genevieveetguy · 10 months
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. In the cinema, the actors are the bourgeoisie; the image is the proletariat; the soundtrack is the petty bourgeoisie, forever fluctuating between one and the other. The image, as proletariat, has to seize the power in the film after a long struggle.
I Am Self Sufficient (Io sono un autarchico), Nanni Moretti (1976)
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ap-fotografia · 1 year
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siwer · 10 months
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ Agatis
Link here.
TW : blood, cannibalism, religion trauma, manipulation
Rating M
Inspired by Hannibal Hopkins movie The silence of the lambs (Le Silence des Agneaux)
La silhouette habillée en tenue de pénitencier était debout, comme figée en pleine action. Ses deux orbes gris pâles se plantèrent dans les siens sans détour, légèrement cachés par une chevelure ébène. La folie les habitait.
Jungkook retint un frémissement de terreur. Ces yeux là avaient vu la mort, s'étaient unis avec elle. Ces mains de marbre avaient serré, serré le cou pour les étrangler. Il avait ôté le souffle à ses victimes, à tout jamais.
✧˖° Since it's written in french, Iet me speak it. Will use English if y'all ask.
✧˖° Agatis date de quand j'étais au lycée, après avoir vu le Silence des Agneaux (Silence of the lambs). C'est donc vieux et ça me fait sourire un crossover pareil, mais c'est mon premier bébé, alors il mérite sa place sur mon ao3.
✧˖° Beaucoup de scènes d'ailleurs entre Jimin et Jungkook sont prises des dialogues du film. Notamment la scène où Hannibal Lecter parle à Clarice Sterling pour la première fois.
✧˖° Jimin avait pour moi cet air là dans la fanfic:
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✧˖° Jungkook avait cette tête là, mais en un peu plus vieux. Il est majeur dans la fanfic. Il porte cet uniforme pour le MV "DOPE".
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✧˖° J'espère vraiment que l'ado de 16 ans que j'étais à voulu utiliser Liverpool comme ville par pur jeu de mot : liver (foie) pool (piscine). Mais je ne m'en souviens plus.
✧˖° un agatis est un nom commun vieillot qui signifie " dommage champêtre causé par un animal quelconque". Que ce soit un petit agneau comme un démon.
✧˖° J'adore j-hope (Jung Hoseok) et je lui trouve une aura très charismatique quand il prend un air sérieux.
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✧˖° Jin et son statut de médecin est lui aussi inspiré du MV DOPE.
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lightdancer1 · 1 year
The second major family is the Heshatanis:
The most 'heroic' of these two are Vishori and Agati, a super-soldier made to destroy planets and the setting's equivalent of Frankenstein's monster as an artificial lifeform (and green, to boot!) and the equivalent of the head of the KGB or director of the FBI. That tells you something about the rest.
The first of them to really be focused on the story at any chronological level is Darshandrin Heshatani, a master of the electromagnetic force and one of the Four Lords of the Architects of Fear. Also the master of the Four Lords of his time. Darshandrin is an oversized Roes'in for his species who has a stout frame that even without the rest of his powers would qualify him as an extremely dangerous individual and with them means that he's got raw physical abilities and the power to command the electromagnetic spectrum (meaning among other things he can hijack communications and unleash gamma ray bursts). Darshandrin was dedicated to a classical Lovecraft villain's goal of encountering the eldritch powers that sustained the universe, and did exactly what he wanted and he and his wife are now ever-living and ever-tormented inhabitants of the empire-entity of Azarath.
They have three children, the eldest of whom is Shandrin Heshatani, the master of the Weak Nuclear Force. He happens to in other words be a very literal walking atom bomb and a WMD analogy, which is why his own sons have this same quality as well in different fashions. Shandrin is the Imperial greater-scope villain of the story, who made a bargain with a terrible Daemon and willingly allowed it into the Empire and the consequences of this are what set off the setting proper. He's a dour murderous fanatic deeply beholden to the Architects' own codes, one of the most powerful metahumans to ever exist, and fully aware of it.
He has two sons, one is Yrvin Heshatani, who is a telepath and telekinetic to Dark Phoenix proportions (who is the Lex Luthor to Xaderavcal's Superman, he, not she, would have been the greatest power if she didn't exist and the same petty envies that drive Luthor drive him). He's also a brutish thug who uses portal tech to cross dimensions and indulge in a lengthy and protracted rape and murder spree whenever it suits him. He is one of the most morally repugnant characters I've written and his main flaw, like that of the character that inspired him, is a monstrous arrogance leavened by complacency.
His brother Landro wields plasma, and is in relative terms the weakest of the family in metanormal terms if one of the most dangerous in other ways. He's essentially the Architects' equivalent of Internal Affairs, the Watcher of the Watchmen and accordingly an inventor and a master of super-tech that makes him feared even by entities who are much mightier than he. And relative to Yrvin he's the Mycroft to Yrvin's Sherlock, Yrvin is more social and more open with his loutish thuggery but Landro is much more sinister and takes even greater joy in what he does.
