#Mine Ban Convention
mineaction · 2 months
Beyond Oslo - Taking stock of Gender and Diversity mainstreaming in the Anti-personnel mine ban convention.
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Considering improvements in gender & diversity mainstreaming within mine action?
Our "Beyond Oslo" report analyzes the effectiveness of current strategies & explores potential paths forward.
The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) is a reference in gender and diversity mainstreaming. In its latest Action Plan, known as the Oslo Action Plan (OAP), APMBC States Parties committed to take a number of practical steps to integrate gender perspectives and the diverse needs and experiences of people in affected communities into all aspects of mine action and programming.
As the OAP enters its final year of implementation, this report provides an overview of the implementation of action points covering gender, diversity, and inclusion, with the intention to assess its impact and reflect on the way forward. Drawing on official reporting and statements made by States Parties, as well as on a survey conducted with key actors in mine action, this report outlines instances of progress achieved regarding gender and diversity mainstreaming, as well as challenges and areas for improvement that could be addressed in the next Action Plan.
Citation: Renata H. Dalaqua, Paula Jou Fuster and Hana Salama (2023) "Beyond Oslo: Taking Stock of Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming in the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention", UNIDIR, Geneva.
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the-typing-dragon · 1 year
Ok but like why does every other class have relatively normal weaponry, the the Driller is over here speedrunning the Geneva Convention. Bro has flametrowers, ice throwers (which im sure would be banned if they were as powerful as the cryo cannon), sludge which I'm pretty sure counts as a bio weapon, literal microwaves to boil thing's internals, and repurposed mining equipment. Bro can cause frostbite and heatstroke at the same time and cause you to immolate on the spot.
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lulu2992 · 4 months
Uncovering the unreleased Far Cry 5 in-game Encyclopedia
The almost complete but unused in-game encyclopedia, reconstructed thanks to the oasisstrings file.
Please note that it’s still cut content, so some information might not be relevant anymore.
You can read the oasisstrings file here. Pictures from this encyclopedia were also extracted and posted by @xbaebsae here.
Part 4: Locations - Henbane River
Tanami Residence
Some idiot drove a dredge into Roy Tanami's property, damaging his bunker beyond repair. Out of options, Tanami swallowed his pride and joined the Whitetail Militia up north.
Vasquez Residence
Home of Mr. Vasquez, former employee of Nolan's Fly Shop.
Hollyhock Saloon
One of the first businesses to fall to Eden’s Gate when they banned alcohol in the county. No one knows if the owners moved or were taken.
Can of Worms Fishing Store
Rods and tackle a-plenty. Owned by Sherri Woodhouse, who does salvage runs for sunken treasure in her spare time.
Deep North Water Treatment Plant
Built in 2002 to treat the toxic water from decades of mining practices. Today, Eden’s Gate uses it to disperse Bliss into the water.
Misty River Gas
A local gas station by the water, owned by Mr. McDevitt.
McCoy Cabin
Home of Darby McCoy who joined the cult against his will. This cabin is both close to the water and the Misty River Gas, an ideal spot for the cult to run operations.
Peaches Taxidermy
Mable's a rough-edged taxidermist. She lives here with her pet cougar.
Barlow Residence
Residence of Dr. Phil Barlow. He was a pharmacist who joined Eden’s Gate.
McClean Residence
Residence of Travis McClean. He was a former Air Force veteran turned prepper. Like so many others, he and his husband are on the run from Eden's Gate.
Eden’s Gate Outreach Center
This was once a place to learn more about Eden’s Gate and the Father’s message. Nothing out of the ordinary, until it became what it is today.
The Pillars of Eden
An outdoor amphitheater and a place of worship for Eden's Gate.
Drubman Marina
The Drubman Marina began in 1992 as an oil sands prospecting venture. Hurk Drubman Sr. became rich, but ost the property in a divorce to his wife Adelaide. She has big dreams for the place.
Silver Lake Campgrounds
A place to camp with a nice view of the mountains, the water, and the Whitetail Mountain Rail Bridge.
Silver Lake Summer Camp
An old summer camp. It was forced out of business by Eden’s Gate about 8 years ago. The cult used this place to stockpile their goods while their bunkers were being built.
Howling Cave
A well-known wolf habitat. The cult frequently takes animals from here and sends them north to Jacob.
Taft Lookout Tower
An old firewatch tower built in 1945. The cult uses it as a checkpoint and surveillance location. As expected, it is heavily guarded at all times.
Raptor Peak
A mountain peak that's a favorite nesting spot for birds of prey.
Camp Cougars
The Resistance has set up a camp to use as a base of operations for attacks against the cult and rescue missions for those on the pilgrimage path.
Dire Wolf Basin
A smoking basin that Eden's Gate has claimed as their own. Also a place of worship for the cult.
Sabre-Tooth Springs
These hot springs and the nearby cave used to be a tourist destination. It's right next to a road, meaning this location spent little in advertising. Today, it only attracts the cult.
Eden’s Convent
The very first building set up by the Project at Eden’s Gate in Hope County. People came here for spiritual retreats and to learn the Word of Joseph. When they left, if they did, it was with a permanent smile on their faces.
Sacred Skies Youth Camp
Formerly a Christian youth camp that was shut down fifteen years ago when the population dwindled. Eden’s Gate quietly bought it ten years ago. They use the land for growing Bliss flowers while living on-site.
Joseph’s Word
A statue of Joseph Seed that was constructed almost overnight. It commemorates the Father bringing his Word to the world. It also houses a rare, one-of-a-kind manuscript that is sacred to Eden's Gate.
Purpletop Antenna
Eden's Gate controls the radio towers. There's no signal but Joseph's Word out here.
Dead Man’s Mill
A water mill left over from the gold rush heyday. Everyone in Hope County has a different version of how it got its name, but the most popular story is a man's suicide after the closure of the mines.
Mastodon Geothermal Park
A tourist attraction established in 1836. People used to come here to admire the unique geological landscape. Now Eden's Gate uses it as an execution site.
Chan Residence
Back in the day, the owner of the Sacred Skies Youth Camp lived here. The cabin now belongs to Jasmine Chan, a big game hunter who was recruited into Eden's Gate against her will.
Counselor’s Cabin
This used to be the counselor's cabin when the Sacred Skies Youth Camp was in operation.
Nature Cabin
It once belonged to the Sacred Skies Youth Camp. Kids would come here to learn about animals, or rest after hurting themselves on the nearby zip line.
Throne of Mercy Church
A gold rush era church run by Jerrod Wilson, a preacher and rival of Emmet Reaves in the late 1800s. The church survived until about ten years ago when the cult closed it down.
Administrator’s Cabin
This used to be the administrator's cabin when the Sacred Skies Youth Camp was in operation.
Boshaw Manor
The humble dwelling of Charlemagne Victor Boshaw IV, gentleman fire enthusiast.
King’s Hot Springs Hotel
Once a spot for the posh to "take the waters," a landslide triggered by an earthquake in 1917 closed it temporarily and made it a ghost hunter's gem. It reopened, only to close again in 1994. Eden's Gate has put it to good use.
Moonflower Trailer Park
Once the fanciest trailer park in Montana run by the Boshaws. When the economy dried up and the Boshaws did nothing to retain their tenants, people relocated to the Silver Lake trailer park in the Holland Valley.
