#also i'm writing up analyses for the songs now <3
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year
*drops my scary marlowe playlist* listen to my playlist boy (gender neutral)
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scurvgirl · 7 months
I was tagged by @energievie and @callivich to answer some fun Gallavich questions!
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
There's A Class for This by @sam-loves-seb. It is just so soft and normal and intimate and it just...it hits all the things for me. I love it so much.
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog?
A few scenes - the club kiss and the van kiss are definitely ones I will always want to reblog because they are just so so good. I also love the "you're so sensitive" deleted scene kiss.
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about?
Mickey exploring his wardrobe options and fashion sense. He clearly has an eye and a feel for it and I think it is something he would enjoy exploring years down the road when he's more comfortable in his identity.
What’s a fanart you love looking at?
All of them, but in particular I really really enjoyed seeing all of the AUgust dress-ups by @suzy-queued, those were so fun, I love them.
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
I want to write that fashion designer! Mickey AU so bad. I have lots of thoughts that are very scattered and disorganized.
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else?
My opinion on Debbie definitely changed following some analyses here on tumblr. I think I related to Fiona a lot and saw Debbie through Fiona's perspective and that really negatively colored my perspective. I will say that my ire has turned towards the writers, and writers for shows like this in general tbh, for honestly doing a shit job of portraying a sister relationship, even one as parentified as this.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of?
I'm not sure!
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show?
It switches between season 3 and 4...though I do like season 2.
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved?
The cartel???? They after Mickey or not???
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough?
In the show or in fandom because those are two separate answers. In the show? We all know that one. In fandom...hm. I've seen so many good analyses, let's see. Oh, this is going to ruffle some feathers but Ian going to Trevor after losing a patient on the ambulance and how that paralleled him running to see Mickey, and how different it was at the same time. Mickey immediately softened his demeanor, immediately put himself in a potentially unsafe situation for himself to comfort Ian. Trevor was thinking of himself in that moment, not about Ian, and I think it really encapsulates the differences between the two relationships. (NOTE: I don't think Trevor was a good romantic fit for Ian, I think it would have worked better as a friendship!)
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship?
This song - particularly "I wanted more than you could give me, so certain for a 15-year-old, something 'bout you feels like caffeine, pure gold."
I also like this song for Mickey specifically - particularly "I was far to scared to hit him, but I would hit him in a heartbeat now, that's the thing with anger it begs to stick around // It makes you hurt the ones who love you, you hurt them like they're nothing."
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale?
Directly post finale I want them to adopt a dog, I think it'd be good for both of them. It can go running with Ian. Snuggle with Mickey. Be in their Christmas cards that Ian INSISTS they get now. For kids...I go back and forth on this, honestly. I think it would depend if Mickey was serious about putting the work into his anger and identity issues. I don't think they should or would rush into parenthood at all, I mean, they're still really young in the finale - 25 and 27. All things going well, I could see them pursuing parenthood in their late 30s tbh.
Thank you for the tag! I am very tired and feeling kinda shy since I haven't been as active as previous - but if you want to do this, feel tagged by me!
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thirteenemeraldcats · 2 months
I come bearing random fic asks! 1) tell us about your current wip(s)! 2) what's your writing process like? 3) I think you mentioned you have a background in psychology — how much does that influence your writing?
Hello my beautiful friend!!
Thank you so much for sending me these! I have been sitting on this for days because I wanted to banish 'thought that i was young' from my WIPs before answering lol
1.) Now that THAT'S published (and taken most of my WIP wordcount with it *sad violin noises*) there's 3 fics I'm actively poking at, the chunkiest is a Sam-and-Jamie-BFFS-agenda-6-conversations-they-might-have-had-and-one-they-definitely-didn't which I'm pretty sure I've posted a snip of SOMEWHERE before whoops. The working title was too long for me to cope with, to the extent that it managed to override my inability to make my mind up about anything, and is now called 'i said, maybe' - a line I've gleefully pinched from Wonderwall by Oasis! I like it for this fic because *gestures at working title* BUT ALSO Wonderwall is the song Sam sings at karaoke in 1x07 'Make Rebecca Great Again' and the Manchester connection tickles me greatly!
There's a non-angsty, short-ish (I'm honestly shocked) fic that fell out of my brain nearly fully formed a couple of weeks ago (because almost everyone I knew was either talking about or having birthdays) which ALSO has a title 'because he had no say in it (no say in it at all)', which is almost definitely going to be posted next (and hopefully a LOT sooner than the time-space between 'i learned to walk while he was away' and 'thought that i was young').
The only other thing I'm actively poking at right now is in the outline stage, it is also short-ish (please PLEASE stay that way) but is back to the angst-fest that is apparently all my brain wants to spit out. It's Jamie-centric. It involves a cat :)
2.) Honestly at this point my writing process is best described as:
(sound warning)
(My actual answer about my writing process is that I love planning. Very much. Stretching the dough into spaghetti is where the problem lies 🫠)
3.) I do indeed have a background in Psychology! Like any undiagnosed-in-denial-17-year-old-DUMBASS, I studied Psych right out of high school due to a combined and truly harebrained motivation of 'what IS going on up there' and 'wow I love systematically studying, analysing and mimicking human behaviour [no underlying NOTHING going on up there no siree]' and wound up with a four year degree. NOW, my background is purely theoretical, I have never been registered as/worked as a Psychologist, so I'm not violating any ethical codes by using my knowledge for evil applying my Psych training to fictional stories/characters. Because the answer to 'how much does that influence your writing' is. SO MUCH. Not necessarily intentionally, there's only one fic in the extended-mountainous-WIP-pile that's explicit about Psych stuff (I'm giving Dani Seasonal Affective Disorder whoops), but psychology is one of those fields that once you're trained in it you can't really ever un-know it. Unfortunately for me, and everyone that I meet, there's forever a predisposing/precipitating/perpetuating/protective biopsychosocial model being drawn up in my head whenever someone exhibits any kind of behaviour my forebrain finds moderately interesting. (This doesn't happen with online friends DON'T WORRY [in truth it's only because I can't physically see you all- I AM SO SORRY- I am not in control of this]).
Honestly, I think a big part of it is just that my particular brand of pattern-recognition-AuDHD has been granted auto-inserted citations and gone mad with power.
Take Jamie, beloved stress ball that he is, he has so much psycho-analysis potential that I'm forever torn between wanting to write a dissertation on the various comorbidities that could be floating around in that guy's head, having a Watsonian v Doylist argument with myself about ~artistic intentions~, having to suspend disbelief for the sake of storytelling because I've been cursed with knowledge (gleefully and enthusiastically sought out and paid for knowledge) and just wanting to enjoy the story/character as they're presented/as I'm writing it.
Applying actual Psychology to fictional characters is like trying to tie a balloon to a moving rollercoaster, for the simple fact that they're not real; their actions and motivations and reactions are scripted and rehearsed and performed.
I'm doing it anyway :)
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anchorandrope · 1 year
hi love,
okay, i wasn't planning to do this because i don't do analysis anymore (mainly because i suck at it) but since it wasn't the only ask i got, i'm going to try. obviously this is my interpretation, it doesn't mean that it's the only one etc etc.
Disclaimer: i took out the parts that are repeated. i will also add definitions of "obvious" things (so that non-native english speakers can better understand).
first, before analysing the song, let's see what Louis had to say about it.
