#also i despise the soundtrack
okiidokii · 8 months
My conclusion to Monster High 2 is that it's better than the first one by far, but you could probably get much more enjoyment watching the High School Musical Trilogy, or even just Surf's Up
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bisamwilson · 1 year
okay i know i hated b*bylon BUT justin hurwitz’s score fucks
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apexofthewrld · 2 years
ngl not a huge fan of apex of the world being the final boss theme for just azure gleam while scarlet blaze gets funeral of flowers... personal feelings aside the context of those two final battles in 3hopes don’t align at all with the thematic relevance of those two songs in 3houses and while it’s nice to hear new renditions of familiar tunes and it def would’ve been too much to ask for a completely new soundtrack i can’t say i’m not disappointed since the original context of those songs adds so much more weight to them yknow
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heyclickadee · 10 months
With Ahsoka coming out, all I really have to say is that my approach to Star Wars is that sometimes Star Wars is good, sometimes Star Wars is bad, sometimes it’s just not for me, or so for me that I get a little mentally ill about it, but whatever it is, Star Wars is pizza. I like pizza. Almost universally. And sometimes pizza is this amazing stone-fired creation, a chewy crust topped with fresh mozzarella, prosciutto, and blackberries, and sometimes it’s a totinos pizza roll filled with cubes of something that’s kind of like pepperoni but definitely isn’t. The former is obviously better, but I can enjoy the latter, too. Doesn’t mean I won’t criticize it, that I’ll like everything about it, or that I’ll be satisfied with totino pizza roll Star Wars (heeeeeyyy Rise of Skywalker, you messy disaster), but it does mean that I will probably enjoy some small part of it on some level, and that I’ll probably talk about the parts I like more than the parts I don’t, mostly because I’m tired and complaining about things that ultimately don’t matter that much stopped being fun a while ago. Long story short: There’s probably going to be a lot about Ahsoka I like, and a lot I don’t—I wish it were animated, for one thing—but you probably won’t hear that much about the parts I don’t care for unless I actively despise it. I’m cautiously excited.
I’m also incautiously excited about the soundtrack. Because you know what’s always good? Star Wars music. More Star Wars music is ALWAYS a good thing.
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rongzhi · 7 days
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Hmm May was not a productive month in any sense including my movie watching... In my defense, I watched a new drama this month (新生), and I've also been rewatching Fringe again (currently in s3 and remembering how interdimensional soap opera-y it starts to get lol. But I live for it, what can I say...They pull it off...)
Favorite (new) movies watched: Freeway, Of an Age
Least Favorite: There wasn't really one that I despised or didn't find any joy in, but" A Million Miles Away" was definitely a little biopic bland (it's a biopic, so duh), "Glory" definitely wasn't as good as I remembered it being in 7th grade or whenever they made us watch it, and I found "Anatomy of a Murder" a little bit annoying but that's a Me problem not a movie problem. I understand why it's well regarded.
"The English" is actually a mini series
It took me like 3 days to finish watching "Unlawful Entry" bc it's just a movie that from start to finish has you like "oh fuck, not this"
I watched "Of an Age" and then rewatched it again later that same day slightly drunk, hence the way the entries are
The original "Stepford Wives" definitely is the more meaningful film but the remake is more entertaining to me. Sorry I have no taste 😔
I remembered really being moved by "Blackkklansman" when I first watched it (in theaters? Idr), but the rewatch had me a bit like Eh... The soundtrack still slaps tho
No non-English movies this month 😔
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nicetomeetmew · 18 days
I finally forced myself to watch Wish. My only real reason for hating it was the everyone else was. And also I saw the concept art and was like "...what did they do instead?"
I am in mourning. Fuck you Disney, you took away the Star Boy and I despise you (more) for it.
Also what in the fresh fuck is that soundtrack?? At All Costs SOUNDS LIKE A LOVE SONG.
Whatever. Watch out world, here I are I guess.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 9 months
I need to know out of all the tr characters who would hate and like horror movies the most? (Benkei is heavily in the hate side, thanks to the character book lol) it would just be funny if you imagine all of them cuddled up to watch horror movies together, some were pretending to have a straight face (but wants to sh1t themselves so bad), some are covering with blankets crying, some were puking (because of the gore), and then there’s the one who’s laughing because someone got killed lmao
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Lmao that is a funny image to think of! Ok so
Mikey- Isn't bothered by it, he's actually more focused on either the movie snacks he convinced Draken to bring or he's fallen asleep.
Draken- Gets emotionally invested in it, isn't bothered but enjoys cheering for the good guys.
Takemichi- Crying, trembling, holding Hina's hand for emotional support.
Hina- She's a bit flinchy with all the jumpscares but isn't keen on the gore but can watch. Is more focused on comforting Takemichi anyway.
Emma- Grossed out by the gore, will watch the other parts but turns her head away from the gore.
Naoto- Loves it! He's totally engrossed in the film, he seems fascinated in it.
Baji- Completely at ease with horror, probably laughs at certain points.
Chifuyu- Doesn't mind human killers so much but gets easily scared of supernatural stuff.
Mitsuya- Enjoys a horror a decent amount, isn't scared.
Hakkai- Gets a tiny bit scared but is good at hiding it (just look at how tight he clenches his fists while watching).
Peh- People think he's scared while watching them because of his eyes but he's actually fine with watching them.
Smiley- 100% laughs at the scary bits
Angry- Remains unbothered by it, he's used to most horror from Smiley so it can't phase him.
Mucho- Also unbothered, it's just a movie what's the big deal?
Sanzu- Takes notes.
Kisaki- Doesn't care much, he probably does flich a few times throughout though (and gets teased by Hanma because of it).
Hanma- Another laugher, takes great delight in trying to scare the other people watching too. Will suddenly grab them as the movie reaches it's climax to try and make them yell.
Kazutora- Largely unaffected by it, some of the louder jumpscares make him a little on edge though.
Inui- Sits there silently throughout with a small smile on his face
Koko- Is completely grossed out by the blood, doesn't get why Inui loves this stuff so much.
Taiju- Fine with it, is perfectly happy watching horror.
Yuzuha- Also completely fine with horror, she knows it's all just special effects.
Izana- Is so unbothered that he finds it boring sometimes, prefers to watch Kakucho's or whoever he's watching with reactions instead.
Kakucho- Loves horror but is effected by it, like the jumpscares do get him but that's part of the fun of watching to him.
Rindou- Also loves horror, he especially loves the sounds of the terrified screams and the fight scenes.
Ran- Moderate horror enjoyer, it's not his favourite thing ever, mainly because he doesn't get scared by it but will watch it.
Shion- Talks about how he'd survive the killer the whole time and how the character's are making mistakes. At least he's generally enjoying it though?
Mochi- Also enjoys the fight scenes the most.
Shinichiro- Not as bad as Takemichi but definitely gets scared easily by the film. Tries to hide it more though (esp if he's on a date).
Takeomi- Fairly into horror, probably showed Senju and Sanzu the films a bit too young.
Benkei- Canonically hates horror, despises the guys whenever they suggest watching a horror film together.
Wakasa- Loves horror, especially after he finds out how much Benkei hates it. It becomes his new favourite thing to tease Benkei over.
Senju- Also loves horror, was probably watching things since she was young. Very expressive when she watches, laughs if something manages to scare her.
South- Likes horror, isn't scared by it so he focuses more on the story and the soundtrack.
