#Moon Bin's Pad
moonjinsan · 2 years
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MOONBIN’s Pick, PHAming Fresh Pad😊
The secret to ASTRO MOON BIN's smooth skin feels!
#PHAmingFresh Pad removes visible dead skin cells and excess sebum, making the skin feel smooth and moisturized 💘
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I really loved the werewolf! sanford you wrote! I was wondering if you could do a follow up where someone on the team accidentally turns the reader? (maybe Hank or Sanford himself)
It's another werewolf! All dressed up in sheep's wool, and changing when the moons full. Can you show me the way?
Werewolf!Sanford x Demigirl!Reader P2
CW: Reader gets hurt, whole team gets hurt, descriptions of gore, vomit and body horror.
[Part 1] - will link later lol
Deimos had the zoomies, sprinting back and forth from your bedroom to the front door, his toes tip tapping with impatience and excitement. It'd been a couple months since you started going on hunts with the boys, always on Sanford's broad back, the night air fresh in your lungs, hair blown by the wind.
The boys felt safe enough to transform inside the base with you around, seeing as you could open the door to let them out. "I'm coming, hold your horses Dei." You chuckled as he ran up again, whining softly with puppy eyes, ears drawn back.
Something softly headbutted your back, and you turned to see Doc, who strolled passed and sat by the door. Hurry up. He was patient, yes, but even he was starting to get bored of waiting.
There was a scuffling noise in the kitchen, and you wandered over to see Hank with their head inside the bin, rummaging around for some leftovers. He turned to look at you, a chicken leg bone in his mouth. Yesterday's scraps, tonight's lunch.
Sanford padded out of your room, yawning widely, chuffing softly as he nuzzled his cold nose into your hand. "You ready Fordie?" He licked your palm, and you headed to the door, both wolves trailing behind.
Dei yipped in excitement, his feet tapping away still. He was the quickest of the pack, always sprinting around while outside, a supercharged battery burning off its excess energy.
Opening the door, the four wolves exited first, Deimos running off ahead, Doc walking behind, clearly intent on waiting until the door was secure as usual. Hank was still gnawing away at their treat, enjoying the marrow seeping out at they cracked and splintered the old bone. Sanford took a few paces outside, before laying down so you could climb on his back.
You pet Doc's head, setting the lock on the door before hopping into Sanford's back. "Alright furry boys, let's ride!"
Hank took off after Deimos, being easily swallowed by the night as the full moon was obscured by heavy clouds. Doc and Sanford followed, keeping pace with each other. It was routine, Deimos and Hank would run off up front, San and Doc taking up the rear, though rarely did they stray too far from each other.
The strength of a wolf is his pack, and the strength of a pack is the wolf. You could feel Sanford's heart beating against your thigh, his chest heaving as he ran along, his heavy paws thudding along, coughing up earth with his claws.
Up ahead, Deimos and Hank were atop a cliff, the smaller wolf looking skyward, awaiting for the very brief window when the moon would be visible. The three of you caught up, and you got off Sanford's back, the wolves grouping together to call a hunt.
A slither of silver shone in the sky, and Doc threw back his head, letting out a mournful howl, which was joined in a chorus by the rest. Butterflies filled your stomach, and you couldn't resist, howling with them too. And the moon vanished, hiding herself away for this night.
Hank threw you a questioning look, before marching down the cliff side, uninterested in you. Doc approached, nudging you with his head before turning to follow Hank. Deimos was wagging his tail, giving a soft awoo and giving a playful bow. Like Doc, he rubbed against you before waiting at the cliff.
San came up last, rubbing his face affectionately against you, rubbing his scent all over you. He'd asked you to be his partner recently, and you agreed excitedly. He'd given you a whole new happier life, of course you'd want to share it with him.
He bowed again, letting you climb atop, getting a good grip of his neck fur as you leaned into him, the cliff was pretty steep, staying low was the best way to keep safe and on top of your ride.
Together Dei and San raced, kicking up rocks in their wake, excitement flooding your veins. You weren't super into the killing, but the pack activities really helped bond you with the boys, they offered you more physical affection. Deimos was always trying to snuggle with you and Sanford, Doc would touch your hair softly as he passed by, Hank would... sometimes offer you a thumbs up.
Despite not being a wolf, you fit perfectly into the pack, as a pack mate, and as Sanford's girlfriend. Once again you hopped off his back, ahead of you stood a band of vampires. Stepping back, you tightly gripped the silver crucifix Doc had given you, the bottom of it had been sharpened like a knife, a powerful weapon for banishing supernatural beasts of all shapes and sizes.
"Fuck 'em up boys." At your command, the wolves lunged forward, the turf war underway. The wolves, all being skilled fighters in normal life, had the upper hand, and with their blood being corrosive to vampire's innards, it was sure to be a massacre.
Coloured blood painted the streets, neon leaking on every surface. Even the werewolves' badass bitch managed to take down one or two, Doc's gift proving to be incredibly useful.
Blood splashed into Hank's eyes, they were temporaily blinded, and with no arms to wipe the blood away, they latched onto the nearest thing that wasn't a wolf and smelled of vampires.
You screamed as his teeth dug in, and instantly he let go, realising his mistake. Deimos ripped the intestines of the last vamp standing, while Doc spun on his paws, noticing you crumple to the ground, clinging to your mauled arm.
"Hank you bastard!" Sanford snarled, lunging at him, the two sending fur and blood flying as they fought, San in pure rage, and Hank in self defence.
Doc raced over, Deimos following behind, both scared. "What happened?" Dei looked to Doc, eyes stricken with terror. "Vampire?"
"It was Hank. Sanford and I saw it." Doc nuzzled his face against you, licking your wound, but the pain didn't subside as it had with Sanford all those months back, it felt like acid was pouring into your skin.
"IT BURNS!" You dropped your weapon, Doc smelled burnt flesh and he nudged your hand, the silver having left a scald. The pain was overwhelming, you'd even missed out on the fact you could understand the wolves words now.
"SANFORD! STOP! She's going to turn!" Doc barked out, and a bloodied up Sanford tossed Hank aside before laying next to you, Hank had gotten a good few bites and scratches into his already wounded body.
"You.. I'm sorry, I didn't protect you princess." His golden eyes filled with hurt and pain, pain of being unable to protect his partner, his woman.
Agony filled your body, bones creaking and starting to reshape, nails splitting into claws, blood and teeth flooded out your mouth, old human ones forced out as new wolf ones formed in, round, sharp, capable of splitting flesh from bone.
There were no words to describe the hell your fragile body was going through, spine cracking and extending, legs bending unnaturally to take on new form. Blood, snot and tears flooded from your face, and it tore Sanford up, because there was nothing any of them could do to ease the suffering.
"They're going to be okay, right?" Deimos sounded panicked.
"Of course they are. She's always had a wolf's strength. Only now they've got the body to go along with the spirit." Doc put his tail around Dei's back, and Dei leaned into his father figure, whining softly.
Your body felt like it was on fire, a mixture of blood and puke rolled out of your mouth, your claws scraping up the concrete road. Bright wolf eyes opened, scanning the rest of her pack, seeing them in a whole new perspective.
"I know it hurts." Sanford placed his muzzle over yours, body twitching and settling into its new self. "The first few always do. But your body will get used to it. And they will never be as painful as the first one, that's when the worst changes happen. We've all been through it princess."
You rested your face into San's thick neck fur, his once off putting dog smell now appealing. "D-does.. t-this me--mean I get to bite the n-next one who joins u-us?" The joke fell flat, but Sanford licked your muzzle.
Hank took a step forward, and Sanford snarled at him, ready to attack if he advanced again. "I.. I'm sorry. It was an accident. Blood in my eyes. Instinct to bite."
"You are banished from the pack tonight. You will spend the night alone, and as many moons as it takes for her to forgive you." Doc commanded, his teeth bared. "Is that clear?"
"No." You eyed Doc, who's ears went backwards.
"I'm sorry?"
"Hank will not be punished like that. While I don't forgive them for what they've done to me, I will not deprive them of one of the only comforts they know." Your grey fur bristled.
"Are you sure?" Sanford mumbled lowly, never taking his eyes off Hank.
"Yes. You taught me the way of the wolf, and depriving them of that is cruel. But make no mistake, you are not to touch me, in any shape or form, my body is not yours to lay a claw or fang on again. You will have to do a lot to earn forgiveness, but if you try, perhaps you will."
Taking the lead, you turned and began heading towards home, each step painful as bones and muscles had to adjust to their new positions and lengths, black tipped tail hanging limp. Sanford followed, Dei behind him, Doc next, and Hank bringing up the rear.
"You are lucky," Doc growled. "that they are so kind. Even now, she has pared you from isolation, after what you've done."
"I know." Hank's tail was slightly between their legs.
Doc stopped in his tracks, letting the three of you get a lead, just enough to be out of earshot. "Besides, you owe Sanford an apology too."
"How so?"
"He wanted to change them himself." Doc gave a wolfy chuckle before plodding onwards, leaving Hank to ponder a moment. They would let their packmates nurse each others wounds, allowing their own to scab over without help, a self inflected punishment.
They trudged along, a space next to Doc was calling his name in the den bed. A space that was furthest from Sanford and his mate.
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theinfamousdoctorf · 26 days
Hello! I was just rereading Eclipse meets his match and noticed something amusing- did eclipse forget he can close his modesty panel? Cause he did have have one at the start! when he first got Moons old body, but after that its not mentioned again which makes some of the embarrassing situations a little more funny in that he could have just closed the panel and saved himself some suffering- Like when he didnt want Earth there for his leg thing because he'd have to take his pants off. Or is he just so horny that he cant close it? Does he just not notice it opening when he starts uh- getting "excited"? lol I know the answer is probably "No, not really" but is eclipse okay?? Does Sun need to teach him about modesty (lol) too? like he did with the binning bad thoughts to prevent spirals? I thought it was kinda funny that everyone else can close themselves up and then here just eclipse, for some reason making it worse for himself lol
No... what that is is me not explaining what it's supposed to be well enough. By modesty panel I just meant the piece of their shell that is between their legs. For the male ones it is a thing that opens. For the sleeves it's the metal part that's around it and it doesn't move. [Unless you're opening the panel like a cabinet door to get at the bottle and wires behind it.] That's why when Eclipse first brushed it with his hand he hit the sensors directly and startled himself. I feel like the bumps are about the size of a flat decor marble and only raised 1/2 inch from the surface at most. Think like those silicone sensory toys with the bubble-wrap texture. He wouldn't have a cameltoe unless he was bent all the way backwards to make his pants as tight as possible. But it's just there. I don't think the metal around it being moveable would be ideal since it would need to really take a beating around the hole if it's being used properly.
