#Masashi Abe
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arbitrarygreay · 6 months
Masashi Kishimoto: and here's yet another great and illustrious Noble Clan with a long and glorious history
Masashi Kishimoto: it's a single nuclear family. :)
Masashi Kishimoto: jk no it's a single orphan
cotton eyed joe plays muffled in the background
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blueonwrestling · 7 months
Now this is techincally two matches in one rating here, but because they happen right after one another, and have got the same wrestlers in it, i am combining it into one rating.
BJW Saikyou Tag League 2022 Semi Final
Astronauts (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura) vs. Crazy Lovers (Masashi Takeda & Takumi Tsukamoto) - 4 stars
you might notice im going on a bit of an astronauts binge after seeing alot of hype around them and yeah, these lads rule, but especially Abe, really like him.
And not only that, you can watch this match RIGHT HERE:
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adamwatchesmovies · 6 months
Chocolate (2008)
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Chocolate would be a better film if it was more comedic, if its prelude was shorter, and if Taphon Phopwandee played a bigger role during the conclusion. Will that matter to you so much as you watch Yanin Vismitananda demolishing opponents with her hands and feet? Not if you came to this martial arts film for the action.
A forbidden romance between Thai gangster Zin (Ammara Siripong) and Yakuza boss Masashi (Hiroshi Abe) puts both their lives at risk. He leaves for Japan while she gives birth to their daughter, Zen (Vismitananda). Raised by her single mother, Zen proves herself a gifted martial artist - easily replicating the moves she sees performed at the Muay Thai Kickboxing school next door or in Bruce Lee and Tony Jaa’s films despite her autism. When Zin develops cancer and cannot afford the chemotherapy, Zen’s friend Moom (Taphon Phopwandee) discovers an old book of unsettled debts owed to the former gangster. If that money were collected, Zin could afford the treatment she needs, which prompts her daughter to start checking the names on the pages.
There’s a lot about this film that’s goofy. Zen’s autism essentially gives her a superpower and she manages to learn moves that easily best opponents twice her size. Whether that’s more or less believable than the Romeo and Juliet romance between two gangsters who we see casually shooting people, I’ll leave it up to you. The thing is, it kind of works as a story happening in its own universe with its own rules. You buy it because you believe Yanin Vismitananda. As a martial artist, she’s incredible. So is the stunt choreography by Panna Rittikrai. There’s great escalation as the debtors Zen collects from become increasingly determined not to give her the money that’s owed. Think it doesn’t get any scarier than a meat manufacturing plant where everyone has cleavers and knives? That’s the third fight (second if you don’t count the scene where she beats up a bunch of teenage punks). You wonder how director Prachy Pinkaew could top themselves when we just saw a battle that had katanas and guns but you haven’t seen anything yet. Even without the end-credit bloopers showing the on-set injuries, you can tell life in Thailand must be really cheap for the stunt men and women to get themselves tossed around like this and fall from that high up. Over and over you’ll threaten to wake up the neighbors as you yell “DAMN!” and “That HAD to hurt!”.
Action-wise, Chocolate is a delight. If at first you’re looking at Vismitananda and wondering “Would she really be able to take down that guy with a single kick to the face?”, you’ll believe it completely by the end. The choreography is excellent but this movie gives you a little something more. Zen’s fighting style has a different flavour, a different personality than other people’s. You often see her feigning blows and then striking in a different way than expected to take down her opponents. It smoothly blends into several comedic take-downs that would make Jackie Chan proud. That said, the film gets awfully grim at points. It is towards the end when the tension is due to ramp up but it feels a bit like the movie didn’t quite know if it wanted to be serious or not. The bad guys leave a trail of slime. The parents are very serious in their roles. Zen is portraying a movie version of a mental disorder. Moom - as the one person who doesn’t know anything about fighting - makes you laugh, which makes you appreciate him that much more than you normally would. His friendship with Zen is sweet, particularly when he comes to her rescue in a way only he could. Stunt-wise, Vismistananda is the stand-out. Seeing her convincingly plays a teen despite being 24 at the time and performing all those stunts you'd think she'd be the one giving the best performance, but I say that award belongs to Phopwandee.
