#Priority Pixels ™
fly-sky-high-arts · 3 months
Any tips on how to emulate isat's art style?
I am but a humble mimic, I sense there are folks who can tell you more accurate details BUT I also love explaining steps I make while making my own art so I'll tell you how I improvised~!
Firstly, I found the wiki (no, not the Fandom one) for all the references. I tried to study how the characters work and I used a lot of just color picking to get the grayscale hues accurate
The lineart is obviously much thinner than what I went for and it seems to use a crispier brush for it to resemble pixel-esque kind of vibe but I wouldn't know which brush it is, I assume it's a custom/adjusted brush!
What I used was "Real G-Pen™" in Clip Studio Paint!
What's fun about this brush (and superior to G-pen brush) is the fun little texture it has that also resembles some of the crispiness but I think the ISAT one has a much finer texture, to give it the aforementioned pixel like vibe.
The thick line I used was just my preference but if you use Real G-Pen with smaller scale and basically only mild pen pressure, you get similar results to the OG style:
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(some of the Sif's images has their lineart thicker in some places to give just a smidge of lineweight feel, enough to work with the depth but I demonstrated here how it looks with basically no pressure applied, it has a bit of that crisp and you can probably get a better one if your canvas was bigger than mine here (just under 1200px lol))
I then color picked from the original images to get the flat colors in!
What I did for shadows is just use the layer set on multiply above all the flat color layers, color pick from the white base gray (that Sif mostly has haha!) and use the that shadow for just about anything. I think I also played around with Overlay in the bigfrin image? you can play with layer settings too and see how it works! You will notice that depending on the mood of the scene in the game and the emotions of the characters take priority over how all of this works.
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This isn't 100% as it is in the official artwork but I rolled with it most of the time!
You can throw some adjustments and extras here and there if you want it to resemble the dynamic party portraits even more (the extra line strokes, adding a bit of weight to the line, the white line strokes on clothes and hair...)
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You essentially end up with something like this!
For the white outline, you can either copy the base color layer (if it covers the whole form) or the lineart layer but move it under the base color and use the border option:
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Regular portraits don't seem to have that outline but I like it a lot personally, it makes the image pop XD
That's basically it! I love how simple and effective it is!
How you stylize the character and how you draw them is all up to you!
Many credits to insertdisc5 since I basically just tried to mimic their style with some liberty sdhjdfg
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armoricaroyalty · 2 years
open call for small collabs!
Without saying TOO much about what I’ve got planned for the next part of my story, I’ve got some openings in my outline for some small-scale collabs, so I wanted to put an open call out for anyone interested!
Back in Ye Olden Days of royal simblr (summer-fall 2020), it was very common for people to exchange sims for one-off posts. It was a really fun, low-stakes, low-effort way to get to know other people in the community, and I’d like to revive this trend!
The end product of this collab would be a one-off post on this blog with a short news article about an event our sims attended together. (Here’s a few examples of what the end result might look like: 1, 2, 3).
Unfortunately, I don’t have the capacity for taking on larger-scale/more involved collabs right now, so my part of the collab would be just the one post on my blog! If we end up collabing, you are of course totally free to have the collab be a larger event in your own story (and I’ll reblog all relevant posts, naturally!) but I’m not looking to develop new ongoing plotlines or write dialogue for my sims to appear in behind-the-scenes posts on other people’s blogs.
You need to be willing to send me your sims OR host my sims and send me pictures to use for the post
@bridgeportbritt​ put together a few tutorials for collaborating, take a look and lmk if you have questions about the logistics!
You don’t need to be a royal simmer, but you should have sims who might plausibly meet and interact with members of a foreign royal family. Royals, politicians, celebrities, athletes, and non-famous Sims who are high-ranking in their career are all welcome!
If you can, please come up with an idea for what the event would be (i.e., perhaps your celebrity is performing at a gala my sims are attending, perhaps your royal/politician is attending a state dinner in Armorica, perhaps your scientist is receiving an award for their research from a member of my royal family)
I may not be able to collab with everyone! I have no idea what the interest level will be, but if I get more responses than I can realistically handle, I may have to say no. I just want to be upfront about that!
If I end up fielding more requests than I can handle, I will update this post and do my best to immediately notify people I can’t work with right now.
I want these kinds of smaller collabs to be a reoccuring thing on my blog, so if we can’t work together now, we might be able to at a later date!
All simmers are welcome, but I’m giving priority/preference to newer/smaller blogs! Back in Ye Olden Days, my very tiny blog got a HUGE boost from small collabs with established blogs, and I want to spread the love! (not that I’m Simblr Famous (tm) or anything, I’ve just been around long enough to have an established audience (which remains slightly inexplicable to me....an audience? for my pixel barbies??? it’s more likely than you think)
NEAT, I hoped at least one person would be! Please send me an ask, off-anon, with your discord handle so we can connect over there and talk! I will lose track of replies to this post or Tumblr messages!
(as of november 11, 2022)
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cjgladback · 4 months
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[ID: Two sets of image comparisons, testing three Pixel Filter width values on two camera angles of a 3D render. The consistent information is listed across the bottom of each comparison, including the credit:
Models, textures, and tests by CJ Gladback Pixel Filter Type: Blackman-Harris Cycles Render Engine, Blender 4.0.2 512 samples denoised and mixed with original in compositing
The compositor nodes overlay the images to the right of this information; the rendered image is denoised using its normal and albedo passes, mixed with a factor of 0.8 over the original image, denoised again, and mixed over the original image with a factor of 0.975 for the final composite.