[The fact that it's a static thing with no moving parts is also the reason it's the cheapest default apart from just not having anything there at all.] Eclipse is a little stuck on how to handle it. He can leave it dry and futz around with having a bottle of oil in his pocket; but that's not great since it would be heavy and he's not wearing a belt to keep his pants up. Putting on underwear to pad it runs the risk of the cloth getting caught in his leg joints. [The pants work because the rolled edge seams are nowhere near the joints so they just float over them.] Notice I don't mention Sun wearing his booty shorts unless it's the only thing he has on. They're not tight. And it's not like he has pubes to catch the moisture at all. It just seeps directly into his pants. There's a reason I gave him black pants, it makes the stain a bit less obvious. Sometimes you just gotta run to the bathroom, pat things dry and get on with your day. Am I right fellow sleeve-havers?
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finnpeach · 1 year
Take Care, Part 3
Here is the final part! Thank you to everyone who's stuck around and enjoyed the last two installations <3 as always I love hearing your feedback and comments so please let me know if you enjoyed it :) Part one is here Part two is here
They lie there together in complete bliss, swapping kisses and touches and smiles, until Achilles’ cold begins to make itself known again. It starts with him mumbling about how his nose itches and rubbing it against Patroclus’ shoulder, seeking relief. Then, he starts to cough again, and Patroclus can see that he’s getting tired. The kisses come more slowly, the touches accompanied by sleepy sighs. Patroclus feels like he’s on fire, spurred on by this moment, but Achilles is quickly melting away in his arms.
“Why don’t you go shower before you fall asleep? It’ll help your congestion,” Patroclus suggests, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Mmm... θέλεις να μου κάνεις παρέα?” Achilles purrs, Do you want to join me?
God, how he aches to. He wants to strip Achilles right now and carry him off to the shower and have his way with him. But Achilles’ sleepy eyes, his sickly pallor, and Patroclus’ desire to take things slow hold him back. He doesn’t want to rush a single moment. 
“Την επόμενη φορά, όταν νιώσεις καλύτερα.” Next time, when you’re feeling better. 
Achilles pouts, but the idea of a shower is too tempting. He presses a kiss to Patroclus’ temple and pads into the bathroom, sniffling as he goes.
Achilles is known for his long, hot showers. Patroclus reckons he has about thirty minutes before the blonde will emerge again, maybe even longer if his congestion is bad enough. He feels the need to tidy this room if he’s going to be staying here tonight.
He starts by opening up the curtains and the windows to let in the fresh winter air, then removes the bed linens and puts them in the laundry. Achilles keeps a clean spare in his bedroom closet, which he fixes to the bed and the pillows. Next he dumps the small bin full of tissues into the larger kitchen bin, then picks up the discarded tissues on the floor that had missed their mark. It feels better here already.
It’s only been ten minutes since Achilles started his shower. Patrocus can hear him humming quietly. He decides to change out of his jeans and into one of Achilles’ grey sweatpants before wandering around Achilles’ room. 
When was the last time he had been in here? It had to have been last summer, when they’d returned to campus for the fall semester and the dorms weren’t open yet, so Patroclus had stayed here. There’s a few new things he doesn’t recognise: some new medals in a drawer from recent track meets that he’s won, a new blazer in the wardrobe, a new cologne that that smells fantastic. It smells like pomegranates and vanilla. He spritzes it across his neck. He goes to Achilles’ desk, tapping his fingers across the surface. The sight of a small photo album book causes him to pause.
Curious, he opens it and smiles immediately. They’re all photos of him and Achilles. A photo of them in their dorm room when they first moved in, a photo of them crossing the finish line at a half-marathon (Patroclus was sure he’d almost died then, and Achilles had had to give up his shot at first place to stay behind with Patroclus), a photo of them cuddled and squished together cheek-to-cheek in a single person hammock, a photo their friend Briseis had taken of them at a party. He looks a little closer at this one. Patroclus is smiling shyly for the camera, his curls a mess. To his right is Achilles, who, instead of looking at the camera, is looking up at Patroclus like he hung the moon. His gaze is so lovingly fond, his smile gentle, his arm wrapped around Patroclus’ waist. He turns the page. The next photo is one he’s never seen before. He’s sleeping on a couch, probably at some party Achilles dragged him to that he was too tired to be at, but instead of a pillow, his head is in Achilles’ lap. Achilles has his index finger pressed to his lips in a “Shhh” motion at the camera, his hand in Patroclus’ hair. Was he too drunk to remember falling asleep on Achilles’ lap? 
The next photo that causes him to pause is a professional photo of them dancing at a wedding. Patroclus remembers this moment well. They had been at Achilles’ cousin’s wedding in Greece, two years ago. Achilles had invited him because Patroclus hadn’t returned to Greece since he moved to America, and he needed a date to the wedding. They’re chest to chest in the photo, grinning ear to ear, both of them looking handsome in their tailored suits. They’re holding each other’s hands mid-dance and their foreheads are pressed to each other. It had been a slow dance. Achilles had made a joke about the father-in-law that made Patroclus laugh until his sides felt split. They’re both gazing at each other as if they’ve been in love and together for years. He cannot believe he didn’t realise it at the time.
The photos continue on like this. Little moments that he’s forgotten, memories he’s missed that now come flooding back to him. How has he let Achilles slip through his fingers like this? This whole time, he’s loved me too. 
He finishes looking at the photos and makes a note to ask Achilles for the copies when he hears the first of many sneezes come from the bathroom.
“Hh’EHSSHhh’iu! σκατά.” The sneeze is loud, echoing around the bathroom, and is followed by an exhausted curse.
Patroclus sits on the bed, his mind racing back to the feeling of Achilles’ nose against his shaft, his arm wrapped around his back as he sneezed against him in the car. His hand wanders to his cock as he stares at the bathroom door, holding his breath. He can’t wait anymore.
“H’SShh! ETSH’ue!” The following sneezes are short and fast this time. Something is bothering Achilles’ nose, the steam must be working to rid his sinuses of the congestion.
Patroclus lays back on the bed, pulls the sweatpants and his boxers down slightly, exposing his dick to the cool air. He sucks in a sharp breath as he wraps his hand around himself, pumping in long, slow strokes. 
“H’AhTSShh!” Achilles sneezes again. It’s a breathless spray, quiet, absolutely useless to get rid of whatever’s bothering his poor nose.
“Hih’ah… Heh-hh!...” Patroclus imagines Achilles as he was earlier. His muscled chest rising and falling sporadically, his lips curved back over his teeth in anticipation, nostrils flaring. He imagines him dripping wet, his hair flopping into his face with every sneeze, the spray hitting the glass of the shower door. He imagines himself in the shower, Achilles sneezing against his chest, his hand wrapped around Patroclus’ cock.
“Snff– hh’eh… Heh—!” Fuck, Patroclus wished he’d taken him up on his offer to join him in the shower. He thinks about running his finger down the tip of Achilles’ nose, helping him with the stuck sneeze, moving his neck to the side for Achilles’ to sneeze against, telling him how good he is. 
His hand squeezes his cock eagerly, a muffled moan breaking past his lips when Achilles finally finds the relief he’s been looking for.
“H’ETZzSHhh’uh! Hih’EhTSSCH’ehSHhh–! H’ah.. Heh’EZSHhhh’ue! Guhh… H’eh’ih… H’EhgTSHhh’uh! H’edtZzSsshh’ue!”
Patroclus cannot stop the strangled whine that breaks past his lips as his orgasm starts to mount, pulling him towards the peak. He squeezes his cock, so close to the edge, head tilted back against the sheets. He mumbles Achilles’ name breathlessly, his strokes quickening.
His poor lover isn’t done, though, and the sound of more wet, messy, exhausted sneezes make him see stars as his dick pulses within his grip. 
“H’ZzSsshh’ue! H’eHTSShh’iehtsch’sshh!! F-fugcking heh..! Hheh! Haah-ah..! Hh’ATSSHhhh’ue! Heh’EZSHhhhh’ue! Hh’EZYSSHHhhh’ue!!”
Patroclus closes his grip around the tip of his cock, covering his mouth with his palm to muffle a loud moan as pure ectasy claims him. Warm, white liquid shoots across his abdomen. Blinding heat seizes his whole body and settles into an electrified hum as he listens to Achilles blow his nose and sneeze again, this time much more softly -- H'ehztshh! H'ztsch'ue! He’s panting, covering his eyes, his head spinning. His heart is pounding so loudly in his chest he fears Achilles may hear it.
He hears the shower turn off, followed by a few wet sniffles. Patroclus frantically shoots up, grabs the tissues off the bedside table and mops up the mess across his stomach. 
The windows are open. He doesn’t want Achilles to be chilled. He pulls the sweatpants up and shuts the windows tight, racing against time. The bathroom door opens and steam rolls out just as Patroclus is climbing under the blankets.
“Huh’Ehtssh’ue!” Achilles bends forward at the waist as he exits the bathroom, sneezing into a towel. His nose is bright red, his eyes glassy. He rubs his nose angrily against the towel.
“Heh’eDTShh’ue! Ugh, Γαμώτο, δεν μπορώ να σταματήσω να φτερνίζομαι,” Fuck, I cannot stop sneezing. Achilles croaks, shaking his wet hair. His voice is hoarse from all the sneezing but his congestion sounds a little bit better.
Patroclus feels bad for him, he really does, even if that very sneezing fit did give him the best orgasm he’s ever had. He tries not to stare at the way the towel wrapped around Achilles’ hips hangs so loosely, or the way his biceps tighten as he searches for something in his dresser. “Are you okay?”
