#New Rush Word
daffi-990 · 3 months
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday ✍️
Tagged by @diazsdimples @giddyupbuck and @wikiangela. Thank you lovelies mwah 😘
Have a little something from LA Lonely -> this is after the fun and orgasms of Buck and Eddie’s hook up. Still don’t know if I’m going to go full spice 🌶️ or just do a quick little run down of things.
Prev snippet & mood board here
Buck expects him to start pulling his clothes on and to give him the whole “this was fun, but I gotta bounce” speel, but Eddie surprises him by climbing back into bed and nudging Buck to roll onto his side so Eddie can scoot up behind him and hold him.
Buck freezes for a moment because no one does this. They have their fun and then they leave. They don’t stay and they definitely don’t cuddle.
Eddie must feel him go tense because his hold loosens and he moves as if he’s about to pull away. “Is this okay?”
Buck grabs at the arms that are wrapped around him, stopping Eddie’s descent. “Y-yeah. It’s-it’s okay.” He pulls at Eddie’s arms and the man settles back behind him, burrowing his face into the juncture where Buck’s neck meets his shoulder as he shuffles closer.
Soft kisses are pressed into his skin and Buck is helpless but to relax back into Eddie, letting the comfort and warmth of whatever is happening wrap around him.
“Stay?” He whispers, not sure if Eddie can hear him but not being brave enough to say it any louder. He feels like he’s asking too much.
A kiss behind his ear. “Okay.”
No pressure tagging: @hippolotamus @puppyboybuckley @exhuastedpigeon @spotsandsocks @devirnis @wikiangela @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie @mellaithwen @nmcggg @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @bekkachaos @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @rewritetheending @rainbow-nerdss @captain-hen @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @glorious-spoon @fortheloveofbuddie @fiona-fififi @disasterbuckdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @theotherbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings @tizniz @athenagranted @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @spagheddiediaz @sunshinediaz and as always, anyone else who wants to share something -> consider this your tag ☺️
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teenytraveler · 5 months
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Happy New Year 2024! ✨
Best wishes from Anya and her lil bro Jamie 🥹🫶
A bit belated but I wanted it to be the first drawing of this year!!
You can see the scrapped version (which I didn't end up going for simply bc of the lack of time) under the cut
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strawbubbysugar · 4 months
The original So(u)l fanfic was 134,362 words and 70 Chapters
The So(u)l Project is (so far) 151,483 words and 25 chapters
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dayurno · 2 months
kevin and jeremy both being pisces lifts their homoerotic teenage girl friendship to heights unknown like what next? you’re going to say you both play the same position? you’re both bisexual? you have long calls across the country? when you see him standing across the room from you for a moment you think you will never be able to cross the boundary of your friendship without ending the world as you know it, but then he looks at you and it feels as if he is worth the old world and more? hm?
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wrongspacetime · 1 year
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I went to daycare with this girl named Roxy. She and I were, like, best friends throughout grade school, and then we sort of, like, made out in high school, you know? (...) She's like family. Dani & Roxy in The L Word: Generation Q
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usergyu · 5 months
hi everyone! it's jen, back at it again since i always come around with a long, heartfelt "end of the year" wrap up! i just gotta be there. i hadn't had the time to come up with an actual heart-to-heart message this year, so i would like to share something else with you guys instead (aka my personal ending ment hehe) i hope this finds you all well! 🩵
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a message for the upcoming year - "if you knock on a door and it remains closed, it means there is nothing behind it. theres no magical, mysterious, alternative life you are being denied. there is nothing you are missing out on. what you are grieving is an idea of what might have been. if you feel you have spent too much of your life in disappointment and regret, perhaps is that you have tried to turn too many dead ends into pathways, empty rooms into more than they were ever intended to be. if you knock on a door and it remains closed, it means that the path is unfolding somewhere else, and you're now one step closer to finding it. it is not your dreams that must be released, but your sense of posibility that must be awakened."
another one goes... "if today was difficult for you, i hope you know that tomorrow can be better, i hope you know that the moments that are uncomfortable or hurt or dont make sense will pass. i hope you remind yourself of all the times you didnt think you were going to feel better but you did. as you go through your days, remember that every moment is just a moment.
