#Tomoe would have adored Wolf
Genichiro Not Quite Headcanons But Close; plus a bit of the Fountainhead Palace
For the longest time I was convinced Genichiro’s bow was super glued to his back. Turns out I’m blind af and didn’t notice the cord wrapped around him to keep it there.
It’s even there both wearing his armor and not. Honestly I was just impressed that he even managed to get it to stay by sheer will. I also didn’t see his forehead scar and thought that was something people were making up but no, I just overlooked it completely bc his arms were much more fascinating to me. (His armor was really pretty too. Especially the cape, I loved the embroidery around it and kept getting distracted.)
To me his arms look quite small compared to the rest of his body, especially since he is trained in several different combat styles. It looks almost like large chunks of muscle have been burnt off by the lightning he uses. I don’t imagine he can feel much of his arms besides the pressure from the scars themselves, (which to my small amount of research is what severe burn scars feel like), though the pressure can get worse to a point where it feels constricting and painful. He probably doesn’t have very good function of them either, at least not for very fine motor functions and it probably takes a lot of effort and thought to get his arms to cooperate. Which I can imagine leads to a lot of frustration and an overall more snappy temper. No one likes the feeling of being inadequate or useless.
I don’t think Tomoe or any other of the Okami Warriors would have this problem because their extremities aren’t blackened like his. There’s something about the Okami Warriors that makes it to where they don’t get burn scars, probably due to being somewhat connected to the ‘big tree’ that I forgot the name of and just being connected to the Fountainhead Palace in general.
Also I don’t believe their skin was always blue or their faces were always sucked in like hyper dried raisins, it’s probably something to due with the ‘essence’, or whatever it’s called that the nobles started to crave. Maybe the nobles took the youth from them after Lord Takeru left and Priestess Yao was corrupted and couldn’t stop them/sway them from the heresy of it or find it in her to care as the centipede vibed with her spinal cords.
Fountainhead Palace Headcanons (plus Takeru and Tomoe)
The Okami Warriors are born from the water, like some type of bootleg jesus baby. Explaining the description of Tomoe’s eyes. They are amazing swimmers and can stay underwater for hours, though they cannot breathe underwater. Just big, strong lungs.
Eel liver is a common dish and anyone outside of the palace can barely stomach the slimy texture. Genichiro can eat it without an issue, mostly, Tomoe was overjoyed her student ate something from her homeland while Takeru still gagged. And Wolf… That boy ate raw rice. The amount of fucks that man gives is none. Wolf will eat anything that doesn’t eat him first, cooked or not, it is going to be eaten.
Cuju games/tournaments were very common before the place fell apart.
The Okami Warriors once had an oath to always protect youth, especially kids. This is influenced by that lady calling Wolf a ‘young man’ and saying the nobles craved his youth, putting a darker turn onto the palace as a whole.
Maybe when Lord Takeru left the palace with Tomoe, the waters of the place shifted once its balance was removed and flooded. Causing all the damage seen.
Priestess Yao (Corrupted Monk) and Takeru were close friends, basically siblings. I imagine Takeru wearing a string of red prayer beads ever since I saw a fanart of him, making me believe he was part of a temple as well. A monk or maybe a priest himself, the closest to the divine dragon. He was probably well respected at the palace.
Takeru heard rumors about the palace nobles and their want for youth or whatever it was that they craved and fled, Tomoe went with him as his guard. Yao had to stop them, severely injuring Tomoe and this is where she becomes sworn to Takeru’s immortal oath if she wasn’t already. Takeru can clearly see Yao is not herself and does the only thing a non-combatant that’s immortal can do, jump the fuck off the bridge and into valley below. Leaving Yao waiting for them to return and never leaving her post due to centipede messing with her brain.
Personally, I see Takeru and Tomoe’s relationship as lovers. I don’t really have a reason why but it fits, until we probably won’t get more lore and my opinion will be swayed. But for now, lovers.
Takeru is soft spoken, his voice is gentle and quiet while Tomoe is the opposite. Loud, brash and unwaveringly confident but not enough so to underestimate someone due to an ego/pride.
Takeru probably reads a lot and had a garden of some type in Ashina Castle, featuring both flowers and regular food.
Tomoe wears her hair in a braid. Like Youngest Owl’s is in terms of neatness and thickness. She’s probably left handed too because of how Genichiro shoots his bow, and you usually shoot with your dominant hand unless your teacher is left handed then you will learn that way or be able to shoot with both left and right as your dominant.
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railleriee · 2 years
Random Genshin Impact Headcanons
Characters included: Xiao, Kazuha, Heizou, Razor, Thoma, Childe, Albedo, kaeya, Diluc, Itto.
Summary: Mostly fluff! There is a few angst references but not many!
Warnings: none. ( let me know if there are any you spot! )
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Doesn’t know how to wink
Has freckles covering his entire face, he was definitely insecure of them for a couple years. 
Tried out multiple weapons, took him almost 4 years to stick with the polearm. 
Finds horror games and horror movies terrifying, he refuses to play or watch them. 
He adores qiqi. He definitely stops to have lunch with her a few times a week. 
Thinks pillows feel weird so he sleeps flat on a mattress. ( if he ever does sleep. ) 
Played Minecraft once, died to phantoms, rage quit, and never played again. 
Doesn’t know what to say when people knock on the bathroom door, he almost always gets walked in on. 
Everyone loves this fucker. 
Get’s absolutely stoned and believes he's good at faking it. 
Has a pet cat that he keeps on the crux. Begs Beidou to feed it when he’s gone. 
Listens to cigarettes after sex and makes it his entire personailty. 
Starts decorating for Halloween August 1st. 
Collects potted plants from each region he visits. 
I feel like he cries when he thinks of Tomo, it’s not every time but maybe once every 6 times he thinks about him. 
When he’s traveling and is passing mondstadt he will stop to say hi to Mona and Fishcl.  
Collected bugs and kept them in jars. Cried when they died in the jars.
Also doesn’t know how to wink 
Scared of the Easter bunny. 
Thinks people who can roll their tongue are the coolest people ever. 
Loves the idea of holidays, he never celebrated them as he had no clue they existed. 
Spends Christmas and thanksgiving w/ Lisa.
Dresses up as a wolf for Halloween. 
Loves giving gifts. A lot of them are flowers, rocks he found cool, and cute little trinkets he found laying around. 
Has baking competitions with Ayaka. 
Ends up being yelled at for the mess they made in the kitchen by Ayato. 
Sobbed watching The Fault in Our Stars. 
He really enjoys sappy romance movies.^
He definitely barks back at dogs when they bark at him. 
Scared of horror games. 
He has nightmares about the incident with the vision hunt decree. ( sorry
Paints his nails! 
Get’s absolutely stoned with Kazuha but is actually good at hiding it. 
Pretends he knows the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody. 
Wears beret's claiming it makes him look smarter. 
Madly good at playing drums. 
Has a collection of stationary, mostly pens.
He’s very comfortable with his masculinity! He’s very fluid with his outfits. 
He likes to be the little spoon. 
Unironically makes dad jokes. 
“Hey girlie ;) this ones for you” 
HE WEARS GLASSES. ( you can’t change my mind. ) 
Listening to Christmas music in September. 
Still doesn’t know Zhongli is Morax. 
Makes fun of and teases people but can’t handle it when they do it back. 
Would honestly do anything for the traveler. I genuinely think he cares so much about them. 
Great cuddler.
Likes collecting jewelry although he rarely wears any, an occasional necklace maybe. 
Won’t talk to you unless it's about science or art. 
He dresses up in dresses and lets Klee do his hair just to see her get excited. 
Doesn’t understand the concept of technology, he’d rather stick with pen and paper notes. 
He smells like vanilla with a mix of that “flannel” scent. 
Drank a poisonous potion twice, after losing the paperwork he had for it. 
Yells at the sky when it snows, he tells it to stop as it gets his notes wet. 
Teases Diluc by playing daddy issues by the neighborhood in the tavern. 
Brings Albedo lunch cause he often forgets to eat throughout all his research. 
Makes bets on things. When he loses, he avoids the person at all costs and refuses to give them their reward on things. 
Spends all his Mora on “perfecting his clothing choices”. 
He definitely has a choker and ring collection, making sure to change which he wears daily. 
He has multiple ear piercings including an industrial. 
Will correct peoples grammar in letters and send them back along with his response. 
Refuses to kill bugs. He picks them up in his hand or with a napkin and lets them outside. 
Has left Kaeya passed out at the tavern overnight. 
Throws out flowers he receives from his admirers. 
I can't handle change by Roar 
Glasses Diluc truther 
To go along w/ glasses Diluc ^ He refuses to tell anyone he’s fucking blind so instead he reads and analyses things close to his face when others are around.
Definitely used to eat onikabuto. 
Repeats the same joke over and over again because one person thought it was funny. 
Ate yellow snow once as a kid cause he thought it was lemon flavored. 
Takes him FOREVER to get ready in the mornings. 
He has trouble reading and writing.
Doesn’t know the difference between their, there, and they’re. 
I feel like he gives the best hugs.
Genuinely really good at comforting people.
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findyourrp · 10 months
Hi all! The names Tulsa and I’m on the hunt for some new partners (not replacing anyone of course) that are interested in angsty, romantic and, of course, dramatic plots. Aside from that though, I am 25 which means all of my partners NEED to be 18+, though I’d prefer 20+. Also, another lil request if possible: I just moved to the PST and would love some partners over here or who are at least awake during these hours, not a requirement tho!
We can discuss rules, limits and triggers privately if we decide to move forward. Also, when it comes to ooc chatter I adore fangirling over our characters/plot and I’m cool with general chit chat, but what does bother me is holding conversations for days on end with no replies or no mention of replies. I find making friends through roleplay a bit awkward so if it happens organically I’m here for it, but I don’t want it to be forced. I hope that doesn’t make me sound harsh, I’ve just had it happen in the past and it ended up making for a very uncomfortable environment.
Below you’ll find a list of pairings I’m interested in, the role I’d like you to play will have ~ ~ around it, it’s also the male role if that’s easier to follow. Some of my fandom plots do involve me as original characters, with that being said though, each has a written out backstory that I can send if there’s any interest, so don’t hesitate to ask!
~Kol Mikaelson~ & Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
~Derek Hale~ & Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent) - Teen Wolf
~Loki Laufeyson~ & Eira Jarledottir (OC) - MCU
~Vampire~ & Human - Non-Fandom
~Billy Hargrove~ & Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
~Finnick Odair~ & Annie Cresta - Hunger Games
~Inuyasha~ & Kagome Higurashi - Inuyasha
~Tomoe~ & Nanami - Kamisama Kiss
~Peter Pan~ & Human Embodiment of North Star (OC) - either OUAT or simply Neverland-verse
~Werewolf~ & Red Riding Hood - Dark!Fairy tale
~Stiles Stilinski~ & Lydia Martin - Teen Wolf
~Spencer Reid~ & Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
I also have an idea for original Hunger Games characters that dwell in the capitol, but they're the same age as the tributes, so they're watching the games and dealing with all of the feelings that come with that.
If any of this interests you please feel free to PM me or add me on Discord toxicdeliquency#7795
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wernher-von-brawny · 1 year
Winter 2023 Faves
So, this was a season.
Nothing wrinkled my brain – No Bocci or Do It Yourself!! – but these were enjoyable company with my morning muffin. No ranking this time, but here’s my top four:
Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi
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(Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill) AKA A Boy and His Dog: The Isekai
An isekai’d salaryman whose superpower is an Amazon account – I kinda think this is what The Shield Hero should have been.
I’m a sucker for great animal sidekicks, and Veldora, I mean Fenrir the super-wolf is absolutely adorable, no matter how obnoxious. And who can forget rat boy, I mean baby slime? If you’re gonna Rimiru, then female child soldier/swiss army knife is an another adorable merchandising opportunity.
And extra points for the cooking tips, but all your wyvern stew and orc-burgers made my chicken nuggets and buttered noodles feel even more like peasant food.
They handled the repeating gags well, and all the characters from goddesses to butchers are well written. But Ash Ketchum (or whatever he’s called in this show) needs to grow a damn pair.
Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu 2nd Season
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(The Vampire Dies in No Time 2nd Season) AKA Stupid, Stupid Vampire
In a stronger season, this would have been a Returning Champion, but in Winter 2023, being such a solid player bumped it into the leaderboard.
