#Jazz is hiding from her Parents/Parents Enemies depending on who they are
bet-on-me-13 · 27 days
Spy X Family AU
So! Jack Fenton is a Super Spy/Scientist who is working on a mission to investigate Amity Park. The Government has put an Information Blackout on the entire Town, so he has been assigned to infiltrate the town. When he discovers that the town is contaminated with Ectoplasm, he asks to stay there to study the Stuff.
Maddie Fenton is an Assasin who used to work for the League of Assasins, right under Talia, before she deserted the League and ran away. She ran to Amity Park because of how secluded it was, and began working as a Mercenary Assasin to make a living. She is also a Scientist who discovered Ectoplasm and wanted to study it because it reminded her of Lazarus.
They meet while studying Ectoplasm and use eachother to cement their Cover Stories (and get a new study partner).
Jazz in the child Jack adopted from a nearby Orphanage so he could blend in with a "Normal Father" Facade. She is a Liminal with Telepathic Abilities who knows everything about the other two, but keeps it a secret because she wants to psochoanalyze them. Her real parents are unknown, but that's what's fun about making your own AU, you can mess around with it.
Danny is the dog.
Just kidding, Danny is actually a Hybrid child between a Human and a Ghost who was left on Jack and Maddies doorstep as a Kid. They understood what he was immediately and took him in so he wouldn't be taken and experimented on by the GIW, pretending that he was a normal kid (and forgetting to tell him that he is a Ghost to begin with)
He doesn't even know he is a Hybrid for a while, until an accident in the Lab when he is 5 results in discovering his Ghost Form but thinking he just straight up died and brought himself back. Oh and he can see the Future sometimes, just to throw that in there.
I wonder who the Ghostly Father of this Hybrid child who can see into the future and is very powerful? Surely not the Ghost who deals with time and is also very powerful? Sure, absolutely impossible...
Anyways, thoughts on the AU?
(More context in the tags)
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Alright yous guys, I have a question that requires an answer. I'm wanting to write a Lumity fanfic, but I got several different story ideas for them rattling around in this tin can of a brain of mine and I need a vote.
Idea One:
Medieval fantasy aged up. Premise; the Boiling Isles and the human realm are one whole realm. Luz was found by Eda as a baby in a burnt out human village that was attacked by the King's Coven (i.e. the Emperor's Coven), and baby Luz was the only survivor of the attack. Belos is looking for humans for Plot Reasons, as a no one knows why, so Eda raises Luz and teaches her magic until she can find her real mother. Luz finds out how to use glyphs on her own at a young age. Oh, she uses a sword with glyphs etched into it too and has an illusion glyph tattooed on the back of her neck that she uses to appear as an elf (or whoever she wants really)
Amity is a powerful elf Magi whose dream is to join the King's Coven Knights and serve at the castle of Belos, but shit gets weird when some human rando makes her Feel Things(tm), not all of the Things are positive.
Luz finding a cure for Eda's curse is her goal in this one. (Luz and Amity are 22, everyone else aged up respectively to them)
Idea Two:
A Detroit: Become Human AU! This is an Android!Luz AU with an aged up crew again. Premise; Amity's parents got a divorce when Amity was young, the twins going with their dad and Amity staying with her mom, who is an engineer for The Coven, i.e. CyberLife. Luz is an android who was scraped for parts by her old family because of the 'glitches', i.e. her quirkiness, but saved by Eda (a Deviant android hiding as a human, but wanted by The Coven) who repaired Luz and helped her figure out How To Human so she can blend in. Meets 'The Amity' and desperately tries to befriend the sad green haired girl because she sees herself in her, minus the human bit of course. Shenanigans ensues which forces Luz to Deviate completely while Belos and The Coven hunt her and Eda down. Eda has a nasty virus in her system that bugs out when she gets overwhelmed and it forces her Fight or Flight switch to stick in Fight Mode. Belos wants to deactivate her, Luz wants to save her. Amity wants a Gal Pal and to get away from her abusive mother. (Luz is depicted as a 24 year old android, Amity is 22, everyone else aged up in relation to this)
Idea Three (final idea):
Zombie apocalypse AU with Zombified! Luz and Soldier! Amity. Another aged up AU as well. Premise; Luz is infected but didn't turn all the way and in fact has all of her human characteristics intact. However, when she smells spilled blood, it forces her to go into a frenzy (kinda like a shark and blood frenzies). Luz doesn't want to be a zombie, but was taken to The Coven, a research center studying the virus, for samples and to see what made her not be a full zombie. Camille was a scientist (and of course Luz's momma) and stole Luz from the facility when she realized that The Coven wanted to kill Luz in their studies. Camille and Luz took shelter with Eda and her weird dog while they try to find out if they can cure Luz without killing her.
The Blight family are prominent military figures that work for The Coven. Belos sends Soldier Amity to hunt down the rogue scientist and the pseudo-human. Starts as a sort of 'enemies to lovers' type thing because, Uh Oh! Amity caught Feelings!
Amity is 24, Luz is 23. The rest of the crew is aged in relation to that.
So yeah. Several ideas. All of which involve angst, fluff, and all that good jazz. I am NOT writing utter smut, just fyi. They are aged up because I'm not putting 14 year olds in war type situations with blood and gore and shit.
Will definitely do some art depending on which AU I actually go with, but I'd love suggestions!
Also, this blog is super new, I have a Random Fandom blog under @edolin where I just reblog cool/funny/cute shit from different Fandoms I'm in, but this one will be just for writing and fan fics and what not.
What idea should I go with guys?!
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fantasyinvader · 4 years
I’ve been working on The Fractured But Whole. I got the complete edition when it was on sale, and did the DLC. When I did the Mintberry Crunch storyline, I really wanted to make a meme out of that whole “You really don’t want to go down that road” ending, when Jimmy tries to argue that Mintberry Crunch having slaves and how you just killed one who came seeking retribution deepened his character. That really felt like it would have fit with some of the 3H discussion that was going on.
But the thing is, the more I play the game the more comparisons I’ve made.
* Both games feature silent protagonists with selectable genders. While Byleth is constantly implied to have certain personality traits depending on the route, the New Kid is constantly singled out for never saying a goddamn thing. And while Byleth does have some same sex options, the New Kid can identify as all sorts of things the player wants...except for American Native American and Lawful Scientologist.
* Time Powers. Byleth can rewind the fight when things go awry and that’s it. The New Kid’s time powers allow her to make enemies skip their turns, punch while time is frozen, summon copies of herself from her backstory or fast foward time.
Seriously though, this is about Cartman and Edelgard. Let’s just cut to the chase, they’re both cut from the same cloth. Cartman works to make crime in South Park worse in order to support his superhero franchise, the egocentric Coon and Friends. Even when presented with a more detailed franchise plan, he rejects it because it’s a Freedom Pals plan and not built around jerking himself off. He’s willing to kidnap people, work with corrupt cops that also double as a cult devoted to a Lovecraftian deity, and through it all betrays you from behind the mask of Mitch Connor. Cartman also becomes mayor of South Park, and arranges for your parents to be kidnapped, experimented on and one ultimately killed out of pettiness.
It’s basically Edelgard, her working with the Slithers in order to assume absolute control over Fodlan, even going so far as to have her own religion in the post-CF ending. She helps them make things even shittier from her own benefit, but then claims to be innocent even though we’ve seen the shit she’s been up to.
The real kicker is that The Fractured But Whole is a parody featuring a bunch of kids playing superheroes. Those kids all see through Cartman’s actions and hold him accountable. No falling for his lies, they know it’s all bullshit. This game treats those same sorts of actions with far, far, FAR more respect than the game going on about how war is bad, societal problems and all that jazz. None of this hiding behind the fact you want us to play detective and therefore have to dance around the plot of your own story.
I mean, wow. Talk about embarrassing on Fire Embelm’s part
Also, I still want to see Cartman dressed as post-timeskip Edelgard.
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hereliesbitches--me · 4 years
Dating Rosie :
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You got yourself an actual Neko Waifu 
She is rich so shes basically your sugar mama too thatll take care of you because she can. Make you dress nice, probably fix a lot of broken shit in your house, buy you groceries. All that jazz. She likes to help.
She is a Milf thatll never age on you
Shes also hispanic therefore can cook you a bombass dinner no matter what. She also keeps the house clean 
Dating an actual celestial goddess who is dominion of the night and the keepers of souls. You got yourself a cryptid wife 
Wanna be a werewolf? Vampire? Something supernatural of the night? Moon mom is able to grant those abilities and take them away whenever you want. 
Once you have her in love, shes undyingly devoted and loyal to a fault. To a level you can do some bad shit and she would still defend you because of blind love. All she'll want is your approval and love.
Would make you a music box to show her love
If you want to be a family, shes on board. All shes ever wanted was to feel normal with a family. She has kids and she would love for them to have 2 parents instead of just her.
Will tear the world apart to protect you. #FuckThePolice Very little she wouldnt do to make you happy, she will throw hands with anyone for your sake. Will wrap up in her wings and curl her tail around you whenever she can bcuz she loves you and needs you to know. 
