#Woah I got an ask
actual-gremlin · 1 month
I swear on my life I’ll answer your coco puffs ask soon
What are your coco puff headcankns
My first actual ask!!
ok so I love these little guys!! I don’t know what order to put these in, so apologies for how unorganized it is!
I’m going to give you general info then descriptions of each coco puff and stuff they like such as food or affection.
They feel a strong connection to people who are feeling the emotions they represent. (Grief tends to gravitate towards people who are grieving, isolation can be found with people who feel isolated, etc). If the emotion is strong enough, they can actually go inside the person. The way that works is they evaporate into a soul type thing and then their coco-puff soul goes into the person. When the person has confronted what they're feeling, the coco-puff soul will come out and they will return to their regular coco-puff form. (I know this is a weird head canon, but I think it’s a really cool power. It kind of ties into Nicos shadow travel almost??)
They are so soft!! Think kitten fur, but 100 times softer! Because of their soft fur, they’re very good for helping people relax when they’re stressed.
They all look different. They’re different shapes, sizes and shade. Their shadow fur (I don’t know what to call it lol) is all shades of black, but it changes depending on the emotions of the people they’re near. So the stronger the emotion, the darker the colour of their shadow fur. They also have one distinct feature that lets you know which coco puff it is.
They will eat literally anything. If it’s on the ground, they’ll eat it. Dead leaves? You can find Grief snacking on them 24/7. Fruit cups? Internalized Homophobia will eat not only the fruit, but also the plastic. They are literally raccoons.
they don’t really have a gender, so they’re generally referred to as ‘it’ if you’re talking about a specific one or ‘they’ if you’re talking about more than one.
they all come running when Will Sonic- Whistles like little puppies!
the older they get, the bigger they get. Cuties 🥰
The Different Coco-puffs
Isolation: basket ball sized with one big eye. In the shape of a sphere. He’s also spiky! Isolation either rolls on the ground, squishes into someone’s hood, or floats after people. Isolation is very affectionate- although it’s spikes make it hard for him to cuddle ☹️- and it lives off of strawberries and jello
Grief: grief looks like your typical ghost. More solid near the head, but slowly becomes more transparent near the “legs”. Grief has two eyes, little horns- kind of like the ones you put on your dog at Christmas- and little hands (like a T-Rex!) Grief floats after people. it’s not super affectionate- more k a lurker 👀 its favourite food is bacon (me too buddy, me too) but dead leaves are it’s chosen snack if bacon isn’t available
Jealousy: Jealousy and Isolation are twins! They look very similar, but Jealousy has little tusks and doesn’t have spikes. It also floats after people, but it also sits on people’s shoulders. Jealousy LOVES affection, and is very attached to Will specifically. It hates when Will gets affection from anyone other than Nico or itself. Jealousy loves the typical breakup foods- ice cream- ONLY cookie dough though, chips- sour cream and onion or salt and vinegar, pizza- chicken bacon ranch, and cookies- any cookie is a good cookie (yes, even oatmeal raisin).
Shame: Shame looks like a cat- long and lanky with the ears and whiskers. No back paws though, only the front ones. Shame has two cat eyes that bore into your soul. Shame often twists around people and tries to make them trip. Shames idea of affection is tripping people, scaring them, or making them dump stuff on themselves. (Shame is a little shit and tries to inflict itself on others😑✋🏻) It loves any food, but it has to be leftovers. No fresh food for some reason idk I don’t make the rules.
Sadness: Sadness is a large spider. The first time Annabeth saw Sadness, she tried to set it on fire. (All coco-puffs are fireproof. And waterproof. And everything proof. They only die when Nico dies). Sadness has two doe eyes. . It loves cuddles even more than Isolation and is often seen attached to the first person it sees when it wakes up. (Sadness is like a koala pass it on!) Sadness’ favourite food is pancakes! They’re so nostalgic and yummy! Doesn’t matter what topping is on them, Sadness will eat it.
Guilt: Guilt is just a blob. A very heavy blob. All the coco- puffs are pretty much weightless, except for guilt. When guilt is on you, you feel it. Guilt is always attached to someone, often crawling around their body. It doesn’t eat and is restless, rarely sleeping.
