#The Case of Constant Doyle
frommybookbook · 1 year
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Bette fucking Davis!
There's a point in S6 where Raymond Burr had to miss a handful of episodes to recover from surgery so apparently they brought in guest stars to act as the primary lawyers and first up was Bette Davis! She played Constant Doyle and was clearly having the time of her life!
Her courtroom shenanigans would have made Perry proud and even Hamilton Burger and the judge had no idea what to make of her. It was great.
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citizenscreen · 3 months
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Bette Davis and William Hopper in ‘The Case of Constant Doyle,’ 1963 episode of “Perry Mason”
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deconstructthesoup · 1 month
Okay, after watching several Who Framed Roger Rabbit reaction videos, clips from Dimension 20's Mentopolis, and rewatching Shipwrecked's The Case of the Gilded Lily, I believe I'm in the right headspace to do this, so let's get cracking:
In 1930s Hollywood, Priscilla Grey (Prisoner) and Skip Gallant (Skeptic) are private investigators who are trying to keep their business afloat, alongside their long-suffering secretary, Sienna Shade (Spectre). They've been working together ever since Skip took on Priscilla as a client and proved that she was being framed for a crime she didn't commit, and while they've been getting along so far, tensions are running high as business is starting to slowly dry up... until someone new walks into their office.
Dr. Percy Noble (Paranoid) is a biologist who's recently made a breakthrough in his research, but he's realized that it could lead to something incredibly dangerous, so he hid it away. He knows full well that by doing so, he's likely angered some very influential people, not to mention his boss, Jonathan Echo (Narrator). To make matters worse, he's been being followed for the past few days, and he has no idea who they are. Percy's got nowhere else to turn, and he needs the help of Grey & Gallant Investigations... and the story kicks off from there.
Priscilla and Skip's agency owes a lot of their previous notoriety to the fact that their respective twin siblings, Danielle Grey (Damsel) and Simon Gallant (Smitten), are famous movie stars and a Hollywood "It" couple... who are secretly in a lavender marriage. In reality, Simon's in an on-again, off-again relationship with Sienna's brother Colin (Cold), and Danielle's everything but legally married to Willow Chase (Witch), a singer at a club called the Swindler's Den.
The Swindler's Den is owned by a man named Oliver Teagues (Opportunist), who's got a lot of glitz and glam but is also a bit of a shady type, and doesn't do a lot for free. The only person he seems to trust is his faithful bouncer and business partner, Scully Boone (Stubborn). Scully's got a lot of rumors swirling around him about his past, though if you ask him about it, he'll punch your lights out.
There are two people out there who are both Priscilla and Skip's greatest allies and biggest obstacles---Sergeant Harry Knight (Hero), a cop who acts as their insider on the force yet is constantly worried about them getting in over their heads, and Conrad Tracy (Contrarian), a flashy reporter who always ends up writing brilliant news stories about their cases... though, he often winds up publishing stuff about the cases when they're in the middle of them, which is definitely a challenge when they need to be doing secret stuff. Harry's usually working alongside a sharp-eyed detective named Hunter Doyle (Hunted), who's well known for his impeccable survival instincts... and his jumpiness. Still, though, he's good at his job.
Over the course of their career, Priscilla and Skip have come across several criminals---some good intentioned, some bad intentioned. Among those are Stace Racket (Stranger), an art thief famous for their disguises and habit of only taking from other thieves; Chester Dunnagan (Cheated), a pickpocket who would probably be a lot more successful if it wasn't for his constant string of bad luck; and Addison Vernon (Adversary) and Zora Ray (Razor), the cutthroat ringleaders of a organization known as the Crimson Daggers and largely regarded as the power couple of the criminal underworld.
And on the flip side of things, Grey & Gallant Investigations has done several cases for the rich and wealthy, with varying results. Some of their most prolific have been Gary Quinn (Long Quiet) and Samantha Prince (Shifting Mound), who are the execs at Danielle and Simon's studio; Natalie Monroe (Nightmare) a flighty young socialite who makes a habit out of getting herself into increasingly dangerous scrapes for the thrill of it, and Titania Brightower (Tower), an old-money actress who demands power and respect from pretty much everybody. Titania's never seen without her pet cheetah Beatrice (Beast), and tailing after her is her constantly stressed and beaten-down husband, Benjamin Kells (Broken).
I still gotta figure out the story here... but I'll be damned if figuring out everything wasn't fun.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 months
Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes - NUMBER ONE
HAPPY EASTER! TIME TO CELEBRATE WITH THE MOST NON-EASTER-Y THING EVER! Welcome, everybody, for the final entry of “A Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes!” Throughout this month-long event, I’ve been counting down my Top 31 Favorite Fictional Detectives, from movies, television, literature, video games, and more! We’ve finally come to the end of March, and the time has come to unveil my topmost personal pick.
SLEUTH-OF-THE-DAY’S QUOTE: “Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
NUMBER ONE IS…Sherlock Holmes.
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most famous creation is one of the most frequently adapted, reimagined, and referenced characters in the history of English literature. I think the only other pieces of literature who can compete are Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” and possibly Lewis Carroll’s “Alice” stories. Therefore, while so many other characters have carried the title in their universes of “the World’s Greatest Detective,” it’s no surprise most people still associate that phrase with Holmes, and it’s no surprise that Holmes takes the top spot. Through sheer universal appeal and constant reinvention, he’s clearly earned the rank. If Edgar Allan Poe invented the modern detective story with C. Auguste Dupin, then Doyle’s Holmes perfected the formula, and created the icon that pretty much every famous detective character since then has tried to emulate or push against since then.
It's not entirely clear WHY Conan Doyle made Holmes. I’ve heard multiple different accounts and explanations for how the concept came into Doyle’s mind, and what prompted him to create the great detective. However, if the reasons for his creation are unclear, what IS clear are Holmes’ origins. Doyle was chiefly inspired by a former teacher of his, Dr. Joseph Bell; a slightly eccentric surgeon who was one of the first forensic experts in history, and would eventually gain some recognition when helping the police on the infamous Jack the Ripper case. (He also may have taken some inspiration, according to at least one source, from the real-life Scotland Yard Inspector Richard Tanner, who worked on the slightly-less-well-known Franz Muller case - the first recorded murder committed aboard a train.) Mingling this inspiration with various unique qualities that seemed to stem from his own imagination, Doyle created the ultimate detective: the first Private Consulting Detective in fiction, and easily the most renowned.
It is humorous, in hindsight, to then realize that Doyle didn’t actually care that much for Holmes, overall. A bit like Agatha Christie with her own much later creation, Hercule Poirot, Doyle came to feel dissatisfied with Holmes. This wasn’t so much because of Sherlock’s personality or motivations, but simply because Doyle saw the Holmes stories more as a sort of lucrative hobby than anything else; he sensed that other works of his, which he felt far more passionately about, were being sidelined by this strange gumshoe. Doyle, like Christie, attempted to kill off Holmes…but unlike with Christie and Poirot, Doyle could not keep the detective dead. After a few false restarts, he finally brought Holmes back for good, and really didn’t stop writing for the detective till 1927, only three years before the end of his own life. The reason for this was simply money: Doyle came to realize that Holmes was what paid the bills, and what everybody wanted most to read. So, for all the other great things he created (Holmes was far from Doyle’s only literary claim to fame), it would be his contribution to crime fiction for which the good man would forever be best recalled. For better or worse, Doyle had created a character who truly seemed immortal.
