#Patients Of ..
greelin · 9 months
idk man being violently hateful/resentful towards children for existing is weird. it’s legitimately just weird.
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aroaloe · 1 year
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willgrahamscock · 8 months
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tell me the worst thing your choice has done
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tariah23 · 3 months
The manga industry, especially JUMP, needs to hurry up and do away with weekly scheduling for mangaka. There needs to better regulations put into place for their health and safety because this is pitiful. Two weeks - monthly updates should’ve already been the standard for the manga industry at this point. These money grabbers will only continue to put the lives of these artists at stake for the sake of capitalism unless some serious changes are implemented.
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cabinette · 2 months
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SHOUTOUT @seagiri for drawing chilchuck here <3333
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bedriddenandcrying · 8 months
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when yr own hands were used to kill the 2 ppl who helped u growing up lolll
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zouffle · 13 days
they should invent a doctor that actually helps you
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girlboyburger · 24 days
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shima-draws · 3 months
Also the implication that megas are FINALLY coming back. Will he finally get the justice he deserves......
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realbeefman · 9 months
how is this show real
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sneakygreenbean · 11 months
personal observations made by a new cane user:
you do not need to be in constant pain to own a cane.
folding canes have a clasp or band to keep them folded. losing the band is a pain in the ass.
you will get dirty looks
it does not matter what age you are. you will get dirty looks.
you have to hold it in the opposite hand as the disabled leg. this is fortunate, as I am right handed, so i hold it in my left hand to support my right leg.
people will try to steal your cane from you.
when standing still, I hold it in my right hand unless i need to do something right handedly. this does not work as well as i thought it would.
being visibly physically disabled is difficult. having a mobility aid will help with pain and movement, but some people don't get them because visible disability is treated with disgust.
if someone meets you for the first time, and you don't have your cane, then they will like you more, but they will not believe you are actually disabled.
if someone meets you for the first time, and you have your cane, they will not treat you the same.
the majority of other cane and mobility aid users I have met are homeless. I live close to a big city.
People do not want to see you being disabled.
you will not hear of the benefits of using a cane from anyone who does not use a cane.
no one will prepare you for the world of being visibly physically disabled. however bad you think we have it is usually not from the disability at all. I can deal with pain and I can deal with an indisposed left hand.
the hardest part of being disabled is the fact that no one will care until you make them care.
the disabled seats on trains are a suggestion
the disabled seats on buses are a suggestion.
you will have a different experience with using a cane than I have had.
your hand will become tired. you are using it as a leg.
your cane is legally a part of your body. this will not stop some people.
you are not your disability. but it will affect you.
i love you
theres always an invisible someone who has it worse. that person will not be affected or offended by your use of a cane. take the damn ibuprofen. put the folded cane in your bag. ask your friends for help. gd knows they need help sometimes too.
you will have to learn that things will be impossible to you. you may not run as fast anymore. you may not become a skater, like you always wanted to be. you may be left behind when everyone else runs ahead.
you deserve better.
your cane handle gets dirty. wash it.
some days pain is worse. some days you will feel it the moment you wake up.
no one deserves pain. the human condition is not to suffer. we deserve better. we deserve to be loved and not tolerated. we deserve to be seen better than from the corners of eyes. we deserve to be heard better than an afterthought at a meeting.
be quick to care for yourself. I love you.
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palms-upturned · 7 months
Al-Shifa Hospital is a ‘big prison’, says director
Nov 17th, 12:25 GMT
As Israel continues its raid of al-Shifa Hospital, the director of al-Shifa says the medical compound has become a “big prison” and a “mass grave” for all those inside.
Muhammed Abu Salmiya tells Al Jazeera that there are 7,000 people in the hospital and staff are still working to help patients but they “lost all those who were in the intensive care unit”.
“We are left with nothing, no power, no food, no water. with every passing minute, we are losing a life. Overnight we lost 22 persons, [and] for the past three days the hospital has been kept under siege,” Salmiya said.
He added that they have appealed to leave the hospital but are being denied by Israeli forces.
“It’s a war crime. A full-fledged war crime,” he said.
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pinkhairswagtourney · 4 months
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while you're here , please consider helping a disabled trans lesbian survive this winter by donating or boosting this post . thank you for reading !!!
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getoapologist · 11 months
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post by @jgnico
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orsanedraws · 29 days
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Tarot commission finished for @precious-bhaal-babe !
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bophamet · 5 months
actually i think sony should take their sweet fucking time with beyond the spiderverse cuz even with the time they took with atsv it wasn't enough for the animators to have proper working conditions. like take ten years i don't fucking care, people can bitch and moan but i would rather know the employees aren't working 8hours a day plus overtime for 7 days a fucking week to get a movie about spiderman done cuz "waah waaaah i wanna see it" people won't shut up and sony demands their film be made for the profit of it all
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