Internalized Homophobia: looks like a baby deer with male antlers. It HATES people and prefers staying in Nicos cabin or Wills office in the infirmary. It only eats asparagus and Brussels sprouts. Why? Because no one likes asparagus or Brussel sprouts and no one likes having Internalized Homophobia. (If you like these things, no you don’t. Liar).
So I think that’s all of them?? For now?? I don’t know. If I think of more, I’ll reblog this with the additions! thank you for the ask!! If you want me to expand on anything, let me know and I will!
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sylvie-hates-losing · 1 month
Character Chart
Character’s full name: Sylvester Silva
Reason or meaning of name: Woodlands
Character’s nickname: Sylvie
Birth date: November 10th 2007
Age: 16
- Child of Nike
- Former titan army member
- Albino
- 0 sense of humour
General : Sylvie speaks
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yellowskarmory · 1 year
NNOO Freddy! As much as I love him suffering that was sad but at least he was reunited with you know who.
Hey, there's a bit of happiness there... yeah, mostly sad times for Freddy. :(
Don't worry, I have more ideas to make him suffer.
i mean wait what
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batfamhyperfixation · 2 months
Pre-dating, Tim or Bernard not knowing the other isn’t straight
Tim, leaning over to look at Bernard’s phone as they chill in Tim’s bedroom: whatcha doing?
Bernard: imma send Red Robin subtle messages until I trick him into admitting he’s into guys so I can sleep with him
Tim, bi panic, blushing: you’re what?
Bernard, typing out a message on his phone: here how does this sound Tim, ‘gay af to be a detective, what are you inspecting, other men??’, sound subtle enough?
Tim, too dumbfounded to speak:
Bernard: yeah you’re right, it’s perfect, imma send it
*Tims phone goes off, and then both watch it light up, Bernard seeing the message he just sent*
Tim, picking up his phone, typing, and sending a message without saying anything, face nearly bright red as he glances over at Bernard, who is staring at him wide eyed not saying anything
Bernard, looking down at the text Tim sent him back as Red Robin that says, ‘I like you, let’s fuck’:
Bernard: hey Tim I have a couple of questions
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endlesspaint · 2 months
u draw jd so spiky i love it
OMG THANKS! I really appreciate that 🥹
There is actually a reason why I draw him so spikey! I wanted him to look like his Dad while also resembling his mom a bit as well. I eventually decided to made all the brothers have bits of resemblance of their parents because of genes LOL
Here's my notes about it! :3
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pokimoko · 2 months
Hello!! I came across a couple of your animals with pride flags series (idk what you're actually calling it lol) and I wanted to request an intersex blue-ringed octopus (I'm not intersex myself tho lol, just thought it might look neat)
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Oooh, this was a fun one! Thank you for the request! 🐙
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alienssstufff · 1 month
what do you think of the worlds most confusing polycule bdubs c3< etho c3< tango and also scar is there
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????? Whatever. ok man.
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indecisive-dizzy · 1 month
Bestie bestie
Regarding your Latter x Eddie ideas, how do you think Eddie would fall for Latter?
This is a toughy, but only bc I don't know how to explain it! Including Frank bc purple and yellow poly <3
Eddie falls in love with Latter the same way he falls in love with Frank, in a way. Of course there's differences, they're different people after all! But what I'm focusing on is: Frank sees Eddie, Latter listens. (not saying Frank doesn't listen to him, trying to be poetic lol)
Latter is genuinely interested in the things Eddie has to say, appreciates and praises how hardworking he is even if he's not there to see it, and encourages his creativity! Even if he's not there in person, Eddie knows Latter cares.
Eddie knows Frank cares through actions. Frank brings him a glass of water, saves him from the beetle, and offers him an umbrella. Frank sees the hard work Latter hears about and acts. While Latter will verbally acknowledge and praise him for it over the phone or in a letter.
Eddie Realizes he's fallen for Latter when he finds himself rereading the suddenly not so subtle love poems and day dreaming. Eddie's not oblivious to love, he knows when he's in love and it hits him like truck! Then like two trucks when he realizes those feelings also apply to Frank!
