#a lotta ramblings in the tags lol
catzgam3rz · 2 years
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Found loose printer paper at work, Team Rancher doodles be upon ye
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
made a tumblr just because i liked ur fics and i was like omg i can get even MORE content???.,,, ur characterization of miguel is so so dear to me<33 hes literally everything i imagined him to be when i started the comics
AAAAAAAA,,, that's very sweet of you to say; i'm flattered to hear it!!!!!! 💞💞 miguel's an important character to me-- even if SM2099 wasn't my (jokingly referred-to as) Autistically-Decreed Favorite Thing™, it's still a comic book that's very near and dear to my heart, and it has been for a long time..,., i put a lot of raw Passion into my writing (perhaps maybe even moreso than any of my other Creative Hobbies..? idk. i'm not good at measuring abstract concepts--), but. anyways.
writing Mig is FUN!!! he's clever as a cat-o'-nine, but at the same time he also misses social cues like it's a full-time job (Relatable); outwardly as miguel he's a wise-ass, but he Rarely Speaks as spider-man, unless he's surprised, or Winning, or scared, and ALWAYS he's Thinking there is Always Something going on in his mind at mach speeds All The Time. he does not have spider-sense but he also just. straight-up Does Not Need It because he's competent enough to win fights w/o it...
he's my right hand arm. man. just some weird funny tragic soap opera clown of a man with “guy who SEEMS Normal at first but then you spend like 0.2 seconds around him and u swiftly begin to realize that smthn abt this man is Deeply unwell” vibes. god. if he went to therapy he'd be unstoppable.
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april-doodles · 2 years
I made a timeline regarding my Dragonball fanon works dhshdhs aka I made Daikon’s story and my Raditz Revived story into one AU and now I have to explain how that can logically happen
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fannyspammy · 1 year
Adam Warlock x Reader
Summary: Adam has never felt the way he feels when he’s with you.
Warnings: none ! just a lotta fluff on fluff on fluff hehe hence the cheesy title. There aren’t really spoilers i think unless you count the location maybe? Idk it’s pretty general imo
A/N: watched gotg 3 twice over the weekend & im obsesseddd with this man lol. Might make this a series of firsts with Adam if yall would read it ��� lmk if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters!
[not my gif]
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He was built like a man — perfect in every way with his chiseled body & god-like strength — but he had the innocence of a child. And y/n loved that about him. He was the purest person she knew, embracing every new experience & every new discovery with such wonder. And she loved that she got to share so many firsts with him.
Y/n always smiled to herself when she remembered the first time he told her he had feelings for her. Or tried to, at least.
They were sitting in silence on a roof in Knowhere, people-watching. They’d come there every afternoon since meeting after the defeat of the High Evolutionary. Having lived in Knowhere with the Guardians before the attack (his attack, ironically), y/n knew all the spots for when you needed a moment alone, & when they’d met, she could tell he was someone who needed that space to just be.
So she introduced him to her spot, & they’d been coming ever since. But Nebula had needed their help with a few tasks that afternoon, so their daily retreat was pushed later into the evening. By this time, the community was out in the streets, dancing & playing & having fun. Music & laughter filled the air, & the faint scent of liquor presented itself as everyone began to drink the night away. It was getting late & y/n was getting tired, so she scooted closed & rested her head on his shoulder.
Y/n felt him tense at the initial contact, before quickly relaxing and melting into it, laying his head on hers. After a couple minutes he spoke.
“Y/n, I… feel something.. when I’m with you.”
She looked up at him without moving from her position, raising an eyebrow in confusion. “Hm?”
“Something.. warm. Tingly? I-I don’t really- how do I- it’s hard to explain…”
Y/n giggled at his flustered attempt to explain himself.
Adam sighed & tried again. “I.. care about you. A lot. But it’s different from the way I cared about my mother. Or Blurp. Like, I want to be with Blurp all the time & hug him & cuddle him, and I want to do the same with you, but in a different way. But I can’t explainhowit’sdifferentitjustknowthatits-”
“Adam!” y/n said with a laugh, stopping his rambling. She lifted her head from its resting place to look at him, amused. “Slow down!”
“See! When you smile at me like that I feel it!”
Y/n bit her lip to restrain the smile spreading across her face, her brows furrowed in thought.
“Can I try something?” She asked. Adam nodded.
