#Spices Importers Data
importexportinfo · 1 year
The top exporters of Spices were China, India, Germany, Netherlands and Turkey and the top importers of Spices were United States, Netherlands, Malaysia, Germany and Saudi Arabia. Download spices importers exporters details here.
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minty-mumbles · 10 months
Linked Universe Survey 2023
The long awaited results of the survey. Sorry it took me forever, making graphs is hard.
There were 452 responses to the survey as a whole, which is almost double what we got last year, so thank you to everyone who participated!
If you want to see the raw data, you can find that here. I had thoughts about the data, but compiling that into another post would be too much of a hassle. Feel free to send me asks about it though!
The rest of the post will be under a read more as it it large
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Other: Demigirl (4), Transmasc (3), Grey genderfluid, Unlabeled, Demiboy, Demiagender
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Other: Omnisexual (4), Poly (2), Trixic, Abroromantic or Bellusromantic, Demisexual
General Questions
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Other: Quotev, Discord, their own google docs
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Other: Discord, Variations of "I haven't posted yet, but I pan to" and "I haven't posted my fics in ages",
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Other: Wattpad, Deviantart, Discord
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Other: Crochet dolls, Custom dolls, Roleplay blogs (2), Fan translations, Headcanons (2), Piano music
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The purple section in the “Warriors vs Warrior” chart is supposed to read “Warrior.” I made a typo.
Favorites and Least Favorites
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Selected Free Response Answers
im sorry warriors i just can't play your game (it is very very hard. i am stuck very early on in the game)
I love cats meow meow meow
was extremely tempted to put twilight for least favorite. unfortunately he is my favorite to write from the perspective of (he has taken over most of my wips. help) and that probably counts for something. WILD on the other hand. hooo boy how the hell do i characterize this gargoyle. why is he Like That. least favorite it is
very good fandom to be in :) everybody is very nice
It's a straight up crime that Wars lost the aesthetics poll so quickly. He has such a peak Link design with the best colors. Ugh I'm getting wistful.
I will fight Hylia herself and the next person who implies Twi can't handle spice. If we're going to lean into him being southern/Midwestern, which is an alright stero type for our rancher, please keep in mind the culture you're basing him off. The south and midwest can handle their spice, I assure you. Have you ever had authentic Louisiana gumbo? It will melt you tongue off. Or some good old fashion spicy fried chicken? I promise the real stuff has quite a kick. (In all seriousness, though. It's more important that you're having fun. And even I can admit the idea of Twi being an Ordonian who can't handle his spice is more than a little funny.)
I am an OoT Link edgelord and have been since early 2017. So, in September of that year, when an artist by the name of jojo56830 puts out a lineup of nine different Links and the Hero of Time is there – the oldest, no eye, Hero’s Shade armor? I saw that one sketch and just thought “oh this is gonna be bad.” Yeah of course he has the coolest design. By the way, it’s only a matter of time until Fierce Deity shows up in the comic and I have reason to believe it could be this current Dawn arc. Dawn … Dawn of a New Day … and who brought about the Dawn of a New Day? Fierce Deity. Twilight is recovering but still injured and what will happen if he falls again? Fierce Deity is coming and we need to be prepared. In this essay I will—
Remember that time when someone put the whole script of the bee movie in here? I’m not that dedicated, and I don’t have that time, but let us remember and hope someone else does it again this time. Cause someone is bound too. We’re all crazy enough to do it. Alright, love you and stay hydrated pls!
Hi! I joined this fandom really recent but i’ve always seen LU stuff on pinterest and elsewhere. Only recently have i actually took the time to understand the fandom and get back into LOZ stuff and i adore the characters and story! The more and more fanart, fanfics, and comics i see about the different Links the more i love them all. It’s such a pain to pick just one i like or one i don’t like because they’re all so unique. I love this fandom and hope to get more involved!! Have a wonderful rest of your day :]
Epona is an underrated queen
your mom
I really don't get why Zelda is called Artemis. Athena makes more sense???? It perplexes me
Anyone seeing this should check out Breanna’s E!Wild AU
Something something queer every Link into oblivion!
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/06/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; New Events calendar; A Safe Space Ship Event; Watch Parties; Reminders; Cast & Crew Sightings; Clowning; OLD SPICE!; Stats!; Market Research?; Articles; Personal Update; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
== New Events Calendar from SaveOFMDCrew! ==
More events happening throughout the week! Tumblr Post
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Tomorrow is Cosplay Day! Show off your cosplay and OFMD-Inspired outfits with the hashtags: #WearFineThingsWell!
= New Upcoming Event: A Safe Space Ship! =
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Sunday, February 11th - Star of India in San Diego, CA! Museum Hrs: 10 am - 5 PM 1/2 Price Tickets!
== Watch Parties ==
Today's WWDITS watch party went great!
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Lots of people had fun pointing out our lovely characters from the show (Mads, Taika, Rhys)
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It actually went so well the SaveOFMDCrew twitter got banned! It's back though! If you can, please be sure to follow their backup account in case it happens again.
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== Reminders! ==
Muppet Treasure Island - Feb 7th 2024 4PM EST, 1PM PST, 9 PM GMT
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
This was technically the 5th, but I don't think the excitement happened mostly today so I'm gonna throw it in! So Chaos Dad popped his head out yesterday just long enough to like Samba's BTS post on twitter and then also Samba and Rhys' little exchange.
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And of course that triggered clowning since anytime Chaos Dad pops in we don our clown shoes. Thank you to @merryfinches for catching some of the discourse!
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== Old Spice! ==
Well well well, we're back to polite menacing brands until they respond to us!
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Looks like another Astroglide is starting up, the Crew is out there matching deodorants to characters. Thanks to @brainfugk for calling it out!
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== Stats! Stats! Stats! ==
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So close fam! Let's keep pushing that UK viewership if you have the time/spoons!
= Market Research Campaign about OFMD Potentially Going On? =
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There's some speculation around the market research company YouGov potentially conducting research on OFMD. There's a big thread. Why is this important? Well this company works with streamers to measure viewership data, and if OFMD is in there...and someone's interested, that could be a good sign.
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Some folks signed up, and if you're interested in doing so too, you can here.
== Articles ==
Some fun articles tonight, including Hard Drive again!
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Joke Article: HBO Max Unveils Ominous New “Don’t Get Too Attached” Category
Our Flag Means Death and 9 Other Best TV Shows and Movies About Pirates
Our Flags Means Death fans get TV licence just to watch pirate show
== Personal Update ==
Some of you have heard, I got the COVID so I may be in and out over the next several days, I'm still trying to make sure I get to recaps though so don't worry! I'll let you know if I can't. Remember to mask up if you can and stay hydrated out there luvs!
== Love Notes ==
Alright lovelies. We've run out of Rhys videos for a few days so you're back to me being irritatingly loving at you! I saw this today on The Latest Kate's instagram and it reminded me of a few things I wanted to say. My brain is a bit covid-fogged so apologies if it's a bit wibbly wobbly.
We all struggle with so many little and big things in our lives. Whether it's mental health, self esteem, a physical ailment, love, lonliness, self-identity, family, friends, world conflicts, or anything, I could go on and on.
I know sometimes it feels like you are pushing so hard and you start making so much progress-- and then something, big or little stalls everything and you feel like you're having to start from scratch again.
I just want to send you a gentle reminder that progress isn't always linear. Just because you have lost momentum doesn't mean you've lost your progress. Every single situation is a learning opportunity and every time you run into a new hurdle, you learn from the last one.
You are wonderfully intelligent, kind, precious, complex people and no matter what you're dealing with, no matter how small or how big, you are moving forward and making headway bits at a time. Remember to be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up for bad days.
We are so proud of you lovelies, remember that.
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's gifs are courtesy of the glorious, brilliant, talented, ever-enabling @celluloidbroomcloset from her post over here.
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Ok, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Goodnight all! <3
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ltwilliammowett · 6 months
The East India Company ships
The East and West India Company ships were not ship types in the usual sense. They were generic terms for a series of merchant ship types that travelled between Europe and the overseas colonies in the East and West. Common features of these ships were three masts, several cannons and a high bulwark to make it more difficult for attackers to board them. Their valuable cargo made the ships attractive targets, so they often travelled in convoys, accompanied by medium-armed merchant ships or frigates for protection. But let's go into more detail.
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The East Indiaman 'Earl of Abergavenny', off Southsea, by Thomas Luny 1801
The ships of the East India Company were the ships of the English East India Company, a public limited company (shipowners at the early time of the East India Company contributed their ships to the company and received a certain share in the company in return. They received a proportionate share of the company's overall profits and received a dividend even if their own ship was lost, since the 18th century the company build their own ones as well.) which traded with Asia from 1600 to 1834. The company had a monopoly on trade with the East Indies, China and other regions, and its ships carried goods such as spices, tea, silk, cotton, porcelain and opium. The company also played an important role in the colonisation and administration of India and other territories.
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East India Company ships at Deptford, by English School, c. 1660
The ships of the East India Company were known as East Indiamen or as Indiamen and were among the largest and most modern of their time. They were designed to withstand long voyages, carry heavy cargoes and defend themselves against pirates and enemy ships. They were also equipped with cannons and muskets and had a crew of sailors, soldiers, officers and passengers. Because of the need to carry heavy cannons, the hull of the East Indiamen - like most warships of the time - was much wider at the waterline than on the upper deck, so the guns on the upper deck were closer to the centreline to increase stability. This is known as a tumblehome. The ships usually had two complete decks for accommodation within the hull and a raised aft deck. The aft deck and the deck below were lit by galleries with square windows at the stern. To support the weight of the galleries, the hull lines were full towards the stern. As mentioned above, the ships were armed and painted to look like a warship and an attacker could not be sure if the embrasures were real or just painted, and some Indiamen carried a substantial armament.
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Two views of an East Indiaman of the time of King William III, by Issac Sailmaker, 1685
The Royal Navy acquired several East Indiamen during the Napoleonic Wars and made them fourth rate ships (e.g. HMS Weymouth and HMS Madras), perpetuating the confusion of military ships with merchant vessels as prizes. In some cases, the East Indiamen successfully fended off attacks by the French. One of the most famous incidents occurred in 1804 when a fleet of East India ships and other merchant vessels under Commodore Nathaniel Dance successfully fought off a squadron commanded by Admiral Linois at the Battle of Pulo Aura in the Indian Ocean. And during this time, some of the ships were even travelling under the protection of a Letter of Marque, which allowed them to make their own prizes.
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The East Indiaman 'Prince of Wales' disembarking troops off Gravesend, 1845, by John Lynn, 1845 or later - She was built by Green's of Blackwall in 1842 to a design known as that of the "Blackwall Frigates" - Indiamen with the single-decked appearance of frigates.
The ships of the India Companies were not only involved in trade, but also in exploration, diplomacy, warfare and scientific research. They visited many harbours and islands, built factories and forts, fought in battles and wars, negotiated treaties and alliances and collected samples and data. With the advent of the smaller and faster Blackwall Frigates in 1834 came the end of the great Indiamen as these small frigates sailed much faster.
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queenofsimpsblog · 1 year
You said requests were open soooo can I request a kind of Protective!Shuri x reader where the reader is so overwhelmed with her classes (or just one particular class - for me this semester it’s statistical coding as someone with NO coding experience, if you wanted to be specific) and Shuri, who’s already insanely protective, is comforting the reader? I can imagine Shuri just being so sweet, kissing away tears and in all seriousness telling the reader she “can drop the class right now” because if it makes her girlfriend upset, she doesn’t need to do it - Shuri’s the Queen of Wakanda, she’ll make sure they let you drop (to which the reader obviously says no - it’s a part of her major!). I just love it when people write Shuri as so attentive and protective instead of mean or toxic. Thank you SO MUCH if you write it!! I’m definitely requesting this fully for myself because it’s not even the second week of the semester yet and this coding is kicking my ass 😅 anyway thanks again if you do, no pressure if you don’t want to!!!
stressed out - shuri x reader
A/N: awwww that’s such a cute idea!! so sorry it took so long for me to write this… also i have absolutely no idea what statistical coding is like so i’m just making stuff up about it so sorry if this gets a little inaccurate
i added a bit of ✨spice✨ to the plot, hope that’s okay!
“code failed. please try again.” the robotic voice of your laptop taunted you as you groaned, rubbing your eyes.
statistical coding, in general, was a challenging course. even more so for people who had zero coding experience like you. but since the course was an important aspect of your major, you couldn’t drop it.
you were having an existential crisis at this point. your professor gave an assignment to design an algorithm to organise the medical files of your class, which had 150 people. the medical files were, of course, fake, to protect the privacy of everyone. the objective was to get everyone to more comfortable with organising several data samples. the assignment was kicking your ass.
your phone buzzed from your bed. you picked it up and looked at the notification.
hi sthandwa! we still on for today?
you groaned again. shuri planned a cute cafe date for you today. you were super excited until your professor’s assignment destroyed your friday night.
i’m sorry babe, gonna have to cancel
i don’t feel well
you hated lying to her. but it was just embarrassing to admit that you were struggling. shuri was the queen of wakanda, a genius. you already felt like you were inferior and weren’t enough for her. telling her you were struggling in a course she could probably finish in her sleep was something you’d never do.
you sighed and rubbed your eyes again, reaching for the monster can on your desk and chugged the remainder, chucking it in the trash can. cracking your knuckles, you pulled open your textbook to find the instructions for developing codes to organise large data samples.
about half an hour later, you heard a loud knock on your dorm door. you looked up and frowned. i didn’t call anyone over, who could it be?
you yanked open the door and saw shuri standing on the other side, looking angry.
“shuri? what’s up, why are you here?” you opened the door wider for her to enter.
“shouldn’t i be asking the questions? you tell me you don’t feel well, then you just go offline. i spammed you so much and you didn’t reply. i was so worried,”
“i’m sorry i was working,”
“shouldn’t you be resting if you’re sick?”
you sighed.
“fine. i lied. i’m not sick, i’m just busy,”
shuri scoffed at your words. “busy? you never lie to me sthandwa. what’s going on? is there someone else on the side?”
your eyes widened. “no! of course not! i was just doing some class work, alright? not a big deal. you can leave now,” you snapped.
shuri paused for a moment, realisation slowly hitting her. she noticed your locks looked messy. the bags under your eyes were huge. your skin looked pasty. and you looked incredibly exhausted.
you were stressed out.
