#Joseph and his amazing technicolour Dreamcoat.
literarylondonhq · 7 months
RIP Bill Kenwright.
Bill Kenwright I was saddened and slightly shocked to hear that Producer Bill Kenwright has died. Kenwright was known as one of the UK theatre industry’s most prolific and successful producers of both plays and musicals. His long-running hits included more than 10,000 performances of Willy Russell’s musical Blood Brothers. The producer’s death was announced this afternoon in a statement from…
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infectiouspiss · 1 month
my christian parents sat me down in front of the 1999 film adaptation of joseph and the amazing technicolour dreamcoat and i think showing a toddler freshly sober off breast milk donny osmond and his massive titties resulted in me misunderstanding the biblical message and turning out gay with a deep desire for men's tits
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painterlad71 · 6 months
Ok so its very talked about how, when the yj girls eat jackie, jackie is jesus and the girls are the disciples and coach ben is judas. And while this is brilliant, (brilliant also at expressing the homosexuality of the act), I think there might be a better biblical story to draw parrallels to.
Yes so:
Joseph is one of the most famous prophets of the bible, primarily interpreting dreams. After having caught the eye of the Pharaoh, joseph interprets his dreams particularly one which had been disturbing him for days, a dream about cows. Seven fat cows had been grazing peacefully for a while, when seven skinny cows came up out of the river and ate them, but disturbingly stayed skinny. I've been thinking about this a lot recently in relation to yj, particularly as this dream was interpreted as prophesising a famine over Egypt. I'll explain my thoughts on this more clearly in another post
Second of all, nat and javi. The choice between killing nat and letting javi die is similar to the choice between killing joseph and selling him into slavery. Ofc the yj and the 12 brothers do this for very different reasons but comforting themselves by choosing a "more merciful" option under the guise of being given a sign is something I find striking between the two situations.
I might be delusional with this one but one of the most shocking things in joseph's story is that its not enough to sell him into slavery, but the brothers dip his special coat, a symbol of his optimism and individuality in blood to prove to his father that he's dead. When javi goes missing, nat does the same thing to prove to travis his brother is dead. Despite nat doing this to help travis cope with what she thinks is javi's death she, like the brothers feels guilty in this deception, which is why she is furious when lottie still says javi is alive. The act of lying about someone's death to a loved one kills even the memory or the hope that person might have left in their wake. This is especially interesting in the light that nat will later let javi die, and the brothers have already sold joseph into a life of misery.
Another parallel; to test if the brothers have changed since their betrayal, joseph doesn't reveal who he is to the brothers after twenty years apart and instead decides to challenge them. After inviting them to feast with him, he plants his golden cup in benjamin's sack. When it is time for the brothers to leave, he stops them, accusing them of theft. When benjamin is caught with the cup, the brothers vouch for him, and joseph decides they've changed and forgives them. And while this ending neatly swerves the catastrophe which would have occurred had the brothers not changed, it also shows some similarities between javi and benjamin which make this especially interesting. They are both the youngest, viewed as the baby of the group and more kind and individualistic than the others. Which makes this part of the biblical story the complete opposite of the corresponding episode of yj as where the girls sacrificed their youngest to eat, the brothers refuse to do this once they have eaten and are satisfied.
Joseph/the wilderness inviting 12 starving people to feast. At a price.
And of course being jacob/the wildernesses favourite and thus being given a special coat to signal status.
"i like ... your pilgrim hat"
ps: yj has been trying to tell me this with misty's musical obsession
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 year
Specifically for @lydiavalentino. This is the cast list that accompanies my Schmigadoon! Season Three pitch. I’ll include actors, character names and character descriptions so that you can get an idea of what I’m going for :).