Sinclair Residence
Frankie Sinclair dreamed of being a world class French chef. Only problem? He couldn't speak a lick of French. He worked at the King's Hot Springs Hotel until it closed in 1994.
Horned Serpent Cave
A sulfur cave that's part of the volcanically active landscape of the region. It was once an industrial site, but the cult has turned it into a mass grave for Angels who can serve the project no more.
Henbane River Station
Copperhead Rail was created in the late 1800s by Emmet Reaves. It was shut down in the early 70s after the last of the local mining industries dried up. This station has been abandoned ever since.
Grimalkin Radon Mine
Once a part of a radon spa chain, it shut down in the 60s. Guy Marvel fell in love with the aesthetic and figured it’d be the perfect place for his next movie masterpiece.
Lydia’s Cave
In 1912, some loggers saw a girl eating a goat with wolves. She was captured in this cave and brought to a doctor who named her Lydia. She escaped and was last seen deep in the wilds suckling two wolf cubs.
Whistling Beaver Brewery
This brewery and pub opened in the late 1880s. It closed in 1916-1918 for Prohibition and reopened in the 30s. Pushed out of the national market by artisanal beer, the brewery was struggling and quietly sold to Eden's Gate.
The Misery
A dredge that belonged to the Catamount Mining Company. When the mines dried up, they tried to get gold from the riverbeds, but failed and abandoned it. The Resistance tells horror stories about what goes on there now.
Faith’s Gate
A bunker under Faith's guardianship. It is shrouded in Bliss, ensuring that those who are sheltered here will not be frightened when the Collapse comes.
Feeney Residence
Home of Dwight Feeney, a prepper and chemistry aficionado who joined Eden’s Gate when they promised him an important role in the creation of Bliss.
Eden’s Altar
A place of worship for Eden’s Gate. The faithful gather to hear sermons about Joseph’s visions and plans.
Gethsemane Greenhouse
A building used to precisely control the growing conditions of plants. Whatever these plants were before, they are now Bliss flowers.
Lorna’s Truck Stop
Lorna Rawlings used her BINGO winnings to create the best place for hard-working truckers like her husband to refresh and refuel. The cult came to take the place. She said no. She hasn’t been seen since.
Henbane River Chalets
A tourist trap that was shut down by the cult. The lake view was also sought after as a filming location.
Aubrey’s Diner
One of the first places to close when the cult took over. Their grilled cheese was no good.
O’Hara’s Haunted House
A professional clown named Edward O'Hara bought a barn and turned it into a haunted house that was a Halloween tradition in Hope County. Edward himself disappeared, and people disagree on whether or not the cult got him.
Ghost Cat Mine
The old mine has been closed for decades but the headframe warehouse is still there, used by the cult to store their containers of Bliss.
The Last Best Resting Place
An old, overgrown graveyard left from the gold rush era.
Jones Residence
Home of Kanti Jones, a Blackfoot woman and ranger who used to work in Whitetail Park. She was forced into retirement when the park closed. She fought against Eden’s Gate, dying in a shootout in her home.
Nelson Residence
Home of Coyote Nelson. He tried to lay low and enjoy fishing and painting but his peaceful pastimes didn't save him.
8-Bit Pizza Bar
The presence of pizza and an arcade made this the most exciting spot for teens within a hundred miles.
Pepper Residence
Holly Pepper and her girlfriend Charlie were among the first locals to join Eden's Gate. They abandoned this house and were never heard from again. The cult turned the property into a grow op.
Hope County Jail
20 years ago, a riot caused a jail break and a bus full of escaped prisoners ran off the road somewhere in Holland Valley. Later on, the prison closed due to budget cuts. Today, the Cougar resistance takes shelter here.
Nolan’s Fly Shop
Nolan Pettis ran his fly shop and gave fishing tours happily for years, although he was never a famous outdoorsman like local celebrity Skylar Kohrs. The money for his shop dried up and he joined Eden’s Gate.
Johnson Residence
Bob and Penny Johnson struck it rich in cattle futures, then they lost everything. After such a fall from grace, Joseph’s cult seemed welcoming. They handed everything over. No one knows where they are now.
Bright Warden Radon Spa
A health spa shut down in the 60s. Eden’s Gate has been spotted going in and out of this mine, using it as a storage facility.
Founded by rail and lumber baron Emmett Reaves. As the industry dried up, the town died and people moved west to Fall’s End. What remains of the ghost town is now used by junkies and the homeless.
Abercrombie Residence
Home of Melvin Adams Abercrombie. He robbed a bank in the 1940s and got away with it. He used his money to build this property and to prepare for the total collapse of the global financial system.
McCallough’s Garage
Once owned by Steve McCallough. He tried to warn everyone about Eden’s Gate, and even had a getaway car and some supplies ready. One day, his shop got boarded up and Steve was nowhere to be found.
Jessop Conservatory
Dr. Rachel Jessop created this place to protect and research at-risk flora and fauna. After budget cuts gutted her funding, Eden's Gate bought her out and devoted the facilities to developing potent strains of Bliss flowers.
Harrison Lookout Tower
One of the towers built in the 1940s to spot forest fires. It was abandoned ten years ago when funding ran out and the cult bought the property. It overlooks the site of one of Clutch Nixon's legendary stunts.
Seeley’s Cabin
Residence of Dwight Seeley. He worked in the local mines and then got kicked out of his place when the cult took over.
Deer Tiger Mine
Established in 1912, this mine was closed down in the 70s. Eden’s Gate appears to use it for storage.
Puma Mine
Another relic of a bygone gold rush, the Puma Mine has been abandoned for decades.
Ancient Bison Tunnel
A closed-off tunnel. No one gets in. No one gets out.
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wantonrowls · 2 years
Stray Kids headcanons: Dating a single mom
Bang Chan
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‌ When he met Y/N he fell in love at first sight. 'Beauty and Brains' as he exclaims. Y/N works as a management staff at JYP so when he realised that he was in love with Y/N he kept it a secret until the dating ban was lifted on their contract.
‌But it's no secret to his best buds, Changbin and Han since they know Y/N and they know Bang Chan is not sly with his actions. Stealing glances whenever she's afar, barely touching the tips of her fingers whenever she's sitting beside him at a dinner party. They both kept it at a minimum.
‌First time visiting Y/N's apartment, expecting her face at her doorframe only to be greeted by the 10-year old daughter of Y/N. He was puzzled. Must be a niece? Must be the wrong floor? "Mom! He's here!" shouted by the girl who was eyeing him from up and down. Y/N emerges from one of the rooms smiling from ear to ear, wearing a blouse that matches her dress, Bang Chan pieced the puzzle altogether.
‌"She's my daughter, say hi to him, baby" "You're so beautiful darling, what's your name?" "Are you courting my mommy?" The straightforward daughter asks while Bang Chan was panicking, sweating his forehead while Y/N laughs at their small interrogation.
‌From there, Bang Chan was tagged along on their Mommy-Baby dates. From baking pancakes to movie marathons at their house to even attending the Dog convention without Y/N, Bang Chan never realised that it is fun to be a 'bestie' to a kid and he feels 'no sweat' in courting the daughter and the mother.
