#also meat is expensive and I don't always have a lot of money
isaacsapphire · 6 months
Something that strikes me as I'm planning on hosting some visiting relatives (BTW if I have any New Zealand followers can you please reblog or comment with details about what type of tea is considered standard or a little better than average in New Zealand?) is how much comfort and joy I've given vegetarian and vegan travelers in the past by just serving them some good tasty normal calorie levels vegetarian/vegan food, as unfortunately that can be hard to come by as a traveler in the US and so several of the people I've hosted were obviously running a calorie deficit because they were struggling to find enough food suitable to their diet.
And, I am not vegetarian! I'm low-key ideologically Not vegetarian! But I also believe that 1. It's immoral to intentionally trick someone else into violating their own morals even if you don't share them and 2. Hospitality means serving people good food that they like and can eat.
I've gotten a lot of shocked responses from people in the past when I would say something like, "This recipe can be made vegetarian/vegan if you swap the meat broth with vegetable broth/swap the cheese for vegan cheese or omit it" and then they'd assume that I must be vegetarian/vegan myself, and not understand why I would care about tracking which recipes could be vegetarian or consider it a valuable thing. Other people have dietary restrictions and sometimes I want to make them something nice to eat! It's shitty hosting to invite someone to Thanksgiving and then have like two things out of twenty they can eat, you know?
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andthebeanstalk · 6 months
Literally every piece of cookware/dish that has ever been devised in the history of mankind: You can wash me with soap and water!
Cast iron skillet: tehe 🤭 soap and water? I guess that's fine if you like your steak rusty haha 🙈 I can only be washed with salt and oil and lemon and spit or I will immediately die haha so just spit on me okay spit on me and make me clean, mommy 🤗🥵😏💦👅👅👅
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renthony · 2 months
Help a family of disabled trans folks get some groceries?
*Long-suffering sigh.* I've been putting off making this post as long as humanly possible, but we are once again out of money and nearly out of food.
The free food distribution events in town don't always have things that meet my family's dietary needs (we have sensitivities, allergies, and one of us keeps kosher). We aren't able to get food stamps (yes, we try regularly). We have some shelf-stable basics (and by that I mean sacks of rice, because it's the only food people ever seem to want to buy for poor people), but we don't have any of our frozen safe-foods, any dairy, any meat, any fruits or veggies, any of the stuff that requires refrigeration. We also still have to worry about things like medications, pet food, putting gas in the car, and various other life expenses.
I say all of this because every time I have to make a begging post, people try to give advice instead of aid. I promise y'all, we've exhausted our options. Yes, I know about the subreddits, yes I know about free food groups, yes I have made Amazon grocery lists in the past for shelf-stable needs, yes I know about federal aid options. I have explored them. My wife works full-time and all four of us have side-hustles, and it's not enough. We still need cash.
If you've read this far and are able/willing to help out, here are my family's pay links. If you can't help, even a reblog does a lot. <3
PayPal: paypal.me/chaosqueer Venmo: @ chaosqueer CashApp: $chaosqueer Household Amazon Wishlist
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thedialup · 6 months
grocery shopping (and shoplifting) tips from a cashier
DON'T BUY NON FOOD ITEMS AT THE GROCERY STORE. THEY JACK THOSE PRICES UP SO HIGH. laundry detergent, cleaning products, medicine, haircare shit- it's all better to get these somewhere else.
only buy the store brands UNLESS there's a sale on name brands that makes it cheaper than the store brand (but this is pretty rare). there's no difference.
most vendor coupons are shit, especially if they're trying to get you to buy more than one item. be really careful using these as a lot of the time they're not a good deal.
ignore the entirety of those drink coolers and snacks at checkout. most of them are overpriced and not worth it.
most store brand canned items and stuff like ramen noodles are super cheap.
meat is expensive, and don't waste your money on any sort of organic blah blah whatever meat. it's the exact same shirt
same thing with organic produce, especially if it's something like bananas where you don't actually eat the outside. don't buy pre-packaged produce, it's not worth it for the exact same thing without a package.
check if produce prices are per pound or per item. they vary wildly so make sure to check so you don't get surprised at the register.
do you have self checkout? EVERY PIECE OF PRODUCE IS A BANANA :)))))
small stuff is was easier to steal than large stuff, obviously. don't try to fit a 50 pack of chex mix in your coat. it will not work.
most cashiers dgaf about shoplifting. managers do. stay away from them.
don't waste your money on overpriced expensive "organic natural blah blah blah" food unless you really have to bc of a dietary restriction. most processed food is more expensive and this just makes it even worse.
if the store has a membership card and you don't have one, always ask to use the store card. they'll let you, you just have to ask.
ground meat is cheaper and more versatile than whole cuts of meat. also make sure to look out for managers specials on perishable items like meat because they're trying to get rid of stuff so it'll be marked way down.
that's about all I can think of rn, add on if you have any extra tips
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moonkissedmeli · 2 years
🌿Minimizing Waste as a Hearth Witch🌿
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Minimizing waste saves money and the environment. With a little creativity, there are many ways you can create opportunities to reduce waste and maximize the supplies you have.
🍄 Keep your jars. If you buy something that comes in a useful container and can be reused - then reuse it. In my experience, the best reuse for plastic containers is to freeze food. Also, small bottles like Advil bottles, are EXCELLENT spell jars. However, for all types, you can use them to store food, organize drawers and closets, store spell ingredients, or even make decorations. The possibilities are nearly endless!
🍄Keep all your fruit, vegetable, and herb scraps. With some scraps and water, you can make a lovely broth. Alternatively, you can use them to make a simmer pot for a spell or simply for the scent.
🍄If you eat meat, keep the bones. Again, a great broth ingredient!
🍄Avoid paper towels whenever possible. These are super wasteful and expensive. Whenever possible, I opt to use a towel or cloth. You can recycle old textiles for rags. However, if you're feeling ambitious you can knit or crochet towels and cloths; this is a great way to use up that scrap yarn you probably have laying around! You may even choose to add a bit of knot magic to these pieces.
🍄Thrift and upcycle. This is a bit of an obvious one; but really. It's a great way to have lovely belongings while reducing waste overall and saving money. With a bit of love, many things can be new.
🍄Almost every dish can be salvaged. It happens. We mess up. But, before you throw it away, do some research on how to salvage it. Odds are, you will be able to do it!
🍄Don't throw away fruits or vegetables that are overripe or wilting. Within reason, of course, many of these fruits and vegetables can be frozen for soups, casseroles, sauces, and smoothies!
🍄Buy a reusable coffee filter and tea basket for loose tea. Really, this is a given if you are a tea or coffee lover. Disposable ones are so wasteful and the reusable ones will pay for themselves in no time.
🍄Compost if you can. Compost dirt is amazing for growing ingredients for dishes and spells. While you're at it, save your eggshells, as well.
🍄Mend your clothes, blankets, and even shoes. A little bit of love can go a long way, including increasing the life of your favorite items. You can also add flair by learning how to darn and apply patches.
🍄Learn how to remove stains from fabric. In the same vein as mending, learning how to remove stains increases the life of your clothes. Different stains require different methods of removal, but usually, it is not impossible. Failing this, learn how to dye your clothes to revamp them.
🍄Use alternative cosmetics. This is a really big topic and I will create a post about this later. But, consider doing research. There are lots of things that can be made or substituted; notably face masks, hair masks, and using coconut oil as a make-up remover.
🍄Localize your practice. Use natural herbs and ingredients found in your local environment. Create your own correspondence if needed.
🍄Collect rainwater. Unfortunately, it is no longer a great idea to drink rainwater - but use it to water plants and clean your floors. Rainwater is also a powerful spell ingredient for spells that don't require drinking or putting on your skin.
