#Queen Rita
greatqueenanna · 3 months
Your take on Queen Rita? I'm curious 😎
You know how some fans will often say that the writers tend to ignore the fact that Iduna and Agnarr made bad choices? And that the films just have the sisters give their parents nothing but praise? (I mostly disagree, but I get where they’re coming from).
Well, that’s how I feel about Queen Rita. She shows up in two books, Dangerous Secrets and Polar Nights, and in both the authors try to paint her as a wonderful person and mother who was this beautifully tragic figure.
I really don’t agree. At all. I think she was incredibly selfish for abandoning her son and leaving him with a cold father. She literally erased her memories of him so she wouldn’t feel bad about leaving him behind. I literally can’t with this woman.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if she showed up as a villain I’m F3? Kidding, kidding. Mostly.
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hafanforever · 2 years
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Bad Blood
Frozen and Frozen II shows two generations of the Arendellian royal family tree. While most of these past and present rulers were/are good, decent, benevolent people, there is one person who stands out from the rest of them in terms of personality and deeds: Runeard.
The third act of Frozen II reveals that Runeard was not at all the kind, giving, generous ruler that his granddaughters and the Arendellians believed he was. Elsa learns this when she comes upon a manifestation of him in Ahtohallan, during which his memory figure reveals his abhorrence of magic, distrust of and bigotry towards the Northuldra because they follow magic, and that the dam he built in the Enchanted Forest was to ruin them, not help them as he claimed. Dangerous Secrets revealed more about Runeard regarding the depths of his cruelty and how distant he was towards his family. And now Polar Nights has uncovered even more of Runeard’s evil ways: he lied about the circumstances surrounding the death of Princess Sissel of Vesterland, saying that she was murdered by her Inger, her younger sister, because she was jealous and wanted the crown for herself, and it all had to do with him making sure he could build the dam and ruin the Northuldra.
With the film, the two novels, and the film’s novelization uncovering the malevolence of the former king of Arendelle, I wish to write one more essay discussing his villainy, and how his nature makes him stand out from the rest of his family, making him the bad blood in his family tree. 😉
Lying King, Drama Queen
I’ve said this countless times in my analyses about him, but with what Polar Nights has revealed about him in terms of his malevolence, I will say it once again. Though he appeared to outsiders as a noble, kind, generous, peaceful king, Runeard was truly a cruel, hateful, selfish, dishonest, bigoted, paranoid tyrant who was so obsessed with his power and status that he prioritized it over everything and everyone else. In his position, he arrogantly believed he was the smartest and best person of all in society, and prejudicially considered everyone else who was below him in status to be inferior to him in every way. Such people included his family, soldiers, servants, and even his people and other peasants. Runeard was so dead set on preserving his power at all costs that he wouldn’t tolerate anything he perceived as a competition, challenge, or threat to it, especially magic and beings who had any connections to magic. If anyone got in the way of his schemes, he would try to get rid of them (not excluding murder), though in subtle, secret ways to cover his dark motives and avoid having his people uncover his his good facade. When he and his kingdom met the Northuldra, indigenous peasants who lived far north in the Enchanted Forest with elemental magical spirits, Runeard pretended to accept and make peace with them. In truth, however, he feared their magical ties meant they would try to defy and overpower him, maybe even take over his kingdom, so he refused to take a chance in trusting them and orchestrated a plot to eliminate them. But being fearful of what the spirits’ magic could do if he tried using direct force, Runeard decided to take a more subtle approach by building a dam to ruin the Enchanted Forest and eventually the people. He knew the adverse effects a dam has in a natural environment, and in his arrogance, he knew his people, and assumed the Northuldra, would not have this same knowledge, allowing him to fool all of them into believing his lie that the dam would be built as a gift of peace.