Would kill for you or help you hide a body. She has experience
Fully capable of altering your traumatic memories and erasing them for you if you wanted to really make that pain go away.
Sex wise, once shes got you, it’ll be hard to get her off you. She needs the physical intimacy to solidy and verbalize her feelings, and let her know that you still find her desirable. So her libido tends to shoot through the roof once shes settled in, helps her think better. Will literally have a deep conversation with u while at it cuz it helps the thought process. 
She has heats every 4 months for about 10 days, hope ya up for that.
She cares more about your orgasm than her own. Its mental satisfaction for her to make her partner feel good and in turn it satisfies her. 
When it comes to orgasms, this woman is skilled. She will suck the the soul out of your body, or eat you out to another plain of existence. Those powers of her are more than just for battle, it makes for one hell of an outer body experience as she works at your soul just as much as your body. Who needs a masseuse when you can kill 2 birds with one stone for the ultimate high and relaxing experience. You'll come back like it's a drug fix 
Would def be willing to experiment in the bedroom, also willing to have sex in risky public places for the thrill of it .
Will love you until the end of time , worship you like her savior, until you don't want her anymore. Will probably try to find a way to keep your soul with her even in death 
Would probably stay with you, even if you treat her like shit, because shes in love. 
Loves chocolate milk , puns, cuddles, and kisses. Would probably kiss you on national television.
Shes mentally unstable. Has undiagnosed bipolar disorder. She suffered severe PTSD from a history of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse on multitude of occasions, and much of her pros and search for love stems from these things. She loves passionately, but she is nonetheless a sick person that struggles with herself more than anything. Almost always paranoid and distrusting of any situation she doenst have control over. 
She has a form of DID that has toned down a lot, but shows itself under extreme stress. Might catch glimpses of these alters by sudden change in her personality and how they adapt to situations. She can be childlike, she can be cold, she can be inconsolable and hollowed out depressed, she can be angry and violent. Though rare, it can happen.
Emotionally dependent on her partner for stability. She has lost many people who come in and out of her life, shes always felt alone and to have someone means she clings on desperately for one good thing in a mess of tragedy. She Carries the world on her shoulders so she looks to her partner for understanding to help her not fall apart.
Needs consistent confirmation that she is cared for and loved. Even if it's a subtle way.she just needs a sign at least once a day 
It's difficult to make her truly fall in love and open herself entirely. She keeps many secrets and you just need to accept that until shes ready. She is heavily guarded and may reject multiple times 
It may take a while before she is comfortable in letting you touch her. Much of the time she guided and in control of it, has a particular discomfort with any hand between her legs until she totally trusts someone.
You will have to accept that she is a killer, and will always be a killer when its needed. It's a bad habit she cant break like an addiction, but she has curbed it to only out of necessity. Or in times of severe emotional distress 
If she ever does open up, you have to accept her dirty past as a part of who she was to who she Is now.
Shes a workaholic. She manages the Angels and their missions, the legal stuff of managing the Angels, her family, and herself. She works long hours and splits herself up to give time to everyone, and it's not uncommon that she stays up late into the night researching and filling reports. 
Suffers nightmares that may make her talk or thrash in her sleep. Sleeps with a knife or gun always in reach 
If you dont like kids, you aren't shit to her. Her family will always come before any lover. 
Ya gotta be accepted by her family and her familiars, otherwise you cant be part of it and she would never go against her family's feelings.
Your life will always be in peril because of the nature of her work, and you are a exploitable weakness. She has many enemies
Gotta deal with many oddities of the connection she has. Including dead people that regularly go through the mirror to hang out in her house, who she says are friends. Also a demon shes owned by
Rest in fucking peace if you have a cat hair allergy because she sheds like a bitch, even if she regularly brushes and trims her tail.
  Break her heart and she will either be self destructive or wipe your existence to get you out of her head (aka, she'll kill you and make it look like an accident, or no one would find the body)
If you cheat on her, she'd kill your lover and probably castrate/mutilate you in her devastation and disgust. Could absolutely eat your heart out 
Tagged by: @maxskulline​ Thank you for exposing my gril
Tagging: @thewhitepoison​ @draconicmatriarch​ @trickshxt​ @visiblekindness​ @burmecias-protector​ @blucspidcr​ @starkarmored​ and anyone else who wants to take a crack at it!! :)))
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mad-madam-m · 5 years
How do you see next season of Tiger & Bunny? What do you think should happen?
A friend of mine did ask me about this before and I had a whole long response to it (all of which still applies, BTW), but hey, you gave me half a chance to talk about this show so I’m gonna take it.
This got SUPER long, which I feel isn’t too surprising because I crammed in literally everything I could think of that I want to happen and I’m sure I’m still missing things.
But yes, God, talk to me about what you want from the next season of this show because I could go on for literal HOURS about it. Possibly days. I have a problem.
Series spoilers below, fairly be ye warned!
Seriously, the thing I want to see more than almost anything else is dealing more with the fact that Barnaby had his memories manipulated for twenty years and there is a non-zero chance that he may know more about Ouroboros than even he knows. Like I am 100% dead serious, I have been thinking about this for months, lemme tell you about it.
So this is after The Rising, so probably what, 2-3 years since the end of the series? And my headcanon has always been that the longer Maverick is dead, the more his powers start to fade, so anybody who had their memories altered that hasn’t already broken the block is starting to get back the memories of what really happened.
And whose memories did Maverick fuck with the most? Barnaby’s!
And who was Maverick working with for 20-30 years before he died? Ouroboros! *jazz hands*
Let’s say Maverick was having a meeting with people from Ouroboros in his house a couple of years after he took bb!Barnaby in and bb!Barnaby walks in and overhears some of their plans. No big deal, Maverick just wipes his memory and puts him upstairs in bed, and assures everybody else that the kid won’t remember a thing and they’re all good to go.
Now, decades later, Ouroboros is moving one of their people into a political position, like they’re running for mayor or governor or they’ve been named the new chief of police. Doesn’t matter. And one of them—could be a fixer-type figure, could be the person actually being moved into the position of power, again, doesn’t matter—finds out these memory manipulations are fading and that people are remembering things they shouldn’t remember. 
And the person who is moving into the position of power is one of the people who was at that Ouroboros meeting with Maverick that Barnaby walked in on all those years ago. So they realize that if Maverick’s power is fading, they have a Big Problem because the McFucking King of Heroes and Media Darling, Barnaby Brooks Jr., knows about their involvement in this organization and if he reveals that, they’re kind of screwed.
So they’ve got someone low-key keeping an eye on Barnaby to see if he is remembering anything, and they find out yes, he is. Probably something like remembering a birthday dinner that he thought Maverick took him out for when he was young but it turns out it was Aunt Samantha. And so Ouroboros realizes it’s only a matter of time before he remembers them and they set out to fix this.
And by “fix” I mean “blow up Barnaby’s apartment with him in it.”
So the heroes are sent to the site of the explosion to help evacuate other people from the apartment building while the fire department is trying to control the fire, and Kotetsu knows when he hears the address that that’s Bunny’s building, but it’s not until Agnes tells him privately that he finds out the bomb was actually in Bunny’s apartment and Bunny hasn’t been responding to his communicator.
He handles this news slightly better than Barnaby would have if their positions were reversed, but not by much.
They get to the building, Kotetsu goes after Bunny and finds him unconscious and buried under rubble in his apartment, but he’s alive. He gets him out of the building and down to an ambulance and is torn between going with Bunny (because it’s Bunny) and staying to help out the others (because he’s a hero and he’s supposed to be helping people right now).
And of course all of his friends yell at him to go with his partner, to trust them, they’ve got this; besides, Barnaby is going to need him.
So Barnaby wakes up in the hospital twelve hours later to see Kotetsu passed the fuck out in one of those hospital chairs in what looks like the most uncomfortable position ever. And then he wakes up and he’s like BUNNY! and scrambles upright and they do That Look, you know the one, the soft goddamn “I miss you/I love you” look they have:
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(I literally can’t even with this show, I can’t. THESE WEREN’T EVEN MY ONLY OPTIONS FOR SCREENSHOTS.)
ANYWAY the other heroes are also there by this time, Barnaby tells them all what he remembers about the apartment exploding and they figure out that someone probably wants Barnaby dead, although they have no idea who and why. And initially Barnaby’s like “I’ll just get a hotel room,” Kotetsu is like “NO. You should not be staying alone right now. You should be staying with one of us until we figure out who’s trying to kill you.”
And Barnaby thinks about it for 2.5 seconds and goes “Then I guess I can stay with you.”
And that’s how Barnaby ends up moving in with Kotetsu because if this damn show gave me accidental baby acquisition, amnesia, single dad, enemies to lovers, and breakup/makeup (TWICE), then by God, they can give me roommates and forced bed sharing.
(Does Kotetsu go back to the exploded apartment and rescue everything that he can that he knows is important to Barnaby? Of fucking course he does, which is how Barnaby ends up with a box containing the Christmas tree pin, the picture of his parents, the robot toy, and the singed stuffed rabbit.)