Always amusing and queer and weird and I like everybody in it. I think it had already found its groove in season 1, but the S2 opening titles were WAY better. Like, I would sometimes actually watch them instead of skipping.
It always left me smiling, and I hope we get a season 3.
Rougo ni Sonaete Isekai de 8-manmai no Kinka wo Tamemasu
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(Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement) AKA Isekai Lesbian Capitalist
More like Little Orphan Anime, am I right? 😃 Or maybe The Legend of Tanya The Merchant.
I sometimes got too busy to keep up with all the shows, but this one kept me coming back week after week.
On the one hand, I can see where they painted over what'sername from Bookworm, but on the other, I don’t care.
I was amused by how the world would bend implausibly to conform to our Mary Sue’s ambitions. The king just shows up unannounced at a restaurant to foil the machinations of an evil merchant? Sure, babe. I think I saw that same thing in an old episode of Three’s Company.
IDK if we’ll see more of her, but she’s my imaginary friend, and I’m glad she her dukedom got.
Benriya Saitou-san, Isekai ni Iku
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(Handyman Saitou in Another World) AKA I Had To Die and Be Reincarnated In Another World To Finally Get Some Fucking Appreciation
I was surprised by how quickly I fell for this. I think I needed something to take the place of Picking Up Girls In Dungeons, and this satisfied. Plus, dick jokes!
I also liked how it would mix it up between short four panel gags and longer arcs. Fave found family show of the season.
The rest of my watch list:
Isekai Will Never Die:
Isekai Nonbiri Nouka (Farming life in another world) AKA What If Superman Was A Farmer?: Harem Isekai AKA Indolence Is Sin: Part 2
Isekai Ojisan (Isekai Uncle) AKA I’m You But Better, You Fucking Neet
Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko 2nd Season (By the Grace of the Gods 2nd Season) AKA Isekai Slime Tamer AKA Indolence Is Sin: Part 1
Shin Shinka no Mi: Shiranai Uchi ni Kachigumi Jinsei (The Fruit of Evolution: Before I Knew It, My Life Had It Made 2nd Season) AKA My Kawaii Gorilla Wife: The Isekai
Tensei Oujo to Tensai Reijou no Mahou Kakumei (The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady) AKA Isekai Lesbian Princess and Her Harem
Wholesome and Adorable:
Itai no wa Iya nano de Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu 2nd Season (I Don’t Want to Get Hurt, so I’ll Max Out My Defense 2nd Season) AKA VR Is Life
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale AKA A Girl and Her Hot Elf Tsundere AKA Medieval Fruits Baskets
Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko! (Tomo Chan is a Girl!) AKA My Dude, Just Make Your Fucking Move Already!!!
Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte to Jikkyou no Endou-kun to Kaisetsu no (Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte) AKA My Dude, She’s Sitting Right Next To You, Make Your Fucking Move Already!!!
Edgelords Assemble!:
Hyouken no Majutsushi ga Sekai wo Suberu (The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World) AKA Dorm Room Workout Bros: No Homo
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! (The Eminence in Shadow) AKA Isekai Edgelord: Utlimate
Ningen Fushin no Boukensha-tachi ga Sekai wo Sukuu you desu (Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save The World) AKA The Emo Quartet and Their Talking Sword
Returning Champions:
Several second seasons, but nothing that qualifies as a “Returning Champion”. Picking Up Girls In Dungeons or Hero Academia might have been included, but for the fact I’ve lost interest in them and stopped watching.
Pour One Out For Interspecies Reviewers:
Oniichan wa Oshimai! (Onimai: I’m Now Your Sister!) AKA Eromanga Sensei 2nd Season - This was animated with so much love – of boobies!!! (hehehe) But seriously, mad love to all my eroanime senseis out there. Your commitment to never half-assing the job of making beautifully drawn sex farces is greatly appreciated. You are doing God’s work.
And one for my “Definitely Eventually Watch” list:
Lupin Zero AKA Lupin: Year One
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roleplay-today · 9 months
Hi all! The names Tulsa and I’m on the hunt for some new partners (not replacing anyone of course) that are interested in angsty, romantic and, of course, dramatic plots. Aside from that though, I am 25 which means all of my partners NEED to be 18+, though I’d prefer 20+. Also, another lil request if possible: I just moved to the PST and would love some partners over here or who are at least awake during these hours, not a requirement tho!
We can discuss rules, limits and triggers privately if we decide to move forward. Also, when it comes to ooc chatter I adore fangirling over our characters/plot and I’m cool with general chit chat, but what does bother me is holding conversations for days on end with no replies or no mention of replies. I find making friends through roleplay a bit awkward so if it happens organically I’m here for it, but I don’t want it to be forced. I hope that doesn’t make me sound harsh, I’ve just had it happen in the past and it ended up making for a very uncomfortable environment.
Below you’ll find a list of pairings I’m interested in, the role I’d like you to play will have ~ ~ around it, it’s also the male role if that’s easier to follow. Some of my fandom plots do involve me as original characters, with that being said though, each has a written out backstory that I can send if there’s any interest, so don’t hesitate to ask!
~Kol Mikaelson~ & Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
~Derek Hale~ & Paige Krasikeva (Canon Divergent) - Teen Wolf
~Loki Laufeyson~ & Eira Jarledottir (OC) - MCU
~Vampire~ & Human - Non-Fandom
~Billy Hargrove~ & Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
~Finnick Odair~ & Annie Cresta - Hunger Games
~Inuyasha~ & Kagome Higurashi - Inuyasha
~Tomoe~ & Nanami - Kamisama Kiss
~Peter Pan~ & Human Embodiment of North Star (OC) - either OUAT or simply Neverland-verse
~Werewolf~ & Red Riding Hood - Dark!Fairy tale
~Stiles Stilinski~ & Lydia Martin - Teen Wolf
~Spencer Reid~ & Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
I also have an idea for original Hunger Games characters that dwell in the capitol, but they're the same age as the tributes, so they're watching the games and dealing with all of the feelings that come with that.
If any of this interests you please feel free to PM me or add me on Discord toxicdeliquency#7795
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falneou17 · 3 years
BanG Dream! Favorite List - 8
It’s that time once again to write this list with some... notable changes, if I do say so myself. I will be honest: I am surprised to see just how much some characters have risen (or fallen) compared to the last list I did. This will probably be the last post until after RAS and Morfonica are introduced in the game and I have the opportunity to read through their respective band stories.
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Yamabuki Saaya (1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1)
No surprises here at the start of this list; though it is quite interesting to see how polarizing Poppin’ Party’s members have been on my lists. I guess that’s a testament to how great of a base Saaya had in the beginning and how consistent she has been over the years. I mean, character growth and development is great and all, but why try to fix something that isn’t broken?
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Aoba Moca (2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2)
What can I still say about you? You’re one of the better written characters of the franchise, you are super versatile for writing purposes thanks to the myriad of different sides you have, and you are always a joy to write for. And the fact that you pretty much write yourself now is a great benefit; I don’t need to second-guess myself when I have you be the focal point of a scene. Which is exactly why you have been the focal point of so many scenes I have written already. As a matter of fact, there have been more scenes written revolving around Moca than not revolving Moca. Moca is my go-to character to write in the franchise, and even when I am not writing her I can always feel reassured whenever Moca makes an appearance on my phone’s screen.
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Mitake Ran (3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3)
What do we get when we take the best aspects of some of the best and most-liked characters of other franchises, combine them into one vessel, and smoothen out the edges with an implied backstory and some extra writing to add more sides to the character? I present to you: Mitake Ran. No, but in all seriousness, not only is Ran the combination of the best traits of other great characters (or, better phrased, other characters I really enjoyed), but they did a good enough job at combining all of that into one character that it doesn’t feel rough or forced or anything. And it should say a lot that Saaya and Moca have consistently placed above Ran despite that...
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Satou Masuki (20, 21, 10, 9, 9, 7, 4, 4)
Masuki is the perfect example of a character with a good base and a ton of mystery who gets expanded upon in the right way. Despite being the newest character I talk about in this list so far, I really enjoy the many sides of Masuki (from her lone wolf nature to her abrupt and erratic actions in the heat of the moment). I can even see parts of Moca in Masuki, which is funny to say because they both come from the same franchise; that being said, it definitely helps Masuki make a name for herself on this list. Just a ton of amazing potential, Bushiroad definitely delivered when it came to this drummer and I cannot wait for the day when the EN server introduces the RAS girls.
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Hazawa Tsugumi (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5)
Tsugumi, like Saaya, is a great example of the “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” philosophy. Tsugumi is amazing; she is supportive, she is cheerful, she is one of the hardest workers in the entire franchise, and she keeps moving forward no matter what obstacle pops up in her path. It’s not a question whether or not you like Tsugumi; it’s how much do you like Tsugumi? And as you can tell, she has been consistently on the top of this list, only “dropping” a single spot thanks to Masuki skyrocketing up the list. Speaking of girls who skyrocket up the list...
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Kirigaya Touko (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 22, 9, 6)
What can I say? This girl’s got potential and I cannot wait to see what canon has in store for us when it comes to Touko’s character. As everyone probably already knows by now, I am not following the JP server; that said, I do look up card arts and songs and such, and, well... Touko’s appearances are always so filled with life and energy. I am really hoping I am not hyping myself up too much, but yeah... like Masuki before her, I cannot wait to see Touko in the game.
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Uehara Himari (6, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8, 7, 7)
The leader of Afterglow. ...oh, you wanted me to actually say something more? You mean that being the leader of my favorite band is not a reason enough to keep her this high up? All right... Himari is an amazing character. Like... in all honesty, the fact that Himari is only on the 7th spot should say how much I love numbers 1 to 6, but that is beside the point. Himari is very similar to Moca in a way in that the girl is presented as a character with seemingly a specific and narrow niche... and then you start looking into them and you see how wide and varied you can take advantage of their character in so many different scenes. If Himari was just a bit more in control of her emotions I would be able to depict her a bit better better and she might make the spot for number 6 competitive with Touko. And speaking of a character who knows all too well what it was like to be 6th on this list...
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Shirokane Rinko (7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 6, 8)
Rinko is a very weird girl for me to place on this list. On the one hand, yes, I do love Rinko and I have two very specific reasons to still keep her high on the list. On the other hand, neither of those reasons are necessarily tied to Rinko as a character. It’s not about her design, her personality, or her strengths and/or weaknesses but more a... coincidence... that those reasons just happen to apply to Shirokane Rinko specifically. So is it really fair to keep her this high...? I think it is just because of those two very specific reasons I inferred earlier making me still love Rinko, but don’t be surprised to see her fall once Morfonica (and RAS) get properly introduced in the EN server of the game. In short, Rinko still has a safety net that keeps her from falling to a lower category for now, but she doesn’t have a safety net for characters jumping above her...
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Udagawa Tomoe (8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 9)
The only reason Tomoe is placed below Rinko is because Tomoe is even harder for me to place than Rinko was; which should tell you how difficult this choice was for me. Despite her shortcomings, I still adore Tomoe and she’s still part of Afterglow, and Afterglow would not be the same without her. But as I said so many times before, I primarily focus my writing on Ran... and Moca... and BlueFlora... and Tomoe is such a natural clash with Ran that they always seem to be bonking heads... so as a BlueFlora writer, it becomes a big challenge to find ways to properly use Tomoe and give her the recognition and attention that she deserves. She definitely deserves them, but it’s really difficult to find the right opportunities to showcase the true Tomoe nowadays.
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Tamade Chiyu (13, 13, 16, 14, 15, 11, 11, 10)
Without any source (i.e. anime, introduction to the EN server) to influence her placings on this list, I felt it was only fair to keep her on the same spot she was on the last time. She might seem that she jumped, but as those who have paid attention to these lists already know: it’s not that this girl jumped. It’s that someone above her dropped... and the reason why Chiyu is above the next couple girls in particular is that Chiyu has had some really cool parts in her band’s songs as of late. More of the same, to be fair, but more examples of a good thing.
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Asahi Rokka (12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 10, 12, 11)
Same as above. Her placement will likely shift quite a bit once RAS actually gets introduced into the game. Until that day comes when we can learn even more about her... the same spot as always seems like a good spot for her.