The Sherlock Holmes stories set the benchmark for just about every famous detective to come. All of the classic tropes are basically here. Eccentric main character with multiple layers? Check. More mundane sidekick who provides an anchor for the audience? Check. A touch-and-go relationship with the official police, riding a fine line between rivalry and amiability? Check. Ability to solve crimes that no one else can seem to figure out? Obviously check. It all begins with Sherlock Holmes, before and beyond anything else. Nearly every character on this countdown up to now would not even EXIST if Sherlock Holmes had not been created, and had not been a success. He is the first great, true hero of literary fiction, I would argue: yes, there’s mythology, folklore, and other such things, but in terms of something with defined roots in what can be classified as resembling contemporary times, Holmes was the one who started everything.
Obviously, there have been way too many interpretations of this character to even ATTEMPT to list. I mean, for God’s sakes, I did a whole countdown – much like this one – where I listed no less than forty-one separate interpretations, including the honorable mentions. And even that one couldn’t cover EVERY version of Holmes I know and have some fondness for. He’s EVERYWHERE. He’s fought Dracula, Jack the Ripper, and Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde almost as often as he’s tackled his arch-nemesis, Professor Moriarty. He’s been depicted in stories that are romantic, comedic, “edgy,” and every other tone you can think of. He’s made it into just about every medium there is, and has been portrayed excellently from seemingly all four corners of the globe. (Which is especially impressive, because a globe shouldn’t HAVE four corners!) From his roots in England, to America, to Russia, and even to Japan: Holmes is inescapable. Whether he’s focused on playing the violin, pumping cocaine into his veins, dealing with a three-pipe problem, or engaging in fisticuffs or even swordplay, he’s always on the move and always up to something odd, and we love him for it. I don’t think anyone would disagree with me when I say that, for sheer recognizability above all else, Sherlock Holmes more than earns my recognition for being My Favorite Fictional Detective. “It’s Elementary, My Dear Watson.”
Thank you all for joining me! Were there any famous detectives you like that didn’t make the cut? Any in particular you’d have placed higher or lower? Feel free to let me know! Take care, everyone, and make sure to get a clue. ;)
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thebookreader12345 · 2 years
Career Decisions
Pairing: Kevin Atwater x reader
Summary: After Voight gives Kevin an unfair ultimatum about his career, and pressures Y/n into going against her morals, Y/n wonders if the Intelligence Unit is the right place for her
Requested: No
Warnings: mentions of racism, violence, and guns
Word Count: 1,621 Words
Note: The events mentioned in this fic are from the end of season 7 and beginning of season 8 of Chicago PD
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"Hey, Kev," I greet my boyfriend as he entered my apartment. "You're late. I thought you just had to finish up some paperwork at the district?"
"I did. But I also had to have a conversation with Voight about all that stuff going on with the blue wall," Kevin spoke.
I frowned. "I thought all of that was over? I thought all of that stuff with you and Doyle was in the past?"
"It's not. In fact, it's only gotten worse. A lot of police officers heard that I wanted to go after Doyle, and now they're coming for me. For my job. They've done some terrible things, Y/n. They showed up to my house one night and parked up and down the street. The following night they jumped me when I got out of my car and beat me up. One of the officers planted dope in my car and then had some other patrol guys pull me over to try and find it. They even broke into my house and planted a bug," Kevin explained.
"Kevin!" I gasp. "Why didn't you tell me any of this? I mean, when I asked about the bruises, you told me you got them from falling off a ladder when you were doing construction at your house."
"I didn't want you to worry, and I definitely didn't want you involved in all of this. I talked with Voight tonight to see what I should do about Nolan, and he said I had two options. One, I get an official complaint put on my record, which means I can never be promoted to detective nor leave Intelligence. Or two, I lose my job," Kevin told me.
"What? That's ridiculous," I comment. "Those options are shit! You didn't even do anything wrong. Doyle was a racist son of a bitch who got himself killed for exactly that. That's the truth about what happened. You have every right to expose him for that."
"I know," Kevin confirmed. "And I didn't like those two options either, so I chose a third one. One I was happy with. I confronted Nolan and told him I'd come after him if he came after me again or anyone in the unit. I told him I'd expose everything he did to me, from the intimidation to the drugs."
"You're so brave, Kev. I'm proud of you," I praise and give him a big hug. "Now, I left your plate of dinner in the microwave. After you eat, want to do something to get your mind off of all of this?"
"Spend some time with my girl? I'm always down for that," Kevin responded and kissed the top of my head. "Want to watch that movie I've been telling you about?"
"I would love too," I answer.
The few cases following Kevin and Voight's talk were difficult to get through, to say the least. The tension between the two of them was so thick it was hard to get work down. And the constant arguing didn't help. What I didn't think though, was that Voight would put all of the anger he had about the current situation towards the job.
"L/n, he's getting away. Take the shot," Voight ordered over the radio. I was positioned as a sniper on the roof of a building nearby while the rest of the team was on the ground, blending in at the meeting spot where Adam had set up a drug deal.
"Sarge, he's not armed," I notify my boss. "And we don't even know if he has any product on him."
"Did you not hear me? Take the shot," Voight repeated.
"Voight, I don't think I feel comfortable taki-"
"Take the shot, L/n! Now!" Voight demanded. I hesitated for a second, letting myself lose sight of the target. A moment later though, I re-aimed my scope before firing off one shot that hit our offender right in the leg. On the ground, I learned our offender was indeed unarmed, however, he did have product on him. Back at the district, I was sitting at my desk finishing up some paperwork from our previous case when Voight exited his office and leaned against the doorframe. "L/n, I need to speak to you for a moment. Come to my office."
"Boss, if you've got something to say to me, you might as well say it right here in front of everyone," I declare without looking up.
"All right. What the hell was that back there?" Voight implored. "I gave you the order to take the shot."
"And I did. Surgeons at Med are pulling a bullet out of our guy as we speak," I remind him.
"That man was a dealer who has killed almost a dozen teenagers because of his bad dope. If I tell you to take the shot, I don't want him down a leg. I want him on the brink on death," Voight announced.
"Yeah? Well I wasn't comfortable with taking that shot," I argue and set my pen down, finally glancing up to meet my boss' eyes. "He was unarmed, and he wasn't violent when we were doing our meet. You were asking me to go against everything I've ever been taught in the academy and on patrol. You were asking me to go against my morals, Sarge. What I believe to be right."
"You knew what you signed up for when you joined my unit. You knew how I ran things around here. If you didn't like how I ran things, you shouldn't have joined this unit in the first place," Voight stated.
"Maybe I shouldn't have," I retort. "You're not being a just cop, Voight. You're not even being a good boss. I mean, what kind of person orders one of their officers to do something their not comfortable with? More importantly, what kind of boss tells their officer that he either has to get an official complaint put on his record, meaning he can never get a promotion, or he has to quit. What it sounds like is that you're not standing next to Kevin when he needs you. What it sounds like is that you're taking the other side. You did wrong by Kevin, and now you're doing wrong by me. I don't think this unit is the right place for me anymore, Sarge."
