#a cindrella story
royaltyposts · 3 months
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inspiritjun · 8 months
What's going on with all the series?!
In IFYLITA, as much as the moments between Khun Yai and Jom were sweet, I was anxious of getting them caught... smh. And that loud mouth of Lumyai was adding oil to the fire. Also, we knew Ming was going to get his heart broken but seeing it actually happen made me want to give him a hug.
In Mr. Cinderella 2, Thanh is being evil ex.
Don't want to even get started with Only Friends. While Top might be changing for good, Mew is going all downhill. Ray might think he is giving Mew what he wants, without realising he is dragging him to the hell he is drowned in. Sand's first instinct to help Ray while in trouble is just...sigh. Ton, not learning his lesson is well, so like him. Cheum is caring friend but everyone are responsible for their own life.
Also, in Our Story, Zeke warned many times, but still Fifth hurt him by breaking his trust.
Boys' Voice was the saviour of the day! All of them were so sweet and them enjoying their role of sound engineer made us smile with them 😊
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swan-of-fabletown · 4 months
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Bigby: It seems that you've angered my deputy, and if she's annoyed, that would make me mad. And you know how I am when I'm mad. Keira knew what Bigby was like when he got mad, and now that she was dating him, she could only imagine that he would get mad even more often than before.
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Bigby: And let me tell you, Crane, Fabletown doesn't need people like you. Fabletown has improved significantly since Snow took office. Crane was shocked and couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was Snow doing better than him? Crane: Like…what exactly? Bigby: She has more fables working instead of being on the streets. She completes most reports by the deadline. She even handles the requests from the citizens of Fabletown, and she gets it all done. Meanwhile, you neglect your tasks.
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kiminako · 11 months
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Wishlist now!
Where are you, Cindrella? is now on Steam!
Where are you, Cinderella? is a visual novel currently in development, whose story is inspired by Vietnamese culture 🇻🇳 and the show business world 🎶.
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books-movies · 2 years
𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘷 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘢 𝘨𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘻
𝘈𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘊𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 (2008)
𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮 (2009)
𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘰 (2011)
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psalmsofpsychosis · 2 years
snow white is stuck in my mind afkftrdklfskrd
#so i started a snow white AU awhile ago#The narrator: she was shoved into the idea by local dinluke discord server#anyway i'm still thinking about it??????#it's become enticing to me because i can't#for the life of me#fogure out what the them and the spine // the HEART hurrhurr// of the original fairytale is#so i can't translate it seamlessly into other contexts#and it's drivibg me insane#i'm not looking for the ''beautiful bitch old woman hates young girl'' narrative i dont care about the surface read#i want the w h y. why is this fairytale relevant why was it a story worth telling and retelling over and over#why did it matter to be told in the first place???? what purpise does this narrative serve#like yes there is a rivalry yes there's jealousy but why. jealousy over WHAT#i can't figure out the entire ''old and beautiful powerful jealous woman'' trope that is so prevalent in[mostly european and white centric]#fairytales and it's so fascinating to me#i want to know what drives it. the beliefs that feed into it the cultural and personal notions#because you've got SO FUCKING MANY–#holy shit i used ''trope''?? i'm sorry wont be going back to rewrite the tag but it's not a trope. it's so structural#it's a definitive archetype#you've got the snow queen you've got maleficent you've got cindrella's stepmother and you've got snow white's evil witch#there's so many and i dont get the villainization of mature beautiful women#i'm sure i'm being superficial by only looking at more recebt fairytales this thing goes deep and in ancient
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invigoratorypoesy · 2 years
Reading fairy tales , believing in them , hoping to create one of them isn't childish . fairy tales is the way of living in the world where still magic happens , miracle happens , where demons and angels fall in love , where beauty and beast are the best companions . Isn't it beautiful , living in such a world , where mornings are bright and beautiful like you are the tinkerbell of your land , spreading the pixie dust of love everywhere where there is pain , and seeing with your eyes , the sparkle you leave creating happiness for others . That's the moment to live for . Imagination isn't stupid just we have stopped creating the world where the flowers of love still blooms , time doesn't changes anything , only our perspective does . I want to create another land , where fairies and dragons still exist , with little transformations and evolutions , and pixie dust still creates magic .
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livewithyura · 4 months
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₊❏❜ Kazujun Final One-Shot masterlist ? My thoughts about Kazuya's character in tekken 8? Bad writing?