So the entire big storyline is Kotetsu, Barnaby, and the other heroes trying to figure out who wants Barnaby dead and why, while Ouroboros is moving forward with their own plans without the heroes’ knowledge.
And throughout all this, Barnaby and Kotetsu are trying to figure out how to live with each other in Kotetsu’s little apartment, when Barnaby’s never had a roommate and it’s been close to 10 years since Kotetsu was sharing his space with anybody (let alone someone who’s as compulsively clean as Barnaby is), and Barnaby is dealing with random memories resurfacing at inconvenient times.
I still have not decided if I want Kotetsu’s powers to start fading again, because on the one hand fuck no, but on the other hand, it does make for some delicious angst and pushes him back to that question of “what do I do if I lose my powers completely?” (And who knows, maybe this time around he would actually talk to Barnaby about it instead of hiding it for months on end.)
OTHER THINGS the series would include, if I had anything to say about it:
- A Rock Bison episode, which would also involve flashbacks to high school with how Kotetsu and Antonio met, plus teenage Tomoe and some more very unsubtle parallels between her and Barnaby and how Kotetsu has A Type.
- A Sky High episode with A HAPPY ENDING YOU ASSHOLES, GIVE KEITH A ROMANTIC PARTNER AND 50 DOGS *slams fists on table*
- Kotetsu dealing with the fact that Kaede is a teenager now (probably 14-15, depending on timeline), who’s probably learning how to drive and is looking seriously at what she wants to do when she finishes high school. Probably at least one somewhat heart-wrenching conversation between him and his mom where she talks about how it felt for her when Kotetsu was that age and possibly a little bit about his father. (Give me some more goddamn Kaburagi family feels, okay, Sunrise, just fuck me up with them.)
- A subplot that is Barnaby and the other heroes doing their level best to get Kotetsu enough points to be King of Heroes at the end of the season, without Kotetsu or Agnes figuring out what they’re doing.
- Kotetsu going to the orphanage with Barnaby and helping out with the kids there.
- KOTETSU BIRTHDAY EPISODE. Please please give me an episode that’s the reverse of episode 5, where it’s Barnaby low-key freaking out over what to get Kotetsu for a gift because it has to be perfect and he’s got nothing.
- I literally just finished reading Sakakibara’s manga last night, so maybe an episode or a mini-arc dealing with some of the anti-NEXT sentiment. We got some of that in the first series, but it would be interesting to see it brought out a little bit more and seeing the heroes having to deal more with that (and maybe some non-hero NEXTs as well).
- A flashback episode showing how all the main heroes became heroes.
- Kotetsu and Barnaby cooking fried rice together please I am begging.
- Barnaby going with Kotetsu to Oriental Town to visit his family when they’ve got a few days off (or maybe they’re told to get out of town for a few days because of all the Ouroboros stuff), with Barnaby learning more about Tomoe and being quietly supportive of Kotetsu the way that Kotetsu has always been supportive of him.
- I would love to see more of Barnaby and Kaede interacting because I really think they would get along swimmingly.
- A girls’ night out/guys’ night out episode split between Fire Emblem, Dragon Kid, Barnaby, and Blue Rose and Origami Cyclone, Sky High, Rock Bison, and Kotetsu. (Conversely, this could happen while Barnaby and Kotetsu are out of town, and just focus on the other heroes, but I would really like to see Barnaby being friends and doing stuff with the others, not just Kotetsu.)
- I don’t know how everything would shake out, but it would end with Barnaby just…staying in Kotetsu’s apartment rather than moving back out, his picture of his parents joining the row of photos Kotetsu has on his shelves, and them drinking champagne together on the front steps of the apartment building, side-by-side.
- Okay I mean obviously my shipper heart wants it to end with a kiss and a marriage proposal but I feel like the previous point is more likely.
Seriously I just want everything from this series. Throw the kitchen sink at me, Sunrise, my body is ready.
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I am currently working on an Aphmau Au atm. This is a placeholder ((aphmau’s design will change)) But here’s the gist. Its kinda an RPG au? Like it works similarly to delta rune, or Persona 5 where there are 2 worlds. One where you fight and one where you improve your relationships with people and like talk and stuff.  The other worlds name is Gamvrasia If I do write the au I’ll do like 5 different versions. ((Also Ein Aphmau & Claire are just the potential starter crew. You get ALOT more party members)) All 3 versions will have a VERY different story and a different Aphmau. In any case in the first version I’ll be working on ((I’ll just copy paste my amino post Here are some sibling headcanons for Aphmau and...Ein in an au where they were raised together ((taking some ideas from https://aminoapps.com/c/aphmauamino/page/user/queenofmelons-einchancultleader-danviscult/x46z_L7iof3aWYBv0Ydg1wX6ZZZX2kplD& https://aminoapps.com/c/aphmauamino/page/user/alice-on-elm-street-teamein/76jn_dXTBfGp5XpJJqGkP6o5eN8qPRlPD )) ((Like Eins parents being missing so he's raised by Sylvanna, and Ein dying Aphmaus hair, ect))
- Werewolves don't exist 
-Forever potions don't exist
- Ultimas don't exist
- Meifwa don't exist
- Witches don't exist
- Ein is overprotective and will fite any boy who tries to court Aphmau.
- Ein & Sylvanna once plotted against Aaron together
.- Ein used to bully Aphmau when they were younger but doesn't really anymore
-Sylvanna put Ein into Aphmau's life at the age of about 5. Ein was 4 years old at the time. And he had nobody in his family with the money to take care of him. Sylvanna being a saint took him in. Claire came into Aphmau’s life a bit later when she was 7 Claire was 8 
- Ein loves photography and has an entire collection of still life photo & landscape photo's that he scribbled on with crayon
- Aphmau is the stronger then Ein. She had to get tough to keep this boy in line.- Aphmau's older and loves her baby brother to bits....even if he can be a little bit of a dick sometimes he's still..her baby brother. But Claire’s the strongest sibling
- Aphmau sometimes gives Ein huggle attacks and he either hates them or severely appreciates them depending on his mood.
- Ein styles Aphmau's hair all the time for her. He loves doing it. Most of the time he does what she likes which is giving it an ombre purple. ((Though he thinks she should get streaks))
- Aphmau is similarly protective over Ein and once threatened both Ein & Aaron to not hurt each other telling Aaron "If you hurt my baby brother I will beat you to death with your own bloody femurs" and telling Ein "If you hurt my boyfriend I will break your kneecaps"
- Aphmau loves painting Eins face, Claire will never let Aphmau paint her face. 
- Ein is completely fine with Aphmau painting his face. He wears whatever look she gives him with pride. No matter how stupid it is. If you make fun of it he will DESTROY you for making fun of his little sister's work
- The Ein & Aphmau rough house sometimes but not very severely. More like playfighting if anything. Claire usually just avoids the fighting or hides
- When they were younger Aphmau would always play the villain while Ein played the hero. Ein was a bratty kid that always wanted to be a hero since he loves being in the spotlight. Claire would be the Damsel in distress. She thoroughly enjoyed playing the princess
 - Aphmau sometimes paints Ein's nails and does his make up. He is her testing dummy. he's fine with this. As long as he gets to do her make up. Claire Also lets Aphmau do her make up. As long as she follows her instructions - Aphmau was shitty at being a villain
- Ein got a tattoo (on his butt) and never told Sylvanna about it. She still doesn't know to this day
- Ein & Sylvanna talk shit about Aaron behind his back all the time. They also do it in front of his face!
- Ein was the one who got Aphmau into Gaming, Sylvanna had bought him a game console before Aphmau because...he was a boy and Sylvanna didn't think Aphmau would be interested and Ein loved it. Aphmau would always watch him and try to get Ein to teach her how to play the games he had. He did of course. Aphmau believes if Ein had never gotten her into gaming she would have never met Aaron..this isn't true of course but. Yeah
-Claire Has that big sister pride. And enjoys being in charge 
- Ein's into photography
- Ein can't spell for the life of him and is horribly dyslexic
- Aphmau's entire bloodline has a tendency to get overprotective ((whether it be from jealousy or not. You don't hurt their children/siblings. Just the ones she's blood related to though. ))
- Claire likes smooth Jazz and Tea
- Zack has like 20 kids and only knows like 3 of there names. Ein isn't the first child born from an affair he had and Ein won't be the last.
-  Claire is one of those babies. ((She's a canon character watch the fnaf rp. (Also it appears to be an au of Mystreet possibly since Laurence is present in one of Aphmaus photos )))
- Claire hates horror movies and is absolutely terrified of anthropomorphic animals.
- Claire  has depression and honestly has a hard time getting up in the morning
- Claire often falls for horrible people and has bad tastes in men. She has had her heart broken many times
- Claire had a stillbirth baby in the past. it was a boy. The death of this baby kickstarted her depression
- Aphmau babies Ein sometimes because when he was a little kid he had to be pampered and she can't get out of that thinking style for the life of her.