Both comparison shots feature a green plaid blanket in golden hour lighting, folded around the shaft of a cane and fastened with a leather belt. The first shot is closer up and from above, focused on the curved folds of the blanket where they bend around the cane. The second is from a glancing angle to the top of the blanket and further away. Each image compares a pixel filter width of 0.5 px, 1.5 px, and 2.5 px. In both, there's a strong wave-like pattern called moire in the 0.5 px example, most visible where the weave of the fabric is compressed, either from bending away from the camera or shrinking into the distance, on the folded blanket edges and, in the oblique shot, on the top of each blanket layer. The 1.5 px example nearly eliminates the moire, only a ghost of curves cutting through the woven patten where the 0.5 px distortion was most extreme. The 2.5 px examples are both very soft, completely eliminating the moire but also smoothing the details of other materials in the shot. End ID]
Yesterday I learned what the Pixel Filter in Cycles does! It would make sense if I had heard of it (I've followed plenty of people trying to create 3D pixel art and the automatic antialiasing that the filter represents would have to affect that). But I don't recall ever touching that set of parameters in the Film render settings before.
That changed yesterday while I was being productive in anything but my handful of equally-high-priority items and happened to open Blender Artists to check their support section for questions I could answer. And lo! There was one about Blender seeming to post-process renders to the detriment of a fabric texture, even when the artist had requested no denoising nor other compositing functions. I've had my share of suspected glitches when Blender's image viewer just doesn't handle an irregular zoom well, but the artist confirmed it had the same issue when viewed outside the app. How bizarre! Obviously it required some research.
Thankfully, from photography, monitor troubleshooting, and more™ I'm quite familiar with the term moire (shoutout to my once-classmate Hannah Paz-Westbrook who's done whole series' of paintings exploring it). So I was outfitted with a helpfully specific search term that turned up a past struggle with moire on a dense pattern rendered in Cycles -- and their solution was to render a larger image and scale down and widen the "pixel filter." I had to look up where that even was and in the process found an old discussion on what it does.
But the new knowledge wasn't complete until I could do a few tests to see how it could be applied...and once you have your tests and images are nicely labeled for your own reference, obviously you gotta publish them. So behold!
It's not surprising that the default 1.5 px width works best with this blanket and its surroundings at this level of zoom when I had already dialed in all the normals' intensity with zero awareness of this value to tweak. But it will definitely help me in future high-detail cloth renders to know that there is another control to work with when the moire comes to play.
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menzelrobovision-blog · 9 months
Xenics Infrared Camera in Mumbai: Importance of Methane Detection and Its Application in Aerial Surveillance
In the rapidly evolving landscape of global energy production, methane plays a pivotal role. Its significance is projected to soar as energy consumption worldwide continues to grow. While renewable energy sources like photovoltaic and wind turbine power plants gain prominence, there is an escalating demand for methane-based power plants to address the intermittent nature of these renewables. However, methane, despite its importance, presents significant challenges. It is highly flammable, raising concerns about public safety. Moreover, methane is a potent greenhouse gas, possessing an 86-fold higher global warming potential than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. The occurrence of stochastic methane leaks across vast oil and gas fields necessitates efficient leak detection and prevention strategies.
Traditionally, ground-based surveillance methods have been employed for methane detection, but they have inherent limitations due to the extensive geographic scale of leaks. Cost-effective detection of methane plumes, especially fugitive emissions, has emerged as a top priority for both industries and governments. Addressing this need, Kairos Aerospace has developed a groundbreaking solution using Xenics infrared cameras for aerial observation and detection, offering the promise of enhanced methane detection capabilities.
Spectroscopy: An Efficient Technology for Methane Detection
Methane exhibits distinct absorption lines in the infrared spectrum, making spectroscopy a powerful tool for its detection and quantification. These absorption lines are unique to methane, allowing spectroscopic analysis to discriminate it from other gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ethane. When sunlight penetrates a fugitive plume within an oil and gas field, the gas molecules absorb specific infrared wavelengths. Subsequently, this sunlight, now altered by the absorbed methane, reflects off the ground and becomes detectable through aerial observations. Through rigorous spectroscopic analysis of this reflected sunlight, excess methane stemming from leaking infrastructure can be pinpointed.
Kairos Solution for Methane Detection
Kairos Aerospace has developed the LeakSurveyor™, an integrated methane gas imaging system mounted on light aircraft, capable of detecting methane emissions spanning up to 150 square miles of oil and gas infrastructure in a single day. This innovative system seamlessly combines an infrared hyperspectral imaging system with a traditional optical camera and GPS technology, facilitating accurate and easily understandable mapping of methane emissions. The raw spectral data undergoes processing through proprietary data analytics, including atmospheric retrieval techniques and advanced chemometric routines, all hosted within a fully ephemeral cloud processing architecture. The geolocated methane images are then superimposed on optical images acquired concurrently with the methane data. This harmonious integration of optical data, precise geolocation compatible with in-house mapping tools, and robust methane detection empowers customers to determine the precise location and likely source of methane plumes.
