#Wispon Gun
agkavm2000 · 11 months
Don't let the blue pegasus near dangerous weapons...WE MEAN IT!
You can also watch this video through Website: https://agkandvideomaker2000.wixsite.com/agkavm2000/post/pony-video-maker-never-lend-a-wispon-gun WeVidi: https://www.wevidi.net/watch/k9HGu7UQHiD Odysee: https://odysee.com/@AGKandvideomaker2000:f/never-lend-a-wispon-gun:3 Tracle: https://tracle.tv/watch?v=Mk-_rzx2zbI
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beegswaz · 1 year
im giving sonic chell a jacket to match her silly pants
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erdensalz · 2 months
a chill had taken the city the day after his arrival, spring bending to a cold rain shower. knuckles hadn't much minded. back on his home planet, he'd lived as a part of the wildlife, so when it started pouring down on his walk through the forest, he simply sought the shade of a tree to shelter him from the worst of it.
   he's in the middle of shaking the rest off as he spots another person nearby, of similar stature. perhaps a mobian— there seem to be more of them than he initially thought. she's dressed in hoods that should serve to cover her up, but knuckles calls out anyways.
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   ' fox. ' he nods his chin at the thing she's carrying. he knows the name, mulls it over for a second. ' you have an umbrella. you should join me if you're not going to use it. '
@wolfofthewisps / sc
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z0nic · 7 months
i hate wispons give the sonic characters Guns with Bullets
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Sonic IDW 67 was pretty good, I liked it a lot. No Surgeamy hints unfortunately, and the imposter siblings getting hired by Clutch instead of being a third party's kinda lame (though I'm betting there's a good chance they'll end up rebelling against him). Something I did like a lot was Surge's attitude throughout the whole thing:
Despite seeming like she'd be a terrible actor, she sells it wonderfully by not trying to avoid suspicion. She knows Sonic and co. will be suspicious of her no matter what, so trying to act all buddy-buddy with them would probably make them way more confrontational about her and Kit's intentions. The attitude she instead chooses is less "I've had a change of heart, I want to be a hero and change the world now" and more "Yeah living in Starline's old shack blew chunks and we knew you suckers were dumb enough to let assholes like us live here if we asked, so here we are" which is much more believable (and for good reason, as that's basically the truth of their situation give or take a couple important details). Throughout the entire tour she's constantly pestering Sonic about how letting them in was a bad idea, saying stuff like "Man you've really built up a nice place. It'd be a shame if someone burned it down". When he brings up introducing Surge and Kit to Whisper and the rest of the Diamond Cutters and Amy says that might not be the best idea, Surge's response is basically "What? No, I'm sure Sonic knows exactly what he's doing, this'll go fiiiiiiiine. C'mon big shot, let's see you try to sell them on me, this'll be fun."
Her scene with Whisper was especially interesting, I loved it. The last interaction Surge had with Whisper was beating the shit out of her and kidnapping all her wisps to use as living batteries, so she knew Whisper'd be the most distrustful of anyone there (further increased by the fact that she's much less forgiving than all the other resistance members in the first place). Surge handled the seemingly impossible task of getting Whisper to even slightly trust her the best way possible: make no attempt to do that at all, and in fact tell her she shouldn't. Upon hearing Whisper's flat out refusal to accept Surge and Kit's redemption, Surge bursts out laughing, hands her her wispon, and goes something like "Finally! You're the first one to show a little sense around here! The rest of these schmucks would trust a bear trap if it looked sorry enough for snapping off the first leg, but I can tell you wanna kill me right here and right now. I like you. Here's your gun, if I stay here you could aim it at the back of my head as long as you want. I don't blame you. I encourage you." I love this bit of writing, and it's a genuinely brilliant strategy from Surge, going "You're a lot smarter than everyone else here for wanting to kill me, if you let me live in your base I'll be really easy to kill if you want to." is probably one of the few ways on earth to convince someone who wants you dead to let you live very near them. Also, through flattering her on her superior sense of reason, Surge subtly makes Whisper like/trust her just a tiny bit more, and I feel like she could slowly but surely build onto that more and more until she eventually ends up winning Whisper over. I'm sure her and Kit won't be "undercover" for very long but if they were really in it for the long haul I could totally see that happen. Maybe she inherited Sonic's natural ability to make friends with even one's worst enemies, except she goes about it in a much more fucked up way.
Finally, I really liked the one moment of hesitation Surge has upon hearing that the Resistance wouldn't give her and Kit a single order if they didn't want them to. Though she fully came with the intention of maliciously taking advantage of Sonic and the rest of the Resistance's kindness, she hesitates upon hearing how far that kindness goes. In Surge and Kit's eyes, there hasn't been a single person in their life who doesn't see them as
A: Dangerous targets to kill, or
B: Powerful tools they can use to use to their advantage.