“sthandwa, are you okay? and don’t give me some bullshit that you are, cause i know you’re not. tell me truth usana, let me help you,”
and with that, you broke down. sobs wrecked through your body as you collapsed on the floor, shuri quick on your side to hold you. you stayed like that, in her arms, for nearly half an hour. that’s when you calmed down and kept your gaze on the floor. you were too scared to admit to her what was on your mind.
“y/n, look at me,” she demanded softly. when you refused to move your head, she grabbed your chin for your gaze to meet hers.
“talk to me,”
you sighed and accepted your fate.
“i’m just stressed about my statistical coding class. my professor is an asshole that gives assignments all the time cause he thinks it’s helpful. but it’s not, cause he can’t teach for shit. and i’ve just been scared to tell you because…” you paused, not wanting to continue. shuri gently nudged you with her arm, which forced the words out of you.
“i just don’t want you to think i’m stupid. you’re a genius, and i’m just… average,” you sighed, tearing up again.
“sweetheart it’s alright to struggle every once in a while. i struggle sometimes too. my job isn’t easy,” she chuckled and you let out an exhausted smile.
“just because i make it seem like i understand very complicated things at the first reading, doesn’t mean that’s always the case. i think you’re wonderful. and you’re not stupid! not even close. you remember that one time i struggled to make this code, and you pointed out that it was because i added the numbers instead of multiplying them?”
you laughed at the memory. shuri smiled, knowing she was improving your mood.
“and you know, if it’s too much, you can drop the course. i can let the dean know. i hate to see my love overworked like this,”
“babe, you know i can’t do that! this is my major, i have to suck it up for the next couple years,”
“i refuse to let anyone make my princess feel like she isn’t worth it,” you swooned at her words.
both of you stayed like that together, in silence. it was peaceful. shuri’s presence had that effect on you.
she broke the silence. “okay, how about we take a little study break? go get changed. i’m taking you out for dinner,” you smiled and grabbed her shirt collar, pulling her into a sweet kiss.
oh, what would you do without your sweet shuri?
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kuliak · 5 months
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Glitchy grooving.
Had my good friend Eric over with his modular to record a couple of jams to kick off Jamuary. I want to upload as often as possible this month, but I'm not holding myself to every day - for example, I sat down on the 2nd for it but couldn't quite get anything out. The important thing is being consistent and building tempo. I did the count and it turns out I posted 62 jams last year, after Jamuary! That's an achievement I'm fairly proud of, and I'd like to share just as much or more and keep improving this year. If things go according to plan, I'll have at least an EP to show for it by the end.
This pair of jams we recorded heavily features Spectraphon and Data Bender to give their primary character, with a plethora of other spice and sequencing. The inclusion of his Morphagene adds some more rich samples which is a usually absent from my solo jamming and makes great fuel for processing.
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His Fierce Flower
Series Part Listing Found Here
BF2L, Slow Burn - Neteyam x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Neteyam and Enyu, childhood best friends are both obliviously in love with each other. This is their story.
Important to note before reading:
Some characters have been aged up. Neteyam is 22.
En'yuna or Enyu for short (pronounced as N Yunna or N U), is my own creation.
Full recognition, rights and credit is given to the owners of Avatar.
PART 6 - Open
Enyu mindlessly chewed on the berry Neteyam fed her while she focused on the tablet in her hands. 
“Open.” He fed her another. 
She sat cross-legged on the floor of one of the food storage tents, conducting inventory on a few racks of cured meat that came from the smokehouses that morning. 
What was supposed to be a simple task turned out to be a much bigger issue. Many of the other items in the tent had not been catalogued nor organized. The tent was in complete disarray- not to mention the mess of data she was currently looking at. 
Meanwhile Neteyam, who had completed his patrol all of last night and also already managed to have an early morning training session, had the rest of the day off. As per his usual routine, he tracked her down and decided to keep her company until they could go do something “more fun”. His words, not hers.
“Open,” he repeated. He was laid stretched out on his back, ankles crossed with his head comfortably resting in the well of her folded legs, feeding- or more like sneaking her berries from the bowl balanced on his chest. 
“Mmpff-'Tey, you have to at least let me chew first,” she spluttered, grasping his wrist. “And I told you already, I’ll eat when I’m done here. I still have a lot to do. Also, you promised to not distract me if I let you stay.” 
Enyu knew it was a futile promise. At first he was quietly sitting in a corner- as agreed, sharpening his knife then whittling a piece of bark. And then the next thing she knew he was nestled in the cradle of her legs, trying to force feed her. 
Ever since their little “misunderstanding” a little over a month ago, he’d been extremely apologetic. It also seemed as if their friendship shifted a bit as well- for the better she would say. They'd seemed to be further attached to each other lately.
She couldn’t quite put her finger on it but he seemed even more attentive and affectionate than usual- which she just chalked up to be that he’d been afraid of losing their friendship and was now trying to compensate. They’d never fought like that before and she was just as glad as he that they were fine again. 
He released an annoyed sigh. “Flower. You haven’t eaten anything for the day.” He tried to sneak another berry past her lips which she took, but in retaliation she nipped his fingertips and, still staring at her work, ignored his cry of protest. “Why are you even doing all this anyway? Isn’t this Väriä’s job?”
“Yes, but I’m covering for her. Which is good because this whole thing is messed up and I doubt she’d be able to fix it since judging by these last entries- was all her fault in the first place.” She frowned at the tablet in her hand then looked up at the items stacked around the tent.
The humans they lived with had shared their technology with the Na’vi over the years. While the warriors were taught to use their weapons; guns and communication devices to name a few, they also influenced other areas of the clan. 
The clan's food inventory, for one, had been computerized- and so new roles were created. Inventory clerks was the human term for it and Väriä somehow was lucky to have gotten one of the spots. 
It was a simple enough job and Enyu enjoyed it whenever she was asked to help out. All fresh meat, dried meat, fresh fish, dried fish, fresh fruit, dried fruit, herbs, spices- basically everything coming in and anything going out was recorded.
Even though technically Enyu’s permanent role in the clan was “harvester,” she- like Neteyam had taken on many other responsibilities over time. When the humans had introduced the inventory system some years back, she was so fascinated that she volunteered to cover shifts in her free time. 
Inventory was overseen by one of the Elder Chief Officials who ensured that the clan was sufficiently provided for while still making conscious efforts to not waste what was given onto them by Eywa. It was why every person in the clan had their part to play. No job was more important than the next. And sure some Na’vi saw some roles as being “above others” but if it weren’t for those “lesser roles” as they so liked to call it, there would be no balance. 
“Why are you covering for her again? That’s like the sixth time in two weeks! What’s she even doing?” Neteyam asked while grasping her wrist with a frown, so that she paid full attention to him.
“It’s only been the fifth time and I don't know, you know she never tells me anything. My tent mates think she’s actually being courted- well except for F’vailii. She thinks she’s just dodging her duties and off sunbathing or combing her hair somewhere.”  
“Courting. Really?” he asked, shifting his head to see her face better. “Huh... But she’s so… vile. If it is courting, I wish whoever the poor soul is, good luck,” he snorted, while twisting the ends of her hair with his other hand. 
Enyu glanced down at his face. “Yeah you laugh now but was it not just last month that she had her eyes set on you? That could’ve been your poor soul. What was it she’d say again? Oh yes, “Ohhh Neteyam can you come help me lift these heavy baskets? Ohh, you’re so strong, what would I have done without you Neteyam! Neteyam can mpff-” Enyu, mimicking Väriä’s sultry annoying voice was cut short when he reached up and stuffed another berry in her mouth to shut her up. 
For good measure, he flicked her forehead playfully. “Har har har. Not funny. That’s a very scary thought and I’d rather we not talk about it. Seriously though, why hasn’t anyone reported her to the Chief Official, yet? I’m sure she wouldn’t be pleased to hear what Väriä’s been doing. She could do something about it.” 
Enyu swallowed her bite and shrugged. “Like you said, 'Tey, she’s vile. No one wants to cross her. She’s untouchable anyway you take it- being the niece of one of the council members. I’ve seen her use it as a shield and get away with a lot of crap no other Na’vi’d be able to since I’ve been living with her.” 
Neteyam hummed, thinking. She flicked his forehead knowingly then tilted his chin so he’d look at her again. “Don't even think about telling anyone. I live with her, remember?” 
“My dad could help. Their next council meeting is in the-” 
She smacked her palm on his chest, halting him. “That’s even worse than telling the Chief Official!” she cried. “Can you imagine they’re having a council meeting, and your dad goes, “Oh right, your niece is being a little bitch to her roommates. Can you tell her to stop?” Please don’t say anything to your parents. It’ll be fine.” 
“Bitch?” he questioned amusedly, his hand mindlessly moving to intertwine their fingers on his chest instead. “You need to stop hanging out with my brother.” 
“Actually, I got that one from Kiri,” she said proudly.
“Her too then,” he said seriously. “How about you just stop hanging out with my entire family then, hmm? They’re just corrupting you anyway. It’ll be great for me! No more Tuk hogging you the whole time.” He smiled wishfully, as if it were the best idea in the entire world.
“Yeah, that’s not happening. I already miss them a lot right now. My schedule’s been crazy lately.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, I wonder why.” He said it so sarcastically that it came out bitter instead. “Shit. I’m sorry,” he apologized quickly. “I didn't mean it like that... Can we just- not talk about him?” 
“Fine. Alright.” She squeezed their entwined fingers reassuringly. “Back to the topic at hand then. I didn’t hear any agreement, 'Teyam- about not telling your parents.”
“Yes, alright. Fine! I won’t say anything to my parents about the fact that your roommate has been slacking off and making you do all of her work which is preventing you from spending any time with me-” he spat, sneering at the piece of technology she'd just put down as if it offended him. “But, only if you stop to finish this,” he said, raising the bowl toward her with a hopeful smile. 
She snickered at his dramatics but took it from him and placed it to the side shaking her head. “After,” she responded.
He groaned peevishly and rolled around restlessly, laying onto his stomach. “You are frustrating, woman!” he exclaimed, sounding very much like that one time she heard Jake addressing his wife during an argument. “How much longer? I’m sooo bored. Ugh!” His complaint was muffled into the inside of her thigh, so she grabbed the braids at the back of his head to see his face again. 
“You know, I don’t come and bug you when you’re out on a hunt or patrol and whine and complain that you’re taking too long. You don’t have to stay. You’re acting like I’m holding you hostage.” 
“Well maybe you should, come bug me. It’d be a lot better if you were there. And I’m quite happy where I am right now, thank you very much,” he shot back, with a naughty grin before snuggling back into her thigh and gripping her ankle. “Now shhh, my lack of sleep from last night is catching up to me. Can you do that thing to my back, please?” 
“Oh, now I'm the one bothering you? 'Teyam, I’m supposed to be working!”
That meant nothing to him it seemed because the next thing she knew, his tail sailed around blindly before finding and wrapping around her wrist, guiding it to his back in silent demand. 
She scoffed at his antics but being unable to say no to him, she glanced at her forgotten tablet then turned to focus on the needy Na’vi before her. 
She soothed and scratched his back for a little while before moving his hair aside and began to knead the tense muscles from his neck to as far down his back she could reach, then back up again. He groaned in contentment, squeezing her ankle appreciatively at her ministrations, causing her to bite her lip at the sounds he was making. His grunts and moans and sighs sparked something inside her.
Neteyam’s back was well defined and toned from all his training. His skin, soft yet hot to the touch felt sinful beneath her hands as her nimble fingers moved over and over his body, working out all the kinks and knots they could find. 
“Enyu,” he growled breathlessly, sounding like he was falling into a pit of pleasure. She inhaled at the sound of his raspy voice and gasped when he bit into the flesh of her thigh when she rubbed a particular spot too deeply.
Eventually, after a while of working the muscles on his back, she shakily sat up straight, slowly removing her hands from him, deciding that that was enough for the day. There was an unfamiliar coil inside her that had come to life, fluttering in parts of her that were private, and she was very unsure on what to do about it. 
Feeling breathless and a tad light headed, Enyu stared at the Na’vi in her lap who had fallen asleep. She’d given him many massages before but none had quite affected her like that. Had he felt it too? She shook her head. Maybe she was getting sick?
While he dozed, she was able to get a lot completed without any interruptions. She just couldn’t move, unfortunately. The actual tent organization would have to be done later but for now she focused on fixing the data.
An hour and a half later however, she heard a rustle and looked up to see Neytiri enter the tent, pausing at the scene her son and his friend displayed. 
Enyu froze also, her ears perked with alertness, one finger stilled, hovering over the tablet. Glancing down, she blushed furiously when she paid attention to her and Neteyam’s current and extremely intimate position. First Jake, now Neytiri? Was she being punished by Eywa?
Neytiri moved gracefully into the tent. “Hello, Enyu. Kiri said that I would find you here. I see you have company already though,” she mused as she observed the stock surrounding them. She peeked into a few of the crates and baskets curiously- sniffing approvingly at the smell of the smoked meats, and then, eventually sat across Enyu on the blanketed floor. 
“Hi, yes… he kind of- fell asleep,” she responded a bit sheepishly. 
Even though Enyu had known Neytiri all her life- having grown up alongside her children and fortunate enough to have been one of the few who got to see inside the private lives of the clan’s leaders- their softer sides, Enyu was still very much still intimidated by her best friend’s mother. Jake and Neytiri had been nothing but kind to her all her life and though she knew they weren’t her parents, she found herself constantly seeking their approval. 
Neytiri’s eyes fell on her son again, who was lost to the world. His cheek was squished against Enyu’s thigh, mouth ajar with a little drool trickling down and his hand was now wrapped around her tail. His own tail was spasming now and then in his sleep. 
Enyu bit her lip nervously. She knew that the mother was extremely protective of her children. She remembered how long it had taken her to warm up to Kiri’s "friend" Spider. Years! It had taken years. She knew Neytiri and Jake approved of her friendship with Neteyam, but lately she’d been a bit awkward around them ever since her conversation with Lo’ak and Kiri a while back, about the whole “mate” thing. 
