#Peter Carey
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no-side-us · 10 months
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Aug. 2
Black Peter, Part 1 of 3
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I love little real world "cameos" like these; they really make the mind curious about what happened. Did Holmes happen to be in Vatican City when a cardinal died? Or did the death happen elsewhere and the Pope messaged Holmes for help? Does this mean the Pope reads Watson's works? Or did he read about him in the news?
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Holmes having "at least" five refuges, assuming they're somewhat well-maintained rooms with resources inside, must be quite costly. And it's a good way to look at how far his operations have expanded compared to the first story where he needed a roommate to split the rent with.
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Peter Carey was by all accounts a terrible person to his family, servants, and the general populace. But there's still something sad about this cabin, that he built himself, where he slept and lived, made to seem like the captain's room of an old ship. Like he couldn't just let go of his time as a seafarer in his old age.
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Based on what Holmes was doing in the beginning of this story, I'm going to guess ol' Peter wasn't actually pierced by a harpoon. Still, at least his death was thematically appropriate. Maybe the murderer was a whale?
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I'm enjoying Holmes' teacher/mentor relationship with Hopkins in this story and others. We don't really see Holmes as a mentor to anyone else. Watson's more a friend and partner than a student, despite how much he learns from Holmes, and the Baker Street Irregulars are basically his servants, so seeing Hopkins as a student trying to impress Holmes and fail and be upset, it's all kind of unique.
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Look at that! It really is kind of funny how hard he's trying and how much he's failing. You wouldn't see this reaction with any other character in the canon. Other detectives would be frustrated, Watson would be put off, but Hopkins is genuinely upset with himself.
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Well, if there's anyone who can still find a clue a week after the crime, it's Holmes. I'm surprised he didn't already go out there himself; I feel like the harpoon pig-stabbing is an indicator that he found the case sufficiently interesting enough.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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80smovies · 1 year
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anemotionaldumbass · 1 year
true history of the kelly gang review
a beautiful book. an outlaw tragedy set in australia focusing ned kelly and his short life. with a unique writing style in the form of ned’s own written history. shootouts, bank robberies and more transvestism than you would expect. i would recommend to anyone especially those who know the history behind this book.
quote “Many is the night I have sat by the roaring river never ending them logs so green bubbling and spitting blazing in a rage no rain can staunch.”
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harrison-abbott · 1 year
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My knowledge of Australian literature remains very small, but I’ve just started this tonight and am already yomping through it. Would recommend. 
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litandlifequotes · 5 months
She understood as women often do more easily than men, that the declared meaning of a spoken sentence is only its overcoat, and the real meaning lies underneath its scarves and buttons.
Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey
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sodelafo · 8 months
The Legacy of Ned Kelly
This poem is inspired by the brilliant novel by Peter Carey, True History of the Kelly Gang. Which is a visceral and gritty interpretation of the legend. There’s also the excellent film adaptation of the book by Justin Kurzel. (The image above is from the movie.) I recommend both. I didn’t start out trying to write a poem about Ned Kelly. It began as a piece of automatic writing and just sort of…
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nusumigaki · 2 years
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in-love-with-movies · 5 months
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An Education (2008)
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nathalieskinoblog · 10 months
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mizgnomer · 1 year
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Behind the Scenes of Blink - Part Five
Excerpt from The Times interview with David Tennant - Titled Who's Hot - by Caitlin Moran (March 30, 2007)