Choosing the Right Infrared Camera: Xenics to the Rescue
Selecting the appropriate infrared camera is a pivotal step in ensuring the efficiency of the methane detection system. High-precision spectroscopy mandates a camera boasting outstanding gain management, high linearity, and minimal defective pixels. Furthermore, to accommodate the vast geographic scale required for monitoring oil and gas fields, the camera's manufacturing must prioritize reproducibility, simplifying integration and enabling interchangeability. Lastly, the camera must exhibit a rugged, lightweight design with low power consumption, essential for seamless operation when mounted on the wing of a small aircraft. It is with these critical characteristics in mind that Kairos Aerospace opted for Xenics as their camera supplier, given the company's track record of fulfilling these key requirements.
Achievements: Making an Impact
Kairos Aerospace has been operating the LeakSurveyor™ for over six years, conducting inspections spanning more than 260,000 square kilometers across 17 regions in North and South America and Europe. Since 2019, Kairos has made a significant contribution to environmental preservation by preventing over 43.6 billion cubic feet of methane from entering the atmosphere, thanks to the LeakSurveyor™. In the ongoing battle against global warming, this equates to an astonishing 73.3 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent (20-year CO2e), a figure that mirrors the impact of removing 15.8 million cars from the road for an entire year.
Furthermore, over the last three years, these proactive measures have translated into substantial cost savings for customers, estimated at approximately $128 million USD.
In the quest for efficient methane detection and prevention, Kairos Aerospace's utilization of Xenics infrared cameras in aerial surveillance has emerged as a game-changing solution. With methane's critical role in global energy production, it is imperative to address safety concerns and mitigate its impact as a potent greenhouse gas. The LeakSurveyor™, with its cutting-edge technology and exceptional track record, represents a beacon of hope in achieving these goals. As the world grapples with the challenges of methane emissions, the use of Xenics infrared cameras in Mumbai and beyond promises a more sustainable and secure energy future.
To Know More About Xenics Infrared Camera dealer Mumbai India Please visit below link.
Link: http://www.mvrpl.com/
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qtrust · 2 years
Lepton camera module
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#Lepton camera module full#
#Lepton camera module code#
#Lepton camera module series#
Priority Mail will ship in a larger and more protected package and get to you faster with tracking (recommended option). The project process is documented at hackaday.io.
#Lepton camera module series#
The lepton sensor module is a more fragile device. This repository contains code, libraries and hardware I developed over the course of making a series of thermal imaging cameras based on the FLIR Lepton 3.5 camera or module on many different platforms. Please Choose the proper shipping during checkout, only pick Bubble Envelope for the circuit board without lepton, and if you want to risk damage. I still have some Breakout breakout boards in stock and A new version of the lepton with shutter are back in stock. I want more Info!Ī Google groups page has been created here: /d/forum/flir-lepton This will allow you to buy just a single module (or more). We are working with, A crowd-funding site for buying stuff.
#Lepton camera module full#
Lets you see in full darkness! Where do I get a Lepton Module? This board make connecting the Lepton Module to something like the Raspberry Pi much simpler. This library allows communication with boards running a Lepton FLiR thermal. Created by NachtRaveVL, August 1st, 2016. Licensed under the non-restrictive MIT license. Library to control a Lepton FLiR (forward looking infrared) thermal camera module. In addition the Lepton module requires a special socket to be used that is difficult to solder down (and hard to buy). C Library for the Lepton FLiR Thermal Camera Module. There Currently are no other breakout boards for the Lepton Module. (The shutter can be removed if unneeded or manually controlled via i2c) Overall it produces better quality images. Lepton 3.5 Lepton 3 Lepton 2.5 LWIR Micro Thermal Camera Module.
The shuttered version of the lepton automatically does a flat field correction on power-up and when needed(This calibrates the sensor, reduces noise, and gets rid of the lines reported on some of the sensors). The FLIR Lepton is a radiometric-capable LWIR camera solution that is.
Both modules feature a CCI (I 2 C-like) control port and video. The 3.0 module is non-radiometric, while the 3.5 module has a radiometric thermal imaging system.
The PCB has the same size and mount holes as the standard raspberry camera Teledyne FLIR Lepton 3.0 and 3.5 Micro Thermal Camera Modules offer 160 x 120 active pixels and
To configure the camera settings you also need an i2c port, although this is not required.
To read an image from the lepton module all you need is an SPI port.
This board will accept from 3-5V input and regulate it to what the Lepton Module wants.
This revolutionary camera core is poised to equip a new generation of mobile and handheld devices, as well as small fixed-mount camera systems, with thermal imaging capabilities never seen before.Lepton contains a breakthrough lens fabricated in wafer form, along with a microbolometer focal plane array (FPA) and advanced thermal image processing. It packs a resolution of 80 × 60 pixels into a camera body that is smaller than a dime. The FLIR Lepton™ is the most compact longwave infrared (LWIR) sensor available as an OEM product. This board provides the socket, power supply's, 25Mhz Crystal Oscillator, 100 mill header for use in a breadboard or wiring to any host system such as an ARM based Arduino or a Raspberry Pi. This is a Breakout board for the Lepton Thermal Camera Module. It captures infrared radiation input in its nominal response wavelength band (from 8 to 14 microns) and outputs a uniform thermal image. Also includes a port of FLIR's LeptonSDKEmb32OEM CCI to the Arduino platform.Stock is being refilled, in the meantime you can get the camera and breakout here: What is it? FLIR's Lepton is a complete long-wave infrared (LWIR) camera module designed to interface easily into native mobile-device interfaces and other consumer electronics.