His younger sister Keshri commands the strong nuclear force and is called the Star-Kindler, as she can literally....kindle stars. Complete with the gravitational distortions as well as heat. Even with the Architects the legacy of the Age of Legends means identifying with a body of starlight is the equivalent of Xipe Totec cults or the generic Hollywood Satanist. She also has ASPD, or its equivalent in an alien species and it's very much not a superpower but she's so absurdly powerful that the Architects are caught in a trap of their own making with no way to get out of it.
She has three children in turn, two daughters and a son. The two daughters are Etashri and Kaartshahin, and both of them inherited their mother's powers and are in a perpetual spiral of competition. The son, Arzhandzhir, is a reality-warper who's the least sadistic of that branch of the family but is perfectly callous and monstrous in his own way, as the power behind the throne manipulating his sisters and his mother with his own powers making him one of the few who'd dare.
And then there's the youngest, Agati Heshatani, who's got his own powers that have a WMD analogue. When he gets angry he gains four feet and a thousand pounds in mass, becoming a colossal muscled force where the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. He transforms in a flash of light and due to mastering the idea of a tranquil rather than a berserker rage (though at times this can slip and when it does it's very much AGATI SMASH PUNY EMPIRE) and is fond of using his transformed state to 'interrogate' people with the idea of facing a colossus who's an unstoppable force and an immovable object all in one.
He's the equivalent of the head of the KGB, his rival Azazteti Kavtrulin is the equivalent of the head of the GRU.
His daughter is Vishori Heshatani, the aforementioned Frankenstein's Monster equivalent and a femme lesbian. Who happens to have her own shadowy secrets and among all of them is that she, Xaderavcar, an agent and relatively normal fellow of her father's named Vuhl H'ven Dugara who didn't sign up for this shit and is stuck in it anyway, and a seer who's a hybrid of the Khair and Trarh-Khanir, Meremi, are all tied to the God on the Gilded Throne as her Oversoul. Occasionally someone too clever by half tries to take one of them as a hostage to bargain with the Urhalzantrani walking virus.
It goes messily if she's deranged and it goes much more horrifically if she's lucid.
The Heshatanis are in their own way a dynasty and a mirror of the Empire and of its imperialism, the raw architects that helped to create it and those who took that technology and pioneering spirit down its darkest and most unhallowed corners.
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wealthypioneers · 2 years
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Exotic Rare Scarlet wisteria Hummingbird Tree Sesbania Grandiflora Agati Tropical Fruit Seeds, Organic B5 This small ornamental tree with a straight trunk produces a mass of large, 3-4" white flowers resembling little birds. Its lower branches create a floral canopy from November to June. Tolerates flooding. The flower is large and distinctively curved. Vertical pods, located near the flowers, can contain up to 20 seeds. The tender leaves, green fruit, and flowers are eaten alone as a vegetable or mixed into curries or salads. Flowers may be dipped in batter and fried in butter. Tender portions serve as cattle fodder. Ripe pods apparently are not eaten. The inner bark can serve as fiber and the white, softwood not too durable, can be used for cork. The wood is used, like bamboo, in Asian construction. The tree is grown as an ornamental shade tree and for reforestation. Bark, leaves, gums, and flowers are considered medicinal. In Java, the tree is extensively used as a pulp source. A gum resembling kino (called katurai), fresh when red, nearly black after exposure, exudes from wounds. This astringent gum is partially soluble in water and in alcohol but applied to the fishing cord, it makes it more durable. Pepper vines (Piper nigrum) are sometimes grown on and in the shade of the agati. Dried and powdered bark is used as a cosmetic in Java. An aqueous extract of the bark is said to be toxic to cockroaches. Sesbania grandiflora a short-lived, quick-growing, soft-wooded tree, 15mt. High and 0.6m in girth it is a native of Malaysia and is grown in many parts of India such as Punjab, Delhi, Bengal, Assam and the Andamans. Leaves 15-30cm long, abruptly pinnate; leaflets 41-61, linear-oblong, glabrous, 2.5-5.0cm x 0.5 - 1.6cm; racemes 2 - 4 flowered, short, axillary; flowers 6.0-10cm long with showy, fleshy white, pink or crimson petals; pods pendulous 30.0 - 45cm x 0.6-0.8cm, rather flat and somewhat 4-cornered, non-torulose, septate with swoolen margins and 15-50 pale colored seeds. Agathi is grown for ornament and is valued as food and also as a good fodder. It is grown as a support for pepper and betel vines, as shade plant for coconut seedlings, and as wind-break in banana fields. Bark yields a good fibre and a gum and various parts of agathi have medicinal value. Count: ~ 5 Sun Exposure Full sun from an early age Light shade when young Frost Tolerance Severe Water Requirements Moderate Drought Tolerance Yes Wind Tolerance High Tolerance of Coastal Conditions Yes Sesbania grandiflora, Agati grandiflora Hummingbird Tree, Butterfly Tree, Agati Family: Fabaceae Subfamily: Faboideae Origin: Asia and Australia The Hummingbird Tree is a