You have to forgive some story-related flaws to appreciate Chocolate but it shouldn’t be too hard, not when the movie delivers the “whacks!” and “pows!” the way it does. You’ll want to see it again so you can test whether watching a martial arts film like this one can make you learn the on-screen moves through osmosis. (International version with English subtitles, July 30, 2021)
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dorothydalmati1 · 12 hours
Rurouni Kenshin 2023 Episode 9: The Oniwabanshu Strike
Written by Hideyuki Kurata
Directed by Shōhei Yamanaka
Chief animation direction by Kazuo Watanabe & Toshimitsu Kobayashi
Animation directed by Kazuma Uike, Tomomi Kimura, Minoru Morita, Hiroki Abe, Masashi Wakayama & combridge
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reups · 16 days
6分ちょっとで聴くリアップス2024.5.4.吉野町 こびとさんライブ live@吉野町 こびとさん 2024.5.4. 【ノーノーボーイズ・プレゼンツ!】 《こびとさんスタッフ祭 特別編/久保さん還暦スペシャル!》 Re:UPS 20240504 -6minutes edition
Re:UPS https://www.facebook.com/reups2016/ http://reups.web.fc2.com
1.Early Got To (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS) 2.Motivation (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS) 3.Star Light (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS) 4.Panel Magic (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS) 5.Punch! (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS) 6.Go To (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS) ec.Tomorrow (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS)
Re:UPS the group ; Asuka, AOYAMA as Singer Masashi, YAMADA as Keyboard Player Masahiro, NAWATA as Guitar Player Hideaki, ABE as Guitar Player Hitoshi, GOTO as Drummer
#Re:UPS #リアップス #吉野町 #こびとさん
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honoka-marierose · 4 months
A new Bandai Namco figure showcases one of the most important people in the life of Naruto from the titular anime and manga franchise: his father, Minato Namikaze.
The winner of the NARUTOP99 popularity poll (which gauged the most popular characters in the original Naruto anime and manga), Minato is the latest S.H.Figuarts action figure representing the poll's choices. The first of these toys was for Naruto himself, while the second was an action figure for Sakura Haruno. Now, the next figure in the collector-oriented toy line is one of Minato Namikaze, the husband of Kushina Uzumaki and father of series protagonist, Naruto.
Minato Is the Newest S.H.Figuarts Naruto Figure
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Like other figures in the line, the Minato Namikaze figure prioritizes malleability and action features, replicating many of his techniques from the Naruto anime and manga. Made of PVC and ABS, the toy is approximately 160 mm tall and has four interchangeable faces. The latter gives him grimacing, happy or neutral expressions, making him perfect to display alongside both friends and foes. There are also nine different hand options (five for his left wrist and four for his right), allowing him to recreate jutsu hand signals.
Further, the Minato figure features a blue orb representing his Rasengan attack, as well as a kunai knife. Minato is decked out in his white Hokage cloak, although this doesn't appear to be removable from the figure. Currently set for a July 2024 release date, the figure will cost around 8,250 yen (roughly US$58). The Naruto and Sakura figures will likewise be coming out at around the same time. It's currently unknown which other figures will be released under the S.H.Figuarts Narutop99 banner, although Sasuke's brother Itachi Uchiha was next in the original poll under Minato.
The Original Naruto Remains One of the Most Popular Anime Franchises
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Beginning as a manga in 1999, the Naruto franchise was created by Masashi Kishimoto and transitioned to anime form in 2002. The popularity of the series, along with One Piece and Bleach, ushered in a new wave of manga and anime fandom in international markets. This has seen the various media tie-ins and merchandise lines thrive to this day, including action figures, busts and other collectibles. Today, Naruto remains one of the most popular shonen manga/anime franchises of all time. This has also fed into the popularity of its sequel series, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. Merchandise for the property can be found in numerous major storefronts, and the same goes for the manga volumes and anime DVDs/Blu-rays.
