#and I hope he can make adjustments to the rig just like he wants
drabblesandimagines · 3 months
Dove (part seven)
Leon Kennedy x female reader (bodyguard trope and the slowest, slow burn I swear)
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Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part five. Part six. Part seven.
A tense knot has formed right between Leon’s shoulder blades – can feel it pull when he tilts his head side to side, but it doesn’t seem to be loosening. Can’t even blame it on sleeping on the sofa cos he hasn’t laid down to sleep since the call with Hunnigan, stays sat up right. He’s athletic, he can jump up to his feet from horizontal but it’ll add a second or so to his reaction time and he’s not taking the risk.
He's on edge and he doesn’t like it. The ball of anxiety in his gut has saved his life more times than he can count, but it shouldn’t be necessary in this situation, should it? He’s set up in a safe house, literally off some beaten track in the middle of nowhere – location chosen and distributed by encrypted software so, technically, no-one in the DSO knows where he is either. It’s rigged up to the heavens with security measures - cameras, alarm systems, motion detector - explosion-proof windows, reinforced doors, all topped off with his favourite array of weapons in the duffel bag, currently resting by his still booted feet.
The objective of his mission hasn’t changed after the intel he’s received, that some foreign agency has had access to the CCTV feed for who knows how many hours before they were cut off. He should feel reassured that the quality of the footage was awful – it was only by how many times he’s encountered Lickers that he could even tell that’s what the creatures were when he’d be presented with the grainy images. He didn’t see the footage of you being rescued, but it would be a cruel kick in the gut to find that feed had been HD.
He lifts an arm – his left, keeping his right arm free, his accuracy is better by millimetres with his right – and rubs the knot, hoping to relieve the tension. It's not 100% confirmed they are looking or will be looking for you either, but why would anyone link up to the CCTV circuit if not to check on the outcome of their operation?
His immediate thought had been to up the frequency of his perimeter checks, one every two hours. He could do that at night, sure – military training taught him the correct and most efficient techniques to power nap – but in the day it would be harder without worrying you about what’s changed.
You wanted updates. Hell, you were entitled to updates. But he wants to give you good news, doesn’t wanna add to the weight on your shoulders with what could be nothing. It’s stupid, he knows it’s stupid, but in these sweet domestic moments the two of you have been sharing, he’s been pretending it’s something else – friends watching television, cooking a meal together – the sweet smiles the two of you exchange, but it’s all ripped apart the moment he has to do his checks. He can see the worry settle on your face then, a reminder of where you are with the flick of the safety off his gun and the twist of the lock as he goes outside to conduct surveillance.
Speaking of, his phone beeps for his next circuit on the building and he’s up on his feet in the blink of an eye. He pats his cargo pocket out of habit for the keys on the walk over to the garage door, but finds himself pausing outside your bedroom, his eyes focusing on the handle. You should still be pretty under with those sleeping pills – note to self, he’ll need to start weening you off them from now on, far too easy to get addicted. It wouldn’t hurt to just… check you were okay, would it?
No – that’s what you’re here, why he’s here – to protect you.
It would just be doing his job.
He presses down on the handle and slowly opens the door, breath caught in his throat. It takes his eyes a moment to adjust to the dark, the lamp in the living room not quite reaching as far as your bed, but eventually he can make out your face – as peaceful as he’s ever seen it.
You’re on your side. The position doesn’t look like it would be comfortable with your arm still strapped up in the sling, but it’s testimony to how well the sleeping pills are working. Your other arm is up by your face, hand clenched in a tight fist around something. He steps forward without thinking, curious what it could be.
Your fingers are gripped tightly around his watch.
And there’s a pain in his chest that feels like they’re gripped around his heart as well.
That settles it - he’s not gonna tell you about the hacked CCTV feed. He will tell you that Hunnigan hasn’t searched your place yet, that they’ve restarted the surveillance department – she’d asked him to ask you if you knew anything about the servers since they were appeared to be working from square one – but that was it.
Leon steps back with unnecessary caution, leaving the bedroom as silently as he entered and shuts the door with a soft click. He takes a deep breath, pats down his pockets again and heads out to circle the perimeter.
And, just like after you kissed his cheek, he does it twice.
You wake up after another peaceful and dreamless sleep, though it still takes a moment to remember where you are as you stare up at the unfamiliar ceiling. You wonder if tomorrow you’ll not experience that flicker of panic, just get up and accept that you’ll be picking today’s outfit out of a selection of clothes that you’re not sure if anyone’s worn before you.
You feel sore, as seems to be becoming the norm, but with unusually stiff fingers on your good hand. It seems you’ve clutched Leon’s watch all night. You’d fallen asleep quite quickly – all thanks to those sleeping pills – but you remember looking at it when you’d first got in the bed, the seconds ticking by lulling you to sleep. The fact that you’ve held it for so long reminds you of when you were a kid and snuggled up with a stuffed toy for comfort, except instead of something soft and cuddly, it’s what appears to be a top of line timepiece. There’s a lot of information contained on the face of the dial but there’s the time is the only one you really care about – 0906.
You get to your feet, raising your good arm to a grunt of protest as you try and run your fingers through your hair in lieu of a mirror. Huh, that pain’s new. Your hair is definitely due a wash now, but that’s an issue for later. You pull on a pair of sweatpants one-handed – you’ll be a pro soon, you’re sure of it – and put Leon’s watch in the pocket for safekeeping. It’d be difficult to try and navigate the door handle with it still gripped in your good hand and you’d hate to scratch it up.
You open the door cautiously – you hadn’t seen Leon asleep yet, but he must do at some point. Maybe you should offer to alternate the sofa and the bed? Though you have a feeling that he’s far too much of a gentleman to accept.
Or there’ll be something in the rules that prohibits that.
There’s no danger of waking him though - the agent in question is performing sit-ups in the middle of the living room floor, facing the other way. Muscular arms behind his head as he lets out little puffs of exertion at the exercise, alternating sides as he twists.
Wary that you don’t want to be caught staring, you shut the door with more force than necessary behind you and greet him with a smile when he looks over his shoulder.
“Morning, Leon.”
“Dove!” He doesn’t even sound out of breath. “Morning. Sleep okay?” He jumps up to his feet before taking a couple of steps over in your direction. There’s a grin on his face at the sight of you – makes you feel giddy.
“Yeah, thanks. How about you?”
“That’s good. Yeah, I slept fine.” He nods. It’s not a lie – he did sleep fine for the position he forced himself to maintain all night, despite the slight crick in his neck.
“Is that how you usually start your mornings?”
One of the arms you’d been admiring goes up to rub the back of his head again. “Kinda. I usually go for a run, but…”
“But you can’t leave me on my own.” You finish, smile dropping a little. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be - I’m not.” He drops his arm back down, casting an eye over a watch that’s not there. “Hey, you hungry? I can get breakfast started. Oatmeal again?”
“Sure.” You nod, fishing his watch out of your pocket and holding it out to him. “Thanks again for this. It was nice to wake up and know the time this morning.”
“Don’t mention it. You can, er, you know, keep it. If you like.” He can’t get the image of you fast asleep last night, clutching it close to your face. He knows it was most likely the sleeping pills meaning you’d just passed out with it in your hand more than anything deeper, but, hey, a guy can pretend.
“I’ll be okay, I can get the time off the TV during the day.” You hold it out again with insistence. “But maybe… maybe I could have it for the night again?”
“Deal.” Leon hastily agrees, his fingers brushing yours as he takes back the watch before fastening it around his wrist. “Breakfast coming right up.”
You take the opportunity to duck into the bathroom as he heads towards the kitchen – your heart warmed once more by the sight of the blob of toothpaste sat ready and waiting on your toothbrush.
“And, finally, oatmeal.” He places it down on the coffee table, alongside your coffee, a glass of water and your morning dose of painkillers.
“Thank you.” You lean forward to pick up the spoon, smiling back at the face that Leon’s drizzled in honey atop your breakfast again.  
“Nah, pleasure’s all mine.” He calls over his shoulder as he picks up his own bowl from the kitchen. He hesitates for a second, before choosing to sit the other end of the sofa to you, rather than the opposite one.
“You know, I don’t get to do this very often. It’s nice.”
“Mm,” you swallow a spoonful of oatmeal. “Thought you said you’d been in lots of safe houses.”
“A fair amount. But, no, not that part. I mean, eating breakfast with someone.” “So…” You stir the spoon around the bowl, hoping it might prove a perfect segway into something you’d been wondering. “..there’s no-one at home for you?”
“Me?” He seems to scoff at the idea. “Nope.”
“Me neither.”
“Yeah, I figured.” He replies casually, before his blue eyes widen in alarm at how it might come across. “
“I mean, just by the fact that you hadn’t mentioned anyone at your apartment that morning and you hadn’t asked any of those sorta questions, you know, if they’d been told about what happened, where you are...”
He’s flustered, feels like he’s really putting his foot in his mouth this morning. He can take the lead in the interrogation of some of the world’s most despicable humans, for goodness’ sake, he should be able to talk to a pretty girl.
“Yeah, I figured.” You tease back and he swears he feels the weight lift off his shoulders.
The two of you eat in silence for a moment when curiosity gets the better of you. “So, you didn’t eat breakfast with the… others?”
“Nope.” His tone is firm as he recalls some of his previous charges. “Certainly didn’t make them it either. Trust me – they were nowhere near as nice or as deserving of my protection as you are, Dove.” The comment makes your head tingle.
“It’s all been people ‘realising’ how deep they’d sank but only grew a conscience to save their own skin. Hell, you might have even performed surveillance on some of them. A lot of criminals finally show backbone when they realise their time is running out.”
“Well, I’m glad to make a change – both for sharing breakfast and …safe house occupancy with.”
“A nice change,” he mumbles, but you still hear.
After breakfast, you go to shower and Leon sets himself to task with the dishes once again, says he did his last perimeter check before nine. Removing the sling proves trickier than yesterday – when you go to tug off the Velcro your opposite shoulder smarts with a similar pain of that morning, causing you to hiss through your teeth, something which the painkillers from breakfast don’t seem to have alleviated.
You step into the cubicle after undressing – the hot water immediately somewhat soothing on your bruised shoulders but you still struggle to get what you now deem as your good arm high enough to even entertain the possibility of washing your hair.  
You try and avoid your reflection in the mirror when you dress, though you know you’ll have to confront your hair at some point. Unfortunately, you catch a glimpse – a greasy mop sat upon your head that makes your heart sink.
There must be a trick to it – other people must wash their hair one-handed all the time, but maybe they can lift an arm above their head. If you were home, you’d go to a salon, you think – an expensive you would deem necessary for your sanity.
A thought flashes across your mind – a ridiculous one. Leon is already doing so much for you, surely this would be completely over the line.
But you could… ask, couldn’t you? The worst he could do was say no, it would be awkward, and maybe there’s a hat in the duffel bag you’ve yet to discover.
You open the bathroom door, but don’t make to step over the threshold. Leon looks over from the sofa – dishes now drying in the rack besides the sink - and clocks your hesitation.
“Need a hand with the sling?”
Are you really going to ask him this?
You’ll break at some point - you know you will, so why not get it over with now? You’re a regimented two-day wash kinda girl and it’s day three. Not to be completely vain, but you’re covered with bruises and cuts, dressed in less than flattering clothes that aren’t yours and it would be nice to feel somewhat decent about something in your appearance.
Especially with the handsome company you’re keeping. Hell, Leon could be a model, a hair model too. There’d been shampoo and conditioner in the shower and you certainly hadn’t used it.
“Dove?” You’ve taken too long to reply again, getting stuck in your spiralling thoughts.
“I know this isn’t what you’re here for.” The words tumble out of your mouth before you can think further.
“Okay…” Leon's eyebrow is raised, a curious smile now fixed on his lips as he gets to his feet.
“And say no, obviously. Please. Just… I’d like to wash my hair.” You drop your eyes then – maybe it’ll be easier if you talk to your feet rather staring into his kind eyes?
“And I’d… You know, I’d go to a salon and get it done there if we weren’t… here.”
“You’d like me to help you wash your hair?” There’s a tone of amusement or maybe disbelief in his tone.
Hearing him say it aloud makes you doubt the entire exercise, your heart begin to pound at your stupidity. “Sorry. No, I don’t know what I was thinking. It was stupid to ask-“
“Hey, no, it makes sense.” He soothes, immediately wanting to ease your frustrations. “You can’t lift your arm above your head, right? My fault for not thinking about that.”
You look up then, seeing the sincerity on his face – like it truly was his fault that you couldn’t wash your own damn hair.
“I can do that, Dove. I don’t see why not.”
“Are you sure?”
“Mm-hm. As you said, if you were anywhere else right now, you could go to a salon and whilst I can’t promise their quality, I seem to do all right with my own.” He shrugs. “You thinking over the sink?”
He doesn’t know why he asks – it’s hardly like you’re going to ask him to get in the shower with you.
Is it?
“I think so.” You look around the living area, though you’re well acquainted with what feels like every square inch of it now. “Though it might be a little awkward since we don’t have any chairs.”
He snaps his fingers. “Nah, there might be one in the garage, actually. Lemme check.”
He barely makes it into the garage when his cell vibrates in his pocket – one new message from Hunnigan.
Any server information for me?
Leon finds the folding chair nestled at the side of the washer and dryer and hesitates over the text back.
He’ll wash your hair – seeing how torn up you’d been about even asking him had made him feel awful - then he’ll give you the updates and ask about the servers.
He picks up the chair and tucks it under one arm, swiftly typing out a message on his cell and clicks send.
Not yet – Dove’s still asleep.
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Part eight.
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kingprinceleo · 20 days
HI LEO!!! FnW shadow constantly rotates in my brain i literally cannot get this fish out of there << guy who is obsessed with creatures
do you have any fun little snippets of info abt him? like maybe something abt his biology or habits RAGHH SORRY I JUST THINK HE IS SO COOL ABSJHD!!!!!
HIIIIIIII RAHHHHHHHHHHHHH FISH MENTION !!!!!!!!!! lord hes swimming in my brain all the time... everytime i drink water its for Him actually, it goes up into my fishbowl skull i said it before a while ago ! but his biology is a gene splice of a bunch of marine life gerald thought would make a good lifeform ! so hes got traits of a bunch of critters, nautilus/squid propulsion via his quills and tail (though his quills dont snap shut *as* fast as his tail), flying fish back fins, jellyfish chest patch, lionfish poison in his mandibles and his 3rd 'eye' this is from a barrel eye fish and his color and feathers, and the fact that his body can become jelly enough to morph his legs into his tail comes from the blood belly comb jelly !!!
as for habits ! hes a weirdo as always dfshjbshf. he doesnt like land people bc they try to claim the sea, he especially hates things that harms the ocean. mass fishing operations, oil rigs, he'll tear them to shreds and has no problem with eating the people who were there. hes only around 100 years old but hes become infamous incredibly fast for being a ruthless creature that cannot be reasoned with! he also speaks solely with his mind, no one is sure if he can speak with his voice, or if he has one at all !
he lives very deep in the ocean almost entirely isolated, having some kind of setup i havent thought through fully ! but hes got a chaos emerald at all times with him :]! and while he is intelligent, he tends to just let himself Be Creature because he wants to! marine mobians have sophisticated methods of hunting, farming and cooking ! but he just swims around and swallows fish like a whale dfjhjhdg he bothers knuckles down in angel island regularly !! knuckles can punch so hard bc shadow used to let knuckles just punch him all the time out of annoyance, shadow used to never feel it, but now knuckles can hit hard enough to move shadow slightly ! hes also just a prick as ever sdfhhj, but hes so large that very few people ever pick a fight with him, so when he does meet a challenge hes so ready to fuck shit up >:]]]] sadly for him it never lasts long, until sonic and co i regularly think of a race scene between him and sonic, sonic on land and shadow in the water. hes so sure hes gonna win but sonic pushes thru and beats him and i . scream. he also is a very special boy and gets to communicate with Chaos regularly! he is unironically one of my most well adjusted shadows and it makes me laugh you prob know a lot of this stuff already but i hope i said something new for you !!!
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sjhhemmings · 4 months
Evermore Pt.1
Intro: hi all💫, so I’ve been wanting to write a long series for a while now, but i wanted to establish a footing/ platform with one shots and other content before I attempted this 🥰🥰. I got this idea from watching Chicago PD, it might be a little overused but this is my take on it. I’m hoping for this to be 15-20 parts😅? We’re still in the planning phase so some things are still undetermined. What i’m hoping for is that you guys can give me some feedback/ ideas of what you guys want to see happen, so feel free to let me know in the comments! My messages are also always open! I hope you all enjoy! 🥹💋
Major Character Relationships: Hank Voight/ Daughter!OC, Gabby Dawson(bff), Erin Lindsay(sister/bff), Jay Halstead(bff), (Who she ends ups with is TBA, but she has multiple relationships/ hookups ;)
Love interests: Jay Halstead, Mouse, Connor Rhodes,
Summary: Cassidy Voight is the daughter of ‘dirty cop’ Hank Voight. Cassie takes pride in her multitude of skills and opportunities resulting in her abilities to do (almost) whatever she wants career wise. When Cassie makes the decision to change careers (again), she will soon find out how loyal her ‘friends’ truly are. This story will follow Cassie and how she adjusts to her ever changing connections and relationships.
word count: 2.7k
wattpad: sjhhoran
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The date is October 24th, 2012 and Cassie couldn’t have asked for an easier shift. 2 hours away from clocking out and absolutely no calls.
Cassie basically held a knife to everyone’s throats once they got halfway through shift. She couldn’t have anyone jinxing them. Not this late in the game. Threatening them one last time before she decided to turn in, she made sure to get extra comfortable.
But all good things must come to an end. Sleeping like a baby in the bunk room, Cassie gets woken up by the call alarm. Just her luck.
Jumping up in a rush, Cassie sleepily shoved her boots on and ran her hand through her hair.
As Cassie ran out to the apparatus floor, she heard an asortmant of sarcastic remarks towards the candidate. Of course he was the jinx.
“Nice goin!” , “Thanks a lot, Candidate.” , “Great job bud!” Most of Truck 81 said as they were gearing up.
“I knew I shouldn’t have fallen asleep.” Cassie said tying her hair back into a low pony before putting the rig in drive.
“Hey, at least you get to test out your new paramedic certification!” Gabby cheered enthusiastically.
“Yeah, yeah, but you’re still my PIC and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.”
“Oh my heart!” Dawson playfully adds as they pull up to the scene.
Analyzing the car wreck in front of them, the girls jump out of the rig and into action.
“This isn’t going to be good,” Cassie says quietly to Gabby as they wheel the gurney to the worse car.
“Happy Birthday.” Gabby mutters back making Cassie’s heart drop. Immediately recognizing the car that’s better off, Cassidy begins cussing under her breath before directing her attention back to the people in need.
“61 to main, we’re gonna need another ambulance.” Cassie calls into her radio once they arrive at the car that’s currently upside down.
After a lot of hardwork, and multiple scares, Cassie and Gabby finally get one of the more stable victims to the ambulance.
“Hey Dawson?” Cassie asked anxiously after shutting the door.
“What’s up? We gotta go-”
“My brother was in the accident. I’m gonna guess he was driving the other car, would you be able to take this one back to the hospital? I really need to see him Gabby. I can catch a ride with truck or squad when we’re done-”
“Thank you. So much.” Cassie says running towards the other car she saw her brother step out of.
“What the hell happened!?” Cassie yells shooing off the officer currently trying to talk to him.
“Ma’am, we need to-” The officer tries to butt in,
“Back off!” Cassie yells earning a stern look.
“3 minutes.” The officer says warningly.
Taking a step closer to Justin, Cassidy pulls his shoulder so he’s fulling facing her. Immediately catching the stench of alcohol on Justin’s breath, she freezes.
“Justin!” She whisper yells finally getting eye contact from his end.
“What?” He asks through gritted teeth.
“What the hell happened?” She asks again hitting his shoulder.
“Just- Get out of here! I d-don’t need you, and you’re s-stupid pep talks right now.” He slurs belligerently.
“You’ve been 21 for two weeks Justin. Two weeks, and you can’t even drive sober on my birthday!? What if you were the one half-dead, hanging upside down over there, hm? You think-” Cassie stops talking at the swift thwap ringing through her ears.
Feeling her hands now on the ground, she registers the stinging metallic taste in her mouth. After a few seconds of gathering her thoughts, Cassidy stands up straight. Touching her bottom lip and looking at her fingers, she realizes she’s the one bleeding. Blinking a few times, Cassie looks back at Justin who’s face is truly blank. Unreadible.
He hit her. He fucking back handed her. Cassie looks down at the class ring on Justin’s right middle finger, now laced in blood. Chuckling a little at his audacity, Cassie turns around slowly because she can’t look him in the face right now.
It all happened so much faster than the slap. She didn’t even feel herself wind up, but she did feel the connection of her fist with Justin’s nose, Justin who is now knocked on his ass. Solely because he’s drunk and doesn’t have much balance. Stopping at the 180 mark that Cassie threw her body in, she goes back around bending over holding her fist.
Looking slowly at her hand that is now purple and swollen Cassie lets out a slow hiss. Probably broken.
“Hey Lady! What the hell!” The officer from before says picking Justin up and walking him over to a nearby bench.
“Cassidy!” She heard an all too familiar voice call out. Too busy nursing her hand to truly turn around and give him the time of day she settles for rolling her eyes.
“Cassidy Jordan!” The voice calls out again, but this time closer and still approaching.
Finally standing up and looking at her father, Cassidy frowns once she meets his eyes.
“What the hell is going on!” His raspy voice yells, making her slightly wince.
“Over here. Now.” He says more quiet this time and walking away. Mindlessly following him Cassie begins walking.
Expectantly looking at Cassidy once they’re in a more private location, Voight eventually scoffs.
Still giving no reaction Cassie frowns at the ground.
“Don’t give me that.” Voight says pointing a finger at her.
“I didn’t even do anything!”
“Right, and your busted lip and probably broken hand lives up to that huh?” He asks with a raised brow.
“Justin is drunk off his ass and caused a car accident, yet you’re over here scolding me for retaliating in self-defense?” Cassie asks trying to turn this around of her father, unsuccessfully.
“I know what Justin is, but you know better. What were you doing over there anyway, didn’t your partner leave?”
“Yeah. But I wanted to check on him at least. He’s a screw-up but he’s my brother that’s a screw-up.” She says crossing her arms and looking away.
“Look. I know this is not the most ideal way to spend your birthday, I get that-”
“Do you though? Do you get that? Because for all we know, this could’ve been reversed and Justin’s car could’ve been the one hanging upside down off a pillar.” She says back at her father.
“Yes. I do know. I will handle it, Cassie.” Voight says unconvincingly at his daughter.
“He fucked up. He’s been 21 for two weeks and this would be considered what? His fourth or fifth DUI? He’s been on this road since he was 15! But this time don’t forget the possible vehicular manslaughter if either of those victims die!” Cassidy finally screams at her father.
“You need to stop.” He says looking around at all of the eyes on you guys, despite being in a private location.
“You need to do something about this, or I will.” Cassie threatens.
“What do you mean, you will?”
“I’m working this scene Dad. I have to make an incident report. You need to let the cops take him in now, or I will say everything that needs to be said in that report. Your choice.”
“Cassidy, you will do no such thing. Do you understand me?”
“You need to let him learn! You can’t be there everytime he screws up to save his ass! He isn’t going to change knowing Daddy’s going to bail him out everytime he gets in trouble. We both know it, so help him.” Cassie finally scolds leaving Voight speechless. It’s not often his daughter talks to him this way.
As Cassie starts to walk away, her father’s voice stops her once again.
“Don’t do anything Cassidy. I mean it. I’ll take care of it.”
Pausing in her steps at his words, she lets them sink in until she keeps walking.
Finding lieutenant Casey to ask him for a ride, she stops behind him and the cop from earlier.
“Look. Detective Voight, behind me - the guy in the jacket. That was his son driving the car.” Cassie overhears the cop tell Casey.
“Voight? Like Cassidy Voight?” Matt asks not knowing you’re behind them.
“Yep. Can’t tell you how many incidents that detectives gotten his kids out of.” The cop now says walking away making Cassie roll her eyes. The only thing Hank Voight has bailed Cassie out of was shoplifting a chapstick in the 6th grade.
“Hey, Lieutentant Casey? Can I catch a ride with 81?” Cassie asks startling Matt out of his transe.
“Where’s Dawson?” He asks now walking away from the car and Cassie.
Quickly following behind, Cassie catches up to him.
“Um, she took one of the crash victims to the hospital. I stayed behind.” She says not disclosing anymore information.
“Hop in.” He says once they reach the truck.
A few days later Cassie still hadn’t heard from her father or her brother, and at this point she didn’t know what to do. Once she got to the firehouse though, she needed to figure it out.
“Voight, Casey, my office now.” Chief Boden said causing the pair to briefly glance at each other before following Boden into his office.
“I don’t have either of your incident reports from the crash last shift. Is there something I need to know?” He asks causing them to glance at each other again.
Before either of them were able to say anything he pointed to his desk, “Get it done. You have until the end of shift.” When Boden glances away from them, Cassie takes this as her chance to leave.
“Cassie, wait up.” Casey said calling after her.
Cassie finally stopped in front of Casey’s room and waited for him to lead the way.
“Okay, you need to explain,” Matt started as Cassie stared at her shoes.
“I don’t know what to do.” Cassie finally whispers, voice slightly breaking.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I love my brother and my father, don’t get me wrong. They’ve been my only family my whole life. Especially since my mom died 10 years ago, but I can’t help but feel so guilty for the other family.” Cassie finally breaks. Tears flowing down her face, Matt stood up to give her a hug before she pushed him away and wiped her tears.
