#Starborn Truths
offtorivendell · 2 years
The Dusk Court - Part II, Powerful Heirlooms and the Four Treasures of the Tuatha de Danann
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Disclaimer - this theory is simply that, a theory, which may or may not come to pass. When I’m specifying which Prythian object of power was “inspired by” each of the Tuatha de Danann’s four treasures, I’m only listing my thoughts. When I refer to "the Dusk Court," I am speaking of either the Court precursor that once existed, or its lost people. Thank you as always to @ladynightcourt3 and @wingedblooms for all of your theory chats and help, you are both so appreciated. 💜
Spoilers - all ACOTAR, CC and TOG books to date (November 2022). 
This post is a long time coming, as it began as a follow up to my The Dusk Court, the Hewn City and Hybern theory in June (I think) of 2021. The Hybern part of that theory appears to have been debunked in CC HOSAB, though I do still think that Hybern could play into everything, but the Hewn City is, in my opinion, still quite relevant (especially because there is a Lord Thanatos there, who shares a name with the Prince of the Ravine - one of the circles of Hel we learnt about in CC). Are the people of the Court of Nightmares aware of Hel's Thanatos, or is the name cultural in some way? But I digress...
Suggested reading:
The Dusk Court - Part I
Is ACOTAR's Koschei the Death God actually Fionn, the once - and, he likely hopes, future - High King of Prythian?
Theia's Secret Legacy
Powerful parallels between Bryce, Theia and the Archeron sisters
Are the Archeron sisters distantly descended from the Starborn fae of the Dusk Court? OP from @wingedblooms, with my reblog
From what Nesta Archeron saw in the unhallowed catacombs - unholy, wicked, unconsecrated; underground cemetery - of the Hewn City, we can assume that the Court of Nightmares has amassed a decent hoard of magical objects, presumably many of which made the journey with them from what would have been the Dusk Court (if that theory pans out in any way), though that may not be the case for all of them. The "half-imprisoned" objects gave me Sword in the Stone vibes - and, as I've said before, I wouldn't be surprised if Azriel himself had an Arthur freeing Excalibur moment with Truth-Teller when he found it - but I doubt that they all contain the same level of power as the Veritas, the Ouroboros, Gwydion, Narben and Truth Teller. Some seem very powerful, and possibly imbued with raw power like Made items, but not all.
Feyre frowned at her mate. “They’re different from the objects of power in the Hewn City? What can they do?” Nesta had tried her best to forget that night she and Amren had gone to test her so-called gift against the hoard within those unhallowed catacombs. The objects had been half-imprisoned in the stone itself: knives and necklaces and orbs and books, all shimmering with power. None of it pleasant. For the Dread Trove to be worse than what she’d witnessed … - Nesta, ACOSF, chapter 20 
Rhys’s eyes flicked to Ataraxia, then to Cassian. “Some strains of the mythology claim that one of the Fae heroes who rose up to overthrow them was Fionn, who was given the great sword Gwydion by the High Priestess Oleanna, who had dipped it into the Cauldron itself. Fionn and Gwydion overthrew the Daglan. A millennium of peace followed, and the lands were divided into rough territories that were the precursors to the courts—but at the end of those thousand years, they were at each other’s throats, on the brink of war.” His face tightened. “Fionn unified them and set himself above them as High King. The first and only High King this land has ever had.” Nesta could have sworn the last words were spoken with a sharp look toward Cassian. But Cassian only winked at Rhys. “What happened to the High King?” Feyre asked. Rhys ran a hand over a page of the book. “Fionn was betrayed by his queen, who had been leader of her own territory, and by his dearest friend, who was his general. They killed him, taking some of his bloodline’s most powerful and precious weapons, and then out of the chaos that followed, the seven High Lords rose, and the courts have been in place ever since.” - ACOSF, chapter 55 
It is curious, though, and potentially relevant, that besides the Dread Trove objects - the Crown, Harp and Mask, and one a mystery - we have learnt of four other historically significant magical items, two of which are canonically linked to Mor’s family, who I suspect are a cadet branch of the Dusk Court's old High Family, and two weapons (three if we count Truth-Teller). Four magical objects - the Veritas, the Ouroboros, Gwydion and Narben - potentially tied to a Court who theoretically fled underground, or into hiding, millennia ago… sounds familiar, no? 
“She brought me to a room full of treasure. Strange objects. And it …” She tugged at the tight sleeve of her gown. “Some of it wanted to hurt us. As if it were alive—aware. Like … like in all those stories and lies we were fed over the wall.” - ACOWAR, chapter 27 
The Tuatha De Danann, who I mentioned briefly in Part I, The Theory as a possible inspiration for the history of the now defunct Dusk Court of Prythian, are said to have had amongst their magical objects Four Treasures, or Jewels (1, 2), when they arrived in Ireland in a great cloud of smoke (or mist) from four island cities (other stories say that they arrived in ships, and that the cloud was the result of those ships being burnt): 
The Undry - the Cauldron of Abundance, brought from Murias, the fortress of pinnacles, and was given to Dagda Mor, by the druid Seimhias. It is said that everyone leaves it satisfied, or that it contains an endless food supply, and that its waters could heal any wound - even going so far as to raise the dead, that it was a bottomless passage to the Otherworld. Dagda was a father figure/king amongst the Tuatha De, and was known for both his wisdom and magic. 
Lia Fail - the Stone of Kings, brought from Falias, the city of the sciences. It was supposedly placed in Tara, and still exists there today. Whenever a true king of Ireland sat on it, it would cry out loud beneath him. It is also known as the Coronation Stone of Tara. 
Spear of Destiny - the Spear of Lugh of the Silver Arm, brough from Goirias, the city of the faith, where “every word was a prayer.” The druid Easras is said to have warped the fates into Lugh’s spear, such that any who held it would never lose a battle, but would die if it was lost. 
Claiomh Solais - the Sword of Light, forged by Uiscias in the day-foundries of the city of Fionnias/Finias the bright, and used in battle by Nuada, the first king of the Tuatha De; it is also known as the sword of Nuada. It was described as glowing like a torch, and will slay whomever it was drawn against. It is said to have fallen into the underworld after it was used to slay the Taker of Souls, but rumours exist that a fairy queen reclaimed it, and will lend it to heroes who complete three tasks for her. 
The four objects that I suspect are linked to the Dusk Court are probably not exact replicas of the Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Danann, but they could have been inspired by them and, as I will attempt to explain, contain similar properties/have been paralleled in the text. Azriel’s dagger, Truth-Teller, is likely also important, so I will discuss it here, too (though I have a more detailed post here if you're interested). 
Veritas - inspired by the Undry
There was an orb, it turned out, that had belonged to Mor’s family for millennia: the Veritas. It was rife with the truth-magic she’d claimed to possess—that many in her bloodline also bore. And the Veritas was one of their most valued and guarded talismans. - ACOMAF, chapter 41  
The Veritas is an intriguing object; a valued and guarded “talisman” - an object thought to have magical powers that can bring about good luck - of Mor’s family, that has existed for millennia, at the very least. It’s power appears to be kin to what Mor “claimed to possess,” which I suspect is more than simply being able to know or tell truths. What if the Veritas could also do more than satisfy people of the truth of a matter? 
The orb was known amongst the humans, had been wielded by them in the War, Rhys told me over a quiet dinner that night. The queens would know it. And would know it was absolute truth, not illusion or a trick, when we used it to show them—like peering into a living painting—that this city and its good people existed. - ACOMAF, chapter 41
I suspect that the Veritas is the ACOTAR version of The Undry, Dagda’s Cauldron of Abundance. As Feyre noted in ACOMAF, Rhys told her over dinner that the queens would know the Veritas, that it would be able to satisfy their desire for proof of the Night Court’s intentions for the Book of Breathings. Describing the Veritas itself as like a “ripe apple” brought food back to mind, and Feyre’s description of the cloud that came from the Veritas as leaking from the orb, swirling, roiling and drifting across the carpet, is using imagery that brings to mind both the water that would be inside any cauldron, including the Undry, as well as the Cauldron of ACOTAR itself, but the Tuatha de Danann's arrival to Ireland in mythology. There are also potential water/rift associations which, if confirmed, could parallel the Book of Breathings being thrown into Prythian's Cauldron and ending up in Midgard, with Bryce.
The obvious water and cauldron based adjectives also reminded me of when Elain was washed from the Cauldron, in chapter 65 of ACOMAF, “as if she’d been thrown by a wave.” The Veritas is also frequently described as an orb - a spherical body, a globe - which could be a reference to the Cauldron of ACOTAR, which is tied to the life of their world. 
Mor opened the lid of the black box. The silver orb inside glimmered like a star under glass. “This is the Veritas,” Mor said in a voice that was young and old. “The gift of my first ancestor to our bloodline. Only a few times in the history of Prythian have we used it—have we unleashed its truth upon the world.” She lifted the orb from its velvet nest. It was no larger than a ripe apple, and fit within her cupped palms as if her entire body, her entire being, had been molded for it. “Truth is deadly. Truth is freedom. Truth can break and mend and bind. The Veritas holds in it the truth of the world. I am the Morrigan,” she said, her eyes not wholly of this earth. The hair on my arms rose. “You know I speak truth.” She set the Veritas onto the carpet between us. Both queens leaned in. But it was Rhys who said, “You desire proof of our goodness, our intentions, so that you may trust the Book in our hands?” The Veritas began pulsing, a web of light spreading with each throb. … Mor stretched out a hand, and a pale cloud swirled from the orb, merging with its light as it drifted past our ankles. The queens flinched, the guards edging forward with hands on their weapons. But the clouds continued roiling as the truth of it, of Velaris, leaked from the orb, from whatever it dragged up from Mor, from Rhys. From the truth of the world. - ACOMAF, chapter 57 
The Veritas was then further paralleled with the Undry at the Inner Circle’s meeting with the queens, as Mor mentioned that it had been given to her bloodline - the Morrigan of Irish mythology was married to Dagda - and that Truth can “break and mend and bind,” which sounds like a nod to the Undry’s ability to heal any wound, not to mention the possibilities for the Veritas future use. Thinking further along this track, could the Veritas “break and mend and bind” a mating bond, if the right person were to wield it? Healing any wound could also, possibly, play a role with the crossover going forward; can the Veritas somehow access the same space between as the Cauldron, or a pocket realm of sorts? Could it play a role in breaking apart the rifts, sealing out the Asteri/any other enemies like the Valg, and then mend and bind the populations of the Dusk Court and other involved fae worlds? 