To build the dam, Runeard needed the financial contributing of neighboring kingdoms, one of which was Vesterland, and he invited the heir princess Sissel and her little sister Inger to Arendelle to discuss their patronage. Being an avid environmentalist and aspiring scientist, Inger realized the crushing effects the dam would have to the ecosystem of the Enchanted Forest. It would also lead to the extinction/migration of animals, which would deprive Vesterland of food sources. While Runeard knew the negative consequences of what the dam would do to the forest and to Vesterland, as Sissel said, he just didn’t care. This shows just how selfish and uncaring Runeard was about how his actions affected other things and other people, unless it suited himself. Despite Inger’s persistence, Sissel feared speaking up against Runeard, worried that doing so would lead to him punishing their kingdom by preventing them from receiving food, medicine, and other tradable supplies, since he controlled the port. Inger finally managed to talk some courage into Sissel, who agreed to request a new audience and tell Runeard that Vesterland would not contribute in funding the dam’s construction. In doing so, the sisters could have also told other kingdoms that the dam would actually harm, not help, the forest and convince these kingdoms not to help with building it, either.
Without enough funds needed to construct the dam, the project would never get off the ground, and Runeard’s true sinister intentions could have been exposed to outsiders. However, it was seconds later that tragedy struck when Sissel was swept into the nearby river by a flash flood and drowned as Inger looked on helplessly. Inger and Stig Petter, a shepherd boy who was the sole witness to Sissel's death, went to Runeard to report the accident. Even with Sissel dead, Inger would have never stopped fighting to make sure Runeard could not build the dam. Seeing an opportunity to be permanently rid of a vocal opponent of the dam, and to ensure its construction got off the ground, Runeard blackmailed Stig into lying that Inger killed her sister for the crown. If Stig didn’t do it, Runeard said he would tell people Stig helped Inger do it and face imprisonment, or face an even worse punishment. Though Stig tried to stand up for himself by outright telling Runeard he would tell other people about these threats, Runeard laughed scornfully in his face and said that no one would ever believe the word of a poor shepherd against that of a king. This confirms what I have theorized that Runeard thought lowly of shepherds and other such peasants, meaning his bigotry extended to classism. Fearing for his life, Stig relented and testified in court that Inger had murdered her sister, and Runeard then rewarded Stig for his lie with bribe money. Though he used this money to buy a home in the village outside of Harmon and no longer had to be a shepherd, Stig was too ashamed to ever face the outside world again for what his lie had caused. Runeard then sent Inger on a ship to the gallows so she could be hanged.
Being so mad with power and protective of it, Runeard did not even care about his own family. He only wanted a child because he needed a successor to rule Arendelle when he passed away, and he got married because it was the only legal way for him to produce an heir. Furthermore, he married Rita because she was a princess in another kingdom, and he saw marriage to another monarch as just another way to increase his status and power, not to mention using the alliance between their kingdoms to his own advantage. To Runeard, Rita and Agnarr were mere assets to his image and their kingdom instead of people to love. Outside of their own royal ranks, Runeard otherwise saw his wife and son as obligations and burdens for whom he did not want any true responsibility. Having been in an arranged married with Rita, he showed her no love or freedom during the years they were married. While Runeard gave her every kind of material good he thought she could ever want, this was the only kindness (albeit superficial) he showed Rita; all other times, he was cruel, neglectful, and verbally abusive to her and refused to treat her as his equal partner. One of their most infamous disagreements was the fate of Inger following Sissel’s death. Rita believed that Inger was innocent since she had gotten to know both sisters during their visit. But being set on destroying the threat he thought the Northuldra posed to him, Runeard was bound and determined that his plans to construct the dam came to fruition, even if it meant lying and getting rid of innocent bystanders who got in his way. When Rita tried to speak up for Inger in court, he silenced her and sent her to her chambers (and most likely locked her in to keep her from interfering) once she became a liability. With another obstacle to his scheme out of the way, Runeard had Inger wrongfully convicted of murder and sentenced to death. However, when the prison ship that was to carry Inger to the gallows set sail, Inger was not on it. What Runeard didn’t know was that Rita defied him by secretly arranging a way to help Inger escape by paying several men to take her off the ship and giving her safe passage to another.