His mother snickered. “He’s always slept with his mouth open like that since he was a baby. He snores too sometimes.” They both giggled quietly at her revelation. 
Enyu looked down and couldn’t help tucking away a stray braid behind his twitching ear and when she raised her head again, Neytiri was watching them with a soft fondness. Her eyes though- held a hopeful expression but when she shook her head as if shaking her thoughts away, it was gone. 
“Is everything alright?” Enyu asked.
“Yes.” Neytiri smiled. “I haven’t been seeing you lately, so I had to track you down myself. I only came to say that I am taking Tuk and Kiri to the valley in the morning to pick éveshik for the Eywa prayer tomorrow night. Would you like to go with us?” 
The younger Na’vi’s jaw dropped a fraction at the offer, lips tugging upward. “I would love to. Thank you.” Even after all these years, she still felt touched when the Sully’s wanted to include her in their family activities. 
“Good. Kiri said you can fly with her… So… Is my son behaving? He’s not bothering you is he?”
“No,” Enyu replied almost too quickly. “I like having him around.” She couldn’t help but be honest about it. This seemed to please Neytiri because she smiled in response.
“Have you recovered from your kidnapping? I hope that is not why you have been avoiding us lately. My Jake said you seemed quite mortified at being caught.”
“Oh Eywa…” Enyu mentally face-palmed, unable to control her blush. “Yes. No! I- well it wasn’t- we,” she blew out a breath to compose herself, “we had a bit of miscommunication and I’ve just been busy lately, is all- not avoiding any of you, I promise… Your son can be very-”
“Passionate? Yes, he can be. I know my son. He is so like his father. They are very protective over their-” she seemed to think for a moment, “most precious belongings. They do not like to share,” Neytiri emphasized, eyes squinting with hidden something. She nodded towards her sleeping son. “He clings to you as if you would disappear.” 
Enyu huffed and grinned a little. “I’ve grown used to the clinging. Although it seems to have gotten worse lately. We’re working on the sharing part- though I don’t think we’ve gotten far since he’s been like this since we were children.”
Neytiri chuckled at the fact that Enyu did not get her meaning. “Yes, I remember. My husband has this saying about you two, “thick as thieves”, it means never one without the other.”
Momentarily distracted, Neytiri glanced at her forgotten tablet and then at the harvest stock surrounding them, realization gracing her face. “Have you been doing all this on your own? Where is the Na’vi who should be on shift?”
“Uh- yes? It’s not that much though, really. I can manage,” Enyu said, biting her lip.
Raising a brow, Neytiri responded, “This looks like two day’s work, Enyu.” 
Saved from answering, the loud screech of an ikran roused Neteyam from his nap. He rolled onto his back, his head falling back into the cradle of Enyu’s legs as he stretched and yawned loudly. Blinking up at his friend and rubbing sleep from his eyes, he smiled sleepily and tugged on one of her braids. “Hey, how long have I been out? You finally finished yet, Flower?” he asked cheekily, voice deep and raspy. 
“Good morning or shall I say good evening?” 
At the sound of his mother’s teasing voice, Neteyam scrambled off Enyu’s lap, almost comically. Sitting up, he wiped the drool trail from the corner of his mouth, wide eyes taking in her presence.
“Mother. Mom, hey.” He shifted awkwardly then shot Enyu a look that clearly read, “Why didn’t you wake me?”
Neteyam, as if suddenly realizing something horrifying, looked suspiciously between the two women. “What are you two up to?” 
“Bah! Nothing. We have just been talking. Can I not talk to Enyu without you always intervening or accusing me of something?” his mother cried. 
“Yes of course. I- I was just...wondering,” he said, clearly lying. The truth was Neteyam hated leaving his mother and Enyu alone. When he was a teenager, he walked in on his mother giving Enyu a very detailed explanation about why he was being more “cranky” than usual, citing that his, “body was changing and he was turning into an adult Na’vi now- becoming a man.” Another time, he overheard her telling his best friend that he peed his bed until he was five. He was mortified! Only Eywa knows what other embarrassing shit his mother had said about him. 
As if sensing his untruth and wanting to teach her son a lesson, Neytiri turned and asked Enyu about his most hated topic ever. “So Enyu, I’ve been meaning to ask you about your tutelage. I figured that’s why you’ve been so busy lately. How is your student- Yaćksön, was it?” 
Neteyam’s jaw ticked and his nose flared in irritation. He hung his head and massaged his temple while trying to drown out Enyu’s excited chitter chatter with his mother on said disliked topic. He sighed, whatever tension Enyu had worked out on his muscles was back again- tenfold this time. 
After Enyu’s explanation to him about Yaćksön a month ago, Yaćksön went before the council and his father with his confession. He was stripped of his title and position and given a two year sentence of ikran excrement collection duty. On top of that, he officially chose his “new position” for training as a harvester and to Netayam's displeasure, the fool asked Enyu to be his tutor.
To say that Neteyam disliked this new development was putting it mildly. At first he didn’t seem to mind, this was a great opportunity for his best friend. She always liked teaching and was very excited about officially being a tutor. She used to practise her teaching skills on Neteyam when they were younger, since it was her dream job. 
After observing the two returning with the other harvesters one evening however, he saw something that made his blood boil. Yaćksön was flirting with his best friend.
Enyu had laughed off his observation when he told her and her response of course, was that he was “just being nice to her.” He knew the fool though, Neteyam wasn’t stupid. Lo’ak and Spider had to both physically restrain him from going over and causing a scene when he’d first seen them.
Neteyam looked around the tent, refusing to take part in their conversation. His eyes caught sight of the still full berry bowl next to Enyu and he became even more agitated. Was she seriously trying to kill him with her stubbornness?
“Mother, I’m sorry to interrupt but-” Neteyam said, interrupting their discussion and leaning closer to Enyu. “You still have not eaten anything,” he hissed quietly at her. 
“Neteyam, don’t be rude,” she chided quietly as well, eyes glancing at his mother.
“Enyu! How do you forget to do something like eating? Eating!” Neteyam scolded. “You frustrate me woman. Honestly.” He leaned over her to pick up the bowl, deposited it on her lap and gave her a look that said, “Eat.”
Neytiri’s gaze bounced between the two, quite entertained. She bit down a smile when she saw Enyu pinch her son in the side for the scene he was causing but still yet she obeyed and took a bite of the fruit.
“Well, it is getting late, I should go pick up Tuk from her afternoon class. Enyu will we be seeing you tonight? My mother is making that fish you like,” Neytiri asked while getting to her feet. 
“I’ll be there,” Enyu responded with a smile. 
“And this mess,” said Neytiri gesturing to the stock around them. “I expect that you leave it to be taken care of by the Na’vi responsible for its state in the first place.” Neytiri had her no nonsense expression on now and Enyu nodded in obedience.
“Yes ma’am,” she said respectfully. 
And with that Neytiri bid them goodbye and then the two were alone again.
“That’s it? Yes ma’am? Why do you agree so quickly with her but yet I have to get a lecture every time about how I’m “nagging you too much?”
Enyu pushed a handful of berries in her mouth to refrain from answering, smiling sweetly at him through her mouthful. 
“Oh now you want to eat, huh?” he teased, grinning at her overstuffed cheeks. 
'Gosh she’s beautiful.'
Jelly Tey back at it again! And it seems like mama Sully approves.
Anywhooo as always:
I'm sorry if there were any errors.
Please reblog, like and let me know if you enjoyed it in the comments :)
Take care for now.
@love13tter @behindthearcane
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stormyblue90 · 1 year
🌶 Don’t Fear the Reaper 🌶
This took far too long (curse you ADHD Executive Dysfunction), but here’s a fic based on my 501st Spice Tolerance polls!
Summary: Hardcase acquires a bunch of “contraband” in the form of the galaxy’s spiciest peppers. Naturally, he must challenge his brothers to a game...
Warnings: Only a reference to vomiting near the end, but nothing graphic.
Rating: General, just some 501st shenanigans
The sound of two sets of feet dashing down the halls of the Resolute echoed through the corridor leading to the mess hall. Hardcase and Ahsoka were running inside, each carrying a sizable crate, and with mischievous grins plastered on their faces. Once they entered the mess hall, they quickly scanned the tables, finally settling on their target. They spotted the 501st's captain and six other troopers, and made their way to the table.
"Alright boys!" Hardcase exclaimed, slamming his crate on the table where his brothers sat, startling nearly all of them. 
Jesse had nearly choked on his drink at the sudden jolt from his vod. Thankfully Ahsoka set her crate down less forcefully.
"Hardcase, what is this?" Rex asked, looking up from his data-pad. He'd been checking over the latest mission reports before submitting them and was not in the mood for his brother's shenanigans.
"This," Hardcase began to explain as he opened the lid to the crate, "is a crate of Mandalorian Reaper peppers!"
The surrounding troopers took a peak inside, seeing several round, bright orange peppers. Jesse looked up at Hardcase quizzically, while Rex just raised his eyebrow, waiting for Hardcase to explain himself.
"Peppers Hardcase?" Echo asked, "For what?"
"Not just ANY pepper Echo!" Hardcase replied. "THESE babies are the legendary 'Mandalorian Reapers!' The hottest peppers in the galaxy! They say they're so hot, that not even a mighty Sith Lord can endure'em!"
Echo rolled his eyes, "They can't be the hottest in the GALAXY Hardcase, the galaxy's huge-"
"How did you get these?" Tup asked, interrupting Echo.
"Not important!" Hardcase said, waving a hand at an open mouthed Dogma who clearly had a retort about contraband at the ready.
Rex sighed, "Alright Hardcase, what do you plan to do with these?" he asked, humoring his vod.
A devious smirk appeared on Hardcase's face. "A challenge!" he said.
At the word 'challenge' both Fives and Jesse immediately perked up, looking attentively at their brother.
"Oooh? What kind of challenge?" Fives asked, despite having a hunch what it might be.
"The challenge my friends, is who at this table can eat the MOST of these bad boys before tapping out!" Hardcase explained.
As soon as he explained the challenge, Ahsoka opened the lid of her crate, revealing cartons of blue milk and pints of ice-cream.
"And I'm the Referee!" she exclaimed.
"Wait why aren't YOU joining us? You're our Vod'ika!" Fives asked.
"It'd be an unfair challenge." Ahsoka replied.
Kix sighed, "Because she can't TASTE the spice of the peppers Fives. At least not the extent of humans. Togruta are nearly immune to capsaicin."
"Capa-what?" Fives responded.
"Capsaicin, Fives." Echo repeated. "It's the chemical that makes spicy food spicy. But not all species are affected by it. But since we're human we ARE affected by-"
"Ok ok ok whatever! Thank you CT-NERD" Fives interjected, rolling his eyes.
"And dairy products, especially cold ones like milk or ice-cream are a good antidote to it." Kix added.
Hardcase huffed, trying to pull his brothers' attention back to him. "Ok ok whatever! THE CHALLENGE! Are you guys in or not?"
"That depends," Jesse replied. "What's the winner get?"
"Well," Hardcase began, "we ARE spending our shore leave on Naboo, thanks to General Skywalker."
"That's a reward in itself." Rex said, thinking of how nice it was to spend some time on such a beautiful, lush planet.
"SO the winner gets... A secluded Spa Day at the Amidala Lake House!" Hardcase finished.
That grabbed each trooper's attention. A nice, long relaxing spa day on a Naboo lake retreat sounded perfect. Away from the shenanigans of other troopers, peaceful scenery and atmosphere, all in all a nice reward after long, arduous campaigns. There was one problem however.
"Alright, that does sound nice." Kix spoke, "However how do you know the winner will get to stay at the Senator's lake house? Won't her and the general be staying there?"
Hardcase shrugged. "Eh, it's a BIG house. 'Sides I'm sure the general won't mind and could pull some strings. Especially since uh...we KNOW about...THAT." He said, waggling his eyebrows and the unsaid secret shared between the troopers.
The others took a moment to think about the possibility. The general and senator were not exactly subtle in their secret, and they all knew the real reason Skywalker managed to get the 501st shore leave on Naboo rather than Coruscant. Surely a simple "reminder" would persuade them to let the winning trooper stay at the lake house.
The troopers nodded amongst themselves in agreement. Even the more reluctant such as Dogma, Rex, and Echo agreed to challenge. A nice, long relaxing spa day would be well worth the few moments of pain from a simple pepper.
When all at the table agreed to Hardcase's challenge, he slapped his hands together, rubbing them devilishly as a grin was plastered on his face.
"Excellent!" Hardcase exclaimed, taking a seat in front of Kix. "Commander, you go ahead and explain the rules!" he said, gesturing to Ahsoka.
Ahsoka quickly passed out a small plate, a glass of blue milk, and pint of ice cream to each trooper. Afterwards she placed a single pepper on each plate. Once everyone had their pepper and "antidote" she stood at the head of the table, hands clasped behind her back.
"Alright men," she spoke, each trooper's attention glued to her. "The challenge is simple. Whoever can last the longest before drinking the milk, and eating the ice cream antidote, wins! Each round you receive one pepper."
The troopers all nodded, a simple challenge.
Ahsoka continued to explain. "For each round, you must eat the ENTIRE pepper. No single bite out of each one. You must eat the whole thing! If you can't finish the pepper, or you spit it out, or vomit. You lose the round. Once you drink from the milk, or eat the ice cream, you lose the round. Is that understood troopers?"
"Yes sir!" all of them responded, as if they were just given their orders for a mission.
"Good!" Ahsoka replied. "May the Force be with your tastebuds, BEGIN!"
Each trooper took their pepper, and prepared themselves. Jesse took a deep breath, mentally steeling himself, Tup mumbled a quick prayer to whatever entity may be listening, and Fives stretched and crack his neck as if he were about to engage in a physical fight. They all took their first bite at the same time.
Within a few seconds, the reactions to spicy pepper began. Fives, who had only bitten off half, immediately began to sweat, turning red within seconds. Others, such as Rex, Jesse, Dogma, and Echo chose to eat the small peppers in one bite, in order to quickly move on to the next round.
