#VA Bootcamp
punkotrainer · 3 months
En el cuadrilátero, el boxeo va más allá de los puños y las estrategias. Es un viaje de autodisciplina, coraje y superación. Cada entrenamiento es una oportunidad para fortalecer cuerpo y mente, un espacio único para niños a partir de los 9 años, moldeando no solo a un luchador, sino a un individuo resiliente que enfrenta los desafíos con determinación. 🥊💪🏼 ¡El boxeo es más que un deporte, es una escuela de vida!
Agenda tu primera sesión de entrenamiento completamente gratis 🗣️🚨
📞+(57)310 811 6340
📞+(57)311 222 5912
Somos aliados FITPAL 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽 ¡Te esperamos! 🔝
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#Escueladeboxeo #Crossfit #Bootcamp #Entrenamiento100%personalizado
#Cienporcientopersonalizado #ClubDeportivo #AltoRendimiento #Levantamientodepeso #Motivación #Boxeo #Cedritos #EntrenadorPersonal #Trx #Kettlebells #AprendizSena #PKFusa #RehabilitacionDeportiva
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comme-du-monde · 3 months
Gadin 14 Missive du légionnaire Q’aa
En mon absolue humilité plébéienne pis en connaissance du risque de châtiment pour parjure, je présente cette supplique au Tribun de la plèbe :
Ha! Tribun!
Aujourd’hui c’t’un grand jour! Pas juste parce que t’as l’honneur de recevoir une lettre du champion Q’aa lui-même, cinquante-deuxième incarnation du grand Fongus, mais aussi parce qu’au moment où tu lis ça, le bienveillant Empire Syeb va avoir fini de reconquérir l’isthme de Khowxyal au grand complet! Loin de moi l’idée de shittalker les messagers impériaux, mais mon escadron est juste trop redoutable; on va trop vite pour les nouvelles, ha!
Ché ben que j’ai pas besoin de me présenter – un plumé aussi haut placé que toi a certainement étudié mes hauts faits dans ses tomes –, mais oui, chu ben celui que tu penses : le Fongus, héros millénaire aux volves séismifères, guerrier indomptable aux spores implacables, à’ hache redoutée de tous les frêles animortels, aux radicelles étendues dins sols des plus silteux aux plus humifères, aux lamelles plus brunes que le ciel coulant, au sommeil démasqué. Pis oui, me su enrôlé dans Helyargotas!
Quand j’ai senti les troupes fouler le sol au nord de Kheleruvuz, j’ai faite comprendre à mes congénères que le serment du premier Fongus m’appelait à sauver l’Empire encore une fois, pis y m’ont accompagné à l’orée pour la cérémonie d’adieu. Ça pleurotait à chaudes larmes, mais chu habitué : à chacune de mes vies c’est la même affaire.
Au campement, le régiment m’a accueilli en grandes pompes, ha! Y’a juste le centurion pis le légat qui ont raté ça. Y’étaient ben enfermés dans leur tente à gribouiller sur des mappes. Des pousseux de crayons, des couards qui connaissent probablement pas la joie de baigner dans le sang de leur ennemi. J’ai vu une plumée noire, avec une boucle de caporale, s’approcher pour me couvrir d’honneurs, mais me su faufilé entre les soldats jusqu’à m’infiltrer parmi les gueux pis les esclaves, question de les inspirer au combat. Peux-tu crère? Moi, le grand Fongus, un simple légionnaire de l’avant-garde, ha! J’ai à peine revu la caporale depuis, a joue tout le temps à son jeu de piécettes avec d’autres officiers dans sa tente.
On m’a refilé une tunique bleu et or, une paire de cnémides, un javelot pis un glaive. Ha! pis des sandales qui, étonnamment, fittaient parfaitement sur mes volves! C’est là qu’y m’ont pairé avec un ti-gars, un fureton qui m’arrive même pas à l’anneau, mais qui en a dedans. Apparemment c’est yinque les furets de bonne lignée qui se ramassent officiers. Le ti-gars, y doit venir d’une méchante famille de pleutres pour s’être ramassé avec les hors-castes…
Y m’a mené à notre foyer pis y m’a présenté mon escadron. J’ai pas niaisé : j’en ai pogné un straight dans l’épaule avec mon javelot, ha! Le pauvre a même pas essayé de se tasser, y s’est juste laissé pieuter avec la surprise dins yeux. Allô les réflexes de combattant! Anyway, après une tite échauffourrée, que j’ai remporté même si j’tais tusseul contre la buns, je leur ai laissé savoir qu’y’étaient toute des mauviettes pis qu’y’allaient se faire trucider à’ première bataille. Tu parles d’un escadron! Une vingtaine d’animortels toute plus frêles pis plus demeurés les uns que les autres. Tsé, du monde pas d’avenir. Ben j’en ai faite ma mission personnelle : transformer c’te gang d’avortons là en escadron de la mort, l’élite des légions syebiennes, ha!
Jour après jour notre régiment a marché pour rejoindre la pointe sud, pis nuitte après nuitte, pendant les quatre semaines que ça nous a pris, je leur ai montré à se battre. Pas un bootcamp expéditif de conscription, là : un vrai training à’ fongienne, pour qui puissent attaquer comme du monde! Le ti-gars nous a même développé des tactiques de combat qui utilisent les avantages de leurs modestes espèces pour mieux me backer. C’est lui qui a eu le flash de me mettre en formation serrée avec les carapacés, ceux qui peuvent garder leur souffle, pour que je puisse disperser mes spores sans endormir mes partners. Pis y’a dû miser gros aux piécettes contre la caporale parce qu’y’a réussi à nous avoir une bébite à ailes tireuse d’élite pour qu’a vienne montrer à nos tarlas à lancer le javelot. C’t’un petit wise, le fureton. Y m’en apprend à chaque jour. Je l’appelle Maitre en joke. C’t’ironique parce que j’ai mille ans de plus que lui, ha!
À travers tout ça j’ai essayé de garder mon identité secrète, mais ha! fouille-moi comment, ça a fini par se savoir. Je peux pas passer un jour sans que mes chétifs me supplient de raconter les exploits de mes anciennes vies. Pis moi, magnanime comme chu, je les honore toujours d’une histoire, comme ch’t’en train de faire avec toi, Tribun. J’ai remarqué que mon centurion pis mon légat ont pas encore écrit à’ capitale, faque je me suis dit qu’y fallait ben que quèqu’un le fasse. Je peux pas trop leur en vouloir : un hamster encore aux couches pis un bourdon né de la dernière miellée… Même pas capable de clipper leurs cnémides tusseuls; y leur faut des assistants. Pas comme le colonel de ma légion, ah ça non! Un trompu à faux, la peau comme du roc, les jambes comme des banyans. Tout un commandant, je dois le dire!
