#accurate af 😂
toreii · 1 year
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Idia: “Hm? Something is ringing.”
Malleus: “Ah…it’s this fellow.”
Malleus: “Apparently, it’s hungry. Now then, what kind of food should I give it today…”
Malleus: “Oh, you know of this?”
Idia: “I know about it, but I played the generation that had color LCDs.”
Idia: “Wow, first generation model. There are still people playing those.”
Malleus: “…Yeah. It broke a few times, but I’ve had it repaired.”
Malleus: “I won’t neglect its maintenance……I will cherish it for a long, long time.”
Idia: “Aaah, if Dracon-kun is well cared for, it will be very happy.”
Malleus: “……Hehehe. I hope everyone feels the same.”
Idia: “Huh? Everyone…?”
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jungkkyuk · 10 months
JK’s live basically like:
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peapod20001 · 6 months
I like looking back at all my old stuff I’ve made and then finding like. The random just really nicely done thing in a sea of skill appropriate work lol
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lordeasriel · 8 months
I've come to the conclusion, after analysing my fav characters and romance choices in games, that I either like traumatized men or traumatic men, there's no in-between
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nijigasakilove · 24 days
This episode had it alll, it’s so hard to see magneto be the enemy again though after everything he went together with the x men in the first half of the series. We went from not trusting him, to trusting him and seeing him buy into Charles vision.. to seeing him be failed by that vision.
Literally as soon as he bought into Charles dream of cohabitation, the humans show him why it’s not possible and honestly, goody goody two shoes bs aside, you’d be hard pressed to disagree with him. Just like racists irl today. Why try and cooperate with people who will hate you just for existing?
It’s so easy for Charles to be patient and try to talk stuff thru, but not for those who have lost loved ones or thousands of fellow mutants etc. that’s why I loved Magneto just straight up telling Charles to shut up in this one
The comic book accurate OG suits too 😩 chef’s kiss. The action, direction, Cable and Scott bonding moments, you name it. It was awesome.
Jubilee and Roberto fighting was kinda cute, Roberto apologising after he attacked her because he didn’t wanna hurt her 😂
Crazy ending obviously with Magneto ripping wolverine exoskeleton off, that was metal af and a reminder of how broken magneto is when the writers let him cook. The finale is going to be ridiculous. I wonder what cameos will get in that
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notsogoodphotographer · 2 months
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Hi i want to talk about my all time favorite camera 📸
pls ignore all my grammar mistakes, i’m not professional reviewer 😂 i just wanna talk about this camera.
This is the Sony RX1Rii, this is the third and “most recent” version of this camera. i put “most recent” in quotes because this camera is almost 10 years old. don’t like the old age fool you because this camera can keep up with the newest cameras in its niche.
This little point and shoot sports a 42mp full frame sensor. YES, F U L L F R A M E!! This tiny camera is actually smaller than all the x100 series (minus the lens on it). The camera has an incredibly sharp Zeiss Sonnar 35mm f2 glued to. This camera has 399 af points, with eye AF. The camera is incredibly fast and accurate!! the camera is pretty much a tiny packaged Sony A7Rii!
One of my favorite features of this camera is the pop-up EVF! This is a feature that was added to only this version of the camera and it’s a feature that i wish sony continued to incorporate into some of their other smaller cameras like the A7c or a6k series!
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The camera does shoot video up to 1080 120fps, but does not have picture profiles such has S-log or HLG. This was a camera made strictly for photos, which is probably for the best because the battery life on this camera is terrible, any kind of prolong video shooting would absolutely burn through these batteries in minutes.
That brings me to my next point, my cons. There’s not many but i figured i’d point them out anyways for those who are interested in this camera. these aren’t make it or break it cons, these are just issues that hinder it from being the greatest camera ever released (IMO)
1) battery life, i believe it’s rated for like 220 shots. Ive definitely gotten it to last twice than that. That tiny body processing all that data on some of the tiniest batteries makes sense why it’s so bad. Luckily batteries are cheap and like i said they’re tiny, so they’re pretty easy to carry around!