“Do you feel it when I do this?” Y/n gently brushed a lock of hair away from his face. He nodded again, slower.
“What about.. this?” Y/n brought her hand down to his shoulder & dragged it down slowly to rest on his chest. She felt his heartbeat quicken.
“I feel it more now.”
Using her other hand, she grabbed his arm to raise it between them, and then placed her hand on his, gently interlacing their fingers. “This?”
His heartbeat quickened again and he nodded. A curious smile spread over his lips.
“I feel it right in my stomach.. almost like it’s.. like it’s fluttering. Like-”
“Butterflies.” Y/n said, finishing his sentence.
Adam nodded again, excitedly, like she’d just solved a puzzle he’d been stuck on for days. “Like butterflies!”
Y/n leaned in closer, resting their intertwined hands in his lap. “Adam, you like me,” she said with a teasing smile on her lips.
“Well yeah, you know I like you. I like most people. Except the ones I need to fight, which used to be you & our friends but now I like you guys.”
She chuckled and pressed her head against the nook of his neck, back resting on his chest, pulling his arm around her, fingers still locked together.
“No, Adam. I mean you like like me. Like, romantically.” She tapped his torso with her free hand. “That’s why you feel all warm and gooey inside when you’re with me, or when I touch you. You having feelings for me. Romantic feelings.”
“Romantic…,” he whispered to himself, then paused shortly. “Do you like me too? In the romantic way?”
Y/n felt his chest tense as his breathing hitched, anticipating her answer. He may not understand his feelings yet, but he knew he wanted her to feel the same way. She squeezed his hand softly in reassurance.
“Mhmm. I like you a lot.”
He eased beneath her & then was quiet for a moment, as if deep in thought, processing the new feeling he had just discovered.
Then he held her tighter, and she felt him smile as she melted into his embrace.
“I like liking you. It feels nice.”
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sugar-omi · 10 months
Kinda a request but also not: I would like to see jealous/possesive!MC bc I've been somewhat lurking in the tags, and I haven't seen any of it besides one person scraping an idea of both Cove and the MC being yanderes for each other. Like I'm insane about Cove, ik I'm not alone 😭.
It would be super interesting to see how a jealous/possessive!MC responds to Baxter during the step 3 prologue when he hits on Cove. 🤭
i can ramble abt this forever n ill prbly end making a part 2 to this lol pls even a few of my first post have a lotta jealous/possessive reader w a light yandere theme since im not completely in the scene but the possessiveness makes my brain churn LOL <333
tags : Suggestive, step 3, slight yandere theme, jealous/possessive reader
synopsis : you might be a bit too possessive with cove. but if he loves it and it sets the record straight, what's the problem?
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when baxter starts making subtle flirtatious comments to cove, it makes your head spin
of course you know your boyfriend is attractive!
you've seen the way tourists look at him, and when you were still in school, you heard and saw the way other students ogled and giggled to each other about how cute cove is.
unfortunately, you can't just put a collar on him with your name on it. although a small part of you thinks cove might like it.
so even after baxter gets the idea that you're both taken. (not that it needed to be said with the glare on your face and the way you straighten up, pulling cove into you)
you still go to some lengths to make sure he remembers that
instead of just holding his hand, you'll pull him into your lap of you can, wrapping your arms around him and kissing his shoulder/neck occasionally
and if you're in cove's car after a dinner date, and baxter just happens to walk out of his condo where he can see you stretched over the middle console, tangling your fingers in cove's hair and kissing within an inch of your lives...
well that's just a coincidence <3
and if you're coming back from a trip at the beach that was getting much too steamy with your hand dipping under the leg of cove's swim shorts, and run into baxter on the way back
you won't easily admit that it brings you too much happiness to see cove fidgeting, itching to get away so he can be alone with you, and how baxter's eyes widen a bit at the blooming marks on cove's skin
if you can put the grudge aside enough to hang out with baxter during the "sightseeing" moment, then of course the topic of dating and crushes comes up
baxter smiles when you say that cove has only ever been with you, and vice versa.
of course you note the melancholy look on his face, and you feel like he's being sarcastic. or at least half-hearted in his well wishes
maybe the look on your face is a bit too much on the sour side, but you don't worry about that. "cove and i will certainly spend the rest of our lives together. our souls are intertwined after all."
your smile is a bit sickly sweet, but you move on anyway
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I wanna talk a bit abt cove though...
yk how in step 2, if you punch/scare/cuss at jeremy, cove admits that he likes it?