🍄Only buy what you need. This time of year more than ever it is VERY tempting to buy up cheap Halloween-themed goods. But, consider an item's long-term usefulness, if it will create clutter and disorder in your home in the future, and if there are alternatives.
🍄Buy a cheap food dehydrator. These are perfect for making tea and drying out herbs, flowers, and other ingredients for spells and cooking.
🍄Consider alternatives in cooking and spells. There is always an alternative, you may not have to buy something new.
🍄Meals and beverages as spells. As a full-blown kitchen, I believe spells eaten and drank are extremely powerful. It also saves on ingredients.
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your-tutor-abacus · 7 months
The Color of the Sunspot's Milk
We don't drink milk on the Sunspot.
It's not really a thing for us.
We did not evolve from mammals, so we do not produce milk ourselves, typically. Actually, our life can't really be divided up into the same categories as Terran life, anyway, and the Evolutionary Engines that are used to create people now produce such a diversity of biological development that we can't use sweeping statements like that meaningfully. But, we strongly suspect based on evidence at hand that the Ktletaccete did not originally have anything like mammary glands.
And, on the Sunspot specifically, we do not consume anything produced by animals. It just never even occurred to the Founding Crew to set up the ship and our culture that way. The ecological balance of the Garden requires that we let the fauna live as naturally as possible without interference from people. So, we do not milk animals.
But it turns out that we drink something that is kinda of vaguely like milk. It often serves a similar culinary utility, particularly in baking.
We know this because we have been talking to our Earth custodians of the Terran Tunnel Apparatus, and they have tried a product they call Ryze that is an approximation of what we use on the Sunspot, and we've been trading notes.
So, in the search for accommodation, the ancestors of the Sunspot Ktletaccete developed a mixture of pureed fungus and algae that could provide a very young child or a disabled or elderly person with nutrients that might not otherwise be readily available to them. And we have been calling this something that our translators have decided to call "formula". We understand that this echoes the term many of you use for a fortified milk that you feed your infants, and that's acceptable.
But our formula comes in many varieties, customized for each person's needs and even each use they might have for it.
Fungal and algae farming has always been abundant and easy for us, so it is the least expensive food to create. It may not have been central to the diet of ancient Ktletaccete, but it has become pivotal to survival in space aboard our Exodus Ships. And now we use it in nearly everything.
We also eat a variety of nuts, fruits, grains, tubers, leaves, stalks, and other vegetable matter (or their Sunspot equivalents to what these words mean to you). And some of those things provide proteins and lipids that compliment what is provided by our various formulas, so depending on how we combine it we can create foods that sometimes resemble your breads, quiches, meat loafs, stews, etc.
But, also, Artisan crafted beverages is a huge thing here, which I understand some of your cultures might relate to. And our formula is central to that.
So, what are the main differences between our formula and milk? And what are the differences between our formula and something like Ryze?
Well, obvious, our formula is made entirely differently from milk, and does not share it's color. It's not white or even white-ish, typically.
Though some varieties of it can come close to white so that Artisans can add vibrant colors to it more easily without it turning brown, but the processing tends to remove a lot of nutrients from it, so it's not terribly popular outside of that visual utility.
It's also usually somewhat low on lipids, though those are definitely added for many baking purposes.
It's more of a suspension than an emulsion most of the time, as a result. But again, that varies on it's purpose.
And because of that, and the fact that it's made from fungus and algae, makes it very similar to things like Ryze, which is apparently currently available for something you call "a lot of money" by purchasing it over your Network (or Internet, as you say).
There are other drinks like Ryze, but it so happens that the girlfriend of our counterparts purchased Ryse specifically, so that is the one that they are trying. In particular, they are trying Ryze Matcha, as opposed to Ryse Coffee, since we don't have anything remotely like a coffee bean on the Sunspot, but we do have a green stimulant kind of vaguely like Matcha that can be added to our formula.
We can't really truly compare the sensations of drinking our various forumlas to drinking Ryze, because there is an enormous physical gulf between the Earth and the Sunspot, and we cannot transport either liquid nor taste buds and nervous systems across that distance. And translating words, even with in the same language, between two individuals' personal experiences is inherently inaccurate to begin with.
But we can make some conjectures.
As far as flavor is concerned, we can infer some things. Humans are omnivors with a variety of sensitivities to flavors, and apparently our counterparts are something called a supertaster. They are more highly sensitive to flavor than their typical peers.
They report that Ryze Matcha tastes "green". Not just that it is green in color and therefore the flavor it has can be described as green, but that it reminds them of other green things that they have eaten. There is a bit of a spinach flavor, they report, but its very faint. There is also a faint green tea flavor. We don't know what either of these things really mean, but we know that spinach is a leafy vegetable and that green tea is also made from leaves. But then, they also say that these flavors are not like either of these things, either. They're similar but different.
More specifically, they report that Ryze Matcha does not taste like most mushrooms they've eaten. In fact, it bears a closer resemblance to the flavors they get when they drink from an old jug of water that maybe has some green stuff growing on the inside of it.
"Why would you do that?" I asked them.
And they replied with, "Carelessness."
Anyway, this seems relatively in keeping with our experiences with formula. Usually, it tastes kind of like some other vegetable matter, but different. But, whether those ways are similar to how humans experience Ryse and vegetables on Earth, we really don't know.
What we do know for sure is color. That's something that can be measured quite precisely via the wavelengths of light.
Of course, we may perceive that color differently than you, but thanks to technological measuring devices and mathematics, we can use the same names for the same wavelengths of light. So, when I say that something is green on the Sunspot, you will be able to trust that if you somehow visited your neurology will interpret that thing as what you know of as green, adjusting for the difference in our ambient lighting, of course.
And, yes, some formulas we use are nearly as green as Ryze Matcha, and they are gorgeous.
But most formula ends up in a wide spectrum of color between what you call khaki and a deep vibrant purple, thanks to the dominant colors of most fungi and algae found on the Sunspot.
Our sun produces more ultraviolet light than yours does and there is less shielding between it and the surface of the Garden, so most of our plant life has developed its own shielding, which comes in varieties of purple. Mostly, it's the algae that carries the purple coloring. Most of our fungus isn't green, either, but even when it is, the purples of the algae shift the colors to brown when mixed with it.
But green mosses, ferns, and algae are found in the darkest, deepest parts of our forests, where the sun never reaches the ground directly, and we find that color to be captivating, so our ancestors bred a small variety of green food algae strains specifically for culinary variety.
And the flavor of that stuff is definitely what we could call green.
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maria-ruta · 9 months
How's Argentina- you and your family doing alright? and what's the best food you've had there?
oooooh Argentina es muy buena y hermosa jajaja
But srsly, I like it here! People overal are more kind and friendly and willing to help! Lot's of very good and well made public spaces where you can hang out and chill - I enjoy that! (in russia its something almost nonexistent)
Something is always blooming here, all year around! Lots of beautiful fancy trees and plants and also lots of birds, parrots and giant butterflies (for a person who used to live in a cold country it seems like im in paradise garden all the time hahaha)
Me and my family are doing good, thank you! We are strugling with money most of the time, but we have enough to live modestly (my commissions are opened btw lol) My brother gets lots of help from local hospitals, schools, migration center and etc - thats very good
ABOUT FOOD - to be fair everything is sooooo tasty here! I mean... the general food quality is just better than in Russia, but its mostly bc Argentina has lot of warm areas where anything can grow and does it all year around, so all the fruits and vegitables are more tasty and fresh and cheeper than in russia, meat and milk products are also good and fresh bc cows can eat green grass all year around... it's just simple as that
BUT!!! I gotta say that I absolutelly love empanadas, they are great! They are similar to russian pirozhki but still a little different
Medialunas are also nice and I think I like them more than croissants that they evolved from lol
I also really liked Peruanian kitchen from local Peruanian restorant, I gotta find out what are those salad salsas made of so i can make them myself!
