#RK900 x Reader Imagines
airbendertendou · 1 year
you are in love! ♥︎
synopsis : various best friend!characters realizing they like you a lil more than they should [including rk900 nines, wujin, gyeong-su, arisu and chishiya.]
no pronouns used ; gender neutral but reader is wearing lip balm / gloss / stain lmao ; [name] used in place of y/n
song inspo ; you are in love by taylor swift
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the department is slow today. the usual hustle and bustle had calmed down immensely, sounds of typing and idle chatter taking over. your mug is sat to the left, empty as you squint at the computer screen in front of you. nines had been assigned the desk in front of yours — a blessing for quick cases, but a curse when he decided to ignore his tasks and simply stare at you.
as he was doing right now. blue eyes watch you as his led light slowly swirls yellow, head tilting as you blantantly ignore him. “want a refill?”
you hum, glancing at your stained mug before finding his gaze. you smile his way, “sure, if you don’t mind. i’m almost done here, though.”
without another word, nines makes his way to the breakroom to refill your mug with a steaming beverage. he hums at the steam, wondering if it was too hot for you to drink. he brings the cup to his mouth without thinking, the scalding liquid hitting his lips.
as he pulls it away — he’ll let it cool off a little longer, he decides — his lips feel sticky. a tingling sensation takes over, cooling and poking his lips at once. they taste sweet — minty — and it makes nines think.
is that how you tasted?
it had to be the lip gloss he’d always seen you applying. nines takes the mug back to you, loitering beside your desk as you look up at him. you grin again, ”thanks for the drink! you really didn’t ha—”
his lips are pressed against yours within the next second. pressing closer — harder — nines lets out a sigh as he finally releases you from his hold. he licks his lips, smacking them a bit as your gloss sticks to them.
“tingles.” is all he says before sitting across from you and continuing to stare. you blink, startled at his sudden and intense movements.
this changes things, you think. you’re unable to get back to work ; unable to meet nines’ eyes now that you’ve felt his skin against your own. you take a sip of your drink — this changes a lot of things.
daesu had invited to you meet up with the group ; a new store had opened and everyone needed a break from their studies. namra met up with you so you could both walk to meet your friends, arms linked together as you talked about how difficult your last test was and how drained you were.
onjo squealed when she caught sight of you both, her and isak running to collide with you. you dispersed in a pile of giggles only to be pulled into a hug by daesu, who loudly and joyfully greeted you.
gyeongsu nudges you with a laugh as you pass through an art supply store, teasing you about the abundance of pens you always brings to class. this argument always happened but you always replied with the same thing — “need a different color for each subject!”
this, of course, applied to highlighters as well.
“hey,” a shy shoulder budges against yours. the clothing store you’re looking at now isn’t that interesting to you and the distraction is welcomed. wujin’s half-smile greets you, “glad you could make it.”
you let out a sigh, “needed a break from school so badly. how was your test? did you do okay?”
wujin shrugged. his mind was on other things ; eyes sticking to the new lip tint you’d put on. it was a darker color than usual, a cranberry and wine color that he couldn’t look away from. clearing his throat, wujin says, “that’s new. your— lip color.”
you perk up immediately, animatedly talking about the sale you stumbled upon and the new scents of hand lotion you grabbed. and that was interesting — wujin hung off of your every word — but he couldn’t look away from your lips.
your lips and their wine stained smile that he imagines pressing against his neck. would the color stick to his skin? would it mark him as yours ; and you as his?
letting out another whine, gyeongsu flops back onto his carpeted floor. studying was hard ; it was tiring and boring and mentally exhausting. sighing, he goes to sit up and get back to it when the doorbell rings.
lo and behold, his savior. you’re standing in the doorway with a grin and your school bag, takeout bags looped around your wrists. you’re talking to gyeongsu’s mom ; giggling at her words and nodding along to what she says.
you look so comfortable at his house, so natural there that it almost hurts. his mom is in her nursing uniform, scrubs making their weird noise as she moves around. wordlessly, you hand her one of the takeout bags before setting the other one on the living room table. you’d been friends since you were young — had visited his house numerous times before — but, time and time again, gyeongsu thought about how well you fit in with them.
how well you could fit with him.
“hi, ‘su!” you grin his way and his heart aches. the boy melts where he stands, smile ghosting on his face immediately at the sight of you. he walks your way, both arms looping around one of yours with a sigh as he pulls you to sit on the floor beside him. “all good?’
he whines again, “brain hurts.”
“yeah i thought you might have some trouble,” you speak as you pull out your food. sighing, you smile his way timidly, pushing the food his way. “so, i retook the notes in a way i thought you’d understand.”
gyeogsu stares as you begin to dig in. his eyes are heart-shaped — they have to be. he softens entirely as he watches you.
the walk back from a game was always serene in the most devastating way. the beach wasn’t as safe as he’d originally thought — wasn’t as friendly and kind as the name suggested. but, arisu needed company and needed to understand what was happening and why he was sucked into the borderlands.
one good thing about the beach was you. you’d been ‘teamed up’ with usagi since you popped into the games, your wit and her athleticism saving you both more often than it let you down. one smile at arisu and— oh, he was a goner.
you’d met at the tag game and he’d stuck to you since. you always tried your best to be paired up with him, knowing what the loss of a friend could feel like ; what dark roads it could lead your mind to.
and he appreciated it so much — appreciated the way you took care of him and looked after him in the gentlest and most subtle of ways. with a sigh, arisu gave the two of hearts card to hatter, no closer to the end of the game than they’d been beforehand.
dried blood itched on his face ; stained his hands and coated his skin in a lingering scent he could never get rid of. a hand was latched onto his own, pulling and tugging him gently to a bathroom.
“come back to me,” a voice whispered. arisu always disappeared into his head after a game, screams and surrendering laughter haunting his mind. “come on, ‘su. come back.”
with a foggy blink, you came into view. you held a warm rag to his face, washing the blood off of his skin tenderly with a smile that made him melt. arisu slouched, relaxing forward into your open arms. “[name].”
“hi, ‘su.” you brushed your fingers through his greasy hair. “welcome back. i’m glad you’re alive.”
arisu snuggled further into you, arms winding around your waist as he thought. it was so easy to get lost in you ; too easy to think of you both getting out of the borderlands and settling down together and staying together.
he wish you knew, but he couldn’t be the one to tell you. not yet ; not with blood still dried on his hands.
slight season two spoilers!
you’d been separated. you’d clung to chishiya since you arrived at the beach and now you were apart. worry and panic induced pacing caught kuina’s sight as you mindlessly picked at your skin. 
she slung a backpack around her shoulders, looking at arisu and usagi as she spoke. “i’m off to find chishiya and ann.” she turns to you again, noticing the way you perked up at his name. “want to join me, [name]?” 
you didn’t have to think before you were grabbing your own supplies and leaving with a hug to arisu and usagi. a promise to come back — to see them alive — and you were on your way. 
then you were alone. 
kuina had let go of you while you ran from the king of spades [again], and you’d found yourself lost. a blimp for the jack of hearts had just exploded a few feet in front of you. 
lost in thought, you watched it tirelessly. and then a familiar voice. “[name]?”
you blink, coming back to reality as he walks up to you. 
“chishiya,” you sigh out before running to meet him. without thinking, you throw your arms around his neck and pull him close. you let out a breath, closing your eyes and savoring his warmth. he was safe — alive. you go to pull away, “sorry. i got a little excited.” 
chishiya grabs your right wrist, pulling it back around his neck as your left one is guided to wrap around his waist. he sinks into you, letting out his own sigh of relief as he relaxes. 
“s’okay. need this — need you.” it’s out of character for the blond to be so loving ; so touch-starved as he clings onto you and makes your hold tighter. it wasn’t nice being alone in the games, not even to someone like chishiya. a feather-light touch hits the tip of your cheekbone. “you tell anyone about this, and i’ll kill you.” 
the threat makes you laugh into his shoulder — even though you know he isn’t joking.
——♥︎—— there will b an anime version of this up soon!
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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pixelmensupremacy · 1 year
May i request a DBH fic? The moment they realized they fell in love with reader. May i request Gavin and the RK bros
A/N: Honestly, I don't why it took me so long to get this out. Either way that's an interesting request, Nonny! Here's my take on the dbh boys realizing they have feelings for the reader.
Warnings: GN!reader, it's implied that reader is shorter, pretty much fluffy stuff, not proof read
Being his snarky self, Gavin would be jokingly flirty at first not thinking much of it
Until he began sensing a warmth every time (Y/N) laughed at his silly jokes and sarcastic comments
Before he knew it, he was always spending his free time with (Y/N)
Going into the breakroom, whenever he noticed they were there
Greeting them every morning with a genuine smile on his face
Vibrant morning sunrays hit (Y/N) skin as walked into the building of the Detroit police department. It was quiet except for the usual sound of mouse clicks and the occasional phone ring. A bright smile curled the corners of their lips at the sight of their partner Gavin Reed.
"Morning, Reed!" Enthusiasm was evident in their voice; his attention was immediately anchored to them and their face, which he found absolutely adorable. Affected by their happy expression, he couldn't help but smile back at them.
"Somebody call the cops because it’s got to be illegal to look that good!" He eyed the from head to toe, causing them to shyly look away.
Interestingly enough, it was the colleagues at the department that noticed the change first
His longing to constantly be in (Y/N)'s company was obvious to everyone else but Gavin and (Y/N)
Happy to finally see Gavin break character and soften, his colleagues would tease him every once in a while
While on the other hand (Y/N) would get overwhelmed with questions such as "Did you put him under a spell?"