I think he knows and sees how jealous, how possessive you are and feeds into it sometimes
it makes his heart beat (and even turns him on) that you're claiming him in any way
he sees how you pull him into your lap, or how you hold onto his arm, or how you kiss him even more when in front of baxter
he knows that when you ran into baxter, you find too much pleasure in how he squirms. and when you finally get back to his room for a little privacy, you're almost feral with how you touch and kiss him
he sees the way you leer and smirk when baxter walks by you two, and cove flushes because even though he's embarrassed bc baxter definitely saw you making out, he's also a bit... excited by it
it doesn't make sense, and it embarrasses him more just thinking abt it, but it just makes him feel so warm and tingly when you act like this that it overrides his shame <33
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spacegoathours · 1 year
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Dhsjjkfkfl it’s ok, I don’t really know how to interact on here either but it seems like you can kinda do whatever!!! ramble in the tags or do that “prev” thing I see a lotta people do to respond to tags…? idk! I do this. lol
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homestuck-iconz · 1 year
Howdy! I’m mod Jade. I go by any pronouns really, so pop off lol.
Things I do!!:
-Icons: I’ll draw icons that the other mods have already edited, or you can request specific icons as well :3
-Ship opinions: Beware, I have a lotta thoughts and hot takes ☺️
-Headcanons: I LOVE rambling about characters!!!!!!
-Classpect analysis: Preferably give me one classpect at a time haha
-Panel edits: as long as you are specific, I’d love love LOVE to edits!!!
What I won’t do:
Honestly pretty much most of what the other two mods won’t do lol
#Mod Jade - general tag
#Jade rambles - text tag
#Jades doodles - Icons
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In regards to the seven sentence tag game:
Let's see if I can manage this without going off into the entire plot of Gears of War and a comprehensive guide to the history, science, culture, society, and economic structure of the world of Sera. Or worse, start ranting about the themes of the story. 😅
So within the world of Gears there's a superweapon called the Hammer of Dawn. It's made up of a network of satellites that can rain down firey hell in concentrated bursts. It's a constant presence within the games, books, and comics and helps showcase the gray areas of humanity in a horrific but necessary way. Basically, big scary laser weapon from space. Not to be used lightly.
One of the bigger plot devices in Gears of War 5 is that they're trying to get the HoD back online. Most of the satellites have been lost, destroyed, or knocked offline and unreachable after the near apocalypse the world of Sera endured. The first mission in the game is to find and launch a working satellite. Unfortunately, one satellite is difficult to aim and doesn't cover a large surface area of the planet. One of the next missions you play is an evacuation of a COG settlement. Obviously things go wrong, things are looking bad and my poor sweet darling JD (James) fueled by guilt, pride, and fear decides to use himself as a targeting beacon for the HoD. It works until the satellite goes haywire and Baird no longer has control over it. And then everything goes to ratshit. JD gets hit with a blast that basically cooks him. He ends up severely wounded and in a coma for a while.
Now that you've got some knowledge to go off of this piece is a little bit of introspection on the relationship between JD and his father, Marcus. I'm kind of going for a "these are the times he remembers holding his son" thing. The first being only a few hours after JD is born. The next time being on JD's sixth birthday, only a short time before his mother's death, an event that drives a huge wedge between Marcus and JD. And the last being this moment when he has to drag his dying child to CASEVAC. I'm wanting to explore Marcus's guilt in not being there for his son and how he feels powerless as his little boy lies dying at his feet. One of Marcus's biggest issues throughout the entire series is his messiah complex. He believes it's his job to shoulder pain and suffering for everyone else. For him to be unable to do that for his own son has to feel like a major failure on his part. We don't really get a whole lot of this from Marcus's point of view within the game or the accompanying book. That's all mostly explored from Kait's perspective which is important and great, but poisonous relationships between parent and child are very important to me and I like to explore them in all their multifaceted detail.
So what did JD do? He lied. He put people that depended on him in danger. And he knowingly killed innocents. Eventually, his hubris caught up with him. And now his father has to face his own as they race for the chance to save JD's dwindling life.
And oops I rambled in your ask box. 🤦 Sorry.