ALSO ALSO just the fact that avocados just grow here??? drives me INSANE! I love avocados soooooo much!!! they are called paltas here
I love making guacamole or just put palta on bread with salt or just eat palta with whatever food I have cooked at the moment (like rice or whatever)
I do miss enormous amount of russian sour milk products tho... ряженка, сметанка my sweet darlings... ;u;
The thing is that Argentina just doesn't have same bacterias that spoil milk in Russia, so... most of those products not only nonexistent here but imposible to make, if you don't have this specific bacteria plantation BUT my mom has kefir bacteria so we are able to make our own kefir at least!
Also sushi here are expensive and they are like Faaancy food for rich bitches, while in Russia they were more like regular fastfood alongside with pizza XD but I at least treated myself with some sushi on my birthday bc I love them so
anyway THANK YOU FOR THE ASK I hope you'll have fun reeding all that rumbling haha
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paradoxcase · 5 months
well, speaking for myself, i feel i would definitely have a phantom limb feeling if i switched to never wearing glasses again (i dont wear contacts so i don’t have great proof for this, but i have worn prescription snorkeling goggles that let me see but didn’t sit on my nose the same way as glasses and so created that sensation)
Hmm, I guess it may vary from person to person, then, or possibly vary depending on whether you've ever worn contacts. The first time I switched to contacts was over 20 years ago so I no longer remember what it was like the first time. I'm guessing contacts may not actually exist in the Nine Houses
Regarding the tech issue - it's not just what they know, but also what's available and what they can afford. Nona/Pyrrha/CamPal are pretty strapped for cash because BOE doesn't give them very much, and the New Rho economy is doing very badly (food and other necessities are expensive and not always available, which suggests supply issues; likewise, the instability of employment and the lack of public services suggests that there are also problems with demand as well).
So there may well be more advanced tech than Cam's casette recorder, but it might not be available in New Rho markets or at prices that they can afford for non-essential items.
I mean, it kind of depends on why there are food shortages. Food shortages could just be the result of war rationing - they said that you could technically acquire poor-quality meat via the black market, which indicates to me that it is available, it's just not allowed to be sold right now, probably due to rationing. Other things than food might be rationed, but I don't think our phones at least are made of things that would likely be rationed in that context, but who knows what kinds of devices they have after 10,000 years, or even what the prices of those things would be. Things that would be considered incredibly high tech much less than even 1000 years ago are now dirt cheap and no one has to worry about being able to afford them (ballpoint pens, for example). After 10,000 years I would expect even more stuff like that
You can technically, right now, still buy cassette tape recorders for relatively cheap, but I have wonder how true that would still be if Earth was destroyed and all of the companies that are still producing cassette tape stuff were destroyed along with it - there's an incentive for companies that have always sold cassette tape stuff to continue doing that, but is there an incentive for brand new companies to start manufacturing and selling cassette tape stuff? It seems like a lot of older technology might get left behind permanently if something like that happened. Also, like, currently a cassette tape recorder is not in fact considered a low cost alternative to using a phone to record something even though it's technically cheaper than a phone, a) because of the general difficulty in getting and maintaining something that can play cassette tapes, and b) because smartphones are a basic necessity now in most places and you need one anyway, and they are all able to record video, so I think you probably wouldn't save money anyway
Gideon did fight and kill heralds. She also lost a thumb. And got her intestins ripped out. And her skull smashed. And died at least 3 times. While in an unfamiliar body but also a body who's tendons could rip and recover in the same movement, and did not need to breath. Hect could kill one or two. But as much as she is a beast she would die.
That's true, but it seems like Palamedes and Camilla may have achieved Lyctorhood in the same way G1deon and Pyrrha did, and thus they would have the same advantages that Gideon had
I think part of the issue with the ‘tightness’ Nona mentions is that she is walking miles a day AND Cam has her always working out.
Ahh, if that's the case that makes sense
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heyhoeudoin · 2 years
"Wait, where exactly do you get all the money from?"
pairing: monkey d. luffy x reader
words: 3.3k
genre/s: fluff, modern!au
warning/s: she/her (sorry), swearing?
synopsis: luffy always has money on him, but the thing is he doesn't have a job
a/n: happy birthday luffy!
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luffy is a 2nd year in high school who lives with his two brothers, ace and sabo who are both 3rd years.
luffy is known to be a very childlike and chaotic person, but he means well. he's also one of the popular people in his school along with his brothers as the asl trio while having his own group of friends that people call the straw hats gang.
straw hats gang: 1st year - chopper, 2nd year - sanji, nami, luffy, usopp, zoro, 3rd year - brook, franky, robin and then yamato who is in another school, a private one
another thing that luffy is well known for is for his amazingly large appetite. good thing the chefs can handle his stomach with the help of sanji, who is an aspiring cook.
how about the fee?
it used to be pain by either shanks, a teacher who dotes on luffy a lot, or sabo, the one with the proper paying job among the brother. however, lately luffy has been able to pay his own food now which makes both ace and sabo proud for their little brother, but then when they ask what job luffy has.
he answers with, "job? is that a food?"
and there goes the mystery of the year: where exactly does luffy get his money from?
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now that school just ended, luffy and his friends are walking towards a new restaurant the opened up near the school. ace and sabo couldn't join since ace has detention while sabo has work today.
luffy now stood in front of the new fancy restaurant with sparkling eyes, "meat!" he was about to run in but got stopped by one of his friends.
"hold on, luffy! this place is expensive! you really think that any of us can afford this place?" nami exclaimed since she's really careful with her money.
luffy pouted, "it's fine! i can pay!" he told her as he escapes from her grip and goes over to the host. "for how many?" the host asks and luffy turns around to count then hold up nine fingers. the host nods, "nine people." then the host gives luffy a subtle sign.
he saw the look and pulls out something from his wallet which made the host panic. "oh my, i didn't realize you were— i'll get a private booth ready for you!" they exclaimed as they scurry towards the back.
luffy turned to his friends with a huge smug grin, "now they'll give us a room to eat in!" he exclaims as nami started shaking him, "what did you do?! the hell did you show that host?" she asked wanting to know the secrets of getting said private room.
usopp and chopper beams up, "way to go, luffy!" "that's our luffy!" zoro looks absolutely confused, "are we sure luffy can pay?" he asks to which sanji hits his head, "luffy's loaded now, you marimo." "what did you say, you pervy cook?!" then they started fighting again.
franky stepped in, "super~ not cool guys, we're at a fancy restaurant. behave for now." he scolded as the two just glared at each other. "yohohoho! here goes luffy paying for us again, i do wonder where he gets all this money from?" brooks lets out as the three guys next to him nods.
robin walked up, "luffy, do you perhaps have a pin?" she asked with a palm on the side of her face. the said boy avoided eye contact, "i can't say." he says all nervously which made robin just chuckle, "that's fine," she goes up to him and pats his head, "come now, let's have lunch."
with that the straw hats went inside the fancy restaurant.
the host showed them a room in the basement, "this is your room and the restroom is down the hall. use the phone for any orders and if there is anything else, please just call." they opened the door and pointed towards then phone on the table then left.
they ended up partying in the room all night.
of course, all good things come to an end and so when the bill came out, it was dreadful.
nami and usopp started crying, "we don't have this much money!" as they hugged each other. luffy stood up as he grabbed his bag but then got stopped by nami, "where are you going? we haven't paid!" he tilted his head, "what are you talking about? i told you guys, i'll pay!" then lets out his iconic giggle and bright smile.
nami and usopp stopped crying, but then nami started hitting luffy. "you're seriously going to pay? how much money do you even have?!" the boy in question shook his head, "i can't tell you that. the money's not even mine."
that made his friends both curious (mostly robin) and worried.