“I told my dad that he needed to do something this time. He couldn’t just bail Justin out, Justin needed to learn. I told him that if he doesn’t then I will, that I will write the report and submit it as the truth. But he shut me down. I don’t know what he would do if I did, I can’t do it, Matt.” Cassie finally says looking up at him.
“Cassie, yes you can. If we both tell the truth in those reports then that family can finally get justice.” Matt said sitting back down at his desk looking up at Cassie.
Taking a few seconds to let his words sink in. Cassie realized she can’t betray her family like that.
“No, Matt, I can’t. I want nothing more than to bring justice to that family I really do. But I can’t be the reason my family breaks. Call me selfish, but I can’t bear the pain of being shunned by the only two people I have left. I’m sorry Matt.” Cassie finally says leaving him speechless. Then leaving his room.
A little while later, Cassie went to go talk to Boden. To tell him the truth and maybe ask for a little advice as to what to do. But to her surprise when she came to his office. She found Detective Antonio Dawson, Matt Casey, and Boden all having a little chat. Knocking on Boden’s door, he glanced at the Lieutenant and Detective before waving her to come in.
“Cassie,” He started but was quickly interrupted by her.
“Chief, I want you to know I’m on your side. I know what kind of things my father has done to bail my brother out of his idiotic mistakes, and I don’t support it. But you guys sitting here and gossiping about my family is a new low. If you guys are planning something, I at least need to know.”
“Why? So you can turn around and tell him everything?” Antonio speaks up earning a glare from Cassie.
“No. So I can help you guys do it right.”
“And why don’t you help? You know what really happened so report it.” Boden says making Cassie glance back at him.
“Look, call me selfish, but they’re my family. My only family. I can’t in good conscious turn my brother in and have my father hate me, but I can’t in good conscious let that family suffer from my brother’s wrong doings. Let me help you guys. That way justice is being brought for that family, and my brother finally gets punished for his actions. But not because of me.” Cassie finally says crossing her arms over her chest.
“Alright, well a buddy of mine who works out of Voight’s precinct said nothing’s come up in witness statements.” Antonio says
“So you’re trying to tell me no one else saw his kid drunk.” Boden adds making Cassie bite her lip anxiously.
“Hell yes, other people saw his kid drunk. But they were other cops who weren’t about to go up against Voight.” Antonio
Still listening Cassie opts to pace in the open part of Boden’s office. It’s what she does when she’s thinking.
“Well I would rather my guy not be the only one with his head above the foxhole on this one.” Boden says to which everyone agrees with.
“Look, and I’m not proud to admit this, but if Gabby were in your shoes for this one. I would tell her to stay out of it.” Antonio says now looking at Cassie.
“The passenger in the other car isn’t going to walk again.” Matt speaks up with news Cassie hadn’t even heard yet.
“Antonio’s right. Going against my father is a death wish. But it needs to happen. Justin is…Justin is sick. He needs help. I think this might be the only wake up call he’ll be able to have.” Cassie finally admits making herself tear up again.
At that a call for Ambulance 61 had Cassie rushing out of the room with an anxious feeling eating her from the inside out.
“Greg Duffy? I guess he was in a car accident the other day that you guys responded to?” Nicki comes in and announces to everyone in the common room. Cassie and Gabby had just gotten back from the call, to which Gabby ignored her for the majority of.
Peaking Cassie’s attention she gets up and follows everyone else out to the apparatus floor.
“Sorry to barge in on you like this, but my wife made this for you guys. We really appreciate what you did. And we know damn well it could’ve been worse If the car had tipped over, so thank you.” Greg says making Cassie’s heart sink as she looked at the beautifully homemade chocolate cake he had in front of him.
“How’s your son?” Matt asks looking over at you then back to Greg.
“Yeah, well…Mikey’s got a tough road ahead of him. But we’re gonna make it. We’re gonna be all right.” He says sorrowly looking down at the fresh cake his wife had baked for them.
“The other reason I came here is, I don’t know if theres anything you guys do in terms of what you saw, or piece together, based on what the accident scene looked like. But, the police report came back saying I ran a red light causing the accident. And uh, that’s, that’s not what happened, and I’m kind of at a loss in terms of how to fight it.”
At Greg’s words, Cassie knew what she had to do. She couldn’t be selfish any longer.
With Casey in Boden’s office they both finished their incident reports with Boden to proofread them after.
“Last paragraph.” Matt said as both him and Cassie hand Boden their papers.
“Visibily drunk. Smelled alcohol on his breath. Saw open containers on the passenger seat,” Boden said looking at Matt then taking Cassie’s paper.
“I can assume it’s around the same thing for you?” He asks to which she quickly nodded.
“Yes sir.”
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Ship: Steadyhands x Reader Request by @bbygrill18! Notes: My very first request!! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Featuring my favorite boys helping afab!reader with period cramps. I decided to stick with gender neutral pronouns so everyone can enjoy! (Hope that’s alright!) Warnings: mentions of blood/period things, some implications of Y/N being treated poorly on past crews (nothing more severe than canon)
You woke up feeling like you had been stabbed. 
Well, shit.
There go your plans to have a lovely day with your lovers.
You weren’t sure if it was better when you knew it was coming or when it was a shock. On the one hand, when it came slowly, you could plan ahead. But it also meant that the anticipation loomed over you like a knife. When it came quickly, you couldn’t plan but you also couldn’t dread it. Honestly it sounded like one of those annoying choices where you didn’t actually have a real choice. Between a rock and a hard place.
Of course your preference didn’t matter to your body so when you’d woken up this morning with a familiar dull ache in your abdomen, you hadn’t been able to plan (though considering that you’d been on cloud nine ever since starting a relationship with all three of your crushes, you probably wouldn’t have been able to plan all that well). 
The first time you’d gotten your monthly after moving into the captains’ cabin with your lovers and of course it had to be a bad one of course… And you already knew it would only get worse later in the day.
 It took a tremendous amount of willpower to wriggle out of Ed’s arms and away from Stede’s warmth and the soft silky sheets. Both because of how much they both cling to you in their sleep (adorable) and because you really wanted nothing more than to curl up in their arms for the foreseeable future. Izzy, being the workaholic he was, had long since woken up. Ed whined under his breath as you made your escape and you paused just long enough to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Sorry love.” 
You all but ran into the bathroom. Sighing in annoyance as you gathered your things, you quickly switched out your sanitary products. (Of course as soon as Stede had found out about you, he’d gotten you all the best supplies money could buy, making sure to buy each kind since he didn’t know what your preference was.) You’d usually stay and eat with your lovers but you wanted to get some work done before your cramps got worse so you grabbed a quick bite of breakfast and then went on your way.
You knew that it wouldn’t take long for your partners to notice that something was off, but you could delay for a bit longer. 
Honestly you had no idea what to do. You’d been on different crews before joining up with the Revenge and back then you’d just work through the pain. Both because time off wasn’t a luxury you could afford and because you knew most ships weren’t too kind about women on board. On the rare occasions that it got unbearable, you managed to play it off as an illness.  
You'd have been able to just take a day or two off on the Revenge, courtesy of Stede’s generous vacation policy. But you usually just worked through it. You hadn’t been a pirate nearly as long as Ed or Izzy but you certainly knew how unforgiving the world could be about weakness. And even though you knew that you were safe here, it was a hard habit to break.
Izzy stared at you with a raised eyebrow as you walked on deck, clearly surprised that you were awake so early. He returned your overcompensatingly chipper “Good morning” with a mumble of “morning…?” which sounded confused enough to be a question.
You tried to ignore both him and the building throbbing pain in your gut as you went about checking the rigging and redoing a few knots.
You could feel Izzy looming. But you wanted to avoid the incoming conversation so you did your damndest not to think about it as you adjusted the rigging. As you finished that up you turned and nearly barreled into Izzy, who had apparently been looming over you this entire time.
“Are you alright?” His tone sounded closer to an accusation than a question but you knew Izzy well enough to know just from the look on his face that he was worried. “Are you sick?” He added before you could answer, glancing down at where your arm was wrapped around your midsection.
“Yeah, I’m fine! No worries.” You immediately dropped your arm, trying to make it look casual as you instead leaned back against the railing.
Izzy narrowed his eyes then, after a brief pause, grabbed you by the arm and all but dragged you towards the cabin.
“Izzy!” You yelped in surprise. You tried to pull your arm free but, while Izzy’s grip was gentle enough not to hurt you, it was unbreakable. You gave up rather quickly as you knew full well that in a battle of strength, Izzy would win so you allowed him to drag you into the captains’ cabin and all but threw you in.
Stede seemed to be in the middle of preparing breakfast while Ed was still huddled up in bed, only his hair and one arm visible from under the covers. Stede beamed at your sudden arrival. “Good morning, loves!”
“Morning.” You couldn’t help but smile when you saw that expression on Stede’s face. It was adorable.
You were all ready to drop the subject of your less than stellar condition but it seemed that Izzy was not. He stood leaned against the doorframe, notably blocking you in. “There’s something going on with them and they’re not telling me what it is. They might be sick.” He reported, the edge in his tone barely noticeable. “Do the talk-it-through shit.”
Stede’s face immediately fell and Ed’s head popped up from under the sheets. 
“Oh darling, come sit.” Stede patted the couch and smiled, concern clear on his face.
You sighed. “It's really not a big deal…” You waved your hands dismissively. 
“Pish posh!” Stede exclaimed and gently pulled you into the couch and pressed a cup of fresh tea into your hand. “If it’s bothering you then it most certainly is a big deal.”
You were about to dismiss again when you were suddenly grabbed from behind, a curtain of dark hair blocking your view as you tried to look around. Ed leaned against you from behind the couch. In a shockingly graceful movement for a man who had just dragged himself out of bed, Ed clambered over the couch and positioned himself at your side and wrapped his arms and legs around you. 
You were officially trapped. Well, honestly you had been since the moment Izzy had grabbed you but now with Ed clinging to you, Stede’s unfairly convincing smiles and Izzy guarding the door, escape had officially become impossible. You sighed and relaxed fully, accepting your fate of a rather awkward conversation.
Izzy still lingered by the door, though whether he was more worried about you running away or someone sneaking up on you while you were vulnerable, was hard to guess. It may very well be both.
Stede dropped down into a somewhat awkward squat to be on eye level with you and put his hands over yours on the cup. “Well love? What’s the matter? You know my rule on this ship. We talk it through…”
“As a crew.” You finished with a small smile. You resisted the urge to minimize again and just stated flatly. “It’s my time of the month and I’m in quite a bit of pain.”
You managed to avoid laughing when Izzy raised a brow and whispered a soft confused “That hurts?” to himself, seemingly genuinely confused. But your composure didn’t last.
Ed mumbled a sleepy “What time?” He buried his face into your shoulder and added, “Tuesdays? Bet it’s a fuckin’ thing.” You couldn’t help but snort at that. You were fairly sure Ed was grinning as well, probably hoping to make you laugh.
“Oh honey,” Stede soothed. “Is there anything I can do to help? What do you normally do?”
You sighed, gently sipping your tea. “I don’t usually do anything actually. Just do what I do everyday.” Poor Stede looked heartbroken. “Most ships aren’t all that excited to have a woman on board.” You reminded. “I couldn’t exactly say what was really wrong and if I was ‘sick’ too much I’d probably get tossed overboard for the trouble. What kind of ship would want a crew member who got bedridden every month?”  
Izzy hissed in sympathy. You had no doubt he’d worked through illnesses before. Even Ed clung to you a little tighter.
“That’s horrible, dear.” Stede sympathized. You shrugged in response. That was just how things were. “But you know that here you can take all the time you need.”
“You always make me rest. Rather hypocritical.” Izzy added.
“I know. I know. But it’s an old habit. Sorry for keeping it from you.” You responded.
“I could take a nap.” Ed mused. You almost rolled your eyes. Ed was the only person you’d ever met who could sleep for a million years and still decide to go back to bed when he woke up. “Might make you feel better?” He offered.
“How about a heat pack as well? They always seemed to help Mary.” Stede offered.
“Never tried one. I’d like to though.” You smiled lightly.
“I’ll get it.” Izzy jumped at the chance to help and all but ran out of the cabin, mission acquired.
You chuckled, finishing your tea. Stede was quick to take the cup. Ed, seeing that you no longer had a breakable cup in your hand was quick to stand, pulling you up with him. You yelped in surprise but were smiling. “Ed! Careful!” Stede softly reprimanded. 
Ed ignored him and curled up in bed with you in tow. He was quick to pull you up against him, being the big spoon for once. 
Stede stepped in and gently wrapped both of you in blankets. Stede planted a kiss on Ed’s cheek then yours. “You rest. I’ll get you something to eat alright? And some chocolate?”
“Chocolate.” You mused. “Yes please.” 
Stede smiled and left the room with a chipper “Be back in a moment.”
Mere moments after Stede left, Izzy returned. He’d been so quick you were wondering if he’d run all the way to the kitchen to get the hot water and the water skin. Knowing Izzy, he probably had. He paused just long enough to grab a very soft towel to wrap the water skin in and knelt by the bed so he could gently help you rest it against your abdomen. The heat was heavenly against your skin, the cramping going from painful to barely uncomfortable. You breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Better?” Izzy asked, almost hopeful. 
You nodded, “Much better.”
Izzy hesitated, his fingers twitching towards your hand from where they were on the bed. You took the initiative and grabbed his hand. He gently caressed your hand. “How badly does it usually hurt?” He asked, clearly still upset that you were in pain.
You tightened your grip on his hand. “Depends. Can be really bad or just annoying. Kind of feels like getting punched in the gut to be honest.” You admitted. “Sucks.” It honestly felt kinda good to vent a little.
Izzy sighed. “I have to go back on deck. Someone has to make sure those idiots don’t sink the ship.” Even though he said idiots, his tone was softer. You smiled, glad that he was warming up to the crew. “I’ll make sure to get you another heating pack when this one gets too cold.” With Izzy in charge of that, you doubted you’d have even a second of not having a good heating pack. “Ed,” Izzy addressed. “Make sure they don’t try to go back to work.” He was almost verbatim quoting you the last time he’d gotten sick. 
Ed grinned and released you with one hand just long enough to give a somewhat snarky salute. “Gotcha.”
Before Izzy could leave, you gently pulled his hand up to your lips, planting a soft kiss on his knuckles. “Thank you so much Iz. You’re the best. I love you.”
Izzy, just like he had the first time you had kissed him, turned every shade of red and stood up so quickly he nearly fell. He mumbled a mix of ‘thank you’, ‘fuck’, and ‘love you too’ and bolted. You chuckled lightly.
“And you always tell me not to tease him?” Ed mumbled into your neck. You could feel his breath on your skin. “Hypocrite.” 
You chuckled breathlessly. “How is it teasing for me to tell one of my boyfriends how much I love him? I love you too, of course. Is that teasing?” You teased. You adjusted, leaning against Ed more and hiding under the blankets.
Ed laughed and planted a soft kiss on the back of your neck. “Love you too.” The two of you sat in silence for a moment. “You know…” Ed broke the silence and you could tell from his tone of voice that he was about to be a menace. “We are all bloodthirsty pirates after all… If you’re still up for it.” It took you a moment. Then Ed said “Wink wink” out loud and it clicked.
“Edward fucking Teach.” You tried to sound disappointed in him but it was severely undercut by how much you were trying to hold back your laughter.
“What?” The menace in question replied, feigning innocence. He planted another kiss where your shoulder meets your neck. “You love me, remember?” He teased.
You groaned but laughed. “Of course I do, you menace.”
You relished the incredible situation you found yourself and could hardly believe it was real. Here you were, one of your lovers holding you, another fetching you your favorite food, and another making sure you were safe and bringing you heating packs. It was such a difference from all the times you’d been curled up alone on other ships that it may well be heaven.
A/N: Hope I did the request justice!
These ridiculous, adorable, and unhinged boys are so fun to write.
Extra Headcanons: You send the boys to get supplies (modern au)
Ed at the store, talking loudly on the phone, 100% seriously: Babe! I’m in the pad aisle, what size pussy you wear?
Hearing you laugh over the phone is 1000% worth all the weird looks
He makes a very interesting picture, decked out in leather with a thick beard and tattoos with a small pastel colored box under his arm
Stede, returns with a shopping cart full of products (he bought one of each size and brand): I wasn’t sure if the colors meant different things ( ; ω ; )
Also bought snacks, three different heating packs and probably anything else in the store that claimed to help.
Izzy, the only one who already knew what you needed since he spotted the box before and made a mental note, walking back to you with a death grip on the shopping bag since this is for you and you need it and trusted him to get it: *intense focus*
Modern!Izzy would complete any task that his partners gave him with the same steely determination as Canon!Izzy handling a raid
Would 100% stab anyone getting in the way of him getting you what you need
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chasingmidnights · 3 months
An Offshore Love - Part Four (Last Part)
Title: Till Forever Falls Apart 
Summary: Your job at The Jupiter is coming to an end and your life becomes uncertain, for once, you’re unsure of the future. 
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A/N: This is the final part of An Offshore Love. I hope you’ve enjoyed this little mini series as I’ve had fun writing it! Feedback is much appreciated with a comment or reblog! 
Warnings: First, this is 18+, minor DNI!! Warnings are included but not limited too: a bit more angst in this part; minor cursing; Lee being a bit of a prick; Ari Levinson (he’s a warning, okay!); mentions of broken bones; and I think that’s everything. I apologize if I missed anything but you are responsible for what you read and your own media consumption. I do not claim to be a professional writer, any and all mistakes are my own; nothing is beta read. 
Wordcount: 1,651
It didn’t take long for word to go around that you and Ari were a thing after you openly kissed him in the med bay. The next day, you found yourself in Bodecker’s office on a conference call with your boss, Carter Baizen and to say Lee was irate, was understatement. You couldn’t help but feel like a child who had been sent to the principal’s office. Lee’s nostrils flared as he sat in his plush office chair and glared at you from across the desk. You could hear the disappointment in Carter’s voice as he spoke. 
“I understand your concern, but technically, Baizen Oil Industries doesn’t have a policy against dating.” Carter said after Lee had just given him an earful. 
“Well, I still want her gone and off of my rig, she’s a distraction and her judgment has been clouded.” Lee barked back as he continued to glare at you. 
“If I may, my judgment hasn’t been clouded and besides my one small infraction, I have been nothing but professional amongst these men here.” You said as you tried to defend yourself, Lee scoffed at your statement and rolled his eyes.
You did your best to remain neutral even though you would love nothing better than to slap this horrible man right now. 
“I assure you, you have one of our best at The Jupiter right now and she has helped several rigs under Baizen Oil Industries get back into tip top shape. Surely, you’re not threatened by her being there, are you Mr. Bodecker?” Carter inquired as his voice came through the speaker phone.
You had to keep your mouth from dropping as you heard your boss practically defending you to Lee, and not just that, but calling Lee out on his bullshit. You could tell just by the look on Lee’s face that he was not pleased that Carter didn’t agree with him. 
“Look, how about this, I’ll send in all of my notes and I’ll even let Mr. Bodecker look over them as well. If either of you see any kind of biased opinion or favoritism, you can scratch all of it and start all over again with a new person.” You tried to offer as a compromise, hoping it would help. “And I’ll even throw in my resignation if there’s any bias found.” 
“I think that sounds fair, although I really don’t think a resignation is necessary.” Carter said after a brief moment of heavy silence. 
“Fine.” Lee grumbled as he adjusted in his chair. “But don’t think for a second I’m gonna take it easy either. I’ll be going through everything with a fine-tooth comb, no cuttin’ corners.” Lee barked before he reached for a piece of candy from his candy jar and started to unwrap it. 
“Then for now, this is settled, but I’ll make the final call.” Carter said in response and before anyone could say anything else, he hung up the call. 
A thick, heavy silence filled Lee’s office as the two of you sat there and stared at each other. More like glaring at each other, but either way, you couldn’t wait to prove this man right and show him that there was no biased opinion in any of your notes. 
“I want your notes as soon as possible.” Lee snapped as he popped the piece of candy into his mouth and started to suck on it. “You can go.” 
You didn’t say anything to him as you got up and left his office. When you got to the hallway, you were greeted by an anxious Jake.
“God, what happened? We’ve been sacked, haven’t we?” Jake bombarded you with questions as he pushed himself off of the wall to greet you. 
“Not exactly, at least, not yet.” You said as the two of you started walking towards the mess hall. 
When you got to the mess hall, you and Jake got some food before finding a table to sit at. As you walked through the cafeteria, you could feel people staring at you and heard them starting to whisper. You did your best to ignore them, after all, you did nothing wrong. When you found a table, you explained the situation to Jake and the more you talked about it, the more it gave you a headache. You were honestly just ready for this to be over and done with. Once you were done explaining, you let out a heavy sigh and took a long drink of your tea. 
“Suck a fuckin’ prick. There’s no way that they’ll find any sort of biased opinion or whatever bullshit that they’re going on about.” Jake shook his head with frustration. “Well, I’ll help in any way that I can.” 
“Thanks Jake, I appreciate that.” You said with a small smile, you welcomed Jake’s support and you were glad that he was willing to help you. 
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After you turned in your notes to Bodecker and your boss, you didn’t realize that it was going to take days for them to decide. Sure, Lee had said that he was going to go through it with a fine-tooth comb, but you thought he was just being dramatic. Boy, were you wrong. During those days, your duties were put on hold, so you found other ways to keep busy; which mainly consisted of working out at the gym that the rig provided. Jake tried multiple times to persuade Lee during those days, but he struck out each time, which didn’t really surprise you. Lee was a stubborn and hard headed man. You couldn’t help but appreciate Jake’s efforts and how he had your back during this whole debacle. During the days that you waited for Lee and Carter to make up their minds, you found yourself missing Ari and a lot. Ari had been put on temporary leave because of his broken arm from the incident and was sent back home to recover. You wished that he was still here, he would probably be able to put your mind at ease through all of this.
A lot of times, you found yourself lost in thought about how everything turned, but honestly, you wouldn’t change a thing. Even if you lost your job, meeting Ari was worth it in your opinion and being his simply felt right to you. And even if things didn’t work out between the two of you, you wouldn’t change a damn thing. So, when you found yourself back in Lee’s office, you had your mind made up. Lee and Carter had been going back and forth for at least a good fifteen minutes, going over everything. Every time you tried to interject, they would either talk over you or completely dismiss you.The longer you sat there, the more frustrated you became and you couldn’t do it any more. 
“I quit!” You exclaimed during a short pause between Lee and Carter.
“Excuse me?” Carter asked and you could hear the confusion in his voice. 
Lee looked a bit stunned but that slowly turned into a pleased, smug look on his face. 
“I quit. You can call for a boat, or a helicopter, or hell, I’ll swim back to shore, but I quit.” You repeat yourself, a bit fed up at this point. 
“I’m sure that’s not necessary, but if you’re ready to leave The Jupiter, we can certainly arrange that for you.” Carter responded, you were unsure but it almost sounded like he was worried. 
“Certainly, just tell me when you’re ready to leave and I’ll call for a boat.” Lee agreed, a smirk plastered on his face. 
“Great.” You said before getting up and leaving Lee’s office. 
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Your journey home seemed a lot quicker than when you were trying to get to The Jupiter. You thought about how everything was about to change in your life and for once, it was all uncertain. Jake tried to offer you words of encouragement, but they didn’t really help. On the journey home, you thought about Ari a lot and how you were so glad that you had gotten to meet him. Not just to meet him, but you were glad that you were able to hold him in your arms as often as you were able to. Even if things didn’t work out between the two of you, you couldn’t help but be grateful for the time you had with him. During that brief moment, he was yours and you were his. You wouldn’t want to spend a minute loving anybody else. 
Before you knew it, you were walking out of Baizen Oil Industries headquarters with a smile on your face and a weight lifted off of your shoulders. You stopped in your tracks though at the sight of a familiar face. It took a moment before your brain started to function again and you started to walk towards Ari, butterflies formed in your stomach with each step. 
“I don’t - I mean, what are you doing here?” You asked, still in disbelief that he was here. 
As he took a step forward, you noticed that his arm was still in a cast and sling. “I heard you quit.” 
You looked up at Ari, so happy to see those ocean blue eyes once again. “You heard correctly.” 
“Good, because so did I.” Ari said with a smirk.
“Well, good riddance then.” You replied, a sense of hope rising inside of you. “What now?” 
“Only time will tell, Rogue.” Ari replied before he leaned down to kiss you. 
You wrapped your arms around Ari’s neck as you kissed him back, you had missed the way his lips felt against yours. Sure, the future may be uncertain right now, but it seems that at least one thing was certain and that was Ari Levinson. With Ari by your side, you knew that you had each other and you swore to yourself that you’ll be his forever.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Dreamswept: Chapter One
Dreamswept: In which Dream’s imprisonment brings out his darker side. Y/N’s mother works for the Burgess’s as a nurse, and after stumbling across what is hidden beneath Fawny Rig’s mortars one summer, Y/N’s life will never be the same. A darkness has attached itself to her and no matter how long she is kept from the Endless in the basement, he has not forgotten her kindness and brief moments of comfort. No, he has not forgotten, and now he craves it. 
Warnings: None. 
To Note: Dark!Morpheus/Dream x Female!Reader, Inspired by 'Claiming His Queen' by @moonmaiden1996 (Go Read It!).