On a rejoint la légion à’ pointe sud Jour-Aube de Semaine-soir. On était dins derniers, suivis de près par un régiment de bossus pis de rongeurs. Le vingt-cinquième régiment est finalement arrivé de Loyokser c’t’aprème : des bébites souterraines pis plus de bébites à ailes. Avec eux, ça fait une légion complète. Le ti-gars arrête pas de répéter que c’pas assez, que l’Empire sous-estime les rampeux, mais y sait pas de quoi y parle, pauvre ti-pitt. Y pense que notre légion est formée de  trois-mille-cent-vingt-cinq soldats. Y’est dins patates, ha! Notre légion c’est trois-mille-cent laquais, vingt-quatre héros underdogs pis un Fongus, champion éternel fort de cent guerres pis cent famines!
Le colonel a lancé l’ordre talleur : on décampe à minuit, parés pour attaquer un premier village aux premières lueurs. Moi je dis on reprend Khowxyal en une semaine, on est aux portes de Fanasis pour la nouvelle année pis dans un mois on assiège Sirań Phi, parole de Fongus, ha!
De rien,
Q’aa, le Fongus
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Cacheté par le Bureau du Tribun, Elurmurd
J5-S4-M1-A4-L2-C20, Ère de Syeb
Traduit de l’hiryal par le Jorneau
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laborofgratitude · 5 months
Today I’m grateful…
That I have an eye appt at the VA and that my eye care is taken care of
That I’ll even be offered birth control glasses for free after (haha, not really—this is what we called the glasses you get in bootcamp because they were so ugly)
That while I’m at the VA I can hopefully take care of three more things
That I was warm last night and slept well
That I got to watch some light snow gather around the tree outside my bedroom window yesterday
That a friend in recovery is going to a bunch of writer’s workshops and classes and reached out to me, so we have plans to do one together at Rice starting in February
That I’d literally just completed a fifth step where my fear’s list items had so much to do with how it’s a huge missing in my life that I haven’t been writing (of course it would happen exactly like this)
For examples in my life over and over again where I show up not knowing how things could possibly shift and then they do in ways I could never have imagined
That I’m reminded of something a friend’s sponsor told her once about her response to a sensitive situation with a loved one: “Couldn’t have done it better if you’d scripted it beforehand.”
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alexsavescu · 1 year
Start înscrieri la Bootcamp STS!
Serviciul de Telecomunicații Speciale deschide înscrierile pentru cea de-a doua ediție a Bootcamp STS, școala de vară IT&C dedicată studenților din facultățile cu profil tehnic din România și Republica Moldova. Bootcamp STS va avea loc în perioada 28 august – 03 septembrie a.c., în județul Brașov, iar cei interesați se pot înscrie online pe site-ul https://bootcamp.sts.ro. 18 locuri sunt…
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itssergadeca-blog · 1 year
This year has been really difficult in Spain after the pandemic. But when I say really hard it’s not just a figure of speech, no. It’s getting really complicated. Not only on a personal level, but also on a work level. I have taken out an opposition, I don’t know if the rest of the world knows exactly what it is, but in short, I have a public employment position that I got after two years of intense study.
The thing is, I’m not happy. Well, I wasn’t. This year I have proposed to change jobs and for this I am learning to program in open bootcamp. I am right now with java. My intention would be to learn to be a full-stack or data analyst. Realistically, data analysis is something that calls me something else. I like working with large amounts of data, it’s something I already did at my old job.
And then we’re on a completely different topic. The job I’m studying for gives you the option of working from home. Even if your company is from the United States. But as things are and how disenchanted all young people in Spain are, or almost all of them, I am not going to generalize either because there is always someone who is well, and I am happy for them, I am thinking of going to live in another country . To which? Well, that would be another topic. To me, if it weren’t for Brexit and I’m not sure what the issue is to emigrate, the country that most attracts my attention is the United Kingdom and living in London or Brighton. If not, then I would be in France, although I do not speak the language, or in the United States, although there are several things that put me off the latter, including the issue of weapons.
The case that we will see how everything goes and the decisions that I will end up making, but without a doubt I will tell it here. For me above all but there may be people who are interested and with whom to discuss things. And if you don’t mind and it’s okay with you, I’ll do it in Spanish and English.
Este año está siendo realmente difícil en españa después de la pandemia. Pero cuando digo realmente difícil no es solo una forma de hablar, no. Está siendo bien complicado. No solo a nivel personal, sino que también a nivel laboral.
Yo tengo sacada una oposición, no se si en el resto del mundo sabeis exactamente que es, pero resumiendo, tengo una plaza de empleo publico que me saque tras dos años de intenso estudio.
El caso es que no estoy feliz. Bueno, no estaba. Este año me he propuesto cambiar de empleo y para ello estoy aprendiendo a programar en open bootcamp. Estoy ahora mismo con java. Mi intención sería aprender a ser full-stack o analista de datos. Siendo realistas el análisis de datos es algo que me llama algo más. Me gusta trabajar con cantidades grandes de datos, es algo que ya hacía en mi antiguo empleo.
Y luego estamos con un tema completamente diferente. El trabajo para el cual estoy estudiando te da la opción de trabajar desde tu casa. Aunque tu empresa sea de los estados unidos. Pero tal y como están las cosas y lo desencantados que estamos todos los jóvenes de españa, o casi todas tampoco voy a generalizar porque siempre hay alguien que está bien, y yo que me alegro por ellos, estoy pensando en irme a vivir a otro país. ¿A cual? pues eso ya seria otro tema. A mi si no fuese por el brexit y que no estoy seguro de que tal esta el tema para emigrar, es el país que mas me llama la atención es reino unido y vivir en Londres o en Brighton. Si no pues estaría francia aunque no domino el idioma o estados unidos, aunque de este último si que hay varias cosas que me echan para atrás, entre ellas el tema de las armas.
El caso que ya veremos como va todo y las decisiones que acabaré tomando, pero sin duda lo iré contando por aquí. Por mi sobre todo pero puede que haya gente a la que le interese y con la que ir comentando las cosas. Y si no os importa y os parece bien lo iré haciendo en español y en inglés.
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sp-assistance · 1 year
Happy February! (Reuploaded from Feb 6, 2023)
And welcome to my kickoff update. I’m so excited to be here and to share some exciting things. To start, regardless of where you’re reading this, theres likely another option.
Option 1:  My weekly newsletter sent straight to your inbox. If you’re subscribed to my emails, first thank you so much, and second, I hope to make your Monday’s just a little bit better. 
Option 2: These updates are also posted as blog posts (You're here now ;) ), where they’ll be archived so you can go back and read anything you missed.
Reading this as my newsletter and want to check out some old updates. Here you’ll find my blog! Reading this on my blog and want to subscribe to my newsletter? Go here!
Now like the month, let’s keep this short.
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Upcoming Content:
The main hub of my social media content can be found on my Instagram where it’s reposted in its various formats to Facebook and Tiktok. Here are some highlights for this month.
Maximise your Insights
How to repurpose content 
Different types of VA offers
Self-esteem bootcamp
Book review
I’m so excited to get this content out for you!
