#Young Seam
xxmia0wxx · 2 years
Dumb old deltadoodles
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cxmer-soft · 2 years
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barrowsteeth · 2 months
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If I can't do this, then...you'll have to. What happens if you can't? I'll handle it. I promise.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 3 months
casually spending the evening breaking my own heart by writing a baby milex france fic
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rock-in-robins · 7 months
The core four after everything laying in the old YJ base and just staring at the ceiling. They lay in silence and listen to each other breath because fuck, they had forgotten what that simple, repetitive, living sound sounded like, the sound that meant their people are alive and what wonderful sound it is. The four of them refamiliarizing themselves with what life and death had done to four innocent kids, who by law are still children but can find no innocence left in their souls. Finally Cassie breaks the silence, their fearless leader always willing to take the first jump, "Were alive. oh by holy Hera were all alive. And were okay." Tim snorts but there is no joy in the sound. "Are our souls truly alive and surviving or is my body just husk moving through their expectations?" His voice cracks in a way it hasn't since he was in green leggings. "Were here. That's enough, we'll figure everything else out later." It's Cassie who answers Tim, she always been good at grounding him when his head finds itself wandering from them. They lapse back into silence. "Peter Pan was right y'know, it was awfully big adventure to die," Kon muses breaking their silence once again. "Shut up man, death wasn't an adventure, everything that came after it was though. the best adventure because it brought us back together." Bart hums watching his has buzz in and out of sight, that speed had taken everything from him, but it brought him back to his people so he owes it everything in return. Tim seems to think for a moment before he laughs a bit "of course, idiocy will haunt us in life or death." Cassie rolls over to look at her boys, "Well I guess it's good thing I like my idiots." And the four of them laugh until they cry but its okay because their alive.
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bluedalahorse · 13 days
What would make August decide to reject the crown prince title?
Well, you know my brand! I actually think it’s possible for August to get to a place where he leaves behind the crown prince role. It’s a bit of a claw machine game, but isn’t that more fun to think about than letting him suffer forever? We love a challenge! We love growth! We like acknowledging the messiness of the character, and not always assuming the worst of every last thing he does! So let’s get into it.
I’m actually not going to talk about Sara much here. A lot of posts that talk about this crown prince situation mention how sad August is to have lost Sara, and while that’s true, I actually think there are other emotional undercurrents at work. Similarly to the way Wille is more than his relationship with Simon and has to leave the monarchy for his own self-actualization, August will leave for reasons that go beyond losing Sara.
I also want to open by agreeing with everything my esteemed colleague @heliza24 says about therapy and time and community in this post over here. What I’m going to say here is going to be long and rambly, but I think it will build on her talking points.
So let’s think about August holistically, in terms of his values. In order to get August out of the monarchy, the first step is understanding (excavating, even, because this shit works in layers) what draws him to it in the first place, and what his emotional needs are. I actually think it’s a common misconception that he’s into the whole thing for the power of it all. I actually think this is more about August’s need for belonging, particularly in terms of his wanting to be part of a family and the way he values traditions that bring people together. Monarchy runs on this idea of a sacred first family that sets the tone for the nation and leads them in following traditions. This ideal family is, in theory, the ultimate exemplar of what August desires in life. And yet the reality of the monarchy is far from the ideal. I think we sometimes assume August has a clear view of what monarchy is like, since he’s related to the royal family and all. But I also think his close proximity clouds his judgment. More details below…
The thing about being in the crown prince position is that at first it would set up opportunities for August to connect with family members, namely Kristina, which initially would meet a family-related need. August seems to hold Kristina in high regard. He’s looking forward to the possibility that she might visit during parents’ weekend in season 1, and he’s pretty afraid of facing her in season 2 when he’s called to the palace. Of course, that is about her position as queen as much as anything, but I can’t help but wondering if it’s also that Kristina was August’s father’s favorite cousin. And isn’t that a fruitful piece of information? There’s so much that can be done with that connection! For instance…
A lot of August’s trauma is rooted in grief. Some of that is complicated grief for Erik, which his reconciliation with Wille (and probably their shared sessions with Boris) has helped him start to feel and unravel. We haven’t really seen August fully grieve his father yet, but I imagine that if there were seasons 4 and 5, this would be the next step in his character arc. Grieving his father is crucial. In season 3, August has (clumsily, in front of Sara when he shouldn’t have said it, but the lines happened and I find them fascinating) just begun to idealize his father less—he says he misses his dad even though his dad was shitty, and that makes me go, okay, what else is behind that line? (A really amazing fanfic by @sflow-er is what.)