Achilles just shrugs his shoulders in response and drops the towel to pull some sweatpants on. Patroclus blushes and averts his gaze.
“Δεν χρειάζεται να κοιτάτε αλλού.” No need to look away. Achilles chuckles, tossing his towel in the hamper. Patroclus gives a small, embarrassed smile. If only Achilles knew what he’d been doing a few minutes ago. He probably would’ve been eager to participate, actually. 
Achilles climbs into bed and quickly snuggles up to Patroclus’ side, nuzzling his face into his throat. He smells so good after his shower, like sandalwood. 
“You should put a shirt on. I don’t want you to get worse.”
“Θα με κρατάς ζεστό,” You’ll keep me warm. Achilles hums, pressing a kiss to Patroclus’ shoulder. He sounds so satisfied, as if nothing could disturb this blissful moment. Patroclus smiles softly and tucks the blanket around him before enclosing him in his arms. 
He breaks away when it becomes too hot, and he has to cast off the hoodie and his shirt to join Achilles’ in his topless cuddle. Achilles grins as he runs his fingers over Patroclus’ body, pleased with this development. He observes every inch with a featherlight touch, driving Patroclus to shivers when his fingers tickle his side. Patroclus giggles, says a soft “stop that”, and grabs Achilles’ hand. He kisses each finger, his palm, only pausing when he hears Achilles’ breath hitch again.
His golden eyelashes flutter shut, nose twitching. He looks so tired. 
“H’edtSssh’ue…” He sneezes weakly against Patroclus’ shoulder. It’s soft, exhausted. The spray is warm against his olive skin. Achilles is worn out after his shower and the medicine must be kicking in (fortunately, not well enough that he doesn’t have to sneeze).
“Just one?” Patroclus asks, gently. As if on cue, Achilles' breath wavers again and he presses his nose to Patroclus’ collarbone.
“Hih… H’EZSShhh’ue! Guh..” 
“There we go, good boy.” He brushes back Achilles curls and kisses his brow. “Bless you.”
The second one had been a little bit more forceful, with more mess that accompanied it across Patroclus’ neck. Achilles closes his eyes and sniffles thickly, so full of cold.
Patroclus reaches over Achilles to grab a tissue. He pinches it around his red nose, gently instructs him to blow, and wipes up his lip after he’s done.
“καημένη μου καρδιά,” My poor heart. Patroclus says, pulling him in close and kissing his forehead. “Sleep now, Achilles. I’ll take care of you.”
Achilles hums happily, gazing up at Patroclus with sleepy, lovestruck eyes. He kisses him softly on the jaw, then tucks his head into the crook of Patroclus’ neck, wrapped around him. Patroclus strokes his hair for a few minutes until he hears the sound of even, heavy breathing, before he too falls asleep.
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
Okay I can’t help myself, just a few flyboy Jake headcannons from college 🍯 sorry if these are a little long and rambly, I think I got a little carried away with protective Jake 💛 hope you enjoy
College was a weird time for you and Jake. You were both circling each other, so close and yet so far away, so many almosts lingered around you and the two of you could never even think to say goodbye to one another. If a new hookup or boyfriend/girlfriend gave the ultimatum, they were always the ones saying buh-bye. You’d made more than a few of his hookups cry just by how he looked at you like you put the moon and stars in the sky and he’d made more than a few of your partners practically cower away from him and seethe with jealousy over the intensity of… whatever was building between you two. Was already so clearly destined to be the two of you. It went without saying, despite neither of you ever saying, the only two of you who thought it was platonic was the two of you. And even you two weren’t sure what platonic meant between you two.
Jake had moved you into every single dorm room and apartment you’d lived in. He announced early on in freshman year he was an honorary roommate to you, which your roommate had scoffed but announced true. He’d hauled boxes and bins, a mini fridge, all the while making sure you got to see him flexing and winking. You decided somewhere around sophomore to junior year he just liked picking things up and being able to watch himself in the mirror, but despite all joking, he was always careful to help you. After he’d finished flexing for you and asking how you liked the gun show, his biggest thing was the safety of your room. He’d check your locks and doors, the windows, everything got the once over. Then he’d help you unpack everything. “Alright which drawer is mine?” He’d ask about halfway through, half joking. When you’d pointed to a dresser drawer, he hadn’t even hesitated to fill it. You always helped him unpack his room too, but mostly because you couldn’t help but marvel at how organized he is. From freshman year on, If he wasn’t in your room, you were in his.
on the nights he went out without you, there were times hed stumble home only to find himself in your room or on your bed or couch, a handful of times he even slept on your floor. His football buddies would knock on your door with him slung between them and he would beam at you. “Miss me darlin?” Or a slightly slurred, “honey I’m home!” Would be how he’d greet you. If he made it back to his dorm, he’d call or FaceTime you immediately. He couldn’t help it. His teammmates had tried hiding his phone- but then he’d just gone in search of gou, a man on a mission. He’d turned down plenty of one night stands to return home to your room or to bring you back to his room too. He preferred to go to his hookup’s rooms, not his. His room was for you. It was something he couldn’t explain to you, or even to his friends, but his bed was for you. Not some hookup or brief girlfriend. He liked it a very certain way and he didn’t have the patience for other girls asking why his desk was littered with pictures of you and the two of you, little notes from you and dates circled on the calendar with your name, why there were another woman’s belongings- bracelets, hair ties and clips, even some pads and tampons, in a drawer at his desk, too. You always had an extra change of clothes in his room too. You’d left a soft downy blanket you’d liked to snuggle with in his room too, and extra pillows. He preferred his room that way- for you. And you never told him, but it was much the same for you. You didn’t really like other guys in your room, not when your bed and hoodies all smelled like Jake. When you couldn’t help but snuggle closer to that scent on nights he was away. Even when you dated other men, you typically stayed at their place. To them, Jake was a never ending thorn in their sides. And truthfully? Jake intimidated them, and he knew that and liked intimidating them, reminding them that at the end of the day, for you it would always be him.
One time after a night of drinking, he knocked on your door unannounced, his phone had been dying and he was just a little tipsy. He couldn’t help himself, really. You’d answered it in a little lace nightie, blinking sleepily. “Hi jakey” you’d mumbled, hair tussled by sleep and voice all soft and honey sweet for him. It had been all he could think of for weeks, it had made him ache and it was all he’d been able to think of later when he was in the safety of his room with his fist around his cock. Weeks. It had him practically frothing at the mouth with how badly he needed to touch you, taste you, push the pretty little lace up around your waist and claim you, fill you up with him- his, his, his. He’d choked on his words he’d been so shocked, so busy staring, he’d hoped he’d say something charming or daring but you’d turned before he could find them. And that view, that view alone could have inspired violence that anyone but him could see that. Anytime you answered the door in that little nightie always had the same effect for him, it had happened several times after that. Each time ruined him for weeks, had been all he could think of after that.
As much as you both loved to go out, you both also were big on your lazy nights in. You’d make budget charcuterie boards with pepperoni and block cheddar, grapes and other things and watch absolute trash reality tv. He loved the bachelor and was prone to reenacting particularly dramatic moments until he had you squealing his arms laughing with him. Sometimes he just needed a night off after all of the effort with games and practice. Others you’d pick up ice cream or take out Chinese, you’d go get halal or even just go for a walk around campus. He’d hold your hand and despite both of you being so convinced it was platonic, you’d both cuddle the whole night. Neither of you would really know who reached for who- he almost always reached for you, but one of you would find the other. He’d doze off with you snuggled into the crook of his neck or spooning you, others he’d hear the soft sound of your breath as you curled into his lap. He’d scoop you up in his arms and carry you to bed. He loved when you would absent mindedly run your fingers through his hair or scratch your nails down his back in those long, slow strokes. His favorite was when you reached for him sleepily, gripping his chest with one hand and nuzzling in like you couldn’t get enough. Once you’d sleepily mumbled, “you make me feel safe” and his chest had swelled with male pride. He reminded you of that for days. (“I might be an asshole, but I’m an asshole who makes you feel safe” he’d purr to you when you swatted at him over one thing or another) And He knew he would always do everything he could to do just that, keep you safe. As much as after a night of drinking he’d respect perhaps not sleeping in your bed sometimes, but on these nights? The downtime and innocence, the way you two got pulled together like magnets and just needed to be touching? He almost always slept in your bed. He liked to sleep between you and the door, he always had. In case someone came in he insisted. He had his own pillow. He kept a change of clothes in your room, his own sweats, stuff to shower with. And it almost always happened unintentionally, one of you would fall asleep during the movie or talking or working, it almost always happened. It just felt so effortless between you two.
