#Swamp of the Mold Ass
chikkou · 2 months
ok i was waiting until my laptop got here to finally tell all the bullshit thats happened in the last like. 5 months lol. cause its a lot to type
im gonna put it all under the cut so no one has to read if they dont want. its a LONG fucking story.
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ok so for basic background, for the last two years or so, i was living with a roommate in connecticut. the roommate was my (now former) best friend since middle school. in july of this year his behavior totally shifted, and he started picking fights with me out of nowhere, told our high school friends a bunch of straight up lies abt me to make me look like a horrible roommate & person, and just generally became a two-faced dickhead. in the end, it turned out to all be excuses to justify his decision to move out (unofficially, name was still on the lease) so that he could live with his boyfriends and not pay any bills. at the time i was really devastated by this bc i felt totally betrayed by this person i had been close to since i was 12/13, but frankly after everything else that happened i barely fucking think about it now LMAO. this is set dressing more than anything else
so anyway, i had been living alone since about august, that was the last time i saw him in person. i wasnt handling the situation well because i had spoken to my high school friend and found out the extent to which hed tried to paint me as a slovenly, horrible roommate, to the point of telling actual lies about really dumb stuff (which didnt work btw - my friends, god bless them, were more concerned about my mental health than anything and thought i was going down a depression spiral, which my former friend told them he was helping me through. they believed me right away once we finally did talk). all that is to say, i was going kind of crazy lol, and i decided to go back home in october just for a short while, to recharge my batteries and all.
i was gone for a couple of weeks, not very long. i felt MUCH better after being with my family & friends in person, as i felt pretty isolated from everyone (my hometown is in new york, i was only 2 hours away by train but scheduling times to visit was sort of a hassle, so i only did it once every couple months). my grandfather and mom dropped me off at my apartment in early november, we were very lighthearted and discussing my next steps, since my shithead friend had been behind on rent more than 5 times (i always paid my half on time) and i was facing eviction because of it. we get to my apartment, i go to open the door, and it wont open. not that its locked, it just straight up WONT open. my grandpa tried to ram the door with his shoulder, and nothing. hes a strong ass dude, and this door wouldnt budge for anything.
my mom managed to get the kitchen window open and climb in that way, and it took both her and my grandpa pulling/pushing at the same time to force the door open. i wont even dress this up: there was mold. fucking. everywhere. on the floor, on the walls, all over everything i owned. i have pictures (had to take them for insurance) and im not even going to show them because they are beyond fucking disgusting. everything i owned was soaked in water and mold, and i do literally mean EVERYTHING. it was very warm in there too, like the temperature of a swamp. i was in a haze after that. i just remember sobbing, like genuinely heartbroken sobbing, as i wandered around looking at everything that was ruined. my mom & grandpa had to go and get maintenance because i was just utterly useless, and they were equally horrified & said they'd never seen anything like it.
i managed to save some items that were irreplaceable (journals, notebooks, etc) and whatever clothes werent utterly soaked in mold. all of my cookware, my books, my laptop & desktop (i cried the hardest when i saw the desktop) - it was all ruined. we found out later that the water boiler in my apartment had a catastrophic failure while i was gone, which caused it to constantly send water back through the pipes, empty, and refill itself. my bedroom was directly above the boiler downstairs, so it got the most significant amount of damage. all told, i lost like 95% of the things i owned. it is possible that i could have saved more, but the amount of mold in that apartment made it a genuine safety hazard for me to even be in there, so i had very limited time to grab what i could. the cruelest irony of all that? my shithead ex-friend's room, which was on the other side of the hallway, was pretty much untouched. he lost absolutely nothing lol.
so immediately, i had to leave the state. i moved back to ny with my family. my mother - who had a stroke last year following a diagnosis of an exceedingly rare neurological disorder, AND had two separate brain surgeries to improve her quality of life - was in the process of getting evicted. the landlord didnt give a fuck about any of my moms situation, not her being disabled, not her being widowed, not her having 3 kids under the age of 18 to care for - he just wanted her out so he could increase the cost of rent on our house. at the same time as all this was going on, i got saddled with a $600 electric bill (likely caused by the water heater's malfunction), which neither insurance nor the apartment would pay, so it came out of my pocket. in addition, i found out in december that i was also getting laid off.
we had nowhere to go and couldnt afford to live anywhere in the tri-state area. we had no choice but to move somewhere much cheaper, and since my mom already had a friend living in a mid-atlantic state, we chose to move there. the eviction went through in january and we had less than 2 weeks to pack all our shit, find a place to live, and get the fuck out. needless to say, we were not successful lol.
we stayed in my grandparents 1 bedroom apartment for about a week, then all of us drove down together to stay with my moms friend in her 3 bedroom apartment (she has 5 kids, 3 of whom live in the apartment). my moms apartment, which was supposed to have been ready by january 31st, still had people actively living there. the property manager kept promising us it would be next week for the entire month of february, to the point that my mom got fed up and chose to rent a small house instead. the reality of being essentially homeless for that time was beyond horrifying, and having anywhere between 8-10 people in that house (my cousin also moved with us, but he stayed in a hotel for the first week) was more taxing than i can express.
but things have gotten a lot better since then. i also found a cute little house to rent just up the road from my moms, and its very cheap for its size. i still havent found a job yet, but thanks to what was essentially the liquidation of everything i owned, ill be ok for a couple months more. im slowly but surely repurchasing all the things i lost and trying to acclimate to the new environment. things are still not totally stable right now, but they are slowing down, and at this point thats all i can really ask for lol.
so yeah. if u were wondering why i suddenly stopped posting after literal years of posting every day, thats why LMAO
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
How would team JNRZ handle being in a resident evil game? Like RE7?
GOD that would be such a cool ass scenario for JNRZ to be in.
Imagine, JNRZ and Qrow Branwen get an expedition mission to the swamps of Piori, where there has been word of mass disappearances including an entire cargo ship. They go in and find that a mansion has been taken over by a Witch with illusion powers and mind control. This Witch named Evelin has taken over the minds and bodies of the Baker family, forcing them to be her thralls and aide her in her experiments creating a whole new form of Grimm, the Mold, a type of viscous slime Grimm that greatly reduces the difficulty for creating Lycanthropes called the Molded.
Can JNRZ overcome the Witch and her army of mutants? Can the Bakers be saved or forced to be put out of their misery? Will Qrow Branwen ever catch a fucking break? Will JNRZ uncover the secret origins of this madness and the dark truth this swamp holds???
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jessilynallendilla · 2 months
Dylan Hollis Baking Quotes Without Context Part 6
“We’re using it in linguini form, which I’ve never seen-eugh" 
“Dates are inevitable” 
“I don’t know where this is going, I don’t think I want to” 
“You mix this up to make it all green and disgusting. Charming” 
“This is just not right” 
“Now we’re going to plate this monstrosity” 
~”Peaches and linguini. Hearts of palm. Dates too~” 
“Now on goes our frozen swamp cream” 
“These are fresh eggs. From the business end of the chicken” 
“Ooh it’s wet!” 
“This is roughly four cups of crumbs and tears from artisan bread makers” 
“Now into a separate bowl goes two chicken eggs. Well, thank heavens you specified, I was at risk of using my locally sourced ostrich eggs” 
“We start with two large packs of lemon Jello because one would be too easy and three’s a felony” 
“Once you get to this color you are severely dehydrated” 
“Lemon lime fever dream” 
“Pour this into something, preferably the garbage” 
“This person has been to a dark place.” “Ugh it lingers.” “Seen bad things.” 
“You hear that, Henry?” tosses skeleton. “Long live Christmas!” 
“Make sure to take off the diapers, not very nutritious.” 
“Optional cup of chocy chips. Optional my ass!” 
“If you leave it in too long you risk pregnancy” 
“I call that a cup. No need to be precise, your in-laws will still find a way to insult you.” 
“We don’t cook with pot hash anymore for the same reasons we don't attempt to cure indigestion with lobotomies” 
Sheri is the popery of liquor. It was once very fashionable back when people bathed once a week and wondered why there were rats in their wigs.” 
“Smells really festive, like Febreze in a crypt” 
“Just a tablespoon of rum.” pours whole bottle, proceeds to drunkenly stumble into oven. 
“This looks like I microwaved a squirrel.” 
“Are you supposed to eat this for Christmas or for punishment?” 
“I’m sure people loved it back then when they ate lead paint and wood chips.” 
“You don’t have to use the whole box, you can beat a few and suck on the rest.” 
“Sorry I’m late I took the wrong exit at Cape Canaveral and ended up getting probed for free.” 
“Oh boy it’s butter on butter, nobody tell Paula Dean, she’ll bust in like the Kool-Aid Man” 
“Apparently these are named after the seed of the Buckeye tree which kills humans and cattle. Ohio you do you.” 
“Oh, the fifties, where when breakfast was a verb, baseball was relevant, and I would have had to have a wife” 
“Pinch of salt-”spills it-”Screams” 
“This looks like 10W40” 
“You can still buy powdered creamer if you like the taste of wood glue” 
“Finally alternate adding the dry and the motor oil” 
“For years I have searched for a gelatin mold that is edible and for years I have done so in vain” 
“C’mon Pepto!” 
“This book contains five secret cornbread recipes believed to be the lost sacred texts of Nebraska. Bake them all, die!” 
“Two boxes of cornbread mix. By the power of the Midwest!” 
“Sprinkle with water to avoid dry spots. What type of Nebraska voodoo is this?” 
“It reeks!” 
Stressed laughter “My house smalls like Hidden Valley.” 
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anipgarden · 8 months
For the homies who haven't followed for a long time, why the quest for swampweed milkweek seeds?
So I’m currently at the library so if this answer is lame I may go into more detail once I get home but the long and the short of it is Swamp Milkweed Pretty Pink Color. Long version below.
Summer ~2015 (I think): volunteering at the zoo, making and selling seed bombs to raise money for conservation projects. Some Karen sasses at me for encouraging people to make butterfly gardens/plant butterfly friendly plants (??????) and basically says ‘You probably don’t even so how dare you imply I, a mother of 3, should.’ I take that as a challenge.