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logloglogao · 5 months
2023 log No.1(/N)
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中目黒Solfaで行われたライブイベントにVJとして出演。セッションしたアーティストは、Megumi Otani、Wataru Abe、Masashi Ximoto、buna。一つのイベントに一人のVJという状況がひどく久しぶり。圧倒的なDJやライブに押されつつも、なんとかやり切る。
”overstepper” 2023/1/14(土) open 15:00 close 21:00 at 中目黒solfa entr 2000Yen+1drink
Live Chen Mulian (xuán yín) Masashi Ximoto Megumu Otani Miroque Kazuki Muraoka Wataru Abe
DJ Basara buna his t ISOZAKI(ISOYA Rec.) nonjulow Wataru Sakuraba
VJ daahara
Baked cake mini MOM
artwork buna
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昨年夏から活動を再開したhajimeinoue + visual daaharaの組み合わせのライブは去年から数えてこれで3回目。 かれこれ10年近く一緒にやってきている間柄なので、ライブには安心感がありつつも、そこに甘んじず新たな一手を加えてVJセットを更新する。 このTumblrにまとめているような、実写(写真)ベースで、微細に変化があるという映像(と呼んでよいのか?)を使用したVJはいまのところhajimeinoiueさんとのセットでのみやっており、そのユニークさは今後も大切にしたい。
KGR(null) 2023.05.06 (Sat.) Open / 18:00 Venue / Kagurane Door / 2,500 JPY
LIVE FeLid hajimeinoue+visual daahara Momose Yasunaga soma hayato Shuta Yasukochi
DJ Gjoe Clinton&His Pyramid Shakers JAM
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5月に続きhajimeinoue + visual daaharaのライブセット。実写+αという構成の、αの部分を強化して臨む。
FLAT 2023.07.29 (Sat.) Open / 18:00 Venue / Kagurane Door / 2,500 JPY Genre /Experimental, Electronica, Jazz
LIVE FourColor hajimeinoue+visual daahara OiD Sengo 湾
名古屋は円頓寺で開催された展覧会「風景:いる」のレセプションパーティーにゲストとして呼ばれ、ライブパフォーマンスを行う。 このライブパフォーマンスは2017年に王子の北とぴあドームホールで披露したのが初出。次に披露したのが京都精華大学ギャラリーフロールで2018年。
そこから5年経って披露できたのは自分のコンディションや諸々のタイミングが偶然(奇跡的に?!)に綺麗につながったとしか言いようがない。 ひたすらに緩慢な風景の変化を見届けるというパフォーマンスでもって、展覧会のコンセプトに呼応しようとした。
9/23 hajimeinoueのニューシングルのアートワークを制作
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hajimeinoue + visual daaharaでのライブセットでお馴染みのhajimeinoueのアートワークを制作する。 このアートワークは縦長の短い動画バージョンもあり、Spotifyでは再生中にバックグラウンドでループ再生されるようになっている。 これまでミュージックビデオやVJを担当してきた間柄だが、意外にもアートワークは初めて。 話は逸れるが、hajimeinoueとの最初の関わりであるミュージックビデオ「seemless」が来年で10年になるということなので、ここに貼っておく。
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今年最大の山はこれ。 構想としては6月あたりからあり、夏には出せるかと思いきや、全く納得できるものにならず一旦白紙に。 その後、9月頃からまた編集を再開し、11月にはほぼデータが完成。校正を幾度か重ね、本として手元に届いたのが12/6のこと。 12/8からネットショップにて販売を開始。完全な私家版なので、購入できるのはいまのところこのネットショップのみ。 写真集を編集することで初めて自分でも気づいた部分が多々あり、人の手に渡ること以前に大きく得るものがあった。 もちろん人の手に渡っていくことは非常に楽しくかつ嬉しく、現時点でたくさんの感想をありがたくも頂くことができている。 ありがたいことに初版分(といっても小部数なのだが)は売り切れ、増刷をすることになった。(まだ売れると信じて) 本には解題としたテキストを付けているのだが、そこからこぼれた話は以下にまとめた。
今年はVJ、ライブパフォーマンス、アートワークと発表の場に恵まれつつ、それがちょうどいバランスであったのが奇跡的であり、後半からは写真集の制作に集中して取り組むことができたのは幸運だった。 しばらくの間は出来上がった写真集を起点として自身の制作活動や作品について考えてみたいと思っている。ここから次はどのような展開ができるだろうか。
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leechan1018 · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Reiko  お誕生日おめでとうございます千葉麗子!  . 48歳おめでとうございます💖 . からの俳優 恐竜戦隊ジュウレンジャー . プテラレンジャー/リシヤ族プリンセスメイ  . Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger: Lithia Tribe Princess Mei PteraRanger . Next is Masashi Goda/Yuji Mita on January 9 ( Chouriki Sentai Ohranger )  Asami Kai/Urara Ozu on January 9 ( Mahou Sentai Magiranger )  Miho Abe on January 10  . 2023年01月08日 1 / 8 / 2023 #恐竜戦隊ジュウレンジャー #プテラレンジャー #リシヤ族プリンセスメイ #千葉麗子 #誕生日 #おめでとう #スーパー戦隊シリーズ #いいねした人全員フォローする #フォローバック率100 #フォローバ100 #kyoryusentaizyuranger #PteraRanger #Mei #reikochiba #happybirthday #omedetou #SuperSentai #mightymorphinpowerrangers #followalways #likeforlikes #likesforlike @chibarei1975  https://www.instagram.com/p/CnLpQXutG6j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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newsintheshell · 2 years
