#Tommy going to Buck's place even though he didn't know if Buck even liked him...
deluweil · 3 days
Based on the shows history with Eddie, I’m not expecting the Abuela and Shannon pop ups to do anything more then propel him into the find new wife for himself and new mother for Chris mission successful. Especially with Edy still on set and them almost being done with the season. Why bother going for a better story when a lazy makes no sense hetero story will do just fine. It’s their specialty when it comes to Eddie after all. Plus They already got that extra queer rep with Buck and Tommy 🙃
Yeah, *sigh* I feel the same on the Eddie front.
God forbid the talent that is Ryan will get a worthy story when we get two white dudes getting the interesting storylines.
I mean, much as love Buck being thrown into curious situations, I am getting tired of the storylines Eddie keep getting, because that's always more of the same, and that's exhausting.
If they weren't going to invest in his story they could have tied him to the first gf he had - being the serial monogamist that he is - and have his storyline revolve around domestic problems, new babies and managing that with work - at least we'd be clear of what his essence is aside from loving Buck like they've been married and intimate for years.
They had that queer rep with Henren and David and Michael - which WAS a great rep and such a well written relationship! I miss them and Michael's interactions with Bobby are sorely missing as well.
I don't think that Buck's storyline is as happy and healthy as ppl make it to be, Tommy literally left him for feeling uncomfortable and fibbing in front of his best friend because he's newly minted out of the closet and maybe he wanted to figure this out by himself first before sharing it with the people closest to him?
Tommy had no right to get upset, and if he wasn't sure of them, he shouldn't have agreed to go to that wedding with Buck, he should have said that he understands where Buck is coming from and to take this slow and that there is no pressure - and maybe keep this friendly until they figure out what they want to be together.
Buck, it felt to me, that has done what he did, the chasing that he said he wouldn't do, because in a certain way he is still in a place where he pleases people even though it is his journey to make and no one should push him to get to that finish line as fast as possible.
Like I said before this is more of the same, Buck does this chasing because like Taylor said, and not in a kind way mind you, that he can't stand not being liked by everyone.
Eddie nudging him to call tommy wasn't exactly the best thing either, because would Buck have still done it if he wasn't told to?
A lot of things don't sit well with me in this story, I've made journeys with my friends when they first came out, one as early as the seventh grade, it is not something that becomes normal immediately, I also saw after the fact what happened when one is shoved out of the closet to his family and friends by force. And how my best friend still bears the guilt of being gay almost 20+years later because that's not how he was raised, and his father didn't accept him, and his first serious boyfriend was a demanding asshole.
He didn't seem like this to us, he was friendly and seemed like a really good guy, but neither one of us knew what really happened there until my friend opened up about it years later.
So when I say Buck's story feels rushed, I talk from experience.
So maybe we have queer rep (which we had before only it wasn't bi) but it doesn't feel like quite there to me, maybe it's the flawed writing, maybe that's the way it was intended to be told to get to some kind of turning point and epiphanies, who knows? I've learned not to expect higher purpose from this show.
I will tell you that though, if the whole Eddie story is to push him to somehow marry M I will retire from this show, I mean that is the laziest form of writing there is, and makes this show completely unwatchable for me, because there is no way we were dragged 7 seasons just so that Eddie can force marry some lukewarm LI out of the need to follow the traditional hetero normative need he was raised into.
Especially since originally Eddie was the one who was supposed to be the coming out story, it would be disappointing on so many levels and I'm not even touching buddie here.
Ryan deserves better than to end with that kind of crappy story-telling.
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wenellyb · 28 days
The whole scene between Buck and Tommy was so beautifully written I don't even know how anyone can hate on them right now.
It wasn't just the kiss, it was Tommy going to Buck's place to clear things up between them, it was him apologizing when he didn't even have to, it was Buck admitting he was the one to blame and not them, it was Buck admitting he was being jealous, it was Buck telling Tommy how amazing he is, telling him that he asked for a tour because he wanted to get to know him and it was Tommy's reaction to hearing that.
When Buck told Tommy he had been trying to get his attention, Tommy realized that Buck was actually interested in him at the same the audience did. The way Tommy said "my attention?" and we all realized it had been about Tommy all along and not about Eddie? Chef's kiss.
The scene only lasted about 4 minutes but it was an emotional rollercoaster. The whole dialogue was so well written and the actors have so much chemistry.
Oliver Stark's acting was phenomenal, especially after that kiss. There was so much said without words, so many emotions, it's like we saw everything clicking into place in Buck's head in real time. Such a beautiful TV scene.
His reaction has been on my mind a lot and I finally figured why, it made me think about one of my favorite scenes in Grey's Anatomy, when one of the characters, Levi, has a "coming of age" storyline and gives a nice speech to the first guy he ever kissed.
I knew I had feelings for boys, but I didn't understand it. Not until you kissed me. You kissed me, and I felt the opposite of shame. I felt like I existed and everything fell into place. 
I feel like Buck said the same thing with just his eyes after Tommy kissed him, and it was beautiful to watch.
I loved their scene and I hope the writers explore their relationship.
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rainbow-nerdss · 12 days
Buck goes over to Tommy's place late one morning, coffees in hand. They agreed to go out today, maybe go for a walk in a nearby park or something, no solid plans for the day other than spending it together.
When Buck gets there, though, he feels something is wrong. The curtains are closed, for one thing. And when Buck knocks, he doesn't hear any immediate movement towards the door. Usually, Tommy opens the door before Buck even makes it up the drive.
But today, Buck knocks, and he waits.
Had Tommy gotten held late at work? Buck knows he had a shift that was supposed to end a few hours before, but maybe he got stuck with overtime and didn't have a chance to call or text. But his car is there, in the same place it always is, and there hasn't been anything on the news about any major disasters.
Buck knocks again and considers calling or texting when he finally hears shuffling on the other side of the door, then the jingle of keys before the door opens.
Tommy is... A mess, honestly.
His hair is sticking up in every direction, old sweatpants with a hole at the knee, and a worn out old hoodie which Tommy shoves his hands back into the pockets of when he sees Buck.
"Hey, Evan." He swallows, voice think with some heavy emotion. "I'm so sorry, I... I forgot we had plans today, I—" he's hunched into himself, and he looks smaller than Buck's ever seen him.
"Tommy," Buck reaches for him with the hand that isn't holding the coffee cups. "What happened? Are you okay?"
Tommy shrugs, hesitating before stepping aside to let Buck in. "Rough shift," he says after an extended silence. "Everyone... The team all made it out, but... We lost someone. I lost someone."
Buck sets the coffee cups down on the entrance table and pulls Tommy into a hug, tucking his head into his shoulder and holding him tight. Slowly, Tommy's hands raise enough to wrap around Buck's waist.
"I don't think I'm gonna be much company today," Tommy sniffs after a while. Buck can feel a wet patch on his shoulder, but doesn't mention it.
The fact that Tommy trusts him enough to be this vulnerable with feels like something sacred, something he's been searching desperately for. Up to now, Tommy has been the one adjusting to make space for what Buck needs, but it's time for Buck to step up, to be there for Tommy.
"I get it, but I'm here." Buck kisses Tommy's cheekbone, just below his eye and he tastes the salty tang of tears there. "If you'd rather be alone, I-I get it. I can go home, and we can reschedule this. But, Tommy, I don't care if all we do is sit on your couch in the dark, okay? Whatever you need, I'm here."
Tommy holds Buck tighter for a moment.
"Evan," he says, in the same way he always says it. Like it's a something precious and delicate and wonderful. Buck's not sure where it came from, but he adores it.
"What do you usually do after a bad shift?' Buck asks.
Tommy sniffs, and it takes a while to answer. "Usually..." He clears his throat. "Usually I curl up in bed or on the couch and watch a rom-com. I know, it's a little—"
"Don't you dare say it's embarrassing," Buck warns, cupping Tommy's jaw and running his thumb over the stubble there. "Go make yourself comfortable, drink your coffee, pick a movie. I'll make us some snacks and join you in a minute, okay?"
Half an hour later, Buck settles on the couch—the coffee table full of popcorn, chopped vegetables and dips to snack on.
Buck reclines against the arm, and pulls Tommy on top of him, head on his chest. It's a tight fit, but from the way Tommy settles into him, Buck knows it's what he needs.
Tommy hits play, and Buck smiles at the opening monologue. "Love Actually?" He asks.
Tommy makes a sound, a soft sort of hum. "It's... kind of my favourite," he admits.
Buck smiles and kisses the top of Tommy's head, then replaces his lips with his fingers, running them over Tommy's scalp.
"That's really cute."
Tommy nestles in closer to Buck's chest, and neither of them say anything else for a while.
"Thanks," Tommy says, when they're about halfway through the movie. "For staying."
Buck kisses his head again, and Tommy lifts himself up a little so he can turn and kiss Buck on the lips, instead before settling back against his chest.
"Thank you, for letting me stay. For letting me look after you."
The words are on the tip of his tongue as he looks down and watches Tommy turn his attention back to the movie, watches him mouth along to a handful of lines.
I love him, he thinks. He doesn't say it out loud, not yet, but the realisation is soft, and warming, and perfect. And he will say it, soon. When the time is right. And he hopes Tommy will say it back.
For now though, Tommy is like a weighted blanket on his chest, comforting and warm, and Buck's content to just stay here for as long as he can.
They'll put on another movie, finish the snacks, maybe order takeout for dinner later, and Tommy will smile again, will laugh again, will kiss Buck the same way he says his name.
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juiceicicles · 11 months
Mean and Scary | Chapter 1: King of Hawkins High
AO3 Link:
Pts: 1, 2, 3
As he traipses through the woods, Eddie tries to get a bearing on what is about to happen and what his plan is for when it inevitably goes sideways.
Dealing pot to Hawkins Royalty like King Steve isn’t entirely out of the ordinary, but doing it alone at a picnic table in the middle of the isolated woods? Yeah, not Eddie’s smartest decision for a meeting place.
In his defense, he’s only a hop skip and a jump away from the high school, and he couldn’t be assed to drive any further for what’s likely going to be a one time payment of $20. $25, if he overcharges Steve (which, he absolutely plans to do.)
Eddie finally gets to the clearing and Steve jumps when he notices him, finally looking away from a tree he was seemingly having a very intense staring match with.
“Whoa, hey, hey, hey! Sorry,” Eddie chuckles a bit awkwardly, trying his best to subconsciously communicate that he is not a threat, because he really doesn’t wanna get his lights punched out right now “Didn't mean to scare you.”
Eddie sits down and his metal lunchbox clatters onto the table —Steve flinches again. Boy, Harrington is jumpy— and sits across from him. He opens up his Pail-o’-Drugs and watches as Steve drums his fingers on the table.
“There's, uh... There's nothing to worry about. Okay? No one ever comes out here. We're safe. I promise.” Eddie honestly didn’t expect Steve Harrington to be worried about being caught, considering that Steve apparently used to hold daily house parties.