Business Updates:
SP Assistance is taking on new clients for all services including beta testing. To book a discovery call, click here.
Website coming soon!
Are you a business owner, coach, or creative and want to put your input in on my services and content? Fill out my market research survey!
Thank You
For tuning in. Reply to this email or send me a comment to let me know what you think! Oh, and next Monday? Is all about the clients!
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flamingwambat · 1 year
ok, ok
so I own a house yes? bought it in 2021 yay
when I moved in so did two of my friends, one because she was going to school in the city and it was convenient and the other to get out of his dad's house where he didn't feel safe. good normal fun
I guess you could call them tenants but it's really more like roommates because I'm not making a profit off of them. it's easiest to keep all the bills in my name, and I asked them for 250 a month to cover their part of water, electricity, gas, internet, and the smallest part of my mortgage. cus u know, they live here. anyway that's not what I'm stressed about
a couple months after my friend who was in school moved in she asked if her boyfriend could also move in (would be sharing her room obvs) cus he really hated his roommate and his kids lived in this city so he wanted to be closer to them. I said fine, same thing as u tho, 250. we all agreed this was reasonable and he moved in.
well anyway friend who was in school isn't in school anymore and has moved out because she got a job a couple cities away. her boyfriend still lives here, but actually he's not her boyfriend, they broke up like 2 weeks ago because he'd been lying to her about some major things (told her he had been in the military and got blown up in iraq, and because of that had ptsd and thats where his temper came from and no he couldnt go to therapy for it and get anxiety meds to help work on himself for her because they reminded him of what the va had put him on when he came back and it triggered his ptsd. come to find out he had failed out of bootcamp and was not a veteran, and none of that actually happened) and despite being 20 years older than her was relying on her to pay for everything for him.
that sucks for her and she's having a rough go of it but she's strong, she'll be okay. what im having trouble with is he has not paid me "rent" (his share of utilities) in 7 months ($1750) the entire time he's been living here (close to 2 years) he has never bought toilet paper, paper towels, light bulbs, or cleaning supplies just uses what I've bought (when his girlfriend still lived here she did contribute to the household with these things, cus she's a good person and a good roommate) and by uses what I've bought I mean the toilet paper and light bulbs, he does not use cleaning supplies. has never once scrubbed the toilet. when he moved in he said he loves being outside so he'll take care of mowing the lawn no worries, did that maybe twice.
and now I'm in a position where it's so awkward to live with him, he's friendly enough but how do I tell him that he should probably move out? and pay me what he owes me?
or am I the asshole?
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jmecherche · 2 years
Je passe à autre chose... enfin!
Voilà, mon bootcamp est fini! déjà... ces deux derniers mois ont été d'une folie pas possible. Yannick m'a aidé ainsi que mes buddies...
Puis, il y a eu la demo day et voilà, j'ai pu intégrer mon poste de webmaster. et Yannick et moi on ne se parle plus. Il a l'air trop occupé et moi, j'en ai marre d'essayer de le contacter.
Et sinon, je suis en train de lancer ma carrière de YouTubeuse en même temps. J'étais en train d'analyser mes journaux intimes et je réalise que tout ce que j'avais écrit se sont manifestés. d'une manière ou d'une autre.
Aussi, la présence de Yannick dans ma vie est due à l'énergie de la relation d'avec mon papa. Une relation ambigüe mais qui contenait quand même bcp d'affection. Je ne veux plus revivre cela. Une fois suffit amplement. Aussi, j'ai réalisé que la haine que je porte envers les hommes est due aux contenus/chansons que j'absorbais durant mon adolescence. Les contenus à propos de coeurs brisés, les films avec des histoires sens dessus dessous, des chansons du style Paramore qui décrivent de la haine pour les hommes...
Aussi, il y a le fait que je créé l'énergie de compétition constamment avec d'autres femmes alors que je suis LA déesse.
C'est moi qui donne l'énergie aux autres. Mes projections, elles, ne font que m'obéir avec une précision et une rapidité fascinante.
Bref, les choses à retenir :
-Je dois m'entourer de contenus upliftants, qui me permettent d'utiliser ma Divinité de façon plus utile.
-Je dois m'aligner avec mes rêves. à partir de ce Lundi, je vais commencer à bosser de chez moi. je vais utiliser cette situation pour travailler sur mon rêve de YouTubeuse. C'est le moment ou jamais.
-Je dois rêver plus grand, voir plus grand, imaginer plus grand, pousser mes rêves plus loin.
Il y a 2 ans, un salaire de rs50k me semblait inaccessible. Aujourd'hui, c'est un salaire que je me vois facilement dépasser. En réalisant cela, je me demande même et si ça marche pour ce montant, où en serais-je si j'avais visé les millions à l'époque ?
Donc voilà, à partir de maintenant, je dois viser l'international, les devises étrangères dollars, euros, dirhams, dollars arabes émirats,...
je suis la déesse de mon Univers. Mes projections comptent sur moi pour créer une expérience magique et incroyable. Qqch de haut niveau, de sensationnel... bref, qqch qui me plait à moi avant tout.
Et sinon, autre chose de magnifique : je bosse sur un MacBook Pro. Il n'est pas le plus puissant mais il est surtout designed pour du video-editing. et j'avais justement vu dans un de mes journaux intimes que j'avais mis que ce genre d'ordi me serait très utile pour mettre au point mes vidéos pour ma chaîne YouTube. En fait, il y en aura deux! Une anglophone et un deuxième francophone. Parce que je vise l'international.
Mes plateformes seront :
-Instagram - plusieurs comptes insta avec chacune des catégories que je veux mettre en avant
-une Facebook page
J'envisage de partager ma journey passée
et aussi mes voyages (parce que j'ai l'intention de voyager énormément!)
J'avais abandonné mon rêve plusieurs fois, mais cette fois, j'ai l'intention de le réaliser. Lui m'a attendu depuis tout ce temps. C'est un rêve qui est énorme, va chambouler ma vie pour le meilleur et qui va m'ouvrir pleins d'opportunités.
Aussi, je cherche à déménager d'ici. J'en ai marre du mauvais temps, de l'atmosphère hostile ici. Je vais aller habiter dans un endroit paradisiaque, chaleureux, entouré de gens qui m'aiment et où je peux être moi-même sans avoir à me méfier du regard des gens... Pour cela, je laisse l'Univers s'en occuper. Moi, je n'en peux plus d'habiter ici. ça me rend malade de rester dans ce froid, cette humidité, et aussi de juste rester chez moi au milieu de gens qui ne me comprennent pas. On dirait qu'eux-mêmes ont absorbés cette énergie froide, rigide et sont comme éteints...
Bref, quoi qu'il en soit, je veux juste rentrer chez moi dans le Nord de l'île et ne plus avoir à supporter le froid. quelle que soit la solution que ma préparer l'Univers, je sais que ce sera qqch d'efficace et qui prendra place de façon bien plus fluide que si c'est moi qui la met en place. donc voilà, c'est parti!! 😊✌🏾👌🏽
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soloyop · 2 years
Labo fué confort
Labo fué mi zona de confort por seis meses, esperanzada en un futuro que se veía muy "fácil".