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Nyubara Reona (14, 14, 14, 15, 16, 15, 13, 12)
Same as above. The one thing that Reona definitely has going for her above Rokka (and that which could potentially become a factor in Reona eventually surpassing Rokka) is simple. I know what cards Reona will have, and... what can I say, Reona’s cards are going to be amazing. Will I hoard all my stars for a specific card? Probably not... will I be overjoyed if I can have at least one of them in the first year after her introduction in the game? Definitely!
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Maruyama Aya (9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 12, 14, 13)
I would say “same as above” again, but unlike the three RAS girls above her Aya does appear in the EN server of the game. That being said, for me personally, her cards and appearances have not been relevant enough for me to even consider placing her above the RAS girls above her.
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Wakamiya Eve (11, 10, 11, 13, 12, 14, 15, 14)
Eve is actually a really interesting character, and the reason why she’s still relevant... is for a very specific card I know I should not spend my saved up stars for but probably will. Eve cards are phenomenal, they always have been, they probably always will; as I said in the last list, she’s the only character outside the very top (Saaya/Moca/Ran/Tsugumi/Rinko) to consistently release cards that I really like... and that is definitely helpful in remaining relevant. That, and Eve is also a very nice character in and of herself with a lot of writing possibilities.
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Kurata Mashiro (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 21, 16, 15)
Why is Mashiro still this high even though I do not play the JP server of the game? The same reasoning as the RAS girls above her, really (before the PasuPare duo). I see the potential, I see the absolutely stunning cards that she has, and... between you and me, if a character can make you like a cover song more than the original version of that song, that is definitely going to make you memorable. And if that song just so happens to be from your favorite franchise of all time, then that gets even more brownie points.
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Futaba Tsukushi (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 18, 17, 16)
Another great example of a character who appears to have a good base going for her and a bunch of wonderful cards just waiting to tempt the stars I have saved up over the months. Like every other girl who comes from a band yet to be introduced in the EN server, I cannot really place them until they are properly introduced and we can learn more about them. So I hope that Tsukushi, as well as every other member of Morfonica and RAS, can reach those expectations.
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Imai Lisa (5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 8, 17)
...okay, we need to talk about this character. At first glance, you might think why? 17th is not a terrible placing; it means she is still in the top half of such a varied and diverse cast of characters. But then you realize that she fell nine spots since the last list...
For the most part, I try to not let how I feel about character one influence how I feel about characters who remind me of character one. But in practice, let’s be real... it’s going to have some effect in the overall placing. In a bubble, yes, Lisa is a great and wonderful character. However... if Chisato can be dragged down for this specific reason, then it is only fair for Lisa to take the fall as well. And since Lisa has experienced by far the biggest drop in between entries of any character so far (even when some characters “fell” after Morfonica’s introduction), I think you can have a pretty good guess how I feel about the character that Lisa reminds me of... if it wasn’t for the fact that Lisa is pretty much Roselia’s counterpart to Moca when it comes to closeness to their band’s vocalist, Lisa may have avoided this fall...
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Wakana Rei (25, 20, 15, 11, 13, 13, 18, 18)
Rei is always really awkward for me to place. On the one hand, she’s probably one of the best vocalists in the franchise. RAS has consistently released amazing song after incredible song; so much so that I can confidently say that I have enjoyed every single RAS song that has been released so far (something that I cannot say about even Afterglow... or Roselia back in their glory days). On the other hand, she is also one of the most static characters on the list so far... and having a character that does not really stand out in a band like RAS... is not really a good thing. I can’t place you above Lisa even after Lisa’s big fall, but Rei is probably the character I like the most after Lisa.
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Shirasagi Chisato (22, 22, 22, 21, 22, 27, 26, 19)
Just like how Lisa taking the fall is telling another story in the background, Chisato rising up may or may not be spoiling something that has happened somewhere on the list as well... I will keep it brief: with what was effectively the only reason to keep Chisato in the lower end of the list now no longer a relevant point, I can say that Chisato has deserved a promotion. She’s a surprisingly deep character, after all.
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Hikawa Sayo (17, 16, 18, 18, 17, 17, 19, 20)
Sayo is a great example of a character who has received too much character growth, and hear me out here: when writing fanfiction, the writer will have to adjust the character’s personality to match the scene that they are writing relative to where the character is in terms of their development. For a character who has a relatively steady growth, it becomes very simple to try and extrapolate where they will be at at the time of the scene they appear in. For a character who has extreme amounts and almost sporadic character growth, doing so becomes increasingly more difficult. That, and with Roselia’s fall comes the fall of its members. Sayo has one saving grace for me (no, it is neither Tsugumi nor Hina and definitely not Roselia) that’s keeping her... relevant. For now. The fact that she dropped the least amongst the Roselia girls should also say a lot how much her character growth has saved her in my enjoyment when it comes to seeing Sayo on the screen...
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Okusawa Misaki (10, 11, 13, 16, 14, 16, 20, 21)
Misaki is a really interesting case where you have a great character, you have a serious and relatively normal character in a group of characters that do out-of-the-ordinary extravagant activities on an hourly basis. But the execution of this dynamic has always been very awkward in my opinion. It always feels like it devolves into either “Misaki gets forced into doing it against her will” or “Misaki reluctantly and exasperatedly gets roped into doing it anyway”. And maybe that is their dynamic, but it is not what appeals to me personally. So Misaki is falling because she is in the band that she is in, but she’s not falling as hard as she possibly could be because in theory Misaki has a really good character that I enjoy... it just takes a lot of creativity and effort to make this girl work in my writing especially since she shares character personality traits with Moca (and hence be “competing” for screen time in my stories).
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Hiromachi Nanami (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 28, 22, 22)
Nanami is still this high because... I can see the potential that Nanami has. I can see how she could be a really interesting character, but... it’s still in the realm of the theoretical. Coulda, woulda, shoulda does not mean anything if it doesn’t become a reality. So I am placing Nanami where I think she belongs with the assumption that she can live up to my expectations. Which, to be honest... should not be too difficult for Nanami based on what I already know about her.
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Ichigaya Arisa (15, 17, 17, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23)
I know that this is neither the first nor the last time I will say this on this list, but Arisa is really weird to place. On the one hand, yes, she does have a fairly deep character I can exploit and take advantage of. On the other hand, however... it gets drowned out a lot by the defensive nature of this keyboardist. What’s worse, it’s even come to the point where using Arisa means needing to dance around scenes and activities and even characters that might trigger her defensive nature to begin with... still a fun character to watch, however, but really hard to try and incorporate in my writing.
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Toyama Kasumi (26, 24, 23, 22, 21, 25, 23, 24)
Kasumi is always a weird one for me to place, as the numbers might give away. The main problem is that she is not only a main character but the main character, so a lot of the story kind of revolves around Kasumi doing (or not doing) certain things. That being said, Kasumi does have a surprising amount of depth to her and as a singer she can definitely deliver when the time needs her to deliver.
Above Neutral
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Tsurumaki Kokoro (16, 15, 19, 19, 20, 20, 24, 25)
I do like the same-birthday girl, but there are a few things I have problems with here. Ironically enough, if Kokoro was a little bit more predictable, she might be able to avoid this steady decline that she has been experiencing these last couple of lists. I know that being unpredictable is kind of Kokoro’s thing, even more so than Kasumi’s, but... similarly to what I said about Sayo’s rapid and almost sporadic character growth, it makes for a nice and amusing character to watch, but makes for a horrible character to write and try to nail accurately.
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Matsubara Kanon (23, 25, 24, 24, 23, 26, 28, 26)
I want to put Kanon above Kokoro, I really really do, but... it doesn’t really seem fair to do that just yet. Kanon just jumped, Kokoro just fell into this category, and Kanon... has the dreaded shy, overly-flustered personality trait that is absolutely horrendous for me to try and depict properly. So right below Kokoro you will stay for now.
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Yamato Maya (27, 26, 26, 27, 27, 31, 27, 27)
Maya... if only you appealed to me sooner, you could have had a shot at being higher on this list. Although, to be fair, Maya has been on a somewhat steady climb as of late. Stagnating again, but at the end of the day... I can see the potential that Maya has. Will she be likely to play a significant role in one of my stories? I said that she has been on a somewhat steady climb, let’s take it one step at a time, all right? In all seriousness... it actually would not surprise me too much if I end up relying on Maya in the near future... who knows?
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Hikawa Hina (24, 23, 25, 25, 24, 29, 30, 28)
The reasoning behind Hina’s jump is... an interesting one, to say the least. I will be honest and say this outright: the biggest reason is not thanks to something Hina did in BanG Dream. It’s actually what her seiyuu did in a different franchise; I’ve picked up playing Genshin Impact a few weeks ago and my main character in there is, surprise surprise, a character who shares her seiyuu with Hina. So... indirect bonus points for Hina. And while it may seem contradictory to put Hina above Rui right now for effectively the same reasoning but in the opposite direction (seiyuu), I feel like it is justified by the reason that I already know more about Hina than Rui (i.e. Rui’s placement, as well as the other four in Morfonica, is still a placeholder placement right now). Beside that, I’ve actually also been enjoying seeing Hina on the screen more often regularly nowadays compared to the previous list.
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Yashio Rui (NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 24, 29, 29)
I said it before, I say it again: Rui is the Morfonica girl who I know the least about. As everyone already knows, Tsukushi was my favorite based on first impressions, Touko and Mashiro I did a lot of research on for my birthday oneshot, and Nanami... is popular enough in my friend circle that her popularity has affected me. Rui is voiced by Ayasa, a violonist with a YouTube channel I have followed for several years, but it is not fair to change Rui’s placement on this list only because I like watching her seiyuu’s YouTube channel. Based on what I already know about you I want to believe that you have the potential to jump up, but for now... where to put a character I know next to nothing about?
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Udagawa Ako (19, 18, 20, 20, 19, 23, 25, 30)
Above Ako, apparently. Ako has one very specific, very obvious, very usable niche... but of all the Roselia girls I have talked about so far... Ako’s, for lack of a better word, admiration for the vocalist is... a really big detriment for Afterglow’s drummer’s younger sister, for what I think is also a very very obvious reason by now...
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Kitazawa Hagumi (29, 29, 29, 28, 29, 33, 33, 31)
Hagumi! Finally escaping the dreaded “effectively bottom” spot of the named characters on the list for one very specific reason: one of the reasons why she was there in the first place no longer applies. And what is left? A surprisingly interesting character with some potential... still a shame that you are in the same band as Kokoro, but hey... maybe some day I can use you properly? Also, I seriously considered putting Hagumi above Afterglow’s drummer’s younger sister, but since Hagumi has just entered this category I felt this was a fairer placement for the bassist.
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Hanazono Tae (18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 30, 32)
Tae, Tae, Tae... how the mighty have fallen. You had a lot of potential and you definitely were very interesting in the early days of the franchise. But as the years came and went, you... never really developed much beyond what you once were. And while you are by no means a ‘bad’ character, you also don’t really stand out anymore in a cast of colorful characters (in ways more than one). A shame, but that’s just how it is...
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Ushigome Rimi (28, 28, 27, 26, 28, 32, 32, 33)
And if I thought Tae was static, Rimi is at least as, if not more so, than her fellow bandmate. I mean... what about Rimi today can I say that I could not say about her four years ago? Rimi embodies this category really well: a character who I feel no negative feelings towards, but one who is just completely overshadowed by everyone around her. But Rimi is not at the bottom of this list, surprisingly. Yes, Maya, Hagumi, and Tae are all above Rimi, but...
Below Neutral
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Seta Kaoru (VB, VB, VB, VB, VB, VB, VB, 34)
As much as past me does not want to do this... fair is fair: I said that I would no longer put you at the bottom once I found a character in this franchise’s universe who I despise more than you. And, thankfully for you, your time has come. I still do not like you and I still will not be ecstatic when I see you on the screen and I definitely will not be jumping in joy when I see your silhouette paired with rainbow lights (...again), but I can at least say this with confidence: you are no longer the BanG Dream! character I want to avoid seeing and thinking about the most. So... baby steps. Maybe one day I might make a vague reference to you again, but for now I will at least acknowledge that you exist. Which technically means that Kaoru has received one of the biggest jumps on this list so far, interestingly enough.
And that is all for this list. It doesn’t feel like I am missing any noteworthy or significant main characters, so I will leave this list as is. And if I did, then that is probably because they are not worth mentioning whatsoever.
