#also centuries hhhhh
mediterraneanmenace · 8 months
Sneak peak 👀
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Ok so we have an actual WIP for my Raphael x Raksha prequel story :D
I told y'all they were both theatre nerds (the opera she wants to go watch is called "The Love Potion". And yes it's an actual thing). One loves tragedies, the other's into romantic stuff 🤓 (Also Raksha might be paladin captain, but she also led this much of an ascetic life she gets flustered VERY easily if she's attracted by someone. Raphael on the other hand definitely has more experience under his belt. Hmmmm)
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no but listen. listen. i am going absolutely rabid thinking about lucienne and calliope, platonic or romantic or anywhere along the spectrum of relationships.
what comes to mind first when i think of what would draw them together is, of course, how stories are fundamental to both of them: their inspiration and their preservation.
another thing they share is their steadfastness. how lucienne refused to abandon her post for more than a century, even as the castle crumbled down around her, and i think also of how she faced down the corinthian when he confronted her; the way calliope says i am a goddess to madoc, how she says ask me again when i am free.
i just think they would be good for each other and good to each other and hhhhh i need to go lie down now
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I see a saying that Edward IV was very interested in Alchemists? (Elizabeth Woodwell's family also has magical rumors... hhhhh)
Hi! Yes, there is an interestng book called Arthurian Myths and Alchemy: the Kingship of Edward IV by Jonathan Hughes.
The author points out Edward's own interest in alchemy as well as how the symbolism during Edward's reign was used as a propaganda in favour ot the King.
" The justification for Edward’s seizure of the throne from Henry VI was also based upon his British ancestry, with specially-produced genealogies, accompanied by prophecies and other historiographical material proclaiming him to be the ‘second Arthur’, who would unite the kingdoms of Britain, thus fulfilling the prophecy made by the Angelic Voice to Cadwallader, last king of the Britons, at the end of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britannie."
"...the alchemical influences that shaped much of Edward’s propaganda at its point of origin. Symbols such as the ‘sun in splendour’ and the ‘three crowns’, by which Edward was known, had alchemical meanings, however else they came to be perceived by contemporaries. This raises questions about how such symbols were perceived by different sections of the community – they could be heraldic, natural, alchemical, astrological, mythological or simply be associated culturally with ideas such as ‘the sun of majesty’ (as with Richard II in Clement Maidstone’s account of Richard’s reception in London in 1392). Few people, as Sydney Anglo has pointed out, ever saw the king; but they ‘saw’ him in the symbols by which he was represented. The ‘perception history’ of such symbols is clearly important not only for this period, but for other reigns, and the alchemical origins and understanding of some of them has implications for the study of prophecy. Whilst it is not true that all images used in prophecy had their origins in alchemy, this set of meanings needs to be examined, and some prophecies, such as Adam Davy’s Dreams about Edward II, most certainly offer themselves for this type of explanation."
"...Edward IV’s own interest in alchemy, his close relationship with George Ripley and others with similar interests, and the influences which this had upon Edward’s own ideology and self-belief. Also really interesting is the connection between Ripley, Thomas Norton (alchemist and ‘prophet’) and George Neville, archbishop of York. Hughes’s knowledge of the nature of fifteenth-century alchemy enables him to offer interesting new perspectives on the motivations of this group, and the fluctuating nature of their relationship with their royal patron. Particularly striking is the revelation that to men such as Ripley, the rise and fall of kings was seen in the nature of an alchemical experiment."
The author also points out that the kings interest in alchemy is not something unique, the kings before him such as Henry V and Edward III also had astroligists/alchemists at their sides.
Here is a very good review of the book: https://reviews.history.ac.uk/review/335
as to Elizabeth all the "witchcraft" accusations againt her and her mother were a smear campagn and totally unfounded. The only "magial" connection that her and a few other european royal houses claimed is the famous myth of Melusine (a figure from European folklore depicted as a mermaid, sometimes with two tails, as a serpent from the waist down, or as a dragon. She is associated with the ruling houses of Anjou, Lusignan, and Plantagenet and supposedly warned nobles of these houses of impending death or change.) Here is more on the myth: https://www.worldhistory.org/Melusine/
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ohhmichelettoohh · 8 months
Okay. A fellow Magnificent Century fan is rare enough thing on its own. Then you also happen to love Our Flag Means Death, and I already feel like I met a kindred spirit. But. You're also a Stede appreciator?
I love you I love you I love you. I am sending you a thousand internet kisses what the fuck.