Written in the same few days as the last two songs. Dave [Gibson] turned up with this picture on his phone of the title ‘She is beauty we are world class’ it was written in the toilet mirror of a train. Felt like a weird place for such a poetic sentiment (Louis via twitter, Wednesday 16 November 2022)
Louis tweeted about all the songs on FITF on 16 November 2022 because there was a listening party for the album. If you check the order of the tweets you will see that he tweeted the songs in this order: [his top 3], high in california, the greatest, waoyf (x), btm (x), ftm, chicago, all this time, out of my system, headline (x), saturdays (x) (x) (x), silver tongues (x), sibwawc, common people (x), holding onto heartache, ttwlg. the same order as the album, only in the tweets he didn't talk about angels fly. so, we can deduce that sibwawc was written together with saturdays and silver tongues. these 3 songs were written by David Sneddon, Joseph Cross, Louis and Theo Hutchcraft and produced by Joseph himself.
On this song, She is Beauty We Are World Class, it’s a thought-provoking title I don’t, you know, I’ve got I’m not certain what it means to me I’ve got an idea but it’s one of those phrases that I think is open to interpretation. Now Dave Sneddon, who I wrote this with. Joe Cross and Theo as well, really mad story he got the train down to the to the writing camp and on the toilet… in the toilet on the train written on the mirror was “she is beauty” and then he got a picture of it and then below it in a slightly different colored pen so we can’t work out from the same person someone, looks like someone had finished it off and put “we are world class”. He just kind of came with his picture, he was like this is an interesting title and that’s where this song kind of came from and I kind of like that someone else wrote it. We don’t really necessarily know what it meant to them; we know what it means to us. That was that was an interesting moment I think this is where we said, “let’s really try and go all in on the dance-ier sound of things” because I kind of allude to it on like All This Time but like it’s not quite as like trancey as this is. Almost has that kind of DMA’s lift with it with the instrumental that comes in on the post chorus. This for whatever reason this is, like it’s my best mate’s favorite tune I do really like this song but I think, it’s another one of those songs it’s important for the record to give a different flavor yeah. (Louis via youtube - Tuesday 13 December 2022).
what we learn from this is that 1) the title DOES mean something to Louis, 2) his #bestmate loves the song *pretends to be shocked*, 3) he believes the song is important to the album in a lyrical and musical aspect 4) links the song to All This Time for its musical part (he said it on twitter too, he said att and sibwawc are tracey - we love this pair of sisters 😌).
I’ve always loved All This Time. Just feel like a feel good tune from the off. James had a great vision for this song, it also helps ‘she is beauty’ not sick out on its own @LlSTENlNG_PARTY (Louis via twitter, Wednesday 16 November 2022)
For reference: beauty is a noun that means an attractive quality that gives pleasure to those who experience it or think about it, or a person who has this attractive quality (cambridge dictionary).
we know that louis believes that the title is divided into “she is beauty” on the one hand and “we are world class” on the other. here we have two subjects “she” and “we”. it's interesting, because if we want to talk about the beauty of a person who uses the “she” pronoun, it would be “she is beautiful” but, in this case, we are saying that “she” is THE beauty herself. then there is a “we” (2 or more people) who are not up to her standard or level of beauty. so, if “she” is the beauty herself and “we” are not at her standard, that means that “we” is not up to the beauty standard. that could be one interpretation, another could be that “she is beauty” is being used as an idiomatic expression where it's synonymous with “she is beautiful” and the “we” is the rest of the world. a phrase of love, contemplation and admiration. only a person truly blinded by love could claim that there is, in effect, one person who is above the beauty of the rest of the world. we can also think that “she” and “we” are replacing something. i mean that Louis uses the pronoun “she” to refer to a thing or person and the pronoun “we” to refer to things or people.
Verse 1
Conversation is currency
“currency” can be the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time or the state of being commonly known or accepted, or of being used in many places – according to the cambridge dictionary. so it could be “conversation is money” or “conversation is diffusion”. both cases make sense. Louis is a person who sometimes - literally - gets paid to talk. also, being a big-name international artist, it makes a lot of sense that he also says it in the form of “sometimes i have to talk to people who just want money”. and, of course, the conversation is diffusion, of what? information, facts, anecdotes, opinions, preferences, literally everything. in this interpretation, there is something that spreads as people speak out. i think Louis could be alluding to both meanings, but, personally, i think it speaks more to the fact that there is something that is spreading.
Shapes become a language
relating to the interpretations of the first sentence, if we keep talking about money, the shapes could respect numbers or mathematical symbols. if we talk about diffusion, we could say that there are shapes that are being related to each other and that take on meaning.
Square eyes and sunglasses
we could say that square eyes is an idiomatic expression used to refer to when a person consumes a lot of media, especially tv. (source: cambridge dictionary). sunglasses cover the eyes, so we could say that this person, who consumes a lot of media, wants to hide it. If we continue talking about money, we can say that there is someone who consumes or is inside the media who wants to hide and if we talk about diffusion, we can say that there is a group of people who receive a lot of information and that is why they decide not to take it all, either because they like it or because they cannot.
Finding faces in the trees
this clearly alludes to pareidolia. if we continue with the interpretation of money, we can say that there is someone who thinks they are finding their way out but clearly they are not. if we talk about diffusion, we can think that there are one or more people who see things that are not real.
Fabricated fairytales
this is a breaking point for me because up to this point the money interpretation (as i call it hehe) made sense but for me this lyric breaks with that. in the money interpretation, i imagined that Louis was talking about his situation with people who are higher up than him in terms of power. Louis could have been saying that there are people in the media who are trying to hide and escape of a situation (which we don't know, but we can intuit that it has to do with him, obviously), but this lyric makes me believe that he's not talking about people with more power, but with less. if the song is from Louis’ point of view, that means that louis SEES and IS AWARE of lies that are spread. it is hyper-ultra-super-mega cool that he said FAIRYTALES !!!! fairytales have a purpose and that is ✨pleasing young people✨ as know as ✨ Louis’ target audience✨
so far Louis is telling us that there are fabricated fairytales that are being diffusing to generate money, and that the square eyes consume them and on that basis hide what they don't want to see, and then find things where there aren't any. gotcha.
Bring a new world to life
discarding the money interpretation, we can say that this lyric means that someone or something is able to change the situation and bring a new world into reality.
Sit down, sit down in the space and time
this lyric is very abstract and complex to me. for me it speaks of a protest in a specific space and time where Louis is not going to leave until he is heard.
She is beauty
and here comes the question… who the hell is “she”? she is the lies, dear. lies are beautiful, who are we going to fool? if most people would rather believe things they know deep down are false and deny reality than accept it. (note that it's not “they” it's “she” so it's a particular lie).
And we are world class (woah-oh-oh)
okay, but who the hell is “we”? the world, sweetheart. the whole world (generalising) prefers to live in lies.
this is something that has always been repeated (its a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy baby).
We'll let the feeling last
the world is going to let that feeling last as long as it can, until the lie is unsustainable.
Verse 2
Escape the inevitable
as i said, lies are a ticking time bomb as they all, sooner or later, come to light. so people will always try to escape the “bomb” but it's impossible.
Fade into light
here he talks about how dark lies can be as they fade into the light (truth).
Soak up the empathy
here Louis is asking one or more people to fucking empathise with him. to put themselves in his fucking shoes or imagine what he is going through.
'Cause I'm with you tonight
it doesn't matter if you fell for the lie, i'm with you
Are we one, or are we two?
do we think the same or do we think differently?
Are we me, or are we you?
are we looking at the situation from my point of view or from yours?
Has it been all this before?
Ii you have already seen this happen, why do you still not realise it?
Do you see what I see?
do you understand now?
Surrounded by lights (X6)
Surrounded, surrounded
Surrounded, surrounded by-
this means two things to me: 1) he is surrounded by the truth because it's his fucking life and 2) Louis is always surrounded by cameras, tv studio lights, radios, interviews, etc. but more importantly, he's surrounded by our lights because the moment he sees the most lights is at the shows, thousands of phones with their torches on him.
special mention to Louis who put rainbow lights HIMSELF in his show during sibwawc since otb is not in the setlist (which is when he was literally surrounded by rainbow lights thanks to the fan project of the fans).
