forgot the name)
but ace promised to praise u if u do well so u just go "im in🤗‼️"
after overblot, he doesn't treat u any differently
maybe he won't hate u as much but yeah
creativity left the chat sorry
honestly the whole reason I'm even writing this is bc i thought it would be interesting to see a ranpo like reader against azul so i got myself in this mess
anyways, probably knows what happened before you even saw that whole theater soap opera explanation in monstro lounge
but you're waiting for someone to ask you for help bc you're you‼️
and that's where crowley comes in shuffling
so here u are
really direct about it too when floyd and jade first approached you
some i wanna speak to ur manager typa beat
called azul out on his plan but sign the contract anyway
KNOWS that the twins are gonna interfere and probably made a plan for it too
(forgot what happened so lets timeskip)
after the whole thing, azul now wants your mind and talent
give it to him. that mind. that talent. GIVE IT TO HIM
literally azul:
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probably one of the only ones who doesn't dislike u at first
he wants to know more abt this super deduction of urs!! and ur job back in ur world and what cases have u solved!!
he thinks you're cool. really cool.
u now have kalim following u around
in exchange for snacks, u let him do whatever he wants and talks brags to him abt ur job
sunshine + sunshine
y'all talked a LOT
y'all can create a new dictionary with what you guy talked about daily
Jamil fighting for his life
u probably share ur snacks with him, only a little tho
and thats purely bc you're fond of him
short attention span gang‼️
why are u like this.
oh he does not like how u present urself at all
oh that posture of urs. OH that posture of urs
why are u whining and throwing a tantrum like a child?
hes gonna make u into epel 2.0 if you're from his dorm
he likes those moments when you're serious better
finds out you're the sharpest detective in the whole world in ur world and goes 😦⁉️
well at least you're not completely useless amirite
ah yes
opposite attract
good with tech, not good with tech, introvert, extrovert
you're not special, he avoids u like he did with everyone else🤬‼️
ah but that super deduction of urs is really cool tho he'll give u that^^
if he can just get his hand on it and research how it work
oh no don't mind him ortho^^ !! just... thinking
u are now a rat lab? yay?
its fine he still gives u privacy too yknow
if he's not trying to catch u using super deduction on camera and hes actually going out for once...
will probably see his ass watching u like👁👁 if he sees u
u are not shy so u ask him why is he doing this
mumbled out how he just wants to see that ability of urs and smth abt him getting caught
you: 😐😶😃😆
starts going on a rant abt ur ability
um hooray for him?
probably figured out he's THEE malleus draconia but didn't say anything
well y'all are close
bad at tech gang💪‼️‼️
you don't know how to ride the train? too bad, child of man. he, too don't know how to ride one🤗
need help with a certain technology? well don't look at him for help
you're whining abt getting u a car or taxi to go somewhere? well he doesn't know how those things work so
he can teleport u two tho‼️
he is now ur public transportation
u invited him to a party once only to leave him there to go get snacks or whatever
poe kinnie?
but hey at least u came back and talk to him after? u brought back a mountain of snacks
u gave him one snack and thats it
watches u gobble down the mountain of snack in one go like 😦⁉️
well at least he finally got an invitation?
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kazoohaa · 2 years
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— notes. hmm i wonder which dorm is my favourite. anyways, heres me dumping some headanons about everyones favourite fish mafia trio. some are from the twst discord server i'm in ! ily guys !!! /p
— details. azul ashengrotto, jade leech, floyd leech headcanons.
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sometimes, when they have free time not roping any more poor students into contracts, the octatrio will play some music on the side stage they've got in the mostro lounge
azul's mum sometimes sends food to him from the restaurant that his family manages. azul, super embarrassed, has to quickly hide everything from prying eyes *cough* the leech twins and stash it all in his dorm room before anyone notices.
jade purposely reads really bad books or writing so he can mentally insult every single flaw he can find in it.
both tweels can cook really well, because mama ashengrotto taught them!! she didn't stop until she got the knowledge knocked into their brains.
they also cook for each other regularly!
there's been a time in the past when jade got an interest in one particular type of mushroom. he experimented by putting it in different kinds of foods, so the rest of octavinelle dorm was subjected to eating different dishes involving that same mushroom for a month or two straight. this is probably why floyd hates shiitake. jade promised them that a repeat of that situation would not happen. nobody trusted that.