He still can’t believe it. King Steve goddamn Harrington sitting there, in all his douchey glory. Or at least, that’s what Eddie expected. Instead he sort looks exhausted. His eyes keep flitting around, and he looks like he just saw a ghost.
You see, Harrington was never a dick to Eddie, specifically. However, he sure as hell didn’t treat the freaks of Hawkins High with any sort of sympathy. Hence Eddie’s original plan to act like the biggest asshole he possibly could without scaring off a rich customer. But something about Harrington’s eyes, a sort of dull terror etched into the hazel brown, is making Eddie reconsider that decision.
“So, how does this work, exactly?” Steve sort of mutters. This is so utterly different from everything Eddie heard about him. Steve always roamed the halls with a sick sort of ironclad confidence, with his two jackals Tommy and Carol following his every beck and call. The boy across from Eddie though? He seems so haunted. Like a flickering projection of someone. A puppet with its strings cut.
“Uhh just like any other old sale, except cash only, and for obvious reasons, no receipts,” he gives Harrington what he hopes is a reassuring smile, “I'll do you a half ounce for, uh... 20. What do you say? Plenty of bang for your buck. Should last a while.”
A squirrel skitters up a tree in the background, and Harrington gasps quietly and whips around to track it. And then, finally, it clicks for Eddie.
Steve’s worried about being seen with Eddie the Freak Munson. Figures. He shouldn’t have expected anything less from King Steve.
“Hey, we don’t need to do this. Just give me the word, and I’ll walk away.”
“It’s not that, I don’t want you to go.” Steve starts, tentatively. He’s still looking around, like somethings about to pop out of the woods. “It’s just…Do you ever feel like you’re loosing your mind?”
And, of course Eddie feels like he’s lost his marbles. He’s a super senior with the nickname the Freak. Obviously he sometimes feels a little crazy. He’s a little surprised that notorious cool guy Steve Harrington feels that way, though.
He makes the decision right then and there to see this out, because even if Harrington’s afraid of being caught, there’s something here that Eddie’s missing.
“You know on a daily basis. I feel like I’m loosing my mind right now,” screw it, might as well be honest, go big or go home right? “doing a drug deal with Steve Harrington, former king of Hawkins High.”
“Ah, well, I haven’t been king for a while…” Steve trails off.
Eddie remembers Billy Hargrove. Remembers how he made him want to beg every god there was for Steve to steal back the crown. Billy Hargrove was mean to Eddie. He was mean to everyone. And he wasn’t highschool-mean either, he was Larry Munson mean. He was a jackass who wasn’t afraid of anyone and wanted you to know it.
Unprompted, Eddie remembers the first time he met Steve. Before he was Hawkins Royalty, before he was a jock and a bully, before Eddie was the freak and not just a freak. Eddie had just gotten to Hawkins, his old man had been put away and the US government dropped lil’ Eddie on Wayne’s doorstep. He’d met some friends and formed a shitty garage band. They’d played at the middle school talent show, and Eddie had lost his guitar pick. A boy about his age had given it back, told him his name was Steve and he had found it underneath his chair in the seats.
“You know, this isn't the first time that we've, um... Hung out.”
Eddie lets out a little chuckle. Of course Steve wouldn’t remember. “It’s alright.”
He clutches at his heart like he’s been shot with an arrow and flings himself off the bench and into a pile of leaves behind him. He hears Steve let out a little gasp before he hops back up.
“I wouldn’t remember me either, Harrington!”
Steve looks a little amused, and Eddie catches a light brown blob in his peripheral vision. He combs his fingers through his hair and dislodges a dead leaf.
“Honestly, do I have stuff in my hair?”
Steve lets out a little chuckle as Eddie starts to gets into his story. If there’s one thing Eddie Munson is good at, it’s story telling.
“Middle school, talent show. Carol I think did this cheer thing? You know the thing the,” Eddie mimed some pom poms. Steve was smiling a little bit, so Eddie continued his spiel, “and I- I was with my band.”
Suddenly Steve pipes up “Corroded Coffin! Oh my god!”
Eddie’s bewildered that Steve apparently remembered their weird prepubescent metal show. He claps his hands excitedly and points to Steve. “You do remember!”
“Yes, of course! With a name like that, how could I forget?”
“I dunno. You’re a freak.” Eddie’s pretty pleased with himself when his lack of brain-to-mouth filer apparently doesn’t offend Steve. In fact, Steve breaks out a smile. It’s less Harrington Charm then Eddie expected, more of a dorky toothy grin.
“No you just- you looked so-“
“Different? Yeah. Yeah. Well, uh, my hair was buzzed, and I didn't have these sweet old tatties yet.”
“You played guitar right?”
“Uh-huh. Still do. Still do.” And since Eddie is an impulsive mess and isn’t totally hating this interaction, he does something that totally spits in the face of the tried and true Munson doctrine and invites a preppy jock to a metal concert, “You should come see us. Uh, we play at the Hideout on Tuesdays. It’s pretty cool. We- we actually get a crowd of about five…drunks.”
Steve laughs a bit and clamps a hand over his mouth, like he’s a bit startled by the noise. Eddie doesn’t blame him, he’s a bit caught off guard too.
“It’s not exactly the Garden, but, you gotta start somewhere, right?”
Steve looks at Eddie with a considering gaze for a moment, like he’s trying to figure Eddie out.
“You know, you’re not what I thought you’d be.”
“What, a total freak?”
“No, no. Honestly? I thought you’d be mean. And scary.”
“Me? Steve Harrington thought I’d be scary?”
“Yeah! You’ve got this whole, I dunno, chains and leather vibe. Thought you wouldn’t give me the time of day.”
“Yeah, well, I thought you’d be mean and scary too.”
“Terrifying.” Eddie’s hit with the sudden realization that he’s completely forgot about the drug deal he came here for and plops himself back down at the picnic table. “Uh, so, in other good news, flattery works with me, so... Twenty-five percent discount for the half. Fifteen bucks. You're robbing me blind here, you know.”
“…do you have anything maybe stronger?”
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stagefoureddiediaz · 22 days
honestly maybe it's just me but buck is literally repeating the same steps as with natalia and taylor as with tommy. they meet, he has a crush, go on a date, it's awful and the date leaves, they then come back, then try for real. Like it sounds like even though Buck is off the hamster wheel in regards to his sexuality he very much is still on the hamster wheel when it comes to repetitive mistakes when it comes to his relationships.
Hey Nonnie
I woudn't say that at all. Yes of course there are some similarities - there always will be - between Buck dating Tommy and the Buck who dated Taylor or Natalia. But the reality is they are worlds apart.
For starters Tommy didn't leave because the date was awful, he left to give Buck some space to do a bit more figuring out - he said so himself that his what he was doing. He chose to leave the ball in Bucks court, understanding this was a big new thing for him and that it wouldn't be right to continue anything until Buck was ready. Buck then contacted him when he was and they met up and decided mutually to give things ago.
This is very different to both Taylor and Natalia - both of whom left after something big had happened in Bucks life (Eddie being shot and Kameron popping up out of seemingly nowhere) and then they were the ones to come back - to chase after Buck.
Look we can have whole conversations about the chasing being chased aspect of things but the long and short of it is That both Taylor and (to a lesser extent) Natalia, Ali and Abby chased Buck in one way or another and when it suited them. Tommy has never chased Buck - he shot his shot, sure, made his interest known, but he hasn't once chased Buck. Buck has always mistaken things for him doing the chasing (he is an very unreliable narrator) becuse he gets invested fast and so pursues things. His mistake is moving to fast - falling to quickly for people.
This is the major fundamental difference with Tommy, who is older and wiser and settled with who he is and what he wants. He also has the understanding of being queer and coming out later in life - of discovering that part of yourself that has been hidden and the fact it might take Buck a minute to figure out things.
The other big thing for me is the level of honest Buck is being here - this isn't something we've seen before in this way. He has been completely up front with Tommy when it has been important for him to be so (I would argue he did do the same for Natalia but that he was more forced into it by circumstance). That coffee they had was a very very clear example of that, he sat down, appologised and laid his cards out on the table. He's told the two most important people in his life that he's bi and interested in Tommy and yes maybe going to a wedding is a bit fast, but he also knows most of the people there so he's not walking in to a big unknown in t hat respect and he has a lot of goodwill with the firefam at this moment after flying them to the curise ship so they could rescue Athena and Bobby.
In all honesty I'm far more circumspect about Natalias behaviour as well - far more than a large portion of fandom was towards her. Did I like her as a character or for Buck, No I didn't, but she also didn't do all that much wrong in my eyes, her wanting to take a minute when presented with all that Bucks life is, to think things through before jumping into something is perfectly acceptable and healthy behaviour. The reality is that she was more interested in Bucks death than she was in his life and thats probably what brought her back - that itching need to know more about his death and what it was like.
But she came into his life when he was in a rough place mentally and it was never going to go well for that reason alone. All of Bucks girlfriends have that in common - they met him on the job and then come inot his life when he is having some form of internal crisis. Abby when he had just lost his first person on the job - making him emotionally vulnerable. Ali when he's accepted his relationship with Abby wasn't going anywhere a new guy had just started at work (yes they were getting on by this point but it is still new and an unknown) and his sister had just come back into his life after having had no contact for several years - and he knows she's in a fragile place. Taylor messes hm around but when she comes back into his life and wants to date him - Eddie has just been shot and he's looking after Christopher - he's massively emotionally compromised. None of these are good times to start a romantic relationship.
That isn't the case with Tommy - Bucks actually in a pretty decent place - yes the whole discovering he's queer could be argued as making him emotionally compromised, but he's being given the grace to do things at his own pace - in a healthy way - Tommy is letting Buck dictate the pace they go at.
We also have to remember that we are in a tv show - every single character who isn't a main (or to a certain extent a recurring) is there to act as a storytelling vehicle for one of the mains - their character traits are always going to be those which help get a main character from A to B, to move the story along and to make sure our mains learn something about themselves and their fellow mains along the way.
Abby was about getting Buck from being a bit of a clueless player into a long term (ish) relationship - about growing him out of his jock ways and getting him (and us) to recognise that he isn't a player that he wants real love and a long term relationship. Ali was about him getting over his first big disappointment - about getting hm to move on and about getting him his own place to exist. Taylor was about learning what love didn't look like, about how to treat others and showing him what he wasn't looking for and teaching him not to compromise on his morals. Natalia was all about Buck reconciling himself with his death and rebirth and as soon as he had done that, she was gone.
Tommy is about Buck discovering his queer identity, having a safe space to explore that and about getting him ready for Eddie - its why Tommy is soooo similar to Eddie - Buck will come out of this relationship (whatever form it takes) understanding who he is, and recognising what he wants is what he already almost has - Eddie.
Tommy is also about helping manoeuvre Eddie into questioning himself - another reason why he is so similar to Eddie - Eddie needed to see a gay version of himself - and with Buck to actually start thinking about himself and who he is and what he wants.
