#Palm pilot
vinspixels · 2 months
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Palm Pilot Professional
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gameraboy2 · 8 months
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Palm Vx, 2000 ad
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rapid-artwork · 2 months
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After honing my cartoon-ing skills a bit further, I've moved on to making some new characters for a secret project. Studying the Cartoon Network™ style has paid off.
Names subject to chance, but for now let's meet Charlie and Penny.
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Charlie (Lee to his friends, Charlie to his teachers, Charles to his parents whenever he is in trouble.) He is the ultimate big brother. He just turned 13 and is convinced that he is the coolest person to ever exist. He even has his own Palm Pilot Handi-Man™ 20X6! He definitely didn't steal it from his dad's office, so don't even ask!
His RCA-Lyra Portable Music Player™ is filled to capacity with all the hottest MP3s. (Literally just the Kingdom Hearts OST and nothing else.) He knows all the cheat codes to every Sega Dreamcast game, and just last week he got to see his first PG-13 movie! (Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World, he hasn't seen the first one and probably isn't aware it exists.) He was very brave and only cried a few times!
He spent all of his allowance on a pair of ripped jeans but his mom made him sew patches on the knees so his legs wouldn't get cold.
He can and will die for Penny at the drop of hat.
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Penny: (Short for Penelope, but she tells everybody that it's short for "Dollar", exactly 99 cents short. She's very proud of that joke and tells it everybody.)
She is the ultimate little sister. She is 10 years old and is very nervous about what happens when you are too old to count your age on your fingers. She loves playing with her dolls, and listening to her favorite death metal band, 𝕲𝕺𝕺𝕱𝖄 𝕺𝕮𝕿𝕺𝕭𝕰𝕽 (Goofy October; the most intense PG rated death metal band in all of Canada.)
She has a bad relationship with the local dentist because she refuses to stop chewing on the cool rocks she finds in the woods behind her school. She has destroyed multiple retainers with great prejudice and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.
Literally everyone loves Penny and finds it impossible to say a bad word about her no matter how hard they try. Every single person in town is terrified of what might happen if she gets too sad. It is foretold in the ancient scriptures that if Penny cries for more than 60 seconds the entire world comes to a violent end.
These two are gonna be protagonists in a fun little video game I'm pitching. It will be very weird.
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In process sketches I made in designing their character below the cut:
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Charlie had Johnny Bravo energy from the beginning. It was pivotal that he wasn't just "cool" but specifically what a 13 year old THINKS is "cool"
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Penny's design was nearly perfect from the get-go, but I had to get the hair just right. She feels like a mix of every single KND character and I like that.
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digitalfossils · 5 months
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Dads used to love their palm pilots.
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jhsharman · 4 months
the troubles she's seen
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Remember Palm Pilots?
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paintedskystudios · 2 years
This is bloody awesome! I literally just played DopeWars for like 2 hours, lol
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kply-industries · 1 year
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mosqitofood · 2 years
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rwiseart · 1 year
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Some Y2K and digital pet inspired concepts!
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worshiptheglitch · 1 year
Newsweek’s 1997 Gadget Shopping List:
 - PalmPilot (PALM) Professional - Seiko MessageWatch - Sony (SNE) Playstation - Motorola (MOT) StarTac 8600 Cellular Phone - Midisoft Family Music Center - Canon PowerShot 350 Digital Camera - “Austin Powers” DVD - Rolodex Rex PC Companion - Alphasmart 2000 Keyboard, $249.  - Sony SPP-SS960 Digital Spread Spectrum Phone - Fritz 5 Chess, $88l 
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krjpalmer · 2 years
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PC Magazine January 7, 1997
on Google Books
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I have the Ad-Free subscription and I have not adjusted it to show me the advertisements anyhow. I also have the "2007" tab. I take it that we are commemorating Tumblr's birthday?
In 2007, a formerly really great fan group called the "Southern Outpost", a regional subdivision of the 501st, was in the middle of suffering the fate that happens to so many social groups after the three year mark: infighting and clique hostility. I wish at the time that we had had the resource from the internet laying out the Geek Social Fallacies. Maybe we could have saved a good thing. Maybe we could have parted on cordial terms. Instead a large group of grown ass adults chose from bitterness to act in petty, teenagerish, and occasionally criminal ways. Some of the most backbiting snotty little twits were horrified after the fact when the person who paid for and maintained the group forums out of his own pocket made their plotting threads visible to the entire membership instead of hidden in an officer-only area. They weren't horrified at their own behavior, mind. They were horrified at consequences happening.
In 2007, another of my big hobbies and online social outlets was an MMO called City of Heroes. It is not hyperbole to say that I am alive today because of that game.
In 2007, my primary mobile device was a hand-me-down Palm Pilot. I still have a really cool folding keyboard that I acquired to write fanfiction on it.
In 2007, I was working my way through the original pre-radio show stories of The Shadow. They were public domain at that time. Since then a publishing conglomerate whose initials are CN has used lawyers and the threats of lawsuits to yank this material away from any place where I can currently access it. The Silent Seven is a great plot for upcycling into a modern street level adventure story ... once you strip out various unfortunate isms of the time in which it was written. I was also getting a lot of my reading in the pulp genre and scifi genre from Project Gutenberg and from a similar free public domain site called ManyBooks.
