#Spy Jack Fenton
bet-on-me-13 · 26 days
Spy X Family AU
So! Jack Fenton is a Super Spy/Scientist who is working on a mission to investigate Amity Park. The Government has put an Information Blackout on the entire Town, so he has been assigned to infiltrate the town. When he discovers that the town is contaminated with Ectoplasm, he asks to stay there to study the Stuff.
Maddie Fenton is an Assasin who used to work for the League of Assasins, right under Talia, before she deserted the League and ran away. She ran to Amity Park because of how secluded it was, and began working as a Mercenary Assasin to make a living. She is also a Scientist who discovered Ectoplasm and wanted to study it because it reminded her of Lazarus.
They meet while studying Ectoplasm and use eachother to cement their Cover Stories (and get a new study partner).
Jazz in the child Jack adopted from a nearby Orphanage so he could blend in with a "Normal Father" Facade. She is a Liminal with Telepathic Abilities who knows everything about the other two, but keeps it a secret because she wants to psochoanalyze them. Her real parents are unknown, but that's what's fun about making your own AU, you can mess around with it.
Danny is the dog.
Just kidding, Danny is actually a Hybrid child between a Human and a Ghost who was left on Jack and Maddies doorstep as a Kid. They understood what he was immediately and took him in so he wouldn't be taken and experimented on by the GIW, pretending that he was a normal kid (and forgetting to tell him that he is a Ghost to begin with)
He doesn't even know he is a Hybrid for a while, until an accident in the Lab when he is 5 results in discovering his Ghost Form but thinking he just straight up died and brought himself back. Oh and he can see the Future sometimes, just to throw that in there.
I wonder who the Ghostly Father of this Hybrid child who can see into the future and is very powerful? Surely not the Ghost who deals with time and is also very powerful? Sure, absolutely impossible...
Anyways, thoughts on the AU?
(More context in the tags)
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tanglepelt · 7 months
Dp x dc 160
Bruce had an older brother. One who disappeared prior to his parents death. They never received a ransom note or anything.
Danny upon a dare takes an ancestors dna test. He wasn’t expecting Bruce Wayne to be his uncle. Or the fact the man would show up while his parents weren’t home prior to them even getting the results.
At least his friends were with him. Sam slammed the door in his face. Tucker screamed out that billionaires weren’t welcome. At the time they just thought he randomly showed up.
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Dick puts everything on the line. He's the last one standing. The rest of the Titans are down. He dies making sure that they, and the world, can live.
Then he wakes up, staring at a ceiling dotted with glow in the dark stars, very confused.
There's a redheaded teenager who calls herself Jazz, who seems suspicious of him. He had parents, ghost hunters who are definitely breaking many, many laws, who love him dearly.
He has a pair of very close friends, Tucker and Sam, who also do not trust him.
There was a funeral for Dick Grayson, he looked it up. There was a corpse and everything, cremated exactly as he had demanded after learning what had happened to Jason.
Just in case it's a fluke, and he's about to be thrown out of a body that isn't his, he doesn't reach out to anyone in the hero community just yet. Instead, he decides to look into who, exactly, is Daniel Fenton, and why do his friends and sister keep looking at him like he's a spy?
Or; Danny, growing more and more powerful as a halfa, was starting to have his ghostlyness leak through to his human form. He asked Clockwork if there was a future where Jack and Maddie would ever accept him being half ghost, and Clockwork informed him that no, there was not. So Danny worked with the Yetis in the Far Frozen to make a lifeless clone of himself, with the intent to fake his death and live on in the Realms. So when Jazz came into his room, fully expecting a lifeless clone, only to find the clone not only alive but fully functional, she's suspicious.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 8 months
Danny and Damien are twins au, but a slightly redeemed vlad makes Danny the CEO of Vlad Co and DALV and all his other shell companies. Danny is danny, he got pushed into this against his will and is very overwhelmed by CEO duties, so he reaches out to one of his father's sons, Timothy Drake-Wayne, for advice
So, danny definitely knows his heritage in this au. He was the spare to Damien's heir, and while their relationship was strained by the constant competition, they still love each other, even when Danny started to show more proficiency in infiltration and subterfuge than assassination. Damien and Danny have a huge fight before Danny leaves, with Damien swearing to never forgive Danny for his betrayal, while Danny is like "what betrayal??? I just cant bring myself to kill someone outside of self-defense??"
(One of the things I hate about Danny and Damien Twin AUs is this depiction that, just because (usually) Danny is unwilling to kill, that makes him weak and a traitor. You think the medical staff in the LoA are assassinating people? Or the lawyers? He's not useless, he's just not good as an assassin)
He was sent to the Fentons at like... seven? eight? to study how the Fentons are purifying lazurus waters from Jack and Maddie, both of whom are partly sponsored by the League of Assassins. He's also learning more about spying from Jack, surprisingly, because no one would expect him of being a top tier spy. He has the occasional mission as a child, but it's mostly shadowing Jack to learn how to spy.
Danny sends letters to both Talia and Damien regarding updates on his training and the Fenton's research, but after a year of no reply from Damien, it's only to Talia. He's feels super hurt by this, and abandoned by the LoA, but the Fentons are kind and familial, and Talia visits once a year. She's unwilling to risk visiting more often, lest she risk getting the JL or the Spiders attention, but sometimes she even manages to visit on his birthday!
(Meanwhile, Talia starts sending birthday assassins to kill Damien so she can spend their birthday with Danyal. She's a really hot and cold mom.
Talia: You can choose me, and have a birthday dinner. Or you can choose your father and have a birthday assassin. You're choice. )
When Slade blows up the LoA, Danyal is given permanent orders to remain as Daniel Fenton until Talia, and only Talia, brings him back to the League. No missions and only one letter every six months. But when Ra's comes back to life and the League is back in power, Talia... never tells Danyal. Because she's seen how happy Damien is being a normal child with their father and wants that for Danyal too. Plus, she wants to continue to have a good relationship one of her children, sue her bruce.
So Danny is completely convinced that the League is mostly gone other than his mother, her zealots, and knows that his brother is living with their father. and he's... relieved. His brother is safe, and his mom told him their grandfather was avenged, so Danny can just enjoy his life. Which he does.
He sends out his six month report days before the portal accident.
Canon stuff happens until Danny is sixteen and Vlad, the fruitloop, steps down as CEO and strong-arms Danny into becoming CEO in his place. Jack and Maddie (who at this point know [or have always known in Jack's case, adn Danny didn't appreciate his dad using his his poker face against him like that] about Phantom) are thrilled.
Vlad is using his "foster son" (Dark Danny, but in this idea, he's Dante Masters) as an excuse as to why he's stepping down, since Dante needs all the attention he can give as a "troubled youth". Danny secretly hopes Dante kills Vlad in his sleep, but signs the papers away.
And there's so much work.
Danny has some idea of what he's doing (Vlad co is a tech company and DALV is weapons manufacturing, plus vlad gave him a crash course on CEOing). Sam and Tuck even help! But he wishes there was someone who could understand the pain of being a CEO while still a teen. But... his father's son, his brother, is one such person. And even though the other would never know, he really wanted to get to know his other siblings. So Danny reaches out for advice to Timothy Drake-Wayne.
Tim is immediately on guard when this Damien clone walks into his office claiming to be the new Vlad Co CEO. The clone acts nothing like Damien, but he still thinks this Danny Fenton is a league plant.
His paranoia doubles when Damien freaks out and confesses that A) Danny is apparently his twin brother and B) that he's been with the League of Assassins this whole time. Damien, who really doesn't want to admit that the reason he forced himself to forget his brother was because said brother didn't want to kill people, says "Tch. I didn't want to associate with the likes of him, so I put him out of my mind." Tim now believes that he's dealing with a master assassin with a huge grudge against Damien and Danyal showing no signs of malicious or aggression in their meetings only convinces him that Danyal is a master actor too.
Which, Danyal is a master actor. But all that other stuff is just Tim reaching.