#Lepton camera module code#
My version uses the VSYNC output from the Lepton to synchronize the VoSPI transfer as an experiment to increase the reliability of syncing a user-space process to the Lepton video stream.Ĭontains the code I wrote initially for a test platform based on the PJRC Teensy 3.2 board to learn about the Lepton. This directory contains the code supporting the camera and the re-targeting of my Solar Pi Platter as a power-management and expansion board for the Pocketbeagle.Ĭontains a modified version of Damien Walsh's great leptonic program running on the Raspberry Pi. The pocketbeagle was used for the final design of a thermal imaging camera. ESP32Ĭontains code, design information and supporting applications for a pair of cameras based around the ESP32.Ĭode for the Beaglebone Black including my initial PRU-based VoSPI video pipleline and LCD display. This repository contains code, libraries and hardware I developed over the course of making a series of thermal imaging cameras based on the FLIR Lepton 3.5 camera or module on many different platforms.
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loadphones755 · 2 years
Lenovo y50 70 wifi driver windows 10
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Jan 29, 2015 · To uninstall the driver, follow the steps below: Press Windows key + R. Type Right click on the driver you want to uninstall. Click on Uninstall. Restart the system. After the computer restarts, install the driver in compatibility mode. Select the setup file. Right click on it and click on properties. Breaking news, sport, TV, radio and a whole lot more. The BBC informs, educates and entertains - wherever you are, whatever your age. From BIOS Setup (semi-permanent setting) Boot priority specifies the order in which the computer searches for a bootable operating system On the previous laptop that I owned there was an extensive menu for enabling and disabling touchpad gestures Lenovo laptops. File Name: Version: 2.1.9 Driver Date: 10 November 2018 File Size: 18,591 KB Rating: 4.85/5.
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Jun 09, 2016 · Hello Klem, My new wifi card "unauthorized network card is plugged in power off and remove it lenovo " y50-70 Bios version: 9ECN43WW (v3.03). Download the required drivers from the below link. Refer the steps to install the driver in compatibility mode: Right click on the setup file of the driver and select Properties. Select Compatibility Tab. Here are the some specs: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU T6570 @ 2 If this laptop is taking say a couple of minutes or more to get to the desktop there are things we can ask you to look at etc, also bad for gaming the wifi card that is installed on the lenovo y50 is Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 ( Driver is 17 Windows 10 is a series of operating.
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We have listed various workarounds for you to try Be careful to consider that this BIOS update will remove your Lenovo Serial Number (make sure you make a NOTE of the serial number) and also the BIOS licence for Windows 7 / 8 New Lenovo p52 I know that this model is compatible with i7 from i3 3110m to i5 3230m.
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Not to worry, we’re here to help you out. An outdated or incompatible network adapter driver can cause connection problems. If you recently upgraded to Windows 10, it's possible that the current driver was designed for a previous version of Windows. Let us follow the steps, from the following article and check if it helps. Download Lenovo Y50-70 WLAN Driver (Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom) for. Windows 10 64-bit. Free Lenovo Y50-70 WLAN Driver (Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom). To download this file click 'Download'. Add Lenovo Y50-70 WLAN Driver (Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom) to your drivers list. Category: Notebooks. Lenovo IdeaPad 130-15IKB is a Windows 10 Home laptop with a 15.60-inch display that has a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. It is powered by a Core i3 processor and it comes with 4GB of RAM. The Lenovo IdeaPad 130-15IKB packs 1TB of HDD storage. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi 802.11 ac, Bluetooth and it comes with Multi Card Slot, VGA Port.
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I have Lenovo Y50-70 UHD and i have installed Windows 10 64-bit version. Everything is perfect except for the wifi.... Forum. FAQ; Tutorial Index; Tutorials; News; Join Us; Advanced Search; Forum; Windows 10 Forums; Network and Sharing; Lenovo Y50-70 wifi issues vassilisamir. Posts 4. Windows 10 64-bit... I have installed these two drivers. Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95. Lenovo Y50-70 WI-FI "ISSUE" and touchpad problem 일반적으로 잘못 구성된 시스템 설정이나 Windows 레지스트리의 불규칙한 항목으로 인해 발생합니다. 이 오류는 레지스트리를 복구하고 시스템 설정을. Meaning of Lenovo Y50-70 WiFi Problem?... Do you help me with trouble with wifi. Hi, I bought new drivers and it wasn't fix it. I tried instal many version of have?Device Manager -> network adapters.... Wifi problem windows 10 lenovo G50-70! You are my the connection.&quot.
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LAN Driver for Windows 10 (64-bit) - Lenovo Y50-70, Y50-70 Touch, Y70-70 Touch - Lenovo Support US. OR. Jun 09, 2016 · I have a Lenovo y50-70 and I would like to unlock the full bios functionality, including removing the whitelist (I bought a new wifi card and it won't boot with it installed; unauthorized ) I have used your tool (version 12.2 from the first page of this topic), but I noted multiple errors while running, and it appears to have detected my system. Version 5.1313.0613.2008. License Freeware. Language en. Fiches. Downloads. Tools. Drivers. CCM-Editor 25/05/22 17:37. Install this driver for Realtek RTL8187 Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps USB 2.0 Network Adapter support in your Windows XP computer.