‌Likes to take pictures of the daughter while she's napping on his chest or sleeping, Would give her matching bracelet or rings, Would get matching T-shirts without you "Where's mine?" "It's only for us"
‌Eventually the daughter will be attached to him. Calling him uncle and sometimes will choose him over you in her small scenarios "If you're on a boat who will you choose to be with, Me or Uncle Chan?" "Uncle Chan since he can swim and you cannot"
‌It was no big deal to him at all that you were a single mom and he insists that you should introduce the kid to her father whenever she's ready to meet him because it's her father nonetheless.
‌Will love your daughter more than you sometimes. She gets to tag along at his studio and even to his hometown to meet barry.
‌When he kneels at his feet he swore to protect and love you and your daughter, he asked permission from the daughter first, before he took your hand
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Lee Know
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‌When Minho realised that he was in love with one of their makeup artists, he proceeded to annoy the shit out of her by insisting to get his makeup and stage uniform done by her and her only. The members sensed it eventually but did not bother to swat him away as he has a bit of a temper. Y/N kept a straight face whenever she did his makeup and he would keep his eyes open, glancing at every stroke that she does, earning a slap on his arm. Sometimes he would 'accidentally' rip a button at the upper part of his shirt to tower on her while she fixes it, enjoying your scent and how flustered you look below him
‌At the year-end company party a kid bumped his head on his thigh, the kid fell on his back then cried, he knelt down to caress the forehead of the kid, You came rushing to them pulling gently so your kid could stand, wiping his cheeks, Minho glances at the both of you, You pulled a toy from your bag handling it to your kid then he focuses on it and stopped crying. "Do you know him?" he asks "He's my 5 year old"
‌From that moment, Minho was determined to court you and your kid. He would shower him with gifts and toys and food to get the kid to like him. Of course he would also show how much he loves you by taking care of you after your work, massaging your stiff shoulders, running a bath for you, attending to the kid whenever needed. He would also spend nights at your apartment to lullaby the kid to sleep whenever he's unwell.
‌He would introduce his cats to you and the kid because they are gentle little felines. You would go out on camping trips or fishing trips and he would be much more excited than the kid to shop for things to bring. "Oh look! a miniature tent! let's buy this for baby!" "It's too small for him, Minho"
‌ Will hug you and the kid to sleep. He will place soft kisses on your forehead and the kid's hand, whispering softly to himself that he's glad to have met you on this life. Will tag him on his trip to practices or hanging out at a nearby cat cafe because they both enjoy cats
‌The kid would go closer to his heart and Minho was glad that he considers him as an uncle rather than a stranger.
‌It doesn't bother him one bit that you were a single mom because it's not something to be ashamed of. He loves you and the kid with his heart.
‌He swore to love you regardless if you have a kid already. Will also love to have another baby of him and you in the future because he's a family man and loves to have a huge family.
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I'll add the other members on another post (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
(cw for mentions predatory behavior/grooming) I wish people understood how unsafe the furry fandom is for minors. I know that every fandom has that problem to some extent, but from my personal experience it seems to be much worse in the furry fandom. I was in it for many years as a young teen (age 13-16 ish) and literally ran away from it by the end. If you're into fursuiting at all you will be surrounded by adults in their 20s ish that are often dangerously and upsettingly immature for some reason. Despite how "sfw" the like to claim they can be, they aren't. The amount of times in which either I have or had witnessed someone else under 18 being intentionally shown p-rn either directly or through groups that call themselves "sfw" is revolting. Fuck's sake I once saw one of those "guess my age by my art" posts in which some grown adult went "I guess you're 15? Can you guess mine?" and attached nsfw art to their comment (the genitals were censored but STILL). facepalm with me, please. Attending irl events is another can of worms, really. Just hope that event runners keep an eye out for predators in the community and promptly ban them. Id like to think that there was a misunderstanding, really, but I once had to report an adult commissioner who took advantage of their commission contracts with minors to get flirtatious with them regardless of how much discomfort they voiced (I even had a video of the guy m-sturbating that he had sent to someone that was even younger than me that I would have happily provided as proof). And the convention runners didn't blacklist that guy. This isnt an isolated case either, registered sex offenders have been hard to blacklist from cons in the past. The problem here is the immaturity that adults who claim to be able to make a safe space for everyone have makes them really struggle to hold that promise.
I haven't hung out in furry spaces much. I do think that in-person events that are at least partly about sexual stuff are a minefield and many of them just ban everyone underage because it's easier.
Is suspect Furry spaces are suffering from a common problem that happens when something perfectly reasonable is seen as freakish and socially unacceptable. When banal queer sexuality is driven underground, it's harder to sort the consensual adult stuff from the predatory stuff. When half the priests out there have secret, forbidden but perfectly consensual adult relationships, it makes it easier for the predators to hide in the general atmosphere of secrecy.
People cry wolf so often about furry being scarybadcringeyuck that I'm sure a lot of furries just dismiss any challenge to anything.
Outside of furry circles, people usually just think of furries as a Weird Sex Thing, so they're unlikely to imagine children should be hanging out in those spaces.
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johannestevans · 5 months
Come see me in Leeds this Friday!
Good morning, good morning!
Remember you can sign up to get this update directly as an email. Anything that I can't promote or post as per Patreon's more stringent guidelines will always still be in my regular email newsletters.
First things first, in the aftermath of the piece I submitted to Trans_Muted late last year, I'm going to be at an event at The Bookish Type, a queer bookshop, in Leeds this Friday evening! Tickets are sold out online, but there will be more tickets available on the door at the £0-£5 range depending on how much people can afford.
It's going to be a Q&A and discussion sort of night, with some readings as well - as well as me, there'll be Dalton Harrison, the founder of StandFast Productions, a collective for ex-offenders to share art and stories; there's Loren Lepton, who does all sorts of rocking art across different disciplines and has published poetry in Trans_Muted; and of course there's Dorian Rose, the founder of Trans_Muted!
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Here's the piece I'll be discussing and potentially reading from:
Questions You Wish You Could Ask A Gay Transgender Man — A tongue-in-cheek take on cisgender people’s frequently asked questions.
Read here in Trans_Muted!
Also On Medium / / On Patreon.
There will be books and such forth available from us, as well as the fact that the Bookish Type is an excellent queer-run bookshop that will have all manner of wonders for you to peruse as ever.
Great news for those who enjoyed my Minotaur talk a while back - Romancing the Gothic have invited me back to do another talk as part of a charity event toward the end of March!
On March 16th 2024, Goths for Breakfast is going to centre a variety of talks about gothic literature to raise money for hungry kids, and mine is going to be a presentation and dive into Crimson Peak (2015, dir. Guillermo Del Toro) and its appeal as a modern gothic romance, with a bit of examination about people's hunger for ~problematic~ themes in the age of BookTok, book bans, and rising puritan values and opposition to nuance. Title is yet to drop, but in the meantime, go sign up for Romancing the Gothic and check out their other events!
My plan is to write more non-fiction in the next few months as honestly, I need the money - I'm settling well into the new place but I'm getting used to balancing all my bills against furnishing everything, and I'm currently in need of some dental care. I've talked about it at length here, and there's two polls here and here at the moment about particular essays or non-fiction people would be most eager to see and read, but please let me know if there's anything you'd really like me to write about!
I have a few media recs this week - I already mentioned that I've been playing Dragon Quest XI and I'm now replaying Final Fantasy XV again, but onto some movie recs! A few of these fucking rock, and I definitely plan to write a bit more about them at length.