Hell, they know that even the partnership they're in at that very moment with Clutch is an example of B and they still accepted it. But then, for the first time in their life, they're offered a home of their own with a solid roof and good food, rehabilitation and reintroduction to the rest of society, an actual normal life for the first time they can remember, all of it for nothing in return on their part. Amy tells them the Resistance helps everyone in need out of the kindness of their hearts and (though they always appreciate more volunteers) not a single person is required to anything to repay their help, it's all free. For a brief moment you can see Surge drop the shithead mannerisms and genuinely consider the proposition. Her internal monologue isn't shared with the audience, but I imagine it must be very conflicted. She then regains her composure and moves on with the tour as before, but I imagine that moment's gonna affect her heavily in the issues to come, and I'm very excited to see how that plays out.
Anyways, good issue all around, can't wait to read the next one.
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bumblekastclips · 8 months
BODY SWAP: Whisper & Silver
KYLE CROUSE: Alright, here is one from Normal Person, "now I just want to complete the trilogy of generic body swap scenarios. Final Hedgehog Silver swaps with Whisper, how would this comical mishap go? To add more to this Whisper is only restricted to Silver's Telekinesis." So she can't time-travel, I guess, huh? Or whatever else he can do?
IAN FLYNN: Hmm. Well, I mean, are we gonna say... are we gonna say that she can teleport, or is that an extension of his telekinetic abilities? I think it's supposed to be... KYLE: Uh, I think that's an extension of it. IAN: We won't count Chaos Control, then. I think that's a different discipline. KYLE: That's Shadow's thing. IAN: Although, how terrifying is the idea of a sniper assassin that can stop time? Oh, God. KYLE: [Laughing] She's -- Uh, I mean -- She's already overpowered enough as it is, you give her Silver's powers on top of that, and, uh... I mean... hm! IAN: [Laughing] So, Whisper in Silver's body is going... KYLE: She can't use her wispon, apparently, as Silver. I don't know why not, Silver has hands and eyes, you could-- IAN: [Chuckles] It's for the sake of the scenario. KYLE: I know. IAN: The TK particles mess with the electronics. Sure, why not? KYLE: Alright! IAN: Uh, she is going to take a dedicated amount of time to figure out how this works. Like, small movements at first; floating, rising, moving small objects, manipulating them within space, learning the limitations and the scope of it. And if they haven't swapped back by the time she's figured it out, she's going to be the most pointed and, uh, decisive TK user you can imagine. None of this big, grandiose, giant meteor of junk, no systematic trying to rubber stamp you with semi-trucks -- she's gonna find something thin and sharp and launch it from a great distance before you even know what's goin' on. Like, that container is going to move, close around you, and go into the deepest end of that lake and stay there until the job is done. She is going to flit in between various rooftops and teleport into vantage points you would know -- you don't even know she's coming! She is going to be absolutely terrifying. The only saving grace is that she glows when she's using her powers, so maybe, MAYBE you stand a chance... you don't. KYLE: [Laughing] You don't! You really don't! IAN: Silver, meanwhile, after he gets done geeking out about being the Guardian Angel of the Battlefield, uh... he can't get it to work. And for the longest time, he thinks it's just user-issue, like it should be pretty straight -- it's got a trigger. You pull the trigger, why does it not do...? Until he realizes the wisps are actually stopping him. They are not gonna let him fire off a single shot until he knows how to use this equipment. So he hast to learn how to wear the mask properly, he has to learn how to operate it, he has to listen to their instructions on how this goes, and he has to go through the drills, and he has to take his time, and THEN he can use the gun, okay? Okay. And then once he's got his learner's permit, I -- he's terrifying. Like, he is not as, uh, precise with the application, but he does know how to maximize the effect. KYLE: Uh-huh, yeah. IAN: He is going to move into position, launch that rocket, follow up with a hammer strike, and you don't even know what happened. You were just havin' an ice cream, and all of a sudden boom! Bang! Boom! Colorful lights everywhere! And you're gone. KYLE: So basically, both of them would be terrifying, and possibly more terrifying than if they -- than before switching bodies. IAN: I mean, the only difference is their volume level. Y'know, Silver -- Whisper would say, [quietly] "Boom. Headshot." Silver would go, [maniacal cackling in Silver's voice] "Hahaha, gotcha!" KYLE: [Laughing] Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Trying to imagine that voice coming out of Whisper, though. [Laughing] Weird. IAN: [Laughing] God. Silver -- Whisper teleporting into position, about to drop a city block on somebody? [quietly] "It's no use." KYLE: Uh-huh. Someone's looking -- [laughing] someone sees Silver and thinks, "Hey, Silver, what are 'ya squinting for?" IAN: [chuckling] Let's just say, if it was up to Whisper, we wouldn't be having a discussion of the Iblis Trigger. KYLE: No. IAN: It would be past-tense. KYLE: No, the-- yeah. Yeah. Yeah. [chuckling]
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egg-emperor · 9 months