when you cant take it one day at a time, try to take it one breath at a time, take really good care of yourself and know that it's okay if you don't accomplish everything you told yourself you needed to today. you dont have to start a new routine or healthy habit today if it feels like too much. you dont have to be as productive as the people that you see everywhere. your life is yours and you only have this one. tomorrow it will feel a little bit better. and then better. and then better. you are safe. you will have everything that you need."
and finally, before the next 12 months begin, here's your checkpoint - if you're carrying a weight that doesnt belong to you, it's time to release it. forgive yourself for those lessons that were learned a little too late. you're human, navigating a path that's both complex and beautiful. embrance the wisdom you gained, even if it came at a cost. remember, growth knows no timeline and you're exactly where you need to be.
your timing is yours alone, nobody else's!
@hyunpic ♡ @shorelinnes ♡ @xiaoxiongmaos ♡ @choibeomggyu ♡ @yeonjune ♡ @choi-soobin ♡ @heelicopter ♡ @minhosblr ♡ @innielove ♡ @crazy-form ♡ @facethesuns ♡ @dokyeomis ♡ @moonsua ♡ @hooned ♡ @lveclouds ♡ @exocean ♡ @dowoonyoon ♡ @bcomgyu ♡ @seungkwan-s ♡ @xiaojuun ♡ @usertae ♡ @bestleader ♡ @yutito ♡ @tmpttion ♡ @dykeyeonjun ♡ @wayvmp3 ♡ @oddinarys ♡ @woozis ♡ @jeonwonwoo ♡ @tbzuyeon ♡ @twiceland ♡ @soujisetas ♡ @yeonbins ♡ @heesungs ♡ @ddominho ♡ @isitstraightvodka ♡ @euphhorias ♡ @beomieblr ♡ @gyusgal ♡ @jaeyuned ♡ @5oobin ♡ @hueningkai ♡ @pookiez ♡ @waketoearth ♡ @deerseungs
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to my cosmos (bc who am I if not the one who writes a bunch of words to yall lol):
🍜🐕 chesca: you are NOT at all the mean words stuck at the back of your mind. no way! you're as pretty as the flowers, the water, the weather, (specially the ORANGE SHADES) in each of those monet's paintings. with that, art might not be everyone's cup of tea, sure, but is still ARTWORK for a reason. you're not behind on anyone, you don't need to rush, to keep up, i've told you this before, so please... take great care of yourself. i want you to be as proud of yourself one day as i am on the daily. one day that will turn into everyday. you will get there, you will be your greatest inspiration one day.
🌻 sun: of all the things i wish to tell you, felix wrapped it all in one go: just take your time, if you want to take a break, take a break. dont force yourself to do something. if you feel tired or if it's too hard for you, no need to stress. you still have time. every single person is good at something. you still have so much time. this is your checkpoint: tend to your wounds, let them heal, if it hurts too bad, i'll help you bandage them til you are good to go. i promise!
🐱 maja: as a grand poet (lee know) once said: "no matter how you look at the sky, it is still blue. when it rains it turns gray. there are also times when it's dark but above the clouds, it's still blue. it'll all be over soon, it's just an extra headache if you worry about it". you will be alright! and yes, even if that one issue (or a few issues) is still weighing down in your heart a little, it's just a bigger cloud. the bluest of skies will still be there, for you, and so will i!
🎨 agnes: i wish i could just cup your face with my hands and yell at you about all the necessary things you need to remind yourself. for now, here goes something: "you are not meant to be ornamental, you are meant to be a person. that means taking up space and being loud and standing up for your needs (and sometimes wants) and being inconvenient because that's what people are." 100 becomes 99 if a number is missing, the set will never be whole without that 1 number to it. the space will be there for it to take up, bc 1 belongs there. much like us, much like the world. so please, just allow yourself to be.