The Holdovers (2023, dir. Alexander Payne) - This one was good, not a new favourite of mine or anything, but it's well-paced and has a lot of well-done slice-of-life and character study, which I know people who like my work will undoubtedly appreciate! It's a loving and sensitive film - I found it to be a bit bland for my taste, but for being this sort of film it's not at all too saccharine, and it definitely might be worth a watch if you like nasty old men or nasty young men! I'll be honest, though, none of the men in this are particularly to my taste - I did love Da'Vine Joy Randolph's performance though, she really makes the whole film.
Demon (2015, dir. Marcin Wrona) - This film has been criticised a lot by genre horror fans because they're upset that it doesn't meet genre horror conventions: it doesn't. This is a real fucking horror film delving into the reality of living on haunted, bloodied land, and it's a modern retelling of The Dybbuk - gentiles at a wedding become haunted by the ghost of a dead Jewish bride, and horrors unfold for them. This film is beautiful, and I don't think I've ever seen a film that depicts gentiles grappling so much with the violence that's been done by them and their community to Jewish people, and then making the decision to turn away from it. The haunting of the pogroms in this film is visceral, and it feels all the more salient at the moment given the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the historical-to-now experiences of Palestinians in the face of that colonial violence.
Minyan (2020, dir. Eric Steel) - This is a super gorgeous film as well - I've watched a lot of coming-of-age flicks about young queer men coming to terms with their sexuality, particularly set in the 80s, but I've never seen one that has such a loving depiction of a man's developing sexual identity at the same time as his developing religious one and the relationship he has with his Judaism and with worship and religion, and other queer men in his community and how many there are once he knows how to look for and find them. I really love the undercurrent of his relationship with James Baldwin's work, especially a contrast at one point of a fellow young Russian Jew saying he's going to join the IDF, and then immediately jump to work from Baldwin. I would recommend Baldwin's short open letter on Zionism, antisemitism, and Palestinian liberation from '79 in The Nation, which you can read here.
New Works Published
Serial Update: Powder and Feathers
Chapter Fifty-Four: Colm has a painful discussion with his granddaughter; Jean-Pierre bonds with his niece.
It seems to Aimé Deverell that there is very little point to life, except for what pleasures can be enjoyed before the grave. Life is short - thank God - but at least there's enough in the world to dull the senses in the meantime.
That philosophy shatters like glass when he meets Jean-Pierre, an angel.
Read on Medium / / Read on Ao3 / / Read on WorldAnvil
Erotic Short: Wine Barrel
The angel Jean-Pierre lets himself get caught by the all-too-friendly Dionysus.
Rated E, trans M/everyone at a party. Featuring object insertion, inflation with a womb filled up with wine, unsafe alcohol consumption, lactation, milking, public humiliation, voyeurism, transformation, very drunk sex, sadomasochism, free use, objectification, begging, multiple orgasms, overstimulation.
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Erotic Short: Window Trap
Jean-Pierre makes an unwise decision, and gets caught amongst the wrong crowd.
Rated E, 3.9k, trans M angel gangbanged by Greek gods, mostly by Hermes (Aetos Talaria). Doros is also here — Doros and Jean-Pierre both being characters in Powder and Feathers.
Dubious to non consent here after some pure hubris, with a gangbang, large insertions, come inflation, deepthroating, spitroasting, predicament bondage with Jean-Pierre stuck in a wall, humiliation, degradation, dirty talk, masochism, stomach bulges.
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Non-Fiction: My Top 6 Films of 2023
2023 had a few knock-out hits as far as the cinema goes — obviously, people were very excited about the respective releases of Barbie and Oppenheimer, but my top films of the year were a bit different.
One  thing I do think unites a lot of these — and a trend I hope to see from  more films in the next few years — is a trend toward more earnestness  and sincerity in scripts and plot lines, and I’m hoping that trend  continues!
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Woe, Boypussy Be Upon Ye: Transing Characters in Fanfic & Fanart
What’s the deal with envisioning your blorbos as transgender?
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Erotic TweetFic: Building Stamina
A new addition to a band of mercenaries struggles to keep pace with them - but no worries. They've another role in mind for him.
Read on Twitter
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occasionaltouhou · 4 months
Do you think Kappa made Lego traps (thought of mines originally) would be a much deadlier weapon to humans because of the whole "insane agony stepping on a Lego provides" sentiment? If the humans made a Lego mine somehow, would it be of usable and effective against Youkai? Should Lego weaponry be banned by the Geneva Convention in the context of combating the supernatural?
Many such questions to be asked
these are the real questions, and have been under fierce debate ever since the concept of a lego brick weapon was inadvertently introduced to gensokyo by sanae and a couple of 2005-era lego kits
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underground-boss-clay · 8 months
Words of Wyndon, 3rd of August, 2003
Unovan Business Tycoon Lands Galar's New Chairman in the Hospital
Written by Clishma Claver
Galar has hardly revealed its newest energy source for a day and already other regions are beginning to be up in arms about our region's beloved Wishing Stars! What is more, they are taking it out on our most beloved star, our new Chairman himself!
We start at the great Wyndon Technology Expo, where Macro Cosmos first revealed the Wishing Stars, and the wishes they truly could grant--a new source of energy, freeing us from clouded skies and bringing us the new battling convention of Dynamaxing! A tactic that sets our beloved Galar apart from all other regions!
But of course, every great innovation comes with critics and nay-sayers. And in the case of Dynamaxing, no one objected more loudly to our Chairman's stellar vision of the future than Clay Erden: Ground type Gym Leader of Unova, business tycoon and a stubborn advocate of mining. His objections echo sentiments from Gym Leader Ravenwood of Spikemuth City, claiming that this cleaner energy source would "bar cities who cannot or do not wish to use the Wishing Stars in Gym battles." Gym Leader Erden even went so far as to claim the Wishing Stars may be radioactive! An accusation that our esteemed Chairman was quick to dismiss.
But even when his cries fell on deaf ears, Clay Erden would not take no as an answer! During celebrations after the first presentation of Dynamaxing, Clay Erden attacked our beloved Chairman!! Fortunately, the Chairman's Copperajah senses her trainer was under attack and broke out of her own Ball to valiantly protect her trainer! A Gym Trainer from Turffield had a front seat view of the whole thing:
"Chairman Rose, gracious host that he is, was simply checking on all of his guests. He greets everyone, after all, and is so friendly to them, especially since they come from so far away. But then he went over to Mr. Clay's table and I heard such a noise! When I looked over, the Chairman was doubled over and coughing something terrible!"
As this clear attempt on the Chairman's life was in full view of the entire Galar League, the motion to ban Gym Leader Erden and his company, Driftveil Mining, from any future business in the region was near unanimous. The only objections came from Gym Leader Hemlock Ravenwood, who had this to say:
"The bloke was caught completely off guard by Rose. I was talking to him bout possibly helpin' Spikemuth--small as we are, he said we had potential with our shops an' crafts to make the city bigger--when the Chairman popped outta bloody nowhere behind Clay an' clapped a hand on his shoulder! Shook the chap good, little wonder he freaked the way he did."