To conclude
the song talks, in MY opinion about closeting and its relationship with the general public and the fans. i'm not saying that Louis dedicated a song to antis saying that they fell for the lie because they are shit, no. i'm saying that the media induces these lies in our society and that the target audiences of the lie buy into them because they are innocent.
if you have finished reading this, i thank you for your time and hope you found my attempt at explanation helpful. i would like to read other analyses so if you have personal interpretations or know of other posts: send me an ask <3
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yeonjun4beagles · 2 years
02:16a.m | cyj
a/n: based on this video i found on twitter, god i immediately teared up watching it :') i've never ever analyses a dance this way before and i have little to no knowledge about dancing but here i am, writing this bdjslqlakalqbdbd i would also recommend you guys watching the choreo first before reading, just so you can get a gist of what i'm trying to convey hehe enjoy reading, loves! <3
goodbye love, you flew right by, love
you instantly smiled, hearing one of your favourite songs played on the speaker, coming from yeonjun's playlist. "didn't know you listen to this song, jjun", you said as you walked past him, grabbing one of the mics and turning it on.
"of course i listen to it, you love the song, am i right?", yeonjun lovingly looked at you as you took a spot beside him. "mhmm".
remember the way you made me feel, such young love but, something in me knew that it was real, frozen in my head,
you started singing along, closing your eyes to the melody, the song completely engulfing you in your feelings. yeonjun closely watched, the way your eyebrows scrunched, the way you lips curved, the way those lines on your forehead formed, like you were truly hiding your pains inside.
pictures I'm living through for now, trying to remember all the good times, our life was cutting through so loud, memories are playing in my dull mind,
you quickly snapped out of the trance you're in, the rustling beside you causing it. you saw yeonjun getting up, his body slowly, flawlessly moved on its own to the song, his eyes never leaving yours, holding the same pained gaze.
i hate this part, paper hearts, and I'll hold a piece of yours, don't think I would just forget about it, hoping that you won't forget about it
you continued, your voice now guiding yeonjun in his steps, he himself lost in your world, his movements complimenting every single emotions you're pouring out. yeonjun closes his eyes, letting just whatever he's feeling direct his steps.
i live through pictures, as if I was right there by your side, but you'll be good without me, and if I could just give it some time, i'll be alright,
you could feel it, the pain in the hurriedness of his steps, like he's trying to run from whatever pain that's hurting him, to just buy himself some time and the tugging motion he did, like he was stripping apart whatever memories binding him, ripping away all the reminders of those agony. by now you were holding in your tears, truly mesmerised by how graceful yeonjun looked, how he achingly conveys each and every sentiments the song is about.
pictures I'm living through for now, trying to remember all the good times,
truthfully, yeonjun wasn't. it hurts, everything just hurts, he doesn't want to but his mind just keeps on playing everything. you almost let out a tiny gasp, seeing how beads of tears rolls down yeonjun's cheeks, choosing to just swallow in whatever you're about to say and finishing the song.
as the song comes to an end, yeonjun took a seat beside you, you're both huffing from the excruciatingly painful, unspeakable feelings in your chest. you take a look at him, seeing how his rosy cheeks huffs, his hair slightly sticking to his forehead from the sweat, how beautifully shattered a person can be.
unknowingly, you took his hand in yours, pressing light, feathery kisses on each of his knuckles, showing how much love you have for him, how right now he is safe with you, how he can let go of what's making him this broken. a smile thoughtlessly broke through yeonjun's face, feeling his heart swell at how gentle you're loving him.
the hand that was once in your hands is now placed on your cheeks, cold against your warm ones. you unconsciously leaned into his hands, feeling how safe and how home he made you feel.
yeonjun grinned, thanking whatever the universe planned to have you by his side, before placing a warm, long kiss to your forehead, closing his eyes at just how everything felt right in that moment.
"i am here too, y/n. always, always will be here".
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iiep-wop · 8 months
Middle of Nowhere by Vancouver Sleep Clinic is insanely Lister coded and here's why
First of all, have the link to the song because I feel that y'all should have it
Below the cut is my lyric by lyric analasys because I genuinely have so much to say about it
Lyrics are in bold, analysing by the verse to make things easier :]
(Also disclaimer, I am actually only half way through season 5 roughly so if I am getting things wrong in terms with later canon feel free to let me know)
I'm coming back home for the winter And the border patrol said I should stick there for a while It's got my mind in a flood and the light gets dimmer As the world get cold
First off, first line is pretty obvious, Lister wants to get back home to earth and he knows that once he does he'll probably be told to stay grounded for a while
The final line just sort of reminds me of how the earth is probably dead or insanely different from how Lister remembers it, its been 3 million years after all
So now I'm back in my room, but it looks different My sister's painted the walls, and nothing's in it anymore But this is the place I found my spirit So, I know I'm home
Again, if he does get back to earth, everything will have drastically changed, it will all be different but he knows that this is where he used to live so it should be home
'Cause I came to this world as the child of the dreamgiver Tryin' to work it all out on the way to the moon And time wants me around, give my word to the gravediggers I'm just passing through
Not really got much for this verse but the second line feels very much like the whole space theme
Sometimes I wish that I lived in the middle of nowhere With a couple of dogs and a ranch on a farm And I don't even like farming or early mornings It just sounds calm
Lister and his plan for the farm in Fiji which knowing how he acts alot of the time, he definately doesn't like early mornings and also I think he's romanticised the whole farming thing in his head, I dont think he'd actually like it that much tbh
And I'd marry that girl I met in Texas Then my Grandma could hang 'round for the wedding And now it's starting to sound like a better ending And that hits hard
Basically, him wanting to marry Kochanski (or Rimmer) as 'that girl I met on Red Dwarf'
Its the life he wishes he could have had if the leak hadn't happened, everything's been smegged up and now he's stuck in space
*more chorus which I have skipped because I've already gone over that bit*
There's a million tangents I've been twistin' They always lead to regret this reminiscence in the end Some days, my mind feels like a prison It just needs some sun
There is no way he hasn't thought about various timelines and things that could have happened, idk why but If I were him I'd definately regret some of my actios that lead to being stuck in his situation.
He is essentially in a prison at this point, just him, presumably the last living human, the cat and the hologram of a guy he didn't like much
So, I walk 'til the city meets the country 'Til I'm the only one left in the world And then I'll write a few songs that just go nowhere Like this one
He is the last one left in the world
He writes songs that go nowhere (the -indling song)
*then the rest of it is just chorus again*
anyway this wasn't much of an analasis tbh, more me putting down random links from this song to Red Dwarf lmao
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i cant explain it but this album feels like an amalgamation of folklore and midnights, with the same 'tragic victorian' vibes as evermore... idk im just saying words but do u get it??? like i cant explain it but the fortnight mv has ivy energy to me... i think because ivy ive always associated with this movie, 'the world to come' (would highly recommend), which is mid-late victorian era and then the mv is obliously very heavilly inspired by the 1870s/80s, both in terms of aesthetics and the general theme of female hysteria and its 'treatments'...
it also has massive chloe beale vibes to me... she strikes me as such an annoying swiftie (i say this lovingly) and just the overall sound is something i think she would absolutely EAT UP... my babys such a hopeless romantic, what can i say...
honestly the general themes are kinda giving emily nelson... FLORIDA??? GUILTY AS SIN??? this woman needs her ass ATE
i should say that im making all these deductions having listened to only 1/4 of the songs so far... i also really hope that i havent overstepped the mark and that you care about this as much as i apparently do lmao...