"Y/n," Adam warned.
"No, Ruzek. Let her say her piece. Keep going, L/n," Voight urged. "If you're not in my unit, where are you gonna go? No one wants a cowardly officer in their unit, especially a disobeying one at that."
"I've actually gotten three offers from three different units in the past month," I announce. "I can call up any of them right now and have myself another job."
"Great. Then do it. I expect your transfer papers on my desk tomorrow," Voight spoke before disappearing into his office, slamming the door behind him.
"Y/n, what did you just do?" Jay asked.
"Wasn't it obvious? I just quit," I disclose and get up from my seat, swinging my jacket onto my shoulders. "We should all go to Molly's tonight and celebrate. One last hurrah, you know?"
"So you're just gonna leave us? What the hell, Y/n?" Hailey muttered and pushed past Jay to exit the bullpen.
"I'll go after her, talk some sense into her," Jay said and chased after his partner. I didn't blame Hailey for being upset. Afterall, her and Kim were two of my best friends. Kim got up from her desk next and pulled me in for a hug, squeezing me softly.
"I'm gonna miss you up here," Kim voiced. "Seriously. Who am I supposed to make fun of Adam and Kev with?"
"Hey!" Adam exclaimed. "The two of us are right here!"
"Don't worry, Kim. You're welcome over anytime," I assure her. "That goes for you too, Adam. And Jay and Hailey as well."
"And me," Kevin added and pulled me in for a side hug.
"You already have a key," I point out. "But yeah, you too. Well, I should get going since I technically don't work in this unit. I'll see you guys later. And I'll be by tomorrow to pack up my stuff."
"Y/n! Wait up!" Kevin called out and followed after me, stopping me at the platform past the first set of stairs. "Did you only quit because of what happened between me and Voight? I don't want you to leave if that's the only reason."
"Kev, I quit because this job is ruining me," I confess. "Sure, I also considered what happened between the two of you, but it was mainly because I felt like I wasn't myself when I was here. I don't want to be in a unit that turns me into a version of myself that I don't like. I'm uh, I'm really gonna miss working with you everyday. And I'm definitely gonna miss everyone else. They're my second family."
"I'm proud of you, you know," Kevin told me. "For following your heart. For doing what you think is best for yourself. I'm gonna miss you like hell up here, but I know that you're gonna do great things elsewhere."
"Thanks," I mumble and lean up to give him a quick kiss. "So, Molly's later. Don't forget. And tell Hailey and Jay for me, would ya?"
Kevin nodded. "Sure thing. Now, you know Platt is gonna go on a rampage when you tell her you quit, right?"
"Oh yeah," I confirm. "Trudy Platt will be pissed off, but I'm sure she'll understand. She always does. Speaking of her, I should go talk to her now. I'll see you later, Kev."
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tiredgamergirl · 1 year
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most famous creation has been public domain for years and many have used the famous detective as subjects for series, movies and games throughout the years, both with the stories created by the original writer and brand new adventures. The Ukrainian company Frogwares released their first Sherlock Holmes title back in 2002, called “The Mystery of the Mummy” (available for free on steam) and kept on perfecting their craft , refining the mechanics and having highly acclaimed writing in the adventure game community in their later titles.
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One, as the name implies, is both a prequel and a soft reboot of the series featuring a younger Sherlock, recently graduated from boarding school and back to his family’s home on the Mediterranean Island of Cordona to come with terms with his mother’s passing years prior. Upon arrival, it is implied that Violet Holmes didn’t die of tuberculosis as he originally believed and he decides to uncover the truth no matter the cost. Along with his imaginary friend Jon (yes, not John Watson) the entire city is a melting pot of political tensions waiting to happen, conspiracies lurking at every corner in an open world environment.
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The game starts introducing the player to the mechanics in a closed environment with a simple mystery in a very focused narrative, perfect to have the player acquainted to the controls. A  bold narrative decision that might divide opinions also rear its head: the game invites to analyze the evidence and ultimately make your own decision on who is the killer and what will be the conclusion to the case. Will you allow the criminal to escape or will they be locked behind bars? Will justice be served? Was the truth reached? Some of the cases are open to the interpretation and can be hit or miss, including one in particular that Frogwares had to clarify who was the “canon” culprit. One could say that it may give the players agency in making their decision and shaping their own Sherlock, while some might want a more certain answer. For example, in one of the previous titles, Crimes and Punishment, it was possible to check if the verdict was the correct one from the casebook after the conclusion of the case.
Once the open world reveals itself it features a well-crafted city with five different zones, each featuring its own ambiance and citizens going about their own business; Sherlock is free to walk around the British aristocrats in Grand Saray, visit the sailors around the yacht club and the port, visit the more hard-working lower class citizens among the rocky Miner’s End or try his luck gathering information within the walls of the Old City, home of the Ottoman population. The opening screen warns about social and gender prejudices present in the era and the developer acknowledges it and instead of pretending it never existed they try to handle it as tactful as possible – wherever they hit the mark or not is up to the player’s interpretation.   Sometimes in order to get information about a case or enter certain locations Sherlock can disguise himself or play a eavesdrop mechanic to get new leads or even new cases, the city itself has many cases ready to be uncovered and solved by curious players. Some cases are unlocked after story progression so it is always worth coming back and wandering around to find something new and traversing is rather easy and without loading screens except for getting to new closed areas, like a house. However, the game severely lacks a mini-map and it may be a constant back and forth to the casebook menu, opening the map and checking where you are and how to get to your destination even if you have placed a marker. The game will give an address and it is up to the player to read the map and locate the streets and how to get there without the assistance of street signs. Thankfully there are plenty of fast travel points and handcrafted landmarks to assist the navigation but can be a little frustrating if playing one of the treasure hunting quests.
The casebook mechanic is also something that may be a hit or miss: in order to analyze certain leads it is necessary to “pin” it, and that sometimes involves having the right lead to interrogate suspects or find information. In one of the sidequests, despite having the right clue pinned and wearing the right outfit to gather information the game refused to spawn the right time of passerby that could give me the location to keep the investigation going. The casebook can be useful in having small icons above each clue to inform what kind of activity the player need to do and once it is exhausted there will be no more red icons surrounding it and it gets updated accordingly. Sometimes there is some more legwork needed so a trip to the police station, the newspaper or the city hall is necessary to peruse the archives and find the right documents or articles for the new locations or even the crime scene proper and it is all available on the casebook.