Aw hhhhh thank you! I know we, uh, differ in certain shitty men appreciation (holding Ibo x Suleiman fic close to my heart with love)
But it truly is beyond me how can one not love Stede, and I was shocked to find ppl in fandom sometimes.... not love him???? He's the most precious and cherished person to me, and I love him so so much, he made me smile happily since ep 1
And I really really like the way you write and you are awesome and rly cool <3
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muggycuphead · 6 months
weird flex but ok i guess pt.35
War…Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ (and dark themed) designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [XXX]
A break from the main lore, have some secondary characters made for side stories woo
1. Addel Duchahut
Remember Lezor, the guy I made inspired on the Dadaist movement aesthetic-sorta? Well, have a character based off an ACTUAL artist from the movement, one of my favorites of such if that
The sir this fellow is made after is Marcel Duchamp, one of the most influential Dadaist since 1914, way before the movement was even a thing (talk about advanced to ur time ayo).  Nonetheless, the outfit I drew Addel in here not only implicitly references the pieces Marcel had made and the styles he had involved himself into, but also the “alter ego” he had made for himself and was also known for back then: Rrose Selavy (1920) who he also used as an “author name” for some of his dada art pieces. The outfit is mostly based on a photography he got taken by Man Ray, one of the first ones if I’m not wrong.
But hey, don’t get the wrong idea –Addel does have his own independent set of self on the setting he’s on (the current century, lol); he’s more of a “successor” kind of guy, but he’s mostly an eccentric folk that’s just as fascinated of experimental and cinetic composition. Just saying so you guys don’t take him as a historical replica of Duchamp, because he’s not and I don’t pretend to have him as such.
As for why he’s a rodent...I honestly have no clue exactly. I’d say because of going after a not-so-aesthetic kind of animal for the sake of taking the contrary, of maybe I was slightly influenced by Ratatouille. Either way, it was for a metaphoric regarding rebelliousness... and maybe also out of satire.
Also case you wonder, his surname means “of the shouting” by a rough translation from French (and yes he’s French btw)
His appearance is on a really further part of the story, though it isn’t much deep important…but still
Truth be told, he was a ride to draw, I luv him <3
2. Pipsqueak
A random idea I had, probably based off the sport that’s most popular on this side of the land –baseball ye
TL;DR, it’s a vegetal golem that’s a baseball player aspirant, no specifics if it’s a she or a he though
I enjoyed doing the directions of the leaves, they look funny
3. Kleevin BredPitz
JK, he’s one of the references for this silly ass though
If you guessed this dude is a “alpha male” ideology advicant, you’re right on the money. For short, in one of the events of BF’sH Hollow Present, BF has to take down this mofo, and well…you can guess this bulky ass got quite the derrogatives for BF in more than one sense...his sexuality included (but we’ll talk about it later dw :) //hhhhh)
He’s a overdeveloped leech by the way…which is ironic in a lot of ways, you’ll see way once we get there C: (and if u know enough of biology, well….hehehehehehehe-)
4. Gus Schmillers
Another Dadaist artist based character? Sure why not
This time it’s Kurt Schwitters I took for this, who was a German Dadaist, his most known pieces being his “Merz”, which consisted on collages of things he found meddling around in the trash, from paper-based things to little trinkets and just anything that could fit in a canvas, this under the philosophy of “building a new world from the shards of the one he was living in” (keep in mind, Dada happened during the World War as an anti-belicism/anti-war protest, hence the metaphor), and also his “Merzbau” –basically the same thing but instead of stuff in a small canvas it was ROOMS filled with stuff, they looked really surreal and neat despite how chaotic they were…most of those got destroyed in the war by orders of the Nazi regime sadly :(
Anyway, just like with Addel, Gus is a character on his own, and basically does similar things as Kurt, though he’s a little more into mechanics when building his interpretations of Merzbaus… I’ll leave that to y’all’s imaginations :) (?)
As for why he’s a ferret, probably because of how I interpreted him as an energetic kind of guy (I refer to Gus, not Kurt himself, but maybe a bit on that too).
He’s Addel’s “roommate” and mildly personal friend. He’s also German jic you wonder so.