Word Count: ~2.5k
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Mother held your hand tightly in hers as she guided you down the winding drive to what would be your new home. The cab driver hadn’t wanted to drive you to the manor, the farthest he’d go was the drive which left you walking. You hadn’t quite understood why he didn’t want to just drop you off at the manor, or why he warned mother of taking a job for the likes of the Burgess’. Ever since mother had even thought to apply for the job people had been warning her of the dangers. What could be so dangerous about being a live-in nurse for an elderly couple out in the country? Perhaps it was an adult thing…
Your rucksack packed with your meager belongings banged against your side as your neck stretched to look at the beautifully sculpted landscaping that had emerged once you entered the grounds. Looming in front of you was a foreboding manor that was perhaps the grandest you had ever seen or been near. It was nothing like the small cottage mother and you had just vacated, nothing like the cramped space you were used to puttering around. There was room to play here… assuming that the owners were nice that is.
“Remember Y/N,” Mother said, squeezing your hand and looking down at you. “We are guests here, this isn’t home. We must follow the rules the Burgess's tell us strictly, darling, yes?” Your wide eyes looked back up into hers, and rather than the gentle eyes you were used to looking into, mother’s eyes seemed stressed and drained. “I want you to do everything the staff tells you to and obey the rules or we might not be welcome back.” 
“I promise to be good, mama,” You obediently responded, wanting to appease her nervous and tired state. “I won’t get in anyone’s way.” She squeezed your hand with a strained smile. 
“I know you will darling, you’re such a good child, Y/N, I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter.” Mother said adjusting her grip on your luggage. “This move will be good for us, I promise. It’s a fresh start and we shall make the best of it! Look at all this land we can explore…” Mother continued to jabber on about all the things you could do here in excitement while your eyes wandered. The manor was beautifully historic and you were almost afraid to be living in it, fear of accidentally breaking something. Your eyes caught sight of a figure in one of the windows of the manor. You blinked and they were gone. Strange, but you didn’t believe in ghosts and such nonsense. As you neared two heavy wooden doors, the right one was opened and a man dressed in a formal butler’s uniform appeared. 
“Madam Y/L/N, I am glad to see that you have arrived at Fawny Hall safely.” The man greeted with a polite bow of his head. “Master Burgess welcomes you and hopes that you and little Y/N have had a pleasant journey to his home.”
“Oh yes,” Mother responded brightly. She looked down at you and squeezed your hand. “Haven’t we Y/N.” 
You nodded and partially tucked yourself behind her, eyeing the man. He seemed nice enough, but after your stepfather, you were weary of any and all men. Mother chuckled and removed her hand from yours to pat your back. 
“Please forgive Y/N, she tends to be shy around strangers. I’m sure she’ll warm up to you soon enough.” Perhaps, but even so, you would still be wary. Mother looked down at you. “Y/N, this is Mr. Kingsley, he is the head butler here at Fawny Rig.” Eyeing Kingsley a little better you decided to be polite and aired out a ‘hello’. The butlers gestured to the open door. 
“Please, come in and I will get you and little Y/N settled. Master’s Burgess and McGuire are eager to meet you.” Mother tugged you along after Kingsley and passing into the grand manor, your eyes were everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It was beautifully decorated with antique furnishings and carved wood, you knew the house was old, but it had been cared for well enough to not have the oppressive mustiness. You couldn’t help but gape at the ornate wood carvings along the walls and stairs as you were pulled along. There were so many rooms and doors it was going to be a wonder not to get lost here. 
Brought to a staircase at the back of the manor, Kingsley instructed you to leave your things to be carried up to your rooms while you spoke with the masters of the house. When a cup of tea was placed in front of you by your mother and she picked up conversations with one of the maids, you stared at the cup, wondering if you should even touch it. It looked far too expensive and lavish to be used. 
“Y/N darling, you not like the tea?” Mother questioned, her eyes settling on your rigid body for a few moments. You blinked at her shortly before hesitantly reaching for the tea and taking a small sip. It tasted odd, but not in a bad way. You were just used to watered-down tea that was nearly flavorless. Mother couldn’t afford the nice brands. While you were distracted by the flavorful tea, Kingsley strode into the room followed by two older men, one carrying a cane. 
“Ms. Y/L/N and little Y/N,” Kingsley announced. “Madam, Masters Burgess, and McGuire.” Mother was up and out of her seat lightning fast, giving both men a light bow. 
“Thank you for giving me this job, Mr. Burgess, I cannot thank you enough for being kind enough to provide my daughter lodging.” Mother gushed out respectfully. One of the older men, the one with the cane, waved off her words with his free hand. 
“It is the least I can provide for you for what I have asked of you, Ms. Y/L/N,” Mr. Burgess spoke firmly. “Despite what rumors lurk in Wych Cross, we here at Fawny Hill are quite mundane and live a simple life.”
“We are glad to have you here to assist us,” Mr. McGuire added, placing his hand on Alex’s shoulder. “I’m afraid neither of us is as young as we like to think. Having a nurse so close will ease my worries… now, where is young Y/N? It’s been decades since we’ve had children running these halls.” 
Mother turned to you and gestured for you to come to her. You obediently slipped from your seat and walked over to her side, peering up at Mr. McGuire and Mr. Burgess. 
“This is Y/N.”
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“Y/N/N, darling, your mother wouldn’t like it if you came back covered in dirt and a mess!” Paul called out from the stone path that led to the manor. “I’ve already risked her wrath by letting you explore the new garden, please, do come back.” Rats. You hated when he used that tone. One would question the relationship between your mother and Paul because at times it seemed that your mother held all the power despite being employed by Alex. Sulking, you emerged from the hydrangea bush you had been hiding in. Paul sighed at your appearance. “Y/N…”
“What?” You exclaimed grumpily while crossing your arms. “I was trying to catch a frog! Almost had it too till you scared it off…” Paul chuckled in amusement at your pouting.
“Come along, we’ll see if we can sneak you in the back to avoid your mother,” Paul said as you slunk over to him with your lip in a deep pout. Walking back towards the manor, Paul eyed you for a moment before speaking again. “So? What kind of frog was it?” 
“Rana Temporaria,” You responded, kicking your muddy shoe out in front of you. “Still can’t find any of the Pelophylax lessonae.”
“Yes, well, they are thought to be extinct, Y/N,” Paul reminded you. You eyed him scrupulously. 
“Quite so, but thought to be extinct and are extinct are very different.” You huffed out, rubbing your hand on your dirty trousers. 
“Mhm, someone has been paying attention in her lessons at school,” Paul commented. You hopped up onto the short stone wall that paralleled the walkway and walked along it with your arms spread out. 
“It’s much better than practicing my letters,” You said, your eyes following a line of moss running along the wall. “All my teachers want to do is practice boring things, I don’t care about how neat my letters are or how fast I can read, I just want to learn.”
“Your letters and reading ability are skills which you must learn to build upon to perfect your knowledge for the future, Y/N/N, I know they are monotonous but they are vital,” Paul explained as you reached the end of the wall, he held out his hand to you, and taking it, you hopped down with a huff. 
“But it’s boring,” Paul chuckled at your complaint and walked you to the service entrance to the manor. He did manage to sneak you up to your room to change out of your muddy clothes before you were spotted by your mother. As luck would have it, your mother was currently overseeing Alex’s physical therapy session and was far too busy to be thinking about you. But that left you to wander around the manor up to your own devices once more. You decided to do some more exploring. Wandering through a random room, your eyes washed over odd-looking fixtures and antiques. Fawny Rig was filled with odd things, but it made it interesting to explore. Certainly when you discovered the sword display. 
Walking through a room with an altar, you meandered down the hall to see a door cracked open. You stopped short in confusion. That door was never open and it was always locked. Perhaps something had happened? Was one of the manor workers hurt and they needed the door accessible? Your curiosity had your feet moving forwards until you were looking through the cracked doorway. There was a set of worn stairs that led downwards. 
“Hello?” You called out, hoping that someone would be there to tell you what was going on. No one answered. Pursing your lips, you looked around while furrowing your eyebrows. Confliction filled your body until you couldn’t stand it anymore. “This isn’t right… no one will even notice that I’ve gone.” You slipped through the doorway, making sure to leave it open and padded your way down the stairs. Alex and Paul had never mentioned having a basement in Fawny Rig, and you had pestered them to tell you all about the old manor. Why hadn’t they brought it up? Paul loved to talk about the grounds and manor.
Humming to yourself, you ran your fingers along the stone walls as you went deeper into the basement and when you hit the end of the stairs, you squinted. Were those bars? This place was old, the bars looked old… maybe no one had bothered to remove them? Shrugging, you decided to head to the right as the lights were brighter in that direction. The stone underfoot turned into dirt and walking past a wall of bars, something in the corner of your eye caught your attention. Coming to a stop, you stared at a man who appeared to be trapped in a ball of glass. That wasn’t right. Your feet were scurrying forwards in a hurry. This must be why the door was open, there was a man trapped! Fast approaching the trapped man, sharp blue eyes settled on you. 
“How’d you get in there?” You asked in confusion. The man made no notion to answer you but you weren’t deterred in the slightest. “You’re trapped in there aren’t you… That’s why the door was open. It’s never been open before… always locked.” You placed your hands on the glass and looked around the bubble, there didn’t seem to be any exit. “Well that’s no good, how am I supposed to get you out?” A dark eyebrow arched inquisitively. You looked over your shoulder. If the door was open, then someone had gone to get help, you should probably go find them to see what was going on. You turned back to the man sitting patiently in the glass bubble. “I’ll go get help, okay? I’m not gonna leave you in there.”
Pulling back, you scurried away from the man in the bubble, rushing by the nearby table. This was all quite strange. Why would there be a giant glass ball with a naked man trapped in it in Fawny Rig? Feet slapping against the old steps to the ground floor of the manor, you crashed right into a closed door. Bouncing off the heavy closed door, you nearly tumbled backward down the stairs before catching yourself. You reached for the handle of the door and couldn’t open it. The door was locked. Why was the door locked if they had gone to get help? It was a perplexing thought you had to think about for a few moments until it dawned on you. There was a keypad to the right of the door, very high-tech for an old manor like Fawny Rig. Paul and Alex hadn’t told you about the basement because they didn’t want you down here.
This wasn’t an accident. 
You slowly made your way back down the stairs and approached the trapped man once more. This time you took more observation of the room. The desk to the right looked like a guards' station, and beneath the glass ball, was an odd red circle with a bunch of symbols. It all appeared to have aged.
“I don’t think I was supposed to find out about this,” You said honestly, standing awkwardly in front of the man. “How did you end up down here? You look like you’re a pri—” You cut yourself off, realizing exactly what this was. You were horrified and you were sure it showed on your face. He remained calm and collected as you panicked and fluttered in place, not knowing what to do. “But— but Paul and Alex are so kind, why would they do this to someone?” 
Voices echoed from the stairs. Your head swiveled in the direction they came from and you panicked yet again. You weren’t supposed to be down here, what would happen to your mother if Paul and Alex found out that you had come down here? You ran for a corner of the open basement, desperately looking for somewhere to hide. Your hands ran over the walls and occasional furniture, there had to be something you could hide in. The voices grew louder. Looking over your shoulder, you caught sight of a woman in a guard's uniform just as your searching hand caught something. Looking in front of you, you found that your hands had discovered a dumbwaiter. Thrusting the door up, You awkwardly climbed into the tight space and slammed the door down behind you.
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Date Published: 9/24/22
Last Edit: 4/3/23
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Hellooo again!
So I would love to get one of your 'imagine..' with the red haired pirates!! Where reader is a religious (Islamic to be clear) woman (I hope it's fine to be a fem reader) and has to cover up and she wears an abaya with her face covered and just how they would react you know? I am from an Islamic family myself but I am not covering up. Still I was curious to how you would do it! I hope you can do it and that it's fine.
If you don't want to do it just tell me!
Stay hydrated! <33
I'll try my best, please be aware I know little to nothing about Islam. So I know little of the etiquette and rules of Islam and y'alls head coverings. The stuff I know I learned from Hijabi TikTok, but that I suppose will make their reactions more authentic. I ended up doing a little research into Muslim veils. But please be aware, I'm not usually comfortable writing about religion, because ya know ✨ Religious trauma.✨
Imagine the red hair pirates with a Muslim crew mate
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You: *waiting in line at the mess hall to get food*
Shanks: *eating with his officers* Do we know why she wears that...covering?
Building Snake: She's Muslim, and their women wear veils and coverings like that for modesty, and privacy, among other reasons, for some it's a comfort thing.
Shanks: oh! Gottcha gottcha...what's the name of the garment?
Building Snake: I think that type is called a Burka, but there are other types of modesty coverings that I don't know the names of.
Benn: Hmm, it's pretty long, we should make sure there's nothing for it to get caught on out on deck.
Yassop: could you tell us more about their religion Building Snake, so we don't do something we're not supposed to.
Building Snake: sure thing,-
You: *praying the Salat al-'isha out on a clear unpopulated part of the deck*
Yassop: *was going to sneak up on and scare you, but he remembers that Building Snake told them about the five daily prayers, so he stops.*
Shanks: *creeps up behind Yassop and whispers in his ear* Are we going to scare her?
Yassop: *jumps and hisses* no! She's obviously praying, we need to make sure no one disturbs her prayers.
Shanks: *nods seriously*
You: *unknowingly obtains two guards*
LimeJuice: *helping Benn make sure there's nothing out on deck that your burka can get caught on*
Benn: *Notices you are not using a prayer rug*
In the next town
Benn: *asks around if this city has a mosque* Can I get some directions?
Grocer, who is also Muslim: Why do you want to know?
Benn: One of my crewmates is Muslim, and I know she's not going to find it herself because she gets lost easily. I also want to buy her a prayer rug.
Grocer: where does she like to pray on the ship?
Benn; out on deck, why?
Grocer: then you should also get them something waterproof to put under it, so the rug does not get dirty or wet.
Benn: that rug is that important? I didn't know, hmm alright, can I get those directions, sir?
That afternoon
Benn: oi (y/n), I heard there was a mosque in town, wanna go check it out with me?
You: okay, sure let me just finish with this rigging first, then I'll meet you out on deck.
Benn: sure thing, I have something to deliver to Lucky *heads into the kitchen* hey, I got what you asked for.
Lucky Roo: you got the list of Halal foods?
Benn: well apparently halal is like how you slaughter the animal. I wrote it down for you, could you make sure that everyone on fishing duty gets the information. *Hands him the notes he took*
At the mosque, which is empty
Benn: *adjusts the strap of the container he's carrying as he looks around the building* wow, it's much larger inside than it looks, and it's so cool in here.
You: would you mind if I pray while we're here?
Benn: of course not, would you like to do that first?
You: if that's alright, thank you *heads over to one of the niches*
Benn: hold up a minute *opens the container he's crying and pulls out a Persian rug and lays a soft subtly ornate prayer rug out for you to use* my lady, your prayers await you, I'll be waiting in the courtyard.
You: where did you get this?
Benn: The crew and I scrapped together some funds, and bought this for you from a local artisan.
You: you bought this for me, thank you.
Benn: pray *points at the rug* I'll be over here.
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247 notes · View notes
gummybugg · 5 months
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Oc Interview Tag for Darcy aka "The Tonight Show: Without Clementine!"
Tagged by these pals! Thank youu!:
@mysticstarlightduck here
@doublegoblin here
@asterhaze here
(gently) tagging people I hope haven't been over-tagged: @digitalsatyr23 @frostedlemonwriter @abalonetea @basalamander-corner @wrenofthewords @teawhilewriting @innocentlymacabre @zestymimblo @sergeantnarwhalwrites @new-royston-cursebreakers @murosakiiro @hghrules @rubywrite @anulithots & anyone who wants to have at it (say I tagged you!)
This is kind of a long read (I went above and beyond again oops). I also included info about more interviews at the bottom for funsies!
Censor warning: mention of alcohol, dead bodies, gore, and mild reference to animal cruelty
Now, without further ado, let's meet our 4th interviewee, Darcy, from my WIP Crater City!
Much to Darcy’s irritation, he was invited to this wonderful interview that is being televised in color for all of Crater City to behold. Or, at least to those who care. The setting is a bit different from the past interviews, its new setting reminiscent of a dating game show. A cream-colored set decorated with 60s motifs backdrops a tangerine chaise lounge on stage right and a podium covered in flowers on stage left. It is unusually devoid of life after-hours, but it is the only place suitable for such a high-demand guy like the mayor of Crater City. A live studio audience seems to have congregated itself, composed of the previous candidates: Jemmah, Blair, and Elijah. In the front-center row, they are chained to those foldable theater seats with poor lumbar support that eat your ass if you sit too far back. They are not allowed to get up until the interview is over. Because that would be rude. 
Darcy makes his way through a dark labyrinth of sorts (not unlike the back of an optometrist’s office), until he finally reaches the stage. The hot stage lights flit between colorful hues, accentuating his chestnut hair, navy suit, and elaborate tie. The live studio audience groans, but thankfully it can’t be heard under the fake cheering the host rigged. Darcy is instructed to make himself comfortable on the sofa, to which he crosses his legs like a respectable guest. Shortly, the Very Desirable and Well Maintained Host makes his way to his post behind the podium. The words “The Tonight Show Without Clementine” flash on the screen, accompanied by applause. 
Host: Thank you for coming to the show tonight!
Darcy: It’s about damn time. You’ve been putting this off for weeks, completely messing my itinerary up. I’m a busy man, you know. 
Host (adjusting tie): Apologizes!
Darcy (with a frigid glare): Shall we get on with the interview, then?
Host: ...
Host: Eh…yes?
Darcy: ...
Host: Uh, yes–yessir! Right away, sir!
[1.] Are you named after anyone?
Darcy: Am I named after anyone? (pauses in thought) No, not that I can recall. 
Darcy: But I believe I was going to be named Sydney. 
Host: You know, I can see it. 
[2.] When was the last time you cried?
Darcy: Excuse me? What kind of interview is this? 
(from the audience, Blair whispers something in Elijah’s ear. They snort. Darcy squints his eyes at them.)
Darcy: But if you really want to know, that's something I can't recall. 
Host: Oh, come on, you can be honest with me, Darcy. 
Darcy: No, I just mean that I physically can't cry. 
Host: And why is that?
Blair: Because he's a robot after all! DUN DUN DUN~!
Darcy: Ok, that is not even remotely the reason why. 
Elijah: Yeah, that's more my thing, Blair. 
Jemmah: What is going on here?
Host: I actually have no clue! 
[3.] Do you have kids?
Darcy: No, but that is something that’s been drilled in my head since I was younger. 
Host: Do you mind elaborating on that?
Darcy: About being told how precious my genes are and that I am an important asset to saving humanity? Oh please, that’s disgusting to think about. Have you no manners?
Host: Oh, I…I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pried. 
Blair (quietly): That’s fine, we don’t want your offspring anyway.
Darcy: What was that?
Elijah (sinking down in his seat): Blair!
Jemmah (suddenly with a wine glass): I’m not sure what’s going on here, but I’m invested. 
Blair (pointing at Jemmah): Yo, who gave him alcohol? I want some!
Jemmah: There was some on the way in, didn’t you see the huge sign?
Blair: What sign?
Darcy: It’s just like you to miss glaringly obvious signs. 
Blair (baring his teeth): …Say that again?
Host: Hey, everyone, let’s try to get back on track!
[4.] Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Darcy: I do; I think many people miss it. Which isn’t my fault. If you can’t detect it, that’s your loss. 
Jemmah (raising her glass): You and me, both. 
Host: Tell us a joke. 
Darcy: A joke? Oh, I didn't come prepared…!
Host: Oh, just anything’ll do!
(Elijah looks uncomfortable in his seat. Blair is half-asleep.)
Darcy: [censored due to censorship guidelines]
(Elijah, Jemmah and Host turn pale.)
Host: Ahaha, something pg-13 would be preferred, Darcy!
Darcy: Oh! Right, right…
Jemmah (whispering): I take back what I said.
Darcy (clears throat): What's the difference between a pair of jumper cables and a dead body? 
Host: Oh gosh…what?
Darcy: Blair doesn't keep a pair of jumper cables in his trunk. 
(The laugh track plays.)
Blair: Now, listen here! The only reason I don't have any is because I don't own that car! 
Jemmah: And you also didn’t stuff a body in your car…right?
Elijah: Then whose car is it?
Blair: I…rented it?
Darcy: The jokes just write themselves, don't they?
Blair & Jemmah: What's that supposed to mean?
Host: Uh-oh, things aren't looking good for Blair…
(Elijah shakes his head in disappointment. Jemmah is concerned for his own safety since Blair sits next to him.)
[5.] What's the first thing you notice about people?
Darcy: The amount of eye contact they make.
Host: Oh, really? What does that say about me?
Darcy: I was just kidding, I don't usually look people in the eye unless I must. 
Host: O-oh, yeah, right!
Darcy: But to answer the question, I notice how they carry themselves. If there's a certain word they enjoy saying or the cadence of their speech. The casual or formal way they act, the way they walk, who they surround themselves with…I learn a lot. I like to learn about others. 
(The host looks a bit troubled about the idea of Darcy getting a clear picture of him)
Darcy: Oh, don't look at me like I'm the odd one. Blair said the exact same thing as me in his interview!
Blair: True. 
Host: Well, what can you say about me?
Darcy: That, for some reason, you're scared of me. I'm not sure why, though. It's kind of insulting. 
Host: Oh, no–I'm not scared of you! 
Darcy: Yes, you are. 
Host: You're just…so…
Host: Well, I can't help but feel like I should be the one being interviewed! (Laughing)
Darcy: Oh, am I imposing? 
Host: No, I didn't mean it like that! Ah, forget what I said…
[6.] What's your eye color?
Darcy: Can't you see? (catching himself) Oh, I apologize, that was probably presumptive. Can you see?
(Editor's note: we are unable to tell whether or not Darcy is being sarcastic here)
Host: I…yes, I can, actually. It was just a question in the list. Aha!
Darcy: I'm just confused who came up with these questions, is all. 
Darcy (pointing to each eye): I've got a blue one in my left and a brown one in my right. 
(The camera zooms in on Darcy's face)
Host: Oh, so like that one famous musician? 
Darcy: Who?
Host: Ah, nevermind. That was a weird thing to ask. 
Darcy: If you're wondering, I was born this way. Human error. No big deal. 
Host: Well, I think they suit you just fine. They're enchanting. 
Darcy (plainly): You think so?
[7.] Scary movies or happy endings?
Darcy: A happy ending. 
Jemmah: I don't like the way he's grinning like that…
Host: Oh, really? Do you have any movie recommendations for us?
Darcy: A Clockwork Tomato and One Flew Over the Crow's Nest. 
Elijah: Those movies…don't have happy endings. 
Darcy: Depends on what you define as a “happy ending.” Maybe that's why you're so emo. Cause you don't know how to look on the bright side of things. 
Elijah (in all black): Emo?!
Blair (jolting awake): Huh?!
Jemmah: Gah! Stop yelling in my ear, Blair!
Host: What interesting selections! I've never actually seen either of those movies before, but I'll trust your judgment. 
[8.] Any special talents?
Darcy: Apparently I have a light step and often scare people by mistake. I also know how to disable alarms and explosives, memorize license plates at a glance, and find almost every constellation in the sky. Believe me, I've had all the time in the world to do so. 
Host: That is impressive! But I have to wonder, how often are you going to encounter explosives? Sounds dangerous. 
Darcy: Oh, as mayor I have to watch my back. Many people aren't too fond of me. 
(The camera pans to the audience who looks like they couldn't care less for Darcy. Blair picks his nose.)
Host: Oh…really? Sounds scary. 
Darcy: Yeah, just ask that miscreant in the crowd. (Points to Blair)
Blair: Aw, poor you. Scared of a little pipe bomb right outside your window. And you call yourself the mayor. 
Elijah: Not this again…
Darcy: See? He just incriminated himself! On television, at that! But no one will care, he'll just get off scot-free.
Darcy: I don't even know how he got close enough to do that–! 
Blair: Easy–your security is trash. You should hire me to rewire your system, except I kinda don't like you, so there's that. 
Jemmah: Do you have magic where you're from, too?
Elijah: No, Blair's just one lucky son of a bitch.
Blair: Hey, give me some credit. 
Host: Wow, you two seem to share some animosity towards each other. 
Darcy (sighing): I don't hate him. He's just this spur in my heel that I can't shake off. People like Blair are selfish and hinder progress because they value their inner circle more than the general population. 
Blair: You're just mad you don't have any friends. Seriously man, why put your social life on blast like that? Why do that to yourself?
Darcy: I'm just trying to help people like you, but you refuse my efforts. It's maddening and confusing. You're like a boiling frog. Impossible to reason with. 
Jemmah (tipsy): …What are we talking about again?
Elijah: Special talents?
Host: Ah, let's proceed to the next question!
[9.] Where were you born?
Darcy: Crater City.
Host: Ah, born in the same city you watch over. You must be proud of where you come from. I know I'd be! 
Darcy: Yes, I take a lot of pride in my city. You know, my grandfather would have passed the baton to me if things had worked out. 
Host: Well, then! Leadership must run in the family. As does looking sharp. 
Jemmah: Oh please, you call a man in a simple suit “looking sharp.” Is that all it takes?
Darcy: I wouldn't be saying that while decked out in holographic clothing. I can see you from here, you know. 
Jemmah (under her breath): Oh, I don't like this guy. 
Blair: I mean, compared to me and Elijah, you have to admit, he's got some style. 
[10.] What are your hobbies?
Darcy: I like to stargaze, read, collect ties (pulls at tie), learn more about the world around me, and embroider…I like to embroider plants and flowers. They remind me of better days. 