small, tropical tree in the legume family that has large, beautiful pinkish-red or white flowers and feathery, pinnate leaves. The flowers resemble hummingbirds in flight. The flowers, young bean pods and leaves are edible and are used as a vegetable throughout southeastern Asia. It is also known as the vegetable hummingbird and the agati sesbania. It has a fast growth rate. It is native to Malaysia and Australia. The root, leaf, bark, and flower all have medicinal properties. It is very attractive to pollinators and birds as well. In Asia, the wood is used like bamboo for light construction and in reforestation efforts and as a shade plant for coconut seedlings. It grows wild in tropical lowlands and fields and along roadsides. It is often grown as an ornamental in the tropics. Growing Instructions 1. The seeds like moist, well-drained soil. Prepare a mixture of half potting soil and half sand, perlite or vermiculite. Put the soil in a pot. Water the mixture so that it is moist but not wet. 2. Put the seeds on the soil. 3. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. 4. Water the seeds. 5. Place the pots in an area with warm temperatures in full sun or part shade. 6. When the seedlings are a few inches tall, they can be transplanted. Requires a sunny position for best growth. Prefers a fertile, moist but well-drained moderately light soil, though it succeeds in light sandy, medium, heavy clayey and low fertility soils. Prefers a pH in the range 5.5 - 8.5, but can tolerate acid conditions down to 4.5 Scarification: Soak in hot tap water, let stand in water for 24 hours. Stratification: none required. Germination: Sow seed 1/4" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed. Other: If hot water does not allow the seed to imbibe, nick the seed carefully and soak again in warm water. How do you care for Sesbania grandiflora? Requires a sunny position for best growth[404 ]. Prefers a fertile, moist but well-drained moderately light soil, though it succeeds in light sandy, medium, heavy clayey and low fertility soils[200 , 302 , 404 ]. Prefers a pH in the range 5.5 - 8.5, but can tolerate acid conditions down to 4.5[404 ]. Germination Plant seeds in a good garden soil that is well-drained fertile soil. During growth, use a tutor. The tutor can even be used after growth. Fertilizer can be used once a week during growth. This plant enjoys a sunny spot. Germination takes 15-30 days, it can be longer, don’t get discouraged. Germinating Palm Seeds The following instructions will work for most species. If the seeds appear dry, soak them in warm water for 1-3 days. For sowing, use peat, coco fiber, or a similar medium. It should be moist but not wet. Take a fistful. If you can just squeeze a couple of drops of water from it, then it is about right. If you can squeeze more, then it is too wet. If too dry, add a little water and try again. Mix the seeds with the moist compost and place them into a clear plastic (Ziploc) bag, label with species name and date, and seal. No light is required for germination. Tropical species such as Licuala, Bismarckia, or Cyrtostachys require heat, around 30°C/90°F. Temperate species such as Trachycarpus, Ceroxylon, or Parajubaea will germinate at lower temperatures, and heat may actually prevent germination. You may want to check the species descriptions for individual requirements. Check weekly for signs of activity by looking for white roots through the plastic. Ensure that the medium does not dry out. The seeds can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 years (or more) to germinate; however, most will sprout after 4-6 weeks. After the seeds have sprouted, plant each in a tall, narrow pot using a well-drained medium, label, and place in ample light, but not in full sun. Aim to keep the soil moist (but not wet) at all times. Feed and repot as required. More information can be found in the comments on the species pages. We also recommend consulting one of the many books on palms available through this website, as well as articles on the internet: http://springsofeden.myshopify.com/products/exotic-rare-scarlet-wisteria-hummingbird-tree-sesbania-grandiflora-agati-tropical-fruit-seeds-organic-b5
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mariacallous · 5 months
It's that time of year again
(NEXSTAR) – You would have to splurge a bit to buy your true love a partridge in a pear tree and two turtle doves in 2023.
The total cost of all the lavish gifts mentioned in the “Twelve Days of Christmas” carol reached an all-time high of $46,729.86 this year, according to PNC’s Christmas Price Index.
For 40 years, the financial services company has released its index as a tongue-in-cheek way to measure inflation. It’s based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index.
Take, for example, the partridge in a pear tree: It’s up 13.9% from last year because of the spiking cost of the tree it lives in (a proxy for housing costs). Meanwhile, the two turtle doves saw the highest price jump at 25%, which PNC said “reflects their rarity.”
PNC’s first-ever Christmas Price Index, released in 1984, noted that the gifts would cost $20,069.58. Since then, its index has increased 133%. The Consumer Price Index, however, has increased 191%.
“The methodology differences are obviously going to give distinct results, but the overall inflation trends have remained remarkably consistent over the years,” Amanda Agati, chief investment officer for PNC’s Asset Management Group, said in a statement.