floyd collects keychains and hangs them on a lot of his things, so you can usually hear him jingling down the hall. azul and jade have obviously picked up on this habit, so sometimes they gift him some more keychains, sea-creature themed!
jade has the "writing's not that easy" grammarly ad memorised. am i projecting? haha maybe. floyd and azul cry in the corner in fear because jade's reciting the whole thing for the 948728495th time
azul looking at cauldrons in the alchemy room and just wanting to sit in one for a bit
there's a rumour going around in nrc, saying that apparently jade said a deez nuts joke to someone who he was beating up for azul but nobody believes the story. i mean, jade??? making a deez nuts joke?? nahhhh. yuu taught him all the deez nuts jokes they know.
floyd puts ketchup on spaghetti. at first it was because he didn't know the difference between ketchup and spaghetti sauce. now he just does it firstly to piss everyone off and secondly because he lowkey likes the taste
azul's scared of spiders, and the fact that they also have 8 legs is no consolation at all.
jade and floyd are the type to go sing in the spiderman theme tune: "spider friend, spider friend, does whatever a spider friend does. can he move? yes he can. he is sitting on azuls desk."
tweels completing each other's sentences >>>
azul can't handle the horror genre
it's very very rare, but sometimes the octatrio might miscalculate the time of taking the potions which turns them into humans, causing them to turn back into mermen in the middle of class or something
...imagine giving azul one of those reversible octopus plushies...
jade and floyd can tap dance. imagine them tap dancing in a manner which somehow looks menacing (you don't know how they pull it off, but they just do) as they creep closer and closer while tap dancing—
sometimes, when floyd's bored, he teaches himself how to play some instruments. he can do the harmonica, kazoo, oboe, bass clarinet, and is planning to do the french horn next. though, that'll all depend on his motivation and mood.
the amount of times that the tweels have accidentally bitten their tongues is just sad.
floyd really couldn't care less when shopping for things like soap so azul or jade might find him cleaning himself with dish soap.
jade is secretly saving up some money. not to spend for his mushroom collection, but for floyd. how else is he gonna gift his brother those custom-made shoes he wants?
in his octopus form, azul can lift both jade and floyd at the same time using one tentacle each. surprisingly, this also carries over to his human form-- he can just pick both of them up with each arm and throw them over each shoulder. he's only able to do it when he isn't focusing on it, though. like if you ask him to do it, he suddenly isn't able to-- but if he's trying to pull the two away from some chaos they're making or something, he just picks them up like it's nothing and walks away.
the leech twins often squabble about their height. jade says with a very calm face that he is taller. floyd furrows his brows, saying that jade didn't grow at all, and that he's still the taller one out of the two of them. jade's eyes narrow. he has grown, he can assure it, jade insists. must he pull out the measuring tape to compare their heights?
azul's used to crying in his octopot, but he doesn't fit in that anymore and it's also a bit of a hassle to go back and forth from his merform when he's sad. so sometimes, he'll just lock his dorm room door and then hide in his closet to cry.
i don't remember if this one is canon, but he's afraid of heights, so that's another reason why he hates flying class. it's already scary enough by standing on a balcony on one of nrc's tall towers, but flying-?!
jade's most prized terrarium is one displayed on his desk in his room, in the very middle of the desk. if you look closely, you'll notice that inside are little figurines which resemble him, floyd and azul standing together.
if the leech twins do have an argument/fight, they'll usually be back to normal within 5 minutes.
tweels buying a pot which can fit the current size of azul's merform. that is all.
that actually is all the headcanons i've got for them! if i manage to get some more, i'll compile them all into another post!
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
can I get some more octavinelle with pregnant!mc? how they would react around mc and when the baby is born if they would cry or anything
in case I'm violating any rules or the requests are closed feel free to delete this! I'm just a big jade simp and I love my octatrio a lot too!