It is stunning, I've so many people be like "I don't like it 😭" and it's like??? Are we even listening to the same album??? This is a masterpiece what are you talking about??? It is solidly in my top 3, I think my album order is probably something like this now (Ana don't look):
The Tortured Poets Department
Speak Now TV
Red TV
1989 TV
Fearless TV
As for favourite songs, is all of them an answer??? 😂😂 No but seriously, it is headed for being my 2nd no skip album of TSwifts collection, but top contenders for favourite include:
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
Florida!!! (ft. Florence + The Machine)
Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me?
thanK you aIMee
The Manuscript
But Daddy I Love Him
I have been saying the same thing!!!! It's giving folklore and Midnights with a touch of Reputation and I am LIVING for it 😍😍😍 no but you're so right, honestly the imagrey of this album has me in a chokehold, Cassandra has scratched my mythology hyperfixation itch so good, I feel like I could spend hours just analysing every song. It is giving Victorian vibes, that gothic traditionilist style of writing and metaphors for feeling 'other' displayed through monsters and magic, the elements of tragedy and fatalism UGH I'm so in love with it 😭😭😭
Chloe Beale is absolutely the annoying swiftie (affectionate) archetype, and I love that for her 😂😍 she would be forcing Beca to listen to each and every single one and watching her the whole time to make sure she was appreciating it (Beca likes to deny she's a swiftie but has been known to absolutely drool over the production of some of the albums in secret)
YES!!! Biggggg Emily Nelson vibes, Whose Afraid Of Little Old Me is very Emily coded to me dfklgjdlkg
There is no need to apologise, I am fully obsessed with TTPD and I will happily ramble about it on main with no shame 😭😭 YOU GOTTA HMU WHEN YOU'VE LISTENED TO THE WHOLE THING, ALL 31 SONGS
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lurkingteapot · 10 months
9 People You’d Like to Know More
Tagged by @shouldiusemyname and @recentadultburnout
Last song: Kenji Kawai - Utai IV Reawakening (Steve Aoki Remix), because I was watching this Street Dance of China performance:
Currently reading: I'm working my way through a thing I'm translating for a job, if that counts as reading? If we're just talking reading for pleasure: I just finished Yellowfever by R.F. Kuang and highly, highly recommend it. Content warnings out the wazoo (the narrator is an AWFUL person who doesn't come anywhere near realising how bad she is); I still couldn't put it down until I was finished. Next up is probably a few chapters of Queer Transfigurations and a whole lot of fanfic until Shelley Parker-Chan's He Who Drowned The World is released on the 24th.
Currently watching: Laws of Attraction, Be My Favorite, Tokyo in April is …, Not Me (re-watch for class purposes), SOTUS, Good Omens S2, and technically also 10 Years Ticket but I'm stalled on it
Next in line on my watchlist: I don't have a watch list as such, but I'd like to finish one of the shows I started but stalled on – other than 10 Years Ticket, maybe The Warp Effect?
Starting soon: Only Friends
Current obsession: gonna take a page out of @shouldiusemyname's book and try to narrow it down to just three:
in concrete fannish/fandom things, this is still Bad Buddy. I've watched and enjoyed other shows, but I keep coming back – to read fic, to analyse and speculate with friends and strangers, sometimes to write … and sometimes I go back and work through an episode or two in relation to 2.) or 3.).
slightly removed, there's Thai language and everything it connects to– I've dropped the ball on it a little for brickspace reasons, but I want to get back into it. Right now, the extent of my Thai practice is watching LoA without subs every week, preparing for and attending a class focussed around Not Me, and one 1-on-1 conversation class that's technically weekly but teacher and I have both been having life things happen, so it's not really been weekly for a while now. I wish I had the brainspace to challenge myself more, especially to speak. Feels hard to believe I had the spoons to do language exchange stuff daily and have regular convo classes for a while (u_u) I miss it.
and going into a slightly different direction again, BL academia/scholarship – I was fairly interested in this even back in university, but unfortunately it wasn't something I could pursue with the professors I had at the time, so I had to content myself with the classes and papers on gender studies, queer studies, and Japanese pop culture of the 20th century I could get, and reading whatever papers about BL "proper" I could get my hands on in my spare time. I'm glad to be getting back into it now, if a bit wistful.
I have no idea who has and hasn't done this because I've been pretty awol from tumblr for a while, but as an attempt: @dimplesandfierceeyes, @ephemeral-hiraeth, @fanonplussed, @galauvant, @isaksbestpillow, @liyazaki, @loveongsa, @plantsarepeopletoo, and @sixohsixoheightfourtwo, (if you already did this and I missed it, I'm sorry and will be happy for a pointer that way!) Obviously no pressure to do this at all :D
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eunique · 8 months
new york, london, paris, munich, everybody's talking about how awful modern pop music is.
I used to think that modern pop music is awful. Now, not so much. Awful is a strong word and I'd rather use simpler. That is, in terms of hamorny wise.
However, your claim is incenuating that pop music is objectively bad. That, I wholeheartedly disagree with.
In general, if you wanted to write pop music, you'd really need chords I, IV, V, vi and V7 if you wanted to add a bit of ✨spice✨ to it. Learn those 5 chords and you can basically play almost any pop song or write an easy pop song. That is only harmony wise and we haven't even gotten into the instrumentation, textures and timbre of the music. There are exceptions to this where some pop songs will use chords that us, as listeners, don't typically expect to hear in modern pop songs.
And putting aside the harmony part, you've also got instrumentation. What you're typically thinking of anon (I assume), is stuff that is all made electronically through a DAW. I will admit, some of the stuff does end up sounding similar and that's more in part with the bass or the kick beat of a song and the sample library used that really factors into that.
A major factor into why pop music almost sounds the same is basically the above but also the fact, music has trends. Like everything else, music goes through phases where certain things will be in favour over other things. Go listen to songs from the early 2010s and you'll hear a lot of similarities between each song. You can hear this in different eras of classical music (classical music as in the genre overall, not the era though that also has trends within it's own era).
Another factor, especially with music within the last 2, maybe 3 years, is that pop music nowadays tends to pull influences from many different genres but mainly R & B and Hip-Hop. This means that the lines for what is defined as pop music is blurred as many songs can fall into many different genres. Take Dua Lipa's Dance the Night for example, you can classify it as pop but you can also tell the song has disco influences but could also technically fall under disco and there are so many pop songs that can fall under other genres. There is no clear cut line of what is truly pop music.
And don't get me into the tik-tok-ification of music because that is a whole other discussion in itself. But just so we all know, it has really factored into pop music as of recent years.
However that being said, the above I just said mainly applies to western pop music. What about pop music from outside of the west?
Pop music from other countries such as China, has their own version of pop music (called mando-pop or C-pop). While they do follow western songwriting structures (verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus, bridge, recapitulation, end) integrate their own spin on it.
C-pop will integrate traditional Chinese instruments and/or traditional Chinese performance arts such as Peking Opera into their songs. Listen to Jay Chou or even Lay Zhang. Some of their songs integrate Chinese integuments or Chinese opera.
K-pop uses incredibly interesting harmonies in their music and subverts listeners' expectations incredibly well. Go watch react to the K on YouTube. They have a long running series called Classical Musicians React where classical musicians react to K-pop and analyse the music.
J-pop has its own instrumentations and their sample libraries are completely different from what the western pop music sample libraries are. The way J-pop will use those libraries and push it to it's limits is what makes it so interesting. Hell, they even made a synth voicebank (vocaloid) and that in itself is it's subgenre.
All of those I've just mentioned is only 3 of so many other pop music from other nations. So to say all pop music is awful is a very narrow minded view point to be looking at it. Yes, all of those can fall subject to sounding similar but this I'm talking about western pop vs. International pop music.