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Once in a crime scene the observation mechanic showcases the developer’s experience and attention to detail, with Holmes allowed to examine many of the objects individually, turning and expressing his assessment about the clues presented and sometimes prompted to make chemical analysis within the casebook. Other times, upon pinning a track clue it is possible to follow the footsteps of a suspect and end up in another location and find other important evidences. The chemical analysis can be skipped, they can be a brain teaser for the math fans. After all the clues are gathered, Sherlock can interact with a white orb that will allow him to recreate the scene in his mind’s palace. Controlling Jon, the player is free to wander around in Holmes’ concentration mode and place the events where the evidence was found and if successful Sherlock will narrate what took place. Sometimes it is also necessary to access the Mind’s Palace to connect the clues so Sherlock will make deductions to provide new clues and proceed with the plot. Lavish visuals and intricate expression capture also enhances the experience of each investigation, the world feels lived-in and vibrant, restrained in realistic ways. The most out of place might be Jon that tends to appear -- justified as he is a imaginary friend.  
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Like some of his traditional stories, combat is also necessary at points. The player is invited to try their hand in criminal dens but sometimes they also happen throughout the cases, in which it is possible to skip the whole process. It might be an anti-frustration feature as the combat is clunky, sluggish and very frustrating at times. The arenas often have strategic spots to shoot that might incapacitate the enemy for a brief moment of time or Sherlock can use his tobacco box to stun the opponent and subdue for a proper arrest or can downright kill the opponent. The decision is up to the player, the combat was clearly intended to be strategic but it isn’t nearly as satisfying. It might be because Sherlock is still young, but traditionally he knows boxing and a few other forms of unarmed self-defense and it is sorely missed in these situations.
This game provides an experience closely assembling the novels; a myriad of cases with varying degrees of satisfaction, some can be merely busywork like following the tracks of a donkey but sometimes they can provide some interesting brain-scratchers. Sherlock is still in his early point, not a consulting detective just yet and it reflects in his arrogance and impetuousness. Trying to step out of his older brother’s shadow, sometimes he allows himself to be overtaken by emotions that are not often seen in his later career. A lot of this title hinges on his emotional core and his relationship with Jon and the memories he uncovers at his home.
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There are some DLCs for this title: Mycroft’s Pride adds a series of cases at the behest of his older brother, M for Mystery sets up the stage for Holmes’ greatest nemesis, Beyond a Joke also introduces one of his famous enemies and is a fun piece of story. The only two rather disappointing extra content is the “Saints and Sinners” quest that can be compared to the more ‘busywork’ cases in the base game; and the Victorian Starter pack’s Lead Zeppelin case, but the later comes with a hefty sum of the in-game currency that allows players to bypass the struggle of going to bandits’ lair to amass money needed for one of the quests.
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This game is a must try for fans of the genre despite the interface being an hindrance most of the times and with the ability of skipping the combat, it is easy to get immersed in the narrative until the end. There are, however, a few trigger warnings that must be taken into consideration before playing.
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Tʀɪɢɢᴇʀ Wᴀʀɴɪɴɢs
Gore (death bodies)
Prejudice (class, racial, religion, gender discrimination, sexual discrimination)
Slavery (former slaves)
Sexual violence (one of the cases the characters refuse to use the photo evidence due to its contents)
Self-harming (one of the suspects in the last case)
Drugs and alcohol
Suicide (DLC M for Mystery)
Violence against minors
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studiomkm · 7 months
Buck Barnaby Prototype
Buccaneer Samuel Barnaby, cruelly named and abandoned by his father after he realized his wife had died giving birth to the baby boy, was not someone with a myriad of friends or confidants. In fact, there were only two people in the world he considered himself close to: Jessica and James Forsythe.
Jessica (she preferred he call her Jessie) had given him his nickname of Buck while they both grew up in and eventually aged out of foster care. James had grown up in privilege and, upon learning of his lost sister’s existence, gave both his sister and her best friend a stable home. Without the constant threats once must conquer or avoid when homeless, Jessie and Buck were free to throw themselves into the obsessions they had developed as a source of comfort during their days as foster kids.
In Buck’s case, that obsession was detective work.
At the age of 9, his English teacher had assigned him a weekend book report on A Study In Scarlet as a practical joke. Buck had become so enraptured with Doyle’s world-famous detective while reading that when the book report was due, he had blown his teacher’s mind with a college-length report that she had to force him to cut short.
From that single story, young Buck’s obsession grew and grew. He consumed every possible detective story from every media source he could get his hands on at whatever library was near the current family he was fostered with. From Sherlock Holmes to Encyclopedia Brown to Hercule Poirot to Sam Spade and even long-forgotten mystery heroes like The Shadow he went until his desire to consume detective stories transformed into the desire to actually become a detective.
 Not that he could figure out how to do something like that in the modern age.
Sure, private investigators were definitely a thing but the reality of their jobs was nothing like the stories that had spurred Buck so. He could have become a police detective but his own negative experiences (minor though they admittedly were) combined with a world finally free to tell the stories of systemic corruption and brutality had soured him to any kind of career in law enforcement.
Buck’s dream was a hopelessly romantic one. The pursuit of hidden truths, the solving of seemingly impossible problems, the uncovering of terrible villains: these were the things Buck wanted to do.  
Instead, Buck Barnaby worked at a small electronics store that specialized in the repair of vintage technology. Under the tutelage of his boss, the kindly widow Missus Flynn, he had learned to fix everything from a 1940s film projector to a laptop running Windows 95. The work had given him skilled hands and a talent for finding simple solutions to seemingly complex problems.
People called him smart but he wasn’t entirely convinced of it.
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railingsofsorrow · 2 years
can you please write angst turning into fluff at the end with emily prentiss? it can be anything you want <3
Dreadful Hearts
[Emily Prentiss x Reader]
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summary: emily risks her life (again) and some of your fears come to surface.
pairing: emily prentiss × fem!reader
w.c: 1.3K
warnings/content: mentions of getting shot; angst; fluff fluff fluff; but also crying; mentions of the valhala situation; happy ending because I'm a human being; this isn't inspired by any episode of cm, so it's an AU.
A/N: there you go, dear anon. hope you like it!!
❝ No greater desire exists
➶ ➷
than a wounded person's
need for another wound. ❞
— Georges Bataille
The longing feeling of dread was something you never thought would be constant in your life.
You've always been a safe person; searched for the safest option, never risking anything. Until, that is, you were accepted into the FBI. Things changed, your whole life did. The thing was: you couldn't plan everything anymore. Things happened. Cases appeared out of nowhere and danger loomed around the corner.
Dating Emily Prentiss just added to the math. Her past had always been a secret. The only thing she shared on the files when she first arrived was the Interpol desk job. Interpol desk job.
How would an agent go to the field straight out of a desk job?
They don't. At least, Emily didn't.
After everything came to surface, you learnt you weren't the only one with dread creeping up on your spine. Her past was dark, hard. How could she not be afraid?
Emily Prentiss was a surviver; you and the whole team came to this knowledge when the task of investigating Ian Doyle, IRA international terrorist, arrived in your hands.
Her death was inevitable, she affirms. There wasn't anything else I could've done to protect everyone I cared about. I had to fake it.
There it was again.
Cornering like a shadow of evil.
Emily Prentiss was a survivor. She has always been. She handled everything with serenity, even—no, especially high stakes situations.
You admired her. You were in love with her wholly. And both of you understood fear and what it could do to you. To your mind.
But you were nothing alike in the survival instinct. And she let you know that every single day.