Cecily Strong - Melissa Gimble:
Melissa is the same as she always is, kind, funny, a big fan of musicals, but the stress of parenting two hyperactive twins is starting to wear her out, and she’s less willing to join in with Schmigadoon shenanigans than usual, and she may yell at this season’s leprechaun when he eventually appears for putting her children in danger. Also, is a forbidden romance with a stranger who’s not so unfamiliar in the cards? Melissa is faithful to Josh, but old lovers and crushes have a certain way of getting to you…
Keegan-Micheal Key - Josh Skinner:
Again, Josh is the same as he always is, except he too is stressed out by raising twins and his teaching position, and he’s developed a much stronger interest in musicals that he, along with his wife, tries to pass down to his children. In my hypothetical third season, his reaction to the newest version of Schmigadoon (the ‘Schmoods’ and surrounding French district) is a lot like Melissa’s reaction to Schmigadoon in Season One, because this is the period of musicals he is most familiar with and he gets so excited whenever he spots a reference. Is he a cool dad? Well… he certainly has a thing or two to learn from a few Schmigadoonians, but he and his kids get along great (even if he is a little overprotective at times).
Dove Cameron - The Princess:
That isn’t a placeholder. That’s the character’s name. Think of Rapunzel from Into The Woods, but combine her with Cosette from Les Mis and Christine from Phantom of the Opera. She’s your typical ingenue at the start of the season, sheltered from the world by her adoptive mother (we’ll get to her) and dreaming of romance. But as the season progresses, she (with a little encouragement from Melissa) begins to break out of her shell and pursue romance with mysterious French Schmigadoonians (oh, the scandal of it all!).
Aaron Tveit - The Prince:
The Prince is a more villainous character, he falls in love with The Princess and is convinced that they are destined to be together (think of the two princes from Into The Woods with Marius from Les Mis levels of pining) and refuses to take no for an answer. This would be a sort of dark reimagining of Jenny and Topher’s romance from Season Two, and Melissa would point this out at one point (but nobody sees the comparison except for her). Does he find romance by the end? Perhaps, but that is yet to be decided.
Alan Cumming - The Wolf:
As you can see, a lot of character names are symbolic (a lot like Into The Woods). At the beginning of the season, Josh and Melissa are convinced that he’s the one who lured their children away (hey, they’ve seen Into The Woods and The Wolf looks VERY similar to the wolf that ate Little Red Riding Hood in that musical, they don’t want to take chances) but it’s a red herring, and the ‘sneaking around’ they catch him doing is merely to provide for his pup, Clawsette (Little Cosette from Les Mis, slightly inspired by the SNL Diner Lobster Sketch with the lobsters in terms of naming). His character will help to teach lessons about parenting to Josh and Melissa via a song, and the character may be French, with subtle references to Duly Blight and Mayor Menlove because of course there will be.
Kristen Chenoweth - The Witch:
What can I say? She’s the witch from Into The Woods, I just wanted to allow Dove Cameron and Kristen Chenoweth to play mother and daughter again. She would also teach Josh and Melissa about parenting in a VERY Children Will Listen inspired song.
Jane Krakowski: Leader:
Leader of the troupe of children that lures Josh and Melissa’s twins into the woods. She’s seemingly kind at first (she’s inspired by the Narrator from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat after all) but she soon reveals a sinister dark side reminiscent of Bill Sykes from Oliver, and she makes the children under her employ carry out her dirty work (crime such as theft).
Patrick Page - The Narrator:
The Narrator from Into The Woods, but more sinister. There’s a running gag where Josh and Melissa (big Into The Woods fans) continuously try to sacrifice him to whatever monster or rival is onscreen, thinking that that will help them to ‘reclaim their own stories’ like it did for the characters in Into The Woods. He gets more songs that show off his awesome deep voice, and he isn’t employed by the leprechauns. He’s their father. That would extend the parenting theme I’m trying to build and show the sometimes strained relationships between parents and children.
Martin Short - All Three Leprechauns:
He’s back as the leprechauns! This season’s new addition is Johnathan, a very Rent inspired character who may have a striped scarf. And yes, he would have a line paying homage to that show, such as ‘sorry my land isn’t as flashy as my brothers’, I’m struggling to pay rent’. It’s stupid, I know, but it brings me joy.