As Gym Leader Erden is unfortunately not available to interview, we instead turned to his wife, Celia Erden, who had this to say about her husband's behavior:
"[My husband] gave the Chairman every warning about getting too close. Now that they're both in the hospital, you dare to vilify him for establishing his own personal space? Shove your ears up your ass, because that's clearly all you want to hear."
A very outspoken woman, especially in front of her own son! Still, what else can one expect from a region such as Unova!
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azspot · 9 months
One of the consequences of American exceptionalism is that the U.S. government considers itself exempt from legal and moral standards accepted by other nations in the world. There is a long list of such self-exemptions: the refusal to sign the Kyoto Treaty regulating the pollution of the environment, the refusal to strengthen the convention on biological weapons. The United States has failed to join the hundred-plus nations that have agreed to ban land mines, in spite of the appalling statistics about amputations performed on children mutilated by those mines. It refuses to ban the use of napalm and cluster bombs. It insists that it must not be subject, as are other countries, to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.
Howard Zinn
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Henrow blorbo
first off, ohmyfuckinggodyouaresocoolllllllllllllllll
secondly, what ya workin' on currently? <- is deathly interested, yes please please please info dump if you have the spoons
- Ryan
Bonjour my furry friend. At the moment i'm mostly working on getting a job so that i can afford rent, but when i'm not doing that, i'm working on designing some new N-substituted 5MeO-tryptamines (in order to avoid being banned for breaking tumblr TOS, i can't say exactly what for, but if you look up 5MeO-tryptamines, you should see). So far i've only managed to make things that make me super sleepy (and maybe a tiny bit inebriated), so presumably my body is mainly metabolizing them into melatonin. I also have been working on working through the details of making a rocket engine which relies on both muon catalyzed fusion and z-pinch fusion (mostly because even though i know it's way above what i'm probably capable of, i just love space so much i desperately need to see it for myself and i figure that since rockets are so absurdly expensive, the only way i'll end up in space is if we can get a whole new generation of ultra-efficient rockets (for example, given p-N14 fusion, if we manage to get 1% or more (i don't really expect more than 0.1% max, but still) of the hydrogen fusing with nitrogen, we'd be able to put 150 tons on the moon from earth with only using about enough fuel to fill a small car (instead of needing a skyscraper sized rocket to send maybe 30 tons)). Now, if it were as easy as my calculations show it to be, i can't imagine how there are any rockets flown that aren't fusion, but seeing as i haven't even made a working proof of concept yet, i'm not in a position to criticize the thousands of aerospace engineers who are working on conventional chemical rockets. I love fusion because it's simultaneously so easy (i live pretty close to an old uranium mine where i can actually pan some uranium out of the creek near me, then use that uranium to make a neutron source (B10(α,n)) which is really just fusion between helium and boron, happening at room temperature because of how high energy the α particles released by uranium are) and so absurdly difficult (without catalysts like muons, it requires absurdly high temperatures and pressures that almost always take more energy put in than they can give out). Anyway, i've also been sorta working on studying a material that a while back i got way too excited over and may have called a room temperature superconductor (almost certainly not the case), but in an attempt to make it more pure and study it for real i've been trying to work on the exact calculations of its composition and finding a better way to heat it up to high temperatures (i might just put it in a flat-bottomed flask, especially since it finally warmed up enough for me to go back outside where the fumes released by its production won't make folks mad).
And then there's the biological experiments, currently with electroceutical tissue modifications since most of the other projects i have planned require me to have a gene printer capable of reliably printing genes thousands of base pairs long and i'm not sure when i'll be able to build that. The most recent thing i've been working on is really exciting because if it works it means that i've successfully done something that has never been done before to a human body (and given the long lasting pain in that part of my thigh, it seems very possible it is working), but i'm hesitant about sharing what the project is because i don't really want folks putting gap junction blockers, calcium channel blockers, and sodium channel blockers into open wounds without knowing how to do it safely and correctly to get the desired results and not just a really messed up wound. If/when this experiment turns out well, i might give directions in private, but i'm still somewhat hesitant due to the risks inherent in this (the biggest and most likely is literally giving yourself a form of cancer, something i'm not eager for others to risk). Soon i might try chemical dedifferentiation of skin cells (thinking on my back or upper arms) followed by some mildly dangerous experiments to test how reliably i can make it turn into other cell types. And while i haven't made good work on it in a while, i've also been trying to make something similar to shimmer from arcane (ideally not addictive or harmful to the user, but most importantly the quick energy burst, decreased pain, and increased regenerative abilities (obviously it won't be anywhere near as dramatic as in the show, so calling it shimmer may not really make sense, but it is where i got the inspiration)).
Then i suppose there's the battery project i was talking about in my last post, and i'm also trying to learn how to make alcohol under my desk (i mean, it's super easy, it just doesn't taste great). There might be a few more things i'm working on but rn i'm super eepy and have talked about a lot already. If this seems like i'm doing a lot or impressive, also note that i'm actively failing out of college (for my own pride: the material is super easy and mostly i already know it, i just can't stand wasting so much of my time doing homework that doesn't help anyone or anything) and not yet working a job, so i have a lot of time and so much free brainspace to think about and do all this. I also work very slowly on each thing because i keep bouncing back and forth between all of them and almost always end up adding new projects before i've finished the old ones and so i almost never see a project all the way through to completion (at least some of the bio projects are just sitting in my body and i am just waiting to see how they turn out in the next 2-3 months, so those necessarily will see completion, even if it's failure). I really hope i see the fusion rocket to completion because if i don't think i'll ever be able to see the earth from afar or the moon from up close.
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who-is-page · 2 years
Hello! Do you know anything about why Kinmunity recently decided to stop supporting Othercon? Almost didn't attend because of it (glad to have done so anyway, it was fun and informative). The thread on it is short and vague, and I want to know if there is anything to be concerned about. Thanks!
From what I was informed, KM's statement against OtherCon happened after Naia was barred entrance due to past behavior outside of the convention that violated OtherCon's Code of Conduct, and I think it is reasonable to assume that the KM statement was inspired by that if it's true. But I'm neither a moderator on KM nor a staff member on OtherCon, so I did not see what happened myself, only what has been said regarding the situation on KM and elsewhere.
Admittedly, Naia citing OtherCon's stated of Code of Conduct policy that "any action or behavior that causes significant interference with convention operations, excessive discomfort to other attendees, or adversely affects our relationship with our guests, is strictly forbidden and may result in permanent suspension of attendee privileges" as a driving reason for KM's announcement against OtherCon is fairly curious given that:
1. Kinmunity has an equivalent immediate policy in their Terms of Service (section Termination, paragraph 2) which states, "Kinmunity may terminate your access to all or any part of the services provided at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. Kinmunity can terminate this website immediately as part of a general shutdown of our services. All provisions of this Agreement which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination."
2. Kinmunity has equivalent derivative policies from what is presented in their Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.
