#and Maven learned from the best
yellow-faerie · 1 year
I started talking about my HTTYD OC and the more I think about her, the more I love her. She had plot things sure but the most important thing about her is that from the moment she sets eyes on Excellinor, she objects to everything she does on Principle because Excellinor is not doing the witch thing right
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Mercer isn't smarter than Brynjolf, but he's close enough to him that he knows how to hurt him.
Brynjolf takes on a lot of responsibility, since even though Mercer is Guildmaster it seems like Bryn has to do all the hard stuff. He is barely keeping the guild together, and it's mentioned that Mercer has such a temper that no one goes to him anyways. They always go to Brynjolf, who is doing the best he can.
And Mercer knows that Brynjolf is smarter than him, so he does everything he can to keep him down. He discourages Brynjolf's interest in the falmer (which we see fail when Brynjolf can read Falmeri.), he explodes on him too (although Brynjolf seems generally Used To It), and it's implied he sent you to Goldenglow to get you killed, because "even Vex" couldn't get in.
And then Karliah's name comes up. Mercer internally panics, because that truly means it could all come to light. He was able to pin Gallus' murder on her, but only because no one had the time or energy to look closely. But when you show up, the Guild has new life breathed into it.
And you clearly mean something to Brynjolf. He's thrilled when you get down into the Flagon, after Goldenglow, when Maven asks for you by name, he's your friend. He's so excited both that you're helping the Guild in the way you are, and that he gets to be right there to see it.
Mercer has to get rid of you. You are ruining everything. A happy Brynjolf is a Brynjolf that could think and find out the truth. So it's so, so perfect when Karliah practically invites him to battle her. Mercer can take you with him, have you killed, and pin that on Karliah too. Brynjolf will be heartbroken, you'll be out of the way, and the story of Gallus' murder becomes that much more plausible with another victim.
And of course Brynjolf runs out after you and Mercer. He, of all people, knows how dangerous Karliah is. He was there for Gallus' murder, he's been watching her try and take the guild down from the inside, he knows. So even though Mercer insists to him to let you and he handle it, Bryn still goes out after the two of you.
And then Brynjolf learns you died. Karliah killed you, just as she killed Gallus. She truly is trying to destroy the guild. Mercer even tells him that your last words, your last thoughts, they were for Brynjolf. You, Brynjolf's friend and protégé, had whispered his name in your final moments.
Brynjolf is heartbroken, and Mercer is right there to make sure he stays heartbroken.
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: So, I was thinking *hides behind Alcina's strong legs* if you'd be so kind as to do a Miranda Priestly/Reader/Alcina Dimitrescu in The Devil Wears Prada AU where Alcina is a celebrity and the Reader is a tailor *idk lol* and both Miranda and Alcina want the dress that Reader has made (like it's so beautiful and world-famous and everyone wants it but its only one). So Reader can't choose who to give the dress to so she makes another one, the exact replice of it. Maybe a little bit of "Mine" statements from Miranda? Thanks in advance.
Miranda Priestly AND Alcina Dimitrescu? Hell yes, please. Let’s get into it!
Miranda Priestly and Alcina Dimitrescu are both icons in their respective fields. Miranda, as the editor-in-chief of Runway magazine, commands the fashion industry with her keen eye for style and her sharp tongue. As a tailor, you look up to Miranda and trust her judgement when it comes to setting the latest trends.
Alcina, on the other hand, is a renowned celebrity and socialite known for her elegance and grace. She is a successful and gifted jazz vocalist. She’s your favorite singer.
You are a skilled tailor who has just gained overnight fame for creating a stunning dress that has taken the world by storm. The dress is in such high demand that everyone from Hollywood celebrities to European royalty has been talking about it.
Today, you’ve received two separate requests for the same dress – One from Miranda Priestly and the other from Alcina Dimitrescu… Holy shit. What? Both women are insistent on acquiring the dress, and you find yourself in a difficult position as you… Only created one. This is tough.
After much deliberation, you come up with a solution: You will just make an exact replica of the dress so that both women can have one. It’s not a foolproof fix, but it’s at least the best one you can think of. (Hopefully they won’t mind that the dress will not truly be unique any longer). You work tirelessly, pouring all of your skill and dedication into creating a duplicate that is just as beautiful as the original.
But, despite your effort to create a replica of the dress and satisfy them both, Miranda insists that the dress is hers and wants it to remain an exclusively one-of-a-kind piece. The powerful editor-in-chief of Runway refuses to believe that anyone else could possibly possess something as exquisite as this dress.
Funnily enough, Miranda has actually met Alcina quite a few times at various events. She respects her and knows the clout she has. If Alcina gets the dress… Miranda knows EVERYONE who follows her career is going to saturate the media and declare that this is an iconic look belonging only to her. While Miranda is a beloved, and sometimes controversial personality, she’s not in the spotlight quite like Alcina is. The knowledge that Alcina is also trying to obtain the dress, her dress, is somewhat worrisome.
Miranda keeps insisting that she was the first to request the dress, and thus, it should rightfully belong to her… That’s not true, though.
Once your dress started hitting social media, many other high-ranking fashion mavens had already been clamoring for it… You only cared about selling it when you learned that both Miranda and Alcina wanted it, however. Again, you have been a fan of their work seemingly all of your life. You also definitely have a major crush on both of them which is clouding your vision. It was an honor when you got both of their requests. And it makes you very fucking nervous.
After days of being bombarded with endless phone calls from both Miranda’s and Alcina’s personal assistants, you have had enough. Despite the financial gain that comes with creating dresses for two of the most influential women in the world, you realize that your sanity is more important than any amount of money.
In a bold move, you demand that you will only sell these pieces if you can meet Miranda and Alcina in person to work out the details. Either both of them get a chance to own the dresses or neither of them do. You explain that it’s important for you to understand the individual needs of each woman and to ensure that they are satisfied with the final product… But it’s really an excuse to get them to quit the bickering, and so you can actually meet them.
After some initial resistance, both personal assistants reluctantly agree to arrange the meeting. You feel a sense of relief knowing that you can take control of the situation and finally put an end to the many phone calls.
As you prepare to meet with Miranda and Alcina, you take a deep breath and remind yourself that your work is highly sought after for a reason, and that you have the power to create something truly remarkable for both of these women.
Finally, the day arrives when you present the dresses to Miranda and Alcina. As you go out to your lobby to bring them both back to your office, you are suddenly speechless. They’re even more gorgeous in person. Your heart thunders hard as they both look you over. Analyzing you.
Oh, man… Maybe this was a horrible idea.
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Reaction of Maven with a blind darling ?
Yandere Maven
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Okay, Maven would have a crush on you without knowing you're blind.
He would fall in love with you because of your gentleness and kindness.
But when he learned that you have some sort of blindness, Maven would become much more overprotective.
(Blindness does not always mean that a person loses his vision completely. There are different types of blindness. )
Maven would like to find out how you would be blind.
He would like to help you in the best possible way.
Maven doesn't really like the idea of a guide dog.
He was afraid that the dog would take too much of your attention away from him.
But unfortunately, Maven can't be with you 24/7.
He would really hate this fact.
And Maven thinks a dog would be better than another human.
Maven would like to take care of you in the best possible way.
He would try to get you to live with him so he can help you.
If you agree, you won't be able to leave.
Maven would get you lots of gifts and ways to pass the time.
He would acquire churches with spot lighting, music and movies with visual interpretation.
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Red Queen Fan Fiction - A Promise Under Flowers
May 13th - Happy Birthday, Diana Farley
A/N 1: Here’s also a new story for her! Featuring Jealous Shade included for @elliemarchetti who’s been asking for this for years. Taking place during Glass Sword chapter 19.
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A Promise Under Flowers
Lightning surged from Mare’s hand through the sky and when it hit their silver hunters and their transports, it exploded with Cal’s fire setting them alight. Curses burned Farley’s tongue. Combined, Mare’s and Cal’s powers covered a distance that secured their escape, yet the necessity of escape meant another failure to save newbloods and their families, a loss against Maven.
Farley had stayed a little apart, up on the lookout for more enemies, gun ready. Now she joined the running team, still peeking over her shoulder as Cal and Mare reached her.
Both were out of breath yet appeared awed by their own co-work, Cal nicely rumpled and Mare frizzy with electricity, a shine in her eyes that could turn into a happy smile, if they didn’t face defeat.