Of course art is subjective. Music is a form of art so it is subjective from person to person. If pop, isn't for you, that is fine. But pop maybe someone else's favourite genre. If you think all pop is awful then that's your opinion. I personally think pop does have its moments where it does shine. Do I prefer international pop over western pop? Absolutely! But I think pop is still a valuable genre. Can't complain about more music to listen to.
Regardless, I think it's really important to broaden your listening horizons and listen to all kinds of music because it allows you to see what the music scene is like for other places in the world or what music was like maybe during the 60s or even the Baroque Period. That's just my 2 cents on this anon's opinion.
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ST Season 2 Wardrobe Analysis
Eleven & Hopper
If you have not read my analyses for season 1, the first one can be found here, but the gist of it is:
El has yet to figure out who she is as a person and spent season 1 trying on the clothes of other people like she was trying on their lives.
Pink and blue are colors used together to show the expected and the "normal," showing up profusely in the Wheeler household and wardrobe.
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To start off, this flashback from episode 3 presents us with general trends we're going to see for each character. Hopper in a plaid flannel and El with layering. It's also pretty clear that El's wearing whatever she's been given. This being very early on in her stay with Hopper, the clothes have no character at all. They don't even have color. They are absolutely void of personality.
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We see El wearing a white thermal in another flashback, something else that will become a trend, so I love seeing its origin here. Hopper's shirt is abnormally plain. He tends to wear plaids, pretty much whenever he's out of uniform. I actually struggled with why he's in solid red, so to help answer that, I hunted for the song playing in the background. And I was disgusted to find that it is "Papa" from the season 1 soundtrack, which plays during this scene:
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I hate that. It does sound like a slightly different version of the track with a little less distortion, but this is supposed to be about clothes. So El is experiencing this flashback after finding out her mother is alive and in the scene, Hopper is telling El her mother is "gone." I don't think Hopper's dishonesty (that isn't even technically a lie) and Brenner's horrific behavior in the above scene can be even remotely compared, but El is feeling lonely and sorrowful in both sequences and is being offered the wrong kind of comfort by a father figure. So coming back around to the red shirt, this is the first "red flag" in their relationship. It's the moment Hopper chooses not to be honest, and a lot of the struggle between them later stems from this. And this red flag imagery isn't only in the shirt. It's the lighting.
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On to the present day. I'm going to come back to El's look here later, so I'm not going to say much now, just that this outfit is once again lacking color or prints.
I'm getting sidetracked again, but I just want to shout out the cinematography for a second. Utilizing the same camera placement really emphasizes the mundanity, the feeling of doing the same thing over and over again with no change (EACH LIFE A FADED LESSER COPY OF THE ONE BEFORE), that El has been feeling. Okay, I was joking with that quote, but I could write a whole analysis about how that's exactly how El was feeling here.
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El's finally wearing some color and print, but continuing the pattern from season 1 (dressing like the people around her), she's now dressed just like Hopper. They're both in jeans and flannel in brown, beige, blue, and orange/red. I find the above screenshot of them at the table together interesting because Hopper's navy shirt heavily contrasts him against the walls while El blends in more. The curtains behind her even contain the same shades of orange and blue as her shirt. She appears to be fading (*cough* each day a faded lesser copy) into Hopper's house, which is precisely how she feels. Hopper, on the other hand, matches his home but isn't part of the woodwork.
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Remember the pink and blue thing I said? This blanket really sticks out in this cabin. El is sleeping with a pink(?) stuffed rabbit(?) as well. There's no way to really know if Hopper bought these things for El or if they were Sara's, so I'll look at it both ways.
They were Sara's: if these were once Sara's belongings, this is yet another example of El trying on other people's lives. In this case, she is trying on the role of Hopper's daughter, but they haven't actually come to an understanding yet, so this still feels like a role she's playing and not a genuine part of her identity.
They're new: if Hopper bought these things for El, this is an indication that he doesn't understand or know her yet. It shows the lack of communication in their current relationship.
Either way, these items feel like dressing. They stick out in the house. Them being in nuclear family coloring shows that Hopper is trying to insert his old understanding of family into this new situation rather than trying to work out something fresh with El.
El is wearing a dainty pastel floral print on her pj thermal, which fits in with the bedding. But then she gets dressed for the day.
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And what I love about this is that she didn't change her clothes. She just put this very boyish t-shirt on top of the floral top (that she slept in). This is a trend we'll see her repeat. She spends the episode adding layers. The thermals, as I mentioned before, are fairly common for her. They feel like a truly EL piece of clothing (and this may be a season 2 analysis, but just think about the last shot of her from season 4: alone, determined, all layers but the thermal shed). But she stacks other things on top of the thermals all the time. The t-shirt and then a plaid jacket (plaid being an element of Hopper) that show that she's covering herself by emulating other people or by bending herself to their expectations or desires.
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She's wearing a tiny-floral-printed thermal under a blue v-neck under a flannel. In S2E4 El makes the decision to hunt down her mom, setting out on her own, making a huge life-changing decision for herself. Acting with agency and leaving behind her father figure. In S4E3, she makes another huge decision, this time to get her powers back, leaving Mike behind. And in S4E7, she leaves NINA to save her friends against Brenner's advisement, taking agency again and leaving behind a father figure again. And the season 4 outfit resembles this one from season 2 remarkably.
*Side note that this is the same flannel from episode 2
El goes to find her mom in episode 5. She is wearing the same outfit she wore in episode 1, plus the flannel from episodes 2 and 4. Plus the jacket from episode 3. What this tells us is that El doesn't have a lot of clothes. Or maybe that El doesn't care about her clothes. Or that El has a few items of clothes she likes a lot and clings to. I think it's likely a combination of all of that. She came from the lab where she never had a variety and never got to choose. I think the way she mixes and matches a few items is her trying different things on a very small scale, but she's also drawing inspiration from the only person around her.
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When she goes to find her mother, Becky is notably wearing the Colors of Conformity. She was pretty disbelieving in season 1 when Joyce and Hopper came to visit, but this time around, she is actually willing to listen to El. However, she is not fully trusting and calls the Hawkins PD to let them know El is there, causing El to run off. Her use of this color palette feels like a way of telling us that Becky is trying to force herself into normalcy despite the circumstances she is living with.
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The makeover episode. This is yet another example of El getting dressed up in somebody else's clothes. Kali tries to bring El into her group, something El is initially interested in. She feels like she's been repeatedly set aside, lied to, and ignored, so she is naturally drawn to this idea of community. But joining the group means changing herself, which she tries to do (visually demonstrated via makeover), but ultimately decides against.
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Hopper has been wearing scrubs since episode 6. But for the finale, he changes into jeans and puts on his Hawkins PD jacket (over the scrubs shirt). This is a jumble of everything he's worn all season: his own clothes, the scrubs, and the uniform. He has been struggling with juggling the various aspects of his life all season. He has his job, then he has the lab, and he has his home life. All of these are kept separate. At the lab, he has the Joyce and Will part of his life. At home, he has the El part of his life. And at work, all of that is a secret. But with his relationship with El out in the open and her returning to the lab with him, these separate identities he's been trying to maintain finally get to mesh.
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Remember me making a whole thing out of the red shirt earlier? Lol imagine me when I got to the end and saw him wearing solid red again. Losing it. Don't worry, Papa isn't playing, but hey, how 'bout that line, "Congratulations, Pops?" While this is definitely a positive, feel-good scene versus the rather sad one before, both are turning points in the Hopper-El relationship. What we saw before was the start of dishonesty and what we're seeing here is the introduction of legitimacy. Do I actually think these two scenes are being compared intentionally by using red shirts? No, not really. But that's where my brain is.