As the years went by, Rita did find one source of joy from her union with Runeard, that being their son, Agnarr. She spent a lot of time caring for him and playing with him as he grew, and she even made him the puffin doll known as Sir JorgenBjorgen. However, Rita eventually became so depressed from missing her home that she spent all of her time in her room, lying in bed and crying as she pined for the life she left behind. Unable to understand how she could be so sad when she had everything she could ever desire, Runeard grew impatient with her and accused her of being ungrateful. After enduring years of nothing but mistreatment from her husband, and knowing that he would never allow her to leave otherwise, Rita finally broke down and went to the trolls in the Valley of the Living Rock. She begged Pabbie to erase her memories of her marriage and life in Arendelle just so she could have the free will to leave. After Rita vanished, Runeard was unwilling to accept he had been an awful husband and publicly blamed it on evil spirits. He also sought to remove all evidence of Rita's existence by locking away all her things and banishing anyone who would so much as even speak her name.
Besides feeling superior to other people, being king also made Runeard a very self-righteous, delusional person who believed he could never do any wrong. As a result, he refused to ever take responsibility for his own mistakes and problems that occurred in Arendelle and instead took the easy way out by using scapegoats, but particularly magical spirits since magic cannot defend itself. The best example was when Runeard blamed magic for Rita's disappearance since he refused to believe that he alone drove her away. Runeard cultivated undeserved xenophobia towards magic and its users in his kingdom so often that he successfully manipulated his people into doing the same, in which they would blame their own problems on magical spirits and see magic as an evil entity that is only meant to be feared. This shows that he was a direct influence over the kingdom's distrust of magic and anyone with ties to magic for decades, even long after his death.
Though Dangerous Secrets and Polar Nights are the only sources that have provided anything about Rita, albeit only a small bit, what they unveiled about her paints a portrait of a good (as in better than the kind of person her husband was) yet flawed woman. Polar Nights reveals that she took a big risk when she went against Runeard’s orders and secretly helped Inger escape Arendelle to avoid being executed for a crime she never committed. This proves that Rita was a good, kind, selfless woman who believed in doing what was right and helping those in need, especially the innocent. However, Dangerous Secrets shows she had a selfish side since she left Agnarr behind when she fled Arendelle. Though she had wanted to take him with her, she realized that there were too many risks in doing so, not simply for herself, but for him. If she fled into the night with Agnarr, Runeard would hunt them down just to get him back, though it would have out of him not wanting Rita to get away with taking his heir rather than out of genuine concern for Agnarr’s wellbeing. The worst possibility that he would start a war with Rita’s home country and thus endanger many innocent lives, including Agnarr. While some of my closest friends and I argue whether she was selfish or selfless to abandon Agnarr, I see it as both. Yes, it was selfish for her to just up and leave him, but I felt that for those first five years of Agnarr’s life, he was her only motive for staying; in other words, she loved Agnarr so much that she couldn’t bear to not be in his life. Perhaps she also stayed because she wanted to shield him from Runeard as much and as often as she could so that Agnarr’s nature would never be influenced by that of his father. When Rita finally left, however, I believe that she didn’t take Agnarr because by then, she felt inadequate to care for him all by herself. Perhaps she thought she was no longer a good mother to him and thought he was better off without her. While it still sounds selfish of her since she clearly knew Runeard would never be there for their son, maybe she felt Agnarr had a greater chance of living a good life in Arendelle with the good influences of their servants than with her if she abruptly left and dragged him with her into the unknown.