So all this to say that Nonnie - Buck has very much got off that hamster wheel and he is very much not making the same mistakes over again. I'm very excited to see how it continues to play out and I'm overjoyed with how the show is handling telling this story.
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harvestleaves · 26 days
Seen and Heard
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Summary: Tommy likes to think of himself as very observant. So when Buck has an asthma attack while staying over, he takes care of him. Not knowing that was something Buck has desperately needed.
Rating: T, for occasional swearing.
Word Count: 1, 847
A/N: After Thursday's episode, I'm back on my 9-1-1 bs! So here's Buck and Tommy having a soft, tender moment. The fic can also be read here on Ao3.
Tommy was observant, more or less.
Sure, he initially thought that Buck was simply jealous when it came to his friendship with Eddie. But, after he and Buck had started to go on more dates, he was able to pick up on the other man's quirks. Like how he loved to ramble on about some new fact or another, and how he looked almost dejected when others didn't find it as cool. Or how Buck seemed to melt under his touch, and how the softest smile graced the younger man's face every time Tommy pulled back from kissing him.
So after the first few times of being over at Buck's apartment, and seeing more than just the kitchen, of course, he noticed the inhalers. How there was one in the bathroom cabinet when he needed some Tylenol one night. And how Buck also had one hidden in his nightstand. That one he discovered after one of their make-out sessions had started to turn into more and he needed the condoms. Not to mention the one Buck had in his work bag, the bag he usually brought whenever he stayed over.
Despite noticing these important things, Buck still hadn't mentioned his asthma. Not that Tommy would have cared if he did want to keep it a secret. He was allowed to have his privacy. He was just a little surprised though considering how soft Buck always was when it was just the two of them and how much more open and vulnerable he seemed in the weeks that they had been seeing each other.
He shoved that nugget of knowledge to the back of his brain for later though, almost forgetting about it until Buck came to stay the night at his place after a particularly exhausting shift. They both had the following day off, a rare occurrence for the pair, but Tommy wanted to make the most of it, even when Buck fell asleep early in bed, the two just watching a movie to relax. Buck's head was settled on his chest, blinking back tiredness for a solid fifteen minutes before he finally gave in and fell asleep.
Yawning himself, Tommy gently ran his fingers through Buck's hair to relax his boyfriend into a deeper sleep and reached over to turn off the lamp next to his bed along with the TV. Sleep quickly came for him, completely unaware to Buck stirring in his arms.
Buck couldn't remember when he fell asleep, but the exhaustion from his shift, coupled with the fact that he was pretty sure he caught a chest cold, had made sure he was asleep well before midnight. That didn't explain however why he woke up at 1:30 in the morning feeling like an elephant was sitting on his chest. Slowly pulling himself back from Tommy, Buck reached over to the side table next to the bed, instinctually grabbing for the drawer where he would normally keep his inhaler. Except when he opened the drawer, all he felt was air and then he remembered. He was at Tommy's, and he definitely didn't put his spare inhaler in his jacket pocket last night after he finished up his shift.
Blinking back a few tears that threatened to fill his eyes, Buck moved to sit up and looked over to where Tommy was sleeping soundly and he bit his bottom lip, shakily taking a breath through his nose to calm himself. Logically, he knew that getting upset would do his breathing no good, but he felt at a loss of what to do, not wanting to risk waking Tommy up to bother him.
Tommy stirred as Buck's warm body pulled away from him and he groaned, rolling over to sleepily feel for Buck's waist to pull him back to his chest. He scrunched his face up in confusion as his hand met the still warm bed sheets. Followed by, the leg of Buck's sweatpants? Something that usually wouldn't be up towards the head of the bed.
Opening his eyes to the darkness of his bedroom, Tommy squinted before his eyes adjusted and he saw Buck's silhouette, the shape accentuated by the moonlight as the other's hand came up to press against his chest. Worry creased Tommy's forehead as he moved to sit up, reaching a hand out to Buck's shoulder as his ears finally registered the wheezes and how Buck's shoulders seemed to rise and fall rapidly.
"Evan? Babe, what's going on?" Tommy asked, keeping his voice gentle as he leaned across Buck to click on the side table lamp.
"Sh-shit. I'm sorry, I didn't want to w-wake you," Buck wheezed, his eyes slowly adjusting to the bright light that was now in the room before his eyes met Tommy's unable to stop a tear that worked it way down his cheek at the soft look of concern on the other's face.
"Based off your appearance, I think you should have woken me up. That's a conversation for later though. Do you have your inhaler on you?" Tommy asked, reaching up to wipe the tear from Buck's cheek with the pad of his thumb, before he glanced around for the bag Buck had brought with him and spotted it over near the bedroom door.
"M-maybe one in my bag? I think I left it at home though," Buck whispered, taking another shaky breath through his nose as Tommy nodded before pushing himself up to grab Buck's bag. He had honestly forgotten about the inhaler he normally kept in his bag until Tommy asked, the other man's presence calming him in a way no previous partner had. He felt seen. Taken care of as Tommy set the bag down at the foot of the bed and started going through it with precision, locating the inhaler easily in the small front pocket, almost as if he'd seen Buck place it there.
Giving the inhaler a shake, Tommy sat back down next to Buck and held it out to him. "Do you need my help? Or have you got it?" Tommy asked, not wanting to overstep boundaries as Buck took the inhaler, shaking it one last time before he took a breath.
Buck let his eyes fall shut as he focused on slowing his breathing down, letting the medication do it's job. The feeling of a hand over his own made the tension melt from his shoulders and he gently squeezed Tommy's hand back.
"I'm going to grab you some water. Just focus on your breathing. I'll be right back Evan."
Buck pouted as he watched Tommy leave the room, not caring that his mouth did feel dry from the albuterol, he just wanted Tommy to hold him, kiss his hair, make everything feel better.
Stepping back into the room with a glass of water, Tommy frowned at how dejected Buck looked and walked back towards the bed. He set the water on the night stand before sitting down on the edge near Buck's knees, tilting his boyfriend's chin up to look at him.
"What's going though that head of yours? You look like a kicked puppy," Tommy said, pressing a soft kiss to Buck's forehead, making a mental note of the warmth he was radiating.
The kiss was apparently Buck's breaking point as he felt the tears overflow and he pressed his face against Tommy's neck, the other man's arms wrapping tightly around Buck to hold him close, dropping his chin onto the top of Buck's head to be the steady presence he needed.
Tommy just held Buck, letting him cry the much needed feelings out of his body before the younger man sniffled and shakily pulled back.
"S-sorry for all of that," Buck whispered, his throat even drier from crying as Tommy reached around him for the glass of water he'd set down.
"You don't need to apologize. Not for the asthma attack, and definitely not for the crying. You were scared, it's understandable," Tommy said as he guided the cup up to Buck's mouth so he could take a sip.
"H-how did you know? About the asthma? And where I keep my inhaler? I never actually told you anything," Buck asked after a few drinks of water. His breathing still had a slight whistle to it, and he contemplated taking a second breath of medicine, but he was more curious at the moment.
"I guessed about the asthma after I saw the inhaler in your bathroom, that night I had a headache. And then when I found the one in your nightstand," Tommy explained, gently running his fingers through Buck's hair soothingly as he studied the other's face. "I am curious though. Why didn't you tell me? You know I wouldn't have judged you, or thought anything less of you, right?"
Buck blushed, about to shrug before he changed his mind and bit his lip, thinking over his next words carefully.
"I've never been this vulnerable with a partner before. Had someone treat me with such softness, such care. I didn't tell you because I've never mentioned it to any of my exes and they never asked either, so it felt almost insignificant," he paused, taking another sip of water before he looked back at Tommy.
"But when I woke up just now, unable to breathe, all I wanted to do was wake you up, have you hold me, tell me everything was going to be okay. You make me feel cared for. Wanted."
"And that scares you? Being cared for?" Tommy asked, tilting his head as studied Buck's face.
"Yeah. Because with so many people, it has felt like their love was conditional. Like I'm only worthy if I'm of use to others and can do something for them, fix something. But you just like me for me, and it's scary. Up until recently I had no clue what all of me entailed, and you just accepted it with open arms. Fuck, I'm gonna cry again," Buck sniffed as he reached up to rub more tears from his face, Tommy reaching out to cup his cheek.
"Evan, feeling this way is a good thing. This is what a healthy relationship should feel like. You should feel loved, you deserve to feel loved. You are worthy of love. And I am so sorry that anyone made you feel less than that. I love you." Tommy pressed a kiss to Buck's temple, right over his birthmark before glancing over at the clock, now reading almost 2:30 in the morning.
"We should probably head back to bed if you're feeling ready. Or I can put a movie on if you just want to lay here and cuddle for a while. It's up to you. I move at your pace."
"Movie and cuddling sound great," Buck nodded as he watched Tommy grab the remote, setting his inhaler down on top of the nightstand before he wriggled his way under the sheets again and pressed himself close to Tommy. As the movie started, Buck watched Tommy's face before turning his head to kiss him.
"I love you too by the way."
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hereforthe911buds · 16 days
so let's say at the wedding, Buck decides to come out to his parents before Tommy arrives. But before Tommy can get there, an emergency occurs that he can't leave. So he's later and later and later, until it's more halfway through the reception and Buck already feels like shit due to the hangover.
he sits at a table with his parents, Eddie within ear shot two tables behind them with Marisol. she goes to the bathroom, but Buck's parents are becoming more and more dismissive, to the point the comments are borderline homophobic/biphobic. Eddie can see Buck's stress level building before his eyes.
The one of his parents says "at least you're little thing doesn't have to take away from your sister's wedding." the hurt all over Buck's face, his parents disparaging what is him coming out. Eddie stands up and immediately walks towards Buck.
"Hey," Eddie reaches his hand out, "do you wanna dance?"
"w-what?" Buck studders, but Eddie doesn't wait for a response. He grabs Buck's hand and pulls him to his feet. His parents are shocked, but Eddie is guiding Buck to the dance floor. Honestly Buck feels a little relief that he doesn't have to sit with his parents any longer.
"I'm leading," Eddie orders as he places his hands on Buck's body.
"what are you doing?" Buck questions, but there is a giddyness in his voice.
"dancing with my friend," Eddie answers nonchalantly.
"you don't have to do this," Buck comments, though he doesn't know why he's so happy Eddie did.
"any excuse to give some parents the middle finger," Eddie shrugs off. Buck looks over Eddie's shoulder to his parents glaring, as if he is taking away from his sister's day. but no one else seems to care besides them. He looks back at Eddie.
"well thank you," Buck sighs, "What a mess of a day. I'm almost relieved Tommy didn't make it, not see me looking like I slept on the floor last night."