Cal approached Farley, touching her arm. “It’s a trap, a tactic I recognize. We have to retreat.” Quickly, he shared rough instructions to proceed, keeping to glance at Mare. Casting aside thoughts of the newbloods they’d at best leave behind to fend for themselves, to maybe be killed or taken hostage, Cal was all professional, knowing what to say, if not for the touch of her arm. Strange he touched her, not Mare, when their longing was palpable. Yet so were the sparks around Mare. Not the time to set her on fire.
“Okay, get the Blackrun ready,” Farley concluded.
“Shouldn’t Shade be back yet?” Mare interjected.
Farley froze. She’d relaxed about him, trusting in his self-preserving ability but if the silvers set a trap, they could’ve caught him with the newbloods.
“… I should’ve gone with him,” she muttered.
Mare gestured. “We get to him now.”
She nodded even though Cal looked dubious. He shook it off; they couldn’t leave Shade behind. Farley handed him a radio. “You know our codes, message us if necessary.” He understood, adding further directions on how to move through the town.
Hopefully, Farrah and Harrick could hide the plane long enough. Hopefully, Shade was alive.
Dashing through the unknown streets was difficult enough, having to rely on the prince’s military teachings. What if Maven’s people varied the scheme? But Farley trusted Cal’s instincts, having learned his and hers worked the same way. She ran with Mare to the newbloods’ home, recalling their data. A man, 58, a woman, 29. A house on heather street. They twisted around corners and climbed fences, hoping to evade any sentinel pursuers. Fighting back would just draw more foes.
Yet as they arrived at the place, they found only two corpses, an elderly couple.
Farley cursed. She was already on the stairs when Mare called her – to the outside. She rushed away – finding Shade bloody and unconscious on a street two houses away.
“Check him!” Mare demanded in a whisper-snarl. She didn’t dare approach, again loaded with sparks. She’d planted herself on the earth to ground herself and charge off. Mare was seducingly powerful yet every day Farley witnessed how it isolated her.
Farley was already next to Shade before she realized how she’d moved there, her hand on his neck. “You promised me forever, you liar,” she hissed.
Nervously, Mare glanced around as Farley was desperate to find his pulse. “We need to get away, we should carry –”
“Before we know how injured he is?” Farley retorted. She could call Cal back, with a few others, though how long would that take? But Shade was breathing, his heartbeat singing to her. She noticed no strongly bleeding wounds yet when he finally reacted, looking into her eyes, it almost melted her heart.
“Silvers …” he groaned. “Attacked … took them out.”
Mare had finished charging herself off and risked a dash around to recon. “Two dead,” she confirmed, and joined them, gripping Shade’s hand. Her gentleness hit Farley.
“Dee,” he urged, slightly recovered. Almost more than me. Farley had to wash it off for good, he was alive.
“Yes,” she agreed, “Get us gone.” Despite their fears, he appeared relieved.
Back on the Blackrun, they could only conclude Shade fainted because of an ability, not a hit or concussion. He would not be able to teleport with such an injury, he said. But he was covered in bruises and his still healing ankle again so twisted he’d need get his crutches back. Farley was thorough with her ministrations and could hardly bring an end to them, even after checking their comrades, to Shade’s irritation.
“Don’t look at me like I might drop dead,” he chided.
Could she be sure he wouldn’t? He’d been hit by a strongarm before he jumped away to kill them and their companion.
They shouldn’t have sent him alone to gather the newbloods but their forces – if they could call them such – were spread thin with several defeats in a row, resulting in injuries, now including Shade. Farley was embarrassed his near loss affected her so, after so much death. When she tried to remember their marks that day, she couldn’t imagine the corpse seen in a hurry was the young woman on their list. Where was she, had she hidden in the town, left behind by Mare and their team, barely escaping Maven?
They didn’t have time to wonder. Mare was as protective as Farley when she pressed for another mission the next day – and leaving Shade behind. Only to arrive to dead bodies again. The day after, they were trapped by their own Whistle associate and found a whole murdered family. Mare freaked out over the dead baby so Farley could barely process it herself. Instead the memory settled in her bones and when she felt sick, it began to taste differently.
She knew she couldn’t afford to chew – or choke – on that. Even if … no matter.
Shade held her at night, aware of her own dead, and shared the weight of his. His pride gambled with his ability, letting him miss how strong he was. How fatal, like the day of his newest injury. He despised using it to kill, and did it anyway.
She could tell him there might be more than duty between them. How she wished for it. Still she let that option wither like she was afraid to answer herself.
Mare had another newblood on their list, reminding them of urgency, the chance to be quicker than Maven.
“Only after confirming his movements,” either Cal or Farley would insist each time, soon flowing back into their routines, Cal with the research, Farley maintaining the notch.
Going through the base’s corridors, she followed Nanny bringing out provisions to the rooms until she closed up to the old woman and stopped dead. “Not need to exaggerate my diligence, Nanny,” Farley called out with a chuckle when she faced her.
Wearing Farley’s features.
Nanny raised her hands, empty now. “Well, I’m done anyway.”
Farley shook her head. “Your ideas for mischief know no bounds.”
“My deceit, my dear,” Nanny countered, lifting one finger to chastise. “I am a weapon with many skills.”
“Absolutely.” Farley bit back a laugh and tucked Nanny by the sleeve. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
Nanny’s brows rose in expectation and Farley supressed her irritation about the topic, as well as facing herself. Her own surprised face was an unusual sight indeed.
Just get it done and say it.
“Your family didn’t appear on our list,” she began, “and as no newbloods, the Guard evacuated them.”
Nanny’s face clamed, waiting.
“So you never … none of them, your children, or grandchildren, showed any abilities?”
Crossing her arms, Nanny stared. “If they weren’t on your list?”
I’m not cowed by my own glare. Farley shrugged. “It was the first time anyone looked for newblood markers. They might be more to it we don’t know yet.”
“No sign ever, Nanny?”
A shift moved through Nanny, having nothing to do with changing shape. Her gaze went over Farley, toe to head and when their eyes met, Farley didn’t see herself, but the old lady, giving her, undeniably, what had to be called a mom’s stare.
“Why would you, of all people, be so curious about this, Captain?”
She met her own face, so similar to her dead mother, when no had looked at her like that, with this mix of caring and teasing, for several years. Startled, Farley stepped back, barely managing to catch herself. Not fast enough. “I have to plan ahead, take responsibility,” she offered, poorly.
Now Nanny grabbed her by the arm. Her voice was quiet. “And are you doing that …?”
She only felt blood rushing to her head. She needed space to breathe, to think. Even though she knew. Looking down, she said. “I have to be sure.” In truth, she had preferred ignorance, not having to choose. Not worrying over nothing or a misassumption, or rashly reject when she craved to embrace. Not getting attached to what might get lost before it thrived.
This period of waiting should’ve ended with the dead baby yesterday.
Farley straightened, returning to business. “No need to hurry about this topic, Nanny. But if you remember anything –”
“I have no issues with my memories, ma’am.”
It pulled a chuckle from her throat. “Of course not,” she said, and turned around – to run into Shade.
Nanny laughed out loud and Farley, her hand grabbing Shade’s jacket to keep each other from stumbling, glanced back to find Nanny finally returned to her own form. “I’ve been waiting just for this,” Nanny said.
With a pat on her shoulder, Nanny made to leave. “See true love recognize the right bride,” she whispered, as if she was narrating a fucking fairy tale.
“I’m not –”, Farley snapped but Nanny was already gone and Shade, right in front of her, blinked as he stabilized his footing, even as he had let go of one crutch.
“What was that?” he asked.
“She –” Farley gathered her bearing, helping him put weight off his weak side. She shook her head, taking Shade’s free hand. “She was delighted to test if you could tell us apart.”
“Hm.” He freed his hand and raised it, his fingers gliding, awfully slow, to her jaw, cupping it as if to inspect her to be sure. An excited shiver ran through her. “The face is flawless, now that you say…” He smirked and one long finger lifted her by the chin so her mind went through the times those fingers made her body sing. His face inched forward, neither closing the distance to a kiss, nor finishing his sentence.
She fixed his eyes in return and that was all they did for then, a pull that froze time.