I feel like Gavin will distance himself once he realizes that his feelings toward (Y/N) are more than just a silly crush
Progressively he will grow colder to (Y/N)
He would find himself in a rabbit hole of repressed emotions and anxieties, connected to his past, which will ultimately lead to avoiding (Y/N)
Hurt and confused, (Y/N) wouldn't give up on reaching out to him but with little to no success
Until they give up, which in return pains Gavin even more
Suddenly he will have to deal not only with the fear of abandonment but also the consequences of said fear taking over him
I like to imagine Hank will be quick to notice the distance formed between the two and will talk to Gavin
Knowing him since his rookie days, Hank is one of the few people who know quite a lot about Gavin, which helps him in advising the detective
Eventually, thanks to Hank's help, Gavin will be able to realize that by avoiding his problems he made things worse
He will want to apologize to (Y/N) for hurting them
“I know I’ve been a total ass the past few weeks, but maybe I can make it up to you. (Y/N) silently gaze at him as if they weren’t sure if this was a dream or reality.
“There’s new restaurant down the block and I thought maybe..” He went on all the while studying their face. “Maybe we could check it out?”
Much to his delight, they agree
The two have the time of their life, catching up like nothing ever happened
And even getting closer
“So,” He spoke up, hot puffs of air escaping his mouth. “Are we even?”
(Y/N) swayed back and forth on their feet, overdoing the time it took them to answer.
“I’m afraid a single date won’t be enough, Reed.” Their hand reached for his neck, bringing his face closer to theirs; their lips touched his in a soft and delicate kiss that left him wanting more.
“Your wish is my command.” (Y/N) giggled, causing a warmth to spread in his chest, despite the cold of the November night.
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Markus is definitely the type of person, who looks for a friend first and a lover second
So, I expect him to fall for (Y/N) after they have gotten to know each other
His feelings for them will slowly but surely progress into a sensation he's never felt before
Even if the thought of (Y/N) wouldn't leave his mind, he would be reluctant to share that with them
Or at least not verbally
Being the altruist he is, his love language would be one of service
Anyway he could, he would help
Standing on their tippy toes, (Y/N) struggled to reach the contents of the top shelf; even the chair they were standing on seemed to not help much. Passing by the kitchen, Markus’ attention was caught by the creaking of the chair and (Y/N)’s puffs and quiet curses. With a puzzled expression, he walked up to them and took a glance at what they were doing.
Reaching with a hand near theirs, he took a hold of a box of cereal; electrical shock ran through (Y/N)’s entire body at the slight brush of his cold skin against theirs.
“Is this what you were looking for?” They nodded as they got down.
“Yeah, thanks.” (Y/N)  took the box with a bright smile on their face that caused his circuits to malfunction, resulting in LED lighting up in a vibrant amber color.
Though he will eventually come to realize that his desire to help (Y/N) exceeded past just his typical friendly behavior
He desired to be by their side at all times
He will absolutely melt if (Y/N) were to compliment him
The enchanting melody filled the space, alluring (Y/N) the source of the sound. Letting the music take over them, their steps were in perfect sync with the rhythm of the song; it almost felt as if time stopped and they have found themselves in a wonderland- one they couldn’t imagine even in their wildest dreams.
The volume grew louder so did the effect of the melody upon (Y/N); seeing a door, they weren’t surprised to see Markus sat before the piano. His slender fingers stroked the snow-white keys, the impact of his firm, yet delicate, touch made for a captivating melody akin to the song of a siren that drew in sailors in the dead of night.
Much like a sailor, bewitched by a magnificent siren, (Y/N) stood and watched as his composition tingled their every sense. Not long after did Markus sense their presence; startled by their sudden appearance, he stopped playing.
“Why did you stop?” Disappointment was written in their expression.
“I didn’t expect to have an audience.” He made a reply in a bashful manner, his colorful eyes avoiding theirs.
“I love it when you play the piano.” (Y/N) began as they neared him. “No matter how many times I hear you play it’s never the same. It’s truly fascinating.” There was a spark in their eyes as they spoke that caused a tingling sensation to occur in his thirium pump. Was he malfunctioning?
Markus will definitely confess once the revolution is successful and he feels safe enough to have another person in his life
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He's completely oblivious
Never in his short life did he expect to feel let alone fall in love
So, he's very confused when he experiences system malfunctions in (Y/N)'s presence
He constantly runs system checks only to get confused when the results show no apparent errors
Despite being a prototype, created to unravel complicated cases with ease, it takes him some time to figure out it's (Y/N) that causes these malfunctions
Of course, not without Hank's help
Enamored by the enigma surrounding them, Connor couldn’t help but stare at them and wonder: why they caused such reactions in him. Coincidently or not, Hank had noticed Connor’s lack of focus on his tasks; following the direction of his gaze, the man had found the reason.
“You know it’s rude to stare right? Or that isn’t in your damn program?” Hank got straight to the point but Connor seemed clueless, for he gave him a puzzled look. The man let out a sigh of disappointment.
“Look, I know you got something towards (Y/N) and you better go talk to them.”
“But I-“
“Trust me. They like you too.” Silently, Connor looked at his partner, processing what he had said. “Come on! Don’t waste your chance.” He urged the android on.
Connor will get flustered if (Y/N) were to compliment him
“Good morning!” (Y/N) greeted; their voice akin to a bell rang in Connor’s ears.
“Mornin’, kid” Hank mumbled under his nose, not quite returning their excitement.
“You’re here early!” They stared in awe.
“Yeah, thanks to him.” He pointed to Connor, who shyly waved his hand; (Y/N) smiled.
“Good job, Connor! Even if I wanted, I wouldn’t be able to bring Hank here before noon.” They joked, causing the lieutenant to laugh, meanwhile, Connor’s cheeks got blue, dusted with deep shades of blue, and amber hues danced on his LED.
If it came to physical touch Connor would probably shut down from how many system errors he gets
Much like in Markus' case, I think Connor will be confident in his emotions after the revolution when he becomes a deviant
It may take him a bit longer to fully grasp the experience of having feelings
Though he will get used to it with some guidance
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Just like Gavin, Sixty will be flirty but mostly with someone, who reflects the same energy
He may be a bit too daring at times, openly flirting without any shame whatsoever
Heading towards the breakroom with their partner beside them, (Y/N) was eager to get their morning coffee, though it seemed Sixty had other plans.
"Is your phone in your back pocket? Because your ass is calling me." With him being close by their side, his voice- barely above a whisper- caused shivers to run down their spine.
“Haha very funny, Sixty.” They sarcastically laughed, in hopes of hiding the excitement that grew within them.
“You know I’m always at your service.” He winked at them as he opened the door for them.
It may take him a lot longer to get attached and even longer to acknowledge his feelings
He would definitely test (Y/N)'s loyalty for him to fully trust them
Being Connor's successor and the android that almost caused the downfall of the revolution, Sixty is battling his past
An awkward silence had settled upon the two; worried, (Y/N) glanced at Sixty though his blank expression didn’t aid them in understanding what was going on.
“Is everything alright, Sixty?” Their voice were calm and quiet, loud enough only for him to hear; his brown eyes stared back at theirs. A puff of air escaped past his lips.
“It’s none of your concern.” He cut them off, bitterness was evident in his voice.
So, he will fall for someone, who accepts him for who he is and helps him in forgiving himself
His path to deviancy will be turbulent, filled with an explosion of repressed emotions Sixty is forced to deal with
But by being by his side, (Y/N) cloud build a bridge to his heart
The moment he realizes he is head over heels for (Y/N) is when he lets his guard down
When the playful facade crumbles down and what is left is a person, fighting to be accepted and forgiven
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Out of all of the boys, it will take Nines the most time to catch feelings
Being the most advanced android in the world, Nines is less prone to deviancy
Not only it takes him more time to feel emotions but to also acknowledge and accept them
So, romance with Nines is close to nonexistent until deviancy
Though there still would sign in his behavior that indicate a crack in his system
With all of his advances, I feel Nines would want to use his assets for good
And working at DPD gives him such an opportunity
Upon meeting (Y/N) he wouldn't sense anything right away
Though as they work together and get accustomed to each other, Nines will slowly change
His curiosity will grow, resulting in asking (Y/N) questions outside their field of work
Yet what draws Nines in is their tolerance
They never pressure him to open up or to talk when he doesn't want to
It just occurs naturaly
“Detective, may I ask you something?” Nines’ icy blue irises bore into theirs.
“Of course, go ahead.” (Y/N) took a sip of their drink.
“Why did you join the force?” A smear of genuine curiosity was evident behind his enigmatic gaze.
“Well,” A smile curled the corners of their lips as the memories flooded in. “I guess you could say I just want to help people.” Their gaze met his. “What about you?”
He stayed silent for a few moments; bright yellow circled across his light-emitting diode.
“I suppose we have common motives.” He danced around the question, yet they didn’t question him any further.