"anyways, i have to go somewhere. see you guys on monday!" luffy goes to the door and bid them a farewell then left.
robin then held luffy's wallet up with a cheeky smile and a hand on her cheek, "it seems our leader forgotten his wallet. perhaps we should follow him?" she suggests.
nami smiles as she took the wallet from robin, "and i'll be taking that!" she says with money in her eyes then checks the inside of the wallet. her jaws drop then shows a nervous smile as she points at the inside, "it's a fucking black card!"
nami pulls out the black card and then a golden pin, "and then... what's this pin?" she holds it out, "is this what luffy showed the host?"
the pin showed a small side portrait, something you'd find in a pendant or a locket. the carved portrait showed a woman and at the bottom also showed initials. then at the back of it showed a crest.
robin nods as she took the pin from nami's hand and started to inspect it, "this woman is the next heir to the l/n company." she flips the pin to show the crest, "this crest right here is proof that this is an authentic pin."
chopper raises his hand, "who are the l/ns?" he asks which made robin chuckle and pull out her phone to show a website. "the l/n family are nobles. they own multiple schools, both private and public, and are responsible for keeping this place in peace. then the eldest daughter—" she showed a picture of a woman with h/c hair.
brook points at the photo, "oh ms. y/n!" chopper looks at brook, "you met her?" he asks as brook nods his head, "i performed for her a while ago. she is very different from other nobles, a kind soul indeed! yohohohoho!"
zoro tilts his head, confused now, "if the l/ns are such a big shot, then why does luffy have the pin?"
sanji buts in, "no, the question should be how does he have it? he did say that the money he has all the time now, isn't actually his." before a fight could happen, nami stood up and glared at the two.
"sorry to cut this investigation short, but—" usopp took a peak outside the door, "luffy is leaving and we should get going if we still want to follow him to where ever he's going." franky stood up, "let's get super~ going then."
and so the crew left the restaurant and followed the innocent boy.
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the crew watched as luffy went to the opposite way of his home. robin walked at front to keep an eye on luffy as she has the best eye sight among the rest while the others made theories.
"where do you think he's going this late at night?" usopp asks as nami groans, pulling onto zoro's leash. "zoro! stop walking away, you're gonna get lost!" zoro growls at her as sanji laughs at him causing yet again, a verbal fight.
nami sighs before turning to usopp, "maybe a date?" she asks with a smirk, knowing that luffy is known to be an idiotic romanticist.
franky puts an arm around usopp, "actually, if you think about it, luffy getting a ton of money lately might mean he has a sugar mommy. sometimes, those types of relationships end up with dating each other." he points out.
usopp, nami, and sanji freaks out, "luffy, dating someone?!"
sanji starts getting frustrated, "if that idiot gets a girlfriend before me, i'm never going to cook him meat again!"
nami starts getting envious, "i want someone to give me money all the time."
usopp starts laughing, "i really can't imagine luffy dating someone!"
robin puts her hand up, "everyone, luffy just entered a house—" the crew then stop to look at said house, "but it's not just any house. it's the l/n manor."
"that's a mansion!"
the group of friends stood in front of the gates of the l/n manor, wondering on what to do now.
"what now?" chopper softly asks to which usopp shrugs, "should we just ask him on monday?" he suggests but nami lets out a horrifying aura, "we're getting answers one way or another!"
before nami could ring on the call system next to the gates, said gates opened. they were hesitant to go in since they weren't sure if they are invited, but then the call system rang.
"you are sir luffy's friends, are you not? he and the miss have given permission to invite you all inside the residence. make yourselves at home."
zoro shrugged then walked in with robin following closely behind. "zoro! robin?" nami called out, clearly hesitant to go inside despite being invited now.
"you heard the coms, we're invited now. let's go." zoro says as he nods his head towards the inside of the gates as robins nods, "we won't be executed for trespassing now." she comments making nami, usopp, and chopper let out a shrill.
now that they're properly invited, they went ahead and went in (with nami, usopp, and chopper still being a bit cautious). however, all nervousness were lost and quickly replaced with awe at the sight of the interior of the place.
immediately once they stepped foot into the place, a handful of maids appeared and lead them to separate rooms to get changed into a more formal wear.
after all, they can't be wearing their school uniforms to a banquet!
after they got changed into a more appropriate attire, they were immediately shoved into a huge ballroom filled with tables and chairs. with the insane sight in front of them, they eventually forgotten why they're here.
it was until a loud shatter of glass was heard at the front of the huge room, "thank you all for coming to this sudden celebration!." a female voice called out through the microphone at front.
but then before the woman at front could continue with her announcement, she was interrupted.
said person held a hand to the mic to cover it, "yes, my dear?"
"are you going to announce it now?" the young man next to her looked to be excited.
the woman smiles, "yes! would you like to do the honors?" she asks to which the young boy next to her moves over to the mic as he wraps his arm around her waist.
"i'm monkey d. luffy! and y/n is my wife!"
you chuckled, "i have no problem marrying you, but the proper term is girlfriend, luffy." you corrected him then gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"i meant girlfriend!"
everyone congratulated the two as claps boomed throughout the hall. meanwhile, the straw hat gang is honestly shocked (well, mostly usopp, nami, zoro, and sanji).
robin, franky, chopper, and brook laughed then congratulated the news saying: "i'm happy for him.", "good for him!", and such.
both sanji and zoro are furious for "how did luffy get a girlfriend before me?!" and "luffy is dense as a rock, how did he get a girlfriend?"
usopp and nami were envious for: "how nice! to have a doting girlfriend." and "how nice! i want someone to give me all their money to."
robin then comments, "although, i didn't know luffy is the son and grandson of dragon and garp, respectively." then she sips a glass of her drink.
"oh my, you didn't realize?"
"isn't garp the name of a police hero?" nami asks with wide eyes as robin nods then, "what the hell is up with this family?" zoro shakes his head with amusement.
chopper raises his hand, "who's dragon?" sanji turns to him, "you don't know who dragon is?" then nami buts in, "luffy's father is an outrageous man! he's part of the yakuza!" she points at luffy who's next to you.
then suddenly ace and sabo appears.
ace slams a hand on the table they're at, "oh guys! didn't expect to you all here." then sabo places a hand on ace's shoulder, "shocking announcement, wasn't it?" he chuckles.
they both noticed the obvious baffled faces of luffy's group of friends (well, mostly nami and usopp).
sabo holds a hand up, "ace, luffy, and i aren't blood related siblings." they visibly relaxed, "although, ace is the biological son of gol d. roger, but his adoptive father is edward newgate. then, i'm a runaway noble!" the baffled expressions came back.
ace nudged sabo, "you didn't have to say all of that." he purses his lips as he looks away, a bit embarrassed. sabo chuckles at his brother then turns back to the group, "also, we never knew luffy was dating someone until now."
before anymore chatter could happen, you and luffy finally walked up to the table.
"guys! you came!" luffy jumps up but then tilts his head in confusion, "wait, when did i invite you?" he says making both nami, usopp, and sanji hit him.
"you idiot!"
you let out a laugh which made them finally notice you.