- Ein has a therapist he goes to who helps him with his problems. He has medications he has to take to keep him calm and such. Without them he becomes slightly creepier to be around...only slightly- Ein eventually warms up to Aaron over time. alongside Sylvanna
- Ein is a furry and he got a fursuit one-day Aphmau is okay with this cause it makes him happy
- Aaron is disturbed by it and Aphmau once called him out for fursecution. And lectured him for hours on it
- Ein broke Aphmau's game boy when they were little. It was an accident but still
- Ein gets really passionate about things and has a tendency to obsess. He can get lost in fantasy for hours on end.  He is very obsessive.
- Ein disliked Garroth for some time....until Garroth took off his shirt. Then he liked him all of a sudden. Aphmau was very weirded out by how fast Eins mind changed.
- Ein sometimes has mini panic attacks when Aphmau goes out on dates.  he realizes he can't intervene but he can't help but worry. He knows what monsters are like and he doesn't want Aphmau to get hurt by one.
- If you break Aphmau's heart Ein will come for you with an ax, & Claire will post nasty things about you on the internet
- Aphmau is slightly more violent in this au. Ein had some influence on her as a kid. It's not by a lot though. She just has very harsh threats
- Ein makes sure Aphmau can protect herself, They have workout days were they get BEEFY!
- Aphmau worries about Eins future constantly and often has nightmares about it. Sylvanna does too sometimes but less.
- Aphmau can be super sweet at some points but suddenly enter drill sergeant mode if you're acting like a little kid. She uses tough love and gentle guidance. She uses both when she sees fit.
- Aphmau paints Eins nails and does his make up sometimes. He enjoys it. it's fun for him.
- Aphmau Wears prescription glasses. and is the big nerd of the group
- when Aphmau was 7 Ein sent someone to the hospital. This was around the time when he started taking meds. It was important 
- Zoey was their babysitter who is ((4 years younger than them)) 
- Ein & Zane never get along. ((Zane thinks Ein is a poser))
Alright now for some of the things in the Gamvrasia for the normal versions of them
- Team attacks are possible. You can use special moves with another party member 
- Summoning is also possible. But only if your not related ((You’d summon a “Child” like If Aphmau and Aaron did a summon it’d be Alina, If Aphmau and Laurence did a summon it’d be Malachi, If Aphmau and Garroth did a summon it’d be Levin, so on so forth. )) The summon vanishes after the battle. And the summon has the appearance of an adult - Ein gains Wolf ears in the combat world and he is very happy about that Very excited
- Aphmau gains bunny ears in this world 
- Aphmau is a species called a Ouinca. ((They are buny people)) the only ability they generally have is the ability to run really fast.
- Claire Gets cat ears 
- Ein howled and Aphmau was very confused. Just because you gain animal ears doesn’t mean you gain their tendencies. Ein’s just howling cause he wants to be a dog furry.
- Claire has the highest attack, she has low defence though, she Also has HORRIBLE magic attack. She has higher speed then Ein 
- Aphmau has medium defense, higher attack then Ein, alot of Sp, and alright magic. Her stats can change and you can improve them manually (She’s the only one you can do this with. The others stats are predetermined ((Unless your counting Armor and stuff)). Aphmau has the highest speed 
- Ein Has high magic attack, High defense, but also the lowest attack out of the 3. This does NOT mean he’s weak, however. 
- Most of Eins attacks are magic ones, Though he does have a few attacking moves. Some being really brutal. But he usually just shoots lasers at you or little blasts.  - Aphmau has alot of healing spells, but she also has some fire spells. Her attacks are really fast and Jumpy 
-  Claires Attacks are really direct, and they hit hard. She has little to no magic spells, But she does have some...distracting moves. It’s not really magic though but she can drag attention to herself very easily. And lower her enemies stats
- In Gamvrasia Aaron becomes a werewolf (Obviously) same with Melissa and pretty much any other natural born werewolf in the Aphmau series
- Garroth becomes a Giant in the Gamvrasia. he gains the ability to shrink and Grow ((He can grow and shrink various parts of his body)) but the smallest he can get his body is the proportions of a 6'5 man.  ((garroth has the highest defence))
- Betty becomes a candy person in the Gamvrasia , She likes sucking on her fingers. The pink of her skin is much darker than the Salmon of her hair. Making it pop out alot more
- Laurence becomes a zombie in the Gamvrasia
- Their are 100
- In the normal world Aphmau has glasses, & her hair is down. While in the Gamvrasia she has no glasses but has a big purple bow at the back of her head with a ponytail
- Katelyn becomes a mermaid in the Gamvrasia, when on land her tail turns into scaly legs. ((They do this when they become dry enough))
- Zane is a vampire in the Gamvrasia
- Kawaii~chan and the other Meifwa are what you expect them to be in Gamvrasia
- Kawaii~Chan is more or less a mage in Gamvrasia, She controls a variety of dolls & can basically create her own little fighters that can fight for her or be turned into energy for her team. But by herself her stats are horrible.
- Aaron is younger . He's about 1 year older than aph
- Gene also becomes a vampire in the Gamvrasia
- Kim becomes a fairy in Gamvrasia, In the normal world Kim's design is that of her pre season 4 look, But while she's in the Gamvrasia she loses her need for glasses.
- When you switch from the Normal world to Gamvrasia your actually switching bodies with your Gamvrasia counterpart
- The Gamvrasia counterparts (Or vessels)) were never supposed to be conscious in the first place but because of ____ are
- The Gamvrasia are mostly not very nice. Some are though, most of them aren't horrible. But they can be rude
- I’ll probably make entire pages for each of the gamvrasia peeps. 
- Solving problems in the Rpg/combat world fixes problems in the normal world as well, Some monsters in the combat world or even normal people can affect real world people near their area. If 2 people are fighting somewhere in the Gamvrasia, People will begin feeling uneasy around that area in the real one, and accidents will become more frequent. Large scale monster attacks in Gamvrasia can cause Natural disasters, Terrorist attacks, Car crashes, Fires, Mass murder, Potentially genocide, Bombings, Ect.
-There are 5 chosen legendary hero’s in gamvrasia, each one specializing in a certain stat. Having the highest ___ stat of the cast. These heroes are Aphmau, Aaron, Garroth, Travis, & Kalzul. 
- I’ll talk more about Gamvraisia and their counterparts in a future post
The shadow Knights & Aaron 
Aaron & Melissa are slightly closer to their parents. 
Derek is less “NO TALKING TO ANYONE” to his son. since Ultima’s don’t exist
Aaron had a rebellious phase for a little bit. Derek absolutely hated it. 
The shadow knights was founded by Aaron when he was like 13-14 when he started it I think He's 17 currently in the Au. It started out as this big Gang who did whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. Over time the number of Shadow Knights dwindled people mainly left due to being disinterested, Being kicked out, or getting themselves killed trying to do something "hardcore" ((The death was a big wake up call for alot of the members which led them to kinda...leave))
Aaron - The leader of the Shadow Knights, left after some time due to disinterest, & Guilt over indirectly getting Glenda Killed. He was not quite as nice as he is now during that point in time. Aaron also just became...too mature for alot of the childish games the Shadow Knights played which was another reason why he left.
Gene - Second in command. Aarons right hand man, & one of the big recruiters of the shadow knights. He's more of the jack of all trades in the group, being able to spraypaint, Fight, Get good deals on..things, & Being able to forge doctors notes as well. He usually carries a knife around with him.   He became the leader after Aaron Left.
Sasha - You know how sasha is. She mainly just uses the Shadow knights as a cool place to hang out. She's also the best at stealing shit. One of the last three members
Zenix - Do you need explosives? well you came to the right guy! They never really use Explosives on people-...but they do blow up cars, in like desolate area’s. He stuck by Gene & Sasha after everyone else left. They are having trouble getting new members.
Zane - A kid Aaron recruited that the others aren't quite fond of. He immediately got kicked out as soon as Gene became leader. Gene's loss.
Amethyst - An old lady that can kick your ass in 7 different ways. She eventually left for probably obvious reasons...like being old, and being really sweet. And being like super sweet too sweet for the shadow knights. ((its not like she doesn't have a dark side though)) She's dead now.
Glenda - The shadow knight that died. She got herself killed trying to preform a really "HARDCORE" stunt. The rest of the shadow knights hid her body and never really told anyone what happened to her. The guilt eats at alot of the other members to this day.
Alexis - A really spunky lil kid with a LOT of moxie. She's a little girl with a gun. She really should not have a gun where are her parents omfg((Aaron usually took it away from her, or made sure it wasn't loaded...she didn't know that though. Eventually he switched it out for a fake and got rid of the old one. She never really pulled the trigger so she didn't notice.))- She left after getting caught and grounded. Laurence - He left after Glenda got herself killed. He blames most of the other shadow knights for not trying to stop her. ((when he did)) and hates a few of them((Like Aaron)) thinking of them as killers.