She swallowed eventually and felt his fingers twitch in reply, his thumb stroking her jawline. She indulged to stay in the frozen moment, to sink into his amber eyes and drink the longing shining in them. “You can have me in whichever way you want,” she said.
His fingers twitched and he blinked. He didn’t retreat but time went on again.
She frowned, stepping back and glancing away, reaching for the dropped crutch. “Did you walk here?” she asked as she handed it to him.
“No, I …” Awkwardness had fallen between them and Farley regretted her advance. It had felt so true to her. In that moment, it was the one right thing she wanted to say. Was it wrong?
Shade pulled himself together, fixing his hold on the crutches. “I teleported. So I cheated, I guess, Jumped straight to you, rather than Nanny.”
Farley nodded, already moving away, back to her lists, preparations and schedules. And yet. “You couldn’t tell us apart by sight?”
He only smiled. It was a promise.
One duty pursued the next. When Farley wasn’t checking the notch and its inhabitants, she organized their training, looked for news on Maven’s movements and assaults, relocated people and ordered their resources. Another assignment loomed for the evening, Mare insisted on it. No one could talk her out of any of them, and what could Farley say? Gathering intel before striking was the only reasonable argument. She already had a hard time moving on from the people they failed to save. She understood Mare’s rush, knew how it was to prefer the fire of action over freezing hesitation – until it burned you.
The demand of their work began to sizzle, she realized even as she went through several lists at the same time just checking their food supplies before the operation. She needed the mundane distraction of it. The sight of that dead baby … it had hit Mare more than anything else in the last weeks. When they’ found it. Afterwards, Mare had returned to steel. That shocked Farley. That moment, Farley’s battle mind was still on as she urged Mare to escape. Only later, the memory made her sick as it ate through her, mixing with her own worries. To witness Mare do the opposite was unsettling.
Farley could be distantly pragmatic in the heat of adrenaline and necessity, and she’d repeated the drill countless times in the last 5 years – ignoring her heart. And her heart, horrifyingly, wondered what would be if she saw her own family slaughtered again. Her own child, that might not exist. She couldn’t even start to imagine. Wouldn’t she be better off without? Yet she found no relief in discovering to be mistaken, only plummeting loneliness.
Meanwhile, Mare moved on, striding into mission after mission like it was the sole thing to do. Maybe it was. Didn’t Farley do the same, filling every minute with work –
“I can take it from here.”
Farley’s head spun to Ada, joining her in the food stash. “I have my system.”
Ada chuckled, taking her by the shoulders. “Yes, I’ve figured it out.”
“You … of course you did.” Farley shook her head. Ada resembled Shade, in the way she glided through their unjust world proudly, with a powerful secret. And Ada was smarter than everyone else, too. She had these perfect manners that flustered Mare, Shade and Kilorn sometimes, but not Farley. Ada’s formality paired with her skills made her the queenliest person Farley could imagine.
She sighed, putting down her pen and papers. “You don’t need to double check.”
Ada merely smiled. “No need to double check,” she agreed, brushing Farley’s arm. “But about the Blackrun …”
“Yes, the Blackrun.” Farley rolled her eyes. “Good I didn’t plan for a break.”
“Glad to share work with you, Captain,” Ada said in goodbye.
A queen indeed, commanding and delegating.
Since the operation was already scheduled, Mare didn’t hound her to argue for it. It was a poor relief, aware that Mare had her expectations anyway. Maybe she was training instead, improving what she and Cal and the other newbloods developed as combo attacks, a thrilling advantage against silvers. Meanwhile, Farley was backup, in this case inspecting the Blackrun for water, armour, weapons, clothes, first-aid-kits, maps, cleaning – with the plane newly daily in use, someone had to take care of this. Just get this done and she could have an early meal and catch a nap. Securing the last first-aid-kit, she stepped on the ramp when a gush tickled her neck.
She spun to find Shade, reclined on a seat, legs stretched out.
He looked up to her, both wired and exhausted. “You have a moment?”
She breathed out. “For you, of course.”
He pointed to his injured leg. “I tried to convince Mare to take me along tonight but she refused.”
“And I should check if you’re healed enough to prove her wrong?”
He shrugged. “Please.”
With a tsk, she retrieved the first-aid-kit and crouched in front of him. The thing was so necessary it was already back in use. “I’m not sure who’s more protective of the other,” she muttered as she delicately undressed his foot, bending it slightly in all directions.
“And where do you fit in?” he asked. His fingers tapped on his knee.
“Being objective, I hope. So Mare believes me and you listen.”
“Oh no, you never tease me at all, don’t you?” he taunted.
Her head jerked up from removing his bandages. “What?” Of course she did, joking with him, but obviously so. She was as honest as she could … dare.
“You totally flustered me before, you know, don’t you?” Shade said.
She swallowed. “I …”
“Saying things like that ... what was that supposed to mean? What do you expect me to do?” He was genuinely upset and yet – it felt like rejection. She had meant it, baring her heart. But what each of them understood was another matter.
She continued her examination, testing his bare ankle now. He winced. “I’m … sor – sad to have confused you.” She held on to his ankle, drawing circles on his skin. She had spoken true, and now had to search for other words. She wasn’t sorry, didn’t want to apologize.
She looked up. “I don’t expect anything of you, that’s what I meant. I’d be … glad to hear your wishes. Try them out.” Back to bandaging, she gathered the supports he needed and started rewrapping.
He grunted. “That’s not what I got. I thought, ‘what could she want, this gorgeous older woman? What could she know that I have no idea of? Have I not been enough?’”
“Shade.” Even as she raised her head, she was flushing hot. Could he really have understood the opposite?
His fingers stopped their drumming, reaching for her hand on his leg. “You must have an idea of how impressive you are. Tall, beautiful, strong, a soldier brave and cunning.” He grimaced. “Scary. And experienced.” Meeting her eyes, he froze – and swallowed. “I mean, I didn’t know if you’d even notice me … as a flirt. And you didn’t, for long. I thought you must have lovers in the Scarlet Guard, most of all –”, he took a breath. “You’re so… stunning. How would I compare?”
Listening with growing surprise, she squeezed his hand to end his ramblings. “But I’m not. Experienced. Not in that way.” His eyes widened and she leaned back, crossing her arms. “Yet, aren’t you? From what Mare and Kilorn say?”
“Are they wrong?” She pinned him with a glare. It was uncomfortable and they had to get through this. Be honest, righting misassumptions.
Finally, he breathed out. “I’ve flirted. Kissing. Hookups. Pining. A boyfriend when I was 16. But nothing … out of the ordinary.” His face burned as much as hers. “And you … you were a long chase.” He smiled.
Softened, she inclined her head. “Because I need to. To be … chased.” She let the word hang on her tongue, testing it.
It was accurate enough.
“I’ve admired my girlfriend Giselle for 4 years before I realized I was in love with her. Even longer before we became a couple. After we broke up …” Death. Homelessness. Loss. The Cause. “I focused on the Guard for 4 years. I didn’t want anyone, even when I had sex two times.”
She’d engaged when her comrades celebrated, reciprocated flirting, even kisses at times, and when her arousal aligned with the occasion, she had taken to bed a woman, a man. And yet, despite those seconds of pleasure, she’d registered no desire for her partner, no lasting wish to be with any person, to do it again. She came to conclude her arousal showed as a physical need, a bodily function in line with her cycle she would better take care of herself, like hunger or thirst.
Only Shade had left her divided, confusing her heart so she assumed it a liar. She used to know the truth: Live for the fight.
“In several years,” Farley said, “I’ve only desired to be with you, to touch you, stay with you, wishing for more. You were a risk I had to figure out. And you waited for me as I took time, didn’t let go when I needed a tether. You took me as a I am and yet you changed me, so I wanted to gamble. You challenge me, all the time, and I want you to keep doing it. In every way.” Their eyes fixed on each other, piercing so hard Shade blushed deeply with the insinuation.
He bent forward and touched her shoulder. “But if you don’t like it?”
She snorted, relaxing her posture. “I suppose scary me will say no then. Or if you’re not good at it,” she added quietly.
That took him aback. “And that’s what I meant! Would I meet your expectations? Get close to you when you’re already close with so many others? Was I to your taste? I noticed you liked me, but in what way? Was I a fool to you? You were so easy with Tristan, so naturally physical I thought you must have been a couple forever. How could I ever be what he already was to you? I wondered how I compared to him every time he talked to me. I didn’t have his muscles, am smaller, thinner, can’t carry you or lift you against a wall – why are you looking like that?!”