Year-over-year inflation didn’t hit every present outlined in the holiday classic. Though still relatively pricey, the calling birds, gold rings, swans-a-swimming, maids-a-milking, and ladies dancing cost the same as they did last year.
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If you think $46,729.86 is high, just wait until you see the “true cost of Christmas in a song,” which factors in every single time the gifts are repeated in the carol. That comes out to $210,972.66 for 364 total items.
It’s worth mentioning that despite the record-high price, the 2023 Christmas Price Index only increased by 2.7% from last year. That’s considerably lower than 2022’s 10.5% jump and aligns with how inflation has since cooled off.
Last month, inflation fell to 3%, the Associated Press reported, citing a government report. It reached 7.1% in November 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
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yesterdayandkarma · 1 month
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Erika model by Massimiliano Agati
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erriga · 1 year
I played the bachelors route with the Polish translation (bc I couldn't change it without making all of my saves useless lol) and first of all, I'm honestly very grateful for the work and effort the translators put into it, I can't imagine how long it must have taken. The general awkwardness of the dialogues is unsurprising, considering it was based on the original Russian version/the first english translation (at least I think so? I'm not sure bc I feel like I've seen contradicting info), so I don't fault them for that either. HOWEVER, there are some elements that I personally found a bit confusing and I'm curious whether anyone else who knows the polish translation also thinks that.
The lack of consistency with the character's names- most of them are given polish equivalents, which I get (although seeing the name SZYMON KAIN for the first time made me snort), but some of them are, for whatever reason, left unchanged, even though there are completely normal polish version of them. Peter is Piotr, Artemy is Artemiusz, but Vlad is just Vlad instead of Władysław. But the weirdest case is definitely Mark Immortel, whose name remains the same, even though the name "Marek" is completely normal, but for whatever reason his surname gets translated into "Nieśmiertelnik" which can mean either a) a species of flower b) a military identity tag, ofc it's also a play on the word "Nieśmiertelny" which just means "immortal".
The characters use plural "you" (wy) while formally addressing each other, instead of the typical 3rd person singular with pan/pani (Mister/Misses) honorifics. This is obviously taken from the Russian version, but the problem is that in polish this form is very rare/archaic and nowadays it's mostly associated with the communist era. This in turn automatically makes the player experience the game differently through the lens of this specific era of our history, which in my opinion kinda interferes with the anachronistic/timeless atmosphere of the game.
One specific thing that made me laugh out loud was the codeword Daniil uses to get into the Polyhedron. In the original it's "I want to see the agate's pit (agate being a precious stone ofc), but on the polish version it's "Chcę zobaczyć dół Agaty/Let me see Agatha's hole/bottom" (I'm sorry, it sounds so bad in English). Just. What happened.
Let me know your thoughts and once again, mad respect to the translators, those are just some of my ramblings
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ravagedbtw · 4 months
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“It calls to her, you know. The cruelty of this place,” Elain said softly... Blinking herself out of a stupor, Elain met her own careful blue eyes with wise brown ones and said, “Rhysand could pretend to be a nightmare when his duty required it of him, but part of Nesta needs to be monstrous now and then. She doesn’t merely rule over the wicked creatures, Feyre; she’s one of them."
Premise: Rhysand dies end of ACOWAR
POV: Nesta
Main Ship: Nessian
Cookin up a side of Elucien
Photo Credit:
M's photography (Flickr) TR
Denis Agati (Artmajeur) TL 1
Etsy BL
Kevron2001 (Getty Images) BR 1
whitesoulblackheart (tumblr) BR 2
2JPAPhotography (pinterest) BR 3
The rest: unknown, via pinterest
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spiderlegeyelashes · 8 months