En Labo me sentía invencible porque te daban "soporte terapéutico" (podríamos decir así). Compartir en grupo y conocer nuestros miedos ha sido lo mas reconfortante en la estancia de Laboratoria. Pero cuando me dí cuenta que todo eso se acababa; fué el último día que me desmoroné, porque sabía de que iba, nada fácil todo difícil y lo más "no llevadero" (según mi mente) no lo podrás hacer sin ellas...
Me rompía por dentro, porque de alguna manera el equipo de Labo, incluídos managers, coaches y estudiantes, eran mi soporte, mi escape, mi motivo, mi esperanza, mi ejemplo a seguir. Cada una de ellas tenía y tiene algo que siempre llevaré en mi, apreciandolo como tesoro (esas cositas bonitas que las quieres poner en práctica someday).
Era de nuevo una semilla que tenía que florecer, OTRA VEZ, porque en mi vída la he cagado tantas veces, que volver a empezar, siempre será un terror. Tienes que formar nuevas seguridades, nuevos vínculos, nuevo todo. Pero aún así, hay personas que son soporte, ya sea tus amigos que siempre han estado o las nuevas personas con quienes te cruzarás, quienes hacen que el terror se vaya disipando.
Personalmente, el terror que sentí cuando salí inmediatamente de Labo, fué haber conseguido mi primer trabajo tech, porque lo conseguí de inmediato, nisiquiera me había graduado y ya andaba trabajando. La confianza que te hacen construir en el bootcamp, es tan solo el primer escalon, la enseñanza que te dejan es para que la pongas en práctica de manera diaria.
Yo aún no me la creía que había conseguido el trabajo, y me ha tomado meses poder reconocerlo. ¿Dolió? A montones, y más porque a parte de embarcarme en un ambiente laboral nuevo, ya que nunca imaginé ser desarrolladora web, estaba empezando a formar un vínculo (amoroso) que también me ponía los nervios de punta. Obviamente todas mis inseguridades estaban en carne viva, con todos los cambios que venían, de alguna manera afectaban a este vínculo, arrastrandolo a mi vulnerabilidad, que a veces es muy abrumadora para algunos.
El trabajo me va resultando muy bien, mis compañeros me comprenden, ya que ante ellos también me he mostrado vulnerable, pero son tan comprensivos, porque ellos también han pasado por lo que yo en estos momentos.
Sobre el vínculo, es difícil para ambos, supongo que ambos estamos en el mismo limbo, el de crecimiento, el de victimarios, el de que espera algo más robusto (muchas ideas vienen a mi mente). Estoy casi segura que ambos somos "esa persona" (no sé exactamente como expresarlo), pero no ante nuestros propios ojos.
Ha sido doloroso todo esto, pero a la larga me llena de aprendizaje, aún no sé exactamente que quiero para el futuro, pero las oportunidades que me da la vida, las tomo y si son recíprocas, genial, y pues si no, sigo intentándolo de alguna u otra manera.
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bimonthly post about how i still think terra looks like he should be voiced by matt mercer or whatever
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missiondelish · 6 years
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Ayyyee!! Beat drops at 730pm @goldsgym_lorton !! Free for members and only $5 dropin for non members!! Come start your week off with me and get some #booty🍑 shaking and #bootcamp #toning #workout !! As always #stepoutofyourownway #missiondelicious #itonlyworksifyouworkit #mixxedfit #trusttheprocess #trustthejourney !! #fitness #fitfam #journey #fitnessjourney #dmv #dc #md #va #lortonva #weightlossjourney #weightloss #dancefitness #dcfitness #dmvfitness #dcfit (at Golds Gym - Lorton, VA)
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writemarcus · 3 years
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Qué quiere decir sueñito?” The disembodied voice of a girlchild ponders. “It means ‘little dream,’” responds an unseen authoritative figure, his feathery tenor with a soft rasp and tender lilt implying there’s more to the story.
Teal waves crash against the white sand coastal lines of the Dominican Republic and a quartet of children plead with the voice to illuminate and tell a story. Usnavi de la Vega (played by Anthony Ramos), sporting his signature newsboy flat cap and full goatee, begins to narrate and weave a tall-tale from the comforts of his beachside food cart: “This is the story of a block that was disappearing. Once upon a time in a faraway land called Nueva York, en barrio called Washington Heights. Say it, so it doesn’t disappear,” he decrees.
And we’re off, this distant magic kingdom ensnared within the winding urban sprawl of farthest-uptown Manhattan, the music of the neighborhood chiming with infinite possibilities: a door-latch fastening on tempo, a ring of keys sprinkling a sweet embellishment, the splish-splash of a garden hose licking the city streets like a drumstick to a snare fill, a manhole cover rotating like vinyl on a get-down turntable, the hiss of paint cans spraying graffiti like venoms from cobras and roll-up steel doors rumbling, not unlike the ultra-fast subway cars zigzagging underground. So begins the opening moments of In the Heights, the Warner Bros. stage-to-screen adaptation of the Tony Award-winning musical by composer-lyricist Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton) and librettist Quiara Alegría Hudes (Water by the Spoonful) that is set to premiere in movie theatres and on HBO Max on June 11, 2021.
This stunning patchwork of visuals and reverberations combine to create a defiant and instantly memorable collage of inner-city living not seen since Walter Hill’s 1979 cult classic The Warriors or West Side Story, the iconic romantic musical tragedy directed on film by Robert Wise and original Broadway director Jerome Robbins. With Jon M. Chu at the helm, the musical feature has all the trademarks of the director’s opulent signature style: Striking spectacles full of stark colors, va-va-voom visuals, ooh-la-la hyperkinetic showstopping sequences and out-of-this-world destination locations.
A Kind of Priestess
Joining the fray of proscenium stage vets in the film is Broadway star Daphne Rubin-Vega, who originated the role of Mimi in the Off-Broadway and Broadway original productions of Rent. She returns to major motion pictures after a decade since her last outing in Nancy Savoca’s Union Square, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2011. When we caught up with Rubin-Vega, she was hard at work, in-between rehearsals with her In the Heights co-star Jimmy Smits on Two Sisters and a Piano, the 1999 play by Miami-based playwright Nilo Cruz, a frequent collaborator. Rubin-Vega netted a Tony Award nomination for Best Featured Actress in a Play for her role as the enraptured Conchita in Cruz’s Anna in the Tropics; that same year Cruz was awarded the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, making him the first Latino playwright to receive the honor. Despite significant global, social and economic disruption, especially within the arts community, Rubin-Vega has been working throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
“People around me have [contracted] COVID… My father-in-law just had it. I’m very fortunate,” Rubin-Vega said. “This collective experience, it’s funny because it’s a year now and things seem better. Last year it was, like, ‘Damn, how inconvenient!’ The one comfort was that, you know, it’s happening to every one of us. That clarity that this is a collective experience is much more humbling and tolerable to me.”