Meanwhile Kristina mentions that she and Carl Johan were really close until Carl Johan started to fall into addiction. Lots to peel back there, too! Like, what happened? What was the timeline of all this, and was it a big falling out or a slow breakdown in the relationship? Does Kristina feel any guilt related to August’s father’s suicide, like August himself does? We don’t know how she feels about Louise—is she sympathetic toward her for having to be married to a man who was potentially abusive? Or would Kristina have bought into Carl Johan’s potentially false narrative of Louise, and blamed Louise for her husband’s addiction and mental health crisis?
Whichever direction you take this, I think working with Kristina day to day would bring up opportunities for August to confront his sense of loss. Kristina probably has all kinds of stories about August’s dad, and how they got up to trouble together in their childhood and youth, and which now-deceased family members responded to their antics. August might be able to share a few stories about his dad as well. Sharing memories is an important part of the grieving process, for so many people, and I imagine at first August would feel connected to his father’s side of the family for the first time in a while, and there might be some good things that come of it.
On the other hand… those initial benefits might not last forever. And August would soon discover the fucked up aspects to that side of the family. It’s possible Kristina might try to help August mend his relationship with his mother, but in the scenario I mentioned above (Kristina buys into Carl Johan’s narrative of Louise and blames her for his death) I can see her trying to interfere when August and Louise try to repair their relationship. Wouldn’t that create some fun tension between August and Kristina? I do think August wants to repair his relationship with his mother. As mad as he is with her in season 1, we also see hints in seasons 2 and 3 that he doesn’t actually hate her and wants to feel connected to her. After graduation he goes to find her and Rickard in the graduation line where all the parents are holding photos. I could see a situation where August, a year or two after canon, decides he wants to patch things up with his mom, and keeps running into pushback from Kristina about it. Aren’t there so many ways that tension could escalate? Wouldn’t that be a fun thing to play with in fanfic?
And then there’s Wilhelm. The way I read their reconciliation, it felt like August would try to maintain a good relationship with Wilhelm in the future. What does that become if he ends up in a position where he’s always mediating between Kristina and Wilhelm now that their relationship has fractured? And then we know Kristina tried to turn Wilhelm into Replacement Erik, I can absolutely imagine a situation where she starts thinking of August as Replacement Wilhelm and behaving accordingly, and August grows to resent that. Ultimately I can see August siding with Wilhelm over Kristina in the end and they end up banding together.
All those paragraphs above basically just mean that like… I feel like being in the crown prince role might bring a lot to the surface for August, in terms of how he relates to his family. And once he sees what wounds being crown prince can’t heal, that’s going to shatter his idealism and make him question the monarchy as a representation of the family in general. And that’s an important step out the door.
Now, August also needs to see what alternatives to this “perfect ideal family model” are out there. He also needs to realize that family isn’t just about blood relatives. Which just means he needs honest friendships with people who don’t subscribe to that kind of patriarchal nonsense. I don’t mean August needs patient queer friends who will hold his hand and explain the concept of heterotemporality to him in a soft voice. I just mean that being around more people who break his mental schemas in that regard would be a good thing. Like how does his friendship with Nils develop now that Nils has come out? What if, I dunno, it turns out that Louise and Rickard are both bisexual and poly? And then of course there’s his continued relationship with Wilhelm, which I imagine he’d continue to invest in now that they’ve turned things around at the end of season 3.
Does that wrap up the family stuff for now? Probably. There’s a thousand more things I could talk about but we’ll put it aside for now.
I mentioned August valuing tradition in my opener, so I want to address that too. Surface August—aka the protective suit of armor August has constructed for himself in season 1—seems to value tradition for its own sake, and mostly defines inclusion for some as something that can only exist when there’s exclusion of others. These are all the broken things Surface August has been taught or (we now know) traumatized to believe, and they come out in his behavior, and it sucks.
At the same time, what happens over three seasons is that we see there’s this deeply buried version of August that’s struggling to get out, and in my opinion at least, that deeply buried August actually gives a shit about others feeling a sense of belonging. I feel like this part of August is influenced by his own experiences with isolation and loneliness, and we see glimmers of him from time to time. (Especially when it’s Vincent doing something exclusive and shitty, for whatever reason. See August standing up to Vincent when Vincent is shitty to Simon in 2.3.) I think for August, traditions and rituals and events are something he sees as being deeply important in creating a sense of belonging for people. And he’s not fully wrong. Traditions and events done right are how humans make sacred their bonds with one another… which is why you get a bunch of Wilmon wedding headcanons. Because we love traditions too, you know.