Requests are currently closed.... but.... I'm a sucker for domestic stuff and an Octavinelle stan, so I'm gonna do this anyways asddf
This will be the one exception [note post writing everything: YEAH this will definitely be the ONLY exception.... this is looooong]
Tried to keep everything as gender neutral as possible: when referring to pregnant partner and the babies alike
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 💜
When you're pregnant
Proud papa!! Azul definitely cried from happiness when news of your pregnancy reached him
Was also a nervous wreck, however. He's very insecure about his abilities to be a good father and role model his children would like to follow and look up to
You know him, he's studious and booksmart. Ashengrotto will take to reading many parenting books and blogs entries to prepare himself for the arrival of his baby
Definitely had you both enroll in classes in a local hospital so you know how to act and what to expect when time for labor arrives
Health and being healthy is important to him. For you he will put up with eating all sort of balanced meals, regardless of how much he dislikes them (so you're not alone while keeping up a diet)
Always accompanies you to your gynecology appointments. Cried every time your baby's heartbeat was heard through the echo/ultrasound machine
We know how he is, grown up Azul probably has a business of his own and it takes a good amount of his time to attend. Still, he will take time to call you through the day to make sure you're fine
Probably had either of the twins look after you in days he really couldn't take time off his job. Jade being the more helpful one with chores and emotional rants (you've both probably sniffled at natural documentaries), while Floyd is perfect for food prep and hysterical laughs over fail videos
Every night, before going to bed, he spends time talking to your baby bump, places some kisses on it too
He goes sooooo soft in those moments before sleep takes you away, his love lulls you to refreshing rest
Always makes sure to give you a kiss and a rub goodbye to your bump when heading off to work
Really enjoys watching you cook. the pregnancy glow looks beautiful on you when doing mundane tasks, he thinks
Maternity pictures? He's a little reluctant, but if you really want to... *end up carrying a small copy of his favorite pic in his wallet* *sends a copy of the whole pack to his mother and grandma* *frames his favorite and puts it on his office*
When you're in labor/the baby arrives
But after a nice yell of surprise, fear and nerves, he's ready to go and put your plan of action learned in those classes ready!
He's collected for the most part, but every time you scream from the contractions, he screams too because "he can feel it"... but it's really just his nerves getting out of hand
However, once you get to the hospital, this man will burst in and yell loud and clear "SOMEONE HELP ME, MY SPOUSE IS IN LABOR!!!" because the ride was so stressful he can't hold it together anymore
Be it through natural labor or C-section, Azul will want to hold your hand and be there for you through it all.... He might get light headed at times, but again, he'll push through anything to make sure you and the baby are fine
If he somehow manages to translate his grip strength to his human form now that he's older, he will be squeezing your hand just as hard as you're squeezing
Is a mess of tears once your child's first cry echoes through the room. It feels so relieving and miraculous.... You're now parents to your first little baby!!
Can't help to smile so tenderly at his chubby little angel. Runs a finger delicately against their cheek and sheds more tears at how warm and soft and alive they are
"My precious little pearl... What a blessing you are, little one, already making us so joyous. Welcome"
Azul holds his child so gently. If you had a glow while pregnant, Azul has a glow as a new father. You swear you can see a golden halo around him whenever he's pampering and carrying your child
Reads them a bedtime story every day. They may not understand him, but Azul wants to acquaint them to his voice quickly
Since he has paperwork to do at home, there have been times the octomer left you to sleep while he attended the baby's necessities. It relaxes him, and the rocking to get them back to sleep refreshes him. How can one not be powered up after seeing a plump little munchkin sound asleep with a smile on their face?
This private moments with the baby get him emotional, has probably cried during all of them. He just feels blessed with a mountain of happiness when he sees his baby sleep so comfortably, knowing they're surrounded by love and care.
Is curious to see if his baby will manifest a merfolk form later in life, or manifest any sort of magical powers.
BONUS: It was during a family vacation to the beach during their 2nd year in primary school where your child manifested their mer-form. They were ecstatic!!
🐬 Jade Leech 💜
When you're pregnant
His expression was as collected as always, but his heart jumped into outer space when he got the news of your pregnancy. Held you close and kissed you with so much passion and love, you saw a new Jade that day.
He thinks you don't notice, but the loving gaze he shoots your way when doing the most random things around the house is so soft, your heart stops every time (think of his lab coat groovy, that smile)
Like Azul, he's very keen on keeping you healthy. Along with a proper diet, he makes sure you take your daily supplements
But he turns a blind eye when you wish to indulge a liiiittle too much on that snack you adore
With his big appetite, it doesn't come as a surprise that he willingly subjects himself to your strange cravings
Jade is another one that accompanies you to each and every doctor's appointment. Is well read of what to expect in every month mark, so he asks the most questions to clear up any doubts you may have.
His eyes filled with tears when hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time. Held your hand tightly and kiss your forehead so many times while you were in the ultrasound room
While he's patient, sometimes your mood swings also get him in a sour mood. Thankfully, he has a way to destress with his job and terrariums. It's not long into the day when he calls to apologize for any dumb things he said, and to make sure you're doing fine
Floyd sometimes tags along to your home. It's always 50/50 on what it'll be: nice funny harmony, or utter disastrous chaos that leaves you sobbing in your husband's arms.