2) no picture profiles in video. i know i touched on it briefly up above and this camera is mainly a photo camera AAAAAND hybrid cameras were just beginning to grow in popularity around the time this camera came out but it would’ve been amazing to have s-log in this camera for little snippets here and there. i know at the time IG and other photo sharing apps were mainly photo sharing apps, and a camera that was built strictly for photo has no business having usable picture profiles in video.
3) no crop mode in RAW. this one is weird to me because i know the A7Rii has an APS-C mode where you can shoot RAW photos with an inbody crop and there’s times that i’d love to shoot something at 50mm (35mm + sony’s 1.5x aps-c crop). there is a digital zoom option but that’s for jpg only.
4) PRICE!!!! why the fuck is this camera still being sold for $3200??!! this is a 10 year old camera with outdated tech. i bought mine used for $1900 (which is about the price of the fuji x100V at the time of purchase) and i still think that’s a little too much.
that’s really about it aside from minor complaints of not having tele/ wide converters. i’m also sure all of those cons stem from the small battery. I’d love to see all of these corrected in a Mk3 one day, but as of a couple weeks ago sony just discontinued the Rx1rii’s production. I’m being a little hopeful but maybe that means we’re getting a successor, i doubt it but a boy can dream.
I don’t really do reviews or anything but this camera has had my heart for the past 9 months so i had to show it off/ talk about it. this to me in the perfect everyday camera. it never leaves my side and comes with me to any and every trip! Im always blown away by the photos i create with this little camera and i know whenever a mk3 comes out im going to hop on the chance to buy on immediately!
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theflagscene · 3 months
Wait! How!? When!? Where!? How is White suddenly there!? How did Tee meet White!? You can’t just play upbeat music and have the boys running around to show the passage of time and not explain how the fucking villain of the story got the most adorably innocent lil princess boyfriend on the planet!
Phee, bringing Jin on a date to the same place you and Non liked to go is just weird. I hate people who use the same ‘date’ spots for their new partners that they used with their past partners and no, this isn’t me projecting, why do you ask!? Lmao 😂 shut up it’s still tacky af
‘Friend’ the dreaded word.
What is with the ass slapping and window sex!? I mean, I get that they’re supposed to 18 year old boys, who are by definition perverted, but that was some porn level shit. Also, again, no prep. Phee wasn’t even the one blown so it’s not like they were even using spit for lube, or an already lubed condom. What is this, another ABO show? Just having the dudes slick and sliding all over one another apparently.
Ta’s got a decent ass at least, good for him.
“Did you cheat on my brother?” Nah, pretty sure they broke up when Phee saw him being raw dogged by the teacher and then told him to go die, but whatever helps you sleep at night Tan.
“Don’t fall in love with him.” Yeah, I think it’s too late for that.
Oh, mom is not looking so great. Hmm, something tells me that video isn’t real. Mom knows what’s up, it’s finally hit her, her baby’s dead. The actress did a fantastic job of a mother realizing the truth of the death of her child, it’s a startling realization that does take your legs out from under you. Your mind blanks, you can’t think about anything but the last time you saw them, the last terrible thing you said, all you can do is try not to scream. - That got a little too dark and real, sorry.
news.boc.com Cute BoC, very cute.
How long were Phee and Jin supposed to have been fucking by now? Weeks? Months? Because Jin has gotten very emotionally invested very quickly, which is appropriate for teenagers I suppose.
Two years, so they’d be in their what, second year of uni? Tan has gone full mad scientist I see.
Wait, he called to tell Tan that his mom was dead and it was her funeral that day and he just showed tf up! When his dad thought he was still in England!? Lmao, that’s fricking hilarious. I know, I know, wrong reaction to this scene but I’m weird, what can I say.
Oops, bye bye daddy. No wonder Tan is so fucking nuts! That would drive anyone insane. He literally needs Non to be alive otherwise he’s lost everything for nothing.
Is Tan his own guinea pig for his drugs!? Jesus dude, get some help.