Sorry not sorry to be dark and sadistic as usual lol but like I so badly wish there were proper Eggman and Whisper interactions where they actually exchange words and it was just so fucked up. I've been interested since Whisper first appeared and seemed uncomfortable just seeing Eggman's logo before we even knew her deal. I like how she was ready to snipe him and how violent she was towards him when he was threatening to blow Tangle's brains out with his gun. Someone who has that type of trauma connected to him is a subject that needs to be explored more because I'm insane
There's been too much focus on Whisper and Mimic specifically for my liking when there's so much they could do with Eggman but still haven't yet. Yeah Mimic was the one to lure the Diamond Cutters to their demise but he was a hired gun. Eggman was the one who made the call and had his Shadow androids ready to tear them apart. And man do I fucking adore the underutilized Shadow androids too so that was super up my alley, along with Eggman ordering for people to be killed for him and the job being done successfully and them genuinely being dead because of him
With Eggman's tendency to mock those that he hurts, I can imagine how he'd tease and mock Whisper for the demise of her teammates and be a horrible smug sadistic bastard. Telling her how much of a pain they were during the war and needed to die. How he watched it happen on camera, how satisfying it was to see them go down at the hands of his androids in his locked down base, and how pathetic they looked in their last moments. How he wanted to assure every one of them was dead, having them counted one by one, but then finding that just one of the members was missing. Her.
And that dampened the good mood and left him with so much more to be desired! Because he won't be fully satisfied until she's dead too. His only regret was not hiring the right mercenary that would assure that they wouldn't miss a target and let them go so easily. Then he tries to hit her where it hurts by digging into that guilt that's still deep down in her. He's like "what kind of protector, guardian angel, and beacon of hope are you if you weren't able to protect them and save them from their demise?" and asks her if she really thinks she even deserves to live after she just let them die like that
His disturbing sickening grin only widens when she finally cracks and he sees the pain on her face and revels in it. Then he says that if Mimic couldn't be competent and man enough to finish the job himself then he'll do it himself with his own hands or guns and asks she's ready to finally join her friends in the afterlife! :) And all of this would have to be happening when Whisper doesn't have her Wispon at hand and is restrained otherwise he wouldn't get the chance to say all that otherwise she wouldn't have held back and would've just leapt at him and murdered him in seconds lol
Anyway yeah that's the kind of further angst with Whisper that I'm actually interested in seeing personally. I wish they'd delve into it with him instead of only Mimic please please please
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bumpsyp1ains · 1 month
*tangle and whisper are surrounded by a horde of badniks*
tangle: oh, how do we stop all these badniks at once?!
whisper, already shooting with her wispon: SHOOT THEM WITH THE DEHYDRATION GUN
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tenebraevesper · 11 months
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Issue #61: Urban Warfare (Part 5)
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Finally, we have reached the final part of Urban Warfare, which I feel is so far one of the best Arcs of IDW Sonic (I have troubles picking between it and Scrapnik Island).
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We also have several amazing covers, and I put all of them here because I just couldn’t pick one. However, the cover where Eggman runs while being taunted by Sonic, Tangle, Whisper and Lanolin on the computer screens is probably my favorite.
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Last time we saw Team Sonic, they had confronted Dr. Eggman, who revealed that his tower was actually a giant mecha. Eggman is currently gloating as Tangle still tries to evade that portal trap that caught Whisper and Lanolin. Sonic gets up, telling Eggman how he hasn’t won yet, while Eggman responds how his creations can take on them. Speaking of creations, Orbot and Cubot aren’t exactly excited about the idea of fighting Sonic and his friends.
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Sonic charges at Eggman, who simply snaps his fingers, signaling to the portal trap to target Sonic.
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I think that even Sonic knew what was about to happen to him; just look at his expression. He gets trapped inside it, much to Tails and Amy’s horror. I think it also took me a moment here to realize that Eggman had finally defeated Sonic. Oh, I know what’s going to happen next, but think about it for a moment - Sonic is gone, being taken out of the fight. Things are really looking bad for the heroes.
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With Sonic gone, Eggman sics Metal Sonic on Tails, Amy and Tangle, with all three of them struggling and Tangle being determined not to lose another friend.
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As Tangle tries to fight Metal Sonic, she realizes that she can actually touch him. However, before she can do more, she is pulled back by Eggman, deciding to punch him with her tail. Unfortunately for Tangle- Dude, how many times are you going to bring out that laser gun and point it at an animal character?!
Hey, I’m not saying it’s getting annoying, I actually think it’s awesome whenever Eggman decides to get physically violent, as it shows that he’s willing to fight with any means necessary instead of just using his robots, but still, how many times did we see this thing in this comic? Who does Eggman think he is, Shadow?