Fall and Winter 2015: start collecting seeds and stuff from whatever stores sold them cheap for a butterfly garden. Start learning about how important milkweed is for monarchs. Goal to obtain Any Milkweed is a go.
Spring 2016ish (I think): I find milkweed for sale at garden stores! This is Tropical Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica), and most of it is red and orange. While googling I find a Really Nice All Yellow Variety and my goal becomes Obtaining Yellow Milkweed.
Spring 2017ish: obtain yellow milkweed. At this point I have like 7ish tropical milkweed plants in my garden.
Spring either 2019 and 2020: at this point I have been growing milkweed and other flowers pollinators like for awhile when I learn that UH OH. Tropical Milkweed is invasive in my area! And I really shouldn’t be growing it! (One could argue the greenhouses in my area shouldn’t be selling it in the first place and I’d agree but I digress.) In my quest to figure out what species of milkweed ARENT invasive in my state—native, even—I find swamp milkweed and its the prettiest plant I’ve ever seen. Fuck yellow tropical milkweed, this plant is BRIGHT bright pink, beloved by caterpillars, beloved by pollinators, and smells like VANILLA? I want it now.
Thus begins the quest to grow it (and other species but mostly swamp milkweed) from seed. It never works out.
Spring 2020: accidentally steps on seedlings. Fatality.
Spring 2021: seeds were cold stratifying in the fridge but were left out of the fridge too long, sprouted in the bag for three days, and were weak as hell when I finally put them in. Forgot to water. Fatality.
Spring 2022: seeds are left in cups for way too long, forgot to water because Senior Project, cold stratification of next batch doesnt go well. Fatality.
Spring 2023: seeds mold while cold stratifying, germination rate is ‘one out of 21’ and then that one dies because I forget to water. Fatality.
During that whole while I’m thinking to myself ‘ok I suck at growing these from seed maybe they sell them in greenhouses and plant stores?’ And no they don’t. Until earlier this year when I finally find them being sold at native plant festivals (wherein which I arrive too late to my town’s once-yearly native plant festival and they’re sold out of milkweeds before the 30 minute mark of a 5 hour event YES I’m still mad about that) and other gardening festivals (shout out to the lady selling swamp milkweed at the zoo’s garden festival AND the honeybee festival) and ONE garden store near my friend’s house by the beach called Earthworks.
There are other milkweeds I am questing after now because there’s like 21-22 native milkweeds in Florida and my goal is to grow as many different varieties as possible (which is HARD because NO ONE SELLS THEM except for at this once a year plant sale and they don’t have enough to last THIRTY MINUTES YES IM STILL MAD). Currently I’ve also got my eyes set on sandhill milkweed (Asclepias humistrata) and Redring milkweed (whos latin name I don’t remember right now). Also trying to figure out why pictures of swamp milkweed are Bright Ass Vibrant Pink but all the ones I’ve gotten and that my garden server has are pale ass strawberry milk pink but yknow.
Since I’m trying to start a career in animation I’ll likely end up moving to Southern California sooner or later, and all my knowledge about swamp milkweed will be Fucking Useless. But worry not! I have another milkweed to obsess over that grows in Cali! Heartleaf Milkweed (which might be Asclepias cordifolia but I could be remembering that wrong) is GORGEOUS and it has the growth habit like Sandhill in a sense but the flowers are droopy and VELVETY PURPLE and the leaves are HEART SHAPED (kinda) so yknow. Vibes.
Anyways yeah thems the brakes pal.
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zannolin · 7 months
I'm fully aware I could just look it up, but I kinda wanna hear your pitch: what's Beyonders about? Adding another book series to the to-read pile
okay im legally obligated to drop the simplified video version i made (should link to the correct timestamp) bc my ass spent way too long on it as a whole buuut.
so there's this kid named jason and he's the most Just Some Guy ever. likes baseball and animals. probaby is going to be a dentist someday bc his dad wants it. he gets hit in the head with a baseball and then swallowed by a hippo in that order but not immediately consecutively mind you and the hippo turns out to be a portal into another world (lyrian) where he promptly witnesses a band's group suicide and accidentally gets involved in a quest to bring down the evil wizard emperor, maldor. in lyrian he's called a beyonder bc he's from the beyond (which does not Just include earth but that's not important unless you want to read the other mull books, namely five kingdoms. i digress) and he meets another beyonder, rachel (homeschooler rep for the win) and they set off on this quest to get the magical way to defeat maldor together. there's a giant crab, but no more hippos. this book anyway. basically it's your typical kid falls into another world and ends up fighting the evil ruler to save said world story, except the worldbuilding is super fun and funky and all the magical races are SO cool (there's seed people who can live theoretically infinite lifetimes if you replant their seed that falls out when they die; there's dudes who can just take off their heads and put them back on and such; there's these guys that are just covered in plants? also?) and there's throat mold which will haunt me forever. you got such excellent places as: deadly swamp, deadly jungle, haunted sunken city within the deadly swamp, random library in the middle of the forest, a restaurant that spins in circles for little to no reason, and more!
in the second book it really starts to get into the magic of lyrian and you learn about the history and the interspecies dynamics and stuff. they start a proper rebellion and go on a quest for a prophecy and they blow a lot of things up which i fully support. the whole thing is this wonderful celebration of friendship and how kindness can save the world, and what heroism and sacrifice really mean, and if it's possible to change what others and maybe you see as your nature, and whether it's all worth it or not. in the end so many things happen simply because jason (and rachel) chose to be someone's friend and believe in them and oh my god it makes me want to sit down and cry sometimes. it's about the power found when you come together to make a difference and also the power just one person can have by choosing good. and it's also really heartening to read a story about characters who have absolutely no obligation to this world, to these people, who are still saying no i'm going to fight for you because it's worth it. because it's the right thing. i know a lot of stories have that but sometimes i just need it again y'know. fighting not because you must, but because you choose to.
also there's like excellent levels of snark and banter and jason does some of the most absurd things (like, besides being swallowed by a hippo) and it shouldn't work but it DOES. and lyrian is such a grim world for a middle grade series. maldor's seriously devious in very subtle, fun ways, like how he toys with his enemies and tempts them to his side to the point where people will fight him not to fight him, but only far enough to get an invitation to his pleasure palace where all the heroes go and give up fighting for luxury. i just really really love the worldbuilding which has gotta be Some kind of endorsement bc i'm literally a fantasy hater most of the time (shut up about lotr and narnia those don't count they're classic i hate Most fantasy okay) and i usually think it has too much worldbuilding. idk it's just great! it's great!!!! and it's not perfect and has weird bits and things that make me go eeehhh but at the end of the day. i love it. even when it murders like most of my favorite characters and made me cry a lot. like a lot.
ahem. that's beyonders. give or take several hundred pages.
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vocalcords · 2 years
five times stayed: ( five times the receiver stayed with the sender )
’ 𝙵𝙸𝚅𝙴 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴𝚂 ’ 𝙳𝚁𝙰𝙱𝙱𝙻𝙴 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂. Status ; Always accepting!
  1. The first time she stayed with Khaz was against the snipers will. A cold, autumn night. It was a tight situation and a even rougher firefight that they had gotten wrapped up in. Thank christ they had enough sense to keep an eye on each others backs while law enforcement swamped the area, searching for the gang members and the pair that went up against them. It was cramped in the makeshift basement of the condemned house, but they made due. It was her rifle propped against her body, pressed on the opposite cement wall to Khaz. Barely a foot of clearance in the narrow pathway. Awkward was an understatement. 
  She didn’t like being near men, especially when there was no clear escape. They had only met a handful of times before this incident.
  No words were shared afterwards, smelling of mold and gunsmoke. A trip to the laundromat, however was due.
  2. The second time Nat stayed with Khaz was against her will in the dead of winter, sleep took hold of her mind. Khaz, ever the cautious one, kept a healthy distance as his sniper passed out on her post. It was a brief cat nap, but he kept her safe. Something Nat didn’t expect. The woman woke with a start, gripping her rifle as if it were a object of comfort, and sharply analyzed the surroundings.
 Khaz gave nothing but a simple two finger salute. Maybe it wasn’t going to be a long night after all. The target was a no show. The info was useless. Neither of them were getting paid tonight, it seemed. They had no choice but to crash at her cabin for the night.
  3. The third time was during spring, when Nat was deep in sleep, someone set fire to the cabin, and had barely escaped with her life. Nat showed up on his doorstep, burned on her arms and legs, gasping for air and gripping his doorway in what was left of her gown. She had no one, and he was a last resort for survival. In this state, the parasites were suffocated and barely got her that far.
  She woke up on his couch later, wounds dressed. Nat decided she owed him her life, in the deafening silence. The analogue clocked read six am. Khaz was propped up in the chair at the corner of the room, arms folded and eyes shut.
  4. The fourth time happened on a summer night, it was a good payout. Hired for a search and destroy, and destroy they did, there was barely two blocks of the location left. They kept the targets heads for evidence of the job well done. The duo celebrated with drinks into the night, laughing their buzzed asses off at the shocked faces of the bastards they annihilated. 
  Hangovers were found in the morning, both of them with their legs tangled at opposite ends of the old couch. A trip to the drugstore was much needed. Sunglasses too.
5. The fifth time was again, during fall. It was Halloween night, and Nat decided to tide the night away at Khaz’s place, handing out candy while they chilled on the couch. Horror movies played on the cheap tv and hours quickly passed until they both dozed off. They didn’t make it to the alcohol. 
  She’d make it up with chai tea anyways. It was clear this was becoming a habit, if Khaz minded, he never said anything.
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gubsgames · 3 months
Tavuary Day 9: Stroll!
It's the ninth day of #Tavuary! There are two ways to participate by either following the Week-by-Week Prompts (Week Two is "Amour") or by using the Day-by-Day prompts found in this post! Fic Title: Memories Pairing: Astarion x Dandy (my Halfling Bard Tav) Warnings: None, just cute and fluffy. Summary: Dandy and Astarion take a stroll while taking a stroll (down memory lane).