Question, were Phee and Jin fucking during their time at university too? Or are you telling me all this ‘I love him’ crap was from one night of decent dick and a few ‘best friend dates’? Like the math ain’t mathing, establish a better timeline here for me when it comes to their relationship because in the first episode it made it seem like they were screwing around for a really long time, months at the very least. But now it seems like they fucked around a couple times in one 12 hour period, Jin decided that was enough to wanna date, caught Phee in a mood because of the fake news report and then they just… what? Kept fucking? Stopped? Jin carried a torch for him for over two years after one night together? Acted like a scorned lover for years because of a single teenaged tryst? Not to be that guy, but girl, you’re coming off a little desperate. I need a more accurate timeline!!!
“This won’t kill them.” Tan, could you try and be a tad more convincing when saying that?
That was a fantastic look from Tan to end on, ngl. Although someone needs to save baby White!
Next episode, we’re back in the present for the most part it seems. Jin somehow still trusts Phee, Fluke somehow gets the gun back and oh look, he holds White hostage, poor bb did nothing, leave him alone! And Tee clearly does know what happened to both Non and Keng as he runs up onto the roof where his uncle is to see the pair… unconscious? Dead? One of each?
I want some backstory about how White fits into all of this next time as well, that would be great. Although considering how little the timeline of events during grade 12 are fully explained, I doubt knowing more about White would make very much sense at this point.
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lixenn · 27 days
KHR timeline
For this project I'm going to use this wiki post as a basis:
I have no idea how accurate this is but I honestly can't be bothered to look for another one, so fuck it we ball.
I was in the process of overviewing the timeline when I realized: Some of these entries are pretty wild. So, I will once again do a commentary (like my KHR reread) but with this wiki page instead.
Disclaimer: This is just me poking fun and shitposting, I'm not mocking the person who made this post. I imagine they put a lot of work into this and I really appreciate it, so please nobody take this too serious okay.
I'm not going to do this in any particular order btw, this is going to be random af, as in when I see a funny thing I will screenshot and comment.
Let's get started!
The first thing I noticed and what inspired this post:
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... just why???
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Love the addition of "while crying". This is important guys! Not only did they repair the costume, no they cried while doing it, which I imagine quite complicated the process.
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The girls of Namimori Middle know husband material when they see it and I'm delighted by this information (also: HUSBAND MENTION!!! Me shitposting wouldn't be complete without Kyoya thirst)
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for real?? (just realized I'm so kinda spoiling myself for the reread but I cannot be fucked to care)
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OMG THAT'S AMAZING!!! that cracked me up so hard!! Like not only does Adult Lambo get stuck in the past, no he also gets arrested after returing!! The dude doesn't catch a break does he?
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... alright then.
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Why does this wiki entry talk so much about bodily secretions? First poop now snot? What's next? Cum?
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Ex-FUCKING-cuse me!!!!! A group what???? That's fucking news to me!
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I want to find the original poster and shake their hand, this is so fucking funny. Like the contrast of these two sentence... it's fucking gold man 😂
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This keeps getting better and better, this isn't just gold. This is a gold mine! The urge to find this guy and dissect their brain to transplant their comedic genuis into my head is rising.
Gonna make a cut here for now.
I don't now if there will be a part two, it fully depends on my energy level and if I find more funny entries, but I hope you enjoyed this one!
See you later~
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tarot-junkie · 9 months
-firstly. These readings have been and were always hypothetical in my opinion. ALWAYS. Everyone interprets the data differently. I remember getting into an argument where someone said he would or will propose and I said BULLSHIT bc of a pentacles card 🫠. Admittedly…Way too in my head to interpret it without bias on REGULAR readings for evans. Whoops. My bad. Yikes. Frankly I looked at some of those readings incorrectly. //
I remember a while ago you said that the tower moment would most likely be for the fandom not for Chris and that has stuck with me ever since. You most definitely hit the nail on the head with that one
That’s the one thing I can agree on maybe getting right. And to be fair, the switch flipped for me when another friend read about his FS last year. It was a different take than most - Something about how she/FS had an idealized version of who he was and even SHE had to change her perception a bit. The tower showed up in her reading, “what will she think about him” or something along those lines. So then I wondered aloud if it was always about the fans and how they perceived of “Chris evans” LLC. And the image was the tower. And seeing it over and over wasn’t about HIM changing.