As much as August gets a reputation for being rigid, there are times when we’ve seen him budge from what’s expected of him and change up the rules. I think August is actually more willing to rewrite tradition than fandom gives him credit for. He’s got suggestions for the speech Jan-Olof wants him to recite verbatim. He tells Vincent to rethink the senior superlatives. And he’s one of the third years who makes a pact to remove the really homophobic part of the initiation. 
I say this not to give August undue credit—these are half-steps and there’s clearly more he can do, and some of these traditions should be eliminated, not modified. But I want to point out two things. First, that imperfect half-steps (and some pretty epic backslides) were part of Wilhelm’s journey too before he made his full break with the monarchy. Second, by season 3, we can see that August is actually capable of reflecting about traditions and considering ways they could be rewritten to create more of a sense of belonging for others. 
Again, this is imperfect, and we may want him to do more… and this is another place where he could potentially end up clashing with the royal court in time. One thing that I’ve thought about is that being a prefect at Hillerska is a little different—in theory if not in practice—than being the crown prince of Sweden. As a Hillerska prefect you’re just leading the elite and the few who get into your school, but as crown prince you really are supposed to be there for the nation as a whole (albeit in a “non-divisive” way) and I think August does actually recognize that distinction and would try to approach it differently than being prefect or rowing captain. Except he would continue to be a total overachiever.
Like, look. On some level August would be incredibly earnest about the idea of being the keeper of Sweden’s traditions, and earnestness is not the same as being a rubber stamp or a yes-man. The royal court may think they’ve finally got someone who will carry out whatever monarchical agenda they set without question but like… idk, do they? Do they really??? August is going to want say in the process, and August is going to have so many ideas about how to make traditions better/more awesome, and August is going to annoy the hell out of Jan-Olof and Farima. He is going to be so annoying! He is going to have slides presentations! He is going to crunch the data on how the royal family is getting bad press for their carbon footprint and come up with a plan for renewable fuel on the private jet so now they can totally show people they’re legit! Meanwhile he’s going to be annoyed when his ideas are getting blocked. And I find the slow build in conflict that would arise out of a situation like that pretty entertaining.
Okay, it’s time to wrap up. For real this time. (This would all be better in a fanfic than in an analysis post, really! I should write.) Ultimately I think August would be drawn into the monarchy because he’d see it as a way of living his values of family and tradition and hell, service to the nation and being part of something, but he’d grow frustrated and disillusioned when it didn’t, actually, allow him to do that or give him the space to do it. The answer to Rickard’s question—does the monarchy love you back?—is no. And I don’t know how long post-season-3 August is willing to put up with being unrequited like that. Maybe for a time, but not forever.
You may also wonder why I have faith that he’ll get here. And the simple answer is: after season 3, my faith in August is intertwined with my faith in Wilhelm. Wilhelm breaking with the monarchy at the end of season 3 (especially after some pretty intense backsliding moments.) shows me that it’s possible for August to do it too, someday. That is perhaps a post for another time. For now, let’s just look forward to all the opportunities for a fix-it fic.
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rhinozilla · 1 year
I’m losing my mind.
So this outfit of Dream’s battle garb when he rap battles Lucifer is obviously fantastic, 12/10, we all agree.  However...I just stumbled upon this picture with a clear image of the back and...
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memryse · 1 year
one thing that really irks me is when people complain about merch being too expensive like i understand that it is expensive but it generally is actually a reasonable price for clothes that aren’t made by slave labour. clothes especially merch are a luxury and if you want decent quality clothes made even remotely ethically, then you are going to have to pay considerably more than the £10 you would pay for a hoodie that was mass produced in a sweatshop and will start fraying after you wash it once because it’s made out of cheap material by garment workers who don’t have time to properly finish the clothes. please stop encouraging fast fashion
yes there are shitty merch companies out there and a high price tag does not necessarily mean a high quality product because of issues like that - stares at certain wilbur and ranboo merch drops - but on the whole like. ccs want to associate themselves with high quality merch that people will actually like and wear, because that’s what we as fans have asked for. we don’t want crappy t-shirts with a transfer of their logo anymore. which means paying artists more to design quality merch, it means working with their merch company to source good quality materials, it means embroidery and acid washes and all those sorts of extra processes, it means not using sweatshops. all of that adds up and yes it’s going to set you back more money but it also means it’s going to last longer and be more comfortable to wear.