Host: What do you embroider on?
Darcy: Clothing, mostly. Even if I were asked beforehand to bring in finished pieces, I couldn't because they were all gifts. 
Host: Oh, I'm sure they're lovely. I could never sew, I'm not nearly as patient!
Darcy: It’s easy if you have steady hands and nothing else to do but daydream. I wish I had more time. (distantly) I'd love to go back…
[11.] Do you have any pets?
Darcy: I do! I have three rats called Juni, Vinnie, and Addy. 
(The camera zooms up to Darcy showing the Host a picture of his pets: three rats snuggle around his neck and peek through his mess of curly hair.)
Host: How adorable! 
(Elijah whispers something to Blair, which Jemmah overhears and gasps in disgust.)
Jemmah (now drunk): Darcy did what?!
Elijah: Jemmah, please–
Jemmah (struggling to break her restraints): You mean to tell us we're locked in a room with a man who used to make his pet rats fight against each other?! 
Elijah: Jemmah!
Blair: How do you know this? 
Host: Well, that sounds unflattering! Don't worry, Darcy. We'll cut it out of the final. 
Darcy (calm): It's alright. I'll get them after this interview. 
Host (concerned): Right….
[12.] What sports do you play/have you played?
Darcy: I've played very, very many. Let's see…volleyball, tennis, archery, fencing… I was in a 5-dimension chess club at some point. Not sure if that's considered nerdy where you're from. 
Host: What is 5-D chess?  
Darcy: You use space and time to move around the board. You know, five dimensions. 
Host: Eh…right?
Darcy: Whoever wins the most times lines wins. Easy. 
Blair: It's really just chess but for larger nerds. Don't let it get to your head. 
Elijah: I just can't understand it. Then again, I never understood movies with time travel. 
Darcy: Just say that you're uncultured. 
Jemmah (pointing): The yeast used to make this wine has more culture than the three of you. 
Host (calling from the set): Indigo, are you in the audience? Yeah, please stop serving Jemmah drinks. I don't think he needs any more. Yeah, that'll do! 
[13.] How tall are you?
Darcy: 6 feet.
Host (joking): You know, many people lie about their height. 
Darcy (monotone): Why would I lie about my height?
Host: Oh, haha, no reason! 
[14.] Favourite subject in school?
Darcy: I never went to public school–
Blair (interrupting): Which explains a lot…
(Elijah & Jemmah cover Blair’s mouth.)
Darcy: But I gravitated more towards sociology in college. 
Host: Why is that? 
Darcy: I found studying why societies work the way they do far more interesting than psychology. Psychology is more exclusive. Sociology taught me the larger picture–why things happen, what we can predict to happen, and hindsight. It angered me, surprised me, and taught me a lot of things I hadn't considered while in captivity.
Host: Captivity…?
Darcy (confused): Did I stutter? 
Host: No, I was just curious what you meant by that. But we don't have to delve into…
Darcy (tapping foot): How many questions are left?
Host (checking chart): Oh, just one more. Then we'll get out your hair!
[15.] Dream job?
Host: I'm sure this is a rather obvious question for you, the mayor, but…
Darcy: As a kid I wanted to become a nurse. 
Jemmah: Feel that. 
Host: Oh, what happened to that?
Darcy: I wasn't supposed to be a nurse, I was supposed to lead people. Fate works in mysterious ways, so…here I am.
Blair: Fate must be some wacked-up sadistic bitch. 
Darcy: You'll understand when you're my age, piss ant. (To Host) You better cut that out. 
Host: Yes, of course.
Darcy: As I was saying, I was set for other purposes…I suppose I get to help people either way, as was my original intention. But there are some downsides. Now, if I want to play with mangled bodies, it's seen as taboo and illegal. 
Host: …!
Darcy: I'm only joking, you know. Don't act so high-strung!
Host (laughing?): Right, right…
Host: Well, it was lovely meeting you here tonight, Darcy. 
Darcy: It was a pleasure. 
(Host points towards stage right and Darcy turns to look.)
Host: Now, if you would just walk straight until you hit a red door…
Darcy: Right…
(Indigo silently appears behind Darcy and firmly taps the back of his neck until he slumps forward, unconscious.)
Host: And that's all the time we have for tonight!
Automated applause fills in the silence. The camera pans to the audience one last time: Blair is comforting Elijah, who is fearful of the possibility of Darcy sitting next to them; while Jemmah seems to be asking Indigo questions about how they got here and how to escape. The title “The Tonight Show Without Clementine” appears one last time before the screen fades to black. Immediately after, an ad for your local attorney plays its funky tune. 
Host (sighing): Well, that's another addition to our collection. Like flies to a honey trap. Wonderful performance, everyone. 
Indigo: I'm eager to see who the next guest will be. 
Host: All in good time, Indie. Now, we wait.
TAGLIST (dm to be +/-):
WTF IS "The Tonight Show Without Clementine"???
Alludes to this tag I did
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house-of-kolchek · 2 years
Read My Mind (Part Two)
Jason Kolchek x Reader
Hello!! God it has been a long time since I’ve posted a Jason fic, I’m sorry for the wait!! I hope you enjoy this part, I’ve got a few more fics coming soon!
Part One
Word Count: 2.3k
@kilchek @yellowroseskolchek @shinydixon @meadows-of-light @cherrypop-xoxo @tangytastyflatboard @kawaiiwitch224 @thedreamingfish99 @boristhepineapple
Jason huffed, adjusting his grip on his rifle as he led the way through another tunnel. He was distracted. Really fuckin’ distracted. 
All he could think about was your smile, the sudden softness in your voice as you’d talked Merwin down. You’d put on a good front in front of the Corporal. But you were used to that, he supposed. 
Jason repositioned another camera, aiming it at yet another doorway, before a metallic glint caught his eye. The back of his mind flickered with recognition, as he focused on the grenade taped sloppily against the doorway.
“We should reset that tripwire,” he started, glancing back to Nick. “Give me a hand.” Nick kneeled next to the Lieutenant, huffing a breath through his nose as he carefully took hold of the wire.
“We’ve been in some fucked up situations before,” he mused. He wasn’t sure if it was nerves, or the sudden but clear realization that he likely wouldn’t make it to see the sun again, that had him blurting the first thing that came to mind.
“Never as fucked as this.”
“Well. If I gotta fight these things, there’s no one else I’d want by my side.”
Jason’s throat tightened, and he shook his head. Now was not the time to be getting emotional. He returned to his feet, passing the wire to Nick, fully prepared to lay on the hard truth: he couldn’t promise Nick anything. Friend or not.
You have people you’re close to. Don’t push them away.
There was that image again. Jason could see that defeat in your gaze, as you’d told him off. Before he could think, the words were spilling from his mouth.
“You know I’ve got your back, buddy. Come what may.”
He just barely caught the lift in Nick’s lips, and the slight drop of his shoulders as he stood. Jason felt a sudden swell of affection towards his friend, and he knew he’d made the right choice.
It felt good to be honest.
“Hold up. This looks like a good choke point. Any of those freaks comin’ up are bound to come through here.” 
Jason took a second glance at the room. It was a narrow hallway, with a set of doors on each end and a line of pillars on either end. With a room like this, it would be easy to…
“Set some charges?”
Jason glanced back at Nick, a small grin forming as the Sergeant all but read his mind. He nodded, gesturing to each of the pillars surrounding them.
“Yeah. Let’s rig these pillars up for maximum coverage.”
“They’re more likely to see the tripwires though… you think those things can tell the difference?” Nick asked, and Jason hesitated. It was a fair point. “If we mine up the sides, we’re more likely to catch ‘em out. A smaller spread, but better hidden. What do you think?”
Jason sucked in a breath, giving himself five seconds to think. Those creatures were smart, they knew how to hunt, so it wouldn’t be all that far fetched for them to recognize a trip wire. But they also seemed to be missing eyes, if that corpse was anything to go off of. Would they even see the wires in the first place?
“Let’s go for maximum coverage,” he decided. “I don’t think those things can see in the first place.”
Nick hummed his agreement, muttering something about a “Salim,” and “echolocation.”
“What’s that?” he probed, and Nick shook his head. 
“Nothing. I’m thinking the same thing.”
Silently agreeing to drop the subject, Jason moved to the nearest pillar, collecting an explosive from his bag and wiring it up to the faded stone. His mind flickered to you, and he wondered to himself if you were okay. Before he could picture all the gruesome ways you could have been killed, he turned to face Nick again, ready to spark up some idle conversation. His brows furrowed though, as he saw the distant look in his friends eyes.
“I can hear your brain ticking away,” he called, watching as Nick snapped out of his daze. “What’s going on?” He saw the heavy breath Nick took, and a new sense of dread began clawing up his spine.
“We should have given her a second warning.”
“Fuck man, I wish I hadn’t asked,” Jason sighed, throwing his head back and rolling his shoulders. This was the last thing he needed right now. To be thrown back into the cycle of guilt that had screamed through his mind since that day. “I’m through talking about this. That checkpoint was a prime target for suicide bombers. We had to act in the moment. We had to make a call!”
Jason was floundering, that he knew. He was making up a bullshit excuse on the spot, refusing to let the guilt he truly felt shine through. He was supposed to be the one that could read others, and put up a strong front as a leader. He couldn’t show that kind of weakness.
Maybe he was beginning to understand how you felt.
“It was the wrong call,” Nick spat, more to the ground than anything else.
Jason sighed, willing the lump in his throat to go away. He glanced over to his friend, who was still shaking his head. He rose to his feet, just in time for the Nick’s anger to snap.
“Why is it that no-one ever tells it straight!” he huffed, stepping up to Jason. “Everyone just makes up bullshit to get by!”
That one hit too close to home, and Jason swallowed another lump of frustration. He could feel his breaths grow short, as he tried to reign in his own frustrations. He had to be strong.
“I mean, that’s why we’re in this sandbox in the first place, right?”
Jason gritted his teeth, staring daggers into the wall just over Nick’s shoulder.
“I need the truth, Jason. Shooting that woman messed with my head.”
Jason could still see the blood soaking through the sand, staining your hands as you pressed two fingers against the woman’s neck. He could see the defeat in your eyes, as you told him the bitter truth. He could see the desperation in your expression as you begged him not to follow in your footsteps, just like he was doing right then.
“Are you seriously going to tell me it didn’t mess with yours?”
“Fuck!” Jason cursed under his breath. He tilted his head back, sucking in a long breath before returning his gaze to Nick. He could see the frustration and pain behind his friend’s eyes, and the tension that rose in his shoulders at the small outburst.
“We fucked up,” Jason continued, his tone laced with defeat. “If we make it out of here, we’ll face up to that. If we die down here? Fuck, maybe it’s what we deserve.”
Nick was silent for a moment, taking everything in. He searched Jason’s eyes for a moment, before his shoulders fell again.
“Y’know, I was seeing Rachel.”
“Are you serious?” Jason asked. Nick nodded.
“Been three weeks.”
It had been three weeks since the checkpoint.
Jason wasn’t sure why you came to the front of his mind.
“It’s armed,” Nick sighed, brushing past Jason and heading towards the doorway.
You ran a hand through your hair, wincing as the strands tugged against your scalp. Merwin was sleeping restlessly across the room, mumbling under his breath and twitching every so often. He had been like that for the past hour, and while you checked his soaked bandages every few minutes, there was no way he was making it out. Not unless you got the proper equipment for stitching, and a hell of a lot of blood for a transfusion.
You let out a defeated sigh, blinking away the tears that threatened to spill. No matter how hard you tried to push people away, hide yourself from the pain that came with losing someone close to you, you could never seem to escape it.
“Fuck,” you sighed, pushing yourself up to your feet, and throwing one more look in the Corporal’s direction. Again, no change. With another sigh, you left the room, heading down the stairs towards the sound of Eric’s voice.
The Corporal was hovering over one of those monsters, analyzing its dead features with a disgusted curl of his lip. Your gaze slid over to the Iraqi soldier, his hands tied and his gaze hard on the two of you. As subtle as you could, you sent him a sympathetic stare.
“(Last Name), pass me the UV lamp please,” Eric ordered, his gaze glancing to you before he returned to muttering in his vocal recorder. You nodded, reaching for the item and handing it to the man. From the corner of your eye, you saw the soldier’s back stiffen, and he piped into the conversation.
“May I offer some advice?” he called, prompting Eric’s attention. The Colonel’s lips pulled back into a frown.
“You had your chance to talk,” he snapped, and you huffed a sigh. Men and their pride.
“Yes, but… the demon does not react very well to sunlight,” the man warned. Eric’s shoulders stiffened. “I would be very careful with that, if I were you.”
“I’ll be fine,” Eric snapped back, flicking the device on. You heard the man mutter under his breath, and a sudden sense of dread pooled in your stomach. You took a step back.
Eric sweeped the light over the monster’s form, nearly missing the sudden crackling sound that emitted from its skin. 
“Eric!” you cried, reaching out to yank back on his shirt. He stumbled back just in time to miss the burst of flames that erupted from the monster. His shirt was slightly singed, and the look of shock on his face was unmatched as he turned to look at you.
“Um, thanks,” he whispered. You were just about to respond, when a sudden, shadowy figure brushed past, sending a surge of goosebumps up your arms. You whirled around at about the same time as Eric, your hand hovering over the pistol strapped to your leg. Eric reached a hand out to stop you, stepping forward into the dark temple.
“Kolchek, is that you?” he called, craning his neck to look past the tent. You looked after him, cursing yourself for allowing a sense of hope to fill your chest. When he received no answer, Eric glanced back to you. “I’ll go check it out. Stay here.”
As Eric jogged out to follow that strange figure, you shut your eyes, just for a moment. Regaining your resolve, you sucked in a breath, turning on your heel.
Right into the now untied solider.
“Jesus Christ!” 
The man held a hand out to steady you, his eyes flashing with concern, which was quickly masked with panic. He stumbled back a step, bumping against the now charred table with his arms out in surrender.
“Please,” he begged. “I mean you no harm. I just want to get out, and get back to my son.” He searched your eyes, remaining perfectly still as you evaluated the situation. Though you knew it was against protocol, you felt a strong urge to let the man go free. You could see in his actions, his unwillingness to protest, and simply by the look in his eyes: he was telling the truth. 
Maybe Jason was starting to rub off on you.
“Go,” you hissed, pointing towards his confiscated stake. “Get out of here before the Colonel comes back. And watch for explosives!”
The man’s gaze softened, and he nodded. In a rush, he scooped up his makeshift weapon, turning back to glance at you one last time.
“Your name?”
“(Name) (Last Name),” you replied, without any hesitation. If you were being honest, it shocked you how willing you were to answer the man. 
“Salim Othman. Thank you, (Name). I won’t forget this.”
And with a final nod, Salim crept out of the tent, and into the shadows.
Just in time, of course, for Eric to return.
“I looked around, but I couldn’t see any- Where’s the Iraqi?” Eric nearly stumbled over his words, his face contorting with anger. You went rigid, your mind scrambling to find a believable excuse.
“I’m sorry, sir,” you started, knowing the respect for his rank would certainly be earning you at least one brownie point. “By the time I turned around he had freed himself and run off.”
Simply omitting a detail wasn’t technically lying, right?
“Are you serious?!” Eric cried, running a frustrated hand through his hair. “I left you for what - thirty seconds? - and you couldn’t even keep an eye on the one living prisoner we had?”
“Oh, sure, because leaving me with a flaming corpse and an armed man would naturally work out in my favour!” you snapped back, and Eric reared his head back. His expression held a strange mix of anger and shock, as he processed the words you’d just growled at him. 
Fuck, your emotions were getting the better of you.
Eric opened his mouth to reply, his lips pulled back into a snarl, only to be cut off by a piercing yell. The voice echoed through the temple, and straight into your heart.
And before you knew what you were doing, you were racing towards Jason’s scream.
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- fought my way through a bunch more SUPER MUTANTS (the HAT MAN showed up again lol).
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- this is i think the first indication i’ve seen of a regular SUPER MUTANT confirming that it knows about its origins :(
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- i feel like these SUPER MUTANTS have probably definitely been swimming/bathing in this. they must be so sticky X(
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- another tour monitor! i really wish i’d kept track of which ones i’d already seen, they’re numbered but this place is a maze of broken catwalks, so i’m not following the tour as intended i don’t think.
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- ...holy shit????? does VIM have placating/restorative effects on supermutated brains?????? i doubt it’s the FOG given the temperment of literally everything else on the ISLAND. i need to get a case of this to VIRGIL, stat!
    - this guy notably didn’t have VIRGIL’s troubles with too-big fingers on tiny keyboards - the calming effect was enough to allow them the patience to learn how to type, or if they already knew how, to adjust to their bigger hands. they do seem to be a rare case, but if we can make this a more universal effect, we wouldn’t necessarily have to force-cure all the SUPER MUTANTS of the wasteland - we could give them this, get them out of the state of eternal hulk rage, and let them make an informed decision on whether they want to stay big and strong or revert to being human.
        - i know this is just a dlc, but i really hope this is an endgame option. i just fucking remembered something TINKER TOM said once, about the INSTITUTE having a terraforming rig set to spew poison all over the COMMONWEALTH, thus why he needed me to set up all those MILAS - if i can load it up with SUPER MUTANT ANTIVIRUS, or a cocktail of that + whatever’s in VIM that reverses some of the effects of SUPERMUTATION, that’d be amazing!
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Charles Gunn... The Myth, The Legend, The Best of Us All
AKA: 5 things we can learn from Charles Gunn.
5. “I was cool before I met you all”, aka “Love yourself.”
I’m finally finishing this series. I didn’t know what to do, but I saw this scene from Waiting in the Wings making the rounds and I wanted to use this quote.
Gunn is endearingly unpretentious. He’s genuine, honest, direct. One of the many reasons why season 5 was a terrible idea was because of what they did to Gunn. Had Gunn ever truly been that insecure about himself? It felt like the writers were preying on the fact that he was a black man who fit all the stereotypes - he was uneducated, poor, had a former gang; naturally, all he wanted to be was a rich, white man, so he became a lawyer. That was a great disservice to his character. I don’t think Gunn ever expressed a desire to be an evil lawyer of all things. (I’m sure Wesley is to blame though, because he had power over Fred, so Gunn felt jealous. The reason why Gunn and Fred didn’t work out was because Gunn was too “vanilla” and not on Fred’s “level”. The whole thing with Frunn was rigged in Wesley’s favor.)
On the bright side, after Fred’s death he finally accepted himself, but I still don’t like that storyline. I want to write about post-season 4/5 Gunn.
There’s a sort of duality that the Angel characters had. Angel had his Angelus side, of course, but Angel himself had a lot of darkness; Wesley had a lot of darkness too, and that was hinted at from the beginning; Fred was both sweet and crazy; Lorne was nice and lovable, but always secretive and somewhat unreliable; and Cordelia... for a while she was as straightforward as Gunn. 
Gunn didn’t exactly have a hidden side. His trauma with his sister and his past were known, he was well-adjusted and not likely to come undone like Fred or Wesley, all of his “darkness” was as transparent as his “light”. He embraced both his past and his present. He had skeletons in his closet, of course (he sold his soul for a truck), and shame and regrets, but that was just part of him. 
The beauty of Gunn is that he was normal. There is always a “normal” character, and that character is often rather underappreciated. Gunn isn’t normal because he’s uninteresting, shallow, or average. He’s normal because his behavior and personality are consistent and balanced, because he speaks and carries himself more like a normal person would. He’s unrealistically brave, good, strong, funny, charismatic, attractive, etc. But he’s wholesome and approachable. Liking a character because they are normal often feels like a backhanded compliment, but why should it be? It’s the normal characters that have the power to inspire us, normal people, to do better; their real flaws or unsavory traits can help us self-reflect and become more understanding and compassionate of each other’s shortcomings. 
Gunn is a great character, and J. August Richards did a lot of heavy lifting to make Gunn so tridimensional and complete. 
I believe Gunn is inspiring. He’s realistic yet hopeful. He knows how to enjoy life when there isn’t much to enjoy. He knows how to let go of his past regrets and failures to move forward. He’s funny, polite, helpful, kind, always. He’s smart too. And he’s so consistent. People change, but why do we seem to change for the worst? We become bitter, less forgiving - or too forgiving to the point we forget to respect ourselves. But Gunn was never bitter and callous. He accepted that which he didn’t understand and focused only on what he could do. He believed he could only do so much and nothing more. He was just himself, a tiny speck in the universe, and he enjoyed it as much as he could. 
He was so cool. Charles Gunn, you will always be cool. I wish to see the world the way he did. He embodied Angel’s message of hope. A core aspect of Angel’s messaging was that we do have the chance to make the world better, but we’re fighting a losing battle - the world will never truly improve in our life time, if ever, and there’s very little we can do about it - however, even if our efforts are in vain, they are not worthless. And Gunn always believed that. He always believed there was something he could do and that his actions mattered. And through everything he was just... himself. You can only truly be yourself if you know who you are and accept that person. The idea of Gunn being “himself” may seem separate from my point about him being “normal” and “whole” but it’s not. You can only be yourself, singular. Our many facets make up a whole, but we spend our entire lives trying to chip away at the bad bits and keep them separate from the rest. It’s impossible. 
We must be our own best friends. I’m not saying this to be cheesy. I’m saying it because I need to hear it. I don’t know how to accomplish that. I don’t even believe I deserve it. But I want to be myself - as I deeply value my own identity - and stop trying to hold on to a past version of me I thought was normal. So, I need to be more like Gunn. I need to forgive and forget, to live with all of me. Gunn had many problems, and I’m not at all trying to paint him as the poster boy for self-love, but I believe he knew how to live with himself better than anyone else on that show - better even than Cordelia who sometimes just lived in denial. I admire that. He’s beautifully human. Only humans can see the world as it truly is, and the people in it, and still choose to cherish and protect it. 
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jaythelay · 25 days
OOOOOweeeee I wanna rant about the resident evil remake so badly.
Something that bothers the FUCK out of me is they fucked up the tank controls! But in reverse! The ENTIRE map is NOT designed around tank controls, not a single part of it, you'll CONSTANTLY be running into walls and having to stop and turn, the OG had SOME moments of this, but for the most part ALL OF THE WORLD WAS DESIGNED AROUND THE CONTROLS.
Instead the remake is made around it's "alternative" control scheme that just SHITS on difficulty and the controls themselves, having to adjust every new camera angle is abhorrent and not something you ever needed to do in the OG game.
Because of all this, the game NEVER has a flow, it constantly feels like you're fighting walls or the camera more than enemies, constantly.
I hate the new shit they added too. The dogs aren't interesting and honestly I quit playing damn near everytime I have to use that damn whistle because it's just such a filler content. It doesn't feel like a genuine addition to the OG, it feels like someone said "we need new things" and put it randomly there. It disrupts flow severely having to go allllll the way there and then BACK. The new armor key section has a vibe but that's it. It's, again, just not a natural addition. It again, disrupts flow to stop everything to do this extra feeling objective. It doesn't add anything to the world either.
The visuals. Oh my god. Why do people call this an upgrade? Jill's head looks like a fruit. Some kinda oblong apple. Chris just looks like a pineapple and his FUCKING HAIR IS HILARIOUS. Dude looks like he's supposed to take calculus, not be in essentially the police reserves.
I hope you REALLY hate color, because holy hell, there's no fucking color. There's hardly even RED, BLOOD hardly exists in the zombie game. God damn I hope you really like greys, blacks, yellows, occassional blues and greens. Because that's the color scheme. Every room looks exactly the fucking same, nothing feels different, it never feels like you're in a mansion you'd ever want to explore. It's a generic, creepy mansion, more generic than the OG which gave it LIFE. COLOR. ATMOSPHERE. FUCK SOMETHING.
Hilariously, the Gamecube port looks better than the "HD" rereleases. There's SOME actual fucking color for one thing. It's minor, but it really does look and feel better.
Oh my god the voice acting. Nobody. Not one soul, can say the OG has bad voice acting after the remake. The remake's voice acting is ACTUALLY bad. It's not even debateable, they don't actually act. They don't emote hardly either, and the poor face rigging makes that problem even worse. How pixels on a flat face can show more emotion, well that's the toyificaion/personification effect that companies still don't understand, but simply put: Jill's eyebrows/eyelids never raise, not once. I never noticed such a thing in the OG, because they NEVER made that something to FOCUS on.
Listen to Chris make fun of Wesker in the OG when he reveals the Tyrant. You can say "oh they didn't have enough context to make it feel natural-" Doesn't matter. They have a vibe, and an actual direction. They all. Sound. Like. That. Because it was Intentional. You can claim otherwise, but they refused a japanese dub because it sounded bad, IMO, OG RE's voice acting, even if it's not "realistic or diegetic" or some nonsense, means NOTHING to the SHEER EFFORT put in by these people.
You know what these characters, with no movable parts on their face, are FEELING. There's ACTUAL. FUCKING. ACTING. Is it GOOD acting? No, nobody's arguing it's good acting, is it GOOD VOICE WORK? YES. UNDENIABLY. And the constant jokes that it's "bad voice acting" severely undermines the actual art put into it.
Whether intentional or not, the fact remains they're doing good voice work. You like it, I like it, nobody actually hates it, people just shit on it because it's TRYING TO BE CORNY. and they don't care about that bit of context.
Meanwhile, the remake? It's just bad. No direction, no emotion, no one's having fun. Not one soul is having fun reading these boring ass lines in this boring grey mansion with boring grey clothes and boring grey everything.