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storm-cloud-lightning · 10 months
Mediums, DP prompt
ok ok, hear me out. There's this fic I read years ago- this one - and basically it has Harry Potter using his MoD powers in a new world as a medium. He brings people back and learns stuff and people give him money for the info, you know, what mediums do.
Now, consider this: Danny Fenton -yes, FENTON- becomes a medium. Could be like the fic where it's in a new world, thus a crossover, could not be. You do you, idk I've literally never written a prompt before.
But anyway, yea, imagine it! It would probably be something he stumbled into due to his rouges messing with him by following him around invisible (or just Youngblood, since he can only be seen by kids) and since it's Amity, people don't think crazy, they think oh man can that Fenton kid see ghosts all the time? Even ones we can't see? Maybe even...new ones?
Danny: Hello how may I help you today
Customer, flashing crazy eyes: I need you to tell me how my mother died
Danny: Sir, this is the Nasty Burger
Customer: You're a Fenton, and I've heard the rumors, you can see ghosts normal people can't. Please, I need to know.
Danny, who definitely can't see these 'other' ghosts, his rouges have just been messing with him a little too much while invisible lately: Look-
Customer: NO! I will not take no for an answer!
*they are starting to draw too much attention*
Danny, nervous whispers: Look, I'll ask around ok? But you can't be saying this kinda stuff out in the open, you know the Anti-Ecto laws will go after collaborators. They don't care about collateral damage
Customer, looking around apologetically: You're right, I'm sorry I just- She died so suddenly and the police have nothing. Her name was Jasmine Bale please, please I just want to make sure she's ok.
And thus, Danny stumbles onto a much better paying job than the Nasty Burger. or something idk I haven't written anything in a while.
Danny, desperate for money on the streets of Gotham.
Danny: hey my guy, do you think if I told your son something from you, he would give me 10 buck?
Jack Drake, startled someone can see him lurking outside a coffee shop spying on his son: Uh- what.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 11
hope u enjoy this :D and please comment and reblog! each and every one of them warms my heart up so much <3
credit to @brekitten for betaing this. Seriously she was lowkey amazing and i exploded from it
and by lowkey amazing i mean just straight up amazing
credit to @adonneniel (at least I think that's them. I'll correct it next chapter if not) for the I Spy joke inspiration :3
Jack Fenton’s mad driving had them racing up the mountain path. Bruce couldn’t even enjoy the beautiful scenery as every corner seemed to invite a brush with death. He wasn’t sure if the orange man was insane and lucky or one of the best drivers he’d met in his life. In no time at all, they reached the top of the mountain, a noted campsite for many an adventurous teen or young couple.
Many teens, except for the missing trio at this moment.
Bruce already knew Daniel Fenton wouldn’t be here in all likelihood. And if he wasn’t here, there was little chance his two closest friends would, either. No, it was almost certainly a lie to disguise some other kind of activity, but it didn’t sit right with him that they might be doing something normal for a rebellious teen. Gangs, drugs, petty vandalism, dares. Something about their secretive demeanour and false aloofness pointed to a more fantastical answer. A more dangerous one.
As Bruce and the Fentons hopped off the SAV, they confirmed his suspicions. All he could see was trees, campfire stones, and bits of litter.
From his profile of Sam Manson, she would never tolerate such a thing. Every time he saw her, it was a protest of some kind, or loudly accosting litterers and people wearing leather jackets and carrying crocodile handbags, which practically confirmed his suspicions.
“Let’s spread out, we’ll cover more ground, and then meet back here in ten minutes.”
Ten minutes later, the three parents returned to the SAV, utterly empty-handed. Jack looked distraught, and Madeline was idly squeezing the handle of another gun. He hadn’t noticed that before. How many weapons did these people have?
“No sign. Nothing. Zilch.” Madeline muttered. “Why would they lie to us?”
Why wouldn’t a teenager lie, to be honest?
“Have you ever seen them do anything strange or out of the ordinary?” Bruce asked, the softer voice of a worried father.
Jack gasped. “What, like drugs?! Gangs? We chased those suckers out of town years ago! Danno would never get tangled with them!”
That was a story that Bruce would probably have to look into later.
At the same time, Madeline’s brow furrowed. “He did go missing half a year ago…”
Jack’s expression softened. “Yeah, kid was so shaken he never spoke about it. Can you imagine? Gone for a week, then shows up back home outta nowhere and didn’t even wanna talk about it.”
Bruce nodded, understanding fully what they had felt. Jack punched his open palm. “I oughta find whoever was responsible and tear them apart. Molecule by molecule.” His body slumped, voice losing its vigour again. “But Jazzy told us it was only gonna hurt him, pressing for info, so we haven’t.”
“After that, his grades started dropping. Danny’s a genius I tell you. A Fenton in every way, but after we got him back, he started skipping class, and making vague excuses all the time…” She shook her head and sat down, body seeming to gain days of exhaustion in a second. “It’s like he’s changed, somehow.”
Bruce considered this info… Sixth months ago? The timeline was suspicious. Six months ago, Daniel Fenton had gone missing. A week later, he shows up out of nowhere, refusing to speak of his experience. Soon after, sirens began to terrorise the city, with Phantom playing sometimes hero, sometimes criminal. Daniel Fenton’s behaviour changes drastically. Daniel, his two friends and Damian disappear on the same day. What was the connection?
Jack Fenton crouched on the ground beside his wife, frowning. “But that’s surely gotta be some kind of trauma response, right? That’s what Jazzy always says.”
“Maybe…” Bruce muttered.
Jack picked up on this, and looked up to where Bruce was still standing. “Maybe what, Brucie?”
“No, it was just a curiosity I had. I’m so sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering about Phantom. Didn’t he appear six months ago too?”
Instantly, the Fenton parents scowled. Madeline clenched her fist around the gun. “That damned fishboy. He parades himself as a hero but we all know he’s a menace! Just last week he stole one of the prototypes for the Fenton Wrist Ray! How?! He doesn’t even have legs!”
And that right there was the big question, but there were a few hang-ups before he could move forward with his theory.
“I thought some of the previous sirens who attacked had legs.”
Jack shrugged, his hands making a so-so motion. “Well it’s actually kind of interesting. See, sirens’ bodies are based on a-“
Maddie laid a hand on his shoulder. “Honey, maybe we should keep the explanation short this time.”
“Right! The answer is we don’t know!”
Madeline face-palmed. “Some sirens demonstrate the ability to shift between their true form and a human-passing form. That being said, we’ve never seen Phantom’s human form, so we don’t even know if he can’t, or just hasn’t. We know for a fact there are some sirens that straight up can’t shift, but what determines that fact is unclear.”
Bruce hummed. A moment of pause before the next thought. “What if he didn’t need to shift?”
The Fentons’ mouths gaped open. “Are you saying…?”
“The last time I talked to your son before he disappeared, he didn’t seem to share most of your opinions towards the siren race. He seemed… evasive.” More than that. Daniel Fenton looked like he had the world on his shoulders, and he couldn’t share it with anyone. Or rather: couldn’t share it with his parents.
“That’s impossible! Danno would never-” But Madeline interrupted her husband.
“He has been running off a lot. Jack, how else would our inventions get into Phantom’s hands?”
Jack Fenton stared at his wife for a minute, eyes slowly opening in horror. “Floundering fishes. The punk’s brainwashed him!”
Bruce waved his hands back and forth frantically. “Maybe that’s going a bit far, don’t you think? I’m sure there’s-”
Madeline grabbed his arm and yanked him into the SAV with surprising might. “No time! I know where the kids are!”
Bruce startled, even as Jack Fenton jumped into the driver’s seat. How on earth did she make that deduction?
Of course, he didn’t doubt their intelligence, only their sanity. They were smart enough to figure out all of this tech, but detectives they were not (the profile he had done on them was thorough). Perhaps he underestimated them.
Hold on, what was he thinking? His deduction was that the kids were somewhere on the coast, in one of the many coves around Amity Bay, where they likely snuck out often to contact Phantom.
In that case, why on earth was Jack not turning the duckboat around?
“Dr Fenton, what are you doing?!” The high-pitched squeak at the end of his question was regrettably not entirely fake.