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kingofbodyrolls · 5 months
Sprout | knj | two
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← previous | s.masterlist | m.masterlist |  next →
Summary: You love your plants, you love your garden, you do not love your new neighbor. You hate him with all your might— he wrecks everything you hold dear so you do the only reasonable thing: retaliate. 
Pairing: Namjoon x female reader 
AUs: neighbors au, gardening au, non!idol au → strangers to enemies (mostly one sided) to friends to lovers 
Genres: slice of life, smut, humor
Rating: mature
Word count: 3.8K
Warnings: even more stupid and petty behavior from reader; cussing, name calling and all that. Sexual tension and frustration.
Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸
Author’s note(1): Jungkook has gotten enough 😏
Taglist: @svnbangtansworld
It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there 🙂
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Jungkook insists you're being petty, taunting you daily with the idea that your actions stem from an overwhelming affection for your neighbor. Yet, the truth is far from it. It's the opposite. You despise him with every fiber of your being. His incessant disruptions and the havoc he wreaks on your belongings fuel the flames of your animosity. No, you do not love your new neighbor; you fucking hate him. 
Jungkook makes a passing remark about ‘pulling pigtails,’ but you shut out the rest. 
Almost every day, the cacophony of your neighbor entertaining a friend reverberates through the walls. The persistently loud ambiance raises questions. Why does he insist on keeping the window open? Is it deliberate, a perverse invitation for everyone to bear witness to the audible symphony of his intimate moments? 
Frustration simmers within you, and you roll your eyes in exasperation. Attempting to address his disruptive behavior has become a futile exercise; each conversation degenerates into a heated exchange, with curses hurled in his face as you storm off in a storm of indignation. 
He's shattered your plants and disrupted your sleep on countless occasions, pushing the boundaries of your endurance. The cumulative weight of these relentless intrusions threatens to break the last thread of your patience.
You've descended to the point of desperation, resorting to hurling eggs at his windows in the dead of night. Sleep eludes you, haunted by the persistent echoes of his nocturnal escapades. His moans have become an indelible soundtrack, an unwelcome intrusion into your restless nights. Who keeps their window open when they have sex?
You reluctantly acknowledge the summer heat, considering the possibility of their sweltering encounters. The intrusive thought catches you off guard, and a wave of irritation washes over you. Why on earth are you dwelling on the intimate details of his encounters with his girlfriend?
In a surge of frustration, you realize it's high time to teach him a lesson in manners. Fueled by determination, you smash a few more eggs against his windows, each impact echoing your resolve for retribution.
Upon reentering your house, you find Jungkook awaiting your return. His exasperated greeting speaks volumes: “What have you done now?” he sighs, rolling his eyes at your seemingly perpetual antics.
“Just gave him back some of his own medicine,” you declare, the matter-of-fact tone underscoring your unapologetic stance. 
“You know, this is getting real close to vandalism. If you're into him, why not just knock on his door and jump his dick?” Jungkook's nonchalant shrug accompanies the pointed words, the blatant suggestion striking a nerve and hitting uncomfortably close to home. 
“As I've reiterated countless times, I do not like him, and I certainly do not want to fuck him,” you groan in exasperation.
“Yeah, sure,” he retorts with another eye roll, his tone carrying a hint of dejection and weariness, as if he's utterly exhausted from dealing with your antics.
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The eagerly awaited new glass for your greenhouse has finally arrived, and to your surprise, Jungkook has generously offered to install it for you. Despite the restoration of your sanctuary, the scars on your beloved plants remain irreparable. Now, as you stand in your greenhouse, determined to breathe life into the space once more, you find solace in sowing new seedlings for the upcoming winter. 
The ritual begins as you carefully select seed packages, opting for spinach, bok choy, and broccoli, each choice bearing the promise of a fresh start.
With purposeful steps, you retrieve trays for the seedlings, the promise of renewal in your hands. Each tray is tenderly filled with fresh soil, receiving a gentle spray of water before the tiny seeds find their new home. Another layer of earth, a careful drizzle of water, and finally, a protective hood is laid over the tray. This makeshift greenhouse environment promises a nurturing haven for the sprouting seedlings as they await their moment on the greenhouse shelf. 
The creak of the greenhouse door signals Jungkook's entrance, and as he steps in, a cascade of words spills forth, “I had a chat with Namjoon,” he starts, his eyes sweeping across the lush foliage that envelops you.
Your gaze locks onto him, eyebrows raised in a quizzical arc. “Who is this ‘Namjoon’?”
“Our neighbor,” he declares with a matter-of-fact tone, and your jaw drops, seemingly unhinging itself and plummeting all the way to the ground. 
“Why are you fraternizing with the enemy?” you exclaim, delivering a playful slap to his shoulders. Why would he do such a thing?
“He’s actually really nice. You should go talk to him. Apologize.”
Jungkook suggests, and you find yourself dumbfounded by the words escaping his lips. Apologize? You? The incredulity echoes in your thoughts as you grapple with the absurdity of the idea.
“I won’t do anything of the sorts,” you huff, arms crossed in frustration, embodying a defiant stance reminiscent of a thwarted child denied a coveted desire.
“Ah, he's under the impression you're a mean bitch anyway,” he taunts, a derisive laugh escaping his lips, and you feel the surge of anger igniting within you. No, not in your cherished sanctuary. With conscious effort, you unclench your hands, previously balled up in frustration, determined to maintain the sanctity of your safe space. 
“He’s a jerk anyway, a stupid single dad who screws anything with a pair of nice tits,” you state, infusing your words with a palpable venom.
“That was actually his nephew. No kids for him. But those girls he brings home? They do happen to have some impressive assets,” he says, a smirk playing on his lips. A flicker of realization crosses your mind—Jungkook might be deliberately riling you up for amusement, and, begrudgingly, you acknowledge that his tactic is working. 
“Maybe you should go over there and have a threesome with him, huh?” you fume, the words laced with a hint of bitter sarcasm. Simultaneously, you find yourself seething not just at him, but at your own lapse for even entertaining such a thought. 
He just chuckles. “Damn, you've got it bad. I almost feel sorry for you,” he says, the laughter persisting and your blood simmering with an undercurrent of venomous rage.
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It's finally a Friday, and you and Jungkook are settling in for a movie night. You've crafted the ideal dinner and laid out an enticing spread of snacks for later. Everything promises to be perfect and relaxing, except for one disruptive factor: your neighbor, Namjoon, relentlessly booming loud music through his speakers.
He's got friends over, and it seems like a full-blown BBQ is in swing. A row of cars lines the street beside his house, and the distant hum of lively chatter reaches even into the sanctity of your own home. The noise is unmistakable, almost intrusive, and you find yourself cursing silently. Yet, you're left with the bitter realization that complaining won't change a thing.
“We'll just crank up the TV volume even higher,” Jungkook nonchalantly suggests, a casual shrug of his shoulders betraying his indifference to the escalating noise outside.
You sulk, conceding to Jungkook's practicality. Yet, deep down, you ache for the serene days when Seokjin and his wife were your neighbors, their presence a stark contrast to the relentless clamor that now defines Namjoon's presence.
As you stir the contents of the sizzling wok, your culinary focus momentarily breaks. “I just hope he doesn't turn this into an all-night party,” you mutter with a tinge of irritation, your tone carrying a subtle edge of anger.
“You can't fault the guy for having friends over,” he asserts, retrieving glasses from the cabinets and setting the table, “Just because you don’t have any.”
You shoot him a disbelieving look, a frustrated huff escaping your lips. “I do have friends. They are just not that loud!”