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Other laptops/phones are picking up around 38mbs on the wifi whereas the Lenovo is picking up about 0-3mbs. It's a Y50-70 laptop. It's running Windows 10. Has a Realtek RTL8723BE Wireless LAN 802.11n PCI-E NIC. I have tried updating the wlan card's drivers, it just made it worse. I currently have the 2023.43.914.2016 driver version installed.
Laptops and netbooks: lenovo y series laptops: y50 70.
Sign in and start exploring all the free, organizational tools for your email While Lenovo ThinkPad laptops are built to withstand very tough usage conditions, eventually a component or two is bound to break down or require cleaning If your PC cannot power-on into Windows 10, keep the USB recovery drive inserted and then reboot your PC, press.
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Download Lenovo Y50-70 Audio Driver v. for Windows 10 64-bit. Download is free of charge. Intel WLAN Driver for Windows 10 (64-bit) - Notebook. Lenovo Inc. View. SHOP SUPPORT. PC... Y50-70 Laptop (Lenovo) Product Home; Drivers & Software; Diagnostics; Knowledge Base & Guides; Warranty; Repair Status; Parts; Accessories; Contact Us ; More: In light of the current situation with COVID 19, following the government protocol of social distancing, the Lenovo. Search: Lenovo Desktop Factory Reset Key. Plug the device in how to hard reset lenovo a850 Step 5: Use "Vol- key" select "Yes — delete all user data" and press "Power key/ Vol+ key" to confirm Situation 2 Factory Reset Lenovo Y50: Lenovo ideapad 310 factory reset help: I have a Lenovo T420 If you do not remember your Google Account, then you can use another method described here.
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Search: Dw1820a Wifi Driver. For Broadcom chipsets: BCM4360, BCM4352, BCM4350 (found in DW1830, DW1560, DW1820A -- not recommended card --, Apple BRCM94360CS2/2CS/CD) ProbookAtheros Olá a todos, eu tenho um Aspire A515-52 e desejo realizar a troca da minha placa WiFi 4 GHz/5 GHz And here is what i have done to install macos mojave 10 kext no longer works, need to use ACPIBatteryManager kext. Search: Lenovo Screen Flickering Fix. Right click desktop and select Hello, I have a New Lenovo T420 Laptop and experience some vertical lines flickers when I connect to a docking station, Have tried changing the docking station but having the same issue With a high speed camera, this can measure relative latency differences between.
LAN Driver for Windows 10 (64-bit) - Lenovo Y50-70, Y50-70 Touch, Y70.
Energy Manager and Flight Mode Driver SHOP SUPPORT. PC Data Center... > laptops-and-netbooks > lenovo-y-series-laptops > Y50-70 Laptop (Lenovo) Y50-70 Laptop (Lenovo) Product Home; Drivers & Software; Troubleshoot & Diagnose; How To's; Guides & Manuals; Troubleshooting; Warranty & Services. Lenovo y70 -70 screen flicker fix If your screen flickers when just on it or watching a film youtube or game this is possibly a fix for you Right click batter... Lenovo y70 -70... fedora xfce ripon weather 10 day forecast UK edition naija music whatsapp group link; cannapoly disposable cart; wattpad terdedah; geko system; pals aha; p2188.
WLAN Driver (Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom) for Windows 10 (64-bit.
Drivers & Software Back to Downloads LAN Driver for Windows 10 (64-bit) - Lenovo Y50-70, Y50-70 Touch, Y70-70 Touch Individual Downloads Operating System Version Released Size Severity Download LAN Driver Checksum Windows 10 (64-bit) 10.1.505.2015 13 Jul 2015 4.9 MB Optional Description. Oct 17, 2015 · There is a known issue with Windows 10 version 1903 and Qualcom WiFi adapters, so you may be running into that problem. Lenovo does usually have a whitelist, so if you want a AC 7260 card, you should look for one that has a Lenovo FRU of 20200552 because it shipped in Y50-70 models 80DT and 80EJ such as this one per the partlist. Step 2. After downloading the program, run the program as an administrator and click on the Next button. Step 3. Accept the software’s license agreement and click on the Next button. Step 4. Finally, click on the Install button to start the program installation. Step 5. Installing Lenovo Energy Management program….
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Method 1 Unfortunately, the company discovered an alarming number of issues on a wide range of tablets and laptops (25) In an editors' review, CNET stated that, "The Yoga works best as a full-time laptop and part-time tablet, because when it's folded back into a slate, you still have Lenovo Windows 10 Problems Lenovo Windows 10 Problems. Lenovo. 13 hours ago · Lenovo Inc - Tech LabTECH LAB Sometimes you may see a white color on the screen We have a user with a dual- screen setup, running Windows 10 Pro on an Optiplex 3040, and they frequently have problems with either screen flickering black From your desktop, right-click and select Screen resolution From your desktop, right-click and.