5. Gus’ icon
Gus’ icon, idk why I numbered it but there you have it
6. Lynx Adamont’s icon
A character I created out of spite, TL;DR she’s a walking art person stereotype. Once I post her design I’ll explain further on what she’s like, but for now we’ll stick with her icon thingy
7. them
I can’t say who they are yet, this was to have an idea of their design
but still
8. Casual Addel miniature
Him on his casual attire
It’s kinda rough but it was for the sake of the essential idea
9. Kleevin lose icon
>cobra potato when his shit takes actually backfire on his ass
10-15. Funky calligraphy practice
Subtitle says it
10.- Addel
11.- Gus
12.- Kleevin
13.- Pip
14.- Lynx
15.- S’UP?!
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the way mcu created an impression on gen audiences that steve is gay for borky is so infuriating bc things like comics getting written by queer writers should be exciting but the queer men getting hired are like #those men (L&K) who ship sticky and get longterm control of the characters and insert so many fanon things from #that ship into the new comics it drives me crayzfnl
i'm not joking, so many things now are lifted from fan HCs (i unfortunately recognize them) and even the dialogue has nicknames and shit that get used there & the way (allegedly i never figured this one out for myself) the editor ships them too is so.... it makes me paranoid about all those parallels and the whole direction of the storyline..
kinda worried the whole Century Game plotline is gonna finish in a big timeline retcon to mcu-ify them cuz the amount of "accidental" moments recently don't seem like accidents anymore hhhhh
I had no idea #those men were queer..... I wonder why they treated Roger Aubrey the way they did, in that case (they also killed a bunch of queer characters off panel in their guardians of the galaxy run).
I knew they shipped st*cky (the editor, too???) but I cannot believe they lifted things from fan HCs (okay, I can now, because they actually used the word "catboi" in a comic that was released yesterday)....omg maybe they were in the mcu st*cky fandom hating on Natasha and Sharon - explains why they were written the way they were 💀
I was so horrified when Bucky called Steve "skinny" in the funeral story 😭 I thought the way they wrote Steve and Bucky's friendship was a little weird at first but after finding out that they shipped them, everything (unfortunately) made sense to me.
Hopefully, with JMS now in charge of Steve, we won't have to read any more of their interactions written by #those men and that they won't get to retcon anything because yikes...they'd probably do something like that given the chance.
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strawbearydreams · 3 years
Look I know that no one sees my text posts but I have some things to say.
1. Patrick shaved his beard
2. Pete should have done a speaking piece
3. When did Patrick shave his beard?
4. They did Centuries :/
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kirayamidemon · 3 years
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issinanoq · 3 years
Talking Headcanons || Accepting
🍬 for a family headcanon
Family is incredibly important to her, although she didn’t always act like it, in recent years she has become a lot more open to showing how much she cares. Although alot of the ways she shows how she cares are small (makes little gifts, simply spends more time with them, etc.), or even ways that she knows people will never see/notice (she keeps old letters, dries flowers, remembers weird facts, etc.) she does a lot more than it may appear.
This is why she is constantly making things, or trying to keep up an unscheduled schedule of visits- even if she has to let herself in sometimes. She likes just being there and trying to repair things to let them know that she does care and that she loves them alot. She might be a little bitter sometimes, but at the end of the day, she’s pretty happy with things.
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epiitaphs · 4 years
sometimes.............19th century french novels are.................incomprehensible
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catilinas · 5 years
had a horrible headache all day but now i’m feeling better and i’m highly caffeinated and also going slightly wild over OSCAN
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captainkirkk · 6 years
Does anyone know any good Gothic media? Preferably short stories and novels, but I’ll take anything if it’s decent 👀
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lovenona · 2 years
i was watching emma on netflix the other day and i IMMEDIATELY rushed to reread your sakusa fic. it's still the loveliest fic with sakusa ive ever read thank you for sharing the masterpiece 🧎💞
omg was it the new emma because i LOVE that movie it's so pretty 😭 im so so honored that u wld think of me i love period drama sakusa so fcking much he's literally the most perfect man thank U for reading it (again??? my heart!!!!! wtf!!!!)
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eerna · 3 years
i remember reading soc before, and i knew alina was leigh's other protagonist, but i haven't read s&b yet. every time inej mentioned her sankta alina knife and i didn't know how the whole ravkan saints "system" worked, i just thought that up in the skies of the grishaverse, there's some sort of cosmic council of ravkan saints where certain powerful grisha were appointed and alina was amongst them (kinda like gods.. i had a wild imagination and expectation 😭) i think i pictured this bc i thought s&b was set centuries before soc and not merely 2-3 years before it .