I feel like a life-or-death situation may bring his feelings to the surface
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geminigengar · 5 months
working on a new rk900 x reader where nines is dressed down undercover when he meets the reader and its just shenanigans with this dynamic
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domxmarvel · 2 years
DBH-Domestic headcanons
3 Year Masterlist  
Special thanks to @princess-odette for helping me with these
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There will definitely be a lot of trial and error
He barely knew what to do the first time you cuddled him
He was designed to hunt down deviants 
The complete opposite of gentle and soft
Yet somehow he was
He usually just copies whatever you do or looks it up
He tried to cook once but almost burnt everything down
So you convinced him to do the dishes instead
But whenever you did them,he wrap his arms around you and kiss your neck
Your dates would consist of going to old record stores,picnic and bookstores
You’d always sit under a tree with his arm around you while reading
If you ask he’ll read to you
If you’re reading at home,he’ll put on one of the records and ask you to dance
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Husband material
He knows how to cook,clean and give the best cuddles
Breakfast in bed is just an everyday thing
Sometimes you’d convinces him to cuddle instead
Those days you’d end up cooking breakfast together
Will definitely have paintings of you all over your house
Except the one in the living room of both of you
Which took a lot of convincing 
He loved painting you and refused to paint himself
You’d always compliment him to remind him how beautiful he is
If you played and instrument,you’d play together 
If you didn’t he’d teach you
Gavin reed
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Gavin loves his cats almost as much as he loves you
You’d spend everyday cuddling either him or one of the cats
Waking up with all of them on top of you
He’s always bring you coffee in the morning just the way you like it
You made sure he wasn’t mean to Connor anymore 
You’d try to help him with some of his cases even if you weren’t a detective
Movie night every weekend
Although you’d talk through most of it
Randomly quoting memes at each other for no reason
He’d only say ‘I love you’ If you were alone
Nines (RK 900)
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somehow he’s more clueless than Connor
He will try his best and do what he actually can
He’d make you coffee in the morning but it would be a different kind every morning
He’d also cook for you without burning anything
You were surprised by how good he was
You’d spend endless hours reading in silence
Every month you’d pick a book and read and chapter each night and discussed it
Whenever it was his turn he’d pick a something with romantic
Sometimes you thought he picked them just to see you flustered
Whenever you were too tired to read he’d cuddled you and read it to you
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cyberllfe · 1 year
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made for me
(E, Nines/Fem!Reader, human!au, baby it’s all buildup and smut, tailor!Nines) — work in progress
“Is this the place?”
“Yep.” Kara nudges your arm to encourage you to cross the empty street. “Come on. You’ve kept us waiting long enough.”
It’s a lot more modern than you expected. When Kara had explained the event preparation, the guest list, the dress code, and followed it by offering to find a recommended tailor, you’d imagined something quaint. Gold fastenings, wooden furniture. Maybe a little old man with wispy hair, a long tape measure and well-worn patience.
“Not my fault. I didn’t think it’d be so damn fancy.”
You did not expect the brightly lit glass frontage, the fabrics draped in artistic lines and swirls over the mannequin in the window, pinned so the shimmering hues spilled from formless fluidity to elegant shape, immaculate folds and cascades of rich colour in every shade.
“A friend recommended him,” North shrugs. “Small business, but an excellent reputation.”
Beyond the window, you glimpse three loitering shapes in a floor-length mirror—the dull reflection of yourself and your companions, swaying in the winter cold, the slightly snowy world behind you a haze of grey at a distance, only broken by the occasional passing car.
“Hurry up,” Kara throws you a smile when halfway through the door, a small, old-fashioned bell chiming gently above her as she pushes it open. “We’ve got plenty to—”
“Oh… wow.”
[read on ao3]
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Detroit Become Human Masterlist
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Connor (RK800)
“Just give into me, love”
“Im doing this for us.”
Short S/o 
Oblivious S/o
High maintenance/hard to impress S/o
S/o wanting a super romantic date
Scary Movie
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Nines (RK900)
S/o on the Dark Web
Shy S/o
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Gavin Reed
Little HCs
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imkillerbae · 11 months
Found an old Detroit: Become Human RK900/Reader WIP from 2022 that I'm never gonna finish.
Might as well post it here. I give anyone permission to continue this, just as long as you give me credit, reblog this then tag me. I'm not active in that fandom anymore. Don't feed it into AI though or else im throwing hands.
(Sidenote: I was pleasantly surprised how well this was written, so much so that I wanted to post it despite being unfinished)
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Late Night Blues
There was a cold chill that hung in the air this night at the DPD. The piercing feeling struck your nose every time it sucked in air, followed by a grunt or a huff after. Flipping through the case files, you trace your finger along the lines of text with quick but careful swipes. Your shoes tapping against the floor was all that was heard at the empty office, devoid of living breathing life.
A serial arsonist was out on the loose in the streets of Detroit, targeting android owned businesses and known personalities. Dragging with it were unknowing victims. Just recently, 4 children. Three with third degree burns. One, an android child, dead.
And the bastard isn’t stopping there.
The DPD has been on different leads, all cutting off or twisting on itself until every detail became too contrived to connect, and then they were back to square one. You were growing frustrated, your neck tenses up, and you break the pencil you were holding. Just great.
“Fuck.” You cursed quietly, dragging your palms over your forehead up to your scalp, groaning as you dip onto your desk. The bastard left a note in one of the crime scenes, mockingly. It was in human handwriting, irregular. In blue blood, they wrote: “More blood is spilled, red or blue, it doesn’t matter, until all androids are destroyed. God bless Detroit.”
The note was lodged inside the mouth of an android, soaked in red and blue blood. The head wasn’t attached to its neck. Ripped off hastily.
You sucked in a breath and gritted your teeth. You’re no newbie to gruesome crime scenes, but it was more of the motive that made your skin crawl. The android revolution had been a year ago and humans and androids have been living in peace since then for the most part. How come shit like this still happened?
Standing up abruptly from the flood of blood up to your ears and temples, you slap the pencil holder you had across the room, knocking the chair behind you. “For God’s sakes…” You grit your teeth as the chair clashes against the walls with a loud squeak. This arsonist bitch is slippery and I can’t seem to get a grip, you thought. You don’t realize that the pen holder doesn’t drop to the floor but was instead caught by steady, ice cold hands.
“Detective.” His heavy set but cool voice echoed in the bullpen, and you whip your head to his direction, the grimace still carved into your face against the clinical white lights of the office. Your eyes climb up his torso, white and black jacket waving as he walked towards you. His cold gray eyes burning into yours. He tilts his head as if questioning your look. You found yourself doing the same.
“RK900. What are you doing here?” You sniffed, the cold air painfully stinging your nose. He stops walking, that neutral expression greeting you. “I should be asking you that question, detective. It’s 2 in the morning. You should be resting.” He says coolly, analyzing your pen holder, fingers wrapped around the puny little cylinder. He then looks at you, and you feel the need to shield yourself from those glass oculars. “It is not healthy for you to stay up this late. Your shift is in 3 hours.”
RK900, or Nines, as Gavin affectionally (haphazardly) named him, entered the force just recently. As recent as a week ago. You hadn’t been in the office when he was sent to the DPD, so you didn’t have a chance to look at him more carefully.
Now was his grand reveal to you.
You’ve never talked before. You’ve never even heard his voice this clearly. He sounded a lot like Connor, just with a broader and lower pitch than you were used to. Taller, broader, almost beastlike in stature. And a certain aura that would make anyone uncomfortable if they were alone with him. He continues to stare at you while you collect your thoughts, blinking in uncannily long intervals, setting down the container slowly. You didn’t like being stared down on one bit.
Clearing your throat, you grab the stress ball on your desk and squeeze, turning to grab your chair, sitting back down. You lean back, trying to calm down. “I’m working.” You simply say, hoping he would go away. You squeezed and squeezed as your feet tip tap below your desk, but he doesn’t go away. Finally, you look up at him again, and you see those icy gray eyes, burning into your soul. “Could you please leave me to do my work? Why are you active right now, you’re supposed to be in stasis.” You say as a matter of faclty. Unlike Connor, Nines didn’t have a home or an apartment to live in. You didn’t know if it was his choice or not, since by Android Law, he could own an apartment with the money he earns. So he would instead reside in the repair room, in stasis or simply just there. Just standing blankly.
You didn’t like thinking about what androids had in place of sleep. It creeped you out that they weren’t capable of sleep or being tired for that matter. They looked so human, and yet they weren’t.
“You are sleep deprived. Leading to more stress than you currently have. I suggest you go home, and you’ll have at least 2 hours of sleep. I advise against staying up too late this often.” He deadpans, no concern in his eyes, but it was present in his voice. He was mimicking empathy, something that RK900s were programmed to do. Or at least you heard.
“Are you my nurse?” You ask sarcastically. “No.” He replies simply to your surprise. You scowl at him, huffing “then don’t tell me what to do. Go back to the basement or something.” In return, he raises an eyebrow. “Do you think being out of shape will help you form more reliable conclusions in the investigation? Seems counterintuitive. Don’t you think?” He asks you, and you realize he’s trying to gaslight you out of your chair. You raise your eyebrow back at him, twisting your chair to face him fully. He doesn’t move.
“Don’t tell me how to do my job. My health is none of your business.” You snapped at him, doing your best to intimidate the most advanced android Cyberlife has ever built. Maybe this is why Gavin can’t stand this prick. And he’s the most insufferable cop you’ve ever known.
From his perspective, Nines was not at all intimidated. In fact he was surprised by your stubbornness despite your current drowsy state. He wondered how you would be like in your full potential, with a good night’s sleep.
He hides his hands behind his back, showing vulnerability. “Oh, but in fact, it is.” He sort of says the truth, because in reality, you were just one among the sea of humans he has to attend to. He felt nothing, couldn’t feel anything, for anyone, after all.