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thefaepr1nce · 4 years
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      Heya! Name’s Vrai! As I’ve felt in need of a bit of a redo, I’m updated my commissions page as well as made a new post for people to spread around if they wish to.
What I will happily do: Fan Art, OCs, light gore (blood and some weapons), light mechanical parts (partial suits, mechanical masks, etc.), couples, OT3s, Polys / Groups
What I can do (though not without difficulty): Furries, animals, complicated clothes designs, runic designs / spell circles / etc., partial nudity, some fetishes (heavily situational)
What I won’t do: N5FW (actual sex scenes or showing genitals), heavy gore (dismemberment, missing organs, guro, etc), anything Nasty(TM) involving minors, complicated mecha- designs, closely realistic animals
Art styles: ‘crisp’ (pen brush), ‘soft’ (marker brush), and ‘pixel’ (binary tool) Program: Paint Tool Sai Note: pixel commissions have a different system of payment; feel free to ask about them, but they are not my primary source of art.
So, that out of the way, here’s the ToS of my commissions:
Contact me personally through this blog or on Discord under [ feral scientist#6584 ] to discuss any orders you’d like to make. Discord is easier to contact me by but I check both areas frequently as to make sure I’m not missing any messages (as I run other sideblogs under this one).
I reserve the right to deny any order that I feel I cannot do, makes me uncomfortable, or based on reasoning of health, time, or real life complications that prevent me from doing such. Similarly, if treated with hostility or responded to with anything with guilt tripping or baiting, I will deny the request immediately and cease any further contact.
Orders can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 months. I simply ask that you’re patient with me, and that if you feel I’ve forgotten about your order, you’re welcome to send me a message to confirm that I’m still working on it. However, do not constantly spam me with messages about it.
During the process, I will update you with progress shots to confirm with you that it’s to your liking and confer with you to see what needs to be changed if it’s not. My priority is my customer’s satisfaction.
After receiving your order, do not remove the watermark / my signature from the finished product without my permission and without showing proper credit. You may use the work personally but do not use it for commercial use. If you wish to keep a commission private, let me know when discussing the commission.
I will not do any N5FW artwork for minors (17 and under where I live), which includes explicit nudity and pin ups but doesn’t include minor blood and violence.
Please pay for your commission in full to [email protected] via PayPal prior to any work being started. I will not start your commission until payment is confirmed. If I find that I can no longer do your commission for whatever reason, I will refund you your money along with the reasoning as for why I can no longer complete what was requested. 
All prices are in USD!
Currently, I’m only having open 5 slots open for commissions for sake of my own sanity. I’ll have it on my main blog whether commissions are open and if there are any slots open!
I look forward to speaking with you! - Vrai
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Hidden - Chapter 2
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog Pairings: Metonic and one-sided Sonamy Ch. 1, 2, and 3
Summary: Metal has feelings and attempts to find out what to do with them.
After deciding that wallowing in his confusing feelings and obsessing over every little detail of the encounter wasn’t doing him any favors or assisting in solving the mystery at hand, he stood up and began heading toward Dr. Eggman’s office. Surely, if his complex database and hardware couldn’t find an explanation for all this, his creator certainly must have the answer.
“Hmm?” Eggman muttered, not bothering to look up from the blueprints spread across the cluttered table.
“What could potentially cause a reddening in the face due to internally produced heat, electricity shooting down one’s spine, inability to vocalize, a flustered state of being, and a general desire to be in another person’s presence?”
After mulling the query over in his head, the inventor simply muttered “Love, I suppose.”
“...I beg your pardon?”
“Ya know, romance. The whole week in your knees, tongue tied, lovey dovey deal. The heart’s in your eyes,” Strange, he recalled pixelated hearts flashing on his visual monitor during the battle and simply chalking it up as a malfunction or leftover coding. “Cupid’s work, the reason that annoying pink girl with the hammer’s convinced that pesky blue hedgehog is dreamy.” Metal shuddered at the realization that he agreed with her. “That sort of thing.”
“...I see. I would also like to know what would prompt Priority 1: Sonic the Hedgehog to request to spend time with one of his multiple enemies.”
He shrugged. “Beats me. Maybe he’d wanna be friends? Or lose some enemies? Or maybe it’d be, like, a date or something? I dunno.”
Maybe it’d be a date.
Maybe it was a date.
Holy shit, Sonic asked him out on a date. And he genuinely wanted to attend it. Because he was undoubtedly attracted to him. And, if the resulted yield from his internal computer search on dates were accurate, the feeling was mutual.
“Say, where are all these questions coming from, anyway?”
“They stem from my newfound knowledge regarding my romantic attraction for Sonic.”
“...Oh. I see.”
“...Sir, are you ok? You’re shaking and gritting your teeth 63.6% more than usual.”
“...This is fine.” he explained, despite just receiving the news that one of his greatest weapons fell in love with his mortal enemy and that this was clearly Not Fine™.
“...I understand.” He did not understand, and, frankly, was quite concerned, but seemed too afraid to push the issue any further. “Thank you for your input, Doctor.” he added while swinging the office door open.
He froze. “Yes, Sir?”
“Can I trust you to prevent your...feelings for Sonic from interfering with my plans and your initiative to annihilate him for the time being? I may need some time to find a solution to this...situation.”