Another connection I made that is very unlikely to have been intentional is the v-neck. That's not something we've seen him wear before, except:
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And Hopper was, likely without even realizing it, rather parental towards Will during the lab scenes. Not in terms of making decisions or imposing, but by the care and support he offered. Plus, if we return to his wacky combo outfit from earlier, the v-neck sweater really is something of a combination between his usual wardrobe and the scrubs. So that blend of his worlds stuck.
I feel like it sounds like I'm mega-stretching here, but this is just my read, not necessarily what I think the wardrobe department decided. And I'm feeling compelled to defend that.
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I talked a little about this dress when I discussed Mike's Snow Ball outfit. The grey of her dress matches his sweater and the red of her belt/polka dots matches his tie. Them matching one another is a very simple way of showing that they are focused on each other.
I am dying to know who picked this dress out, though. Where did it come from? Who shopped for it? Hopper? Or is this like when he had someone else go buy a shirt for him in season 3? I'm just...so curious. What we DO know is that it wasn't El because Hopper had to convince Owens to let her out for this one night. She was not on a dress shopping spree. So as we come to the conclusion of season 2, we have still not seen El's own sense of style. I do think her hair here is really interesting. It's similar to the way Kali and co had it slicked back, but it's curly too. It's her hairstyles from season 2 (flashback hair excluded) combined.
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This is Hopper's second outfit since he reunited with El and also does not contain any plaid. If I hadn't already seen season 4, I'd guess that this meant that the plaid signified his single loner-in-the-woods era and now that it's over, he isn't wearing flannels anymore. However, his season 4 finale look contained one, so I'm full of shit I guess. Can't win 'em all. I have no other hypotheses about this outfit.
Other Season 2 Wardrobe Analyses: Mike & Will Nancy, Jonathan, & Steve Lucas, Max, & Dustin
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ofstormsandsaints · 2 years
also baby sam what are your fav things <3 books, songs, arts, persons etc♡
Here are my favourite things:
-my cat
Alright. The thing is: I don't want to have 'favourite things'. So I prefer to give you a long list of random stuff that I enjoy without letting you know if I have any real favourite among them :) Yes, I'm boring
(Even if this list is essentially novels or essays, I read anything that falls between my hands. Sometimes it'll be novels, other times essays, mangas, history books, dictionaries, poetry, plays. I don't care.)
My answers may be disappointing, or you might consider me as a basic bitch but meh🤷🏻‍♀️
Circe, Madeline Miller
The Acotar series, Sarah J. Maas (yes, I'm a basic bitch. I discovered it 5 years ago and I still like a lot)
The Invisible Life of Addie Larue, V. E Schwab
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Taylor Jenkins Reid
Sorcières, La puissance invaincue des femmes, Mona Chollet (a feminist and essayist. Her book has been translated in English as In Defence of Witches: Why women are still on trial. Please, read it. Read her work.)
Ce que le Jour doit à la Nuit, Yasmina Khadra
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
I'm down for any Albert Camus books
I'm currently discovering Françoise d'Eaubonne and Mieko Kawakami's work and I enjoy it for now
Kuroshitsuji (I read and analysed the manga more than I studied for my high school diploma)
I want to read House of Leaves and Piranesi. Someday I will. I promise.
I'm always up to discover new stuff. So here goes a small list of random people/groups I listen to regularly.
Florence + The Machine, FKA twigs, The Amazing Devil, AURORA, Wardruna, Kalandra, Faun, Tamino, Evanescence, System of a Down, polnalyubvi, Hozier, Eluveitie, Marina, Melanie Martinez, Gojira, bôa, Maneskin... I'm a hoe for old darkwave metal band like Diary of Dreams or for pagan folk/metal bands. My soul leaves my body whenever I listen to dark, gothic, sad, passionate pagan songs
I would love to tell you that I'm knowledgeable on cinema but I'm not. I'm shit and rewatch the same stuff all the time.
Mahoutsukai no Yome (one of my confort anime)
Hellsing (Ultimate) (never had the occasion to read the manga)
American Horror Story
Downton Abbey
Game of Thrones (just started House of Dragons)
I don't have a favourite film. I just accumulate touching memories from what the cinema gives me: Good Will Hunting, Hana and Alice, Goliath, Baby Driver, Ookami Kodomo, Black Swan, Mariage Story, Talented Mr. Ripley, Porco Rosso, Chicago
The list could go on but it's not necessary. You can guess that I don't even have a genre preference.
Hm...Florence Welch, Aurora, Clive Barker (have you ever watched one of his interview? This man is the chillest horror genius and I love him so much).
But to be honest, I don't think I have any role model. No one is truly my favourite. I just like someone's vibes and energy. The way they speak, how they dress, their ideas or the way they write. You get the idea.
But all in all, my favourite people are ✨️women✨️🥰
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tiffanylamps · 11 months
Tag game to better know you
Thank you @katierosefun and @ettelwenailinon for tagging me! You're both so sweet to think of me for this :) what book are you currently reading? i suck at sticking to books, but at the moment, I'm making my way through Vermeer by Norbert Schneider. Vermeer is one of my favourite artists, so I enjoy reading about his work. (The Milkmaid is my favourite painting of his).
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? i don't thiiiiiiink I've been to the cinema this year. But my favourite film I've seen this year is The Merciless (2017).
what do you usually wear? during the hotter months, it'll be shorts and tank top, but only if I'm at home. Outdoors, I tend to wear high neck tops, trousers, skirts, dresses, and a jacket (if it's not too hot). I much prefer cooler months because I like to hide behind an oversized jacket/coat lol. Basically, smart casual, nothing short or too low cut.
how tall are you? 5'10", baby!!! Sometimes a bit shorter, sometimes taller. It depends on... idk... stuff. things.
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? i'm an Aries (with a Leo sun and Gemini rising 🙃🙃). I share my birthday with Bette Davis and Hayley Atwell, so not too bad. Ah! I also share my birthday with my granddad. As for historical events, it mainly involves historical figures returning home, the Mayflower returning to England, Europeans discovering Easter Island- things of that nature. But an actual cool one is that the first performance of Beethoven's 2nd Symphony in D took place in 1803 on me birthday
do you go by your name or a nickname? my nickname. I HATED my name when I was a child and I wouldn't let anyone refer me to do it. The only person who has consistently called me by my actual name is my sister. I'm now over the reasons why I didn't like it back then. My only gripe with it now is that it sounds very similar to a more popular name, so people mishear my name all the time.
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? nahhh. When I was about 3 or 4, my sights were on becoming a dog in my future... I am yet to figure that one out without putting on a fursuit or committing crimes against god, man, science, and one's own good taste.