Perhaps the one thing Jade dislikes of your pregnancy is ho hard it is for you to find a position to sleep in because your constant tossing and turning interrupts his sleep every time
Jade speaks to your bump in whispers. Likes to lay his head on your lap and talk to the baby. He tells stories of his childhood, tells the little one how much they're loved, and sometimes indulges in singing
He also likes to play classical music for your bun
The one thing he adores? Feeling your baby kick, it always lights up his face with a bright pointy smile
If you want maternity photos, Jade is quick to convince! He acts like it embarrasses him, but he does secretly want some nice pictures to commemorate this period in your lives (plus, Mama Leech wants some to display in her home!)
When you're in labor/the baby arrives
His mind is running a mile a minute. Excuse him is he calls you "hospital" instead of your name, everything's flashing before his eyes quicker than he can register.
Would crash the car into the entrance from how fast everything's happening, but he doesn't. He does carry you to the front desk and hurriedly pants "Spouse, baby, NOW! HELP!!"
For x or y reason, Jade ends up waiting to hear the news of you and the baby. He's not in the room with you. The whole time he's left alone, he's bouncing his feet and pacing back and forth. In a short moment of clarity, he dials up Azul and notifies him of the situation, asking the octomer to pass the information to his twin and parents.
With how long births are, it shouldn't be surprising to see Mama and Papa Leech, Floyd and Azul arrive at the hospital. However, with how worried and stressed he is right now, it does catch Jade by surprise.
This moment of uncertainty, of not being by your side, is the one time where the eel lets his emotions and thoughts go unfiltered.... which may provoke his twin a little. But it's exactly these small quarrels that snap sense into him and remind him that he should focus his attention on doctors and nurses for any possible news about you. They also help refresh and keep him awake
His mother and Azul are the most helpful, calming him down and quelling his anxieties about your and the baby's safety
The moment he sees the familiar face of one of the doctors that entered the same room as you, he's up and speedwalking to them.
As soon as the merman gets permission to see you, he's already making his way to you
Finally, he can rest and let it all out. There's visible tears flowing out his eyes and sobs coming out of him while he holds your little bundle of joy. Not even a thousand kisses are enough to show his gratitude to all that you've done for him
He was already in love with your baby the moment he laid eyes on them, but once their tiny hand wrapped around his finger.... HE WAS DONE FOR, THIS BABY WOULD BE SPOILED BY PAPA FOR ALL ETERNITY. In fact, it was this moment the one that made him ugly cry
His instincts got the best of him. Jade literally snapped around to bite his father and Floyd when they got a too close to the sleeping baby. By a miracle he allowed his mother coddle them for a split second. Can you blame the poor man? He's sleep deprived and stressed, cut him some slack
Once he got some rest, Jade was embarrassed by his words and actions, but oh well... The past is in the past
He adores spending time with your baby. Every time he's in charge of bathing them, he does the cutest babytalk. He lives to see them giggle and relax in the water
Feeding time is also one of his favorites, and you also enjoy it too. Jade is just wonderful when taking care of the baby, your heart swells and a smile reaches your lips (partly because he turns so silly to make the little one eat)
He is helpful when attending the child at night, but whenever he had a stressful day at work he pleads you to go and calm them down
Talking about stressful days, feel free to send him some selfies and pictures of your baby through the day. They surely will cheer him up a little while he works.
When your child starts attempting to talk, Jade will go along with it. He nods and answers attentively to anything your baby says
BONUS: At around 5 years of age, your kid turned into their merfolk form in the middle of bath time. They cried from panic while Jade had a proud smile on his face
🦈 Floyd Leech 💜
When you're pregnant
He takes a minute to process the news. Frankly, he's nervous about this big leap, but he's sure he wants to have kids with you. His excitement may be subdued at first, but you will see him throw more smiles and tender gazes your way within the following weeks
If you notice him spacing out during the first weeks, urge him to speak out. It will take many tries to get him to open up, but one night he goes to spoon you, hand carefully caressing your tummy. "I'm unsure... isn't this... too fast?"
Understand that his doubts are more about feeling unprepared (specifically him, he has no clue how to even begin preparing), not about not wanting to have kids. "Accidents happen, Floyd, we can't control every variable in our lives. We have one another, I'm certain that together we can do this."