“The fastest way to rescue the kids!” Jack said, a manic gleam in his eyes visible via the rear view mirror. The mad scientist slammed the gas. Bruce’s seat slammed into his back. The billionaire braced himself.
The SAV charged through the campsite, weaving in between trees and rocks and debris. Up ahead the woods cleared to reveal the ocean over a cliff.
Jack did not slow down. He sped up. The cliff came closer. And closer. Jack sped up further.
There was no longer any ground beneath the wheels.
We cut to preserve Bruce Wayne’s dignity.
Meanwhile, in the middle of the ocean…
Damian scanned his left. He scanned the right. He glanced up into the clear sky. He peered down at the dark. He took a peek behind his shoulders. With his decision made, he made his declaration with poise and finality.
“I spy with my little eye, something b-”
Damian’s eye twitched.
Danny nodded eagerly, like a lost puppy begging for attention. Scratch that. Lost puppies were far more lovable. “Come on. It’s the water, right? Right??”
“I spy. With my. Little. Eye. Something beating. You imbecile.”
“Crap. Uhhhmm…” Danny blinked, eyes turning sky high as he searched for answers. “Is it a bird? Because some people call their movements wingbeats.”
Damian’s jaw dropped. “No! It was your heart! Your heart beating!” He punctuated every word with an aggressive tap at Danny’s translucent chest, a still frighteningly visceral display case for his blue heart.
“That’s stupid! I could’ve come up with a better one!”
“The last three you did were the water, the sky and the sun respectively.”
“I said I could, not that I would!”
“I do admit. I did not account for birds’ wingbeats.”
Back to the parents…
Never had Bruce ever feared for his life more than what just happened.
May he never speak of it again.
“See Brucie? Jack Fenton is an ace driver. You’ll never fear for your life in my capable hands!”
Madeline nudged her husband. “Honey, focus.”
“Oh sorry. Where to, sweetie?”
“The cove!”
Bruce shook the adrenaline off. Back to business. Coincidentally, he’d just received a pertinent message from the Cave.
“Hey B.” Tim’s voice filtered through the tiny ear piece Bruce kept at all times, accompanied by rapid clacking, almost fast enough to merge into a continuous clackackckackackack. “Half the footage you sent was corrupted. I saved the other half, but I haven’t been able to look through it. Currently fighting a hacker and trying to get back into Amity’s servers. Just got a breakthrough though. He’s based in Amity, currently location: the cove just underneath the mountain on the main island. RR Out.”
That cove being a hollow space in the mountain carved out by seawater and erosion. There was a small waterfall covering the entrance and obscuring view. As the SAV drove past the barrier, Bruce heard two gasps of shock.
There they were. A black boy in a yellow shirt and red beret, skin caked in sweat, hunched over a desk with a laptop glaring brightly in the otherwise-dimly lit room. Beside him, a pale girl in all black, clutching an old tome and glaring viciously at him.
But where on earth was Daniel Fenton?
And where was Damian?
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samgirl98 · 9 months
Forgotten Demon Twin 6/?
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Have good parents Fenton, as a treat
The Fentons and Waynes sat opposite each other.
Maddie had offered their guests some water and then sat with her family. Jack had been uncharacteristically quiet.
“So, Mr. Wayne—”
“Please, call me Bruce.”
“Mr. Wayne, what makes you think our Danny is your son? Where’s your proof?”
“I found notes written by my mother and grandfather,” the Fentons turned to Damian. They hated the resemblance. “They mention that Danyal had been placed with Madeline and Jack Fenton in Amity Park, Illinois.”
Maddie frowned, “That’s impossible. We found Danny abandoned on the side of the road. He never mentioned any family members.”
Maddie turned toward her son. He refused to look at her.
“Why now,” Jack asked, “We’ve had Danny for a long time. Why are you showing up now?”
“Like I said on the phone, I didn’t know about Danny. I didn’t even know about Damian until a few years ago. Their mother kept them a secret from me. I’m not asking to take Danny away. I want a DNA test to determine whether or not Danny is my son. Then we can take it from there.”
Neither Fenton said anything. They were worried. This man was rich beyond belief; if he wanted to take Danny, he could, and there was very little they could do.
“What do you want, honey,” Maddie asked her son. If he wanted the DNA test, they would allow it. If not, they would fight Bruce Wayne.
“I don’t know,” Danny said. He knew that Damian was his brother; he knew he was Bruce Wayne’s son. Danny didn’t know what to do. Should he tell his parents the truth? What if they rejected him? He didn’t want to leave Amity and his parents.
Bruce got up, “What if we leave so you can discuss it? This is my card. Let me know what you decide.”
Danny knew Damian did not like what Bruce was proposing if his frown and tense posture were anything to go by.
His mom took the card and showed the two Waynes out.
When she came back, she sat where Bruce and Damian had been.
“Danny, is there anything you need to tell us?”
Jack got up and sat by his wife. Jazz stayed close to Danny and took his hand. She nodded at her little brother, encouraging him.
“Mom, dad, when I said I didn’t remember my family, I lied. I know Damian is my older twin brother.”
Both older Fentons stayed quiet, silently urging their son on. They gave him soft looks.
Danny took a deep breath, “I didn’t come from a good family. It was a cult. I was exiled at seven because I was considered a failure. Besides, grandfather had his perfect heir in my older brother. Why would they need me?”
Danny couldn’t look at his parents, fearing what he would see.
“It wasn’t a coincidence you found me. Grandfather was also curious about ectoplasm and knew you two studied it. He sent me to spy on you guys and send reports about your work.”
Both Fentons breathed in deeply, surprised. Their little boy was a spy? Who would do that to a child?
Danny flinched at his parents' reaction but didn’t look up.
“I didn’t send them anything about the portal, I promise! All my reports were on public patents. The last time I heard from them was when I was ten. I’ve been sending them the same sentences in my report. I honestly think they forgot about me.”
Jazz squeezed Danny’s hand, showing her support.
“I recently found out about grandfather’s death and the dismantling of his cult,” Danny whispered.
“How did you figure that out,” Maddie asked. She was studying her son with shrewd eyes. They could be obsessive, but the Fentons weren’t dumb.
Danny flinched and then sighed.
“Damian visited me last night. He told me the news about our grandfather. He told me we were free.”
“Why didn’t you tell us, Dann-o,” Jack asked.
“I didn’t want to put you guys in danger, and,” Danny took a deep breath and looked at his parents, “I didn’t want you to send me away.”
Maddie hugged her baby boy tightly, “Baby, we would never abandon you! You’re our little boy. I wish you had told us earlier. We would’ve found a way to help or at least reassure you that you will always be a Fenton.”
“Yeah, Dann-o, you’re our son! Nothing will change that!”
Danny hugged his mom back, tears wetting her hazmat suit. He was afraid to let go even though his parents had just reassured him. After a few moments, they let go. Jack had gotten up to put his arms around his family.
“Now what,” Danny asked while wiping away tears.
Maddie sighed, “I supposed, if you’re up to it, we get a DNA test and go from there. But Danny, for this to work, you have to be truthful with us. Is there anything else that needs to be known?”
Jazz came to his rescue.
“Mom, dad, maybe we should leave it at that. After all, it’s been a long morning.”
Both elder Fentons looked at each other and nodded. They knew their son was still hiding things from them, but their heartstrings tugged when they saw his baby boy’s curved shoulders.
“Okay, why don’t you go rest, Dann-o? You look like a ghost!”
Danny barely stopped from flinching at his dad’s observation.
“Thanks, but I think I’ll call Sam and Tucker. I wanna see if they can meet up.”
“Whatever you need, sweetie. Now, do you want to do the DNA test or not? Either way, we’ll support you,” his mom said.
Danny knew it was better to get the DNA test over with. The big bad bat would get his way eventually. Besides, maybe it’ll get the Waynes out of his hair quicker.
“Okay,” Danny said, “Let’s do this.”
“Why did we give up so easily,” Damian demanded his father, angry.
“Damian, we have to be delicate about this. Danny was abandoned. All he knows are the Fentons, and he doesn’t want to leave them.”