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I will say it here, I think that Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) joke is definitely overused.
I have to say, Eggman is hella intimidating whenever he decides that straight murder is the best option of dealing with his enemies, and he’s even holding the gun against Tangle’s head. One pull of the trigger and she’s a red splatter on the floor.
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In any case, Eggman holds Tangle at gunpoint, with Lanolin appearing literally out of nowhere and telling him how they’re the Diamond Cutters, and Whisper adding that they’re about to be his problem as she knocks him over with the cube Wispon. You go girl! This has to be cathartic for her.
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Meanwhile, with Team Silver, we see Silver still trying to free Shadow from the fake Chaos Emeralds, with Shadow warning him to get away and that there is so much energy building, acting like noise in his head. I believe this was Shadow’s way of saying to leave him behind and go on with their mission and to be safe, as he also tells Silver he’s fine and to leave...
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...and then he promptly triggers Silver by using the infamous phrase. (I mean, this was written by Evan Stanley, the ultimate Silver fangirl, did you really think she wouldn’t sneak it in?)
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He goes into a rant, basically telling Shadow how he’s not going to give up so easily and neither is Shadow, managing to break him out of the fake Chaos Emerald.
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I absolutely love this scene, especially with Shadow acknowledging that Silver is right. Neither of them is going to give up so easily.
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We return back to Team Sonic and the Diamond Cutters, with Tails realizing that the reason why Lanolin and Whisper are back is because the city’s computer systems are offline. Meanwhile, Tangle has a bit of a crisis in the corner...
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Poor girl, she really believed that her friends are gone forever. Luckily, Whisper’s comforting her. Lanolin then takes the charge, taking off her bell and turning it into a really cool weapon.
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Using the Wisps power, she shatters the nearby window, allowing for everyone to escape. Eggman sics Metal Sonic on them, but Sonic appears right in the nick of time, kicking Metal Sonic through the window.
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I’m probably sounding like a broken record at this point, but honestly, this. is. EPIC! I absolutely love the artwork in this comic. Seriously, kudos to all of the artists. X3
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The Diamond Cutters quickly get the hell out of dodge, while Sonic crushes Eggman’s gun. Eggman is pissed and...
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Goddamnit, I just have to gush over these awesome panels! Eggman is really furious, probably about to punch Sonic, while Sonic tells him how he has taken things to far, grinning as he adds how Eggman knows what he’s about to do next. He then proceeds to jump out of the window, much to Eggman’s dismay, and I have read how people were annoyed that Sonic didn’t attack Eggman then and there, but I believe that Sonic wanted to hit him where it hurts the most - by foiling his plans.
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We see Sonic being caught by Amy, who is carried by Tails, and just as they and the Diamond Cutters wonder where they’re supposed to land, a giant fake Chaos Emerald sprouts from the ground like it’s no one business.
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The source of this growth? Shadow, who appeared to have mastered the control over the fake Chaos Emeralds, with Silver cheering him on and Blaze and Rouge (who are riding on Omega’s back) looking utterly stunned. I don’t think either of them thought this would actually work.
As for Eggman, he realizes that his projects are pretty much a waste of time and energy, so he decides to bury them along with everyone inside the city. In short, he’s going nuclear on this one.
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We also see that Metal Sonic managed to catch himself after he was kicked out of the tower, and using another Badnik as an Extreme Gear, he managed to grab Sonic and drag him along. We then get a shot of Rouge, Blaze and Omega and- *starts laughing*
Okay, this panel is frigging hilarious out of context. We see the three watching the fight between Metal and Sonic unfold, with Rouge and Blaze being concerned, while Omega is celebrating. When I read it first, I thought he was cheering for Metal, only to remind myself that that’s never going to happen.
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The reason Omega is actually so happy is because he finally found another Badnik to obliterate - namely, Metal Sonic himself. Blaze and Rouge go to help out, with Sonic seeing an opportunity in the fire exchange (literal in Blaze’s case) and throws Metal towards Omega, who then gets shot.
Epic! This is why you bring Omega into a fight.
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With Metal being charred and smoking, Rouge catches Sonic and they join the rest of the group on a fake Chaos Emerald platform, and it is obvious that they really have nowhere to go. To make things worse, Eggman is shooting lasers at them, his intentions clear - they’re going down one way or another.
We then see Shadow and Silver, with Silver wondering how much damage the fake Chaos Emerald can take, and Shadow is confident that it is enough to win this fight.
Okay, excuse me for a moment... *searches on YouTube*
Yeah, if things weren’t awesome before, they’re about to kick it into overdrive and I read the rest with this song playing in the background. You’re welcome! X3
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So, after assuring Silver that they will win, Shadow focuses all his energy, calling out Dr. Eggman on his hubris and the monster he made, and performs Chaos Control.