"what are you talking about? you really rallied. he'd find you handsome as hell," Eddie gleams, then suddenly feeling this tightness in his chest, as if he just realized he's dancing with a guy in front of everyone. and not just any guy. Buck, his best friend who he has a connection with like he hasn't with anyone before.
and now he's publicly dancing with him, and he didn't even think about it. Buck looked like he needed help, and also deserved at least one dance with how good he looked tonight.
oh god.
"and you look-" buck starts, but then stops himself because 1) he may have been about to call his best friend beautiful 2) Marisol is standing by her and eddie's table staring them down.
"uh your girlfriend does not look happy," Buck comments, causing Eddie's head to turn. the second they make eye contact, she hightails out of the reception hall.
"wait!" Eddie yelps as he chases after her. he feels bad leaving Buck there, but his girlfriend is obviously mad. But it's not like he was dancing with a girl, he was just offering some support by slow dancing with his guy best friend.
it is sounding gayer and gayer the more Eddie thinks about it. he's not far behind her but as she stomps through the entrance way, Eddie sees Tommy heading in the opposite direction.
"Hey Eddie!" Tommy starts, but then see Marisol storm past him with Eddie trailing behind, "uh, bye Eddie." wanting to avoid whatever confrontation is happening, he continues into the hall.
as Eddie steps out the building, he looks over his shoulder to see Buck embracing Tommy, looking so elated that he finally appeared.
and Eddie doesn't know why but he feels like he got punched in the gut.
"Marisol!" he calls out.
"I want to go home," she commands.
"yes, let's go home and talk-"
"no, I want to go to my home," she cuts him off, "my car is at yours. either drive me there or I'm taking an Uber to get it."
"it was just Buck," Eddie tries to distract.
"no, it was only Buck," Marisol points out, "we barely even danced, and then you-"
"Eddie, you're in love with your best friend," Marisol states firmly, "I don't care how he feels for you, but I don't want a boyfriend who obviously likes someone else more than me."
"So are you taking me home or not?"
and there goes the longest car ride of Eddie Diaz's life.
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wickedwhing · 23 days
Buddie (One-Shot)
So I ended up writing a Buddie one-shot. Here ya go.
This is an AU fanfic one-shot so not everything is accurately based on the show. Not that good though as it's been years since the last time I wrote anything. Haha. I hope you like it, still.
It's in Buck's POV so I didn't go much into Eddie's perspective and realization journey.
"So, how's things with Tommy?" Maddie asks Buck as they both sit down at the table.
"Uh...it didn't work out," Buck answers, avoiding looking at Maddie as he places food on his plate.
Maddie, though not entirely surprised, still the news is new to her as she thought that Buck and Tommy would go on for a little bit longer.
"Buck, what happened? What did you do?"
This time, Buck looks at Maddie with a disappointed look on his face, and says, "So, whenever a relationship of mine fails, your first assumption is that I was the one who fucked it up?"
"Well, no. But it's just that Tommy seems a really nice guy and, like, you were both kinda into each other."
"Yeah, well, he's really nice and I like him and he likes me, but...I guess you're right, I was the one who did something wrong."
"Okay, now, so what did you do?"
"It's not exactly what I did but something that I didn't really realize until Tommy pointed it out to me."
"Oh, for god's sake, Buck, spill it."
"I'm in love with Eddie..." Buck quietly said as if he's telling himself that. But it is the first time he has admitted it - that he tells himself it and believes it. It is the first time that he finally acknowledges his feelings for Eddie and knows they're real and he accepts it.
"Finally. Took you long enough," Maddie comments, making Buck look at her with surprise written all over his face.
"You knew?" Buck asks his sister in disbelief.
"Well, yeah. It's pretty much obvious."
"And you didn't care to tell me? "
"Buck, I know I'm your sister and I am always willing to help you and do things for you, but this is not something that I should have done for you."
"You could've just at least told me what was 'obvious.'"
"I was always dropping hints, you know. You were just too oblivious to your actual feelings for him. And I shouldn't just tell you you're in love with your best friend when you haven't even come to terms with yourself yet. I know you really don't brush it off when I joke about you being attracted to men, but have you really acknowledged that with yourself?"
Buck didn't answer, because it's already pretty obvious what the answer is.
"Exactly," Maddie says, accepting the silent answer. "You needed to realize first who you are, Buck, on your own, before you deal with your feelings for Eddie."
Buck sighs, "Yeah, you're right."
"Well, you did great, Buck, in figuring out who you really are and I'm so proud of you. Even though you almost deeply embarrassed yourself in the process and injured Eddie."
Buck tightly smiles.
"So, what do you plan on doing?"
"About what?"
"About your feelings with Eddie. I mean, it took you YEARS to realize that, and now that you do, what are planning on doing? Are you gonna tell him?"
"What? No! He's with Marisol and I don't think Eddie will ever be into a guy, much less me."
"Hmm-mmm," Maddie responds with a knowing look and an eyebrow raised.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, Buck. Eddie and you really need some sense knocked into you - HARD. You two are inseparable. You always have your own world. You have things that only you two know and do together. Something happens to one of you, the first person you go to is each other. You understand each other like no other people can. I mean I'm your sister but Eddie knows how to handle you better than me. And hell, you are even raising Christopher together. Eddie's not just doing this whole parenting thing alone because you two are already doing it. You are even the first person Christopher runs to if something happens with him and Eddie. You're practically his second dad."
"You know, that's pretty much what Tommy also told me. The whole co-parenting Christopher thing with Eddie. But well, I'm his legal guardian so might as well start now, right?"
"Legal guardian?!" Maddie asks clearly surprised by this news as Buck never mentioned this to her before.
"Well, Eddie listed me to be Chris' legal guardian in case something happens to him. But let's hope that will never happen."
"How come I just know about this now?"
"Well, I don't think that it should be announced to everyone. I mean, it's something between me and Eddie."
"See what I'm talking about?"
"No, I don't, Maddie. What's your point?"
"My point is you and Eddie have been so into each other ever since you met but it's either you two are in denial or too stupid to realize it. Well, in your case, most likely the second one since Tommy had to point it out to you for you to realize it."
Buck laughs humorlessly, not believing Maddie about Eddie also having feelings for him. "I am telling you, Maddie. You are wrong about Eddie."
"Well, there's only one way to find out, right? Tell him how you feel."
"He's with Marisol. He's happy with his relationship now. I can't just ruin that for him."
"You'll never know, Buck, unless you try."
Buck is cooking when suddenly there is a knock on his door. Wondering who might it be as he's not expecting any guests, he goes over to it and is surprised to see Eddie standing on the other side with a frustrated look on his face.
"Marisol and I broke up," Eddie says, stepping inside Buck's apartment before Buck can even say anything.
Buck closes the door and asks, "What happened? I thought things were going great?"
"I thought so too," Eddie says, going to Buck's fridge and getting himself a beer. He opens the bottle and leans against the counter as he continues, "But it turns out, it's not. I mean, she's great. She loves Christopher. But I just feel like that's there's something missing, you know. I like her. But not enough for me to stay in the relationship."
"Hold on, Eds. What exactly happened that led to this break-up? This is not Ana 2.0, right?"
Eddie looks at Buck then sighs and says, "She said 'I love you' and I just couldn't say it back. I don't wanna lie, Buck."
"Yeah. Well, at least one of us has it going good."
"Actually, Tommy and I...it didn't work out."
"What happened?"
"I realized I wasn't into him like I thought I was. Well, after he pointed it out to me."
"He told you that you were not into him?" Eddie asks, confused.
"No. He told me that I'm already in love with someone else."
"Who? Is there something that you weren't telling me?"
"I can't tell you."
"Why? Buck, it's me. We tell each other everything."
"Not this one, Eds."
Eddie gives him a look of being offended and says, "So when I am the one keeping something from you, you won't stop nagging at me until I tell you what it is, but here you are, huh?"
"I don't nag at you, you know. I just persuade you into telling me."
"And yet, I still tell you. But you just won't. That's unfair, Buck."
"I'm sorry, Eds. I just can't tell you this one."
"Why? Do I know that person? Do you think I will judge you?"
"Then tell me who it is."
"Come on, Buck. Tell me. Maybe I can help you with it."
Buck chuckles, "No, I can't tell you."
"You can't see Christopher for a week if you won't tell me."
"Oh, come on, Eddie, that's not fair."
"You're the one who's not being fair. Why don't you just tell me who it is that you're in love with and you keep your rights of seeing Christopher every day."
"You can't do this, Eddie."
"I can and I just did. So it's your choice, Buckley."
"I really can't tell you."
"Okay, then. No Christopher for a week."
Frustrated, Buck says, "You can't just use your son to extort me."
"Then, tell me. Come on, Evan. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me."
Now, even more frustrated and with Maddie's words repeating in his head, Buck lets out a sigh as he says, "Fine." Then he walks over to Eddie, grabs his face, and crashes his lips against his.
To say Eddie is caught off guard is an understatement. His eyes are wide and he froze on where he is standing. He even almost dropped the bottle of beer in his hand.
"Happy now?" Buck asks as he pulls away and looks at Eddie who stares at him in shock. Buck drops his hands and steps back a bit.
As Eddie recovers from his shock, he puts the bottle down on the counter, and without a word, he walks out of the apartment, leaving Buck standing in the middle of his kitchen alone.
"I took your advice - kinda - and I'm pretty sure I just ruined my friendship with Eddie forever. I may not even be able to see Christopher ever again," Buck tells Maddie over the phone.
Ever since Eddie left him the night before, they have never talked. Eddie never called or even just texted him and Buck just doesn't have the nerve to reach out to Eddie after what he did.
"I'm sorry, Buck," was all Maddie can say.
"Well, you're still right. I will never know unless I try, and I did, and now I know."
"Have you tried reaching out to him?"
"And say what? 'I'm sorry I kissed you and I'm in love with you?'"
"Well, you can't just avoid each other forever because of one kiss. You two need to talk about it and move past it. You still work together, Buck. It will just be awkward if you don't fix this now, and everyone will notice it."
"But, I'm scared, Mads."
"But you have to. And you better do it before today ends because you'll be seeing each other tomorrow at work."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll try."
"Good luck."
Buck hangs up and slumps back into his bed with a frustrated groan. What is he going to say to Eddie? How is he going to make Eddie talk to him? But still, he knows Maddie is right and he needs to talk to Eddie no matter what. Despite his feelings for him, Eddie's still his best friend and he can't just throw that away because he ends up falling in love with him.
Throughout the day, Buck tries to call or text Eddie but he doesn't know what to say, and he's pretty sure Eddie won't answer him. So finally, he makes a decision of just going over to his house and talk to him in person.
It's already a bit late when he checks his watch, but he knows Eddie is still up at this hour. He grabs his keys and drives over to Eddie's house.
As he gets there, he hesitantly knocks on his door. As he waits for Eddie to answer, he just gets more and more nervous that he thinks he's going to have a panic attack.
Then Eddie opens the door and Buck stands there not able to say anything and just looks at Eddie in surprise.