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foolartqwq · 11 months
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Just to be clear my human seam goes by they/them
And their amab
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jojoseames · 11 months
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Supporter sketch request reward! Link and...Link! From “The Legend of Zelda”!
JoJo Seames, 2023
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xxmia0wxx · 2 years
Qwick thot lol: wat if jevil cood shapeshift and waz seams familiar???
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+ Angel and litl dodle :3
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zombinary · 10 months
...oh i should..collector or king toh might be good inspiration for etune...
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mint-shakes · 2 years
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@ask-deltaswap asked me to draw my own interpretation of their characters. Really had fun with the designs of them ^^
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corvidaedream · 1 year
work story:
tiny seth finally had his first big road test in his actual job as child-distracting assistant yesterday when i was on tea room duty.
i was sitting next to the fireplace at the little table sewing a little doll-sized jacket for him when this family with two very young children sat down nearby, and the kids were very interested in what I was doing, so I stopped my sewing & took the needle off so I could show them how the work in progress jacket goes on him, and the older child (a little boy who proudly announced to me that he's two) was fascinated
for the next hour and a half, he made seth walk around the table, pointed out different features of him & how they related to us (ex: pointing out his eyes and then our eyes, or holding up his hat, and then the boy's own winter hat, and then my frilly white cap and shouting "HAT!" very proudly), and, my favorite, picking out scrap fabric from my basket and tying them around the little rabbit as a cape or a scarf (or handing them back to me and saying "help" to get me to tie the actual knot on a few of the scarves)
he also stuffed a bunch of the fabric scraps he really liked (the very soft ones) into his little jacket pocket.
when his family finally left, the tea room was closing, so I started packing up my stuff, and he asked me to bring the rabbit back out so he could say bye to him.
10/10 tiny seth did a great job at child-entertaining and not being accidentally mistaken for a gift or being walked off with
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autumn this or that <3
thank u for the tag @callsign-milano! i love these games so much :))
tea or hot chocolate // plaid or corduroy // cozy book or halloween movies (both. i can't possibly pick one over the other asdfsdkfl) // orange or black // pumpkin or apple pie // foggy mornings or twinkly nights // wool or velvet // libraries or coffee shops // picking fruit or carving pumpkins // cinnamon or peanut butter // spooky or cozy // halloween candles or fairy lights
tagging (no pressure!): @scilessweetheart @x-lulu @samwlscns @ereardon
#tag games#a series of semi-related thoughts that no one asked for:#(like u have no obligation to read this whatsoever. this is just me thinking out loud and perhaps shouting into the abyss xoxo)#1. i love plaid flannels but i have a pair of green corduroy pants that i LOVE. they are very noisy when i walk#bc of the seams of the pant legs rubbing together & it can be awkward But It's Worth It For The Outfit#2. i'm a cozy book 365 days per year bitch BUT something ab halloween movies is just *ugh* perfect#i'll be the first to admit that some of them are bad. like literally terrible movies#but i don't watch it for the quality. i watch it for the nostalgia and the vibes#3. foggy mornings are also so nostalgic for me. whenever it's foggy in the winter i think of a camping trip w my friends#it was sososo much fun & it was the first time we'd done a solo-trip a substantial distance away from our home town#it was very much a Big Girl Moment#and it was just so chill!! and we had shit cell service so we were really disconnected and chilling and it was amazing#i also learned how to check a car's oil during that trip#bc my friend's dash light came on & we had like a 3 hour drive ahead of us#so our options were to 1. go to a mechanic shop in bum fuck nowhere as a group of young unaccompanied girls OR 2. figure it out ourselves#being the spiteful bitches we are we defo figured it out ourselves#anyways i love foggy mornings & i love my friends & i love camping#4. halloween candles!!! oh my gosh i spent like 40+ $ on candles a week or so ago#there's this company called malicious women candle company#and pls for the love of God if for some reason you've made it this far check out their website#the labels are so funny & they're 100% soy wax so it won't give you any gross soy/petroleum blend wax headaches
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monstermoviedean · 2 years
s1 dean should meet s15 cas. i think that would be fun. he could flirt with him.
what if i cried. what if we both cried.
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