Vincint - One of the other shadow knights that left due to the death of Glenda. That and he was just...disinterested. he became apathetic towards the motto of the shadow knights and just kinda...leftTheir are a few other members scattered about. But the only ones stationed in Magisarav ((The town they live in)) are Gene, Sasha, & Zenix. Laurence really doesn’t like him.
The Gamvraisa vessels 
A vast majority of them are assholes, that want to destroy humanity. 
- Gamvraisia Aphmau seems nice. 
- Gamvrasia Ein is more like mystreet Ein. Even to the point where he wants to bone his sister. ((Though he doesn’t really view Gamvrasia aphmau as his sister, in his words   " Oh come on. It's not like we're related by blood or anything? The only thing linking us together as "Siblings" is the relationship between the two of us in the humans world, It's not like we have parents or anything. I really don't see why your so adamant about defining us as such." )) 
^ Gamvraisa Aphmau is Grossed out by this.
- He also has an entire freaking city that he enslaved that's named. Ein city, he isn't very creative at naming things. in the center of a city is a giant gold statue of him with a golden crown and Aphmau leaning up against him. ((Aphmau is also a werewolf in that statue, theirs no real way to turn her into one normally though))  I think the best way for me to showcase his personality is through shitposts though.
- Gamvrasia Aaron on the other hand is Gamvrasia Aphmau’s Ex who wants to kill her. For a variety of reasons
Gamvrasia Garroth steals all the time, and uses his size to get away with things. 
Gamvrasia Zane ...is just diaries zane tbh. Without the royalty. 
I’ll go more into the indivisual Characters later. 
And that’s all, for now, I hope you like the au
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skittylover3-vj · 6 years
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I am currently working on an Aphmau Au atm. This is a placeholder ((aphmau’s design will change)) But here’s the jist. Its kinda an RPG au? Like it works simularly to delta rune, or Persona 5 where there are 2 worlds. One where you fight and one where you improve your relationships with people and like talk and stuff.
 If I do write the au I’ll do like 5 different versions. ((Also Ein Aphmau & Claire are just the potential starter crew. You get ALOT more party members)) All 3 versions will have a VERY different story and a different aphmau.
 In anycase in the first version i’ll be working on ((I’ll just copy paste my amino post
 Here are some sibling headcanons for Aphmau and…Ein in an au were they were raised together ((taking some ideas from https://aminoapps.com/c/aphmauamino/page/user/queenofmelons-einchancultleader-danviscult/x46z_L7iof3aWYBv0Ydg1wX6ZZZX2kplD& https://aminoapps.com/c/aphmauamino/page/user/alice-on-elm-street-teamein/76jn_dXTBfGp5XpJJqGkP6o5eN8qPRlPD )) ((Like Eins parents being missing so he’s raised by sylvanna, and Ein dying aphmaus hair, ect))
- Werewolves don’t exist
-Forever potions don’t exist
- Ultimas don’t exist
- Meifwa don’t exist
- Witches don’t exist
- Ein is overprotective and will fite any boy who tries to court Aphmau.
- Ein & Sylvanna once plotted against Aaron together
.- Ein used to bully aphmau when they were younger but doesn’t really anymore
-Sylvanna put Ein into Aphmau’s life at the age of about 5. Ein was 4 years old at the time. And he had nobody in his family with the money to take care of him. Sylvanna being a saint took him in. Claire came into Aphmau’s life a bit later when she was 7 Claire was 8
- Ein loves photography and has an entire collection of still life photo & landscape photo’s that he scribbled on with crayon
- Aphmau is the stronger then Ein. She had to get tough to keep this boy in line.- Aphmau’s older and loves her baby brother to bits….even if he can be a little bit of a dick sometimes he’s still..her baby brother. But Claire’s the strongest sibling
- Aphmau sometimes gives Ein huggle attacks and he either hates them or severely appreciates them depending on his mood.
- Ein styles aphmau’s hair all the time for her. He loves doing it. Most of the time he does what she likes which is giving it an ombre purple. ((Though he thinks she should get streaks))
- Aphmau is similarly protective over Ein and once threatened both Ein & Aaron to not hurt eachother telling Aaron “If you hurt my baby brother I will beat you to death with your own bloody femurs” and telling Ein “If you hurt my boyfriend I will break your kneecaps”
- Aphmau loves painting Eins face, Claire will never let aphmau paint her face.
- Ein is completely fine with Aphmau painting his face. He wears whatever look she gives him with pride. No matter how stupid it is. If you make fun of it he will DESTROY you for making fun of his little sisters work
- The Ein & Aphmau  rough house sometimes but not very severely. More like playfighting if anything. Claire usually just avoids the fighting or hides
- When they were younger Aphmau would always play the villain while Ein played the hero. Ein was a bratty kid that always wanted to be a hero since he loves being in the spotlight. Claire would be the Damsel in distress. She thoroughly enjoyed playing the princess-
Aphmau sometimes paints Ein’s nails and does his make up. He is her testing dummy. he’s fine with this. As long as he gets to do her make up. Claire Also lets Aphmau do her make up. As long as she follows her instructions
- Aphmau was shitty at being a villain
- Ein got a tattoo (on his butt) and never told Sylvanna about it. She still doesn’t know to this day
- When Ein got his ears pierced & hair dyed without Sylvanna’s permission she almost had a heart attack. She literally felt like the world was ending.  She tried everything in her power to stop him from expressing himself this way but…in the end she couldn’t. She could however course him into not hurting others.- Ein somehow got Sylvanna to be okay with Him and Aphmau dying their hair.
- Ein & Sylvanna talk shit about Aaron behind his back all the time. They also do it in front of his face!
- Ein was the one who got Aphmau into Gaming, Sylvanna had bought him a game console before Aphmau because…he was a boy and Sylvanna didn’t think Aphmau would be interested and Ein loved it. Aphmau would always watch him and try to get Ein to teach her how to play the games he had. He did of course. Aphmau believes if Ein had never gotten her into gaming she would have never met Aaron..this isn’t true of course but. Yeah
-Claire Has that big sister pride. And enjoys being in charge
- Ein’s into photography
- Ein can’t spell for the life of him and is horribly dyslexic
- Aphmau’s entire bloodline has a tendency to get overprotective ((weather it be from jealousy or not. You don’t hurt their children/siblings. Just the ones she’s blood related to though. ))
- Claire likes smooth Jazz and Tea
- Zack has like 20 kids and only knows like 3 of there names. Ein isn’t the first child born from an affair he had and Ein won’t be the last.
-  Claire is one of those babies. ((She’s a canon character watch the fnaf rp. (Also it appears to be an au of Mystreet possibly since Laurence is present in one of Aphmaus photos )))
- Claire hates horror movies, and is absolutely terrified of anthropomorphic animals.
- Claire  has depression and honestly has a hard time getting up in the morning
- Claire often falls for horrible people and has bad tastes in men. She has had her heart broken many times
- Claire had a stillbirth baby in the past. it was a boy. The death of this baby kickstarted her depression
- Aphmau babies Ein sometimes because when he was a little kid he had to be pampered and she can’t get out of that thinking style for the life of her.
- Ein has a therapist he goes to who helps him with his problems. He has medications he has to take to keep him calm and such. Without them he becomes slightly creepier to be around…only slightly- Ein eventually warms up to Aaron over time. alongside Sylvanna
- Ein is a furry and he got a fursuit one day Aphmau is okay with this cause it makes him happy
- Aaron is disturbed by it and Aphmau once called him out for furrsicution. And lectured him for hours on it
- Ein broke Aphmau’s game boy when they were little. It was an accident but still
- Ein gets really passionate about things and has a tendency to obsess. He can get lost in fantasy for hours on end.  He is very obsessive.
- Ein disliked Garroth for a some time….until Garroth took off his shirt. Then he liked him all of a sudden. Aphmau was very weirded out by how fast Eins mind changed.
- Ein sometimes has mini panic attacks when Aphmau goes out on dates.  he realizes he can’t intervene but he can’t help but worry. He knows what monsters are like and he doesn’t want Aphmau to get hurt by one.
- If you break Aphmau’s heart Ein will come for you with an ax , & Claire will post nasty things about you on the internet
- Aphmau is slightly more violent in this au. Ein had some influence on her as a kid. Its not by alot though. She just has very harsh threats
- Ein makes sure Aphmau can protect herself, They have work out days were they get BEEFY!
- Aphmau worries about Eins future constantly and often has nightmares about it. Sylvanna does too sometimes but less.
- Aphmau can be super sweet at some points but suddenly enter drill sargant mode if your acting like a little kid . She uses tough love, and gentle guidance. She uses both when she see’s fit.
- Aphmau paints Eins nails and does his make up sometimes. He enjoys it. it’s fun for him.
Alright now for some of the things in the Combat world
- Team attacks are possible. You can use special moves with another party member
- Summoning is also possible. But only if your not related ((You’d summon a “Child” like If Aphmau and Aaron did a summon it’d be Alina, If Aphmau and Laurence did a summon it’d be Malachi, If Aphmau and Garroth did a summon it’d be Levin, so on so forth. )) The summon vanishes after the battle. And the summon has the appearance of an adult
 - Ein gains Wolf ears in the combat world and he is very happy about that Very excited
- Aphmau gains bunny ears in this world
- Claire Gets cat ears
- Ein howled and Aphmau was very confused. Just because you gain animal ears doesn’t mean you gain their tendancies. Ein’s just howling cause he wants to be a dog furry.