Confused, Eddie says, "Hey, Buck. Is everything okay?"
Buck recovers, clears his throat, and says, "Can we talk?"
Eddie knows what this is about and he too knows that they need to talk about it rather sooner than later. So he steps aside and lets Buck inside his house.
As Eddie closes the door, Buck asks, "Is Christopher already in bed?"
"Uh, yeah. He went to sleep early tonight. Big day tomorrow."
"Oh...yeah. The field trip thing."
Then it was silence and the two men stand in the middle of Eddie's living room awkwardly. Couldn't take it anymore, Buck takes up the courage and says, "I'm so sorry, Eds. Everything just happened kinda all at once, you know? I mean, me figuring out who I really am and then realizing my feelings for you...I didn't mean to just drop it all like that on you."
"Well, to be fair to you, I was the one who forced you to tell me who it is."
"Only that you didn't expect it to be you."
"And I understand if after this you would not be friends with me anymore. Just let me know if you want to keep a distance between us. Just that...just don't ban me from seeing Christopher. You know how much I love that kid."
Confused and surprised from hearing what Buck just said, Eddie asks, "Why are you saying that? Why would you think that I would ban you from seeing Christopher?"
"Well, I don't know...I mean, now you know I'm in love with you and you may be weirded out about it and you may be weirded out by me..."
"What? Buck, why are you saying that?"
"Well, because you walked out on me after I kissed you and I know you're pretty pissed at me and may never want to see me again."
"Do you think we're standing here now if I feel that way?"
Buck doesn't answer so Eddie sighs and says, "Alright. I know I walked out and I didn't reach out to you after. I'm sorry about that. But it wasn't because I was mad or weirded out, Buck. I was in shock that I couldn't say anything and I had to process everything first, okay? I've been meaning to talk to you, I just didn't know how..."
"So, you're not mad at me?" Buck asks in a hopeful tone.
Eddie sighs and decides that he better say everything now. "No. I wasn't mad at you. I can never be mad at you, Buck. You see, after I left your place last night, all I did was think about everything and I realized a lot of things too. About you and about myself.
"Ever since I met you, Buck, I immediately got these strong feelings for you - this attachment to you. You've become a very important person in not just my life but in my son's too. You are not just a friend to us, Buck. You are our family. You are practically Christopher's dad too, you know? I wouldn't have been able to raise Christopher without you. I won't be able to make a good life here in LA without you. There's no one in this world I would do all this with but you, Buck. And that's pretty much why I can't make any relationship work with other people. Because they are NOT you. It took me a while to realize that. Well, it's pretty much Carla who spelled it all out for me this morning, and she's right. I already have my home and my own family here and that's Christopher and you."
"What are you trying to say, Eds?" Buck asks, tearful and hopeful.
Eddie chuckles then walks over to Buck and this time, it is he who pulls Buck to him and kisses him deeply.
Buck is surprised but he manages to catch on quickly and responds to Eddie's kiss as his arms find their way around Eddie's body.
As they pull away, Buck looks at Eddie with a smile that says he just can't believe what just happened. Eddie smiles back at him and says, "I love you too, Evan."
"Finally!" They hear Christopher say, making them both turn in his direction in surprise. "Took you a long time to realize that."
"I thought you were already sleeping," Eddie says with a chuckle as he goes over to Christopher.
"I was but you two are so loud talking."
"Sorry, buddy," Buck says.
"It's okay. I'm happy now that you finally know now that you love each other the way you do. It was frustrating to wait for you to realize that, you know."
"So, you already know before us?" Buck asks.
"I mean, it was pretty obvious."
"Why do you all keep saying that?"
Christopher laughs.
"So, you're okay with me and Buck?" Eddie asks Chris.
"Yeah, and I've been telling my friends already since before that I got two dads. You and Buck."
Buck laughs and then smiles as he fondly looks at Eddie and Chris. And hell yeah, he loves them so much. His two boys. His family.
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ravens-words · 28 days
heart is yours (AO3)
In which Tommy and Buck break up, and Buck and Eddie are oblivious idiots in love.
"So," Tommy drawled out, closing the door to the loft behind him.
Buck stopped by the dining table, looked back at him. He seemed more than a little confused at the distance between them.
Tommy didn't blame him.
Usually, at this point of their date night, he'd have Buck pinned against a wall or a door or, on one memorable occasion, the stairs. Not tonight though.
No, tonight he suspects he's only getting some bitter truths and kissing any chance of a relationship with Evan Buckley goodbye.
"Tommy?" Brows furrowed, eyes wide and earnest, Buck hesitantly steps forward towards him. "Hey, what's going on?"
He lets Buck close the distance between them, lets him settle his big hands on his waist, and he closes his eyes when the younger man kisses him- soft, hesitant and a little desperate. 
For a few seconds, he contemplates just letting it go. Maybe if he doesn't rock the boat, he'll get to keep him. Maybe he wouldn't lose the first person he could see a future with in a long time. He kisses him back, softly, gently, but then he pulls away.
"Wh-what's going on, Tommy?"
He could ignore what he saw tonight. He could ignore what he'd seen two weeks ago, on the double date with Eddie and Marisol, he could ignore all the little signs and tells he'd chosen not to dwell on before.
He could continue to kiss Buck like there's no tomorrow.
But- Tommy was many things, delusional is not one of them.
Tommy placed his hands on Buck's chest, pushed him away gently.  Then-
"We need to talk."
It took all of five minutes for Tommy to realise Evan Buckley had no clue about his own feelings for Eddie.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I don't think I can be in a relationship with you, knowing I'm not your- well, your priority."
Buck huffed in frustration. "What does that even mean, Tommy?"
"Evan, you just cut our date short because Eddie called and asked for help."
"He didn't know I was on a date or he wouldn't have called," he protested.
Tommy stared at him, willing him to realise what he'd just said. All he got in response was a look of indignation; as if Tommy is being unreasonable. 
"Would you have cut a night with Eddie and Christopher short if it had been me calling you for help?"
He hesitated. It was for a split second, but it was enough.
"O-of course I would, Tommy! You know I care about you."
"But will I ever measure up?"
"To who?" Buck is full on angry now, face red and breathing hard. He already knew the answer, but Tommy said it out loud anyway.
"To Eddie."
Buck was already shaking his head. "You don't have to. There's no competition here, Tommy."
"But if there was, he'd win, right?"
Buck reeled back, blinking at him. Tommy nodded and turned, hand on the knob.
"Can we please just talk about this?"
"What's there to talk about, Evan? Look, let's not make this into something it's not. We dated, it didn't work out. It's that simple."
Buck's shoulders slumped, and Tommy actually felt bad for how upset the other man looked. He let go of the door handle and walked closer. "Hey," he held his face in his hands, forcing him to look at him, "no hard feelings."
"I really thought I could make this work, Tommy," he admitted, "I really thought I could-"
"I thought so, too, but- Buck, it's not fair. Not to me, not to you, and not to Eddie."
Tommy saw a flash of fear in Buck's blue eyes, before resignation took its place. "Can't we just try? I promise I'll do better."
Tommy pursed his lips before shaking his head. "I can't be your constellation prize."
Buck let out a shaky breath, lips red and soft-looking. Tempting. So, he took a deep breath and smirked- "last one for the road?"
Buck's confusion lasted only for about five seconds, before it was replaced by a hungry look as he licked his lips and leaned in.
Tommy, selfish bastard that he is, took his time. He kissed him; long and hard and deep, then he kissed him again-
"Call me, if things ever change."
Then he forced himself to walk away.
He didn't stop seeing Buck.
No, on the contrary, he was suddenly everywhere.
On calls.
In the gym Tommy went to.
In their fire department events.
It didn't exactly hurt to see him, but he can't say it's exactly fun.
He bumped into Eddie at a bar.
The man was alone, obviously doing his best to drown his sorrows, so Tommy made his way over to him, sitting on the stool beside him.
It took Eddie a solid minute to notice him.
He did a double take, unfocused eyes widening at the sight of Tommy being there and grinned widely. His cheeks were flushed, eyes crinkling at the corners.
He was beautiful like this, and in that moment, Tommy understood Buck all too well.
"Tommy!" Eddie exclaimed,  beer sloshing in his bottle as he leaned forward to clumsily wrap an arm around his shoulders. "Haven't seen you in a while."
Tommy snorted. I wonder why, he thought  looking at him pointedly.
Eddie didn't notice. "I guess Buck got me in the divorce?"
Tommy almost choked on his drink. He spluttered,  staring at the man who acted as if he hadn't said a thing. "He told you, huh?" He choked out.
Eddie shrugged. "Like pulling teeth, but I got it out of him."
"Is that why you're here?"
Eddie seemed confused. Shaking his head, he slumped against the bar. "I'm here because Marisol broke up with me."
Tommy winced. "Why?"
"Apparently,  I'm too closed off," he muttered bitterly.  "The hell does that even mean?"
"I don't know, man."
Eddie's not done. "It's not like opening up to strangers about my "trauma" is that easy. We've only been dating a couple of months, what did she expect, a full on debrief of every little thing that has happened to me?"
Tommy shook his head. "Of course not-"
"And what the hell is their problem with Buck?!" He exclaimed.
Tommy felt dread settle in the pit of his stomach. He could already tell where this was headed.
"So what if I consult him about things concerning Christopher? So what if he's Christopher's emergency contact- he's mine too! And, yes, he cooks for us and sometimes he spends the night when we stay up too late watching a movie, but don't friends do that?"
"Not any of mine," Tommy muttered.
Eddie looked offended. 
"Look, man, I gotta be honest with you, you and Buck- what you guys have goes way beyond friendship. It's not necessarily the things you mentioned but it's all cumulative, you know?"
He seemed adorably confused so Tommy took pity on him. "Let me put it this way; in the future, if you meet someone you love and you marry them and you're happy with them- would you ever change your will so that they'd become Christopher's legal guardian instead of Buck? Would you ever put them as his emergency contact?"
"No." The answer is immediate. No hesitation. He didn't even have to think about it.
Tommy nodded. "Then maybe you need to think about why that is."
The invite to Bobby and Athena's for a barbecue was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one. He didn't think he would ever be considered family the way the 118 were, but he figured if anything  at least he would have more people in his life he could call friends.
It also meant seeing Buck again, which was also a plus. He knew where they stood, but that didn't mean they couldn't have some fun, provided they're both single and willing.
He's greeted at the door by Athena and Bobby, then by everyone else once he made it out onto the backyard. Chim and Maddie were playing with their daughter, Athena and Bobby standing over by the grill, Hen and Karen were talking in hushed tones, eyes only for each other and then- then there was Buck, Eddie and Christopher. The two men were standing shoulder to shoulder, looking down at the boy like he was the most precious thing in their world. Buck said something that made Christopher laugh, and when Eddie looked at him, he looked so unbelievably besotted by him that it made Tommy ache with want.