“Do you remember the first time you hugged me?” Dandy’s arm was linked with Astarion’s as they took an evening constitutional around one of the many gardens of the Upper City. She snuggled closer, enjoying the brisk air and the numerous fountains that lent a touch of magic to the park. After considering the question for a moment, Astarion smirked. “I suppose it was that night in the forest…” “No,” she playfully bopped his chest with her hand-warmer, “the one before that.” “Forgive my advancing years, my dear, but I honestly can’t recall. Did we hug before?” Dandy appeared shocked. “At Grymforge! You really don’t remember?” —————
Staring down at the tangle of molten metal that had once been the guardian of the Adamantine Forge, Dandy thought she too was going to melt soon if she could not sit down. Had she not been so exhausted from the battle, she would have summoned ice or snow to cool the whole place down, but, with her voice crackling raw and the soles of her slippers barely clinging to their solid state, Dandy could not muster the energy to do so. “Oi, soldier!” Karlach called out as she removed the glistening adamantine armour, cast from the Mithral they had collected throughout the Underdark, from its mold.  The armour glistened a shimmering blue that only served to make Dandy wish for a drink of cold water more than ever.  “A mythical prize from a forge of legend? Good, wonderful,” Astarion struggled to speak. Despite the difficulty, he gulped down hot air, stinging his throat, in order to keep up his sarcasm. “Lashings of ginger beer all ‘round! Can we go now!?”  “Agreed! The air is soup!” Shadowheart’s voice laboured as she looked ready to throw her own chest-piece into a nearby lava pool.  And off they went with the adamantine armour and shield to try not to die as they traversed the long journey back to the Myconid Colony.  “I am calling dibstones on using the washing basin first.” Astarion rolled his shoulders, doing an odd little hop with a grimace. “Sweat is just pouring down my back, and I can’t stand it!”  “Didn’t know that vampires had to worry about swamp-ass like the rest of us.” Karlach chuckled, not bothered nearly as much by the heat as the others.  Astarion pointed at himself with a disgruntled huff. “Do you not see the buckets pouring off me right now?” Dandy, brain-fogged by exhaustion, chimed in, “But it's not really sweat, right? It’s like some kind of corpse condensation —”  Without a word, Astarion grabbed Dandy around her middle and easily lifted her off the ground. She shrieked in surprise and kicked at the air as she was swung around, her slippers flying off her feet.  “Are you sure about that?!” Astarion shouted as he rubbed his sopping wet face into her hair and onto the shoulder of her dress. “Why don’t you get a closer look and find out for sure?!” Dandy screeched like a gremishka in a room full of rocking chairs until Astarion finally let her go. He held his sides from laughing, quite enjoying himself until one of Dandy’s delicate pink slippers came flying at his head. He ducked just in time to see Dandy had armed herself with the other slipper and was already aiming it at him. Neither Shadowheart nor Karlach had ever seen Astarion run as fast as he did when Dandy was chasing him in her stocking-feet. ————— “That wasn’t a hug, you frilly creature! That was me acting like an ass for fun.” Astarion shook his head as they continued to reminisce through the garden. “Admit that you were just waiting for the chance to sweep me off my feet.” Dandy lifted her chin, mimicking the way Astarion carried himself when he was feeling particularly puffed up. 
Astarion brought Dandy’s gloved hand to his mouth and kissed it like a true gentleman. He leaned down, making his expression soft, his eyes innocent. “Do you want to know the truth?” Dandy nodded, and her lashes fluttered closed as she anticipated a kiss. However, there was nothing. When she opened her eyes, Astarion was already jogging away from her, giggling like a lunatic.  “You have to catch me first, love!”
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redrorums · 9 months
Roderick GrandVandal-A real odd duck of a human being. At least, he was. Rod spent a large portion of his time as a Silver Eyed not realizing he had been transformed at all. At the advent of the Gaian Genocide and the destruction of earth, Rod had been so overwhelmed by all the death and carnage he’d died of heart attack. This granted him an unusual ability, for as he assumed he had simply fainted and was still a perfectly ordinary man, the nothingness within him simply molded itself to this perception. Anyone who looks upon him (including himself) cannot help but see the most boringly average person they’ve ever met. Fleeing from some demons one day, mr. Rod stumbled through a random Cataclysmic rift and found himself in another dimension. The Fey Wilds to be exact. Rod took one step and immediately fell into the bog by which he was surrounded. A passing sprite even took the time to stop and laugh as he sunk slowly into the bog. As he slowly sunk, brow furrowed in rage, a litany of curses exploded from his mouth. He directed them at the stupid-ass bog and the stupid-ass, albeit pretty flowers that had concealed it. He wasted his dying breath exchanging visceral insults with the now thirty something faeries of various types that had gathered to laugh and fling pebbles at him. As his head finally sunk below with one final gurgle of contempt, most of the faeries flew off with a “Good RIDDANCE”, except for two Pixies who had tried to help and one Sprite who was kinda sad he was gone. As his last breath ran out beneath the mud, Rod could not help but think “I barely survived the apocalypse, just to die in the dumbest way possible…wish I had a redo”. And popped back into existence right before he had taken that lethal step (Rod would later refer to this as his Quicksave ability, learning how to control it as his magical skills increased). With a whoop and a holler, he mocked the murderous swamp with all the most heinous insults he could think up. The three faeries who had stuck around (named Chepi, Tian and Krakaunen Thorvaldsen, The Strongest Sprite Alive. Rod “affectionately” renamed them Lil’ Shit 1 & 2 and Krakalackin’, to their great displeasure) flew to his side in surprised disbelief.
OBVIOUSLY THESE ARE STOLEN FROM OTHER PEOPLES AWESOME ART…but just for some visual representation. Pixies are traditional “fairies”(above) and about 3” to 6” tall (mostly if not 100% humanoid or with a small percentage of some Natural flora/fauna/insect with insect types being the most common amongst Pixies). Sprites, on the other hand, are about 1ft. to 2.3ft. tall and will always appear much less humanoid in appearance. One must always remember that the Fey Wilds are a series of connected, highly magical (and artificially created) pocket realms that weave a winding and chaotic dance through the Cosmos, connecting and disconnecting to seemingly random dimensions. The Wilds have been compared to an inter-dimensional train, chugging through the other Realms of the Cosmos, each compartment of crafted by a different and powerful Fey. They and their residents are UNNATURAL and thus Natural Scientific Laws will not always apply to them. (Pixies/Sprites can technically look like anything)
He crossed his arms sullenly and began to admonish them on the various evils of their ways and how they shouldn’t be hanging out with bad influences, right before he was mauled by a Displacer Beast.
He tried his best to think of the many horrible nightmares he’d had over the course of his life, and began to blink rapidly. This is what he’d done as a child in order to wake himself up (it worked sometimes).
*Rod used Eldritch/Black Magic without realizing it. Whenever he “casts” his wish with enough concentration on the memory of the point he wished to return to, his Voidtality (his nothingness pretending to be Vitality and hoping the universe won’t notice. His Personalized Paradox) flings itself backwards along his timeline, recreating him in the place he WISHES to be. Making Aether grant one’s wish without casting a spell to reduce the required sacrifice of Vitality is nearly impossible without the summoned Aether overwhelming and consuming one’s soul. Summoning eldritch power to grant wishes (as Roderick does) won’t necessarily consume you as it will grant the wish in an infinite number of unpredictable ways, usually warping one’s soul beyond recognition…a fate often worse than death. Luckily, Roderick the Airhead managed to bumble his way into a loophole.
The stuff below drags on for a bit… that’s why it’s in different text styles, so that you know when his battle with the displaced cat cont.
1:Every time he unwittingly casts (casting with no spell is called Rift-Rending or just Rending and is oft associated with Warlocks as they sacrifice the universe around them to make their own reality. SUPER FORBIDDEN AND HIGHLY ILLEGAL SHIT. Wizards’ll mess you up if you do what Rod does in front of them) and his soul connects to the Ginnungagap directly to (*deep breath* meaning he temporarily ceases to exist in order to move outside the boundaries of time and space) move backwards through his memory of time/personal paradoxical timeline, he DOES suffer severe soul mutation. However, when he reenters reality in a different space, his personalized paradox is already trained to conceal itself by perfectly mimicking the “ordinary” soul of the man he once was. This effectively ERASES all the eldritch growths that would have rapidly developed from wading through a sea of infinite possibilities, “healing” him. Then his nothingness enters a sort of hibernation phase, maintaining the mimicry by shutting down all paradoxical activity until called upon. Some of The Comrades (and ole man Ozyeldias) believe that although this protected him at first, it also contributed to a uniquely dormant paradox that began manifesting in Roderick’s subconscious mind. Creating a perfectly imperceptible Eldritch being with it’s own soul and incomprehensible set of unnatural laws.
“A secondary, invisible soul would initially have similar symptoms to schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder and, if left untreated, would eventually burst forth from the original soul… as was the case with the late Roderick Grandvandal.” -Ozyeldias, The Ancient Sage
2: Rod uses Quicksave more and more, concentrating more precisely on what he wants to do and gaining a greater comprehension of his ability to adjust his position in order to avoid harm. Eventually, his fake soul trained to recreate the process by the fastest means possible(and with the least repairs to make upon reentry). The Permeant Microspirits he takes with him to the Ginnungagap return and are transformed into much more powerful Fey spirits that fill up his microcosm. These new spirits generate their own unnatural laws, freeing them from the constraints of the universe they’re in. This allows his fake soul to return to homeostasis undetected, but converts Rod’s Spiritual Radiance into a tiny, imperceptible pocket dimension . Funnily enough, This functions much like a Supernatural version (power based on communicating with spirits via one’s soul reverberations, as opposed to using Aether based magic) of the spacial distortion magic a Displacer Beast instinctively wields. This is probably due to the additional memories created from fighting the Beast adding new Voidtality to his “soul”(and because he was doing his best to imitate the Displaced Cat, cuz Rod “saw it in a Kung Fu movie. Gotta get inside the animal’s head, dude”). Now his pocket dimension rewinds him to any point he’s been previously without the need for rift-rending.