He smiled (internally, of course, since he had no mouth). “I promise I will, father.” He answered, earning a miniature smile from Robotnick and closing the door behind him.
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prioritypixels · 6 years
30 Websites to get you ready for Christmas
Christmas is one of the most anticipated holidays of the calendar year, also making it one of the most hectic times of years.
Everyone likes to get ready for Christmas at different points throughout the year, some stock up on Christmas cards as early August, others are running around the supermarket looking for the perfect turkey as late as Christmas eve. No matter what time of year you get yourself ready for the holidays, check out these 30 websites, they’re bound to help with the festivities.
The post 30 Websites to get you ready for Christmas appeared first on Priority Pixels ™.
Article source here: 30 Websites to get you ready for Christmas
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menzelrobovision-blog · 9 months
Xenics Infrared Camera in Mumbai: Importance of Methane Detection and Its Application in Aerial Surveillance
In the rapidly evolving landscape of global energy production, methane plays a pivotal role. Its significance is projected to soar as energy consumption worldwide continues to grow. While renewable energy sources like photovoltaic and wind turbine power plants gain prominence, there is an escalating demand for methane-based power plants to address the intermittent nature of these renewables. However, methane, despite its importance, presents significant challenges. It is highly flammable, raising concerns about public safety. Moreover, methane is a potent greenhouse gas, possessing an 86-fold higher global warming potential than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. The occurrence of stochastic methane leaks across vast oil and gas fields necessitates efficient leak detection and prevention strategies.
Traditionally, ground-based surveillance methods have been employed for methane detection, but they have inherent limitations due to the extensive geographic scale of leaks. Cost-effective detection of methane plumes, especially fugitive emissions, has emerged as a top priority for both industries and governments. Addressing this need, Kairos Aerospace has developed a groundbreaking solution using Xenics infrared cameras for aerial observation and detection, offering the promise of enhanced methane detection capabilities.
Spectroscopy: An Efficient Technology for Methane Detection
Methane exhibits distinct absorption lines in the infrared spectrum, making spectroscopy a powerful tool for its detection and quantification. These absorption lines are unique to methane, allowing spectroscopic analysis to discriminate it from other gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ethane. When sunlight penetrates a fugitive plume within an oil and gas field, the gas molecules absorb specific infrared wavelengths. Subsequently, this sunlight, now altered by the absorbed methane, reflects off the ground and becomes detectable through aerial observations. Through rigorous spectroscopic analysis of this reflected sunlight, excess methane stemming from leaking infrastructure can be pinpointed.
Kairos Solution for Methane Detection
Kairos Aerospace has developed the LeakSurveyor™, an integrated methane gas imaging system mounted on light aircraft, capable of detecting methane emissions spanning up to 150 square miles of oil and gas infrastructure in a single day. This innovative system seamlessly combines an infrared hyperspectral imaging system with a traditional optical camera and GPS technology, facilitating accurate and easily understandable mapping of methane emissions. The raw spectral data undergoes processing through proprietary data analytics, including atmospheric retrieval techniques and advanced chemometric routines, all hosted within a fully ephemeral cloud processing architecture. The geolocated methane images are then superimposed on optical images acquired concurrently with the methane data. This harmonious integration of optical data, precise geolocation compatible with in-house mapping tools, and robust methane detection empowers customers to determine the precise location and likely source of methane plumes.
Choosing the Right Infrared Camera: Xenics to the Rescue
Selecting the appropriate infrared camera is a pivotal step in ensuring the efficiency of the methane detection system. High-precision spectroscopy mandates a camera boasting outstanding gain management, high linearity, and minimal defective pixels. Furthermore, to accommodate the vast geographic scale required for monitoring oil and gas fields, the camera's manufacturing must prioritize reproducibility, simplifying integration and enabling interchangeability. Lastly, the camera must exhibit a rugged, lightweight design with low power consumption, essential for seamless operation when mounted on the wing of a small aircraft. It is with these critical characteristics in mind that Kairos Aerospace opted for Xenics as their camera supplier, given the company's track record of fulfilling these key requirements.
Achievements: Making an Impact
Kairos Aerospace has been operating the LeakSurveyor™ for over six years, conducting inspections spanning more than 260,000 square kilometers across 17 regions in North and South America and Europe. Since 2019, Kairos has made a significant contribution to environmental preservation by preventing over 43.6 billion cubic feet of methane from entering the atmosphere, thanks to the LeakSurveyor™. In the ongoing battle against global warming, this equates to an astonishing 73.3 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent (20-year CO2e), a figure that mirrors the impact of removing 15.8 million cars from the road for an entire year.
Furthermore, over the last three years, these proactive measures have translated into substantial cost savings for customers, estimated at approximately $128 million USD.
In the quest for efficient methane detection and prevention, Kairos Aerospace's utilization of Xenics infrared cameras in aerial surveillance has emerged as a game-changing solution. With methane's critical role in global energy production, it is imperative to address safety concerns and mitigate its impact as a potent greenhouse gas. The LeakSurveyor™, with its cutting-edge technology and exceptional track record, represents a beacon of hope in achieving these goals. As the world grapples with the challenges of methane emissions, the use of Xenics infrared cameras in Mumbai and beyond promises a more sustainable and secure energy future.