kurwa jestem tak rozsierdzona. chce zmienic zajecia na ktore chodze, wiec ide spytac karoline (nasza opiekunke) jak to zrobic. ona mowi ze to nie jej sprawa i mam isc do agaty (opiekunki osrodka). agata mowi ze mam isc do karoliny. ja jej mowie ze juz bylam i wyslala mnie do ciebie. a ona aha to idz spytaj kasie (prowadzaca zajec na ktore chce przejsc). to ide spytac kasie i ona mi mowi ze mam isc do agaty. a ja jej ze ja wlasnie bylam i wyslala mnie do ciebie. a ona aha to przyjdz na nastepne zajecia tak zobaczyc jak tu u nas jest i potem wymyslimy jak ty tam zaliczysz zeby przejsc. a ja okej super. no i przyszlam i bylo fajnie i kasia juz wtedy poszla mnie zapisac na liste. i ja se mysle damn to bylo szybkie ale ok fajnie pytalam wszystkich i zrobilam dokladnie to co mi kazali zrobic. i dzisiaj przychodze i dostaje OPIERDOL od agaty, za to, ze co ja sobie wyobrazam tak pojawiajac sie na nowych zajeciach i rzucajac stare bez czegokolwiek oficjalnego. i ja mowie ze ale co jest przeciez zrobilam to co mowilas zebym zrobila. i ona mi mowi ze nie bo ja musze jakies kurwa podanie zlozyc. a ja aha dziekuje nie wiedzialam. a ona mi ALE JAK NIE WIEDZIALAS. a ja no nie wiedzialam przeciez przyszlam do ciebie spytac dokladnie co ja mam zrobic. i ona tak sie chwile na mnie jeszcze denerwuje i jak widzi ze mi sie lzy kreca w oczach to mowi ze nie ma to panikowac ani denerwowac bo wszystko jest okej. a ja jej mowie ze tak tak wiem wszystko okej to super to wiem co teraz zrobic luzik ja nie placze ja tak mam sorka dobra to ja sobie ide pa. i potem poszlam pogadac z michalem zeby sie troche uspokoic i przestac plakac bo ja mam kurwa rzeczy do zrobienia. i potem rozmawialam z karolina i ona mi mowi, ze ja mam do niej isc z problemami a nie robic zamieszanie wokol siebie na caly osrodek bo ja wpadam w histerie przez wlasny blad, i moj problem to to ze ja dostaje konkretne instrukcje i komunikaty, i potem sama ich nie slucham i sie dziwie kiedy nie wychodzi. i ja jej mowie ale ja nie dostalam zadnego komunikatu i co wiecej to dokladnie tej sytuacji sie balam wiec specjalne poszlam spytac JĄ i AGATE i KASIE i dokladnie pytalam CO JA MAM ZROBIC i zrobilam dokladnie to co mi powiedzialyscie. no ewidentnie nie bo nie zlozylas podania. a ja no ale nikt mi nie powiedzial o tym podaniu. a ona nie prawda agata na pewno ci powiedziala. a ja nie ona mi powiedziala zebym poszla do kasi. a ona to nie mozliwe zeby agata zapomniala ci powiedziec o podaniu. i ja po prostu rozlozylam rece i powiedzialam no a jednak. no i potem kasia mnie zobaczyla i powiedziala mi boze czy tu wiesz jaki ja opieprz przez ciebie dostalam matko boska.
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vwinonav · 3 months
Hejo. Ogólnie to jest 00:50 i nie mogę spać a ostatnio przestawilam sie na tryb nocny, kładłam się spać o 5 i wstawałam o 15, bo byłam chora i nie musiałam iść do szkoły. Zrobiłam się mega głodna i mam ochotę na mandarynki ale chce chociaz spróbować zrobić fasta więc jedzenie od dosłownie początku nowego dnia nie jest dobrym pomysłem. I kurde serioooo chce spaaac ale nie mogę 😭😭😭 a jutro na 8 trzeba wstać, bo jade z mamą kupić rzeczy do przygotowania mojej imprezy urodzinowej. Ogólnie to kupimy pewnie jakies słodycze i chipsy ale pomyślałam ze w ten dzień mogę sobie na coś pozwolić. I mam nadzieję ze w rekompensate dni do imprezy będą mi dobrze wychodzic i nie będę przekraczać 1000 kcal. Ide sie napije szklanki wody ( kocham uczucie gdy mam w brzuchu samą wodę) i pójdę czytać to może wtedy sie zrobie trochę senna. Btw polecam serdecznie książkę Agaty Christie "Dom zbrodni".
Miłej nocy/dnia 💗
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motylkowaahellokitty · 3 months
Dzisiaj na śniadanie miałam taki jakby stół szwedzki (w sumie zobaczcie sami bo dodam zdjęcie)
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Po śniadaniu odrazu poszłam z siostrą i ciocia pomóc jej z roślinkami i bo niektóre były zarośnięte chwastami i je wyrywaliśmy oraz sadziliśmy słoneczniki, chilli i arbuza.
Następnie pojechaliśmy zwiedzić Wieże Świętej Agaty (trwało to jakieś 20 minut a poniżej zdjęcie widoku z wieży)
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Po zwiedzaniu wieży chcieliśmy zwiedzić park ptaków ale okazało się że jest zamknięty 😭 wiec pojechaliśmy do papaye Village (bajka o tym typie co jadł szpinak i stawał się mega silny i palił fajkę ) więc tutaj po niżej znowu zdjęcia, zwiedzanie zajelo nam około 3 godziny z 15 minutową przerwą na napicie się czegoś.
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Następnie wróciliśmy do domu cioci I zjedliśmy kolacje, na kolacji była pizza
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Po kolacji graliśmy przez 3 godziny monopoly (WYGRAŁAM!!!), a potem oglądaliśmy horror.