Let's see if I can manage this without going off into the entire plot of Gears of War and a comprehensive guide to the history, science, culture, society, and economic structure of the world of Sera. Or worse, start ranting about the themes of the story. 😅
Me when I try to explain Ghostbur or Wilbur or Tommy or anything related to Dream SMP to someone who’s not in the fandom XD I usually end up going into a whole lotta detail lol—probably much more detail than is truly needed.
But it’s fun, so :D
Big scary laser weapon from space, gotcha!
NOOOOOOO JD *carefully covers him with a soft blanket and pats his head*
Ough… oh Deathy. One of my favorite things to read about is complicated relationships between family members. Oh gosh. Oh this fic sounds amazing oh my goodness. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!
You absolutely don’t have to apologize, my friend! Reading rambles is one of my favorite things to do :D And this story sounds sooooo good oh my gosh-
Now I’m curious: what do JD and Marcus act like? What are their personalities? Now that I know the backstory I’m very curious about other aspects of them :0
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drfurter · 6 months
hi @lowoliet and @chemicalarospec 🫀
i didn’t get to the last couple of these i was tagged in, so i got a little rambly with this one to make up for it bc i don’t talk much on this blog. i think everyone should ramble tho
sorry if im tagging anyone who’s had this, im just going through my activity for familiar mutuals rq @13eyond13 @rue-ryuu-zaki @bi-snapdragon @lightlightsuplight @5percentkira @muttyagami @blacknailpolishnear @malewife-lightyagami @foxboy-light-yagami
Last song: i am mid sesh so the answer keeps changing as im writing this lol but last song rn was thick skull by paramore. also listening to a lotta boygenius
Currently watching: blue eye samurai is SO GOOD GUYS. it’s a quick watch too so jump right in and then be sad there’s no more with me
Three ships: l*wl*ght, whatever light L and beyond had going on in Nightsverse, and andreil from the exy mafia series (me sideblog is @tinygoalie )
Favorite color: deep velvety forest green, if you paint your walls with it you have to have a bunch of dark wood bookshelves, if you take it out for coffee you get flustered hornily by it’s intense eye contact, if you see it in a gem you want it in your throat. 🤨
Currently consuming: idk help. any fic recs? i’ve been scrolling through ao3 like cable tv
First ship: johnlock 😶 i discovered tumblr looking for rps, made my own sherlock rp blog and later a personal one, made friends worth flying across the ocean to meet multiple times, fully bought into tjlc and became fairly popular bloggers with that friend group in the fandom and even featured in failfandomanon at one point. i got stories. my relationship status and i met talking about johnlock at a book sale we were volunteering at. now we can’t see nor hear anything to do w sherlock without full body shivers of visceral cringe. it’s fun /srs
Relationship status: my best friend from college is my partner bc we both value platonic relationships more than romantic ones. we live together and have a shared bank account (+ personals) and other partner things and she’s got a girlfriend and im a girl kisser at the club
i dont go to the club tho
Last movie: i got the regal movie pass to see saltburn more than once. people! it’s about spoilers deceitful queer obsession with equal parts love and hate that leads to moments you are already reading about in fanfic. if you follow me i think that’s something u like! where’s the chat. and she tells me also the invitation on shudder but i can hardly remember it. going to see the gay queen of genovia todayyyy
Currently working on: i would love to be inspired to write something 🫦 i do have a couple rps on discord that are cool enough to be fics. shouldn’t community servers for rp be a thing where people can watch them live
are they?
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Welcome to my theater!
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Lights, camera, action!
Currently taking submissions (requests:) Yes! please read what I will and won’t write first before requesting!!You can find the guidelines a bit further down this post
You can call me Ghost! This blog is a (mostly) kpop writing account. I write for: The Boyz, Stray Kids, Txt, Wayv, Nct and all its sub units lol, WEi Seventeen, Xdinary Heros, MIRAE, and more! idk we'll see how it goes. At the moment I use She/ They, They/ She pns!! And Im aeromantic! (Phew that was the first time I've ever written that down!!!)