Once Rita was gone, Runeard was left alone with Agnarr. Not wanting to be responsible for his son’s welfare himself, he apparently left him in the care of the staff, at some point assigning him his own personal guard in Lieutenant Mattias. In the little seen of their relationship through Frozen II, its novelization, and Dangerous Secrets, Runeard was just as neglectful and abusive to Agnarr as he was to Rita. He was hardly involved in actually raising him, and whenever he did give Agnarr his attention, he treated him as an official (and expected him to always act as such) rather than a son. When he informed Agnarr that Rita was gone, he lied to him about it, saying she was carried off by evil spirits and wouldn’t come back. Of course, Agnarr spent many nights in his room, crying for his mother and wishing for her to come back. In response, much like he did with Rita when she spent so much time wallowing in grief and homesickness, Runeard was not sympathetic to his son’s grief. He grew annoyed with Agnarr’s continuous weeping and yelled at him for it, presumably telling him things like “Just get over it. She’s never coming back, and crying isn’t going to help.” Although he obviously couldn’t banish Agnarr for mentioning Rita, there is no doubt that Runeard otherwise refused to let him talk about her or let the staff talk about her if Agnarr tried to ask them questions. In doing so, Runeard persistently refused to let Agnarr have any memories of Rita, and if Gerda hadn’t hid away Sir JorgenBjorgen, he would have surely disposed of the toy. Whatever callous, harsh words Runeard told Agnarr then made him repress many of his emotions growing up, which especially came into play when he was thrust into unofficial kinghood following Runeard’s death and Lord Peterssen taught him the “Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let it show” mantra.
When the dam was finally finished, a celebration was held in the forest to in honor of the union between the two groups of people. Once the two groups came together, Runeard flicked Agnarr under the chin and ordered him to stand tall and be regal before telling him to stay with Mattias. Agnarr watched dejectedly as his father walked off with the soldiers and some of the tribe members, knowing Runeard did not want him around and wanted him to act like a prince, not like a child. A short time later, Runeard and Agnarr had their last interaction with each other during which the king harshly scolded his son for wandering off and exploring, then did so again when the latter voiced his fascination with the magic of the forest. Runeard angrily reminded him that magic is not to be admired but feared, and when Agnarr tried to apologize and explain himself, his father callously dismissed him without even saying goodbye. Later in the day, while many of the people were watching a reindeer riding event, the leader of the Northuldra confronted Runeard on his realizations that the dam was hurting the forest instead of helping it. Worrying someone else could overhear, Runeard suggested they meet privately on the fjord to discuss the matter. Once the two men were alone together, the evil king snuck up behind the leader and mercilessly murdered him, all just to prevent him from telling anyone else the truth about the dam. Immediate following the murder, Runeard claimed it was “For Arendelle”, though in reality, it was all just for his own selfish, sinister desires.
Knowing that the Northuldra would eventually discover their leader’s absence, Runeard panicked and diverted suspicion from himself by instigating the war with the tribe. He led his soldiers to believe the Northuldra had betrayed Arendelle and had attacked first. But since Runeard carried out this act on impulse, he showed negligence by not thinking about how his actions would affect everyone else, though at worst, if he did think about it, he obviously did not care. This whole move was his final act of blaming something to avoid taking responsibility for his own sins, and in doing so, he committed several more despicable acts, a few of which were even done posthumously:
His actions caused the two groups to fight meaninglessly, endangering many innocents and causing dozens of casualties on both sides. This undoubtedly proved that Runeard’s obsession with his kingship was so great that he had complete disregard for the lives of others around him and how what he did affected them.
His final act of neglecting Agnarr was putting him in great danger upon starting the war. While Mattias tried to protect him, the prince still got caught in the worst of the battle, ultimately being launched into a boulder and slipping into unconsciousness. Had Iduna not rescued him, Agnarr surely would have died, which would have Runeard’s bloodline entirely.
He indirectly trapped both the surviving Arendellians and Northuldra in a magical mist for decades to come, forcing them all to suffer due to his own xenophobia and wrath.
By painting the Northuldra as traitors who started the battle, Runeard made the Arendellians think that the tribe were a hostile group of people who would attack when/if given the chance, causing their hatred of them to grow to the point that they would kill any Northuldra who came upon the kingdom, forcing Iduna to hide her heritage for most of her life in Arendelle.