For OtherCon's "any action or behavior that causes significant interference with convention operations," section of their CoC, KM comparatively has these similar guidelines to prevent people from using their forum/aspects of their forum and associated KM-aligned communities and features in ways that may disrupt the website or its intended purpose(s):
"You agree not to take any action that undermines the safety and security of our site, including attempting to bypass or circumvent account restrictions, bans, or other security measures put in-place to protect the site." (In Terms and Rules, subsection Prohibited Behavior)
"No Data Mining: Do not, via manual or automated means, collect large amounts of data including but not limited to: forum posts, blog entries, articles, media, chat logs, or other user-created content for the purposes of aggregating, mirroring, re-publishing, or storing off-site. You are also forbidden to reproduce content found in secure sections of the site (protected by username & password) without permission from the Kinmunity administration team and the content's author." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Global Guidelines)
"Don't Spam or Advertise: Kinmunity is not an appropriate venue to spam or advertise; it just annoys others. Besides, we report spammers we catch to external security services, like StopForumSpam, so it isn't worth it." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Global Guidelines)
"One Profile Per Person: Kinmunity only supports one profile per person. Exceptions can be made for members of a plural system, simply talk to staff first!" (In Community Guidelines, subsection Profile Guidelines)
"Don't game the system: Use Kinmunity how you normally would; don't attempt to exploit the system to earn KinCash." (In Community Guidelines, subsection KinCash Guidelines)
"Read the Stickies: Please read all of the sticky threads within a given forum before posting in it; some sections have their own unique rules." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Forum Guidelines)
"Title Appropriately: When creating a thread, please use a meaningful title that accurately depicts what your thread is about. Your thread's message should also be meaningful and descriptive; it sets the tone for the conversation to follow." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Forum Guidelines)
"Search Before You Post: Before posting a thread, please search the forums to see if somebody else has already submitted a thread regarding the topic you wish to discuss. If a thread exists, consider posting in it instead of starting a new one." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Forum Guidelines)
"Stay On-Topic: Make sure you post threads in the most appropriate forum. When posting a reply, please ensure it actually contributes to the topic being discussed. You should stay on topic, and you should avoid useless one-word or non-contributing replies." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Forum Guidelines)
"Don't double-post, Don't cross-post: Double-posting and Cross-posting unfairly increases post counts and bones; don't do it! Double-posting is the act of posting two messages back-to-back. This can take the form of submitting two replies to a single thread or submitting a reply to a thread you started before anybody else has replied. Cross-posting is the act of posting the same thread in different forums on the site." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Forum Guidelines)
...and more!
For OtherCon's ""any action or behavior that causes [...] excessive discomfort to other attendees," section of their CoC, KM comparatively has these similar guidelines to ensure community member comfort and safety:
"During your use of Kinmunity, you agree not to post content that is: libelous, defamatory, abusive, disruptive, obscene, violent, threatening, harassive, or blatantly pornographic. It is also prohibited to post unsolicited advertising material (SPAM) or material which violates any federal law of the United States of America. [...] You agree not to take any action that violates the privacy of other users. Copying, screenshotting, reproducing, or otherwise sharing of material which requires a valid Kinmunity account to access outside of Kinmunity without permission from the content's author is explicitly forbidden. Additionally, you are not permitted to post personally identifying information about Kinmunity users on-site or elsewhere without their express permission." (In Terms and Rules, subsection Prohibited Behavior)
"Show courtesy and respect to all: In your interactions with others on the site, please show courtesy and respect. It's okay to disagree on something, but disagreements should happen in a civil and cordial manner. Insults, talking down to others, personal attacks, and harassment will not be tolerated." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Global Guidelines)
"Keep it audience appropriate: The majority of Kinmunity is accessible to all users over the age of thirteen. Except in designated areas, please keep content suitable for members aged thirteen and above." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Global Guidelines)
"Absolutely no proselytizing: That isn't what we're about. You can discuss spirituality or religion in the proper areas, but you cannot attempt to convert others to your spirituality or religion." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Global Guidelines) (Note: This also fits into the previous mentioned similarity group, especially based on the 'this isn't what we're about' portion of this.)
"Retaliation is not tolerated: If you've been given a rating you disagree with on a particular piece of content you posted, do not act in an abusive matter to the person who gave it to you. Instead, contact a staff member if it violates our Terms & Rules or Community Guidelines." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Reaction Guidelines)
"No dirty tricks: Don't scam or trick other users into giving you their KinCash." (In Community Guidelines, subsection KinCash Guidelines)
"Don't be rude: Please do not use all caps, multiple exclamation marks, or excessive formatting (bold, italics, colors, etc.) in your posts. It's considered rude and makes them hard to read." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Forum Guidelines)
"Don't discriminate: While group owners are free to grant or deny membership at their whim, discrimination based on race, religion (creed), sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, genetics, or similar factors is absolutely forbidden." (In Community Guidelines, subsection Groups Guidelines)
...and, once again, more! I think you catch my drift.
And it's important to note that OtherCon doesn't have a direct equivalency to these hyper-specific and niche guideline sections and subsections because it's a digital convention that is significantly much more freeform in comparison to the rigidity of KM due to the difference in social media platform (a forum vs. a Discord server) and its impermanent nature (a forum that exists for multiple years vs. a Discord event that goes on for three days). I'm not saying that KM is bad for having these various parts to their guidelines, I'm just pointing out that they are meant to fill identical functional roles in both settings, and that KM is hypocritical for criticizing the convention's CoC while not simultaneously adjusting their own to match.
So yeah. Sorry for the long rant, but as one of the two panelists who hosted an 18+ panel at OtherCon this year, I haven't been able to help but roll my eyesockets at the whole debacle and find KM's position largely meritless. I've been working on this survey since December of last year and found it especially frustrating to see the convention (and specifically its 18+ events, half of which were mine) disavowed for largely personal and hypocritical reasons on the part of Kinmunity.
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mineaction · 6 months
10th Session, 21st Meeting of State Parties to Mine Ban Convention.
Twenty-First Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction.
12. Consideration of requests submitted under Article 5
13. Consideration of matters arising from/in the context of reports submitted under Article 7
14. Consideration of requests submitted under Article 8
Failing the establishment of a cooperative dialogue and the resolution of the current status of non-compliance through the submission of an extension request by Eritrea by 31 March 2023, the 20MSP mandated the President of the Twenty-First Meeting of the States Parties to seek clarification and resolve questions related to compliance by Eritrea through the Secretary-General of the United Nations in accordance with Article 8.2 of the Convention and to report back to the States Parties at their Twenty-First meeting.
The President will report back to the States Parties on the implementation of this decision.
15. Election of the President of the Fifth Review Conference of the States Parties and of the Twenty-Second Meeting of the States Parties
The Meeting will be asked to agree that H.E. Ly Thuch, Senior Minister and First Vice-President of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) be elected to preside over the Fifth Review Conference of the States Parties.
The Meeting will be asked to welcome the offer made by Japan to preside over the Twenty-Second Meeting of the States Parties.
The Meeting will be asked to welcome the offer made by Zambia to preside over the Twenty-Third Meeting of the States Parties.
16. Duration and matters pertaining to the preparations for the Fifth Review Conference and the Twenty-Second Meeting of the States Parties
The Meeting will be asked to agree that the Fifth Review Conference take place in Siem Reap, Cambodia from 25 to 29 November 2024.
The Meeting will be asked to agree that the First Preparatory Meeting in advance of the Fifth Review Conference take place on 20 June 2024 in Geneva and that the Second Preparatory Meeting in advance of the Fifth Review Conference take place on 18 September 2024 also in Geneva.
17. Any other business
18. Consideration and adoption of the final document
19. Closure of the Twenty-First Meeting of the States Parties
The Meeting will be asked to take decisions on the requests for extended mine clearance deadlines which will have been or may be submitted by Eritrea and Ukraine.Delegations will be given the opportunity take the floor on matters that have not been covered otherwise by the meeting.The Meeting will be asked to consider and adopt its final report.The meeting will be closed by the President.