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finally - to all of you beautiful people, if you guys must, just take a moment to yourselves, to reflect upon everything. love is such a beautiful and messy thing, but when it comes to the end of that line, what are we if not love personified? whenever i write these, know that i am speaking to you all specifically, heart to heart. i dont know about the rest of the world, but I know about my friend-tuals. you guys deserve the world, i dont care what anyone says, you. deserve. peace. so rest well, we got another 12 months ahead! among such violent ends, you are bound to be a wonderful start.
i hate goodbyes, but if it means opening up space for a better something, i'm willing to bid farewell for a change. so much has happened, which makes me think... what a privilege it is to be able to still be here, able to use words to reach out to you all. thank you to everyone on this list. we will all be okay, eventually. we will be okay! let's meet again soon, and then again and again and again. i love you guys so so much. happy new years!!! 🎉
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thedeathdeelers · 9 months
idk i feel like we’ve already talked about this (we did!! it’s here!! by the lovely @mac-lilly) but a sweet home alabama-ish juke au. yknow. childhood friends to lovers to strangers to enemies to lovers again
mostly for this scene:
“nice dress,” he shouts over the rain and the sound of waves crashing against the shore. “where’s your husband?” he barely throws a glance at her, his eyes quickly averting back to his task at hand — burying the rods deeper i to the sand.
julie is drenched from head to toe, her wedding dress ruined, her hair a nightmare — her make up is probably leaking all over her face, and her feet are aching. but as she gets ready to give him her answer, she can’t help but smile — a genuine one.
“i’m looking at him,” she says simply.
luke stops moving, his back to her as his arms hang on either side of the metal rod he was now gripping with a little more force than necessary.
for a moment neither of them say anything, with only the sound of nature roaring around them.
it represented them well — the pouring rain, the crashing waves; the thunderous clouds and blinding lightning: it was a lot, all-encompassing and overwhelming.
their love was a force of nature, and they both knew it.
luke slowly turns around, hands dropping to his sides.
“what are you talking about?” his eyes scan the darkened area behind her, trying to spot the blond head he knows will inevitably pop up. “where’s nick?” he finally asks when he fails to see him.
“he’s not here, luke,” she says, taking a step towards him. luke’s eyes are back on her, as he watches her warily. what was she up to? torturing him until the last minute?
“he left for new york an hour ago.”
just hearing the name of the city that had become julie’s new home reminds luke why he had tried so hard to guard his heart.
he nods brusquely at julie, walking past her as he shouts over his shoulder.
“you should hurry and catch up to him — wouldn’t want to miss your wedding night.” he grimaces as the words leave his mouth, instantly regretting it.
he sounded petty. and he also definitely didn’t want to picture julie on her wedding night with someone…..that wasn’t him.
luke stops to pick up his equipment off the ground, shaking his head as he digs around in the sand to make sure he doesn’t leave anything behind.
“i’m not joining him.”
luke stops moving, his fingers freezing mid-search as her words slowly sink in.
she couldn’t-
she didn’t-
“we didn’t get married, luke.”
her words hit him like a bag of bricks, dropping everything he had picked up as he slowly straightens up, his back still to her.
he takes in a deep breath- and another, eyes closed and fists clenched as he tries to squash down the hope that stubbornly started rising up in his chest.
“why not?”
“apparently,” she starts, her voice slowly getting closer. “…we’re still married.”
luke’s eyes snap open at her statement, swirling around to find her standing only a few feet away.
“still married? but i signed the papers, just like you asked me to.”
“yeah well turns out…i kinda forgot to.” she shrugs, shoulders moving up and down as a small smile makes its way on her face.
“forgot?” he asks incredulously. “forgot?”
luke groans as he rakes his fingers through his hair, letting out a humourless laugh.
“julie,” he says, eyes on hers. “what do you want?”
“you,” she answers simply. “you were my first kiss,” she continues, taking a step closer. “and i want you to be the last.”
that throws him off for a second, recalling a time when they were kids and julie had told him the exact same thing.
they were older now- things were different…right?
luke just shakes his head to clear it, and asks again.
“no i mean- what do you want to be married to me for anyway? wasn’t nick what you were always looking for?”
julie shakes her head as her smile turns blinding, taking a step towards him, and then another, until she was crowding him, standing in his space.
“so i can kiss you whenever i want.”
she grabs his drench collar, and pulls, until he was only inches away.
“and no luke, it was always you.”