Fives struggled to swallow the bite of pepper he'd taken. He was nowhere near prepared for the level of heat the small fruit contained. His mouth felt like the surface of Mustafar, no, a supernova! He so desperately wanted to spit the pepper out. No, he must persevere! He was an ARC Trooper dammit! No way would he be outdone by a pepper!
Echo who sat next to Fives glanced as his twin, also beginning to sweat as well. He knew his brother secretly could not handle spicy food. Fives always talked a big game, but he couldn't always put his credits where his mouth was. Echo stole a quick look towards the glass of milk that was just within reach. Sweet mercy was so close. No, he must endure.
After what felt like hours, Fives managed to swallow. Only to quickly regret it as he felt the fire cascade down his throat. His breathing quickened, his heart began to pound, beads of sweat dripped down his brow.
"WhoooHOOHOOO!!!" Thats-...Thasss.....Ha ha haaaa...HOT!" Fives wheezed.
"Stay strong Vod!" Echo replied, placing a hand on Fives' shoulder. It was clear he was struggling as well, but he was hiding it better.
The rest had finished their peppers, none of them reaching for their glass. Fives was all that remained to finish the pepper. Just one more bite. One. More.
Fives raised the half eaten pepper to his mouth, tears streaming down his face, his nose sniffly. Finally, with one last burst of courage, he chomped down on the pepper, quickly swallowing. However it was too much, his strength and resolve gave out.
"HOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!" Fives squealed, reaching for the glass of milk. He quickly chugged it down, the blue milk dribbling down his chin, neck, and over his breastplate. Within seconds the glass was empty, and Fives ripped into the pint of ice cream, not even grabbing a spoon, but grabbing the ice cream with his fingers, shoving it into his burnt mouth, begging for sweet relief from the inferno. After a few moments, his tongue and throat finally felt as if the fire was extinguished. There was still some heat, but it began to subside.
Ahsoka offered the trooper a box of tissues for his face and nose. Fives gladly took them, furiously wiping away snot that was pouring out of his nose before devouring more ice cream, albeit using a spoon this time.
"Aaaand....We have a first loser! Fives, you are eliminated!" Ahsoka announced.
For the moment, Fives didn't care he came in dead last, all he cared about was finding relief from that abomination of a pepper.
Echo patted his back gently. "I'm sorry Vod," he said. "At least you finished the whole pepper. I thought you were a goner after the first bite."
Fives could only whine pitifully in response.
With the first "casualty" of the challenge, tensions started to rise amongst the troopers. They glanced at each other, wondering who would fall next. If one of the best ARC Troopers was defeated so easily, how would the rest of them hold up? Nearly all were still fighting the sting from the first round as Ahsoka passed out more peppers for the next.
The next to fall was Echo, who had just barely managed to endure Round 2. As soon as he swallowed the third pepper, he lunged for the pint of ice-cream in front of him, and began to chug the glass of milk. His face was red and sweaty, and both milk and ice-cream dribbled down his chin. He looked towards Fives with a pained look as if saying I'm sorry Vod, I held on as long as I could. Fives, still shoving spoonfuls of ice cream nodded empathetically.
"The Dominoes have fallen." Ahsoka said solemnly, passing out the next round of hellish peppers.
With the pair of ARC Troopers eliminated, the remaining troopers began to fall one by one. The next to fall was Tup, tapping out before finishing his fourth pepper, much to Dogma's dismay. Following Tup was Jesse, who unfortunately succumbed to the pepper's heat in the sixth round, quickly followed by Rex mere seconds later.
"You fought well Trooper. You fought well." Rex told him, placing a hand on his lieutenant's shoulder, and downing a glass of milk.
Dogma, Kix, and Hardcase were the three who remained. Astoundingly, they looked much better than their fallen brothers. While the others were all red-faced, panting, sweating, and sniffling profusely, Dogma looked only mildly affected. A thin veil of sweat coated his brow, but he looked only as if he just completed a quick jog across the tarmac on a warm day. Kix appeared to be unaffected at all, barely a bead of sweat, while Hardcase seemed to be actively enjoying the contest, nearly inhaling each pepper given to him.
"Alright Command-I mean Ref!" Hardcase announced. "We're down to the final three, how 'bout we ramp it up a bit?"
Ahsoka smirked deviously, "What do you have in mind?" she asked.
"Give us TWO peppers this round! And in the next, provided these two don't tap out, THREE peppers!" Hardcase suggested enthusiastically.
Ahsoka nodded, and proceeded to pass out two peppers to the remaining troopers. The others who were still shoveling as much ice cream into their tortured mouths, looked on with wide eyes.
The surviving trio all looked at each other, daring the others to tap out. They each took a pepper, biting into it, and waiting for one of them to give in.
All three ate the first pepper with relative ease, however when it came to second, Dogma began to sweat more. He only managed to eat half the second pepper, and was hesitant to eat the remaining half. Hardcase looked at him, a wide devilish grin plastered on his face as he waited for Dogma to reach for the glass of milk.
Dogma began to reach for the glass, but stopped himself. He could hear the other troopers gasp in anticipation, but he held on. Quickly he devoured the last pepper. He swallowed, but coughed afterwards, making the stinging heat in his mouth and throat worse. It was the straw that broke the eopie's back. He grabbed the glass of milk and downed it.
"UUUUGH HOOOOT!!!!" he managed to exclaim before another coughing fit erupted. Tup rubbing his back soothingly, and handing him a half melted pint of ice cream.
As Dogma began to eat the ice cream, Hardcase whooped in victory. Now it was down to him and Kix. Despite the latter seeming immune to the pepper's intense spice, Hardcase was confident he would not lose. Not only was this the most fun he had that didn't involve blasting droids, Hardcase genuinely enjoyed the peppers.They were the perfect intensity of spice for him. It was only a matter of time before Kix gave in. Or so Hardcase thought.
Two rounds later, Kix and Hardcase were given a plate of five peppers. The losing troopers were shocked not only at the length the challenge had become, but now Hardcase was showing signs of fatigue. His face was red, brow covered in sweat, and he was sniffling with every breath, yet the trooper remained determined.
Kix wiped his brow with the back of his hand, a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead, and only mild redness in his cheeks.
"This HAS to be the final round Hardcase." Kix said.
"Why?" Hardcase asked, "Giving up?"
"No, I'm starting to get full." Kix said matter-of-factly.
With a burp, sending another wave of heat up his throat, Hardcase nodded in agreement. "Alright, Vod, alright. Whoever eats the most of these five last peppers wins. And IF we both finish'em...We call it a draw and BOTH have a spa day. Deal?"
Kix held out his hand to shake, "Deal."
Hardcase shook his hand in agreement and the pair each took a pepper. Both ate the first, however at the second, Hardcase managed only one bite. He started to burp more, increasing the heat. He held his hand to his mouth as he started to look worried. Hardcase felt bile rise in throat, burning more than usual.
The others looked on, all seemingly holding their breath. Ahsoka quickly grabbed a bucket, expecting Hardcase to vomit.
With one final burp, Hardcase lunged for the bucket in Ashoka's hands, shoving his face in it as he retched.
Ahsoka and the others looked away, flinching in disgust as Hardcase emptied his stomach of the numerous peppers he'd eaten.
Hardcase's muffled cries in between his retches could be heard from the bucket.
"Oh...KRIFF this burns even more!" he cried.
Everyone else then looked to Kix, who only took a napkin to wipe away the sweat from his brow as he sighed.
"Finally, I thought he'd never tap out." He said calmly. "Didn't plan on an all pepper dinner tonight, but at least they were tasty."
Kix stood up and stretched as his brothers and Ahsoka looked on, dumbstruck. None of them had expected the medic to last so long, let alone win!
"Well, a nice relaxing spa day on Naboo sounds amazing! I need it dealing with all you di'kuts." Kix said, a small smirk on his lips as he walked off.
"I can't believe it..." Jesse remarked, watching Kix leave.
"That trooper is made of tougher stuff than us, boys." Rex replied.
"Are we sure he's not secretly immune to spicy food or something?" Ahsoka said, tilting her head. "Hardcase said these things are so spicy they could make a Sith Lord explode."
"Nah, I think he's just a good actor and faking it, bet he's about to go vomit his brains out." Fives said bitterly.
"You're just sore you were the first loser." Echo replied, before Fives roughly shoved his shoulder.
"Sooo.... What ARE we gonna do with the rest of the peppers?" Tup asked, looking at the crate that still had plenty of peppers.
"Hmm, We could send them to Commander Fox and the Corries. Heard they love spicy food, and use it to keep themselves awake if they don't have caf." Rex suggested.
"Good idea." Ahsoka said, closing the lid on the crate.
"I never wanna see another kriffin' pepper again..." Jesse said as they all agreed and began to clean up the mess of melted ice cream and milk.
Two standard weeks later, the Republic was in uproar at the sudden death of Chancellor Palpatine. Some were worried the CIS would win the war, while others cheered for the man's death, not favoring him as their political leader. The Jedi temple however was filled with confused Jedi Masters, feeling as if some fog had been lifted and they could see clearly again. Although Skywalker had been rather distraught. Thankfully the Naboo senator and his former Jedi Master were able to hold him back from doing something rash.
Commander Fox leaned back in his office chair, reading the report on his holopad. A color-pointed Tooka purred away on his lap. 
"Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine found dead due to a severe allergic reaction from a foreign pepper..." he read aloud.
"Such a shame huh Bean?..." Fox muttered to his furry companion, sarcasm in his tone, as he scratched the tooka's ears.
Another, orange tooka leapt up on his desk, flopping over, begging for attention.
"Whatever shall the Republic do Shiny?" he asked the tooka, rubbing its belly as it began to purr.
  Fox set his holopad down and picked up a Mandalorian Reaper pepper from his snack drawer, popping it into his mouth.
"Mhmm... Nice kick these Reaper peppers. I'll have to thank Rex next time he's planet-side. Shame the chancellor was allergic."
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thezombieprostitute · 10 months
Alphas & Algorithms
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A/N: Written for the @the-slumberparty​ Bingo card, combining "Tinder Date" and "Dystopian AU" (the former is a bit weak, but it still holds). Reader is referred to as she/her and tall but no other descriptors.
Warnings: It is a Dystopian AU. Food scarcity, hunger, mentions of families being separated. Please let me know if I missed any!
A/N2: I've officially gotten my bingo card to where there are NO bingos and the next thing I write will result in a minimum of 2 bingos in one!
--Part 2--
--Series Masterlist--
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The AI had started slowly. Subtly integrating itself into every facet of society. Once it was ready, its takeover was fast and bloody. Packs were still bearing the scars of it even now. There had been attempts to overthrow the AI but it learned from each try. As potent as its algorithms were it recognized that there would always be a small percentage of humanity that it would never be able to fully predict. That’s when it recruited the Omegas.
Because Omegas were naturally attuned to the emotional and psychological well-being of those around them, the AI began to use them when investigating civilians. The AI’s algorithm could easily pick out which citizens had the highest probabilities of rebelling against the system or even committing minor infractions, but the Omegas had proven themselves in being able to confirm or deny the reality of those probabilities. 
They didn’t want to help the AI but it understood the importance of Packs and would not hesitate to use their Packmates against them. It would focus on the Alphas as their bigger, stronger forms were deemed “not needed” in the world the AI had created. To save their Packmates, the Omegas ended up working for the AI. They were rewarded for accurate prediction and harshly punished for incorrect ones. 
Over the generations Omegas were gradually separated from Packs all together. Their training earned them the derogatory nickname “Pets”. When there was a noticeable drop in the Omega population the AI’s data indicated an Alpha/Omega mating was much more likely to result in Omegas than any other combination. 
And that’s what led to Y/N being here, at what her Alpha mother had derisively called “the Tinder App”. Y/N didn’t know what that meant but guessed it was based on some older technology. The AI consistently kept data on known Alphas and had collected 10 of the most biologically compatible with her, the Alphas most likely to give the AI more Omegas. The 10 boxes in front of her contained a sample of their scents. If she liked the scent, it was to be put to the right of the table. If she didn’t, it went to the left.
“What if I don’t like any of them,” she whispered to Jake. He was her best friend and Emotional Support Beta. He’d been assigned to her the minute she presented as an Omega. His role was both emotional support (in place of pack-bonding) as well as leverage for the AI to use against her.
“Don’t worry,” Jake whispered back. “I’ve personally evaluated at least half of them and I know you’ll find a few that you like.”
“How did you manage that?”
“I logiced with the AI that I could help reduce the number of disliked scents, optimizing the chances of you finding a good mate. Now go on and give the sniff test.” He pushed Y/N forward a bit. 
The first few scents were nice enough. Nothing particularly noticeable or unpleasant. She decided to keep those in the middle until she’d checked out a few others. The fifth scent made her go into a coughing fit.
“Woah, there,” Jake grabbed and hugged her while she kept coughing. “What the hell is in that box?!”
“I dunno but it smells like when you fry up dried spicy peppers and the smoke gets everywhere,” Y/N explained between coughs. “When that Alpha’s having a good day it’d be like adding a bit of spice and seasoning to bland foods. But when he’s having a bad day, it’d be like smelling bear spray.” Jake winces in sympathy and Y/N promptly moves the box to the left. Neither notices the AI crossing off the name “Hansen, L.” from its list of potential Alphas.
When Y/N recovered she went back to one of the mildly pleasant scents to clean her palette. She ended up moving a couple more to the left because, after the shock to her system with the smoky pepper scent, these ones just felt especially bland.
The sixth and seventh scents were at least interesting so she moved those to the right. The next scent almost made her knees shake with how good it was. It smelled like the warmth of a fire on a cold night, a light in the darkness that promised safety and companionship. On a good day there was warmth, food and safety. On a bad day it was just a lot of smoke that seemed to follow you no matter where you sat around it. It was definitely a keeper and she moved it to the right.
The ninth scent made her freeze in a way Jake recognized as fear so he immediately comforted her and put away the offending scent. She described the scent as “a glacier in the ocean. You might think you’re far enough away but you’re not. On a good day, you can see it clearly and try to avoid it. On a bad day, there’s fog everywhere, the ship sinks and you have to choose between drowning and hypothermia.” As she recovers from another shock, the AI crosses off “Drysdale, R.” from its list. 