The last time Rubin-Vega graced Washington Heights on screen or stage, she acted in the interest of survival and hunger as a probationer released after a 13-year stint in prison and given a new lease on life as an unlicensed amateur masseuse in the basement of an empanada shop in Empanada Loca, The Spalding Gray-style Grand Guignol horror play by Aaron Mark at the LAByrinth Theater Company in 2015. In In the Heights she plays Daniela, an outrageously vivacious belting beautician with a flair for the dramatics, forced to battle a price-gouging real estate bubble in the wake of gentrification.
“She’s like the deputy or the priestess,” Rubin-Vega said. “Owning a salon means that you have a lot of information; you’re in a hub of community, of information, of sharing… it’s also where you go for physical grooming. It’s a place where women were empowered to create their own work and it is a place of closeness, spiritual advice, not-so-spiritual advice. Physical attention.”
She said, “Daniela also being an elder; I think she’s not so much a person that imposes order on other people. She’s there to bring out the best—she leads with love. She tells it like it is. I don’t think she sugar-coats things. What you see is what you get with Daniela. It’s refreshing; she has a candor and sure-footedness that I admire.”
With the film adaptation, Chu and Hudes promised to expand the universe of the Upper Manhattan-based musical, crafting new dimensions and nuances to two characters in particular: Daniela and hairdresser Carla, originally portrayed as business associates and gossip buddies in the stage musical. On the big screen they are reimagined as romantic life partners. Stephanie Beatriz, known to audiences for her hilarious turn as the mysterious and aloof Detective Rosa Diaz in the police procedural sitcom romp “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” co-stars as the fast-talking firecracker, Carla.
It’s been a year waiting, you know. It’s like the lid’s been on it and so we’re just so ready to explode.
Where Is Home?
“Well, Quiara and Jon really expanded on what Lin and Quiara originally created and now they’re partners—and not just work partners, right? But they’re life partners,” Beatriz said at a March press event celebrating the release of the film’s two promo trailers. “What was so gratifying to me as a person who is queer is to see this relationship in the film be part of the fabric of the community, and to be normal, and be happy and functioning, and part of the quilt they’ve all created.”
She continued, “So much of this film is about where home is and who home is to you. And for Carla, Daniela is home. Wherever Daniela is, that’s where Carla feels at home. I thought that they did such a beautiful job of guiding us to this, really, you know, it’s just a happy functioning relationship that happens to be gay and in the movie. And I love that they did that, because it is such a part of our world.”
Rubin-Vega said she had no interest in playing any trope of what one might think a lesbian Latina might look or act like, noting that the queer experience isn’t monolithic, while expressing that the role offered her a newfound freedom, especially with regard to being present in the role and in her everyday life.
“Spoiler alert! I felt like not wearing a bra was going to free me. Did I get it right? Am I saying that gay women don’t wear bras? No, it was just a way for me to be in my body and feel my breasts. To feel my femaleness and celebrate it in a more unapologetic way,” she said, laughing. “To be honest, I was really looking forward to playing a lesbian Latina. It’s something that I hadn’t really explored before. Latinos [can be] very homophobic as a culture, and I wanted to play someone who didn’t care about homophobia; I was gonna live my best life. That’s a bigger thing. It’s also like, maybe I’m bisexual. Who knows? Who cares? If you see that in the film, that’s cool too, you know?”
Stand-out performances abound, especially with regard to the supporting cast; newcomers Melissa Barrera (in a role originated by Tony Award winner Karen Olivo) and Gregory Diaz IV (replacing three-time Tony Award nominee Robin de Jesús) are noteworthy as the aspiring fashion designer Vanessa and budding activist Sonny. Olga Merediz, who earned a Tony Award nomination for originating her role as Abuela Claudia, returns to the silver screen in a captivating performance that will be a contender come award season. However, Rubin-Vega may just be the one to watch. Her performance is incandescent and full of moxie, designed to raise endorphin levels. She leads an ensemble in the rousing “Carnaval del Barrio,” a highlight in the film.
Musical Bootcamp
“We shot in June [2019]. In April, we started musical bootcamp. In May, we started to do the choreography. My big joke was that I would have to get a knee replacement in December; that was in direct relation to all that choreography. I mean, there were hundreds of A-1 dancers in the posse,” Rubin-Vega said. “The family consisted of hundreds of superlative dancers led by Chris[topher] Scott, with an amazing team of dancers like Ebony Williams, Emilio Dosal, Dana Wilson, Eddie Torres Jr. and Princess Serrano. We rehearsed a fair bit. Monday through Friday for maybe five weeks. The first day of rehearsal I met Melissa [Barrera] and Corey [Hawkins], I pretty much hadn’t known everyone yet. I hadn’t met Leslie [Grace] yet. Chris Scott, the choreographer, just went straight into ‘let’s see what you can do.’ It was the first [dance] routine of ‘In The Heights,’ the opening number. He was like, ‘OK, let’s go. Five, six, seven, eight!’”
Rubin-Vega said that she tried to bring her best game, though it had “been a minute” since she had to execute such intricate choreography, noting that they shot the opening number within a day while praising Chu’s work ethic and leadership.
“There was a balance between focus and fun and that’s rare. Everyone was there because they wanted to be there,” she said. “I think back to the day we shot ‘96,000.’ That day it wouldn’t stop raining; [it was] grey and then the sky would clear and we’d get into places and then it would be grey again and so we’d have to wait and just have to endure. But even the bad parts were kind of good, too. Even the hottest days. There were gunshots, there was a fire while we were shooting and we had to shut down, there was traffic and noise and yet every time I looked around me or went into video village and saw the faces in there, I mean…it felt like the only place to be. You want to feel like that in every place you are: The recognition. I could recognize people who look like me. For now on, you cannot say I’ve never seen a Panamanian on film before or a Columbian or a Mexican, you know?”
Another Notion of Beauty
Rubin-Vega’s professional relationship with the playwright Hudes extends to 2015, when she was tapped to [participate in the] workshop [production of]  Daphne’s Dive. Under the direction of Thomas Kail (Hamilton) and starring alongside Samira Wiley (“The Handmaid’s Tale,” “Orange Is the New Black”), the play premiered Off-Broadway at the Pershing Square Signature Center the following year. Rubin-Vega also starred in Miss You Like Hell, the cross-country road musical by Hudes and Erin McKeown, which premiered at La Jolla Playhouse in 2016 before it transferred to The Public Theater in 2018. With her participation in the production of In the Heights, she is among the few to have collaborated with all of the living Latinx playwrights to have won the Pulitzer Prize; Hudes won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for her play Water by the Spoonful, while Miranda took home the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for Hamilton. Speaking on her multiple collaborations over the years, Rubin-Vega also acknowledged having known Miranda years before they would join voices.