“Tt, he’s a Wayne. He’s better off with us. Besides, he’ll get used to it.”
“Damian, what would you do if someone tried to take you away from me?”
“That’s different; you’re our real father.”
“Danny might not see it that way.”
Damian gritted his teeth. He would do whatever he could to go to his real father if he had been him. Why was Danyal being so difficult? His talents were better utilized somewhere else.
Damian saw signs of the fights his brother got into. There were craters on the streets. There were buildings under repair.
He spotted Phantom merchandise in the shop’s windows.  
Damian ignored the evidence of his brother starting a new life without him.
It’s your fault, the voice in his head said.
Damian ignored it. He hoped he wasn’t too late to have a relationship with Danyal.
Damian is going through it. The guilt is making him seem a bit douchy, but please remember this is a journey for him.
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beyondflashpoint · 3 months
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I’ve been bitten by the bug, and ye olde nostalgia got me thinking about Danny Phantom again, so I decided to play into that. I recently found the Show’s Pitch Bible, and it got me thinking about how I’d handle the reboot. On top of tweaking Jack and Maddie to make them less bumbling morons and more eccentric geniuses, I’d be aging up the crew, and settling Amity Park in Arkham County up New England way.
Danny, as you can probably tell from his human design, would be somewhat milquetoast, with grungy alternative leanings. Good at science, bad at math. Danny is, at his core, a good kid who loves his family. But he is still a kid.
I’ll probably go into them more as I work on the other characters, but I want to give Tucker, Sam, Jazz, and the Fenton parents more to do, even if it is just in the background. But for now, the Fenton parents definitely have only recently started Fenton Works. It’s been a lifelong dream, and between the two of them they’ve reached a point with their savings that it’s now a possibility. Maddie is a respected physicist, and Jack is… a bit of everything really. Test pilot, super spy, but mostly he’s an engineer. Maddie figures out how a thing works, and Jack can build it. The world of academia was… shocked when the most prominent scientific super couple announced they would be devoting the rest of their lives to pursuing superstitious pseudoscience, and this announcement has called their previous credibility into question, but no one can deny that Dr and Mister Fenton get results, if anyone can prove the existence of the supernatural, it’s the Fentons. Both are haunted by a supernatural experience from their youth.
Tucker Foley would probably have escaped the nerd label by his sheer programming and tech repair skills alone, if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s also a total anime geek, and a self proclaimed furry. Tucker is an unabashed nerd, and not the suave tv friendly type. Cosplays, ttrpg, mmos, comic and action figure collecting, you name it, he does it. Proudly. And he’s been Danny’s best friend since they were in diapers. Inevitably some of that has rubbed off on Danny.
Sam Manson is relatively new in town. She moved in with her grandmother midway through freshman year after things finally came to a head with her super conservative parents. Falling somewhere between socialist and anarchist, classic goth and punk, Sam is a rebel, an activist, and everything your parents warned you about. She’s also the coolest person Danny and Tucker know. Sam has a borderline obsession with the occult, ghosts, demons, witches, you name it, she can’t get enough of it. Which may or may not have something to do with a family secret relating to why certain members of the Manson family have purple eyes?
Jazmine Fenton is Danny’s smarter, prettier older sister. Fascinated by psychology, and obsessed with figuring out the inner workings of the mind. In high school she was a geek. In college she is thriving. Fortunately, Fenton Works is close to the university she’s attending, and that means she’s never far from home, and more importantly never far from her family. Though her relationship with her parents is rocky, she’s been trying to mend fences after getting some perspective on the world. She and Danny were close growing up, and shared everything, so his recent trend of playing everything close to his chest is unnerving for her. She doesn’t understand when she stopped be Danny’s best friend.
That’s alls I gots for now. Maybe I’ll play around with writing a fic, or maybe a comic or something. We’ll see how this all develops.
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papiliomame · 19 days
Dannymay Day 20: Pitch AU
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Repost, because tumblr tags system is crazy again.
Jack -- 45 - Danny's dad - isn't much help. Test pilot, engineer, ex-spy… you name it, he's done it. He was one big, gigantic risk taker until he finally took the biggest risk of all and settled down with Madison.
I kinda like this version of Jack more, you can say he is the Jack of all trades (Ha!).
Imagine he stayed that way, it could bring an interesting dynamic with the fenton parents ghost hunting activities. Maddie is more the traditional fighter who would fight ghosts (and Danny) with more textbook methods and Jack always comes with unpredictable methods which could keep Danny on his toes. Well, they kinda did this aspect in the show with his weird inventions but it just could be more, even crazier stuff with the knowledge he would have gained in the differents jobs. It could also explain Danny's adaptibilty in fights, he inherited from Jack.
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minnesota-fats · 2 years
So like its kinda angsty but you know, what dc x dp fic isnt!?
So Danny is dating Dick Grayson (or any other bat of your choice—I picked Dick cuz this is the least shipped character with Danny and I want to be the change I want to see in the world!)
They are both 25 or something, living in Bludhaven
Danny knows Dick is Nightwing but doesn’t do the hero thing anymore so it doesn’t really bother him (much)
But every Tuesday Danny goes out for the day and comes back looking absolutely crushed.
Dick will ask him whats wrong only for Danny to brush him off.
Dick decides to tail Danny one Tuesday cuz he’s worried
He follows Danny all the way to Gotham and then to Arkham Asylum
Dick manages to get Barbra to hack into the cam system so he can spy on his BF without being caught
Turns out Danny is meeting his parents who are inmates at Arkham and the reason they are there is because they tried to kill Danny (thats what their file says according to Barbra and after doing research the Fenton’s are your classic mad scientists)
In the camera feed Dick can hear how Danny’s parents swear up and down that the man in front of them isn’t their son but rather a monster that took his place.
Danny will tell them about what is happening in his life before eventually he gives up and walks out of the room when they don’t listen to him.
Danny walks out of the building and is face to face with Dick who only looks at him with a sad expression.
Danny tries to brush it off only for dick to hug him and tell him its alright
Danny breaks down and tells Dick about his parents
How they hurt him to the point he nearly died
How he comes back every week in hope that they will finally see that he isn’t some monster but their son who still loves them despite what they did to him
Dick just holds him and listens
When Danny calms down he decides that the best corse of action is to take him to Wayne manor where Alfred the god of making people feel better is and maybe stay for dinner if Danny was up to it
Now an alternative/additional plot divice
Arkham break out
Jack and Maddie whip up ghost hunting equipment from anything and everything they find
They track down Danny just for the chance to PROVE he is a monster that took the place of their baby boy
Danny gets taken
Dick and the Batfam have to save him
And maybe Jazz is there and ready to kick ass for her baby brother!
The rest is up to you, just link me the fic if you write it!
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vladdyissues · 7 months
What if Vlad knew about Danny Phantom being Half-Ghost, before ‘Bitter Reunions’?… Would Vlad treat Danny differently, when Danny’s Family first arrives at Vlad’s mansion?… Does Vlad go easier on Danny, during their very First Battle, or would they not not battle at all? 😮
I actually have a story planned that deals with exactly this thing! This one is A Different Meeting from my WIP Ask Game post (and I forgot to include at least 2 other WIPs in that list. Oops):
“Jack. And Maddie!” He stepped forward, clasped her hands, and kissed her cheek. “You’ve never looked lovelier, my d—” His eyes fell upon a familiar face behind her. “And who is this handsome young gentleman?”
Danny’s skin prickled under the piercing gaze. His eyes flitted around nervously, trying to find somewhere to land.
“Oh, this is Danny, our son,” Maddie laughed. “And this is our daughter, Jasmine. Jazz for short.”
A little starstruck, Jazz meekly waved.
Vlad gave the girl a polite nod but shifted his attention back to Danny, gazing at him earnestly. “Indeed, indeed. How marvelous. What a beautiful family. Please, please, come in.” As they passed, he placed a gentle hand on Danny’s shoulder and guided him inside.