She had failed to avoid an aghast expression, causing Shade’s suspicion. With a sigh, she reached for his hand yet needed to gather herself before meeting his eyes, “We’re being true today, aren’t we?” she said. “I’ve been with someone else once, but … also with Tristan.”
Shade looked like he’d been stabbed, to her embarrassment. He’d been right with his worries but also … not. “Like, for an hour, and didn’t care to repeat it, ever again.”
It hardly helped, his shock was too great. He must not have expected to have been right. “You and him …” Shade shook his head. “You were so easy-going, trusting, touching all the time …”
Farley sat up, cupping his cheek. “Because there was no desire between us. We … tried, and didn’t want that. We moved beyond it. If we could do that, part ways and still work together …”
“Do that …” Shade repeated and she didn’t like to think about the pictures in his head now. Her hand brushed his skin, and she added her other to play with his soft, ever-growing hair.
“Have you not listened?” she whispered, and pulled more sweet nothings from thin air. "You're so handsome, your sight gets me through the day, until I can't bear any minute I'm not touching you ..." Her words, her touch, sharing breaths, she put all in to dissemble his jealousy until he recovered, clasping her wrists and finally realizing how near she was, close enough to kiss. He almost did, leaning back at the last moment. “I get it,” he whipered.
Their foreheads touched, even as a shiver ran through him and he cleared his throat. “All this about a dead man,” he muttered.
That erased the foolishness of the moment. Farley held on to him tighter, grounded again on the Blackrun’s floor, waiting for a mission to start, with him, injured.
“Can’t have you end like that as well,” she murmured.
“So you finally promise to not get me killed?” he replied, breaking away to find her gaze.
Her cheek twitched. “Well, in this case, I can’t let you join today,” she said. “You still wince from your aches with every move and your ankle should rest another day or three.”
He groaned, his posture slumping. “If you, Mare and the rest look after yourselves.”
She shifted, fingers combing through his hair to cup the back of his head. Now he glanced up to her. “You don’t look enough after yourself. Almost like I can’t leave you alone.”
With a self-deprecating smile, he closed his eyes. “But you can’t say I’m a terrible soldier in every way.” His eyes opening, he added, “I’d ask for something to look forward to, but this wrecked” – he grimaced – “I’m not sure what I can offer.”
She sucked in a breath at his tease. “Your mouth will do,” and while she blushed, he giggled at the – unintended – double-meaning.
Fingers traced her face again. “In every way, you said,” he said, considering. “I’ll tell you an idea, for the time being.” Gliding off the seat, he sank to his knees and embraced her waist.
“In May, on your birthday, when lilac and wisteria bloom, I will find you, lured by the violets in your eyes, into a porch under the flowers whose shadows throw intricate patterns on your skin, tangled with your curls. I’ll kiss you, on the cheek, and trace the blossoms’ shadows down your neck, your breasts, your legs, your belly and – enveloped in their scent – I will taste what’s sweeter: the bloom or the flowers between your thighs.
“Do you like that?”
She’d forgotten everything but his voice and the images he created, despite the stress she’d felt this day, no, the last weeks. When she regained words, she answered, “It’s enough for now.” What a dream that was, to think of seven months from now. That was as good as forever but time and space left as they kissed. She wished he’d always chase her like this.
A/N 2: I’ve wanted to explore Farley being demi for a while since I do think it fitting her yet I was also irked that the label would mark her as a widowed mother who should stay chaste, faithful and single forevermore. I’ve written other stories where she doesn’t do that so it appears balanced to me telling it this way, just adding another angle to her. Writing this for her birthday, I’ve listened about 800 times to my number one Fade song, Lacey Sturm’s “Faith”, for inspiration, and heavily referenced it in the story. It still hits me. I love these two so much.
@nortaeventcouncil @lilyharvord @mareshmallow @lucy-the-cat @justagirlwholovesstories @averyboterham @imsorryistilllovemaven @groysinjapan @eliimaii @readytolearnmore @maudthebookeater @petergrantkavinsky @freaky-freiday
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deadlymousex01 · 10 months
Skyrim men watching sunset with their s/o
Brynjolf, Farkas, Vilkas, Nazir, Arnbjorn
you ask your man to come watch the sunset together so you can have some alone time 
SFW, all fluff
This is my first time writing/ posting something like this so I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to comment or make requests and I’ll do my best!
- Never really bothered to watch sunsets before, let’s be honest, only ever watched the sun go down to know when its dark enough to go out and rob people blind
-First time you told him you wanted to go watch the sunset with him he laughed until he realized you were actually serious before agreeing just to humor you because he loves you
-Sitting on the edge of the docks with you he feels a bit out of place not quite knowing how to act so he just makes his sassy remarks and feels like he’s ruining the mood, the poor man has never had the chance to have a normal life he needs to learn slowly
-After a few nights of watching he starts to relax a bit and start to enjoy it and look forward to it. Spending time with you and not having to worry about the next score, the guards or Maven is a nice relief
- Vex and Delvin absolutely tease him about it afterward but it makes you happy so he’ll suffer for you
-Quickly agrees when you ask him to join you as spending time with you is what he enjoys most, besides fighting and hunting of course
-Takes you out to the meadery to get some privacy and so the other Companions can’t interrupt and embarrass the two of you, also to get a drink afterward if you want to
-Loves when you lean on the fence so he can wrap his arms around you and rest his head on yours, or nuzzle your neck, more interested in you than the sunset to be honest but if you’re happy, he’s happy
-If you do go into the meadery and head back to Whiterun in the dark he’ll have a arm wrapped around you to keep you close and safe from danger, or so he’ll tell you in truth he just likes touching you
-If you ask him to do this every night it’ll be the thing that he looks forward to all day, just knowing he gets to spend some special time with you, since he’s not good at romantic words this lets him show you how much he cares about you
-Agrees because he likes spending time with you, he also appreciates the beauty of the setting sun more than his brother would
-would take you up to the skyforge, sit on the edge and wrap a arm around you. He’s not to worried about the others as Farkas is and is just happy to be with you having a special moment
-Will absolutely talk your ear off about the history of the companions if you’d let him or ask him about it, being both a talker and a history nerd he loves the chance to share his knowledge with you but also loves to hear you talk about things you’re passionate about
-When the sun has set will walk back down the stairs of the skyforge hand in hand with you taking his time so you both can be together as long as possible before giving you a sweet kiss before entering Jorrvasker
-Is skeptical when you first ask him to watch the sunset with you but will agree as long as your out of sight (at the Dawnstar sanctuary it’s a lot easier to do, Falkreath is hard to get a good view of the setting sun)
-After the first night of watching the sun will tell you that he enjoyed it more than he expected as such moments are not the normal for him given his occupation and that he looks forward to doing it again
-Will set up a bench near the entrance of the sanctuary for the two of you to sit on as well as bring a blanket to share to protect the both of you from the cold northern Skyrim air, and to have as a excuse to hold you close to him
-Will tell you stories of his life in Hammerfell if you ask him, of course he might not tell you everything right away but if you open up to him about your life he’ll start to let you know the more dark things he’s done or things he regrets
-Takes you back inside to sit by the big fireplace and brings you a warm drink to warm you back up, sitting in silence and enjoying each others presence 
-First time you asked him to watch the sunset with you he laughed, hard, until he realized you were serious and then flat out refused calling it a waste of time (depending on when you asked him he was still grieving the loss of Astrid and was lashing out at everyone and everything)
-After some time will agree to watch with you, and will just sit in silence or grunt a response if you ask him a question until the sun goes down where he will say that it was pointless like he said. However he will still come sit with you whenever you ask him despite saying this
-When you start to get closer if you shiver he will just wrap a arm around you and pull you close with no warning as being a werewolf he’s a living furnace, if you ask why he’ll just say its because the last thing the family needs is the listener getting sick or something and definitely not because he wants you close to him or anything
-When you officially become a couple there will be times he’ll be in his wolf form and wrap himself around you to keep you completely warm and safe. If you start to run your fingers through his fur while sitting there he might actually fall asleep with how relaxing it feels
-While he won’t talk much at all during these moments there doesn’t seems a need to as the quiet is good enough for him, and you both seem to know whats being said without words anyway, as you both just enjoy each others company and silent support
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6thofapril1917 · 3 months
maggie zielinski's ride-or-dies. the best damn mechanics this side of the atlantic (or so they claim). an experiment in audacity, resilience, and decidedly unladylike behavior. not your average WACs.
masters of the air OCs, featured in various one-shots and prompts. can be found under name tags (#ch: first name), the #group: the midwest mavens tag, and the #motaverse tag. hope you enjoy!