Consider the stark contrast between who he is/appears to be, and how most people have been like 👀 about the whole thing. It’s jarring for those who have invested a lot. (Sounds dramatic but) has shaken some foundations.
I don’t always ascribe to the “he needed to be fixed and heal himself and THEN will be rewarded with her” schtick bc that’s not how things always work. If you KNOW him personally, you might be able to argue that- but as it stands currently, we can only quote Kneepads (People) re: how he “feels” according to a SOURCE 🫠 and say that “that is accurate.”
Someone used the word shambolic yesterday and it really represents my feelings on this whole nonsense. (Chaotic, disorganized, MISMANAGED). These dumb plays ….what some people would just say “ugh you’re blowing it out of proportion,” really just make it seem like some people sat around in a room and came up with ALL OF THE DUMB ideas on what to do to release this. And they can’t sell it because they’re not that good at faking story lines.
I’m not saying all of it is PR. The public side of it is ABSOLUTELY PR. The timing, the cardboard cutout nature of all of it. I’m just saying if they came up with the idea of “let’s walk thru Central Park” then it becomes a whole mess of a sprint and it’s awkward af. If they take a pic of them kissing it looks like he’s making out with her mouth-chin character. Which is weird. They can’t sell it bc they’re faking a side of it for the public. Not the whole thing. Just the public part. That’s why I said at one point, maybe it’s real and they bungled the shit out of it bc they are awkward.
I also got the vibe some of this shit was for spite, so whatever clever blogs have said he likes watching it all burn…. I think back to some public questions we’ve discussed “Is she going to the premiere?” NO. Then she goes and it’s a dumb circus. Make sure she’s spotted looking “hot.” Is he ever going to do BOSTON Con? NO, his anxiety is too bad. And then he books TWO this year. And so on. And so forth. LSA kept saying “STOP SAYING THIS, it’ll happen!!” 😂😂😂😂
So. I think we need to just be all Justin Bieber and never say never. All the people like “ohhh they won’t last” 😬🤷🏻‍♀️😂 suffice it to say….old dude is doing tf he wants.
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Nah, man, there was something in that fucking coffee or something.
Something's fucky here.
Something's real fucky here.
But I can't tell what it is through my HEARTBREAK!
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Oh babe!! I KNOW, I know!! Welcome to the five stages of grief. Good news, you seemed to have skipped denial👍I spent far too long going "but... but where's the rest?! I need you to come back here and fix it!!" 😂
Something is very fucky indeed!! There are a lot of theories on what precisely is fucky but fucky is accurate af!!
Our poor baby Crowley!! Honestly the more posts you see on the intricacies of that scene the more painful it becomes but the thing that really sucker punched me right in the heart was how Crowley put the glasses back on effectively shutting Az out but then still came back in some kind of fit of desperation!! Like s'okay I didn't need my heart anyway 😭😭😭
And waiting outside by the car 1. hoping Az will change his mind and 2. probably watching over him bc the last time Crowley stormed off from the bookshop in a huff they came back to find the place on fire and Az missing and Crowley absolutely 100% has trauma bc of it 😭😭😭
Az owes all of us but especially Crowley a hundred thousand sorry dances!!
The heartbreak is real and I'm here for you if you need to rage and cry!! 🖤🖤🖤
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
"Rich Zombies" is accurate af!😂 🧟‍♂️💰
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WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @i-can-even-burn-salad a few weeks ago, thanks elli! <3
Leaving this one an Open Tag
I don't know what to talk about. I guess I'll talk about Nykim's story (wip: shattered kneecaps).
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This is my brain rot story for the moment, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I'm currently trying not to thieve all of my twin's ideas, which is hard, because we like the same goddamn stuff 😂
Obviously, I broke Nykim's kneecaps, hence the wip title lol. Should be fun to heal those.