He rolls his eyes at you, an amused chuckle escaping his lips like fleeting notes of laughter dancing in the air.
You scoff, shutting down the stove and placing the pan, still radiating warmth, on the table with a protective mat underneath.
“Do we have wine?” you inquire, and Jungkook nods, gesturing towards the fridge. Your appreciation swells for him, always ensuring there's a bottle of red wine chilling inside during summer. Somehow, it just adds a delightful touch to the flavor when it's served slightly chilled.
You return to the kitchen, swing open the fridge door, and snatch a bottle of wine. “Would you like some too, Gukkie?” you ask, extending the invitation to Jungkook.
“Yeah, sure. I can't let you go on a solo mission to finish the entire bottle. It's not good for you,” he playfully teases, a hint of truth in his words. You can't deny the tendency to turn a newly opened bottle into an empty one by the end of the night.
You snag a couple of wine glasses on your way back to the table, pouring a generous amount for both of you.
“Let’s eat,” you utter in a soft breath, gracefully pulling out your chair, the enticing aroma of your culinary creation making your mouth water.
“Yeah, I’m starving,” Jungkook declares, swiftly settling into his seat across from you, greedily reaching for the wok you've prepared, ready to dive into the feast.
“Aish, it’s so good,” he mumbles with delight, savoring each mouthful and punctuating his words between bites.
“Thank you. Living with a culinary genius has its perks, doesn't it?” you playfully muse back at him, a satisfied grin lighting up your face as you bask in the warmth of his compliment.
“You know I am,” he responds, taking a hearty gulp of his wine, and you follow suit. Despite the distant noise of your neighbor and his rowdy friends, you find solace in Jungkook's company, the laughter and friendship drowning out the chaotic soundtrack from across the fence.
Now that dinner is done, and you've migrated to the couch with your wine and an enticing spread of snacks, you ask, “What do you want to watch?” 
Jungkook chuckles eagerly, snatching the remote with a gleam in his eyes and declares, “Bring it on!” 
You playfully roll your eyes, teasing, “You just want to watch women in short skirts, you creep.”
You chuckle as Jungkook defends himself, insisting, “You know I watch it for the plot.” 
You shoot Jungkook a teasing look. “It better be the first one.”
“Of course. But the third one was also pretty good,” he says, triumphantly locating the first Bring it On movie.
Jungkook is inexplicably engrossed in Bring it On, and you can't quite decipher if it's for the skimpy outfits or the intricate choreographies, or perhaps a bit of both. 
Observing him playfully mimic the dance moves, even from the confines of the couch, makes you chuckle like a fool.
The echoes of your joy abruptly shatter, drowned out by a sudden, jarring noise from outside—a disconcerting symphony of splintering wood that startles you, leaving an unsettling air lingering in the room.
This can’t be good.
Dread tightens its grip as you hastily set down your wine glass, exchanging an apprehensive glance with Jungkook, who springs to his feet beside you. 
In tandem, you dash outside, propelled by a mixture of curiosity and concern, completely neglecting to grab your shoes in the urgency of the moment. The scorching heat beneath your bare feet goes unnoticed amidst the unfolding commotion though.
Your jaw plummets to the floor, a potent cocktail of shock and fury brewing within you as you absorb the unfolding spectacle before your eyes.
Namjoon, your neighbor, sprawled on his back—ON YOUR FENCE. It's a chaotic scene, with plants strewn about, the garden bed fractured, and soil spilling over, all within the wreckage of your once-pristine greens and veggies.
Your fists tighten as you stride toward Namjoon, his apologies echoing amid the laughter of his friends on his lawn, his clumsiness laid bare for all to witness.
Jungkook trails closely behind you, anticipating your next move. Yet, you remain silent, a brooding tension enveloping the air—a silence he recognizes as the precursor to something bad.
Fury courses through your veins, reaching its boiling point. Another act of destruction by your neighbor, and the question reverberates in your mind: Is this a deliberate vendetta against you? Jungkook tries to steady you, grabbing your arm, but you resist, pushing him away as your frustration simmers on the edge of eruption.
“You fucker!” 
Rage consumes you, and you unleash a guttural scream at your neighbor, still seated on the ground, taking stock of the havoc he's wreaked.
“I’m sor–” 
You halt his feeble attempt at an apology with a sharp interruption. “I've had enough of your apologies! Why is everything I own a target for your destruction?”
He meets your gaze with a hint of confusion, yet beneath the surface, a touch of melancholy lingers in his eyes.
Ignoring his apologies, your voice cuts through the air, demanding, “Enough with the apologies—just stop wrecking my things!”
Your voice reverberates with frustration, “Do you have some grudge against plants and nature? Is that it?” The rage within you intensifies as you survey the scene of dead plants and crops gone to waste. 
Jungkook's grip tightens on your arm, his voice soothing yet cautious, “Hey, take it easy. It was probably an accident.”
Namjoon's head bobs in agreement, “Yeah, it was. I'm truly sorry, and I'll repay you for what I’ve broken,” he starts, while a few of his friends extend a hand to help him up. However, the lingering laughter among some of his friends only adds fuel to your anger.
“That's the least you can do, you jerk!” you spit back at him. He meets your gaze with initially downcast eyes, his expression softening for a brief moment. However, it swiftly transforms into a hiss, and his eyes sharpen as he locks onto yours, a tension hanging in the air.
“Why can't you accept a simple apology?” he hisses at you. His voice remains calm, but beneath the surface, a tinge of anger adds a sharp edge to his words.
“Because I hate you! You're a fucking jerk!” you roar back at him, your voice filled with seething rage. Panting and huffing, your chest heaves with the intensity of your emotions.
“You're incredibly immature with all the name-calling. What have I ever done to you?” he retorts, his brows furrowed, eyes sharp as a blade. The tension between you becomes palpable, so thick it could be cut with a knife. Even his friends fall silent, and Jungkook takes a cautious step back.
You unclench your fists, pointing accusatorily at him. “You killed my plants!”
Fury consumes you, a torrent that drowns reason. It feels like an uncontrollable storm, not the result of too much wine, but a tempest of pure anger. Without thought, you lunge at Namjoon, an instinctual reaction to the destruction he's caused. Yet, Jungkook, swift and decisive, intercepts your wrath, restraining you. Your hisses of frustration echo against Jungkook's grip, a primal response to the injustice you're forced to endure.
Namjoon raises his hands in a defensive plea, “I'm so sorry, I’ll make it right. I’ll reimburse you for the damage,” he utters, cautiously retreating as if stepping on fragile ground.
As Jungkook pulls you away, you shoot a heated promise back at Namjoon, “I’ll find a way to make you pay for this!” Your words echo with resentment, leaving a lingering threat in the air, while Jungkook apologizes for the fiery display of your frustration.
Namjoon shoots you a puzzled and pained expression, clearly trying to decipher your veiled threat, while the whispers from his friends amplify around you, filled with phrases like ‘what a crazy bitch’ and ‘did she just threaten you?’
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That’s it.
You've reached your breaking point. 
Namjoon has obliterated your plants, wrecked your greenhouse, trampled your garden beds, disrupted your sleep, and turned your once peaceful life into chaos. He's become a true menace, and it's time to impart a lesson he won't forget.
Fueled by anger, you snatch a screwdriver from Jungkook’s toolbox, its cold metal gripped tightly in your hand as you storm outside. The plan is simple: a flat tire for Namjoon, a lesson he won't soon forget. It's time to make him understand the consequences of messing with your life.