-> technician third grade, hailing from minneapolis, minnesota. twenty-three years old, norwegian-american. six feet and one inch of pure technical brilliance, even if she's too humble to admit it herself. born in the flour-milling capital of the world, her skills as a repairwoman come more from years of taking apart and reassembling film cameras than from anything she learned at gold medal or pillsbury. quiet and unassuming - until you get to know her.
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-> technician fourth grade, hailing from chicago, illinois. twenty-two years old, italian-american and won't let you forget it. chronic shit-stirrer whose preoccupation with the finer things in life disguises a serious devotion to the safety and upkeep of the b-17s. loyal, but won't hesitate to call her friends on their bullshit. sense of humor drier than the mojave. doesn't always know when to shut her mouth.
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-> technician fourth grade, hailing from milwaukee, wisconsin. twenty years old, german-american. divided her childhood between school and her family's bicycle shop. will talk your ear off with obscure facts about anything and everything. whip-smart and proud of it, even if it makes her come across as a bit of a know-it-all. amateur racing cyclist.
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siderealmaven · 2 years
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What is planetary dominance?
People often talk about their birth charts in reference to specific planets or zodiac signs that have more significance, weight and influence than others. This is usually referred to as a planetary “dominance.” But did you know there is also planetary prominence? Here are the key differences.
MARS PROMINENCE in a birth chart looks like:
💥 Mars conjunct the Ascendant
💥 Mars conjunct the Midheaven
When a planet is prominent in a chart, that means it is in a specific place where it has high visibility. The points in any chart, regardless of it’s use, are the Ascendant and Midheaven. In contrast, the Descendant and Imum Coeli, are the ‘darkest’ or least visible areas of a chart. Prominent planets are not as strong as Dominant planets on their own, but there are many factors that can be present in a chart that break this rule.
MARS DOMINANCE in a birth chart looks like:
💥 Mars in Aries or Scorpio
💥 3+ planets in Aries
💥 3+ planets in Scorpio
When a planet is dominant in a chart, this means it has a lot of power and influence within the chart. This can be indicated by a planet being in it’s own sign or having a large group of planets all in the same sign. When calculating dominance specifically, you can include your Ascendant and Part of Fortune as a “planet.” A Dominant planet can also be Prominent if it is placed on the Ascendant or Midheaven.
Do you have Mars in a prominent or dominant in your sidereal birth chart? You might be someone who is goal oriented, always on the move, and strives for independence. Perhaps a little restless and perpetually dissatisfied? Mars people are known for breaking the status quo, blazing new paths, and prioritizing their autonomy.
If you have a prominent or dominant Mars in your birth chart, then your survival strategy is act and think autonomously from the people around you. You’re no stranger to burning bridges, going against the grain, and trying new things. You may be prone to self-isolation and walking away when the going gets tough, so it’s important to learn how to pick your battles and engage in constructive conflict resolution. Learning how to communicate clearly will go a long way.
People with a strong Mars in their chart need a stable home that feels safe, a place that encourages them to be present in the moment and just enjoy where they are at. This is the best way to combat the constant sense of urgency, restlessness and irritation they feel. A regular exercise routine or hobby that keeps them active will also be very helpful for a Mars person to regulate their emotions and body. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stuck, go on a walk! Do a dance! Scream a little. You will feel better!
Originally published on @siderealmaven's website.
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Want to know more? Join Sidereal Maven’s Patreon for exclusive content such as articles about sidereal astrology, astrological transits, and lessons on how to read your own birth chart and write your own horoscope!
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lucy-the-cat · 1 year
Whisper!Maven Excerpt
Don't think I'll continue this based on the amount of my projects, but here, have some food
Maven knew he was dangerous before he knew how.  The servants kept quiet, but he felt their fear, that hazy cloud of dread he had no idea how to filter.  No words yet.  Only whispers.
That’s what his mother called them.  She brushed his hair with a deft hand and leaned close to his ear.  “You’ll grow into it in time.  Use the fear, my son.  Use it to make them bow to their king.”
“What’s a king?”
She smiled.  “Your destiny.”
Destiny.  She used that word a lot, especially as he grew older.  The whispers sharpened to sentences, to accusations, to rumors of his cruelty and blooming ambition.  Few of them were true.  Few of them stuck.  But they were always there, unspoken, brewing in the background as he struggled to keep their voices out his mind.
And they could feel him in there.
He went through different maids each week, all trembling, all scurrying, until eventually they had to wear bracelets of silence.  Just as he’d gotten used to it, it cut out entirely.  It was for the best.
His mother disagreed.
That was when he learned he had a father, a father more powerful than his mother, the king he was destined to replace.  He didn’t love him.  He didn’t know how.
Maven wandered through the halls and watched them run, his hand reaching for another he couldn’t find.  There were no children to play with, no safety to be found, only his mother’s skirts and the fear smothering him from all angles.
It was then he heard a voice through the haze.  Faint, anxious, searching for him to no avail.  Maven, he heard.  Is he really that bad?
His heart pounded.  Only his mother had ever been so kind.  Only she had ever given him  a chance.
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cbrownjc · 1 year
I haven't gotten into Maven's videos but in response to that weird point about Louis, I don't know what Rolin may do about Lestat's other love interests, but I also don't see them focusing on the others too much when he's made it clear that they want the show to also focus on him and Louis as a couple. And I don't think it's impossible for the show to have Louis as a character whose plotline isn't just being Lestat's love interest or soulmate. But given how the show is structured + how season 1 built up Louis and Lestat's dynamic, I can't really see them try to shoehorn other love interests for Lestat for a longer amount of time when they'll likely pale in comparison to his dynamic with Louis, even if it isn't immediately romantic when they meet again. To me, any version of whatever dynamic they may have would be interesting because the actors have great chemistry with each other. It's also that, with what little we got of Lestat and how he may have felt (since this is more from Louis' perspective), I don't think any other love interest may ever be on the same level for him as Louis is
Hey Anon!
Something I think everyone should remember is that, when it comes to the show, there are actually four main characters of it: Louis, Lestat, Armand, and Daniel. The reason they are the main characters of the show is easy to tell: they are the only characters whose actors have all been in every single episode of the show (so far).
(Also, having four main characters, all of whom I feel certain will be living and interacting in that Dubai Penthouse together during all the modern sections of the story, just feels so "theatrical" to me. Very "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"-esque, which makes sense given the majority of the writing staff, including the showrunner, are playwrights. But I digress.)
So, going forward, for now, the main dynamics of the show will be the interaction of these four characters with each other (during the modern sections of the story at the very least), along with learning more about them as individuals. We've got Armand's whole backstory that I'm sure will be integrated into the story going forward, and we've already gotten some backstory things about Daniel that were never from the books. (Because book!Daniel doesn’t really have a backstory.)
So the show is already setting up all four characters to have characters and stories outside of just romance and their respective love interests. Though, of course, the dynamics between all of them will be explored as well IMO.
I mean, Rollin has already talked about Louis and Daniel having a deep connection with each other (and that they parallel each other), which we will learn more about in S2, and how important the relationship between the two of them is. Louis and Daniel is something you never really saw outside of the first book, but the show is already clearly setting up for there to be more than that between them.
And I don't think it's a coincidence that we have Louis and Armand together right now. Yes, they came together after the events in Paris, (and then again during the Prince Lestat trilogy), but they had long split by the time Louis first met Daniel. Yet, as we saw in the flashback to 1973, Armand was right there too when Louis first met Daniel. Unlike the book, I actually don't think a full split between Louis and Armand ever happened.
And, of course, I am someone who fully believes that Devil's Minion happened in the past. This means that, in this version, Louis was around for the majority of what happened between Daniel and Armand. (And is when Louis and Daniel forged that important connection between them that Rolin's talking about IMO).