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~Entertainment to look forward to~
.a church boy smutty fic with tbz Jacob
.fic based on 'don't call me angel' by Ariana Grande. Ya know spies and all that
.Vernon fic
.fic in celebration of txts new upcoming album
.dancing in the kitchen jacob tbz fic
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~Newest to the stage~
”Which hand product i think each svt member is” (crack but also VERY serious lmao)
“Jooyeon smutty hcs pt. 1” (jooyeon XH reader smut)
”Somehow you make the ‘city of love’ even better (Hyunjin skz x reader smut)”
”Birthday days (established relationship Beomgyu txt x reader fluff)”
"Feeling bold" (jungsu x reader established relationship fluffy and a lil suggestive)
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~In the spotlight~
morning baby (keeho x reader suggestive)
xh realizing they love you romantically for the first time (fluff, hurt comfort I guess)
”I think you’re like, super duper cool— a morning with Kai” (heuningkai x reader smut)
“dreams sofas and whines” (Kevin moon x reader smut)
please be respectful and leave some love like reblogs, and comments on the fics and stuff you like :) I don't write for any girl groups YET and I'lll add some other fandoms I write for soon!
dni if you’re racist, Islamophobic, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, or anything harmful like that!! This blog only has room for people who aren’t harmful to others in any way and rude behavior will not be tolerated!!
This is a sfw and nsfw blog so I’ll be putting warnings on any fics plus using the community label thingy so nobody gets any surprises So Please be mindful of that and don’t read what you don’t want to see since i also have sfw writings on my blog im perfectly okay with minor and ageless blogs interacting with those types of fics that’s are sfw and following me. But I WILL block you if you don’t have an age indicator in your bio saying you’re not a minor if you interact on a nsfw fic!!
Things I’m not gonna write: non consensual, scat, age play, dub con, pregnancy, murder, smut about an underage member, and for now no character death lol
random facts about meh: I love the movie It: chapter one lol (at this point it's a comfort movie) and many other pieces of horror media! Like the one and only Magnus Archives and borasca! also am an introvert. I love music in general. I really like R&B and punk and rock, and a lotta oldies too! I'm pretty much a new fic writer so Please bare with grammar mistakes and things like that! I'm trying my best
tags in use: ghosts reblogs, ghost chattin, Ghost's writing, beomgyu had me fainting™️ on this one, my babygirl hannie, jooyeon got me acting up, hyuka, my baby minnie, my baby ferret, hao, ghost rambles, requested by Anon the Shades, the lovely yerin, anon the shades
i'm tagging @cupidjyu cause they inspired me to do one of these!! Pls go check out their amazing work!
ALSO: Do Not copy and paste my work, plagiarize it, translate it, or anything like that!!!
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catzgam3rz · 2 years
Off topic question about cats… WHATS. ur favorite warrior cat(s) *def not gonna draw them since im desperate for some interaction + some of ur fave cats*
Okay so number one favourite boy is FALLEN LEAVES I adore him I am rotating him in my head at all times
along with him (in no particular order)
Goosefeather (your guy!)
That's a lot and It's all I can remember rn sorry if that is like way too fucking many ;w;
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ghost-town-story · 7 months
Hokay, I already know this isn't gonna be a fun update :P
TL:DR: I'm taking a sorta hiatus from writeblr. Basically a hiatus except for a couple of events at the end of November/beginning of December, and FebruarOC. No clue when I'll be back.
Longer version:
If you've been around here for any NaNo season since 2020, you may have noticed something weird happening, aka I stopped posting daily snips, and stopped giving excuses for it after the first two times. It was just a lotta hitting roadblocks with Knighttime Dreams and not wanting to push myself into writing something I'd be okay with sharing, and then falling out of the habit by the time I was writing stuff I'd be okay with sharing.
Which is probably because of the mild/major problem I've been having for at least the last year where me and actually writing down the shit I've plotted in my head have not been getting along. At All. And it really fuckin sucks! I took a break after last year's NaNo and after FebruarOC, and that didn't seem to do shit, and I tried writing every day and that still didn't do much (tho the fact I stopped when I went on vacation probably didn't help, but also. they were contextless snips. I like writing those, but there's a difference between that and Actually Plotted Shit), so. yeah. I dunno.