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, il nuovo trailer annuncia che l’anime andrà in onda dal 10 ottobre
L’attesissimo sequel della serie porterà a conclusione la storia nell’arco di quattro stagioni.
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Con il nuovo trailer di “BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War” pubblicato oggi è stato annunciato che l’attesissimo sequel della serie animata, tratta dal popolarissimo shonen manga di Tite Kubo, inizierà ad andare in onda dal 10 ottobre.
L’anime comincerà con il portare in tv la saga Thousand-Year Blood War (o The Blood Warfare), raccontata a partire dal 55° volume, per poi adattare il resto della storia fino alla fine, il tutto nell’arco di quattro stagioni, non consecutive. Al momento, non è stato specificato di quanti episodi stiamo parlando e come i vari cour saranno divisi.  
La serie è prodotta sempre da STUDIO PIERROT (Black Clover, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations), ma ha un nuovo regista: Tomohisa Taguchi (Twin Star Exorcists, Akudama Drive), che si occupa anche della sceneggiatura assieme a Masaki Hiramatsu (Toriko, Kara no Kyokai).
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Il character designer è invece sempre curato Masashi Kudo (Bleach, Tower of God, Chain Chronicle: The Light of Haecceitas) e anche le musiche sono composte ancora una volta da Shiro Sagisu (Bleach, Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time, SSSS.Dynazenon).
Ichigo Kurosaki ha 15 anni ed è uno studente delle superiori che possiede la straordinaria capacità di vedere i fantasmi. Quando incontra Rukia, una Shinigami che aiuta le anime perdute a trovare la pace, la sua vita non così normale diventa ancora più speciale…
Il manga, edito nel nostro paese da Panini Comics sotto l’etichetta Planet Manga, è stato serializzato in patria fra il 2001 e il 2016, concludendosi il 74° volume.
Andati in onda fra il 2004 e il 2012, i 366 episodi che compongono l’originale serie animata di “BLEACH” sono stati diretti da Noriyuki Abe (Great Teacher Onizuka, Yu Yu Hakusho).
L’anime è stato licenziato solo di recente in Italia da Dynit, che lo sta attualmente distribuendo sia in streaming, che home video, anche doppiato.
Oltre alla serie tv, l’opera ha ispirato quattro film d’animazione, già disponibili in Italia su VVVVID, una serie di romanzi, diversi videogiochi e un film live-action che potete trovare su Netflix.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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masashimiyoshi · 4 years
Auf meinem Instagram-Konto lade ich ab und an mal Songcovers hoch. Dabei erhalte ich recht oft (für meine Verhältnisse) ziemlich viele Klicks und Likes. Auf meinem M's Memos-YouTube-Kanal hingegen, auf dem ich rein meine Ideen für originale Songs hochlade, gibt es kaum jemanden, den es anspricht.