“You are not making the optimal decisions in your current state. You are a danger to yourself and Detroit Police property.” He stated, eyeing the pen holder. “It will not benefit the investigation for you to be working with a clouded and tired mind. I hope you understand.” He sees your teeth through your skull, gyrating. Your stress levels were increasing. The stress ball in your hands were bound to burst in any moment. He should ask for it before it bursts in your hand. “What the fuck is your problem? I could’ve done so much work right now if you just left me here. Are you trying to piss me off? Because it’s not exactly lullabying me to sleep.” You stood up, tilting your head to the side, as if mocking him.
His LED shines amber for a split second, blinking. You were showing a posture of aggression, and he immediately thought of a way to disarm you or disable you from hurting yourself. He still wasn’t used to all the personalities in the office, and it didn’t help that this was his first meeting with you; a heated conversation of all things. He could only go off of your body movements and temperament. He didn’t understand why you had to work this hard for an arson case. Fires happen more often that it is broadcasted in the news, and this one targeted his own kind. It didn’t seem logical for you to pour in so much attention to it.
“It is in your best interest to rest, detective. I wasn’t intending to be inflammatory in any way. I am only concerned for your—” Before he could finish, the stress ball you held came flying toward his face, and he narrowly avoids it, tilting his head to the side. Before you could retract your hand, he pulls it up towards him, making you flinch. “Don’t give me that programmed speech of yours. I don’t give a shit about what you think. A child died today, and I’m not going to sit around and let it happen again!” You yelled pulling your hand away from his grip, but it was no use fighting a 250 pound sack of shit bolts and plastic.
“Please stop.” He says, eyes narrowing on your figure. He didn’t want to hurt you or leave you to hurt yourself. “Let go! You fucking— agh!” You groaned in his grip, thrashing and pushing him with your other hand. With no other way of calming you down with words, he instead used force to subdue you.
“Agh—!?” You yelped as he grabbed your shoulder with his other hand and pushed you abruptly against the cubicle wall, the impact of your back against it almost knocking the wind out of you. He caught himself by surprise, he was still getting used to his strength. He cursed under his breath but kept his composure despite his LED blaring red, flickering. “Calm down.” He breathed in sync with you, a calming tactic.  He watched and mimicked your chest movement.
Your breath hitched and your neck tensed. “Agh— what the fuck?” you grumbled, trying to thrash, but instead your eyes land into his, almost half lidded. Your breath then started to mimic his, slow deep ones that stretched your diaphragm. His face softened and nodded to you, trying to get you to respond. You were speechless at the moment, being held down by him. Inhumanly strong, and capable of breaking you if you so much as moved your foot the wrong way. But at the same time, gentle.
“I didn’t mean for this to end this way. I’ve only met you and haven’t assessed your personality yet. But I will not let you hurt yourself. Please, let your guard down. I won’t hurt you. I promise.” He says, nodding again. After a few moments, you nod back, and slowly, you drop your hands to your sides. They hang limply at your sides.
He knows that you will eventually fall into a state of catatonia, and before you could, he steps off and guides you to your chair. You drop like a heavy rock against cold and still waters. “I apologize for being pushy. But I mean it when I say that it will compromise the case if you work in such a poor state.” He reasons gently, holding back his hands behind him. You don’t say anything.
“I believe you’ll be able to ask the Captain for an LOA—"
“Like that’s going to help catch this guy.” You rebut, exhaling deeply. “Red or blue, blood is spilled across the streets of Detroit. Burnt offices… schools…can you imagine living in constant fear of being hostaged just to suffocate on smoke?” You let your emotions spill, eyes watering. “That android kid… he was the kid of a couple who couldn’t have their own child. He was just 3.” You hissed to yourself, leaning against the cold desk.
(It ends here.)
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beeslibrarycorner · 1 year
Connor and RK900 with an S/O who is stressed for a test
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The precinct had to give a test for the detectives and you were extremely nervous.
Connor felt bad and Rk900 did too but the both of them knew that you were going to do great.
All they had to do was keep reassuring you until the day of the exam.
You studied and they helped in whatever way they could.
Connor would pull you away from your study materials when you overworked yourself, claiming that breaks were an essential.
On the day of the test the both of them wished you luck as you went out the door, the both of them kissing your head and telling you that everything will be fine. 
After the test you found out that you passed with a very high score and you felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders.
When the two androids found out they both smiled and congratulated you, giving you hugs and kisses. 
They were so proud of you!
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alkaniia · 2 years
- imagine your feelings for Connor were in the way for his work and his mind got all corrupted because of it, so Cyberlife had to destroy Connor and make RK900.
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“What’s going to happen to me?” Connor asked Amanda who walked up to him as he spoke. She gave him an evil smirk as she looked up at his dark brown and believed to be empty eyes, this made Connor feel something he often didn’t feel at all fear. Sure Amanda was scary in her own way but he had never seen her face like that before. “You have become obsolete, you’ll be deactivated” Amanda calmly replied with venom between her teeth. Connor didn’t give out any emotions at all. Connor turned around to walk away from amanda and that replacement of hers, but before he left Connor turned to glance at RK900 making eye contact with it. It’s led was flashing red. Connor knew he had to find you before it was to late, after all he loved you with all his android heart and wanted to be with you until the end.
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dervampireprince · 2 years
Detroit Become Human - RK900 x Listener SFW Blue Blush
[M4A] [Romantic confession] [Aspec RK900]
Finally another Nines audio! I'm surprised how well the last one did?  He's one of the most popular characters it seems so I hope people are  happy to hear more from him. I personally am demisexual and demiromantic  and put some apsec (asexual/aromantic spectrum) hints in a Viktor audio  I did a while ago and people liked it so here's some more apsec mentions.
If you enjoy listening to my audios please considering dropping me a small donation on Ko-Fi or supporting me on Patreon (where at the moment you get optional access to my Discord and HD downloadable MP3s of all my audios). I improv/write, record, and edit all of these myself, as well as doing artwork for any original character roleplays. It takes a while to put everything together so any support is appreciated. Audio commissions are currently open, information is in my pinned post.  As always, I also post my audios to Youtube, and have Youtube, soundg-asm, Twitter, AO3, Ko-Fi and Patreon.
(Full spicy audios on soundgasm and Patreon. Downloadable versions, exclusive N-SFW audios and Discord on Patreon) [minors + ageless blogs dni. this blog is for 18+ only.] [do not repost/reupload/edit my audios]
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pixelmensupremacy · 2 years
Can I request Connor and Nines both having a crush on their colleague detective f reader who is bad ass for a human. Bonus ( reader helps Marcus who also fancies reader?)
𝐴/���: 𝑁𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑦, 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡. 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑎 100𝑘-𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑤-𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑥 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎. 𝐸𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑦, 𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑢𝑛 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑡 𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠. 𝐼 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑦 𝑖𝑡.
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 1.8𝘬
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵.
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝘙𝘰𝘮 𝘤𝘰𝘮-𝘪𝘴𝘩, 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥, 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘤 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘦, 𝑓𝑒𝑚!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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There was nothing in this world quite like the combination of strong coffee and murder case files in the early morning.
Scrolling through the sizable file, (Y/N) pressed at her nose bridge not so as in disgust, but rather disbelief at the cruelty some humans were capable of. As much as she loved her job for its quirks it tended to be overwhelming, especially when she didn’t have caffein to get her through the gruesome details of a yet another awful crime. She let out a deep sigh, instinctively reaching for her mug only to notice it was empty. Great.
“I’ll go get some coffee” Stretching in her seat, (Y/N) got up from her chair; her voice immediately caught the attention of her android colleagues, causing them to involuntarily look at her in synch. “Do you boys want something from the break room?”
“I could go get you coffee, Detective.” Connor offered, abandoning his task at hand in a heartbeat.
“So could I, though I will prove to be more sufficient, for I’ve memorized the correct ratio of ingredients to achieve the best result.” Nines was quick to add, now standing up next to Connor, his slender figure towered over the one of his predecessor.
“I could do it myself, thank you.”
“But, Detective I insist-“
“There’s no need, Nines. I am a grown woman; I can pour myself a cup of coffee.” The two androids stood frozen in place; their LEDs flickered in a faint lemon color.
Entering the break room, (Y/N) was greeted by none other than her favorite colleague- lieutenant Anderson.
“You have the two most advanced androids in the world wrapped around your finger.” The man half joked, having seen the little interaction she had with said androids.
A genuine laugh erupted from her chest.
“We just get along well.” She poured herself the much-anticipated cup of coffee, facing away from the lieutenant.
“You keep telling yourself that bullshit. I may be old, but I’m not blind.” He added in a serious, yet friendly tone as if he was implying something.
Silently, (Y/N) watched as Hank closed the transparent door behind him, soon disappearing into the crowd of fellow busy officers.
Odd. She thought to herself as she mindlessly sipped at the warm bitter drink. What was this all about? She rolled her eyes- it was too early for her to put up with Hank’s moodiness.
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Arriving at yet another reported, (Y/N) wasn’t surprised to see a collapsing skeleton of what must’ve been somebody’s home. Inside, she was met with the unmistakable smell of rotting flesh. Judging by the intensity of the smell, she knew she was in for sight she wouldn’t be able to wipe off her consciousness. Though instead of dead body, the detective stumbled upon a mysterious figure; it was a man, covered in blood.
“Freeze!” She pointed her gun at the suspect, holding him at gun point. Alerted by the commotion, Connor and Nines rushed to the room the detective was in, only to notice her tackling down a man with seemingly no effort whatsoever.