Ouroboros - inspired by the Lia Fail   
“My sister had a collection of mirrors in her black castle,” the Carver said. We halted once more. “She admired herself day and night in those mirrors, gloating over her youth and beauty. There was one mirror -- the Ouroboros, she called it. It was old, even when we were young. A window to the world. All could be seen, all could be told through its dark surface. Keir possesses it -- an heirloom of his household. Bring it to me. That is my price. The Ouroboros, and I am yours to wield. If you can find a way to free me.” A hateful smile. - ACOWAR, chapter 24 
The Ouroboros in our real world is an ancient symbol that depicts a serpent swallowing its own tail, which signifies “the mystery of cyclical time, which flows back into itself,” and is an emblem of wholeness, or infinity. This is likely significant, as cyclical time, which focuses on the idea of “renewal, repetition, and regeneration,” appears to be a common theme amongst SJM’s works.
I won’t mention her use of cyclical time in Throne of Glass, as that would contain too many spoilers (and take up too much time), but it is also rife both in A Court of Thorns and Roses itself, and between CC, TOG and ACOTAR, in the many parallels that we have all noted between characters as individuals, and their relationships. One clear example of this - and please note that I am not suggesting that Lucien is anything like Beron in either his personality or behaviour, just that Lucien's position in his respective "love triangle" appears to be the same - is the parallel between the relationships of Azriel, Elain and Lucien Vanserra, and Helion, the Lady of Autumn, and Beron Vanserra. As we saw in TOG, the “repeated” event tends to resolve itself successfully, so I suspect that (though of course I could be wrong), in this instance, Beron and Lucien are foils for each other, used to highlight how terrible Beron is, and that Lucien will not - would not - go down the same path. 
The Ouroboros that we know from ACOTAR is also known as the “the Mirror of Beginnings and Endings, which definitely sounds like it has taken inspiration from the ancient Ouroboros of our own world, yet I believe that, in the context of the Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Danann, it may represent the Lia Fail - the Stone of Kings. This is potentially more of an abstract parallel than that of the any of the other pairings, but please bear with me, and I think (and hope) it will make sense. 
The Ouroboros in ACOTAR might show you your true self, warts and all - perhaps even your "fanged beast" - but it is constantly written in terms of mastery, worthiness, and servitude, which are three themes that are strongly associated with kings… and High Lords. The Bone Carver even called Feyre and Rhys “majesties” when they went to speak to him about the Ouroboros (a possible nod to any future high king plot, perhaps). 
“Feyre and Cassian spoke to the Bone Carver. He wants the Ouroboros in exchange for serving us—fighting Hybern for us. - ACOWAR, chapter 27 
I could not find an account of anyone who had mastered it. Faced what lurked within and walked away with the mirror in their possession. - ACOWAR, chapter 29 
“Pick something else,” I replied. And not a fool’s errand this time. “What would you give me? Riches do me no good down here. Power holds no sway over the stone.” … “It is rude, Majesties, to speak when no one can hear you.” - ACOWAR, chapter 40 
Rage—blistering rage started to fill in the holes left by what I’d beheld in that mirror. “You wanted to see if I was worthy?” - ACOWAR, chapter 68.
Feyre looked into and mastered the mirror to prove herself worthy of the Bone Carver’s service in the war against Hybern in ACOWAR, the imagery of which is a metaphor for the Lia Fail declaring whether the person who sits on top of it as being worthy of a kingdom and its rule. 
The last we saw of the Ouroboros, Feyre gave it to the Carver in his cell at the Prison. Is it still there? Could it be the reason why Elain - and likely Azriel - will visit the Prison in the book that they will likely share? If "power holds no sway over the stone," was the Ouroboros a chess piece that needed to be moved to the Prison to facilitate future events, and the Bone Carver knew this? How? Regardless, given both Feyre and Rhys, as well as Nesta and Cassian, journeyed there together, it seems safe to assume that Elain and her love interest will do the same. 
Whether or not the Ouroboros is still in the Carver’s cell in the Prison, I believe it will play a part in Elain’s - and potentially Azriel’s - story. If you look carefully, the mirror has consistently been written in terms and themes that we associate with Elain, Az, and both of them combined. Feyre thought, in chapter 27 of ACOWAR, that Elain “might very well have gone mad” when she was Seeing things after her transformation, and Rhys noted in chapter 7 of ACOFAS that the “lightless, airless prison” in which Azriel spent his childhood was meant to “break him.” Lucien even told Feyre he wanted to see if Elain was "worth" fighting for.
Furthermore, beginnings are representative of the rebirth of Spring, and Endings with Death - both themes that many associate with Elain and Azriel, respectively. In chapters 67 and 68 of ACOWAR, the Mirror is extensively linked to moonlight and winter - again, possibly metaphors for Elain and Azriel… and maybe the Mother and Koschei/Void related beings? I realise that Nesta also has associations with moonlight, however I think Elain shares some of this imagery: she smells like jasmine and honey, and jasmine is the first scent Feyre smelt when she arrives at the moonstone palace above the Court of Nightmares, where the Ouroboros was once kept; additionally, Mor was admiring a moonstone necklace when she and Feyre were discussing Elain, Azriel and Truth-Teller in ACOFAS (I'll come back to the Truth-Teller scene below).  
Keir rose to his feet, smirking like a cat with a canary in its mouth. “To take the Ouroboros, to claim it, you must first look into it.” He headed for the doors, not waiting to be dismissed. “And everyone who has attempted to do so has either gone mad or been broken beyond repair. Even a High Lord or two, if legend is true.” A shrug. “So it is yours, if you dare to face it.” Keir paused at the threshold as the doors opened on a phantom wind. - ACOWAR, chapter 26 
But as for the Carver … “He wanted a—gift. In exchange. The Ouroboros.” The Suriel let out a sound that might have been a gasp—delight or horror, I did not know. “The Mirror of Beginnings and Endings.” “Yes—but … I cannot retrieve it.” “You are afraid to look. To see what is within.” “Will it drive me—mad? Break me?” - ACOWAR, chapter 58 
I did not expect the snow. Or the moonlight. The chamber must have lain beneath the palace of moonstone—shafts in the rough rock leading outside, welcoming in snowdrifts and moonlight. […] And there, against the far wall of the chamber, snow crusting its surface, its bronze casing … The Ouroboros. - ACOWAR, chapter 68  
The Clever Crow, on Instagram, has suggested that Elain could potentially scry from the Carver’s Prison cell, with the bones present - such as that of the midengard worm - and the stone in of the Prison acting in place of the bones and stones that Nesta used before, which would be a fascinating twist and a possible way for her to boost her Sight.
Alternatively, Elain demonstrated in ACOWAR that she could simply use a mental image, a map and her Sight (or some similar/related power) to locate things and beings at will. Will Elain - or, less likely - Azriel, or both of them together, use the Ouroboros to scry, attempt to See - to spy on? - a place or point in time or space, or even go somewhere? Possibly using the orrery as her star map for long distances, as @wingedblooms and I have wondered? It screams of witch mirrors. This link is suggested by following line from Feyre’s POV, when she blinked after she had mastered the Mirror, which sounds suspiciously like Elain coming out of a Vision.  
“That is none of your concern.” For the mirror … it had shown me. So many things. I did not know how long had passed. Time—it had been different inside the mirror. […] I blinked slowly. - ACOWAR, chapter 68. 
Given the multiple associations of Elain with the moon (not as many as Nesta, I know, but imo they do exist), Sight, rebirth, shadows and light, I suspect that the following two quotes could be suggesting that Elain will use the Ouroboros, with the full moon that the figurine of the - assumed - Mother is holding being a metaphor for Elain holding the Mirror, while the snake devouring its tail sounds like it's half-hiding itself, as the shadows hid Elain's rose.
The Ouroboros. It was a massive, round disc—as tall as I was. Taller. And the metal around it had been fashioned after a massive serpent, the mirror held within its coils as it devoured its own tail. Ending and beginning. - ACOWAR, chapter 68
Her gaze shifted to the carved wooden rose she’d placed upon the mantel, half-hidden in the shadows beside a figurine of a supple-bodied female, her upraised arms clasping a full moon between them. Some sort of primal goddess—perhaps even the Mother herself. - ACOSF, chapter 56   
And finally, coming back to the Truth-Teller scene from chapter 69 of ACOWAR, the imagery in the final quote appears to invoke Azriel passing his legendary blade off to Elain: "Elain looked up at Azriel, their eyes meeting, his hand still lingering on the hilt of the blade. I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife." I'll elaborate on this further when I discuss Gwydion, but I think this could possibly be SJM hinting at Truth-Teller being the moon, which represents the Mother (and I wouldn't be surprised if that was Theia, or someone from whom Theia was descended).
Narben - inspired by the Spear of Lugh 
@merymoonbeam recently posted a theory that touched on the Spear of Lugh and Sword of Light, and my interpretation of the final two members of the Tuatha de Danann's four jewels matches hers (please read her amazing theory here). 
We don't know a whole lot about the blade called Narben, which means "scar" in German, but we do know that it is older than Gwydion - which the ending of CC HOSAB revealed to us as Bryce and Ruhn's Starsword - and has powers "far darker." No holy, saviour's light to be seen there, or so they say.