It's so boring. It's such poor work, I don't blame the voice actors, just the direction. Serious is NOT what the OG RE was EVER going for. Ever. The boss gets LAUGHED AT. The fucking BOSS. Laughed at.
Not in the Remake. It's just...boring. Wesker doesn't even start pissing and crying, he's closer to neutral. It's so...fucking boring. They took a fun story, and made it a generic slop.
OH MY GOD. The voice acting in the remake, is just. Fucking. Bad. It's dreadful. It's like someone told them to do a bad job, not have fun, doing a bad job, just do a fucking BORING take and move to the next line. Awful. No fun at all. And you can't take it serious because the acting is actually BAD. Like, Boring bad. I keep saying boring but you have to understand, there's nothing funner than "you the master of unlocking" or "you were almost a jill sandwich" THESE ARE MEANT TO BE FUNNY. NOT SERIOUS.
The remake takes all the SOUL out. And replaces it with a poor imitation that genuinely only disrespects the original. Everyone who says it's SUCH a good remake, and SUCH a good example of what to do, MISSES THE FUCKING POINT SO HARD IT BECOMES EXTRA EMBARRASSING.
Oh my god then Lisa, holy shit what a waste of time. Another addition that adds nothing. Not one thing. Not to the story, not to the characters, not to the gameplay, not to the artistry, pacing, nothing.
And then the music is worse. It's boring.
That's my review of the remake. Boring/Resident Evil (PS1)
0 notes
The Stop-Motion Animation Experience.
Yesterday was a blast, to be honest, we worked with one of our lecturers on making our first stop-motion animation. We started by trying to develop a concept for our animation shown in the previous blog post. We based the concepts on the "Expand and Contract" principle and then made a simple 8-second stop-motion animation on our chosen concept.
For me, I went with something I can really explore and create a story with, A man jumping from a helicopter and then deploying a parachute. There is arguably a better way to say that, a more concise way, but understanding the concept really paved a path to how I was going to tackle the storyboarding and conceptualize the sequence in which the animation is going to happen.
The first draft of the storyboard was just to get an idea of how the animation is going to look like a break of the different parts of the piece.
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In the first few panels, the helicopter comes into frame and then down drops a man from the inside, as he goes further down the helicopter flies off-screen and we're left with just the man. He deploys a parachute and then voila! He gently floats down to safety.
I made a few placeholders for the man and the parachute just to get an idea of what the end result would look like, but still keeping that refined end goal in mind.
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(Please ignore my ugly hand and finger)
I showed this to my lecturers who guided me with a few tips on how I could improve the look and feel of the animation. Things like, somehow trying to make the rotor system in the helicopter move to make it feel more alive.
However, when it came to the final animation i decided against that idea and kept the helicopter just the way it was because I didn't want the viewer to pay too much attention to the helicopter; its main purpose is to drive the narrative and not impose on the actual main focus of the animation, which is clearly the man and his parachute.
So as I got home I decided on what I wanted this animation to look like at the end and planned accordingly. The first order of business was to come up with a few new assets for the animation. Don't get me wrong, the initial soldier (shown above) is cute and all but it didn't match the realism and grounded nature I was aiming for.
I searched and searched the internet for references I could possibly use to get the look I was hoping for, but alas, nothing came up. I then did the next best thing and took my own reference pictures, bare with the cringe, please.
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I live alone and sitting and doing work all the time gets a little boring, so making my own reference was a pretty refreshing experience, I just set up my phone to record a video and jumped around doing silly poses till I got exactly what I wanted.
It was also nice to know that there was a piece of me in this animation, the man falling out of the helicopter isn't just some random guy from the internet or just someone from my imagination, he's ME!
I then traced the sequence of silhouette drawings out onto a piece of card and the tedious cutting began!
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After that was finished, I got some references for the sequence of the parachute and continued the same process.
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This is me trying to get the sizes to look pretty realistic and scale them proportionally to not have anything look out of place.
and then FINALLY, after hours of tiny adjustments and setbacks, we ultimately finished and ended up with all the pieces cut out and ready to be painted and then animated!
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Now the only thing to do was to go and do the animation and see this come to life.
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The rig looks a little iffy but animators gotta do what animators gotta do, especially with what we got! The experience was fun nonetheless, from figuring out the positioning and adjusting the onion skin layers to screaming about how my finger was visible in every frame I clicked, I did learn a lot about how the journey towards the result is as joyous as finally watching your imagination come to life in front of you.
We've finally come to the result men and gentleladies, Im really happy with how it turned out honestly and I learned a lot doing this, from both the lecturers and my peers! Enjoy!
A huge inspiration for me was "Jumping From Space! - Red Bull Space Dive - BBC" which was posted on Mar 17, 2016, and has gained over 132 Million views on youtube, the stunt made me realize the strength that humans possess and how even tho we're tiny compared to some of the obstacles we face in life and in the cosmos, we'll always have that fighting spirit and that's what makes us special.
In the part where Felix Baumgartner opens his parachute after spinning in freefall from space and seeing the look of relief in his family's teary eyes, I knew exactly what I wanted to animate.
"The further you fall, the warmer it's gonna get" - Joseph William Kittinger II
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runawaymun · 2 years
i genuinely can't remember if i sent you an ask or not, so feel free to ignore this if you like, but if not, then i have request for you! due to various mental illnesses, i experience hypervigilance (sounds are louder, tastes are stronger) and sensory overload (too many things attacking my senses can make me have a breakdown). therefore i humbly request comfort in the form of how the lotr characters would deal with the reader having a sensory induced breakdown, please and thank you 💕💕
💕yes yes yes. ~ Thorin + Elrond chosen per a follow up PM. Thank you for your patience and I hope you like it!  💕
How Thorin & Elrond would respond to a reader experiencing sensory overload
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Thorin can recognize your distress but he doesn’t initially understand what’s wrong.
As soon as he does, if anyone’s around he’ll yell for everyone to shut up in his absolute scariest, most commanding voice (he realizes this is loud and will also apologize to you right after, but he wants everyone to pipe down and go tf away).
Loads and loads of reassurance that he’s got you and he’s here to help in any way he can (even if he doesn’t know how).
Will have to ask what you need, but is quick to catch on.
Immediately making you earmuffs out of anything that’s within reach and will take you to the closest quiet spot.
His instinct is lots of reassuring touches + affection, so if this is overwhelming for you he’ll have to apologize a lot and try very hard to stop himself. 
Look he’d fight the sun for you if he could.
Since he can’t actually fight the sun for how bright it is, he’ll bring you to the darkest room he can find. Again, he’ll start making adjustments to the surroundings/makeshift fixing things up. If there aren’t curtains, he’ll hang blankets or his cloak over windows to block out as much light as he can. 
If there isn’t a room to go to/you’re outside, you best believe this guy is rigging up a tent in three seconds flat.
If he can’t manage that, he’ll wrap you up in his hooded cloak.
If you need to be left alone, he will reluctantly do so, and will basically just stand guard and intercept anyone who might come over to bother you.
If you need/want him to stay with you and don’t want touch, he will find this very difficult, but will do his best to just sit near you and hang out. He’ll probably have to do something with his hands to occupy himself but will sit with you for however long you need. 
Will definitely try to distract you with a quiet song or story if you can handle that level of sound. 
If you need/want touch to help soothe you, he can give really good crushing hugs. The kind where you think your back is going to crack. If you need something a little softer than that, he’ll just tightly hold you and braid your hair. 
Literally if you need/want touch you best believe that by the time you’re finally relaxed you’ll have 120550589 braids in your hair. 
Later, he brings you a pair of proper sound-cancelling earmuffs that he invented himself and the heaviest blanket he could find. He asks you a lot of questions about what this is like for you and about what you need so that he can be better prepared to help you in the future.  💕
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Elrond recognizes what’s going on right away. He needs absolutely no explanation and will jump in to help you immediately. Nothing else matters. Even if he’s mid-conversation or on his way somewhere, he’ll stop whatever he’s doing to focus entirely on you.
First thing’s first: damage control. He’ll immediately use Vilya to help biologically quell your distress, syncing your heartbeat and breathing patterns to his, calming down your nervous system. 
His outer robe’s coming off. You’re being swaddled. Not optional. It’s big and heavy and velvety-soft, like the world’s best weighted blanket.
Off you go to somewhere quiet. If you can walk that’s awesome. If you’re too overwhelmed my man is 7′ tall and so strong so he’ll just pick you up and take you somewhere dark and quiet as fast as possible. This is probably his own office, rather than the healing halls. The healing halls generally thrum with activity which can be too much noise/light/movement when you’re already overstimulated. His office is private and empty and he still has a lot of his necessary tools there. 
As soon as you’re inside, he’ll shut the curtains and make sure you’re comfortable and then get down to your level on the floor and quietly ask what you need/how he can help. 
He’ll ask if there are any types of sensory inputs you find soothing (specific textures, sounds, tastes, smells--- anything). If there is, he’ll immediately go source it. 
If you need/want to be left alone, he’s happy to do that, but he’ll still check in on you/keep you swaddled/bring you calming herbal teas. 
If you’d rather have him around and you’re okay with touch/need pressure then that’s it you are getting the best hug. 
Like the firmest, all-around-best-kind-of-squash hug, not too much, not too little. 
If you don’t want/can’t handle touch but don’t want to be left alone, then he’ll just quietly sit next to you and use a combination of Vilya and ósanwe to just radiate this really nice, gentle calming energy until you feel better.
Once you’re feeling a bit better he’ll go and fetch a couple herbal remedies for muscle pain/stress/etc and get you a snack + something nice to drink.
Literally will let you hang out with him in his office for however long you want. Tired from the overload/panic + wanna fall asleep on his reading couch? Go for it. Wanna fall asleep on him? Totally fine. He’ll hold you. 
In the future, his office is always open to you and he makes sure you know that. It’s always quiet and peaceful, with the perfect amount of white noise coming off of the river, so it’s the perfect place when you just need somewhere quiet and safe. You can come in any time that you start to get overwhelmed, and he’ll make you something nice to drink and let you stay as long as you like.  💕
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reyescarlos · 2 years
let me take your heart (love you in the dark)
summary: Settled into his new life in Austin, TK takes pride in having a handle on all the recent changes that have come his way. The latest recruit to the 126, however, threatens to undo all of that instantly. As he and Carlos grow closer on and off duty, TK quickly discovers that some fires aren't meant to be tamed.
for @ronenrubinstein. I truly do hope this was worth the wait 🌚💜
word count: 14.3k || rated: e || chapter 1 of 2 || read on ao3
Who wouldn't want it when he looks like that? Oh oh oh, I want you to stay And if I try my hardest, would you look my way?
Ordinarily, Monday mornings are the bane of TK’s existence. But the power of the 126 these last couple of months has truly done wonders in changing his state of mind. The bonds forged here have taken him by surprise, making it so this curated team feels like a family.
This is the station, the fresh start really, that he and his father have built here in Austin. Just a few months ago, this wouldn’t have seemed possible, but now TK’s feet are planted firmly on solid, stable ground.
It’s been interesting to see a guy like him, who is so used to things ending, have a role in creating something this healthy and new. It’s made it all the more easier to adjust to life in a new city, surrounded by a brand new set of people who have quickly come to mean the world to him.
The 126 represents positive change. He and his father have managed to put together an all-star team and are looking at the possibility of adding another member to their ranks.
His father had reminded him this morning over breakfast that they’d be meeting with a firefighter from the 121.
It’d felt dicey to begin with, rebuilding the 126 as outsiders and having two other non-locals on the squad. But essentially poaching a firefighter from another station seemed like inviting a special brand of trouble.
However, his father had made a fair point in saying that this firefighter was coming to them, not the other way around. All the same, TK’s curiosity has been piqued over Carlos Reyes.
As he and Judd start out the morning going over supplies on the rig, he hears footsteps.
“Good morning,” a clear voice from behind him says.
TK turns and blinks twice, suddenly staring at arguably the most attractive man he’s ever seen. The guy is wearing a short sleeved button down that hugs his incredible biceps. TK almost doesn’t know where to look first, but he zeroes in on the man’s mouth as he begins to speak.
“I’m looking for Captain Strand. I have an interview with him in just a few minutes.”
Judd extends a hand to the stranger, but TK can’t seem to bring himself to do anything other than stare.
Since his breakup with Alex back in New York, guys really haven’t been on his radar. But this man, beautiful and appealing standing before him, is causing him to reconsider at once.
This, he realizes belatedly, has to be Carlos Reyes and even with a heads up of his arrival, nothing has prepared him for the reality of actually seeing him.
“Sure thing. I can bring you up now,” Judd says.
“No need. I’m right here.”
TK finally looks away from the stranger to the arrival of his father to the little group clustered in the bay.
“You must be Mr. Reyes.”
“Yes, sir. Carlos. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Owen smiles and TK continues to stare as the two shake hands, Carlos’ hand strong and veined. He’s got a firm grip, he can tell. TK’s jaw clenches for a second before his father pats him on the back.
“TK will be joining us for the interview, if that’s alright,” Owen says to Carlos. “He’s my son and he’s helped me through this process since the start.”
Carlos looks at him then and smiles. “That’s more than alright. It’s nice to meet you, TK.”
TK manages to get out the words, “You too” but he’s fairly certain it comes out garbled.
He’s spared from any further tongue-tied speech as Owen gestures towards the stairs, the trio making their way up to his office. TK pulls up a chair to sit beside his father behind the desk as Carlos settles into the seat across from them.
He looks relaxed, confident in a way that isn’t cocky, but tells TK that he’s sure of himself. It’s promising.
His dad picks up a manila folder from off his desk and opens it. He doesn’t read from it, however, and TK knows well enough that his dad has no doubt done all the required reading. He’s unsurprised when the first question his father asks is one that Carlos’ file can’t supply an answer to.
“Why the 126?” Owen asks. “The 121 is the largest station in the county.”
Carlos meets his unwavering gaze head on as he sits up a bit more in his chair. TK can already tell the man must have prepared for this question and he’s literally on the edge of his seat just waiting to hear his answer.
“With all due respect to Captain Tyson, your firehouse is the kind I never thought I’d actually see in this county. When I first started hearing about a fire captain from New York who was assembling a diverse team, I thought it was too good to be true. But I can see what you’ve established here and frankly, it’s an ideal environment.
“I’m a gay Latino man stepping into this field that wasn’t designed with someone like me in mind. That is until you revived and reinvented this station. The fact that I even feel comfortable enough to disclose such a personal thing says a lot about what you and your crew have created here. If I could be a part of that, well, that’d mean everything.”
Carlos sighs softly and shakes his head.
“I’ve always lived a life in service to other people. Being a firefighter has been a long-standing dream of mine. It’s as every bit a part of me as everything else. But there are some close-minded folks around here who would rather dwell on certain aspects of my identity and somehow distort them into negatives.
“I’d like the chance to be part of a team that I know I can be safe with. This job is already demanding enough. One less concern would be incredible. I just want to focus on the task at hand and not feel as if I have to either downplay who I am or be fearful of the intentions of others.”
TK is blown away by Carlos’ candor and he can tell his father is too, by the look in his eyes.
Owen smiles and sits back in his chair, looking down at Carlos’ file.
“You’re impressive on paper and even more so in person, I must say.”
Carlos smiles shyly. “Thank you, sir.”
From there, the interview only continues to go up as they delve more into Carlos’ record and recommendations. TK finds himself taken with each response the man offers to their questions.
As the interview ends, Carlos stands up, the Strands doing the same.
“I appreciate you taking the time out,” he says to Owen. “Both of you,” he quickly amends, looking over at TK.
TK offers a small smile and yet Carlos beams at him. It makes TK’s heart beat a bit faster, transfixed by the warm sight in front of him.
Carlos shakes both their hands as Owen promises to be in touch soon before he leaves the office.
“What’d you think about him?” his father asks, sitting back in his seat, arms folded behind his head.
“Same as you. His record alone is insane and he seems like a really great guy. I think he’d be perfect for the station. We could use someone like him.”
He keeps his private thoughts to himself, about how hot he thinks Carlos is, how much he knows he’ll be drawn in. Those aren’t qualities that will make him a good asset to the team, but selfishly, they’re key selling points on why TK wants him to join.
Owen smiles and nods.
“I’ve got a good feeling about him too.”
The end of Carlos’ first day with the team can only be described as a success, though TK hadn’t been harboring any doubts that this wouldn’t be the case. If anything, Carlos somehow managed to blow past the already high hopes TK held.
Carlos was incredible in the field, so much so that TK felt as if Carlos had been with the crew right from the very beginning. He found small ways to talk to him, but for the most part, he kept his distance. It’d taken a great deal of self-control, but he managed to keep a friendly atmosphere and not give away the fact that his attraction has been laying roots.
He did, however, manage to find a way to reach out to Carlos while still keeping to the promise he made to himself. TK had gone into today hell-bent on playing it cool with Carlos.
A small welcome note seemed like a good option, a happy medium he slipped into the grate of Carlos’ locker.
As their shift comes to an end, the team retreating to the showers and getting dressed for home, TK wonders if Carlos will approach him before the day is officially over—or if he’s even noticed the note at all.
He gets his answer a few minutes later as he’s tying his laces.
“Is this from you?” comes Carlos’ voice to the right of him.
TK turns and is brought up short by the sight of a shirtless Carlos, his perfectly toned torso exposed and glistening with water droplets from the shower. TK forces his gaze upwards, endeared completely with Carlos’ wet curls. It takes TK a moment to focus on what Carlos is talking about until he sees the Post-it note in the man’s hand.
“Yeah, I just thought...I don’t know. I wanted to say ‘welcome’ without being all up in your face, I guess.”
Carlos looks over the quick note and laughs.
“Consider it a success but, for the record, I wouldn’t mind you being all up in my face. This was really nice and I appreciate it. Thank you.”
TK’s eyes squint a bit at Carlos’ wording, but he cast the thought aside that he could actually mean anything by it. It’s more than likely that he’s simply wishing for more than what’s actually there.
“Don’t mention it.”
Carlos smiles warmly at him and for a moment, TK finds it difficult to gather his thoughts.
“You did amazing work today, by the way. Really incredible for your first day.”
Carlos takes a seat beside him and TK’s blood races at their proximity. They’re close enough for him to smell Carlos’ body wash and shampoo. The scents embed themselves in his memory effortlessly. TK looks him over, unable to make his brain disengage from the fact that Carlos is practically naked and soaking wet beside him. He watches a drop of water descend down Carlos’ abs and get trapped in the towel at his waist.
This is far more than he can handle right now.
He forces himself to focus on Carlos’ face, but that’s hardly much better. There’s a loose curl hanging over his forehead that he just wants to touch and Carlos’ perfect bow shaped lips look so soft and inviting, he wants to test the feel of them with his own mouth.
TK clears his throat softly as Carlos speaks.
“Thank you. I’ll admit, I was pretty nervous at first, but this is such a great crew. You guys are amazing.”
Carlos looks around for a second, almost bashfully. He leans in a bit closer, his voice a notch lower when he speaks again.
“I know it’s only been a day, but I’m really happy here. Everyone’s been helpful and things like this,” he says, holding up the sticky note, “go a long way so, again, thanks for taking the time out. I don’t think you realize just how much it means to me.”
These words warm TK’s heart to hear. All he could possibly want is for Carlos to feel comfortable with the crew. They’ve become something of a family and TK can only imagine how intimidating it must be to be a newcomer to such a dynamic. He thinks back to Carlos’ interview, how candid he was in talking about having a safe space to work in.
It makes him feel a bit guilty for essentially lusting after the man so shamelessly.
“We’re all here for you, whatever you need. Whether it’s work or personal stuff, I think we all pretty much hit the jackpot in having people we can turn to.”
TK falters for a moment.
“My number is on the back of that note,” he says slowly.
Carlos looks surprised and turns the small piece of paper over.
“So yeah,” TK continues, rubbing the back of his neck, “I’m around after hours too, any time, if you need me.”
Carlos glances back up at him and holds his gaze for a moment. TK doesn’t so much as blink even once. He knows his wording was loaded. He only hopes it doesn’t scare Carlos off.
“Noted,” is all Carlos says before getting up.
TK sighs softly and resumes packing up his things, this time with shaky hands as his boldness sinks in. He worries he’s coming on too strong, but the way Carlos looked at him just now felt charged.
TK sits up and breathes in, instantly regretting the decision. Carlos may be gone now, but his scent still lingers. It makes TK ache for the real thing again.
TK lies in bed that night, staring at the ceiling and replaying the day in his mind—namely his locker room conversation with Carlos.
He goes over their exchange with a fine tooth comb, trying to decide if he can trust his own memory of events. The way Carlos looked at him could be interpreted in so many different ways. There was nothing definitive about such a thing but it sure felt like something.
TK groans and scrubs at his face. It’s 11pm; he should be sleeping right now. But it’s hard to come by with his mind as preoccupied as it is.
His phone buzzes where it’s charging on the nightstand, pulling him out from his headspace momentarily. He grabs it and sees a text from an unknown number, but a smile works its way across his face as he reads it.
I’ve been trying to decide what this first message to you should be. A simple “hi” seems kind of inadequate, but I’m not sure what else to say so…hi. Hope that’s not too boring.
TK saves Carlos in his phone before replying.
TK: And here I was thinking I overthink things too much. “Hi” is a good place to start. I’m just happy you messaged at all
TK burrows in deeper under the covers as the gray bubble appears on his screen, Carlos typing up his reply.
Carlos: Would have seemed a bit foolish not reach out after such a warm welcome
TK feels a fluttering in the pit of his stomach.
TK: You got VIP treatment. I didn’t do that for anyone else on the team
Carlos: Guess that makes me pretty special then, huh?
TK: Right now you’re on a trial run, but I get the feeling that, yeah, you’re really going to be the exception
TK knows he’s laying on the flirting, but it’s so hard to tell through text if Carlos is actually in fact dishing it back to him.
He spends the next hour or so talking to Carlos, their conversation unfolding. For as much as he’d been essentially avoiding Carlos throughout the day, here now through texts, it’s so much easier to engage with him.
He finds out all sorts of things about Carlos, tidbits about his family and hobbies. It’s so much easier to talk to him like this. Through text he doesn’t get tongue-tied, and at this late hour, it feels like they’re existing on a plane outside the confines of their norm.
TK can’t help but to feel as if he should pat himself on the back for finding the perfect way to break the ice.
From that first night, texting with Carlos becomes routine. They’ve grown closer at work, but it’s in their off hours that they’re able to speak freely for hours on end.
Texts give way to actual phone calls and twice now already, TK has fallen asleep to Carlos’ voice in his ear. He knows he’s playing a dangerous game here, making it that much harder for himself not to crush on Carlos.
He tells himself he can handle getting closer. An actual friendship may be the best outcome he could possibly ask for.
Over the last two weeks in his new role, Carlos has joined the ranks with Paul as a skilled cook. It’s in the kitchen now that TK finds Carlos, hard at work whipping up something delicious.
“What are you making?” TK asks, stepping further into the room.
Carlos smiles at him.
“Chili and cornbread. Hope you’re hungry.”
Carlos places a hand on the small of his back as he scooches behind him to grab an oven mitt.
TK fights the urge to shiver at his touch, but his pulse quickens. It’s over so quickly; Carlos is removing the cornbread from the oven by the time TK finds his voice again.
“Do you need any help?”
“No, I’m all set. But I could use your opinion though.”
He sets the baking pan down on top of a dish towel on the counter and grabs a small spoon. Steam bellows from the pot as Carlos removes the lid and dips the spoon inside. He blows on the sample and comes closer to TK.
“Open up.”
TK’s lips part at once at the command. He leans forward as Carlos extends the spoon to him, free hand cupping underneath. It's a far more intimate move than TK is expecting, but he knows better than to let an opportunity of closeness slip through the cracks.
He opens his mouth further to Carlos who keeps his eyes fixed on him, face hopeful as he feeds TK.
Of course the dish is perfect. TK doesn’t think it’s possible for Carlos to make anything that’s less than extraordinary. Yet still, Carlos appears to be waiting with bated breath for TK’s review.
TK swallows it down and gives two thumbs up as Carlos pulls the spoon away. Before TK can speak, Carlos’ thumb swipes slowly against the corner of his mouth.
His finger lingers for a moment and TK is certain that it isn’t the warmth of the room that makes his face and neck feel hot. Carlos’ eyes are fixed on his mouth for a second too long or perhaps, TK fears, it’s just his imagination.
Either way Carlos is turning away from him now, dropping the tasting spoon into the sink, the moment over just as quickly as it started. TK can feel his whole body warm up at the intimacy of Carlos’ touch, and he’s glad the man is distracted now with wiping his hands.
The rest of the crew files in and TK squares his shoulders, doing his best not to fall apart right then and there. It’s a close thing.
Marjan glances at him, searching his face.
“You alright there?” she asks. “You look a little flushed.”
TK nods and from the corner of his eye, he can see that Carlos is now looking at him too. TK swallows hard and steps away from the counter, assigning himself the task of grabbing bowls from the cupboard.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just a little warm in here is all,” he says, pulling a stack of bowls down.
This answer seems to satisfy her and she moves on to get spoons from the drawers. The others chat amongst themselves, but when TK looks up again, Carlos is still looking at him with an unreadable expression.
The tips of TK’s ears feel hot and, mercifully, Carlos is the first to look away. TK blinks twice and comes back to himself, clearing his throat before getting the dishes on the table as the team settles in.
The last available seat lands TK right across from Carlos. He tucks into his chair, his legs bumping against Carlos’ which are outstretched under the table. Neither of them moves which is how TK spends the entirety of lunch with his calf pressed up against Carlos’. He catches the man’s eyes a few times, but Carlos keeps up with conversation at the table so easily as if nothing is amiss.