“Detective, are you alright?” Connor rushed to her, whilst Nines handcuffed the suspect.
“You shouldn’t put your life at risk, Detective.” Nines glared at her.
“As you may have noticed, I could take care of myself.” She responded, dusting her clothes from the filthy ground she was on just a mere moments ago. Nines watched in silence as the detective went further into the house.
Just as she expected, the sight was as disgusting as the smell. Splashes of blood trailed to where the awful smell was coming from- the living room. There was the poor victim- dismembered into a bloody mess of limbs and intestines on what once used to be a snow-white carpet. Maggots thrived on the bruised face of the victim, making them almost unrecognizable.
“The victim was murdered five weeks ago and was found just yesterday.” Connor remarked.
“I could tell.” (Y/N) coughed at the unbearable smell. “I wonder why it took the neighbors so long to find the poor guy.”
“That information isn’t of importance right now, Detective.” (Y/N) flinched at the sudden reminder of Nines' presence. The analytical -almost cold- tone of his voice matched the expression of his face. Shortly, he glanced at her; the icy blue of his irises sparkled and for a moment she swore she saw a glimmer of warmth behind the made-up façade. His hand brushed against her arm, gently putting her behind him as he got closer to the body. Her breath hitched at closeness of his taller frame near pressing against hers.
With upmost attention, she observed his every action. Kneeling before the victim, Nines took his time studying the victim’s wounds. Slightly, he tilted his head as he took a closer look at the blood, oozing from the multiple wounds. In such moments, (Y/N) saw the connection between him and his predecessor- one most of the other officers at the DPD couldn’t. The child-like curiosity of the RK models was beyond astounding to her, adorable even. It was also why she found Nines to be just as endearing as was Connor. The more time she spent delving into the depth of Nines’ character the more she found herself invested into peeling away all of his layers until she was left with just the core of his identity. Maybe it was just a wild dream of hers, one she probably wouldn’t live to see coming true, though that was exactly what kept pulling her towards him- the utter fascination with his complex nature.
Lost in the world of her thoughts, (Y/N) hadn’t noticed Connor, standing right behind her. Silently, he watched and monitored her vitals- a habit of his he developed since deviancy. He noticed the acceleration of her heartbeat- was she anxious? He was inclined to assume so, but he was aware detective (L/N) had worked enough time in such conditions for her to be so easily distressed by a crime scene. Though that left more questions than it did answers.
Unable to dismiss his growing curiosity, he glanced at what she was looking at- Nines. He was currently taking samples, scooping some of the bodily fluids with his fingers before placing them in his mouth for analysis. That action of his appeared to have an immense effect on (Y/N). Her body temperature increased and her heartrate got even higher.
“Is everything alight, Detective?” (Y/N) swore her soul was about to leave her body as she was forcefully brought out of her daydreaming state by Connor’s hand gently shaking her shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m just a bit tired is all. I couldn’t really sleep that well last night.” She shot back a lie, she just made up. Though Connor read right through it.
“I hope you get enough rest tonight. The lack of sleep is affecting your performance at work.”
“You mean to say I’m incompetent?” She gasped dramatically with her hand atop her chest, acting offended.
“No, not at all. I’m just advising you to take better care of your health. I didn’t mean to offend you.” The words rushed out of his mouth; guilt was evident in his features.
“I know smart cookie, but now let’s get back to work.” She winked at him; gently she patted his head before she headed in Nines’ direction. Barely, she caught a glimpse of Connor’s flustered face with the corner of her eye. How adorable.
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“I suggest we get a taxi, Detective. According to the weather forecast, heavy showers are expected in the following 30 minutes.” Connor said, standing right next to (Y/N).
“Sounds good, it’s not like I could stand walking in these shoes for much longer.” Her gaze fell directly at the fancy heels she had. She wasn’t even sure why she had chosen such unsuitable footwear, though now her shoes were the least of her problems. The cold breeze pinched her cheeks, causing her to shiver.
“Are you cold, Detective?” Nines’ voice anchored her attention. “The temperature has dropped vastly since our arrival here and I’m afraid your clothing of choice is far from suitable for such weather.” He began explaining, whilst he took off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. “Please take my jacket while I call for a taxi-“
“There’s no need to. One is already expected to arrive here in approximately 3 minutes.” Connor interrupted, his voice was an octave deeper and bitter; his eyes bore into his successor. Between them, (Y/N) glanced at Connor; was he getting jealous?
“Boys calm down. There’s no need for harsh feelings.” The two androids fell silent. With his arms crossed, Connor looked away from both her and Nines as if he couldn’t stand being in their presence; his typically soft brown eyes- she’s gotten so used to getting sucked into- were now cool and distant. Even the warmth of his features seemed to have faded away, only to be replaced with a bitter expression that appeared to be caused by thoughts, plaguing his entire being.
(Y/N) sighed in defeat; she couldn’t wrap her mind around it, why did they act like that?
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“What’s wrong?” Markus’ eyes fell upon her; a mixture of worry and curiosity flashed in the fusion of colors that were his eyes. “You know you could tell me anything.” (Y/N) nodded, briefly reminding herself of the events that brought her and Markus together.
“It’s about Connor and Nines. They tend to act very strange, it’s as if they are constantly competing for my attention.” Markus chuckled. “It’s just as ridiculous as it sounds.”
“I guess they can’t bear sharing you.” He joked.
“It appears so.” She said, then Hank’s words resurfaced in her mind. Could that mean…?
“They have a crush on you.”
(Y/N) fell silent. How come she hadn’t noticed?If anything, she wasn’t oblivious to the special treatment she received from both androids. Maybe she enjoyed it, feeling special in a way of being showered with attention. In fact, maybe she enjoyed it a tad bit too much to the point, where she hadn’t noticed how much she had gotten attached to the androids as so did they.
“And by the looks of it, it seems you too are interested. But it’s up to you to decide what the outcome will be.”
To say she hadn’t had her eye on Connor the first she met him would be a lie. Captivated by his charm, she always found herself smiling in his presence. His warm demeanor provided her with comfort, she had grown familiar with in both her ups and downs, whilst his cute face was her one weakness. On the other hand, she was smitten with Nines and the mystic aura, surrounding him- one that inevitably lured her in akin to a moth to a flame.
“Look” Markus took her hand. “I sympathize with the dilemma you’re faced with. After all I had to make a decision myself not so long ago, but you were there for me.” (Y/N)’s eyes bore into his as she remembered the fateful night she met Markus, the night of Carl Manfred’s passing- the night Markus escaped with her help. “And I’ll be there for you.”
“But how could I choose?"
“Follow your heart.”
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geminigengar · 2 years
too lazy to write it rn but the thought of reader getting annoyed (lovingly) with nines or connor for solving their crossword and word search puzzles, wether its pointing and telling them or just straight up writing it, so reader makes their own one day to fuck with him where all the words have the 'prove your not a robot' type font like this
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honey-beann · 7 months
Ruiner, Ruination (RK900 X Reader)
Chapter 8: An Uneasy Aftermath - Constellations and Well-Paired Colors
Series Masterlist
Chapter Synopsis:
Part 1 of a multiple part special in which Reader and Nines struggle to manage their concern for one another now that their respective injuries have forced them both to realize how destructible the other truly is.
This chapter includes a realization, a promise, a shower, some sharing, a minor wardrobe malfunction, and a great deal of longing and overthinking from both our beloved reader and everyone's favorite android.
AKA - Reader and Nines each contemplate how the other makes them feel, and struggle to reach the necessary conclusions afterward.
Word Count: 5,863
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"Detective, I can assure you that while I appreciate your concern, there is really no reason for you to supervise me. My systems are entirely operational, including those involving the temporary parts installed earlier today."
You rolled your eyes at your partner while he attempted to persuade you to go home for the fifth time in three minutes as you stood in his kitchen, inspecting the pristine surface of the counter there with what was almost awe.
Of course, you hadn't expected your android partner's apartment to be dirty by any means, there was almost no reason for it to be given the fact that he didn't eat, drink, or sleep, but even so, this was just absurd.
There wasn't even a speck of dust anywhere, the cabinets were stocked with easy to grab nutritional food sources (likely so he could ensure you always had breakfast should you forget to eat it in the mornings before work), and the fridge was sparkling clean despite the thirium drinks found within, which you were almost certain Nines must have been gifted. He didn't strike you as a man who chose to consume literally anything, android beverages or media alike, for pleasure.
Still, even despite your fairly apparent surprise, you willed yourself to turn around and cross your arms at your partner before replying to his previous persuasions.
"Nines, you put me down as your emergency contact, let them call me, watched as I embarrassed myself after thinking that something terrible had happened to you, and then you revealed that you had weaseled your way into my personal health files weeks ago like it was a totally normal thing to do. No matter what you say to me, I'm not going anywhere, because I'll be damned if you don't learn some kind of lesson by being forced to have me babysit you for the night."
Nines gave a hum in response, a slight smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth as he shrugged and turned to make his way toward the living room,
"Whatever you say, Detective, but I don't think I loathe your presence quite enough to view it as punishment. You are getting there, though."
You scoffed at that and followed him into the next room, fighting the urge to gape at the cleanliness of this one as well as you watched your partner move to take a seat in an armchair nearby, one long leg crossing over the other as a hand moved to rest upon his knee in a way that had you staring at his fingers for what you imagined was far too long before you finally caught yourself and looked away, cheeks dusted a light pink as you cleared your throat.