Rhys murmured, “I have never seen anything like this.” His magic set the three blades to rotating, allowing them to observe every facet. Az’s face was still slack with awe. “Amarantha destroyed one,” Amren said. Cassian started. “I never heard that.” Amren amended, “Rumor claimed she dumped one into the sea. It would not come to Amarantha’s hand, nor the hands of any of her commanders, and rather than let the King of Hybern attain it, she disposed of it.” Azriel asked, “Which sword?” “Narben.” Amren’s red lips quirked downward. “At least that’s what rumor said. You were Under the Mountain then, Rhys. She would have kept it secret. I only heard from a fleeing water-nymph that it had been done.” “Narben was even older than Gwydion,” Rhys said. “Where the hell was it?” “I don’t know, but she found it, and when it would not bend to her, she destroyed it. As she did all good things.” It was as much as Amren would say about that terrible time. “It was perhaps in our favor. Had the King of Hybern possessed Narben, I fear we would have lost the war.” Narben’s powers had not been the holy, savior’s light of Gwydion, but ones far darker. “I can’t believe that witch threw it into the sea,” Cassian said. “Again, it was a rumor, heard from someone who heard it from someone. Who knows if she actually found Narben? Even if it would not obey her, she’d have been a fool to throw it away.” “Amarantha could be shortsighted,” Rhys said. Cassian hated the sound of her name on his brother’s tongue. From the flare of rage on Azriel’s face, so did the shadowsinger. “But you, Rhysand, are not.” Amren nodded to the still-rotating weapons. “With these three blades, you could make yourself High King.” The words clanged through the room. Cassian slowly blinked. - ACOSF, chapter 42 
A naked, golden-haired male stood before her. He was of average height, his golden skin sculpted with muscle, his sharp-boned face simmering with hate. Not a repulsive, awful creature, but one of beauty. His black eyes narrowed upon the blade as he hissed, “That is not Narben.” The name meant nothing to her. Nesta lunged, thrusting Ataraxia into eighth position. Lanthys leaped back. Cassian groaned, stirring to consciousness as she held the ground in front of her. “Which death-god are you?” Lanthys demanded, glancing between the blade and her. The silver fire sizzling in her eyes. - ACOSF, chapter 54 
Nesta considered all Lanthys had said. “And what is Narben?” “Lanthys asked about it?” “He said my sword isn’t Narben. He sounded surprised.” Rhys studied her blade. “Narben is a death-sword. It’s lost, possibly destroyed, but stories say it can slay even monsters like Lanthys.” “So can Nesta’s sword, apparently,” Feyre said, studying the blade as well. “Beheading him with it killed him,” Rhys mused. “A slice from it seemed to bind him into a physical form,” Nesta corrected. “Cassian’s dagger struck true only after Lanthys had been forced to give up his mist.” “Interesting,” Rhys murmured. - ACOSF, chapter 55 
I do still wonder if Truth-Teller, which we know from the end of CC HOSAB pulses with a dark light - could have been the blade of Narben somehow turned into a spear, as Azriel (with his many references to death) found it, Elain managed to slay the King of Hybern using it with no previous training (and that's not to belittle her defeat of Hybern, or the fact she may have managed to use great magic with no training after only a few months tops as a faerie), and Azriel might be so protective over TT not only because it's (likely) Made, and non-Made beings cannot use it, but it might also lead to his doom if lost (which, hello scary future plot point). 
That being said, Narben could still be it's own blade/spear, a third in a trio of weapons to mirror the trove that Nesta Made in ACOSF (and this is the way I lean, purely because SJM seems to love balance and cyclical events in her writings, and "three" features quite consistently). As I mentioned above, Narben contains, at least as far as we know, powers far darker than those of Gwydion. We also know that "light and dark and gray" formed part of the Book of Breathings' prophecy back in ACOMAF; could Gwydion be the light, Narben the dark, and Truth-Teller the grey? The bridge between the two? 
Additionally, Amarantha was rumoured to have found it during her reign, supposedly destroying it when it would not bend to her will; was that because Narben, like Gwydion, was Made by the Cauldron, so she could not access its powers, as a non-Made faerie? If Narben is actually a spear, did Amarantha then remove its hypothetical blade from its shaft… could Narben's shaft be the age worn bond Nesta saw when she was in her song-lured scrying? Will Elain and Azriel have to chase down both components of it to wield it at it's full power? Perhaps in Hel?
As an aside, it's interesting that the Spear of Lugh is also known as the Spear of Destiny. The fates were apparently warped into Lugh's spear, which was then brought from (and so I assume forged in) Goirias, known as the city of the faith. This, to me, sounds very much like it could apply to a blade of some sort used by a priestess, and forged in a temple. I know I have theorised about her before (and also suggested that Narben could have been Fionn and/or Koschei's blade - I never said I was consistent lol), but which priestess has a very unknown past, we've never seen her face to judge her age or features, and is associated by name with the fates/Moirai? CLOTHO.
Could Clotho/Narben have been far older than Theia/Gwydion, and with powers far darker? Theia was known for her light, and Clotho, as I've said before, was first introduced from the shadows. It's not substantiated by much, but who knows at this point. 
Gwydion - inspired by the Sword of Light
Back when I first drafted this post, in June 2021 (shh, I know, it's been almost a year and a half), we had no idea what was awaiting us at the end of CC HOSAB, but after the discovery that Gwydion is, in fact, the Starsword - which shines with light and is wielded by the heir to Theia's power - it's pretty likely that if anything was to be inspired by the Sword of Light, it would be Gwydion. 
“All three,” Cassian said. “First the sword, then the dagger, and then the great sword.” Rhys and Amren exchanged a look. Cassian demanded, “What?” [...] “Once, the High Fae were more elemental, more given to reading the stars and crafting masterpieces of art and jewelry and weaponry. Their gifts were rawer, more connected to nature, and they could imbue objects with that power.” Cassian instantly knew where this was headed. “Nesta put her power in those swords?” “No one has been able to create a magic sword in more than ten thousand years,” Amren said. “The last one Made, the great blade Gwydion, vanished around the time the last of the Trove went missing.” - ACOSF, chapter 42
Was Narben made first, then Truth-Teller, and then, finally, Gwydion? We know from CC HOSAB that Gwydion was Theia's, and belongs to her female heirs… Could Narben and Truth-Teller be the same? Whether or not Narben was Clotho's, or another female of Theia's line, it's interesting (and I know I've said this before) that Gwydion and Truth-Teller were found by two males who are heavily associated with shadows (and while we know Ruhn pulled the Starsword from a rock, I only suspect that Az might have done the same with Truth-Teller) before passing them on to a female who has a power associated with the Greek goddess Theia (Light and Sight) to be used for maximum magical effect (ie. Bryce and Elain).
Could the "true Fae High King" actually have referred to Theia all along, and "King" just meant ruler, but the language has evolved to mean male only? Did Fionn, who is possibly Koschei, co-opt Theia's power for himself and rewrite history to suit? The "true" reminds me a little too much of Dusk's Truth for me to let this idea go.
“This sword isn’t Gwydion,” Cassian said, well aware of the myths regarding the sword. It had belonged to a true Fae High King in Prythian, as there had been in Hybern. He had united the lands, its people—and for a while, with that sword, peace had reigned. Until he had been betrayed by his own queen and his fiercest general, and lost the sword to them, and the lands fell into darkness once more. Never again to see another High King—only High Lords, who ruled the territories that had once answered to the king. “Gwydion is gone,” Amren said, a shade sadly, “or has been gladly missing for millennia.” She nodded toward the great sword. “This is something new.” Azriel said, “Nesta created a new magic sword.” “Yes,” Amren said. “Only the Great Powers could do that—Gwydion was given its powers when the High Priestess Oleanna dipped it into the Cauldron during its crafting.” Cassian’s blood chilled, waves rippling over his skin. “One touch from Nesta’s magic while the blade was still hot …” “And the blade was infused with it.” - ACOSF, chapter 42 
If you're up to date with Crescent City, then you know that Gwydion is, at that point (wherever it will play into ACOTAR's timeline), no longer missing from Prythian, and I'm excited to see what happens next, and who may wield it in a future ACOTAR book, whether that's Azriel, Elain, Mor or Feyre. At the very least, I'm excited to see if this "broken blade" type pairing (with its Riddle of Strider vibes, "renewed shall be blade that was broken") can do something special. 👀
Truth-Teller - inspired by Fragarach 
Fragarach was not one of the Four Treasures of the Tuatha de Danann, however, I believe it still rates a mention in this post. Given we now know from CC HOSAB that Gwydion and Truth-Teller are paired blades, as @icedflames had theorised (light and dark light, alpha and omega), I think it's likely significant that both the Sword of Light and Fragarach were both used by Nuada, the first high king of the Tuatha de Danann. The Sword of Light was said to be used by Nuada in battle, and Fragarach - which was also known as The Answerer or the Whisperer - was Nuada's own blade, as well.
Does this mean that both Gwydion/the Starsword and Truth-Teller were Theia's own blades? Did the different properties of each, light and dark light, allow her to access different aspects of her own hypothetical powers? We know that Theia was a Starborn faerie with a very specific and powerful light, but was she also a Seer, able to access the murky space between as Elain theoretically can? And, as I keep obsessing about, could she be the Mother figure known to Prythian?
For a much more detailed look at Truth-Teller and Fragarach's parallels, and how they may have been pointing towards Elain all along, please read this post here. Essentially, though, I would not be at all surprised if Truth-Teller was able to help Elain access the murky realm, and possibly the Ouroboros, especially while she was still learning, allowing her access to her powers (posts by @wingedblooms): Sight, of which we already know, as well as others. I think and hope she can winnow, as Azriel does, at a minimum. 
At any rate, whether this theory is accurate or not, I can't wait to see where everything is going. Thanks for reading!
If you enjoyed this theory, please consider reblogging. 💜
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the-stargate-catalogue · 10 months
*Picks up Mark like a kitten*
You're a sad little meow meow
- 4041
"Hey hey hey- put my son down, please"
Wait what
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kopfkino-o · 3 months
Like how can you NOT want an Elain book next? She’s got so much going for her.
Unknown and unexplored powers? Check.
Two hot guys thirsting after her? Check.
Mated to the sole Heir of the Day Court, the Sun’s Son, the sly fox himself? Check, girlie, check.
Has the Spy Master of the Night Court ready to beg on his knees for her? Girl you know it 💅🏼
Friends with the mysterious shadow wraiths who’ve been around since the first book in the series? Also check.
A Made being who, like both her sisters, has the potential to be connected to the Starborn bloodline? Mhmm check.
The High Lord of the Night Court as a potential bat boy besite? Also check.
Ties to Koschei, Queen Vassa, plus a potential connection to the Prison aka the dang Dusk Court? Checkkk.
The only other baddie in-universe to have ever wielded Truth-Teller? Check. And you know she served 💅🏼💅🏼
A softer yet equally as strong personality that we haven’t seen from a female lead in this series before?? Check, check, check.
She’s the freaking Seer of the Night Court. Elain Kingslayer. The Lovely Fawn. The third and final Archeron sister.
And the potential Elain has, regardless if you’re team Elucien or team Elriel, is actually so scrumptious and I will never understand how there’s people out in this fandom who genuinely don’t want her book to be next.
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yazthebookish · 4 months
I agree with @bookofmirth
I think ACOTAR5 will fill in the gaps we're left with in HOFAS (on the ACOTAR side). I think that will be covered in the first 30% of the book.
I'm very excited for it because SJM dropped some delicious crumbs for Azriel and tied his Illyrian heritage to the crossover and questions about his origins, backstory and magic:
• Truth-teller being the knife of Enalius, the first of the Illyrians. How did he find the knife? It's interesting that the knife went from the Fae back to an Illyrians.
• Illyrians being made by the Daglan and what are the implications of that on them.
• The Daglan fed on the Illyrians power through the Tithe, and just as I suspected they channel firstlight/raw power and its destructive without the wearing siphons (which I assume are quartz crystal too).
