#astro 101
siderealmaven · 1 year
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What is planetary dominance?
People often talk about their birth charts in reference to specific planets or zodiac signs that have more significance, weight and influence than others. This is usually referred to as a planetary “dominance.” But did you know there is also planetary prominence? Here are the key differences.
MARS PROMINENCE in a birth chart looks like:
💥 Mars conjunct the Ascendant
💥 Mars conjunct the Midheaven
When a planet is prominent in a chart, that means it is in a specific place where it has high visibility. The points in any chart, regardless of it’s use, are the Ascendant and Midheaven. In contrast, the Descendant and Imum Coeli, are the ‘darkest’ or least visible areas of a chart. Prominent planets are not as strong as Dominant planets on their own, but there are many factors that can be present in a chart that break this rule.
MARS DOMINANCE in a birth chart looks like:
💥 Mars in Aries or Scorpio
💥 3+ planets in Aries
💥 3+ planets in Scorpio
When a planet is dominant in a chart, this means it has a lot of power and influence within the chart. This can be indicated by a planet being in it’s own sign or having a large group of planets all in the same sign. When calculating dominance specifically, you can include your Ascendant and Part of Fortune as a “planet.” A Dominant planet can also be Prominent if it is placed on the Ascendant or Midheaven.
Do you have Mars in a prominent or dominant in your sidereal birth chart? You might be someone who is goal oriented, always on the move, and strives for independence. Perhaps a little restless and perpetually dissatisfied? Mars people are known for breaking the status quo, blazing new paths, and prioritizing their autonomy.
If you have a prominent or dominant Mars in your birth chart, then your survival strategy is act and think autonomously from the people around you. You’re no stranger to burning bridges, going against the grain, and trying new things. You may be prone to self-isolation and walking away when the going gets tough, so it’s important to learn how to pick your battles and engage in constructive conflict resolution. Learning how to communicate clearly will go a long way.
People with a strong Mars in their chart need a stable home that feels safe, a place that encourages them to be present in the moment and just enjoy where they are at. This is the best way to combat the constant sense of urgency, restlessness and irritation they feel. A regular exercise routine or hobby that keeps them active will also be very helpful for a Mars person to regulate their emotions and body. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stuck, go on a walk! Do a dance! Scream a little. You will feel better!
Originally published on @siderealmaven's website.
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everyday-shea · 2 years
Astro 101: The Sun and Music
Jrock Astrology Planet 101 Series - The Sun
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General placement description
Summary of each sign when placed in the Sun
The Sun Signs in terms of music choice
Example Jrock artists of each sign
What this placement means. 
The Sun is the base in Astrology. It is the starting block of any chart, upon which everything else builds and adds depth. Most people only know their Sun sign, and Pop Astrology has watered down, over-simplified, and commercialized Sun Sign Astrology to the point where many disregard Astrology over being unable to connect with their Sun Sign. Sun Sign stereotypes and generalizations offer a shallow view of Astrology, and are more misleading than actually true. Even within the Astrological community, many will disregard the Sun Sign as they learn and gain depth in the rest of the chart. However, the Sun’s importance cannot be ignored and ought not be brushed aside. The Sun is the starting point, the exterior encapsulating the whole, and understanding one’s Sun Sign as it truly is helps to better understand the rest of the chart and the true self. 
The Sun shows our Ego. Ego also gets a negative representation from popular media. However, Ego itself is neutral. Ego can be developed and presented in both positive and negative ways. The way our Sun Sign is nurtured shapes our Ego, and in areas where it was nurtured negatively, our Ego healing relies on understanding the needs of our Sun placement. Ego ties in with our self-awareness, self-esteem, self-confidence, and pride. The way we build and nurture these elements sets up the way we express ourselves and therefore the expression of the rest of the placements in our charts. All in all, the Sun Sign placement is the initiation point that gets the ball rolling.
Short descriptions of the signs:
The signs all have their general traits or attributes across all placements, as well as ones that show more in specific placements. Each placement, as well as the individual’s life experiences, will showcase different aspects of each sign. I will go over specifically the signs’ major traits and characteristics when in the Sun placement. The rest of the planets, as well as House placements, will come in later posts. 