'tall!' (you're around 6'4" here)
taking this as your cue to slightly bow, "a pleasure to finally meet you all, i am luffy's partner; l/n y/n, but you may call me y/n. i've heard a lot about you all! good things, of course. you all are wonderful people for my dear luffy over here." you gave them a closed-eye-smile as you hugged luffy from behind.
they became flattered and shyly denied it.
you then looked up on the gigantic clock at one of the walls, "oh my!" you put a hand on your mouth, "as much as i would love to stay and chat, but i have to end this celebration short. i cannot keep everyone here for the rest of the day, you all may leave anytime. good eve."
then the moment you left, luffy started getting ganged up on questions.
"one by one!" luffy started screaming from all the questions which made them calm down a bit. he pouts knowing that there's one question everyone wants to know,
when did he meet you?
"since y/n's family owns the school, she found me through there. i was told to meet up here at her house a couple months ago and she offered me to be her 'sugar baby', whatever that means. i asked her what that is and she told me that she'd feed me delicious food! so i accepted."
luffy stood in front of the huge gates and started screaming, "oi! anyone there? shanks told me to go here!" the gates opened which made him run inside as he let out screams of awe.
when he stepped inside the manor, one of the maids brought him to the dinning table which is filled with loads of food. then seated next to the head seat of the table is you!
you pointed at the head seat, "come now, luffy, you must be starving! eat all you want, my darling." you smiled at him as he screamed in happiness, "really?! thanks lady!" then started eating.
after the dinner, you finally started explaining on why he's here. you turned to luffy, who's drinking his milkshake, "nice to meet you, luffy. my name is y/n of the l/n family. you may call me y/n."
then you walked towards him and took a hold of both his hands. with sparkling eyes filled with hope, you asked, "luffy, oh could you please be my sugar baby?"
luffy didn't know what that was so he tilts his head in confusion, "what is that?" he asks which made you squeal at his adorableness. "basically, i offer you a lot of things, mostly money, whenever you need it. you can also live here, if you want. oh! and, free food every time you come here."
with star eyes, luffy stood up as he leaned closer to you, "i'll be your 'sugar baby' or whatever! for food!"
luffy explained looking proud at the mention of getting free food, then he started blushing. "then one day i started feeling weird around y/n, like a sickly but nice stomach feeling. i thought i was sick so i went to torao and he said that i love her. so i confessed and that's how we started dating."
a couple months past with you being luffy's sugar mommy and the two of you are really close. like very close. to the point that you and luffy have been bathing together. that close.
there would also be times wherein luffy would go to your room at night while rubbing his eyes, half-awake. when you ask "what's wrong?" you'd be answered with,
"i want cuddles."
of course, you'd fucking agree. he's just so cute aajshbdfnkhjf and then after that, whenever luffy stays over, you two would sleep together.
then at some point, luffy all of a sudden took you out on a date! you've always thought that he didn't know anything romance related, but besides that, you were delighted! a date with the one and only luffy.
luffy is an amazing person. he's so cute, childlike, innocent, greedy, selfless, and more! he's just someone very rare on this forsaken planet. you've heard a lot of him through the school's staff, mostly jinbei and shanks. every since then you've been wanting to meet him!
but you never expected to fall for him.
same goes for luffy.
after that date at the amusement park, he felt sick every time he's around you. at first he would have asked help from his brothers, but decided not to since he thought that they'd worry too much. so he asked a doctor-in-training that he knows, trafalgar law.
"torao! i'm sick!" luffy cried out, "every time i get neaar y/n, i feel like i' dying but in god way? like this nice feeling in my stomach, i feel hotter also, then my heart beats more. i'm not dying, am i?!" he continued to cry as law just stared at him dumbfounded.
"mugiwara-ya, you're in love, you idiot."
when law told luffy that, so many things went through his head then realization comes in. as if he was a popcorn, from a thinking face to a bright and huge grin, "i love y/n!"
then the next day, luffy immediately sprinted to your manor once school ended and clung onto you the entire time. you melted at luffy's hug as you nuzzled into his hair, "what's the occasion, luffy?"
he looked up with a huge grin, as usual, but something about it feels different as if lovesick.
"i love you!"
you almost fainted, but then, "i also love you!~" you squished luffy into a hug and the two of you are officially together.
ace and sabo started hugging their little brother. "i'm so proud of you, luffy!" sabo cried out making ace cry out also, "I thought you'd be forever alone!" from that comment, sabo hit ace on the head.
nami then stepped up, "that's so cute!" then her aura changed, "but that doesn't explain how you have a black card." she puts her fist on luffy's cheek and grinds against it.
"y/n gives me money also!"
that made nami cry in envious while she beats luffy up.
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a/n: feels a bit rushed but eh. i like this concept and might do more on it, this one just felt rushed because today is the deadline (luffy's birthday).
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whumpsday · 1 year
I get that noble vampire families are Like That and they're what your story focuses on but. How about commoners families? Are they more Normal TM?
Thinking how humans used to keep chickens and pigs and other animals for food until fairly recently (we still do, but most of our meat comes from big farms and not like, a family keeping chickens and eating only what they raise), but still they befriended them/grew attached. And thinking about so many humans eating meat without thinking/purposefully ignoring the fact that they are eating a creature that was killed for them, technically.
Since commoner vampires generally eat bagged blood, are they the same level of being "unaware" of the fact that human blood comes from humans? How would a working class vamp react if they randomly inherited a human from their distant eccentric uncle who died with no close relatives/heirs?
(Apologies if you've been asked this before and for any mistakes in your lore - too many vampire media makes it hard to keep track)
Also sorry if this doesn't make much sense - I have acute brain wormitis tonight
great questions!!! :D sorry you've activated Fantasy Politics Mode
it varies! just like you'd find more conservative and more progressive people anywhere. nobility culture just tends heavily toward conservativism, and while vampire culture at large tends to be more conservative than whatever humans have going on, it's much more balanced outside the nobility, even among non-noble upper-class vampires (though in any society obviously you'll find more progressives in the working class).
more... 'traditional values' type vampires might have a mindset like "vampires are inherently superior to humans and it's fine for us to keep them as livestock", while liberal vampires might have a mindset like what you were talking about with how humans ignore the cruelty of factory farms because chicken yummy (this is the reason jim goes vegan post-escape. he can't help but think about it, now.) these two would probably be the most dominant mindsets.
much less common, but more progressive vampires (like bellamy) might have the mindset of "this whole thing is fucked up" and try to only drink ethically-sourced blood, if it's available to them. which it might not always be, depending on the vampire's location and how much money they have to spare. vampires are definitely all aware of where their blood comes from, but those that don't keep their own humans don't really have to think about it unless they choose to.
the scenario of a working-class vampire randomly inheriting a human from a rich distant relative is fascinating! obviously it'd depend on their personal political beliefs, but the fact is that there's a reason vampires without a lot of money don't tend to keep captive humans- they're expensive! humans eat a LOT and if you don't feed them properly, you're not gonna get all your nutrients either. like, think about how much a human spends on food for themselves vs food for their dog or cat. humans eat a ton! they take a lot of upkeep to take care of! it's cheaper to buy blood than keep your own human, because the blood factories can feed humans in bulk. so if the eccentric uncle didn't also leave behind a sum of money, probably gonna have to either sell the human or let them go, depending on the vampire's personal moral standing.
but if the eccentric uncle did leave some money too, this vampire could keep the human. could go a number of ways. keeping and using the human as food, trying that for a bit and then feeling guilty and letting them go, just letting them go to start with... possibilities are endless. but now i am very intrigued by the idea of a vampire caretaker inheriting a human, taking care of them until the long-term effects of persuasion wear off, and letting them go free.
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leffee · 6 months
What do you think the los crew eats like?