( Kazujunweek24! )
̗̀➛ Request Open! (For tekken)
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Hello this is the masterlist where I put all of kazujunweek projects in one place for 'easy read' . I found tumblr's format is morr easier to read!
My feeling towards Kazujun?
They're my favorite ship in tekken aaa ! I rooting for them since I was 9 year old 😭 I was so curious about their 'mystery' connection , loving their dynamic and now in 2024 all of my question just been answer! ( not quite ? ) but I love their relationship so much , I would write a romance novel just for them! 😭
My thoughts about Kazujun in Tekken 8
Hear me out , I love the characters ending! The way kazuya talks about jun in his interview! They way they smile at each other . GAHHHH They're so cute!
However , I was dissapointed about the story mode a litttle bit eventhough I was screaming and Crying when 'walkthrough' the story mode .
I am a literature student so the story foundation and tekken lore are important to me .
But here's my opinion , I hate the way they only show Jin's struggle where we ALL know that Kazuya also trapped in his trauma eventhough he's like 50 year old man . That man still trapped in Heihachi shadow , He only see 'power' as his saviour and he's totally a slave for power because of his past trauma .
I want to see Kazuya's thoughts , Like bamco deep dive into his mind! Show his past , show his past with jun! This is where you can bring the element of contrats of the relationship between the 3 of them .
Don't get me wrong . I love Jin ! He's my top husbando in tekken but bro litsen , Kazuya also has his own struggle . Tekken 8 should show both of their struggles , They potray Kazuya as "HAHAHA EVIL , KILL ALL OF THEM" Yes I love when he act goofy but I also want to bamco shows his thoughts about his own struggle . That's all! So let's deep dive into my Kazujun masterlist!
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Kazujunweek24 masterlist!
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moonkissedvisions · 3 months
Hi there! I don't know if you answer asks or not but her goes: I happened to randomly come across your post about your uncle. I'm an Anuradha moon, Mula Sun and Pushya Rising and yes I feel like many times I feel so strongly about things that they happen not in a good way though. Idk how or what this is but it's not controlled (unfortunately). Very recently I had a crush on a guy who is totally unattainable..... I thought about him so much and a few months later one of my classmates met his best friend and they're now good friends. She also introduced my classmate to his other friend circle. Turns out he's in a relationship though so oops... But that's the thing I never thought of him like "oh he'll be my bf kinda way" and I constantly put myself down thinking there was no way I'd be able to even see him from afar. Lol and look what that brought on me- I have to hear my classmate talk about his friends and him. 😪🥲
So yeah that was my story. Why do I feel like us Anuradha natives keep hurting ourselves over relationships. Claire Nakti did mention in her videos the Cindrella trope associated with Anuradha idk if it'll ever happen to me though. Anyway thanks for giving me a space to rant. I just felt like finally found someone who would understand. ❤
Hi there. :) Firstly, no problem at all. 🩷🩷🩷 I just wanted to say that I can relate to your story. I have Saturn in the first house conjunct my ascendant, and it happened to me that I attracted a guy I liked, but hesitated too much to make a move. After all the synchronicities and signs, I found out that he was already in a relationship with someone (he met her way after he met me) and I even HELPED other women get together with him after he was single, with good intentions and everything. It's like I served everyone, but me. It makes me think about how I have no problem putting others before myself in such situations, and in other cases too. I feel that this is especially true for Saturn-dominant people in general.
Anuradha is a particularly friendly and considerate nakshatra, diplomatic and loyal. And while I don't know your gender, I know men with this nakshatra who are true gentlemen and Saturn women who are the type to help everyone and do a lot of things for them, being extremely submissive and passive. This is not necessarily bad!! It's also common for Saturn people to not feel sure about certain things and hesitate to get what they want straightforwardly. They often struggle to make decisions in many areas of their lives. In the end, Saturn is exalted in Libra, and Saturn people strive to restore and maintain the balance of everything, and of Karma.
No placement is a curse, though. I think if Saturn people struggle with relationships is due to the things I mentioned above, NOT because they are meant to struggle in relationships or any aspect of their lives at all. When Saturn people set their minds to a goal, they are highly disciplined and persistent until they achieve it. They are responsible among many other things. They are also the type to say "Today I will get this done" or "This year I will accomplish this" and succeed. Mantras and affirmations are especially powerful for you so I would consider this, and also keep focusing on your goals, serving others, and being how you are. Although this case may have been disappointing to you, I still believe you are doing a good job just the way you are. 🩷✨
Remember that Saturn is a planet that may take time to favor you. It promises to bless you eventually, while it teaches you to be a responsible person, restrict, and persevere. I think you acknowledged your placements and how they play out in your life very well!