The Prince and the Pauper
Despite an unhappy childhood and being forced into early unofficial kinghood, Agnarr grew up to be a good man. This was most likely due to the (short-lived) good influences of his mother, Lieutenant Mattias, and his servants (including Kai and Gerda), and the fact that Runeard was hardly ever involved in raising him in the first place. Shortly after the battle in the Enchanted Forest, Agnarr met and befriended Iduna, who, unbeknownst to him, was Northuldra and the person who helped him escape the forest. By the time they were teens, they had become best friends and then fell in love, though they were worried that the differences in their social classes would keep them from being together forever. As the years grew closer for Agnarr to finally officially ascend to the throne, the council of Arendelle began pressuring him to consider marriage with another royal in order to create a political alliance (which is the kind of marriage his parents had) for the good of the realm. Agnarr felt such a transition would be difficult, as he didn’t think he could love another woman as much as he loved Iduna, and that other women couldn’t compare to her.
By this time, Agnarr had discovered the truth behind his mother’s disappearance. He and Iduna decided to visit the trolls for answers, and they learn from Pabbie that Rita married Runeard only out of duty to her own kingdom, and that she had her memories erased and left when she could no longer live with her homesickness and being trapped in a loveless marriage. Although Agnarr initially feels contempt at the revelation that Rita had left him behind, this quickly turns to sadness when Pabbie explains that she felt that it was the best option for him since there were too many potential bad repercussions if she took him with her.
However, Kai and Gerda had done their homework and discovered there was no law in Arendelle that said its reigning monarch must marry another monarch. They revealed this news to Agnarr and told him that they didn’t want to see him end up like his mother. When Gerda revealed she also saved Sir JorgenBjorgen and returns it to him, Agnarr tearfully looked at the stuffed animal and finally recalled the few happy memories he had of Rita. He believed that if his mother could see him now, she would encourage him to marry Iduna because he loved her, rather than marry a princess just for the good of Arendelle, since he was now at the same crossroads she had been when she had been forced to marry Runeard.
Like I said in “Family Matters”, Agnarr vowed to be a better man, husband, father, and king that his own father had been because of his genuine love for Iduna and from learning that his mother was abused and mistreated by Runeard just as he had been. From what both movies and the rest of Dangerous Secrets reveal, Agnarr managed to make good on that promise, with a lot of help and encouragement from Iduna. While he was surprised upon discovering Elsa was born with magic, he accepted her regardless and saw her as his daughter first rather than simply his heir. Though due to the Arendellians' hostility towards magic, Agnarr decided to keep Elsa's powers subdued and hidden from the kingdom as she was growing up.
After the accident with Anna, Agnarr vowed they would protect Elsa and help her learn to control her powers. Iduna initially questions if separating the girls and locking the gates is a good idea. Agnarr assures her that it will just be temporary, and that he wants to do it to protect the girls from the Arendellians’ potential reaction to Elsa’s magic, especially if they knew she had harmed Anna with it (even though it was a genuine accident). Following ten years of keeping the girls separated and no success in helping Elsa control her magic, Iduna finally reveals her Northuldra heritage to Agnarr and while he is initially shocked, that doesn’t stop him from still loving her. And when she tells him about Ahtohallan and that it might hold the answer to Elsa’s powers, Agnarr does not hesitate in accepting Iduna’s proposition to find it. Him saying, “I would go to the ends of the earth to help her” proved that his love for Elsa was unconditional, despite potential risks.
Although they made mistakes in having Elsa conceal her powers and keeping their daughters separated in struggling to help Elsa, Agnarr and Iduna still had good intentions and did what they thought was best for the girls. They put their daughters before their kingdom, ultimately proving that family truly came first for the former king and queen.
Arendelle: The Next Generation
While Agnarr and Iduna cherished and loved both their daughters, Anna and Elsa had unhappy childhoods since they were five and eight, respectively. Following the accident of almost killing Anna with her magic, Elsa was plagued with post-traumatic stress disorder and struggled to control her powers for 13 years. Likewise, Anna experienced loneliness and longing for Elsa after never being told why they had to be separated. Yet despite being somewhat damaged from their childhoods, Elsa and Anna grew up to be utterly kind, selfless, giving, loving people who care more about others than themselves, making them virtually devoid of all the flaws their grandfather possessed. They never show any true care or obsession for the power or status they possess as monarchs, nor do they see other people as being below them. They accept everyone they meet and treat them as equals rather than inferiors, regardless of their differences, including their servants, people, and even outsiders.