Oh, I'm very happy to talk about this, food is always a good topic and I actually have a lot of thoughts about it. We'll start withhh hmmm Zoe! So,
Zoe - she's basically very careful with how much she eats, not necessarily what though. She doesn't have any calorie limit set, she just tries not to eat too much and it actually works for her. She says she prefers salads to meat, but it's not exactly true. It's not that she dislikes salads or fruits or vegetables, no, but she likes meat way more than she claims. When she gets cravings they're more times about meat than sweets. She doesn't eat a lot of sweets and refuses to eat chocolate, half because of this diet of hers, half because she's genuinely just not that into them. One more thing: she loves trying different cusines, she'd much rather go to a specific country-themed restaurant than a fast food place for example.
Minka - like Zoe she likes trying out different cusines, but she has a few favourites, especially mexican, so she's a bit more picky in that way. However, picky in general she is not, willing to try almost everything at least once. Her favourite taste is definitely sweet, so: cookies, cakes, chocolate, etc. Bonus points if it has banana in it. She really likes baking, cakes yes, but her guilty pleasure is baking bread, especially banana bread. She usually improvises at least a bit when baking, adding more or less than the recipe requires, or some extra ingridients. Really likes fast food also and basically anything to drink that is colorful.
Pepper - basically anything that is deemed unhealthy is her favourite lol, fast food, pizza, ice cream, etc - stuff that you expect to be there when going out to a busy city area. Mostly into salty foods but she also likes sour and can eat that without grimacing most of the time. Genuinely doesn't enjoy most vegetables, a bit better with fruits. She actually appears quite picky in the food department when compared to the rest of them. Oh, but no matter what they're eating she's always willing to "borrow" food from others. Food always tastes better when it's somebody else's :].
Vinnie - I will squeeze him here because him and Pepper are honestly quite similar when it comes to what they like eating. If he could eat fast food for the rest of his life he would, and if, you know, he had enough money for that because that shit be expensive. It's honestly probably the only reason why he (and Pepper) don't have any nourishment deficits etc. They're both gonna get fat once their metabolisms inevitably slow down, lol. When it comes to fruits and vegetables he has a few things he can eat, more fruits, but not a big fan. He tries eating spicy stuff at least once in a while to increase his tolerance for those, because when he's at Sunil's he usually has spicy stuff and he really wants to eat everything Sunil gives him. It works decently actually. He also can eat edible insects (duh), it's not his favourite food or anything, but he can, especially to surprise someone. He can eat them all if they're prepared correctly, the only insects he refuses to eat are cockroaches. His favourite are silkworms and crickets. Just like Zoe he loves meat, like a lot, could not become a vegetarian if he tried.
Sunil - he knows what he likes and is rather reluctant to try new dishes. His taste is basically a mix of indian and american cuisine. He genuinely loves veggies, and yes, he prefers them to meat or anything else, really. While Zoe might lie about how she likes salads oh so much, he genuinely does love them and all those similar things. Basically the kind of person who will go out to McDonald's and order a salad, hehe. Big, big ice cream enjoyer, eats them no matter the season, the weather, etc. Of course, also a big spicy food enjoyer and spices, condiments and herbs in general. Also, really likes Minka's banana bread specifically. And mango, stands to reason.
Russell - I honestly always thought of him as not having any strong opinions on most foods or tastes. He's chubby, yes, but he actually doesn't eat all that much, Vinnie genuinely eats more than he does and Vinnie's a stick. So he's fine with almost anything, least picky among (us) all of them, the one limit he has is just not too eat too much unhealthy stuff at a time. He drinks more than he eats; coffee, tea, juice and water. However, sometimes he gets craving for one specific thing and then he really needs to eat it. It's very random, sometimes it's apples, other times it can be pepperoni pizza. He can also eat few kinds of edible insects, less kinds than Vinnie but there are a few. Well, he can, but he really never does, because if there's an option to eat something else why would he eat literal insects?
Penny - her favourite taste is definitely sweet, it's very dominant in her, no other taste comes even close to how much she likes sweet stuff. So a big sweet tooth. She refuses very few things, but she has her favourites, knows what she wants and would rather not eat anything she's not already familiar with. She's also a big fan of sugary drinks, but tries to drink the suger-free options, they taste the same to her, so why not? She knows what she wants and does like making her meals herself if she has time: cooking, baking, or anything else, because she knows how to do it to hit her taste the right way. If it's bought ready it's just not the same.
Anyone else hungry now?
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frenziedslashers · 1 year
Wait, do you hunt for sport?
Nope! I hunt because I have six little brothers and getting a $35 deer permit where I get to keep all the deer meat is a lot cheaper than buying a whole cow or pig! We also raise chickens for the same reason (Eggs are expensive lmao). My dad is the one that goose and duck hunts, and he normally gets about his money met on that! Waterfowl hunting is a lot more expensive in my opinion and I personally don't have as much fun. Deer hunting I go with my grandpa so it's also a bonding experience for me.
I also have a very sensitive stomach. So, we always get our meat either locally from farmers and ranchers that we know. Or we hunt it because processed foods make me super sick. I'm pretty sick right now because I ate out all weekend and I've been paying for it the past two days with a horrible stomach ache.
I hate it when people solely hunt for sport unless they are still using all of the meat and the deer. We keep the liver, tongue, heart, and some other internal organs for fishing (catfish love them), and then the rest we leave in the field we got the deer for the wildlife to eat. Then the fur we donate to an organization that makes gloves and coats out of them for homeless veterans.
We always make sure that we are using all the meat and never hunt for sport. My great grandpa since he is a vet and a senior, he gets his permits for $5 during deer season. So he shoots extras and he gives them to families that he knows don't have a lot of money. It helps out a lot since deer season here is right before the holidays so they are always super thankful.
I do hunt though. Hunting is an important part of keeping deer and waterfowl populations down. Along with other animals that are allowed to hunt. If there are too many of said animals then they will cause a domino effect. Deer will eat all the grasses. Waterfowl will eat all the grain and destroy fields. It'll become a huge issue that will not only affect their own species but other species around them that shared their food source or used their food source to hide. So, that is why I hunt. I do it for food for myself and my family and also to help keep the population down so overpopulation does not occur.
I do work for Game and Parks, and I am studying to become a Game Warden/Conservation Officer and a Wildlife Biologist. So if you ever have any questions about it, feel free to ask. I love answering all of them :))
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fairycosmos · 2 years
Therapy is so mentally draining and also kinda a fucking scam unless you find a really good one. Paid an arm and a leg for 2 sessions only for the therapist to just kinda sit there and listen to me try to recount all my trauma as quickly as I could hoping for some kind of validation and wise insights to reassure me that I’m not a fucking freak. Group therapy might be better at least that way there’s people who can relate to u.. idk I hate my brain it’s a fuck. Stupid pain meat.
hey i'm sorry you had such a bad experience :( that fucking sucks. the price is absolutely crazy, sometimes it really does seem like a scam. i feel like there are a lot of uninvested, bored, boundary-less, money-hungry, agenda-ridden "professionals" in the field, which makes it feel like fucking hell to navigate sometimes. esp when you're already at your wits end. i get you, it really is expensive as hell and also so so emotionally tiring that simply shopping around for therapists certainly isn't as accessible or as easy as people make it out to be at all. but i will say that when you feel ready, both mentally and financially, i hope you know that it's an option you can always return to until you find what clicks, even if that process isn't as linear or as as simple as just trying on different therapists for size.