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prioritypixels · 6 years
On Page Web Design Tips That Will Help With SEO
If you’re attempting to get your site to reach the places other websites don’t, then you need to make SEO your friend. But SEO doesn’t mean the random keyword stuffing of relevant terms and phrases all over the place in the hope that you’ll effortlessly rise up the results pages. Nope – you need to make your entire site super SEO-friendly – not just single pages or the odd post.
To make sure your site is fully and seamlessly SEO-optimised, here’s a list of our top 10 on-page web design tips that will help with your SEO.
1. One website, one subject
Whatever you want your website to be about, let it centre around one core subject. It’s natural to add content about other topics too but choose the main subject that’s most essential to you. You may want to do some keyword research to help you decide and make sure you’re focusing on the right terms, but don’t mix your messages – it will only confuse your visitors.
2. Get your keywords up front and centre
Whether your website is selling a service or a product, or even if it’s an informative site, make sure your chosen keyword is in place where it matters most. Try to get it into your domain name, the site description, page titles, meta descriptions, tags, categories, and content. That way, your subject is represented by your keyword in the key areas so your site can be found easier.
3. Include SEO-friendly permalinks
It’s important to create permalink URLs that are SEO-friendly. Not only are they good for SEO (of course), but they look better and make more sense to anyone searching for you online. Each link should include text and your keyword wherever possible. So rather than a link that looks like this: https://yourcoolsite.com/?p=123, you should aim for something that looks like this: https://yourcoolsite.com/widget-services.
4. SEO-friendly image names
When Google indexes your website, it looks at every element on there, not just your main pages or blog posts. To give you more coverage in the search results, your images should include words, and keywords, centred around your subject. The title, description, and alt text should be your priority, but remember the image filename too – so widget-large.jpg, instead of IMG_0593.jpg.
5. Have internal links on your site
It might seem odd to link to your own pages, after all, if someone’s already on the site they’ll find all your pages, right? Wrong. People have short attention spans so make it easy for them to find the info they need or the most important info you want them to see. Link to your key pages directly from your homepage and make sure they all cross-link with each other.
6. Increase your load speeds
Page load speeds are crucial in today’s web world, especially on mobile. Your site visitors aren’t going to hang around if your content takes too long to load, so make sure all your images are scaled and optimised. And get rid of anything that’s unnecessary or unnecessarily large and slowing things down. Your site visitors – and Google – will thank you.
7. Constantly update your site
Keeping your website updated with fresh content that covers a topic in-depth goes a long way towards seeing you riding high in the search results. Google loves websites that are frequently updated with new, in-depth, and high-value content. What it doesn’t like are sites that sit in a stagnant pool of seething HTML with no updates for months on end. You have been warned.
8. Get your pages indexed
If your site’s been around for a couple of years and has some decent traffic going to it, on a good day, search engine site crawlers will automatically pick up any new page as relevant and useful content within a matter of hours. If your site’s new it might take a few days, but you can index new pages manually to ensure they show up in search results more quickly.
9. Increase your inbound links
This is essential to have great SEO. Having other websites link back to yours shows you have authority – people look to you as a resource for valuable content, and the more backlinks you can get on other sites, the better it is for you. To do this, start posting quality guest blogs on other sites or just create more awesome content on your own site that people will link to and share.
10. Modify your outbound links
Much like the previous point, but in reverse. Having links to other people’s sites again lets the search engines know you’re an authority on your subject. But don’t overdo it. Each click from your site to another one increases their authority and could work against you.
Bonus point
Once you’ve decided on your killer, SEO-friendly domain name that includes your main keyword, stick to it. Your URL is a big factor in SEO and, like wine, a domain’s search rankings improve with age. Things don’t happen overnight, so prepare for the long game and resist the urge to change your domain name.
So there we have it. Our top 10, plus a bonus, on-page web design tips that will help with your SEO. Getting consistently high ranking results on web searches takes time and effort, and it’s an ongoing process, so try and get in the habit of using these tips and creating good, regular content early on.
If you need any help or a bit more advice on getting started with the right SEO to get you seen, get in touch with Priority Pixels to find out more. Contact our team today on 01626 245061 or email us on [email protected].
The post On Page Web Design Tips That Will Help With SEO appeared first on Priority Pixels ™.
Article source here: On Page Web Design Tips That Will Help With SEO
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prioritypixels · 6 years
Top 30 Websites to Get You Halloween Ready
Halloween can cause a lot of panic, from not having the right costume to not buying enough sweets to hand out, there’s always something that goes wrong.
Here at Priority Pixels, we’ve tried to put that panic to rest and have prepared a list of websites that will get you Halloween ready.
Take a look at these spook-tacular websites and make sure your well prepared for this Halloween!
The post Top 30 Websites to Get You Halloween Ready appeared first on Priority Pixels ™.
Article source here: Top 30 Websites to Get You Halloween Ready
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prioritypixels · 6 years
15 of the Best Construction Industry Blog and News Websites
After the success of our 25 Best Construction Industry Websites for 2018 blog post, we thought we’d follow up by taking a look at some of the construction industry blog and news websites available online.
If you are involved in the construction industry there is a whole wealth of information available on these construction news websites.
The post 15 of the Best Construction Industry Blog and News Websites appeared first on Priority Pixels ™.
Article source here: 15 of the Best Construction Industry Blog and News Websites
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