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What follows next is the fake Chaos Emeralds suddenly being teleported, much to Eggman’s shock. We also see several of them appearing around Eggman’s mecha, with Shadow, now sweating beads from all the energy he’s putting into this, saying how he’s not done and how these perverse Emeralds connect his entire city.
With them under Shadow’s control, he has managed to build a cage around Eggman, the latter crying out in despair as the fake Emeralds pierce through and between the mecha’s legs, keeping it on the spot.
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Sonic sees what’s going on, deciding to finish it by asking Blaze to give him a boost. Blaze agrees, flying him between the fake Emerald shards towards Tails and Amy, with Amy (whom he calls Ames! Yes, this is the first time since Sonic Boom we got to hear that!) using her hammer to hit him upwards. I always love the teamwork in this comic.
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We see Sonic flying over Shadow and Silver, yelling how they should finish this. We then turn to Tangle and Whisper...
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Yeah, the artist team was as subtle as a brick about this one. I’m sure many people already pointed it out, so I’ll just add that I’m happy that Tangle and Whisper are pretty much confirmed to be a couple in the comics and not just going by Word of God.
Sonic grabs Tangle’s tail, with Tangle holding onto Whisper, who blasts them into the air, all the while Eggman is desperately pleading with them, saying how if the city fails, there will be nothing to divert the power away from the artificial Emerald network. Their destructive power is incalculable and he’s the only one capable of preventing it.
I’m pretty sure Sonic just rolled his eyes at Eggman’s pleads as Tangle sent him flying right into the mecha.
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Sonic then spin dashes right into the mecha, much to everyone’s amazement and worry, and Eggman’s horror, causing the mecha to tilt as Sonic gets caught by Tangle and they quickly escape.
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However, not all is well, as Shadow quickly sends Silver to protect everyone. He notes how Eggman wasn’t bluffing and that the Emeralds are about to explode and will take the whole city down with them.
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As Tails and Silver join the rest of the group (sans Sonic, Tangle and Whisper), Silver warns them that everything is about to explode.
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Meanwhile, Shadow walks over to the edge of the fake Chaos Emerald, observing the inevitable explosion as the energy crackles around him.
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This is then followed by him using Chaos Control, erupting in an explosion that causes everything to go white.
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What we see next is basically a broken land with debris and Emerald shards...
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...as well as Sonic and Tangle looking slightly crispy. Whisper is behind them, but it doesn’t seem like the Chaos Control affected her.
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Shadow then teleports back, panting and I assume that he’s exhausted from saving everyone from a giant explosion. Speaking of explosion...
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It appears that Shadow teleported the fake Chaos Emeralds straight into the sky, letting them explode where they can do no harm. Honestly, I am a bit at loss for words here because this panel is absolutely beautiful.
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We then shift later to a party and... yep, Shadow’s nowhere to be seen. I should’ve known he wouldn’t hang around for too long. Omega’s also missing, but hey, at least Rouge is there to celebrate.
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Amy and Jewel then bring in a strawberry cake for everyone. We get some banter between Rouge and Amy, only for her to notice some kind of artifact Rouge had picked up from Eggman’s trophy room (meanwhile Jewel is struggling with holding the cake).
Amy identifies it as an echidna artifact and demands it to be returned to Angel Island. While Tails helps Jewel with the cake, Rouge relents, giving Amy the artifact, who decides to bring it to Knuckles. This is basically setting up the story in the next Issue, which will follow Amy and Knuckles adventuring on Angel Island.
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Amy then turns around, wondering where Sonic has gone, with Tails telling her how he already ran off, much to her chagrin. Okay, why does this remind me so much of the last Sonic Twitter Takeover?
Ah, that’s why! (✧ω✧)
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The last we see is a shot of Sonic leaping into his next adventure, but as said before, our next story will focus on Amy and Knuckles’ adventure on Angel Island, as well as on Mimic and Clutch teaming up and Mimic infiltrating the Diamond Cutters.
As for Urban Warfare... I absolutely loved it! As I said before, this is definitely one of my favorite arcs, especially since it manages to show off all of the characters in an amazing manner, both heroes and villains.
However, one special shout-out goes to Shadow, who was redeemed in this arc. This is the character I wanted to see ever since I began reading this comic and I’m happy that we got him saving the day this time around.
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So, what comes next? Well, from what I know is that we’re getting several comics focusing on various characters: Amy and Knuckles, Mimic and Clutch, Silver and the Diamond Cutters, Sonic and co. going on their 900th adventure, Sonic, the Diamond Cutters and Babylon Rogues having a beach day... Even tho Eggman is out of the picture for now, we certainly aren’t lacking in story department.
Also, another thing to note is that, according to Ian on Bumblekast, we might be nearing the part of the story where Sonic Frontiers happens. He said that there will be probably be a time skip where Sonic Frontiers happens and the comics pick up afterwards. Honestly, if you ask me, the perfect moment would be after the next Arc, but we’ll have to see.