• Ramiel potentially being a thin place and also has a core of firstlight, does the Blood Rite contribute to giving it more firstlight/secondlight? What makes the Illyrians all have magic on the night before the Blood Rite?
• Azriel's origins. I still think he is fully Illyrian since he can wear Siphons (unlike Rhys) but I find it interesting Bryce questions if he has Starborn bloodline. Avallen Fae and Theia's daughters had shadow powers so it might be something that will be explored.
• In the bonus chapter he seems fiercely protective of his mother and mentions that she is anything but awful. However he refuses to discuss it more which seems a sore spot for him.
It's obvious SJM is laying down the groundwork for Azriel's arc and it's not going to be confined to a sad lonely depressed love interest, he has a bigger role.
Rhys will 100% be very concerned about people from other worlds showing up in Prythian, he saw two female aliens (Aelin and Bryce) in a span of months.
I need to do a proper post later on but I am so fucking excited I've been waiting for his story and it's going to be nothing short of epic!!
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wingedblooms · 3 months
The dreams that are answered
When they were children, the Illyrian brothers dreamt of wielding the legendary sword, Gwydion, to slay wyrms and rescue damsels.
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And the stars who listened answered those dreams. Feyre slew a wyrm and rescued Rhysand. Nesta rescued Cassian in their book and now, with the release of hofas, has slain a wyrm. These patterns tend to come in threes in Sarah’s writing, like a Welsh triad, so it wouldn’t be surprising if Elain defeated her own wyrm (or better yet, if it yielded to her, like the scaled creatures yielded to Bryce) and she rescued Azriel in their story.
The Starborn blades have been returned to the Night Court for a reason. Nesta has her own trove of blades, and Azriel clearly cannot carry them by himself…
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He hasn’t even unlocked the full potential of Truth-Teller’s blade after possessing it for years.
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Vesperus, the Asteri in the Prison, makes an interesting comment here that reminds me of the Illyrian brothers’ childhood games. She accuses the Fae of playing with weapons they don’t fully understand. Their minds couldn’t hold all the possibilities at once. But we do know someone whose mind might be able to hold multiple, if not all, possibilities at once: Elain, the seer.
It was Elain who appeared out of nowhere, out of shadow, with Truth-Teller:
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She may have opened a portal into nowhere, the void, with her power (which, like the Harp, might influence time and space) while linked to Truth-Teller, allowing her to appear exactly where she was needed, when she was needed to protect her loves ones.
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Our damsel made her moment with a legendary weapon count. And it wouldn’t surprise me if we learn that—with her heightened, Cauldron-blessed senses—she can hear the blades singing to each other, tugging at her hidden powers.
And perhaps, when they explore the powers of those legendary blades together, Elain and Azriel will open a portal and travel the space between to places she’s only seen in her dreams.
Because the stars do listen—and dreams are answered.
Special thanks to @willowmeres, @offtorivendell, and @psychologynerd for their inspiring reactions to and thoughts about these connections.
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elains · 4 months
Azriel's association with Enalius, what it means for his arc and Illyria
This is something me and my friends have talked about off tumblr, but I wanted to write my own post about it and gather my thoughts. But here, I'll discuss a bit Azriel's character and how the revelations we witness in House of Flame and Shadow will be important to his character. (+ a little bit of Emerie).
What do we know about Enalius? From ACOSF, Emerie provides us with a little exposition when they are in the Rite, when the Pass of Enalius is brought up:
Long ago—so long ago they don’t even have a precise date for it—a great war was fought between the Fae and the ancient beings who oppressed them. One of its key battles was here, in these mountains. Our forces were battered and outnumbered, and for some reason, the enemy was desperate to reach the stone at the top of Ramiel. We were never taught the reason why; I think it’s been forgotten. But a young Illyrian warrior named Enalius held the line against the enemy soldiers for days.
Now, from the Crescent City crossover, we learned that Truth-teller and Gwydion are twin blades. They are a pair. According to the Silene History Lesson, the dagger used to belong to her father's (Fionn's) dear friend, slain during the war. A bit later, when they find Vesperus, she confirms that this friend was Enalius:
The Asteri’s eyes flared with recognition at the long blade. “Did Fionn send you, then? To slay me in my sleep? Or was it that traitor Enalius? I see that you bear his dagger—as his emissary? Or his assassin?”
Immediately before that, she also confirms that the Asteri crafted (which can either mean created, shaped forged, but we are going with created) the Illyrians:
The Asteri’s blue eyes lowered to the dagger. “You dare draw a weapon before me? Against those who crafted you, soldier, from night and pain?”
From everything, we can conclude this: Enalius was the original wielder of Truth-teller before Fionn and Theia, a dear friend to Fionn, and someone who pulled the ultimate sacrifice to keep the Asteri/Daglan from reaching the top of Ramiel. He was a traitor to the Asteri, a rebel against his masters and everything they stood for.
Enalius is the hero most Illyrians strive to mimic, the legendary figure who they all hope to one day surpass. He's a symbol of their people, even if so much about him has been forgotten — the fact that he had a dagger, Fionn's friendship, what the battle was for, maybe even how he was as a person. Brave, for sure. Willing to die for the cause.
And it's Azriel who bears his dagger. Azriel, who has such a complicated relationship with his Illyrian heritage and loaths it - and by extension, himself - is the one with this enormous legacy right at this hand. And this matters.
Still in ACOSF, we have Rhys talking with Cassian and wanting him to play Courtier, the following exchange then follows:
“What, we’re doing some role reversal? Az gets to lead the Illyrians now?” “Don’t play stupid,” Rhys said coolly. Cassian rolled his eyes. But they both knew Azriel would sooner disband and destroy Illyria than help it. Convincing their brother that the Illyrians were a people worth saving was still a battle amongst the three of them.
Azriel hates the Illyrians for what happened to him and his mother and his dislike for them is, to a degree, understandable. The thing is that Azriel, no matter how much he loaths it, is Illyrian. Maybe he's more than that (as it's pointed that Az is different in a lot of ways and Bryce wonders if he is Starborn), but at heart, he's Illyrian. Siphons, leathers, fighting, being Carynthian, his wings, his scabbard and the dagger it holds.
It was healthy, perhaps, for Az to sometimes remember where he'd come from. He still wore the Illyrian leathers. Had not tried to get the tattoos removed. Some part of him was Illyrian still. Always would be. Even if he wished to forget it.
Being Illyrian is part of who he is and his deep hatred for them only fuel his self-loathing. He would like to set himself apart, but he is not.
We can actually draw a direct parallel between Azriel and Bryce with how they regard the Fae vs the Illyrians. Bryce loathes the Fae and for most of HoFaS, she believes they are evil, corrupt, power-hungry and quite generally, not worth saving. She would leave them all to burn. Sound familiar?
And Bryce is wrong. Sathia challenges her notion, pointing out that she's laying judgement to all fae and that is hardly fair. What the one who don't deserve it? Herself, yes, but Flynn, Declan, and Ruhn himself? Do they deserve to burn too? Bryce herself acknowledges this:
Urd had sent her there to see, even in the small fraction of their world that she’d witnessed, that Fae existed who were kind and brave. She might have had to betray Nesta and Azriel, trick them … but she knew that at their cores, they were good people. The Fae of Midgard were capable of more. Ruhn proved it. Flynn and Dec proved it. Even Sathia proved it, in the short time Bryce had known her.
And this part here sums up quite neatly:
Fire met starlight met shadows, and Bryce loosed herself on the world. It ended today. Here. Now. This had nothing to do with the Asteri, or Midgard. The Fae had festered under leaders like these males, but her people could be so much more.
There are Illyrians who are kind and brave and break the mold. We see this with Emerie, who is also a woman. We see that with Balthazar, Cassian. The main point stands, though, that you cannot judge or condemn an entire race for the bad apples.
Azriel is wrong, just as Bryce was wrong, and his journey will be also to realise that his people are worth saving. They were created of night and pain (words that Azriel embodies, being a master of shadows and a torturer), but that is not everything they need to be. They can be more than soldiers. They can thrive.
And I believe this was something Enalius himself came to the believe, long ago. His people deserved more than to be slaves to the Asteri, forced to give them their power when need be, bred to live and die for them. They could be more. And Enalius died to free his people from their chains.
Is Azriel Enalius's blooded descendant? I'm not sure, but he doesn't need to be. Azriel is Enalius successor because he will finish what was started. He'll uncover the secrets of the past, what his people were in truth, what Enalius rebelled for, what he stood for, what the Blood Rite truly means - which he only got a glimpse of.
And this is where I think Emerie will also come in. She's s one of ACOSF most relevant characters and the first female Illyrian to be Carynthian. I think Emerie will also become an inspirational figure to the Illyrian women, another of these what they coud be. What they can be. And more importantly and that is just a theory, what they were.
Orestes was a warrior. What if so was Carynth and she was woman? The name always struck me as similar to Carina, which is the name of a constellation and commonly used by women. It would be ironic and another shaking revelation to the Illyrians that Carynth, for whom their greatest warriors are named after, was a woman.
Does that mean all Illyrian women must become Valkyries? No, but some might wish to follow this path whilst their society takes its time to catch up. They already shook the status quo and with Nesta poised to have a big role (andthe Valkyries along her), they will continue to do so.
Azriel will uncovered the lost history of Vesperus offered him all the clues he needed to start looking. His journey to find out this secrets will lead to him facing his own demons, confronting his loathing for his people and, in doing so, he will make peace with himself.
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bright-side20 · 4 months
The Truth-Teller/Hofas Spoilers
It seems like people are hung up on Enalius possessing the TT in order to serve the Illyrian plot for Azriel, but in fact, that's selective reading. Let's see what is written in the books.
My sword blazed with light. That dagger shone with darkness. Both of them are crafted of the same black metal. Iridium, right?" She jerked her chin to Azriel, to the dagger at his side. "Ore from a fallen meteorite?" Azriel's silence was confirmation enough.
=Both blades are made from the same material of a fallen meteorite.
My father had never shown himself to be giving-long had he kept Gwydion and never once offered it to my mother. The dagger that had belonged to his dear friend, slain during the war, hung at his side, unused. But not for long.
Theia extended her hands toward the water, the offered blades. And on phantom wings, sword and dagger soared for her. Sum- moned to her hands. Starlight flared from Theia as she snatched the sword and knife out of the air, the blades glowing with their own starlight.
My mother returned that day with only Pelias and my father's blades. As she had helped Make them, they answered to the call in her blood. To her very power.