On nights you couldn’t sleep, he’d come to your room yo hold you until you did or walk you back to his room so you could sleep in his bed, wrapped in his scent. He loved when you’d go out with friends and someone would notice, “you smell like Seresin.” One of his friends commented off handedly, and you did. Bundled in his hoodie, you’d slept in his bed and he knew you smelled like him. You’d blushed and he’d beamed as he draped an arm around your shoulders, “damn right she does.” And he’d winked as you’d his your face against his shoulder, groaning, “Jake!” Sometimes after you’d curl up in his bed, he could always smell the faint scent of your perfume mingling with his scent on his bed. It smelled like home to him. If you’d stayed the night in his room and someone woke him up abruptly or loudly, he’d cover your body with his protectively, shielding you from their view and keeping them away from you; protecting his girl. He’d lift himself up on his forearm, keeping the other close around you and pulling you closer to him. You’d usually nuzzle into his chest and He’d growl at whoever to get the fuck out of his room, all the while keeping his body between you the door, over you, like he’d keep the world at bay from you. Usually you’d sleepily pull him back down hushing him and he’d glower at whoever and snap to fuck off as he slid his arms back around you, practically growling. Only when you were sleepily mumbling, practically mewling for him would he settle back down, something quieting in him, content that you were safe in his arms and not at risk of any harm. If you were both already awake or waking up, he was happy to let whoever bask in the image of him holding you, or the sight of him nestled against you, especially when you were in his shirt or hoodie- then it was just Seresin and his girl. The girl that wasn’t his girl but also was very much definitely his girl. Neither of you really bothered to correct anyone, even if you blushed because well you were just friends, deep inside you knew you wanted it to be true, you wanted to be his girl and hoped maybe he wanted it too. You both lingered on the almosts, came so close thousands of times, but neither of you quite knew how to admit it. Not yet. But soon
Studying with Jake was just about hopeless. He’d lean over your desk and whisper soft things like “if you know the name of the powerhouse of the cell, I’ll take my shirt off for you.” Or ask if you should try strip studying, where a correct answer means he takes off more of his clothes and vice versa. He’d come find you in the library and drop you coffee, casually asking if you’d ever had sex in the study lounges yet- if not, did you wanna change that? He’d chuckle as he practically pushed him out of the library, saying the offers open anytime. For him, he almost couldn’t help it. It was so easy to get you worked up when you were studying. You were so cute when you were made, he just had to. And when he was studying, you helped him. You’d show up bundled for the night with all of the essentials, highlighters, coffee, snacks, energy drinks, notebooks and index cards, you’d get all serious, you’d compare notes and help him make study sheets. Once you’d leaned in real close, just to tease him like he always did you, or try to, and whispered in the library, “if you get that right I’ll kiss you.” His eyes had immediately shifted, something in them getting a little wild. You had not expected him to get the question right. When he had, he’d grinned that cocky grin. “Pay up, darlin.” Much to his delight you’d turned about 50 shades of red as you leaned in close to him. He’d reached up to cup your cheek, feelings triumphant- finally, but then just as you were leaning in his friends had appeared, causing you to jump and just like that the moment was gone. Another almost in a string of almost kisses and almost admissions between the two of you. He’d leaned down after to whisper in your ear, “by the way, one of these days I’ll call in that kiss from you” you’d smacked his chest as he smiled down at you, pleased by the reaction from you as you blushed. But he’d caught the way you’d glanced at his lips again and for a brief moment he wondered if you really thought of him as just a friend, but he buried it quickly again.
Sorry this got so long, kinda took in a life all it’s own 💛 can’t help but love on some flyboy Jake 😅
Context: Flyboy
If you’d stayed the night in his room and someone woke him up abruptly or loudly, he’d cover your body with his protectively, shielding you from their view and keeping them away from you; protecting his girl. He’d lift himself up on his forearm, keeping the other close around you and pulling you closer to him. You’d usually nuzzle into his chest and He’d growl at whoever to get the fuck out of his room, all the while keeping his body between you the door, over you, like he’d keep the world at bay from you. Usually you’d sleepily pull him back down hushing him and he’d glower at whoever and snap to fuck off as he slid his arms back around you, practically growling
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writing-rat · 6 months
Wolfish Issues
Pairing: Sam Carpenter and Tara Carpenter
Requested by: @screamqueen10
Content Warning: Sisters being sisters, murder, descriptions of gore, wolf Sam, Scream AU where Sam never disappeared
Summary: Sam gets trapped in wolf form as hunters have terrorised their woods and shot at them. Tara meanwhile has to take care of Sam.
Word Count: 1748
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It was meant to be a normal full moon. Things did change quickly, however. Sam and Tara were in the forest near their house, just walking together as Sam liked to just wander around with her sister, one of their bonding activities together actually. Sam would lead Tara to many new places and help her work out what was dangerous. There was limited vocabulary but they found a way to make it work, Morse code. 
They were currently in the forest as they were walking, but the air was different this time and both didn’t know why. They had been outside for 20 minutes before Sam stiffened and sniffed the air, growling. Tara realised something was wrong almost immediately and stopped. “What is it Sam?” she asked quietly. That’s when a gunshot was heard and Tara knew what was happening. They were finally werewolf hunting in their forest, where they had never been before. Sam immediately backed up and grabbed Tara, signalling her to get on her back. Tara was quick to follow the command as she climbed onto her big sister’s back as she was scared. She was only 16, and Sam was 21. They still had lives to live. Sam could tell that Tara was worried as she was running towards home, she would hunt those fuckers who were investigating their woods. Tara meanwhile fished her keys out of her pocket and held onto them tight, shaking violently. Sam hurried up.
Eventually, they were home and Tara struggled with her keys 5 times before she managed to open the door and let them both in, locking it again as she grabbed her inhaler and took a hit. Sam just nuzzled up to Tara, looking at her with her big, brown eyes. Tara smiled as she petted the midnight black wolf. “I don’t think they would’ve seen her come this way. We can just play tug and wait till you’re tired then sleep and just… talk about it tomorrow,” Tara spoke. Sam smiled her wolfish smile as she wagged her tail before grabbing a tug toy. She was happy to do that.
The next morning, Tara woke up, expecting to see her sister human again. What shocked her however was that she was still a wolf. She blinked in shock, thankful it was a weekend so she didn’t have school that day. “Sam! Can you shift back or not?” she asked, noticing how the wolf was awake. Sam meanwhile just let out a whine and looked at her desperately, before sitting up and scratching at her ear. Tara closed her eyes, thinking. She was just glad their mother was away for 2 weeks for a business meeting in London. “Alright, do you need to pee?” Tara asked. Sam was nodding, looking at her for help. Tara proceeded to get up and walked to the basement, Sam following. “I’m sure you can aim. Just… use the puppy pads down here,” she instructed as she was putting them down. Sam nodded, lifting her leg up as she was starting. She just couldn’t hold it anymore. She tended to hide around a bush every other time. Tara meanwhile looked away, giving her privacy.
Eventually, both went upstairs again, Tara holding the used pad and putting it in the bin as she rubbed Sam’s ears. “We’ll figure this out soon. I mean, it might have to be a case of waiting,” Tara spoke. Sam nodded, scared. The truth was… this wasn’t their first rodeo with this situation. It had happened 2 times before and it always took a few days before she would turn back to normal. No one knew why and didn’t bother to search for answers as they were scared of the public. Eventually, Sam was curled up on Tara’s lap as they watched the morning news, Tara fantasising about Gale. She did have a crush on the taller woman. “I will contact the school after the news,” Tara informed Sam. “Call in sick so I can make sure you are ok,” she added. Sam nodded her wolf head as she nuzzled up into her stomach and licked it gently as a thank you. Tara just smiled, petting her head as she knew it would take time. All she had to do was wait, she had the patience…
Soon enough it was night, and Tara had been helping Sam with everything. She would let her downstairs, she would make her food and also get her water daily. Sam was tired of her wolf body as well, so she was just growling in frustration. Tara would pet her and hug her before she would get her favourite toys and put on her favourite shows. Sam just wanted to work out too but she couldn’t like this. She was soon coping with just food and running around the garden for a short while, both girls not wanting to risk it at all. Tara meanwhile called the school about how she was getting sick because Sam had a fever and she wouldn’t go to school with it. The school understood luckily.
4 days passed, and both sisters were spending time at home a lot. Tara was ordering food she knew Sam liked and kept giving her water and sorting out the pads. This was the longest it had gone on and Sam was even more frustrated. “I’m going to go grocery shopping, ok? I’ll see you later Sammy,” she spoke to her sister and looked at her paws. ‘Ok. I will see you later!’ was what she tapped out. Tara nodded with a smile before she left. This left Sam to her plan. It was getting dark earlier and Tara and her had also woken up later so the hunters would probably be out at the time she would reach the words. She went out through the backdoor before she managed to close the door and ran to the forest, to the spot where they were shot. She let out a loud howl to get the killers to go to her. She then hid in a bush.
She was going to kill them, not only for her own safety but also for Tara’s safety. She didn’t want her sister worrying about her and she didn’t want her to get hurt. She would feel even more guilty if that happened after all. She proceeded to hear footsteps coming closing, hearing more than she expected. She was willing to kill however many people she needed to, however. She was also thankful for her enhanced vision so she could see how they positioned themselves. She saw how she could do 3 sneakily but the others she would have to fight together. She was sure she would survive though, she knew for definite. She did have murder in her blood after all. 
Eventually, she counted 12 in total. So 9 to fight alone? That was possible. She snuck behind one, slashing his throat in one quick, silent swipe before she went to another one, this time puncturing his back where his heart would be. She wasn’t ready for the scream however before he died. So she would fight 10 alone? Fine. Gunshots were heard immediately as she was running. One did hurt her leg but adrenaline kept her going as she was lunging onto one, biting their neck. 3 down, 9 more left to go. That’s when she jumped off the guy, clawing at his chest to make sure before she was running loops around the rest. She was slowly circling them into one little herd. She decided that would be best.
It took about 2 or 3 minutes before they were stuck together, the people inside the circle not daring to shoot anymore as they would shoot their own friends. Just as she planned. Less bullets, more blood. She let out a growl, before also letting out a deafening bark as she suddenly lunged at the group, swiping at everyone and everything she could. She could feel herself getting injuries but she couldn’t feel the pain, seeing red. Once she stopped feeling herself get impaled with stuff, she finally saw the carnage she had done. All 12 hunters were dead officially, some more mangled than others. She wagged her tail as she was covered in blood, it being a mixture of hers and the hunters. She was wagging her tail as she trotted off home, unaware of the time before she saw the light on. She jumped into her backyard before she scratched at the door, whimpering as she looked up at the door patiently. Tara meanwhile rushed over to the door and let her in. “Come in before the hu- what the fuck? Are you ok?” she asked, seeing Sam covered in blood and limping.
That’s when Sam sat down, cleaning one paw before using her paw to talk to Tara. ‘I killed the hunters, I think I was hit a few times’ was all she said before lying down on the floor. Tara panicked as she grabbed her first aid kit, going to help cover Sam’s wounds after making sure there were no bullets inside of her. Luckily there wasn’t any so Tara just cleaned the wounds after putting pressure on them and then wrapped them up. Soon enough, the tiny girl carried the wolf to Sam’s bedroom. “Now sleep, I will make food,” she demanded. Sam whimpered before she was nodding and kept lying down, knowing her body needed it to heal. She didn’t know how much she had scared Tara, however, due to her not seeing the carnage. But Tara knew what damage the wolf could do, and she was scared Sam would attack her. She got rid of those idiotic thoughts though. 
Sam was her responsibility however and she would help her as much as possible.