So yeah. Gonna step back from writeblr and make it official this time rather than just vanishing. I'll still be lurking as usual, I might try and fill some of the Find the Word tags and other assorted not-last-line tags I have sitting around, but I'm gonna be pretty quiet in terms of my own stuff. I'll do my usual NaNo roundup at the end of the month, I wanna do some Spotify Wrapped drabbles again, I have a thing planned for Dec 1 that I've been looking forward to since like... July, and I'm gonna come back for FebruarOC bc if I want it to become a widespread writeblr thing then goddammit I gotta do it myself (also it's fun. I'm not just doing it outta obligation lmao it's just a longer form of the contextless snips), but yeah. Other than planned events that I'm actually hella excited about despite this burnout/whatever the fuck my brain is doing to me, I'm just gonna dip for a while. Can't say when I'll be back for good, I don't wanna make promises and then feel bad when I can't keep them.
I'll be hanging around Discord tho, with my usual level of lurking/occasionally popping in for a comment, so in order of my likelihood to engage, you can still find me in CANS, North Haven, or WTW. I have channels in all those servers and I've been using the CANS one more for stuff that hasn't made it to tumblr, so uh. If you really wanna keep up with my writing you might have better luck there lol
So yeah. Sorry for rambling. There's a reason I put this under a cut lol
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cerealmonster15 · 11 months
Grabs you and shakes you ALSO 14 & 15 for violence questions :3
PHEW ok you're [probably] safe from my lengthy rambles bc i dont read too much fic especially lately HMMM
14- that one thing you see in fics all the time
are these specifically Hater Things since it's violence. like am i supposed to complain or am i allowed to say Nice Things. HMM. hmm. damn ur right these ARE hard LOL lkfsdjfls uhhhhhhh fuck when was the last time i read a fic.... i kinda come and go in phases with these bc Reading Is Hard uhhhh
well. i read mostly jami/azu when i do read fic, in terms of twst. but also sometimes heartslabyul fic but also im way pickier about heartslabyul related fics <- probably bc there's way more of it. jami/azu was harder to come by in the early days and i do feel like when something's less popular you find the more dedicated works that have a lot put into them!!
idk i dont think that answers the question tho LJFDKSL UMMM well in jami/azu fics ive read there's often a plotline of azul overworking himself and jamil trying to get him to pull away from his workaholic tendencies. i think that's fun! i like seeing the different ways people approach the same topic :]
15- that one thing you see in fanart all the time
[mind goes blank despite consuming dozens of fanarts daily] uhhh hang on lemme check my trusty tumblr tag 🚶
[seeing my own posts][scrolling faster] uhhhhhhHHHH ok well i guess i was in a jami/azu fever the past few days actually so that's what im talking about here too LOL there's a lot of fanart [mine included JLFJSD] of azul being shamelessly adoring and/or obnoxiously smug while Also Being Flustered over jamil and jamils just like. either also flustered yet SO pissed about it and in denial jsklfds OR just straight up Trying To Get Rid Of Azul and it's so fun. it's my favorite thing in the world <- hence why i too draw it so often LOL listen. theres a lotta earnest fanart of them thats so so so good. theres also silly goofs and japes that are equally SO fun and i love it all fjksljfelsjf
i could not be a hater for these idk if i followed the rules please don't tell riddle i just was overcome by the jami/azu and im not very picky about them kfljjflsjdklf 🕺🕺🕺 [i could probably find things to be picky about. i just dont feel like it rn LOL]
[violence questions] [theres a 50/50 chance ill be normal about my answers i guess!!!]
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keeps-ache · 9 months
Reading your tag rambles makes me think of Night Vale! Kinda so random lol. I like how happy you always sound! Anyway, yeah idk whats up with the sudden bot-explosion on here! Wasn't this bad in a few months.
hfshfa thank you!! i just started listening to WTNV recently, it's definitely my vibe i love it :D yea lotta thoughts lol, it's why i added the slashes so they're easier to read hfvhhs and thaanks ◕ᵕ◕ sounding happy makes me happy so !!
really ! every couple months there's an influx, and sometimes a new theme! i think it's 'decay' this time loll
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tau1tvec · 2 years
You ever notice that literally the only people saying “reblogs dont matter, you can’t force people to reblog things” are the ones with 1k+ notes on their own posts
Idk bout 1k+, but I remember mentioning something like it on a post a month or so ago.