Conclusion: The Starsword and the Truth-Teller were both created in the same manner, crafted by Fionn and Theia. Fionn likely gifted the Truth-Teller to his best friend Enalius during the great war when Illyrians fought against the daglan to prevent them from reaching the Cauldron atop Ramiel. After Enalius's death, Fionn simply took his blade back.
_Azriel's secret lineage:
My mother eventually trusted only Helena and myself to seek the truth. She knew we could be of great use to her, because we bore the shadows as well as starlight.
=The blades simply represent both powers of the Dusk Court people: light and shadows.
We spent a month hidden in the enemy's stronghold, no more than shadows ourselves.
Doesn't that remind you of this :
“Like the daemati,” Rhys said to me, “shadowsingers are rare—coveted by courts and territories across the world for their stealth and predisposition to hear and feel things others can’t.”
=Daemati (mind reading) and Shadowsinger abilities are simply the powers of the Dusk Court/Avallen people, which is why they are rare, especially in Prythian.
_Foreshadowing from HOFAS :
Azriel, without Rhysand to translate, watched in silence. Bryce could have sworn shadows wreathed him, like Ruhn's, yet... wilder. The way Cormac's had been.
The male now held the Starsword at the ready, Truth-Teller gripped in his other hand.He must have had some sort of Starborn blood in him, then-a distant ancestor, maybe. Or maybe his possession of the knife somehow allowed him to also bear the Starsword.
That's a very obvious foreshadowing. It would explain why Azriel is so different from other Illyrians, why he can winnow, why Illyrians couldn't understand the origin of his Shadowsinger gift, and why it was merely assumed that he learned the language of shadows during his imprisonment.
_Az confirming that his shadows are magical:
His brows rose.... The shadows are made of magic, just very condensed.
_Where did Azriel find the Truth-Teller:
No one knows what became of Theia and General Pelias," I told countless generations. "They betrayed King Fionn, and Gwydion was for- ever lost, his dagger with it." I lied with every breath.
Silene made people believe that the dagger was also lost.
I made sure he knew that the buried weapon he'd need against the Asteri was down here.
While she told her son that the dagger is buried in the prison, therefore, Azriel found the Truth-Teller in the prison.
Azriel :"I'll go. The Prison sentries know me-what I am." 👀
So, tell me, what is more interesting: learning about Azriel's obvious Illyrian side, given that his father is an Illyrian, or discovering his secret lineage? Keep in mind that we know nothing about his mother. How did he manage to find the Truth-Teller? Why was he extremely possessive of it, yet decided to give it to Elain? This includes the famous scene that antis spent years trying to downplay, the scene in the coloring book, and on the ACOWAR cover.
_Can Azriel get access to the Truth-Teller's magic :
Can your dagger kill the unkillable, too?" "It's called Truth-Teller," he said in that soft voice, like shadows given sound. "And no, it cannot."Bryce arched a brow. "So does it tell the truth?" A hint of a smile, more chilling than the frigid air around them. "It gets people to do so."
This shows that he probably doesn't know the full potential of the dagger and that he used it for torturing people.
Vesperus took another step, steadier now, and smiled past Bryce. At Azriel, at Truth-Teller. "You don't know how to use it,do you?" Azriel pointed the dagger toward the advancing Asteri. "Pretty sure this end's the one that'll go through your gut." Vesperus chuckled, her dark hair swaying with each inching step closer. "Typical of your kind. You want to play with our weap- ons, but have no concept of their true abilities."
I think that Azriel is like Ruhn; he can wield the Starsword and the Truth-Teller. However, he cannot get access to their full power.
_Bryce using the Starsword and the Truth-Teller to kill Vesperus :
Bryce threw her power into the Starsword, light ripping through the black blade, willing it to tear this fucking monster apart- She willed it into Truth-Teller, and shadows flowed.
Elain :
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.”
=The shadows were the Truth-Teller's magic; it had answered to Elain's will and magic, killing the King of Hybern. Y'all Keep in mind that Elain is the first female to wield and use the Truth-Teller since Silene.
I want to add
_If there is someone who would be a descendant of Enalius, it's Cassian, and it's already foreshadowed:
Nesta listened to the low-level Illyrian soldiers whispering about how Cassian had thrown that spear, how he’d cut down soldiers like stalks of wheat, how he’d fought like Enalius—their most ancient warrior-god and the first of the Illyrians. It had been a while, it seemed, since they had seen Cassian in open battle. Since they’d realized that he’d been young in the War, and now … the looks they gave Cassian as he passed … they were the same as those the High Lords had given Rhys upon seeing his power. Like them, and yet Other.
At twenty-one, he’d still been drinking and brawling and fucking, unconcerned with anything and anybody except his ambition to be the most skilled of Illyrian warriors since Enalius himself.
Enalius being the Illyrians leader and Fionn's bestie / Cassian is the Illyrians general and Rhys's bestie. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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lakewillowmerewraith · 4 months
I’ve seen several posts lately about the deep significance of Elain being given Truth Teller by Azriel in ACOWAR, including this one, and I agree, it’s a huge green flag for Elriel.
But equally important is the fact that she was able to wield it. I have a theory that that fact alone may point to a deep bond between Azriel and Elain.
Spoilers for CC1/2
We know truth teller and the Starsword are twins and presumably have the same powers and limitations. Crescent City 1 has a huge emphasis on only those with Starborn lineage who have been deemed worthy being able to wield the Starsword.
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This is potentially supported by the fact that Azriel hasn’t ever given it to anyone - maybe he knew they wouldn’t be able to wield it.
But there’s also a passage from CC which explains that magical objects can also be activated by the essence of someone worthy to wield it.
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We can only assume that Azriel is of the Stabrorn lineage too, which is why he wields Truth Teller. But what if Elain is also able to wield it because she and Azriel do share a bond, giving her a piece of his essence in her that Truth Teller responds to?
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merymoonbeam · 3 months
Shadow and seer-Fionn-Elriel
Hofas spoilers
This is just a speculation but in hofas Silene gave this information.
My mother eventually trusted only Helena and myself to seek the truth. She knew we could be of great use to her, because we bore the shadows as well as starlight.
Helena and Silene both have shadow and starlight power.
Theia= starborn
So they got the starlight power from Theia. They must have gotten their shadow power from Fionn then? Bc he is their father.
So this made me think...in mythology fionn is a seer.
Fionn mac Cumhaill often anglicized Finn McCool or MacCool, is a hero in Irish mythology, as well as in later Scottish and Manx folklore. He is the leader of the Fianna bands of young roving hunter-warriors, as well as being a seer and poet. He is said to have a magic thumb that bestows him with great wisdom. He is often depicted hunting with his hounds Bran and Sceólang, and fighting with his spear and sword. The tales of Fionn and his fiann form the Fianna Cycle or Fenian Cycle (an Fhiannaíocht), much of it narrated by Fionn's son, the poet Oisín.
So what if...fionn in acotar was also a seer? What if that's how elain and azriel are also connected?
Bc that would mean...
Fionn: a seer and shadow powers
Elain: a seer
Azriel: shadowsinger
Is that how they are connected? Is that how elain could use the tt? 👀👀
Bc we know tt and gwydion are twin to each other. And Gwydion was Fionn's sword. Tt was his friend's—Enalius.
And in acowar elain used tt. Maybe bc that's the reason why. Maybe being a seer has some kind of connection to it. Just like being a starborn is connected to wielding the gwydion and its powers.
But as a black blade broke through the king’s throat, spraying blood, I realized someone else had. Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.”
And we know from Bryce that knife has some kind of shadow powers.
Bryce threw her power into the Starsword, light ripping through the black blade, willing it to tear this fucking monster apart—She willed it into Truth-Teller, and shadows flowed—
So that's all.
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nikethestatue · 3 months
Elain and the Harp
So I wonder if Elain and the Harp are connected? What if they are made of the same 'THING' that is inside the Cauldron? The harp was dipped into it and now it controls time. Elain was thrown into it and now, in some manner, she also controls time.
What's a vision? The ability to influence time and actions.
Elain PREDICTED that Cassian was going to die during the war. Word for word and it happened just like she saw. But what did she do? She stepped in and changed the flow of time and the outcome.Just like the Harp, she reversed the inevitable.
Cassian offered her his dagger, for protection. She refused to take it. Yes, in the next minute, she took Truth Teller. Did she know that she needed to take TT specifically? Did she sense/Saw that TT was Made, just like she was, and like Nesta?
We know from Lanthys that he was able to hear the Harp, even though he didn't know that it was in Prison, with him. But he heard the note that it kept 'singing'.
So I wonder whether Elain heard the 'song' of Truth Teller as well? Did like call to like? Is there a silent song that she can hear and did she know that she needed to take that specific dagger to change history? To save Nesta's and Cassian's lives?
And is Azriel's shadowSINGING somehow connected to the silent songs that Elain can hear?
Nesta is the embodiment of the Mask. It's the thing that she controls the best, it raises armies, it's a weapon. Nesta is a weapon. She also forges weapons.
But the Harp--what it aligns to Elain and her magic, her GIFT? The gift that allows her to change the trajectory of time and influence events? Just like the Harp did when it turned back time and 'saved' Feyre. We know that Elain was praying to the Mother at that moment--could that prayer have influenced the way the Harp was used? Nesta was bargaining with the Cauldron and promising to return everything that she stole. Elain, who is more associated with the Mother, was praying to the Mother, and then next moment, Nesta felt the Mother's presence. What if Elain KNEW that she needed to bring the Mother into this? That the Cauldron wasn't enough. That the Harp had to be influenced by something even bigger than the Cauldron? By its creator--the Mother?
I suspect that each Trove object will be aligned to a sister--the Mask to Nesta, the Harp to Elain, and the Crown to Feyre, while the last remaining object--the Horn-- is already inside the other starborn female descendant of Theia, Bryce.
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coeurdedior · 4 months
I couldn’t care less about Elriel/Elucien/Gwynriel shipwars if some of them didn’t want to erase Elain existence because yes it’s what they do :
« Azriel and Gwyn book is next ». So a side character will have a book before a member of the inner circle ? Before the sister of the main character ? Also, I saw this big account on insta who said Azriel and Elain can’t have a book together because they’re both MC, so they will have a book each. Just a reminder, the next book is a dual pov. The two protagonists are the MC, the two protagonists have to move the plot. Both of them. Not just one. It will be like Nesta and Cassian. They both were important. Azriel is more mysterious than Cassian, that’s why some people seems to think that he will have his own book, but none of the characters will have his own book. They will share a pov with another character and even Azriel can’t move the plot alone. He’s not made by the cauldron. (Now ask yourself if Gwyn can lead 50% of the plot ? What her pov will be about ? What a book about Gwyn will be about ? She can’t wield the troves, she’s not made by the cauldron, she’s not connected to truth teller, or the prison. Also, we know her story, we saw her healing, I’am sorry she’s cute but I prefer to know the thoughts of a character that I know nothing about. I know everything I have to know about her. And knowing about her father is not something enough interesting to me. We learn who was Lucien’s father in Feyre’s book, I don’t think Gwyn needs a book to find her father, and honestly, I don’t even think it’s important).
