invigoratorypoesy · 11 months
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invigoratorypoesy · 11 months
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invigoratorypoesy · 11 months
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invigoratorypoesy · 11 months
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invigoratorypoesy · 1 year
The closer the star is , more bright is its shine ; isn't it same for people . The closest appears the most lightened . But the beauty of the moon remains , when being far , the close it comes ....more it faints . But I like the paleness of it , when it passes quietly through the heavy clouds during night ; likewise some souls pass by the crowd , holding the storm inside them but appearing as calm as silent sea . Although I can't see any shore to my ocean (life) , yet bewildered and in chaos by it ... go on travelling it with a smile in the hope to find that one drop of purpose . Isn't this how everyone else survive ...or live ?
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invigoratorypoesy · 1 year
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invigoratorypoesy · 1 year
तुम भी एक झूठ हो , मैं भी एक झूट , झूठी सारी ये दुनिया है , धोखा है वो सारा जहान , जहा मिलती खुशियाँ हर किसी को हैं . इस समा में मैं भी गुम हूँ , तुम भी बेनिशाँ से , कागज़ और क़लम सी बेवक़्त मेरी ख्वाइशें रहीं हमेशा , शायर और ग़ज़ल से रूठे तुम भी रहे . मैं लिखती कहानियाँ रेतों सी , तुम बहाव से बहते रहते , ख़ामोश हर शब्द रहे मेरे , दुआ बनके तुम गायब होते रहते .
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invigoratorypoesy · 1 year
क्या गम थे , उन लबों पे छुपे हुए ,उन आँखों में बसे थे जो , अधूरी हसी बनके . कहा है वो परिंदा , कहा हैं वो फ़रिश्ता ,
एक आग सा बना है तो वो ओस कि बूंदो सा जमा हुआ ,
कहा छुपी है वो मोम सी गुड़िया इस इंसानी लिबाज़ में , ढूंढ सकता है जिसे बस वो हैवान हर अंदाज़ में . कहानी है ये अलग़ मिज़ाज कि , दो रास्ते अलग निशान के , न वो जाने है गुम कहा उसकी मंजिल, न ही पहचाने वो कहा ठहरी हैं उसकी ख्वाइश .
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invigoratorypoesy · 1 year
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invigoratorypoesy · 2 years
세계 는 꽤 엉망 입니다 . 세계 라는 말은 확실히 식물 이나 산 , 비를 의미 하는 것이 아닙니다 ....그들은 훌륭합니다 . 전체적으로 지저분한 것은 사람들 입니다 . 하지만 여전히 일부가 있습니다....제 말은 좀 덜 엉망이거나 우리가 참는 것을 꺼려하지 않는 소수의 사람들이 있다는 뜻입니다.
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invigoratorypoesy · 2 years
La pluie ne tombe pas sur ceux sous la verrière et tu étais celle-là pour moi.Nous étions amateurs de pluie, ensemble cela a apporté à la fois la douleur et les souvenirs.J'ai été soulagé par sa douceur et tu as été touché par sa nature impalpable.
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invigoratorypoesy · 2 years
Words choke the inner urge to justify self
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invigoratorypoesy · 2 years
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invigoratorypoesy · 2 years
Spelt in a wrong way with the purest intentions held by the eyes , will it work ; I chuckled .
The chill in the spine all down to the legs shivers the soul , so I paced down a little.
Fireworks were all around the sky , like the fireflies rocketing upwardly , but my eyes were just on the smooth smile , that curled little downwards.
Strange sensations flew all way through my body , I was quiet before I spelt .
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invigoratorypoesy · 2 years
The nights groomed mysteriously , I was awake till the silence swept over the city . Eyes were tired , so was soul ; remained the old insecurities intact as I admired . Conversations never happened , serenity was not attained , confusions were all around me being so justified , as I stared in the extreme darkness , my pain became stained . The knots of the wish and desperation of facing it felt so warm , my body was although at the same place , the soul went alone to elope.
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invigoratorypoesy · 2 years
Resurfacing your words from the moment I first saw you , I was just a bystander who unintentionally got my eyes on you . It was all my misunderstanding after that , but that had made all the difference . Your eyes when met mine , the wind felt like it had mixed scented flowers with sunshine . That smile , so warm ; I guess something was different in you among other around me , that I still can get over you . No regrets , no disappointment , all moments bitter and sweet , all smiles and fights . I just wish I can meet you again in this lifetime , and I thing that is going to be right.
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invigoratorypoesy · 2 years
How beautiful ...
His eyes was completely mesmerised by her smile , her lips curling outwards . He realised , how beautiful can a painful smile be . Those ashes of her burnt memories penned on that diary were like a memorial to that day . It took seconds for the lighter to lit those heartfelt pages , whose every word was imprinted on her heart . As she decided to step ahead for herself , he could feel her soul in that little giggle .
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