So, until next time!
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#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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agkavm2000 · 11 months
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Balin is about to learn a hard lesson on this friday's video. >_>
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yeets-ix · 6 months
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First up, the flirty gender pilled ocelot with the gay little gun tricks!
Slinger Headcanons:
they're genderfluid and transfem (partly because I thought she was a girl when Mimic first shapeshifted into her.) This also means shipping them with Tangle is still yuri (important.) I dub her they/she + "gun" as a neopronoun for fun. Also let her wear whatever clothes they want.
She's also Mexican/Central American! Very clear accent, occasionally splices Spanish words into their dialogue, much like Tangle’s now-agreed-upon Italian. Says “Vamos!”, “Dios mio!” and “Que?” a lot. Also insults Badniks and other opponents in Spanish.
Pansexual apocalypse, easily INTENSELY flustered, they had a stupid celebrity crush on Sonic before the betrayal/actually meeting anyone. (Old idea I’m keeping alive, heck, maybe have another sub-AU for that.) Then in her “survivor” timeline, she finally meets Tangle and the epic 100k idiots to lovers slowburn yuri is real.
They’re EXTREME ADHD. She juggles, she keeps at least two fidget spinners on hand always, she needs to toss and twirl things or he’ll explode. She and Whisper and Tangle stim together a lot.
Backstory! The “mysterious past” reference doesn’t exist if I don’t look at it, so she and Claire were actually sibling-dynamic friends as far back as Slinger can remember, having grown up together in a jungle treehouse village. (Definitely didn’t come up with that just because ocelots and howler monkeys live in the same place, haha.) Things happened in the Forces war, next thing you know they both met Smithy (and soon after Whisper) and were inducted into the mercenary found family.
THEY’RE A CAT. Younger than Big and wayyyy more impulsive than Blaze, they do MANY MANY CAT THINGS. They have whiskers, they’re a liquid, they lick themself clean, they act like it’s daytime when it’s pitch black out, they miiiiiight have eaten a couple of mice, they purr when rubbed, all of it. This is also how you tell her apart from Duo, who is a fake cat and clueless to cat behavior.
Slinger, past and present, is still super cool and suave in battle, but a complete and utter LOSER in casual times, more than Claire, more than Whisper, they're such a fucking girlfail
They were definitely the “kid” of the team, moreso even than Whisper. They pulled pranks, did stupid stunts, and worried Claire and Smithy sick. In the timeline where they survived, they were VERY okay on their own! So utterly okay!
AU-Specific Headcanons:
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They were never “shut-in” as the Guardian Angel - they still tried their best to act cool and suave, in spite of the anxiety below. They completely hid their appearance beneath masks and hoods, but still taunted and quipped at their adversaries and would sometimes talk rather openly to Resistance members lucky enough to interact with them long enough, though still never giving any context to who she was or what her deal was - or a clear view of his real face.
She wouldn’t use the same Wispon as canon Whisper - a gigantic rifle just isn’t their style. Instead, she’s gotten a lot better at physical combat to compensate for it - she managed to teach herself to Spin Attack, and can even do a crazy "Panjandrum" move where they fire their laser guns wildly while rolling. They’re decently fast now, but not as fast as any “speedster” character - think more like Amy, Tails, or heck, a realistic interpretation of the Forces Avatar.
They talk to their Wisps a lot. She constantly feels alone and doesn't want to be, and forever thanks Smithy for giving them a way to always talk to their companions somehow. She needs people to talk to, she really does, heck, give her a bit of a Yakko Warner complex if you want. Fortunately, Tangle logically helps with that a lot.
They FIRMLY saw Mimic as a father figure, and are FUCKING PISSED at him for stabbing and discarding everything they had. Him fucking around IMMEDIATELY cuts off Slinger's silly goofy mode and activates IMMA FIRIN MA LAZAH mode.
In Slinger’s timeline, Mimic’s Duo disguise was the feminine-androgynous “Duo the Hound,” using Whisper as the basis. Slinger got to pistol-whip him repeatedly and then dump him into the sea, don’t worry.
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Tangle in this timeline is… girl-leaning panromantic. Blaze cemented her queer awakening, but Slinger, whose gender is fucked as hell, is the one she fell for hard. Slinger would get VERY worried about whether she feels the same towards them or not, but it doesn't matter what's in their legs or their head to Tangle - they're Slinger.
Slinger’s love language turns out to be the same as Tangle’s - doing stupid and dangerous things to impress her crushes. Ultimately Jewel and Lanolin have to LOUDLY tell them that they’re in love with each other and should kiss and go out on a date before they both get themselves killed beating around the bush. (That, or they just full-on kiss at the conclusion of Urban Warfare or even the Metal Virus, considering Slinger is much more open.)