« Rhysand and Gwyn friendship will be so cute ». I’am sorry what ? Where is that come from ? Why Rhysand will have a friendship with Nesta’s friend ? Last time I checked, Rhysand has a soft spot for Elain and Elain only. (« Elain is Elain »). Cassian+Feyre, Azriel+Nesta and Rhysand+Gwyn. When they say something like that, they don’t see the problem ?? One of them is not like the others.
« Gwyn will be a spy ». Ok. So I guess Elain is taking lesson with Nuala and Cerridwen for baking. It’s not like there is a quote in the books who say that Elain is probably training with the two spies of the NC, that Elain can keep secret, that she’s observer and she can walk without a sound. Please, Gwyn can’t even keep a secret. Be serious. There is no foreshadowing for this.
« Nuala and Cerridwen could be friend with Gwyn because they’re also nymph». When I say that Gwynriels act like Elain doesn’t exist it’s what I’am talking about. When I saw this on tumblr I knew these people just ship Gwyn and Az because they hate Elain. They even want to take her friends from her. They want Elain to have nothing.
« Nesta prefers Gwyn than Elain, she’s rooting for Az and Gwyn » just say you have no brothers and sisters because there is no way someone believe that.
« Gwyn will be Nyx’s favorite auntie ». This one is funny. In a world where Nesta, Elain, Mor and Amren don’t exist, maybe.
« Gwyn is a starborn, she has so many powers, she can wield the troves ». Sure, more powerful that the three sisters who can match Rhysand power aka the most powerful high lord. (Not me who said that, but the books). Elain is made by the cauldron. What’s the point of knowing if Gwyn can wield the troves or not when Elain is just there ??
The only thing they still didn’t take from Elain is Feyre and her ability to see the future. But we never know, they able to do it.
I don’t understand why they want to transform Gwyn into a Mary Sue. Is Gwyn not enough ? Being a valkyrie is not enough ? You need her to have MC energy. So you try to connect everything to Gwyn. And you also need to erase Elain. Because of course, Elain is not staying in the night court, she will be away and Gwyn will replace Elain in the inner circle too because you didn’t know but Gwyn is the third Archeron sister. She will defeat Koschei. And at the end, she will be the most powerful person.
All of this made me the hardest Elain supporter and defender.
I don’t care if people ship Gwyn and Azriel, it’s ok to have different ship, but I wish they will stop acting like Elain doesn’t exist. They stop inserting Gwyn into Elain’s storytelling and they stop calling Elriels delusionals ( the audacity. How it’s delusional to ship two characters who like each other ?)
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yazthebookish · 4 months
Chapter 23, 24 and 25
(Aka the "holy shit" and "lore galore" chapters)
A sarcophagus made of clear quartz lay in the center of the space. And inside it, preserved in eternal youth and beauty, lay a dark-haired female.
What in the Snow White...
That here, literally right under them, slumbering in that forgotten coffin … Here lay the evil beneath.
Oh shit.
“What have you done?” Azriel rasped, and Bryce twisted to find him on his feet, wings tucked in, Nesta leaning against him as if wounded, Ataraxia dangling from her grip. The male now held the Starsword at the ready, Truth-Teller gripped in his other hand.
He must have had some sort of Starborn blood in him, then—a distant ancestor, maybe. Or maybe his possession of the knife somehow allowed him to also bear the Starsword.
Hnnnnnnnnghhhhhh!!!!!!! Theories swirling right now!!!!!
“I am your god. I am your master. Do you not know me?”
The female’s nails gouged deep lines into the crystal, but the lid held. She searched beyond Bryce, her gaze falling upon Azriel. Her lips curled. “A foot soldier. Excellent. Kill this insolent female and free me.” She pointed to Bryce.
Azriel didn’t move. The caged female hissed, “Kneel, soldier. Make the Tithe so I may regain my strength and leave this cage.”
“The female in the sarcophagus was an Asteri.”
The Asteri’s blue eyes lowered to the dagger. “You dare draw a weapon before me? Against those who crafted you, soldier, from night and pain?”
“You are no creator of mine,” Azriel said coldly. The Starsword gleamed in his other hand. If they bothered him, if they called to him, he didn’t let on. Neither hand so much as twitched.
Az is about to find out the Illyrians were the Daglan's creation!!!
The Asteri’s eyes flared with recognition at the long blade. “Did Fionn send you, then? To slay me in my sleep? Or was it that traitor Enalius? I see that you bear his dagger—as his emissary? Or his assassin?”
The words must have meant something to Azriel. The warrior let out a small noise of shock.
TRUTH-TELLER IS ENALIUS'S KNIFE!!! FIONN'S FRIEND!!! Oh this is delightful. What a lore feast!!! Az owns the knife of the first Illyrian!! Let's fucking go!!!
“You may call me Vesperus.” The creature’s eyes glowed with irritation.
She threw a tantrum about the other Asteri being called the Evening Star when she was one Lol.
“We pooled our power, and imbued those gifts into the Cauldron so that it would work our will. We Made the Trove from it. And then bound the very essence of the Cauldron to the soul of this world.”
Solas. “So destroy the Cauldron …”
“And you destroy this world. One cannot exist without the other.”
Behind them, Nesta sucked in a sharp breath. But Bryce said, “You gave this world a kill switch.”
“We gave many worlds … kill switches. To protect our interests.” She said it with such calm, such surety.
So basically the Cauldron is a nuclear button. The Daglan made sure Prythian's existence hinges on the Cauldron. I mean we knew as much in ACOWAR but it's always interesting when we get more history on why. The Cauldron is an entity but the higher divine being is the Mother/Urd.
Vesperus took another step, steadier now, and smiled past Bryce. At Azriel, at Truth-Teller. “You don’t know how to use it, do you?”
Azriel pointed the dagger toward the advancing Asteri. “Pretty sure this end’s the one that’ll go through your gut.”
Vesperus chuckled, her dark hair swaying with each inching step closer. “Typical of your kind. You want to play with our weapons, but have no concept of their true abilities. Your mind couldn’t hold all the possibilities at once.”
Azriel snarled softly, wings flaring, “Try me.”
Vesperus took one more step, now barely a foot from Bryce. “I can smell it—how much of what we created here went unused. Ignorant fools.”
What more can Truth-teller do...?
Vesperus backed up a half step, hissing at the gleaming weapon. “We hid pockets of our power throughout the lands, in case the vermin should cause … problems. It seems our wisdom did not fail us.”
“There are no such places,” Azriel countered coldly.
“Are there not?” Vesperus grinned broadly, showing all of her too-white teeth. “Have you looked beneath every sacred mountain? At their very roots? The magic draws all sorts of creatures. I can sense them even now, slithering about, gnawing on the magic. My magic. They’re as much vermin as the rest of you.”
YO RAMIEL IS THE ONLY UNEXPLORED ONE!! I'm kicking my feet right now!!!
“There are certain places, girl, that are better suited to hold power than others. Places where the veil between worlds is thin, and magic naturally abounds. Our light thrives in such environments, sustained by the regenerative magic of the land.” She gestured around them. “This island is a thin place—the mists around it declare it so.”
A veil between worlds. Oh, this crossover is going to have some implications on ACOTAR5.
The sacred mountains have a core of firstlight under them...
Nesta had plunged Ataraxia right through Vesperus’s chest.
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wingedblooms · 4 months
Bright as the dawn
This meta is a continuation of Forbidden secrets and Blooming dreams, as it explores how Elain—glowing with the dawn—might restore the land and Cauldron, and has major spoilers for hofas. Please avoid if needed.
Long ago, Wyrd (Mother/Cauldron/Fate/Chaos) was once bound to the soul of Prythian’s world. She was pure, undiluted life until she was warped into a tool of destruction by the Asteri, imbued with their magic through, theoretically, the Void in the Book of Breathings. They claimed the magic of the land (most likely using ley lines, which seem to be the threads or veins of the land’s soul) to hide magic that would sustain them, much like how the Starborn daughters hid pieces of magic in the land where the ley lines—the fabric of the world—wove together, overlapping like a braid in a larger tapestry.
As we saw in the prophetic weaver scene with Feyre and Elain in acofas, iridescent light—embodying Hope—is the only light that can pierce the Void. We may see Elain and Azriel wield these elements through Truth-Teller and Gwydion to unmake the Asteri’s magical chains on the land and/or Wyrd, but I have also wondered if Elain herself, or in combination with someone else’s raw magic as @offtorivendell so beautifully wrote in her Dusk meta, could heal and unheal, make and unmake.
If Elain and Azriel address the land and Wyrd plot Sarah has set up, then I could see them mapping the secrets of the land and releasing the sacred peaks first, which might affect what many of us suspect is Elain’s pure, natural magic that mirrors the Wyrd and her land: Life itself. These challenges may help her level up as @willowmeres has suggested, and will teach her what she needs to know to unbind and restore Wyrd, which is likely to be more complex.
Wyrd was imbued with the Asteri’s magic, which in discussion with @silverlinedeyes, @psychee92, @cassianfanclub, @offtorivendell, and @psychologynerd at different points, reminded me of how the Valg imbued objects with their essence, and their essence was often described as a void.
It was a void. It was a new, dark hell.
Her magic had been a pulsing star that flared against the wall that the darkness had crafted between the top of his spine and the rest of it. She knew—knew without testing—that if she bypassed it, jumped right to the base of his spine … it would find her there, too. (tod)
The Asteri, like the Valg, devour light (life) like the Void in that weaver’s tapestry. It’s probably no coincidence that the Book of Breathings is made of two halves: Chaos and Void. Void may have very well been added by the Asteri to control the magic they imbued in Urd, and what was left behind might even be feeding off of the living half, Chaos (Wyrd). It may not be a matter of solely unbinding the two halves of the book.
Some wounds—like those inflicted by creatures of the Void—require the healer to walk the road with the patient.