A fan since childhood, he has been voted "The Best Doctor Ever" in acknowledgement that his performances, above all others, have best embodied the show's values: anarchy, vigour, moral rigour, silliness and a reverential awe at how big, scary, complex, beautiful and full of bipedal aliens made of foam rubber the Universe is. Meeting him in the tearooms of the Landmark Hotel in Marylebone, it's clear why Davies cast him in the role.  He has a quick wit, excess energy and self-deprecates at every opportunity ("Look at my mobile! It's really boring! It's about as intergalactic as a brick!). He is also, let's be frank, the first hot Doctor. He is the primary timephwoard. He was voted "Hottest Man in the Universe" by The Pink Paper, and New Woman magazine place him at No. 13 in its poll of 10,000 women's crushes - just below Brad Pitt. Tennant, however, disputes this assignation. "Tom Baker!" he says, with a Bakerish roar. "Come on! He was a huge hit with the ladies." He was more of a specialist taste, I offer, primly.  Something that WHSmith would keep behind the counter and you'd have to ask for. "I'm sure Peter Davison was in polls at the time," he continues, gallantly.  Perhaps aware that he is seconds away from attempting to mount a defense of the sexual allure of Sylvester McCoy, Tennant changes the conversation with a confidence that just, to be honest, proves how hot he is. "This is a terrible anecdote, so I must tell it," he says, settling into a chair with a coffee.  "Last year Billie [Piper] and I kept getting invited to guest at award ceremonies but we could never go - we were either filming in Cardiff or we would be presenting Best Wig or something, and what's the point of that?  But when the Brit Awards rolled around, we let it be known through our 'people' that we'd love to present a Brit for Best Drunkard or something.  But, pleasingly for the laws of hubris, they said 'No, we'll be fine, thank you'.  They turned down the Doctor and Rose! Famous across the Universe!"  Tennant does a self-deprecating boggle. Talking to him is a mildly surreal experience. On the one hand, it's the Doctor! You're talking to the Doctor!  On the other hand, he is as obsessive and passionate about the show as any fan. This is a man who can talk about the gravitic anomalyser without a protective layer of irony.
Link to [ part one ] of the Blink Behind-the-scenes posts, or click the whoBtsBlink link, or the full episode list [ here ]
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frenchnewwaves · 1 year
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An Education (2009)
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no-side-us · 10 months
Letters From Watson Liveblog - Aug. 6
Black Peter, Part 3 of 3
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I'm glad Holmes and I agree on the younger Neligan being too weak to harpoon a man, although one of my initial thoughts was that the murderer stabbed Peter Carey with a knife or something, and then proceeded to harpoon him after he was dead, which would give him the time to drive that thing in there instead of all at once.
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If I had murdered, sorry, "killed" someone I probably wouldn't want to admit to it in front of a police detective, especially as an attempt to correct him. Regardless, I'm kind of disappointed the culprit didn't turn out to be the older Neligan. I think it would have been more dramatic and made for more of a twist, especially with the younger Neligan as a red herring.
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Alright, so Black Peter did pick up Neligan senior, and did leave him behind in a way. Again, I think there's a lot of potential for this to have turned out as a revenge story. The fact old Neligan was willing to leave his wife and child behind could mean he also wouldn't mind his son taking the blame for the crime.
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I would rule this as self-defense. And with Peter Carey's reputation it's probably not an uncommon experience for him to pull his knife out on somebody after drinking. And as a harpooner of many years, of course Cairns would instinctively go for his weapon of choice.
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Poor young Neligan, wrong place, wrong time, and worse luck when he dropped his notebook. At least this means Hopkins wasn't really that far off since Neligan was basically there when the killing happened. Now that I think about it, if he had gotten there to get back the securities, and Black Peter was still kickin', Neligan would probably be the murder victim.
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I'm probably missing something, but why are Holmes and Watson going to Norway? If what Cairns said is true, then the older Neligan never even made it there... Or did he?
No, he's likely dead. Hearing about Norway probably just made Holmes decide to go there with Watson for a vacation or something.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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brokehorrorfan · 5 months
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Pentagram Peter Pan has Saltburn apparel available until Monday, January 15, at 10am EST. The line includes T-shirts ($27), long sleeves ($34), sweatshirts ($41), and hoodies ($45). They’ll ship in 4-8 weeks.
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moviemosaics · 5 months
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An Education
directed by Lone Scherfig, 2009
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talentforlying · 4 months
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john and his niece going for a walk, arm-in-arm, so gemma can confide in him about her ghost problem without worrying her mum......i'm severely unwell about them.
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