"Plus, we can always consult your parents." Cue a groan from him, but soon after there was a smile
Slow but steady, Leech begins researching and reading up about parenting and pregnancy. Lemme tell ya, he's not looking forward to the mood swings. Sure enough, when they arrive, he handles them very poorly. At the end of every day, however, he hugs you close while in bed and asks for forgiveness through kisses to your back
He sometimes gets bored by all the technical talk your gynecologist speaks, but follows their orders to a T. They're the professional, he barely knows the surface of what your body's going through.
After being told that was the baby's heartbeat, Floyd's wide mismatched eyes remained glued to the monitor showing the silhouette of his little bun. Chills coursed through him and his eyes watered, heart leaping with joy.... It felt so strange, but he didn't wish this magical emotion to stop
He probably buys you one of those pill organizers with pretty colors so you know and he knows if you've taken your supplements
Whenever he has a very shitty day at work, being greeted by you waddling up to him due to your feet hurting from carrying the baby once he arrives home is the best. It makes him chuckle, but he soon drops down to place a kiss to your tummy to dispel any irritation you may feel his way after his small laugh
About work... Azul kinda lets him do as he pleases, he's aware there's no changing his decision. If he wants to skip half the shift to keep an eye on you, he allows it. But Floyd must heed important calls whenever he's summoned urgently.
Will ask to bath together. Intimate, soothing, and relaxing. Bathing with you while hugging you from behind to feel the bump reassures him you're both doing a good job so far, that there's nothing to fear
It's mainly in the few seconds before bedtime that he drops onto your lap to chat with the little one. Likes to hum melodies to the bump
He has a little game where he'll poke at your belly and wait to see if the baby kicks the spot he prodded
Sometimes, Azul pops up for a visit. Very calming to have the grey haired to talk to about emotional messes. Jade sometimes calls to make sure you're both fine and have everything you need. If he visits, they're short and to the point.
Maternity photoshoot?? Nah, he'll pass.... but if you are stubborn and very insistent, he relents. You better not send them to his parents behind his back (but you totally do, of course).
When you're in labor/the baby arrives
You want chaos? Because you definitely got chaos! Don't get me wrong, Floyd is actually doing a tremendously amazing job carrying your bag and yourself to the car. He's actually driving superb while reminding you to take repeat the breathing exercises you were taught. It's just...... the other people's slow pace and stupidity the ones making him yell profanities
Absolutely throws his signature crazed look at the first nurse he finds when asking, no, demanding help
That crazed look was reason enough to keep him out of the room you'd be in, his consequent aggressiveness after given the news is an even grater reason. If you can muster it, tell him you will be okay and to trust the doctors.
Sits on the closest waiting space to your room. Probably goes up to a bending machine and punches it a couple times to release some of the tension (he got a free snack, too)
Now it's when the nervousness settles in. He's so afraid at having you and his child away from him, he's worried about everything. May shed a couple tears of frustration, fear, and stress. His instincts tell him to protect you even if he knows there's nothing to protect you from, you're in a hospital for goodness sake!
That's when he calls Jade for comfort, and soon after dials his mother. It's her voice the one that helps him break through the confusing fog in his mind to go back and sit as close to your room as he can
Probably ends up stress eating everything in that vending machine he punched as he waits for any news about you and the baby He's munching on the last bit of a candy bar when a new one crosses his field of vision. It's Jade, with a bag full of treats, and some much needed water. Azul's beside his twin
It feels strange, but Floyd feels very vulnerable and needs the familiarity both of them bring. He lets his head fall on Jade's shoulder, which the twin takes as cue to hug him by placing an arm around his shoulders. Azul kneels in front of him and asks "How are you feeling, Floyd?"
"Scared.... and alert. Like I need to protect them, but... I know they're safe." He probably ends up crying a little more right then. After being calmed down by Azul, he probably sleeps for 10 minutes
Wakes up to find his mother replacing Jade by his side, and his dad is also with them now. Definitely feels much better after some shut eye and after seeing he's now surrounded by familiar faces
When he hears his name be called out by the doctor, he's immediately shooting up and throwing questions at the doc. Thankfully, the professional firmly states everything went swimmingly and he can now see you.
Will you look at that? TWO little babies are waiting to meet him!