“Lin to me is like a little bro or legacy; he’s a direct descent to me from [Rent author] Jonathan Larson, which is a bigger sort of all-encompassing arch,” she said, though she stressed that she auditioned like everyone else, landing the role after two or three callbacks. “Quiara and I have a wonderful working and personal relationship, I think. Which isn’t to say I had dibs by any means because…it’s a business that wants the best for itself, I suppose. […] So, when I walked in, I was determined to really give it my best.”
Life During and After Rent
Rubin-Vega has built an impressive resume over the course of her career, singing along with the likes of rock stars like David Bowie and starring in a multitude of divergent roles on Broadway and off. From a harrowing Fantine in Les Misérables and a co-dependent Stella in A Streetcar Named Desire to a sinister Magenta in The Rocky Horror Show, her evolution into the atypical character actor and leading lady can be traced back 25 years to January 25, 1996, when Larson’s groundbreaking musical Rent, a retelling of Giacomo Puccini’s 19th-century opera La Bohème, premiered at the New York Theatre Workshop. On the morning of the first preview, Larson suffered an aortic dissection, likely from undiagnosed Marfan’s syndrome and died at the age of 35, just ten days shy of what would have been his 36th birthday.
On April 29, 1996, due to overwhelming popularity, Rent transferred to Nederlander Theatre on Broadway, tackling contemporary topics the Great White Way had rarely seen, such as poverty and class warfare during the AIDS epidemic in New York City’s gritty East Village at the turn of the millennium. Rubin-Vega would go on to be nominated for the Tony Award for Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Musical for her role as sex kitten Mimi Márquez, an HIV-positive heroin addict and erotic dancer.
  The show became a cultural phenomenon, receiving several awards including the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and four Tony Awards, including Best Musical. Rubin-Vega and members of the original Broadway cast were suddenly overnight sensations, recording “Seasons of Love” alongside music icon Stevie Wonder, receiving a photo shoot with Vanity Fair and landing the May 13, 1996 cover of Newsweek. Throughout its 12-year Broadway run, many of the show’s original cast members and subsequent replacements would go on to be stars, including Renée Elise Goldsberry, who followed in Rubin-Vega’s footsteps to play the popular character before originating the role of Angelica Schuyler in Hamilton, for which she won the 2016 Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical.
When the screen adaptation of Rent hit cinemas in 2005 under the direction of Chris Columbus, Rubin-Vega’s conspicuous absence came as a blow to longtime fans. The confluence of pregnancy with the casting and filming process of Rent hindered her from participating at the time. The role was subsequently given to movie star Rosario Dawson.
“First of all, if you’re meant to be in a film, you’re meant to be in it,” Rubin-Vega said. “That’s just the way it goes. It took a quarter of a century but this [In the Heights] is a film that I wanted to make, that I felt the elements sat right. I always felt that Rent was a little bit darker than all that. Rent to me is Rated R. In The Heights is not. It’s also a testament. Unless it’s sucking your soul and killing you softly or hardly, just stick with it. This is a business and I keep forgetting it’s a business because actors just want to show art. So, it’s really wonderful when you get a chance to say what you mean and mean what you say with your work. It’s a really wonderful gift.”
Rarely-Explored Themes
Like Larson’s award-winning show and the film adapted from it, In The Heights is jam-packed with hard-hitting subject matter, addressing themes of urban blight, immigration, gentrification, cultural identity, assimilation and U.S. political history. When Rubin-Vega’s character Daniela and her partner were priced out of the rent for her salon, most of her clientele moved to the Grand Concourse Historic District in the Bronx. Her salon, a bastion of the community, is met with a polar response when she announces she’s joining the mass exodus with the other victims of gentrification who were pushed out by rising rents. The news is met with negative response from long-time patrons who refuse to take the short commute to the new location. Daniela counters, “Our people survived slave ships, we survived Taino [indigenous Caribbean people] genocide, we survived conquistadores and dictators…you’re telling me we can’t survive the D train to Grand Concourse?”
The question is humorous, but also insinuates a more nuanced understanding of the AfroLatinidad experience in the Western world. The film also looks at the American Dream with a naturalistic approach. Leslie Grace, who plays Nina Rosario, a first-generation college student returning from her freshman year at Stanford University and grappling with finances and the expectations of her community, noted that while her character “finds [herself] at some point at a fork in the road,” she may not have the luxury to be indecisive because of the pressures put on by family, community and country.  
“The struggle of the first-generation Americans in the Latino community is not talked about a lot because it’s almost like a privilege,” Grace asserted. “You feel like it’s a privilege to talk about it. But there is a lot of identity crisis that comes with it and I think we explore that.” Speaking on the character, she elaborated: “Home for her is where her heart is, but also where her purpose is. So, she finds her purpose in doing something outside of herself, greater than herself and going back to Stanford for the people she loves in her community. I really relate to where she’s at, trying to find herself. And I think a lot of other people will, too.”
Worth Singing About
For Miranda, a first-generation Puerto Rican New Yorker that grew up in Inwood at the northernmost tip of Manhattan before attending Wesleyan University where he would develop the musical, this speaks to a larger issue of what defines a home.
“What does ‘home’ even mean? Every character is sort of answering it in a different way,” he said. “For some people, home is somewhere else. For some people, home is like ‘the block’ they’re on. So, that’s worth singing about. It’s worth celebrating in a movie of this size.”
Given the current zeitgeist, it’s no wonder why Chu, Hudes and Miranda decided to pivot with adapting the stage musical for the big screen, leaning in to tackle the plights and predicaments of DREAMers [children of undocumented immigrants seeking citizenship] stateside. In one scene, glimpses of posters at a protest rally read “Immigrant Rights are Human Rights” and “Refugees Are People Too.” Growing up in a multicultural household as a Latina with a Black Latina mother, a white father and a Jewish American stepfather, Rubin-Vega said she was used to being in spaces that were truly multiracial. Nevertheless, there were times when she often felt alien, especially as a du jour rock musical ingenue who looked as she did in the mid-1990s through the 2000s.
“Undocumented people come in different shapes and colors,” she noted. “To be born in a land that doesn’t recognize you, it’s a thing that holds so much horror… so much disgrace happens on the planet because human beings aren’t recognized as such sometimes.”
The film “definitely sheds light on that, but it also talks about having your dream taken away and its human violation—it’s a physical, spiritual, social, cultural violation,” Rubin-Vega said. “There’s a difference between pursuing dreams and being aware of reality. They’re not mutually exclusive. What this film does, it presents a story that is fairly grounded in reality. It’s a musical, it’s over the top… but it reflects a bigger reality, which is like an emotional reality…that people that are challenged on the daily, have incredible resolve, incredible resoluteness and lifeforce.”
She said: “Growing up, looking like me, I got to ingest the same information as everyone else except when it came time to implement my contributions, they weren’t as welcomed or as seen. The dream is to be seen and to be recognized. Maybe I could be an astronaut or an ingenue on Broadway? You can’t achieve stuff that you haven’t imagined. When it talks about DREAMers, it talks about that and it talks about how to not be passive in a culture that would have you think you are passive but to be that change and to dare to be that change.”