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writer-and-artist27 · 4 years
The Future
My take on how things went immediately after Obito’s confession as written by Lang. First times always come with some bumps in the road that truly determine whether a relationship lasts. At least, that’s my experience with them.
Think everyone’s 16-18, for the sake of my own sanity.
Song to listen to, right here.
Obito could have died and went to heaven in that very moment. 
“I-I do like you, Obi. I just don’t know how much I do compared to you. But, um, I’m willing to find out more with you by my side.” Tomo-chan was blushing that cute pink that made her Tomo-chan, barely able to meet his eyes, but she was smiling at him. Her hands were soft and warm and they were holding his hands. “If that’s okay?”
He could have kissed her. Damn it, he wanted to kiss her. “Definitely,” he said instead, because there’s no way he could kiss her in front of the entire café. Kei would never let him hear the end of it. Hell, Kakashi would have blackmail material for months. Not to mention Judai-jichan and Hikari-bachan, who had been silent the entire time Obito had fumbled with his confession.
Obito did not want to look behind him because he could already hear Wataru-san and Hayate cheering like goofballs.
It didn’t change how Tomo-chan was smiling at him and him alone. “Aye,” she said faintly, barely audible over the bouquet of roses nestled in her arms. “Thankie, Obi.”
“I should be the one thanking you, Tomo-chan,” he breathed, feeling dust in his eyes. “I-I thought you weren’t going to say yes.” Rin-chan was still cute, but she never noticed. Tomo-chan, though… 
Tomo-chan shook her head frantically, her braid — the one he recommended she start wearing — slapping her cheeks. “I-It’s you, Obi, I don’t think I would be able to reject you.”
Scratch out heaven. Put in Nirvana, because Tomo-chan was starting to look more and more like an angel Obito wanted to keep to himself. “T-Tomo-chan…”
“I-I guess that sums it up, huh?” said Tomo-chan, and she ducked her nose into the nearest rose blossom. “Th-There’s a lot of people staring right now, Obi, so, um.” Her cheeks turned a cuter red. “W-Wanna come with me to find a vase for these roses? M-Maybe for some privacy since I kinda don’t see one around the piano right now a-and I don’t think our friends will be helping anytime soon…”
Obito just had to glance around once. Just once, and already he could see the mess of faces consisting of his precious ones and café strangers. Most were smiling, Kei included. But there was that select few in a corner who were giving the loudest catcalls and wolf whistles, so he turned back to Tomo-chan to nod furiously. There was no way he wanted to explain what some of those bastards were saying. “I wasn’t going to say no!” 
“A-Aye,” Tomo-chan said softly, squeezing his hands. “Thankie.” She paused, blue eyes widening, then she raised her head past the roses and Obito’s shoulder. “Mama, Papa, is it okay for me to go?”
Oh shit. The sudden realization that Tomo-chan’s parents were still behind him did not help Obito’s dormant worries and a bead of sweat was already trailing down his cheek. He slowly turned in his seat to see Judai-jichan looking at him from the bar. 
Obito swallowed thickly.
Judai-jichan smiled. “Sure, hime,” he called out casually, but Obito could not shake off the feeling that there was more. Then Judai-jichan turned to him with that same smile. “Make sure not to do anything I wouldn’t do, Obito.” 
Obito exhaled. It was safe. “I-I swear, Judai-jichan!” he yelled still, because this was Judai-jichan. He didn’t know Judai-jichan as much as say, Kei and Kakashi, but he was still Tomo-chan’s dad. Obito didn’t know what a dad could be like until Judai-jichan, and he didn’t want to mess up anything else now. Not when everything was going so well. “I’ll make sure to protect Tomo-chan with my life!”
Tomo-chan jolted. “O-Obi!” 
Nearby, Hikari-bachan startled from serving a customer cake. Like mother, like daughter, he guessed. “Obito!” she echoed in shock.
Judai-jichan laughed heartily. “I’ll count on you for that, Obito!” Without skipping a beat, he lowered his voice. “She’s my only hime. Treasure her.” 
The grin was already on Obito’s face. “Roger that!”
“Muuuu, I’m sure there was a vase around here somewhere…”
Obito did his best. He really did. 
But it was seriously hard to look at everything but Tomo-chan when she was still wearing that adorable pink and white kimono dress. Sure, she wore it for work, but he couldn’t help it. The blue obi with ribbon accents just cemented her new status of “cutest girl in the whole world” in Obito’s eyes, but. That did not mean looking up her skirt while she was on a stepstool. 
Nope. Nope nope nope nope. 
She needed to get a vase. The least Obito could do was give her space. He didn’t have to be a sensor or a Hyuga to know she was still nervous. 
“U-Um, Obi?” There was more shuffling as Tomo-chan rocked back and forth on her feet in front of the kitchen cabinet. “C-Could I ask you something?”
He gulped before uncrossing his arms and facing her. At least, as much as he could since she was still focused on the cabinet and not meeting his eyes. “What is it, Tomo-chan?”
“Wh-Why did you have to get so many roses? I-I don’t mind, it’s just a lot…” Tomo-chan slowly stepped down from her stool with a large blue vase in her arms, her voice still pitched like a tiny mouse. “O-One rose would have been enough.”
The ten-billion ryō question. Obito took a deep breath before walking forward and taking one of Tomo-chan’s hands in his. He knew his palm was sweaty, but Tomo-chan was blushing as much as he was, so in the end, it didn’t matter. “I didn’t know what would get through to you, Tomo-chan.” Obito hesitated before squeezing her fingers. “Kei said you throw around ‘I love you’ hard enough to concuss people, so…” he trailed off. “But it worked, didn’t it?” 
The blush from before was back on Tomo-chan’s cheeks now. C-Cute. “O-Oh,” she mumbled, putting the vase down on the counter near the roses before raising her other hand to grip his. “O-Okay. That…explains a lot.” 
Obito laughed nervously. Shit, he was already so whipped for her and they hadn’t even gone on a date yet. “Though, uh, I guess that means we’re going out now, huh? Man, it feels weird!” He never believed in his faintest dreams that Tomo-chan would feel the same. She hugged literally everyone, so to accept his confession… 
Tomo-chan swiveled her head to look at him through her bangs, her jaw dropping. “I-Is that a bad thing?!” 
Obito took a step back before shaking his head. Shit. Shit, shit, shit, that’s not what he meant. “N-no, Tomo-chan, no! It’s not bad at all!” 
“Th-Then,” Tomo-chan shivered, her lips puckered anxiously, “wh-what is it?”
Ah, screw it. Obito pulled her in by the hand for a well-needed hug.
“O-Obi?!” she squeaked against his collar. Tomo-chan was shaking but she was soft. She was warm. She was here, in his arms just like he wanted at night. 
Obito exhaled slowly before resting his nose against her hair. Sweet. Tomo-chan smelled sweet. “It’s amazing,” he mumbled, feeling that urge again. He wanted to hold her hand, to hug her like this for so long—to do it now was just… “You have n-no idea how long I wanted this, Tomo-chan. How long I wanted to be with you.”
Fingers were clutching the front of his jacket and Tomo-chan shuddered. “O-Oh,” she said again, quieter. “I-I’m sorry for not noticing sooner, Obi.” She was—she was burying her face in his shoulder again, unintentionally filling Obito’s nose with more of her scent. More of her. “I’m sorry for not replying sooner.” She took a step closer to him, almost cuddling him with how she fit into the hug. “I-I’m still not sure since we just s-started this, but um.” There was a tiny, almost quiet hiccup. “I-I think I’m…um, starting to fall in love with you too…” 
That did it. Obito could die right here and now to ascend to Enlightenment. Or heaven. Or Nirvana. This was great. 
Then again, he couldn’t leave the girl now. 
So instead, he pulled back to look into her blue eyes, arms around her waist to keep her here. “Y-You mean that, Tomo-chan?”
Tomo-chan averted her gaze, raising a hand to cover her lips. Then she nodded. “Th-This is really embarrassing, Obi.” Her cheeks were still that adorable pink as her other hand clutched his jacket. Her grip was shaking. “I don’t know how much more I can take. I-I might melt in your arms at this rate.”
A surprised laugh left his lips. Obito already knew he didn’t want to let Tomo-chan go now, not ever. “Don’t worry. I’d catch you, Tomo-chan.”
Tomo-chan chose that moment to look at him, her eyebrows furrowed from anxiety. “E-Even if I’m falling?”
Obito blinked before nodding. “I promised Judai-jichan, didn’t I?”
For some reason, Tomo-chan’s gaze turned glassy. Wait. Shit. Was she close to— “Obi,” she mumbled through her fingers, snapping him out of any panic, “stars don’t live forever.”
Obito blinked again. Tomo-chan wasn’t Kei. So what was with the riddle—
Without warning, Tomo-chan ducked her head and hid her face against his chest. Obito felt his heart start to pound in time with the barely audible words. “Obi, don’t change.” Her voice was high-pitched but sad. Desperate, almost, like she was begging. “Please.” 
“I-I won’t,” he said instinctively, but the urge to kiss her was growing harder to ignore. He tightened the hug instead, because there was no missing how upset Tomo-chan sounded. If he didn’t know any better, it felt like he was taking the Chūnin Exams all over again, and how Tomo-chan asked everyone not to die. She was still scared. “I plan to be Hokage, Tomo-chan.” He raised a hand to her head and — oh shit, her hair was soft. “And that means not leaving you.”
A tiny gasp echoed in his jacket, enough to make his heart skip a beat. Tomo-chan shivered again, her hand pushing him back slightly while her other still covered her mouth. “O-Oh,” she said. There was a small giggle. “I-I just can’t win, huh…?”
Yep. He was fucked. 
Obito swallowed the sudden lump in his throat before prying his goggles from his eyes, putting them over his headband and allowing him to look at her head-on. Tomo-chan startled once his hands went up to grasp her shoulders, enough of a jolt to move away that hand covering her lips. He still tilted his head to try meeting her gaze. The least he could do was tell her properly. Sensei said he couldn’t do “subtle,” so… “Tomo-chan, I-I want to kiss you.”
“E-Eh?” She flushed a darker pink, her blue eyes darting everywhere but him. It would’ve been funny if not for how she was trying to avoid him. At least she got the message loud and clear this time. “Wh—eh?!” 
Obito gently moved one of his hands to her cheek, tilting her head up. “Tomo-chan.” 
Her squeaks fell silent. Then, she bit her lip. “Y-Yes?”
Obito leaned in, trying not to fumble. This was the perfect moment and he didn’t want to mess it up. She was still here. “Can I kiss you? I r-really really want to.”
Tomo-chan bit her lip a bit more, lowering her head and clutching his jacket tighter. Surprisingly, she looked more kissable with the action, not helped by the furious blush on her face. A funny noise caught between a squeal and a squeak echoed in the back of her throat before there was another hiccup. “O-okay. Just, um.” Tomo-chan raised her head, her lips wet from the biting. “Be gentle?”
Obito smiled. “Aye,” was all he could say. It seemed to be enough because Tomo-chan didn’t back away, merely closing her eyes.
Obito closed his eyes too, placing his other hand to the back of her head before leaning in. 
Shit. He bumped her head. It was his goggles. Shit. Pull back, pull back. “S-Sorry, Tomo-chan. One more try.” And then he tilted his head and leaned in for real.
Tomo-chan’s lips were soft. Chapped from all the biting she did, but they were warm, smooth, and real. He could faintly taste something sweet and even if he couldn’t drink, it felt like he could get drunk off of this. Tomo-chan was melting against him too, relaxing enough for him to pull her closer and extend the contact until they couldn’t breathe. 
It was intoxicating, but it couldn’t last forever.
Once Obito pulled back from the lack of oxygen, there was a soft smack sound and Tomo-chan hiccupped again. Everything felt hot. “O-Obi,” her blue eyes fluttered open, her blush covering her nose and extending to her ears. “Th-That was…wow.” Her shoulders were slack even through her kimono dress. “D-Did you feel that…?”
Obito felt himself laugh again. “Sure did. You…You were amazing, Tomo-chan.” 
“M-Mm.” Tomo-chan’s blush could easily make her a tomato. Or a cherry. Cherries were probably better because they were sweet, just like her. “Obi…” she gulped, her high-pitched voice barely above a stage whisper. “Y-You were my first kiss.”