Well, my message is to recognize the good qualities of your astrological chart and use them in your favor. Seek to understand the nature of Saturn more, focus on your strengths, and give credit to yourself often. I do get your concerns but trust me ;) there is no curse here and you didn't do anything wrong. Let's celebrate the good things and see all of what you do right instead of putting yourself down. You can correct your mistakes and improve yourself without putting energy into negative self-talk, overthinking, and anxiety. Also, take care of your health to prevent those issues.🫀
Lastly, think about how Anuradha is a devoted friend, a selfless lover, and a compassionate and empathetic person in general. Recognize your discipline and focus. My uncle, besides knocking down a wall, 😭 was able to successfully work in a variety of fields and he was always at the service of others, bringing them together and serving as a mediator. He was the peacemaker in my family when it was needed. I consider him a great teacher and counselor as well. He married late but he is so happy in his marriage and I suspect they are both Saturnians.
I sincerely hope that my response has been helpful! Don't hesitate to ask again if you need it. Although I'm not a professional, I take pleasure in answering your questions.
Anyway, you got this!! Believe in yourself and your path. 💋💋💋
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mainsamayhoon · 1 year
Maybe the reason I'm obsessed with love is cause only love stories have happy endings (at least the ones I saw) growing up cindrella was my favourite Disney princesses (still is) she is genuine and hardworking, has a happily ever after and I feel like I understand her. As a child I thought it was about finding prince charming but now as an adult I understand it's not about finding a prince it's about going to the ball. Cindrella never wanted to find the Prince, she just wanted to go to the ball which to her was something to do for herself after years of obeying others, serving others, it was just a coincidence that she caught the Prince's eye. The moral of this story is not finding a prince. it's telling you to do something for yourself, do something that makes you happy and something good will come out of it.
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saingirl101 · 1 year
So thinking on the princesses situation a bit more I think the issue that has fandom divided is just simply getting stuck on the comparison to the Stepmother
To be clear I am not necessarily saying that the princesses are inherently evil. When I compare their plan to the stepmother they both come from understanding both the princesses and the stepmother are deeply hurt by their situations.
The stepmother is white hot anger at the world while the princesses are essentially deeply depressed and feel trapped by their stories.
I have deep empathy for the princesses situation. I spent decades severely depressed and had multiple anxiety disorders, and was passively suicidal.
But I am finally for the first time in my life between therapy and anti-anxiety meds 100% happy with me and my life. And a lot of that comes from understanding I can't wait on others to make my life better I have to take that step and lashing out at others for perceived slights and injustices isn't healthy.
And that i think is what trips people up. The princesses have a deep sadness and melancholy to them, this probably wasnt their first plan but multiple worlds of fighting the fairies and seeing the horribleness of their original stories has worn them down. And I can certaintly see the bleakness.
But they are comparable to te stepmother in the sense that destroying the whole world means everyone. Its means the little mice who tried to help cinderella, it means the random town folk and creatures of the world. In addition their hands are not clean, killing everyone who happens to disagree with you like the snow queen or even the sea witch who ultimately showed willingness to try and right some wrongs with Mira and understands that she lives and dies in hundred of worlds., its not a good practice.
I understand their desperation and their grief and sadness. but think about rosamund. Who learned the truth of her story. Who was essentially an accessory rather than a character in her own story, who is one version was raped in her sleep. She is fighting, has grown to love her friends, her new family. understands that although she may not be totally happy with her story understands that change is possible.
So ultimately its a tragic situation. but its essentially them ignoring what cindrella said to rosamund and ultimately their plan who do harm to others the same way the stepmother is. And snow white ignoring her own words about main character syndrome (as in hey just because you are hurt by your situation and deserve dignity in decisions about your life, that doesnt give you the right to take that choice away from others).
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coffeewanderer · 11 months
Unresolved.... Mere Humsafar
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Mere Humsafar is a Pakistani drama starring Farhan Saeed and Hania Aamir in lead roles. One of the popular dramas of 2022, the story revolved around Hala and the changes Hamza brings to her life. Despite Shahjahan's toxicity, Hamza's care for Hala, the amazing chemistry of the leads and Dadi brought the drama a massive recognition.