While Elsa has magical powers, both she and Anna share a common strength of unconditional love and a selfless desire to do what is right, especially for the good of others around them. When they discover their grandfather’s true motives for building the dam, they aim do what is right by destroying it to free the cursed mist on the forest. In doing so, they work together to bring a real union of peace between Arendelle and the Northuldra, effectively tarnishing Runeard’s legacy forever.
Final Thoughts
Though all the past and present king and queens of Arendelle were flawed, all of them but Runeard were ultimately good people and benevolent rulers. This makes Runeard stand out from the rest of them, almost like a black sheep (or even like a “big bad black sheep” instead of calling him a big bad wolf 😆). While his descendants do contain some of his flaws, like Anna possibly inheriting some of his extreme stubbornness, it’s clear that they otherwise nothing like him, and the good in them was passed down from their parents and Rita (and most likely Iduna’s own deceased parents).
In summary, for every effort he made to heighten the sovereignty of his reign, protect his power, and obliterate the Northuldra, Runeard’s reckless actions ultimately were his undoing. He got himself killed, almost got his son killed, and put Arendelle in danger due to an architectural oversight (the dam was built on the very fjord where Arendelle sits). Furthermore, Runeard also caused his worst fears to become reality, since his son married not a princess but a Northuldran (the very race he hated and wanted to eliminate) and had two children, the oldest of whom was born with magic (the very thing Runeard detested most), who rectified his crimes and formed a true alliance with their people and the Northuldra.
First image here is a fan art of the first Arendellian royal family, made by my dear friend @greatqueenanna. 
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karma26 · 1 year
Here is Mother's day! 🤍💜✨🩵
The last pic is Queen Rita
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true--north · 1 year
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magentacravat · 1 year
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Randomly want to doodle Queen Rita, Agnar’s Mother. I headcanon her as Northuldran. too lazy to write the headcanon now, might edit later or add later lol.
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Your Majesty, do you miss Rita, your Rita?
It's complicated.
I miss Rita in the same way I miss a mosquito when it keeps buzzing in my ear and I'm trying to swat it.
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ericmicael · 1 year
And we reached 3 years since truly "let it go".
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And what did the next 3 years prepare for us? KristAnna marriage? A series or a new movie? Any other projects focused solely on Olaf? Canonization of ElsaMaren as Elsa after "Frozen 2" might have an interest in romance and "Polar Nights" reinforced that?
I don't know, I just know that I don't want to let this franchise go, but I hope it doesn't stay another 3 years with the mystery of Queen Rita's fate unsolved lol
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rosepompadour · 4 months
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NATALIE WOOD in WEST SIDE STORY (1961) I never like anybody disparaging anything Natalie did because | think she’s so wonderful in the role and the fact that it ended up not being her [singing] voice, to me made absolutely no difference. - GEORGE CHAKIRIS
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egophiliac · 1 year
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I haven't managed to do more than just doodles lately, but I made myself sit down and draw some Himeno because she is incredible
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ediths-shades · 2 months
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QUEEN LATIFAH in Hairspray (2007)
Costume design by Rita Ryack
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meganechan05 · 7 months
Someone reminded me about Himeno's reaction to Yanma chugging the "rainbow jururia" to leave Ishabana ASAP
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aspiring-adventurer · 27 days
It may be the first of April, but she's no fool! Happy birthday to our resident queen, Rita!!
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hafanforever · 2 years
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Royals’ Battle
Before I read the new post-Frozen II novel, Polar Nights, I was hoping that it would especially feature some new information about Runeard and Rita, and much to my delight, it did, and they played HUGE roles in the flow of the story, even as posthumous characters! 😁😁😁
In the book, Anna and Elsa learn from Kristoff the story of Princesses Sissel and her younger sister, Inger, who were from the neighboring kingdom of Vesterland. He says that the sisters hated each other and Inger wanted the crown for herself. About fifty years ago, the two sisters were visiting Arendelle regarding their kingdom being asked to contribute in funding the building of the dam in the Enchanted Forest. At one point, when Sissel and Inger were alone together near a rushing river, Inger pushed her sister into the river and Sissel eventually drowned when she went over a waterfall. A witness reported the murder to King Runeard, who banished Inger from Arendelle (and Vesterland) and put her on a prison ship, which went down in the sea, causing Inger to die by drowning, too. And despite her death, Sissel came back from the dead as a creature called a draugr, seeking revenge on those who wronged her.