Well, fuck. He couldn’t stop smiling.
“I-I’m glad. But could…” Obito leaned in once more, inhaling as much as he could through his nose. “Could I do it again, Tomo-chan? I-I want to be your second too.”
Tomo-chan shut her eyes, a hand going up to her lips. Then she nodded, slowly moving her hand away. “I don’t think I want to k-kiss anyone else. Just, um. Y-You’re going to have to catch me when I do melt, Obi…”
“Hehe, that’s fine.” Obito kept his eyes open one second longer to burn Tomo-chan’s face into his mind before leaning in. “I’m the shinobi, so I’ll always catch you.” 
Their lips met again and Obito could’ve sworn his cheeks were starting to hurt from how much he was grinning.
But just to be sure, he made sure to hug her closer once her hands started to shake. Kissing was apparently a shared weakness. Obito couldn’t be late for this. 
Kei gave him that knowing look again. Her foot was also really close to his leg under the kotatsu, so Obito made sure to pull back in case she was raring to kick him again. Knowing how much of a jerk she could be, though, better to be safe than sorry. 
“Congrats on the relationship upgrade,” she said bluntly with a grin, shoving a plate of dorayaki in his direction over the kotatsu table. “At least she got it.”
“Thanks, Kei,” he replied cheerily, already feeling a smile at the thought of his new girlfriend. “I’m gonna have to turn down the sweets today, though.”
“Oh?” Kei looked actually curious while leveling that same pointy spatula at him. “That’s rare for you. What’s the occasion?”
Obito reached into his backpack to pull out a bundle and thank god, it wasn’t messed up. He brandished it to her with both hands, and Kei blinked. “I brought lunch!”
Kei snorted through her nose. “Lemme guess. Tomo?”
“Tomo-chan!” Obito agreed, because goddammit, his girlfriend was an angel. “She stopped by earlier today to give it to me!”
“At least it’s just you.” Kei rolled her eyes, flipping another dorayaki onto the rejected plate. “Get a room, seriously.”
“Shut it.” Obito snapped, then untied the cloth around the bundle. The box was normal, but opening the lid—
His heart skipped a beat. “Shit.” 
Kei looked at it too and threw her head back to laugh. “You two are cute together!” 
“Shut it!” 
There was no denying the joy on his face at seeing the onigiri heart in his lunch. His hands shook when picking up the tiny note left at the side of the vegetables. The handwriting was hastily scrawled, but still legible. 
Come by and visit more often! You have a lot of taste-testing to do, Mister! >.<
— Tomo
P.S. Before you say anything. -.- 
...Love you too. <3
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whatzaoverwatch · 6 years
Wandering Wolf
So people wanted me to write about my dream a while back, so here it is. Some Okami!Hanzo  
Contains minor graphic scenes
You could’ve swore you were hearing things. Working almost every day and night took you away from proper sleep. So you expected more than just hallucinations if you didn’t get enough rest. But that howl of pain from outside your door was something you had to investigate. Opening the front door, you peered to the darkness from outside. Just as you assumed it was your imagination, you caught a glimpse of a bundle of fur just staggering by your doorstep.
It looked like a wolf, or at least a dog with several features of a wolf. Wolves were nearly impossible around here. You first noticed its bright yellow eyes. Shining brighter than the moonlight. Widening your gaze to the glowing white fur that slumped onto the ground. Going inside was a valid option, until you noticed the dripping blood coating the ground. Quickly taking action, you went to their side.
Seeing a large gash running across its right side, the blood was still fresh, as if it was attacked a moment ago. Judging by its heavy breathing, it had been trekking for a long time. Seeking any help with the injury. For the dog to stumble upon your front door must’ve been a stroke of luck. Hearing its whines, you couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor creature. Stroking its head, you looked into its tired half lidded gaze that pleaded to you.
“Hey, don’t worry, I’m going to help you,” The dog nuzzled into your touch out of comfort in your words, “come on, let’s get you inside.”
It took slow praises, along with a few pets to its soft fur to get the dog inside and onto your couch. Placing a few good sets of bath towels over top of the furniture so the blood wouldn’t stain. Grabbing your medical kit and some water, you tried your hardest to comfort the creature while also tending to its wounds. It wasn’t by all means a doctor or veterinarians work, but it was good enough to stop the bleeding for now. Your parents were specialists in the field and lucky for you this injury wasn’t deep.
You had noticed the dogs eyes were fully set on you the entire time. It would wince and whine every now and again from the stitching, but it seemed to have trusted you on saving them. Some of your gentle words even caused a few tail wags every now and then. Once they were more than patched up, exhaustion took the better of them as they yawned and curled up into some sleep. You couldn’t help but smile at how adorable they looked. You were certain it was thankful for your help, so you were fine with leaving them here to rest up.
During your cleaning, you had found a collar and dog tag nestled between the fur. Taking the collar at some point to inspect later. The collar was dark leather with a shimmering tag. Its name was written in Japanese. You didn’t study the language long enough to understand it. Turning it over you found the owners contact number. Thankfully in English. The owner seemed to be named Hanzo Shimada. You knew the best thing to do was at least contacting the owner so he would know his dog was found.
You knew it was too late for him to be up, so you sent a quick voicemail along with your name and address. After setting up some food and drinks for it in case they needed it, you settled yourself on the other couch to sleep. Knowing that it was better to keep an eye on them in case they needed anything.
Sleep caught onto your quickly, having you wake up to the sudden feeling of a dog tongue on your face. Flinching away in disgust you caught a full glimpse of the very dog you had rescued the night prior. They seemed to be very lively, as if they weren’t clinging to their life the night before. Suddenly sitting up in concern, you questioned its happy gaze and wagging tail.
“Hey, whoa you shouldn’t be u-“
The sudden sound of the doorbell ringing caught your attention. The dog perked up in complete excitement only to start bounding over to the front door. Barking and jumping causing you to stand up in panic. You watched as the dog barked and scratched at your door. Staring in confusion as you saw no scars or blood on the dog at all. Did they heal overnight or were they not as hurt as you recalled? In your half asleep thoughts, the barking and door bell ringing snapped you out of it. Shaking your head as you got up and answered the door.
Standing in front of the door was a rather refined looking man. Black hair tied up in a modern style top knot (with one strand swooped down his face), a goatee trimmed near perfection. He wore fairly modern clothes as if bundled up for the cold weather. What seemed to really strike you were the gold markings just under his eyes that stood out from the dark attire. The dog seemed to be eager by the very man as they bounced around his legs seeking attention.
“Y-You must be Hanzo.” You spoke out in the midst of your staring. He seemed to me observing you in return before directing his attention to the jumping dog.
“Kenji, sit,” he was direct in his words causing the dog to cease its energy to the simple command. But you couldn’t help but admire that Kenjis tail was wagging eagerly, “I am, forgive me if he had caused you any trouble. He tends to wander off more than I desire.”
“Oh, it’s no problem. Actually, he came to my doorstep rather injured,” He turned to you with a hint of surprise through that stoic gaze before you continued, “but I brought him in to patch him up. If anything I am surprised he is moving around as much.”
You crouched down to Kenjis eye level to inspect him. He turned to you with a curious gaze when you rose your hand to pet him. Sniffing your palm and giving it a few friendly licks. The joy the dog hand in its poised position brought a smile to your face.
“He is very much reckless, not as contained as his brother.” Hanzo stated causing you to look up.
Just as if on command, you spotted another white dog appearing behind Hanzo. Kenji looked eager to see its other half as they sniffed each other out. Tails wagging and tongues sticking out. The other one looked over to you and sniffed around your face.
“Tomo, he had been worried sick about Kenji,” You couldn’t help but pet Tomos thick fur as Hanzo explained, “the two were just playing out in the yard, it wasn’t until later that I noticed that he escaped. I was about to search for him myself until I had received your call. I would’ve visited you last night, but I feared that it was too late for me to intrude.”
“Well I am glad that he found me.” You admitted giving a few head pats to the two dogs before getting up. Hanzo reached behind him to pull out a wallet and he searched through the slots.
“Forgive me for the trouble, I’ll pay you however much you desire.” Seeing him rummage through his wallet, you shook your head with a smile.
“It’s perfectly alright, there was no trouble. You don’t have to pay me.”
“I insist, it was not my intention to have him scurry off like that. Let me at least repay you.” You could see he was trying to figure out some way to pay you back, but seeing the peace in Kenji and Tomo was enough.
“It’s alright Hanzo, I am just glad you came for him that’s all.”
He looked at you. Almost as if looking into your eyes. You couldn’t help that your heart was racing. You had to admit that he was fairly attractive. He seemed to be older than you, but that didn’t stop him from looking stunning. He let out a sigh almost in defeat as he placed his wallet away.
“[Name] was it?” Recalling that you said that name when you phoned him you nodded, “Thank you.”
“Not a problem,” He began to move away from the door, suddenly catching the attention of the dogs. They whined as they wanted to stay by your side. You couldn’t help but want to hang around the two pups a bit longer. So you spoke up once again, “Would you like to come in? Have some tea, or coffee?”
He turned to you, watched as Kenji and Tomo seemed like they desired to stay. Looking down almost a little guilty. “I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“You wouldn’t be, it’ll be the first in a long time since anyone’s visited me. I insist.” You chimed with a sweet smile. Hanzo looked as if he was thinking on the offer. It wasn’t until Kenji whined by your feet that he gave in.
“I’d be honored to join you.”
He couldn’t really describe it, but there was something about you that drew him in. Having observed humankind for centuries, he didn’t expect one to stick out as much as you did. His wolf spirits tended to play games with humankind before. They would wander off, fending off the evil that dreaded in the shadows. To protect the mortals that walked the earth. They were fairly capable of healing themselves, but they used their immortal forms for a test of their own. Wandering the streets until some soul assisted them. Many had ignored the cries of the spirits (either unable to hear or not the heart to care). The few that did either pitied the creature and either tried to end their misery or send them to animal care. Then there were the selected few who tended to the spirits themselves.
That call surprised him, but he still held his doubts. Hanzo expected the kindness to be rewarded. The greed of humanity was something the old wolf god expected at this point. But you showed no eagerness to be paid for your actions. For once, the god was surprised. The way Kenji and Tomo lingered around you protectively made him rather speechless. He was informed the moment he was created that only one soul that his spirits would protect would be his soulmate. The trials and pain he had overcome made him doubt those beliefs.
Now here he was, sitting with you as the both of you talked over tea. You were such an intriguing mortal. You had no real connections, nothing of interest. In fact, you were just an ordinary human. But the way you smiled, the way you laughed, stirred something within him that he had never felt in a long time. You told him how much you admired his pets, and the markings on his face. He was shocked that you could see them, he thought that he had perfected his mortal disguise. But you could see them clear as day. He wondered what you would think if you had seen the rest of his real form, or what his spirits really looked like. If you would be shocked that his hair was as white as the wolves and short. To you it seemed that Kenji and Tomo were just large wolves, but he saw two beasts with gold markings along their snow like fur.
Perhaps maybe you were his soulmate. Maybe you could invite him in like you did to Kenji, tending to the wounds he carried on his back all these years. Maybe, you could help him feel human again. But for now, he just wanted to learn all about you.
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princessnowvie14 · 6 years
My Top Romance Anime
I made a new set of list of my fave romance anime series since I guess i deleted my post accidentally w/c i always update ( i dont wanna talk about it i'm still in shock lol) so here it is i made it as simple as possible, no long description. Just my collection of anime that caught my heart while watching it. 
1. InuYasha
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InuYasha follows Kagome Higurashi, a fifteen-year-old girl whose normal life ends when a demon drags her into a cursed well on the grounds of her family's Shinto shrine. Instead of hitting the bottom of the well, Kagome ends up 500 years in the past during Japan's violent Sengoku period with the demon's true target, a wish-granting jewel called the Shikon Jewel, reborn inside of her.
Inuyasha has always been my fave since childhood. I love the love and hate relationship they have. Inuyasha being stubborn but ever since he met Kagome he learned a lot of being a good person. I just hate their love triangle with kikyo nevertheless I love how it ends. It's really worth it after so many years of watching and waiting for it.
2. Kamisama Kiss
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 Nanami immerses herself in her divine duties. But if she must keep things running smoothly, she will need the help of a certain hot-headed fox. In her fumbling attempt to seek out Tomoe, she lands in trouble and ends up sealing a contract with him. 