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aeide-thea · 8 months
up in the middle of the night (or, really, rounding the corner of it now) rereading old fic (from a fandom i was never actually in, about a canon i never actually read, because if we're gonna go full Deep Internet we might as well go all the way, i guess) about a, hm, partially queerplatonic polycule and also somebody being nonbinary in a way that somewhat maps onto the way i'm nonbinary—
(or, i don't know, i stopped feeling confident about claiming that language for myself sometime around the time i first saw theyfab discourse happening in the distance and no one in my social vicinity deigning to acknowledge it even long enough to push back at it, so like, these days i mostly just feel like no language assigned or aspired-to is really mine to use, honestly, but i guess 'genderqueer' feels like a modest enough assertion i can probably safely make it: genderqueer, agender, what even is a gender anyway—)
but it really is just like. i wish i could have the experience you're supposed to have in your, like, early- to mid-twenties really, where you live with a bunch of people you have, like, ambiguously queerplatonic relationships with and get to be casually nakeder than conventional norms allow and be, like, a shirtless genderless person around other people and get that reinforced for myself. but of course instead it's like. i missed the boat on the possibility of that experience just like i missed the boat on the rest of life, and i live with my father which is—a grab bag of nice/comfortable/mediocre/stifling but mainly for the purposes of the current conversation just not a plausible environment in which to push nudity taboos and attempt to reframe bodily meanings; and so what i get instead is to flop around in the middle of the night like an unevolved magikarp feeling crazy and melancholy and reading fic where imaginary people make unconventional impossibilities possible for one another because they love each other and it's, like, an updated version of that pathetically tragic anecdote abt the woman calling the gay bars just to listen down the phone and know they were out there…
like honestly i probably would want top surgery really, or at least, to like. wave a wand and have—no tits? smaller tits? something, anyway, sometimes—but i also want people's perception of my self not to depend on my making that happen? i don't know. it's like. my ugly little tits are ugly and i never wanted to sprout them in the first place but it's also like. sux that all roads to social gender acceptance/affirmation regardless of direction involve active cosmetic modification of my own body. like actually that was a major part of the concept/constraint i wanted to get out from under.
i don't know. the things i want seem unreasonable and impossible no matter what camp you ask and i feel gadfly-maddened and oversensitive and despairing about the whole tangle of it (never mind any other aspect of my (non-)life). like it's no fucking wonder i spend so much time as a disembodied word-utterer on the disembodied internet. language my truest tongue of my truest body. heart-sea and heart's ease and heart's blood-without-blood. (found myself thinking here abt heaney's ban-hus (blood-holt, dream-bower) and went to look it up and was poured right back into the problem and then back out of it again. (woman-)body as wordless geography, limned and unlimbed by words.)
gender of the day: poiesis. (ἡ ποίησις, of course—the feminine article, which transcribed becomes he: a meaningless homograph, to be sure, but then so too am i a queerly-drawn thing; and anyway even a wildly-strung cat's cradle is still a cradle, the dots of it connected to hold a meaning like any other constellation…)
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
Embedded explosives in the ground are pretty much the definition of landmines. The Jenin terrorists are burying landmines in their own town, where their own people could be killed.
If the mines can be triggered by a person, they are considered illegal under the 1997 Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.
It sure looks like many of these IEDs can indeed be triggered by someone stepping on them. Here is a relatively small one being detonated by the IDF.
I have yet to see a condemnation by any NGO or state about Palestinians putting their own people at risk of being blown up by these IEDs. 
Israel's clearing of the mines is considered a bigger crime than the mines themselves. 
Which tells you a lot.
UPDATE: The "State of Palestine" acceded to the 1997 Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, which proves yet again that the only reason they signed these conventions was to be accepted as a state, but had no intention to actually do anything to adhere to the various conventions' rules. (h/t Ian)
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Pat: "the panel was a J2 love fest."
Cool, since I've now distributed the M&G to several hundred people to the point you can't trace the source, are you going to lie to all of them about Watching Over Me, Jensen's admission of his subconscious driving the lyrics about cas, his coyness in refusing to spoil the confession's address, about the Not Volume 3 song being used in the Winchesters, or about the fact that he confirmed this is both a prequel and a sequel like I told you? oh and the. how many blogs or theories are right. oops. Gayle fucked up and didn't tell you shit, I guess. remember I said people hear only what they want to out of the M&G?
This shit right here, he just outright deleted everything that would prove him wrong, probably because Gayle didn't bother to communicate half of it. One of the people he's relying on to back him up and lie and say this didn't happen is about to get banned from conventions for threatening physical assault on hellers for daring to ruin her M&G. in public. like, with receipts. people sent creation receipts.
His source may be soon as well depending how angry gary gets. otherwise we wait for creation to react and remove xmiamigirl forever, and possibly others engaging that conversation. Say goodbye to half the Jared M&Gers if Creation goes that far, but they're probably just taking out miami. and gayle for her NDA violations if gary has a say. these people think investing in mantra and silly shit will make them safe but just you wait until a business feels you're a liability they could get sued or lose contracts over.
the J2 love fest is actually a report about miami girl. She was openly drinking tequila inside the meet and greet and interrupting everyone, be them heller or jensen, to bitch/moan/wax poetic about jared, and was reported as incredibly obnoxious and causing the familiar jensen jaw-set more than once. I imagine the tequila was a factor in her being dumb enough to threaten to cut hellers up for ruining her M&G, in public, but alcohol just makes you looser so they just be like that. They're big mad the whole thing became a heller show, tried to interrupt, screamed and bitched and threatened to kill hellers for ruining it, but sure Pat, it was great, heller-free, all-about-jared, yup.
This definitely isn't you, as a salty jared stan and wincel that pretends to ship other shit, doing the same reality deletion you do all the time. It was obviously great and no heller stuff whatsoever and miami totally didn't turn into a raving death threat cunt in public. Why do you guys do this to yourselves? You know you're lying, you see the writing enough on the wall to throw tequila and threats at it, but you guys just won't let go. Let go of the goddamn stuffed bunny, guys
it's funny because they're trying to bait me to "prove" to creation that a heller leaked and, like, no guys. When you're a drunk raving bitch threatening to cut people, other people talk. Now if you wanna look at leaks, you can check teamfreewill2pointo's blog, and narrow down which M&G attendants have been able to be at every con he's gotten news from. Hint, it's Gayle. It's Gayle, and it's not hard to figure out. because 2p0 is an incompetent slob and feeds his followers her line every weekend, leaving a long confirmable paper trail.
Sweetie you should know better than any heller in that M&G being mine, they would have never asked IF Jensen was doing the confession, but rather when or how they had talked about it looking. But you might wanna check your buddy rings real close and see how they run their mouths in the main room. technically that whole group was immediately complicit in NDA violation. someone else in that room knew the song. use your noodles. this game of yours is over.
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Meaning/references behind every Gilmore Girls episode title - Season 1
Hi friends! In today's edition of I'm avoiding work and obsessing because I'm banned from rewatching until September (self-inflicted), I wanted to share my latest deep-dive project: making a clear, concise list of the meanings and references behind each episode title. I'm going season-by-season and filling in references when I catch them.