Eigentlich ziemlich logisch, und das hat folgende Gründe:
Erstens, die Leute suchen nach dem, was sie kennen. Ein Cover von einem Lied, das Justin Bieber gemacht hat. Eine Coverversion von Señorita, whatever.
Zweitens, ich bin nicht bekannt. Mich kennt man nicht, man trifft im Internet nicht zufälligerweise auf einen "Masashi Miyoshi", man kennt auch die Lieder nicht. Wer sucht denn schon zufälligerweise nach "Sekundenzwang", "Tagtäglich M1"? Ganz genau: Niemand.
Als Person, die nicht bekannt ist, ist es sehr schwierig, mit originalen Songs irgend auf ein Publikum zu stoßen.
Und das ist vielleicht auch gut so. Denn das Ziel an der Kunst ist doch nicht, möglichst viele Leute zu erreichen, sondern das zu tun, was man liebt.
Wenn man es liebt, Songs zu schreiben, dann kann man das doch sehr gerne machen. Auch für sich alleine.
Persönlich habe ich die Erfahrung gemacht, dass es sehr angenehm ist, wenn man von anderen Personen ein Feedback erhält - das kann sowohl positiv wie auch negativ sein. Auf jeden Fall eröffnet dies neue Perspektiven auf die eigenen Werke.
Also ist ein gewisses Publikum doch vonnöten, wenn man für sich selbst Fortschritte erzielen möchte. Einen Nummer-1-Hit muss man deswegen nicht landen.
Das war ein Teil meiner Gedanken bezüglich Covers. Nun kommen weitere Gedanken, die ich so während der Arbeit mit meinen eigenen Covers von Liedern hatte, währenddessen ich mich natürlich etwas näher mit den Songs beschäftigt habe.
Stand By Me, ein Lied von Ben E. King. Sein einziges Lied, das wirklich berühmt ist. Dafür ist es so berühmt, dass es wahrscheinlich bloß wenige Menschen in unserer westlichen Welt gibt, welche dieses Lied nicht kennen.
Ich habe es kennengelernt durch meine Eltern. Mein Vater spielt dieses Lied schon sehr lange, und auch in unserer ehemaligen Familienband gehörte dieses Stück zum Standard-Repertoire.
Interessanterweise kannte mein Vater die Originalversion davon nicht, er kannte nur das Cover von John Lennon. Erst viele Jahre später hat er den Film "Stand By Me" gesehen und das Original kennengelernt. Dabei ist für mich die Version von Ben E. King ganz klar die schönere - auch wenn ich diese von John natürlich auch nicht unbedingt schlecht finde.
Eine Frage, die ich mir ab und an mal stelle ist: Woher kennen es die meisten Leute? Und welche Version kennen sie denn?
Meine Vermutung ist, dass die originale Version genug bekannt ist. Genug bekannt dafür ist, dass man allgemein weiß, dass sie die originale Version ist.
Sehr schade ist, dass es so manche Lieder gibt, die als Cover sehr bekannt wurden, die Originalversion dabei aber mindestens genauso schön, wenn nicht sogar noch viel schöner wäre. Dafür tragen die Künstler, die ein Cover machen, nur bedingt die Schuld.
Eine neue Interpretation eines Stücks ist immer eine sehr interessante Sache, wie zum Beispiel das Cover von Behind Blue Eyes.
Die Version von Limb Bizkit ist gewiss nicht schlecht - es mag viele Leute geben, die ihr Cover besser finden als das Original von The Who. Aber schade ist, dass es total untergeht, dass die Version der Metal-Band eben nicht das Original ist.
Man schätzt die Künstler nicht, die das Lied eigentlich geschrieben haben.
Ähnlich verhält es auch mit "Sound of Silence". Wer von den jüngeren Generationen weiß denn, dass das Original von Simon & Garfunkel ist und nicht von Disturbed? Erstaunlich wenig - auch wenn Paul Simon und Art Garfunkel durchaus ein bekanntes Duo ist.
Aber wen kümmert es denn - Die Songwriter jedenfalls nicht. Es ist doch schön, dass sein eigenes Lied so bekannt ist, dass jede und jeder dieses Lied kennt. Es ist bestimmt ein gutes Gefühl für Simon und Garfunkel, zu wissen, dass ihr Lied so gut ist, dass es über Generationen hinweg, in verschieden Versionen, weiterhin bekannt ist.