As chaos reigns within your mind, one crystal-clear resolution emerges from the tumult: Namjoon will pay for what he's done.
Jungkook’s voice echoes in your mind, a beacon of reason, yet you swiftly drown it out. Right now, you're not in the mood for rationality.
The stillness of the night embraces Namjoon's car, parked on his driveway. A rare moment of quiet settles around, a welcomed respite from the usual chaos. Maybe, just maybe, tonight you'll find solace in the arms of uninterrupted sleep.
Stealthily, you tiptoe up Namjoon's driveway, shrouded in the comforting cloak of darkness. Each careful step carries the weight of a clandestine mission, a secret endeavor hidden from prying eyes. This covert operation remains shrouded, a secret held close to your chest, shielded even from Jungkook, who would surely dissuade you from this path if he were privy to your foolish actions.
Despite a flicker of self-awareness that deems your actions petty and excessive, an unyielding surge of red-hot fury propels you forward. In this moment, reason takes a back seat, eclipsed by an insatiable desire for justice, consequences be damned.
As you crouch beside his sleek black SUV, a fleeting moment of uncertainty flits through your mind. The vehicle, undeniably stylish, momentarily gives you pause. Is this truly a sound decision? A twinge of guilt tickles your conscience — breaking his property, a dance on the edge of retribution. 
Yet, the echo of shattered greenhouse glass and ruined plants resounds, emboldening your resolve. In your mind, it's a retaliation justified by his transgressions against your cherished possessions.
The rage within you surges, and the screwdriver in your hand feels like an extension of your fury. Your knuckles whiten as you pull back your arm, poised to plunge the tool into the rubber of his car's tire. 
“What do you think you're doing?” 
Your hand freezes midway in the air, the screwdriver poised for revenge. As you turn your head, you're met with Namjoon's stern gaze, his silhouette emerging from the shadows of his porch.
Fuck. fuck. Fuck. You’ve been caught. 
Dread floods your senses. The fiery heat in your veins extinguishes, replaced by an icy chill, as if the harsh grip of winter has suddenly settled in your bones. In this moment, the realization hits hard – you've been caught, and the expletives echo in your mind like an ominous drumbeat.
He draws near, towering above you. His height, unnoticed until now, commands attention. Full eyelashes frame his gaze, and his dark hazel eyes pierce through you with the same sharp intensity as earlier tonight, sending an involuntary shiver down your spine.
“I asked you a question.” 
Your momentary lapse into obvious distraction snaps to an end. You retract your hand along with the screwdriver, rising slowly and deftly slipping it into your pocket.
“I was about to teach you a lesson,” you declare with unwavering confidence, standing before him. Your resolve remains unshaken, observing the visible frustration settling on his face.
“Teach me a lesson?” he counters, his calm demeanor barely concealing the underlying hint of anger etched across his features. Yet, his composure remains intact, a stark contrast to your own unbridled intensity.
“Yeah, you broke all my stuff. Now I’m breaking yours,” you retort, a nonchalant shrug accompanying your words as if it's a matter of common sense, downplaying the gravity of your retaliatory actions.
His laughter catches you off guard, leaving you momentarily uncertain about how to respond.
“Are you the mastermind behind the glued mailbox?” he chuckles, and though confusion paints your expression, you nod in acknowledgment.
“The eggs too?” he inquires, a forced smile gracing his face. Despite his attractive features, it's hard to overlook the fact that he's a complete jerk.
You nod, acutely aware of the significant height difference between you. His towering presence leaves you feeling uneasy, as if his stature alone holds a certain dominance over the situation.
He chuckles once more, and an unsettling chill races down your spine. “You really are a crazy bitch,” he remarks, his laughter carrying an undertone that sends shivers across your entire body.
You involuntarily recoil, the discomfort quickly replaced by a tidal surge of rage, sweeping through you like an unstoppable tsunami.
“What did you just call me?” you spit back at him, fists clenched at your sides. His calm demeanor and laughter only fuel your growing anger, leaving you frustrated and huffing with indignation.
“You heard me,” he clarifies, a reluctance to reiterate evident in his tone.
“What you're doing is also vandalism,” he begins, his calm tone belying a subtle threat, “and I could call the police for that.”
Your eyes widen as you grasp the weight of his words. The gravity of your actions finally hits you full force. You wouldn't want that, but you understand it's within his right to do so.
“You vandalized my stuff first,” you retort, the edges of your anger slowly dissipating. Crossing your arms under your breasts, you draw his attention, his gaze lingering for a moment before he takes a deep inhale, as if contemplating his next move.
“You navigate through life like a child. Did your parents forget to teach you some manners?” He shakes his head, exhaling, and a subtle relaxation sweeps across his features. Then, with an audible inhale, he seems to brace for your response.
“I didn't vandalize your stuff. It was an accident. What you're doing is no accident. It's with intent and purpose,” he clarifies for you, his tone calm, sending chills down your spine. It dawns on you. He's right. You did intentionally break and ruin his stuff, while all he did was perhaps be clumsy.
“See the difference?” he questions, taking in your form. Your shoulders sink down, and you exhale as if the weight of guilt has settled on them.
Realization hits you like a ton of bricks. You do see the difference. You've been so foolish, consumed by the desire for revenge. Now, as the gravity of your actions sets in, you fully understand if he decides to involve the police. Shit.
“I'm so sorry. The anger just consumed me. You destroyed my plants, and I…” Your voice trembles as tears threaten to spill over. You sniff, desperately trying to hold back the flood of emotions.
“I totally understand if you want to involve the police. No more petty shit from me,” a wave of regret and shame washes over you. Your body trembles, and the first tear betrays your composure. As you quiver, you bite your lower lip, tasting the metallic tang of remorse.
You step back from Namjoon, your voice filled with remorse, “I'm truly sorry, Namjoon.”
Before you pivot away, you observe him, the epitome of cool, calm and collected, yet beneath that veneer, a hint of sorrow tinges his expression – what could be the source of his melancholy?
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I appreciate every like, comment and reblog, and please don’t be afraid to let me know what you think;  your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
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choclodox · 1 year
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“Nakir Txska Urlä’itx, Tsa’hik of the Night Na’vi of the Alyara Clan, and if you ask anybody…the most terrifying person alive on all of Pandora”⁣ —Jake Sully⁣⁣
Nakir isn’t a lenient person. Compared to Ronal or Varang (based off of what I hear about her), Nakir makes them look like petty middle schoolers.⁣⁣⁣
Nakir never liked Neytiri, and despite having never met him before, she absolutely DESPISES Jake.⁣⁣⁣
When Nikea takes Jake and the rest of their ragtag posse to ask the Night Na’vi to join the war against the RDA, Jake’s gonna be in for a rude awakening when Nakir can’t even be bothered to look at him.⁣⁣⁣
𝗪𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐍𝐚’𝐯𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞 🌚⁣⁣⁣
The audio you hear is what I imagine the Night Na’vi language to sound like. When someone is talking in a regular tone, it can sound rather breathy and pretty, but the second a negative tone is introduced, it starts sounding inhuman.⁣⁣⁣
Also, it’s important to note that if these guys got to have their own soundtrack, there needs be an ancient AND techy quality, so that’s why Dune’s Soundtrack is my go-to.⁣⁣⁣
Also, the Alyara Tsa’hik has more authority over the Olo’ehktan. If the Olo’ehktan gets any ideas of his own, he can’t do sh!t without her blessing, and doing otherwise would be political suicide (it goes back to the clan’s origins).⁣⁣⁣
When it comes to the Omatikaya and the Alyara’s fashion (specifically the leaders), they heavily influence each other. However, the Omatikaya have only ever come in contact with the Alyara women, who dress drastically different than the Alyara men.⁣⁣⁣
Let’s just say that if Jake pulled up to the Pulse wearing his traditional Olo’Ehktan attire, he’d look like a cross dresser 😅⁣⁣
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mamawasatesttube · 6 months
4 and 7 for kon and 7 and 8 for cassie
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
OOHHH... hmmm. i want a ghibli movie starring kon. it's about personhood and also friendship and finding the beauty in the simple things (perfect for his move to smallville and him figuring out how to be a civilian for the first time in his life). and also the soundtrack would be gorgeous joe hisaishi would NOT let me down
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
. . . .. .. .. . ..... .. . . . um .. ... . ... . .... .. . i like it when the fandom doesn't do anything with him :)
lmao no but i do enjoy that most fans agree that him being a teenager still in this day and age is stupid. give us early 20s kon (and yj) or give us death.