Slinger is just as willing and encouraging to talk to Tangle about her fears as vice versa, in a direct manner at least. It is not “moon gets hurt and sun comforts her,” they’re kinda both cloud-obscured suns who goof off but also traumadump to each other.
Slinger can cook and prepare Mexican cuisine just fine. Them trying to cook anything else results in a kitchen-sized laser explosion (don't even ask how.) Their food living together basically amounts to alternating Mexican and Italian with Tangle occasionally baking something she found online in between.
Tangle comforts or supports Slinger whenever they have gender issues, she figured out they were genderfluid basically the moment they got the chance to try new clothes. Slinger silently, awkwardly asked her if she could try on a really twirly dress and she was just so understanding and said they looked absolutely beautiful and AGHHHHHHHHHHHH and now it’s their girly comfort outfit.
tangle is significantly taller than slinger. height difference. (slinger is significantly taller than sonic though lol, big tangle supremacy)
Slinger and Tangle cuddle super tight and warm and fall asleep together BOTH PURRING do you get my vision
Big headcanon posts for the other Cutters and their sub-AUs coming at some point.
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crazy56u · 9 months
Sonic #63 Spoilers
I wanted to wait until the issue was out to share a theory I had been drafting, so here we go.
The facts are these:
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Belle’s been keeping up on the health of Whisper’s gun.
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The shape-shifting fucker is still hanging around.
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It did not take long/much for Whisper to realize the truth.
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Surge and Kit are showing up at the Restoration in four issues’ time…
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And the fucker is still there.
So, my theory is this:
Mimic’s gonna try and force a Round 2 between Whisper and Surge, but he’s gonna try and sabotage her Wispon so she out and out dies this time.
Now, watch me be wrong!
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rechicken-and-waffles · 11 months
I don't know why, but there's just something weird about seeing Sonic characters use realistic guns. Like Wispons are more dangerous but maybe it because they look cartoonish it doesn't bug me.
More than weird, I think it looks funny, that's why I love the Shadow the Hedgehog game dfghjhghgfd
I mean look at him
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supportivecircle · 1 year
Sonic Wisps Warlock Patron Homebrew Part 1: Level Features
I recently posted about the Sonic-themed DnD Campaign I ran over the past year (and some few months in 2020 before a year break). If you’re in the center of that venn diagram of “Sonic the Hedgehog” and “Dungeons and Dragons”, know that you are not alone and I am here for you my sweet angel chao (tiny celestial, lawful good). Good ol’ Circle Dad has some content to quench the thirst of content for us weirdos. In the post I showed a snippet of the Warlock Patron subclass for the wisp alien creatures of Sonic, directly inspired by Whisper the Wolf, and to be used by one of my players who was drawn to the  warlock class. I can’t confidently say how balanced it turned out. Outside of any major stuff that was already adjusted in the document as we played, I don’t think it was too crazy, but the player was not a veteran DnD player who could probably find stuff to break here. I’ll post the individual pages and give some blurbs about how they shaped up in practice.
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So starting off, the expanded spell list. The player immediately took to the flavor of Chaos Bolt, but if I recall I don’t believe they took any others from the list outside of Haste, and we had gotten up to player level 9, so they had the whole list to pick from. Spiritual Weapon I wasn’t sure of, and never got to effectively test outside of Whisper herself using it early on at a lower level, it wasn’t too crazy cause its damage scales every 2nd level and Warlocks only get 2 slots per short rest so they’d be dedicating their resource to a longer damage over time spell compared to a full on Lightning Bolt. The flavor is perfect though for people who like to get creative with integrating wisps into the weapon appearance. Creativity was the main goal with this subclass because I knew the player would want options without being overtly super powered. The Variable Wispon feature gives them a similar function to the Order of Scribes Wizard in allowing for damage swapping of spells. In theory, this allows for lots of fun flavoring of spells to match the different wisps energies. In practice, it was good, but my player also made it a goal to never repeat a wisp between short rests and to cycle through them cause they loved their wisps equally. Some wisps will probably be more appealing in general to players who are looking to capitalize on gameplay vs character flavor and RP. It could be adjusted to have a limit per day of how many element swaps you can do if its a problem. Easy fall back is always Prof+CHA per Long Rest if it’s a problem for whatever reason. Maybe keep it free to use on EB so the player can always have that feel of their subclass playing a role. A personal note for knock-on effects of this ability is that the player felt a bit of freedom in picking spells because it was no longer having to so much look at damage types, but rather what the spell straight up did. Fireball vs. Lightning Bolt has the element taken out of the equation and for the player it became about damage, AoE, durations, and extra effects. Certain spells became more appealing because they wouldn’t be locked behind an unwanted damage type. The flavor we used was the same as how Whisper’s weapon functioned of the wisp flying into the gun, and turning the handle knobs to get different effects n stuff. Mechanically, a Warlock can still cast spells without their focus, so if a player is found without their focus in combat it can be flavored as the Wisps just unleashing direct hell on enemies compared to focusing through the gun. If your player ends up upgrading their focus or being given a new experimental version, it will make sense thematically that raw Wisp spells are weaker because their focus will have a +1/+2/+3 and be built to enhance them. Food for thought.