If she could even find a way to help him. She’d promised to heal him, and though some injuries required the healer to walk the road with their patient, this injury of his— (tod)
Yrene learns how to destroy the Void by walking this road with Chaol, and I imagine something similar will be required of Elain. Yrene must tread where she fears to go most. In each big healing scene, she travels to the very core—or root—of the wound and uses her pure, undiluted powers of life to unbind her patient from the Valg and unmake the rotting void within them. She connects with them in body and soul, just like Elain might with Wyrd through her sight. Elain will also likely need to tread where she fears most to go, descending into Wyrd (magically and/or physically) to where the dark void festers.
And since this is no small feat, I imagine it rivaling the unmaking of Erawan:
Erawan panted as he approached. “Healer,” he breathed, his unholy power emanating from him like a black aura.
She backed away a step, closer to the balcony rail.
The dark king followed her, a predator closing in on long-awaited prey. “Do you know how long I have looked for you?” The wind tossed his golden hair.
“Do you even know what you can do?”
She hesitated, slamming into the balcony rail behind her, the drop so hideously endless.
“How do you think we took the keys in the first place?” A hateful, horrible smile. “In my world, your kind exists, too. Not healers to us, but executioners. Death-maidens. Capable of healing—but also unhealing. Unbinding the very fabric of life. Of worlds.” Erawan smirked. “So we took your kind. Used them to unbind the Wyrdgate. To rip the three pieces of it from its very essence. Maeve never learned it—and never shall.” His jagged breathing deepened as he savored each word, each step closer. “It took all of them to hew the keys from the gate—every one of the healers amongst my kind. But you, with your gifts—it would only take you to do it again. And with the keys now returned to the gate …” Another smile. “Maeve thinks I left to kill you, destroy you. Your little fire-queen thought so, too. She could not conceive that I wanted to find you. Before Maeve. Before any harm could come to you. And now that I have … What fun you and I shall have, Yrene Towers.”
Erawan reveals that Yrene, as a healer with raw magic, can unbind the very fabric of life, of worlds. If Elain was given the vision and gifts (such powers) to restore the land and Wyrd, as many of us suspect, she is going to need to unmake the magic of the parasite Asteri and unbind Urd from the soul, or fabric, of the world.
[…] Erawan’s power swelled, but Yrene was already glowing, bright as the far-off dawn.
Lysandra opened her talons, delicately dropping Yrene to the balcony stones, light streaming off her as she sprinted headfirst to Erawan.
Erawan screamed. But the sound was nothing compared to what came out of him as Yrene reached him, hands like burning stars, and slammed them upon his chest.
The world slowed and warped.
Yet Yrene was not afraid.
Not afraid at all of the blinding white light that erupted from her, searing into Erawan.
He arched, shrieking, but Damaris held him down, that ancient blade unwavering.
His dark power rose, a wave to devour the world.
Yrene did not let it touch her. Touch any of them.
It was hope that Chaol had said she carried with her. Hope that now grew in her womb.
For a better future. For a free world.
The gods might have been gone, Silba with them, but Yrene could have sworn she felt those warm, gentle hands guiding her. Pushing upon Erawan’s chest as he thrashed, the force of a thousand dark suns trying to rip her apart.
Her power tore through them all.
Tore and shredded and ripped into him, into the writhing worm that lay inside.
The parasite. The infection that fed on life, on strength, on joy.
Distantly, far away, Yrene knew she was incandescent with light, brighter than a noontime sun. Knew that the dark king beneath her was nothing more than a writhing pit of snakes, biting at her, trying to poison her light.
You have no power over me, Yrene said to him. Into the body that housed that parasite of parasites.
I shall rip you apart, he hissed. Starting with that babe in your—
A thought and Yrene’s power flared brighter. Erawan screamed.
The power of creation and destruction. That’s what lay within her.
Life-Giver. World-Maker.
Bit by bit, she burned him up. Starting at his limbs, working inward.
Yrene glows bright as the far-off dawn, which reminded me of Elain glowing like the sun at dawn when her hair is unbound. This very subtle detail is one of many that might make Elain’s journey unique—her gifts seem to be deeply connected, or bound if you will, to both the land and Wyrd. I believe her journey might mirror the unbinding of the land and Wyrd: her powers fully blooming as the land does around her, and a bond she does not want unmade by the end. She is bound to Lucien against her will, just as he is to her, so will she unbind them by unraveling Urd’s unnatural chains? Will she feel a bond that is true in spirit at her core, or will she need to make her own with Azriel? A maker of her own fate. There are so many interesting possibilities that could be explored in their book.
And like the near-twin to her sister, Elain might possess pure, undiluted life like Yrene, allowing her to tear out void like the invasive presence it is.
And when her magic began to slow, Yrene held out a hand.
She didn’t feel the sting of her palm cutting open. Barely felt the pressure of the callused hand that linked with hers.
But when Dorian Havilliard’s raw magic barreled into her, Yrene gasped.
Gasped and turned into starlight, into warmth and strength and joy.
Yrene’s power was life itself. Pure, undiluted life. It nearly brought Dorian to his knees as it met with his own. As he handed over his power to her, willingly and gladly, Erawan prostrate before them. Impaled.
The demon king screamed.
Erawan could do nothing. Nothing against that raw magic, joining with Yrene’s, weaving into that world-making power.
The entire city, the plain, became blindingly bright. So bright that Elide and Lysandra shielded their eyes. Even Dorian shut his.
But Yrene saw it then. What lay at Erawan’s core.
The twisted, hateful creature inside. Old and seething, pale as death. Pale, from an eternity in darkness so complete it had never seen sunlight.
Had never seen her light, which now scalded his moon-white, ancient flesh.
Erawan writhed, contorting on the ground of whatever this place was inside him.
Pathetic, Yrene simply said.
And it was with the image of her mother still shining before him, showing him that mistake he’d never known he made, that Yrene clenched her fingers into a fist.
Erawan screamed.
Yrene’s fingers clenched tighter, and distantly, she felt her physical hand doing the same. Felt the sting of her nails cutting into her palms.
She did not listen to Erawan’s pleas. His threats.
She only tightened her fist. More and more.
Until he was nothing but a dark flame within it.
Until she squeezed her fist, one final time, and that dark flame snuffed out.
Yrene had the feeling of falling, of tumbling back into herself. And she was indeed falling, rocking back into Lysandra’s furry body, her hand slipping from Dorian’s. (koa)
When she is done, Yrene falls, tumbles back into herself like someone with the gift of sight. Elain’s sight is probably more extensive, but I think it’ll look very similar—part of her there, part of her deep within Wyrd (the Cauldron). And even with the vision and gifts Urd gave her, Elain will probably need help. Will she combine her raw magic with Azriel, like Yrene does with Dorian? Or her sisters like @silverlinedeyes, @offtorivendell, and I (as well as others I’m sure) have discussed? Or even in some kind of dawn ritual where priestesses, like healers, create a living chain of blooming life to ground and amplify her magic? I don’t know what I would love more, honestly.
Once the magic of the Asteri is unmade and Wyrd is unbound, I hope there is a scene where we finally see the goddess through Elain’s eyes, and Elain—like the calm and loving and resilient stag in this Fantasia sequence—reaches out her hand, lifts her up and out of the place that once chained her to the Void, and lets her power, pure and natural, flow through her before it rushes into the soul of the land, which can now rejoice with her freely.
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memesofthevale · 8 months
Archetypes Headcanons
based on the tarot deck by Kim Krans called The Wild Unknown: Archetypes
The Selves:
|| The Starborn || Has your muse ever felt a sudden surge of desire for a long-lost dream? If so, describe what it was like. || The Eternal Child || Does your muse want to nix all rules and responsibilities and go beyond what others say is possible? If so, describe a time they did just that. || The Mentor || Did your muse have a parental figure other than their parents? Who was their mentor and how did they influence your muse? || The Warrior || Does your muse have a true purpose? What do they stand for? What are they willing to rise in the name of? || The Comic || Does your muse see and accept the messiness of life? If so, do they use that as material to be shaped into a potion to soothe the stressed mind?
The Places:
|| The Heart || When was the last time your muse’s heart was touched? Soak in every detail you can and feel the heart awaken. || The River || The river is emotion. When was a time your muse was in its current? They will know it by the bursting forth of tears, laughter, song, despair. All the emotions flow in its current. || The Forest || When was a time your muse spent a night frightened for their life? How did they handle it? || The Dead End || When was a time a dead end lead to unimaginable wonders for your muse? || The Empty Room || Does your muse feel an overwhelming feeling of lack? Do they crave to fill themself with something to remedy the discomfort of feeling an unrelenting sense of want? || The Box || Everything in the box is known. Everything outside is unknown. That is why it’s more comfortable to stay within its walls. Does your muse fear leaving the box? When was a time they had the courage to do so?
The Tools:
|| The Flame || The flame is responsible for our vitality. When it is lit, we feel purpose and a sense that life is sacred. Is your muse’s flame lit? Why or why not? || The Tear || The tear is what is needed in order for a conversation to break into the next level of intimacy and vulnerability. Has your muse been able to have a difficult conversation that moves them to the next level with someone? || The Vow || What was the last promise your muse made? Was it to themself or to someone else? Has it been upheld or broken? || The Nectar || Has there been a moment in your muse’s life where a truth served as an elixir for healing? || The Kiss || What is the story of your muse’s first kiss? What was changed in that moment?
The Initiations:
|| Eros || What does your muse long for? Why are they awakened by love? What makes them hesitate in the face of intimacy? || Agape || Agape can also be felt as an overwhelming love of family, partner, community. When was a time your muse was overwhelmed by the feeling of love for a friend, family member, partner, or community? || Thanatos || Witnessing the ending of another being, creature, phase, or stage has deep consequences for the psyche. When was a time your muse witnessed something end? How did it effect them?
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helenlvsbooks · 3 months
• Elain Archeron as High Lady of the Dusk Court •
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DISCLAIMER: This is a pro Elain, pro Elriel theory, if you know this is something that will upset you, scroll and don’t interact with my post. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume.
This is a post made with love and appreciation for Elain Archeron and all of my beautiful elriels, you guys are the intended audience for this post and I hope you guys enjoy it, as much I enjoyed writing it.
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As of February of 2024 we know very little of Elain’s powers, and while we know for sure that she has visions or something close to it, making her a seer; there’s reason to think that she might be able to do more than that.
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It’s been said throughout the series that the cauldron is taken with Elain, and gifted something to her. While Nesta took power from it, Death itself as Rhysand called it in ACOSF, Elain was blessed by it.
While I have a preference for what those powers might be, I’m not going to stick only to my ideas, but I’ll also mention some alternatives the fandom has come up with.
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There’s two things I want to talk about when it comes to this passage.