- Claire has the highest attack, she has low defence though, she Also has HORRIBLE magic attack. She has higher speed then Ein
- Aphmau has medium defense, higher attack then Ein, alot of Sp, and alright magic. Her stats can change and you can improve them manually (She’s the only one you can do this with. The others stats are predetermined ((Unless your counting Armor and stuff)). Aphmau has the highest speed
- Ein Has high magic attack, High defense, but also the lowest attack out of the 3. This does NOT mean he’s weak however.
- Most of Eins attacks are magic ones, Though he does have a few attacking moves. Some being really brutal. But he usually just shoots lasers at you, or little blasts.
 - Aphmau has alot of healing spells, but she also has some fire spells. Her attacks are really fast and Jumpy
-  Claires Attacks are really direct, and they hit hard. She has little to no magic spells, But she does have some…distracting moves. It’s not really magic though but she can drag attention to herself very easily. And lower her enemies stats
And that’s all for now I hope you like the au
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pokelolmc · 7 years
A Danny Phantom/Avatar: The Last Airbender crossover AU
where the ATLA spirit world is a cousin to the Ghost Zone, and after the Ghost Zone protoportal fails and zaps Vlad, Jack and Maddie end up accidentally creating a portal to the ATLA spirit world instead:
The FentonBendersAU
They meet some of the last Lion Turtles (who now also exist in the spirit world) after getting lost in the spirit world (as seen in LoK, you can gain or use bending in the spirit world if you enter it through an existing spirit portal, rather than through meditation and leaving your physical body behind in the real world); the Lion Turtles see the difficulty in the danger of ghost attacks that will be drawn to Earth, even through natural ghost portals, and grant Maddie and Jack bending to protect the world from ghosts in their line of work, as well as (unknown to them at the time) the spiritual power to pass the other remaining bending arts down a bloodline to cover all four elements (though, the energy is condensed to not cause a spiritual strain and Maddie is only a carrier of it, meaning that she is still only a bender of one element)
Jack gets Earthbending, being less mindful but certainly capable of straightforward force; he eventually becomes more skilled/tuned-in/focused and sensitive of detail enough to bend metal, but only later into character development after he is taught how to be more thoughtful and aware by Jazz
Maddie gets Firebending, being capable in more offence-based martial arts and aggressive in combat, but also possessing a burning passion for protection and is giver of life with her dreams of starting a family; through her keen analysis of other fighting styles in order to figure out bending, she learns the nature of Waterbending, and applies it to herself to figure out lightning-bending, from Danny
Because of the spiritual power bestowed upon Maddie in particular, Danny and Jazz surprise them by being born as benders of the remaining two elements, making the Fenton Family a balanced force of all four elements
Jazz gets Airbending, being the calmer, more collected one of the family who chooses to think from many different angles, and the one most open to introspection and spirituality due to her interest in the human condition
Danny gets Waterbending, as a cause for the ice ghost core he will later get as a halfa (but his ice powers become a completely separate power to bending with different advantages and disadvantages, as he can only use bending in his human form; as in canon, ghosts are affected by aspects of the human world, including its elements and physical matter, unless they go intangible – therefore, they can be hit with bending, but the possession of bending is not compatible with ghosts) being only able to bend in human form makes his human form slightly less helpless, while avoiding making his ghost form a little too powerful (when his bending is added to his existing list of ghost powers from canon); in fact, it adds an aspect of struggle and complications to the canonically easy gain of most of his ghost powers, as he struggles to master some of his ectoplasmic-based abilities and Ghost Ice Powers because they are so different in style to the waterbending he’d been used to since childhood, and he must learn to differentiate the two; through bending, he learns to be more intuitive and use counteroffensive tactics in fighting (not just the less thoughtful, straightforward “superhero-like” offence combat in canon)
The Fentons grow up in an abnormal/unusual family life because of their bending powers, which they hide from everyone in town, including extended family and friends. Danny tells his parents of his ghost powers after the portal accident, because the shared “supernatural” secret of their bending makes the family more open about accepting strange supernatural powers and occurrences, even if they hunt ghosts. It is Sam and Tucker’s keeping of his ghostly secret that Danny uses to convince his parents he can trust his friends with the secret of the family’s bending.
Even though Jazz is used to strange spiritual things because of her Airbending, (so she doesn’t start out a ghost sceptic in this AU), she still starts out annoyed with her parents’ obsession with ghosts - like in canon. Except instead of thinking her parents are crazy for beliving in ghosts, because she believes their fixation has reached an irrational extremity, become a psychological obsession and gets in the way of proper parenting (Danny learns to use his bending for cooking because his parents still turn their dinners into ectoplasmic monstrosities). However, her opinion starts to waver (and she hops aboard Team Phantom) after My Brother’s Keeper because Danny is already aware she knows his secret, and she finds out that he actually puts himself in danger fighting ghosts, and wants to help him. Danny doesn’t tell his parents that he’s using his ghost form to hunt ghosts (since he feels they would consider it too dangerous for him, or that it would impact his school performance, and stop him from doing it), so they don’t find out until Danny is confronted by Walker in the AU equivalent of Public Enemies.
Basically, life goes on in Amity Park as the Fentons learn to master their bending and hide it from others, Danny Phantom rises to fight the ghosts with Sam and Tucker by his side (and his family on the occasional mission) and the whole family gets involved in fighting ghosts after the ghost attacks get too intense in season 2-3, working as a four-person-team equivalent of the Avatar with their own secret identities.
Kind of like it follows the general plot events/outline of canon DP, but with divergences in character plots and the events of episodes, depending on how the Fentons having bending would change how they play out.
Other ideas:
As a kid, Jazz always liked flying a homemade glider at the park in disguise, and Danny would always ask her to take him flying but she wouldn’t, making Danny jealous that he couldn’t fly too; after getting his ghost form as a teenager, the first thing he does is excitedly tell his family that he can fly now and tease Jazz about it – who complains, miffed, that SHE is the Airbender of the family and flying is HER thing
Dash tries to bully Danny at school, before Sam and Tucker find out about Danny’s bending, and Danny gets back by causing a water fountain to squirt Dash in the face; Sam and Tucker are too busy laughing to realise that Danny did it
Bitter Reunions: Vlad takes on Danny as his arch nemesis for the rest of the series, while completely unaware of the Fenton family’s bending powers – or that Danny has already ignored Vlad’s threat to expose him to his parents, and told Jack and Maddie about Vlad’s halfa identity because Jack and Maddie already know of Danny’s ghost half. As far as Vlad knows, the Little Badger is just an annoying halfa boy with ghost hunter parents who don’t know their own son is a ghost – or that their best friend from college is one, either. Boy, will he get a nasty surprise later.
Shades of Gray: Valerie still comes to hate Danny Phantom, but still ends up befriending Danny Fenton after Flirting with Disaster. After the latter, she accidentally finds out about Danny’s bending and agrees to keep it a secret. She gets closer to him than in canon, and Danny gets even more royally screwed.
Maternal Instinct: The night spent in Vlad’s house is a full moon; Maddie and Danny both fight their way through the woods with their bending before they bump into Vlad, helping them learn from each other’s elements; instead of confronting Vlad after the Plasmius Maximus wears off, both Maddie and Danny are forced to engage him while the latter’s ghost powers are still inactive and their only weapon is Maddie’s fire; there’s no Spector Deflector anywhere near him to use because Maddie doesn’t want it to hurt him because of his ghost half; as a last resort, Danny is forced to use bloodbending on Vlad to defeat him, much to his own and Maddie’s horror; a confused Vlad is left behind wondering how on earth the Fentons have such strange powers and investigate further
Torrent of Terror: The stupid OOC nonsense of Danny’s emotions being tied to the weather either doesn’t happen or wears off extremely quickly (before the second battle against Vortex); upon losing against Vortex the first time and discussing it with his family, Danny realises that although the weather is being manipulated by ghost power, it still consists of physical water, meaning it can be influenced by his bending; he decides that he must not fight Vortex as a ghost, but as a bender; after Jazz reminds him that the weather is also wind and decides to fight too, the whole family puts on disguises and fights Vortex together with their bending, attack Vortex with his own wind, rain and lightning. The fight is caught on the local news channel’s Ghost Watch; the news anchor wonders aloud on live television about the absence of Danny Phantom in the fight, and the mysterious group of four with apparent superhuman power over the elements; after the conflict is solved, the enigmatic “Elemental Four” become the talk of Amity Park
Vlad can’t get any of his bugs or cameras into the Fenton household later on in the plot because Jack keeps sensing their metal bodies and crushing them, mistaking them for household pests
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snicketsleuth · 7 years
Who runs Black Cat Coffee?