Maybe it isn’t a big deal or even an issue at all for him like it is for TK now who feels the press of Carlos’ leg on his like a weight to his chest for the entire duration of their meal.
Carlos If I come in late, distract your dad for a few minutes so he doesn’t notice
TK Late night partying?
Carlos Yeah, a real rager on my couch watching HGTV. It was so intense, I didn’t hear my alarm go off this morning
TK laughs as he moves up in line at his favorite coffee shop halfway between home and the station. Each time TK gets a text from Carlos these days, he can’t help but to feel a bit giddy, happy knowing that Carlos has him in mind enough to reach out. It hardly ever matters to him what the text says. It’s just enough to have him speaking to him at all.
TK Well, lucky for you, Dad and I are making a pit stop before work, so you should be just fine
He focuses back up as the young lady behind the counter calls next. He lowers his hand to his side and greets her, giving her his order and his father’s who is currently waiting out in the SUV.
“Can I get you anything else?” the barista asks, her hand hovering over her touchpad as he turns his phone over in his hand, the device buzzing with an incoming text.
Before TK can think much of it, he’s rattling off Carlos’ usual to her.
Back in the car, his dad says nothing of the third cup that sits in the tray alongside their orders and TK is glad for it.
He spends the entire trip wondering if this gesture will seem odd in Carlos’ mind.
At the station, his father takes his drink straight up to his office to begin on paperwork, leaving TK free to set up camp in the kitchen alone.
Carlos bustles into the kitchen about five minutes later, running a hand through his hair. It’s been weeks and though they are wearing the exact same thing, TK can’t imagine anyone looking as good as Carlos does in his AFD uniform.
He’s all form fitted on top and firm thighs clad in snug material on the bottom that looks more or less painted on. It’s far too early in the morning for this, he thinks.
TK pulls his gaze upwards and pushes the extra cup towards him wordlessly.
Carlos’ brows furrow, a bemused look on his face as he reaches out to take it.
“What’s this for?” he asks, reading the scribbled order on the cup.
“Figured you might not have had the chance this morning,” TK says nonchalantly, finally finding his voice. “Thought you could use the fuel.”
“You know how I take my coffee?”
TK cringes a bit.
“Is that weird?”
Carlos smiles and shakes his head.
“I think it’s nice that you noticed…that you care enough to. Thank you,” he says, lifting the cup to his lips.
He takes a sip and looks at TK over the lid briefly. TK can’t tear his eyes away though he knows he should. Carlos licks his lips as he sets the cup back down and TK’s jaw clenches at the flash of pink.
It shouldn’t be so obscene, but he knows that his bias is talking here. More than anything he wishes he could run his own tongue across Carlos’ mouth, learn the taste and feel of those lips he’s been fantasizing about.
“How is it?” he asks, his voice a bit coarser than he’s anticipating.
Carlos startles a bit, but quickly recovers, like TK pulled him from his thoughts.
“Delicious. You’re a quick study.”
He licks his lips again and TK swallows hard, standing a bit straighter.
“So I’ve been told before.”
Carlos raises a brow, something in his expression changing minutely.
“Hmm, wonder what else you could be taught.”
TK feels his cock stiffen at those words, the teasing glint in Carlos’ eyes.
Before he can even drum up a response, Mateo comes into the kitchen, clapping his hands together. It’s enough to distract TK– and not a moment too soon.
He peers over at his friend who catches sight of the cafe cups now that both he and Carlos are facing him.
“Oh, sweet, you guys did a coffee run?”
TK’s face flushes.
“Uh, no. Not exactly, sorry. I’ve got you next time though. At least we’ve got a good machine here though. Just as good as from a shop.”
Mateo holds his hands up.
“I’m not touching Cap’s machine again. That thing hates me and I don’t have a death wish.”
TK shakes his head and pushes off from the counter, glad for the distraction as he crosses the room and puts much needed space between him and Carlos.
“Fine, I’ll do it. How about that?”
“Good idea.”
Mateo and Carlos follow him over, Mateo settling on the opposite side of the counter like he’s really at a coffee shop. Carlos stands beside TK, an inch or two too close. TK can feel the warmth of his body.
It makes his throat dry.
Carlos places a hand on the back of his neck, his thumb brushing along his skin just so. The hairs there stand at attention. TK fumbles a bit, coffee grounds spilling on the pristine countertop.
No one else seems to notice.
“I’m gonna catch up with Paul,” Carlos announces. “I’ll see you guys in a bit?”
Mateo nods and waves. TK looks at Carlos whose focus is on Mateo as he smiles at the young firefighter. But he lowers his hand, letting it run down the full length of TK’s back, stopping right above his ass at his belt.
This wouldn’t look like anything to anyone viewing them now, but Carlos’ touch does something to him, makes him want to stay under his hold forever— if only he could.
“Thanks again,” is all Carlos says to him before tipping his cup and heading out of the kitchen.
TK watches him go, stunned for a moment and trying to make sense of their exchange. He looks to Mateo who is apparently none the wiser and begins prattling on about where the best grounds come from.
TK is grateful for the counter being the perfect height to hide how hard he is.
One of the many things TK finds difficult to do is fall asleep in the bunks these days. It’s why he finds himself wide awake now at one in the morning, out of bed as the rest of the crew sleeps in their downtime during a 24-hour shift. If he were wise, or even capable of it, he’d be sleeping too.
But he can’t seem to shut his mind off, not when his thoughts keep conjuring up foolish fantasies like crawling into Carlos’ bed and cuddling up with him. He’d bet anything he’d manage to fall asleep in an instant if that were an actual possibility.
TK sits now in the common area, absentmindedly scrolling through social media, entertaining himself with stupid videos. For company he has Buttercup, the dog forever stuck to his side. He startles as Buttercup sits up quickly, his big brown eyes staring off in the direction of the bunks. He doesn’t bark in warning, but his tail thumps excitedly on the ground.
A moment later, Carlos steps into the space with them and TK can’t blame the Bernese for getting so happy. He’s fairly certain he’d be wagging his tail too if he had one. Instead, his heart just races faster at the sight of Carlos in reading glasses, sweats and a tank, a book in his left hand.
“Night owls too, huh?” Carlos says conversationally. “Room for one more out here?”
TK gestures to the couches. “Plenty. Take your pick.”
Carlos smiles and takes a seat right beside him, patting Buttercup for a second before opening the novel he’s brought along with him.
TK shifts and sits cross-legged, his knee lightly touching Carlos’ thigh. It wasn’t intentional to begin with, but now that he’s aware of the contact, he finds himself remaining in place. Carlos doesn’t move either and it’s just like lunch last week all over again.
They sit in utter silence and each second that ticks by feels more like an assault on TK’s sensibility.
TK looks over at him, but Carlos is seemingly engrossed in the book he’s reading, paying no outward mind to their contact now. TK feels as if he’s losing it.
“I haven’t been imagining this…thing between us, have I?” he says, breaking the quietness. For his sanity, if nothing else, he needs an answer to this.
Carlos stares at the page he’s on and it strikes TK then that in all the time they’ve been seated together, Carlos hasn’t turned the page. Not once.
Carlos looks up at him, casting the book aside and shakes his head.
“No, you haven’t. I just don’t want to mess this up,” he says quietly. “I really like being here. I don’t want to jeopardize my position on this crew.”
Carlos sighs.
“But it’s also getting very hard to pretend that I don’t want you.”
TK blinks twice, letting that confession wash over him. For weeks now they’ve been tiptoeing around this thing. To hear it so plainly knocks the air of his lungs for just a moment.
“I’ve been trying and failing. You just…,” he trails off, shaking his head.
TK feels like he could burst with curiosity.
“I what?”
Carlos groans and shakes his head again, but the seal breaks.
“You drive me crazy,” he spits out. “It’s like I can’t help myself when it comes to you. I can’t stay away from you no matter how many times I tell myself to. Everything in me is practically screaming at me not to get too close and yet...” He sighs. “I swear, I’ve never wanted someone this badly before in my life.”
Carlos looks surprised with himself for saying so much, but every word he’s uttered feels like an absolute gift to TK.
“Then have me,” he says instantly, taking hold of Carlos’ hand and putting it on his lap. “Because I want you too, Carlos. I have since the moment I first saw you.”
Carlos searches his face in disbelief, but TK doesn’t back down. If Carlos can be completely honest here, he will be too. To further his point, he leans in slowly, giving Carlos plenty of time to object.
He doesn’t.
TK closes the distance and kisses Carlos softly. It’s subtle, a gentle press of their lips, but it makes everything inside of him light up.
It seems to do the same for Carlos who deepens the kiss a second later, the two falling into an easy rhythm with each other like this is something they do all the time.
Feeling a bit more daring, he guides Carlos’ hand up further to touch him. He shivers at the light squeeze Carlos gives him, a soft moan escaping the other man. Carlos palms his cock and TK feels desperate to know his touch without the barrier of clothes getting in the way. But it feels good nonetheless, his body responding to him immediately. Yet, too soon, Carlos moves his hand away completely.
Carlos pulls back from him and looks over his shoulder.
“Someone could see or hear us.”
For a moment TK almost foolishly asks who, his mind so muddled, but he looks around and remembers exactly where they are.
He takes comfort in Carlos’ words, the fact that he didn’t say he wants to stop; he’s only concerned about someone happening across them.
TK gets up and holds out his hand to Carlos who takes it, no questions asked. They leave Buttercup behind, the only member of the 126 who has borne witness to this and the only member of the 126 who can’t utter a word about what he’s seen. The perfect accomplice.
TK brings them down to the bay, hidden between the two trucks that sit dormant.
It’s not the best coverage, but options are limited and the thought of putting this on hold until after their shift simply will not do.
TK is glad to see that what they started just a few minutes ago carries over seamlessly.
Carlos walks him backwards against the truck’s side and TK shivers feeling the man’s breaths against his face. Every part of his body is begging, screaming to be touched by Carlos, but the man doesn’t lay so much as a finger on him, instead simply boxing TK in. It’s a ridiculous thought, but TK suddenly feels jealous of the truck for knowing the feel of Carlos’ palms pressed firmly against it.
TK fights the urge to pout, but he can’t help the needy whimper that leaves him. Carlos’ face is so close, his lips right there so tauntingly perfect and yet they aren’t on his, like his body is demanding they be.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Carlos asks. “It’s not too late to stop now.”
TK tips his head upwards, pressing his lips against Carlos’ mouth, kissing him deeply. Carlos’ lips part and TK doesn’t hesitate to slip his tongue in, his hands anchoring onto the other man’s hips as they kiss. He pulls back a few moments later, heart thumping hard.
“I want this. I want you.”
He searches Carlos’ eyes.
That plea comes out in a whisper that seems to melt the last bit of Carlos’ restraint, his hands slipping from the truck and gripping TK’s waist instead.
TK’s hips snap forward, met with the firm press of Carlos’ erection against his own. It’s enough to make him want to sink down to his knees, but they’re still too exposed.
Carlos’ eyes flicker to the truck’s door and TK grabs a fistful of Carlos’ shirt, pulling him inside.
“This is insane,” Carlos says breathlessly, running a hand up TK’s shirt as they sit.
TK lets out a shudder of a breath as Carlos’ hand explores his torso, thumb brushing against one of his nipples.
“Do you want to stop?” he rasps.
Carlos shakes his head and leans forward, kissing and nipping at his collarbone. TK’s eyes roll shut, his hands slipping into Carlos’ hair.
“I couldn’t now, even if I wanted to.”
It’s the perfect answer for TK who smirks to himself, basking in the kisses Carlos continues to plant along his clavicle.
TK does as he’s been dying to since they stood outside of the truck minutes before. He gets down on his knees before Carlos, running his hands up his thighs and squeezing the man’s firm legs until he reaches his crotch.
TK takes a hold of him over the fabric, throat growing dry at the feel of his thickness against the palm of his hand. Carlos’ head thuds softly onto the interior of the truck. TK looks up at him, the heavy rise and fall of Carlos’ chest.
It’s so clear how riled up Carlos is already and it makes TK all the more eager to build on this moment, to make Carlos feel even more incredible.
He switches tactics, slipping his hand past the band of Carlos’ sweats and taking out his cock. His eyes widen as his brain fully registers the sight in front of him now. He licks his lips, drawn to the precome glistening on the tip of Carlos’ cock. Unable to stop himself, TK leans in and licks at it, shivering in delight at the taste.
“Shit,” Carlos hisses, squirming in his seat. TK grins up wickedly at him before turning his focus back on the man’s cock.
The pad of his thumb spreads the beads of precome leaking and TK takes a moment to tease Carlos before he replaces his finger with his tongue and swirls it around the tip.
Carlos puts a fist to his mouth as he jerks forward and TK is all too happy to take that as a clear sign to slip more of Carlos’ length into his mouth.
Carlos huffs out a heavy breath, free hand gripping TK’s hair as he rolls his hips forward. TK can’t take his eyes off Carlos now, watching pleasure flit across his face.
“You’re amazing,” Carlos rasps, his fingers curling in TK’s hair. “You’re so, so good.”
TK feels a thrill go up his spine at the praise. He doubles down, taking Carlos to the root and back out again before repeating the maneuver.
Learning what makes Carlos tick quickly becomes TK’s new favorite game. He’s a fast learner, picking up on what Carlos likes best, what makes his breath catch or a curse fall from his lips.
TK loses himself in the act, despite the ache brewing in his jaw. He could spend hours just like this on his knees, mouth full with the weight of Carlos’ cock. Moan after moan rips through him, deep and low as his head bobs and cheeks hollow the further he takes Carlos in.
He can feel Carlos’ resolve slipping, his cock twitching against his tongue.
“TK,” Carlos says in warning, but TK keeps going dutifully with zero intentions of shying away now.
He’s worked for this and his reward will be the taste of Carlos directly.
He runs a languid swipe up the underside of Carlos who shudders hard above him at the feel. From the very beginning Carlos has always been so in control of himself, but TK is unraveling him bit by bit.
His nails bite into Carlos’ thighs as he steadies himself, slackening his jaw to take in more of him.
Carlos grits out a curse, his hands balling into fists in TK’s hair. TK slides one hand off Carlos’ thigh and to his balls, applying pressure.
It’s just the thing to send Carlos over the edge. He comes hard, biting back on his lower lip to stifle himself.
TK is obsessed with it all, the taste and feel of him, the look on his face, the broken sounds he makes. They’re barely finished and already he wants to do this again.
He sucks Carlos off cleanly, letting his tongue drag along. Carlos falls back against his seat, a soft sheen of sweat on his forehead.
TK wipes at own mouth and peers up at him.
“Hi,” he says with a quiet laugh.
Carlos shakes his head, still breathless.
“Come here,” he whispers, leaning forward to kiss TK fully on the lips. TK matches his intensity, both hands framing the man’s face.
Carlos’ mouth is second to none.
Carlos settles back after a moment and tucks himself back in.
“That was...there are no words,” Carlos says, almost in disbelief.
TK feels his heart swell with pride at the positive feedback.
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I know I sure did.”
Carlos bites back on his lower lip. “You must be so hard right now.”
TK laughs quietly and nods. “Yeah, but it’s alright. I think we’ve pushed our luck far enough for tonight. I’ll just replay this while I’m in the shower later and take care of that.”
Carlos groans and TK laughs again, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“We should get out of here,” Carlos sighs, his breathing still uneven. “But I owe you one, okay?” he continues, voice low and serious.
TK delights in that, the promise of a next time.
“I’m holding you to that.”
TK skims his fingertips against Carlos’ forehead, brushing back the rogue curls that have managed to fall.
Carlos steals a quick kiss and the two of them carefully check that the coast is clear before getting out of the truck.
The bay is dead quiet, the rest of the crew no doubt still taking advantage of the lull in activity at this hour to continue sleeping.
TK rests back against the truck as Carlos looks him over, gaze settling between his legs where TK’s erection is still on display in his sweats.
Something in his expression changes; TK can see the moment it fully hits him.
“I can’t believe we just did that. If the team knew or your dad—,” Carlos whispers, eyes widening.
“Hey, don’t worry,” TK assures just as quietly, stepping closer to him. He laces their fingers, lets his teeth graze Carlos’ earlobe before he speaks again.
“Despite what I just proved in there, I can actually keep my mouth shut,” he laughs. “It’ll be our little secret. Just something between friends.”
It’s been three days and TK has been unable to think about anything other than his hookup with Carlos. It felt more like a fever dream initially, as if he’d finally snapped after spending so long picturing what it’d be like to be intimate with Carlos.
These last few days have been torture, slipping back into their normal interactions at work as if nothing has changed between them. Certainly shifts spent in the very same truck he learned Carlos’ taste has made for an interesting new reality.
All things considered, TK thinks he’s done one hell of a job in going through the motions and not raising any suspicions. Carlos definitely has too, scarily so.
But TK is growing restless with the charade, more so going without Carlos since that night. His want for Carlos is an incessant itch beneath his skin that can only be alleviated in one particular way.
The locker room empties out of his crew, TK waving goodbye to Paul and Mateo as they passionately debate some movie on their way out.
Carlos is a few feet away at his locker, packing up his bag as the relief team comes in. TK isn’t as familiar with these guys, but he’s still mindful of their presence as he saunters over to Carlos.
“What are you doing tonight?” TK asks, resting his back against the row of lockers.
Carlos stops packing and looks up at him. There’s a flash of excitement in his eyes.
“I didn’t have anything planned, but I’d be alright if that were to change,” he replies, putting the last of his things in his bag before zipping it closed.
He stands up, crowding a bit of TK’s personal space.
The urge to kiss him right now is overwhelming; TK has to actively remind himself of where they are, who is around them.
“I was hoping you’d say that.”
Carlos grins as he speaks.
“Are you able to come over now?”
TK bites back on his lower lip and nods enthusiastically. He can spare a text to his father from the car; TK wants to leave now and not waste a single second.
Carlos barely gets the key into the lock before TK is on him, no doubt giving any nosy neighbors a bit of a show as he stands behind Carlos and kisses the back of his neck, his hands running up his sides.
Carlos curses under his breath as the door gives way and the two go stumbling through.
It happens in the blink of an eye, the speed in which Carlos manages to have him pinned up against the wall, his lips at TK’s collarbone in retaliation.
TK clutches a fistful of Carlos’ hair as the man bites down and sucks on his skin.
This is infinitely better than being inside of a cramped fire truck. For as exciting as the other night had been, TK is all too happy for the fact that they’ve got nothing but time, space, and true privacy now.
His free hand drags down Carlos’ back and to his ass as they both kick off their shoes in a frenzy.
Carlos tugs at the hem of TK’s shirt.
“Off. Now.”
A chill runs down the length of TK’s spine at the command paired with the sharp look in Carlos’ eyes.
TK hurries to disrobe, carelessly casting his shirt aside the moment he gets it off his body.
Carlos looks him over and TK’s anticipation heightens even further. He feels so desperate for any kind of attention Carlos deigns to give him now.
Carlos fiddles with TK’s pendant for a moment before letting the bit of metal go.
Carlos’ touch is deliberate, his fingertips ghosting down TK’s torso. There’s a fierce look in his eyes, the same as a lion that’s discovered its prey. TK would love nothing more than for Carlos to make a meal of him, to feast until there’s nothing left.
He leans forward as Carlos does and kisses him deeply, his tongue slipping past Carlos’ parted lips.
Carlos walks them over to the couch and pushes TK to sit. TK practically squirms in his seat as Carlos sinks down to his knees in front of him.
“I’ve been dying to thank you properly for the other night,” he says, undoing the button on TK’s jeans and working to remove them altogether.
Carlos sits back for a second and looks at him. A part of him, TK thinks, should feel a little self-conscious being half naked on the man’s couch. But with the way Carlos’ eyes skim over him with hunger, it’s hard to feel anything other than excited over what’s about to unfold.
Carlos’ eyes flick to his for a moment before he leans over and starts peppering TK’s thighs with kisses and gentle bites.
The muscles in TK’s legs tremble at the attention.
TK is so unbearably hard, each shift of his hips drags the fabric of his underwear across his sensitive flesh, adding to it.
He fights to control his breathing.
“Is that so?” he asks, attempting a coy voice though his breath catches as Carlos’ teeth nip at him.
“It’s all I’ve been thinking about,” Carlos murmurs, not breaking his stride. “Getting my hands on you. My mouth.”
He grasps TK over the material of his boxers, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment as he lets out a soft sound. TK can feel himself leaking, the want within him almost blinding and with Carlos responding to him like this, it only makes it all the more intense.
TK can’t tear his eyes away. It’s been one thing to fantasize about this, to hold on to these private thoughts that were safe merely living in his head. It’s quite another to be met with the real thing and have it be eons better than even his most detailed daydreams.
“So hard and wet for me already,” Carlos notes, looking back up at him.
TK’s face flushes a bit. “Can’t help it.”
Carlos smiles at this, nimble fingers tugging TK’s underwear down and off his body.
“I like that. Such a good boy, just aching for me.”
TK’s cock twitches at these words. He likes the way Carlos handles and talks to him. It’s easy to safely lose himself.
Carlos’ eyes drink him in and TK can’t remember the last time he's felt this wanted, this desired before.
The fire between him and Alex had gone out far earlier than TK cares to admit or think about. Their intimacy had come to feel obligatory and transactional towards the end.
But this is new, exciting, and real. TK wants all of it.
He holds his breath as Carlos touches him bare. He’s leaking so much that Carlos has no problem slowly jerking him off. It takes a great deal of effort not to go thrusting forward at once. It’s been a lifetime since someone else has touched him like this. The fact that it’s Carlos only makes it harder to wrap his head around.
Carlos takes his time and for someone like TK who likes to move fast, it’s nice being made to go slow and savor it, to truly experience it.
Carlos comes in closer to him, tipping his head up and TK is right there to meet his lips. Between Carlos’ deep strokes and this sensuous kiss, TK knows he could finish just like this, but it’s obvious this is merely a precursor to something more.
Carlos is the first to break their kiss and TK takes the opportunity to pull in a clean breath as Carlos lowers his head and swipes at the tip of TK’s cock with his tongue. TK jerks forward instinctively, his heart pounding in anticipation for more, eager to feel his mouth around him.
He isn’t kept waiting. Carlos zeroes in, his tongue circling his slit before dragging along the underside of his cock and for a moment, TK seemingly short circuits as Carlos takes him in.
The warmth of Carlos’ mouth makes goosebumps rise on his arms. TK grips the couch cushion tightly, knuckles turning white as pressure builds inside him. He takes a breath and relaxes his body, sinking into the moment entirely. Carlos moans in approval, no doubt feeling the tension leaving him.
He rubs softly at TK’s thighs, one hand moving further up still and massaging his balls. TK traps his bottom lip behind his teeth, but it does little to nothing in quieting him.
He can’t imagine if the roles were reversed the other night in the truck. He would have woken up the entire team. Maybe even the whole goddamn city.
Here, in the privacy of Carlos’ place, he can give himself over completely to what he’s feeling—no filter.
His head tips back and he lets out a moan, his breath rattling his throat.
Carlos doesn’t let up, his breaths shallow as he takes TK in deeper still, his tongue brushing relentlessly along his shaft. Carlos’ instincts are remarkable. He seems to have a manual on knowing what TK’s body needs.
“Carlos…dammit,” he grits.
The man simply looks up at him, brown eyes practically black with his overrun he must be. It’s just one more layer to TK’s enjoyment now, the knowledge that he’s able to satisfy Carlos in return.
TK’s head tips back again, eyes drifting closed as Carlos’ hands fall away from his thighs. He doesn’t think much of it until he hears the faint sound of a zipper.
His eyes fly open in time to see Carlos reach a hand into his jeans and touch himself. Carlos shudders at the relief he must feel and TK watches in awe as the other man begins to set a rhythm on himself.
“God, that’s so fucking hot. Holy shit,” he murmurs, gripping the man’s hair tightly as he jerks forward in his mouth.
Carlos isn’t shy and watching him pleasure them both is without a doubt the sexiest thing TK has ever seen. He would take a snapshot of this moment if he could. Instead, he commits it all to memory as best he can.
Carlos slips TK out of his mouth for a moment, letting his tongue lap against his balls instead. TK’s fingers tangle in Carlos’ curls as he curses and jerks upward.
“Fuck…your mouth,” he murmurs, nails scratching against Carlos’ scalp.
The man’s tongue is tireless against his balls and as he begins to suck, TK feels the muscles in his thighs quiver.
Carlos frees him with a wet popping sound and quickly works TK’s cock back into his mouth without missing a beat, his cheeks hollowing.
He looks up at TK, smirks around his cock and TK loses it at once.
TK comes hard without warning, his breath catching shakily. Carlos sucks him off still as he comes down, leaving TK writhing in his seat until he settles.
Carlos’ arm moves feverishly over himself for a few more moments before he curses under his breath, his forehead resting against TK’s thigh as he reaches his end too. TK brushes a hand gently through Carlos’ curls, coaxing him through while he collects himself.
Carlos looks up at him and TK leans forward, kissing him heatedly.
He takes a hold of Carlos’ hand and brings it to his lips, sucking the man’s release off his fingers. Carlos visibly shivers, their eyes locked in. TK takes his time cleaning off Carlos’ hand, obscene moans falling from him as he does so.
He pulls Carlos up to sit beside him on the couch.
Carlos shifts to settle on top of him at once, one hand anchored to the arm of the chair. TK seeks out his mouth and gets lost in kissing him, his mind in a fog as Carlos’ lips move over his.