Louis and Lestat will always be the "main" couple of the show and the primary focus. S1 made that super, super clear how deep and connected the relationship is between the two of them. Someone else put it best that the big twist at the end of S1 was learning that the romance between Louis and Lestat was actually a romance.
That said though, Louis has already been shown - and will continue to be shown - to have at least two relationships that have their own dynamics apart from his with Lestat's, which are important too. With the two other main characters of the show: Armand, and we'll see and learn more about his one with Daniel as well.
And I think the same will be true of Lestat. I think the show will build on the antagonistic relationship he and Armand have had that we see in the books (that have Armand's underlying desire for Lestat there). At the moment, I can only speculate what Lestat and Daniel's interaction would end up being, but there will be something, again, given how the show is structured when it comes to the main characters of it.
I think we may see some of Lestat's other love interests (I myself would be very interested in seeing the show's version of Gretchen), but I don't think they will ever be main characters on the show or stay past whatever story arcs they have. Just like in the books.
Rolin has already talked about how S3 will be The Vampire Lestat season, ie, mainly adapting that book. (If they go the IWTV route, they might spend S3 and S4 adapting that book.) So we are for sure going to see Nicki. But he won't be or become a main character on the show, replacing Louis' time on the show or something like that. (Honestly, I already have a suspicion of how Louis will have his own relevant story arc in S3 - outside of being Lestat's love interest - when we are getting Lestat's story and no, it does not involve Jacob playing Nicki BTW.) And there will for sure be parallels made between Nicki and Louis, which will give viewers more insight into Louis and Lestat's relationship as well.
But we already know Nicki's fate. And while he's important as Lestat's first love, I do not in any way think the show would do something lame like bring him back to life to try and do some long, drawn-out love triangle or something like that. (Lestat's thing with Antoinette wasn't even a love triangle, honestly. Lestat's idea, in the end, was to replace Claudia with Antoinette, not replace Louis.)
Anyway, all this to say yes, I agree with you, there is nothing that precludes Louis from having a story outside of being Lestat's love interest. The show has already set up his character as having issues outside of just his relationship with Lestat, as well as setting up dynamics with two other important characters other than Lestat. And while I'm sure Lestat will have a few of his other love interests show up (Nicki is guaranteed for sure IMO) the way the show is already set up shows that those relationships won't ever replace or become the main one for him over his romance with Louis.
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jaykashyav15 · 2 months
Discovering the Leaders:Top 3 Digital Marketing Institutes in Delhi
In the dynamic world of digital marketing, the quest for knowledge and expertise continues. India, a burgeoning hub for digital innovation, hosts some of the world's most prestigious digital marketing institutes. These institutions are not just educational centres but incubators for future digital marketing mavens. Among the myriad options, three institutes stand out for their comprehensive curriculum, seasoned faculty, and impressive placement records: IIADM, DIDM, and WeBeeSocial. Here's a closer look at what makes each of these institutes a beacon for aspiring digital marketers.
Indian Institute of Advanced Digital Marketing (IIADM)
Topping the list is the Indian Institute of Advanced Digital Marketing (IIADM), renowned for its cutting-edge curriculum and hands-on approach to digital marketing education. What sets IIADM apart is its dedication to molding industry-ready professionals. Their courses are meticulously designed to cover the latest trends and techniques in digital marketing, from SEO and PPC to social media marketing and content strategy, mirroring the prowess of the best digital marketing Institute in Delhi.
IIADM's commitment to excellence is evident in its state-of-the-art training methodologies, which blend theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Students have the opportunity to work on live projects, gaining invaluable real-world experience. This experiential learning approach ensures that IIADM's graduates are as well-prepared and forward-thinking as the teams driving the best digital marketing company in Dwarka. Additionally, IIADM boasts a robust placement cell that ensures students not only receive top-notch education but also step into promising careers in digital marketing, poised to join or rival the leading firms in the industry.
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2. Delhi Institute of Digital Marketing (DIDM)
Securing the second spot is the Delhi Institute of Digital Marketing (DIDM), synonymous with quality digital marketing education in India. DIDM excels in offering a wide array of specialized courses catering to beginners and experienced marketers. Their curriculum is a perfect amalgamation of foundational knowledge and advanced digital marketing strategies, ensuring students are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the digital world.
DIDM's strength lies in its experiential learning approach, which a faculty of industry veterans facilitates. The institute also provides excellent post-course support and a vibrant alum network, invaluable resources for students in their digital marketing careers.
Ranking third on the list, WeBeeSocial is a creative digital marketing institute that has made significant strides in digital marketing education. Known for its innovative teaching methods and creative approach to digital marketing, WeBeeSocial is the go-to institute for those looking to unleash their creative potential in the digital space.
WeBeeSocial stands out for its curriculum, emphasizing creativity's importance in digital marketing. Courses are designed to foster out-of-the-box thinking, allowing students to explore the creative aspects of digital marketing strategies. With a keen focus on evolving digital trends, WeBeeSocial prepares students to be at the forefront of innovation in the digital marketing industry.
Choosing the right institute is pivotal in your digital marketing career journey. Whether you're drawn to IIADM's industry-oriented approach, DIDM's comprehensive curriculum, or WeBeeSocial's creative spin on digital marketing, each institute offers unique advantages. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the insights and skills gained from these top institutes will undoubtedly pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career in digital marketing.
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
Man... I can't stop thinking about the things that were talked about on the stream, especially the answer on my question - so... get ready for a ramble! its a long one. oops. i dont even know where im going with this, im just dumping my thoughts somewhere. half is about ttcc lore in general and the streams, the other half is about cathal and me projecting onto him deeper.
before i even hop deeper into this, it wasn't until early today that i learned that there was a whole drama about cranky's answers (regarding the graham and flint question and the whole "keep it sane" thing. i thought it was...off, but i understood it as 'do what you want people, just don't start any harassment because of ships and your favorite pairs'.
definitely could have been phrased better, though. at least we got a good response and an apology later from maven on twitter. but i legit did not know this was a drama until those twitter posts were made LOL. i dont interact with the fandom so i do not know how that answer was percieved by most. or if anyone except for me and my friends have had any thoughts about the question i asked that got answered.)
and what im tryna get to is that i get cranky isnt the one to be answering lore things, and probably didnt know what to answer... but it's still something to think about
because being told "cogs and toons just dont become how they are out of the blue" (paraphrasing here) as an answer to what cathal initially thought of seeing his dad be bet up and thrown off a tower is... confusing? he did say first and foremost that it has to be built upon before saying that. i understand that this is... a lot of characters! and cathal did have some focus on him thanks to the comic and they wanted to focus on other managers... but some have deeper, more intricate lore that's easy to grasp (especially the more, well, angstier managers like chip and misty.)
and we have gotten some extra lore for other managers like belle, mary, tawny.... thanks to thomas' rambles.
and it's definitely difficult for a team of volounteers working hard on a fan game together to make lore for all the characters, that are still very young in their *life span*, having been around for less than a year. despite ttcc being more character driven and focused on the cogs, it's still a game they have to run so they cannot focus on lore only and some game management has to be done first. there's a bunch of things they have to consider, like consistency and how fans may react, or possible themes or what they want the story to be...
and. yeah. its hard since. come on lets admit it. clash has an issue with how these are all given to us. hell, there's lore bits i still dont know about and im still learning because it's..so all over the place. a new player will not know about it. maven acknowledged this in the tweet and i really appreciate that, as it's honestly been my number one issue with clash, especially as someone who is there for the lore. (i mean, and the gameplay, i know some people who don't play the game itself much. well i sure do a little TOO MUCH because i have PROBLEMS. but im interested in the lore, too, yknow?)
some lore you cant learn from the wiki, and unless you interact with the community, you may never learn *where* all of this even is. if you werent live for certain lore there, it's hardly accessible to you. lore locked behind one time events, an arg website, wikis, discord chats... all that. it's hard to keep track of! i'm sure it's like that for both the fans and the writers. these characters are great, fun, and i love them, but the way we are given this information is... not the best. it's very easy to miss certain details.
it's especially bad if you're like me - only ever interacting with a close group of people you trust, (because people are scary especially a lot of... lore driven fans. yeahnoimeanshippers.sorry.and just big crowds of people in general) having only gotten back into the game recently AFTER most of the major lore events (first played once in 2019, then never again until january 2023) and also you dislike youtube and video content, so you dont watch it. something in your brain would rather if you step on a nail than watch a playthrough video (especially with commentary).