“You're giving me the silent treatment.” Emily implied, leaning on the ambulance in a way that her shoulder wouldn't hurt. A shot had went through her left shoulder when she tried saving a woman from the responsible shooter, her husband. Now, she tried to catch the eyes of her girlfriend but it was to no use.
You didn't answer, choosing not to speak instead of saying what you would definitely regret.
“I had to.” Emily urged, “The woman would get hurt if I didn't—”
“I'm not giving you the silent treatment.” You cut her off, eyes staring straight ahead in a cold glare. “I simply don't wanna talk to you right now, is that an issue?”
Your feet carried you away from the ambulance and you only realised it when you were sitting in your car holding back tears. Emily didn't follow. She was scared she would make everything worst.
It's pathetic how you could forgive your girlfriend so easily. Maybe, this was about not actually having anything to forgive her for, because she didn't hurt you directly. No. Emily just enjoyed risking her life to the point of imminent death. And in the meantime, she'd forget about everyone around her that cared about her well-being. Everyone that couldn't bear to lose her.
“I'm sorry.” The brunette apologized for the tenth time that night as they rode home. “I know I worried you. I know that you're mad—”
“Jesus, stop apologizing!”
“Why won't you forgive me then?”
“Because, Emily!” You retorted, frustrated. “I can't be strong all the fucking time. I can't just bear everything. And I can't watch you die as many times as you want because it's convenient.”
The only thing that stopped you from meeting her eyes was the jarring sound of the honks forcing you to keep driving because the stop sign had turned green and you hadn't noticed it.
Emily stayed silent the whole drive.
When you did arrive at your apartment, she started struggling with the seatbelt given that her shoulder was injured and she couldn't move a lot. You assisted her until she entered the apartment, sitting on the couch.
“Where are you going?” She croaked out, panicking at what she was seeing. You're leaving? Leaving me? “Please, let's just talk.” Emily pleaded, voice wavering when your hand slipped out from her grasp.
“I'm just taking a walk,” You said in hope of calming her down. In a way of declaring I am not leaving for good. “Get some rest, alright?” Right after this you left the room carrying nothing but a thin jacket.
Emily was a light sleeper – her traumas being a big part of that. She had never felt much safe inside her own apartment, there was always that nagging feeling of uncertainty. When your relationship began, she learned that sleeping by someone's side was not so awful. Especially someone that made her feel at home. You.
A downside is that since then she never got to have a calm sleep without you by her side. Like right now.
Emily shifted on the couch, making her body small inside the blanket as she held it against her chin. It was half past one, she was usually sound asleep by this hour. But you hadn't walked through the door and it's been three hours. Emily wasn't only worried but paranoia was creeping into her brain like wildfire. Your phone was off; this made it even worse.
Dread tightening her chest. Dread squeezing her lungs.
Dread everywhere in her body.
The sound of keys made her jump to sit on the couch. Your movements were slow and careful as you entered, as if you were scared to disturb someone. It was late, after all. When you left the keys on the tiny bow by the door, you turned to go to the living room and froze.
“You're still awake?” Inquired you, guilt laying on your features.
Emily sighed in relief, “I was worried.”
A sad smile grazed your lips as you followed to where she was, sitting in front of her so they could face each other. “I'm sorry,” Emily began, but was quickly cut off by you.
“I don't blame you. I shouldn't have acted like that in the first place, Em.” You confessed. “About what I said…”
“It's okay.”
“No, it isn't. It was out of line.” You messed with your hands, subconsciously. “It's just... Ever since that happened I can't stop being scared that something else will take you away from me. That was absolute torture for me, Em. I can't handle that again.”
Emily's eyes softened and she gazed at your shifty hands. That was your nervous habit. She interrupted your picking by leaning her hand closer so she could intertwine your hands. “You won't. I'm right here. I promise.”
You nodded, staring at your intertwined fingers. Then, you pushed her closer in a way that she was sat by your side. Your heart was still heavy. You shouldn't have said that.
“I'm sorry.” You mumbled against her neck.
“I forgive you,” She replied, leaning back to take a look in your eyes. “If you forgive me too.”
You smiled slightly, nodding. “Of course I do.”
“Great.” She gave a peck in your lips and you hummed in contentment.
Soon you were a mess of limbs intertwined with each other, blanket pulled over you in a failed attempt of covering your bodies.
“I'm always gonna be here, okay?” Whispered Emily, her breathing grazing your temple. You buried your nose in her neck, wanting to feel even closer.
“I promise.”
And this time, you believed it.
“I love you.” You said, playing with her baby hairs as your feet tangled together.
“I love you more.” You smiled when she kissed the tip of your nose, knowing it couldn't be possible.
The only warmth you really needed was her close to you. This moment right here, there was no dread, no fear, no regret. This was enough. And if loving Emily Prentiss required going through much more hardships, you would, if it meant you would be together in the end.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'How do you pick the best performance in a film defined by literally dozens of them? Christopher Nolan assembled a murderer’s row of talent for "Oppenheimer," his grand historical drama about the birth of the atomic bomb and the consequences of its power. It contains a veritable smorgasbord of leading icons, character actors, former child star favorites, and faces you forgot you love so much. There’s certainly a case to be made for so many among this ensemble: the steely-eyed determination and rattled conscience of Cillian Murphy in the title role; Robert Downey Jr.’s charisma shattered by the petulance of bureaucratic squabbles; David Krumholtz as the warm friend whose pragmatism punctures his ideals. However, the face you leave the film remembering for days afterward comes from an actor whose character isn’t even given a name.
Alden Ehrenreich plays a Senate aide, a figure who is one of the many government workers standing behind and to the side of the head honchos helping to grease the wheels of power. He has been tasked with guiding Lewis Strauss (Robert Downey Jr.) through Senate confirmation hearings on his nomination as Secretary of Commerce to President Eisenhower's cabinet. Ehrenreich is essentially a PR guy, a guide for Strauss and the audience through the tangled web of Cold War-era D.C. and the front-stabbing figures who have turned politics into a battlefield. He is, by design, not that important. Dozens of other nameless aides are waiting around the corner to do this job. Ehrenreich just so happens to be there at the right/wrong time.
Being an audience avatar is often a thankless role in any film, and it’s a trope that Nolan often struggles with. Discussions of process and ideas often weigh down his films and inserting a figure of relatable naivety into this risks disrupting the narrative flow. "Oppenheimer" often gets away with not having one during the glut of the story since it’s so heavily focused on conversations about science, ethics, and consequences. The scenes with Strauss and Ehrenreich are a break from this, an insight into a post-Oppenheimer world and how it has impacted the system that helped to create him in the first place. Ehrenreich is not unaware, nor is he expected to play catch-up with Strauss and company. Rather, he’s the constant reminder that scientists did not do what happened at Los Alamos alone. That he is unnamed and a fictional creation of Nolan (a sharp contrast to a film populated by real historical players) hammers home the disposability of such an aide. Ehrenreich’s job is to blend in, to keep a straight face against the peacocking Strauss. It’s a role that could, too, have disappeared into the background, but Ehrenreich knows that the best scene stealers are the ones who react to the carnage.