The only posts I see getting those numbers is typically something that’s so mind blowing and outside the box that it spreads outside the community, but more often than not it’s cc posts, which the person posting it I’m sure is expecting other people will reblog it, esp during its early access period, though I don’t know how well that’s going these days with everything that’s happened on that side of the community, since EA’s changes. There’s some I’ve seen won’t generate those numbers until they’ve gone public, but still, I think it goes without saying that there’s certainly a mindset between cc and non-cc reblogging that is very different, and I feel for very obvious reasons.
Now bc of the existence of mod/cc posts, it’s clear that people are aware of the power of reblogging, and how it helps exposure, but hell a lotta times when people reblog cc it isn’t typically on their main, and it’s usually only reblogged for archival reasons, or to help with WCIF’s.
When I look at all this through the lens of a person who isn’t just in the sims community however, like I think it’s pretty obvious I play and post other games, how simblr works and how other gaming tumblrs work, esp when it comes to reblogs is pretty eye opening. There isn’t this hesitance to reblog anything a lotta the time, some will for like “aesthetics” sake or whatever, but so long as it’s a game, they’ll usually reblog it.
There’s also rlly big blogs that are just wholly devoted to reblogging other people’s content, esp on gaming tumblr, like you tag them in your post and they’ll reblog you to their feed for their tens of thousands of followers to see, and so it really helps out smaller blogs, by getting them some exposure, while also offering their followers something new and fresh to look at everyday without having to following a bunch of people, so it’s this trade off. The only thing we see of this type in simblr is cc-finds blogs, another reminder of the obvious rift in the sims community. There’s also a difference in mindset, a lot of the time when people post gaming edits it isn’t just for “themselves”, there isn’t this very individualistic ideal behind it and it’s much more community minded, bc a lot of the time they’re doing it for other people who like it too, as if it’s this collective act of taking people back to a special moment they experienced, or a game they played as a kid… so there’s hardly ever this assumption of like “oh you’re just doing it for notes”, like who cares, look at this really cool gif set of my favorite old game, *slams like, slams reblog*.
To me, I think a lotta simblrs do this too, I know I do, a lot of how I structure my posts is indeed trying to pull some sense of nostalgia out of people who share that nostalgia with me. I won’t pretend that people don’t like or know my sims, sometimes they like and know them more than I do, and so I post them as much for me as I do for them… so it’s weird seeing people push this “post for yourself” mindset.
I’m pretty sure you’re not just posting for yourself, and like… that’s okay, lol.
Now I’m rambling so I’ll wrap this up, but I think the only other thing I’ll add while I’m on the subject is that The Sims as a whole, despite its popularity… really does exist in a bubble, bc even a lotta gaming blogs won’t reblog it, perhaps bc they know simblr exists and is pretty big already, or perhaps bc a lotta people still don’t think it’s an actual “game”, or perhaps it’s bc though earlier iterations have set characters and set stories, the majority of the community doesn’t even touch upon them, which explains why text posts, memes, gameplay involving premades, and things like scenery posts will always tend to get more traction, bc these are all experiences a much bigger collective community acknowledges and remembers. There’s also a certain stigma around The Sims in general. For a long time there were those who played it, but wouldn’t even admit they played it, but with its recent influx of newer players thanks to how accessible The Sims 4 is platform wise, and will be even more so when it goes f2p, it’s kinda becoming much more mainstream than b4.
Will this at last burst the sims community’s bubble, and put them out there in the wild with all of the other gaming communities, and therefore change how it functions as a whole?
Idk, but in conclusion there’s many reasons why simblr works like it does and always kinda has, so it’s tough to pinpoint exactly what’s “wrong” with it and whether it’s worth even “fixing”.
My only advice is do what you want, blog aesthetics and community etiquette be damned, but still be aware of how your behavior affects others.
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brightsuzaku · 1 year
I'll get around to making more posts about stuff like in my little tag I'm using for "spaceships as people" which anyone's free to use, if you want it. Like, they're allowed to be characters.
If that ship in your work is just a Person or even A Group Of People, or a Whole Lotta People, and they are treated like the people they are? With agency, and desires, and a voice (however that's presented)? Great!
My next planned ramble is not derived from one of my threads on Twitter, but it'll probably also be A LOT SHORTER than my text-post-editor-breaking two-parter about freighters, lol.
Or, it will also be long, too. Lol
It will be about either: "Gender, what's that? What's that, if you're a spaceship?" OR "types of spaceship that's also a person" within the universes of the stuff I write or DM. Yay!
There's so much to look forward to!
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