and now cassieeee <3
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
letting her age and ALSO. BUTCH CASSIE lets fucking GOOOO
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
"haha she's the only one with the brain cell!" "she's the strongest most powerful coolest smartest one because #feminism!!!" "she's always exasperated with the others being annoying and stupid!! she always knows who likes each other and wingmans for--" STOP. DO NOT PASS GO. DO NOT COLLECT $200. MY GIRL JOINED A CULT AND LIKES TO PUNCH THINGS WHEN SHES ANGRY. generally i think fandom loves to pretend female characters don't have flaws (or personalities in general) to flatten them next to their male counterparts and its Fucking Annoying. (like to be clear theres nothing wrong with her wanting to wingman for her friends bc yj era cassie sure is excitable enough to do so and loves saucy questions at truth or dare etc, but making that her ONLY role or trait is. well. simply perish.)
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pixyys · 1 year
so for my request, can I request the Flags with a reader who really likes classical music and hates any sacrilegious-ness and they are able to play the piano and other instruments too? And they have really good classical music knowledge and can name any piece in like a few seconds- wait why am I sounding like I'm describing myself ;-;
ANYWAYSSS stay safe drink water get enough sleep I love you mwah
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— artistic elegance.
bsd characters with a reader who likes classical music, plays various musical instruments and despises sacrilege. (fellow twosetters, iykyk👀)
ft. the flags + some small extras at the end :)
warnings/notes. gn! reader
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💌HII SILVER!! thank you for the request!! and aa tysm i love you too <33 i love that gif! bsd wan gives me life (´͈  ᵕ `͈ ) also! i'm still not that familiar with the flags' personalities, so they might be a bit ooc :" but i hope this is up to your expectations!
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piano man
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piano man is a cultured gentleman! he may not be as well-versed in classical music as you do. but he might know one or two of the popular pieces.
this man is a man of whimsy and cruel elegance. needless to say, he respects art and delicacy. and more than all, he is drawn to your immaculate and refined taste in music.
he loves hearing you talk about your interest! from your long rambles about a particular piece to small trivia about concerts and the likes.
he will reassure you that he's not using piano wires to strangle people (lmao)
please please please make a joke about how "piano man" can't play the piano (silver iykyk haha)
if you're willing, piano man will be interested in learning the piano from you. at least to honour his name (it's just his ploy to spend more time with you <3)
he'll come to your concerts and see you play if you're performing in one <3 alternatively, you both go to orchestras and classical music concerts together
he's also canonically fastidious, so he respects perfection. he's inwardly proud if you're very dedicated to your practices. he likes hardworking people.
however! he'll know when to stop you when you're overworking yourself. when your eyebrows start to crease and that gleam in your eyes whenever your fingers dance on the piano keys fades away, he'll silently approach you, gently reaching for your hand and pressing a kiss on your cheek.
"you've done enough, love. you're amazing. you'll do splendidly."
does stopping you from practising 40 hours a day count as sacrilege? probably. as much as he hates upsetting you, piano man is willing to commit any sin if it's meant for your well-being and safety </3
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another chap who's fairly familiar with classical music. i'm sure some of his movies use classical music as soundtracks, and at some point, he has most likely acted as a musician character.
very intrigued by your extensive knowledge of musical instruments and classical pieces. he will definitely ask you for some pointers for when he has to act in a musical performance scene.
oh boy. the poor guy doesn't know what he signed up for.
"your wrist is too low. your bowing looks off," you comment as you both watch a particular scene where he act-plays the violin.
from then on, he takes your suggestions and corrections very seriously, which he is very grateful for because they help his acting career too.
more than anything though, lippmann doesn't want to upset you by committing "sacrilege"—as you like to call it.
you can teach him, let's say, a violin, or any other musical instrument. alternatively, you can take crash courses together as cute little dates <3 (all the more opportunity to flex your skills and impress him haha)
he's doing it very well, though. he's a fast learner. it's almost unfair how he has a natural talent for almost everything; from acting to negotiation skills.
he is.. very pretty.. regardless if people recognize him as a popular actor or not. so you may start regretting it when everyone from the course is starting to crowd him lmao. maybe this is not a very good idea after all,,
but! imagine this:
it's well-known that lippmann's music-acting is getting more realistic and accurate. there's this particular scene in a romance movie he starred in that causes quite a ruckus among his fans: the character he acted is playing a piece dedicated to his beloved. but his act-performance is just so 'full of love' and everyone goes crazy over it. when an interview session asks him about how he did this, he just smiles into the camera and,
"oh, i did picture a special person during that scene. they've helped me a lot, and i'm very grateful for them. you can say that 'performance' was dedicated for them."
i digress. but i'd simply die lmao
oh well, the internet will go crazy, again. "hit actor lippmann's secret muse!?" as said by the headline of the tabloid magazine. but eh, as they said, all's well should end well.. probably.
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no matter how i see him, albatross is a menace (lmao)
he's likely to not know a lot about classical music and musical instruments in general. but hey! trying is also a love language.
probably gets curious when you are practising. after you explain to him the basics, there is a high chance he'll go "oh! as i expected, you're very amazing! i think i'll go for the triangle instead." 💀
he's just very impressed at whatever you're doing. you pulled off a particularly difficult, or just a so-so piece? "woah! that is so cool!" you somehow manage to name any classical piece playing within five seconds? "what kind of sorcery are you doing?!" you're going on a long ramble about how a movie depicted orchestras and piano-playing very very wrongly? albatross has no idea what you're talking about. but whatever you're doing, don't stop. he likes seeing you all happy and enthusiastic. there's something about how your eyes light up or how a smile bloom on your lips. they never fail to make his day brighter.
this man is competitive. at one point, he will start listening to classical pieces and make it a competition on who can name a piece's title whenever there's one playing. of course, he loses, every time. can't forget that time he called Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 "that one tom and jerry song."
"it's a piece, not a song, albatross."