3 days later, Sam was still in wolf form, willingly this time, however. She knew she could transform back now due to the injury, but she was feeling much better now. She could actually walk now and even run. Tara didn’t let her out at all until after she saw how Sam could run. She decided that night that they would go on a run soon. She just wanted Sam to eat and drink more before allowing it. Sam luckily was taking it in easily as she was excited to go into the forest. She would have Tara on her back too. 
She was just happy to have her sister taking care of her…
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Prompt? Want prompt? 👉👈
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I have been avidly looking at this all day hoooooo boy
Leave Me Tender || Default AU (Moon x Reader, cw for suggestive content and minor injury)
This was the part where your heart sings.
You can't deny that you've been an adrenaline seeker for a good portion of your life, until said life forced you to sit down and start measuring things out in safer manners. Night shift security work allowed for a smidgen - walking around the dark was second nature to you, but the understanding that someone could try to break in was unnerving and that sparked enough anxious energy to keep you on your toes.
Working alongside a temperamental, sometimes violent, animatronic? You were essentially holding a can of gasoline over the spark, waiting for the first sign of something going wrong and glitching out to dump the contents in and hold on for dear life. And the best/worst part was that Moon really had it out for your poor little heart at times. He'd freely admitted once that he could hear your pulse, if the pair of you were quiet enough or whenever he was practically on top of you. He'd shown you the sensors in his silicon-padded fingers, pressed them against your wrist, the crook of your elbow and then along the side of your throat to point out the places where your pulse was most easily felt. It was some engineering that had been put into the daycare attendant as part of a major medical feature.
"This is where you feel alive," he told you, tapping his fingers along your wrist before the digits encircled it completely. Almost immediately you'd felt your heart rate tick upwards, and Moon noticed too, if the squeeze on your wrist and the widening grin had meant anything.
You liked adrenaline, but you never would say that to his face. He liked hearing your heart get faster, and he preferred to say that through his actions. Every time he dropped from the shadows or snuck up on you during a work shift to prompt a jump and then a shaky laugh from you. More noticeably, but rarer, were when the claws would come slowly and meticulously scratching over your skin. Nicks and tears were sometimes the result, sending you to the first aid bin to retrieve some band-aids, but the key part was how the thin metal would send a shiver down your back and a trembling laugh up from your chest. The thrill would go racing through your system, lighting up in Moon's eyes as he'd continue to draw his claws up your arm or delicately over your cheek. There was risk, you knew there was risk. But over and over again, you chose to go back in and sometimes you'd bring a stick to poke the lion with.
"Does the virus ever, well....make you want to hurt me?"
Moon froze up next to you, his stance going from slouched to statuesque. You shuffled the flashlight over in your hands, sat down on one of the benches outside the daycare facility. Here there were fewer lights, so at most a faint purple glow reflected off the tiles across your's and Moon's faces.
"....Why do you ask, starlight?" he eventually responded, after a long and cold pause.
"I know when we first started working together, you weren't the easiest coworker to get to know." Threats, a few physical attempts, a lot of glowering from a distance. "Of course, we're getting along better now, but you've brought up the virus before, that that was part of the reason why you and others felt it better you did security alone."
"I hurt others before." Moon refused to look you in the eye as he spoke. "Other security staff. Before you. Accidents, falls, those were easy to be swept under the rug as a momentary glitch. But there was one at least that fought back." His hands twitched, fingers curling inward. "They did not come back."
You swallowed the lump in your throat, looking back out into the corridor. Once several more minutes of silence had passed, you glanced back to Moon. Only he'd shifted his position, now one foot on the bench and one on the floor, curling over you as he stared down with shadowed eyes and red pinprick pupils.
"Every time, I would feel their heart," he murmured, reaching out a hand to slide underneath your jaw. "So fast. So afraid. Are you scared of me now?"
Your heart was singing fit to burst, pounding against his fingertips.
"I'm not scared of you," you said, voice as level and firm as you could muster. Moon shifted, hopping fully onto the bench so he was standing over you, leaning down so your faces were level. His hand didn't move.
"How can you tell?"
"Your heart. Too fast. You're lying."
"Heart rates go up for more reasons than just fear," you rambled out. Moon's head slowly swivelled to the side before snapping back upright, pressing in closer. When you shifted back instinctively, the back of your head hit the daycare window glass with a soft 'tong' and held you there. His hand slowly shifted, going from cradling your neck to cupping your cheek as he pushed that final distance. Sharpened teeth clicked apart, pressing against your lips in a furtive kiss. You reciprocated, eyes half-lidded, the slow motions familiar to you. Gentle fingers stroked down the side of your face as you kissed, his teeth nicking at your lips and leaving trails of iron against your tongue. He even sank down from his perch, knees laying on the bench as he straddled over your lap. It was a strange sort of muscle memory that prompted you to set your hands on his waist. Not like you had any coherent thoughts running in the moment. Nothing but the slow repetitive kissing against Moon's lips and teeth, as he endeavored the same to you. The only issue was that you still had lungs, and before long breathlessness cut you away with a low gasp.
A low chuckle bubbled up from Moon's voice-box as he leaned back, looking over your face, cheeks flushed and several accidental cuts from where his teeth scraped your lips.
"Oops. Looks like I bit you there," he said with what seemed like the edge of a tease as he ran his thumb over your bottom lip, cleaning the beads of blood away. "Let me kiss it better."
And your heart kept singing.
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Lunar, sick: Sunny, I’m nauseous!
Sun, panicking: Don’t throw up, don’t throw up, don’t throw up!
Lunar: Moony, I’m nauseous!
Moon: Okay, you throw up in this trash bin and I’ll clean it after. I have medication for after you inevitably throw up. Are you warm or cold? I have both ice packs and heating pads. And fluffy blankets, and I can put on the TV with whatever you want, and I have painkillers if you’re achey, and sinus pills if it’s a head cold, and-
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caz66 · 1 year
“Oi, are you going to stop twattling and actually help?” Remus said with exasperation, verging on throwing the whole damn knotted string of fairy lights in the bin and buying a new set. Sirius and James looked up where they were snuggled on the sofa .
“Are we twattiling Pads?”
“I think, good sir, if Messer Lupin says we are twattling, then thou must be twattling,”
“the twattiling thoust is,” 
“Are you finished?” Remus was giving them his trademark ‘I am not amused’, scowl, which somehow was less threatening due to the oversized and brightly coloured, with sparkles, Christmas jumper
“Leave the lights to us Re,” offered James, leaning over and pulling them from Remus’s grip. “Being the tallest here, you should put the stag on top of the tree.”
“You know, I still do not understand why on earth you put a stag on the top of the tree and not the traditional star or angel,”
“Ours is not to question why Moony, but to simply do,” Sirius quipped, pulling a thread of lights, further tightening the knot. 
“Pads, what does that even mean?” Questioned Remus with bemusement, as he reached up to put the ornament on the highest branch, his jumper riding up. 
“You know Moons, you do have quite the ideal callipygian,” Remus whipped his head around to Sirius, to see him biting his lip to stop from laughing, oblivious to the fact that James was currently plaiting the lights into his hair. 
“Callipygian, really? How long have you been holding on to that one?” 
“We read it on your word of the day toilet roll. About 4 months ago, “ James helpfully inputted, turning on the battery pack and illuminating Sirius’s raven locks.
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siriusly-remu · 1 year
@wolfstarmicrofic 2/11
Remus picked up his book and settled down into the nearest armchair. He had the flat to himself, as Sirius had gone to the supermarket to pick up groceries for the two of them. Remus had just started reading the fourth chapter when he heard the sound. A long, plaintive howl of a dog. Sirius.
Remus flung open the door to the flat and rushed down three stories' worth of stairs without even bothering to put his shoes on. He found Padfoot in the lobby, limping painfully toward him. Remus hurried forward as his boyfriend let out another mournful whine and nuzzled his leg. Even when he was in his dog form, Remus could tell he was upset.
"What happened, Sirius? Can you change back?" The dog shook his head sadly. "Alright, we've got to get upstairs. You know you took a risk making that loud of a noise. You know how our neighbours are," Remus scolded. Sirius just looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "Can you walk?" he continued, as Padfoot shook his head once again. Suddenly he rushed toward Remus as fast as he could in his injured state and curled up in his lap, crying and whining.
"Hey. Hey, it's okay. I've got you. We can work this out together, okay? It's going to be okay. I got you. I love you. We're gonna figure this out. I love you. I've got you. I've got you. I've got you." With each calming word Remus said, and with each calming hug Remus gave, Sirius relaxed a little. Eventually he quieted down fully.
Remus stood up with Padfoot still in his arms and walked slowly up the stairs, still whispering comforting phrases. They reached their flat within, the door still wide open and Remus' book thrown haphazardly on the floor. The two boyfriends made their way to the kitchen and Remus set Padfoot gently down onto the table. He took the first aid bin out of the cabinet and walked back to Sirius.
"Can you show me what happened?" Remus asked. Padfoot turned over his paw. There was a thorn lodged deeply into the center of it. "It's gonna be okay," Remus reassured, "but this next part will hurt. I'm going to have to take the thorn out, okay? It'll be quick. I promise you'll be okay."
Remus gingerly took his boyfriend's paw and readied his tweezers. He started talking about what their next date should be like, because he knew it would be better if Sirius was distracted. He pulled the thorn out.
Sirius cried out in pain, and then in relief. Suddenly he was sitting on the table where his dog form had been. He started sobbing.
"I know it's scary," Remus started, moving to hug his lover properly. "I know it's scary and I know it hurts. But if it's okay, I need to clean your hand." Sirius nodded and wiped some of the tears off his face with his good hand. Remus wet a paper towel and cleared the blood off Sirius' still outstretched hand. He applied an antiseptic cream and put a children's band-aid, one that had dogs on it, on the wound.
"All done." He lifted a still crying Sirius off the table bridal style and into their bed. "It's okay. You're okay. You're back. It's okay now." Sirius struggled to stop crying and Remus passed his a box of tissues. He led the two of them in breathing exercises, and slowly Sirius' tears ceased.
"it was so scary, moony," sirius said in a small voice. "i couldn't change back. i was so scared. and it hurt so much." Remus started rubbing soothing circles on his boyfriend's back. "i just saw a field on my way to the market and i really wanted to run, so i did. but there was flowers and i must have ran over thorny vines… and it hurt so bad. moony, it hurt so bad."