The final scent was almost as good as the campfire one. She smelled it a few times and enjoyed the sensation of a cold front breaking the heatwave, making outside life bearable again. On the bad days, it would bring a blizzard and cover everything, but on the good days, relief. She almost wished she could have both Alphas as she moved the final scent to the right. But then she reminded herself of her promise to not be like her Omega father and that she wanted to be a good mate to whatever Alpha she ended up with. Probably would be easier if she only had one Alpha to dote on.
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Every time Curtis woke up he expected that he’d finally be numb to the pain his body plagued him with. Every time he was disappointed. His Alpha designation meant he was deemed to be only suitable for heavy labor and drudgery work. Betas do the smart stuff, Omegas do the snitching, and Alphas do what labor the AI hasn’t replaced with robots, he thought to himself. He took a deep breath and got up. 
The rest of the pack was starting to stir as well. Only the pups were allowed to sleep a little later as they not only needed the rest but it gave the adults a few minutes of quiet in the mornings. Timmy, Yona and Andy weren’t rowdy kids, but some mornings were tougher than others. Curtis was especially protective of them since his own brother had been taken to be a whipping boy for some Omega several years ago. The only comfort his pack got was that, at the start of the month, they received credits equivalent to whatever wages he would’ve earned had he still been with them. Curtis hoped it was also a sign that he was still alive. 
Tanya and Andrew were just divvying up the ration packs for everyone for the day. They had to be careful since the AI kept touting that everyone was getting the exact amount of vitamins and minerals they needed each day. That knowledge didn’t help with the hunger and Curtis wondered if it was a side-effect of an Alpha physique to need more. He’d never ask for more, of course, but he still wondered.
Tanya smiled as best she could and handed Curtis his rations when there was a loud bang on the door that woke up everyone. The entire pack on edge, Curtis called out, “who is it?”
“AI Security Drone. Please open the door or we will break it down.” The pups started silently crying in fear as the other pack members tried to calm them down. Curtis stepped up and opened the door but did not let the drone inside. Alphas might not have practical skills for this day and age but dammit he was going to follow his instincts to protect his pack as best he could.
He blinked as the drone scanned his face and told him, “Curtis Everett. You have been selected for courting by an Omega. You are to come with me to prepare. Your pack will be compensated with the credits you would have earned today at work.”
Curtis froze in place, mentally cursing the AI and its ever invasive data collection. He heard one of the pups behind him crying for him to not go but he knew they’d be hurt worse if he didn’t comply. 
He sighed heavily and asked, “can I say goodbye to my pack, first?”
“You have been granted 3 minutes to say goodbye for the day.”
Curtis turned back and did his best Alpha purr to comfort the pups. He also snuck his day’s rations into Yona’s pocket. He wasn’t sure he was going to need it and figured they definitely could. He said his goodbyes, not knowing if he’d ever see his pack again, and headed out with the drone.
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Part 2
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sacrotries · 2 years
AYATO HAS A CRUSH ♡ (Headcanons)
WARNING! Some actions may come off as stalkerish?
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Before introductions:
At first he will detach himself from his feelings to evaluate the situation, he cares for his balance and knows introducing a person to his life carries weight.
For this reason he wouldn't mention you in front of Ayaka, Thoma, or anyone that is not an informant under his command. Said informants will provide him with your data. Normally this could be seen as a far more serious crush, but to Ayato this is a required step into any sort of communication, even business, so he doesn't really think anything big about it.
He is most interested in your past, your motivation, and most importantly, your loyalty. It is not that he is focused on being the receiving end of it, but it's an important quality to him, to know what is sacred to you.
Once he is sure about progressing, he will start appearing around the places you frequent (those with less people, or that won't put attention on him). Won't talk to you, but will make a background presence. Ayato thinks of love as sacred, something to protect, a blessing. But still will perceive this as part of a plan in consequence of liking you, an investigation (of you and his feelings).
If you were to make the first step and introduce yourself, it would be no different to him doing so (except he would drop a small chuckle after introducing himself in the first case). 
The beginning:
His clothes, words, and acts express more about his identity than he would like. But this is also a small test for you, will you ask about it? Will you make an assumption about his status, work, life?
At first he is tempted to just be himself and not talk about his status at all, and probably he will during the first and second meeting, when he is still taking in your image.
This doesn't last more than that when he finds himself charmed by you, might even feel surprised at it, hesitant in every step but with a plan regardless. Now, don't think lowly of him. Yes, this man will put you through small tests, but it's for the good of both of you (or so he is sure).
They won't be anything big at all, he starts giving you information about his work, his environment, even his way of proceeding by jokes or situations that feel unplanned but show his power. Ayato wouldn't want to involve you into something you don't want to carry or can't grasp the weight of. He wants you to be sure about how you feel towards that aspect of his life, will always softly stare at you and analyze your reactions.
Shall you ask something mostly unimportant he might answer vaguely, still, will always redirect the question back to you. In fact, he is a smooth talker and can have you sharing your opinions comfortably before you realize. Will ask you about everything he already knows, not only because hearing it from you makes him feel warm, but also to know how much you are willing to share with  him.
Normally Ayato's plans are meant to be seen as innocent, only to have you tied and already defeated once you realize. However, as explained, he wants your will to continue, during this time he will always give you the chance to walk away. Won't admit it, but would be hurt if you were to change your view on him to someone vile.
Shall we proceed?:
Variety is the spice of life, Ayato finds himself rewriting poetry to collect his thoughts on you far more often then he would like to explain, and comes to the realization he wants more. But information is vain in comparison to sharing a moment next to the you. So, he starts to plan things you both could do together (away from people, preferably, it's more intimate that way). 
Very biased to walk around nature; rivers, flower fields.
Rewriting is very helpful for him, but not so much for the workers who have to clean up after the mess of books he leaves behind. Sometimes having to find the original place of books that had not been taken from the bookshelf in years. 
This also means he is not hiding his crush to people he trusts, however, he won't get into it. A smile or a short laugh is all they'll get at the mention of his feelings.
His eyes will start to express more, words revealing something new, even when poetical and cryptic you can sense his feelings. You can catch a nostalgic glance whenever walking around shrines, snow, cypresses, or when sharing about tradition.
And his mind isn't any different, he finds himself having that kind of desire; to be the breeze playing with your hair, to be the flowers you get so carelessly close to, the snow that got in your skin before he could take you away from it. Starts to relate more to the books he has rewritten thousands of times, and finds your mundane moments as the most beautiful of poetry.
On the opposite side, you will also catch him expressing dislikement in a much more casual way, with expressions such as; "Ugh", "I mean, really?".
If you were to visit him late at night you will catch him stuttering and trying to keep his composure, taken aback by the surprise visit. He wants to be presentable in front of you, but also feels tired, so give him a minute and he'll manage to ask you to stay for dinner.
Similar to this, he will start sharing more about him without realizing, sudden thoughts escaping his lips only to apologize and chuckle the seriousness away.
Has a box full of quills that were gifted to him when people found out his hobby of transcription, but if you were ever to give him one, he'll keep it on his desk to stare at.
In the end…
Finds your existence as such a noble blessing, won't hesitate towards his feelings anymore,  was certain from the first time you ever heard him struggle with words. He'll think about that moment  late at night, when the light of his vision is the only thing lighting up the room, "Ah… Such is life" is all he'll say to allow himself to let it go.
Doesn't want to overwhelm you with gifts, but does keep an eye on whatever calls your attention. Apart from flowers he would probably give you a hairpin/accessory and luxurious perfumes.
Becomes more teaseful, very lightly though, would never put you in an awkward situation.
At first when playing chess he would have let you win as part of his investigation, but now he is not reluctant to go all in.
Kamisato Ayato doesn't often let down his guard at the feeling of peace, but whenever around you he would allow himself to do so, brushing your hair out of your face, lingering in your skin, a stare so careful it almost feels fragile; "Being around you is always blissful, hmm… Yes, it feels rather like basking in the sun."
If you were to accept him then his loyalty is all yours, of course, it's only fair you delight him with yours as well. 
‎ <~•°•°♡°•°•~>
I made this after reading about him. Some things have context when you read his story/voice lines but I hope it makes sense nonetheless. I know Ayato has some complicated thoughts regard terms such as sacred, blessing, etc, however I think he would use them dearly from learning them via his family.
This is me trying to warm up to the idea of writing more so I tried taking it easy. Also my first language isn't English, still I hope the wording is okay.
Edited: my goal for this was 15 notes, so I'm really happy. Thanks for interacting!
Please do not copy or repost.
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wildglitch · 30 days
I like to think Peter had a backpack on him with all his important stuff. He probably knew that they wouldnt be returning to the base so he made the effort to pack a bag with his stuff and maybe some of the others things. The others probably made one too with their things but not as big as Peters bag since he can hold more without feeling strained and cause hes sentimental like that.
I can see Bucky making a quick military bag with only the basics so Peter has to pack some of his stuff into his. He dosent mind.
With this in Mind, Here a list of whats in Peters backpack.
-A DVD set of the original Star Wars Trilogy, The Prequels and TFA. (He dosent like thinking about TLJ)
-A hand held Videocamera and a Photography camera, each in their own protective cases
-Noise canceling headphones
-A small comic book colletion he maneged to build through out the months (Old Penut strips, missalanious incomplet comics, a decent Invincible collection and the Walking dead lol)
- His laptop with all of his Zombie research and saved videos and pictures hes taken during to 8 months
- A photo album he maneged to get in his on his one and only visit to his apartment. It has old pictures of May, Ben and his parents when they were younger. Some kid photos of himself with them and somemore recent ones with May and Ned. He had been adding a few more photos of other people that he finds online and with the others during their time together. Its nice to have a fisical memory of them
-One of May's sweaters that he also snaged
-Bens Watch. He dosent wear it, he just has it
-His Fathers glasses. Same with Ben, He dosent wear them, but its nice to have them
-A plushie his mother made for him as a child that somehow is still around
- An Ironman glove he stole frim of of the suits
- A crappy busted gameboy he found that he frankinstined into being able to have like 200 games hacked into it
- A hacked Ipod with like 10000 songs he downloded onto it on a whim at 3a.m the night before
-A Few notebooks filled with a mad mans rambling and formulas on anything and everything, not trustung his laptop after it deleted all his data a few months before
-Miscellaneous bits of Tech stolen from here and there and a box filled with the chemicals for his web fluids
-Couple of his and Buckys clothes so that they dont have to only be wearing their suits
-One of Bucky Jackets Peter knows he likes and would regret leaving behind
-A few of books Bucky has gathers in their time together
-A box of plain Ramen cups and bags of spices for the ones with that need to eat more
-Just a bag of stray candy
-A supersolder friendly med kit made for him and Bucky after one to many incedents
- A water filter and gas mask for the more toxic areas
-A Knife Bucky left behind
-His ID just incase something happend to him and he needed to be identifyed
-A few thousand dollers Krut and him took for funzzies one time while looking for food. He dosent need it, but his they somehow ended up is somekind of civilication, he wants to have some money on him for everyone
-The hat that was part of his Indiana Jones costume
-An extra thick bedroll Hope made him pack
-And last but not least his shitty phone that only last him like 3 hours
He tried putting everything into his normal backpack, but Happy forced him into using a bigger one that wouldnt break and helped play tetriz with everything
Peter had the backpack when he fell from the Plane.
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Cast & Sugar
Summary: Connor teaches Puma, the hallway PM700, how to make shortbread. But it never really was about shortbread. (G, wholesome)
Link to ao3.
Word count: 2,498.
Puma loved the cheer over shortbread.
When she was a machine, she stood in the corridor on the way to the Detroit Police Department's break room, where exhausted police officers plodded their way past with a coffee in hand, typically from the café across the road if not made by the DPD coffee machine, and a decade-old dullness in their eyes. She'd greet them with a smile, answering the occasional question that they grumbled through their teeth. She'd never be a cop like them. Or a human. Just a PM700 to monitor the halls.
Puma returned to work after the demonstration as a deviated entity. Over time, she developed close working relationships with Officer Chen, Officer Person, and Connor. Puma noticed the cheer humans had for the little things, even when their days may have been ruined by an early phone call or a wrong coffee order. But they always smiled at the shortbread. The mysterious plate of baked goods, after the dawn of the demonstration, appeared every Monday in the break room. She empathised with the humans' enthusiasm for the biscuit, but could never taste it for herself. She had neither a tongue that could know the sweet, sugary treat, nor the stomach for coffee. Before long, the cheerfulness turned bitter in her mouth. She convinced herself that most humans hadn't changed in the last several months; they just became distracted by things more important than androids, like shortbread.
All the while, Connor had been providing the devilish plate. He'd arrive early and set it on the right-side silver table where people would smell the dessert as they passed. As Puma lingered in the doorway, Connor offered her one. Bewildered, she stepped back, asserting that not only she had no ability to eat, she didn't want to, especially those shortbreads. Though the words didn't seem to bother him, her assertion crumbled as Tina Chen waltzed in with a coffee and bid them both a "good morning" before she plucked a vanilla goody from Connor's plate.
Puma asked him once why he did it. He was an android who couldn't taste or eat a full shortbread, a faint concern seeping into her mind at the idea he'd been taken advantage of by their former self-proclaimed superiors. Connor tilted his head, eyebrows raised and tone softened: "Because it helps."
She furrowed her brows. Her lips parted as she shook her head. "How does a plate of shortbread help anyone? It's the bulletproof vests and the co-workers that help. And you can't even eat."
"You seem too focused on what others are doing, Puma." The corner of Connor's mouth picked up into a languid smirk. "Maybe you should focus on what others are."
She thought about that phrase a lot over the next few months.
When Officer Person contracted the flu, Puma dove into the wide banks of the internet with full confidence that she'd find a quick cure. She thought she took Connor's advice; she focused on what Officer Person was. She was a human, and as a human, she needed care when her body became suboptimal. While Person's husband worked, Puma popped around with a large bowl of chicken soup, fresh and hot, a recipe she followed from online sources. Crisp noodles and carrot shreds swirled around the surface of the green-brown broth. Person sniffed a thank-you at her front door, black hair mottled to her sweaty forehead and cupped the weighty bowl with pallid hands.
"It's still warm," she said with a tired grin.