Dreams Come True
Dreams are coming true. Alongside the nationwide release of the much-anticipated film, Random House announced it will publish In the Heights: Finding Home, which will give a behind-the-scenes look at the beginnings of Miranda’s 2008 breakout Broadway debut and journey to the soon-to-be-released film adaptation. The table book will chronicle the show’s 20-year voyage from page to stage—from Miranda’s first drawings at the age of 19 to lyric annotations by Miranda and essays written by Hudes to never-before-seen photos from productions around the world and the 2021 movie set. It will be released to the public on June 22, eleven days after the release of the film; an audiobook will be simultaneously released by Penguin Random House Audio.
Hinting at the year-long delay due to the pandemic, Rubin-Vega said, “It’s been a year waiting, you know. It’s like the lid’s been on it and so we’re just so ready to explode.”
Bigger Dreams
“Jon [Chu], I think, dreams bigger than any of us dare to dream in terms of the size and scope of this,” Miranda said. “We spent our summer [in 2018] on 175th Street. You know, he was committed to the authenticity of being in that neighborhood we [all] grew up in, that we love, but then also when it comes to production numbers, dreaming so big. I mean, this is a big movie musical!”
Miranda continued, “We’re so used to asking for less, just to ask to occupy space, you know? As Latinos, we’re, like, ‘Please just let us make our little movie.’ And Jon, every step of the way, said, like, ‘No, these guys have big dreams. We’re allowed to go that big!’ So, I’m just thrilled with what he did ’cause I think it’s bigger than any of us ever dreamed.”
Speaking at the online press conference, Miranda said, “I’m talking to you from Washington Heights right now! I love it here. The whole [movie] is a love letter to this neighborhood. I think it’s such an incredible neighborhood. It’s the first chapter in so many stories. It’s a Latinx neighborhood [today]. It was a Dominican neighborhood when I was growing up there in the ’80s. But before that it was an Irish neighborhood and Italian. It’s always the first chapter in so many American stories.”
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woolydemon · 3 years
Tfa Bulkhead 👉👈 n tfp Bulkhead too if u wanna
TFA bulkhead thoughts
First impression
i like him :]
Impression now
i like him :]
like cmon how am i supposed to dislike bulkhead hes just a big nice dude that has a passion for all kinds of art & has brain genius,,, i love him a lot <333
Favorite moment
i love how he gets into art!! like they kinda set it up in the earlier episodes that he doesnt want to just be the big guy that wrecks everything, and art lets him express that more sensitive side of him!
genuinely very wholesome and i like how he takes it seriously enough to learn art history as well (he brings up stuff like picasso and experiments with diff art movement styles)
Idea for a story
this sounds so lame but i think smth about how bulkhead is trying to deal with the stress they all go through painting stuff
maybe he asks prowl if he knows any nice nature scenes to paint, then they go out together then bulkhead confesses the stress he's had and prowls like "same" and its a very touching moment and man i wish i was good enough at writing to tackle smth like that
Unpopular opinion
i fucking hate how the other autobots were like "what??? bulkhead knows things???" Like wow are they suddenly like bulkhead is a stupid shit that cant do anything ://
semi-related, i wish that the fact he is knowledgeable abt space bridges & enjoys making art was incorporated into his character more like
"wow he is strong, artistic, and smart!!! great for him :]"
rather than "look at this stupid big guy, isnt it silly how he likes art and how shocking is it that hes the space bridge expert amiright??????"
Favorite relationship
i like bulkprowl :]!! they have genuinely sweet interactions in the show
bulkbee comes close too but for some reason i rlly just treasure their friendship more than think abt the romantic potential of it (its definitely there!! i just dont think abt it as much </3)
love that theyre homies :D!!
Favorite headcanon
i like the idea of bulkhead, bee, and longarm being a trio during bootcamp
its like bulkhead 🤝 longarm
(trying desperately to stop bee from shenanigans but failing every time)
Tfp bulkhead thoughts
sorry i actually havent finished tfp yet but maybe ill come back to this later and finish this up,,
until then its just my first impression:
First impression
i first heard his voice in an undertale voice claim for sans so everytime i hear him im like "sans undertale.."
game theory Bulkhead=sans undertale???????????? 😳😳😳😳
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andcontemplation · 4 years
You’re so cute and amazing! What do you think happened between Hopper, Joyce and Lonnie when they were young? Do you think that Joyce didn’t love Hop romantically in high-school? Or they were in love, but something went wrong(like what?)? Why she fell for Lonnie?
Aw, Anon, now I’m blushing! Thank *you* for being so sweet and kind!
This question… is my whole world. Seriously, not exaggerating. I think about this a lot since it’s the plot for the fic series I’m (slowly) writing. 
Spoilers for the first half of Time in a Bottle below... (specifically Stand By Me and an updated version of Paint it Black which will be published soon) 
So, disclaimer -- my head canon is that Joyce and Hopper are a bit younger in the show than the actors are in real life. I like to think that they graduated HS in 1965 just because it seems to fit in well with actual real-world events and the kid’s birthdates, etc.
I’ll try to keep this history brief, and in point form so I don’t get carried away here lol 
Hopper and Joyce grew up across the street from each other and were best friends from the time they could walk. Their dads were military buddies, until Joyce’s dad died in the Pacific Theater when she was just a baby. Their mother’s remained very close over the years. Hopper’s dad didn’t approve of Joyce’s mom’s lifestyle and marrying again so soon after his friend died though, so there was always some hard feelings there as the kids grew up.
Lonnie was friends with Hopper first, in elementary and middle school. He picked on Joyce and pulled her pigtails, shoved her in the dirt, even though Hopper did it back to him in retaliation, Joyce’s protector.
When Lonnie started to take a real interest in Joyce in high school, that made Hopper jealous and started the rift between them.
Joyce always liked both guys, but in different ways and at different times.
Hopper was her best friend, and they did everything together. He was her first crush at eleven years old, before that was quickly squashed when he told her girls were gross, and also her fifth crush later on when they both started dating in their early teens. Hopper was dating all the pretty blondes though, so Joyce just figured she wasn’t his type and moved on from her little crush, no hard feelings.
Lonnie was the cool, older bad boy in Hawkins (he failed a grade) and Joyce wanted to date him primarily to piss her mom off, but also because he was different than all the other guys she knew. There was something brooding and aloof about him and what teenage girl wouldn’t fall for that stereotype? She didn’t have a crush on him until grade eleven.
Lonnie dates Joyce first, in their senior year of HS, but only because Hopper is too nervous to make a move. Hopper always saw Joyce as a BFF first and he didn’t want to throw a lifelong friendship away just because he had some feelings, if you know what I mean. Still, he finds himself looking at her in a new light now that he can’t have her.
Lonnie treats Joyce like crap though, and she realizes what a jerk he is and breaks it off… the week before Prom.