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hinderr · 9 months
Okay okay one last one
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bisexualbvck · 2 months
excuse me I'm annoyed and I'm gonna rant for a second :)
#if you're one of the people who won't stop talking about how people are jumping ship for buck and tommy#and how we're never gonna get buddie endgame#letting Buck explore this new and probably very scary part of his life is not a bad thing!#letting him explore and learn with tommy or literally any other guy is not a bad thing!#they didn't make buck bi just so theh could slap us with buddie in the next episode!#and all of this negativity is just exhausting#you don't have to like Tommy. and I know there are people who are not fans of his for so many different reasons and that's fine!#but getting worked up because people are happy about Buck get to have these firsts with someone who isn't Eddie just isn't it!#Buck's not bi just for Buddie. Buck's bi because he's bi! and you have to learn to deal with that!#and I trust Oliver and I trust Tim to give us this story with the respect and time it deserves to have to play out#because y'all would absolutely throw a fit if they rushed into Buddie right#now#we've waited this long and we have a wonderful depiction of a man in his 30s who is going to get the chance to settle into his sexuality#like he deserves too!#and then when it's time we're gonna get queer Eddie and it's going to be equally as important and Buck's story#y'all just have to chill because I don't know how some people enjoy this show the way they immediately jump to the negativity of it all#christina talks about 911#911 spoilers#also scary is not the word I wanted for that 3rd tag#more unknown rather than scary
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wolfofcelestia · 3 months
The amount of concern and worry I had when these emojis popped up
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If he were ever held hostage by someone, I feel like all he'd have to do is spam emotes to tell me to call the police lmao
But you know what really worried me the most
A typo. From someone so meticulous? Someone call the cops quick
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krak-house · 8 months
god I'm actually fucking angry like yes I know his character peaked and there wasn't anywhere else to go with him fine sure narratively it makes the most sense but also. That was my emotional support bitchy first mate and im mad abt it 😡
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bunnihearted · 5 months
#only 30 tags lol i ran out... so furthermore#we only get one life. im gonna try as much as i can to enjoy the little moments. nd to not give up on myself nd my life#i will die one day anyway. why rush it. i'll enjoy as many books and as many walks and songs and tv shows as possible#if i get a loan nd have more money i wanna bleach my hair nd dye my hair green#and later this year i think i might change my name#it was the name i wanted to change to from the beginning. but i was in such a bad headspace i just picked eden at random#i do kinda like it now nd im attached to it but i more feel like this other name actually is me. my birth name nd my current name dont feel#really right. so maybe. i havent decided yet. like i rlly dont know. im also attached to this name for some other reason. like it's who i am#to a person i rlly like and if i change... will i be anything to them? i cant put it into words but that makes me hesitate#but it's unhealthy to stay attached to someone i cant truly have even if i want to. so i mean. idk im just weird abt it#but i do kinda wanna change my name (to embla. my mom wanted to give me that name but my dad was like nooo >.<) i am not 100% sure tho so#when i've been getting used to going to school nd working out at the gym. nd after my surgery nd i have more energy#i will try to face my avpd and try apps for making friends. there r two apps where u can find new girl friends!! maybe i can try that#also like i've never tried apps but i think maaaaaybe i can use bumble to try to find friends and women to date. potentially. idk.....#rn it's hard for me to think in those terms bc. i mean i am hung up on someone!!!! i cant evwn imagine dating or being intimate w anyone els#sometimes i feel like.. they're the only person i've ever felt like it'd even be possible. who i'd event want to do that w#not only physically but emotionally. so ig it's even harder to let go bc im so scared i will never feel like that w anyone else#but i rlly need to try to make the most of whatever life i have. the world will collapse soon anyway#that makes me even more sad that i cant be w who i wanna be w nd do what i wanna do but#all pain will all be completely descimated eventually. it's not forever bc life isnt forever#i've just never felt this before. like i want smth to be real so bad but if it happened once surely it can happen again? right?#i wont spend my life alone without intimacy and love and comfort nd support nd understanding right???? :o hope not#im still so sad nd exhausted rn. nothing in my life is working nd theres no repreive nd no help#it gets sooo hard to endure everything sometimes when everything just keeps piling up and gets so heavy it feels like im drowning#nd atm i dont feel like i have any anchor. nothing that keeps me grounded nd im just floating away nd im constantly being overwhelmed by my#feelings nd emotions. im like a stupid little kid who dont understand how to handle what im feeling. or make rational decisions#i feel so ... stupid and useless. i dont know what im doing. i have no idea. i have no compass. its so scary
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
okay okay okay.