Meanwhile, Roderick continues to get mauled
He successfully reset to the position he had been in before he was jumped, causing the displacer beast’s eyes to bulge comically out of it’s head. Rod laughed manically… and then was mauled again. There were many oohs and aahs and winces of pain from the Faerie peanut gallery. His battle with the beast was legendary (in his mind). He died many times. It was 50-50 odds whether the Beast got him or the swamp and all the nearby Fey were placing wagers with a boisterous Leprechaun collecting and dolling out strange, triangular gold coins. As he began to predict the Beast’s movements, he started marking every step on solid ground he took during the fight and his exact feelings, condition distance from the Beast, unique flowers or trees or jeering sprites. Anything to help individualize each safe step he had taken so far. And then he focused right before was about to get jumped, only to get distracted by sudden golden mini-pyramids forming and growing directly around him “guaaah!” He yelped, flailing in a way he imagined was quite similar to Jack Sparrow. As he was painfully getting torn apart, the Beast desperately trying to use its displacement factor to bite and claw triple the amount of body in half the time. Rod suddenly noticed he didn’t even have to try anymore, the glowing pyramids seemed to magnetically lift him. The Beast desperately tried to kill him as quickly as possible, but his whole body turned into golden strings that started unraveling as the Pyramids whisked him away at blinding speed. He gasped, standing suddenly at the last safe spot he remembered. The golden pyramids were still floating around him, slowly fading from his vision like sunspots. Then one of them slapped him in the face. Now HIS eyes bulged as he looked closer, realizing they were tiny metallic people with triangular pyramid dresses covering their lower bodies. This time The Beast warped in and struck him with its hind legs as he tried to dodge, flinging him backwards into the bog. It paced at the edge, waiting for him to reappear. He noted it was panting heavily and laughed ludicrously. The pyramid people were all yelling tiny little words at him, but he couldn’t comprehend whatever Alvin and the Chipmunks gibberish they were spewing. He knew they were somehow linked to his power, so he began focusing again and saw them all begin to glow and vibrate. The air around him seemed to bend awkwardly and sound warbled, like he was underwater. He had a metallic taste in his mouth and no smell at all, even though he knew the bog smelled awful. All of sudden the space he wanted to be was right above him and he floated in slow motion towards it, flipping and landing on his feet. Except they weren’t feet, he realized, aghast. He was nothing but mist in the vague shape of a man. As he looked around at the slow motion universe, he noticed several indescribable, translucent creatures floating about. He thought they were funny until he realized what he thought a cloud directly above him was actually a giant, blinking eyeball. He shivered and thanked god that his…bodily strings?… arrived right then, materializing him back in the physical plane. “Now it’s ON” he smirked to himself. The Fey looked on in shock and awe as the foolish mortal began teleporting about suddenly. He was laughing fiendishly now, running the Displacer Beast in an infinite circle, constantly striking at it with rocks and sticks until it was wheezing. Finally, it simply gave up. It seemed to hear something in the distance (pretended to, Rod always said) and scampered off into the mists of the swamplands, flickering in and out of existence as it fled from sight at awe-inspiring speeds. Rod jumped and teetered dangerously as he was deafened by thunderous applause from the nearby, gambling faeries. They rushed in, asking him all manner of questions. He smirked, introducing himself as Roderick Grandvandal (a character he had once made up) and weaving a rich narrative of his heroism on the barren wastelands of earth and how he had barely escaped a horde of 1000 daemons (there were two) barreli
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desolatedruid · 1 year
Been thinking about my druid this name is based on and where they come from. The more I stew on it, the more they turn into Florida Druid lol
- She/they know swamps/marsh/mangroves/wetlands. Born in them, molded by them, etc etc.
- Thick ass accent from hometown/isolation.
- Others find her pastimes unusual. Like fishing with her bare hands and cliff diving.
- Sayings/phrases that have folks like ???? (Really though, what tf does "they muddier than a toad and twice as thick" mean? 👀)
I want to play her in a game so bad 😭
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
ON THAT TOPIC literally joe exists for that dlc so we can have happy fun times st/reet f/ighter content in res gme, his storyline makes no gd sense bc, on one hand i being from a mixed race family, i did go three years not speaking to them at all. the italian/japanese side of my fam refuse to awknowledge me bc im part hispanic, i havent spoken to them since 2004, i wasnt even 10 years old when they stopped talking to me and i still understood why bc its the same reason my japanese grandmother tried to kill me— the hispanic side, tho, even tho they wont talk to you for years, rheybstill expect shit sent to them every year even as they tell you how shitty and horrible you are and to never be gay or you’ll be disowned (lol too late)
so on one hand, id understand it if they hated each other, but like??? joe loved his fucking niece (idk abt lucas he didnt mention him or margurite at all.. in fact joe only gave a fuck abt zoe fiven he was all too willing to murdwr what was left of jack) but he lived. next. door. yeah they had a whole ass swamp between them but like??? he could BOAT to their house??? bitch ely didnt speak to the family he apparently loved in THREE YEARS, had all these articles and shit pointing out suspicious shit (tbf i dont rhink he read any of them… i dont think he reads anything he didnt write himself) those mold monsters werent spreading yet, i dont fucking lnow, i guess eveline somehow kept it from spreading that far out (i find it doubtful that she would have mia trick ethan into coming out to have a new dad, but not trick joe into showing up for a new uncle tbh) like???
but also, he was the LITERAL PLAYER CHAR in EoZ, and then??? when shes transferred to new orleans he??? just stopped existing???? theres no mention of him???? I HAVE QUESTIONS
beyond hilarity what the fuck even was that dlc its so funny but it makes no sense lMAO
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kimnjss · 3 years
[ part two of a new series called: ‘giving new meaning to bts moments by adding yn’… (really bad name lmao) - feel free to request your own! ]
friends with benefits is hard, but when he’s an international superstar... it’s much harder. so while you love his friends to death, spending the night holed up in his hotel room just sounds a lot more fun than a dinner party. // explicit. 3.4k words
warnings: cursing, dirty talk, oral sex (f. receiving), hickeys, fingering, yoongi has a lot of feelings... anal play, nipple play, biting, anal sex, this really turned out angstier than i intended lmao.
Yoongi is exiting the bathroom when you're entering his hotel room. Plush towel hanging low on his hips, dark hair appearing even darker from the water that drips from it. His lips stretch into a smile as he watches you make your way toward him. Amazed with how effortlessly beautiful you looked all the time.
A thin-strapped tank top covering your chest and stomach, stopping directly about your belly button. If he focused hard enough, he could see the tiny peaks of your nipples through the fabric. You've squeezed into a pair of bike shorts that do a great job n highlighting the gentle curve of your waist, the roundness of your hips.
He's nearly drooling over the sight of you as you make your way closer to his slim frame in the threshold, a soft hand landing on his bare chest. Yoongi reaches down to steady his palm on the small of your back while you lean into him, plush lips pressing against his.
“Hey, baby.” You're mumbling as you pull back, the tip of your finger tracing patterns over the skin of his peck.
His lips shift into a lazy smile, “Hi,” Voice sounding a bit dazed, drunk off the brief taste of your lips. A hand inching down toward the curve of your ass, giving the flesh a firm squeeze all while pulling your body tighter against his. “Are you gonna wear that out tonight?” Very unlikely he'd make it through an entire dinner with you beside him looking like that.
You're shaking your head, arms lifting to wrap around his neck. Chest paired against his. “Nope, I bought something when I went out with Jin,” He's nodding, barely taking in your words, his focus shifting to the push against his chest. And it becomes obvious with the way his lips curve into a dopey grin.
“I can feel your nipples through your shirt,” Yoongi says through a laugh, his hand reaching up to pinch it through the fabric. “Yoongi!” You say with a laugh, swatting his hand away from your body before wiggling out of his grip, crossing the room to flop down on the bed.
He's following behind you, fingers carding through his hair as one hand holds the edge of his towel up on his hips. “What else did you do today?” He asks while rummaging through his suitcase, picking out a pair of briefs that he slides on underneath his towel, letting it pool around his feet as he adjusts the band on his hips.
Yoongi nods along with the words you're saying as he pulls a hoodie from his luggage, shrugging it on before he's pulling a pair of dark jeans over his leg. “And then what happened?” He asks as he makes his way over to you, fists pinned on either side of your legs to lean down toward you.
The extremely hilarious story you were in the middle of telling him seems to become obsolete the moment you're being hit with the aroma of his cologne, pretty dark eyes boring into yours. His lips a pretty plush pink, looking enticingly soft. He must've noticed where your attention has gone, mouth shifting into a smirk. “Was that the end?” He laughs, brow arching as he urges you to continue.
“Mhm. That was it,” You're joining in on the laughter, hands lifting to rest on either side of his face. It's easy to pull him down toward you, mouth quickly molding with his.
He tastes heavily of mint, tongue pushing its way past your lips as he lifts his body onto the mattress. With a hand resting on your hip, he's laying your body back on the sheets. Your eyes flutter shut, fingers moving to knit in his damp hair. Kissing him was away so intoxicating, you could feel your head spinning even as he pulled back.
Smiling down at you with such adoration and appreciation in his eyes, Yoongi's lifting a hand to push the stray hairs out of your face before he's leaning in for another kiss. His hands slide down your waist, thumbs rubbing into your hip bones as he slots himself between your legs. 
The sudden drag of his teeth on your lower lip has a moan emitting from the back of your throat, teeth clashing as the kiss grows sloppier, more desperate. He's reached around to palm at your ass, free hand trailing back up your body until he's able to grip the top of your tank top. With one swift movement, he's tugging it out of the way, heavy breasts spilling over the fabric.
“Fuck,” He grunts, mouth falling from yours to steal a peek at the newly exposed skin. His middle finger lifts, tongue quickly swiping over the digit before he's rubbing it into the hardening bud. Yoongi feels the way his jeans stiffen from the soft you're letting out, head tilted back slightly to expose the length of your neck.
And he's diving in without a second of hesitation, lips latching onto the clammy skin, tongue, and teeth determined to leave a mark. Soft whines fill the room, he's rolling your nipple between his knuckles, cock pressed firmly against your thigh. You can feel the pound of your heart between your legs and it comes with an unmistakable wave of arousal.