I’ve never been so satisfied in my life until after watching all the episodes of this anime, the twist is amazing . It ends well. My heart was happy.
3. Wolf Girl and Black Prince
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 Erika Shinohara has taken to lying about her romantic exploits to earn the respect of her new friends. So when they ask for a picture of her "boyfriend," she hastily snaps a photo of a handsome stranger, whom her friends recognize as the popular and kind-hearted Kyouya Sata.
This is the first time i tried to watch anime series continously, i mean i never wanted to stand up while watching it haha it was good . I love how Kyouya manage to be so mean while everybody thinks he's a perfect prince, but i fell in love with this couple, theyre so perfect. 
4. Noragami
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Just as things seem to be looking grim for the god, his fortune changes when a middle school girl, Hiyori Iki, supposedly saves Yato from a car accident, taking the hit for him. Remarkably, she survives, but the event has caused her soul to become loose and hence able to leave her body. Hiyori demands that Yato return her to normal, but upon learning that he needs a new partner to do so, reluctantly agrees to help him find one.
aahh yatori makes my heart crave for more haha i mean dont expect a lot of romance on this, it highlights friendship . Yato being so childish and Hiyori is such a good girl, i cry whenever she loses her memory. The story is fun and I hope for the next season they will give exposure for my fave couple.
5. Inu X Boku SS
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But Ririchiyo's troubles have only just begun. As a requirement of staying in her new home, she must be accompanied by a Secret Service agent. Ririchiyo's new partner, Soushi Miketsukami, is handsome, quiet... but ridiculously clingy and creepily submissive.
I love the twist, i dont mind watching this all over again. Their personalities is quite interesting, the story is cute with mix of mystery.
6. My little Monster
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Shizuku Mizutani is apathetic towards her classmates, only caring about her grades. However, her cold view of life begins to change when she meets Haru Yoshida, a violent troublemaker who stopped attending class after getting into a fight early in the school year. He is not much different from her, though—he too understands little about human nature and does not have any friends.
oposite attracts haha Haru is so adorable. And their relationship is quite bumpy and unsure. But i think their feelings for each other are genuine.
7. Hatsukoi Monster
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After meeting her rescuer yet again and discovering that his name is Kanade Takahashi, she confesses her love to him. Kanade says he would like for them to be a couple, but that Kaho may not want to date him after she finds out his secret. To her shock, Kaho discovers the startling truth: Kanade is a fifth grader!
 Hatsukoi Monster follows Kaho's first steps into love with Kanade, her immature, yet kind, fifth grade boyfriend.
Age doesn't really matter lol. Its kinda weird as it may seems but who cares as long as you love each other then jump and take a risk. You can wait for the right time anyway haha. This anime is funny and i love how their friendship show. Accepting the situation and learn how to deal with differences is the lesson.
8. Guomin Laogong Dai Huijia
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Lu Jin Nian and Qiao An Hao were not married by choice. On the first day of their wedding night, Qiao An Hao made three rules regarding their marriage. One, you are not allowed to touch me. Two, you are not allowed to announce publicly that I'm your wife. Three, you are not allowed to say that we are living together.
I've watch only the first two seasons. and i loved it. Its like a prequel to the story but i dont know why im satisfied with it haha, the truth is i dont have the strength to watch the season 3 and i dont even wanna know how it ends. haha while watching i was desperate and frustrated them to be together, i want a happy ending. But all I can see was barriers and situation wont let them be happy together. I hope they will make a movie based on this. All i know is it was too depressing but definitely has a good story line.
9. Red Data Girl
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Izumiko begins by cutting her bangs, which shocks both her classmates and protectors. And that's only the start! Her guardian, Yukimasa Sagara, forces his son, Miyuki, to come to the mountain shrine and become Izumiko's lifelong servant and protector. Too bad Izumiko and Miyuki cannot stand each other. They have known each other since they were children, and Miyuki bullied her terribly.  Will Izumiko and Miyuki work past their differences? Is she actually a literal goddess? Find out in RDG: Red Data Girl!
This anime left me hanging and didn’t give me the ending i crave for, i hope they gonna make a next season. but i enjoyed it so much, i love the main characters and the vibe it gives me. It's a serious mystery and a little bit of romance but not much. anyway i love this, never regret watching it.
10.  Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka?
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Willem takes refuge on the floating islands in the sky, living in fear of the Beasts below. One day, he is tasked with being a weapon storehouse caretaker. Thinking nothing of it, Willem accepts, but he soon realizes that these weapons are actually a group of young Leprechauns. Though they bear every resemblance to humans, they have no regard for their own lives, identifying themselves as mere weapons of war. Among them is Chtholly Nota Seniorious, who is more than willing to sacrifice herself if it means defeating the Beasts and ensuring peace. 
Not every story has good ending but im glad i watched this. The couple reminds me of kaname and sagara of full metal panic but in different way. Their personalities are so perfect for each other. I wasnt really into anime girls with different hair colors but Ctholly change my point of view, she's exactly one of my fave girls now, her being childish, jealous and innocent around Willem caught me. Funny moments will be present too and their feelings for each other blooms slowly every episodes that you just wanna watch more. I wish the last episode ended the way I wanted, anyway, I still dont get why Willem is involved into two different girls in the past, i guess it wasnt explained that much, i just hate the flashback how he remember the girl while he's with Ctholly,. Well all in all, i enjoy much I just hope they add new season, but i dont know how it will start haha. Im just happy to meet and add this perfect couple in my list.
 So that’s it, i’m still in search of finding good anime romance. I hope i wont let my foolish hand delete this post again lol. Im definitely gonna edit this and add more . Hope you enjoy reading. :)
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thessaliah · 7 years
What are favorite and least favorite portrayal of Servants in Fate?
Uhh, there’s a lot?  I’ll assume with portrayals, you mean how legends or historical backgrounds were adapted and reinvented and if I like them?  Keep in mind there are a lot I like and a lot I’m lukewarm I don’t mention here. Some get me more passionate than others. 
Favorites (in no particular order).- Arturia, Merlin and most Round Table. You can tell that Nasu adores Arthuriana stuff and knows it deeply to come out with twists that make sense. Arturia and Mordred are one of the few genderbends who aren’t inherently lazy in Type Moon (unlike others made to just cash in Arturia’s design popularity and get no effort to explain why nobody thought they were women or ignored this - note, this doesn’t mean I dislike them, because I’m fond of Nero and the rest too, but it’s a strike down when you want to talk about this subject). Camelot is, to date, my favorite thing Nasu wrote next to Garden of Avalon because he has such grasp in these characters to make them unique, flawed and tragic. He isn’t afraid to make his female characters here in the wrong, something I deeply appreciate because makes them more sympathetic. The Lion-King was a gift. Yes, sure sometimes isn’t perfect (the characterization switch of Saber Alter from cooly angry tyrant to kuudere), but he usually takes a great care about their portrayal in a serious manner.- Oda siblings, Nobunaga and Nobuyuki:  Guda Guda 2 was so good to turn Nobunaga from a joke character to a serious one with layers, she along with Arturia and her son, became the third serious genderbent, where she suffered the consequences of being a woman and it explains her ascension to power as damyo through Nobuyuki’s sacrifice who she found out later, in the event, never rebelled against her but was trying to expose her detractors and with his sacrifice, he was showing nobody should defy his sister. They hurt my heart.- Solomon: He’s a departure of the Judeo-Christian Solomon, but because a lot of him seems taken off the Islamic version (where he’s literally the world most perfect ruler ever, literally Godsent to build an ideal kingdom which would only last as he lived). He follows Nasu’s most complex king character of the recent years (I like Nero but she lacks ‘something’ for me to see her as a ruler character) to stand next to Arturia and classics, addressing old Fate questions about rulership, humanity, and heroism. I appreciate that, just like Arturia, Nasu obviously knew what he was doing and only adapted his background to Nasuverse to keep it creative but fresh.- Asterios: This is how you write a classic mythological monster and keep him sympathetic without erasing what he was, just give an explanation, and not try to portray the hero who slain him as a ‘loser’.  Theseus was the first one who saw Asterios as a human being in his short published backstory and tried to comfort him when he died. - Leonardo Da Vinci: Her portrayal isn’t perfect, but it’s refreshing to see old theories come to life about Da Vinci (homosexuality, transsexuality). Da Vinci has the honor of being one of the few characters who actually has a love life that doesn’t involve sucking up to the main character or their love interest in life, goals that don’t involve the main character as the center of their lives, and has an exploration of her issues with loneliness and isolated she feels without involving the main character in her interlude (it’s a monologue). In other words, she’s allowed to be more than just Servant arm candy which is rare for a FGO original.- Florence Nightingale: I absolutely love Nightingale portrayal as Berserker, not so much without ME (we see her in Dantes event), but this asexual, aromantic, completely madwoman, in a good and bad sense, who is focused, intense and eloquent when she wants, intimidating men and women with her one-track mind mission to heal and purify, shows a bit how war takes the sanity of even the most saintly of people and yet they still remain themselves to the core.- Edmond Dantes: Nasu told everyone to watch Gankutsuou one day and said “come up with a Count of Monte Cristo who is nothing like that one”, and they did it. They did it and managed to make him iconic in portrayal too, without the stigma of having to compete with the Gonzo show classic. Against all odds, like poor publicity, limited event, Daganrompa design, he became one of FGO’s most popular originals, because they explored his entire personality and issues in a character-focused event, plus his backstory fits in with Nasuverse, expanding on the character without erasing any of his classic elements.- Most Victoriana characters: Sherlock Holmes, James Moriarty, Frankenstein,  Nursery Rhyme, Jekyll&Hyde, Helena, etc. I’m putting them in the same bag because they got a creative twist for Nasuverse characterization that was well handled, IMO, and were changed for setting purposes and to explore a concept rather than pander a fetish.- Lobo: Great adaptation and portrayal. A literal wolf got more development and introspection than the majority of Epic of Remnants appearing characters. This will never cease to be funny.- Tomoe Gozen: I don’t care much about her character, but gets a honorable mention because they actually keep her true to her legend and background instead of removing it to make her a pure sword waifu who loves the protagonist as they did with a number of characters.