"but it's still in tom and jerry."
well, he's not wrong, technically.
albatross will probably get excited (and be embarrassing), gushing over you if he ever comes to see you perform in a concert or the like. "look at them! they're so cool!" he'll half-whisper to anyone sitting close to him until he receives several warning glares for being noisy. oh well, at least he knows not to clap during auditions.
please prevent this man from doing any more sacrilege (lmao i keep on slandering him, sorry albatross you're a real one for this </3)
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this man canonically likes to drink coffee and listen to records—a side only a few people know, and you're one of those few people.
he listens to a variety of genres, and classical pieces vinyl take up considerable space in his collection. he may be the closest to being fairly knowledgeable in classical pieces as you are.
he might not be the type to play a musical instrument himself. instead, he adores hearing you play. not that the recordings are bad, but your playing is just much more relaxing and the sounds flow better to his ears.
maybe above all, it's your presence that he finds peace from. either way, iceman is glad he can know someone who shares an overall similar interest with him.
you both can go to a record store! watch him just chuckle in amusement whenever you perk up as the store plays a classical piece, then immediately recognize the piece's title. he finds your enthusiasm cute. and not to mention, that broad knowledge is impressive. even he can't remember that many classical pieces.
he will be very grateful if you shove a good amount of music recommendations to him, or make a playlist for him! iceman might just listen to it in his free time because they remind him of you <3
in terms of sacrilege, he doesn't really mind much and leans on the more chill side. oh? that movie you're both watching is playing a very badly acted orchestra scene? he finds the way you internally cringe amusing. but iceman understands how such things really upset you, so he'll be there to listen to your rambles and criticisms.
all in all, he's a very chill but loving guy <3
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he is mostly ambivalent about classical music and musical instruments. but as a doctor, he knows well that classical music is scientifically proven to be able to reduce stress and alleviate anxiety.
for that reason, he might know one or two things about classical music. but nothing too in-depth besides the fact it has some therapeutic effects to it.
hence! it's the perfect opportunity to tell him everything you know! (and flex when you're at it)
"doc! don't you know that not all classical music is relaxing? for example this one-"
he watches curiously as you show him a recorded piece, the '1812 overture.' he did expect and somewhat know that there are fast-paced and energetic classical pieces out there. but he did not expect canon fires incorporated into the piece.
"this sounds like it'll give people from the mafia anxiety instead."💀
but yeah. as someone who studied a lot, and used to be a student before being a doctor, he seems like the type who appreciates knowledge very much. he is intrigued by the tidbits of occasionally out-of-pocket trivia you casually bring up.
all the same, he likes listening to you play after he's done with his work, or during his day off. being a doctor can be more stressful than being on the front lines, as there are many injuries he had to treat as soon as possible, and he has to handle occasional foolish and careless individuals who don't heed his warnings. 
but! doc, hence his name, is a doctor. he will not take it kindly if you're pushing yourself with your practice, or being too anxious about an upcoming concert or performance. while not musically adept enough to help you with practices, doc will try his best to calm you down, reminding you that fatigue can ruin your concentration too. he's heard you play and practice multiple times, so he reassures you that all you need is just rest and you'll ace the performance.
all things considered, he just really cares for your well-being <3
 ♡ extra! ♡
adam will take you to a museum of musical instruments. fascinating. you can see not only today's instruments, but also pianos, violins, and cellos over the years. this man can and will give you elongated lectures about each instrument. fun and informative! 
chuuya is very extra himself, and he will do the same in handling your interest; if you want, he'll take you to equally very extra operas and concerts, where you all dress up fancy and wear those nifty galilean binoculars to see the stage. classy!
verlaine probably doesn't understand why or how you grow to like music, particularly classical music very much. but! he is fond of how you're very passionate about it, and not sharing the same interest won't stop him to ask you for a dance—a slow waltz only yours and your own to share with him. during late nights after private dinners, he sways you gently, holding you close; whether with a piece playing in the background or just the sound of your hums and heartbeat. your steps may be clumsy or hesitant, but he will catch you before you stumble. 
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end notes. aaand that's a wrap! not me imagining date scenarios with each one of them lmao. was in a very fluffy mood haha! had a lot of fun writing this
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Qu'est-ce que ça vous fait, quand vous tirez? Ah! Vous voyez bien que ça vous intéresse! Je vais vous le dire. Ça fait boum dans les oreilles.
- Alain Delon, Les Clan des Siciliens (1969)
Les Clan des Siciliens (1969) boasted three of the leading French male actors of their time in the form of Alain Delon, Jean Gabin, and Lino Venturo.
Jean Gabin is Vittorio Manalese, the head of the Sicilian Manalese clan in Paris, Alain Delon the reckless, amoral French criminal and killer Roger Sartet, who hires Vittorio’s clan to spring him from custody, and Lino Ventura Commissaire Le Goff, the man who first captured Roger, hunts Roger down and bring him to justice. Manalese partners Sartet with a gangster from New York to organise a heist. It doesn’t end well for either Sartet or Manalese with Sartet on dangerous ground having an affair with Manalese’s daughter-in-law and Goff ever closer to capturing them both.
Even in 1968, the film lined up classic detective story ingredients: mobsters, a cop hell-bent on capturing them, a sensational heist and, because there are Sicilians, a revenge of honour. With all these conventions, the film was scorned by the intellectual critics who usually despised this kind of gangster cinema that was also appealed to the taste of the populist masses. After watching it again I think the film critics were being supercilious and snobbish.
The Clan of the Sicilians is immensely enjoyable and beautifully crafted under the precise and spectacular direction as Verneuil. One of the more stunning bravura set pieces was the landing of a Boeing jumbo jet landing on a busy New York motorway. The film is a curious but happy hybrid of a traditional French detective film that also had American sensibilities. Above all it has the gorgeous music of Ennio Morricone as a soundtrack.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 17 days
i got myself hogwarts legacy as an early birthday present and after about 30hrs of playing so far i’ve got to say: though i wouldn’t call it a fantastic or groundbreaking game (not the way BOTW was when it came out, or Baldur’s Gate), it is a fun game that is basically what i wanted to play when i was 11. the soundtrack is great, the characters are fun, and though i can easily see the faults and the bigotry i’ve critiqued canon for before in its storyline and details, it’s compelling enough to keep you interested (if somewhat frustrating). i’m also incredibly fond of a variety of characters (natsai onai, poppy sweeting, ominis gaunt, professors fig and garlick; i don’t like sebastian sallow very much but the banter between him and the player is quite amusing) but i’m mostly importantly fond of professor phineas nigellus black.
he’s so…. annoying ♥️ he’s self-centred and self-important, undeniably posh, cares far too much about his looks (he’d be just as handsome if he looked a little less presentable), dislikes children, only became headmaster because it’d look good on his CV. he’s dandy and dramatic and awful, and i love him SO much. what a momentous prick. nobody likes him even a little bit, every teacher sighs when they talk about him… and the reason for cancelling quidditch being CENSORED BY HIS ORDER is HILARIOUS. he really was looking for any excuse. i bet sirius II and phineas II (his two oldest children, implied to be at school during the school year the player attends—finny had FIVE (5) children, the man fucked) had a HORRIBLE time with their father in charge. they probably started hogwarts all cocky and smug that their papa is headmaster before swiftly realising that their papa 1) is an awful headmaster, 2) is despised by the student body, and 3) would not advance them any more than another pureblood because letting family go first would look bad on his record. phineas is a bitch and i love him SO much.
my mc comes from like, a european branch of the black family who had their name changed to ‘zwarts’ at some point and i’m endlessly amused by the idea that a family member is walking the halls and solving shit and wreaking havoc with phineas none the wiser. she loves messing with him.
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skylaryozora · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion: Why I prefer the way Bloom gained her Enchantix
Yet another thing I realized while rewatching the show.