Teeth nipping from your jaw to your chest, stopping only to allow his mouth to take the place of his knuckles. His teeth gently tug at the skin, mouth shifting into a grin when you're whimpering at the feeling. Heat spreading throughout your body, thighs tightening around his torso – effectively pulling his body closer to yours. You wanted him. Like always.
He's pulling back after a moment, boob bouncing slightly as he releases it. Yoongi's body shifts above you, arms pinned on either side of your head so he's able to hold himself up. Taking a moment to admire the features of your face, the glint in your eyes. Love was a strong word, but it felt like the only logical way to describe how he was feeling now.
You're shooting him an odd look, nose scrunched slightly and brows furrowed. The palms of your hands fall from his hair, gliding down to rest over the sides of his neck. “Why are you looking at me like that?” You say through a laugh to hide your concern.
It was not at all like Yoongi to stop what he was doing (especially if it involved taking your clothes off) to just look. And the way he was looking at you. As if he was moments from professing his love, that was unlike Yoongi in so many ways.
An easy smile spreads across his lips, lowering his body so that he's holding up his weight on his elbows. You're still caged underneath him and you like it that way, accepting the kiss that he places on your lips. “I miss you,” He mumbles, not bothering to pull back from your mouth.
You missed him too. Just like you always did when he was swamped or too busy to call you up. Something that he always tried to make up for whenever he had the chance, but that didn't take away from the fact that you did miss him. You had to share him with the entire world and sometimes it felt a little unfair.
But, he was doing what he loved. And no matter how stressful and time-consuming it may be, he insisted that he was enjoying himself. So who were you to rain on that parade? Whining about missing him wouldn't change a thing. “I'm right here, silly.” Laughing it off and enjoying the smile that pushes on to his features.
“You are,” He agrees with a quick nod, leaning down to cover your mouth with his again.
A much slower kiss that screams what he did not say before. His fingers in your hair holding your face to his. Your arms reach to cross behind his neck, pulling him down until he's laying flat against you. Not an inch of space left. His tongue teases the opening of your lips until your jaw is falling slack allowing his tongue to twist with yours.
He loved you. And it was insane because he knew he wasn't supposed to. This wasn't what casual was, no feelings, just two people having a good time. He had broken every single rule he had set in order to spare your feelings. Didn't want to stick you with that feeling of longing that came with being with someone always on the go, but that's exactly what he did.
It's worse because he could end it, he knew that he should but he was so stupidly in love with you that he couldn't bring himself to do it. Hell, even his friends loved you! When the lines between just hooking up and falling in love started to blur, he had no idea. It came all at once, one night when you were too tired to do anything. So, you just sat around and talked, he listened to you laugh and then went on to do things to hear it again. Gone after that.
And there was no way back.
“Should we skip tonight?” He's already working his hoodie over his head before you can get your answer out. Which is, yes, of course. While you loved his friends, spending the night rolling around the sheets with him seemed a lot more appealing. He's reaching over to grab his phone from the nightstand, typing out a quick message to Joon before he's setting it back down.
Not another moment is wasted as his hands curl into the waist of your shorts, tugging them off and tossing them out of the way. You're moving up toward the headboard, legs spreading wider for him. He's dropping down to lay on his stomach, arms looping around your thighs and easily setting them over his shoulders.
His eyes are zeroing on the wet patch staining your panties, the corner of his lips twitching into a smirk. “Making a mess already,” He's mumbling out before he's leaning down, tongue flattening over your slit through the fabric.
Lips latching on to where he suspects your clit to be, he's instantly filling the room with the loud suction of his lips. Fingers clutching his hair as his tongue pushes out to lap at your skin through your panties, the soft whines you're letting out going straight to his dick. “So sweet,” He groans as he pulls back, tongue jutting out to lick the bit of your juices from his lips.
“More,” You're breathless, a dull ache starting in the pit of your stomach and he's hardly done much. He's flashing his upper row of teeth as he chuckles, fingers hooking into the thin band of your underwear before he's dragging them down your legs. Placing a line of wet kisses into your inner thighs.
With the grip you've got in his hair, you're attempting to pull him toward your dripping pussy. Which earns you a firm bite into your skin, tongue swiping across the forming mark. The slight sting of pain mixes deliciously with pleasure his tongue brings, you can't help but moan. Fingers tightening in his hair.
“Be patient,” Despite his words, he's moving to press wet kisses along your slit. His hand lifts to lay flat on your thigh, keeping your legs from closing as he drags his tongue toward your clit. He's sucking it into his mouth, lips pursing as he slurps loudly. He's making a messy, spit dribbling from his tongue and sliding down your folds.
Urged by the sweet sounds that you make, your fingers tugging at his hair and hips rolling, effectively grinding your pussy on his tongue. Yoongi pulls back with a loud smack, eyes focused on the wetness dripping down toward your ass.
He grins. “What a pretty fucking pussy.” Making a show of licking your taste from his lips. “Should I fuck you with my tongue, baby?” Dark eyes lift to take in the look on your face. The flush of your cheeks, eyes hooded as you try to focus on him. His gaze drops to your fingers that work at twisting your nipples into a peak. Cock hardening at the sight.
There's a mischievous glint in his eyes and it makes your core tighten in anticipation. “Or...” Middle finger lifting and pushing past your walls without an ounce of hesitation. Slipping in to the knuckle, his eyes focused on you as he curls it up, mimicking the 'come here' motion.
“Both, both. Please, do both.” You were always so greedy when it came to him. He's obsessed with the way you whine but still pulls his finger from inside of you. “But then...” The digit is wet with your arousal and he uses it as a lubricant on your asshole, slowly pushing his way through. “What about this hole?”
He's pushing his way past the tight ring, a glob of spit falling from his lips and landing directly on the hole. “Yoongi, fuck.” You're gasping. A soft chuckle leaves his lips as he leans forward, tongue pushing his way past your folds. Slowly, he's pushing past your entrance, finger loosening the grip around his finger.
You're letting out a soft gasp at the feeling of him pushing a second finger past your tightness. Holding his fingers firm against your ass, tongue fucking deep into you. Your feet slide against the sheets, wanton moans falling from your lip. Yoongi licks into you like a man starved, groaning against your core while pumping his fingers. Your feet drag over the sheets, toes curling as the pleasure washes over you.
The tip of his nose is smushed against your clit, nudging against it with every swipe of his tongue, applying just the right amount of stimulation to have the tingle growing in the pit of your stomach. Hips lifting as you're letting out a desperate cry of his name. Your orgasm is quick and it startles you, thighs shaking and back arching.
He feels the new tightness around his tongue, the gush of arousal that hits his taste buds. It has his cock twitching, moments from blowing his load despite the fact that he's hasn't even fucked you yet. Eating you out always had that effect on him, though. Enjoyed it so much he would be satisfied if that was all you wanted him to do.
Although, it never was. He can tell by the way you look at him when his head lifts from between your legs. Dark eyes taking in your fucked out expression as he sucks the taste of you off his lips. He looks so hot over you. Hair disheveled, your cum dripping from his lips and chin, nose glistening with your wetness. 
“Fuck me,” You're whining, legs spreading in hopes of enticing him. He doesn't need much convincing, though, moving quickly to shove his jeans out of the way taking them along with his boxers. His body fits nicely between your legs, thighs pressed on either side of his hips.
He brushes the head of his cock against your over your entrance, and your legs lift to hook around his back. You're about to push him into you when he's being reminded of something. “Wait, wait.” The pout on your face makes him laugh. “You're ovulating,” 
The fact that he has your menstrual cycle memorized teeters on the edge of endearing and terrifying. But you're too horny to think that deep into it, especially because you know he had given his last condom away to Hoseok the night before. “It'll be fine,” You say, but he's not the slightest bit convinced.
Birth control was never your forte and he was in no position to gamble with the whole pull-out method. “How about..” His hand wraps around his length, cock dragging from your pussy between your cheeks. Something you've only tried together once, but you've been eager to do it again. Just haven't said anything to him about it.
“Okay,” You're agreeing instantly, earning a surprise raise of the brow from Yoongi. He watches as you turn on to your knees, cheek pressed against the sheets. “Fuck. Stay just like that,” Sliding off the bed, he moves to rummage through his suitcase, plucking out a small tube of lube.
Your hands are stretched behind you, palms on either side of your cheeks to spread them slightly. He takes his time with making his way back over to you, taking in the way you look spread out and ready for him. God, he loved you so much. 
The bed dips as he moves himself to kneel behind you, cock wet with lube which he spreads over your puckered hole. He takes his time pushing forward, watching the way his length disappears inside of you. Fists tightening in the sheets as a drawn-out moan leaves your lips.
You're squeezed around him much tighter than usual and it takes a few experimental thrusts before he's slipping into a comfortable pace. Hands gripping your hips as you push back into him, ass jiggling with each collide of skin. You're whining and hissing, breathy curses falling filling the air. He won't last long, had already been on the brink of it with his face between your legs.
“You're so fucking... tight, shit. I'm gonna cum,” Yoongi reaches around you, fingers dipping into your pussy. The palm of his hand presses against your clit as he pumps in and out of you. He's losing it the moment your walls are tightening around his fingers, hips pounding into you so hard your body is crashing down onto the mattress.
He's settling into a slow roll, allowing you to feel every inch of his cock as he drags it in and out. “Fuck,” He's groaning, stomach caving as cum spurts from the tip and filling you up. The first few hot strings of cum are what pushes you over, paired with the steady pound of the heel of his palm on your clit.
Your body shakes as you cum, hips rolling back into him. He fucks you shallowly through it, ignoring the sensitivity that vibrates through his cock. Instead, he focuses on the desperate whines, until your body is going limp beneath him. Heavy breaths shaking your back. He pulls back slowly, grinning at the way your hole squeezes around him as if protesting the emptiness.
“We have to do that more,” You're panting, feeling the trickle of cum that rolls down your thigh. His eyes follow it, nodding in agreement as he flops down on the mattress. The pounding in his heart is ten times worse than before and the way you curl up into his side doesn't help. An arm wrapped around his torso and cheek resting on his chest.