Ehrenreich, a character actor with the face of a 1950s leading man, has always excelled in parts where he tempers his natural charisma with a dash of something sharper. In "Hail, Caesar!," he steals the show from one of the Coen Brothers’ starriest casts as Hobie Doyle, the adorably clueless singing cowboy the studio tries to reinvent as a Noel Coward-esque debonair leading man. He’s the safe port of sincerity in a storm of Hollywood cynicism. As the younger brother of the tempestuous Tetro in Francis Ford Coppola's indie drama, he is appealingly innocent yet imbued with the abrasive arrogance that only a dolt of a teenage boy could truly possess. Even in "Solo: A Star Wars Story," the unfairly maligned prequel of the new Disney/Lucasfilm era, Ehrenrich’s Han is less concerned with traditional hero expectations. Audiences seemed furious that he didn’t look or act exactly like Harrison Ford. Still, Ehrenreich understood the giddy enthusiasm of the pre-jaded space cowboy and how the character doesn’t work if he’s always cool (which Ford never was in the original trilogy, something fans often overlook.) The best Ehrenreich performances allow him to dig into humanity's absurdities and petty mundanities, offering either the freaky flipside or a welcome dose of warmth. It’s never as interesting to be cool when you can be weird, dark, or earnest.
The Senate aide is clearly used to being the quiet man in the room, the punching bag against whom others launch their egos. His smile is halfway between charm and smarm, with Ehrenreich excelling with those side glances at Strauss as he enters another rant about his battle of attrition with J. Robert Oppenheimer. Everything the aide says feels loaded with subtext, the ruthless efficiency of a worn-down Washington professional. He’s also used to dealing with political players with more bluster than substance, most evident when he has to appease Strauss without rocking the boat. There’s a deadpan quality to him, as though he’s used to being a babysitter more than an advisor. When Strauss reveals his hand and his selfishness thoroughly exposed, Ehrenreich's subtle reaction most effectively conveys the weight of this moment. It’s not so much that he feels betrayed—he’s clearly too much of a D.C. man to have ever been optimistic—but rather, he’s underwhelmed that years of machinations and supposed patriotism have boiled down to the equivalent of a playground tiff.
And it is Ehrenreich who gets the best line in the film. As Strauss gets ready to face the scrum of ravenous press after the Senate rejects his confirmation, Ehrenreich subtly hides his pleasure, but reveals enough to let Strauss know his feelings on the matter. Strauss is consumed by the possibility that Oppenheimer turned the scientific community against him, including Albert Einstein. He repeatedly returns to a perceived conversation between the two that must have made Strauss Einstein’s enemy. Before opening the door to the wolves of the media, Ehrenreich says, "Maybe they were talking about something more important." Uttered with such casual devastation, the nail in Strauss’ coffin confirms how the fate of the world often means little in the face of one man’s petty grievances. It’s probably for the best that Ehrenreich chose acting as his profession because he would be far too good as a politician.
"Oppenheimer" is, indeed, about far more important things than a politician’s job interview and the concerns of his nameless aide. The Manhattan Project exacerbated humanity’s inevitable self-annihilation, but for rooms full of suits and cigarettes, it was just another day at the office, another tool to be wielded less for destruction than personal bartering. It’s the aide, the one without a name or background or tangible connection to Oppenheimer’s work, who exposes that reality with a crooked smile and killer one-liner. Like a great scene-stealing supporting player, the aide is the one who cuts through the crap to seek the truth. Ehrenreich has long been great at that, and "Oppenheimer" is a welcome new zenith of his career. Here’s hoping there will be many more in the future.'
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What’s the original source for the brick story? If it’s in your show notes I couldn’t find it
As I understand, the incident was originally reported by the British press in real  time. I don’t have any of the original reports, but I found this in a discussion group online:
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The first book to print it may have been Peter Brown's “The Love You Make.” Brown claims the incident occurred on March 13, 1971.
"Irked by the management of American Allen Klein, McCartney sought to extricate himself from the Beatles on 31 December 1970 by filing a lawsuit against his fellow Beatles, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, at the High Court. A judge agreed with his case and the bassist and co-songwriter was legally divided from the group. According to reports, John, George and Ringo subsequently threw bricks through the window of McCartney's home"
The story is also included in Chris Salewicz’s McCartney The Definitive Biography. Salewicz reports that after Paul was granted the receivership:
“John reacted by reverting to the explosive character he had been at Quarrybank School, he drove to 7 Cavendish Avenue, hurled a brick through a ground-floor window, and raced off in his Rolls-Royce, laughing.”
The story was also apparently printed in “Blackbird" by Geoffrey Guilliano (which I don’t have).
It was also included in “Man on the Run” by Tom Doyle. Doyle writes:
“The day the verdict was announced, according to the eyewitness accounts of the constant scrum of fan’s outside Paul’s house, John, Ringo and George turned up at Cavendish Avenue in Lennon’s white Rolls-Royce. Lennon emerged from the car with two bricks, scaled the wall, and, reverting to the furious teenage teddy boy who used to wreck phone boxes in Liverpool, smashed McCartney’s windows.”
I think I also saw it very recently in a new book or article, but I can’t remember what/where (sorry!).
I’m struck by the fact the fact that not one but TWO different authors chose to portray John’s behavior (who was a full THIRTY YEARS OLD at the time) as that of a child or adolescent.  Something to think about, right??
In any case, I've added Man on the Run to the episode source list. Thanks!
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sjbubbletea · 2 years
Now Watching… (November TV Shows and Movies Rec List)
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie Molina has been unable to sing or play music since her mom passed away. When she’s cleaning out her mom’s garage studio a year later, three ghosts suddenly appear. Luke, Alex, and Reggie were members of the band Sunset Curve twenty five years ago, and they died just as they were making a name for themselves. The guys try to figure out an afterlife where people are able to see they when they play music with Julie, and Julie is encouraged inspired by them to keep going with her passion.
This soundtrack is amazing, and you really fall in love with all of the band. Literally cannot stop listening to it.
Enola Holmes and Enola Holmes 2
Enola is the younger sister of Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes. She has lived and learned from her mother for her whole life until she wakes up to find her missing on the morning of her sixteenth birthday. Running from the boarding school where Mycroft wants to put her, Enola sets out to find her mother in London. Along the way, she meets the young Viscount Tewkesbury, who seems to be embroiled in a plot of his own.
In the second movie, Enola has started her own detective agency. Unfortunately, she’s not getting much business — until a factory match girl asks for help finding her older sister. She quickly realizes that this surface level missing persons case goes much deeper. Meanwhile, her brother Sherlock has a case of his own, and for once he’s having some trouble with it.
It’s hard to write mystery and write it well. The cinematic experience cleverly takes you on a journey along with Enola’s quick thinking and deductions. Enola is headstrong, funny, and resourceful and I love her. Also, for anyone who is a fan, tie-ins to the Arther Conan Doyle series are fun to try and spot.
The Dragon Prince — Season Four: Mystery of Aaravos
The Dragon Prince series is set in the fantasy world of Xadia, where the the land is split between humans and elves. War breaks out when the humans use dark magic to slay the king of the dragons and destroy his only egg. Years later, in the human kingdom of Katolis, Prince Callum and his younger half brother Ezran find out that the egg has not actually been destroyed. They out on a journey to bring peace, along with a moon shadow elf, Rayla.