Now, the 40 episodes felt lengthy and there were times when Hamza definitely disappointed the audience, cause let's face it- people were there for Hamza.
One important point the story missed is Hamza's reaction to Shahjahan's abuse. I mean, wouldn't it be a trauma to any person to see their mother, who has always sacrificed her happiness for her child, who withstood abuse from her husband to inturn abuse someone. Without a doubt, Shahjahan was an excellent mother to Hamza (atleast till a certain point) and looking at one's mother as a person who brought pain to someone else is extremely hard. And, this brings the issue of Shahjahan using tablets to terminate Hala's pregnancy. This was a track that was left unresolved.
Second, Hala's insecurities run deep. While, Hamza has tried to give Hala the reassurance she needed, her lack of trust to confide in Hamza definitely put the audience off. While, there were some powerful moments, Hala unfortunately didnot have the character development she deserved. Hala seeking therapy, taking steps to be independent.... this was what I as an audience would have loved to see.
I do definitely think, Hala's unresolved issues and her doormat behaviour are huge red flags as a mother. The abandonment issues run deep and as such in real life Hala would be an overprotective mother, who may do more harm than good to her daughter.
Hania Aamir as Hala was nice to see, her body language was great and I think, Hania needs good directors and she needs to experiment with roles. Too much crying as Hala was definitely a negative, but that was the script. And any day, it's Hala over Maheer for me.
Sameen was a breath of fresh air. Here, the story highlights the difference education and parental support makes in a girl's life. In a way, Sameen was betrayed by the people closest to her, but her education gave her the confidence to look ahead in life. She made tough decisions and she could stand by them.
Overall, my rant is that it would have been better for Hala to seek help and to rebuild her life, acheiving her dreams instead of being a Cindrella. That, would have definitely ensured greater success to the drama, with audience being more satisfied. What's your take on the drama?
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malihaa · 1 year
fav rom-coms
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white chicks
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how to lose a guy in 10 days
she's the man
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a cindrella story
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swan-of-fabletown · 10 months
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Bigby and Keira caught up with Cinderella, and Bigby was a bit attitude toward Cinderella. Bigby: Was that necessary to you to do that, and you already know our names, but was that necessary? Not to remind you Cindy, but we aren't married or even a couple. Keira knows Bigby is covering the relationship a secret. But Keira knows Cinderella was only trying to do her job. Cinderella lowers her sign and smiles. Cinderella: Nice to see you as well, and you too Keira. And I know you don't like my jokes Bigs. But you should know what the term or word undercover means, was I right? Come on, and let's get you to the location in my rental car.
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Cinderella helps Bigby and Keira with their suitcases and started to drive out the airport, Keira: So has he slept with you yet? Cinderella: Not yet, but I did make him in the guest room, he thinks I gone find a new place today Bigby: You be careful with him, you know what he is like Keira nodded as agrees on Bigby.
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dojae-huh · 9 months
since u asked me how I get into jaedo...okay let me tell u my story...
I was hardcore dotaeist ..(i still am coz they gives me butterflies with their friendship).......I stan dy...he is my ultimate bias...even my bias wrecker too...I think I am in a state that I can't give his place to anyone...I love him as a singer,idol,smart and for a kind nd caring person etc....
How I get into shipping??..it is easy when u love someone u want the others to do the same thing....u knw dotae is a big ship...nd when I come to knw it they already have a couple ring...eventhough it is tom nd jerry relationship u will definitely knw how ty loves and adores his little brother ...so I cant just leave that fact out..I like the way dy loved..nd ty is the leader and everyone accept their dynamic even the membrs...it was when they had the link concert in japan when ty said there is someone in his life for the past 7 years and 127members all along said it is dy..ofcrs they were kidding...but dont knw why at that moment I fall for them entirely...
I even noticed j0hndo dowoo doyu domark and even doill ...u knw how taeil is when it comes to showing affection...but I could felt a warm approach of him towards dy eventhough he is good at teasing him...and 2 dongs are literally brothers for me from the beginning.....these all are just shipping things for me coz I knw evryone want to mingle their bias with someone to create more moments...like I wanted....but u knw what I didnt even knw JAEDO existed....even to knw they are a ship they had to interact or smiles during content right....when I come to the fandom I think it was their divorce time....can u imagine how oblivious would be me about jaedo ..haha...