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one? i am. it's mine and my boyfriend's 9-year anniversary at the end of the month. i do have many crushes, which are mainly for every pretty woman i see lol
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at? i think i'm pretty good at analysing and dissecting things that interest me, it can be a piece of media or a topic of debate/conversation. i am bad at maaaaaany things, one of them is being a friend to myself
dogs or cats? both, duh!! i have a cat at the moment, but i do wish to have a dog in future (and maybe 3 cats in total lol)
if  you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite  picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this  year? probably the entire second chapter to my vampire fic. yeah, sorry, i can't pick out a particular line, i like the whole chapter ngl
what is something that you’d like to create content for? i'd like to finish my beyond evil projects 😭 and maybe write something for the merciless. (i do have gifs for the merciless that are just sitting in my drafts, waiting for me to feel confident enough to post them lol)
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with? playing the sims 4 and listening to the rotten mango podcast as i play. that's how i spend most of my evenings lol
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? jfc i was about to say something so emo. i'll go with more light-hearted examples instead. uhm, the f1 drivers' and constructor's championship standings (it's not over yet, but it's pretty obvious who is going to win 😒). the new taylor swift + hayley williams song. the final season of ted lasso (i love that show, but the ending was a bit naff).
what’s a hidden talent of yours? hm, it's too rude for tumblr
are you religious? nope! i grew up as a jehovah witness in a pretty strict household. although now that i'm older and i look into other people's experiences within that cult, i can see that i got lucky with my parents. they let us kids do things that were against the rules, but that still didn't stop me from sustaining a bit of religious trauma and internalised homophobia 😤 i'm still salty about my religious upbringing.
what’s something you wish to have at this moment? money, direction, a different place to live (preferably nicer/bigger), and for my cat's x-rays and blood work not to come back with anything too serious
anyway, i hope my answers weren't too boring haha. much love! no pressure tags: @l-tyrell @loisroo @hanjuwonsupporter @sensazioneultra
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startreatment · 2 years
i can't believe i haven't asked for your in depth thoughts on the car yet but i am asking it now! has the top 5 changed?
so i just checked and my top 5 was mirrorball, big ideas, hello you, sculptures and mr schwartz and tbh i don't think it did. i'm not sure about mr schwartz, i think it might be switched for the car or jet skis on the moat, but yeah. some thoughts on each track individually:
there'd better be a mirrorball: instant classic, come on now! gorgeous production, THE STRINGS!!, smooth vocals, so hazy, beautiful and atmospheric. i cried to it more times than i am willing to admit, it really is a tearjerker. i've seen some people say that lyrics are the weakest part of the album, which i obviously disagree with, but especially on this one. it's pretty simple, but still effective and touching. "i'd throw the rose tint back on the exploded view darling, if i were you" always gets me.
i ain't quite where i think i am: FUN!! the weakest one on the album, but i genuinely love it. WAAAAAAH!! i am a she looks like fun enjoyer as well, so i guess i just like having fun idk?
sculptures of anything goes: no words to adequately explain the sheer grip this one has on me. everything i wanted and more. so dark, ominous, rich and textured, we love her!! and the title's very cool, too. it is a career highlight idc what y'all say!! 5 years from now we're gonna treat it with the same respect and love we treat crying lightning, four out of five and other pretties. love. alex turner work on a portishead inspired album challenge
jet skis on the moat: didn't grab me on the first listen, but it's actually very cute! gives me western vibes, one of the songs that reminds me of TBHC the most, for some reason. love the way he delivers "or are you just happy to sit there and watch while the paint job dries?". "you know that it's alright if you're wanna cry" thank you alex, but i have been bawling since the first track so <3
body paint: still sad it didn't live up to my very high expectations that were set up by that damn kings theatre live "leak", but i appreciate it way more in context. the piano riff is insane tho, sometimes it just randomly plays in my head throughout the day. also, really enjoy the first lyric. "for a master of deception and subterfuge you've made yourself quite the bed to LIE in" ok we get it you're very funny. also. "and i'm keeping on my costume and calling it a writing tool"? yeah he's.......... mhm
the car: ruins me the same way ultracheese does, which means i sob uncontrollably until i feel like there's no air around me at all. childhood memories always get me so hard and the strings add a sense of melancholy i can't handle. very sick of them to put it in the middle of the fucking record! anyway, it kinda reminds me of faust arp by radiohead, which is a win, because in rainbows is very good. good track!
big ideas: have i ever said that we should artists grow? let them change and flourish and explore new things? hm, idk. lyrically it's a bit too on the nose, which is not what i was expecting at all, but it's a welcome change from cryptic TBHC lyrics. sometimes i just want him to say what he thinks, you know? and we're gonna stop analysing the lyrics now, because i don't wanna get upset.
hello you: the first make me hold my breath and stop me in my tracks no matter what i'm doing (kinda like nfwmb foof and diwk do so. do with that what you will). that piano riff (? can you call it that idk i know nothing about music) is CRAZYYYY. also plays in my head throughout the day, so catchy and fun. lego napoleon moveh. vortex to vortex. the buisness they call show. 'ello gruesome. HELLOOOO YOU. might be my favourite from the record if i'm being completely honest. sorry, i love a good instrumental, what can i say. i actually saw someone say it's pattern with no miles, which is pretty accurate!
mr. schwartz: my head hurts. again, not getting into the lyrics, but i HAVE to point out that "and if wе guess who i'm pretending to be, do we win a prize?" makes me wanna lay down for a sec. also FINGERPICKING!!
perfect sense: why is it so short. melancholic (what a surprise), but doesn't make me wanna die! it's the type of melancholy that you feel when you're watching the last episode of your favourite show. a nice farewell song that sounds sad but hopeful, a gorgeous closer. they Know how to write a good closing track for sure. love it!!
my overall review: makes me cry, but it's very good. would love to have a couple more tracks that sound like i ain't quite or hello you to dilute the ... whatever's going on in the middle that makes me sob, but i can also appreciate the fact that it's just 10 tracks. still, we want b-sides @ am. make it happen!!!!! a 9/10, already in my top 3 (which is tbhc > humbug > fwn = the car), taylor swift cant't relate
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kimchunsgha · 2 years
i powered through ador’s statement 💪 but now i think i’ve lost a few brain cells from reading through the entire thing. honestly i felt like the explanation for cookie was something i’d write for literature when asked to analyse something and not knowing what to write about — essentially it reads like bs. actually the explanation for all of the songs feel like bs to me… the statement said that the album’s main objective was to “reflect [their] vision of the relationship between artists and fans and between creators and consumers”… LITERALLY NO ONE could tell that that’s their main direction of the album from the songs (anger directed at ador btw) anyway, my point is that their explanations were completely just making non-existent connections.
but that’s not my main point (and this ask is already so long)! my main point is that the statement’s emphasis of the song’s “innocence” and “wholesomeness” when it’s literally anything but. the outfits, the overall styling, the expressions they put on, the music video itself. nothing looks innocent? where’s the wholesomeness? and to consider things “in a wider context”, as the statement said, with those lyrics, that concept, it’s not a weird connection to make about the meaning the song. plus knowing who’s in charge of the girls and the AGE of these girls… it’s not weird at all for us to be concerned for them. THEN add this weirdass explanation for the song, it’s just… very sus 🤨 like the fact that they emphasised the innocence? but that innocence is nowhere to be found in the music video and the styling IT’S JUST SO SUS OF ADOR LIKE???? it’s just so mind-boggling that ador would put out a statement that’s so obviously a lie and people are eating it up wtf
first of all... anon thank you for making it through the whole statement i was so pissed off that i simply couldn't! but i also did read the song explanation bc that statement was so fcking long i was just reading it for that but truly it was bs... it was actually what inspired me to make all of those annoyed posts yesterday and also the innocence and wholesomeness parts throughout the whole thing threw me off they are really trying to push the fact that their intentions were pure when in fact they weren't and we all know that but them trying to like get out of this one is quite hilarious (not in the best way) and yeah truly everything abt that song is not innocent and obviously i wouldn't get that especially bc the mv doesn't show us that nor their outfits and etc like the vibes are not wholesome and i hate that people are buying this company's bs just so they can use this stupid ass statement to keep supporting this group and saying that we are the ones in the wrong for the criticism and wanting to keep these girls safe! it's all very weird and honestly i'm afraid abt what could come next but truly it blows my mind how people know everything about the company min heejin the lyrics and etc and still support this group! i know the girls are talented but i wouldn't like to support a group where minors are being put in these situations..... sigh anyways thank you for sending this and explaining everything i genuinely couldn't do it ! i hope you have a nice day <3
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haveumetbi · 3 months
I've been using tumblr for a long time, but only recently I've felt confident enough in my english to actually try to join communities and make friends. 