But I guess we need to start with the episode where Faragonda told Alfea's students about the final fairy form.
Faragonda: The test will find you at a critical moment in time. You will need to rescue someone from your own world and it will require a great sacrifice. If you succeed, then and only then you will achieve the final transformation.
As much as I love Enchantix as the brand new fairy level and aesthetic (the soundtracks, the concept of Fairy Dust, and the wings, omg, I would die to have Stella's or Flora's ones), there is one thing about it that has always bugged me, namely, the way it is earned.
Now, please refrain from throwing stones at me for the time being, and give me a chance to elaborate on that. I do not have a problem particularly with girls proving how noble, selfless, and courageous they are, I absolutely love that. I am strictly talking about the... technical side.
The ultimate condition determines that in order to achieve Enchantix one has to rescue someone from their own realm. I see two problematic aspects of that:
This is clearly an external factor, something a fairy does not even have an impact on. What if a fairy is "unlucky" enough not to encounter anynone who would need their help? What is she supposed to do then, create such an opportunity? (XD) And also, what if she tries her best to save someone, but fails for some reason? The default way to gain Enchantix implies putting oneself in danger and even sacrificing your life if necessary, which makes it a very precarious trial, and maybe some fairies could dare consider it an awful chore to get over with and mark as completed, which kind of brings me to my next point. Digression: See, the condition to gain Charmix was to overcome personal fears and anxieties, which makes more sense to me because it is an internal factor. It is different for everyone and it gives great value to the next fairy level, because it celebrates the fact that a fairy managed to grow as a person and step out of her comfort zone.
The limitation regarding the rescued person's origin is just plain ridiculous for me. Honestly, it makes little to no sense, and I dare say it is even discriminatory. What if it was Bloom or Musa who saved Flora's sister or Stella's dad for some random reason? It would not count as an Enchantix-worthy deed, because Bloom's planet is dead in S3 and Musa has her own different realm she should "focus" on? But what about Tecna then? She activated her Enchantix through self-sacrifice but not directly for Zenithean citizens' sake, but rather for the whole magical dimension, which just makes it a bit confusing. In that case, Bloom could do the same thing, in fact, she was ready to do so (only together with Aisha, Tecna, and this Androsean sage Tabok who was eventually useless), but Tecna decided to do it of her own accord (Tabok prevented Aisha from stopping her by saying she must fulfill her destiny... Honestly, what destiny all of a sudden? If I remember correctly, we never hear about Tecna's destiny before and after that episode). Also, what if a fairy detests her home realm and its inhabitants (and let's assume she has a legitimate reason for that), and wants to break free from it for good? She unwillingly comes back there and gets a chance to rescue someone, but it is a person whom she absolutely despises for the same legitimate reason. Is such person simply not able to achieve the final form? I know it is an extreme example, but it is still possible.
The second condition has a considerable impact in Bloom's case, as it makes her feel excluded and deprived of a chance to evolve into a full-fledged fairy. She genuinely wishes to become stronger, and she asks the headmistress for guidance. This is what Faragonda tells her:
Faragonda: There's only one place you can go to become stronger, Bloom. It is called Pyros. The island of dragons. The power you can acquire there is great, but the dangers are severe and your survival is far from certain.
Leaving aside many aspects which confuse and upset me about this turn of events and Pyros arc (like this small dragon Buddy existing just for one episode, or Bloom not being told how exactly staying on Pyros can help her acquire this great power), Bloom is teleported to a place where she meets a new mentor, Maya, the only one who offers her some concrete instructions.
Maya: If you want to get stronger, you must open your heart and your mind. (...) Your magic is more focused, and you're able to control your fear. Your powers reached a whole new level of sophistication. (...) Every magical place has a unique kind of essence and not just every place, but every magical being too - and that includes you. Just like Pyros, you are defined by the particular blend of magic which lies deep at your core. What you must do is allow your own essence and that of Pyros to come together and work as one.
During her training with Maya Bloom learns how to medidate, which is officially proven to be a major performance booster if done well, and also does some physical workout, which I also appreciate because I imagine that growing more powerful implies it is an all-encompassing process which enhances both your body and mind.
Besides, no wonder why Bloom will always be considered the strongest in the show: she seems to get more opportunities to hone her skills and even learn secrets related to spiritual development after all. I am aware it is partly because she herself is big on self-improvement because she often feels not good enough in comparison with her Enchantix squad, but still, the other girls do not get opportunities to acquire this kind of knowledge, which would benefit them too and make them even more powerful. Bloom is later seen using the knowledge she acquired during her quest on Pyros in order to understand how to approach the guardian dragon of the Omega Dimension, which clearly gives her an upper hand in understanding how the magical world works.
Maya even gives Bloom a vial containing the essence of Pyros, which basically becomes Bloom's Fairy Dust (!). Of course, it is not said that Bloom is now bonded with Pyros forever, which would make sense, but it is something I find especially interesting.
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Maya: All the energy you possess was totally focused for one perfect moment, and that's what set your Enchantix free. It can only happen to someone who has the Dragon Fire within. (...) You found yourself, Bloom.
Faragonda: Bloom, I'm not going to lie to you, your Enchantix power is dangerously incomplete. The others have a power that was born out of sacrifice, yours was created by the pure force of will, it's not the same.
So, Bloom made her way to Enchantix through refining her mind power, achieving inner peace, learning how to focus her energy, and becoming one with the realm of dragons, not to mention going through various physical trials, sometimes without using magic and wings. Basically she forced herself into Enchantix form using the honed strength of her character and the ungiving power of her will... and you are telling me that her Enchantix is incomplete (to make it worse, this is repeated like ten times throughout the show, which I find incredibly annoying) just because she had no choice but to do it in her own untypical way?!
This is where I need to state I do believe that the way Bloom got Enchantix is more fascinating and just deeper when you think about it. I adore the idea of gaining the final magical form through understanding what is inner peace and achieving the ultimate focus, which in fact translates to more effective performance (let me remind you that Valtor was medidating too!). It kind of resembles spiritual awakening which could be a huge milestone in fairy's evolution, right after conquering one's fears. Bloom went out of her way to prove she is uniquely gifted, after all she acquired the final form by herself, without being granted it by some external source.
And yet, Bloom is told that despite her being unique, one of a kind, super powerful and what not, she is still not good enough, and Faragonda does not specify what actually makes Bloom's Enchantix a demo version.
One last but random thing, you know what might have been cool? If teachers had not revealed to them that such a final fairy form exists and how to acquire it. This way Aisha's transformation would have been an even greater surprise for the girls and all of the Alfea students, and a moment of enlightenment of what it takes to achieve this level (and they would need to figure it out by themselves!).
That is all from me, and I am eager to read about your take on Bloom's case and Enchantix in general.
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brb-on-a-quest · 2 months
What's one of your favorite childhood memories?
Hello, friend, good to see you, even if you do hide in the shadows. Hope you are well. <3
Let me tell you about a time I fell in love with storytelling all over again. I grew up on stories; I loved having my dad read to me when I was little (we read Narnia books, the Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, Robin Hood, etc. I loved *all* of it). I loved the stories of found families and tight friendships like it was my bread and butter because I hadn't made any friends I could get closed to bc family moved around a lot (a decision I don't resent my family for now, but despised as a kid), and I wasn't really *that* close to my family either due to probably a variety of factors, not excluding mental health issues. I won't delve for the sake of length, you get the point. I was a sad and lonely child and my closest friends were imaginary. Anyway back to more concrete events:
We had just moved from Florida to Virginia, which is about 1000 miles away and over 13 hour drive (for context), and we had just started a new co-op (think like homeschool school, but it only met like once a week, it was one of the ways we'd start building up a new social circle or something). And one of the classes I took in was something music (more likely theater? related but that might have a different semester) and the first week of this co-op I remember they gave us a bingo card with a bunch of famous movie soundtracks and they told us we were going to identify the movie based on the song alone.