He watches the way your features soften, fingers tracing random lines into his side. Your soft breath hits his skin and your blinks start to slow. Fatigue washing over you and him too, but he can't seem to look away from you. Allowing his mind to wander to what it would be like if you were together and he could tell you all the things that were constantly bouncing around in his mind.
His hand lifts, fingers pushing a few stray hands of hair out of your face. He's two seconds from leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead when his name is being called loudly from the other side of the door, followed by a firm knock. It pulls you from whatever half-sleep that you were in, eyes squinting in the direction of the sound.
It's Hoseok. And from the use of his stage name, it's safe to assume they're probably filming too. He shushes you as he stands, finding his boxers in the mess of clothes. You watch sleepily as he makes his way to the door, cute butt poking out as he walks. The encounter is brief before he's sitting on the bed beside you.
He looks so cute, hair sticking up all over the place, cheeks flushed as he leans over the takeout, mixing it up before he's holding out a bite to you. You're leaning forward, allowing him to push the food into your mouth. Laughing along with him at the pieces that you miss. It's so comfortable. And nice.
You can't help but wonder what it would be like if everything wasn't this complicated. If you could just be together and talk to each other. Enjoy each other. If only it were that easy.
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dmc-tings · 3 years
If I may. The Four Lords with a reader who is a child of the Bakers who moved to the village, for whatever reason, like a year before Eveline showed up at the house and infected them.
How would they handle the news that their humans parents were infected for years and are now dead? Like would they try to hide the deaths, would they be honest and tell the reader about what happened and how would they go about comforting you? Would they try and track down Lucas and Zoe to bring them to the village?
Long Lost Baker with the Four Lords
(This was an interesting one! Very fun to write!! Thank you for this and I hope you enjoy it! I added Joe cause his dlc was bussin)
Alcina Dimitrescu
She had no idea about your family background
And didn't care to ask you, since you never brought it up
But you where in the library with her
Picking out a book, when you came across a file
"Huh. You knew about the Bakers? They were my family."
"Oh?" Alcina asked, raising a brow at you, "Well they were killed. If they wher-"
You paused, shaking, "What? They... they where killed ?"
Alcina moved to your side, putting a comforting arm around you
"Yes. My Love... did you care for them?"
You nodded, almost choking on your emotions
'Dead.' You thought
You didn't even really say goodbye
Your father, Jack, didn't want you to leave the safety of their home
But your mother, Marguerite, insisted that there was more to the world, than just that old ass swamp
Zoe and Lucas really didn't want you to leave either
But you left, Lucas helping you navigate away and Zoe giving you some money, that she saved up
"The mold... The girl, Eveline, she took over the home... and your parents are gone. But your siblings and uncle live."
You looked at her in shock, you didn't know who Eveline was
But some of your family was alive!
When Alcina saw the hope in your eyes, she smiled, "What would you like me to do?"
"Try and bring them here! Please!"
She nodded, your wish was her command
For months, she had known you might want your family with you
They were being held away from the Castle, so she could surprise you
Though getting Joe and the BSAA soldiers that surrounded said home
Joe was also taken
"Come. I have something to show you." She stood up, towering over you, keeping a hand on your back
You stood, letting her lead you out
Through the Castle and Vineyard, you came up to a house, small enough for a few people
You heard yelling, a familiar voice
"Will you shut up? She said, there was someone here we knew."
You rushed to the door, kicking it down
Tears welled up in your eyes again
They were speechless as well
What a happy family reunion!
Tears and hugs were given
Joe stood up, from hugging you three, to look at Alcina, "Thank you from keeping my youngest (niece/nephew) safe."
Alcina looked away, "No need to thank me, human. I didn't care for any of you, but I knew this would make them happy."
Angie and Donna Beneviento
Angie noticed that you had been feeling a bit down lately
So she told Donna about it, whom rushed to your side
"My Dear, what's the matter? Angie says your feeling blue."
You looked at her, a sad look in your eyes
"Ah... its nothing really, Love. Im... im just think about my family. I havent really been able to know anything going on with them..."
It really bothered you, and both of the ladies could see that
Donna looked at you and took your hand
"Do you remember how they looked, the last time you saw them?"
You nodded sadly, smiling wistfully
"Yep, Momma was making me a cake, for me finishing off collage. Pops he was rebuilding the old car, with my brother Lucas. And Zoe, she and I were playing in the front yard, supposing to do chores."
Donna nodded, and a bit of pollen began to swirl around you both
You sat up straight, it was your family
The Baker's, as you knew them
They were happy to see you
It made your heart burst, and you smiled
Tears falling down your cheeks, as your family gathered around you and Donna hugging you both
It felt good to see them, even though you knew it really wasn't them
Donna wiped your tears, and you sighed contently
Starting a conversation with your "mother" and "father"
Your "siblings" talking to Angie and Donna
A few hours later the pollen wore off
But you where happy, and turned to Donna
Giving her a kiss, "Thank you. I dont know what's happened to them... but that was good for me. I appreciate it."
But Donna didn't smile back, and Angie grew quiet
"Your family. They... your parents are dead..."
You looked at her, shocked, "How-"
"Mother Miranda has said that their one with the mold..."
You took that information in, knowing about your parents... was a bit of a... surprise
"And my brother and sister?"
Donna shook her head, smiling, "Alive and safe from that."
You smiled and thanked her again with a kiss
You may not be able to see them, in real life, but you COULD see them all as you remembered them
Salvatore Moreau
You had told Salvatore all about your home life, before moving to the village
He had asked about your family, trying to compare his own with yours
You sympathetically told him that you and your siblings ACTUALLY got alone
And that your family was always tight
Your mother cooked badass meals
And your dad was always the person to run to for the best advice and protection
Your brother was a delinquent genius
And your sister was always happy to just be there for you
While his "family" left alot to be desired
You had pictures of them, which you shared
He looked at them with wonder, seeing how happy you were
This is when he decided to get them, well the alive ones
His Cadou experiments had changed
Making them more human, to infiltrate the regular world and kidnap your family
He surprised you one day
Encouraging you to go for a moonlit walk with him
Yelling was coming from a nearby cave
"Moreau, Love. I dont-"
"Its not, my most Precious. I swear, you will love this surprise."
You gave him a frown and let him continue to lead you on
Inside the cave, you where met with 3 cages
Joe, Lucas and Zoe!
Your jaw dropped, and Moreau clapped happily as you rushed and unlocked the cages
Embracing your family, though Joe pulled away ready to blast Moreau away
After a long explanation, your family accepted the fish man as their own
Moreau was careful to hid your family from Mother Miranda
Sadly, he couldn't save your mother and father, but the rest of your family were safe in his domain
Karl Heisenberg
You both were having dinner when he asked you about your birth name
"Oh. It's Baker... I think. I was adopted by them."
"Adopted? Hope they treated you better than that bitch, Miranda." He scoffed
You laughed, assuring him that they did
Then you went into stories about your family
As you finished up a story about you and Lucas dodging the cops and taking quite the ass whoopin from Jack
You noticed Heisenberg narrowing his eyes at the names in the story
"Jack... Marguerite.... Zoe... Lucas... Joe..." he grumbled letting the names roll off of his tongue
Then he stood up, and looked at you
You jumped at his outburst, then nodding slowly at him
"HOLY SHIT!! THEIR- Well the kids and uncle still live." He told you
You looked at him like he had gone absolutely mad
"What are you talking about, Karl?"
He sat back down, holding both your hands in his, looking you in the eyes
He was serious when he did this
Karl explained to you about the mold and what happened in Louisiana, a couple years ago
"Miranda had a file on them. I dont know how the hell she got it, but I managed to take a peek at it. I had no idea you were one of them."
You sat back in your chair, processing the information
"My... my siblings and uncle are ok?" You huffed with relief
Karl nodded, pulling you into a hug, comforting you
You fell into his embrace, "Thank you for telling me..."
Heisenberg let out a hum and rubbed your back
You opened your mouth to speak
"No." He cut you off, "im not going. And im not sending anyone. You KNOW what Miranda planning..."
You nodded, and buried your face in his chest
You were happy that they would be safe from her
But sad that you may never see them
Heisenberg had a plan for you to be saved as well
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jadelynlace · 3 years
divine / Modern Ivar One Shot [Modern Ivar x F!Reader]
requested by: anonymous ask, and you can find it here.
“Ivar in a wheelchair (not complete useless legs, but you know, the usual that comes with his disease) has after a loooong time found a girlfriend and they're super happy but also a bit insecure about their first time together because of him being in a wheelchair and stuff. Both being shy but also super eager to finally sleep with each other.”
author’s note: I certainly tried my best with this, but as someone who is not disabled, or has any experience with such, I do apologize if I was unable to capture the essence of being in a wheelchair. in other words: it’s freaking terrible writing and I’m sorry. just above 1,000 words.
pairing: Modern Ivar x F!Reader
content warning: mentions of disability, Ivar’s insecurities and sex.
request are open! 
It took time, trials and fails, errors and patience. Even longer for Ivar to be more than shirtless around you; be more than covered. There wasn’t a part of him you didn’t know, inside and out, but he still never let you see his legs. No trust in himself or even in you not to laugh, not to pity, not to do what everyone else in his life had done; defining him by the one thing that didn’t make him who he is.
He was the last of his brothers to find love, it left him bitter watching them have families. Explaining why Uncle Ivar was in the wheel chair, using the crutches. He locked himself in a glass tower and he didn’t want to shatter his way out. And then he met you. Through luck, or the crossing of stars, the Gods answering his lonely prayers, he didn’t care to think what it may have been but you were in his life and there was a glimmer of happiness for the first time. Because you accepted him; even with the metal wheels that rolled with him. 
You loved his arms, rippled and muscular and strong as he pushed himself, wrapping around you for embraces, always lingering on your body in some way. You never pushed him to do more than what he was comfortable but it was nagging at him—you could have anyone but you chose the crippled man in the wheelchair. You hated when he said that. And even you asking him if he wanted you like that, never seemed to dull the sharp end of this mental spear that you would laugh. Tease and ridicule him like everyone else.
Candles were burning when you came out of the bathroom. Ivar was sitting in the bed with eyes not unlike a young canine. He had the whisper of a smile on his mouth when he saw you. Dawned in a softly colored nightgown, laced details and silk to touch as you walked over to him. 