Und doch, da ist dieses Bauchgefühl in mir, das mir sagt, dass es nicht ganz so einfach hingenommen werden soll.
Wäre es denn richtig, wenn alle nur noch originale Lieder schreiben und spielen? Nein, ganz bestimmt nicht, denn sonst würden es eben viele auch sehr schöne Covers nicht geben.
Ah, ja. Die goldene Mitte. Spiele ein Cover und ehre den Songwriter damit, dass du seinen Namen erwähnst.
"Hey, ich bin Tina Turner, wir spielen heute für euch 'Proud Mary' von den einzig wahren 'Creedence Clearwater Revival'!"
Und ganz sicher nicht schlecht ist es als Konsument, wenn man sich, falls ein Interesse für die Musik besteht, ein wenig informiert und auch mal guckt, woher die Lieder so kommen, die man mag. Ein bewusster Konsum also.
Vielen Dank.
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The most suspenseful moment of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (season 1, episode 4, “Overdrive”; dir. Masashi Abe).
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
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༊*·˚ GUEST IS GOD CUSTOMER SERVICE お客様は神様 カスタマーサービス ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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☎️ . . . HELLO HELLO! You have reached the Guest is God’s customer service line. How may I help you, dearest guest? ♡
Oh, you’re new ? My my, why don’t I introduce you to our establishment first, shall we ?
line status: unedited
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The Guest is God Host Club is home to many of our fantastic hosts here to make your day, afternoon, or evening a little more interesting. Our employees cover a vast amount of needs our visitors might want from a regular old friend to talk to or maybe a dominant sexual deviant to spend the night with !
It’s important to know that despite our guests position as gods and goddesses of our club, to touch and perform any type of activities must with our hosts must first ask for consent. The best way would be to use our in-house formats such as “May this god . . . ? “ or “Could you service this god by . . . ?” as our staff are trained to respond immediately to this call.
If you break any of the rules, especially the one above, you are to be eliminated escorted outside the premises and blacklisted from entering.
So, dearest Guest. Please make sure to read our rulebook thoroughly !
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Now that you know what The Guest is God is, how about I introduce you to our hosts and hostesses?
Now I may be a bit biased, but [L/N] [Y/N] has got to be my favorite ♡ You’ll find them to be the best match for you if you’re interested in the maid types . [Y/N] may act like a bit of a brat at times however, as such it’s your job as our guest to put them in their place ! We can’t have a disobedient servant after all . Oh oh, and I heard, if you pay extra you can bring them home to do your chores and what not. Aren’t you just excited by the thought of —
[ You hear an awfully loud cough from the other side and a couple of smacks. ]
Thanks but th-that hurt, y’know!
Fine ! Fine ! Moving on. Geez.
Now, Hazu Kashi is our latest addition so there may be times he . . . gets out of character but rest assured he’ll get to an acceptable level . . . one day. He’s supposed to represent the Dominant Daddy type but he’s a bit too shy. I honestly don’t know what boss was thinking trying to —
[ Another smack, this time much, much louder ]
He does pack a hit however! [ groan ] Making him the perfect sadist to entertain any of your masochistic needs!
Unto our next host, shall we?
If you’re looking for a more experienced worker. Ms. Hilda Mcguire might be more up your speed. She has worked here for close to a decade now and used to be the top of the ranks before [Y/N]. If you’re into the classic femme fatale who’ll sweep you right off your feet then I suggest scheduling a meeting with her.
Mmm . . . who next . . .
Oh Oh! If you’re up for even more spice in your life, might I direct you to our very own Orochi Kimura! The Yandere Lover. Signing up for them is a little tricky though. Buncha waivers regarding privacy and the lack thereof moving forward with his contract, possible missing peers and family members, bloody letters and what not.
Ah, you want something a little more tame?
Keisuke Abe is pretty rough around the edges. If you like a little excitement but not - well risk your life and all that. Keisuke is pretty fun to hang out with. Though the smell of alcohol in his dedicated room is quite nauseating. He’s great at bringing people out of their shells !