Unbidden, a poem he’d learned in middle school rose up through the fog of his memory:
“Will you walk into my parlour?" said a spider to a fly; “’Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy. The way into my parlour is up a winding stair, And I have many pretty things to shew when you are there.” “Oh no, no!” said the little fly, “to ask me is in vain, For who goes up your winding stair can ne’er come down again.”
Essentially, Vlad recognizes the boy known as Phantom (kind of hard not to since he looks and sounds the same as his human counterpart; however, if you align with the headcanon that "ghosts look different to humans and only see each other as they truly are", it'll still work) and sets about manipulating Danny to join him, using whatever deceitful ploys he can to win him over.
So to answer your question, anon: yes, definitely, I think if Vlad had known Danny from the get-go, their relationship would have been much different. Vlad likely would have withheld making his hatred for Jack Fenton known, and his focus would rapidly shift from winning an unrealistic, unattainable goal (Maddie's love) to something much more feasible and rewarding (Danny's allegiance and loyalty). He and Danny wouldn't have fought in the library; instead, Vlad would make it his mission to treat, pamper, spoil and corrupt Danny, who already has some resentment issues with his parents and sister.
He's easy prey for this hungry spider.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cryptid Crawl! 6
The problem– The main problem– The– Okay, the problem that was pertinent at the moment was that the hunters, cryptid and otherwise, had to leave having seen nothing even remotely interesting, nothing that could be a draw for tourists.  
That meant that, whatever else they did, they could not be seen being anything other than unbelievably lame by the general population.  Of course, the best way to do that would be to keep them from seeing anything.  
The very first piece of prep work Danny and Tucker had done was getting into Jack’s YouTube account and setting it to private.  That was, however, a temporary measure, and in addition to not wanting tourists flooding into Amity Park, Danny didn’t want his parents in hot water with the GIW.  Again.  
Once they filmed, Jack or Maddie could upload videos at any time, so something that would have to be done afterward was getting back into the account, deleting the videos, and corrupting the original files.  Not too difficult, considering that Danny lived with them, had a hacker friend, and could possess technology.  
But for the other groups?  Especially the ones that were filming live?  Not so much.  
They could not see.  Any measures Danny and the others took to stop them had to look either like local kids playing pranks, incompetence, or nothing at all.  Luckily, they were local kids playing pranks, and there was a lot of incompetence going around, lately.  
Danny and Tucker ran through eerily empty streets, listening for the GAV.  They paused, seeing the GAV hurtle past the mouth of an alleyway.  
“Okay, well,” said Tucker, “there it is.  You sure you want to do this?”
“Yeah,” said Danny.  “Who else is going to?”  He went ghost.  “Show me again where the GGBE are.”
Tucker held up the PDA and pointed.  
“Okay, yeah, I can do that,” said Danny.  “I can do that.  Sam, you still managing?”
“Haven’t made contact yet,” admitted Sam, over the Fenton Phones.  “This wig is surprisingly high quality, by the way.”
“Cool,” said Danny.  “Remember, call us if you need help.”
“I’m dealing with two completely normal YouTubers who think you’re some kind of endangered species, not ex-military super-spies.”
“He kind of is an endangered species, though.  Even Skulker says so.”
Danny shook his head and pushed off from the ground.  “Can hybrids even be considered a species?” he asked.  
“The New Mexico Whiptail–”
“It was a rhetorical question!”
William Monroe Delaney Montrose Woods the Fourth, generally known as Bill, was remarkable for three reasons beyond his name.  The first was that he absolutely and entirely believed in the existence of cryptids and loved helping Crawly, who he’d met in college, with their YouTube channel.  
The second was that he was a former Navy Seal, discharged due to an elbow injury that had never healed right.  
The third was that his last job was in data analytics… for the CIA.  Nothing special.  He just collated data in a nice, boring, quiet room.  He’d hardly call himself a super-spy.  And he’d quit.  Too stressful.  
But…  All his training did have the side effect of giving him a very good sense for when he was being followed.  
He tried to watch the figure out of the corner of his eyes, excited.  Finally, he was going to see a real life cryptid.  He’d just have to be careful… it was clearly trying to stay out of direct view… he didn’t want to spook it.  Crawly hadn’t noticed yet, either.  He’d have to figure out some way to let them know.  Maybe he could angle the camera towards the cryptid…
“Oh my gosh, Bill, look!”  Crawly jabbed a finger at the space behind his shoulder, and Bill quickly turned to see something black and white skittering around a corner.  “Quick!  Chase it!  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!”
Bill needed no further encouragement.  Camera in hand, he ran.  
Danny flickered ever so briefly into view in front of the GAV, and to the right.  He probably would be picked up on the cameras like this, but, again, his parents’ videos were the only ones he could afford to be caught in.  As expected, Jack turned the wheel so hard the GAV rocked up on one set of wheels before slamming back down.  Danny reappeared further down the street, at the mouth of another road.  
“STOP MOVING, GHOST!” roared Maddie over the intercom. 
“Wow,” muttered Danny under his breath.  “That really makes me want to stop, guys.”  He could, just barely, understand them thinking ghosts were evil.  He didn’t understand how they were still under the impression that Phantom, specifically, was that unbelievably stupid.  “Tuck, am I still on track?”
“Man, I don’t know why you’re asking, you know Amity Park better than I–”
“Why… parkour… expert… how?”
“Uh, Sam?” said Danny.  “I think you’re breaking up.”
“I’m being… chased!”
“Maybe I should–”
“Just a few more roads!  At the rate your Dad drives, that shouldn’t be any time at all!”
“Sam, can you hold out that long?”
There was no response for a long moment, during which Danny almost lost his lead on the GAV.  
“Managed to hide,” said Sam, audibly panting.  “Where did that camera guy come from?  He’s built like a tank and he can move.”
Danny let out a sigh of relief.  “I’ll be there in just a minute.”  He let himself fade into view again, luring his parents down a blind alley.  He phased easily through the brick, turning invisible again.  He did a quick check to make sure none of the people on the other side were too close to the wall - they weren’t - and that no one saw him - the tiger might have - and then the GAV plowed through the brick wall, sirens blazing and PA system blasting.  
Danny flared his aura, well aware of how that would show up on the GAV’s sensors at this point, and snickered as the GAV crunched over the Groovy Ghost Blasters Extreme’s illegally parked ATVs and dirt bikes in an attempt to get to Danny.
“My bike!” shrieked Brenner.  
“Dude, not cool!  Dude!” repeated Sullivan as Jack hit reverse and rolled over the bikes again.  
“Okay,” said Vid, pulling out her blaster (a Dalvco ripoff).  “We already knew these guys sucked, but this means war.”
She took aim at the GAV.  Of course, according to his parents, anything attacking the GAV had to be a–
“GHOOOOOOOOOOOST!” hollered his parents in unison.  And then the shooting started in earnest.  
Danny didn’t stick around.  Unlike all the humans here, he actually could be hurt by most of the weaponry going off.  
Besides, Sam needed him.  
“Hey,” said Az, falling back slightly as Ned expounded on some made up personal story that had only tangential interest to the actual investigation.  “Jimmy.  Do you hear that?”
“Hnh,” said Jimmy.  
“Like, a sort of electric sound.  Like the world’s biggest bug za–”  For the fourth time that day, Az tripped over his shoelaces.  
“Oh, I know what’s really haunted now.  Az’s shoes!”
“Screw you, too,” said Az.
“Yeah, yeah, they’re haunted by the ghost of his coordination.”
Az climbed to his feet and angrily redid his laces.  “If you’re doing this somehow–” he started, threateningly.  
“No, no,” said Ned, “I don’t need to make this look any more ridiculous than it already is.  Are you sure you researched this place?”
“I’m sure,” said Az, gritting his teeth as yet another crepe-paper and balloon ghost drifted down into the camera’s view from who-knew-where.  “I researched.  Extensively.”
“Because as fun as these are, I don’t think they’re actual ghosts.”  He grabbed the balloon and waved it at Az.  “Fun times with local pranksters who are really into the whole Halloween aesthetic?  Yes.  Haunted?  No.  The way things are looking, Amity Park falls squarely into the hoax category.” He gestured broadly, exaggerating his mannerisms for the camera.  