like in general it shouldnt be necessary to go through all these hoops just to know the lore! especially for things that may have little lore...
anyways, uh, back to cathal. i cannot stop thinking about this.
it definitely wasnt an answer to what i specifically asked - but possibly more so about... why cathal is the way he is? and despite what my brain and low self esteem during hard times may tell me - i do not believe that anybody is truly "lazy". i just dont think that exists. there's always some reason behind a person being unmotivated or lazy. even the little things!
but like... that's just kinda obvious. all toons and cogs have motivations. thats like... one of the basics of writing characters. have motivations for characters and reasons for why they are how they are. doesnt have to be anything tragic, just.... how they are as people.
it's totally unrelated to the question of what cathal thought about seeing his dad like that... but oh well! i asked that because i made up my own story around that already, and i just wanted to see what someone working on the game thinks about the same idea.
not to be Tumblr User CathalBravecog, but, of course I have projected heavily onto cathal. i have already stated how important cathal is to me as a character, especially with appreciating myself when im.. not exactly the most motivated. when im not doing much. taught me to appreciate breaks. hell! i keep preaching this myself. its okay to take breaks! and yet i often end up not doing it and i overwork myself on games and art and other things.
there's... a lot of things "wrong" with me that i don't have names for yet, especially due to not having a diagnosis for them, but they're very real feelings and they cause me to be unable to do things a lot of the time. various mental blocks and a new member of the gang... physical pai! hooray.
this... endless productivity we are forced and expected to do. it can take a toll on you. breaks are just as necessary and to say it's a thing that has to be re-learned is... sickening. hooray for living in a Corporate (clash) society, fellas.
one thing i can say is that i absolutely headcanon that cathal has adhd - though, maybe not the same type i do. i do not think he gets randomly hyper and wants to (and does) jump around everywhere and blurt things out randomly and impulsively. cathal here has the low energy, yknow.
i like that a lot of the content around him doesnt even describe him with the words "lazy" and "sleepy" instead.
every day is the same... even if his job is relatively simple, just watching over the camera feed - it's definitely boring... and having to do it every day is not rewarding. and being mostly alone and without consequence, he gives into wanting to do something else. he's got these huge screens and a room to himself, and he loves watching shows and cartoons... so he's gonna do that. it's more fun. it's stimulating. and especially with his dad being the one to give him his position, he knows that he's got nothing to really worry about there.
i also think it's a bit hard to be motivated knowing that... this war between the cogs and toons is just. endless. hell, again, he has to see his dad *everyday* be attacked by them. his body damaged after the fall - only to be fixed again. rinse and repeat. i would too, find it pointless. especially if you're like cathal, since i pointed out before that he is very kind and caring towards the other cogs. he's also thoughtful, noting that yknow... a lot of stairs to get to his room.
why do all that when you can chill... and feel good. do something that feels nice...
i don't have any names for this, but with how sleepy he usually is, that's definitely a thing to consider too. and just, from experience... being tired and/or sleepy it... dismotivates you even more. its so hard to start tasks even if you *want* to do them. and considering cathal mooost likely doesn't want to do his work on his own - then these tasks can be just. impossible to start.
like, i have struggled with this my entire life myself, just because of my adhd screwing with everything, but after getting covid and most definitely getting a form of chronic exhaustion from it.. things have been even harder. i pull myself through day and i barely have the energy to even start anything. sometimes i dont even do anything all day and... woops! still no mood or energy to do anything. i just work on random bursts of motivation and things that captivate me...
not sure how it relates to cathal, but, hey, if im personal here ill ramble about it too because WOW it has been biting me in the ass and i need to speak to Professionals About It
like... i dont think hes being "lazy" willingly, yknow? theres a reason behind it. it definitely is just... being sleepy, the comfort... the fun and stimulation doing something fun he's interested in (his shows) are just... stronger desires and way easier for him to get to. why struggle through something when it takes up all your energy, and then you feel no reward for it? yeah. exactly. even just "not feeling like it" is a reson. "not having energy" is a reason. hey, are these things to get better about if needed? certainly. i wish i could get help with this, it would help me in my life so so much. but should it be seen as ENTIRELY negative and as being a "hinder to society". hell nah. and i think thats swag. cathal is swag he can do this, good for him lmaooo. my brain is deteriorating i apologize.
there was... another thing i wanted to say, but i forgot. so i'll move on.
but just... yeah. i dont think cathal is just lazy. i dont believe in "laziness". he's got reasons for why he prefers naps and just... watching tv instead of doing his work. perhaps he does want to do these things, but gave up on trying. its not worth the effort, it does not feel good. its not stimulating enough to keep him going.
#long#ramble#cathalposting#i...may delete this later i dont know. i both wanna talk to ppl i know about this#but also Do Not Percieve me. I am Afraid Of What People Think#Stay Back Foul Beasts !#alsoy eah i had other stuff to talk about...more on the negative side i guess but??? its. a bit difficult to#give and .. angstier things? negative thoughts? to a character who you see a lot of comfort in. they make you happy#they help you feel better about yourself. you want to see them happy. if theyre happy#youre happy. if theyre sad...well. you are sad. sadness is natural. its a real thing. it happens sometimes. its a part of life#and i have attached some of these things to cathal already. but a few things are hard for me to consider because of The Brain Worms.#i dont want to see him hurt either yknow.#anyways i hope you enjoyer my mental illness ramble. im not normal and you shouldve known that when you followed me#thank you for existing cathal ray toby braveswag#hey fun fact remember how i said i get tired of stuff myself easily well this whole thing made me tired. i was gonna#answer an ask but now im like. man. (melts into a puddle)#(doesnt take a break bc i need instant stimulation and makes things worse for myself)#do yall see why i like cathal so much now gamers?#ya. sorry this got personal. if any of you can handle reading this u deserve a reward.#and maybe i need to start talking about personal things this much. but whatever#this is my blog i can talk about anything and thats the COOL THING!#MWAHAHAHHAHAHA!#dies#ivegot a lot going on in my brain rn cant u tell
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prophetparadox · 2 years
DMC OC Week 2022 Day 2: Connections with OCs
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(art by @castledvania !)
Well, since last year I did Kay’s connections to the canon cast, I thought it was only fitting that for day two of @dmc-oc-week-specialedition​ I’d talk about her relationships with other OCs! Like I said before, Kay’s changed a lot in the past year, and she has quite a few relationships with OCs now due to me being involved in the community! Aside from the last character mentioned, these relationships aren’t exactly “canon” to Kay’s storyline. And while there’s a lot of OCs that she’s had interactions with in some form, I decided to stick with those she’s either interacted with in fics (my own or otherwise) or roleplays just to make things easier for myself. I’ve done my best to mention everyone, but if I forgot somebody, my apologies! All the OC owners are credited here, and some of them are probably posting OC Week stuff of their own (not all of them on here, but on their other socials)! If they are, check them out!
Lucanus ( @castledvania​ ): Lucan might not be the most open with his emotions, but Kay is happy to consider him a friend nonetheless. She respects him as a fighter, and knows that he’s a good guy deep down. And sometimes, she’s able to see sides of him that others don’t. For reasons she can’t explain, something about him makes her feel nostalgic even though they hadn’t met at some earlier point in her life. In some universes, they may even end up as more than just friends…
Raphael (Pampero on Toyhouse): These two are the definition of “complicated relationship”. Raph puts up a front of being an asshole, but Kay knows it’s a farce to try and get her to leave. The two of them are stubborn as hell, unstoppable force meets immovable object. In fact, they’re more similar in ways they aren’t aware of at first. She knows that he needs someone there for him, even if he says otherwise, and wants to help him be the support he so desperately needs. Even if that means having to deal with him constantly trying to fluster her for a laugh. In some universes, they may even end up as more than just friends…
Tilda ( @blacknight-darksky​ ): Kay thinks Tilda is cool, it’s not every day you get to meet a witch after all! The two of them are close, though they can’t help but worry about their other friends when they do something reckless and stupid. They’ll happily make some good food for everyone, including each other. In some universes, they may end up as even more than friends…
Roman ( @keyboardthenerd​ ): It was certainly a surprise to learn that Dante had a kid even he didn’t know about, but the moment Kay met Roman, she knew something had happened with them that hadn’t been good in the slightest. She’s always willing to be there for them and offer a shoulder to cry on. She worries about them a lot, especially considering their special interest is the Order of the Sword, but she isn’t about to give up on them. They just need a supportive figure in their life, maybe a lot actually, but Kay doesn’t mind being one.