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So the rest of the subclass features. Level 6 is where the Wisp Patron is meant to pop off and change gameplay style substantially. Unfortunately, this is rather late if you are starting at Level 1, and until this moment, most of the subclass’ feature is the element swapping. For someone like me, I’m straight pogging. I have an Order of Scribes Wizard already penned up entirely for the next campaign I’m playing in and I’m all about modifying spell descriptions. For others, it could be underwhelming. There is a “solution” later in the document in the form of an invocation that gives 2 free uses per long rest. I put “solution” in quotes because in all the games I’ve played in with my friend groups, warlocks get the Agonizing Blast invocation as a core-kit feature because of how integral it has become in the modern Warlock equation. So logically, having AB frees up an Invocation slot for something like this to let the player have more fun with bonus actions/wisp stuff outside of reflavoring spells. There’s a lot going on with the wisps in this, I wanted the Color Powers to be fun but not amazingly strong, they are meant to be half-spells as you’ll see in the following pages. We didn’t get to Level 10 but it’s a damage resistance it’s nothing insane. There’s flexibility in it cause it’s the name of the game for this subclass. I followed the general pattern of Warlocks having a defensive feature at 10, and some flavorful cool stuff at 14, which in this case is mostly aping off the big damage of stuff like Fiend but with a Blind feature as opposed to “disappear for a turn as you hurtle through Pinhead’s summer home”. Blind can be rough against some enemies, but this late in the game, a lot of tougher enemies might also just have Blindsight. Like I said I can’t say how balanced a lot of this is in the average game. 
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I’m not going to go into all the Wisp Powers in this post, but I wanted to post a little teaser of one of the pages, cause I really like how it turned out visually. There’s four pages of these to look forward to, along with the accompanying blurbs. I’ll post that part tomorrow. I’ve got a lot to say about how some of them turned out in practice, and almost nothing to say about some others that didn’t get used cause it wasn’t in that player’s playstyle. When the whole thing has been uploaded across three posts (Level Features, Color Powers, Invocations+Familiar), I’ll post the whole PDF in its entirety, or just a link to a copy of the Google Docs file so people can copy it and edit it in browser as needed on their own. I don’t know jack about using the images from the comic, but I ain’t making any cash off this and it was just meant to be a little homemade subclass with spruced up visuals. Hope that’s all good. Please don’t come at me SEGA I’m just a little circle guy im jus a small widdle circle noooo im just a little birthday boyyyyyy nooooo.
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thetwiggiesttwig · 1 year
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i haven't had much time to draw recently. still, here's some more rough scribbles for that sonic/tf2 thing i keep banging on about. More stuff under the cut.
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It isn't as clear as the other two, but Scout's Wispon would be powered by a white/boost wisp.
He probably keeps it in his pocket lmao
The thing with it charging could probably have two options - either use a charge to get a short boost, or as a last ditch, powerful attack. Him not being able to boost all the time would stop him from just being. Current Sonic with a gun.
I wasn't ready to commit to this…THING as something that would have lore LOL so I don't really know what these guys would do in the Sonic universe yet. Something in my brain says a weird mix of Whisper's old team and Team Dark
He's supposed to have a stolen G.U.N helmet (hence why it doesn't fit over his ears properly) so it's entirely possible he nicked a Wispon prototype off them or something. Or maybe Engie made it for him. Like I said, foggy deatils.
Ok so obviously Sonic games don't have HP but I also think losing rings every time you jumped would be a bit annoying. I think Soldier would likely be more open to attacks after jumps, making it important to be careful where and when you landed.
This is neither here nor there but there's a doodle showing how I think under his helmet should look. Kind of a mix between some earlier TF2 comic pannels and how they draw Kit in the IDW comics sometimes. Giving him big googly Sonic eyes just didn't look right lmao.
IIRC Pyro's flamethrower is homemade, so I wanted to keep this one looking like that as well. So it's made of random items, held together with tape and doesn't have any fancy glowy parts like Scout or Soldier. Gets the job done tho.
Yes, it can airblast
Be careful of burning through wisp energy (ammo!)
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starslung · 13 days
i wish sonic forces had gone into more detail about what GUN was doing the entire time during eggman's takeover like... were they just rolling over and letting eggman have the run of the world? did they WANT him to take over for their own means ?? were they hunkering down to fight back on their own separate from the resistance? were they working WITH the resistance to help provide resources (like wispons) ?? what was their deal
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