“At least let us get to the next location before you say that, Ned.”  He got back to his feet and smiled at the camera.  “Locals aside, this place is spooky.  An old observatory that was damaged and shut down under mysterious circumstances, it has had numerous reports of lights moving inside, strange sounds, and even the dome opening and the telescope inside moving.  Is this the ghost of an astronomer?  Or, like certain others believe, something else?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me of the cryptid YouTubers.  Those lights, though, I’m going to bet they’re kids smoking on the sly, or someone squatting.”
“And on the way there, we’ll drive by a few other points of local interest, such as–”
“They’re going to the observatory?” hissed Dani.  “They can’t go to the observatory, Danny will flip!”
Valerie looked at her sideways.  “Which Danny?  Your cousin, or Fenton?”
“Does it matter?  Both of them love that place.”
“Didn’t it get shot up by the GIW?”
“Yeah, and that’s why you don’t mention those guys to him.  He hates them.”
“He’s… a ghost.”
“Yeah, and the observatory is why human Danny hates them.  Keep up.”  Dani leaned forward, careful to keep both her feet on Val’s hoverboard.  She was the one providing invisibility, after all.  “We need to stop them.  We need to get… more drastic.”
Valerie made a face and waved a crepe paper ghost at Dani.  “I’m not sure how much more drastic we can get without advertising that Amity’s got something to hide.”
Dani scrunched her nose in thought.  “Then we don’t do it while hiding anything.  We do it while showing off things.”
“Not my hoverboard or your ghostly face, I hope.”
“No.  We’re going to take a page from my cousin’s book.”
“We’re going to chase a dog into all their equipment and ruin them financially?”
“I mean, that sounds like a good plan ‘B’ if you’ve got a dog we can use.  But, no.  How do you feel about fake-out make-outs?”
“Uh, Sam? I’m looking for you, but–”
“Running… again…  swear… last time… I dress up as you.”
“Okay, okay, but where are you?”  There was a sort of scraping sound from the Fenton Phones.  “Sam?”
“I’m okay!  Nasty Burger.”
Danny changed direction and arrowed down to a very familiar alleyway, where Sam was stripping off her costume.  She threw the wig at Danny as soon as she saw him.  
“Get ready to run,” she said breathlessly as Danny transformed.  “Those weirdos are fast.”
“I don’t know if we have any room to call other people weirdos,” said Danny.  He pulled the wig over his hair, then phased the rest of the suit off of Sam, who was struggling with the zipper.  He didn’t like his chances of fasting the suit on, though, and phased off his shoes before starting to pull the costume on.  The material was much thinner and filmier than his own hazmat suit, and wouldn’t be much protection against, well, anything.  “How’d you get away if they were so fast?”
“Cut through Amity Antiques,” said Sam.  “Ms. Larson made them go around.  No cameras in the store.”
“Smart.”  Danny phased his feet back into his shoes.  
“Thanks.  Contacts.”
“Right, right,” said Danny.  He phased his hand through his suit and into his pocket.  “Contacts.”
He hated this part.  Putting stuff like this in his eyes felt wrong.  Worse than swallowing sporks.  But, the ‘Amity Park Phantom’ had super noticeable glowing green eyes, so the ‘fake’ Phantom had to as well, and for Danny’s sake, those glowing eyes had to be caused by contacts.  
These ones had been produced by his parents after Walker’s invasion.  The idea was that a human could use them to walk unmolested among the overshadowed, but when no testing opportunities came up, the concept was abandoned.  
Danny opened the case, and already regretting every life choice that had led him to this moment, stuck one in his eye.  “That hurts.  I don’t know how people do this.”
“You get thrown through buildings daily.”
“That’s different,” whined Danny.  
“I’m getting pings from Cryptid Crawl’s phone, moving to your location,” said Tucker.  “Better get a move on.”
“Heck,” said Danny, squeezing in the other contact.  “Go rest in the Nasty Burger, I’ve got this.”
“I’ll try to shadow you after you leave,” said Sam, “but don’t expect anything fancy.”
“I’ll zig-zag,” said Danny.  
Sam patted him on the back and moved past him.  Time to do this.  
Danny ran back out into the street, but stuck to the shadows, scanning everything.  He had no idea how cryptids were supposed to behave, but he figured–
Holy moly, Sam was not kidding when she said that guy was fast!  He wasted a disbelieving second staring at the sheer speed at which that absolute tank of a man approached him, but he was too used to being chased by unreasonably huge and fast guys to hesitate any longer.  He bolted, using every piece of cover and concealment he could.  
He glanced over his shoulder.  The guy was actually gaining on him.  After chasing Sam on and off for at least ten minutes.  What was this guy made of?
Danny tapped into his ghostly strength and put on a burst of speed.  
… The guy also put on a burst of speed.  
That was scary.  
“Tucker,” said Danny, “which way am I going?”
“Give me a second.”
“They’re hanging out in front of the Skulk’n’Lurk,” said Sam.  “They’re posting live, Tucker.”
“I’m just trying to find the best route!”
“A better one than he can find on his own?”
Danny looked back again.  What was this guy made of?
Valerie and Dani stepped onto the street just within view of the cameras.  They were both wearing glasses, to protect their identities, and had swapped headgear - Valerie’s headband for Dani’s beanie.  
“Are you sure about this?” asked Valerie.
“Absolutely!” chirped Dani.
“I don’t think this is actually going to stop them from going to the observatory.”
“But it might make them stop and think, right?”
“... You know, I saw the post about this on the forums, right?  And the whole thread?”
“Shush.  Threads don’t matter, now,” said Dani as they crept deeper into the camera’s field of view.  “I think this is good.  You ready?”
Valerie rolled her eyes.  “Ready when you are.”
This had the side effect of making Dani freeze for a solid minute.  “Uh,” said Dani.  
“You can back out if you–”
Dani rammed her face into Val’s, probably way too fast, because kissing didn’t seem like the kind of thing that was supposed to hurt.  They did various things with their lips for a few seconds, and then pulled apart.  
“Uh,” said Dani, eloquently.  
“Yeah,” said Val.  
They both looked towards the ‘Investigation,’ the members of which were, in fact, staring at them.  
Val pumped her fist in the air.  “The only ghost here is Sappho of Lesbos!” she said, her voice wobbling.  “Yeah!  Girl power!”
“Girl power!” repeated Dani.  She hadn’t heard of any ghost going by that name, but she supposed that Danny couldn’t keep her one hundred percent up to date on his rogues gallery.  There were just a lot of them.
At that moment, Dani was slammed into from behind by none other than her beloved cousin-clone, who was dressed as a bad caricature of himself and running at what had to be something approaching a world-record pace.  Danny, who didn’t have the worst set of reflexes in the world, but did have the most ridiculous set of reflexes, picked Dani up, threw her over his shoulder, and kept running.  
“Is he still following me?” asked Danny.  
“Wh- Who?” asked Dani, lifting her head to see that Danny was being chased by either a red-faced fridge or an extremely buff dude who was pushing himself so hard all the blood in his body had gathered in his skin in preparation for exploding (if that was a thing humans did; Dani was a bit uncertain on the finer points of anatomy).  “Oh my gosh, that’s scary.”
Meanwhile, Valerie had recovered from her surprise.  She started running after them.  “Hey!” she shouted.  “Bring back my girlfriend!”
“Oh,” said Dani, pleased that Valerie was getting so into the act.  
“What are you doing standing there?!” shouted a man wearing a hat that said ‘DIRECTOR,’ his voice starting to go tiny from distance.  “Wasn’t that one of the ghosts?”
“Ahhh!” said Danny.  “Why is that guy so scary?!”
“Why are you scared?” demanded Dani, who had already forgotten that she, too, had been scared.  “You’re a ghost!”
“He’s just scary!”
“Bet I’m scarier!”
Danny’s fingers clenched tightly on her hoodie.  “No.  Are they following us?  All of them?”
“Not yet?”
“Rrrrrrgh,” said Danny, rounding a corner and doubling back down the other road.  “I hate this!”