You're holding one, and the second cutie is placed in his arms and.... There come the waterworks again It was such a natural reaction, he had no time to try and suppress it. Not like he would've wanted to, but the way you "aww"ed at him made him feel a little embarrassed
The twin in his arms reached out and tugged his black strip of hair after it tickled their face, Floyd couldn't help giggle
He can't lie, his arms were shaking the whole time he held the little one. He was scared of hurting them...or dropping them
He wonders how everyone missed the elusive second baby, but he's so happy!! He has two cute kids!! Oh, you're such a wonderful and strong parent! You carried their weight combined and powered through the pregnancy just like that!
He really wants to climb into your bed and hold you so close, but he knows you need rest. Settles for peppered kisses all over your face while uttering "I love you, thank you" in between
While his instincts do tell him to chase away the "dangerous" males away from his newborn kids, Floyd does let his father get close and look at the babies along with his mom. Jade and Azul are a different story, however, he growled at them.
Like Jade, Floyd loves spending time with his twins! His top fav is bathing the twins because he's always eager to see if they will turn into merfolk (spoilers: they do!! And quite early! A few months after their 1st birthday!)
Another thing he loves doing is laying a blanket on the floor and watching his cuties play with their toys and giggle at each other
He tried their baby food once and decided to make homemade baby food from then on. He says he wants his little ones to taste only good things since those prepackaged stuff taste terrible. Just keep an eye on his spice use.
Night necessities are your task though, he does not take kindly to being interrupted in his sleep
He likes reenacting baby photos of him and Jade with his babies
Once his kids get the hang of their mer-form, most of your vacations will be under the sea~
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fairestwriting · 3 years
Since I'm a sucker for angst, may I request hcs for Riddle, Malleus, Azul, and Vil who are trying to help the reader ask their vice dorm leader out on a date (since the reader has a crush on the vice dorm leader), but while they're trying to set them up together they accidentally fall in love with the reader? sorry if this request is a bit confusing, I'm not too good with words
first angst request.... i owe you my life anon i love writing pain. i totally went crazy on this i hope you like it
+ ko-fi link, if anyone feels like financially supporting my writing
Riddle Rosehearts
The three of you are friends, and had been for a while. You met Trey first and he introduced you to Riddle, all way before NRC. Even as you entered this latter part of your school years, your relationship never really changed, you were still eating baked goods together and chatting afternoons away, everytime Riddle could sneak out of his home.
He’s rather reserved when it comes to showing platonic affection, but you could tell that Riddle appreciated having you around as much as he did with Trey, you saw it on how happy he was to know the three of you became NRC students. Even as he turned into Heartslabyul’s tyrannical ruler, he was still a good friend to you both.
So you’re not afraid to come up to him and ask for help on asking Trey out, after mulling over your feelings for months.
Riddle is, before anything, embarrassed to do something like this. He mutters about how it isn’t his responsibility, that this was a private matter between you two, but he’s always had a soft spot for you, he couldn’t say no.
You two end up in his room trying to think of how to go about this. You’ve known Riddle never confessed to anyone, really, so you didn’t expect him to give you much of a hand on that topic, just on how you should approach Trey specifically, since they’ve known each other for longer.
Riddle averts his eyes as he tells you some earlier childhood stories about Trey. You watch him with attentive, curious eyes as you find out about how he’s always been this caring, with this older sibling-like personality, and you can’t help but smile. Riddle’s speaking falters at that, but he goes on.
You decide on writing Trey a letter, so you could express your feelings in a more cohesive way. Riddle helps you make sure the text is written correctly and flows well, it’s a couple hours of hard work before you have everything on paper. The nervousness you were showing seems to fade once you write the last word, and you smile in a way that Riddle had never seen before, and didn’t want to look away from.
You chime about being excited to deliver it, even if the thought made you anxious. Riddle assures you that even if Trey didn’t return your feelings, things wouldn’t change, since the three of you were mature enough to not throw a fit over something like this. You thank him for the help and encouragement, giving him a big hug that has him yelping before you’re out of the room.
Then the door closes, and his eyes fill with tears -- It contradicts what he’d said before, but he doesn‘t have it in him to care. Had he loved you for all this time you’ve known each other? He can’t tell, but now that he’s realized it, he can’t do anything about it.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus knew you as Lilia’s friend, plain and simple. You two weren’t close at all, he’d only barely seen you hanging around Diasomnia to talk to the vice dorm leader -- So you can imagine how surprised he was when you came up to him and asked for him to help you ask Lilia out.