Nie sądzę że zjadlam dużo kalorii, lecz spaliłam około 500 kcal dzisiaj, ale jak już wspomniałam nie mam jak liczyć kalorii bo ciocia przygotowuje wszystko sama na "oko"
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Wreszcie miałam szansę po raz pierwszy pomalować sobie skórę henną (jestem absolutnie początkująca, więc wybaczcie mankamenty estetyczne). W Polsce ta sztuka to nisza, ale są dostępne warsztaty, w tym dla początkujących, np. u Agaty z "Mehendi Masala", w których uczestniczyłam
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444names · 1 year
greek forenames (from wikibooks)
Acacovos Acana Achari Achios Achisos Adokos Adone Adoulos Afros Agasyvios Agati Agiola Agios Aiothara Alalcyoni Aldon Aldos Aledraxi Alefthil Aleia Aleksia Alekta Alena Alenia Alenis Aleorges Aletra Aletros Alewthone Alexana Alexia Altoclea Altonia Altos Ambos Ambros Anassila Anatis Andis Andos Andra Andrasios Andrattis Andre Andreopa Andris Androkos Androstia Angeleton Angeli Angelis Angeloe Angessuli Anikis Annate Annia Anniadne Annira Annobia Anthenos Anthis Antinesa Antinia Apomes Argelino Arghe Argios Ariantios Arias Arina Arines Arios Arippe Arsene Athaed Athane Athanos Athari Athea Athilos Athios Athone Athoni Baralis Barios Bikiades Bikilippe Borallis Borgia Boysa Callefthi Careana Careis Chaia Chaios Chana Chlos Chria Chriana Chrianas Chriandra Chrides Chridros Chrion Chrios Chris Chros Chryios Chrys Chrysa Clexis Clisos Conis Cosia Cosos Damarkos Deles Demano Demetaki Demethane Demetzia Demiana Demis Demoteas Dentinios Dessia Dianiky Didantea Didorgios Digos Dimitos Dimitrist Dimos Dimotha Dinayon Diotia Dmitras Domos Doretra Dorgen Drysonia Effroder Effros Efpria Efsta Efstidros Eftha Efthedra Ekaris Eleasia Eleia Eleine Elekta Elene Elenos Elergora Elewtes Elexi Emmanos Emmatola Eretos Eudon Eudoxina Eugara Evandia Evdostas Evios Evros Eyagda Eyagdasia Eyaggelos Eyagos Fannagia Fotha Fotios Fotira Gaedainos Galiannis Geodos Geofie Geopidos Geora Georeia Gerina Gioterios Gonstine Grina Halatelia Haliki Halinios Halios Harala Heria Herianas Heris Hippos Hrigos Iacia Ianas Iania Ianicovos Ignagos Ignailis Ignayon Ilisos Ioana Ioandra Ioantes Ioanthios Iondros Iphra Ireina Irikasyvi Irinos Isandros Junios Junos Kalana Kalatonos Kalexia Kalexxana Kalis Kalos Kalympos Katios Khane Khlos Khlosta Klenia Koine Konia Korenia Kores Krinos Kymaros Kymos Kyntas Kyria Kyrinagos Kyrokis Lamana Lamas Lambosta Lamis Lampomna Laula Laura Lazanos Lazaris Leanas Leode Leopi Leora Lidampos Lileta Lilvas Loula Loulanios Loulaos Louncedon Lugus Maiadne Marene Mariadne Marinonis Maris Maros Matana Matas Mathedes Matos Maxios Melikla Metanni Metavria Metra Metras Mickoloe Miclew Micos Mikassia Milina Mirida Morenis Morgeleda Myrios Myris Nafstos Naggeli Nanoula Natios Nekleki Neklis Neris Nermetra Nessia Nicacia Nickos Niclektro Niclenis Nicles Niclios Nicolia Nicolis Nicovos Nikyro Nitia Olyma Olyvos Ophridon Orenes Pamate Panayione Pania Panistas Parattis Parios Paros Partino Paura Paurenias Paures Pavanni Peria Peris Petolis Petra Phantip Pharilia Pheon Philia Philios Philis Phimos Phimosos Phinos Phios Phytos Prianas Prios Prolassa Renis Rhilis Rhios Romna Salia Savlo Savris Savros Savroula Sianos Simitolos Skyrokis Smara Smarouka Smatra Soclene Soclios Soforenis Sophiges Sotelos Sotera Soterista Sotidos Sotinis Sotinoni Soulla Spidostos Spios Spirissa Spyri Stamarbas Stametra Stanassia Stano Stanos Stario Steas Steleina Stericos Strassa Stris Stylis Takola Tasios Tassa Tassios Tasti Taston Tasyntios Tekassa Tekia Tekleolos Thaios Thanton Thara Thektas Thena Thene Thenica Thenna Theon Theonemon Theophara Theria Tiani Timia Tinos Titra Titria Titrios Tzarinoul Vaggelos Valafsia Vanna Vannagdas Vasia Vasos Vassaura Vassios Vassiu Vasyvos Xangena Xania Xanna Xanni Xannios Xannosil Xanos Xenaelia Xenis Xenostine Xylikas Yandres Yanie Yantheris Yantis Yantola Zaciadne Zenia Zenicos Zenidesa Zenista Zeusta
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kalarse · 2 years
Mi experiencia en la Victory Road World Cup 2022
Disclaimer: Me tomó un rato escribir esto, sólo por no saber si hacerlo. Al final decidí hacerlo porque a) es MI idea, b) me aumenta MI ego y c) fuck it, es mio. Sé que hay jugadores que les fue mejor que a mi (Juanma <3), pero considerando que fue el primer torneo por equipo que me fue bien, creo que voy a aprovechar el egoboost. Sí demoré en postear todo por el simple hecho que quería que terminara el Mundial de Londres.