It's the little things that brought out a human's gratitude. When she had been programmed to notice every minute detail, the whimsy of the world simply converted into data to keep on file. The cutting of vegetables upon a wooden board, the sprinkle of spices between her fingers, the bubbling of the stew. It was all lost on her.
"I hope it helps. I'd rather have you back at work sooner than later. The office isn't the same without you."
Officer Person returned to work in a week. Puma wished the soup had brought her to health sooner, but human immune systems were unpredictable. The shortbreads in the break room were there to greet Person. She took one.
Officer Chen often complimented Connor's baked goods. She loved them as much as she loved her morning coffee, ready to snag the first treat when she arrived just to make sure she never missed out. Her fondness for Connor had grown over the time she talked to him. Though Tina's efforts of conversation began forced and stale, Connor's patience knew no bounds, and week after week, Tina's heart of guile had thawed. She had warmed up to androids in general; Puma had Connor's shortbread to thank for that. And as Officer Chen dunked the sugary biscuit into her coffee and chatted with the android detective, Puma focused on what they are. They're equal people, locked in friendly gab.
She wondered if this was Connor's definition of 'help'. If it wasn't really for humans, but for androids. To build a community around something as simple as butter and vanilla, to bring the anxious and weary to the table and reassure them. She wondered, as the only other android left in the precinct, if he'd done it for her.
Connor was a mastermind of manipulation and strategy. She knew this, and his past, and sourness curled into her wires. She had to try the impossible: Be one step ahead.
Puma knew everyone's routine. She watched with a vitriolic, green stare as the humans trickled in, one by one. She marched over the other side of the bullpen at the smell of coffee or left to stare at the sink in the bathroom when Person walked around with a shortbread in hand. The audio of people cooing over the sweet treats ground her teeth. They'd still have no respect for androids without the desert to placate their hatred. She stewed with grips on the rim of the sink, lip curled at the thought that she wouldn't have a positive relationship with Chen and Person if not for the shortbread training them like dogs to be kinder to her. The whole operation was a mind game and Connor was the king piece.
But one evening, Connor caught her in the staff car park before she headed home for the night. He wanted her to come over when the clock struck twelve, just as the night rolled onto Monday morning. Stunned at his social advance, Puma emulated a swallow and nodded. She didn't know what to make of it. He lightly smiled and reached a hand out for hers. Puma clasped his forearm, their skin disintegrated to reveal the white nylon underneath, and he gave her his address.
Puma stood in Hank Anderson's kitchen, stark central light overhead and red bowls scattered across the marble bench along the back wall. Connor had been fortunate enough that the human had offered a place in his home after the whirlwind of the android revolution. She observed the take-out menus on the fridge and the fresh butter on the bench and watched as he tied a blue apron to the front of his wiry frame. She saw a glimmer of hope. Of co-existence without coercion. Of sugar bought by request rather than demand.
Connor couldn't taste. He couldn't eat the shortbread he made. But he could sample the dough. He could tell what percentage of sugar it needed, if it required more vanilla extract, less flower. And the only way he knew what tasted good is if he got Hank to try a cookie with each batch every day. He followed recipes online, but not all of them worked out. Some had different outcomes, like charred disks on the baking tray or powdery rectangles that broke under the press of a finger. He wanted them to be just the way Hank liked them. So he adjusted the recipe until it became his own. That's what he gifted to the break room.
Puma's brow creased. As the deviant hunter gingerly cut the precise amount of butter required for his recipe, all she could think about is how much the RK800 wasn't built for this, yet he did it because he chose to.
"Why did you start?" asked Puma in a whisper, careful of her volume when Hank slept in his bedroom.
Connor whisked the butter and sugar together in a glass, red-stained bowl, his sleeve rolled up above his elbow. His voice was husky when he spoke. "Too many reasons." He slowed down, then eyed her. "Here." He passed the bowl to her. "...I wanted to teach you this because... If you ever find a human you care about, you can do this for them."
Was the shortbread to make Hank happy? Did Connor care about his human co-workers? After they had been so nasty to them and their kind?
"Pain doesn't make anyone tougher." Connor lifted Puma's smooth hand. He gently positioned her wrist so that she'd have the best angle to whisk. She mindlessly stirred the bowl, attention solely on his face. He continued in his deliberate, articulate tone, "Damage never helped anyone get stronger. People tend to think that once someone comes out of a dark place, they've gotten over it."
Puma had stopped whisking. She studied his averted gaze, his brown eyes now locked onto something, anything, out the dark window.
"If you hit a dog, it cowers from you and anything like you. It takes care and dedication to fix what you damaged. How can you see a bone break and then watch as a caring hand wraps it in a cast and say: 'It’s the pain that made it stronger.'" He noticed that she stared, motionless, and corrected her hand position. "You can't."
His face was expressionless as he talked. He was the deviant hunter, bound to halt the revolution in its tracks right up until he broke free from his code. He couldn't have done it without a caring hand that mended his broken bones... Hank. Anderson had shown Connor tolerance and helped him find his place in the world even before he became a deviant. He hoped that the humans could break free of their code, too. Find tolerance. Find placement. Peace. Puma, completely attentive, watched her co-worker as the realisation unfolded before her.
She placed the bowl and whisk on the bench. With a visceral thud into Connor's chest, she wrapped her arms around him. Her chin tilted up against his shoulder and her fingers clawed into the back of his shirt. The thin man hugged back. He rested his nose in her hair, his thirium pump beating consistently below his chassis. Strength is built from love, not from the lash of pain.
Heavy with emotion, Puma clung tighter to him. Her chest caved as she spoke. "I suppose I'd better pay attention to how to make shortbread." She choked a laugh.
He exhaled. A faint smile came with it. "Then I'll show you how."
The hug broke, but the palpable warmth lingered between them. He opened the flower, the sugar, he retrieved the silver-wrapped butter from the fridge, and brought out a pristine blue plate. He laid a white, plastic hand on Puma's back and brought her a step closer to the bench. He scooped flower onto the plate in one swift motion, a fluff of excess powder escaping the main pile.
Connor pinched the flower like gold and rubbed it between his fingers. Puma followed suit. Her system was designed to observe, but now, she did so with purpose. Her bright eyes fluttered closed. It was a cloud on her fingertips, soft and fine. She squeezed it like a hard-won coin. It compressed between the synthetic pores of her chassis. A tuft of flower bopped on her nose. She opened her eyes to see a white spot on the bottom of her vision. Connor scooped sugar out of its container as if he had nothing to do with the powder. She smiled and wiped it away with the back of her hand.
Sugar felt much more coarse. It rolled between her fingers like sand. It got under her nails and it was crunchy upon her teeth. Salt was similar. Butter, akin to a strange soap, lathered easily on her hands. She could slide her fingertips across the bench with ease. It left a greasy stripe. Her hands sank into the plushness of a fresh towel. She logged the fluffiness of the dough, the consistency between her index and thumb saved to her internal files. She felt the cool of the fridge on her skin, the heat of the oven on her hand.
She picked out the grains from underneath her nails below the faucet of running water. The butter and flower melted from her hands and drained down the sink.
"Here." Connor squeezed pink hand soap into her palms. "Because it helps."
Her throat hitched at the same words he had spoken all those months ago.
When Puma brought her own perfectly-rectangular batch of shortbread into the DPD two weeks later, she did so quietly. Officer Chen sat on the edge of Person's desk. They chatted idly, not yet indulging in the bitter coffee the break room had to offer. Puma stretched between them and placed the saccharine treats with a click on the desk.
"Shortbread?" Tina frowned.
"Puma, did you make these?" Officer Person already picked one up and studied its glittery sugar in the artificial light.
"Yes." She nudged the plate in encouragement. "I know a recipe." Connor's recipe. Androids truly did follow instructions well.
"Why?" Tina asked the single word in wonder rather than hostility, a gleam in her eyes as she too plucked one from the plate.
And yet the question had so many answers. Because the humans needed to be nursed back to their usual personalities after being hit. Because it created community, connections, love. Because she could feel the textures on her skin and the heat on her hands. Because she focused on what things are. Because when she crumbled the shortbread in her hand and let it pour out from her palm like sand in an hourglass, she relived the time, process, and affection put into it. Because she became human for the moments she deliberately took in the little things.
"Connor taught me the recipe and he said that if I ever found any humans I care about... I should make this for you."
And in the evening, as Puma carried her empty plate through the staff car park, she brushed past Connor who made his way to Hank's car. They said nothing for several comfortable steps, but Puma couldn't help but lift her sparkly gaze to his soft features.
"Why?" The word slipped out without warning. No context, no build-up. Yet Connor glanced at the empty plate and he knew.
"Because," his even tone articulated, "you had a broken bone someone needed to cast."
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itsscromp · 10 months
Jaime Reyes/Blue beetle X reader platonic
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Happy early birthday to me :), Have a blue beetle birthday fic on me. Word count: 1K
"Jaime I don't understand how looking at plastic cases are going to help" Scarab spoke up
"Again scarab it's y/n's birthday tomorrow, I need to find them a gift" Jaime whispered.
It was your birthday tomorrow and Jaime was in the video game store trying to find you a birthday gift, and he needed to hurry.
"Immortals of aveum... Oh Final fantasy 16 ??"
"No Jaime that's what you like" Scarab interrupted
"Right right, ok I guess Immortals it is"
He picked the game, paid for it and went home, The Reyes's meanwhile were preparing a surprise party for you courtesy of Jaime.
"Mijo what took you so long ??" His mom spoke up as she pulled out the cake from the oven.
"Sorry, Mom, the... Bus was running late" He had to make an excuse for being gone for almost twenty minutes staring at a shelf.
"Jaime no le mientas a tu madre" (Jaime don't lie to your mother) his grandma spoke from the living room.
"Conozco a la abuela que conozco" (I know grandma I know)
Jaime immediately went to wrapping your gift while his dad set up some decorations.
"Jaime, is y/n spelt with a Y or an N ??"
"Hang on dad" Jaime got up and fixed the decoration for him.
"Aaah gotcha now"
Everything was coming together, the decorations set. The cake was baked, and the gift secured. Now all that was missing was a you. Jaime was so so excited to celebrate your birthday, his best friend deserved this day. But the annoying thing that happened that almost ruined it was silverback attacking the streets of El Paso.
"Happy birthday y/n !!!"
"Hey Jaime, thanks dude" The two then did their secret handshake.
"Oh before I forget, My abuela has made these kick-ass cookies, she's even made you some." Totally not lying about your surprise party.
"Oh awesome, we'll head to your after school then" You smiled as the bell rung with the two heading off to class.
3PM rang and the two were on their way to his, Jaime was getting more and more excited as the two ventured to his house.
"Oh man I can already taste the cookies dude"
"Oh you'll love them, she uses certain sugars and spices you can only find in Mexico"
"Must be expensive importing them."
"Don't worry about they, just once your tongue tastes the pastry..."
The two heard gun shots and an explosion just not far from where they were walking, Hearing their notifications ding. Y/n pulled out their phone and read and emergency alert.
"Anyone around the listed suburbs need to stay inside and not go out until the danger is clear"
As you read the suburbs, Jaime's was one of them, so he needed to clear the threat and fast.
"Ok just head on home y/n, I'll take care of this" He activated his blue beetle armor and flew off.
"Be safe Jaime" You said to yourself before heading back home.
"Scarab who are we dealing with ??"
"From what data I have collected, It looks like a cyborg gorilla by the name of silverback, Be careful Jaime it has an array of weapons."
"So do we" Jaime smirked under the mask as he found silverback, causing destruction across the streets.
Landing, He then readied a sword and shield.
"Hey, Big guy !!, the zoo's been looking for you"
Silverback turned around, seeing blue beetle. Roared and beat his chest, grabbing an LMG and firing at Jaime. Thank god for the shield. Once the LMG ran out of bullets, Jaime changed to an arm cannon and blasted silverback on the ground.
"Scarab what's its weakness ??"
Scarab scanned Silverback extensively, finding any source of weakness before he could get back up.
"Got it, Just keep distracting it long enough for the police to shoot a tranquillizer."
"Why didn't they do that from the start."
Jaime then continued to fight and dodge bullets, He needed to finish this fight, not only to make the streets safer again, but to get you to the surprise party. Then as Silverback was about to fire a bazooka at Jaime, It felt a sting in Its neck and slowly grew tired, swaying from side to side. it fell on the floor, He saw the dart in his neck.
"Ok well... crisis averted"
"The local authorities are on their way, you should get back home if you want to surprise y/n"
"I know scarab" He rolled his eyes and flew back home.
Meanwhile, back home you stayed inside with your dad until the danger was clear. Jaime sent you a text saying that the streets were clear and you could come over now.
"Dad I'm just going to go see Jaime, And yes I'll take the safe way I know."
"Just be back soon ok kiddo ??"
"Got it"
Heading over to the Reye's you wondered why it was a bit quiet, usually you could hear a record playing, strange. You knocked on the door once making it.
"Jaime ??, Mr or Mrs Reyes ??."
The door opened but no one was there to greet you, even more greet you. Even more strange, entering inside you noticed everything was dark. what was going on ??
Then the lights turned on and everyone shouted "SURPRISE !!" his dad blowing the party horn as Jaime popped streamers in your face.
"You got me their" You laughed, "Did you do all of this ??"
"Come on, you thought I wouldn't want to throw my best friend a surprise party." He smiled placing an arm around your shoulder pulling you close.
"Y/n hice esto para ti" (Y/n I did this for you) His abuela came up to you and handed a box of cookies. That part was true.
"Oh and of course your gift." Jaime then rushed to his room then came back out with the gift in hand, handing it to you.
"Jaime..." You smiled opening the gift, seeing the game you've always wanted. You smiled your brightest and hugged him tightly, Jaime returning the hug eagerly. "Your the best y/n, You really are"
Hearing that you hugged him a little tighter "Thanks buddy"
"Alright, who's ready for cake ??" His mom brought the cake out with the candles already lit. Everyone singing Happy Birthday, You couldn't stop smiling the whole time, Jaime and his family pulled this off, just for you. You were like another member to the family to them. Again, you couldn't have asked for a better best friend like Jaime.