Least favorite (controversial talk and triggers ahead):- Sherezade: I can’t even bring myself to explain how much they botched her and how much I absolutely loathe her. Any other characters in this list annoy me or irk me at very worst, but this one makes me angry. Her entire character is so offensive I can’t articulate it now or this would become far too long. She was one of my favorite childhood heroines, so it makes me extra salty. Let’s just say that they took one of world’s most memorable feminism icons as a nerves of steel creative woman who earned her happy ending and got everything in life to portray her as a mix of broken coward (and a joke after Agartha) full of misandry and internalized misogyny, who kidnapped and brainwashed people, including women, to be murderers and rapists to live her twisted fantasy, but wait, she was ‘cured’ by a good man’s spinning rainbow giant drill while she was told her purpose in life was to make babies. And her happy ending was the result of that man’s wish. Yes, she could have been a take of a broken pedestal who actually overcame her issues and became heroic after a growing up process (even if I disliked that interpretation), but instead of that, she was saved by boy Fergus, and this action is even referred on her profile: her happy ending has resulted of his wish. This is a thing that happened. I have no words to say how utterly crushed I feel regarding her. How they destroyed the core of her character appeal, twisted it and didn’t even allowed her the agency to earn her happy ending.- Altera: Or how to take a fairly interesting warlord and historical figure, remove everything that makes him Attila the Hun to pretend a bland robotic alien weapon waifu was him, even though all her struggle and ‘arc’ isn’t even focused on it, it just becomes an excuse to make her a Servant. Imagine if Arturia’s struggle in Fate wasn’t about her King Arthur related stuff and Camelot fall but about “oh my I’m a dragon hybrid who sided with humans in the end of the age of mystery, Shirou!”, something Nasu could have done since it’s also an aspect of her character, but had the good sense to focus on the fact she’s bloody King Arthur. That her arc is a literally a rehash of “robotic waifu becomes a person, goes against her program” which was already done by Sakura and BB (and Arc a decade before them) masterfully not so long ago, in Fate/Extra CCC, but they were actually well written (in comparison to Extella) so it makes her look extra bad. She was also inserted into the story out nowhere, just like this Velber thing which it’s not even mentioned once in all Extra (the Beasts were, ironically!) and stole the spotlight of characters who were your allies and Servants before, like Gilgamesh and Archer. When Sakura and Gilgamesh got added in CCC, Nasu never removed the focus on the three originals, rather he worked to give everyone their own routes. Extella was a reminder of those fanfics that retcon previously established canon to warp the plot focused on a new OC Mary Sue character who is more special than others with the entire plot orbiting around them, and you can’t escape this. Fortunately, she underperformed so badly as a main heroine of Fate in Japan that Nasu might think twice about pulling this again.- Medusa: I have a hate/love thing with Medusa, because as a character on her own, she started ok, beyond the gross sexual assault thing they never acknowledge as bad and irks me (but this is common in most female characters of TM, and some male ones like Shiki). I like her in FHA, her relationship and devotion to Sakura. However, yeah, she’s Medusa my all-time favorite Greek figure whom I adored since I was a child and her portrayal as a version of Medusa leaves a lot to be desired: removing her sexual relationship with Poseidon (which some versions involve rape, but in most of them they were lovers) to make her ‘pure’ and then portray her as ‘seductive’ was the worst decision Nasu could take in FHA when she was meant to parallel with Sakura’s domestic and sexual abuse, in FSN, so the character became kind of confusing to me. It just feels her character was overwritten to appeal purity-waifu lovers and twisted a bit. Her design (the BDSM outfit) is just ridiculous too. I can’t forgive there weren’t snakes, but with the appearance of Gorgon, this is salvaged that a bit (enemy gorgon is better looking than the playable one too, fff). Gorgon is what I wanted Medusa to be, but sadly that kitty-hood wearing “Ana” comes along with Gorgon (with her dog collar!). I don’t hate her, I have some kind of complicated relationship because my standards for Medusa are higher than usual and her character got overwritten as much as Gilgamesh with the years so it gets confusing (but without giving the attention Gilgamesh got too, so makes it harder to grasp what Nasu is doing now). The Perseus-bashing stuff also get me because, like Medusa’s portrayal, isn’t consistent. See, Medusa was originally Perseus, Nasu just genderbent him in FSN because he needed more girls. Their personalities are extremely alike based on what we see him in Prototype and he’s called like Shinji in FHA when he wasn’t at all (just to make her more sympathetic than the hero who actually killed her was ‘bad’ See why Asterios is a good example and why Medusa isn’t about how to handle this, it’s like she was a test run, IMO)? But in leaked FGO lines reveals Medusa is fine with Perseus now, except for Gorgon who wants to kill him, but she wants to kill everyone even the protagonist. This “characterization marches on” makes it all muddy and confusing. Gilgamesh has a similar problem, but I wasn’t attached to him, so I don’t care much.-Artemis (and Orion): Does this need an explanation?-Fionn and most Irish heroes, but Fionn is the main offender: From a mix of Irish King Arthur and Merlin in legends to a complete joke character whose entire kit and powers get stolen by you know who. Fionn is a disgrace to his legendary counterpart. Diarmuid was ok in Zero (not in FGO tho), Cu is fine (and even gets his noncon old habits called out in FHA!), Medb is one of the few female villains who don’t get whitewashed (though she loses a lot of layers of her mythical counterpart), the rest is… eh. -Kiyohime: Not the worst offender, but becomes a proof how the obsession with “pure” waifu-ideal for insecure otaku ruins a potentially interesting character and makes her super gross and problematic without owning up what she is by the fandom and, sometimes, canon. In legend, Kiyohime was a scorned woman whose lover, a monk Anchin, abandoned her after he regretted their relationship (which includes sex, several times). That’s the thing: they were in a relationship with a promise to stick together and he dumps her and runs off. She becomes enraged by his actions that become a serpent who chases him, but she was the one wronged, even if his death was extreme, it portrays her as a tragic character who lost it after a real betrayal. What does FGO does? Oh boy, FGO Kiyohime is just a crazy stalker creepy yandere who killed a monk (who was gay, by the way) who rejected her when she nightcrawled to his room (in case this gets lost in translation, google what is “nightcrawling” to get the extra disgusting implication), but because she insisted as the creepy obsessive woman she is, he promised her to meet her again to get her off his neck and escape, even though he had already made clear he wasn’t into her (or women) at all. She gets offended when he, the victim, runs away, chases and kills him. Now imagine if Kiyohime was a creepy stalker guy who slipped into a lesbian nun’s room when she sleeps to demand sex and a relationship and she tells him to sod off, but he doesn’t get the memo and chases after she escapes and burns her to death when she’s hiding because he was jilted. Now you get why her character is beyond gross. I shouldn’t even need to genderflip the story, but it seems some fans are too easily mislead by a cute waifu antics teehee. It’s fine to like her as long as you’re aware of her a problematic character and not a “cinnamon roll”. She rubs me wrong because it’s obviously an attempt to cash in with yandere-fans by twisting a story of a scorned woman who is lost in grief and anger which causes a tragedy. But it seems that otaku would take a gay man-burning crazy stalker over a nonvirgin. On the other hand, I REALLY love her design. It feels like a complete and absolutely tragedy of a waste character because I love her VA, her Art and classy design (summer and normal version) and NP, but the change made to her character was really appalling. -Beowulf: I don’t have strong feelings about him, but he’s one of the most world-famous heroes and yet he’s a footnote whose appearances consist on lose the fight to some of Nasu’s favorites (Li Shu Wen and Martha). He feels less than a character and more “That guy Nasu uses to show off how tough his favorites are in a fist fight”. Also his design sucks, his art is good but I just dislike the ‘modern’ look unless you’re going all hammy about it like Kintoki.-Caligula: He’s not a character, he’s just Nero’s accessory and blind worshipper for no reason. If they bothered to keep up with his historical background, he’ll be more into his horse and Iskandar, and, maybe, Iskandar’s horse. He has no real personality beyond NERO NERO NERO. Kind of a shame because his design is ok, and he is potentially interesting as a gross unhinged emperor.-Siegfried: Siegfried is… a good boy, but he became an unfunny joke that I can’t longer take seriously as a character thanks to FGO. He’s in serious need of a makeover. Introducing Kiemhild and Hagen could be a good start, he’s savagable, just not so fond of what he is now.-Elizabeth Bathory-Carmilla: Not so much that I dislike them as characters, but it kind of rubs me the wrong way the one that should be an older woman with a torture fetish is portrayed as a dragon idol while Carmilla, the one immortalized as a young girl by Le Fanu, is the older woman. If they switched designs, and made Carmilla a catgirl instead of a dragon girl, preferably, but I don’t mind them at all, just this kind of irks me because they kind of switched their usual thing? It’s not dislike, just confusion.- Mephistopheles:  Or let’s take a famous devil in a classic to make him a murderous clown. What could go wrong? What’s even the point of this character, really? I love his artist and his VA, but this takes the cake of the most wasted character in FGO and has zero to do with his portrayal. I mean, I get the adaptation about homunculus stuff, but it was kind of too jarring switch because none of his traits are like Mephistopheles, like AT ALL. Erik was kind of wasted and made a bishie cosplaying Freddy Krueger, but at least he keeps the Christine stuff and a mask, to say “Oh right this is the Phantom of the Opera.” Nothing about Mephistopheles makes me think “This is Mephistopheles!” It’s like Nasu and his boys were talking about character concepts and one was “Hey, guys, I just rented It, and I want to add an evil clown in FGO!”, “Sounds great, but who can be? We can’t just steal Pennywise, he’s copyrighted.” “I know, let’s make him Mephistopheles!” “Why?” “Er, it sounds like how a devilish clown would call himself” and boom. Something like that.
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voltagefangirl19 · 7 years
EITM Human!Highschool AU Valentine’s day edition
More high school AU stuff!, I hope you guys like it, and please remember that I haven’t played Shinra, Samon or Kiryu’s routes, so I apologize if there’s any mistake in their personalities. Also, someone asked me to write a college version, I’ll try to do it since I don’t have the sightless idea of what the ayakashi should study, I’ll have to put a lot of thought in that one, but I’ll try :)  Happy valentine’s day \(^3^)/
Miyabi >This guy is popular, he was in first place of the list of popularity based on how much chocolate they received (he made the list) >The moment you sit in your science class he puts his hand in front of you, asking where his chocolate was >The guy likes to feel loved, he likes the attention, especially yours >After being bugged by him all day, you give him a little gray box with a blue ribbon and a cute fox sticker >His arrogant face changed into one of a child in Christmas >After taking a bite of your homemade inari sushi flavored chocolates (does that even exists?) he hugged you tight >He promised to give back the best white day gift ever
Chikage >Unlike Miyabi, he didn’t accept any chocolate (low-key was expecting yours) >So when you go with him with a box full of homemade bird shaped chocolate he just lose it >He has to make a great effort to not to grin like an idiot (like Shinra or Miyabi in his opinion) >It’s not like him to react like that >But you are special because you understand him and your company is nice (you are nice) >Those are the only chocolate he accepts >From then on until March 14, he starts to research what to give you for white day  
Yukinojo >After his girlfriend’s death, Valentine became the date he hated the most >Until you brought light to his life that is, in fact, the first time he accepted a chocolate, your chocolate, was a year after you helped him to deal with his grief >Actually is the perfect date for him, as he loves sweets >Homemade chocolate bunnies with different flavors on the inside become one of his weakness >He is glad that you gave him chocolate and he feels lucky about having you after all the sadness he went through >He makes a beautiful drawing of you for you to show his gratitude >Learning how to make several mini cakes for white day
Kyoga >He doesn’t think twice about accepting chocolates (that’s why he is in the second place according to Miyabi) >He got a lot of chocolates from school and from his part-job in the cinema >Yet he was oblivious to the girl's feelings while receiving the sweets >”What do you mean they aren’t doing it out of kindness?” (young Kyoga has a lot to learn) >Actually he ended up giving all the chocolates to the rest of his family since he cares a lot about them >All of them, except yours, because how could he give away the adorable homemade wolf-shaped like chocolates that you gave him? >Now asking the cinema manager for advice as to what to do on White day
Shinra >This guy would have received a lot of chocolates... if it wasn’t for his delinquent aura and demonic self  >Miyabi teased him about it  >Until he saw you giving Shinra a nicely wrapped box  >Those were homemade chocolates with tiny horns  >Shinra tried so hard to tell himself that they were only tomo-choco (friendship chocolate) >Yet he couldn’t stop himself from blushing so hard. which of course you found very cute >He promised himself to return the favor in White day “1000 times more”   
Samon >A lot of girls left him chocolates in his dorms office >But just like Kyoga, he gave them away either at the shinre or used them to make desserts to the other guys >You made him chocolate in the shape of a ‘teru teru bozu’  >He was really happy about it >Didn’t share the chocolates with anyone >And the little note you put in the box was kept in a safe place >Decided to make you a very nice cake to White day
Kiryu >He rejected every chocolate because he thought that it was a very useless tradition >You were in the library when you heard him saying that >You told him you could prove him wrong by making him happy by giving him chocolates > Obviously he accepted the challenge and bet that he wouldn’t be the least happy about receiving some useless chocolates >Since then on you spent a lot of time with him to know about his likes and dislikes, and the next year you gave him little (and very detailed) Roomba like homemade chocolates in a present box that looked like a book >He lost the bet >Against his own thoughts, he decides to return the favor on White day 
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An Arrangement (8/26)
Matsuoka Masahiro/Nagase Tomoya Tokio 2700~ words. Sfw.
Masahiro Matsuoka is an incubus who just wants a casual partner, too tired to hunt down his meals individually and leery of those who form attachments too easily. Tomoya Nagase laughs at the idea of attachment; everyone has always sent him away when they are done with him, so he has no reason to try anymore. Their situations suit each other perfectly. Unfortunately, they also suit each other perfectly, and that was something neither of them expected.
The dress is far more devastating on his body than it could ever be on a hanger, and Tomo knows this perhaps better than anyone. When Mabo stalks around him a few times after he’s successfully smoothed it across his skin, eyes flashing between deep brown and black, Tomo has to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek to keep a smirk at bay. He flicks Mabo with his tail just the same.
“I’m not allowed to fuck you in this one either, am I?” Mabo sounds petulant and when he comes back around in front of Tomo, he’s pouting, looking nothing like a fearsome demon and everything like a pitiful puppy. Unable to help himself, Tomo laughs; Mabo only pouts further.