like, i haven't been in therapy for months now for basically the same reasons as you, but i'd already quit it once before going back again. and i noticed that every therapist works so individually, the dynamic is always going to be super unique depending on who you're talking to so like - i'd almost try to see it as getting a whole new form of treatment each time you go for it, rather than viewing it all as one nebulous blob of Therapy. because idk, it sounds dumb or whatever, but there is so much contained within that word, so many different avenues toward finding the version of help that will be compatible with your brain, finding the right person who can give it to you. and communicating with MH professionals about your pain/trauma does get better the more you do it, doesn't exhaust you as much, so at least there's that too. it's not hopeless, it's just hard unfortunately.
though it is like sorting through trash to find treasure, and obviously your frustration/sadness is totally justified. maybe that's all anecdotal, but what i am 100% certain of is that you're not a freak - especially for dealing with mental health issues. no matter what they look like. you could pluck 5 people off the street and i'm sure at least 3 of them would have thoughts and issues that mirror your own in some way. therapists have heard it all before, but as patients we feel like we must be the only ones who've ever lost it in this exact way before, since we don't get to see others in their most vulnerable state very often. but i think if we did, there'd be some common ground. sounds like group therapy could be really good for you - they're often a little cheaper, too. i hope you're able to look into it at your own pace. proud of you for getting help in the first place. that's fucking huge, you're doing way better than the stupid sack of meat in ur skull is allowing you to see. sending you a hug. <3 x
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pascal-oswell · 1 year
fighting for my life to post this on tumblr apparently. anyway dante and faust go shopping
There was no real reason for Dante to invite Faust to come with him. He's always done the grocery shopping by himself. It can be a lot to carry at times, but he's always managed- and anyway, he wouldn't want to trouble any of his sinners with something so trivial. (Rather, he wouldn't want them to think he can't even do this much on his own.)
Despite that, Dante saw Faust just sitting there on his way out, not visibly busy, and the invitation spilt out of his non-existent mouth before he could stop it. She looked up at him then, staring silently. She was no doubt as conscious as him that he'd never asked anyone to come with him before, and that he did not even provide an explanation as to why he was inviting Faust now, too embarrassed of having done so in the first place.
And yet Faust only shrugged and stood up.
"I suppose me coming with you would make the process a lot more efficient." And with that she walked past him, "Let's go," and out of the bus.
Dante is thankful she didn't ask him for an explanation. If she had, he's not sure sure he could have come up with anything but the truth, 'I wanted to spend time with you'. But perhaps she already knew that.
He freezes as Faust walks over to him.
"There's no need for such expensive meat."
"I know, but..." He looks down. "I thought Rodion would enjoy it. She doesn't really like the usual meals..."
Faust sighs. "That woman just loves to complain. The meals provide sufficient nutrients already." She shakes her head. "Besides, if you indulge her once, she won't stop asking for more."
"I understand, but..."
"Also, we can't afford it with the allotted money."
Dante's silent for a minute. Then he suddenly perks up, taking out his wallet to check its content.
"Well, that's fine. I'll pay for it with my own paycheck."
"... You really shouldn't."
"It's alright! It'll be just this once. Just a little treat for her!"
Her manager is too kind for his own good, Faust thinks.
"Oh, they sell that tea here..." Dante splutters upon checking the price. "... Of course Hong Lu would have such expensive tastes..."
"... Dante..."
Dante places the box of tea in his bag. Faust knows he is not getting paid enough for this.
"Faust, do you know anything about fishing?"
"Of course I- Dante." She gives him a blank look. "Ishmael does not need new fishing equipment."
Dante can only weakly protest as Faust drags him away from the shop before he can squander whatever's left of his paycheck. He won't have anything left for himself if she doesn't stop him.
"Let's see, that... should be everything."
"Indeed. Shall we head back?"
"Yes, just... actually, hang on a second." Dante stares at the shop opposite of the one they just exited. "Do you like chocolate, by any chance, Faust?" He knows she likes sweets.
"Mh?" Faust turns to him. "I do, but why-" He begins to walk away and she realizes too late he's heading towards a chocolatier. Her eyes widen. "Dante!" But he's already inside. She chases after him.
Running in, she finds Dante already holding a box of fancy looking chocolates. "Dante, I don't need anything," she quickly breathes out.
Dante looks down, gloved thumbs rubbing against the box. "I'm sure you don't, this is just... I merely wanted to thank you for accompanying me today."
Faust furrows her brows.
"You don't need to buy me chocolates for that. A 'thank you' would be more than enough."
"Perhaps, but..." he trails off, unsure how to word this. It's just that, surely chocolates would make her even happier, wouldn't they? She always looked just a little bit brighter whenever he brought her pastries. She even smiled, sometimes, when it was just the two of them.
Dante merely wants to see her like that again, but he would never say so out loud. At his silence, Faust sighs.
"I appreciate the sentiment, Dante, but I've already watched you spend far too much of your money on others today. Save whatever you have left for yourself." She tilts her head. "Isn't there anything you'd like to buy?"
"Well, right now, I'd like to buy you this box of chocolates."
"... You know that is not what I meant."
"What's the difference, though? It'd make me happy, if you got to enjoy these sweets." He straightens up, looking at her. "Isn't that good enough?" He sounds more confident.
"... I suppose."
"Then I'll be buying these."
Faust silently watches as Dante walks up to the cashier to pay for the chocolates. She could argue further, and could certainly list a number of things that'd be more beneficial for him to spend his money on. But she won't. She understands it wouldn't be the same, not to him.
It's just like him, really, to believe making her happy just for a bit is so worth it. Her manager is nice like that. Caring. That'll probably get him hurt, one day. It's not a good quality to have in his position. Or ever, if you ask her. ... She would not trade him for anyone else, however.
He hands her the box and they leave the store. Faust looks up at the sky, feeling strangely relaxed all of the sudden.
"So, Dante. How much do you have left now?"
"Um..." He checks. Faust hears a loud ticking noise. "I'd... rather not say."
She huffs, amused. "I see." She already has a rough idea, knowing how much he earns and how much he spent today.
Dante just stands there for a bit, feeling sheepish.
"... Shall we-"
"Dante." Her gaze is still fixed on the blue expanse above.
"Are you familiar with this town?"
He pauses. "I mean... I remember Vergilius' debrief, of course. But I'd never been here before, if that's what you're asking. Why?"
"Further down this road, there's a large park, the pride of this town. Most would say it is beautiful."
"That seems nice."
Faust finally looks at him once more. "Would you care to accompany me there, before we head back?"
"Oh! Of course!" Dante sounds surprised. But happy. The idea sounds lovely. "I didn't take you for a nature enjoyer, though, I must admit."
"I'm not." She can appreciate it just fine, of course, but she does not actively care for it. "But I believe you'll like the place."
He stills, processing her words. His fire burns a bit brighter.
"Faust, you... I don't need-"
"Are you truly going to argue with me after today?" She raises an eyebrow. "Or do you doubt me, perhaps?"
"O-Of course not!"
"Then, surely there's no issue?"
"There... there isn't, but-"
"Then let us go." She turns, waiting for him to follow. She looks at him over her shoulder. "You'll enjoy it, I promise." There isn't a trace of doubt in her voice.
"I... Thank you, Faust."
"Thank me when we actually get there." Still she smirks, the corner of her eyes crinkling in amusement. There's an unmistakable hint of fondness there that makes something in Dante's chest flutter.
For someone so happy to care for others, he isn't so used to others caring for him. Faust kind of wants to help him with that.
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Advice or I think I just need to vent.
I live with my family (20yrs) and I'll be honest the house can feel cluttered a lot of the time. My room isn't relaxing if anything I just feel like a lazy slob in my own bed. My sister and I have shared rooms our whole lives and I have a cat who stays in my room as well. It's tight, cramped, and every bit of space has to be shared.