"Well even if I wanted to, we both know I can’t just leave. You heard the technician, Nines, someone needs to stay with you for at least the next six hours to observe you and make sure there are no negative reactions to the temporary parts she had to install while you wait for the new ones to be manufactured and shipped out. That temporary circulatory pump is a huge concern, and you need to be careful not to overwhelm it so you don't risk damaging your thirium pump. She already told you how serious it could be if you aren't careful, especially in these first few hours as your systems get used to the less functional temporary parts." 
Nines all but rolled his eyes at your words as he leaned further back against the chair, watching you intently as he did so,
"The chances of me becoming overwhelmed, be it physically or emotionally, are incredibly slim, Detective. I was not built to experience such things."
"You also weren't built with temporary parts meant for an entirely different and non-military model of android, Nines."
You countered easily, choosing that moment to start looking around the living room rather than just stand in its doorway.
Carefully, as if afraid you might create a mess in the area simply by virtue of being there, you made your way over to a wall fitted with a large fireplace, and opened your mouth to comment on how dramatic it looked all decked out in black wrought iron, when you suddenly caught sight of the mirror that rested on the mantle and halted before you could say a single word.
In all your eagerness to bring Nines home and get him to let up on his insistence that your presence was unwarranted, you had completely forgotten about all the blue blood that decorated you and your clothing.
It stained your white button up, made dark marks on your brown pants, and was sprayed in disorganized spatters across your neck, cheeks, forehead, and hair.
But the most notable stain of all was the nearly perfect handprint, devoid of any fingerprints, that was wrapped around your right wrist.
You stared at that handprint, hands shaking slightly at your sides as you swallowed thickly, trying to keep the sound of a bullet hitting strong plastic out of your mind as you fought off the tears that sprang to your eyes at the memory.
Just this morning you had celebrated the fresh absence of your sling,
And only three hours afterward you had been hovering above your partner’s body, struggling to stop the blue blood from seeping out of the open bullet wound just below where his ribs would have been located if he’d had any.
And now you were standing in that same partner's apartment at 4:00pm, staring at the way that his blood covered your clothing and bare skin.
Everything had happened so fast, and you felt your mind reel as you tried your best to keep up with the events that had occurred throughout the day thus far.
Your vision grew cloudy as you stood there, swaying slightly in front of the fireplace, staring deep into your own reflection unblinkingly.
That is, until you felt a familiar hand graze the sleeve along your right wrist, instantly bringing you back to Earth.
There, standing at your side, was Nines, perfectly healthy and glancing down at you with what almost appeared to be worry.
"There is a shower in the bathroom down the hall, the second door on your right. You're welcome to use it."
You took a brief moment to consider how the hell your partner had figured out your inner thoughts so easily before brushing off the confusion and turning to face him better, offering him a small and slightly fragile smile,
"That would be great, but I don't really know how much good it would do me. When I checked earlier the only spare clothing in my trunk was a pair of jeans, which means I won't have a shirt to replace this one..."
You trailed off as you looked down towards that handprint once more, though you snapped back to attention immediately when Nines spoke up,
"If it is any consolation, Detective, I do not believe the blue blood present on your shirt will be visible for much longer."
You sighed in response, trying not to look too uncomfortable at his attempt to provide some semblance of comfort as you spoke,
"I know but... there's just something about it being there, even if I can't see it, that just doesn't sit right with me."
Nines was silent for a moment before he gave a sudden and rather sharp nod at your words.
"I will see what I can do. In the meantime, though, I really must insist that you take a shower. The longer thirium remains on the skin, the harder it becomes to scrub off."
You shuddered slightly at the thought of not being able to get your partner's blood off of you, and gave an almost immediate nod of agreement,
"Okay, yeah, then I should definitely shower, but you've gotta promise me you won't just leave while I'm in there."
Nines' lips curled upward ever so slightly at your words, amused by your persistent concern for his well-being but plenty willing to give in to your foolish requests if it meant you becoming more relaxed.
He hummed,
"I promise, Detective. Is that all?"
You considered his question for a few seconds before giving a slow and thoughtful nod in response, 
"Yeah, I think so. Anything I should know about the bathroom?"
Nines replied immediately, without requiring even a single moment of contemplation,
"The lock is on the door handle, the fan is to the left of the light switch, and you can lower the blinds to the window by pressing the button beside them, though I'm sure you aren't nearly tall enough for anyone to see anything indecent from the parking lot. In addition to this, you can find shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and most other common hygiene products beneath the sink. Feel free to utilize anything you find there. When you exit the shower, you should find two towels hung up to your right. Both are clean, though I do utilize the black one for myself when necessary, so be aware of that if the idea of using a towel I have used in the past causes you any discomfort."
Surprised by the sudden influx information, you spent a moment blinking rapidly before remembering that you were probably supposed to give some form of response to that,
"Oh okay, uh, thanks for letting me know. I'll see you after?"
Nines gave a hum of what you assumed was agreement before he began to walk toward the hallway he had mentioned you could find the bathroom in previously.
He pushed open the door to said bathroom and flicked on the light in two extremely fluid motions before continuing down the hall until he reached a closed door at the very end.
Said door opened to reveal a quick glance at a bed donning a soft looking black comforter and many plush looking gray silk covered pillows before Nines stepped in, his large form obscuring your view of the space as he made his way over to what you assumed was his closet towards a wall that you could not see from the angle you were standing at.
You watched for a few more moments after Nines walked out of view before you snapped yourself out of it and stepped onto the cool white tile of the bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind you as you took in the space.
Shining white tiles with dark green accents covered the floor, and a similarly green backsplash was present in the area between the gold faucet sink and the gold trimmed mirror, both of which shone brilliantly as they caught the light, clearly very rarely used, and kept pristine despite that.
God, you were beginning to wonder if Nines might be even more of an eerily neat guy than you'd previously thought.
Deeming that consideration far too unimportant to dwell on further, you squatted down to better reach the cabinet beneath the sink, opening it to find a rather large number of toiletries stashed beneath.
Multiple rolls of toilet paper stacked neatly, a few bottles of shaving cream, a metal razor handle with disposable single blades, two bamboo hair brushes, a few packaged toothbrushes with different bottles of toothpaste standing beside them, some dental floss, a large bottle of mouthwash, dry shampoo, deodorant, and a container with different sorted sections containing things like hair ties, tweezers, scrunchies, barrettes, bobby pins, a sewing kit, and even menstrual products within its designated cubbies.
But what caught your attention above all else was the actual showering supplies, which consisted of your favorite bar of body wash, a biodegradable mesh soap bar bag, your favorite shampoo and conditioner, the exact scent of shaving cream from the very same brand that you always used at home, and the body scrub that went along with it.
You stared at these products for a while, taken aback at the idea that Nines had somehow figured out what you liked and purchased these things for you to have at his home should you ever need them, only to brush the idea off immediately, your cheeks burning at the thought.
Of course he hadn't done all this just for you, at best he had figured out what you used and assumed it was typical for all other humans as well, leading him to buy these things in case someone ever needed to take a shower at his place (excluding himself, of course).
You stood, shower supplies in hand, and placed them on the counter of the sink for a few moments as you moved to turn the water on, taking note of the two towels, one black and one green, that hung from the rungs. 
'Both are clean, though I do utilize the black one for myself when necessary, so be aware of that if the idea of using a towel I have used before causes you any discomfort.'
Is what Nines had told you earlier on, and you swallowed thickly at the idea of sharing a towel with your partner before shaking your head in embarrassment, desperate to rid yourself of the thought as you picked up your supplies once more, placing them down carefully where they belonged in the shower before beginning the process of stripping down, trying not to pay attention to the blue blood all over your clothes and body as you did so.
And then, after giving the temperature of the water one final check, you stepped in, giving an unintentional and almost surprising sigh of relief as you did so.
The water was hot and soothing against your tense muscles, and for just a few moments, you allowed yourself time to bask in that comfort despite the stressors awaiting you back out in the real world.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to you, as you began the process of scrubbing semi-dried blue blood off of your skin, Nines was exiting the master suite, having laid a white button up across his neat black comforter to await your need for it.
The shirt would likely be rather large on you, given that it was one of his, but since you claimed to have a pair of your own jeans in the car, he was confident that your outfit wouldn't be so excessively unfitted that it would look unkempt.
He sighed and looked toward his wrist to check his watch, a rather human habit he’d developed despite his constant ability to know the time at a moment’s notice without the use of a device that attached to his body.
It was 4:35 now, and you had only been in the shower for around five minutes.
He glanced towards the bathroom door, the dull slap of water hitting tile the only sound emanating from your general vicinity.
He then looked at the door to his apartment, considering his options.
He had made a promise not to leave, and intended to keep it, but even so, he knew it made almost no sense to wait for you to exit the shower just for him to go down and get you your jeans anyway, and it wasn't as if you could do so yourself without new pants to wear down to the parking lot below.
Plus, he had only promised not to leave, and you had neglected to define exactly what "leaving" entailed.
Nines gave a subtle smirk at that, deciding that with that logic, you had no ground to stand on as long as he didn't actually leave the property, which he had absolutely no intention of doing in the process of collecting your spare pair of jeans.
So, with that, the android made a beeline for the front door, grabbing both his house keys as well as your car keys before he stepped out into the hallway and locked his front door behind him.
He took the steps slowly and at his leisure, though he notably went two at a time the entire way down until he reached the entrance to his apartment complex, which allowed him access to the gated parking area.