A little introduction... That is actually kinda really long and I’m not gonna subject y’all to it unless you want to, so here’s the tldr:
I’m an acearo, bi, cis girl (🇺🇸 she/her — 🇧🇷 ela/a).
White latina from Brazil.
I’m disabled and neurodivergent
I love sitcoms, comedy is my fav genre of fiction
and cats
and The Sims
and Turma da Mônica
and hairstyling, braids, make up
and Jane Austen
and Taylor Swift
If you like any of it, follow me!! I’ll definetely follow back. If your curious, read bellow.
I’m a 23 year old college student who is majoring in History. I’m kind of a huge nerd, I love subjects like History (duh), Literature, Politics, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, but also Comedy (i find fascinating to analyze it, even if that kinda defeats the purpose, sue me). I kinda only watch sitcoms, actually, maybe because of how obsessed I am with the genre (more on that later). 
Being Brazilian I may reblog/talk about Brazillian issues/stuff and most definetely will reblog things about Turma da Mônica (brazil’s most beloved comic book series that shaped the childhood’s of at least 3 generations now since the 60s/70s), my longest autistic special interest. Oh, yeah, I’m also neurodivergent, AuDHD and also have persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia gang rise up! or dont, ik its hard and tiresome) and fibromyalgia.
Another special interest I’m unhinged about is The Sims, I use Tumblr mostly bc of it, so I’ll definitely reblog stuff about it, maybe if everythings works out I will even create a side simblr, who knows. I love historic/fantasy gameplay, would be cool to share with people.
Idk if its a SI or just regular cat owner thing, but I’m definitely obsessed with these little guys. Speaking of cat lover, I love Taylor Swift. Like, I’m very casual about most music I consume, but she is the exception, I just... feel SO MUCH with her songs. Idk, idk... She also makes me feel things on a sapphic way, though I’m no g*ylor or hetl*r (rlly dont care about who she dates, just here for the art). But not in a wow I wanna bang this celebrity I have a crush on, cuz I dont wanna bang no one, cuz I’m acearo. Just, dont swing that way (or any way, really /hj cuz i'm actually gray-bi-romantic but its very rare, so i'm usually not swinging at all lmao).
I really like to read, but it has been tough to keep the habit with depression and disabled adult life knocking at my door and kicking my ass... currently I’m finishing reading all Jane Austen’s work (i love her sense of humor and analyses of human psychology) in portuguese, but I plan to eventually read the original stuff in english. I just really love stories and storytelling as an art form, maybe that’s why I love to write. I’m obsessed with fanfictions, actually, been writing since I was 11, never anything in english, but who knows, actually creating and participating in tumblr may be the first step. I mostly write about tv shows I’m obsessed about (though I did write some Turma da Mônica Jovem fanfiction...... thank god I deleted, it was terrible, tho in my defense I was still a preteen) and I mostly watch sitcoms so.... About that...
My favorite sitcom ever is probably How I Met Your Mother (it was literally what i needed when i was going through a really rough patch) and BoJack Horseman (yes, cartoon sitcoms totally count, shut up). I’d say my first sitcom love was The Simpsons, my biodad had a lot of dvds and tapes from the golden seasons and the fondest memories of my childhood were us watching together and laughing like two idiots. My first fandom was iCarly (i was a preteen okay), but I wasnt a big fan of the revival/reboot (yes I was team seddie, no it has nothing to do with it, I gave it a shot, but just didnt vibe with it). I also love The Office, That 70′s Show, Never Have I Ever, Community, Our Flag Means Death, The Sex Lifes of College Girls, One Day at a Time and The Good Place.
I’m pretty sure the only other shows that I got obsessed with that weren’t sitcoms were Once Upon a Time and Lucifer, two shows that were quite humorous with its wacky premises (fairytales in real life???? the devil taking a vacation in LA??? i mean, c’mon!!). I’m loving the Percy Jackson disney adaptation, it was my favorite YA book series and it always bummed me that the movie adaptation was so terrible, I'm glad we finally have a great adaptation and can't wait for more seasons to come!!!
I’m very talkative (you dont say?? 😮 /s) and a total extroverted that really loves to make friends, but my communication difficulties really do shine on long distance conversation... be phone calls, video calls, emails, text messages etc... So, although I’d love if you shoot me a message, bc I love to make friends, I also am not the best texter, so dont expect someone who always immediately answers you right back cuz they are online — please dont take it personal, it has nothing to do with who is messaging me and everything to do with my disability mkay? And yes, I am trying to work this shit out in therapy, but you know... growth aint linear. When shit hits the fan, the first thing that I lose is the ability to answer text messages 😭 idk i just stare at them, they stare at me, i combust and die, the end. 
Dont know how to end this text, so, I’ll just show a pic of my cat, cuz shes everything. Bye!! 
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dolphs-world · 7 months
Feeling a bit tired so I'm just going to write a bit about movies. I'll write some actual analysis on Television and internet trends that annoy me next week. Would also love to talk a little bit more about Shovel Knight. But for now, movies. Starship Troopers was so good that I remembered the protagonists name, Johnny Rico. Will have to rewatch Total Recall. Heat and Once Upon a Time in America were the best of those types of films and they were still only halfway decent. I really don't get why these movies and these types of movies are beloved. Walk Hard and The Producers are the funniest films I've seen in a while and both of their songs are beautiful. Not too long either. Didn't have much actual depth for those reviews but these next 3 I do. Saw the FNaF movie with friends. They really didn't like it. I'm starting to question their opinions when it comes to these movies. One of them also didn't like the Mario movie and it seemed to be because they expected too much out of it. I loved the Mario movie, it was surprisingly funny. But the FNaF movie. It was fine. It is going to be an incredibly dated movie but for some reason that didn't annoy me as much. I don't know why it was set in the year 2000 or why there was a court subplot or really what Vanny's motivations. She seemed really muddled. But it was cool seeing such noticeable practical effects. Honestly, I think the movie would have been better if it was even more family friendly. Get rid of the onscreen murders and that whole subplot anyways, it made Mike's fears of the robots more valid. To make him seem crazy they had to have him beat someone up. Should have just outright said that Matthew Lillard was William Afton, not try and play it up as a reveal. It was funny that they casted someone from Scooby Doo as even he could have figured out this mystery without Velma's help. But yeah, if you got rid of some of this stuff you could have cleaned up the characters a bit more, made Afton a threat. Play to the child audience you know you have. The only thing that annoyed me about the movie is the reaction. Low critic scores have caused fans to try and analyse every aspect as if this movie is high art. Or maybe they just genuinely believe that. I saw threads of people explaining how the babysitter didn't want to ruin Mike's life, which was obvious. They're acting like they're peeling back the layers to a deep movie. It's called understanding emotions. Brazil, Brazil, one of Doug Walker's favourite movies. I didn't like it. I liked the look. It's crazy how people act as if the dystopia is the real world as opposed to the scenes where he was a birdman and escaped with Jill. But yeah, actually made me appreciate 1984 more. At least I understand what he thinks he's fighting against in that movie, and the last third of that book is great. You actually get to see the torture! (I felt like Zach Snyder writing that line. I get the importance and messaging of the book. I get why the characters like each other, although talk at each other as opposed to to each other, and the importance of them meeting up again later in life). But Brazil. It just didn't work. It didn't really blend reality and dreams well to make the ending a twist. You know that it's in his head. It doesn't make sense that Jill likes him back. Ian Holm's character was kind of pointless. I don't know. I don't know how to explain. I've been thinking about this film on and off again and all I can say is read 1984 and A Brave New World instead. Although I don't like 1984, only the last third is good, the second is a slog, you understand it's importance. And A Brave New World is actually good. Brazil was not.
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