"I'm sorry, I should have been with you. And I'm sorry I was harsh with you at first. I was scared too, and I didn't know what to do."
"it's okay. you helped me. i love you. i love you so much, moony. you're my only one, my beloved."
"I love you too, Pads. You'll always be my beloved, to the moon and back."
"To the moon and back."
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CH. 6
A/N: Earth, Moon and sun have squishy padding on their body's.  
   Sun, Moon, Monty, and Lunar were all talking in the next room. Eclipse was left in one of the little plastic houses with the door firmly shut. OK so maybe they were still in the same room, but technically Eclipse was the one in the separate house... so.. hah. God's this spell needed to hurry up, it was getting harder to see things from his original point of view and not a child's.  A bin had been placed next to Eclipse, who was laying down on the padded floor, his head hurt, when did it not? Huh that's a question. 
        "NO!" Monty
"Monty..." Sun
        "I'm not going to cooperate if you dumb asses have that THING loose in the daycare" there was a loud thump.
"Watch where your swinging that thing!" ... Moon
        There was a long sigh, effectively silencing the other three, "do I need to get the talking mic out?" huh... Eclipse had never heard that voice before. He rolled over and crawled to the door, slowly sitting up to peak out the window. A new bot that Eclipse hadn't seen till now, stood in front of the others arms crossed, as if they were an exasperated Mother wrangling her kids. Sun shook his head and sat back down next to Lunar, LUNAR! Eclipse pushed himself onto his tippy toes to look at his brother, he looked droopy and stiff not at all like the buzz ball he normally was, and he was SMALL! Like him.
        Lunar's piercing violet eyes met pale blue, Eclipse shrank back at the disapproving glare Lunar gave him, Eclipse let go of the windowsill and pushed himself into a corner. He wanted to go home, He tuned the voices out as best he could, berrying his head into his lap.
        "Look I suppose it wont really matter but, at the moment? Hes a child" Suns voice cut through Eclipse's train of thought, "and hes sick, you may not like it, he may not like it, but we're stuck with him until further notice"
"No we're not! Can't we just send him to a foster home or something?" Eclipse tightened his grip on his legs.
        "No Lunar, we don't know exactly what happened, as far as we know, this" there was a pause, "could only be temporary" Moons voice came out calm, "we can set up a few plans and rules in case something happens" No one bothered to argue.
        Eclipse had been left to his own devices in the playhouse, toys and a nap pad had been stuffed in with five minute check ins. A bucket sat next to the door in case Eclipse felt the need to throw up again, he didn't but his tummy hurt so he stayed laying on the mat away from the toys. He didn't want the toys! If he didn't do anything they might give him back to KC! Eclipse felt giddy, his plan would work surely! Eclipse scrubbed at his eyes, itchy, itchy, itchy. Eyes drooping closed he fell asleep.
        Throw up, throw up THROW UP. Eclipse gagged, his body shook with effort as he scrambled to the bin. Why couldn't he throw up? Dry heave after dry heave, Eclipse sat there in pain, he wanted to sleep! Something touched his back, NO! No more bugs! 
        No, no more bugs. 
No more?
        No, safe, good, warm. 
        Eclipse shuddered as his body relaxed a bit, the cramps in his stomach abusing his little body. Gentle fingers combed through his greasy hair. 
Little one needs a bath. 
        No baths were for good children, he was bad! Gentle hands, warm hug, Safe, Safe Safe.
Good child, bad child, all children get baths. Eclipse shook his head weakly. Sick children get medicine, something bad slipped into his mouth. Swallow, swallow, good, so proud.
Its water, Eclipse swallowed and nuzzled into the squishy chest.
        Rest, sleep little one. 
Eclipse sighed, this felt good.
        The next time Eclipse woke back up he was bundled in several blankets and a stuffed raccoon was pressed into his arms. A plate of crackers and a sippy cup sat a little ways away, there wasn't much room in the house for anything else, Eclipse blinked in surprise, the door was open. He sat up and scrubbed at his eyes, itchy. the Raccoon was tucked safely under his arm as Eclipse slowly sat up to pick at the crackers. He ate one before selecting to go explore, his overbearing hunger he harbored in the past two weeks suddenly gone. Eclipse waddled out of the hut, marveling at all the colors.
        Eclipse, went over to the couch, his hand brushing the soft texture. He turned away, making a mental note to touch the couch again, his eyes landed on something big, lumpy, and blue. Eclipse squealed excitedly, toddling over to the bean bag, Raccoons tail swinging violently. He climbed onto the large sack and sank into it immediately, Eclipse quickly learned that he was, well, stuck. He giggled to himself as he tried sitting up, unaware of two violet eyes glaring at him from the balcony.
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itsseohannbin · 4 months
〉 Romance On The Rocks 〈
Changbin Drabble
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© itshannjisung, 2024
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♡ itsseohannbins masterlist ♡
Genre: Smut. Fluff.
Summary: if there's anything Changbin loves more than fucking you senseless, it's making love ♡
Pairing: Idol! Seo Changbin x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut. All porn, not plot. Fingering. Soft Dom Binnie. Big Dick Binnie. Multiple Orgasms. Love-making. Slight breeding kink. Slight praise kink. Mentions of choking. Super fluffy.
Word Count: 1.9k
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"Bin-B-Binnie." a long, desperate whine left your mouth in the form of your boyfriend's name, causing a smirk to spread across his handsome face. Your fingernails dug impossibly deeper into the muscles of his large biceps, hard enough to leave half-moon indents across his flawless skin. "Binnie, p-p-please."
Changbin currently had two fingers knuckle deep inside of you, moving them at a snail's pace as he watched your face twist and contort from pleasure to pure bliss. His gaze was locked onto yours, those dark iris' even darker from the lust that was shooting through his veins while he watched you. He was mocking the pout you currently had resting on your lips.
"What's wrong, Darling?" he drawled out in a teasing tone, his fingers continuing to slowly inch in and out of your tight, wet pussy.
Another desperate cry slipped past your lips, leaving his cock hard and swollen. He loved seeing you all hot and desperate for him.
"Binnie, please." you moaned as Changbin then slowly curled his fingers upwards, the pads of his fingers pushing against your cervix delicately. "I ne-need you." Your hips jolted upwards, aching for more.
Changbin smirked down at you before leaning in and planting a soft kiss against the corner of your mouth.
"I know, Darling. I know. I want you too, believe me. But I gotta' prep you first or I'm not going to fit, okay? I don't want to hurt you, baby."
Another cry left your mouth at his words. He'd been teasing you for what felt like an eternity now, but you knew he was right. If he could barely keep you open enough to take his two fingers, there was no way you were going to be able to take his cock.
Contrary to popular belief, Changbin was big. Mostly in girth, but he had some length to him too, enough to allow the tip of his pretty dick to always brush your cervix in the sweetest of ways.
Changbin dropped his head into your neck and began sucking softly on the skin below your ear, causing another moan to erupt from your chest.
God, you needed him so badly. You couldn't remember the last time you were this fucking horny.
"Binnie," you whimpered as he paused his fingers movements momentarily to drag his thumb across your sensitive clit. "Binnie, please."
He removed his head from the crevice of your neck and peppered small kisses down your chest until he was level with your breasts. He left a delicate kiss on your hardening nipple before swirling his tongue around it once, causing you to buck your hips up into his touch.
"Soon, Darling. Just a couple more minutes, I promise." he cooed before his tongue shot out and ran along your bud a second time. "You can take it. I know you can."
You squeezed your eyes shut a moment later when Changbin then added another finger into your tight, wet cunt, a scream threatening to release itself from your chest. You knew Bangchan was home, probably working tirelessly at the kitchen table, but you didn't want to risk him hearing the two of you, so you tried to keep your noises low.
Although, with the way Changbin was stretching you open with his fingers, it was damn near impossible to keep the sounds inside. Changbin wished you wouldn't hold back, wished you let them all out as they came. He loved hearing you scream for him, but he also didn't want to traumatize Bangchan for the second time this week.
Changbin lowered his head again and took your nipple into his mouth a second time, his tongue swirling around the bud twice more before flicking it slowly. Everything he did was slow and sensual, and it was beginning to drive you insane.
You just wanted him inside you. You wanted him to absolutely destroy your insides the way he had done a mere few days ago while you watched him in the mirror he fucked you against, but he insisted he wanted to go slow tonight.
He didn't want you hurting any more than you already were throughout the week after the last round you guys had.
He wanted to take his time.
He wanted to make love to you.
"Binnie, oh my god." you gasped out as he pushed his fingers deeper inside of you, his thumb resuming attention on your clit. The overstimulation of his fingers, his thumb, and his tongue on your breast had you clenching around him, your climax growing closer and closer with each pump of his digits.
A blissful smile then made its way onto your face, your eyes closing in pleasure as the familiar sensation in your tummy spilled over the edge, and suddenly, your body tensed up as the white-hot wave came crashing into you. But then, all of a sudden, there was nothing.
Binnie pulled his fingers out at the last second, stopping your orgasm dead in its tracks. An involuntary whimper left your mouth at the sudden loss of contact and tears escaped your eyes unexpectedly as your orgasm was ripped away from you.
Before you could even open your eyes and beg your boyfriend to put his fingers back in, his cock was breaching your entrance. You didn't even realize he had taken his sweats off.
Despite the prep he'd been giving you for the last twenty minutes or so, his cock still stretched you so much you felt like you were being ripped in half. Slow and sturdy he pushed inside of you, his finger tilting your chin up so he could look into your eyes lovingly as he did so.
"There you go. Atta' girl." he whispered softly as he worked his way to bottoming out inside you. "Biiiiiig stretch, hmm?"
Your eyes widened at his unsuspecting words, and before you could even process what the fuck was happening, you were clenching around his cock, cumming hard. Never before had you been hit with such intensity by his words alone. It was overwhelming, and you felt like you couldn't breathe as the blinding, white-hot pleasure took over, causing you to coat him in your juices.
Changbin's eyes widened in surprise, a proud look on his face.