In 2007, Ursula Vernon told us the story of a wombat named Digger, and her allies Ganesh and the ShadowChild and Ed. Poor, sweet, compassionate, heart-rending Ed.
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sufficientlyantique · 19 days
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Ah, simpler times.
The Palm Pilot's quick writing system based on strokes, Graffiti, is yet to be improved. It was invented and deployed on millions of small, low power devices. Nearly thirty years ago. In the 90's.
They were way ahead of their time. Regrettably, Apple and Research In Motion (makers of the Blackberry) had more support from the executive suite. And much bigger marketing budgets. And those companies had way bigger sales forces than tiny tech startup Palm Inc.
Still, it's been quite a while since mine died. And in all that time, no better hand-based input method has been better or faster than Graffiti.
It was the best, and had no children.
I miss Graffiti.
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syncpedia · 5 months
What happened to Palm PDAs?
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The short answer is because of failure to adapt combined with rising competition, Palm could not sustain their business model on selling Palm PDAs alone and they struggled to successfully transition to smartphones. Fortunately there are still smaller companies like ours that still offer professionally refurbished Palm PDAs with new batteries and screens for sale. So if you still love the Palm PDA it’s still possible to purchase one in factory restored condition.
But for a more complete answer:
If you were around during the late 90’s to early 2000 and interested in technology, it would be hard to ignore the technology juggernaut known as Palm. Considering they sold hundreds of thousands of Palm PDAs and held a near monopoly on mobile computing, it would be hard to believe they would would eventually be acquired by another technology giant and are no longer the leaders in mobility.
The original Palm PDA were released in 1996, under Palm, Inc. (then a subsidiary of U.S. Robotics). Eventually 3Com agreed to acquire USRobotics, and Palm, for $6.6 billion in 1997. That was the first nail in the coffin though – since 3com management didn’t see eye to eye with the Palm founders Jeff Hawkins, Donna Dubinsky, and Ed Colligan. By 1998 the founders had enough and decided to form Handspring, a competing mobile computing company that licensed the Palm OS while using their own hardware.
Handspring largely took the lead in future innovation – adding the springboard expansion slot which allowed you to add all kinds of innovative hardware to your PDA,. Most notably they were first to create the “smartphone” as we know it with the Visorphone springboard module in 2000, which turned your PDA into a phone. And then they followed up with the first Treo smartphone in 2002.
Although Palm was still selling plenty of PDAs, they didn’t really adapt fast enough. You have to wonder what might have happened if the founders had stayed with Palm, had 3com management been more accommodating. A Palm smartphone would have potentially been launched much earlier, potentially securing their place in future technology.
Palm eventually acquired Handspring, in 2003 and with it managed to launch several smartphones under the Treo and Centro brands between 2003-2008. It even dabbled in releasing some Windows Mobile based Treo smartphones.
But by that time a large amount of people had already moved on to BlackBerry and Windows Mobile devices. The Palm OS software seemed too limited in an evolving media and internet centric world. Palm OS 5 was an attempt to evolve the OS with features such as multi tasking but it still had major limitations compared to the competition on the media consumption front. (Although it had features that have not been matched since, like incredible battery life.)
By 2007 – 2008 the mobile world was knocked off kilter with the release of the first iPhone and Android devices, which the majority of people quickly adopted. You could argue that both of them largely copied the Palm user interface, while successfully integrating the internet and media the ways users wanted to interact with their devices..
Palm was left to play catch up – and they tried to counter with the release of webOS based devices which was intended to be their big next generation OS. They successfully released the Palm Pre and Palm Pixi smartphones - but by that time it was too little too late. Being a publicly traded company, they couldn’t survive with lackluster sales and a tiny market share. They had thousands of employees to pay and shareholders to answer to. And so they were acquired by HP, and all efforts to fund webOS mobile devices was halted shortly after.
Interestingly webOS was eventually acquired by LG and now powers most of their smart TV offerings. And the Palm brand name was purchased by the Chinese electronics firm TCL Corporation in 2014.
TCL has offered a new tiny phone under the Palm brand, that is supposed to be an Android powered companion phone to your main phone. So in theory, you can still get a modern Palm branded phone. But it remains to be seen if that venture will bear fruit for TCL.
But in the end of the day we still think the Palm PDA offered something that is missing in “modern” technology – namely incredible battery life and a unified interface for organizing your digital life that has been unmatched on modern smartphones. The Palm PDA interface felt so tied together. All of the apps felt like they were part of the core OS, with the same user interface and the same way of organizing your personal data.
According to Steve Jobs, this unified user interface around organizing your life didn’t really amount to much:
“I started asking myself, how useful are PDAs really? How many people in a given meeting show up with one? I don't think early cultures had organizers, but I do know they had music. It's in our DNA.”
But we would definitely disagree. While he was clearly right about music and media being important – clearly people do care about organizing. I’m guessing the first task list was invented by a caveman painting the walls of his or her cave.
And if you agree, you can still purchase a refurbished Palm PDA from Syncpedia. We’re still carrying the PDA torch forward, and you would be surprised by how many people are still buying – in spite of what Steve Jobs had to say on the matter and in spite of all the shiny new iPhones available in your nearest retail outlets.
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