Latter and Frank fall first, Eddie falls harder twice over <3
Bonus! Pet names Latter calls Eddie <3
My Radiance
My Sweet Summer's Day (very sappy, gets Eddie good)
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wishluc · 1 year
HSR made my crush on Himeko worse. Based off a dream I had
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Himeko's gentle smile falters. "Go?" Her thumb caresses the back of your hand, "Where to, my darling?"
Your breath hitches; there's something delightful about the way she looks at you, so filled with love—at least, you think it's love. Though these days, her affectionate gaze is accompanied by a dark glint of something you can't quite put your finger on. A tingling sensation erupts wherever her delicate touch strays, and your heart pounds when she whispers the syllables of your name like it is her most treasured secret.
"To Jarilo-VI," you reply, managing to shake yourself out of the trance, "with the others." Her lips curl disapprovingly, and her grasp tightens momentarily, "And why do you want to go?" Her question stills you. Why? Though the words sound as lovely as anything else she says, they're laced with something dangerous, and it feels more like her demanding your answer rather than asking you. "I'm with the Nameless too," you say, "I should be going with them." Himeko's lips quirk up, but instead of filling you with warmth, her beautiful smile sends chills down your spine. Before saying anything, she gestures over to the table she had set up for the two of you, and you sit down in the empty seat. Himeko makes her way to the other, and you can't help but be envious of her. Her every step is purposeful and confident. It's no wonder everyone is so enamoured with her.
But you're the one she smiles at like this, so you should feel lucky, right?
"Coffee?" She doesn't wait for your reply before serving you hot coffee in a dainty cup—from her personal collection, you note—not a ripple breaking the still surface of the dark, aromatic liquid. It'll be too bitter for your tastes, as always, but your complaints will be brushed off with a soft laugh. At the very least, you are now able to finish your cup and stomach the flavor thanks to Himeko's relentless generosity.
"I think three is a good number," You can make out a hint of something unfamiliar in her voice, though she doesn't look bothered at all, nonchalantly pouring herself a cup, "you should relax, and not worry for them. They can take care of themselves."
"I can take care of myself, too."
She puts the pot aside to look at you, "i know."
"And Himeko," your own smile feels weak now, "I've been cooped up in here for ages."
A perfectly poised eyebrow raises, "surely my company isn't that unbearable?"
"No—" Your protest is cut short when you notice how Himeko's eyes twinkle with mirth, as the tension from before almost dissipates, but you can't bring yourself to give up yet, "you know that's not what I meant."
"I know, darling. You seemed a little tense."
You stare into the cup, seeing your own hazy reflection staring back at you, "But you will consider, won't you? About going to Jarilo-VI?"
"Since you're so insistent," she sighs, "I'll arrange something for the the both of us soon. What do you say?" "...Not in Jarilo-VI?" She blinks at you, before chuckling softly, "dear, no. Somewhere else," She tilts her head to the side, as though in silent contemplation, "I don't have anything particular in mind, but I'm sure something will come along."
"So, I'll have to sit this one out?" The bitterness in your voice comes second only to the coffee Himeko drinks, but she doesn't look perturbed at the slightest. "We," she corrects you gently, "will be staying together on the Express."
Himeko reaches over the table to grab your hand before moving it towards her lips, softly kissing it. She looks up at you from underneath her eyelashes, as though gauging your expression.
"You won't be missing out on any fun just because you're staying on board, you know. I'll make sure our time together is just as...exciting."
You take another sip of coffee, ignoring her coy smile.
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all works © wishluc. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms. (including translations)
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youhavethewrong · 1 month
do you guys remember when Attack On Titan had a fucking Looney Tunes Babies style spin off where all the characters were in junior high and the titans were just bullies and eren was mad at them because they ate his hamburg steak and it was legitimately better than the original
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lilblucat · 1 year
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Late Valentine’s doodle. If I understand some teaser stuff right, she’s gonna be tsun af.
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lenny-zesty · 22 days
welcome to the masterlist of characters ive been compared to
-luigi -lenny (shark tale) -bakugou -the mayor (ppg) -the slimes from slime rancher that shit money -pancake (60 seconds) -stitch -cyn (murder drones) -charlie dompler in a maid dress (smiling friends) -kif (futurama)
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xbalayage · 6 months
I wish you would write a fic where Emma or reader is dying in Silvio's arms
It shouldn't have ended up like this. He was so meticulous — he knew better than to bring you along on an expedition.