"Oh my gosh, Darling. Did you cum all over my cock already?" he doted as he began to move, his hips immediately falling into an agonizingly slow pace. The action only overstimulated you, the pleasure of your high was building up again quickly.
You only nodded in response, tears falling down your cheeks as you tried to catch your breath. Changbin lowered himself so the two of you were now chest to chest, his hands coming up to wipe the tears off your cheeks before he kissed you on the nose.
"You wanted it that bad, huh? Binnie's baby loves Binnie's cock, don't you?" he asked as he wiped strands of hair away from your sweaty forehead. You nodded again, wrapping your arms around his biceps and holding onto him.
"Yes." The word was barely audible, but Changbin heard it loud and clear. He leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips as his fingers intertwined with yours, resting them on either side of your head.
"Of course you do. That's why you're so good for me - Ah fuck, your pussy is so good. Feels fucking incredible baby."
His hips then picked up their pace as you stretched out for him, allowing him to snap into you the way he knew you always liked. But this time, he didn't wrap his large hands around your throat like you normally begged him to do.
Instead, he folded both of your wrists into one of his large hands and held them above your head as his lips latched onto yours. His tongue immediately pushed into your mouth, battling against yours. A string of moans and curse words fell from Changbins mouth into yours as his dick slid in and out of you. You felt so goddamn good he could cry.
His free hand then traversed the expanse of your body, his fingertips tracing your curves softly before he curled his palm underneath your knee and hooked your leg around his waist, allowing him to press himself even deeper.
With all sense of control out the window, you let out a loud moan into Changbin's mouth, instinctively wrapping your other leg around him until you were clinging to him for dear life.
The tip of his dick was now just barely brushing your cervix, making you shiver in delight as another orgasm began to build inside of you. Your hands were still trapped in his grip above your head, and Changbin's free hand was now grabbing and squeezing your ass desperately as he chased his own high.
"God, I love you so much, y/n." he whispered as he pulled himself away from your lips and nuzzled his face back into your neck. He planted a soft kiss beneath your jaw before he took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of you. "Gonna' marry you one day, I swear."
At his own words, his hips picked up speed and he began slamming into you so hard you felt yourself moving up the bed. Changbin was quick to release your hands and curled his arms underneath your figure. His hands slid up your back until they gripped onto your shoulders, where he held you still so he could fuck you harder.
"Holy fuck, Binnie. I'm gonna' cum again." you cried as you wrapped your now free arms around his neck and pulled his face back down to yours. You sucked his bottom lip into your mouth and rocked your hips upwards to meet his, causing a groan to leave him. The sound was borderline pornographic, and before you knew it, another orgasm washed over you just as hard as the first one had.
"Holy shit, Binnie. I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming." you cried out, no longer caring if Bangchan heard you guys or not.
"That's a good girl," Binnie praised. "I'm right behind you sweetheart."
Changbin squeezed his eyes shut, and less than a moment later, hot strings of cum were spilling inside of you, painting your walls white and filling you up. A long, loud whine slipped past his lips as he continued to rock his hips forward, overstimulating himself to the point where he felt like he was going to pass out.
“Holy shit, Darling,” he whispered as his hips eventually slowed to a stop. “Fuck, that was incredible.”
He lifted his head from where it was shoved into your neck and took you in.
And Hell, you were a sight.
Your fucked out expression, your hair sprawled out across the pillow beneath you, sweat sticking to your forehead and cheeks. He swore, you never looked more beautiful than in that moment.
“I’m gonna’ fucking marry you one day, Darling.” he blurted as he curled a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You let out a giggle, trying to ignore the way your cheeks began to heat up at his words.
“Yeah?” you grinned.
The smile you sent back up to him instantly made him hard again.
“Absolutely,” he responded before curling his arms around your waist and flipping the two of you over so you were straddling him. He pulled you down to his chest, his cock still stuffed inside of you, and planted a kiss on your temple.
“I’m gonna’ marry you and stuff this pussy so full every goddamn day that it’ll be impossible to not have my babies,” he spoke. You could feel him growing hard again inside you despite the loads of cum that was spilling out of your hole, pooling in the curls of hair that sat around his cock.
“Oh, you think so, hey?” you teased as you rested your chin on his hard chest and smiled up at him. Changbin quirked his brow, his hands running aimlessly up and down your back.
"Oh, I know so sweetheart." he chided back before stretching his neck up to kiss you on the forehead. "This sweet little cunt is the only one for me."
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Hannjis Pookie Wookie Bears 🐻: @moonlightndaydreams @noellllslut @bethanysnow @channieandhisgoonsquad @queenmea604 @newhope8
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mywifeleftme · 8 months
173: The Ventures // Runnin' Strong
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Runnin' Strong The Ventures 1966, Sunset
I love label chicanery like this. The Ventures were almost unimaginably popular in the ‘60s (nearly 40 charting LPs!), but their three- to five-album per year pace wasn’t enough for Liberty Records, who passed off this compilation of let’s say previously-enjoyed songs as a brand new album on their budget Sunset Records subsidiary. “The songs ain’t got no words,” exclaims some balding exec with chest hair overfroing his floral print shirt, “the kids won’t know shit!” Thus, “Journey to the Stars” becomes “Moon Journey,” “Cruncher” becomes “Puncher,” and “La Bamba” becomes uh “Bamba.” It’s a stupid-brilliant trick, likely only breaking the hearts of the few obsessives observant enough to clock the deception—and the band, who I have a strong hunch went unpaid on this particular double-dip.
A rose by any other name etc. For the disinterested listener (me), I was just pleased to filch a Ventures record from the musty dollar bins at the Renaissance (the Québec  equivalent to Value Village). Every collection should have one (and probably just one) prime Ventures album in it—it’s less important which one it happens to be. Runnin’ Strong is an extremely solid choice as these things go. It mostly eschews the pop covers that pad out their official LPs, leaving us with the aforementioned “Bamba” plus nine surf rockin’ originals (or Xeroxes of originals I guess) that give a good cross-section of what you come to these guys for. The Ventures are cool as hell no matter how you package them—which I suppose is what the grifters at Liberty Records were counting on when they decided to traffic their tunes.
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storiesbyash · 1 year
Under a Glitter Moon
Empty venues are a peculiar thing, you know. The applause and adulation echo in a melancholy after all the cheering crowds have gone. But, like a child told it's bedtime, these large entertainment venues can’t seem to stay quiet. They’ve got their own nocturnal life, their own encores that they can't help but perform.
Let me take you to an enormous stadium in South Korea, recently graced by a hot-shot K-pop band. Their energy could make even the most stoic guards and dozing ticket-takers shake a leg. But now, the show's over. Confetti, once airborne, now lays scattered on the floor like a technicolor snowfall. Abandoned plastic cups, once brimming with overpriced soda, lay crunched and forgotten.
But back to the stadium. This large, hulking arena now sat empty, the stage dark and devoid of its glowing idols. The faint scent of popcorn, cheap beer, and sugar-sweet soda still hung in the air. It was a sight that could make even the most hardened cleanup crew sigh in despair.
Sung-min had the unenviable task of leading the cleanup after every gig. It's fair to say, Sung-min was not the sort of bloke to chase the spotlight. He was a thin man, with a bit of a stoop. His round spectacles, perched on the bridge of his nose, slid down more often than stayed put. His hair did nothing for his rather oval face. His perpetual frown felt comforting. It was like that favorite armchair of yours. Despite losing some padding, it's still the favorite seat.
That night, Sung-min stood at the stadium's entrance. He surveyed the field littered with discarded plastic and strewn confetti. He armed himself with a heavy-duty bin bag and a stick with a nail in the end. He took a deep breath, the smell of stale beer and popcorn filling his nostrils, and sighed. The sigh he let out was familiar, the kind that starts from the sole of worn sneakers and ends at the roots of thinning hair. It was a sigh from a man who's seen it all before.
"Again," he muttered, half to himself, half to the moon that seemed to smirk back at him from above. He started to trudge down the steps, his shoulders slumping under the weight of the task ahead. Yet, as he walked, there was a rhythm to his movements, a sort of resigned dance that spoke of a man accustomed to his fate.
But Sung-min, despite the odds stacked against him, was a bit of a stubborn sort. He was so stubborn that even if he were losing a wrestling match to a feisty dust bunny, he'd keep grappling. He'd continue the struggle until the dust bunny gave up, exhausted by his persistence. He took pride in his work, despite the grumbling and the sighing.
He set about his task. He gathered the leftovers from the departed crowd: neglected cups, popcorn boxes, and other remnants from the successful concert. As he gathered each item, his sighs subsided, replaced by a steely resolve. His frown transformed into a thoughtful look.
As Sung-min began to make inroads into his mountainous task, a peculiar occurrence unfolded. Venues like these tend to get a bit dramatic and introspective once the spotlight dims and the applause quiets down.
The air started to tingle, the kind of tingle you feel before a thunderstorm hits, or when you've accidentally put your tongue on a 9-volt battery. The noise of Sung-min's cleaning efforts seemed to fade, as if someone had turned down the volume knob on the universe.
This wasn't the electrical buzz of a phone notification, or the familiar squeaks of a family of mice in your pantry. No, this was a buzz that oozed from the pores of the stadium, one that had unabashed, unrestrained razzle-dazzle.
This buzz made ordinary extraordinary, made popcorn kernels dance like tumbleweed, and gave discarded soda cups the grace of ballet dancers. It was pure, distilled showbiz, and it was spreading across the empty stadium like a contagion of spectacle.
The empty seats shuddered, then shook, then downright boogied. The large stage, recently vacated by K-pop superstars, began to glow, as if the moon decided to share its celestial spotlight. It was wonderfully, whimsically strange. An uncanny performance of the debris, a veritable encore of litter. Magic flowed from every corner and crevice, turning the ordinary chore of cleaning into a remarkable show of enchantment and joy.
There was a rustle, then a shudder, and then, quite suddenly, the discarded plastic cups began to rise. They shook off the sticky soda residue, popped out their dents, and started to assemble, like tiny drunk robots with a very serious task at hand. A pair of straw wrappers fashioned themselves into a microphone, held up by a cup-hand, while a crisp packet folded itself into a rakish hat. The torn ticket stubs fluttered and stuck together, creating a stage that glowed under the moonlight. They formed into a line, two lines, then a multitude, creating humanoid shapes on the stage.