Tituss Burgess - Unsure:
I want him to be in this, but I’m not sure HOW. He’s a phenomenal actor though, so I want him to at least have a cameo as a French villager (Ratatouille the Musical, anyone?).
Fred Armisen - Unsure:
He’s in the same boat as Tituss for me, but I would perhaps cast him as Alan Cumming’s character’s ‘mate’ or something so that Layton x Menlove could live on in a way.
Ann Harada - Leader of the Rats:
Somebody had to do it. She’s basically Grizzabella from Cats as a rat, and when the characters help out in the final episode, she leads the charge. This is no slight against Ann Harada, she’s great, but I thought it would be fun if she could have a song (or a brief snippet of a song that keeps getting cut off as a running gag similar to ‘I’ll drink to that’ lady from last season) inspired by Memory from Cats.
Jaime Camil - The Phantom:
No prizes for guessing which 1980s musical inspired this character. Melissa has a big crush on the Phantom of the Opera, and she may have a brief romance with this character (Baker’s Wife from Into The Woods all over again) but she gets over herself and sets him up with The Princess, seeing her as a version of Christine, and that it would be the ultimate fan service to set the two up together in order to ‘fix the ending’ of Phantom.
Ariana Debose - Francine:
Fantine from Les Mis, but she doesn’t die. And she has a son unlike Fantine. (Mason, played by the boy who played Carson in Season One). She helps to teach parenting lessons due to her dedication to her son. By the end of the season, she may have a romance with The Princess, but I’m currently undecided.
The Twins - Casting Unclear:
The twins are about nine or ten, and they’re scrappy and adventurous. They love musicals like their parents, but because this is their coming of age story (Into The Woods, remember) they will go from naive to wise by the end of the season, after overthrowing a powerful dictator, of course…
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soniabigcheese · 7 months
Today's earworm
The entire soundtrack of Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
Or at least the following songs
Close Every Door
The Pharaohs Dream
The country and western bit - don't know what that's called
The Calypso song - again, don't know what thaslts called
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hangmanapologist · 2 years
Roles Bob Floyd played in HS/College because he was a theatre kid and I’m actually qualified to know this (real)
Seymour - Little Shop
Joseph - Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
Crutchie - Newsies (he can hold a tune but cannot dance)
Oliver - Oliver! (He was 12 for this one actually)
Mark - RENT
Enjorlas - An extremely amateur production of Les Mis
Teen Angel/Doody - Grease (he is my baby boy but he is not a Danny)
Friedrich Von Trapp - Sound of Music
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prodgermmath · 3 months
prodger i wub you
Thank you for asking.
The best song in Phantom is "Music of the Night", and it's not even close. "Music of the Night" is the *point* of Phantom, it feels like to me, but I'm honestly not sure if Lloyd Webber thinks that. Following from that "Think of Me" is also really good, it doesn't come close as a song, but gets a solid boost from how well it works within the form of the Musical overall, passing time and showing Christine coming into confidence and success. Everything else just falls really far behind, it's mediocre at best, and the only reason I'm reluctant to call it "Some of his worst work" is that he's since made Bad Cinderella, and that really blew the floor out.
The thing is, the melodies in Phantom are good! Hell! The Overture is a good song! But that's also the problem! He tried to mix his style of musical with Opera, and it just doesn't work, it's constantly fighting against itself. The lyrics get in the way of the instruments and vice versa. The Title track has a wonderful driving rhythm to the melody, but the lyrics just fall flat upon them because Webber fucked it up.
"Think of Me" actually leans into the music with the lyrics, and as such manages to be as good as the average Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat song--with, as I said, a boost in how good it is because of how it fits in the musical, taking it above the average Joseph song. But then "Music of the Night" is just a masterpiece, probably one of Webber's greatest works, smuggled in with the mediocre slop of the rest of Phantom. Honestly it makes me want to dig into exactly who wrote what bits and the specifics of what Webber's actually responsible for, but the truth is that I don't care that much (despite me currently writing all of this).