I don't eat meat or dairy and often times when I try to be healthy or I guess just, find what's good to eat the fridge and cupboards are filled of chips and snacks and meats and everything else. So sometimes being in the kitchen feels useless. Of course I buy my own groceries but I don't know. I guess I could be being unfair on that bit.
I just feel so lazy and unsure of what to do with myself. I'm twenty years old, not in school, and I still live at home. I still share a bed and a closet and bathrooms and brushes and face washes. I don't feel like an adult or as someone who can create my own space.
Awhile back my father fixed up the back shed to be hung out in but it's hardly liveable as it is despite both my parents thinking otherwise. Spiders constantly get in, rats, dust and cobwebs. The door is made of rotten wood and the walls have dents too.
My parents always talk about moving they have for years about getting out of here and I know it's not their fault but everytime they do I know it's just an empty wish. There's over 9 people in this house, both my parents had some health scares, and the side bedroom roof just collapsed in. There is no 'new house' coming. It didn't 9 years ago and it won't now. My younger siblings don't even have their own rooms they have to share with my parent's. The only one who's ever had his own room is my brother.
I just want to have my own room and my own things and my own goddamn fridge! I want to cook when I want to and watch what I want to and hell even be comfortable in my own clothes when I want to without having to worry about everyone else.
I recently got a job as a barista, the pay is nice and I enjoy making the coffee, but I just genuinely want out of this house. I don't want to live with my parents and brothers and sisters and family dog anymore. I just want to pack up me and my cat and find the first apartment I like. No roommate. No one. Just me and my own space.
I don't have enough to move out and rent is so expensive these days but I just feel like I'm in a constant state of suppression. Only when the sun has gone down and everyone is asleep do I really feel comfortable. But it's also not reasonable for me to feel so huffy either.
I want to be on my own but not alone if that makes sense. I know I sound like a child but I don't know how else to put how I feel.
- Olivia
Hi Olivia,
It sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with your living situation. You've been going through a lot. It's understandable that you want your own space and privacy, and it's okay to feel that way.
If you'd like some advice, there are some suggestions on how you can approach this situation. The first could be to start saving money. If you want to move out, you'll need to start saving up for a deposit and rent. Create a budget and see how much you can realistically save each month. Looking for affordable housing options could also help. Keep an eye out for affordable housing options in your area. You can also look into roommate situations or shared living spaces if you're open to it.
It may also help to communicate with your family, and talk to your family about how you're feeling. Let them know that you want your own space and that you're working towards saving up to move out. They may be more understanding and willing to help you out.
It could also help to create your own space. Even if you can't move out right now, you can create your own space within your room. Try decluttering and organizing your space to make it feel more relaxing. You can also add some decor or plants to make it feel more personalized. Additionally, you could consider finding ways to have privacy. If you can't have your own room, some alternative could be having designated times where you can be in the living room or kitchen to yourself. You can also try going for walks or finding other places outside of the house where you can be alone.
Remember, it's okay to want your own space and independence. Take small steps towards achieving that goal and don't be too hard on yourself. If anyone else has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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darth-lemoncupid · 1 year
🖊 + Emma!
so happy you asked! especially because a good chunk of my (now) 80 hours of playing is literally dedicated to my darling sith warrior. i played liffessia today and wasn't feeling it as much (but it may also be because i'm tired).
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anyways i think she's so pretty (the game doesn't run at a higher resolution rn because i don't want my computer to die running its fan).
anyways, here are some things about her (certain things).
sweetest tooth to ever exist
sweets can be expensive and desserts are very laborious to make. because of all the money and time and effort it takes into making them, she rarely had sweets as a child. as an adult, she eats anything sweet left and right. does not matter what. she's willing to try any dessert or sweet at least once. quinn finds it very concerning how much sweet things she eats.
everyone's asian mom
in that she's always cutting fruit when she can. to be fair, it's a habit. she used to work in the kitchen and spent a lot of time cutting fruit. she does love fruit, all kinds. but her taste in fruit can get quite expensive because she was restricted from eating these fruits as a child. not that she can't enjoy the simpler fruits but having access to wealth meant she could eat the fruits she was previously not allowed to eat. emma's favorite fruits are mango-like and dragonfruit-esque fruits native to eria, her home planet, as well as a fruit with a similar texture to a korean pear.
forget rations
emma very much has a preference for cooking, considering that was part of her labor as a servant. she would often go out to markets to buy the fresh produce and meats used for the meals that day. so when she can, she prefers to cook. it's time consuming yes, but the ship smells really good afterwards. although no one is allowed in the kitchen when emma's cooking. she almost stabbed quinn and pierce when they came in.
too many branches
the nymeria family is a big family. her grandfather, xandtris, had a good amount of children. six to be precise. three women, two men, and one child. emma is the child of the third child and secondborn daughter: carielia. all of her aunts and her uncles and her pibling are married with children so she has plenty of cousins. and then her mother also married and had kids, so she has half-siblings as well. she's the only child of her father, eddie. (so basically i have to visualize this family tree now)
cousins are awful
many people ask emma how she got her scar. from a brutal battle? did a smuggler attack her at an erian market? what about a hostile acolyte? the story is actually much sadder. when one of her cousins decided to take out his emotions on her father, who had done nothing but be a faithful servant, she had to step in. because of emma's defiance, her cousin cut her face. that was also the first time she used the force, force choking her cousin. it's not a bad scene to imagine, force choking someone while there's blood running down your face. but the scar became something her cousin constantly demeaned her for. "how can you be sith when i was able to cut you so easily?"
family heirloom
xandtris's daughters decided not to dedicate their lives to being sith. so when emma fell into his hands, he decided to turn her into the sith his daughters decided not to be. thus, he passes down onto her a ferronnière-esque headband with a metal ornament. it was a symbol of the sith women in their family.
battle scars
for a few years after getting her scar, emma would put cosmetics on it in order to hide it better. you could still tell it was there, but she was able to color correct and blend enough that it reduced its presence. it wasn't until she got to the sith academy on korriban did people tell her to stop hiding it. it was a symbol of pride, a symbol of being sith before she knew she was sith. so she stopped covering it up with the encouragement of her peers.
first love
before becoming sith, emma actually had a long term, healthy relationship with her childhood friend prialik. a red twi'lek boy, they interacted a lot as children while working on the nymeria estate. their relationship lasted a good four years, with her scarring and the revelation of her true parentage happening a year after they got together in secret. a lot of people are surprised to learn that emma had a relationship in general considering that she appears to be very career oriented. quinn was surprised to learn this and so was vette (it was something to tease her lord about). they grew distant as her grandfather started training her to be a sith and prep her for the sith academy on korriban. to be fair, not exactly their fault (that's kind of what happens when you have an asshole for a grandpa). emma used to skip her sith lessons to be with her boyfriend. but she stopped after her grandfather threatened to kill prialik. in turn, her grandfather gave the young twi'lek man a large sum of credits to use to start a new life and find his mother and sister. so like anyone, prialik took the money. he left emma at their spot, where she waited all night for him. they were supposed to spend her last night on eria together only for him to not show up, paid by her grandfather to basically break up with her. she left heartbroken and was given the advice to use her heartbreak as a fuel for her anger and hatred. but emma could never hate prialik, her first love.
gentle beauty
emma was considered a gentle beauty among the nymeria estate on eria whether it's from other servants or the people at the markets that saw her almost every day. she was known to be softspoken, have a light touch, and have soft hands. she also had long hair, often put in a hairnet or tied up. she didn't cut her hair until the morning she was supposed to leave for the korriban sith academy, deciding to enter the new stage of her life with a different look. after all, sith weren't supposed to look gentle and soft, right? even with her scar, lots of people on eria acknowledged her gentle beauty. the main issue now is that she's changed. she's changed a lot.
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