“We’ll go slowly, and if you want to stop, tell me,” You tell him softly, hands molding the muscles in his chest as you lean down to kiss him. All Ivar can do is nod, voice lost and swamped as you crawl over him. You take his lap like a throne and you’re his queen, straddling him and there’s a gasp from Ivar as you sit on him. The soft smile graces your lips as you lean closer to him, catching his mouth with yours and you wait for his hands to take to their journey. Soft touches on even softer skin as Ivar’s fingers trace you, your body a hidden language, ancient or dead but he still knows it fluently. A gasp catches his ears when his hands grab your chest, squeezing softly and you feel how he grows from arousal below you. Rocking your hips on him and he can only give you heavy breaths as they pass through his chest. 
With his lips on your neck you moan, a sinful noise that takes up space in his ears and Ivar grows needy to hear is again, fingers dancing along your spine, squeezing where your ass swells and leaving no part untraced. His eyes grow twice as you’re bare before him, even though he’s seen it, this time you’re even more beautiful, more angelic and he’s growing excited to have you in such a raw way. He swallows thickly as you move from him, slipping his cock free and he groans as the cooler air hits him. You’re salivating at the sight of him, long and thick in your hands and he’s looking down at you like it’s a dream. One too pleasant that he doesn’t want to wake up from, but your lips wrap around him and his mind goes blank. Utter nothingness as pleasure blooms through him while you sink down, swallowing around him and you hum as you pull away, slowly jerking him and his mouth his open. Dropped silly with a heaving chest and you check in on him and he nods, crawling back to his level with a mouth that’s rushed against his. 
Ivar’s eyes stay locked on yours as you sink down on him, a low guttural moan ringing from him as you seat him fully inside of you and his head tips back against the headboard. You giggle some as he does, hands gripping your hips and you squeeze your walls around him to get him to look at you.
“Still alright?” You say softly and he nods. Through little flicks of your hips you work him, leaving no noise unsung as he stretches you, a delicious pleasure spreading and your thighs start to shake on each side of him. His thumb presses through yours folds as he rolls it against your bundle of nerves, watching how your body responds from his touch, and his touch alone and he feels the creeping of his first orgasm with you come closer. He doesn’t want it to end, the motions where you two are connected as he bares his soul on the floor for you to collect, putting his heart on a platter and you protect it, keep it like it’s your own and he’s falling for you. Ivar’s lips crush against yours as he tells you that he’s close, that he wants you to come with him and you can’t deny him that. Rolling your hips as you ride him and his fingers dance with your womanhood and he finally groans, shuddering as his arms are around you as he spills inside of you. Your own end right there as you fall with him, lips stilled but connected and in the first heavy seconds as the two of you come down you’re connected more than where your bodies meet. Hearts behind ribs beating for one another.
“Thank you,” Ivar whispers in your ear and you can only nod against his head. Tears in your lash line as he worships your body, the very ground you walk on as a high heaven he’ll never want to leave. Because you are there, and you are his.
@smileysam13579 @dreamtherapy @heisentwerk  @angelofthenightposts @ill-skillsgard @youaremyfamiliar @unbetaedimagines @kathryn-jane @readsalot73 @skrsgardspam @lihikainanea @queen-sarang   @anastasiaskarsgard @andmyannabellee @walkxthexmoon @flowers-in-your-hayr @peachyboneless @heavenly1927 @istorkyou @victoria-styles @quantumlocked310 @xbellaxcarolinax @mighty-ragnarssons @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @queen-of-upshur @nanahachikyuu @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @ivarhoegh @a5hl3y5ibley @apenas-mais-uma-pessoa  @youbloodymadgenius @love-all-things-writing
*please message me to let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. specifications for series/etc. are also welcomed, as well as feedback.*
full masterlist can be found here.
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cc-v-en · 2 years
Chapter 2
It has been a few weeks since the issue of Nathaniel and seeing her brother. It took Truth a couple days to get Ciana to eat and talk again as the darkness of depression seemed to have clouded her mind after the experience - with her brother, not the traitor. In fact, the only thing that got her out of that depression - other than her lover of course - was the fact that Nathaniel had to be found.
If Ciana wasn't ruling over the island, seeing to her people, or with Truth. She could normally be found in the library. Which is where she was currently, having left Truth in their bed asleep and barely covering herself with one of his shirts, she now sat on a table in the library a large crusty molded book in her lap and a piece of toast in her hand.
"Please- please Ciana, tell me you have underwear on," Olivia begged, coming in with more toast on a tray.
"Yeah, sure," Ciana replied, flipping some pages of the book. "Listen, if I can find out how to unlock the tomes, I'm sure I can find a spell that can get me out of the barrier but able to come back in..."
"Ciana, your bare ass is on this table that OTHER people use, respectfully. You are practically naked, in the LIBRARY, respectfully."
"Huh? Yeah but listen this spell is pretty easy the only thing I'd need that I'd have to search for is Nightshade and I'm sure that would be in the swamps."
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raguna-blade · 3 years
Persona 5, Makoto, And Cops
So, like...We can all agree that it's weird that Makoto want's to be a cop in the game right? Aside from general cop bastardry irl, there's like precisely one police officer in the entirety of P5 who's at all a clear cut good guy and even he basically just says out and out, super explicitly that the cops are like...Not great.
At BEST, at BEST, they ensure the laws are followed, but that doesn't always equate to justice being served, and it is hilariously easy for them to be made into tools of opression, and to be made into stooges of people who want to do wrong.
Like Zenkichi out and out says “You really shouldn't be a cop.”
But Makoto still want's to be, despite knowing this, despite agreeing with this, and it's a weird gap right? Of perhaps everyone in the group, she should know best how following the rules and laws can lead to people doing pretty screwed up things if her little stint stalking and then blackmailing joker and company.
And she's just a student council president you know? It's not like she has anywhere near the same authority as a police officer, and unlike Chie who (for sake of argument here) has pretty objectively Upstanding Excellent Cops in her neighborhood except for you know the one who decidedly wasn't but P4 isn't really dealing with Laws and their problems, so them not leaning into law enforcement is a problem makes sense. Dojima is a just dude trying to do his best and even here the only other cop of note is uh...A straight up monster who abused his position of authority to get away with terrible things.
But back to P5, like...The game isn't subtle about it's feelings about law enforcement. Every Single Shadow is represented in the field by varying kinds of law enforcement operative types. Guards, knights, actual cops, prison wardens, etc etc. The Ultimate Big Bad basically posits that humans can't follow the rules and for that need to be severely punished and so laws and rules more or less end up being the big bad foe here.
The motivation to be a cop is well...Painted as whole heartedly misguided at best. We never get to know anything about Makoto's dad, and he's her inspiration for that goal, but at the same time, we get to see the other daughter who I think it's safe to say ALSO had him as something of a goal and...Sae also doesn't exactly come off as a perfect avatar of justice here either.
She very clearly WANTS to be, no doubt, and the massive shock of the games events does change her trajectory, but she's been deep down in the swamp of the system and she knows intimately that well...It's a shit show at best.
So i'm circling back to it as...Why? What's the deal here with what the game is going for theme wise? The idea of internal reform I suppose is being suggested, but the game's also make it remarkably clear that that actually won't work.
I'd say even textually, not even dipping into subtext, the game is out and out saying that you cannot reform a system from the inside like that when it's that far gone. Between P5 and P5S it's made abundantly clear that even what is functionally in a metaphysical sense a hard system check of things going out of whack law wise like the phantom thieves (what with their flipping of the table) they can't actually solve the problems of the system itself being super fucked. At best they can stop it from going full on malignant, but the cancer is still there. If the people don't actually band together to overturn things that are broken, especially when it is well within their hands to do, it's not going to improve, it's not going to get better. It's a delaying action at best.
Like the Phantom Thieves can't save everyone. Akira Konoe bluntly makes it clear when he asks them and the PT can only really go...No we can't. If we knew sure, but we don't possess the ability to do that. It's outside our ability entirely to do so for everyone.
So...Back to Makoto then. It's abundantly clear, I think, that she's very much of the mold of she want's to be a cop to protect people. That's what the job description is, even if that's not what it is in reality. And I think we can at least say that she's not so naive by this point to think that if she goes in she's going to be able to reform things, not by herself. It's worth noting that her intended goal is to become a Police Commisioner, and basically form her own police branch under her rules and regulations which...Fair. Fine. There's something to be said for being an apt demonstration but it doesn't actually fix the problem at it's core does it?
Which I think pushes this into the funky grey area of things because I don't think she's precisely...Wrong to want to do this. As stated, I think the games make it abundantly clear that one person on their own can't make radical and deep changes. You need people and momentum and everyone willing to work and all that.
Certainly, I think, it would be tremendously easier to reform an organization if someone in that organization is willing to make calls against what they're doing presently. But by the same token, it's also clear if you're entering an organization to try and change that organization it's uh...Not precisely a good bet. Now there's something to be said for being willing to try it I think. While the game doesn't exactly indicate how it'll go, we can imagine that following the events of the game that Makoto wouldn't be crushed under the weight of it all and change for the worse....Though the question of if she'd be able to make her goals a reality are a different question. She has allies in that fight for sure, between Zenkichi, Sae, and (from all indications) Kaburagi, there is at least some element of reform at play, but it's also well...
The big ass conspiracy didn't exactly come out of nowhere no? And the cops at every level more or less were compromised to some level or another, and this includes these prospective allies.
But then, I guess this goes back to the Phantom Thieves themselves. They're not able to actually fundamentally fix the problems at play. They stop the worst excesses certainly, the most terminal aspects of it, although in doing so they are very nearly destroyed outright and with barely a thought. In that spirit, Of doing what you can with what you can it changes the read on the decision at least somewhat.
The Daughter of a well decorated cop, sister of a particularly well known ex prosecuter now defense lawyer, in addition to being a top honor student type, certainly gives her a bit more leverage to attack the problem, especially in the sense of getting into a position to actually change things. To say nothing of Joanna.