Ned had never thought any of their ‘investigations,’ not even the Investigation, would ever lead to something real.  The image of that thing chasing that boy and grabbing that girl…  It filled him with equal parts wonder and fear.  
This special was going to make them.  They’d be famous forever as the ghost hunters that proved the existence of the supernatural.  
Jimmy put a hand on his shoulder.  
“Not now, bud,” said Ned.  “We’ve got a chase.”
Jimmy did not let go.  Not even when Az and the rest of the crew packed up and took off after the ghost.  
“Edward, dearest,” said Jimmy.  “My heart has been uplifted by the actions of those two young women, and I should like us to express ourselves as they did.”
“Aw, come on, Jimmy.  That’s sweet, but the network would kick us both out in minutes.  Not to mention we’d pasted across every TV in America as the latest scandal.  The shame would kill me.”
“You said it yourself, my love.  What paranormal investigator has self respect?  Let us throw it all to the winds of chance, and let them carry us away.”
Ned blushed.  “You make these things sound so nice.  But… maybe after we get the ghost.  You know how much this means to me.”
“Hng,” said Jimmy.
Danny re-emerged on the original street, which still held some of the crew and cast from the TV show.  “Help me find somewhere to crash believably.”
“There!” said Dani, pointing at a small lot with some abandoned construction in it.
“Perfect!” said Danny, throwing himself in that direction.  Time to absolutely eat it on live TV.  He cast himself on the mercy of the lot, and wiped out spectacularly, coming to rest against the fence at the back of the lot.  
The buff guy just… Stopped.  Then very slowly sat down.
“Hi,” said Danny.  
“Ow,” said the guy, which was fair, actually.  
The guy from the Investigation got there next, and spent the next thirty seconds staring reverently at the buff guy while the camera people set up.  “Incredible,” he whispered.
“Oi!” shouted Crawly, clambering over a stack of pipes.  “Back away from the cryptid!  We’ve got evidence to film!”
“You step away from the ghost!” countered Az.  “Our evidence is more relevant to the human condition!”
“The Amity Park Phantom is not a ghost!” Crawly countered in return, stabbing a finger at Danny.  
“What are you talking about, that’s a kid in a costume!”  
“No it–!  Wait, who are you talking about, then?  What ghost?”
“The one standing next to you!”
“Wh– This is Bill.  My cameraman.  Is this because he gets flushed when he exercises really hard?  That happens to everyone!”
“No, actually, it–”
Danny shifted, which was enough for Crawly to zero in on him, only to recoil.  “What,” they said.  
“Well,” said Danny, coughing only a little bit as he got to his feet and pulled off the wig.  “I am just a kid in a costume.”
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
I have an idea. I've been watching that spy X family anime recently and it got me thinking.
Jack and Maddie accidentally getting involved with shady organisations that are chomping at the bit for this blackbelt scientist and her built like a brick wall husband who can make weapons out of nothing.
Jack and Maddie are good people however and once they figure out the organisation they are working for is bad, take the organisation down and make a run for it.
It's during this time that they find Jazz and Danny. Maybe Jazz is a child genius who is being experimented on to see how far they can push her intelligence or maybe they are trying to give her psychic powers, or maybe it's a situation similar to how Cass was made and Jazz is the combination of two people in an attempt to make the ultimate child genius or something.
Danny could be something similar, being experimented on because he has ghost powers or maybe the scientists experimenting on him gave him ghost powers. In this au Jack and Maddie are accepting of him being
Jack and Maddie just keep happening to run into people who need help and have just accumulated a bunch of favours and goodwill with people in the DC universe.
Jack and Maddie getting tired of getting hired by bad people and deciding to be their own bosses and settle down in Amity Park. Just all of them trying to figure out how to do this whole 'family' thing. Despite being the weirdest family around (paranormal scientist parents, children who might have powers) they end up being a really wholesome family.
Although it would be tempting to have Danny and Jazz be a clone or a relation to someone in the DC universe, I personally feel it's a bit overdone.
I feel it would funnier if they just keep getting involved in these random situations. Like in spite of trying to live a peaceful life in Amity, it just keeps happening.
They have a family trip or go to a science conference and end up helping out a hero because they just can't beat back their desire to help other people out.
Danny and Jazz grow up and try to live normal lives but who are they kidding. They might not be Fenton's by blood but they share the same ability to get caught up in the most ridiculous of situations.
Jazz is trying to be normal and she knows she should runaway from the situation but she just can't stand by and watch people and let people get hurt. The amount of shenanigans that happen when Jazz interns at Arkham.
Danny is trying to get into NASA and is intent on not using his powers, but of course he can't beat back his own guilty conscience and if he sees someone in need of help of course he isn't just going to stand there and just watch. He either uses his powers or his mechanical genius to fix something.
Just everyone in the Justice League realising they have all encountered the same damn family.
Maybe they get scouted by the Justice League idk.
Oooo this is some good stuff
They manage to get tangled in everything from LexCorp. to The Penguin and have equally as many connections as they have enemies.
The idea that both Jazz and Danny are metas and they forcefully turn on their meta genes to suit their specific purposes for them is a fascinating idea.
I’d add more in detail but I have a very busy week and feel bad just having this wonderful idea just sit in my inbox
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kimerawrt · 1 month
Dannymay 2024, now with kitty paws!
Prompts from my AU, also in AO3
Day 3: Invisible
Danny was hiding. He was crouching under a table invisible, and the ecto-scanner built in the walls could not detect his ecto-signature. He was virtually invisible to all of the inventions in his house as well. It was a good thing Tucker was so good modifying his parents’ creations, otherwise he would have been in trouble long ago.
Danny was currently spying on his parents while they worked, and also ignoring his homework. That was a normal occurrence ever since they started to create dangerous weapons that could end a ghost if used correctly. Gathering information was a matter of survival and that was more important than homework.
The halfa boy in the form of a gray lynx observed the ghost hunters move around the lab. He had heard his parents babbling at the breakfast table about how their new invention would drain a ghost of their energy until there was nothing but ectoplasmic goo left behind. Danny was not going to let his parents destroy any ghosts with that weapon.
He knew most ghosts that came to the living realm were annoyances, but he didn't want any of them to be ended and their remains studied by scientists.
“It's finally done! I, Jack Fenton, had created the Fenton-Absorber!” Jack said in a loud voice as soon as he was finished.
“Well done darling” Maddie kissed Jack’s cheek as a reward.
“Now we just have to test it on any ghost we see!” Jack looked very excited to test the new weapon.
“We will honey. It would be great if we could get one of those cat ghosts that always chase the other ghosts away” Maddie sighed in annoyance. All the possible new experiment subjects were always chased off or disappeared if one ghost cat was around.
Of course, Maddie didn’t know that it was Danny beating up the ghosts and Sam or Tucker capturing them in a Fenton Thermos. Not multiple ghost cats fighting for territory.
“Oh! We can make a cat-ghost repellent next!” Jack was excited. He could make sure those ghosts didn’t get in their way!
“Great idea honey” Maddie smiled. That would actually give them a chance.
Then a loud and animalistic growl was heard in the lab.
It was Jack’s stomach.
“We can't invent without fudge!” Jack ran upstairs in search of fudge. The best food to energize him and let him hunt ghosts.
“Jack, wait! There is no fudge in the house” Maddie said while running after her husband. They still have to buy more ingredients and Maddie didn’t want her dear husband to make fudge with their ectoplasm samples again.
Danny waited in silence for some minutes before moving. Still invisible he took the new weapon and other random stuff before running away through the walls. He was going to give this things to Tucker and see if they could make something more useful. Last time they could reconstruct a laser beam into a machine to heat up food. It was like a cooler version of a microwave.
The invisible lynx ran towards his friend’s house with an unseen smirk.