As Sung-min stood there, bin bag in one hand, stick in the other, he watched the bizarre spectacle unfold. His round glasses slid down his nose, and he pushed them back up. A sound escaped his lips, something between a gasp and a chuckle. He blinked. Once. Twice. His frown, ever-present, relaxed into an expression of bewildered amusement.
He stood amidst the plastic cup figurines, the dancing soda cans, the confetti tornadoes, and joy bloomed within him. It was an unexpected feeling, like finding an extra piece of candy at the bottom of the bag.
"Will you look at that?" he said to himself, a mixture of wonder and disbelief in his words.
Sung-min was no stranger to long nights and weird encounters - he did work in an entertainment venue, after all. But this? This was a whole new level of strange. But it didn't scare him. Instead, it filled him with a sense of...what was it? Awe? Inspiration? Maybe both.
He sat down, right there on the concrete floor, amidst the litter-turned-spectacle, and watched. His usual frown gave way to a soft smile, his eyes wide behind his glasses. The plastic cup figures twirled, the confetti rained down, and for the first time in a long time, Sung-min felt something stirring in his heart. Was it hope? Wonderment? The comfort that even in the mundane, there was room for a touch of magic.
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, I'll be..." he murmured.
It was all so bizarre and quite the spectacle. If the cleaning crew were present, they might have mistaken it for a mirage induced by their overworked, sleep-deprived minds.
As Sung-min sat there mesmerized, the whimsical figures noticed him too. Their dance slowed, and then halted. For a moment, there was a hush, a peculiar stillness that felt like the calm before the storm. Then, a plastic cup figure, adorned with the most stylish confetti couture, extended a hand towards Sung-min.
He looked at the figure, then at its extended hand, his eyebrows knitting in surprise. "For me?" he asked.
The cup figure nodded, plastic body shimmering in the moonlight. Sung-min hesitated, then decided, what was the harm in a little whimsy? He rose from his spot on the concrete, dusting off his old jeans. With a deep breath, he reached out and took the figure's handle.
The stadium erupted into a crescendo of sound. Every seat seemed to cheer, every piece of discarded debris to applaud. Driven by an unseen force, Sung-min was moving. He swayed, spun, and twirled, following the lead of his plastic partner.
His was awkward at first, a newborn deer taking its first steps. But soon, he got the hang of it. He moved with a rhythm he didn’t know he had as a grin spread across his face. For the first time in his life, Sung-min wasn't just the cleanup crew. He was the star.
He danced and spun, his laughter echoing in the stadium. The other figures joined in, a synchronized dance that radiated pure joy. Sung-min, was at the heart of it all.
Dawn approached, soft sun diffusing across the horizon. Sung-min took a bow, the applause of the plastic crowd ringing in his ears. Exhausted but exhilarated, he took one last look at his new friends, his heart filled with a warmth he hadn’t felt in years. With a final wave, he picked up his bin bag and cleaning stick, ready to resume his task.
But as he looked around, he realized that the stadium was cleaner than it had ever been. The plastic cups, popcorn boxes, all of it had vanished, leaving the seats as pristine as they were before the concert. Sung-min blinked, looked at his empty bin bag, then shrugged.
"Thank you," he said to the empty stadium.
Time went by. Concerts came and went. The K-pop stars shone brightly, faded, and were replaced by the next big thing. But Sung-min remained a constant, stooping guardian of the stadium.
Each night, he'd clear the debris, and then dance joyfully until dawn. Each morning, he'd leave the stadium as the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon. Each day, he looked forward to the night, to the magical spectacle that awaited him.
But one evening, as the last of the fans left the stadium, Sung-min found a girl crying on the steps. She was no more than sixteen, clutching a lightstick and a concert poster. Her tears left trails on her face, making the star stickers on her cheeks shimmer.
Sung-min approached her, concern etched on his face. He offered her a tissue, and she took it with a mumbled thank you.
"What's the matter?" he asked softly.
She sniffled, wiping her tears. "I wanted to be a singer," she admitted, her voice a whisper. "But I didn't pass the auditions. They said I wasn't good enough."
Sung-min looked at her, at the crushed dreams and the raw talent in her eyes. He knew that look, the feeling of being unseen, unheard, unappreciated.
Without a word, he held out his hand, a silent invitation. The girl looked at him, puzzled, but then something in his gaze reassured her. She took his hand, and he led her into the stadium.
The moon was high in the sky, bathing the seats in its silvery glow. The air hummed, and the spectacle began. The girl gasped as plastic cup figures twirled and confetti rained down.
With a gentle push, Sung-min urged her to step onto the stage. She hesitated, then walked forward with wide eyes. She looked back at him, unsure, but Sung-min just nodded, a gentle smile on his face.
As she stood there, the stadium came alive, each seat cheering her on. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes. Then, she sang.
Her voice was raw and powerful. It echoed across the stadium, each note resonating with the longing in her heart. The cup figures danced, their movements syncing with her melody. As she sang, her tears dried, replaced by a shine in her eyes that outshone any spotlight.
Sung-min watched from the sidelines, his heart swelling with pride. He realized then, his role in this nocturnal spectacle was more than just a cleaner or a dancer. He was a guardian, a guide, a beacon for those unseen, unheard, unappreciated. He was there to remind them, and himself, that even in the heart of despair, you can find magic.
The girl finished her song, the last note hanging in the air. The stadium was silent for a moment, then erupted into applause. The girl, bathed in the adulation of the stadium, her face glowing with newfound hope.
Sung-min stepped back, his job done. As he picked up his bin bag and cleaning stick, he looked back at the stage and smiled.
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dessola1 · 1 year
Adesola Stephanie Adepoju.
Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman .
1. Have a picnic at the playground.
2. Kick off your day with donuts and smoothies at the park.
3. Host a cookout.
4. Roast marshmallows over a campfire and make s’mores.
5. Camp out in your backyard.
6. Go for a family bike ride.
7. Have a water gun or water balloon battle.
8. Play shaving cream twister.
9. Play backyard Yahtzee with giant dice and a bucket.
10. Blow bubbles.
11. Play frisbee and kickball.
12. Fly a kite.
13. Play water balloon baseball.
14. Cool off at a free spray spark.
15. Place the sprinkler under the trampoline or jump on it with water balloons!
16. Go hiking.
17. Have a nature scavenger hunt.
18. Sit on the ground with your kids and identify the shapes of the clouds.
19. Put on old shoes and go for a stroll in a stream.
20. Pick strawberries at a local farm.
21. Go to a baseball game.
22. Watch a movie at the drive in.
23. Visit the local zoo.
24. Go to a parade.
25. Make a sensory bottle aquarium.
26. Join the Summer Storytime program at your local library.
27. Go to a beach.
28. Spend the day at the pool or waterpark.
29. Go to a carnival or a fair.
30. Visit an amusement park.
31. Take your scooters to a local skate park.
32. Watch a fireworks show.
33. Play a round of mini golf.
34. Watch the sunrise.
35. Build a sandcastle.
36. Make your own tire swing.
37. Turn your slide into a water slide by placing a hose at the top and a baby pool at the bottom!
38. Make water bombs out of sponges.
39. Create your own backyard splash pad!
40. Take a dip in a small pool filled with water balloons.
41. Make goop.
42. Make a pet jellyfish in a jar.
43. Play with soap foam.
44. Make your own cloud dough.
45. Make homemade slime or fish in a bag slime.
46. Play with a shaving cream sensory bin.
47. Cover your slide with shaving cream.
48. Make homemade play dough.
49. Make Moon Sand.
50. Decorate the driveway with sidewalk chalk and have a photoshoot or draw a hopscotch board and play a few games.
51. Whip up homemade aqua sand.
52. Make your own homemade bouncy balls.
53. Make DIY stress balls.
54. Play with sand foam.
55. Perform an easy science experiment by making soap clouds.
56. Create a river out of a rain gutter.
57. Play with the slip n slide and the sprinkler.
58. Have a car wash using ride on toys.
59. Make mud pies and splash in mud puddles.
60. Make homemade ice cream.
61. Buy a popsicle mold and make homemade popsicles.
62. Make milkshakes.
63. Whip up some sand pail pudding.
64. Make pudding pops.
65. Decorate under the sea graham crackers.
66. Make rootbeer floats.
67. Make frozen banana pops.
68. Surprise your kids with jello aquariums or Beach Party Jello Cups.
69. Make banana splits or have a sundae bar.
70. Make slushies or snowcones.
71. Stay hydrated with ocean water.
72. Make homemade iced tea and lemonade.
73. Make homemade ice cream sandwiches.
74. Paint with squirt guns on a canvas.
75. Make thumbprint dandelions or fingerprint flowers.
76. Create pressed flower window gardens.
77. Paint with bubbles!
78. Make an easy foil fish craft with cardboard, foil and permanent markers.
79. Make initial art using painter’s tape on a canvas.
80. Create salt fireworks and shaving cream fireworks prints for the 4th of July.
81. Make a bird feeder.
82. Make puffy paint ice cream cones.
83. Whip up your own lip gloss.
84. Create puffy paint sand art.
85. Plant a fairy or a dinosaur garden.
86. Watch a movie in your backyard.
87. Catch lightning bugs.
88. Stargaze with your family.
89. Work a lemonade stand.
90. Have a water bucket relay.
91. Smash water balloon pinatas.
92. Making a shaving cream ball pit in a baby pool.
93. Pittsburgh natives: Visit the water steps, take a stroll along the river and ride the incline.
94. Play “tennis” with (clean) fly swatters and balloons!
95. Build a fort.
96. Paint with colored ice cubes.
97. Play freeze tag, sardines in a can, hide and go seek and flashlight tag.
98. Tie dye a piece of clothing.
99. Enjoy story time, crafting, block play or coloring outside.
100. Have your kids create a Summer Scrapbook by keeping a journal about their favorite Summer activities, and adding mementos and pictures.
Adesola Stephanie Adepoju .
Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman .
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Date today : Sunday December 18 2022
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