It’s hard to get Malleus dumbfounded, and you actually managed to do it just through your conviction when you asked him, somebody people were so terrified of, for help on such a matter. He never thought anything like it would happen. He’s so surprised, he can’t do anything but say yes.
Since then, you two begin spending time together. You’re constantly surprising Malleus with your determination on winning Lilia’s heart -- You’re constantly asking him questions, about fae traditions, about Lilia, about him, too, sometimes. It’s not a friendship, he knows, and yet he just can’t help but feel captivated by your energy. No one had ever approached him like that.
It’s a long time until you can feel secure on how to talk to Lilia about your feelings, and you end up becoming quite close to Malleus. Conversations that were initially just plotting turn into normal chatting, you begin to truly value him as a person, and not just somebody you found admirable but didn’t know, but that was it. You knew who you wanted, and you couldn’t help but let that show -- And as time passes, what once impressed Malleus begins to feel so sour to him. He’s actually happy to have grown close to you, and yet, he feels like he’s constantly haunted by a sense of unsatisfaction...
But everything comes to an end, of course, and when the end of the school year is growing near, you decide it’s time. You’d been working hard to understand Lilia, someone so enigmatic, better, and now you’d tell him you loved him like you always dreamed about. Hopeful, you invite him to meet you at Ramshackle after twilight.
Malleus is naturally the first person you tell about this, right as you give him your most sincere thanks. He hears the news, and it’s like something inside him shatters.
It’s you showing him feelings he’d never felt before again -- But he just smiles through it, saying he’s glad he could assist you, and giving you and Lilia wishes of happiness. And he means them, no matter how much they hurt, because he’s grateful you’re here either way, even if it isn’t how he wants.
Azul Ashengrotto
Getting him to set you up with Jade probably wasn’t cheap, so he is, before anything, surprised at your determination to be with him.
Before coming into his office to make the deal, Azul just knew you as “the twins’ friend”. You two spent time together as well, but he didn’t think you were especially close or anything... still, he’s surprised to learn about your feelings for Jade, and like this too, he doesn’t know why it’s so uncomfortable.
He pushes that aside in favor of his work, of course. Once he has his payment -- Whatever that was -- your feelings for the eel really are even less of his business than before. He tells you to show up at his office again at a given time, so you two could go over what you knew about Jade, and he’d give you some possibilities of how to go about the situation, so you could pick one and sign the contract later. You agree to his terms almost without a second thought.
A couple plotting sessions happen. Azul had done something like this before, so he expected it to be easy -- He introduces you to a couple magical methods that could just get Jade in love with you instantly, but you refuse these. In the end, it’s just Azul asking you questions about you and Jade so he could plan a perfect date.
The contract has low stakes like these, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s a strange couple of meetings, he’s just taking notes as you talk, and while you do, eyes sparkling everytime you mentioned Jade, Azul gets all that discomfort from the beginning but worse. It hurts now. But spending time with you, and learning things about you, even if it was for business, felt strangely healing.
He doesn’t get it. Is he jealous that Jade has someone who loves him? He should be happy, they’re friends, and he’s cutting a deal with someone. Is he that starved for affection? The thoughts just keep swirling in his head.
The last session is when you two have finished putting together the date plan, considering every little detail so everything would go perfectly. A big, confident smile appears in your face as you thank him.
Azul blinks. So it was over -- That ache returns now. He glances at the contract you’ve signed, then you, acting in a way that makes you look like you’re ready to take on the whole world.
You’re out of the door in a minute. Azul never put a name to any of his feelings, but he feels... so empty. The contract is torn up later, he’s lost interest in whatever you were to give him. He can’t really meet Jade’s eyes for a while.
Vil Schoenheit
Knowing Vil as the most beautiful person in school, you spend some time building up courage and then ask him about how you should become a beauty worthy of Rook’s attention.
The question surprises him. Isn’t Rook the one that finds beauty in everything? You’re already worthy of his attention. No matter who you are, the hunter could find something about you that he finds oh so captivating, and sing praises to that trait for hours. That’s just the sort of person Rook is, no?
You explain to him that he’s misunderstood you request, and that it wasn’t about beauty exactly, rather... you’d fallen in love with Rook, and you wanted to get his attention, but in a way no one else had gotten his attention -- You wanted to ask him out, basically, but you didn’t feel like you could just yet, so you asked Vil for his help.