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thedadbracket · 1 year
The winners of Round 1 and their win percentages are below the cut! Thanks for the insane amount of engagement so far - I hope the next round will be just as fun! The Lightning Round (as detailed in the pinned post) will post at 9AM tomorrow! Good night, everyone <3
Maes Hughes - Fullmetal Alchemist
Won by 68%
Charlie Swan - Twilight
Won by 9.4%
Uncle Iroh - ATLA
Won by 44.2%
Jawbone O'Shaughnessey - Fantasy High
Won by 6.6%
George Joestar - JJBA
Won by 17.4%
The Joxter - The Moomins
Won by 21.8%
Geralt of Rivia - The Witcher
Won by 45.2%
Marlin - Finding Nemo
Won by 69.6%
Bobby Singer - Supernatural
Won by 11%
Aaron “Hotch” Hotchner - Criminal Minds
Won by 34.6%
Magneto - Marvel
Won by 40.8%
Stoick - How to Train Your Dragon
Won by 19.6%
Donkey - Shrek
Won by 42.4%
Bobby Nash - 9-1-1
Won by 28.4%
Darryl Wilson - Dungeons and Daddies
Won by 3.2%
Eddy - Duolingo
Won by 14.4%
Dustfinger - Inkheart
Won by 5.8%
Tom Nook - Animal Crossing
Won by 69% nice
Hans Huberman - The Book Thief
Won by 5.2%
Ben Sisko - Star Trek
Won by 56.6%
Bandit Heeler - Bluey
Won by 3%
Gomez Addams - The Addams Family
Won by 87.8%
Rick Grimes - The Walking Dead
Won by 27.2%
Ethan Winters - Resident Evil
Won by 32.4%
Heinz Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb
Won by 80.2%
Father Nier - NieR
Won by 24.8%
Johnny Rose - Schitt’s Creek
Won by 32.8%
Ratchet - Transformers
Won by 65.2%
Gilear Feath - Fantasy High
Won by 18.6%
Optimus Prime - Transformers
Won by 24.6%
Corvo - Dishonored
Won by 11.4%
Dr. Eli Vance - Half-Life
Won by 31.6%
Nathan Ford - Leverage
Won by 7.8%
Dad - Dad Feels
Won by 19.2%
Dr. Emmett Brown - Back to the Future
Won by 28.6%
Jean Valjean - Les Miserables
Won by 4%
Gregory Edgeworth - Ace Attorney
Won by 4.6%
Jack Fenton - Danny Phantom
Won by 8%
Augustus Aquato - Psychonauts
Won by 26.2%
Gru - Despicable Me
Won by 63.2%
Poseidon - Percy Jackson
Won by 8%
Rupert Giles - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Won by 27.2%
Bruce Wayne / Batman - DC
Won by 2.8%
Romani Archaman - Fate/Grand Order
Won by 22%
Kanan Jarrus - Star Wars
Won by 49%
Shiro Fujimoto - Blue Exorcist
Won by 8.2%
Aizawa - My Hero Academia
Won by 33%
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Star Wars
Won by 69% nice
Uncle Ben Parker - Marvel
Won by 24%
Lazlo Cravensworth
Won by 49.6%
John Marston - Red Dead Redemption
Won by 21.2%
Bowser - Super Mario Bros.
Won by 71.4%
Yousuke Koiwai - Yotsuba
Won by 33.2%
Ron Stampler - Dungeons and Daddies
Won by 8.4%
Ryotaro Dojima - Persona 4
Won by 7%
Juste Belmont - Castlevania
Won by 8%
Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney
Won by 16.8%
Sig Curtis - Fullmetal Alchemist
Won by 4.6%
Sojiro Sakura - Persona 5
Won by 52.8%
Jefferson Davis - Into the Spider-verse
Won by 63.8%
Solid Snake / David - Metal Gear Solid
Won by 25.8%
Mr. Boonchuy - Amphibia
Won by 10.2%
Loid Forger - Spy x Family
Won by 49%
Tim Lockwood - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Won by 26.6%
Henry Stein - Bendy and the Ink Machine
Won by 7.8%
Henry Oak - Dungeons and Daddies
Won by 32.2%
King Dedede - Kirby
Won by 35.4%
Pongo - 101 Dalmatians
Won by 28.4%
Teobaldo Leonharts - LiEat 
Won by 5.8%
Professor Utonium - The Powerpuff Girls
Won by 59.6%
Ray Molina - Julie and the Phantoms
Won by 22%
Pietro Polendina - RWBY
Won by 5.8%
Octodad - Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Won by 41%
Castiel - Supernatural
Won by 9.4%
Bob Belcher - Bob’s Burgers
Won by 55%
Jim Hopper - Stranger Things
Won by 22.4%
Goofy - Disney
Won by 72.2%
Dr. Alex Malto - Transformers: Earthspark
Won by 5.2%
Moominpappa - Moomin
Won by 27.8%
Waymond Wang - Everything Everywhere All At Once
Won by 56.6%
Domingo Montoya - The Princess Bride
Won by 32.6%
Tomohisa Kaname - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Won by 11.8%
David Rossi - Criminal Minds
Won by 4.2%
Atticus Finch - To Kill a Mockingbird
Won by 58%
Greg Universe - Steven Universe
Won by 21.6%
Rick Mitchell - The Mitchells vs. the Machines
Won by 29.2%
Lord Business - The LEGO Movie
Won by 45.8%
Tom Wachowski - Sonic the Hedgehog
Won by 50.8%
Thomas O'Malley - The Aristocats
Won by 58%
King Micah - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Won by 48%
Barry Allen / The Flash - DC
Won by 9.8%
Mr. Ping - Kung Fu Panda
Won by 93% - largest margin of victory
Agustín Madrigal - Encanto
Won by 40.2%
Eugene Krabs - Spongebob Squarepants
Won by 45%
Egon Spengler - Ghostbusters
Won by 30.6%
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taxevasionpoll · 1 year
Hey there! Sorry it's been so long (if I put something down and don't look at it, it doesn't exist to my brain sdhkgshkghs. Also I am lazy).
Please keep in mind that I've not included any of the submitted characters who are children/teenagers except in the cases where they have canonically committed tax evasion/fraud or from their circumstances they are in a position to commit it.
this does not include chat noir cause i just really wanted him in the poll okay. i think it's funny. one exception for me as a treat.
I've also not included any of the real people submitted.
(Perhaps the characters who didn't get included can have their own poll after this. Yes, that includes Reigen. I stand by it - he doesn't commit tax evasion. He's too boring and normal for that.)
I will try to get the match-ups out by the end of the weekend.
Here are the round 1 match-ups:
Group 1 Yuuko Ichihara (XxxHolic) vs Chert (Outer Wilds)
Group 2 Robert Speedwagon (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) vs Yoshi (Mario)
Group 3 Spamton (Deltarune) vs Gru (Despicable Me)
Group 4 All for One (My Hero Academia) vs Haibara Ai (Detective Conan)
Group 5 Zanza (Xenoblade Chronicles) vs Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa)
Group 6 Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs) vs Kazuki and Rei (Buddy Daddies)
Group 7 Aslan (The Chronicles of Narnia) vs Mr. Krabs (Spongebob)
Group 8 Neal Caffrey (White Collar) vs Kuroba Toichi (Magic Kaito 1412)
Group 9 Luffy (One Piece) vs Harlan Thrombey (Knives Out)
Group 10 Five Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) vs Howl Pendragon (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Group 11 Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs) vs Nami (One Piece)
Group 12 Loid (Spy x Family) vs Sullivan (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
Group 13 All Might (My Hero Academia) vs Mokona (XxxHolic/Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
Group 14 Lex Luther (DC) vs Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Group 15 Macavity (Cats! The Musical) vs Shallan (Stormlight Archives)
Group 16 Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls) The Doctor (Doctor Who) vs Eda the Owl Lady (The Owl House)
Group 17 Mister Compress (My Hero Academia) vs Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy 7)
Group 18 Grunkle Stan (Gravity Falls) vs The Duke (Why Raelina Ended up in the Duke’s Mansion)
Group 19 Undertaker (Black Butler) vs Maddie and Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Group 20 Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) vs Shigure (Fruits Basket)
Group 21 Fai, Kurogane, Syaoran, and Princess Sakura (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle) vs Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Group 22 Turnip (Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion) vs The Crystal Gems (Steven Universe)
Group 23 Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Toph Beifong (Avatar: the Last Airbender)
Group 24 Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs) vs Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler)
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