Naturally, Anna and Elsa are shocked by the story, particularly by how their grandfather had done something good and just...
...but as the novel unfolds, the sisters discovers that the entire story surrounding Sissel’s death and Inger being accused of murder was a lie.
Halfway into the book, after the sisters have had several encounters with the draugr and deduced it is actually Sissel, Elsa conjures up the memory of what really happened on the day of Sissel’s death using traces of water that have remained in a locket that Sissel was wearing the day she died (brought to Elsa by the draugr itself). Elsa and Anna discover that, not only were Sissel and Inger very close and that Inger was more interested in science and the environment (and thus did not want to be queen nor aimed to steal the throne from her sister), but Inger had figured out that the dam would cut off the water flow and cause other environmental devastations to the forest. It would also affect Vesterland by depleting animals that the citizens hunt for food. She was arguing with Sissel over this matter by the river, and while Sissel understood what Inger was saying, she felt they would be powerless to stop Runeard since he would not listen to them and did not care that his desired project would negatively affect the Northuldra and Vesterland. Sissel was also terrified of Runeard so much that she feared standing up to him, as she believed arguing with him over the matter would only lead to him punishing Vesterland by cutting off their trading partnership with Arendelle, since Arendelle controls the port that allows food, medicine, and other goods to come in from other kingdoms and travel to Vesterland. But due to Inger’s persistence about how harmful the dam would also be to their kingdom, Sissel finally relented and decided to request another audience in Arendelle to tell Runeard that Vesterland would not help to fund the dam.
However, no sooner than the sisters were feeling better about the matter that a flash flood occurred. Inger got in the way of the rushing water as it headed down the river, and when SIssel pushed her out of the way to escape harm, she tripped on a tree root and fell into the rushing water. As she was pulled downstream, Sissel struggled against the strong current and tried to grab something to help her get back to shore. She yelled for her sister to help her, and Inger chased after Sissel on the river bank. When Sissel managed to grab on to a branch near the shore, the witness from Kristoff’s story, a shepherd boy named Stig Petter, raced to help Sissel. Sadly, with the branch breaking as she held on, Sissel accepted her fate to die. Before she let go and went over the falls, she told Inger that she loved her and was proud of her. As a distraught Inger mourned the loss of her sister, Stig vowed to help Inger.
Following the end of the memory, Anna and Elsa realize that the draugr of Sissel was never trying to harm them or anyone else, but rather has been trying to clear her sister’s name and has removed some memories of the Arendellians so that they don’t remember the false story regarding her death. Elsa and Anna search through Arendelle’s court records to find more information, discovering that Stig lied and said that Inger had murdered Sissel by pushing her into the river, and the court believed Stig instead of Inger. Upon finding and meeting the elderly Stig to get the entire truth, Anna and Elsa further learn that Stig was actually blackmailed by Runeard to lie and say that Inger murdered her sister. The former king of Arendelle told Stig that he had to lie or he (Runeard) would tell everyone that Stig helped Inger murder Sissel and he’d have him imprisoned, too (or possibly executed). This was because Runeard (presumably) learned that the sisters were planning to voice their opposition of the dam and would not let their kingdom help fund its construction. In doing so, they would have also told other kingdoms that the dam would actually harm, not help, the forest and convince these kingdoms not to help with building it, either.