There’s a two year gap between the end of season 3 and the beginning of season 4. The characters have grown in that time, both in personality, relationships, and skill. But beware! It seems that the shadowy antagonist has also been growing in power during these past two years…
In this show, you can really connect with the characters on their journeys and see them develop. I love the animation style too. They actually incorporate 3D animation, but take out frames to give it a 2D effect! They seem to have slightly altered it in season four, maybe they didn’t bother with a 2D effect this time? Many characters have changed hairstyles though, and some of them I don’t necessarily agree with…
Story of Yanxi Palace 延禧攻略
(MZTV Exclusive Chinese Drama - YouTube)
Set in the Qing dynasty during Emperor Qianlong’s reign, Wei Yingluo starts working as an embroiderer in the Forbidden City. The real reason she’s there, however, is to find out the truth behind her sister’s murder. With quick wit and a clever tongue, nothing will stop her from getting her just retribution. But with drama in the imperial harem beginning to affect even her, and jealous rivals at every turn, can she still push through?
This has 70 episodes and I’m not even half way through. TBH I was looking forward to a mystery to solve and justice to be served, but I’m honestly a little weary of the constant thorns of antagonists like Gao Ningxin. If this is the tone for all 70 episodes… If you want a more lighthearted Commoner in the Imperial Palace show, I would recommend Delicacies Destiny, which is now on Disney+ and is rather funny.
Ascendance of a Bookworm 本好きの下剋上 ~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~
When a girl from the modern world wakes up in the body of a frail five year old child living a medical life, her first concern is to ask where all the books are! Upon realizing that books are highly expensive and only for nobility, Myne sets out to create one of her own. She starts improving the life of her family, and her intelligence and new inventions draw the attention of many. Despite the fevers that often affect her body, her ultimate goal is to become a librarian.
This is !! The best isekai I’ve ever watched !!! I’m not usually a huge fan of this genre but I love this series. I love all of Myne’s DIY projects and her obsession with books. It’s actually a Japanese light novel series but the anime does a wonderful job and actually adds to Myne’s characterization a little bit. This is at the top of my list for animes, right up there with Shirayuki.
(WeTV - CHUANG 2021 -YouTube)
This is a competition show from China where 100 talented trainees from Asia compete by singing and dancing to see who will make the cut for the new seven member girl group. 2020 was an amazing lineup!
Some personal favorites from this season are Zhong FeiFei, Curley Gao, Tu Zhiying, Ao Xinyi, Wang Ke, Zhang Yifan, Lin Junyi, and… I will never finish this list, will I? A little hard to find some of the episodes though (Ep 3, looking at you!)
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
My son was building a house out of concrete panels he could get the panels if he was building a house out of CMU you would get CMU here as well but you don't feel like you should do anything like that so sit back and pat yourself in the back for doing nothing
-there's a few other things happening one of them is these guys are being very classic here caustic and evil and their threats are increasing and it is not surprising and we need to come in here and just place them on a constant basis the morlock and all that all of them and they're very evil people and Trump is probably the worst is a massive massive caustic a****** and he threatens our son non-stop every day same with this Dave Dan guy and we need them out of here I want them out now and I'm sending the orders
-the pseudo empire is in trouble and our son is looked at as someone who's trying to point out problems for them and he pointed out some and he got a backlash and it's fierce and the empire is horrible and they know it what they want around chastising him so we're going to start eating them up too if they have territory here it's ours
-they're mean people and don't know what they're doing and Ken is going to pull out Biden has said it many many times I can't support the actions that you're doing and I don't think I should and they're both going to go to miscellaneous mac Daddy doesn't have a choice he that has to stay with his more or less and it looks like Justin is backing out and Timmy Doyle is going to go rogue and he said it this morning. The only resigned to try and do their own thing and they're not very good at it and they're failing and it doesn't look good but that's what they're kind of doing so it might work that he get stuff because of that and usually makes a little harder but I don't think so in this case there's other news
-the island of New Zealand is a mess the trumpsters are dying rapidly their percentages are down to 1.6% and soon 1% of being attacked topside and below while they're sending people below but their bunkers are being assaulted 0.75% of their personnel and they're almost at 1% and the broncos are being attacked and it's large forces of Mac down below fairly soon they'll be gone and then the trumpsters will be only around 1% of the populace by later on today if they continue but you know they're trying to get their stashes and caches and they can't help it that's very small and The fleets of his there's two billion warlock ships left and his are going to break away and make for Venus and they all will all die and we're going to attack them fiercely as well others there's going to be a reckoning but as the remaining fleet he's about half of it about 0.75% of the fleet and people don't want to screw it up and he is he has ships and he has only a few and it looks like in the movies he has a lot but he does not he has like a million and he probably gets about 400,000 up and it's a menace and people go after him and he does not last long. But this is what's happening today they're crumbling and falling fairly soon they will become very sick and die from disease here in the pseudo empire and they are a handful and useless lots of times they did get him through school and educated but they're using the empire's power so it's a bear but they are rebels and they face them down in a few things but now they're weak and they're kind of tough to deal with and we need to send in people and the max are and foreigners right now it's such a small percentage of Florida people wondered where they were and they're all crammed on the West Coast in North Port Sarasota Bradenton Tampa Cape Coral Naples and fort Myers and Charlotte county that's where everybody is and out of the percentage here they're probably 30% of Charlotte county and as you go upwards it goes to 20% 10% and 5% of Tampa and the same to the South so the obviously to do is to come in from the outside and it's a pain in the ass but that's what's happening last night they lost 20 households today 20 more around to go out there and to try and break the rings and nobody is going to be there to come over this way there's only a small bunch over there but they think that other people's will and they won't but they're trying to rally them and it looks like they're talking to their own people and they give them real numbers and they're just out to lunch other than that they are going to just sit here and rot and that's what they said.
-however bja is planning on firing them to be the last one here to have possession of some sort whatever it might be and he needs protection now on Australia and he doesn't have any they do too the trumps and it's going to be fierce and the fighting will begin shortly
-added to that is the fight between the pseudo empire and the clones who are not going after diamonds in their areas which are not too big and the pseudo empire is bothering them about it and there's going to be a battle and it will probably turn into a war the remainder of the three billion ships are out are heating up and we get
-1 billion sheep ships are heating up of the morlock fleet that remains and only 1 billion will be left and they say they're heading towards Venus and we have record that shows they are. It's time to mobilize these ships have special half of them most of the fleets only had 15% special to 20%, these have 50% special it's going to require a lot more weaponry so move out
Thor Freya
We're preparing for war with them here and we're getting ready these warlocks say they're going to kidnap our son by force we're going to false flag it and destroy them both actually all four groups
We're going to make this plane and simple you people are out of line and you should never have done any of that yet you did all of it you were resisting a little bit not much
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laresearchette · 1 year
Saturday, June 03, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)

MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 1:00pm: Rays vs. Red Sox (SN) 4:00pm: Jays vs. Mets (SN Now) 6:00pm: Rays vs. Red Sox (SN360) 7:00pm: Yankees vs. Dodgers
MAJOR LEAGUE RUGBY (TSN2) 7:00pm: Sabrecats vs. Arrows
NLL LACROSSE (TSN/TSN3) 7:30pm: Mammoth vs. Bandits - Game #3
THE CURIOUS CASE OF DOLPHIN BAY (Crave) 7:30pm: A group of friends are spending the summer working as interns at a research center, which is researching unnatural changes in the local reef. After strange events begin to occur, the friends suspect a local legend may be tied to the reef's problems.