Primero antes que nada, tengo que agradecerle a Juanma y a Agus (MariMari) por convencerme a jugar la VCL (organizada por Neme y ayudado por Vicky, Odric, Locke y otros). En teoría no iba a jugar ninguna ronda, pero me terminaron convenciendo y terminé jugando un par de rondas (terminando con un respetable 2-3 en sets, siendo que uno fue 0-1 por temas administrativos).
Entonces llegado el Mundial de Victory Road, tenía 2 objetivos importantes. a) sacarme la mufa de no haber ganado nunca en un torneo por selecciones b) mantener el nivel mostrado en la VCL
También debo admitir que los formatos con restricteds, es el formato que más odio, pero también es el formato que mejor me siento jugando, so… ayuda.
Con Uruguay, nos tocó jugar la primera fase de grupos contra Brasil, Guatemala y Grecia, y luego contra Polonia, Taiwan y España. La última ronda no la jugué por compromisos que me impedían estar disponible, así que jugué 5 sets, y terminé 3-2.
Para el ejercicio del blog, voy a mantener un formato que es Week X: Team Opp: Player's Name Results as shown in VRWC Public Spreadsheet Resultado Opp's Team My Team Video Link Summary
Week 1 vs Brasil Opp: Gabriel Agati 10th Worlds 2019, 2nd NAIC 2022, 3rd LAIC 2017, 8th OCIC 2019 Result: 1-2 Opp's Team: Rinya Sun My Team: https://pokepast.es/dee669fcdbe06081 (con algunos cambios, Eleki con bulk y Hyper Beam, White Herb en Lando-T y Rindo Berry en Blastoise) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMdoYKakk0E Fui el primer set de la serie, justo contra Agati que venía de ser 2do en el NAIC. Con el diario del Lunes, haberlo llevado a Game 3 lo considero un logro, hasta sintiendo por momentos que pude haberme robado el set. G1 estuvo cerca, terminando un 2v1 de Eleki/Zacian contra Groudon, pero dependía del daño que tenía Groudon, el daño que hacía con Zacian antes de tirar Hyper Beam. No sé si jugaba diferente (capaz algún que otro Protect antes) G2 cambié el plan y lo outplayé. G3 él hizo tremendos ajustes y yo cegado por mi confianza me fui outplayado.
Week 2 vs Guatemala Opp: Rudy Chin "2019 Wcs day1, El Salvador Special event 2019 winner" Result: 2-0 Opp's Team: Rinya Sun My Team: https://pokepast.es/5583dceb30b5b11a (mi Kyogre era un poco más bulky, y Tornadus tiene Protect en vez de Taunt) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgHSw4bjBpY En la previa, tenía que ganar para asegurar la victoria del Apenas vi Rinya en el preview, me sentí aliviado, porque era el matchup que más había jugado ya, y el que tenía mejor gameplan. Después del Game 1, quedé tranquilo y cerré.
Week 3 vs Greece Opp: Ioannis Papadopoulos No info shown in document Result: 2-0 Opp's Team: Zacian-C, Lugia, Urshifu-S, Tapu Fini, Grimmsnarl, Metagross My Team: https://pokepast.es/9964e2b8c8862989 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVx6Gf6sPjE La semana previa, fue horrible ya que no sabía que team jugar. Estaba probando cosas que honestamente no me sentía cómodo hasta que MoxieBoosted lanzó el video de la serie Gigantaquest y el equipo Dual Weather con Venu me vino como anillo al dedo. Lástima que Venu no sirvió, pero controlar a Lugia con Thundurus mientras me ocupaba del resto de los Poke fue buena idea. Siento que a pesar que perdí un Poke turno 1, estaba controlado el resto.
Week 4 vs Poland Opp: Maciej Fornalski "top32 Regionals Lille 2022, top64 Special Event Milan 2022" Result: 0-2 Opp's Team: Zacian-C, Kyogre, Kartana, Amoongus, Landorus-T, Tornadus-I My team: https://victoryroadvgc.com/2022/07/13/chirayu-gupta-milwaukee-report/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg5fE7cz-5A No tengo mucho que hablar, me quedé sin tiempo para elegir en G1, y de ahí mentalmente perdí. En G2 intenté algo, pero la batalla mental ya la había perdido. Una lástima porque preparando el team me sentía cómodo, y aún jugando bien, de la forma que Maciej jugó capaz que perdía, pero creo que podría haber sido más parejo. No tengo más excusas porque en sí es 100% mi culpa y yo jugué pésimo.