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Black Cat Coffee, corner of Caravan and Parfait, counts amongst the most emblematic places of “All the Wrong Questions”, showing up in 3 of the 4 books. Yet by the end of the series several questions have yet to be answered:
Why would a café moonlight as a post office?
Why is Stain’d-by-the-Sea’s post delivery so fast?
Why have we never met the postman/waiter who runs the café?
Stay with us after the cut to unravel these mysteries... and others.
On a purely cultural level, Black Cat Coffe’s piano and automatic delivery service might be loosely inspired by the pianocktail, a semi-fictional musical instrument from Boris Vian’s surrealist novel “Froth on the daydream”. The pianocktail mixes a custom cocktail depending on the melodies which are played on it (usually jazz). Daniel Handler is a cocktail enthusiast and allusions to Vian show up in “Why We Broke Up”. Fittingly, the café is also named after 3 Duke Ellington songs: ”Caravan”, “Parfait (A Little Max)” and “Black Cat Blues”, which might also be an allusion to Edgar Allan Poe’s famous story. It’s no wonder Ellington Feint loves the place so much.
Well, it seems like the cultural allusion won’t help us here. Our only hope is to examine the café’s logistics. When did Ellington discover the place? It clearly seems like she’s already used the post office before the start of “All The Wrong Questions”. When Lemony brings her the Bombinating Beast, she knows exactly what to do.
“Is the mail delivery reliable here?” I asked. “Yes,” she said. “You should have it by tomorrow morning. Surprisingly, delivery around here is very fast.” [Who Could That Be At This Hour?, Chapter Seven]
Then again, she has a lot of time on her hand and could just have discovered the secret attic by snooping around. Cleo Knight is also a customer but isn’t aware of the secret attic as far as we know. A violent butcher named Mack and his abused son Drumstick, who show up in “File Under: 13 Suspicious Incidents”, know of the attic’s existence. Dashiell Qwerty is also a customer and tries to set up a meeting with Ellington in “Shouldn’t You Be In School”. All in all, not a whole lot of people seem to frequent Black Cat Coffee: Hungry’s restaurant, which essentially functions as a soup kitchen, is the preferred meeting place of Stain’d-by-the-Sea’s residents. This would explain why so many mysteries remain about the place.
A question deserves to be asked: does Hangfire know Black Cat Coffee’s intended purpose? Our money’s on “no”. Ellington uses the attic to hide the Bombinating Beast in “Who Could That Be At This Hour?”, and Inhumane Society doesn’t seize the chance to get it. This is especially embarrassing as samples of Doctor Flammarion’s laudanum also show up in the attic in “Who Could That Be At This Hour?”. So we see that the post office tends to deliver stuff from anyone to anyone, as fast as possible. Whoever runs it has a decently neutral position in the conflict and the place is not monitored by Hangfire.
“Attic,” I said. It was a good place to keep packages. The music from the piano told me there was nothing to worry about, but I climbed the staircase with my belly full of bread and butterflies. I was tired of surprises in strange rooms. But the attic of Black Cat Coffee was just another big room with nobody in it. Along the wall were a few cupboards, and shelves with bags of coffee on them. There was a long table with envelopes and packages stacked in separate piles, as if quite a few people collected their mail at Black Cat Coffee instead of at home. I wondered why. There were not that many packages. There was a small box marked MEDICAL SUPPLIES addressed to a Dr. Flammarion. There was a long tube marked ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT addressed to nothing more than a pair of initials that were unfamiliar. And then there was a package about the size of a bottle of milk, wrapped in newspaper with a handwriting I recognized immediately. I unwrapped it carefully. It was the Bombinating Beast. [Who Could That Be At This Hour?, Chapter Ten]
So it’s unlikely that the person who runs the post office is in league with Hangfire. That strikes out people like Nurse Dander, Doctor Flammarion, Sally Murphy, Sharon Haines, etc. So far so good, but who else could it be? No one in Stain’d-by-the-Sea looks like a satisfying candidate.
If this account can be called a mystery, then Black Cat Coffee is a mystery inside a mystery. There were certainly mysterious things in the establishment. The shiny machinery in the center of the room—which produced bread or coffee, depending on which button you pressed—always worked perfectly, but I never saw anyone attending to it. The attic was a place where you could retrieve packages, but I never saw anyone delivering them. The player piano played tunes I couldn’t identify. But these aren’t what I mean. I don’t care who oiled the machinery of Black Cat Coffee and made sure the bins were full of flour and roasted beans, or who delivered the boxes of books filled with blank pages or gears used in botanical extraction. The music doesn’t matter to me. [When Did You See Her Last?, Chapter Nine]
Sometimes the only way to solve a mystery is to link it to another unsolved mystery. And when one looks at the numerous plot threads left hanging at the end of “All The Wrong Questions”, it becomes tempting to suspect the Bellerophon brothers.
Hangfire seems to hold a grudge against their family, as his final diatribe attests:
“You fold together a flimsy decoy,” Hangfire said scornfully, “and try to play me like a clarinet, but you’ll collapse when you stand against me. All of you Stain’d citizens are the same. Your mother, Mallahan, was a journalist searching for the truth, but she didn’t have the courage to face what she found. Your parents, Hix, are too scared to come back to town, even to fetch their son. The Knight family drained the sea, and then went down the drain themselves. I could go on and on. The Losts. The Bellerophons. Doctors and actors, nurses and naturalists. Everyone was utterly worthless, and then along came a little girl who could perform all the trickery I needed.” [Why Is This Night Different From All Other Nights?, Chapter Twelve]
This is a long list of people Hangfire names as his enemies:
The Knights engineered the economic and ecological disaster that motivated the creation of Inhumane Society.
Ornette Lost’s mother tried to revert this disaster through tourism and, as such, threatened the lawless no man’s land Hangfire wanted to create. She’s also theorized to have been a member of V.F.D., Hangfire’s archenemy. So it’s possible that the fire that killed her was actually started by Hangfire.
Moxie’s mother is a journalist sworn to expose the truth, so she’d have to be removed from the town to enable Hangfire’s conspiracy.
However we are missing a motive for the Hix and Bellerophon families:
We have no information on what Jake’s parents did before they left the town, but as they fled they can’t possibly be involved in the shenanigans going on at Black Cat Café.
Pip’s and Squeak’s father is a trickier case because he’s still in town. He’s also an elusive taxi driver who’s always sick for some reason.
But the Bellerophon brothers’ story clashes with another passage:
“I’ve got to get that formula finished,” she said. “It’s a puzzle, but I’ve got to solve it. Invisible ink that actually works could make Ink Inc. a successful company again. We could save this town from all the people who want to destroy us. I’ve got to do it myself. I told my mother and father that, in my note. I love them, but my parents have given up on making things better.” “So have mine,” Jake said, and the Bellerophon brothers nodded too. Even Moxie nodded in agreement. [When Did You See Her Last?, Chapter Twelve]
They imply that he “gave up” on trying to make the town better, yet also insist he’s in town. Jake’s parents left, Moxie’s mother left and her father is clearly depressive… But the Bellerophon father is just “sick”. That’s not the same as “giving up”. They��re judging him pretty harshly for something he has no control over. Why do they put him on the same level as other cowardly parents?
We never see Pip’s and Squeak’s father throughout the entire series, which is an enormous red flag. Some readers believe he was actually murdered by Hangfire and that his children are covering up his death. Maybe they don’t want to be put up for adoption, but that’s still pretty drastic. Is it really in their best interest to lie to the authorities? They have no guardians and are forced to work at a very early age. Why not just admit the truth and leave the town?
There’s probably something more complicated going on here. As Stain’d-by-the-Sea’s last taxi driver, he was essentially in charge of its public transport. That’s an interesting position to be in for the survival of the town, but not an essential one in Hangfire’s masterplan. Because he needs to protect his civil identity (Armstrong Feint), he wouldn’t be able to take the taxi very often. For the most part, Hangfire seems content to travel by foot.
Controlling information, on the other hand, is extremely important. A taxi driver would pick up on a lot of stuff throughout his errands. We also know that Hangfire depends on the postman because he needs massive amounts of laudanum to subdue the Knight parents, the patients of the Colophon Clinic and the students of Wade Academy. Lemony even finds one of Flammarion’s shipments of laudanum in the attic of Black Cat Café. Had he destroyed this shipment, Hangfire’s entire masterplan would have had to be delayed. So it would be critical for Hangfire to control the mail delivery of Stain’d-by-the-Sea.
So what if Stain’d-by-the-sea’s taxi driver were actually the elusive postman from Black Cat Café?
There’s a reason no one’s caught the postman yet: he’s been hiding in plain sight. It’s only natural for a taxi to drive through the town, day and night. If the car was actually used to deliver mail, no one would notice. The two professions are actually very similar: one delivers information, the other people.