Without enough funds needed to construct the dam, the project would never get off the ground, and Runeard could have been exposed as a liar and traitor. Even with Sissel dead, Inger would have never stopped fighting to make sure Runeard could not build the dam. But being the stubborn, xenophobic tyrant who was ruthlessly obsessed with protecting his power and set on destroying the threat he believed the Northuldra posed to him, Runeard refused to let his plan be ruined at any cost, even if that meant lying and causing harm to innocent people who got in his way. So even with a witness present to the real account of Sissel’s death, the king took advantage of the situation by framing Inger for murder and put her on a ship to get rid of her for good, eliminating the sole opposition to his goal.
Yet while Inger couldn’t save her sister or stop Runeard from building the dam, she did manage to escape the terrible fate that almost befell her. Having gotten to know both sisters during their visit, and knowing what a cruel man her husband was, Queen Rita was the only one (besides Stig) who believed in Inger’s innocence. Though she tried to defend Inger in the court, Runeard adamantly refused to let her speak and banished her to her chambers. Not wanting an innocent woman to be condemned for a crime she never committed, Rita secretly helped Inger escape the prison ship (and Arendelle) before it set sail (which was seen by Stig). She paid several men to take Inger off the ship and gave her safe passage to another. Inger was also warned by Rita to never return to Arendelle since she would surely be recaptured and put to death if she did.
All that being said, what this book revealed about Runeard and Rita’s relationship further reinforces what I have believed about them from Dangerous Secrets, but most especially the former in what kind of man he really was: a cold-hearted, selfish, bigoted, power-hungry scoundrel who never cared about anyone or anything other than his kingship and the power and authority that came with it. Runeard’s position as king made him believe that he could do whatever he wanted, that he was always in the right to do so, that he was never wrong, and he didn’t care how his actions could affect others unless they could still benefit himself. But most of all, as I’ve said before many times, Runeard arrogantly believed being a king meant that he was better and smarter than everyone else since he was in the highest place in society. He discriminated all other people as being beneath him, especially peasants (like the Northuldra and shepherds like Stig), and refused to treat them fairly or equally.
Such views are backed up perfectly by the fact that he laughed in scorn when Stig said he would tell others about Runeard’s threats. Runeard also said that no one would ever believe him because he is a poor shepherd, meaning that (to him, at least) no one would ever believe the word of a lowly shepherd over the mighty king of Arendelle.
But most importantly of all, Runeard’s behavior towards Rita completely support what I have said in “There Goes the Bride”. Being the king, it’s crystal clear that Runeard felt that HE had more power and authority than everyone, even more than Rita, the queen and his own wife. Therefore, only HE had first and final say in EVERY decision made, and that the opinions of others, including his wife and the people he ruled, were never important. The fact that Rita tried to voice her belief that Inger was innocent, but Runeard harshly silenced her and sent her out of the royal court (he probably even locked her in her chambers so she couldn’t interfere) reinforces what I believed in him trying to control her and having seen her as his inferior, not his equal partner.
Ultimately, Polar Nights helped prove that Runeard was so hellbent on creating the dam just to bring down the Northuldra that he sought to keep even Rita out of his way when she became a liability to his scheme. 😠😡
But since Inger managed to escape with Rita’s help, she managed to live a long life (though she never became the ruler of Vesterland) and had a family (including a granddaughter named after her deceased great-aunt). And in the end of the book, Inger returns to Arendelle and manages to reunite with the spirit of Sissel after the draugr sheds her form following the truth being revealed about her death. 🥲😭
Second image here is a fan art of Queen Rita, made by my dear friend @greatqueenanna. 
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rosalie-starfall · 6 months
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Miranda Richardson
Good Omens 2 - 2023
Snow White: The Fairest of Them All - 2001
Blackadder II - 1986
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - 2005
Good Omens - 2019
Gideon's Daughter - 2005
Merlin - 1998
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true--north · 2 years
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Queen Rita. What did Elsa and Anna know about their grandmother? Only that she left their father when he was five years old. She had been lost all these years, but the memories were awakened, and their family got a chance to recover. At least a chance.
Canon-verse Post F2, Frohana, Character study, 18362 W
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cri-cri-de-boa · 1 year
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Descanse em paz, Rita Lee, vc era muito foda, obrigada por tudo.
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