But through the endless begging and pleading, your constant stubborn showmanship and puppy dog eyes to convince him that you could handle yourself without his help left him in a grumble, sighing defeat.
So he took precautions for the potential troubles that could await with you now on board. He's told you time and time again about the dangers of the open seas, how everything is left up to chance. Sure, things don't happen all the time but when they do, it's deadly; whether it be pirates, the unpredictable weather, getting sick or even just not being careful and falling into the sea itself.
He hired more people to join his crew for this trip, supplying medical and food rations of the abundance, bringing more clothes than you'd probably need and always keeping you in the centerfold of the ship— when it's time to rest, your place is to stay in the same bed as him, he'd take turns sleeping if needed be.
Silvio was a good captain, always aware and on guard; but with you as an added variable, his anxiety worsened and his attention drifted. If he had just trusted your word and focused solely on what he needed to, maybe the turn of events wouldn't have ended like this. He had fallen asleep: a ship's downfall without their captain. All because he worried something might happen to you if his eye wasn't always on you. And to an extent, he was right to think that.
In the middle of the night out on the open seas, his ship was raided by an enemy ship due to his entire crew getting a little too comfortable and drinking, Silvio's command during the day hadn't noticed anything of worry, so he allowed it. Activity had been lackluster so he said to hell with it. But his plan was never to fall asleep.
And of course, you couldn't sleep and left the safety of Silvio's side to wander the ship the same night it'd been attacked and raided. But you never heard a sound. These were skilled pirates who weren't much to showboat and killed the resting lambs in their sleep. However, the moment they spot you, you instinctively scream, mentally hitting yourself for not bringing a sword along with you in case of anything. You ran, but they're much quicker.
You hoped for someone, anyone on board to hear you— that Silvio would hear and come to your rescue— but then the night grew silent, nothing but the chinks of chains, the holstering of swords and the seas waves filled the night.
Silvio awoke to a gut wretching feeling not long after, swearing he heard your cry for help in his dream and it sprung him awake. He looks for you and you're not by his side.
Shit, shit, shit.
He's mentally cursing up a storm as he hurries, grabbing his sword all in one fell swoop as he rushes out of the cabin in search of you. And where he finds you completely tears apart his heart. He drops his sword and falls heavy onto his knees at the sight of you that he wishes he'd never seen. Your beauty shimmers under the full moonlit night, the waters sing their sorrowful song as the image of you with a sword drawn through your chest laid on the deck.
He shifts over on his knees, unsheathing the sword and tossing it to the side as he lifts your body up onto them, seeing no life in your eyes but stray tears that had fallen to the side. He pulls your lifeless body close to his chest, holding too tightly and can't help his own tears that build up and escape as he screams into the eerie, lifeless night.
He failed you and his crew; this would be an everlasting scar forever etched into his mind.
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marsixm · 29 days
i also think the fact that i had such a stunted and isolated upbringing and now that im an adult all my friends are on atypical life paths (and honestly even my friends as a kid were like this too) means i find things that are usually very common life stages really interesting. like knowing someone who has a house and a wife and 2 kids (with that wife) and a job with a salary feels like meeting fucking paul bunyun to me. or hearing the kids i work with talk about graduating high school and going to college and being on a real path with that stuff is neat? or even sometimes knowing cis/het people who are like going thru that coming of age stuff that i never really experienced the way you see it in the movies bc of transness/queerness/neurodivergence. its like woah they said the name of the thing in the thing. do u know what i mean???