For guests with more expensive tastes, I recommend Junichiro and Nao. Jun is the perfect sugar baby for those whose time is little and wallets big. Give him a gift or two and he’ll be yours to use however you’d like. Nao on the other hand is for guests who love to be on the receiving end.
Tired of demure partners? Why don’t you try Masashi? Personally I wouldn’t hang out more than I have to with the grump, but surprisingly he’s quite popular with the folks here. Some people really do like getting insulted 24/7 huh?
On the other hand, if you like the definition of bland . . . er - shy. Well Haku, Hazu’s twin, should be right up your alley! He’s more of a listener than a talker, so he’s usually partnered with chatty clients.
Let’s get some estrogen back in for our last few introductions . . .
Hinata has to be my second favorite next to [Y/N]. She used to work as a regular old nurse both in and out of the club until Boss was looking for a potential replacement for the latter. Fortunately I heard that [Y/N]’s graduation was cancelled so they’re both available at the moment. As a host she’s pretty similar but with less of the formal speech and more of the motherly vibes, y’know?
Emi Ishii is a jack of all trades when it comes to the sibling-con types. May it be the clingy little sister or the big boobie- [cough] nice older sister, Emi’s got ya covered! A little warning though, that girl can talk for hours if you pick the little sister option. Even I got winded.
And last but not least, we have our general staff members. You might encounter us once in a while during your stays inside the club.
Our boss Mr. Melchior is basically as old as time at this point. I heard from Ms. Hilda that he’s been here since she started working ten years ago and he has not age a bit! He can be really, really scary when people break the rules . .
Ursa or what we usually call her, Bear, is in charge of security. Nothing gets past her sight. If you ever see a big bear mask and claws. Make sure you’re in your best possible behavior.
If you’re having scheduling problems or issues with how your host is acting, please contact either Akihiko Sugimoto or Mei Lan. They’re in-charge of human resources and management respectively.
A quick ring of a bell will alert Kin, our cleaner of any messes you’d like to have gone. He doesn’t exactly talk so don’t expect a conversation if you ever pass by him down the halls.
And last but not least, little old me! I man the desk 24/7. No rest for the wicked they say h a h a! You can call me Youko. I’ll be handling your documents, log in times, and what-not in addition to any questions you may have about The Guest is God.
You still need a bit more time to choose?
Once you’ve made a decision just give this number another ring. I’ll be right here to guide you along the sign-up process.
Hope to see you here soon, Mr. Eden Whitlock!
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GUEST IS GOD REGULARS: [reply to be added to the taglist]
©️ hana-no-seiiki 2023.
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cruorlupus · 3 years
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@sellyouforastarcruiser please check my tags let me know if I’ve properly tagged everything in a manner you find acceptable, seeing as you are have a hard time reading the source line in the post I made that angered you.
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Don't think I ever posted anything from the 2018 BJW Shinkiba show I attended, here are some cool pics. If we had stayed a week longer I would have seen Takeda vs Kodaka live. Here's hoping I have a chance to see BJW again.
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reups · 1 month
ほぼ8分で聴く"2018 Re:UPS"2024.4.20.吉野町 こびとさんライブ live@吉野町 こびとさん 2024.4.20. "俺さまを祝え GOMEZ 55th BIRTHDAY LIVE!!" 2018 Re:UPS 20240420 -8minutes edition
Re:UPS https://www.facebook.com/reups2016/ http://reups.web.fc2.com
1.Star Light (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS) 2.Idea (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS) 3.お昼の選択肢 (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS) 4.Panel Magic (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS) 5.ese-Jazz (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS) 6.What'd I Say (words&music/Ray Charles arrange/Re:UPS) ec.Go To (words&music/YAMADA,Masashi arrange/Re:UPS)
2018 Re:UPS the group ; Yuko as Singer Masashi, YAMADA as Keyboard Player Masahiro, NAWATA as Guitar Player Hideaki, ABE as Guitar Player Hitoshi, GOTO as Drummer
#Re:UPS #リアップス #吉野町 #こびとさん
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