Week 5 vs Taiwan Opp: Liu Jian-Ting "1. 2016-2019 Worlds day 1, 2021 Kaohsiung Regionals champion, 2022 Taichung Regionals top 8, 2022 Taiwan Nationals top 8" Result: 2-1 Opp's Team: https://pokepast.es/e7f5c6970f706c63 My Team: https://victoryroadvgc.com/2022/06/28/ivan-casanova-santiago-report/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpSTOD7Qep4 No esperaba que usara el equipo que usó en el Nacional de Taiwan, considerando que las semanas previas, estaba jugando el mismo team de Solgaleo, Kyogre, Incineroar, Rillaboom, Grimmsnarl y Charizard. Honestamente G1 tuve un poco de suerte con algunos miss claves. G2 me sorprendió con el modo TR del team y aparte hago una mala jugada clave en no stallear TR. Ya G3 entendí lo que tenía que hacer y lo pude controlar.
Conclusiones: Overall, quedé conforme con mi resultado y cómo jugué. Creo que mi mayor arrepentimiento fue contra Polonia, que creo que pude haber hecho un papel más digno, pero en sí, me tocó jugar contra jugadores de tremendo nivel y me pude plantar de buena manera. Entre la VCL y el Mundial me obligó a hacer cosas que hasta hoy hacía poco, que es estudiar el meta, ver videos, hacer calcs, etc. Aún no tengo el nivel de teambuilding, pero esto ayuda a entender las amenazas del meta que se juegue, y ver mejores opciones. Ya esto dejó de ser "tirar 6 bichos y listo" o "agarrar un team y vamo que vamo", sino que me obligó a meterle un pienso and actually play.
Ahora estoy enfocado en la VCL Season 2, en la que se juega el formato Spikemouth y cuando salga Scarlet and Violet, se cambia, no me gusta personalmente eso, pero es lo que hay...
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fusima · 2 years
Kaboszony Druzy
Kaboszony Druzy to kaboszony kamieni półszlachetnych i szlachetnych o naturalnej strukturze powierzchni składającej się z drobnych kryształów kwarcu.
Prawidłowa nazwa to "kaboszon druzy", ale powszechnie mówi się też kaboszon z druzą.
Każdy wzór kaboszonu z naturalnymi kryształami na powierzchni nazywany jest kaboszonem druzy.
Druzy występują na całym świecie. Najbardziej powszechny są Druzy w kamieniach agatu. Ale druzy występują również na innych minerałach, takich jak: chryzokola, granat, kalcyt, dolomit, hematyt, piryt tęczowy i na wielu innych minerałach.
Kiedy woda znajdująca się na powierzchni skały odparowuje, pozostają na niej minerały, które tworzą kryształy. Kształty tworzących się kryształów zależą od składu płynu i obecnych w nim minerałów.
Większość Druz tworzy się w zagłębieniach, na przykład wiele Agatów z duzą jest pustych w środku, a w takich przypadkach środek może składać się z kryształów kwarcu skierowanych w stronę wolnej przestrzeni, tworząc wyłożone kryształami zagłębienie, znane również jako geoda.
Popularność tworzenia kaboszonów kamieni z naturalnymi kryształami rozkwitła w ostatnich latach. Nawet okazy minerałów z całą kryształową powierzchnią są cięte na designerskie kaboszony do biżuterii!
Dodatkowo niektóre naturalne kaboszony Druzy są barwione na wspaniałe kolory lub powlekane tytanem lub innymi substancjami, aby nadać im perłową esencję lub opalizację.
Oczywiście, kryształowe kaboszony Druse są bardziej kruche niż ich gładkie odpowiedniki i należy zachować pewną ostrożność podczas oprawiania, czyszczenia i noszenia tych kamieni. Kwarc Druzy jest ogólnie trwały, ponieważ ma twardość 7, ale niektóre minerały mogą być miękkie, takie jak kalcyt Cobalto (różowy druse), który ma twardość tylko 3,5. Kryształowe kaboszony Druse są najlepiej sprawdzają się w wisiorkach lub kolczykach i generalnie nie nadają się do pierścionków i bransoletek.
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Kaboszony Druzy można czyścić miękką szczoteczką do zębów i delikatnym mydłem. Najlepiej nie wkładać ich do czyszczarek ultradźwiękowych.
Kaboszony Druzy są zazwyczaj cięte w swobodne kształty, aby zachować jak najwięcej powierzchni kryształu, jak to tylko możliwe. Czyni je to naprawdę unikalnymi designerskimi kaboszonami.
Sprawdź jakie Agaty Druzy znajdziesz w fusima.pl!
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