#this actually reminds me of one of the girls at work whose been here for 2 yrs so i feel like im watching her grow up#shes graduating hs this year and shes really smart and she always asks questions like this#like picking ur brain about your life like 'what did you feel like growing up how was your family' etc#its kinda cool#she already got a degree bc of dual credit courses and an internship lined up and im so proud of her#and theres another girl her same age who came to me last night telling me her situationship just broke her heart#and they were both talking all about their prom dresses and all that stuff and were so excited last month#like idk i guess i just find it endearing#i think part of it is also that while these specific paths are thought of as common/default#there really is so much variance in life and really truly so many people not on those paths for so many reasons#which actually does loop around to making it seem strange#like truly how many people do you really know anymore who stayed at 1 job until they rose the ranks#who got married and had kids with that person and now they live in a house in the suburbs with some dogs and cats#like who does that anymore#meanwhile i think its just cool seeing kids actually experiencing growing up but in retrospect and not as a peer feeling confused & jealous#like woah youre a girl buying a dress and getting her hair done and texting a boy thats so wild ive never done that#or woah youre taking courses to prepare for college and know what degree youre going for#i no longer feel resentment that i felt left behind during all that shit when i was a teenager#im just happy for them and proud of them
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shitpostingkats · 8 months
Vrains AU where everything is the same except the first thing Ai does upon meeting Roboppi is give them a knife.
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wholesomepostarchive · 8 months
the most wholesome thing is seeing that the wholesome post blog runner is probably one of the nicest people ever :3 i’m generally Terrified of sending asks especially to a blog that Does Things like this but seeing you talk in the tags instead of just reblogging and moving on makes you seem very friendly and approachable !!!! and i hope u know i appreciate that :] i hope you have a wonderful day and both sides of your pillow are always cool and that if you see a random cat on the sidewalk it won’t run away from U ♡
woah, META-WHOLESOME!! thank ya for the compliment, i try my best to carry out those kinds of traits i value!!!!! i’m SUPER super glad that ya did!!! THANK YOU THANK U!! always appreciating how much of an impact this lil blog has on top of appreciating u for sharing as much with me :-)
it’s always a TRIP getting to hear that something i do that i wasn’t even really mindfully doing makes all the difference?? i’m just really, REALLY grateful for all the different kinds of posts that get sent my way and seeing cool + uplifting + sentimental + OVERALL WHOLESOME posts that i express my thanks + ramble a bit in the tags haha !!
i ALSO hope you have as terrific of a day as you’re able to! and i hope you’ll enjoy seeing more posts pop up!
AND YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE but i got new pillow cases like a week ago THAT DO JUST THAT! AND THERE’S A NEW CAT ON THE STREET WHO HANGS OUT WITH ME SOMETIMES (i’ve been planning to see if he has a microchip, but i know for a fact that the neighbors who feed all the stray cats on our street already have a cage + are well-versed in TNR, so i’ve been thinking about asking them first because the thought that someone could be out there looking for their pal is enough for me to “do it scared”) !! SO THANK U NOT ONLY FOR THE SWEET SENTIMENTS BUT ALSO FOR THE UNEXPECTED HILARITY OVER THE FACT THAT THEY’VE COME TRUE???
#and i get it!! running a gimmick blog (as i’ve heard it be described) is v v different from the other blogs i’ve got going!!#ik i’ve said it in the past but i genuinely think what makes for the lack of ambiance is the fact that i didn’t really? start this blog out#as a gimmick blog in mind?? it was kind of just for me to ‘archive’ Solidly Wholesome posts in one place#by the dates i saw/read through them + let them flow over me. because there’s already a timestamp ya know?#but the Vision was that i’d go through this blog + see that a year ago on a particular day was Important#which is still something i do when i have the the time BUT now i ALSO get sent wholesome posts!!! which WOAH#became a collective effort whether you’ve mentioned me in one post or climbing up to the triple digits now haha!!! i appreciate them all#TRULY :-)#and i’ll also admit that i don’t really remember if i kept the ask + submission channels open because i thought ‘hey maybe i’ll get one#or two someday from someone?’ or if i kinda forgot to close ‘em because i think i only block Anonymous automatically for all the blogs#i’ve got?? THAT will probs be a mystery for a long time to come if not forever BUT am glad it’s all worked out in ways i never saw coming!!#also APOLOGIES FOR NOT ONLY RAMBLING IN THE TAGS BUT THE ASK!!#Apple Pie is defs a priority for me rn and i’ve done some research + talked to my neighbors about TNR being the best bet in our area#last we spoke anyhow which was some time ago#also my parents apparently got into taking stray cats to a TNR program a few cities over so i’ll ask ‘em too probably???#BUT FIRST THING’S FIRST: checking for a microchip#10/13/2023#asks#wholesomepostarchive
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