I got 2/20 or something bc I hadn't even heard of most of these movies bc i just hadn't been exposed to it. It was things like Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, maybe spongebob- pop culture stuff that I just hadn't seen. So everyone else was getting excited and I was feeling more and more out of the loop and alone.
I swear this turns happy at the end, bear with me, anon. They play the final music track and I don't recognize it at all but it fills me with such great joy and a call for a new adventure that I hadn't even realized music could do that before (we didn't listen to a lot of our own music growing up, it was mainly whatever my parents found appropriate or what my dad liked).
It was How To Train Your Dragon. Test Drive. John Powell. And then like the musical scores, they showed the scene it was from. A boy and his dragon racing, flying through the air. And I fell in love With the characters arcs per se, but I could tell there was a deep lore there and a story of friendship that I craved so much. It was also right up my alley with stories my Dad had read me so there was also that. But like the music was fantastic, I really liked the visuals at the time (i usually hate most 3D animation films, HTTYD is the exception), and I craved the story behind it.
I saved up money from Birthday and Christmas and ended up buying it. And I watched it. And I fell in love even harder. Cause, in some sense, I related to hiccup too much. I was a creative person, like he was, I had very little friends like he did at the beginning, we had similar senses of humor at some points, and he was fascinated with knowing and learning things. And he had a big dragon friend and i again craved that friendship deeply. So he added to the crew of imaginary friends and I went on many imaginary adventures with Hiccup and Toothless and told myself so many stories that I wish I could remember now for writing inspo.
I ended up moving from Virginia to middle of nowhere Midwest US (not saying where in case the Fey Find Out), and I did end up meeting my IRL Toothless. A little bit scary on the outside at firsts, but with an actual heart of a silly, goofy, dragon. (brb, im getting emotional just thinking about it. It'd be about 7 years now? Coming up? I may be bad at math. I feel old and happy and content.)
So yeh, in short it was a very much right place, right time kind of story and film. I still watch it a lot whenever I need a comfort film that's not as long as LOTR or something. I love the soundtrack and all of the things about it. Sorry, this was probably way longer than it should've been but IDK how to describe my love for this story without giving you some context.
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sapphicdragons-4 · 2 months
my bio! (long post)
Hi! You can call me Vi. I use she/her (or they/them if you’re feeling boisterous). Any gendered compliments are welcome, but creature-related ones are encouraged! I’m also very leftist, athiest, socialist, and a punk-in-training. (i despise the government and society to some extent, but i am mostly a law-abiding citizen and a fucking coward)
Gender: thingy? I identify along the lines of xenogirl, paragirl, agender, and genderfluid. I don’t stress it too much :3
I am femme-leaning omni and aro; i have a few microlabels but im fine saying just that. I am also hypersexual (not traumagenic).
Nonhuman identities: I am an Aqua dragon (original species). It fits somewhere between othermidst, othervague, heartedlink, otherkin, otherlink, and fictionkin, but is strong enough that I consider myself dragonkin. Because of this, I am avianhearted, canine and feline simil, have a lush forest hearthome, and feel very connected to bodies of water, the sun, the moon, the sky, and thunderstorms.
Hobbies: I enjoy drawing, crafting, jewelry making, sculpting, biking, gaming, swimming, frolicking, collecting, doing quads, and just doing other gooberish activities :D
Music: I have no set music taste, but a few of my favorite artists are sign crushes motorist, Alex G, Duster, 0neheart, 6arelyhuman, Odetari, Mac DeMarco, Nirvana, cavetown, mazie, dandelion hands, Strawberry Guy, Other Nothing, Paramore, Eyedress, Suicidal Tendencies, Lyn Lapid, Louie Zong, a little bit of Billie Eilish, the Hazbin Hotel soundtrack, the Heathers soundtrack, Surf Course, Starry Cat, Lovejoy (don’t listen to it anymore, but it sounded good), Penelope Scott, a little bit of The Cardigans, and i should probably stop now before you shrivel up and walk off. If you have any band reccomendations, send them my way!
Fandoms: Too many to count, but my mains are Wings of Fire, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Heathers, She-ra (new), The Owl House, Amphibia, Creatures of Sonaria, The Coffin Of Andy And Leyley, Newsies, Your Boyfriend, and Subnautica. I am also a furry :3
I am also very involved in communities such as alterhuman, alternative, neurodivergent, and punk, but these are not fandoms.
I live in the midwestern U.S.
This account is geared towards teens and young adults. If you’re over 30 and we haven’t interacted, probably let me give you a vibe check before you follow
i’m a bit of a chronic attention seeker, and will do things or amplify things sometimes that might be subconciously for attention. please be patient, and don’t be rude to me when it happens, i have quite a few microtraumas surrounding this :/
will be fine with people goofin off in my asks!
might do commisions for sketches, doodles, moodboards, backgrounds, and maybe stimboards.
Tag system!
#kaeposting - kin stuff! #kaecreates - stuff I made that relates to my kintype
#kaefrolicks - picures or videos of the forest, and maybe videos of quads in the future
#kae rambles - dragon go bla bla bla
#vi’s updates - updates about my life
#vi’s passion projects - crafts because slay
#vi’s wonderful world of pretty things - pretty pictures of scenery, jewelry I love, and maybe some outfits. room maybe
#eye of the storm wings of the heart - pretentious ahh name. storm stuff, nice water sounds, avianhearted stuff, basically all my secondary kin things
#+££+|~| - vents. typically angry due to my nature, under the cut with a warning. stylized “teeth”
#€|@\/\/$ - vents. typically obsessive thoughts and talking about hypersexuality. stylized “claws”
#aqua dragons 🪷 - info on or relating to my favorite lil creatures! lilypad as to not to be confused with shrimp or water dragons.
This is a safe place for queer, MOGAI, LGBTQIA, POC, alterhuman, ALL systems, endels, lycanthropes, zooanthropes, physical nonhumans, neurodivergent people (not just ADHD and autism! [them too] ALL! /friendly) anti-contact AND pro-treatment paraphiles (both at once and ONLY both at once. pro-contact, anti-treatment, or both, GET THE FUCK OFF MY PAGE.) , age and pet regressors, people with kinks, so on and so forth. I can’t think of many others, but the rule of thumb is:
If you either don’t wan’t to, or don’t, hurt others, you’re fine. Example: Nonhumans with a prey drive getting the urge to kill small animals without following through, and people with mental illnesses / personality disorders hurting others without meaning to and feeling remorse. You are loved, and you are safe here.
DNI: Bigots, transphobes, homophobes, anti-feminists, radfems, TERFS, paraphiles mentioned previously, conservative people, extensively religious, anti-endel/clinical ‘thropes, antifurries, antikins, and other generally dislikable people. tryna use mild language ‘cause this varies wildly in severity.
And I would prefer if Abrahamic religion was kept out. It’s fine to believe in that god, but I would prefer if it wasn’t brought up much on this blog. thank you for your consideration :)
and I think that’s all! I’ll link the Guide to Aqua Dragons below when I make it! thank you for your time.
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