Hopper asks Joyce to go with him so she didn’t have to skip it or go alone. This stirs up that old crush in Joyce and she realizes her true feelings for her best friend.
They share a perfect kiss at Prom (some trauma too when Lonnie catches them!) and start dating soon after. 
Joyce and Hop spend the summer after highschool completely and utterly head over heels for each other, in a way only young lovers know 🥰 (”Summer lovin’ had me a blast...”)
Even though things are going well between them and he doesn’t want to break it off with Joyce, Hopper enlists for the army to fight in Vietnam, mostly due to pressure from his dad and his peers wanting to go get it over with since a draft was looking to be inevitable by the fall of 1965. Hopper doesn’t think he’ll get called up right away, but he does and has to leave.
Joyce is devastated, but she promises to wait for him and they write each other every week. And they do at first, and become very close; opening up about stuff that they couldn’t even admit to themselves in their love letters. Slowly, as he finishes bootcamp and then special training, he starts to write less and less as things become more and more stressful for him. He doesn’t want to worry her about the shit he’s seeing.
Eventually, he’s facing combat in Vietnam, when he tells he doesn’t think he’ll be able to write for a while. His letter mentions something about a girl named Hannah, who told him to give up, and he just sounds so unlike himself… Joyce isn’t even sure it’s him writing to her any more.
She’s worried about his change in demeanor and upset that he’s seeming ghosted her for another girl (not realizing he was talking about Hanoi Hannah — a propaganda radio host used by North Vietnam to demoralize the US troops.)
A few weeks later, right before Christmas 1966, the awful news comes that Hopper went MIA in the jungles of Vietnam and is presumed dead. Joyce is completely destroyed by this and mourns him.
Lonnie comes back into her life soon after. He sees Joyce is not her usual self and tries his best to make up for being a jerk to her in high school. He asks if they can give it a try again and says that she was the one that got away. He thinks he’s in love with her. She’s the only woman who can clean him up.
Joyce is hurting, her self esteem is nowhere to be found and it’s a bit flattering to hear all that, so she goes along with him, wanting to feel something other than the hurt she feels losing Hopper. She parties hard with Lonnie and his friends, and goes through a bit of a wild streak fighting off her own depression.
A month or so later, Joyce finds out she’s pregnant with Jonathan. Lonnie does the right thing and marries her right away and indeed, he does clean up for a while, in preparation for being a dad. They have a blissful honeymoon stage and are as in love as they can be (considering Joyce is still heartbroken about Hop and it’s Lonnie we’re talking about lol)
While Joyce is in her third trimester, the town of Hawkins gets a shocking bit of news. Jim Hopper is alive! He had been assumed dead when the army found his dog tag next to another man’s body who had stepped on a landmine. In reality, he had been taken as a POW and held for the last eight months by the North Vietnamese.
Joyce is relieved to hear Hopper is okay, but is sad that she has moved on without him. She comes to the conclusion that everything happens for a reason and tries to feel content with the path she’s chosen for herself.
Jonathan is born at the end of 1967 and Joyce falls in love with the new little man in her life.
Hopper is treated in a hospital in Saigon. He’s due to be honorably discharged and sent home if he wants, but when he finds out Joyce is starting a family with Lonnie, he volunteers to stay for another tour.  
When he comes back to the US in late 1968, he stays out in California for a bit, hanging out at Whisky-a-go-go, following the Doors around Los Angeles, sleeping with all the hippie chicks and generally just getting into trouble. 
In 1969, he meets Diane, his nurse at the VA where he’s being treated for his PTSD and they start dating. She wants to move back home to NYC and become a teacher. He plans to follow her...
Phew! That’s a lot...
Hopefully that answers your questions :) I have more history written down that spans 1970 through to 1983 but I will leave it there for now since this pretty much encompasses my head canon for high school/post-high school Jopper (and this post is long enough already lol.)  Thank you so much for the ask! It was fun to answer, and a big help to get it all out on paper in a linear timeline instead of my usual messy notes :)
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Best Remote Jobs 2020
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Now this is going to be an ongoing list as remote jobs/work from home evolves. Especially since this pandemic and quarantine has been announced since March 11th. This list is the type of jobs that tend to have the most listings and some general info. This is simply for reference for those who didn't even know these jobs were available! Be sure to watch out for remote job scams and thoroughly research as you go through this job searching process! At the end of this post I will link an excellent resource from another blog that has greatly helped me look for a remote job!
1. Web developer Obviously this is the top and most high paying job available remotely. Many companies will hire developers and you don't even have to step foot in an office, you can work from home. This job absolutely requires experience - degrees aren't necessarily required. You can still pull off getting this job if you are self-taught, went to a bootcamp, or you do indeed have a degree - the experience to apply the knowledge is what matters the most. If you have ANY coding experience, I highly recommend you brush up on your skills and go for it. This field of work pays handsomely. A can developer make $55k-$180k per year depending on experience!
2. Virtual Assistant VA jobs are in high demand especially since companies cannot have assistants physically in office. If you have any administration skills this is highly recommended. Brush up on your typing skills and I recommend polishing your skills in Excel. Some VA jobs require you to be on the phone, some don't. It's all contigent upon what that particular business requires. These jobs can be $15+ an hour based on experience.
3. Data Entry Clerk This job is pretty simple. You're gonna be transferring data from paperwork to computer - usually. This could be tedious, but for someone like me this is pretty ideal. This requires good typing skills and Excel skills. There's plenty of room for entry level if you're not highly experienced. This type of job however, I find has a number of scam companies hiring. Be aware of that and watch out for scams. These pay pretty good from about $13-$22 per hr depending on experience.
4. Customer Service Representative Easy peasy! You know when you're on Amazon and need help with something? You reach out to the call center or chat support? Well, these are remote jobs where people from all over the world provide customer service for various companies. Amazon is one company that actually does hire remote workers for their reps. The pay is about the same range as virtual assistants and data entry clerks.
5. Writer Companies are always looking for content writers! If you're freelance then you can even use platforms such as Fiverr and UpWork amongst some others, for work. Writing jobs can be copywriting, proofreading, blogging, and anything to do with writing content pretty much. The average starting salary for these jobs can easily go up to $55k!
6. Tutor Pretty straightforward. Tutoring and/or teaching English is always in demand. The hourly pay can very easily go past $15/hr. Some companies may require a degree, however!
7. Transcriptionist If you've got good typing skills and you're good at listening and transcribing, there are companies hiring remotely. If you speak more than one language, you've got even more of an edge by far! Starting pay is $15/hr and easily goes up based on experience.
Now this is pretty much a shoutout because when I discovered this girl on YouTube she was a big help to me! Delilah Bell has an excellent blog about working remotely: RemoteWorkLife.co. She has a huge list of different companies hiring remotely with an excellent breakdown in what kind of job, experience required, salary, and benefits plus more information. She covers different jobs and companies hiring weekly on her Youtube channel. Check her out. She's a valuable resource!!!
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