Some titles (especially in season 1) are quite obvious and literal, but many are clever references that emphasize themes and symbolism happening in the plot or character relationships. I like trying to figure them all out and wanted to share in case I have some wrong or people have caught references I've missed or didn't know writers may have spoken about, etc. ASP has such a deep well of pop culture knowledge, I enjoy mining it.
Masterlist: Season 1 Season 2, Part 1 Season 2, Part 2 Season 3, Part 1 Season 3, Part 2
My notes: - As always, please correct anything I've gotten wrong and share your own insight! - Many of these notes are pulled from and/or learned via annotatedgilmoregirls.com - an absolute icon! I claim no author originality. I'm just the one to compile/edit them. :) - So many of these seem deceptively straightforward... I'm almost convinced there must be sneaky references I'm missing with Kill Me Now, Forgiveness and Stuff and Christopher Returns especially... - This was the first time I realized the exact reference in Concert Interruptus and it's hilarious. I love when they get a little naughty/cheeky. - Looove the contrast between the happenings in Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers vs. S6's Written in the Stars. :')
Season 1
Pilot A “pilot” is a test episode for an intended TV series, an early step in series development, much like pilot studies serve as precursors to the start of larger activity.
The Lorelais' First Day at Chilton Lorelai and Rory both deal with Rory’s first day at her new school.
Kill Me Now "Kill me now" is a relatively common, ironic/humorous response to bad news or to a situation that the sender considers so bad that they would rather die than endure it. Likely how Lorelai feels about the idea of Rory’s golf date with Richard.
The Deer Hunters The title references The Deer Hunter (a 1978 war drama film co-written and directed by Michael Cimino about a trio of Slavic-American steelworkers whose lives were upended after fighting in the Vietnam War) as a joke about the deer hitting Rory’s car on her way to school.
Cinnamon's Wake Cinnamon is the name of Babette’s cat. A wake is a watch or vigil held beside the body of someone who has died. Possibly also a reference to the book Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce (an experimental novel with a reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the Western canon due to its linguistic experiments, stream of consciousness writing style, literary allusions, free dream associations, and abandonment of narrative conventions).
Rory's Birthday Parties Rory has both a party thrown by her grandparents and a party thrown by her mother for her 16th birthday.
Kiss and Tell A common colloquialism referring to Rory’s first kiss with Dean. Possibly a reference to Kiss and Tell, a 1945 American comedy film starring a teenaged Shirley Temple. In the film, two girls cause their respective parents trouble when they start to become interested in boys. The plot interestingly involves an impulsive, secret elopement and accidental pregnancy drama.
Love and War and Snow Perhaps a reference to ”All is fair in love and war", a common proverb attributed to John Lyly's Euphues. “Love” referring to Lorelai’s blossoming romance with Max, “War” referring to the Revolutionary War reenactors and “Snow” of course refers to our first introduction to Lorelai’s love of snow and her insistence that good/important things have always happened to her on the first snow of the year - a theme that repeats throughout the series.
Rory's Dance Rory takes Dean to her first high school dance.
Forgiveness and Stuff This episode deals with multiple themes of forgiveness - Lorelai forgiving Rory for staying out all night with Dean, Emily and Lorelai forgiving each other for their fight about Rory and Lorelai being uninvited to the Christmas party, Lorelai forgiving Dean, and Lorelai dealing with lingering issues with Richard and how he raised her, perhaps forgiving him in a way.
Paris is Burning Paris Is Burning is an iconic 1990 documentary film directed by Jennie Livingston chronicling the ball culture of New York City and the African-American, Latino, gay, and transgender communities involved in it in the 1980s. This is the first episode where Paris gets a more humanizing backstory and causes trouble by outing Lorelai and Max’s relationship to distract from her own issues.
Double Date A common term for a date where two different couples go out together.
Concert Interruptus The title is a play on “coitus interruptus”, the technical term for the pull-out method of birth control. In the same way, The Bangles concert in the episode is interrupted when Madeline and Louise withdraw or “pull out” of the proceedings.
That Damn Donna Reed The Donna Reed Show is an American sitcom which aired on ABC from 1958-1966 starring Donna Reed as middle-class housewife Donna Stone. Although it was the first sitcom to focus on the mother as the central figure in a domestic comedy and paved the way for female-focused TV, it was commonly critiqued by feminists in the 1970s as presenting an idealized view of domesticity.
Christopher Returns This episode marks Christopher’s first visit to Stars Hollow and his seemingly first big return to Lorelai and Rory’s lives, much to the chagrin of every sane fan.
Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare refers to the main characters as “star cross’d lovers”, meaning that their relationship is destined to fail no matter how hard they try. The phrase comes from astrology, meaning that the stars are working against them. The title is also a reference to the 1970 comedy film Lovers and Other Strangers, in which a couple’s upcoming wedding shines a spotlight on the marriage problems of their family members. “Star crossed lovers” can refer to multiple relationships facing troubles in this episode - Rory and Dean, Luke and Rachel, Lorelai and Max, Lorelai and Chase (the weird guy her parents try to set her up with), and of course, the lovers in the story behind the Founders Firelight Festival. This is especially endearing when you remember that, in contrast, the episode in season 6 when Luke and Lorelai go on their first date is titled “Written in the Stars”.
The Break Up: Part 2 This episode is the first to pick up exactly where the previous episode left off (Rory running home to Lorelai’s arms post-break up with Dean) in a kind of to-be-continued way, explaining the “: Part 2” in the title. There is also an episode of the classic 1970s sitcom The Jeffersons titled The Break Up: Part 2 where the Jefferson and the Willis families debate about getting Lionel and Jenny back together and George accidentally sets his son up with a sex worker. Perhaps a stretch to think it could be a reference, but ASP is a big sitcom nerd so it’s not out of the realm of possibility.
The Third Lorelai We are introduced to Richard’s mother, Lorelai “Trix” Gilmore; Lorelai’s namesake and therefore the third Lorelai in the Gilmore family.
Emily in Wonderland The title is a reference to the children’s book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland. It’s an analogy for Emily finding Stars Hollow just as peculiar as Alice found the nonsensical Wonderland.
P.S. I Lo… The title references either (or both) the popular 1934 song PS I Love You, written by Johnny Mercer (recorded many times throughout the years by Rudy Vallée, Bette Midler, Bob Dylan, Billie Holiday, Frank Sinatra and more) or The Beatles’ 1962 song of the same name, the B-side to their debut single Love Me Do. The title also suggests not being able to bring yourself to fully say “I love you” and both Lorelai and Rory deal with their individual commitment issues - Lorelai struggling to commit to Max and Rory regretting not being able to tell Dean she loves him.
Love, Daisies and Troubadours The title refers to the ongoing plot points weaving together and coming to a head in the finale of season one. Lorelai, Rory, and Luke are all struggling with love - what it means to them, committing to it, and figuring out how to express it, which is what the town troubadour has come to represent (according to Rory) as he faces his first rival in the town. Rory reunites with Dean and finally is able to say “I love you”. Max sticks a bandaid on his floundering relationship with Lorelai with the romantic gesture of 1000 yellow daisies. Daisies can symbolize love, fertility/motherhood, and the return of someone’s affections, while the yellow color is cheerful, vibrant, and a sign of being quick-witted.
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