Seeing them like this almost made him want to retreat back into the safety of his small apartment, because it's glaringly obviously that Tommy stuck out like a sore thumb.
Buck came bounding over, hesitating only briefly before he wrapped his arms around Tommy in a short hug. Eddie materialised at his  back only a few seconds later. "Hey, Ev- Buck, how's it going?"
"Good, good. You?"
Tommy just shrugged, looking down.
That was when he noticed it.
They were holding hands.
His head snapped back up. "Are you two-?"
Buck grinned, nodding.
Tommy smiled back, completely happy, but also a little sad. "Good for you."
Eddie looked over to Buck, smiling softly. "It took us a while, and the paperwork was a bitch, but- it all worked out in the end."
"I'm glad it did. I'm happy for you both."
"It was thanks to you, you know," Buck blurted out.
"Yeah," Eddie agreed, "I mean, I'd like to think we would've eventually gotten our heads out of our asses, but- you helped speed up the process."
"By a lot," Buck enthused.
Tommy chuckled, ducking his head. "Glad I could help."
Buck was about to say something but stopped when he spotted something over Tommy's shoulder that had him grinning ear to ear.
"Josh," he called out, "perfect timing." Then he bounded over, leaving him with Eddie.
Eddie, who was avoiding his gaze at all cost.
"What's going on, Eddie?"
"I had nothing to do with it," he blurted out  holding his hands up.
"Nothing to do with what?"
"Tommy!" Buck called out as he came bounding over, all but dragging another man behind him. "Tommy, meet Josh, he works at dispatch. Josh, this is Tommy, he's a firefighter."
The other man looked ready to murder Buck, but once he turned to look at Tommy, he was all smiles. Tommy felt a flutter of something as he shook Josh's hand with a smile of his own.
Buck, as subtle as a freight train, grabbed Eddie and dragged him away, calling over his shoulder: "you two talk, we'll be over- there."
"Well, he's subtle," Josh commented, and Tommy laughed.
"So, dispatch, huh..."
Two weeks later, Buck asks him if he's willing to go on a double date.
This one goes a lot better than the last one.
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Anti Bucktommy
Eddie deserves better than that raggedy storyline he was handed.
Don't read below the cut if you ship bucktommy because this is an ANTI-BUCKTOMMY ZONE!
Full Disclosure: Eddie is my favorite character and IMO the way he was charcterized in 7x4 was horrifically horrible.
It's been a few hours since the episode aired and I believe I'm finally at a place where I can articulate how damn angry I am about the way EDDIE DIAZ was treated throughout the episode.
Before it aired, I was still on the fence regarding if I should watch live because I didn't want Buck and Eddie to argue/fight but I sure as hell didn't want either of them to get injured. I really tried to keep an open mind about Buck’s storyline but I'm not sure how to process the fact that they made Eddie out to be the villain for the third time. First it was the lawsuit, then it was Buck's coma dream where he was charcterized as "Angry" and now this. He was the one injured but Tommy had to tell Buck to call Eddie and he was just like "ok" when pre-Tommy Buck would have taken Eddie to the hospital and stayed with him until he was better. But it appears everyone forgot how Buck dropped everything to take care of Eddie and Chris after Eddie’s breakdown since Buck finally kissed a guy.
So... first things first. Eddie FINALLY ADMITTED HE'S TAKEN but when did that happen because Marisol has been on screen for like 5.098 seconds in 4 episodes. Second, why didn't Eddie ask her to babysit Chris? I mean if they're in a committed relationship or whatever, then shouldn't he have asked her? That would have made more sense but if he had then he wouldn't have been able to ask Buck to do it. And finally, why was his actions towards Buck made to seem like he was intentionally being mean? The pre-7x4 Eddie Diaz wouldn't have done that because he knows how self-deprecating Buck can be. Reminder he called Buck Evan first and it wasn't like he was trying to put him in his place like Tommy was and will do. Tommy's actions towards Buck didn't show that he even liked him since he was dismissive but this isn't about that, it's about Eddie.
Now, I still can't tell if Eddie's actions were supposed to be funny or WTF but the way they had him acting like he was inconsiderate towards Buck’s feelings was just WRONG! Furthermore making it seem like he was using him and rubbing his nose in it since he had a new friend was NOT OK! FYI, the way everything played out validated some of those Facebook moms' thoughts because they've already posted that they believe Eddie uses Buck to babysit for him so he can go out and have fun 👀.
Additionally, Eddie was shown to be the one Buck’s affection... no fuck that, LOVE was directed towards only for Buck to literally injure him and ACT like he did it because he wanted to be with fucking Tommy Kinard? I call BULLSHIT and at this point I don't like Buck very much right now because of the way he acted in this episode.
Showing Eddie using Buck to babysit Chris and talking at him and ignoring him while he was hanging out with the guy who basically called Buck stupid and unbelievable to his face was just bad writing. Of course there will be those who say, "Let the story play out because it was just one episode" but the audience has been here before waiting for Buck to finally get it and nothing changed except he's dating a man now. None of this was ok and even though Maddie told him don't do it again, that was fine I guess but what in the actual fuck was this raggedy ass storyline? There was a better way to handle this without making Eddie the villian.
If all Tim Minear wanted to do was set Buck up with someone other than Eddie, then he could have picked a better character than Tommy. Also, there's an article that indicates he was planning to bring Lucy back for this storyline and it's ridiculous. She already put her lips on Buck without his permission and Tommy did the same thing and so did Taylor.
At this point, I don't know how to feel about Buck. But I do care about Eddie who was called "Angry" in Buck’s coma dream and who Buck actually fucking physically injured during a basketball game because he's jealous that Eddie was hanging out with Tommy.
I can't support a toxic relationship and that's what I saw happening between Buck and Tommy in 7x4.
IMO, The math ain't mathing and this is... not good storytelling.
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deluweil · 26 days
I think I realized what bugged me with Buck's coming out story in 7x04.
It's that he's "rewarded" for "bad behavior".
Don't get me wrong I was probably one of the loudest advocates for Bi!Buck, and I'm deliriously happy we got that.
But the fact that 7x04 went almost exactly the same as 2x01, behavior wise, that bratty, how am I not the center of attention? I'll show you your place, (the respect your elders crap) was very disturbing for me.
Like, aside for the fact that Buck finds out that he likes to be railed by boys as well as doing girls, there's no real character development here.
He knew, intellectually, at first that he was jealous of the attention Tommy got from Eddie, which really, considering everything that predated that was completely understandable that Eddie will look for that friend to do stuff with that they both enjoy somewhere else.
At first, it was the "She sees me," and as we can comprehend from "welcome back to the world of the living Buck, you were missed." Means that Buck was absent from their lives while he handled his death in the form of a relationship with a death doula, that he immersed himself in, completely leaving Eddie to deal with his trauma and loss, of Buck's death, and the consequent heartbreak of Buck choosing Natalia, on his own.
And now Eddie finally has that new friend, who's so much like him, to hang out with, that is worlds different than Buck and suddenly wide awake Buck realizes he's "losing" his best friend.
And I'll be the devil advocate for a minute and ask the Theo (teen wolf) question, come on Buck was he really still your best friend?
Because Eddie and Tommy have been hanging out for almost two weeks? (Though pretty sure more, considering that they have the basketball get-together more often than not and Chimney was probably the one who introduced Tommy and Eddie) it reached a level where Christopher met and loved Tommy (because seriously dude's awesome) almost instantly, but Buck didn't know that until he babysat Christopher and the kid told him about it.
Which makes me ask, where was Buck all that time? Absent? Taking Eddie for granted in that he will always be there?
Eddie has kept his mouth shut through a lot, Buck's sprem donor adventure, the death doula, the she sees me line, through months of separation because Buck cut himself off from everything they were outside of work.
On the surface, they were fine. But Eddie loves Buck enough to welcome him with open arms to everything, Vegas (you know he would have been ecstatic if Buck could go with them), basketball, babysitting Christopher which is world's different than 3x05-3x09.
He even forgives Buck immediately for railroading him on the basketball court.
Not mentioning the whole posturing at the firehouse, I have yet to manage to watch the entire scene (or 2x01 posturing) without cringing and fast forwarding it.
When Tommy goes to see Buck, he's there to figure out what is happening and to apologize in his and Eddie's names because THEY didn't mean to exclude him?? (In the two weeks they were building a friendship? And it's not like Eddie didn't invite Buck to play basketball. It's that Buck didn't want to.)
And Buck, even though Maddie told him he was wrong in what he did, didn't go to see Eddie and apologize. He immediately assumes that Eddie wouldn't want to see him.
First off, that's crap, he made you his son legal guardian, and second, at this point, you're a grown ass adult, do the right thing and even if he's mad at you call to APOLOGIZE!
It's not hard, it's supposed to be the easiest thing in the world, you hurt someone you love, you apologize.
How did Gibson tell Maya in Station 19 after she hurt Carina (emotionally) "You'd be surprised how far an apology can get you".
Buck should have apologized.
Now that kiss was something else, Tommy was super sweet and Buck proved himself to be an adorable bossy bratty bottom, the railing will be epic.
BUT! That relationship will come at Eddie’s expanse. This time excluding Eddie.
So not only Buck was mad that he was excluded, he's the asshole who befriended his best friend's friend cause he wanted the attention (of whom? Will be debated for months around this fandom) And now he excludes Eddie from his life again and disconnects him from the new friend he made.
That is isolation. Because as experience taught any of us, when our best friend gets a boyfriend/girlfriend they are busy! Either dating them or doing them or both.
Trust me I have had enough breathy phone calls answered by my gay best friend to learn to text first, and it didn't matter how many time I told him to stop answering during sex.
My girl friends knew better, but they also didn't call back until after they broke up with whoever the dude of the month was.
So yeah, I am mad on Eddie’s behalf, because Buck has not only done to him what he hates being done to himself, but he also reverted in the behavior to Buck 1.0 in 2x01.
I wish the Tommy/Buck pairing will be sweet and fun and explore new avenues for Buck.
But I want to see some growth damn it! Being out as Bi is brave.
But it is not a character growth if the people around you get hurt so you can get your way.
A lot like the lawsuit story (which, by the way, I was on Buck’s side for that one) but this is different, this is 4 years later and so many things happened.
Eddie went to therapy, and he reacts differently to certain situations now, when 5 years ago, he would have lost his head.
Buck did therapy, but nothing was solved, he's still reacting the same way he did in S2 and I am over it.
So yay to Bi!Buck!
But I wish the writers didn't make so that the growth won't be as significant as it should have been with giving him the same patterns of crappy behavior he exhibited in 2x01.
And there is no, "you're badass under pressure brother" here to cultivate Buck’s praise kink, just a kiss from Eddie’s friend.
Eddie who is sitting injured at home, alone, again (no, Marisol doesn't count) and Buck hadn't even apologized to him, but he was rewarded for making googly eyes at the wrong guy, because it's perfectly normal to be this jealous over not getting the attention of someone you just met, over the attention of your best friend of 6 years.