TK’s palms explore Carlos’ back over the fabric of his shirt where he longs to feel him instead.
“It’s not fair. I’m the only one here who’s naked,” TK grumbles against Carlos' lips.
Carlos laughs and pulls away just enough to give himself space to take off his shirt.
“Better?” he asks.
TK doesn’t answer in words. He lets his hands roam Carlos once again, this time basking in the feel of direct contact with his warm skin. He keeps his eyes focused on Carlos’ body as he does so, marveling at the firmness of his muscles and the heat of his body. It’s more than just better. It’s perfect.
He looks up as Carlos sighs softly, finding those brown eyes already fixed on him. TK leans forward and kisses him again. At this rate, TK is certain his lips will be swollen forever, but it’s a risk he’s willing to take if it means he can have this blissful feeling all the time.
TK hooks a leg around Carlos’ hip and pulls him closer, a sharp breath leaving him as the front of Carlos’ jeans glides over his spent cock.
Carlos shivers at the sound and grunts, rutting up against him. He kisses along TK’s collarbone, nipping and sucking his skin as he goes.
TK grinds harder, a dirty roll of his hips. Carlos retaliates, trapping one of TK’s nipples between his teeth. TK feels the shock of the move right between his legs. He drags his nails down Carlos’ back, repeating the gesture one more time.
Carlos pays him back in the same way once again, sucking the nub and teasing him with the tip of his tongue.
Carlos’ mouth is capable of the most incredible things and TK is already picturing another part of his body that would love to experience his tongue as well.
The thought alone gets TK going and as Carlos switches sides, TK closes his eyes and lets his mind wander.
Carlos’ lips travel further down, brushing here and there, teeth grazing. He pauses every now and then, sucking down hard enough, TK thinks, to leave marks. He certainly hopes so.
TK lowers his hand and feels Carlos’ growing bulge. The man groans and shifts his hips slightly, an almost sheepish look on his face.
“It’s a mess. I really need a shower,” Carlos laughs softly.
TK skims his index finger along Carlos’ jaw as he smiles back at him, his interest piqued.
“Do you want company? I could get you nice and clean.”
A smirk plays at Carlos’ lips.
“I’d like that a lot. Yeah.”
He places one more quick kiss on TK’s mouth before getting to his feet. TK slips his hand into Carlos’ and follows as he’s led up the stairs.
Carlos pauses outside of one of the rooms, pressing TK to the wall and kissing him until he’s breathless. TK’s head is in a daze by the time Carlos opens the door.
The bathroom is gorgeous, a steam shower in the corner, the glass doors gleaming. TK is already picturing Carlos pinning him to the tiles as the man turns on the water and finally removes his pants and underwear.
The sight of him from behind makes TK’s throat dry. Carlos is undoubtedly the most fit guy he’s ever seen. It’s nothing short of mind-blowing to know he has this kind of access to him now.
He runs a hand through his hair and catches sight of himself in the mirror. His skin is red in all the spots he’s been kissed and bitten, all in places no one else’s eyes will see. There’s something almost addictive about that, being marked like this by Carlos. Claimed.
Carlos’ arm snakes around his waist, his chest pressed to TK’s back as he looks at him in the mirror too, his chin resting on TK’s shoulder.
“I got a little carried away. Sorry about that,” Carlos says against the shell of his ear after a moment of studying TK’s reflection.
TK’s eyes rake over himself again, at all these markings to his body put there by Carlos’ skilled lips. It makes him feel special in a way he can’t quite fully absorb just yet.
TK smiles at Carlos in the mirror and pats his arm.
“I’m not complaining, that’s for sure.”
He turns in Carlos’ hold and kisses him for the millionth time tonight, squeezing in as tightly as he can to Carlos’ frame, feeling his erection pressed up against his own.
TK trembles at the contact, pulling back from the kiss and gripping Carlos’ shoulder for balance.
“Still with me here?” Carlos asks, a slight teasing tone in his voice.
“You’re a bit overwhelming…in the best way possible,” he admits, feeling a bit lightheaded.
Carlos smiles at this and gives TK the most chaste kiss of the night. His thumb brushes back and forth softly along TK’s jaw before he tugs TK into the shower with him.
TK goes willingly, leaning back against the tiles as Carlos stands under the spray. He watches him quietly, studies the way Carlos’ hand rakes through his hair, notes the journey the water takes as it trails along Carlos’ shoulders and down to his back, the swell of his ass.
TK clenches his jaw, his cock twitching. Unable to stop himself from merely observing, he remembers his offer from downstairs and stands behind him.
He grabs Carlos’ washcloth and gets a lather going. He sets the cloth to Carlos’ back, rubbing in circular motions.
He works quietly as he cleans him, letting his fingers linger here and there, smiling to himself at the occasional shiver his touch sends through Carlos.
This is a different kind of intimacy, and TK is glad for the fact that they get to explore it with each other now.
TK’s hand lowers and wraps around Carlos’ length with the washcloth. He feels him stiffen and TK simply kisses Carlos’ shoulder as he works to clean between his legs.
He drags the rag down Carlos’ cock, the man letting out a grunt. Carlos reaches a hand back that settles in TK’s hair.
TK casts the cloth aside, replacing it with his hand. Carlos rocks forward slowly, his breaths trembling as the water beats down on him.
“Feel good?” TK asks softly, feeling himself harden bit by bit as his arousal grows.
The combination of steam, Carlos’ sounds, and the feel of him stiffening under his touch is everything.
Carlos lets out a quiet breath and nods, fingers twining deeper still in TK’s hair.
“Incredible, actually.”
TK moves his hand more steadily, his downstrokes firmer. His other arm wraps around Carlos’ waist, holding him closely to his body. He whispers in Carlos’ ear, telling him how good he’s being for him. TK can feel the pressure mounting in Carlos, sees the way he’s losing the battle to keep control of himself. TK can hardly believe the effect he’s having on him. He sucks on Carlos’ earlobe, teeth grazing as Carlos pulses against palm.
“I wish you could see yourself right now. So goddamn gorgeous,” he says quietly, wrist flicking as he works over him.
Carlos grinds back against his cock and TK bites back on his lower lip to keep in the moan that climbs up his throat. His fingers dig deeper into Carlos’ hip to keep them both steady.
He can’t help but to picture himself inside Carlos now, what it’d feel like to get him on his cock, tight and needy as he jerks him off. It’s quite the sight in his mind’s eye.
He bites down on Carlos’ shoulder, relishing in the whimper it claws out of him.
Carlos swallows hard, his body trembling against TK’s frame. His cock twitches against TK’s palm again in warning.
“Let it out,” TK whispers he says after a beat. “You’ve been so good, Carlos. Come for me. Nice and hard. Right here, just for me.”
Carlos makes the most desperate sound in the back of his throat that echoes off the tiles and a moment later, his body shudders hard as he comes in TK’s fist, TK’s name falling from his lips in a broken whisper.
TK drops one more kiss to his shoulder before letting go of him and cleaning his hand off under the spray.
The water has gotten significantly colder, but with the warmth of their bodies pressed in together, it hardly makes a difference to TK.
Carlos turns and cups his cheek, his thumb brushing against his cheekbone. He backs TK up against the shower’s wall. He kisses TK hard and dirty, his hands clutching at TK’s hips. Carlos ruts up against him for a second and hisses, no doubt still extremely sensitive.
His lips journey along his face. TK’s head is in a fog from it all.
“I just can’t seem to get enough of you,” Carlos murmurs into his neck where he leaves the faintest of kisses.
TK is sure Carlos can feel his pulse quickening. He adjusts his stance, spreading his legs a bit.
“Take whatever you want then. It’s all yours.”
Carlos' hand runs down the length of TK’s torso and between his legs, making good on TK’s offer and grasping him fully, a promise in his eyes.
A few minutes later, TK finds himself riding out his second orgasm of the evening.
Cleaned and in bed, TK cuddles in on Carlos’ side. They lay naked with a blanket strewn over them exchanging lazy soft kisses. Carlos’ arm wraps around him, holding him closer still.
“I wish I could stay over,” TK thinks out loud. “But my dad knows I’m with you. That might raise some questions.”
Carlos frowns a bit, but nods in understanding.
“I’ll take you home soon. I just need to kiss you a little while longer first, if that’s okay.”
TK jokingly rolls his eyes.
“You hereby have my explicit permission to kiss and/or touch me any time the mood strikes. I will never not want you on me— just so we’re clear on that front,” he says in a matter-of-fact voice.
Carlos is quick; he pins TK to the bed by his wrists, his hips pressing firmly against TK’s.
“Is that right?” he says, his brown eyes piercing.
TK swallows hard, breathless.
Carlos leans in and nuzzles against TK’s neck, his breaths tickling his skin. TK’s pulse quickens, but Carlos only gives him a gentle kiss, such a contrast to his bold move from a second ago.
TK’s hands ball into fists, his nails biting into the palm of his hands as Carlos’ thigh slips in between his legs. It’s pure muscle, hard and firm, and TK can’t help but to grind down on it instinctively.
TK can feel Carlos smirk against his neck. The man knows what he’s doing to him. He has every reason to be smug about it and TK is well past the point of pretending his body isn’t prime to react to him.
“I hate you,” TK groans as he begins to stiffen a bit. This shouldn’t be possible and yet here is, getting it up once more.
This man just might be the devil. TK is willing to take any deal he offers.
Carlos grips his hair, tugging just hard enough to tip TK’s head back to look him in the eyes. His gaze is intense and it sparks something carnal in TK at once. TK shamelessly humps his leg like some kind of depraved animal. The friction against his cock is addictive and the knowing look in Carlos’ expression has no right being as sexy as it is. He’s pleasing Carlos and that fills him with almost blinding pride. He can barely think straight, but one thought repeats like a mantra in his head: be good, be good, be good.
“Sure doesn’t seem as if you do,” Carlos notes, brushing TK’s hair back. “Looks to me like you can’t get enough. Just look at you. So eager for it.”
TK groans again and rests his forehead against Carlos’ as he continues to rock forward steadily. Carlos doesn’t even have to do anything and he’s able to get under TK’s skin. He clings desperately to Carlos’ shoulders, his breaths ragged.
“Fuck you,” he grits out, pleasure pooling molten hot in the pit of his stomach quickly. His body is officially pushing past its limits, but TK knows he’s got a little left in him.
Carlos laughs deeply and kisses his lips before brushing his mouth along his cheekbone and up to his ear.
“Maybe one day if you’re lucky, I’ll let you do just that. Until then, come one last time for me before I take you home. You’re almost there. I can feel it. You’re so close.”
With the mental image back in his head for the second time this evening, TK grinds harder against his thigh. He sees it far too clearly now as his hips roll forward. His hands run down Carlos’ back and to his ass, roughly kneading. It’s easy to pretend, to let his mind conjure up the image of himself fucking into Carlos and not just his leg.
TK comes for a third time, with a downright pathetic whimper as Carlos strokes his face and tells him how beautiful and good he is, just for him.
It’s worth every bit of the exhaustion he feels now to earn praise like that.
It would seem that their time together outside of the station has made them into a force of nature while on the clock.
That’s TK’s theory anyway and it seems like a pretty solid one given how in sync he and Carlos are out on the field. It’s a noticeable thing as they get commended on their rescues, Owen partnering them up at almost every turn.
More often than not, he and Carlos don’t even have to communicate in words. Knowing what the other needs in the moment is simply second nature.
It’s been fun getting closer to him in all ways and to see how effortlessly Carlos has been brought into the fold with the 126.
Today’s group outing is to watch Marjan’s roller derby match. The energy in the room is so high it makes TK feel electric. He, Carlos, Paul, and Mateo keep themselves busy as they watch the first match of the afternoon, getting sucked into the brutal game unfolding before them. Marjan isn’t set to go for another thirty minutes, but it’s just as exciting watching now, even if these women are total strangers.
“I’m gonna grab a drink. Another round for you guys too?” he asks the others, their cups empty.
They nod and TK hops up out of his seat, heading over to the bar. It’s pretty empty given most people are settled in for the matchup going on now. It makes it easy to get the bartender’s attention.
The man looks him over as he steps up fully to the counter.
“And what can I get for you?” he asks.
There’s something to his smile that makes it clear he’d offer TK more than just drinks if he asked.
“Three beers and an iced tea, please.”
The bartender nods and grabs the nearest cup to him, filling it from the tap.
“Here with friends?”
TK nods. “Friends-slash-coworkers. We're here rooting for yet another member of our crew. Her match is next.”
The man raises a brow. “Your crew?”
“Yeah, we’re firefighters.”
Intrigue flashes in the man’s eyes. TK is used to it once people hear what his profession is. A man in uniform never fails to be an attractive thought, he’s realized over the years— more so now thanks to seeing Carlos in his uniform each day; TK understands the appeal.
“Sign me up for the next calendar,” the bartender muses.
Before he can respond, TK sees the other man’s eyes shift to the side of TK and a second later, TK feels a presence.
Carlos stands beside him, placing a hand on the small of his back and rubbing it softly.
TK’s face flushes a bit at the unexpected move. He can feel his heart beat faster at his touch. They’re usually very careful—deliberate, actually— in not touching each other if they can avoid it when they’re out. This is a clear violation of that and in such a public space, too.
TK looks up at him questioningly, but Carlos isn’t looking at him. His eyes are fixed straight ahead at the bartender setting their drinks down on the counter.
“Can I get you anything else?” the man asks TK, but it’s Carlos who answers.
“We’re all set. Thanks so much.” His tone is polite enough, but there’s an undercurrent of an edge to it.
The bartender looks between the two of them as they pay and Carlos scoops up two of the cups as the man moves away to help someone else.
“What was that about?” TK asks, picking up the remaining glasses.
Carlos shrugs a shoulder and steps away from the bar, leading the way back to the stands. It’s far noisier now that they’re around more folks and closer to the track.
“Just thought you could use a hand with the drinks.”
That isn’t the part of the exchange TK was referring to and he’s certain Carlos knows that as well. Though, he supposes, perhaps Carlos means he was actually genuinely rescuing TK from the guy flirting with him.
He wonders at the implications of that, but he doesn’t push the matter though as this area doesn’t exactly lend itself to conversation.
Whatever mood Carlos was in back there at the bar has completely faded now as they reunite with Paul and Mateo. Carlos has got a genuine smile back on his face as he passes over the two beers he carried to the other guys.
TK holds out Carlos’ glass to him, their fingers brushing lightly as they settle into their seats beside each other. It’s such a brief touch, but it sends sparks through him, as touching Carlos always does.
Carlos’ eyes drift to his lips and TK wonders how he’s meant to get back to watching the action on the rink, when all he wants now is to be alone with Carlos.
“Do you want me to drop you home or do you want to come over?” Carlos asks as they approach the first red light since leaving Marjan’s winning match.
TK turns his head from where he’s been watching the scenery to raise his brow pointedly.
“You’re such a smart man to be asking such a silly question,” he says. “The answer is always going to be to head to your place.”
He stretches out his left arm and settles a hand against the nape of Carlos’ neck, his fingers gently playing with his hair.
Carlos grips the steering wheel a bit tighter. TK tries his best not to openly gloat.
“It’s been a long day. You might’ve wanted to get some rest,” Carlos notes as he puts on his indicator and pushes on the gas pedal once the light changes.
“I appreciate the concern, but sleep is the very last thing on my mind right now. I can think of so many other things we can do in your bed instead.”
Carlos glances over at him with heat in his eyes and TK feels his stomach flip at the sight. For as much as he loves hanging out with the crew, TK had been eager to squeeze in some alone time with Carlos this evening. He’s grown fairly dependent on it, if he’s being honest.
The moment they arrive at Carlos’ door, TK feels antsy to get inside. Carlos lets them in and at once, Carlos frames his face and kisses him deeply for a few seconds before leading him up the stairs to his bedroom.
Carlos pushes him back gently against the bed and tugs off his shirt, letting it fall to the ground. He stands for a moment and TK blushes a bit, following suit and taking off his shirt as well. Carlos comes in closer then, climbing on top of him. He kisses TK again, but the energy isn’t the same.
This kiss is unlike any they’ve shared before, as if Carlos is trying to tell him something different this time around. It’s more urgent, frenetic even. It feels off, so much so that TK pulls back and looks at him.
“Hey, what’s going on?”
Carlos’ brows furrow, searching his eyes.
“Nothing. I just want to make you feel good.”
TK places his hands on both sides of Carlos’ face. There’s something almost pressing in Carlos’ expression. TK soothingly strokes Carlos’ cheeks with his thumbs, his gaze just as steady.
“Believe me, babe, you always do.”
Carlos’ eyes widen a bit and TK realizes belatedly that he’s just used a pet name for the first time on him. He’s ready to take it back when Carlos smiles and kisses him again.
This is more like it, TK thinks as he kisses Carlos back, sinking deeper into the mattress as Carlos presses their hips together. It still feels as if Carlos is trying to communicate something, but this time, TK understands it.
He responds, a sweep of his thumbs against Carlos’ cheeks once more before his hands take up residence in the man’s hair. The brush of Carlos’ tongue against his lips is a question TK answers by opening up to him.
Carlos’ hands wander and each place his palms land on TK’s body makes his blood sing.
Carlos undoes the button on TK’s jeans and ultimately makes quick work of undressing them both. TK peers up at him, the tips of his index and middle fingers tracing the curve of Carlos’ bottom lip.
TK sighs softly. It’s overwhelming, what he feels for this man and all the things he simply cannot say. But he gets the sense that Carlos understands it all the same.
Carlos leans in and kisses the tip of his nose before reaching past him for the bedside table. TK turns his head and looks, the foil of the condom wrapper catching the light beside the bottle of lube Carlos has also taken out.
TK looks up at him, both hands cupping his face as he pulls Carlos in to kiss him heatedly. He shifts his hips, spreads his legs a bit in silent invitation. He craves Carlos’ touch so desperately, wants to feel him everywhere at once he thinks he could just snap under the weight of wanting.
His face warms up at the sound of the bottle opening, the liquid applied softly to his rim. He shivers at Carlos' touch, gripping the man’s bicep as Carlos’ thumb gently encircles him.
The amount of care Carlos extends to him leaves him breathless. Slowly, Carlos’ index finger breaches him and TK clenches his jaw at the intrusion, but he’s filled with such incessant need. His body relaxes, sinks into Carlos’ touch like a warm bath.
Carlos’ eyes never leave him as he works him open. A look akin to awe is trapped in his darkened stare. It’s the last thing TK sees as his eyes roll shut, the man’s name rolling off his tongue in a drawn out moan.
It’s so easy to surrender to him, to give himself over completely because he knows that Carlos is not only capable, but can be trusted with him.
He lets out a soft whimper at the pulsing rhythm Carlos sets. It’s torturous and perfect and TK wants it to last forever.
TK stares up at him, palms clamoring at the strong chest before him, the ridges of Carlos’ tight abs.
Carlos leans in closely, eyes dark and piercing as he kisses TK’s neck, the tip of his tongue teasing the exposed column of his throat.
TK moans once more, burying half his face into the pillow.
He spreads his legs wider and pushes them up, his back arching towards Carlos, the new angle bringing his finger in further.
“Jesus, TK,” Carlos murmurs. “So good for me.”
TK’s whimpers, rolling his hips back against the digit as Carlos works it in deeper.
One finger becomes two scissoring inside him, and soon three stretching him to his limit and TK’s body demands more of Carlos. All of him. Now.
“How do you want it?” Carlos rasps against his ear.
His tone sends heat like wildfire down the length of TK’s spine, the question itself leaving him bereft for a moment.
“I want…,” he trails off, fingers twisting in the sheets as Carlos’ fingers curl perfectly inside of him. “Fuck,” he hisses.
Carlos kisses his forehead, his fingers holding steady as they work in and out of him.
“What do you want, TK?” he asks directly against his ear again.
It makes TK’s breath catch, goosebumps running up his arms despite the heat between them.
“I want to ride you,” he manages to say.
A low growl emits from Carlos’ throat that makes TK shiver once more. Carlos carefully withdraws his fingers, but TK doesn’t mourn the loss of them for long. He flips them over, eager for more.
Carlos makes quick work of opening the condom and getting it on over himself. It’s not a moment too soon before TK lowers himself down, eyes squeezing shut as Carlos begins to fill him.
The stretch burns in the most pleasurable way. Carlos’ attentive prep makes it that much easier to accommodate his length, but Carlos is by no means average.
He relishes in the way every inch of Carlos takes him over, the man’s fingers gripping his hips almost bruisingly. TK’s glad for his touch; he feels like he could float away at any moment with how surreal this all is.
He opens his eyes slowly as he sits comfortably on Carlos’ cock and finds the man already looking up at him. There’s a fire in his eyes that TK is sure is reflected in his own. He trembles under the intensity, can see the readiness in Carlos’ expression, his desire to move and truly give in to this.
TK nods twice and it may as well be a pistol firing to mark the start of a race. Carlos is off at once, hips slamming upward and TK cries out in pleasure, his head tipping back as he rocks over him. Carlos’ hands lowering to TK’s ass and spreading him wider still.
“Look how well you take me,” Carlos spits out, his voice rough. “Like you were made for it.”
In all honesty, it feels like the truth. Never before has TK felt this connected to someone, as if the stars aligned perfectly to bring him to this precise moment in time.
TK bounces up and down, palms firmly in place on Carlos’ chest to ground him. Each thrust of Carlos’ hips goes directly against his prostate and TK chases that feeling, so overrun with pleasure that he can’t even get out a coherent sentence. His vocabulary is reduced now to two simple words: yes and more.
Carlos grabs a hold of his cock and jerks him off. TK can’t even form the words to thank him for satiating yet another need. Carlos’ touch beats out anything else and his body is in pure bliss with Carlos tending to him so greatly.
His thighs burn in this position, but he easily ignores it, just presses his knees harder into the mattress as he claws at Carlos’ chest, his dull nails leaving red marks down his front in their wake.
Carlos’ hand is relentless against his cock, each twist and turn setting every cell in TK’s body ablaze until it’s simply too much to stave off.
TK comes hard with a string of curses, his body doubling forward as his release spills onto Carlos’ abs and chest. It’s quite the sight, thick white rivulets streaked across the expanse of his smooth, otherwise unblemished skin.
Carlos isn’t deterred in the least. If anything, TK thinks it’s the very thing that gets Carlos to follow him over the edge beneath him, his arms wrapping around TK and holding him close as he crashes into him a few more times.
TK blinks quickly, his head completely static. He’s all too aware of how hard his heart is pounding as he tries to catch his breath.
He swallows thickly and seeks out Carlos’ mouth, their noses bumping together before he latches on and kisses Carlos like his life depends on it.
Carlos doesn’t miss a beat, his hands raking down his back, tongue slipping past his parted lips.
He pulls back after a few moments, biting down on Carlos’ bottom lip and tugging.
He rests his forehead against Carlos’, fingers gently curling around the strands at the nape of his neck. His mind is still racing, but one thought breaks through enough for him to voice it.
“You can’t be real. I must’ve made you up. I must be dreaming.”
He feels Carlos smile against his lips as he kisses him gently, his palms gliding down TK’s back.
“That’s high praise, especially coming from a guy like you. You’re perfect.”
TK could give him a whole list of reasons why he’s wrong, but he chooses instead to bask in this moment and the compliments that a man like Carlos could effortlessly throw his way with such conviction. Like it’s gospel.
Instead he just brings him into another kiss, his tongue slipping past Carlos’ lips and greedily exploring until he can’t breathe.
Reluctantly he gets off of Carlos, immediately missing the feel of the man inside him. Carlos discards the condom and plucks a few tissues from the box beside his bed and cleans them up.
TK settles beside Carlos on his back, brushing his hair off his forehead. He feels Carlos shift and a mere moment later, Carlos’ lips are on his chest, peppering his warm flesh with soft kisses. It makes his heart beat faster.
TK plays with Carlos’ hair, humming quietly in appreciation at the man’s actions. A shiver runs through him as Carlos’ tongue swirls over one of his nipples.
Carlos looks up at him through lush lashes that cast a shadow on his cheekbones. TK isn’t the best with words, but he feels like he could write poetry about the beauty of Carlos’ face alone.
“How are you feeling?” Carlos asks.
“So good. So freaking good. Thank you for that.”
Carlos’ nose skims along his chest. TK’s heart skips a beat just below the surface.
“Do you need to head back already?” Carlos asks, his soft voice in complete contrast to earlier.
TK shakes his head, stealing a kiss. “No, I can hang around for a bit. I really want to.”
Needs to, is more like it. The thought of leaving now is inconceivable. He’ll think of a cover story to his father later, if need be.
Carlos smiles and it’s infectious. TK grins back, skimming his fingertips over Carlos’ brows.
“Good, because I’m not finished with you yet.”
TK laughs and shakes his head. “Oh, so you’re trying to kill me? Is that what’s happening here?”
Carlos puts on an innocent face that isn’t fooling anyone.
“I’m just determined to send you home perfectly satisfied is all.”
“You’ve already done that, a hundred times over, but I’m definitely not objecting if you want to go for another round.”
Carlos smirks and kisses him again, achingly slow, so much so that TK feels as if he could just burst. He tries to goad Carlos into kissing him more intently, but Carlos settles him with a firm hand on his hip.
“Patience,” Carlos chides gently against his lips. “We’ve got all night.”
“And tomorrow too?”
Carlos pulls back then and looks at him. TK licks his lips before speaking again.
“I mean, if you wanted to spend your day off with me that is.”
They’ve already got plans in the evening to hang out with the crew here at Carlos’ place. But TK can’t resist pushing it a bit further and securing alone time with Carlos before then.