It isn’t a request he’d gotten before, so Vil is on the fence about it for a moment. Does he have time for something like this? He barely knows you, too, and it was just... an odd request, in general. Not the sort of thing you’d ask of anyone.
He doesn’t know why he felt compelled to accept, really, but he does, but he quickly explains to you that you shouldn’t try to change yourself in any way to be with Rook, that was just a recipe for disaster. You’re eager to listen to his advice in a way that no one else had ever been, and on the inside, he’s pretty happy at that. Everyone else seems so unwilling to just make an effort.
Vil ends up becoming determined on getting you two together, since you were too. He tells you he’ll teach you how to really bring out your own personal beauty, and you two can plan how your confession is going to work, too. Being in Vil’s care, you feel confident that you might actually be able to get what you want, after all. You promise to do your best.
You end up coming to Pomefiore’s dorm quite often. Before anything else, Vil helps you care for your own appearence better, regarding things like clothes, skincare, and makeup. Not just so you could look better, but so you could feel better too -- And since this obviously isn’t just about outer beauty, he’ll have a word with you on things like how you interact with other people, what sort of talents and skills you have, so he can advise you on how to keep improving these as most as possible.
It isn’t much of a matchmaking scheme or anything, because Vil doesn’t believe in that, and something so standard wouldn’t apply to somebody like Rook. He’s actually just helping you with your confidence, and he sees the effects of your combined efforts everyday, in how your nervousness turns into excitement as you talk about the confession.
And he’s proud of you, don’t get him wrong, but sometimes, when he’s alone, he thinks about how you being around him so often is temporary, and it just hurts. He hates to acknowledge it, but he’s grown attached to you, captivated by your energy and willingness to learn.
One day, it’s just over. You’ve become a much more confident person, confident enough you can just decide to walk up to Rook and tell him your true feelings -- And that’s it. You tell Vil about how you’d do it today, ambushing the hunter after class, giving him countless thanks.
Again, he’s proud. But it’s bitter. He wishes you good luck as you slip away, just like he’s thought you would. Forced to acknowledge that he hated to see this happen, he just tells himself that it’s just how things were, even as the jealousy corrodes him inside.
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youngjusticeslut · 3 years
So now that you can, what were your thoughts on the episode?
Thank you so much for patiently waiting! I'm so happy to be able to finally talk about it.
Overall, I liked the episode. It was a solid episode with plenty of character development and great moments, and it was a good start to Artemis' arc.
However, unpopular opinion, I don't think it was as great as the beginning to the Martian arc. This episode went back to relying on the a/b/c plot structure (with A being Artemis, B being Jade, and C being the flashbacks), and with that, things got to be a little too much. The problem, I felt, is that the A and B plots were both equally powerful and compelling, and often it felt like they were fighting for screentime. At the end of my first watch, I felt like I had simultaneous whiplash and a bit of a mind-fuck by just how much information they tried to cram in one episode. The Mars arc was far more simplistic, slowly drinking everything in, and it was a little hard to go from that to this. Sometimes, the episode felt a little messy.
My other critique lies mainly in the Jade plot. The whole segment on Infinity Island was a bit unclear, and didn't feel as well-crafted. Yes, the Talia roast was solid, but some of the lines of dialogue were a little cringe, and I'll forever laugh at Jade literally picking up her phone/pager in the MIDDLE of the situation and just making a mad dash out of there-- it was a tad ridiculous.
Minor critiques include wishing that Will was allowed to acknowledge/pine for his wife in a home setting (it's usually only Artemis who laments Jade), but that's just the shipper in me wishing men on Young Justice were allowed to express more traditionally 'feminine' traits. I didn't care for Lian's new redesign (I like that she looks less white, but it looks very different from her S3 design), and Paula pissed me off, but that'll be saved for a different rant.
Good and great things about the ep! Jade had more screen time in this ep than the entirety of Season 3! (Or at least that's what it feels like). I'll write up a whole Jade essay later, but this episode did her brilliantly. Also, she was animated wonderfully and she was absolutely stunning in every single frame she was in. It was also nice to get confirmation (vindication!!!!) that she had a contract out for her life, and that's a big reason as to why she left. The flashbacks were excellent, especially the first one. I loved all the moments of characterization, Roy, Cissie, Will, they were all incredible. Will and Lian are precious (though it seems he's passed on his sense of fashion to her). The action was solid. I'm intrigued by both Onyx and Cassandra and don't believe either of them. On the whole, it was a great episode and I'm very, very excited to see more.
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