I understand this may offend a lot of people, but I had to get it out of my system.
No offense is intended, I just call it the way I see it.
I feel like Bi!Buck deserved a better intro story than what it got in 7x04, that kiss shouldn't have been made bittersweet, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one seeing it.
Anyway, I'm hoping for some kind of resolution and at least a heartfelt apology from Buck to Eddie in the next episode, coz it doesn't look like Buck will go to Eddie to apologize.
He and Marisol will stumble onto them at the restaurant and then there will be the whole why didn't you tell me drama, and I love you anyway thing, and it will all be about Buck, again.
Which fair. But does not absolve him railroading Eddie physically to get God knows who's attention.
Even Tommy didn't think it was about him, he literally asks bewildered "My attention?" I love him even more for that by the way.
And Buck should tell the firefam on his own terms, not because he has to.
But we reach another point, where the boys talk about their relationships with their significant others, only when they are forced to, again. Which is not normal at all for any kind of best friends.
Anyway, if you managed this far, thank you❤️
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blazinghotfoggynights · 12 hours
Wank is definitely trying to infiltrate the fandom. The proliferation of posts aimed at the fans of specific ships, fans who do not like characters or character development, or fans who point out unrealistic situations and behaviors is definitely frightening. So, I will say a few things and keep going.
(Disclaimer: If you don't like my views, kudos to you. It's called free thinking and free will. Maybe if you explain why you don't agree, it will open a fun dialogue.
Saying I am wrong or I suck doesn't bother me and does not count as supporting your views. You can't leave anon comments. You can thank a few who can't act like civilized humans for that change. I am always open to discussion and debate, if it is respectful.)
Here goes some of my thoughts on current fandom war topics I have seen:
BuckTommy is gross/pointless/forced/not believable.
I don't think it is gross. Lou isn't my type, but I can tell he is a handsome man. So, I understand someone being attracted to him.
I think Buck needs to explore himself, not just his sexuality, outside the 118. As for not being believable, I think it is. And there are many interpretations, I believe, that could be correct.
I don't feel this is forced in the way most of the posts I've seen are implying it. I think Tommy was a convenient character and maybe TPTB are using this as a way to get that character, and possibly his unit, more exposure. Spinoff maybe? When you think about it, it would have been just as easy to create a new character and have him force Buck to look within himself.
I think the relationship is very believable, but not for the most common reasons.
This is organic attraction and a natural progression.
Maybe not.
I believe that even though we are in a new season, Buck is still traumatized by dying. I think he is hiding it well. I think throwing himself into a relationship with someone who was obviously only into him due to his brush with death distracted him. But I don't think Buck has dealt with dying and what that dream showed him. There is no way he does not have a lot of unresolved issues.
I think Natalia was a distraction that actually worked for a while. But, if you go back to the scene where he tells Eddie they broke up, he is obviously in need of attention. He is blatantly resentful after Eddie says he is unavailable due to Christopher's date but asked Marisol to help chaperone. (Eddie is no better. Listen to how he says Natalia's name.)
So, we have a man who died, didn't deal with that at all, threw himself into a relationship with a death doula, the relationship ended, his safe place was now taken by Marisol, whom Eddie was asking to fill a parental role that would have been Buck's before.
In that one scene Buck was slapped into a reality where Eddie is not always available when he needs him, he is no longer Christopher's de facto second parent, and Eddie is trying to move on a build a family with someone else.
We know Buck doesn't have the healthiest coping skills. I was waiting for him to go off the rails. He was drifting alone.
Enter Tommy. Tommy who is instantly drawn to Eddie. If you never find out that Tommy is into men, and look at the sparring, the fixing Eddie's car, the FLYING THE MAN TO VEGAS FOR A SOLD OUT FIGHT, the intense focus, amazing adventures, and acts to impress Eddie still seem like someone showing off for someone they like.
You can interpret the scene of Tommy, Eddie, and Buck separating after watching Bobby and Athena as Tommy being smitten with Eddie, watch how he stares at Eddie, and Buck trying to draw Tommy's attention away from Eddie, whom he is already seeing slip away due to Marisol.
(I will probably explore this in another post.)
In other words, I think Buck was experiencing a breakup, seeing Eddie as slipping away, still shaken by his death, and not dealing. Tommy could very well be Natalia 2.0, a distraction when he needed it. Tommy was into Eddie but Eddie was taken and wasn't giving him any signs that there could ever be more. Buck needed someone and Tommy saw an opportunity with a hot man.
Buddie doesn't make sense because Eddie is not gay.
May I remind everyone Buck was canonically straight for six seasons?
Eddie doesn't have to be gay. He could be bi, pan, demi, or whatever. I've touched upon Eddie Diaz's unusual behavior with and toward women in prior posts. I have been on this Earth long enough to know that Eddie Diaz does not behave like a typical heterosexual male.
I also know sexuality is not as concrete and clear as we always think it is. A lot of people have figured out in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond the sexuality they genuinely believed they were was not quite accurate.
Eddie's relationships have all been based on what he feels he is supposed to do. That man has never once shown a genuine sexual attraction to any woman he has been paired with. He never looks at any of them with that gleam in his eye.
But you know who he does look at like that? Buck. He has done it many times throughout the series. (That will probably be a separate post, too.)
Eddie doesn't pursue women. He doesn't feel comfortable with relationships naturally progressing with those women. When he finds himself in a relationship that is moving to another level he panics, literally. He basically has kicked every woman out, yet he invites Buck over all the time.
Eddie Diaz is not straight. Eddie Diaz has never had a functional, stable relationship with a woman. Eddie Diaz is just as messed up and in need of thrice weekly therapy appointments as Buck.
BuckTommy and Buddie can't coexist.
Why not? How many people here have only had one partner in their lives? It happens but it is rare.
Many seem to overlook that Buddie can't happen right now anyway because Eddie is with Marisol. So, just as Eddie jumped at Marisol because Buck dove into a relationship with Natalia headfirst, why would it be such a stretch to consider that Buck is throwing himself into an opportunity with Tommy because Eddie is taken.
I keep pointing out those two are the poster children for unhealthy dynamics.
Some fans don't like Tommy Kinard.
What's wrong with that? I've seen many valid reasons fans given by the fans who don't like the character. I've seen some that are ridiculous, too, but I scroll quickly past those.
Tommy, canonically, was a terrible person but is now a fan favorite and suddenly redeemed.
I get it. He says he was struggling with his sexuality and trying to fit in and all is forgiven. 🙄 Personally, I don't know why the hell Hen would ever forgive him. I understand forging a positive working relationship with him, but as a woman, I have seen so many men treat us, I am a woman who has worked with people of all races and sexualities, badly in the workplace and a simple "I'm sorry" is supposed to be enough to erase the damage and anguish that casual misogyny, racism, and homophobia caused. It hurts when you are insulted, humiliated, and punished for something you can't control, such as your biological sex, race, or sexuality. He wasn't a dumb kid in junior high trying to impress some kids so he could be their friend. He was a grown ass man who chose to bully a woman due to her sex, race, and sexuality. What makes it worse is he is gay, too!
Some fans have said they see negative personality traits in the character. I didn't initially, until I rewatched his scenes after reading some posts on social media. I missed a lot of little things. He's older. He's experienced. He knows how to woo someone. But he also talks down to Buck. When he says Evan, it isn't warm and loving like when Maddie or Eddie says it. It is almost scolding and reproachful. I also concur with those who say he uses snark to put Buck in his place and Buck doesn't even notice. (Let me stop right here and state that if those traits are meant to be subtly conveyed, Lou Ferrigno, Jr is doing a damn good job.)
It's perfectly fine to dislike the character. There is no rule saying fans have to like every character on the show.
BuckTommy and Buddie can't coexist. If Buck is with Tommy, it is a slap in the face to Buddie. If Buddie happens, it is a slap in the face to BuckTommy.
Buck and Eddie have been with other people. If they ever get together, their pasts don't matter. I hate to be the one to tell you, but wedding night virgins? Not common anymore.
Buck is exploring man on man sex with a man who knows what he is doing.
Eddie is in a relationship, too. He's learning about himself. Catholic guilt. Not living for himself.
Every single relationship they have had has shaped them and taught them something.
I wouldn't even be upset if Eddie figured out he liked men, then spent time with an experienced man.
Everyone in the 118 needs to find outlets beyond that group if you ask me.
I admitted early on I am a Buddie endgamer, but I am enjoying seeing slutty Buck openly thirsting over Tommy. I would enjoy seeing Eddie openly thirsting over some sexy man for a while, too. Bring on the breathless begging for the D. I get it. I have been there, baby. When the D is good, you don't mind begging.
So, those are just some thoughts based on the state of fandom right now.
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atiredfangirl · 1 day
Why do you dislike Bucktommy and Tommy so much? Is it due to his last behaviour, or better yet, that he didn't stick up for Chim and Hen and was, therefore compliant? If this is the case, aren't they showing that he has changed by showing that he is now cool with Hen and Chim? I'm asking as a black queer person.
Or is it because they've become quite popular in a matter of weeks? If so shouldn't people be allowed to ship, write and enjoy what they want?
Also, isn't it hypocritical of you to ship Buddie when the actor who plays Eddie has expressed some awful racist and homophobic views and things?
Since I had never posted about Tommy on this app before today, I am assuming you found me on Twitter and came here to ask this anonymously, but if you follow my Twitter, you can see that I did not hate Tommy or Bucktommy to begin with.
Yes, I was hesitant when they brought him back because of his history with Chimney and Hen, but I was not one of the fans that “hated” him. I was willing to give the character another chance. But I also haven’t forgotten if “honestly if I thought about you at all, I probably wouldn’t” or how he was compliant with what went down at the 118 before Bobby arrived.
But I was willing to forgive that because he seemed to have changed a lot! When 7x04 aired, I retweeted several tweets supporting them because even if I am a Buddie shipper, I can respect that this is a big deal for Buck and I’m really and truly a Buck stan at heart. Literally just want the man to be happy.
Then 7x05 aired, and after seeing how nervous Buck was, he still made that stupid little closet joke in front of Eddie, knowing damn well Buck wasn’t out to Eddie. That wasn’t okay with me (also as a Queer woman), and then he leaves Buck alone on the sidewalk, doesn’t even tell him until the Uber is there that he called one for himself.
And now I’m watching the sneak peeks for 7x06 and he’s put zero effort into dressing up for the party (being on call is a weak excuse - it’s not like he’s going up in the helicopter in jeans and a Henley - he’s gonna have to change either way) and even the Henley comment felt condescending and rude.
I’m not delusional, I’m well aware Buddie may never happen, but either way, there’s no way the writers are writing bucktommy as endgame either, so it’s not like it’s coming from a place of fearing he’s a threat to Buddie. I just don’t like him for Buck. It’s not new or personal - I’ve had reasons to dislike literally all of buck’s love interests. I just wasn’t particularly active on social media about this show before this season, even though I’ve been watching it since it began.