Once outside, it was easy to unlock your car and locate your pants within the trunk before shutting and locking everything all over again, your jeans slung over his forearm the same way that his shirt had been previously as he leaned against your car and looked up toward his apartment, where he was shocked to see that you hadn't bothered with closing the blinds at the window that looked into the shower.
Thankfully, he had been right about the pane being too high up on the wall to reveal anything one might consider intimate, but even still, Nines found himself staring as you ran adept fingers through your hair, rinsing the shampoo from it with your eyes peacefully shut against the consistent barrage of water raining down from the shower head above.
He continued to watch in an almost curious manner for a few more moments before realizing you were likely close to finishing, a fact which caused him to move a bit faster up the stairs during his return to the apartment, unlocking the door with ease before stepping back inside and closing the door swiftly and silently behind him.
Nines listened closely, hearing the familiar sound of water on tile as he made his way down the hall and over to his bed to set your jeans down alongside his button up.
You would likely be done any minute now, and when you were, you could -
Nines’ inner thoughts were cut off by the sound of your phone ringing from somewhere across the apartment, and as he focused more on the noise emanating from the device in order to find it, he felt his brow wrinkle in curiosity.
Where could you have left that?
As Nines began what would be a very short and simple search for your cell phone, you were finishing up in the shower, fighting back a shiver as you lightly ran the soap bag containing your favorite bar soap across your torso, the unfamiliar texture tickling your skin in an unexpected manner.
The perception of yet another foreign sensation had you thinking back to all of the other unfamiliar feelings you’d experienced lately, though one in particular seemed stuck at the front of your mind.
Without even realizing what you were doing, you allowed your thoughts to wander aimlessly to the way that Nines' hands had gently cradled your hips as he’d lifted you up to the ladder earlier that morning, and how similar the memory of those hands felt to the water that was now caressing your skin, causing light blue liquid to spill down the drain as it washed away the blue blood that had stubbornly remained despite your persistent scrubbing.
Suddenly, broken out of your reverie by a slight temperature shift in the water, you startled, cheeks hot with embarrassment when you realized what you’d been thinking of. 
God, what was up with you lately?
You had been thinking about Nines almost nonstop, particularly when it came to your more physical interactions, like when he had helped you in and out of your dress for the gala a few weeks back, or when you had grazed his neck at the same aforementioned event and received a rather surprising reaction from him in response.
But even still, despite the memories of the other physical moments that had occurred between the two of you, the recollected feeling of his strong hands gripping powerfully onto your hips as he’d lifted you up with an almost practiced ease had your mind reeling and your heart racing for reasons you were fairly certain you didn't want to consider further.
And even though you tried to convince yourself that these reactions were completely normal, you still found that guilt was getting the better of you.
This was Nines you were thinking about, the cold, stubborn, and calculating military model android that you called your partner, who, despite others’ perceptions of him, felt a great deal of responsibility and worry for your well-being, as well as the well-beings of many more on top of that.
You thought back to when he had been shot earlier that morning, how he had comforted you even while he was so seriously injured and in pain, and the fact that he had done so as if it were the only possible option.
In Nine's mind, ensuring your safety, be it emotional or physical, was of the utmost importance, even when his personal safety was at risk, and as much as he would likely deny that verbally, his actions spoke volumes.
Nines had been willing to endure what most would consider to be an immense agony with a straight face just to make you feel less worried for him,
And here you were, in his bathroom, unable to stop yourself from thinking of the way his hands had felt as they’d wrapped easily around your hips, his torso just inches behind your back while he’d lifted you mere moments later, that usual air of confidence somehow both annoying and reassuring all at once as he’d done so.
Fuck, you really needed to get a grip.
Grabbing the shower valve dial in a manner that could only be described as aggressive, you held back a squeak as you forced the temperature down further, dousing yourself in much colder water in an effort to end your unwelcome thoughts.
Just moments later though, you failed to hold back a second squeak at the sound of knuckles rapping thrice against the wooden door, before Nines' voice followed shortly thereafter,
"Detective, please come out at your earliest convenience. There is something that requires your immediate attention."
At those words, you found yourself cursing under your breath before reaching to turn the water off entirely, grabbing for a towel and wrapping it around yourself all the while.
Hurriedly, and with an almost impressive level of speed considering how slippery your environment was, you stepped out of the shower and onto the mat below before allowing your feet to press against the cool tile as you made your way over to the door, previously worn clothing forgotten in a heap below the towel rack as you reached to unlock and open it, allowing a gust of steam to exit the bathroom and pour out into the hallway instead.
There, standing against the wall opposite the bathroom, stood Nines, and you watched as his eyes scanned the length of your body before halting suddenly, as if he realized too late how that may have looked.
You chose to ignore it.
"What's going on?"
You all but panted out, tightening your towel dress around your chest and ensuring it was secure even as you spoke, suddenly far more aware of your lack of clothing now that Nines was watching you.
"You received a phone call regarding a case nearby. Our presence has been requested at the scene due to the state of the victim and the proximity of the crime in comparison to our current location."
Your eyes widened as Nines spoke, and you struggled to form a response as you realized what he was saying,
"Wait, but we were supposed to be taken off of the page list for the night after what happened earlier today. Was this some kind of mistake?"
Nines shrugged his shoulders,
"I am unable to discern the level of intent that was had by dispatch when they requested our support at the scene. I simply stated we would arrive as soon as is feasible."
You gawked at your partner's words, crossing your arms over the exposed skin of your chest as you gave him a look that could only be described as pure exasperation,
"Your technician said you needed to take at least the rest of the night off, why wouldn’t you just say that we're unavailable?"
Nines gave a dismissive hum, his hand moving in a manner that suggested the dilemma you had brought up was of very little importance.
"I saw no reason to turn down the case, as all that would do is delay the inevitable."
You scoffed, adjusting your towel again to ensure it was firmly tucked into itself before you placed a hand on your hip,
"And what exactly is the inevitable in this situation? That you blow a fuse trying to interrogate a suspect because you refuse to just take it easy until your new parts come in?"
Nines shook his head, replying as if your question had been far more sincere than it actually was,
"No Detective, the inevitable is that the department sends in someone else in our stead, they neglect to solve the case, and we are left to deal with the mess that they made in the process of their failure."
You rolled your eyes, but gave a relenting sigh that your partner knew meant you no longer had any hope of not joining him at the scene,
"There are literally three other people in the android crimes division, Nines, how much mess could they possibly make?"
The android in question gave you a rather pointed look and took a step back before gesturing toward his room,
"I am confident that I don't need to answer that question for you, Detective. Now, if you're finished in the bathroom, you're more than welcome to use the bedroom at the end of the hall to change. I took it upon myself to collect your jeans and find you a shirt while you freshened up."
You glared at your partner before begrudgingly agreeing, briefly heading back into the bathroom to grab the clothing you had abandoned on the floor previously to ensure that you would have undergarments to wear, since you severely doubted Nines' ability to procure those for you.
With that, you started making your way down the hall, taking note of the way that the android was quick to follow. 
"You broke your promise about leaving you know."
You stated matter of factly as you passed the threshold to the master bedroom, trying not to look as in awe of the large space as you actually were when you turned to face your partner, who tilted his head slightly in response to your words,
"On the contrary, Detective, I was actually very careful to keep it. I neglected to leave the property, and therefore did not leave in any meaningful sense of the word."
You rolled your eyes and placed a hand on the door, preparing to shut it in order to give yourself some privacy,
"Whatever you say, Nines. Is there anything else you need, or can I get changed now?"
Nines shook his head,
“No, there is nothing else that I require, Detective. I’ll wait here in the hallway in case there’s anything you may need.”
You gave a slight nod and muttered a soft "Thanks", before you closed the door, sighing gently while stepping back to sit at the edge of the large California King sized bed, the black comforter that covered it feeling slightly cool against your skin as you began to dry your hair to the best of your ability.
After finishing up with that, you stood and prepared to get dressed, even though the shirt Nines had provided would clearly be big on you.
You started with your undergarments before moving on to your pants, stepping into the familiar clothing with ease before you tugged the large white button up Nines had given you over your head, immediately noting just how soft the fabric felt against your skin, and how despite it clearly being clean, it still had that faint smell that reminded you so thoroughly of your partner.
Turning, you looked in the mirror, letting out a quiet chuckle at the sight of yourself in Nines' shirt, the sleeves hanging well past your hands in a way that made you look like a child playing dress up again.
You shook your head at the situation you’d found yourself in, tucking the front of the shirt into your jeans before threading your belt through the loops, doing your best to look as professional as possible despite your lackluster clothing options.
You were just about to glance toward the mirror and look at your reflection one final time when a set of three firm knocks on the door brought your attention elsewhere.
"You can come in!"
You shouted back, hearing the gentle click of the door opening just a few moments later as Nines slowly stepped into the bedroom, his gaze falling to your new clothing immediately.
Laughing a bit, you held your arms out and gave a slow spin,
"How do I look? Do android tailored shirts suit me?"
You asked sarcastically, watching as Nines cocked a brow and stepped forward, his gaze flitting across your form as he fully took in the sight of you, before finally, he opened his mouth to speak,
"The clothing is plenty suitable as long as you feel comfortable wearing it."
You rolled your eyes a bit at that, shrugging as you pushed the sleeves up towards your elbows messily, crinkling the fabric in disorganized patterns that had both sleeves falling back down towards your wrists unevenly as a result.