Below is Ramin Karimloo's performance of it, and it's just a masterpiece. And the way that Siera Boggess just absolutely sells the whole thing! Incredible! Fantastic performance! Shame it isn't in a better musical.
And I love you too, Meowgon. Thank you.
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ursulakleguin-stan · 5 months
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behold this year's gingerbread nativity scene! featuring all your favourite characters, 1 magi called Balchiorsper who brought enough presents for 3, a shepherd who's arm fell off and has already been healed by the baby Jesus, an angel in a choker, and of course everyone's favourite bible character, Joseph of Arimathea and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
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luaminesce · 8 months
SA trigger warning
Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat (not my favourite movie musical, but it's up there); but even as a kid, I hated the scene where Mrs Potiphiar... undresses Joseph.
Even at that age, my mind registered that as her SA-ing Joseph; and I hated how it was basically "played for laughs" so to speak.
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tiniestflea · 2 months
Writing exercise 1
Will has just been chosen for a role in a production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat" at the West End in London. He is so excited. However his father isn't! He is furious. He had plans for his son to study law. Write their argument (250 words)
William wasn’t sure how things escalated up to this point, at first he was sharing the news to his family during dinner about his achievement of getting the lead role in the play he’s been auditioning for months now. His mother and siblings were over the moon for him, congratulating him, hugging him, even making a little toast in his honor.
But his dad? The man sat expressionless at the head of the table. His glooming aura was soon noticed by the rest of the family. “Dad?” William asked in a hushed tone, the tension in the room was reaching its limit, the rhythmic tick-tock of the grandfather clock that had been passed down generation by generation somehow was managing to sync up with William’s heartbeat, only making him more nervous by every passing second.
“Why?” His father managed to say through gritted teeth, “Ray.” His mother scolded while placing her hand on top of her husband’s tightening fist. “Stay out of this, Sandra.” The older man said as he moved his hand away. “Why are you so dead set on humiliating this family? Haven’t we given you enough?.” William’s mouth opened and closed like a fish out of the water as he processed what was going on, “We raised you to be an educated man, a lawyer, someone with a real job,” he emphasized with disdain of hurting his only-son’s feelings. “No son of mine will be a wanna-be actor.” He spat out with disgust glaring straight at William.
“I guess that’s the end of Stirling and son then.” William snarled back as he stood up from his seat and grabbed his coat from the backrest of his chair, he downed the remains of his wine in a swift movement and slammed the glass cup down ready to leave his childhood home, paying no mind to the fresh cut on his palm.
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By no means am I an expert on gender, but when Joseph starts twirling his Dreamcoat with all of his moms (and then later his brothers) that's gender
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Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Gender-Affirming Dreamcoat
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thorinsbeard · 11 months
I was tagged by @rosettyller (thank you for the tag)
Are you named after anyone? I chose my own name. So I did choose it after someone. My friend when I was just coming out as a teenager (mistakenly thinking I was just gay) was going to introduce me to a boy (also queer) named Adam. But he committed suicide before I could meet him. So I took his name. I'm not sure why. I just wanted to have the same name as the boy who didn't keep living.
2. When was the last time you cried? Today (happy tears) watching Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat live.
3. Do you have kids? Only the fur variety
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? constantly
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? their eyes/if they are nice or an asshole
6. What's your eye color? Blue
7. Scary movie or happy endings? Happy ending
8. Any special talents? Going unnoticed is a skill I have too
9. Where were you born? Aotearoa/New Zealand
10. What are your hobbies? gif making, gaming, procrastinating, reading, watching movies/t.v series
11. Do you have any pets? 2 cats
12. What sports do you play/have you played? i did soccer as a kid, netball as a kid/teen and volleyball as a teenager(my team was called Fish and Chips and we lost every single game except our final game lol)
13. How tall are you? 5"3
14. Favorite subject in school? French, English
15. Dream job? bookshop/library/selling stationery (I got to do that for a bit though)
I'll tag anyone who wants to do this.