Carlos looks him in the face, his brown eyes growing even darker as the palm of his hand journeys down from TK’s chest to between his legs.
TK lets out an airy moan as Carlos’ thumb brushes over the head of his cock. TK’s eyes flutter closed for a second as he catches his breath.
“Babe,” he sighs.
Carlos doesn’t back down, merely nips at his collarbone slowly, his thumb continuing to encircle him. TK whimpers softly, biting back on his lower lip.
“A full day of having you like this? All to myself?” Carlos says, adjusting his hold and stroking him lightly, toying with him.
TK is still so sensitive from before, but he feels something unspooling in the pit of his stomach as Carlos touches him. He has to wonder if Carlos is made of magic. It’s the only way to explain this power he has over him.
TK sighs heavily, forehead resting against Carlos’ as his hips slowly move to meet the man’s fist. He’s spent, but Carlos’ touch is something that his body can’t seem to help but to long for.
A knowing smirk curls at the left corner of Carlos’ mouth.
“Yeah, we’re not going anywhere tomorrow,” he crows in TK’s ear. “I’m keeping you here all to myself.”
116 notes · View notes
Lesson Learned | Five Hargreeves
✦ pairing — Five Hargreeves x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 5.1k
✦ college AU-ish
✦ request — Could you write a story in which Five asks reader to teach him to kiss because he has a date (they’re in high school or college if you prefer) but gets carried on and they have sex so it becomes the norm and she thinks they’re fwb but he thinks they’re dating so they get into a fight when she tells him she can do it anymore because she fell for him and has turned other people down?
✦ warnings — nsfw, Five and reader are in college, language, Five is a virgin, smut, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, angst, jealousy, misunderstandings, awkwardness, fluff.
✦ author's note — I changed the ending, but for the most part, this is loyal to the request.
He had to be joking. Sure, Five wasn’t one to joke around too much, but he wasn’t one to talk about his love life with you either.
You glanced at him. With his back flush against the backrest of your desk chair and hands on his lap, he stared back.
“I can explain it to you...”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s not the same! Many things could go wrong. Dad always said to start small and practice.”
You rubbed your forehead, exasperated. “But I’m not an expert on kissing.”
“I’ve seen you make out with people at parties.”
Parties he always complained about. You understood where Five was coming from, he had been strictly homeschooled his entire life. It was a miracle that Reginald accepted to let him enroll in college.
Resigned, you left your seat on the bed, motioning for him to stand up too. Five complied, eyes on your face as he waited for you to say something else.
Swallowing your spit, praying you would stop hyper-salivating soon, you rested your right hand on his left cheek.
Five looked down at your hand, frowning.
“They’ll probably touch your face if they kiss you.”
Forcing him to slant his head, you explained, “Tilting your head makes it more comfortable. That way, when you move your lips against theirs, your noses don’t get in the way.”
Gently, he placed his hand on your cheek. Five pushed your head to the side so you’d tilt it too.
You could feel your heartbeat quicken which prompted you to take a deep breath. “You should be gentle at first, don’t stick your tongue into their throat or something like that.”
“I know the theory,” he snapped. “Can you just teach me the practice already?”
“Right.” You brought him to your height, unconsciously wetting your lips.
His breath fanned on your face, warm and rigged. You closed the gap between your mouths, fluttering your eyes close when he started moving his lips on yours.
It felt good, natural. You doubted it was his first kiss until his teeth grazed your bottom lip as he got too into the kiss too soon.
Swiping your thumb over his cheek, you pulled away to explain some more. “Easy. You’re just learning.”
Feeling him nod against your hand as he puckered his lips up to kiss you again, you added, “There’s nothing wrong with going at your own pace. If the other person really wants to kiss you, they’ll understand. You should do the same with them.”
Five pulled you closer to him, dropping his mouth onto yours. His kiss was intense, and you couldn’t help but match the passion he was pouring into it.
Your fingers slid into his hair which made him shudder. He added his teeth purposefully this time, bitting down your bottom lip.
“Well,” you breathed out, “I think you’ll do fine.”
“Oh, shut up.” He kissed you again, dropping his hand to your shoulder and letting it travel down your arm.
His fingers brushed yours yet he didn’t stop there. He planted his hand on your hip, groaning when you tugged on his hair.
Your tongue slid across his bottom lip, catching him off guard for a millisecond. Five opened his mouth, granting you access more than happily.
Gripping your hip with no inhibitions now, he walked you backward. You broke the kiss, gasping for air, confused as to what he was doing.
It clicked when your calves hit the base of the bed. You searched for his eyes, wanting to make sure he knew what he was doing. Finding dilated pupils, you gulped.
“You’ll have to teach me,” he panted on your mouth, voice deeper than earlier.
You nodded, lightly pushing him off. You had never been anyone’s first before, much less taught someone how to have sex. Nervous, you slowly dragged your hands down his chest and torso.
Pulling at the hem of his t-shirt, you waited for him to lift his arms to discard it. You looked at him appreciatively, already having expected a fit body due to his training.
Grabbing his arms, you leaned over to leave a tentative kiss on his neck. Five hummed, bringing his hands back to your body, skimming your back.
The reaction encouraged you to be more firm with your ministrations, adamant to find his sensitive spot.
Fisting your blouse, he rasped, “Let me take this off.”
Standing straight, you lifted your arms like he had done. Five slid the item off quickly, throwing the blouse to the chair.
He traced your breasts, looking at you to see if you were okay with it. Placing your hands on top of his, you encouraged him to touch you firmly.
As he kneaded your breasts from on top of your bra, you resumed the attention you were giving to his neck. You seemed to find the spot you had been looking for under his ear.
He held you flush against him as you kept kissing his skin, breathing unsteadily. Five groaned, attempting to undo your bra with shaky fingers.
“Fuck,” he blurted a curse as you harshly sucked on his neck, “you’re driving me insane.”
“That’s the idea,” you chuckled, hands moving to the front of his jeans. Brushing his bulge with your knuckles, you felt his breath hitch.
He dropped his head forward, lips caressing your shoulder as he hid his face in your neck. You cupped his bulge, and his hips thrust forward in reaction.
Five kissed your neck like you had been kissing his earlier, yet he got messy quicker. You moaned softly, feeling him suck on your skin like his life depended on it.
Unfastening his jeans, you pulled them down. He kicked his shoes off immediately, pushing the denim down his legs and kicking the jeans to the side too.
You palmed his cock, only for him to remove your hand. Before you could assume he didn’t want this anymore, he pulled your leggings down.
Abashed by the fact that you were wearing mismatched underwear, you got rid of the leggings. Turning around, giving him your back, you instructed, “Watch my hands.”
Five tried really hard to pay attention as your fingers unclasped your bra, but the only thing he could do was picture your fingers around his cock.
You grabbed his hand as you faced him, guiding it back to your breast to teach him how to pinch your nipples.
He rolled your nipple between his thumb and index fingers, making you let a whine out. Getting confident, wanting to hear more of those sounds that went straight to the tip of his cock, he started using both hands.
This time he didn’t stop you from touching his cock. You didn’t touch him much, he was almost completely hard already and both of you knew he wouldn’t last long.
His cock sprung free when you took his underwear off, beautifully hard. He hissed at the change of temperature — the hiss quickly turned into a low groan as you wrapped your fingers around his shaft.
Huffing a sigh out, he clumsily got rid of your panties.
Reaching for the drawer of your bedside table, you pulled a box of condoms out. He frowned upon seeing it, but made no comment.
You handed him one and let him take his time to put it on. Rearranging your pillows to be more comfortable, you laid on your back.
Five kneeled on the bed, dragging his eyes down your body. You opened your legs for him.
Crawling closer to you, he looked down to see what he was doing and hesitated.
“It’s okay if you want to stop,” you reminded him.
“It’s not that. I don’t want to hurt you,” he admitted.
“Oh.” You cradled his cock, gently guiding his tip in. He shut his eyes as you did so, swallowing rather harshly. Craning your neck upward, you kissed his throat, letting go of his cock as he slowly continued to push in.
Five cursed. The strained tone made you clench around him, prompting him to let out a growl.
Ready, adjusted to his size after a tense moment, you told him, “You can move whenever you want. Slow at first.”
Opening his eyes, he placed his hands on your thick thighs. The movement of his hips, slow and hesitant, showcased how nervous he was.
You smiled at him in assurance, hoping he already knew you wouldn’t judge him if things didn’t go as he expected.
It worked to some extent, his clammy hands slid to the sides of your thighs once he felt comfortable with going a little faster.
Lewd sounds filled the room, making Five wonder how could you be that wet. You winced, afraid of embarrassing yourself.
Hovering over you, he kissed you. Forcefully gripping your thighs, rocking his hips at a desperate pace.
He couldn’t believe how good it felt. Five hadn’t given sex much thought before, he didn’t have time for most things — now everything he could process was how warm you were around him, wet and tight.
His stomach contracted as the coil inside him wound tighter. Taking deep breaths, he tried every trick he had read in order to not cum yet.
“It’s okay,” you panted, caressing his hair tenderly as you felt him twitch inside you, “let go.”
Relieved, he spilled into the condom, whining. His hands trembled, eyes wide open. Five never imagined it would be different from coming after jerking off. Oh, how wrong he had been.
“Hold the base when you pull out, that way you don’t make a mess.”
He did as you instructed him, tying the condom once he had taken it off. Five threw the discarded condom into the trash can, chest heaving up and down.
He laid beside you, catching his breath as he looked up at the ceiling.
“You didn’t come, did you?”
“That usually happens the first time you have sex with someone.”
“Don’t make excuses for me.”
You rolled to lay on your side. Five had his jaw clenched, the muscles in his abdomen were contracted, and he was frowning.
“Hey.” You reached for his face, making him look at you. “There are many ways to please someone. Everyone is different. That’s not your fault.”
He scoffed. Five didn’t like being like other people, making other people’s mistakes was stupid, unoriginal.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, I promise.”
“I clearly didn’t do something right!”
“Women tend to have a hard time coming the first time they’re with a new partner. It’s just... normal.”
“What makes you come?”
“It depends from person to—“
He interrupted you, “I asked you specifically.”
“It doesn’t matter. I can get myself off.”
He rolled on his side, resting his hand on your waist as he breathed on your face. “Tell me,” he insisted.
“Fingers should be enough,” you mumbled, eyes on his mouth.
Five dragged his hand down, following your curves. He stopped at your inner thigh for a moment, watching you, mapping your face.
Your eyes were hooded, wanton and pretty; mouth slightly open as you waited for him to please you. Him.
He parted your labia, assuming that was what he had to do to enter you, and gasped upon feeling just how wet you were. It was better than hearing it; it felt real now. He had made you wet. He.
“How many?” The question was low and firm, husky tone going directly to your clit.
Dipping his index and middle fingers into your pussy, Five licked his lips. He was torn between asking more questions and finding out what you liked by himself.
It couldn’t be that hard. He caressed your walls, exploring one side with his index. His knuckle brushed your other side, applying pressure. You whimpered, lulling your head to the side opposed to where he was.
Five shifted his fingers inside you, making you drop your hand to his shoulder as you tried your hardest not to move against his digits.
Intrigued by the spongy mound he had grazed, he touched it again. Your walls squeezed his fingers, hips lifting as your body jolted up.
His name escaped you through a sob. It was too much, you needed him to take you there already. Just a little push and you would explode.
Remembering how good it felt when you kissed his throat, he dropped his head into your neck to do the same, curling his fingers inside you when he realized it was easier to touch the soft sponge that way.
Your moans, mixed with the wet sounds of his fingers deep inside you, got him feeling hotter. He needed you to say his name again, even if it was just once — the sound had been so sweet, so sensual, he was sure he wouldn’t need porn to jerk off ever again.
Hand planted on his neck as you looked for something to hold onto, feeling as though your soul would leave your body if you didn’t find something to ground you, and only half-aware of what you were saying, you clamped your legs closed.
You were finally there, squealing his name so he wouldn’t stop. And he didn’t, not until your whimpers and cries subsided. Even then, Five found the pressure and fluid wetness on his fingers pleasant — so pleasant he unconsciously continued fingering you.
Your legs trembled and a loud sob broke through you. “Too much,” you choked out.
Five stopped moving his fingers, lifting his head to look at you. “Did I hurt you?”
Not able to form a coherent sentence, you pulled him into a kiss. He kissed you slowly, using his position to his advantage to lay you on your back so he could caress your cheek with his free hand.
The kiss had to be cut short when you grew breathless. Fluttering your eyes open, you found his own focused on your face. Your thumb traced his jaw as your hand stayed firm on his neck.
Five pulled his fingers out of you. Hissing, you shifted your hips. He played with the slick coating his fingers, admiring its glisten.
Before processing what he was doing, he licked his fingers.
Both of you moaned at the same time.
That saying of never meeting your idols had always sounded a little too pessimistic for your liking.
Now you were sure you had a better one. Never start fucking your crush who happens to be your childhood friend.
You should have known you wouldn’t be able to stop. Teaching him became an excuse, until the excuse didn’t hold up because there was nothing else to teach him. At least not on your behalf.
He never told you how the date went. You preferred it that way, pretending you were the only person he was seeing was better.
Extremely easy, too. You spent a lot of time together — hanging out, doing homework, having sex...
You caught him staring from across classrooms or hallways sometimes, and others he caught you. He always smiled, never showing his teeth but always acknowledging you warmly.
Not seeing him on Friday night and Saturday was fucking with your head. He had things to do, at least that was what he said — probably someone else to see.
Every time he kissed you or touched you made you fear it would be the last. He would eventually settle for someone, you knew how much he needed some sense of normalcy in his life.
And you knew it wouldn’t be you.
Your roommate threw herself onto the couch, lifting her eyebrows as she stared at you. “Soooooo,” she sang, “what’s going on between you and Five?”
You closed your laptop, tired of staring at the blank screen with no idea how to start your essay. “Nothing.”
“Then who gave him that giant hickey he’s been trying to hide with a turtleneck?”
You shrugged. “Ask him.”
“(Name),” she said, trying to sound serious. She failed, too amused by your attempt at being nonchalant. “You’re the only person he hangs out with.”
That wasn’t technically true. He had some acquaintances here and there, and he spent a lot of time with his siblings.
Either way, one doesn’t have to hang out with someone to be involved with them in other ways. For instance, the last time you had seen someone casually, none of your friends got to meet them.
Someone knocked on the door. Assuming it was her partner, you let her open herself, resting your belly on the arm of the couch as you stretched to place the laptop on the table beside it.
You would probably prepare something to snack on and watch a movie unless she needed the apartment for herself.
You heard a familiar “hello” and froze. The couch dipped, prompting you to kneel in order to acknowledge Five.
He leaned on his back to stare at you. Following his tongue with your eyes as it came out to wet his bottom lip, you bit the inside of your cheek.
“I brought your favorite cookies,” he announced softly, nodding upward.
A paper bag laid on the wooden table at the center of the living room, next to your roommate’s tablet. As you deviated your eyes, she gave you a cocky smile, lifting her eyebrows again.
She made an excuse to leave you alone, reminding you that she would be back in the morning. Finding the comment pointless, you rolled your eyes playfully at her and told her to be safe.
Five sat properly, cradling your face to kiss you. The kiss was short, a mere greeting gesture. You observed the bags under his eyes which were bloodshot yet made no comment.
Leaving the couch with the excuse of refilling your water bottle, you offered him something to drink but he declined.
“I’ll be in your room,” he stated as he walked past the kitchen.
He didn’t give you time to answer. You sighed loudly once you heard the door creak open and went back to the living room.
Grabbing the cookies and your laptop, you turned the lights off.
He was discarding the tied-up hoodie he had been wearing to hide the marks on his neck when you entered the bedroom.
You left the laptop on your desk. As for the cookies and the water bottle, you placed them on your bedside table before sitting down on the bed from where you could reach them whenever you wanted.
Five rested his head on your lap, kicking his shoes off to get more comfortable. He grabbed your hand, guiding it to his hair.
Burying your fingers in his dark locks, you started massaging his scalp. He sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You asked, “Are you okay?”
It took him a while to answer. Humming, clearly tired, he said, “It’s been a long weekend.”
“Wanna watch a movie?” you offered. You needed the distraction urgently. Thinking about what could’ve been bothering him wasn’t good for your health.
If it was someone he was seeing, it would break your heart. If it was something that had to do with his family... well, that would also break your heart.
Five fit himself between your legs, using your belly as a pillow. One of his arms was around you while his other hand fiddled with the elastic of your sweatpants.
You continued playing with his hair mindlessly, resigned to the fact that you wouldn’t focus on the film.
“You smell good,” he purred, rubbing his face on the ends of your t-shirt as he shifted to bury his nose in the material and sniff it.
He fell asleep on your lap before the third act of the movie started.
He hadn’t wanted to attend the stupid party. Five was tired, sleep-deprived, and quite worried. Klaus wanted him there, and he couldn’t say no to his brother when he had his own reasons to attend.
Regardless, he should’ve imagined Klaus had dragged him there with other intentions.
“Pleaaaaaase?” Klaus whined.
Five gritted, “I said no. I am busy later.”
Five adored his brother, he often gave into Klaus’ whims, but covering for him wasn’t that easy, and he had plans already.
Things weren’t going as smoothly as he wanted them to, and the logical solution was taking time to do them right before it was too late. It was his primary focus.
He had spent days asking around, doing research, planning things. Letting Klaus ruin everything because he wanted to get laid couldn’t be allowed.
Klaus pouted, narrowing his eyes as he scanned the room. “I’ll ask (Name) then.” He then giggled, “But not now. Or later. She might get some tonight.”
Five opened his mouth, “How did—“ he stopped himself, Klaus wasn’t looking at him anymore but at something behind him.
Turning around, Five found your frame a few meters away from him. You were chatting with a guy he had seen in passing, hand on his bicep — he believed the blond idiot to share a class with you.
What was his name? Something dumb, clearly. Fuck, why couldn’t he remember names now? Luke... or Lucas? It started with an L. It suited him.
Not thinking much of it, aware of how friendly you were, he took a sip of his drink. Five almost choked when he saw you throw your head back in a fit of laughter.
Everyone knew your companion wasn’t funny or smart. Why were you laughing with him? And why hadn’t you approached Five to say hello?
Leaving Klaus without a word, he walked toward you. He recognized your laugh as a painfully fake one, too giggly to be of your own or natural. It was vomit-inducing.
Five stood at your side. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” he lied.
You shifted to acknowledge him, speaking through your teeth. “I’m a little busy right now.”
Thrusting his drink into your hand, he ignored your companion. “It’s your favorite,” he smiled at you sweetly.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, prompting you to take a sip to keep yourself from giggling. For real this time. A smile had never made you so nervous.
Then again, Five rarely smiled genuinely.
Your companion cleared his throat, trying to get your attention again.
Turning to look at the other man, Five nodded upward. “Oh, hey Luke.”
“It’s Lance.”
“Right.” Five nodded dismissively. Sliding his arm around your shoulders, draping his hand as his knuckles brushed your jaw, he told you, “Can you talk to Liam later? I need your help.”
“My name is—“
Five gave Lance a tight sarcastic smile. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
You passed the cup to your other hand, wrapping your arm around Five’s waist. Choosing him, always him for some stupid reason.
Lance scoffed. “I’ll see you around, (Name).”
He glared at Five as he made his way toward his friends. Uncomfortable, you looked down. This was the third time you turned someone down for Five, and you were growing tired of it but couldn’t stop doing it.
“You didn’t answer my texts earlier.”
“You know I’ve been busy.”
“Yeah, like you were busy with your new bestie now.”
His harsh tone made you face him. He was glaring at the empty space in front of you, where Lance had been standing.
“You said you needed my help...” you trailed off, desperate to get past the uncomfortable silence.
He nodded. “Let’s go.”
Giving you a look that told you not to ask more questions, he pulled you closer, dragging you with him.
Leaving out of nowhere, without warnings or apologies to your friends, wasn’t wise. They could worry, or get mad at you when it had taken them so long to convince you to stop brooding and attend the party.
They surely would understand if you explained that Five had needed your help. Or tease you for dropping everything to be with him.
The weather outside of the venue was nice, nicer than the previous days when the heat had been so intense you had been tempted to sleep naked.
“Are you at least telling me what’s wrong?”
He looked up at the sky, humming in thought. This wasn’t the way he had intended to apologize, or to say anything. “I was hoping you would tell me.”
“You’re the one who needs help.”
“I clearly lied.”
You rolled your eyes to yourself. He was acting as though you were always willing to put everything aside for him. And you were. Fuck.
“Can I go back to the party?”
“Back to that idiot?” he mocked you. “I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to tell you all about the underage girls he has been grooming.”
Jesus fucking Christ. You just wanted to have fun for a night. Just one night of not going to bed wondering if he was in someone else’s room. Lance had seemed willing to make you forget — it would’ve been a transactional night, nothing more and nothing less.
Your silence only made matters worse. Bitterly, Five gritted, “One would think that after a week of being so busy you couldn’t hang out with your boyfriend you would be happy to have some time alone with him, but for some fucking reason I’m not enough tonight.”
“With my what?” You asked, baffled.
He shifted, twisting his body to gaze at you. “I know you’ve been busy, okay? And I have also been focused on other things, extremely stressed too.” Five leaned his head on the concrete wall. “It’s not an excuse. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You nodded. “But what did you say earlier? Like... seconds earlier.”
Struggling to repeat it, worried you would agree, he stammered, “That I’m not good enough tonight?”
“You used the word boyfriend.”
Five looked at you like he didn’t understand what you were talking about. “That’s what I am,” he said, obfuscated by the fact that he had to state the obvious.
“You are?”
“Am I not?”
“Well... no, but a little bit but not really? I mean—“ interrupting yourself, you shook your head. Acting like a babbling schoolgirl would get you nowhere.
Sure, you wanted to throw up; and yeah, you were probably getting what you wanted — but things weren’t supposed to go that way.
“You never asked,” you reminded him. How could you have known he was taking things so seriously? “I assumed we were friends with benefits.”
“We spend our free time together, making out and whatnot.”
“Yeah! Friends with benefits do that. Those are the benefits.”
“We go on dates,” he challenged you to find an explanation that would follow your warped logic. Friends with benefits! What a dumb thing to assume when he was giving you every drop of his love and attention.
Dates? What the fuck was he talking about? Hanging out at cafés and going to the movies?
“Those aren’t dates.”
“That’s stupid. Why would there be so many fucking rules to be in a relationship?”
You blew air out through your mouth, willing to explain it to him. “It’s not about rules. If you don’t clarify your intentions, people can only assume. The only qualifier for something to be a date is calling it that. It’s not that hard.”
“Fuck.” He rubbed his palms against his face, gripping his hair as his hands traveled up his head. “I feel like an idiot.”
“It’s okay, I shouldn’t have assumed anything either.”
He shook his head. “It’s something much more embarrassing.”
“Should I even ask?”
“Don’t laugh.” He lifted a finger, pointing at you in a threatening stance.
“I won’t,” you promised. How bad could it be?
Oh, it was bad. Okay, not bad, just... over the top. You wanted to laugh really badly — not at him, but out of nervousness. And maybe a little bit at him.
He had managed to scatter flower petals all over a hotel room floor while candles formed a trail toward the bed.
Light from more candles emanated from the bathroom where you could see even more flowers, beautifully arranged around the bathtub.
You opened and closed your mouth, trying to find something worth saying, a reaction that wouldn’t offend him.
“It’s romantic.” He made a pause, twisting his clasped hands. “Right?”
Five tsked. “It’s too fucking much, I know. I wanted to be romantic because my girlfriend has been stressed out and turns out I look like a fucking lunatic by doing this!” Lifting his hands in a frustrated gesture, he clenched his jaw.
You placed your hands on his shoulders. “It’s sweet.” He was pouting now, prompting you to be more firm, “I mean it.”
“You don’t seem to like it.”
“Of course I do! It’s just news to me that we’re dating.”
“Have you...” he made a meaningless movement with his hand, wetting his lips. “You know... seen other people?”
“No.” You decided to tell him the whole truth, “I tried a few times, but it didn’t feel right. It’s kind of embarrassing, I’ve turned people down because of you while thinking you didn’t care about me.”
“And I thought I was the delusional one.”
“You would’ve saved me from a lot of stress if you had stated your intentions clear,” you defended yourself. “Put yourself in my shoes, we had sex the first time because you wanted me to teach you.”
“We had sex the first time because you turned me on,” he corrected you, gripping your hips, making your dress inch up. “Why are you wearing a dress?”
“You don’t want to know.”
Five brought you closer to him, face red and eyes sharp. “You are right, I don’t.” He leaned over, trying not to focus on anything else but your lips.
You met him in the middle, kissing him first as you captured his bottom lip between yours. “I’m sorry,” you mumbled on his mouth, only to kiss him again.
Five slowed the kiss down for once, giving you short kisses instead. He rested his forehead on yours, arms around you as he swayed you to a rhythm you didn’t really know.
“Is it a bad moment to tell you I’m in love with you?”
With your hands on his shoulders, you shook your head. “It would only be bad if you didn’t mean it.”
“I never meant anything more in my life.”
“I’m in love with you too.”
He smiled, angling his face to give you another kiss. Sweet and long, as if he had all the time in the world. Five peppered kisses all over your face, huffing more smiles as he gazed at your reaction.
“Do you want to take a bubble bath?” he asked, mouthing your jaw. “I brought your favorite scent.”
“Are you joining me?”
“That was implicit, honey.”
You grabbed his hand then, bringing him into the bathroom with you.
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