“This one is my favorite,” Tomo informs him. “Like hell I’m going to let you ruin it.”
As powerful as the dress might be to Mabo, Tomo has to admit he’s having a hard enough time keeping his hands off of his master. The suit is, as predicted, tailor made to fit Mabo’s body and therefore hits him at all of the right angles, emphasizing the lines of his body, the sharp black and white a distinct contrast against his warm brown skin. Only his tie and matching pocket square break the monochrome mold, the same deep red as Tomo’s dress; so this is what he meant when he said he would match it. Tomo is impressed; he wants to jerk Mabo off with the pocket square.
He settles for fishing his tie from where it’s tucked down the front of his jacket, pulling Mabo closer to him with it. Though Mabo had whined at him about already being tall enough, he’d still donned heels for this occasion, though low ones because he’s already tall as it is. He still enjoys the fact Mabo has to tilt his face up just a bit at this proximity to continue meeting Tomo’s eyes.
“But maybe we can compromise and you can fuck me in what I’m wearing underneath the dress.” He smacks Mabo’s hand as soon as the incubus reaches for him. “No, you don’t get to see until after the party. If I show you now, we’re never going to leave the room.”
Mabo huffs but relents, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “We should get going, now that I think about it. Inocchi wants us to be there as early as possible so you can meet him and Jun before they have an entire house full of guests to entertain.”
The drive to Yoshihiko Inohara’s house is not a quiet one by any means; Mabo stops Tomo from turning the radio up in favor of explaining what he can about the two and the nature of their relationship. Tomo has seen angels from a distance but has never approached them, knowing damn well most of them are busy and also not usually that much fun to be around. Stoic, devoted to their duties sometimes to a fault, they care more for the mortals they watch over than themselves, and though it might be admirable to some, Tomo can’t wrap his mind around it. When he put people above himself, all he did was suffer in the process.
He keeps his comments to himself, though, noting the way Mabo’s voice softens and warms when he mentions Inocchi— and fighting down a small spark of jealousy as soon as it makes its presence known. The two of them are clearly good friends and Tomo cannot believe his own audacity. He has no right to be jealous of Mabo’s relationship with his friends for fuck’s sake.
He presses his lips into a line and shakes his head at himself, focusing on the darkness out the window, nodding along with what Mabo says. He’s more interested in Junichi— the ookami, one of the only non-mortal creatures to be guarded by an angel. Admittedly, Tomo has never heard of a non-human being guarded by an angel. Usually, their assistance isn’t needed.
Of course, he doesn’t ask for the finer details. He assumes that Inocchi or Junichi will offer them themselves when the topic is broached. And besides, it really isn’t his business how the two ended up together. These are Mabo’s friends, and Tomo is just happy to get to accompany him somewhere instead of having to stay in the house like he used to do with his other masters.
“We’re here,” Mabo informs him, pulling into the wide driveway in front of a beautiful house, just as large and lavish as Mabo’s own, but different somehow. Warmer, maybe? “Looks like we’re the first ones here, which is what I wanted. Fair warning, both of them are incredibly warm and incredibly touchy, so if they make you uncomfortable, feel completely free to tell them that.”
Tomo flicks his tail at him. “Why in the hell would I be uncomfortable with touch?”
The house is even more impressive up close, and Tomo takes the arm Mabo offers him, following him up onto the front porch. He can smell them even outside the house, the two who live here. Angels always have a peculiar ozone smell to them, though Inocchi has an undertone of something sweet beneath that, and Junichi smells like wolves do: earthy, green and rich and alive.
Before Mabo even has a chance to knock on the door, the door swings in and something small propels itself forward into him, knocking him back a few steps in the process. Tomo lets him go to avoid being half-toppled over, his nose already twitching as he tries to figure out who this is. The earthy scent is even stronger this close, if he had his eyes closed he might be able to believe he was up in the mountains somewhere instead of in a neighborhood. It takes Junichi a minute to realize Tomo is even on the porch, but as soon as he does, he whirls around to look at him.
He’s small, too, shorter than Tomo is even barefoot and Tomo can’t help a little smile as he steps closer, sniffing the air right above Junichi’s hair. “When I think of wolves, I don’t think of such little things. How were you protecting an entire mountain all by yourself?”
“I’m abnormally large in wolf form, even so far as my pack goes. They were pretty horrified when I shifted the first time, I was twice the size of the other cubs.” Junichi’s eyes glitter as he leans up on his toes to sniff along Tomo’s jaw, and Tomo allows it. “Besides, no matter the size of the wolf, teeth and claws will still break through skin and bone just fine if they find the need to.”
“I like you.” That’s all the warning Tomo gives before he hooks an arm around Junichi’s shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug and nuzzling down into his hair so he can smell him better.
“I should have expected this,” Mabo mutters, openly scowling at them, and Tomo just grins at him, resting his chin on top of Junichi’s hair, his throat vibrating in a small purr that makes Mabo’s eyes narrow further. “Okay, okay, you two. Tomo, Junichi has a mate and I’m sure he’s not going to be overly fond of you scent-marking his mate like this.”
“On the contrary, Masahiro, I find it quite adorable. It’s very important to their kind, to be able to be this comfortable with one another.” The man who steps through the doorway next is taller than Junichi, but still shorter than both Tomo and Mabo, his sharp black suit contrasting neatly with the soft white fluff of his wings. Tomo wants to pet them, run his fingers through all that softness.
Mabo huffs at him, but the two grip each other’s forearms and Tomo observes the way Mabo’s eyes soften just the same. He had gotten the impression the two were good friends. “I know, I know, but if you don’t stop him, he’s going to maul your mate and it’s going to be no one’s fault but your own. Especially if he starts rubbing his cheeks all over him.”
“Just his hair, maybe,” Tomo pouts. “Though I wouldn’t mind rubbing them on your wings.”
Mabo’s head snaps around so fast Tomo thinks he might have broken his neck in the process. “Why would you want to do that? They’re just wings. Even I have wings. They aren’t special.”
Unable to help himself, Tomo grins, flashing his teeth. “But they look so soft, Mabo.”
“Mabo?” Junichi lifts his head from where it had been comfortably resting against Tomo’s collarbones, his smile incredulous as he turns to look at the incubus. “He just called you Mabo, didn’t he? You haven’t let anyone call you anything but your name before, that’s so cute!”
“Horrible. You two were conspiring against me ever since our conversation at lunch,” Mabo says, shooting the winged man— the angel, probably Inocchi— a glare. “I should have known.”
Inocchi cocks his head to the side, a small smile turning up the corners of his lips. “Maybe, maybe not. You’re too tense, Masahiro. This is a party, after all. Come inside and relax.”
The interior conveys much of the same warm, cozy sensation Tomo got just by looking at the structure, the browns and greens reminiscent of the outdoors in a way Tomo understands when he considers the ookami who lives here. He would have lived for years up in the mountains, guiding lost travelers and killing those with nefarious intent, so it was probably claustrophobic having to settle into a place like this at first. He wonders if Junichi had asked for this color scheme or if Inocchi had offered it; he doesn’t know enough about either of them to know one way or the other. He’ll have to ask Mabo later, because he’s curious, but for now he banks his curiosity in favor of letting go of Junichi so he can observe the way he acts with his mate.
Mabo sidles up next to him immediately, wrapping an arm around his waist, and he rolls his eyes.
“How did the two of you meet?” Tomo asks. Mabo had left it out of the story, but watching the way Junichi tucks himself in against Inocchi’s side, rubbing his cheek against his shoulder in the process, and watching how Inocchi folds first an arm, and then a wing, around his shoulders is very telling. “Mabo told me a little bit about you both but he skipped that part of the story.”
Inocchi smiles, and it’s wistful and bittersweet. “I was Junichi’s guardian. Humans were cultivating his mountain, and it was starting to affect him. To put it bluntly, it was killing him.”
The smile drops from Tomo’s face at the thought; he knows little about ookami and their customs, as most of them keep to their mountains, and once they come down, it’s nearly impossible to tell them from any average wolf. They integrate into normal packs and they become just one of the thousands of wolves roaming the earth. Tomo wouldn’t have known if he’d met one before now.
“That happens, unfortunately. I was training someone to take my place, but when it started getting bad, I told him I wasn’t going to let him. I didn’t want him to have to take that on himself.” Junichi laughs a little and shakes his head, but there’s an almost haunted look in his pretty eyes.
Mabo hums. “I remember that. And then the humans sent hunters after you to kill you.”
“What the fuck? Why?” Tomo rounds on Mabo at the news, his stomach dropping at the thought. He knows humans can be harmful; humans have impacted him negatively plenty of times, and he doesn’t trust them. No one does. “How would they even know to go after him like that?”
“Tomo, calm down. Junichi is fine. Obviously, they didn’t succeed in killing him,” Mabo whispers.
“You would be surprised at how intelligent some mortals can be, Tomoya,” Inocchi says, and Tomo turns back to him, though his gaze is pinned on the little wolf at his side. “When they realized their stories about wolves killing those with foul intentions were true, they knew that to successfully cut down the rest of the forest, they needed to remove the mountain’s guardian. So they hired hitmen specifically skilled to hunt and kill beings like us, and they promised them a fortune for his head.”
Junichi shrugs, though Tomo doesn’t miss the way he reaches for Inocchi’s hand and grabs it, holding it like a lifeline. “Inocchi was supposed to watch over me. He wasn’t supposed to save me, you know, just watch over me. Probably guide me on to what would come after my death.”
“It’s not in my kind’s nature to interfere in the lives of those we watch over. It’s unethical in our line of work. But Junichi wasn’t stupid. He knew I wasn’t a human when I introduced myself. So I spent time with him, and I fell in love with him. For the first time… Waiting for him to pass away felt like it was the wrong thing to do.” Inocchi shrugs, though he squeezes Junichi’s hand back.
“And then he told me about the problem.” Mabo’s voice is hard, harder than steel, colder than ice. Tomo has never heard him speak like that before. “Inocchi didn’t want to go against his code, but there’s no rules saying I couldn’t do it in his place. So I sent the hunters back in pieces.”
“It was barbaric and I’m still not entirely sure I agree with your methods, Masahiro. Surely, there were ways to make them less of a problem without resorting to such violence.” Inocchi shudders and despite the overall feeling of horror almost overwhelming him at this story, Tomo can’t help a tiny smile at the tone of his voice. Angels have always been purer beings than most, hardly ever resorting to violence. If anything, all they do is seek to find a way to circumvent it.
“He’s not wrong, Tomo,” Mabo says, and Tomo blinks at him, cocking his head. “Junichi was sick, badly sick, and he couldn’t have fought them off himself. So, I told Yoshi to keep him safe and I did what I had to do. I got hurt, but I healed it. They weren’t smart enough to invest in silver bullets, I guess it just never occurred to them they might need it. Maybe they thought Jun was sick enough they could get away with lead. Silver would have at least slowed me down. Lead doesn’t. So I killed them, wrapped up the pieces in plastic tarp, and dropped them in the headquarters office.”
The story might have sickened someone else, but Tomo just wraps himself around Mabo’s arm, rubbing his cheek against his shoulder. “What a hero you are in the name of true love.”
“That was my last job guarding someone,” Inocchi adds, and Tomo cocks his head at him. “Because Masahiro interfered on my behalf and because I’d fallen in love with Junichi. It was decided that it wouldn’t be right for me to continue. So I started my life with Jun instead.”
“It’s not so bad, is it?” Jun’s tone is soft and teasing but there’s still a noticeable smile of relief when Inocchi leans his head down, pressing their foreheads together. “After the humans were taken care of, the forest was allowed to heal. I could leave and let my apprentice take over in my place. It’s actually been nice to be away from it all, the stress and the constant state of vigilance. I was happy to do my duties, but I’m happier to have Yoshi in my life.”
Inocchi’s fingers drift down to cup Junichi’s chin. “I would have given it up for you, beloved.”
Mabo makes a noise and looks away when Inocchi leans down to press his lips to Junichi’s, folding his arm and his wing tighter around the little wolf, but Tomo can’t tear his eyes away from the picture the two of them make, the sweet way Inocchi holds Junichi close as he kisses him.
And he can’t ignore the churning in his gut, the desire he still has to find someone who loves him.
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