— Elain stepped out of a shadow.
While there’s a lot of possibilities as to why Elain was able to do this, the exact moment it was needed, there’s two main theories I would like to mention.
One. Elain was able to winnow.
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This is the most simple explanation to what happened in ACOWAR, and it could be an indication of Elain’s power being greater than that of a normal high fae.
“Only the stronger fae can do it.”
But it also leaves the question of what about the training? We all know Feyre is a High Lady, and even she had to train to be able to use that ability, so how is Elain able to do this so easily at the right moment in the middle of the battle field?
I would love to offer you an alternative.
TWO. Elain used Truthteller’s powers.
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We learned in CC3 that Azriel doesn’t know how to use Truthteller to its full potential, what if Elain was able to see it with her Seer abilities and make use of it?
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It’s known in the fandom that Elain foresaw Cassian’s death. And while some still think this is going to happen in future books, I believe it already happened and Elain found a way to stop it.
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If Elain was able to winnow all along, why didn’t she take the dagger that Cassian offered her? She could’ve killed the king with that one just fine. Unless, she isn’t or didn’t know she was able to until she possessed Truth-Teller.
It’s been proven in CC3 that The star-sword and Truth-Teller possess a unique ability when combined/used together, but Vesperus was referring to Truth-Teller on its own.
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This conversation in CC3 tells us two things:
Truth-Teller doesn't possess the ability to kill the unkillable we saw with The Starsword and Ataraxia. So, a simple dagger could've killed the King of Hybern.
It's implyed by the name of the dagger and what Azriel said that it might possess truth powers.
What if Truth-Teller showed Elain her ability to winnow or the dagger's innate power to help her do it?
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"The dagger shone with darkness" - "Elain stepped out of the shadow."
As for the second thing I wanted to mention about ACOWAR 74: Only those with the power of the starborn can wild the Sword and the knife. And this is a fact.
Healing - Life Powers
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Going back to the Cauldron and Elain's gifted powers. It would make sense that while Nesta stole Death itself from it, Elain might've been gifted with Life by it.
Throughout the ACOTAR books, Elain's been linked to spring and gardens, and there have been many instances where SJM wrote about Elain growing plants, growing life.
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All of this aligns with what we learned about Theia and the Dusk Court in CC3.
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This right here is what inspired this theory, the moment I read this, everything made sense to me. This is what Bryce senses in the prison with her starborn powers, sounds familiar?
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Even Lucien knows that what Elain is saying doesn't seem to be about him, and I never believed it was. The wording is very specific.
"I can hear your heart through the stone." - "There was a beating, vibrant heart locked away, far beneath them."
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"Off making more gardens?" - "I think the world needs more gardens."
Again, the wording used here was too specific to be a coincidence. A Garden, that's how SJM referred to the mountain Bryce awakened in Avallen, which is almost the exact copy of the Prison/Dusk Court.
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"blossomed under her care,"
All of this makes me think of something SJM mentioned in ACOSF.
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There was no reason for SJM to mention this particular detail unless it's something that might come to happen in the future; and with all of the foreshadowing I just showed you, I think it's pretty clear who they might be referring to.
In HOFAS, Bryce takes Theia's power from the mountain and this awakens the land. She already did this in Pythian, but we didn't get to know if the same thing happened there. What if the land needs a High Lady to really blossom and come back to what it once was?
I can't think of anyone better than Elain to do that.
One thing that some elriels noticed is that SJM makes it a point of having Elain 90% of the time in either pink or blue dresses, this is a fun detail that we love to mention when talking about The Sleeping Beauty retelling theory, this one is one of my favorites so definitely check it out.
While this is true for most of the series, SJM decided to make Elain wear another color in Silver Flames, purple, the mix of the two. Where am I going with this?
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I think this Google image speaks for itself, but one last thing! There's a particular line of inner monologue from Cassian that a lot of gwynri3l's use to justify Elain "not belonging" in the Night Court.
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While they love to forget that the Inner Circle did this on purpose to make Elain look "plain", so Eris would keep his attention on Nesta; they might have a point because no, Elain won't stay in the Night Court.
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Nesta looks stunning in black tho, so she'll most definitely stay there. Right?
On another note, user acoracaodefogo found something really interesting in the official coloring book for the series. Remember how Archeron's father named three ships after his daughters? Well, each of them has a symbol that correlates to something important about the sisters' future.
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The Feyre has a crescent moon and stars, symbolizing the night court, and The Nesta has a creature that looks close to what the hounds of the Daglan are described as (intriguing), and a sun, like the one in the mask of the trove.
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Elain's however, has an eight-pointed star, the symbol of the starborn and the Dusk Court.
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As we already know, only the starborn can wield the Sword and the knife, and Elain happened to wield one of the two already.
Were the sisters already part of the Starborn line? I think this might be the case. It never made sense to me how Nesta was able to shield her mind from a high lord, or that Rhys could feel Feyre, his mate, while still being human; or how their father was able to make a deal with Koshei. We know he was known as the Prince of Merchants before losing all of his fortune, but what could he offer Koshei? What could be so important that a death god was happy to strike a deal with that old man?
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And there's also this. This little piece of information is what made me believe the sisters weren't completely human after all. Why would their parents know and old name of the fae? The humans hate the fae, they are scared of them, why would they choose that name for their youngest daughter?
There's also this new piece of information we got in CC3. Ruhn has healing magic, from the starborn line? This aligns perfectly well with what some elriels have been speculating since ACOWAR, that Elain saved Cassian not only by stabbing the King of Hybern, but also by immediately running towards him and healing some of his wounds.
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NOTE: One last thing that came to my mind just now, the Starborn lake is in the Spring Court and it was said multiple times in Silver Flames that Elain would love to see that court. Just a thought.
This is going to be it for now, if you have something else to add to this please do; I would love to talk more about it!
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bright-side20 · 2 months
Azriel /Shadowsinger;Starborn
I wanted to write about why I believe Az has a secret starborn lineage ever since Hofas was released, so here it is:
Acomaf : “Like the daemati,” Rhys said to me, “shadowsingers are rare—coveted by courts and territories across the world for their stealth and predisposition to hear and feel things others can’t.”
Rhys compared Daemati to the shadowsingers because they're both rare.
Hofas: My story begins before I was born." The female's voice was heavy-weary. Tired and sad. "During a time I know of only from my mother's stories, my father's memories." She lifted a finger to the space between her brows. "Both of them showed me once, mind-to-mind. So I shall show you."
Thea and Fionn were Daemati, so it's a power of the Dusk Court people.
Hosab: Night haired Helena, from whose golden skin poured starlight and shadows Hofas : My mother eventually trusted only Helena and myself to seek the truth. She knew we could be of great use to her, because we bore the shadows as well as starlight. We spent a month hidden in the enemy's stronghold, no more than shadows ourselves. By the time we returned to our mother, we'd learned the truth.
Helena and Silene both possessed the power of shadows, they worked as spies because of it. Light and shadows are the power of the Dusk.
Conclusion :Both Daemati and Shadowsingers are Dusk Court people's powers, and they are rare in Prythian because most of them left for Midgard.
Acofas: Though the cobalt Siphons were proof that his Illyrian heritage ran true, even the rich lore of that warrior-people, my warrior-people, did not have an explanation for where the shadowsinger gifts came from. They certainly weren’t connected to the Siphons, to the raw killing power most Illyrians possessed and channeled through the stones to keep from destroying everything in its path. Azriel nodded his agreement, his shadows twining around him. Most of the camp women had ducked into their homes when he’d appeared. A rare visit from the shadowsinger. Both myth and terror. Az looked just as displeased to be here, but he’d come when I asked.
The Illyrians have absolutely no idea where Azriel's power came from. It's not related to their own magic, and he's even somewhat of a myth to them. I think if his power came from a special Illyrian lineage like Enalius, they would know, given their attachment to their culture and history.
*Shadows nature and abilities :
I'll start with Bryce comparing Azriel's shadows to Cormac's shadows:
Azriel, without Rhysand to translate, watched in silence. Bryce could have sworn shadows wreathed him, like Ruhn's, yet... wilder. The way Cormac's had been.
And then Az admitting that it's a magical power:
The shadows are made of magic, just very condensed.
Hosab,Cormac :
“You can teleport,” Bryce said, voice low..... Well, that explained how he’d shown up at Ruhn’s house party.... Once he’d had them, he’d simply walked right out of a shadow in the doorway.
“Where did you inherit the ability from?” Cormac squared his shoulders, every inch the proud prince as he said, “It was once a gift of the Starborn."
And then back to Hosab, Cormac says that his ability to winnow is because he's Starborn. We also know that Azriel can winnow through shadows, which could be attributed to his secret Fae lineage.
_Also There are similarities between Cormac's father, the twins' power, and Az's power :
Hofas: Shadows whispered over Morven's broad shoulders, trailing off his scaled armor. "He was a defiant boy. I thought I'd beaten it out of him long ago." Acomaf: It was an effort not to stare at Azriel as he watched them head up the steep street, arm in arm and bickering with every step. The shadows gathered around his shoulders, like they were indeed whispering to him, shielding him, perhaps.
The shadows talk to Morven just like they talk to Azriel.
Hofas: The twins opted to live. A shield of shadows slammed against the reaching spears of lightning. It was all Bryce needed to see before she burst into motion.
Acowar : “Enough, Azriel,” Rhys ordered. Perhaps those shadows that now slid and eddied around the shadowsinger hid him from the wrath of the binding magic. The others made no move to interfere, as if wondering the same.
The Twins' shadows were able to shield them from Hunt's Lightning just like the shadows shielded Azriel in the High Lords meeting, and nobody understood how it was possible.
*Last but not least :
About the troves :
Nesta stiffened. “If they’re all enchanting you to forget, how is it that Azriel was able to remember and bear the information here?” “Perhaps once you learn of it, recognize it, the spell is broken,” Amren said
Azriel was the one who brought the information about the troves . I think it could simply be because he's Starborn, so he has the ability to still remember them.
And of course, the last thing is him being able to wield the Starsword:
The male now held the Starsword at the ready, Truth-Teller gripped in his other hand.He must have had some sort of Starborn blood in him, then-a distant ancestor, maybe. Or maybe his possession of the knife somehow allowed him to also bear the Starsword.
After Hunt's daddies issues, I know that she could make Az somehow special, Illyrian-made, but I think this makes more sense and is more interesting: we know that his father is an Illyrian lord, but we don't know anything about his mother. Perhaps she could be a half-breed, he would still look like a full Illyrian but with a special power from his Fae lineage.
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