So the truth about Anakin is that everything around him shapes him into who he is. That’s true of every person. His decisions are made based on what he thinks to be true, and what he thinks to be true is heavily influenced by Palpatine. And what isn’t influenced by Palps is directly manipulated into him. And he is likewise influenced by Obi-Wan and Padme and his past.
His choices and decisions, being based on all of these things, could easily have gone wholly different had his sphere of life been changed even in little ways. If he had talked less to Palps. If he had opened more to Obi-Wan. If Padme hadn’t been away for ten whole years. If his mother had been freed. If… well, you get the picture.
And that’s very interesting. Because, again. This is true for all of us. Little things truly do make us.
Anyway all this to say I want some small thing to change the whole story of Star Wars for a fun Anakin Is Not As Fucked Up (But Still Pretty Fucked) AU.
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songofsaraneth · 7 months
girl is FINALLY getting her new tank shipped next week. our morning ritual as usual for now
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fagtainsparklez · 2 years
an analysis of c!purpled, his legacy, and his flawed definition of one
so, of course, purpled's current arc revolves around his belief that he no longer has a legacy, and his attempt to re-make one through usurping quackity. he first attempts to gain political power in las nevadas, as cementing himself as not only someone who overthrew the past leader, but as a leader himself, would be sure to ensure his legacy. when that didn't work, he turned to the revival book and slimecicle, and we all know how that ended. it's important to note that purpled does not actually care nor necessarily want any of these things. he doesn't care about having political power, he doesn't care about owning the revival book, he doesn't want slimecicle dead. he just wants a legacy, and will do anything to create one, as he's generally a super apathetic and uncaring person when it comes to things like personal relations and intent.
the thing with purpled is that he's an extremely smart and strategic character, as shown by his ability to trick and cover up his true intentions, but he's also extremely stupid and struggles with truly thinking out the impact of his actions. he's more focused on the revenge than what comes after, and a lot of the time, he's extremely prone to self-sabotage because of that. the situation with las nevadas is a perfect example of his flawed planning, because if you really think of it, the legacy he left was not what he originally set out for. before joining las nevadas, he spoke about how no one on the server truly knew him, and how no one would probably be able to name a thing about him other than his name and maybe his house. right there, we can identify his actual desire: to be known by other members of the server, truly known, not just by name and actions, but by personality. purpled doesn't realize that, though, and instead takes it in the same way that quackity initially does: a legacy is about power, how you exert it over others, and how you can use it to control them. and it's no surprise he came to that conclusion! that's exactly what quackity used against him, so logically, he would see it the same way, as quackity was the one to lead him to make the realization in the first place. all thoughts of legacies are subconsciously related to quackity in his mind, whether he's aware of that or not.
so when purpled finally accomplishes his presumed goal, the only person truly impacted by it is quackity. while yes, other members of las nevadas are made aware of his betrayal, quackity is the only one whose memory will be forever scarred by him. slimecicle will most likely forgive and/or forget, and while foolish will no doubt think of him in a negative light, quackity is the only person shaken by what he's done. and that is not a legacy. purpled's impact will fade if quackity ever gets to a point where he's able to forgive, and he'll be right at square one again. when quackity dies, purpled's so-called legacy will die with him.
purpled believes his legacy was taken away from him when his UFO was destroyed, and to an extent, he's right. his UFO was a landmark on the server, having existed for longer than most of the members have even been whitelisted for. but what he failed to realize is his legacy was more than just that, and that he himself heavily added to the death of his legacy. he did so by blowing up his cabin, by running off into the woods, by refusing to socialize with anyone other than dogchamp. he had a legacy. with jack manifold and their truce, with hannah and boomer and their friendship, with tubbo and the socializing club, with ponk and the real estate conflict. while quackity didn't help in the matter, purpled cut many of his ties himself by alienating himself and being so vengeance-bound that he failed to see anything other than his anger and spite.
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cursezoroark · 8 days
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ship chart for them for categorical purposes. chart by @/goomyloid.
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