As for Ryan, I don’t associate the actor with the character. I learned a long time ago that if you want to enjoy fandoms and ships, it’s very important to separate characters from actors.
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messyhairdiaz · 16 days
I'm hesitant to ask this question because a lot of people are really weird but you were patient even with the person being really ridiculous and I have been really confused lately.
Why are so many people who were big buddie shippers shifting to be mainly or even only bucktommy now?
I get multishipping, but in the past when people had other ships they liked they didn't shift so drastically. Most people are now changing their users and everything to be bucktommy/tommy and most of the fanfic writers write only bucktommy now.
Is it just because it is new? Or because Buck being bi is such a big thing? I am on the spectrum and don't do change so maybe it's a me thing but it is just surprising and a little confusing why there is so much of a shift. I remember lots of people shipped Buck/Josh and even Buck/Taylor and Buck/Lucy but there wasn't ever so much of a full focus change.
A lot of people also seemed to suddenly start hating on or just not caring about Eddie too which has made me sad, like he only matters in the context of Buddie shipping. That seems to be mostly on Twitter and tiktok though and those groups of fans have always been a little weird.
Anyway this is very long and I understand if you don't want to answer, especially with all the discourse lately.
Hi! Honestly I’m always happy to answer questions like yours where you are genuinely asking a question and not just coming in with accusations and nonsense to start drama
I can really only speak for myself, but I think other people would probably agree with my reasoning, so:
I think a good chunk of it probably is because it’s new, yeah. I love buddie so much and nothing could ever change that, but it is fun to have this new dynamic to work with. For me especially, I’m enjoying writing bucktommy a ton right now, because I haven’t written outside of buddie in, well, years actually because even before I dove in headfirst in 2021 I hadn’t really been writing much of anything. So it’s fun to have new toys to play with.
And honestly, at least as far as my dash and my friends go, I don’t think any of us are only bucktommy shippers now, it’s just getting the major focus right now because it’s new and it’s playing out on our screens. I’m still seeing plenty of new buddie fics, metas, and gifsets coming out amongst the bucktommy
Like, my last fic was bucktommy, and my next one will be too, but I still have lots of buddie fic brewing, and I know I’ll still be coming up with tons of new ideas for them too. But it probably seems like I’ve done a hard shift, because it is only what I’m working on right now. But that’s just temporary, and I’m sure it is with others as well.
As for hating on or not caring about Eddie, that is definitely something I have not seen. I can’t say it isn’t happening, of course, because I only follow around 100 people and rarely venture off my dash, but if you’re seeing it here I would encourage you to curate your dash better, and stay away from twitter and TikTok because those places are cesspools for fandom.
To circle back to why bucktommy is getting this treatment over the other ships you mentioned, again, I can only speak for myself, but it’s because Tommy is such a compelling character. I’m fascinated by the character set up through the begins episodes to now, and I like thinking about him. I’m not saying other characters haven’t been compelling, but they just haven’t grabbed my attention in a way that makes me want to write about them the way he has.
I hope I was able to address all your questions
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gay-cryptidz · 2 months
The Comfort Between Your Scars
Chapter 11
TW: referenced past character death
Without the board games and the movie to distract him, Noah became increasingly aware of the disconnect between him and the brothers, or, more specifically, Tommy. Him and Joel were already chatting away and bickering and so very comfortable with each other again the moment the girls had left.
Talking to strangers who knew nothing about Noah was easy, at least that way he could pretend to be someone he wasn't, hide behind a facade, show them exactly what he wanted them to see. Talking to Mari and Alex was even easier, he didn't need to worry about how to present himself or what to say around them at all.
It was the gray area in between that scared him.
He'd excused himself to go check on Jamie, who was sleeping soundly in Joel's bed, after zoning out and losing track of the conversation. After pausing to take another deep breath and placing a kiss on his little brother's forehead, he made his way back to the living room.
Joel and Tommy were on the sofa, filling three wine glasses. Maybe he'd feel a little less out of place with some liquid courage.
"How come I always end up being the one to sponsor our drinks? Seems to be a bit of a pattern by now", he joked.
"It's 'cause you're such a gentleman!", Joel grinned.
"Yeah, yeah. You owe me"
He sat down next to Joel, grabbing a glass and taking a big sip.
"Damn, it's not even that good. Should have taken the cheaper one, what a waste of, like, ten bucks", he chuckled.
"I see how it is, I'm not even worth the extra ten bucks to you"
Joel laughed when Noah gave him a light shove. They all sat in silence for a moment, assessing the taste of the not-worth-the-extra-ten-bucks wine, before agreeing it really wasn't that good, but it would do.
"So, Noah", Tommy started, "Tell me about yourself"
"Tell you what?", Noah snorted.
"Well, anything. I've heard bits and pieces from Joel and Mari but I haven't really had the chance to actually talk to you"
"Y'know, at least Joel worked hard for this information! He didn't know shit about me until after he heroically burst through a door to save me from a drunk guy I'd already beaten the shit out of. I mean, there was nothing more for him to do, but 'A' for effort!"
"Well, if the opportunity arises, I'll gladly try to save you by doing nothing", Tommy laughed.
"In all seriousness though, you know just about as much as you need to. Dad's gone, mom's out of the picture, when it got really bad, I took Jamie and Mari and left." It was almost the same shrugged-off recap Noah had given Joel a few weeks earlier. It was far from the full truth, of course, but he didn't exactly feel like recapping every traumatic memory of his life.
"Oh god, right, your dad... actually, sorry, you probably don't wanna talk about it. Mari told me earlier that he- well, she told me what happened"
'It's your fault'
Noah just shrugged and repeated his sentiment of 'not much to talk about'. Thankfully, Joel didn't ask and Tommy didn't push the topic.
'Are you happy now?'
Noah took another sip of wine, attempting to push the resurfacing images and sounds away. Joel and Tommy were miles away now.
'Even if you didn't mean to, you're the reason this happened'
Just calm down. Breathe.
'You're the reason I'm even in this situation'
Just say something, anything.
"I mean, I hardly remember him, really. Certainly didn't waste a second missing that asshole"
Tap, tap, tap on cold, hard tiles.
"Noah, we don't need to-"
"Messed up my mom pretty good, though. Well, I guess she was messed up already. Hates my guts, always did"
'It's your fault. Look at it, look what you did!'
"Hated his guts too, actually. So did I, for a while. I mean, things weren't exactly perfect but if he didn't- just, y'know, I was fine until-"
Stop talking. Just shut up. Say something about the weather or ask about work or-
Tap, tap, tap, never stopping. Glass of blood in his hands. Tap, tap, tap. Blood on his hands.
Tap, tap, tap on his shoulder and he snapped out of it.
"Hey, you alright?", Joel asked softly.
"Sorry, I really didn't mean to upset you or anything. Won't bring it up again." Tommy looked very lost all of a sudden.
Noah downed about half of his wine at once before saying anything.
"It's fine, just... been a long day"
Their faces were wrong. They didn't seem real. Just that little bit off.
"I'm just gonna go get some fresh air"
He didn't leave them time to respond, already halfway out the door. He should just go to bed. Everything, every activity, every conversation, seemed to eventually turn bitter today. Instead, he sat down on the steps and lit a cigarette.
This was a mistake. This whole thing. He never should have befriended Joel, never should have invited him to hang out in the break room, never should have agreed to go to this god damn birthday party.
It didn't take long for Joel to quietly sit down next to him, of course.
"I'm fine, just needed some fresh air"
He stared at his cigarette burning down ever so slowly as the seconds ticked away in his head.
"Well, it's just that you practically ran out of the room right after coming back so i felt like I should probably check and make sure"
Tap, tap, tap.
The soft glow seemed ever so welcoming. Deep breath, everything's fine. He rubbed his face, sighing.
"Sorry, just... a lot going on today. My brain gets a little weird. I guess it's always weird but you know"
"Anything I can do?"
"No, I don't think so"
After a few moments of silence, Noah could feel Joel's hand softly grazing his own on the cold stone between them. The gesture was careful, almost shy. He hesitated for just a second before offering his hand to Joel, who gently took it in his, entwining their fingers. Noah internally cursed at himself for the tingle it sent down his spine.
Do not fall for him. You don't do relationships. Stop being an idiot.
"The stars are nice today."
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
There are so many people in The matrix that we decide to try and shut you down and Tommy F will not allow it and we need to start getting on that it's way way overboard and the other group should take notice that they're trying to kidnap you and even though you can beat them they have a lot of firepower it's time to get going on that stuff on it they know about the matrix they are pursuing it and they didn't have these jerk offs go after it finally so it's only a matter of moments before all sorts of actions begin on the clones they had meeting after meeting and they're planning what to do and on morlock. As they were not explaining it and they usually just apply it and they're fighting over the islands and it made a mess a very big mess over like a hundred bucks and the insurance company is now fighting them and it's a different group Bobby terafela is the one who did it and she's not from the trumpsters crowd no she is but she's wondering what the hell they're doing and it looks like Dan who has 150 bucks that's who it is so it's a woman against men so BJ is involved he's going after them and they don't have a choice and it's working they said. It sure is our son says. But really they lost more people and they're probably down to only a few million octillion in the general populace and they're going to give the order to evacuate. And we have the document ready and requesting a meeting from them in New York City the United Nations building. And we have a statement ready it reads like what our son is saying because you refuse to use certain sop that keeps you from becoming controlled by Tommy F and his army of marauders on a large scale in your entire Army does not follow other orders from higher ups you are going to have to be separated out as you are anyways and we'll explain it to them like that cuz that's what it is it's not as VM into ours hateful as it sounds that's just because Tommy F wants it to see him and act and feeling he wants it to be that way it's fairly Vietnam you're in everybody's face and you're trying to steal stuff and hurt them that's also to be mentioned I'm going to say this is your option and it probably just evacuate this is not that many left it's about 5 to 10 million octillion which is about .5% of the population. What's going on today it's a huge hurtful process and it's a giant problem for everybody and nobody wants to go through it and it's hateful it's mean that they've done this before they've gone to Australia before and it's all sorts of places they know and things that they know how to do and lots of things and they like the dirt bike in the desert and they like to drive around huge areas that's what it is and they have to patrol those because these clothes will come up if they don't and they have to have ships and spaceships tons of seafood and they're isolated they like that too cuz they look funny they don't get beat up and the sun doesn't want to go there cuz he's going to be huge and look normal I will have a lot of giants walking around at points most the time that someone around in each and every crowd is 10 or 12 foot and they come from the government and DJ knows it
This is going to be a lot better than I thought and hopefully be smoother right now they're getting together they're going to talk about evacuation it's either they leave now with their stuff or they leave by 4:00 so don't leave with anything and I'd say it's pretty nice of people to do it after all that pain they were causing because they're the same kindness
Thor Freya
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