Saara ( @saarasabaku​ ): Kay struggles to remember what it’s like for her to have a mother figure in her life, but she thinks Saara is the closest thing she has to one. She feels safe going to her for things, whether it be advice or a hug or to vent about Dante being an idiot. She’s probably accidentally called her “mom” before.
Manticore ( @mrmercer13​ ): Kay thinks Manticore is a strange demon, but a good one to be around. The giant of a man is very friend shaped after all, and he’s good at cooking too! Even if he isn’t the sharpest crayon in the box, it’s hard to feel upset around the big guy for long and she’s happy to call him her friend!
Gray ( @tseliius​ ): Kay sees the young maven as a bit of a younger sister. She can’t help but worry about her. She likes listening to them talk about magic and what they do with it, especially when it comes to seeing souls. She only hopes they stay on the right path, and she’s willing to help in whatever way she can.
King (derudevil on Twitter): At first, Kay thought King was kind of a dick. But in time, the human hunter has grown on her, and it turns out he’s not that bad. Dealing with him isn’t always easy, but it beats dealing with Vergil. Besides, considering the rough life he had, she can’t help but respect what he’s managed to achieve.
Siena ( @shadedshadowmc​ ): Dante’s daughter is a handful, but one that Kay doesn’t mind dealing with. Siena’s a good kid deep down, she cares about her dad a lot after all, but she is a little shit and that’s hard to forget. Even though Kay isn’t fond of being relegated to babysitting (mostly because she wants to be fighting demons, not stay stuck at the office), she does her best to be a supportive figure for the girl.
Avalon (Mine): Hate. Kay feels nothing but hate for the man who ruined everything. Her life, her family, her happiness, all of it was stolen away because of him. She wishes he hadn’t gotten away all those years ago, too much of a coward to see things through to the end. One thing is for certain, she will find him one day. And when she does, she will kill him. After all the atrocities he’s committed, it’s what he deserves.
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platinumtulip · 8 months
Bra Review?
First off, your artwork is amazing, thank you for sharing Rosemary and Diana with us.
Someone over at r/trollxchromosomes posted what looks like maybe a twitter from your handle -- I'm not positive it's you, but I figured it was worth a shot.
We're wondering what bra you're talking about in this post... I think a lot of folx would like to look into maybe getting one, with such a great review. Do you remember at all what brand this was?
Thanks in advance,
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best guess is the TomboyX soft bras, which i'm pretty sure i had just learned about at the time, but i don't feel super great recommending them... the way they've treated trans models in the past put a really bad taste in my mouth. while i still own & wear several bras from them - they're still comfortable and made well - i don't usually jump to recommend them anymore
in their place, i have been recommending ARQ, but i don't know how much longer they're going to be around. they make really nice cotton bras, but due to Life Circumstances the owner of the brand was gonna wind down her business, which is a shame.
Hey Mavens has been also on my to-try list but i haven't gotten around to it yet
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void-dust-muffin · 1 year
called out by @egg-exe to list my favorite character from 10 different fandoms.
I. Do not remember names. And I refuse to look anything up. we'll see how this goes.
1) Kal'Tsit from arknights. I've been low key obsessing over the game for a while now, and Kal is definitely one of the coolest characters. Storied past, cold demeanor belying genuine care and kindness for everyone under her, Mon3tr, the team that made her did a good job and she really just exemplifies the strength of the game in general. But I can talk to the moon and back about how stupid good the writing for arknights is, especially considering it's a gacha mobile game, so ill move on
2) Neopolitan from rwby. I fell in love with rwby's setting all the way back when I first watched it. Its unique mix of fantasy and technopunk drew me in and its character concepts have kept me there ever since. Neo probably the most. A mute character being the wisecracking villain's muscle and making her shorter than literally the rest of the cast? Peak. If only they made a character to go with the cool moves.
3) Princess Zelda in Breath of the Wild. Sweetheart's trying her best and facing frustration at every turn. Somebody hug her I'm begging you. (it's me, the sweetheart is her but also me)
4) Jafar Fire Emblem 7. Played the game years ago, loved his character design and his class(crits go brrrrr), but his story is the real selling point. The way he interacts with Nino is so sweet and I have such a soft spot for both of them(technically illegal two faves from one fandom oops).
I had the next one and then I lost it uhhhhh not the one I had but we'll go with
5) I was going to say a different character from portal but then I remembered the boy: Space Core.
6) Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist. Her relationship with the major is so heartfelt and the writer did them so well. If you've never watched it go and do that cuz it's just so well put together.
7) Padparadsha from Houseki no Kuni. God that manga is a train wreck. Phos you walking disaster. I love it. Anywho, pad is an interesting character in an already very interesting cast of characters. Their entire existence, teetering between waking and immobility is an exploration of how much of the gem is required for them to function. how much them can be removed before they just. cease.
8) Waymond from Everything Everywhere All At Once. First off, if you haven't watched the movie, go see it. Second, damn I didn't think anyone would actually read this far. Waymond is such a wholesome man he changes the way the woman going through the infinite possibilities of the multiverse thinks. He finds joy in everything he does and shares it with everyone around him. Not because he's ignorant of the struggles of life, because with happiness they become easier. And the man that played him is just as sweet. At the Oscar's when it was announced as best picture he went up on stage too and was hugging everyone. I would die for him.
9) Finn from the star wars sequel trilogy. As bad as they were, when the force awakens came out I remember seeing it and being excited to see what they would do with a stormtrooper main character. And then they didn't do anything, wasting all of his potential. But if there's one thing I learned from rwby, it's that someone else was just as disappointed and wrote a fanfiction exploring what canon didn't.
And now time for the niche reach.
10) Maven from the web novel Save the Demon King. Maven is the eponymous demon king, a near mythical figure in setting and the last demon alive. He is such a fun character in a fun setting that is very well written. I refuse to say more except for go read it. It's free on tapas and very good.
Honorable Mention:
I did think of Hades the game as a possible fandom but everyone in it is too good. I can't choose. the short list is half the hub area characters and at least three of the gods on top of that
fuckin hell theres an hour down the drain. gotta keep the chain going so uhhhhh @krindenium you're the only other human that I know on this site.
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ozer123 · 11 months
The Best Digital Marketing Institute in Bhubaneswar | Digital Gaurabh
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the world of digital marketing? Digital Gaurabh, the best digital marketing institute in Bhubaneswar, is your ticket to the future. With our innovative courses, expert trainers, and a comprehensive curriculum, Digital Gaurabh is your ultimate destination for unlocking your true potential in the digital realm. Whether you're a student seeking to enhance your knowledge, a working professional aiming to upskill, or an aspiring entrepreneur eager to succeed in the digital landscape, Digital Gaurabh will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel. We believe in empowering our students to become digital marketing superheroes, equipped with the tools to navigate the fast-paced industry. At Digital Gaurabh, we offer diverse courses covering every aspect of digital marketing. From search engine optimization (SEO) to social media marketing (SMM), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to content marketing, and email marketing to analytics, we leave no stone unturned. Our comprehensive curriculum ensures you deeply understand each digital marketing channel, enabling you to create effective strategies that yield tangible results. What sets Digital Gaurabh apart is our esteemed team of trainers. They aren't just instructors but seasoned industry professionals with a wealth of experience in digital marketing. Their real-world insights and practical knowledge will keep you at the forefront of the industry, ensuring you receive the most up-to-date and relevant information. You'll learn the latest trends, best practices, and strategies that are currently shaping the digital marketing landscape directly from those who have mastered them. We understand that practical experience is crucial to mastering digital marketing. That's why, at Digital Gaurabh, we prioritize hands-on training. You'll have numerous opportunities to implement your learning in real-world scenarios, from creating and managing campaigns to analyzing data and optimizing performance. Our practical assignments and projects will equip you with the skills needed to thrive in any digital marketing role. So, if you're ready to unleash your digital marketing potential, join us at Digital Gaurabh. Let us guide you toward becoming a digital marketing maven, armed with knowledge, skills, and the confidence to conquer the digital world. Your journey starts here!
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