So I am going to be brutally honest.....so jaedo was a dead ship for me....but i come to knw the fact that it was very big ...and come to knw somany accnts in insta and Twitter. ..and who is jae he is the most popular among neos...dont get the wrong idea of me but it is the truth...I like the concept of dy got to shipped with the most popular and handsome member from nct...it got me really hooked...nd ofcrs u would knw when u want to follow something u need some evidence and proof to make ur opinion strong..so I watched all shipping vedeos of jaedo...ok there are already shippers who proved their theory and made the vedeos...so I got such little thing to follow jaedo as a ship....and there were lot of dotae moments in 127 concert the link...where tae posted dy in his story nd also they tried putoff dy's tshirt coz dy teased ty...and finally that happend the cindrella moment of jaedo....I was really shocked nd impressed by jaes daring action. ...the total strangers during concerts just did what...and jae was full on it..coz he kinda stopped dy and put the shoes and lifted the pants without even flinching.....I thought what was it....so I searched it again and again untill ur blog showed up before my eyes...and the name was totally interesting which is what I really needed....so iopend it....nd u can guess what is ur role in opening my eyes into the world of jaedo...not only for this moment but I got answers to almost everything that i dont even doubted before..after all this I dont have time to look for other ship...cos i like real things rather than imaginations...but i am still in the middle of the reading..so let me knw heifer u delete it...need time to complete. ..haha....
Dotae still have an important place in my heart and I dont want to give it to jaedo...eventhough I started shipping them first I already knw they were platonic...I said I just like see dy is loved..and I wanted something to stay on the fandom coz I love dy that much..Idk if u knw sometimes shipping vedeos helps ...but as i knw nd felt jaedo is real and kinda felt how dy adores jae and how jae loves dy....nd I want exact the same thing...if dy got his love from a person like jae there is nothing more I need..I will have to support them forever I guess...god I trapped!!
Thank you for the long detailed reply.
Lol, I jokingly call Jaehyun "trophy husband". I was accused before a couple of times of choosing him as the most popular neo to ship Do with. As if the name of the blog is not the indication which way it went. It's ususally easy to tell who read the blog at least some and who spend a minute and got offended.
Basically. "Let's find out if this boy gets his dream man".
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For some reason there are plenty of initially TaeDo shippers who turned JaeDo shippers. Could it be because TaeDo are so open about their relationship, so there is little room for imagination and pretense? (I very seldom see TaeDo shippers who believe they are real and not ship them because of their friendship, can't be said about JohnDo, JaeWoo, JaeYong). Or, perhaps, other ships with Tae are more attractive? (not a singing geek with an artsy dork)
Some new shippers also started to ask question after a particular moment. If my memory serves me right, there was Jaehyun taking a toy gun to reload out of Do's hands silently and TaeDoJae in one bed scene.
To continue a bit on your story.
Many fans come late and don't get deep into the history of the group, get most of their information from social media. Get wrong impressions and continue to be active in the fandom very sure they know what's what and can now teach others. This is why either the "oldies" or the original material (shows, interviews) are the sources to believe, not what's easily seen on twitter. Not on the topic, but Jaehyun not being acknowledged as one of the 3 best vocals in NCT is such a case. Jaehyun and Haechan were elevated in 127 to main vocal position after a few years. Haechan was always the main vocal of Dream unit anyway, however, with Jaehyun the change never stuck with the crowd who only measure by official labels (not being specialists themselves). Plus in recent years he didn't have many prominent parts in A-sides.
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I don't trust people who add too much logic to fairy tales.
Like, yeah, it's pretty fucked up to fall in love with a man-beast who basically kidnapped/ransomed you from your family. Luckily, small children have no concept of Stockholm syndrome and even the tiniest kids can understand that kidnapping someone is bad. Adults don't give small kids enough credit.
"But what about the prince who only found Cindrella because of a shoe?"
Suspension of disbelief. Even when these stories were being written, they were exaggerated. It has never been a courtship practice in Europe where many well-known Western fairy tales come from to find a bride via shoe.
Fairy tales are fairy tales for a reason. They don't need logic or to be rewritten as modern completely clean washed-out versions. They don't need to hit you over the head with "YOU SHOULDN'T FALL IN LOVE WITH THE FIRST PERSON YOU SEE". Fairy tales are not there to adhere to the laws of logic and reason. They're meant to be viewed through the lens of a child, whether you're a literal kid or an adult.
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