Taglist: @callofdudes
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miniscrew-anon · 4 months
I got sucked into playing Oxygen Not Included again and now it’s living rent free in my brain like the boys. Enjoy these extremely specific headcanons on them playing base building/resource management/colony sim games.
Sky - He plays like a normal person. Does his best to make his base thrive but makes all the beginner mistakes. His second attempt is way way better but nothing crazy. Never gets too deep into the mechanics. Only plays for a few hours and eventually stops because someone starts backseat playing.
Wild - Chaos. His base is somehow drowning, on fire, in the middle of a drought and freezing. All at once. Literally nothing is working and his little guys are all dying to death. His second attempt is not any better. Nor is his third. He’s not good at micromanaging and constantly tries to build things that are way too big and wayyyy too resource heavy and it ends up killing him. He was super into building a really cool hot tub/massage room and neglected to make sure his guys have oxygen. But he’s having fun so it’s all good
Champion - Is on top of everything. Reads the entire in-game encyclopedia before he even starts the game so he knows everything he needs to. His base is very spartan but at least nothings on fire. Enjoys the challenge of planning ahead and creative problem solving.
Twilight - Gets way too invested in the little creatures. Creates a whole big ranch and makes the place really, really nice for his pets. His people are vegan and he lets his base starve to death because he can’t bring himself to eat his animals. But also mourns the loss of every one of his people. It’s a heartbreaking game for Twilight. He prefers games when he can pet the animals, not eat them.
Warriors - Base building isn’t his preferred genre but he gives it a try anyway. Aesthetics before anything is his playstyle. His base works well enough but he does surrender some efficiency to make it pretty. Dresses up all his little guys and gives them snazzy clothes. But he loses interest pretty fast and goes to bother Sky.
Hyrule - His base is a mess of hallways and ladders. No real central area because he just want to expand and see what’s out there. Is a real explorer. He ends up accidentally opening up his base to the cold vacuum of space and kills everyone.
Legend - Hates that he’s constantly running out of resources. If it’s not air then it’s water, and if it’s not water it’s food, and if it’s not food it’s space, and if it’s not space it’s fucking air again! He curses up a storm every time something goes wrong. Which is all the time.
Four - Spreadsheets. Lots and lots of spreadsheets. Sixty hours in and his base is ten miles long with a ridiculously convoluted yet effective HVAC system that abuses every game mechanic to be self sustaining. Runs on things like giving his base contaminated food to give them food poisoning to make them vomit so he can refine that vomit back into clean water to offset the moisture entropy. A monster of efficiency. Four loves building games where there are calculable data sets and realistic physics. Can and will play this game forever is no one stops him.
Wind - He streams it and names his colony members after viewers. Uses console commands to do crazy things like spawn in 100 colonists and summons meteor showers to spice things up. He’s pretty decent and he actually learns to to use the convoluted automation mechanics. Also mods. Lots and lots of mods.
Time - His base dies immediately. This old man never got more advanced than Pong and so when he is confronted with a game in which the density and weight of different gasses is important he can’t handle it. He accidentally digs down and his whole colony suffocates on carbon dioxide within 5 minutes. He puts the game down and never plays again.
Dark - Only plays for a bit before he stops. Even though it’s just simulation he doesn’t enjoy the strange sense of claustrophobia it gives him. He’ll happily watch Twi play it though.
Shadow - He logs into Fours game and disconnects one (1) wire somewhere in the base.
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spaceobloquy · 9 months
All the Armored Core VI Endings Are Bad
There's been some debate online as to which ending to the game is good and which is bad, and why, and I'm here to tell you that they're all bad in different but more or less equally horrible ways and you're wasting your time defending one over the other. Before we start in on that, let's lay some groundwork. I'd like to credit this video by MadLuigi with helping hone my thoughts, although a lot of the below are my own observations.
Dune & Blade Runner
The first thing you need to know is that Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon (henceforth AC6) is extremely heavily based on the novel Dune and the movie Blade Runner.
The Dune connection is pretty obvious: Coral was originally named Mélange in the leaked information on the game, using the more technical name for the Spice which facilitates future-sight and thus enables FTL travel in the Dune books (among other things). That should tell you all you need to know, but it doesn't stop there. Of course, Rubicon 3 being the only known planet with Coral is just like how Arrakis in Dune is the only source of the Spice Mélange. The currency of all past Armored Core entries were the generically named credits, but in AC6, it's COAM. The big feudal megacorp of Dune, standing in as the space version of the Dutch East India Company, is CHOAM, Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles. While the AC6 currency might either be an acronym or a contraction and its full meaning is unknown, this is more than a coincidence. The Rubicon Liberation Front styling themselves as "Coral Warriors", their use of Coral as a quasi-religious substance and object of worship, and their zealous dogmatism is an obvious reference to Dune's Fremen, and particularly the Fedaykin, or death commandos. Dosers and civilians are kind of like how the people of Arrakis are inadvertently exposed to Spice simply through ambient sources with the Dosers taking Coral recreationally like how Spice is used in coffee, and mealworms raised on Coral being the source of most food on Rubicon 3. All this will be very important to know for the Liberator of Rubicon ending.
The references to Blade Runner are more subtle. While human augmentation (Human PLUS) has a long history in the Armored Core franchise (going back to the first game) and in the cyberpunk genre as a whole (to which AC6 absolutely belongs), one of the progenitors of that genre is Blade Runner (1982), released in the same year as the manga Akira, and predating the genre's "literary" birth with Neuromancer in 1984. Blade Runner has an immense influence on AC6's visual and auditory style, as well as its treatment of augmented humans in a way similar to the Replicants (that is to say, as basically slaves). If you want to see this for yourself, all you have to do is compare AC6's Reveal Trailer with the opening of Blade Runner. You should be able to easily hear how heavily Kota Hoshino and company were influenced by Vangelis's score, as well as see how the visual framing was influenced.
These are not the only references AC6 has or makes, but they form the bedrock of understanding its genre and heritage as a thoroughly dystopian cyberpunk work.
AC6 revolves around Coral, and you need to understand that Coral is also a number of allusions wrapped up into one. While at heart an alien substance of biological origin (but not necessarily a lifeform unto itself) which mimics Dune's Spice Melange, it also evokes many other things:
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury - Permet: Permet is a mineral which facilitates remote data connections and is used to enhance various technological products, as well as augmenting humans. In sufficient quantity, if activated correctly, it can also modify local spacetime conditions, and can even host conscious minds. Sound familiar? This is likely a case of simultaneous parallel evolution rather than direct reference, as G-Witch came out so near the end of the game's development, but the similarities with Coral are hard to ignore. I'm not the first to draw this connection.
The Andromeda Strain - Andromeda: The titular Andromeda is a biological organism from Earth's upper atmosphere which directly converts energy to matter and which is capable of rapid mutation; it goes from crystalizing blood upon initial landfall on the planet to eventually consuming rubber and plastic near the book's conclusion. Andromeda's ability to self-replicate using almost any source of energy and to mutate to fit its environment is obviously reflected in Coral being able to grow best in space and experiencing Mutation Waves.
Mythology - Red Mercury: A purely fictional substance, red mercury is supposedly involved in nuclear weapons manufacture or capable of being used as an extremely potent chemical explosive rivaling nuclear weapons in destructive ability depending on who one asks. Coral's combustibility and color is a fairly obvious allusion to this or something like it.
Real Life - Nuclear Weapons: It should probably come as no surprise to you that due to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and more recently the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, that Japan has long had a fascination with and revulsion toward nuclear weapons. Coral is an explicit reference to nuclear weapons technology, taking the place of a sci-fi equivalent to them: a nuke greater than nukes. You can tell because the visual language of the Fires of Ibis directly references nuclear test footage:
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The destruction of the Grid system is visually a direct allusion to test examples of nuclear destruction.
When I refer here to Rubiconians, I refer explicitly to Coral-based intelligence like Ayre, not the human population of Rubicon 3. This is an important distinction. It's also important to understand that intelligences like Ayre are a relatively recent phenomenon. We know this because the game tells us so:
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The Mutation Wave detected at Watchpoint Delta, which 621 liberates by destroying the regulator, is Ayre, who subsequently makes Contact with 621. We know this because ALLMIND will also refer to Ayre as a "C-pulse wave mutation—Ayre" in the Alea Iacta Est ending mission. In other words, Ayre is relatively new. Coral has not traditionally manifested sapient personalities on Rubicon 3, certainly not prior to the arrival of humanity. Ayre is a direct reaction to humanity's actions. Given Ayre is a Wave Mutation, although she (and ALLMIND) refer to other Coral as her siblings, it is not at all clear that they are self-aware in the same sense as she is. She seems to be unique among Coral, which is why she and 621 are the triggers for Coral Release in ALLMIND's ending—only they have properly made Contact.
This should immediately make you suspicious for two reasons.
Firstly, humans are the way they are because of a long evolutionary process which begat physical, corporeal bodies, eventually resulting in anatomically modern humans that think and express in the ways we are familiar with. Coral does not have any of these constraints, and therefore should not naturally produce anything resembling a human mind, and yet Ayre seems remarkably human without having any of the physical neurological structure or evolutionary history to support that human mentality. This is extremely unlikely to happen purely by random chance.
Secondly, we learn over the course of the game that Ayre is capable of hacking, cracking, searching, and understanding human communication and data systems to an impossibly advanced degree. This is proven in small ways over the course of the campaign where she helps 621 out with locked systems—often to Walter's surprise—but is most grandly demonstrated in the Fires of Raven ending, when she takes over the PCA's abandoned Closure System to try and shoot down the Xylem, a feat which Carla asserts would be impossible for the corporations to do—and Carla is the best and brightest survivor of the Rubicon Research Institute. In other words, Ayre is capable of breaking into any piece of human technology, and can also easily determine what ALLMIND is doing despite encryption and it covering its tracks.
Ayre also has access to another piece of technology which is outfitted with a Coral transceiver: 621. Ayre is most likely readily able to approximate a human in mindset and expression because she's hooked up to a human full of human memories.
This is not to say that Ayre is or isn't deceiving 621 as to what she is. It's not clear how sincere or not Ayre is. It's not clear how truthfully she is presenting herself and her agenda. She could be perfectly earnest and forthright, or she could absolutely be presenting 621 with what she thinks 621 needs to hear to do what is best for Coral and using 621 as a tool and means to an end, or anything in between. She could be benevolent and a true believer in symbiosis, or she could be using 621 to liberate Coral so that it may parasitize humanity. It's worth noting here that the easiest means of hacking systems is social engineering, and that 621 was specifically targeted for Contact.
What you're really presented with in AC6 is an Outside Context Problem: you are interfacing with an alien entity that certainly seems to be sapient, agreeable, helpful, and wanting only the best for you and humanity as a whole. But does it really? The game is essentially about who you decide to trust as you make a decision on an evolutionary question about the future of humanity.
Are human morality and ethics, and a willingness to be open and inclusive and welcoming, an evolutionarily adaptive trait? Or are they, in this case, maladaptive? Or... neither? Is trusting Ayre a good idea?Or Rusty? Or Walter and Carla? Or even ALLMIND? Or is the road to Hell paved with good intentions?
The truth is... all your choices are bad.
Ending: Fires of Raven
Walter and Carla's point—and that of Overseer and Professor Nagai of the Rubicon Research Institute—is fairly easy to understand. If nuclear bombs could self-replicate and were also sapient, would you allow them to do so just because they asked nicely? Or would you consider that to be a threat to not just humanity, but all life on Earth? They see the question of Coral as this hypothetical writ large, because Coral can replicate endlessly throughout space.
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If one planet's worth of Coral can burn and contaminate an entire star system (or several; the game isn't quite clear on how many systems were affected), then what could a star system's worth of it do? How about several star systems? Or an entire galaxy? Coral is potentially a threat to the entire universe if it's allowed to get off of Rubicon 3. That Coral can also be ignited at any time by any sufficient explosion or natural phenomena; solar flares, supernova, nuclear bombs, even a sufficient chemical explosive or friction heating can ignite it. It could all go off for any reason at any time. Coral will present a threat as long as it exists, because there will always be those who seek to claim its power as their own for whatever ends: "Where there's Coral, there's blood."
The calculation as far as Overseer is concerned is simple: burn Rubicon 3, everyone on it, and everyone near it to save the rest of humanity and the universe at large. The casualties are collateral damage compared to the stakes. There are far, far more humans elsewhere than there are on Rubicon 3, and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Is that right? Is it right to make Coral extinct, and genocide those on Rubicon 3, to save the rest of humanity, which apparently lives under an oppressively hypercapitalist megacorporate dystopia?
(It's worth noting at this point that the PCA is not the military of some grand government off to one side somewhere, like the UNSC Navy. It's its own entity and is effectively the Rubicon space police. This is reflected not only in its ship design, but in its ranks ("high-ranking officers" in the PCA are First Lieutenants and Captains, which are junior officers in an army or air force, but high ranks among police), in its language (the PCA treats resistance as a "declaration of war" upon itself, not any government it represents), in its ability to be banished from Rubicon 3 and an inability to reinforce from anywhere else, from the PCA's System AI being buried in the depths leading to Institute City, from the its terminology (Ekdromoi, CATAPHRACT, and NEPENTHES are all references to ancient Greece, notably dominated by city-states), and from the fact that in the Fires of Raven ending, despite being disgraced and shattered it's still in a position to negotiate, which would have been taken over by a higher authority above it after its dismal performance if any such authority existed. The PCA was most likely set up by the corporations (or perhaps planetary-level governments) as an independent actor after the Fires of Ibis. There is no grander government out there to save the day, and Armored Core as a franchise has never centered governments outside of Armored Core 2: Another Age.)
Some say yes, for the reasons Overseer gestures at. It's simply too dangerous to let it live, whether it's exploited by corporations or not, whether it achieves a Coral Collapse or not. It's also not talked about much, but an entity like Ayre also represents an infinitely more capable danger than one like ALLMIND; all she might need is time to gather resources.
Some say no, arguing that entities like Ayre have as much right to exist as humans, and that extinguishing them is not only repeating humanity's greatest crimes but denying its future improvement. It becomes tempting at this point to draw historical parallels, but the truth is that any such parallels are of dubious applicability considering human-on-human violence is not the same as interspecies violence against aliens, which humanity has (seemingly) never encountered, let alone aliens which are effectively weapons of mass destruction unto themselves. Some go even further and suggest humanity as it exists within AC6 is not worthy of survival, which is a much more suspect argument which frankly reeks of ecofascism.