The theory goes like this: the Bellerophon’s father realized the danger Hanfire represented and decided to minimize his involvement with the mail delivery service. He started simulating a sickness to get out of Inhumane Society’s radar. He didn’t want Hangfire to realize he was the postman. His sons Pip and Squeak eventually found out his secret and took it upon themselves to ensure the mail delivery, as a desperate bid to keep the town alive. They are torn between their sense of civic duty and their loyalty to their father, who prefers to keep a low profile. So they pretend he’s sick as a way to protect him.
Are Pip and Squeak even aware Black Cat Coffee moonlights as a post office? Why, yes they are. Consider this passage:
I lay on the statue and thought, and the world went on without me. Moxie Mallahan was tucked into her bed, and Cleo Knight let herself into Handkerchief Heights, where her scientific equipment waited for her. Jake Hix started cooking up breakfast at Hungry’s, and the Bellerophon brothers put an old-fashioned record player and a huge stack of papers in the attic of Black Cat Coffee. [When Did They See Her Last?, Chapter Thirteen]
Granted, it’s possible that Lemony just told them about the attic. But this conversation, if it ever happened, is never mentioned in the narration. And this passage describes events that Lemony couldn’t have witnessed by himself anyway (he’s, not unlike ourselves, making hypotheses)
ADDENDUM, 3rd of August 2017:
Hermes from the 667 Dark Avenue message board (Link) pointed out how wrong I was about this. We do hear the conversation:
“In the back of the building is a spiral staircase,” I said. “At the top is a room with a broken window, and somewhere in that room is an old-fashioned record player. It was on a bed stand, but Hangfire hid it right before I came in. Please take it, along with all those papers on the desk, to Black Cat Coffee and put it in the attic. There’s a cupboard there that’s larger than it looks.” Squeak frowned. “Who wants all that stuff? Another associate of yours?” [When Did You See Her Last?, Chapter Twelve]
Then again Squeak doesn’t ask Lemony how to get to the attic, which suggests he is at the very least familiar with it. It doesn’t contradict the theory but does make it less likely.
So the postman and current manager of Black Cat Coffee would be, for all intents and purposes, Pip and Squeak. Which would at least explain how they manage to get food and shelter, what with their father being so “sick” he can’t work. Running the café would hardly be a hassle. It’s all automated anyway. Going to the attic at night to store and pick up the mail would not take much time, and if they ever got caught, they would pretend being normal customers exploring the attic.
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lorelaixparker · 7 years
                                ~TASK:002 CHARACTER QUESTIONNAIRE
Full Name: Lorelai Ellen Parker
Background on Name: Her parents enjoyed picking unique names 
Nickname(s): Lor
Nickname Background: It’s a shortened version of her name
Birth date: November 22nd, 1975
Birth place: Portland, Oregon
Age: 18
Visual Age: 18
Zodiac/Astrological signs: Sagittarious
Blood type: O Negative
Social Class: She grew up in a middle class family with parents that worked for a living while her father maintained his leadership status within the coven.
Religious Values: She’s not religious and after all the crap she’s gone through, she doesn’t have the biggest amount of faith.
Physical Attributes:
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 5.5″
Weight: 132 lbs
Body type: Skinny, well built 
Race/Species: White & witch(gemini coven)
Eye color and Shape: Blue, round
Glasses/Contacts?: (Style, use, strength)
Hair color and Style: Light brown, long hair. Mixed between curly & straight
Fur color and Area: (Ears only, all over, tail only, over shoulders and down spine)
Additional Appendages: (Wings, Tails, Non-Standard Human Ears)
Skin tone and type: White skin tone, defined cheek bones
Favored Clothing Style: A highly mixed style with nothing too bright or too dark
Why?: She doesn’t really want to draw too much by being too flashy or way different than the norm.
Least Favored Clothing Style: Anything too dark, too plain, or neon colored. Nothing too revealing on her stomach.
Why?: She doesn’t want to stand out too much from others because of all the other reasons she’s different from most people. She has scars that she doesn’t want to show other people.
Important/Usual Accessories: She’s a ring on right hand that that someone bought for her that reminded her of one she had before her death
Tattoos: None
Story Behind Tattoo: None
Piercing(s): Just both her ears
Scar(s): Three small scars along her stomach where her brother stabbed her with a knife. She’s insecure about them.
Other Marks: None
Predominant Features: Defined cheek bones
Visual Health Level: Well taken-care of
Spending Habits: She doesn’t spend a lot and she’s also never really had a lot of nice things, so she’s not the most materialistic person. 
Strengths: She’s good at faking her confidence(though she has her moments) and knows the basic amount of spells to somewhat protect herself.
Weaknesses: Her scars, talking about her family, her former coven, magic
Weapons: Magic, her mind
Habits: She fakes her confidence to hide her insecurities
Familiars/Summons/Pets: Never had any pets
Fighting Style: (Type, style, street fighting, Tai Kwan Do, dirty, fast, aim for the head, favored targets.)
Old Injuries: The scars on her stomach
Movement Issues: She’s not really clumsy, but doesn’t have the speed of a vampire.
Speed: (How fast do they move?)
Agility: She’s not clumsy, never has been. She’s not as quick thinking as most people tend to be.
Strength: Magic, her ability to fake her confidence
Stamina: Quite well, actually. Both in and out of the bedroom.
Defensive Ability: 
Magical Ability: Cloaking spell, invisibility spell, prison world spell, other basic spells taught to her because of the coven
Planning/Strategic Ability: She tries her best but can be caught off guard in just about any situation.
Memory: Takes her time to adjust to each situation because she’s been completely surprised before and it changed her life. 
Luck: They used to be full of luck, but she doesn’t really believe any of it anymore. Not after what happened to her. 
Reaction Speed: (How quick do they respond to changes in environment?)
Learning Curve: (How fast do they pick up on an Enemy’s pattern and fighting tactics?)
Alignment: Neutral
Occupation: Former student, turned part-time waitress
Love Interest(s): It’s complicated with one guy
Likes: Working, keeping herself busy
Dislikes: Her brother Kai, her former coven
Fears: Her brother hurting her again, her parents finding her, 
Wishes: To have never developed powers of her own, have been born in another coven
Personality: Smart, stubborn, wants to help others before she helps herself, good listener, doesn’t always speak up if something bothers her
Favorite Color and Why: Blue, it’s the color of her eyes and on a good day outside the sky is a nice light blue. 
Favorite Music and Why: Classical & Jazz, she’s always quite calm whenever she listens to it.
Food: Celery & Peanut Butter is her all-time favorite snack. There’s also popcorn too.
Pet peeves?: When people assume so much and expect too much from people.
Expressions: "Fake It Til You Make It!”
Favored Expletives: Fuck, fucking, asshole, stupid P.O.S.
Manner of Transportation: Walking, running, bicycling
Favorite Childhood Memory: Playing games with her brother Kai before all the bad drama 
Song: Teen Idle by Marina & The Diamonds
Taste: It depends on who you ask, she could taste pretty sweet.
Smell: Like lavender, especially as a kid when she planted a lot of lavenders as a kid.
Character Flaws: Insecure, doesn’t trust easily, doesn’t have a lot of faith in people
Mannerisms: Tends to give direct eye contact with those she speaks with
Darkest Secret and Who Knows About it: She wishes she could’ve been born as a siphoner and only her brother Kai knows about it
Personal Triggers: People that make jokes or hold knives a certain way
Do you watch porn?: Nope
What kind of porn are you into if yes?:
Hot makeup sex or slow romantic sex?: Slow romantic sex.
Weirdest place you’ve ever had sex?: In a tent on a school camping trip
Marital Status: Single
Sex Life: She’s recently hooked up with someone, but she wasn’t someone that often had sex.
Type: (Eros/ragma/Banquet/Mania/Ludus/Storge)
Turn-Ons: Kindness, Good listener, Humor, Open-Minded
Turn Offs: People who are assholes, people that judge too harshly, closed-minded
Position: Sub
Plays: None
Fetishes: None
Virginity: She’s not a virgin
What is the first letter of the first name and first letter of the last name of ONE person you’ve had sex with, and it was incredible?: JS and she enjoyed the night they shared together, it was the most fun she’s had since she returned from the dead
Immediate Family: Never had a close relationship with either of her parents or most of her siblings because they all believed she was a siphoner until her abilities developed. 
Distant Family: The entire gemini coven is part of her distant family, but most of them aren’t actually related to her.
Parenting: They were very strict with her and not the most loving, at least not until her powers developed. 
Upbringing: They tried to instill religion into Hayley, but when she was kicked out she picked up morals of her own.
Infancy: They were nurtured at first, but it didn’t last that long.
Childhood: Rough and kind of unloving. She felt closed off from her parents and felt more love from her teachers at school rather than her own parents.
Adolescence: It was easier than her childhood and she had a little more freedom and love from her parents. But it all felt false because most of the praise she received came from whenever she accomplished something magical.
Adulthood: She's only 18 right now and hasn’t had much time to adjust to adulthood, but she’s an independent person.
Coming of Age: She came back and had to quickly adjust to the new times since it’s no longer 1994, but 2017.
Evolution: She’s learned to take care of herself, fend for herself. She's had to learn how to adapt to live on her own after coming back from the dead.
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