HHHHh you went very high fantasy worldbuilding with that one! The timeskip is also funny bc it seems we all had different ideas about how much time passed lol
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junebuggeryy · 2 years
ask game: 9, 15, 23 and 24? (GOD your art is cool. I'm always blown away by it ^^ )
THANK Y OU i am handing you a bottle of my tears (affectionate)
9. Any new art mediums youve tried (or overall styles if you havent tried new mediums)
oh uhhhhhhhhhhhh h hhh hhhhh;hhhhhhhhhhhh i sculpt sometimes
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mostly tiny things. a while ago i went mad with power trying to create a subatomic scalemate. i dont really post about it much because i prefer to keep it a low stress activity for when im not feeling the drawing juices? also i super dont know how to take good photos but it is, like, an area of constant backscenes experimentation
in terms of style, i feel like definitely have zoned in on some "retro" aesthetics this year? mostly the funkiest parts of mid-century-mod, and some 90s radical cheese
15. any upcoming planned drawings
oh god perpetually
mostly its tryling to emulate other art styles through OCs? i want to do a pulpy horror novel cover based around lorna. i want to make a hanna barbera xeno. i want to do an archie comic cover about a stupid love triangle between stupid idiots that keep being stupid. roxanne exists. when its not me trying to emulate an art style, its "i want to introduce this OC concept" and "i havent done [insert OC]'s design justice, time to redraw"
also comics. holy shit comics.
ive got dialog thats been circling me on loop for weeks on end. theres scenes that have me in a vice grip. i have a? a script? thats been slowly building??? i dont really believe in the power of new years resolutions but if im manifesting girbossing empathing anything, its that more comics make it up here
23. Favorite pose you've drawn
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i dont. know how to draw a skeleton over this
24. what do you like most about your art style
neons go brrr
ok fine ill elaborate. i think ive got a good sense of shape language and color, and have managed to put together some character designs that manage to be pretty versatile yet distinct?
but also, yes, neons go brrr. i have long enjoyed art that is, what some might call, Bad and Wrong. i think digital art gives me a lot of freedom to be Bad and Wrong in the color department, because- like little timmy on the playground with a laser pointer- the more able i am to wield the forces of light and directly beam eye searing colors directly into peoples eyeballs, the more my acidic soul is satisfied* *to the degree that i also understand people may have medical need to not engage with flashing lights and harsh eyestrain
i could probably talk more about violent and alienating art? i think it ties back into my appreciation of surreal gore and the grotesque, the need to make something that... almost hurts to look at. despite my roots in gore and body horror, my current art style has definitely slid over into something pretty cute and cartooney? which isnt really a bad thing! but it is something i think about sometimes
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kazs-new-hat · 3 years
i honestly really liked how we got to explore aleksander/the darkling character in the shadow and bone show
like we didn't get much of his backstory in the books, aside from when he was young. learning about what else he had to go through explained how he ended up in the time of alina. it just made you empathize with him even more, making him an even better villain and it's just HHHHH his long life was SAD and HARD and LONELY, and through that extra backstory the idea that his life had never been happy to begin with was just strengthened.
it's also interesting how despite his power and potential he still had to work really hard to reach his status. similar to zoya, both of them were pretty gifted to begin with, but that talent would have brought them nowhere if they hadn't taken matters into their own hands and worked their asses off. maybe that's also why there was a certain connection between them in the beginning--both of them set apart from their peers and therefore naturally drawn together.
actually, comparing the two, it's like seeing how they each started on a similar path, but because of their choices along that path they ended up at very different destinations. aleksander, for example, wanted a world where grisha could live peacefully and serve their country and nation as loyal members of civilization. he was tired of being chased around and hiding his true self, so he began to hate those that hurt his people. but in his desire to end suffering and change the way the world worked for the betterment of those in oppression, he lost sight of the meaning of true peace and ended up turning into the same people who hurt had hurt him all those centuries ago.
zoya, on the other hand, experienced discrimination on a similar level. being half suli, being treated like less compared to her ravkan counterparts, i bet she wanted retribution for her people, too. perhaps she didn't really come into union with that idea until the king of scars arc, but it was always there. she never sought out to eradicate the other side completely, because she knew it would only end up in a never-ending whirlpool, cycling round and around until everything gets sucked up. instead she chose to be more diplomatic, growing not a feeling of resentment but understanding, and in the end became a much better person even after she was exposed to so much power.
power doesn't corrupt, it only shows which person you can trust.
love how this turned from a ramble solely about the darkling then my brain found a way to include zoya you can tell how much i love this character she's amazing but yeah these two are great for comparisons and contrasts
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