Taking her awakening quote into consideration
"Have you decided to tread the path of strife...? Very well. Let us proceed with our contract at once. I am thou, thou art I... You have finally found your own justice... Please... Never lose sight of it again. This memorable day marks your graduation from your false self..."
and the general story the game presents of Joanna as one who rose to the top of the organization she was in and shook it to it's core (doesn't particularly matter how true that is in reality, merely what the game says for this instance) it's clear that indeed that's her gambit, if not the specific trickster archetype she's supposed to embody (as opposed to Joker's completely outside the law rogue, Anne's Femme Fatale, or Morganna's Layabout by Day Vigilante by Night as off the cuff examples), of someone who appeared to all eyes to be a harmless simple part of the system until it was simply too late for them to do anything about it.
There is a solid arc there, and a story to be told, and I think in that light makes the continued ambition make sense especially given what we're shown of well...Uh, everything to do with law enforcement in P5.
Now if they actually communicated that idea WELL is um...probably a different story. I think it's there to see, but I can easily see this being overlooked if this was the actual intent. Though, thinking about it, the way the various trickster archetypes are shown to function isn't quite as clear as it could be, though I think there's something to say for looking into that.
Later though.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
The Killing Cure (Part 21)
So this is another mobile post. Will put it under the cut when I get to my desktop.
He doesn't know how he hadn't noticed promptly; Lady Dimitrescu, though she is still much taller than he, is actually quite small. He wonders if the woman is aware silent in his embarrassment he strikes his forehead with the heel of his hand, stupid stupid Salvatore, of course the lady I knows! She is a smart woman and a change so big…? Small…? Profound, wouldn't go unnoticed. It is somewhat comforting if he were to be honest. Before she was such an intimidating presence to be around. So much so that he sought to avoid her if he could help it.
But the woman who sits before him, shifting in the chair with a look of mild disgust is infinitely more approachable.
"Can I get you something to drink?"
Dimitrescu shakes her head and is hear sinks. He is loathsome, repulsive, repugnant! Of course she doesn't want anything that has been delivered by his grimy hands.
"You got any beer? I haven't had a good beer in a while." Ethan requests. "I could use one."
Salvatore nods eagerly. He hasn't had company in so long, much less company that is willing to let him be hospitable. Only Mother Miranda let's him be hospitable.
He plops a can into the man's hand. He visibly cringes when the slime runs down the side of his his palm. And for a second Salvatore thinks that he will put the drink inside. Instead he wipes the can clean and pops the cap.
"Are you sure that you don't want anything, Lady Dimitrescu?"
"To eat or drink, absolutely."
He thinks that he hears Ethan grumble, "you should eat, those vitamines are only supplements."
"But there is something else that I would like." She carries on as though she hadn't heard the man sitting next to her.
"How can I help?" He has asked the wrong question. He knows that he cannot help. He wonders why she is asking him rather than Donna or even Karl. Surely even Karl is a more desirable option.
"Winters and I are looking for his daughter. I imagine that Mother Miranda has given you a role to play? I am asking you to... reconsider your alliances."
"Betray Mother Miranda?" He squeaks. He could never! He doesn't understand how she could ask such a thing! To betray the only person who has seen his value.
"I-I couldn't possibly, Lady Dimitrescu! Mother Miranda has been good to me."
"By turning you into a gross and gushy fish...man...thing?" He chuckles to himself, "manthing." And then he clears his throat, reverting back to tealitibe seriousness, "I wouldn't call that good."
"I...well it's...nobody, mostly nobody, messes with me anymore."
"That's because you isolated yourself in a swamp." Lady Dimitrescu drums her claws...former claws upon the armrest.
Salvatore slinks back. "Mother Miranda sees my value." Even where he doesn't, she always has.
"She doesn't see your value, Moreau. She sees you vulnerabilities and she uses them." Just as she had used her. And how lovely it had been to believe those lies. "I see your value, Moreau." At least she hopes that she will in time. She thinks that even he can tell that she is telling pretty lies.
"I know how you look at me and my dwelling." He gestures about the place. "You want to use me."
"So then what does it matter? You're being used either way, what difference does it make who's using you?" She scoffs.
Ethan nudges her. "What she means to say is that we would really appreciate your help."
"I meant what I said, Winters!" She snaps.
Ethan inhales deeply, "I would value your help. And I wouldn't use you. You gave me a beer, we're friends now."
"Friends?" Moreau tests the word.
"You ever have a friend before?"
Moreau meekly shakes his head, "none at all, Winters."
"Well now you do and you can start by calling me Ethan."
Now Moreau looks far beyond anxious. The pathetic creature is all jittery and stuttering.
"B-but you won't like me. You'll find me repulsive eventually."
"I already do but friends look past that. I was able to look past Alcina's occasional blood baths. She smells like a corpse when she comes out of those and it's pretty awful."
Alcina clenches her teeth, cheeks coloring ever so slightly. "How dare you--"
"I look past a whole lot of that too." He jabs his thumb at the snarl on her face. "She's pretty cranky all the time but she isn't so bad once you get used to traveling with her."
"Blood and mucus are not the same. At least she's nice to look at."
Ethan smiles a lopsided awkward smile. "Yeah she's a beautiful lady. Her eyes are alluring, her face is charming, she has nice hair and a fantastic…"
"Winters, stay focused!" She demands sharply.
"Ass." He whispers to Moreau.
She shoves him off of the couch, "have some tact or sit yourself down next to Moreau, you loose lipped oaf."
Ethan rubs his own rear. "Well anyways, to show you that I am not repulsed by you I will gladly sit next to you until Alcina wants to be nice to me. She rolls her eyes as one cretin seats himself next to the other.
He does his best to keep the appalled expression off of his face even as the stench of death and fish assaults his nostrils. His eyes are watering and Alcina smirks. She must admit that the man is very good at feigning acceptance.
For a heartbeat she wonders if he is only pretending to accept her, wonders if he will stab her in the back as soon as he has his Rose back. She bites the inside of her cheek.
"So what do you say Moreau? Trade a heartless cultist for a real companion?"
"I'll consider." He twiddles his thumbs.
But she knows him, she knows that he won't want to venture beyond his comfort zone. And his comfort zone wears a bird mask.
"If you can stay the night, I will have the answer by morning."
It was exactly what he was hoping to avoid; staying here with the putridly smelling miasma of sea and decay. And on a makeshift hammock that is damp and slicked with what could either be mold or algae.
He doesn't want to rest which it is. He is rather content in his blissful ignorance. He can't deny that he is quite pissed that Alcina has taken the dry cot. He can't even get to sleep in a perfectly hammock and has no idea how Moreau can possibly sleep in what looks to be a large and repurposed fishing net.
He groans and makes his first attempt to scramble onto the hammock. By the fourth, he is ready to sleep on the floor.
He pretends not to hear her when Alcina slips into the room. A feat made harder by the very obvious cracking of the floorboards.
“Winters…” She looks off for a moment. “I’d like you to spend the night with me again.”
With only a sentence, his anger dissipates, "shit,I thought you'd never ask."
"After your," she coughs, "crass commentary, I wasn't going to. But I changed my mind."
"What made you do that?"
"This place is damp and chilly. You are warm."
It sounds like an excuse to him but he isn't one to question a mercy no matter how small.
This cot is even smaller than the one at House Bennivento. Ethan is certain that Alcina is plenty aware of this. She climbs onto it anyhow and gestures for him to join her.
"Shouldn't I get in first?"
She shakes her head, "lay down before I change my mind."
He crawls atop her and tries to make himself comfortable. It isn't particularly hard, Alcina is very pleasant and charmingly soft and kindly warm. He hesitates for a moment before resting his head upon her chest.
He feels her fingers weaving through his hair. "Comfortable?"
"Very." He confirms. He thinks that he is more comfy here than he would be in a bed of his own.
She sighs. The exhale is followed by a brief duration of silence. At last she fills it, “it has been a very long time since I’ve been in pleasant company. And longer still since that company has been a man.”
"We're there any women?" The question comes forward before he can curb it.
"Several of them have warmed my bed. Good girls, they were." She muses.
"What happened to them?"
"Well I used them for my wine, of course."
Ethan cringes and she chuckles as though she has only told a simple little joke. "I was thinking of doing the same to you but your blood was so stale." She continues to stroke his hair.
"Well that's reassuring." He grumbles.
"I suppose that it doesn't matter anymore."
This time it is he who is responsible for the silence. He as he tries to make sense of a woman who doesn't seem to, by her very nature, make any sense at all.
"Why?" He finally musters.
"Why what?"
"Why am I sharing a bed with you again?"
She furrows her brows as though he is the confusing one. As though it is he who has been sending all sorts of conflicting signals.
"It's just that, one minute I'm a stupid manthing and the next I'm a charming gentlemen." He continues. "Do you like or not?"
"You are indeed a stupid manthing and a gentleman. I wish that you would just pick one, preferably the latter of the two."
And she is dodging the more important question. "And if I decided to pick 'stupid manthing' what would you do them."
She makes a sound, perhaps something to indicate both amusement and annoyance at his audacity. "I would…" she trails off. "I suppose that it depends on the extent that your idiocy reaches."
He has to laugh at this, how can he not--it is her quaint prose and relief that she is even considering humoring dumbassery to any extent at all.
"Your antics can be endearing and entertaining sometimes." She confesses. "But they are also terribly annoying."
"So do you like me or not."
With no way to dance around it she falls back into her silence for a very long time before she mumbles, "I'm trying my hardest not to…"
"But you do?"
"I...yes. I think." This mumbling is even softer.
"Care to figure it out for sure?" He asks. Though there any enough room to contact his preferred test, he thinks that something simpler will suffice.
Her hair stroking comes to an abrupt but brief halt. "I suppose that I wouldn't mind."
"Good." He props himself up just enough to kiss the woman's forehead and then her lips, a gentle testing of the waters before he kisses her neck. And when she doesn't bat him away or shove him off of the bed he lays one on her collarbone and then her chest.
He is met with something between a hum and a purr, her fingers tap upon his back. "How was that?"
"It was well enough, Ethan." She replies. "Perhaps we can double check when we find more comfortable lodgings."
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