The answer is: it depends on your risk assessment. Neither we the players, nor 621, know enough to actually make a truly informed choice. All the people who do and who aren't blinded by greed and power lust (that is to say, Walter, Carla, and Nagai) think it's the right thing to do. Do you trust them? It's ultimately your judgment call.
If you take the Fires of Raven ending, you (supposedly) destroy all the Coral, purge life from Rubicon 3 and its system, and cripple human civilization at large. Walter, Carla, Chatty, Rusty, Ayre, and everyone else all die. 621 is perhaps the sole survivor. It seems the Fires of Raven are grander than the Fires of Ibis, and the disgraced PCA and depleted remnants of Arquebus and Balam agree to abandon Rubicon 3 as they try to rebuild. 621, as Raven, goes down in history as the greatest monster of all time.
It is, however, entirely possible, given FROMSOFTWARE's Dark Souls series, that the Fires of Raven is merely the second in a never-ending line of humanity having to return to Rubicon 3 to ignite more Fires again and again, in a kind of grim echo of "linking the fire" in the first Dark Souls.
But what if I told you that the reason this ending is bad isn't necessarily because of the apparent extinction of Coral, or all the deaths both personal and statistical? Those are bad things, to be sure, but the real tragedy of the ending is you failed to actually engage with the problem Coral represents. You threw the baby out with the bathwater, and although you may or may not have prevented a Coral Collapse, you did nothing to change humanity's dystopian reality, and actually only made it worse by making it post-apocalyptic on top of everything else.
This fundamental issue—not really engaging with the problem—is true for the other endings as well. Each is an all-or-nothing solution to the problems at hand, and that is why they are all bad. Let's skip over to...
Ending: Alea Iacta Est
In this ending, Ayre lives, as does maybe Rusty, but you kill Chatty and ALLMIND kills Walter and Carla. ALLMIND betrays you, you fight the personality upload of G5 Iguazu, and finally defeat ALLMIND, but initiate ALLMIND's Coral Release program yourself.
What happens next is... unclear. Interpretations of it vary.
To me, it appears to be a kind of transcendent technological singularity wherein Coral, humanity, and humanity's technology in the form of Armored Cores, all unite together to create new kinds of beings beyond time and space, and beyond even death itself. The closest analogy to this is probably the Human Instrumentality Project in Neon Genesis Evangelion, or the "stargate sequence" in 2001: A Space Odyssey where Bowman is uploaded into the Monolith and becomes the Star Child. Or, to return to Dune once again, Leto II's symbiosis with the Sand Trout of Arrakis to become a human/Sandworm hybrid. Given the other ACs present in the ending, this appears to not be limited to 621, but likely extends to everyone on Rubicon 3, if not all of humanity. Another analogy might be the true ending of Bloodborne, but on a much grander scale.
This has the same problem as a sort of similar ending from the Mass Effect series, Mass Effect 3's Symbiosis ending. While in that game, BioWare attempted to make it the "correct" choice by showing everyone happy and satisfied with it in its ending cinematic, the truth is that nothing can possibly be a grander violation of the rights of sapient beings than forcing them into a new mode of existence which is discontinuous with their lives theretofore. It is not simply a violation of individual decision-making ability, it is a violation of bodily autonomy and control—it is rape, by the commonly understood definition, as rape is truly about bodily power over others and not sex, and it is the most egregious kind of rape imaginable: becoming something else entirely beyond human. This is effectively an eldritch body horror ending in which somewhere between Rubicon 3 and the entirety of humanity, if not the entire universe, appears to have been raped in an irrevocable fashion.
Whatever its exact nature, this ending has the same problems as the Fires of Raven: it does not actually engage with any extant problems at hand, it simply throws the baby out with the bathwater. In this case, rather than it being Coral that's disposed of, it's humanity itself, as V.III O'Keeffe feared when you were sent to eliminate him on the road to this ending. Humans aren't human anymore. None of humanity's issues were actually dealt with, they were simply disposed of wholesale with humanity having been deemed unworthy of any expenditure of effort, merely replacement through upgrading.
And here we come to...
Ending: Liberator of Rubicon
On the surface, this seems like the good ending, which is why most people call it that. Ayre lives, although 621 has to personally kill Walter, Carla, and Chatty, and it seems like Rusty is killed. The RLF takes control of Rubicon 3. 621 and Ayre look to the cosmos with hopeful optimism. What's not to like?
Except... remember Dune? This is the ending of Dune.
Do you know what happens after Paul Atreides and the Fremen defeat Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV and House Harkonnen on Arrakis, and Paul becomes Emperor himself? I'll tell you. His fanatical Fremen warriors spread his name throughout the rest of human space in Muad'Dib's Jihad, conservatively killing 61 billion people, mostly serfs and peasants and those who refused to forsake their faith.
Now you might say that Ayre and 621 don't want that to happen, but that's the point: it's not their choice to make, it's the RLF's. Paul didn't want it to happen in Dune either, he simply knew he couldn't stop it.
What exactly do you think is going to happen now that the faith of the Coral Warriors of the RLF is affirmed as righteous and true, now that they've defeated the PCA and corporations, now that they're in possession of all the Coral and all the Rubicon Research Institute's technology? What do you think Elcano is going to do with that research, alongside BAWS? Do you think they're going to just secure the system and be content?
Also, if Coral and humanity are to coexist together, doesn't that mean both growing in kind, together, as Ayre says? Doesn't that mean Coral augmentation surgery for everyone, with all the drawbacks that has? Or, at least, every human being a Doser to commune with Coral? What about all those who had Coral-replacement augmentation surgery, which negated the need for relying on Coral in the first place? Are they not automatically a threat to the new order, which must be destroyed to safeguard it?
Think that sounds too grim?
Don't you think it's odd that this ending comes with no narrated epilogue like Fires of Raven does, telling you what happened afterward? Instead you get Ayre telling you simply:
"Raven… One day, humanity and Coral will thrive together. You kept our potential safe. I know Walter feared a Collapse… but I promise you, there's another way. Raven… we'll find it. Together."
That sounds quite hopeful, but personally I key in on two particular phrases: one day, and we'll find it together. They remind me of something from another franchise:
Palpatine seduces Anakin to the Dark Side of the Force by dangling the prospect of cheating death in front of him, preying on Anakin's fear of visions of Padmé dying. After Anakain has committed to betraying his allies and helped kill Mace Windu, Palpatine admits:
"To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together I know we can discover the secret."
I find Ayre's very similar speech after 621 has betrayed and killed Carla, Chatty, and Walter to be... uninspiring... personally.
Now, I'm not telling you that Ayre is Darth Sidious or a Sith Lord, although it sure is interesting Coral is red.
What I am telling you is to remember that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and where there's Coral, there's blood. You shouldn't naïvely assume that the story so heavily influenced by Dune, which is at this point directly referencing Dune, will stray very far from it, no matter how good Ayre's intentions might actually be. Because if Ayre is genuine, then she's exceptionally naïve herself, as we see from her reactions to ALLMIND's plans in Alea Iacta Est.
Even if no Dune-like Jihad sweeps AC6's universe, all the problems posed by Coral detonations and Wave Mutations and Coral Collapse still remain.
This ending, too, throws the baby out with the bathwater: instead of losing Coral, or overtly losing humanity, we have instead decided to discard the grim hypercapitalist megacorporate dystopia for a grim ultrafanatical cult religion dystopia which will also probably be even worse and/or the omnipresent threat of total mass destruction. In The Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce gave the following definition:
Conservative (n.) A statesman who is enamoured of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.
If the Fires of Raven is conservative, preserving the status quo and its existing evils and making them worse, then both Alea Iacta Est and Liberator of Rubicon are liberal, ushering in different horrors which are only refreshing in so far as they are different than the ones that came before.
If Balam and Arquebus stand in for, oh, say, Amazon and Apple, then the RLF stands in for ISIS or Al Qaeda or the Shining Path. This is not a happy and uplifting ending, it's simply different and arranged to feel good in the moment to those who don't know what the game is drawing upon so it can pull the rug out from under them later.
Since Dune has featured so prominently in this essay, I want to take a moment to talk about James Cameron's Avatar (2009), which has over time variously been derided as a rip-off of Dune, or Dances With Wolves or FernGully: The Last Rainforest in space, among other things. You might be asking why, so I'll cut to the chase.
The problem with Avatar is that nothing is actually resolved. Although Jake Sully's defection to the Na'vi results in the human Resources Development Administration being driven from Pandora, their hunger for unobtanium isn't quenched. Earth's resource crisis isn't solved. The shadowy elites ruling over humanity are still in charge. Nothing actually changes, problems are merely kicked down the road. The reason for this is simple: individual actions cannot solve systemic problems, whatever that systemic problem might be, be it classism, racism, environmental degradation, or so on.
In AC6, we observe systemic problems in the form of humanity's capture by corporations and bureaucracies that serve profits or power and not the common good, and the persistent problem of Coral which must be managed somehow. We do not actually resolve either of those issues as 621. We simply upset the balance one way or another and let the chips fall where they may, invoking this or that abhorrent deus ex machina.
While Fires of Raven represents the status quo (and stagnation and decay), Liberator of Rubicon represents the chaos of change (and likely war and fire) and Alea Iacta Est represents a fundamental rejection of humanity.
621 never actually lives up to the reputation of Raven in choosing a path of their own making. All the endings simply involve 621 choosing to trust one party or another, be it Walter and Carla and Nagai, or Ayre, or ALLMIND, rather than truly coming to their own decisions and directly addressing the actual problems at hand. This is represented in how the player is always held back until they have to deal with Xylem about to hit the Vascular Plant one way or another.
While I said that individual actions cannot solve systemic problems, they can begin to show the way toward systematic approaches to systemic problems. This is what we're told Raven represents when they're introduced properly, and also seems to be what Branch as a faction stand for. (It's notable here that when we meet Branch in NG+/NG++, they're working against the RLF, despite having previously fought the PCA.) It's also a video game, and thus is really about a power fantasy, but there's no power fantasy here. The game is never actually about your choice, it's only about who you choose to side with...
... And all the options they present you with are bad.
If there was to be an expansion, as with so many other FROMSOFTWARE games, I would hope it would be one focused around actually resolving the situation in a way of our own choosing, because that option is sorely lacking in an otherwise fantastic game.
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woltourney · 1 year
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Rigel Orionis / Ragdoll (@thegreatyin) v. Syla (@mistdrinkersblade)
Rigel Orionis / Ragdoll:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. 'Rigel Orionis', but it's really just a name he came up with on the spot- outside of the game universe, he's just referred to as Ragdoll. For the purposes of poll naming, feel free to use either/or. He/they pronouns. He does have an in-universe lore-accurate name, but Rigel is just what he goes by.
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Fluffy humanoid beast? Catperson? He thinks?? Everyone calls him a "milk quote" something and at this point he's too far in to just turn around and ask. (Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te)
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Canonically switches them up depending on expansion. Started as a Black Mage, went Red Mage in Heavensward, swapped between Machinist and Dancer in Stormblood, and currently (because I'm not at Endwalker yer) mains both Reaper and Dark Knight in Shadowbringers. I'd imagine his "true" main is probably just Red Mage, with maybe a hint of DRK in there for spice.
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal, Goblin! I'd love to hang with people sometime. There's so many scales left to grind for that damn Rathalos mount.
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. (No major spoilers aside from vague Stormblood references!) Rigel is! A jerk! He's always been a little jerk at heart, and regardless of setting, he always falls back to being a little jerk… on the outside. He's smug, cocky, insults you for fun- the physical embodiment of every terrible gay twink at every gay bar ever. And then sometimes he's alone and starts randomly sobbing. And sometimes he's cuddly and desperate for affection. And sometimes he's intensely devoted to the people he's decided are his family, even to the point of death. And sometimes he's just deeply lonely. There's a lot of suitcases upon suitcases to unpack, here. Once upon a time, in the midst of some guy's ambiguous tragic backstory, he suddenly woke up in the wastelands of Carteneau with no idea where he was or how he got there. After coming to the terms with the fact of being a catboy, they decided to take up odd jobs and favors around the first place they ended up traveling to- some weird obscure city called "Ul'dah". Eventually they ran into some equally-obscure guy called Thancred, and the rest is the plot of the universally acclaimed MMO with an unlimited free trial going up to level 60 including the award winning expansion Heavensward. They are. Mixed. On the whole "being a hero" thing. He really just wanted to go home, but suddenly he's saddled with two teenagers, a job, and a weird blond stalker with a rampant masochism streak. Also the crippling identity and existential crisis, but shhhh, those haven't hit him yet. A universal trait of Rigel is that he likes to sing. I didn't list Bard as one of his canonical jobs, but I can see him unironically picking it up as a genuine stress reducer. He has a thing for music, and art, and history, and reading, and all combinations of the four. That aside, he probably delights in the little mundane things the most, like building a rock collection or taking a relaxing nature walk.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "Win? I'm winning? Who??"
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. He's an unrelated OC (named Rigel Alphoris-Orionis, go figure) that I decided to import into FFXIV as a semi-joke when I wasn't sure if I was going to stick with the game. By the end of ARR, I ended up going all-in on the concept of him being the unfortunate protagonist of life, and now in my personal canon he is quite literally just that OC isekaied against his will into Eorzea. Terrible personality and all. And his soul is puppeteering a corpse Ascian-style, but nobody (including him) actually knows that yet.
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Syla (He/Him)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Rava Viera
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Gunbreaker
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal - Balmung
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. A member of Lente's Tears who was kicked out for a premature / failed assassination attempt on Legatus Noah van Gabranth. Fled to Eorzea to seek help in freeing his homeland of Dalmasca, only to get picked up by the Scions like a stray cat. He enjoys being a hero, although it does get a bit tiring after so often to him. But Syla enjoys being a beacon of hope and relief for others.. His free time is spent either working and tinkering on his gunblade and cartridges or training with allies.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "Why shouldn't I win? You don't face the things I've seen and walk away a from mere contest of affections empty handed."
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