Nines all but scoffed at your actions,
"And how do you intend to inspect a crime scene with your sleeves getting in the way, Detective?"
You shrugged dismissively as you began to search for some sort of hair tie in the pocket of your jeans
"Eh, I'll roll them up on the drive over."
You grinned to yourself as you found an elastic in your back pocket, preparing to turn toward your partner to finish your conversation when you felt a light tug at the fabric of your sleeve, which had begun to dangle off your hand once more.
Surprised, you looked toward your left arm, where the sensation was coming from, only to find that Nines was holding it between two sets of fingertips, seemingly contemplating the fabric before he looked up at you expectantly,
"May I, Little Mouse?"
You blanched at the now familiar nickname before regaining your composure and nodding slowly, barely resisting the urge to sigh in exasperation,
"If you really think you have to, then sure, but I can do it myself, you know."
You clarified quietly, your voice sounding more than just a little breathless as you spoke.
"I believe you're perfectly capable, if that's what you're worried about, Detective. I simply believe my assistance might speed up the process for us both."
Not sure how to reply, you just nodded silently, ignoring the quickening pace of your heart as your partner stepped forward, now much closer as he lifted your hand up to his shoulder so he could roll the fabric of your borrowed shirt sleeve up your arm in tight and even folds. He continued with this until finally, he reached the area just above your elbow and stopped, using the button tab to hold the sleeve in place before he gestured for your right arm, placing your hand similarly upon his shoulder before he began the process once more.
You watched closely all the while, feeling almost in awe of Nines as you studied the way his face looked up close, counting the constellations of freckles that dotted his artificial flesh, and taking note of the way that his jaw shifted as he concentrated heavily on the task at hand, completely unaware of your watchful gaze as he worked.
However, what you were entirely unaware of yourself, was just how focused on you the android truly was.
Despite his consistent perfection when it came to the task at hand, his mind was much more occupied with the way you looked in his clothing.
His shirt, that had been tailored explicitly for him and no one else.
He had never considered before that something made solely for him could look so right on someone else, much less his smaller human partner, but even so, he found himself enamored by the way your fingers had wrapped around the sleeves as they had dangled below your hands, and the way the shirt seemed to flutter about your body even after you had tucked the front of it into your jeans.
But above all else, his mind was stuck on how well the color of the fabric looked against your skin despite its neutral tones, as if you had been the person made to wear it all along.
He broke himself out of his internal reverie just as he began buttoning the second sleeve in place, his artificial breaths that he hadn't consciously chosen to pause starting up once more as he rooted himself firmly in reality again.
Despite him clearly being finished, the two of you remained in that position for just a little while longer, him with his fingers brushing gently against the skin of your arm, and you with your hand holding loosely to his shoulder, your faces suddenly seeming much closer than just seconds before as he lowered his gaze from your sleeve in order to meet your eyes, the intensity of his piercing gray/blues shocking you for a moment before you managed to regain your composure, clearing your throat lightly as you lowered your hand from his shoulder hesitantly, your gaze slowly dropping away from his and instead moving to the mirror to the right of you, where you found your reflections staring back, unyielding in their persistent attention.
Suddenly though, you watched as Nines' LED briefly circled yellow just seconds before your phone gave it's familiar notifying chirp of a work page, causing you to groan and look around for it, only to have Nines give a subtle smirk and roll of his eyes before pulling it out of his pocket and handing it to you with only a silent quirk of his brow that nearly made you want to punch that slightly smug look off his face.
He always found amusement in how easily you lost things or sometimes even outright forgot them, leaving him to remember their importance and carry them on his person in order to ensure the two of you remained at "peak efficiency".
You, on the other hand, were not nearly as big a fan of how often he'd been right regarding your persistent forgetfulness, even when you were actively trying to remember everything that you needed.
Sighing, you reached over to take your phone from your partner, mumbling out an annoyed “Thanks.” before you checked your most recent work notification and frowned, glancing up at the android standing before you,
"Are you sure you want to do this? We can just call out."
Nines didn't even seem to give your question any thought before he simply nodded and pulled your car keys from his pocket, spinning them around on his index finger casually,
"I'm sure, Detective. Is there anything else you need before we go?"
Letting out yet another sigh of pure exasperation, you shook your head, barely resisting the urge to roll your eyes as you replied,
"Nope, nothing else. Let's get this night over with."
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prettybillycore · 2 years
Updated Requesting Information <3
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Rules for Requesting: 
Please only request through my ask box
Be clear about what you are looking for.
Please be kind to me. This may seem silly to have to put in the rules, but my asks are a nasty place. It gives me anxiety to look in there because I have gotten many rude comments over the years, I'm autistic and trying my best.
You are welcome to request something for a character/ship you don’t see below, but I may decline to write your request. Please respect my right to decline your request.
I will not: sexualize minors (characters who are minors, big yuck), write incest, or anything with noncon, etc.
I will: write x readers, write ships and polycules, write imagines, oneshots, and twoshots; write in third person and write in second person; almost smut (I am asexual, but I love the k!nk community. So while I don't typically write full out smut, things can get spicy). 
I am happy to write hurt/comfort or comfort fluff about traumatic experiences, but please please please don't trauma dump in my asks and if you want me to write on a more triggering topic (depression, death, medications, addiction, alcoholism, etc) please put a TW before the content so I am prepared.
If you would like to be added to a taglist:
Please request to be added to a series or fandom taglist by going to my ask box!
Please be kind if I take a while to respond to you/I am slow to update the series that you’re reading. I’m trying my best! and I am currently fixated on stranger things, so requests outside of that may take me a little bit longer!
Here are the fandoms/characters/ships I will write for:
Stranger Things
Characters (x reader)
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy Hargrove
Steve Harrington x Reader x Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson x Reader x Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley x Reader x Nancy Wheeler
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove x Reader
Harringrove (Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove)
Steddie (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson)
Ronance (Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler)
Star Wars
Characters (x reader)
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Kylo Ren x Reader x Hux
Stormpilot (Poe Dameron x Finn)
Detroit: Become Human
Characters (x reader)
Connor RK800
Markus RK200
Nines RK900
RK800 x Reader x RK200
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters (x reader)
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes x Reader x Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers
Stucky (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes)
Criminal Minds
Characters (x reader)
Spencer Reid
Penelope Garcia
Characters (x reader)
Dean Winchester
Garth Fitzgerald
Benny Lafitte 
Charlie Bradbury
Bobby Singer (only as a father figure)
Dean Winchester x Reader x Benny Laffite
Destiel (Dean Winchester x Castiel)
Dean Winchester x Benny Laffite
Characters (x reader)
Abby Sciuto 
Tony DiNozzo
Timothy McGee
Leeroy Jethro Gibbs (only as a father figure)
Donald “Ducky” Mallard (only as a father figure)
Characters (x reader)
Tooru Oikawa
Tobio Kageyama
Kuroo Tetsuro
Kuzume Kenma
Tsukishima Kei
Nishinoya Yu
Oikawa x Iwazumi
Kageyama x Hinata
Happy Requesting! :)
crossovers between these fandoms are allowed !
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beeslibrarycorner · 1 year
Rk900’s obsession 
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(This has been touched on)     
With thanksgiving passed the neighborhoods and shops decorate for Christmas. With all the pretty lights and the sweet smelling baked goods, it’s such a positive time of year. With Christmas coming soon this means the corner store down the street puts their iconic elf on the shelf window display out.
Rk900 as we all know despises it. At this point though he does it to make you laugh because he knows you find it funny.
Connor calls him a grinch and sixty tells him he is being dramatic. You can’t help but laugh as he tries to explain why he hates them. “They have soulless eyes”, “I bet they steal peoples stuff”, “If I could arrest all of them and throw away the key I would”. (It’s like Pepe Silvia but Christmas themed)
When the two of you are walking and the both of you have to pass the store he will put you on the opposite side of it. He explained that they might jump through the window and attack you.
Connor and sixty gift him an elf on the shelf for Christmas and in response he puts it on one of their desks to find after however long of a winter break they get to take.
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wehaveimagineshere · 9 months
Rules and Masterlist
**Naughty posts are labeled with the 'smut' tag
Rules for both of us:
No non-con. It being used as a threat is okay but nothing will actually happen to the reader
Every character in our fandom list is available unless stated otherwise
Will write NSFW. Please specify if you'd prefer implied/suggested over explicit. Will default to explicit otherwise
Poly ships okay, throuples only for now
MCs will default to AFAB with she/her pronouns unless stated otherwise
AUs accepted
We do need some sort of prompt to work with along with the character(s) you'd like written for
Please specify which admin the imagine is for. It can be for either or both! If not specified, then we'll decide based on preference.
Rules for Frost:
Headcanon type scenarios and LADS only
Reader insert and character x character welcome
Multiple characters per ask are welcome but no more than 6
Frost's Fandoms:
Modern Warfare 2 (excludes Valeria, Shepherd, Laswell, Price x Gaz)
Baldur's Gate 3 (excludes Minthara, Kagha, Auntie Ethel, Thorm, Raphael, Cazador, & Emperor)
Love&Deepspace (excludes Caleb)
Rules for Ren:
Scenarios only
Reader inserts only
One character per ask (unless poly)
No pregnancy prompts
Ren's Fandoms:
Detroit: Become Human (excludes RK900)
Baldur's Gate 3 (excludes Minthara, Cazador, Ascended Astarion and Astarion poly)
Resident Evil (excludes RE7 and RE8)
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