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fuzzysparrow · 1 year
On which British talent show were the singers Will Young and Gareth Gates discovered?
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The first series of the British singing competition 'Pop Idol' was broadcast between 15th December 2001 and 9th February 2002. The competition was won by Will Young, with Gareth Gates finishing as the runner-up after a public vote. Both of the finalists went on to become successful in the UK music charts. In third place, Darius Danesh also gained a record deal.
The show had four judges, Simon Cowell, Pete Waterman, Nicki Chapman and Neil Fox, who gave their opinions on the contestants' performances. The show was hosted by the presenting duo Ant & Dec.
Will Young (born 1979) has had a successful music career since winning 'Pop Idol'. As of 2022, he has released eight albums and had four UK number-one singles. He also appeared in the film 'Mrs. Henderson Presents' (2005).
Gareth Gates (born 1984) has also had four UK number-one singles. As of 2022, he has released three studio albums and one compilation album. Gates is well-known for having a stutter, which he learned to cope with through his singing. In 2009, Gates played the title role in the West End production of 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat' at the Adelphi Theatre.
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Sydney World Pride 16/02/23
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programjust · 2 years
Andrew lloyd webber spouse
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Jesus Christ Superstar, Phantom of the Opera, Evita, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Cats, Starlight Express, School of Rock – The Musical, Sunset Boulevard, The Women In White and Cinderella. The composer’s stage musical credits include (deep breath). In a full-circle moment, Lloyd Webber’s most recent musical is also called Cinderella ( more about that here). The first musical Lloyd Webber ever wrote, as a teenager, was called Cinderella Up The Beanstalk And Most Everywhere Else. What are Andrew Lloyd Webber’s most famous musicals?Īndrew Lloyd Webber has a staggering 22 musicals to his name, the most popular of which is The Phantom of the Opera – the second highest grossing musical of all time, second only to The Lion King.Imogen is a four-time Emmy nominee who has worked for MSNBC and Fox News, while Nicholas has followed in his father's footsteps, writing The Little Prince in 2011 and the recent Fat Friends The Musical. Who are Andrew Lloyd Webber’s children?Īndrew had two children – Imogen and Nicholas Lloyd Webber – with his first wife, Sarah, and three with his wife Madeleine Gurdon – Alastair, William and Isabella Lloyd Webber.Read more: Busker shocked as real-life West End Christine joins him for stunning ‘Phantom of the Opera’ duetĪndrew Lloyd Webber and Madeleine Gurdon at The Old Vic Theatre on November 13, 2016. In 1986, he wrote the role of Christine Daaé in The Phantom of the Opera for her. He met Brightman when she joined the cast of Cats in 1981. In 1991, Andrew married the former equestrian sportswoman Madeleine Gurdon, and the couple have been happily married ever since.Īndrew was married to his first wife, Sarah Hugill, from 1971 to 1983, before he married second wife Sarah Brightman in 1984. Julian Lloyd Webber at Classic FM Live in Wales, 2012. Read more: Julian Lloyd Webber celebrates 30 classical musicians under 30 on Classic FM Andrew’s late father, William, was a composer and director of the London College of Music. Aww:Īndrew’s brother, Julian Lloyd Webber, is a music education ambassador and former concert cellist. He also appeared on Nursery World magazine with a violin aged five. Born on 22 March 1948 (incidentally, the same day as musicals great Stephen Sondheim was born, 18 years prior), the composing legend first picked up the violin and piano aged three, before taking up the French horn and starting to write his own music at the age of six. Here’s all you need to know about the 74-year-old composer, from his family to his most successful stage musicals.Īndrew Lloyd Webber is 74 years old. Andrew Lloyd Webber is the King of memorable tunes and catchy choruses.
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shoddymusicalmemes · 5 years
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My dash did a thing.
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