NHL HOCKEY (CBC/SN) 8:00pm: Panthers vs. Knights - Game #1
THE LOVE CLUB: SYDNEY (Global) 8:00pm: Former track athlete Sydney hasn't closed the chapter on the college ex-boyfriend who broke her heart years ago, but her new running buddy may help her discover that it's time to let go of an old flame.
NATION UNTAMED (APTN) 8:00pm: Sam and Chuck go on an unexpected adventure at a Manitoba bison ranch, where they harvest, skin and butcher the animals by hand.
JUST JAKE (Super Channel House & Home) 8:00pm: An emerging country star returns to his hometown to overcome his serious writer's block and reunites with his high school sweetheart.
MLS SOCCER (TSN4/TSN5) 8:30pm: Minnesota vs. Toronto FC
BACK TO ROOTS (APTN) 8:30pm: Matricia explains the benefits of strawberries; she makes lemonade and bakes a cake in an outdoor kitchen.
MAGIC MIKE'S LAST DANCE (Crave) 9:00pm: Hoping for one last hurrah, Mike Lane heads to London with a wealthy socialite who lures him with an offer he can't refuse. With everything on the line, he soon finds himself trying to whip a hot new roster of talented dancers into shape.
MINDCAGE (Starz Canada) 9:00pm: When a copycat murderer strikes, Detectives Jake Doyle and Mary Kelly seek help from an incarcerated serial killer named the Artist. As Mary delves deep into the Artist's twisted psyche, she and Jake get lured into a diabolical game of cat and mouse.
BUTTER (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: Struggling with self-esteem and family issues, a high school student befriends the prettiest girl at school via social media. Facing constant bullying, his popularity soon grows when he devises a crazy plan that gains the attention of the in-crowd.
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oxalisvulcanicola · 1 year
I don't know how it started, but I've ended up making some sort of mashup of Sherlock and Father Ted and it doesn't feel all that forced in most cases.
Sherlock - Father Dougal + Father Jack On the one hand a child in a grown man's body who struggles with simple concepts and finds it hard to understand that "nuns are people too". On the other hand an easily bored (he didn't even have the patience to keep a brick for a pet) addict prone to outbursts and with a disregard for his fellow human beings.
John - Father Ted The relatively sane but flawed human who looks after his friends.
Mrs Hudson - Mrs Doyle One is not a housekeeper while the other is. Both are very into serving tea but only one falls down trying to clean the windows.
Mycroft - Bishop Brennan When he stops by you hide all the suspicious objects and pretend to be a law abiding and upright citizen. He also likes putting you to work and it's never things you like to do.
Molly - Father Larry Duff They are defined by their constant misfortune.
Lestrade - Sergeant Hodgkins Both are simple men who are eager to launch the copters.
Moriarty - Father Noel Furlong If you see him you know what I mean.
Eurus - Father Fintan Stack They lack empathy and are habitually cruel, but they do love music.
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herbertmacdonald8 · 2 years
Is It Alright To Download Computer Software From The Online Market Place?
So, you woke up today and decided you should tackle the constant maintenance of your faded, pitted, somewhat cracked driveway. Sounds simple enough, huh? Place go buy some sealer from your local home improvement store and get to everything. Not so fast, it will take some preparation and proper meaning to complete it successfully and be happy utilizing the end finish result. One on the main some reasons why the computer has bogged down is because there are programs that need a involving computer resources to run them which slow within the whole notebook computer. Some of these programs configure meanwhile at the Windows system starts. If any of the listed programs can be used seldom they then should be removed. Try out so, check out Start and then select Cp. Find Add/Remove programs and arehorrified to find that the program that causes the delay in the list. Select the program and then choose uninstall or clean. Restart the computer to complete accomplishing this. Finish covered part while working through your street or driveway. Any excess can be shoveled up and put back from a bucket. Don't push it to a storm drain or the grass or rain gutter. Then experience the Three A's Avira, Avast and AVG which, in fact, have all free versions of their package. AVG had been the better of these Free Anti Virus but Avira is really catching up and in fact caught many Facebook attacks when all of the rest missed them. bandicam crack keygen is learning to be a favourite globe Eastern block countries along with the East generally and this is a lot of folks giving it the thumbs up. With a lot of players flooding the Main Event, i am sure the pros now think about the $50,000 .O.R.S.E as the true test of the best all-round poker athlete. The event was introduced in 2006, and also the final table certainly provided us some among the games best - many recognisable - players; Doyle Brunson, TJ Cloutier, Patrik Antonius and Phil Ivey to name just a few. Running bandicam crack key to the wall, using poor clayey soils that retain water, placing large boulders opposed to the wall actually shift and push to the wall are typical reasons for foundation failures. Once the cause of the failure may be corrected, the repairs are able to get under Avira System Speedup method by which. I asked him if he in case his hard rive was full simply because know he downloaded lots of stuff but he said he had over a gigabyte free so this seemed proper. You need some space free for windows to romp properly find. Note that repairing your windows installation means if at all possible lose your old registry (most installed programs won't work) and system restore points, so this should fundamentally be used the last resort against the lsass.exe error. Do not forget to update your Windows right after repairing cellular phone!
0 notes
feyinvestigations · 2 years
The inconsistencies of Phoenix Wright:
Phoenix Wright rarely takes on cases, and those he does are usually pro-bono.
Phoenix is seemingly finiancially stable, and though he isn't fond of massive spending, it doesn't seem to put him into any long term debt
Phoenix went to a 4 year university, and seemingly changes his major on a whim, unconcerned about major-specific scholarships/funding he may lose.
Phoenix already has his own apartment, and lives alone at 24. He is also able to pay the rent for the office when he becomes the owner.
Phoenix seems to pay for all of Maya's food. It is also very likely that he is either paying Maya directly or paying for her living expenses.
When in the hospital, Phoenix never shows any concerns for possible fees for hospital stays, both before and after his disbarment.
Phoenix was able to hold onto the Office, even during his disbarment, on a "Piano Player's" salary.
He was able to support Trucy even when he was unemployed.
The questions these inconsistencies raise:
Why does Phoenix seem to constantly have some sort of backup money? No matter what happens, he seems to have some sort of backup. How is this? How does Phoenix Wright seems to have a constant form of income despite his employment? It's almost as if he has some sort of passive income.
And what property, does Phoenix likely own, that could possible generate a passive income like this?
His great grandfather, Ryunosuke's Journals. Journals which, if every published or adapted, would be the primary source for all stories relating to Herlock Sholmes.
Phoenix Wright is the In-Universe equivalent to the Doyle Estate.
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