I'm introducing a new character, Riah, as Nykim's potential love interest. I like her a lot, but am still in the process of learning about her. She gets to watch Nykim get tortured (well, hear would be more accurate, its kinda dark) :) which she is not enjoying :)) and then has to take care of him even those he scares the shit out of her :))) and then gets in trouble for taking care of him wrong :))))
I've only got three chapters so far, and story comes out as I write, so not really much to talk about. I do plan to eventually have Nykim escape/get rescued, but decide to go back for Riah, but we'll see how that works out. I hope I get to brick her up in a wall as planned; she's claustrophobic, so that should be nicely traumatizing :')
Look, everyone is having a bad time here, which means its a good time for me. This is gonna be self-indulgent af :D
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stargirlfics · 7 months
your tags on that gif of brahms is so accurate. like they took this big, bulky, hairy man and made him look all hot and sweaty and disheveled and we're not supposed to wanna fuck him??? 😂😂 I can't stop staring at that gif it's too good
RIGHT like suddenly my heart was racing but because he was sexy af?! Like hello?! The chest hair took me outttt and the damn eye contact and him being sweaty, THE OUTFIT…it was so intentional
If bad, why hot?! Of course I wanna fuck him!
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jemgirl86 · 6 months
27 and 30!
Hi, Tonic!!
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Whew. Any and all music lol. So like the only thing Lebron James and I probably have in common is that we both still listen to Pandora lol. What can I say? It’s free. I never really bothered with Spotify, but I have a Slacker account ‘cause it’s like $4 a month for no commercials, and I never cancelled my free trial. Btw I don’t even know what Slacker is really called at this point, but I know it’s not Slacker anymore lol. According to Slacker’s end of year thingy which I guess is akin to Spotify’s wrapped lol, my top 3 artists were: The Beatles, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and Mariah Carey and my top 3 songs were “Heart of Gold” by Neil Young, “Everybody Plays the Fool” by The Main Ingredient, and “California Dreamin’” by the Mamas & the Papas - I don’t know how accurate I find any of those, but they aren’t wrong either 😂
Though I do have fics (tentatively) titled Everybody Plays the Fool, and Heart of Gold, and Jealous Guy in my Google docs, so…
Anywho, so I’m a big oldies girl, so I’m usually listening to my oldies station on Slacker, clearly 😂. When I was writing Stolen Moments I listened to 90s R&B playlists on Pandora & Slacker a lot. Sometimes I’ll put on YouTube and let them make me a playlist. Ooo I really like searching a random year’s Billboard 100 on YouTube and listening to it while I write. Like I’ll just type in “1985 Billboard Hot 100” and some wonderful soul will have posted it. Hmm when I was writing Your Secrets are Safe with Me, I probably listened to Alicia Keys’ “Diary” approximately fifty times. The song itself has zero to do with the plot, but it was putting me in the mood of that story for some reason lmaoo.
Okay, so my answer ended up being long winded af, sorry 😂 I should’ve just stuck to my original answer of anything. But, I’ll wrap it up by saying I love music, and I encourage everyone to actually look up and listen to every song I’ve referenced in a fic, or used as a title to a fic. Not to toot my own horn, but I listen to nothing but bops!
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Hmm. I have no idea if this is what the question was looking for, but I’ve probably been most surprised by how much I’ve written, but haven’t posted/shared. You’d never know it from ao3, but I’ve worked on quite a few fics this year, but I’ve been in almost no hurry to finish them. Now compare that to last year when I finished and posted at least one fic to ao3 each month except January. Idk I guess I’m just sort of surprised by the more relaxed approach I’ve taken while writing this year, and how fine I am with leaving something in the drafts these days. Like maybe it’ll get done, maybe it won’t lol, but I’m gonna have fun writing it anyway and not stress too much about how it unfolds 🤷🏾‍♀️
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alexbkrieger13 · 9 months
For someone who has said about herself she's clumsy that's a heck of a first goal for Bayern 😂
Yea Magdas said before P has more control of her feet when she has the ball at her feet then when she dosent and accurate af
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