Aries Sun: In the Astrological cycle, Aries is traditionally the first sign. Aries Season aligns with the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and was traditionally associated with the start of the New Year. Aries Sun is initiation energy. Folks who like to start new things and pursue new adventures. They won’t always have a clear, solid end goal as they are open to the ever-changing circumstances of life. The journey is more important than the destination, after all. Even if they have an idea of where they would like things to go, they understand that once things get started, they may end up going in a different direction than planned. Aries Sun’s flexibility range will rely on the rest of their chart placements, but overall they are open to needing to change the plan along the way.
Aries Sun is hand-on in gaining experiences. It’s all well and fine to learn from books, shows, and mentors, but getting out there and doing things is where they gain the most knowledge and satisfaction. There’s a strong “go for it” energy with Aries Sun. If you want to do something, and are able to do it, they will be the first ones to encourage you and even offer to do the thing with you if they are able as well. Aries Sun encourages stepping outside of one’s comfort zone to really experience and enjoy life without limitations.
In music: Aries Sun enjoys music that gives energy to their impulses. They have a variety of playlists ready to go for any mood or situation. Aries Sun Musicians use music to get them those opportunities to explore and try new things. They see the adventure that music takes people on and they want in on the fun. If their music can encourage others to step outside of their comfort zones and try new things, then that will bring the Aries Musician a huge boost in Ego satisfaction.
Notable Jrock Aries Suns include Toshiya (Dir en Grey) + Ray (Deviloof) + Boogie (Jiluka) + Yu+Ki (Sengoku-Jidai) + Junji (Siam Shade/Bull88/Sengoku-Jidai) 
Taurus Sun: Coming in after Aries’ leap-of-faith high energy, Taurus slows down and grounds the energy into a steady, even pace. Taurus Sun understands the importance of pacing energy out so things can be done without burning out or over-procrastinating, while remembering to take time to stop and smell the roses along the way. That being said, Taurus has an energy that is unstoppable once it gets going, and if a Taurus Sun has high-energy placements in their chart, that unstoppable nature will show through in a much more quick-paced manner than other Taurus Suns. They like tangible details in life so they can understand situations thoroughly. Never short of a question, small talk with a Taurus is quickly fleshed out and moved along in the details.
“I went out to eat last night” turns into “Where did you go? What did you have? Who were you with?” This curiosity helps the Taurus Sun paint a picture that in turn allows them to add their own impressions, related experiences, and move the conversation forward. Some may find this to be nosy, so it’s important to be mindful of how these questions are being received by others.
In music: Taurus Sun is drawn to music that grounds them. Music that feels like they could touch it. They may enjoy songs that talk about or present an image of owning material things, with Taurus ruling tangible, material objects. Taurus is also ruled by Venus so the Taurus Sun person will define their personal sense of beauty from a young age and pursue music that portrays that sense of beauty. They may especially enjoy musical performances/videos that accompany art displays or are set with particularly beautiful scenery/backdrops.
Surprisingly, there aren’t many Taurus Suns in Jrock, two notable Jrock Taurus Suns are Ryuichi (Luna Sea) + Jin (Vamps).
Gemini Sun: Gemini picks up the pace - this sign moves quickly especially with mental matters. They’re interested in many things and topics, there’s so much to discuss in the world so if they can’t latch their attention onto something quickly, they’ll just move on. Knowledge is a collective endeavor always fluctuating with new information, experiences, and input from others. Gemini Sun learns best through simply saying things and gaining new information from the responses of others. This has gained the negative stereotype of inconsistency, while in reality Gemini’s thoughts are just constantly shifting to accommodate new information. Because their brain cells are constantly bouncing around from idea to idea, they can end up second-guessing their choices or actions. It’s important for Gemini Suns to have a few core, set beliefs and thought processes as an anchor so they don’t get lost in their heads.
Witty and mischievous, Gemini Suns have a quick tongue and often enjoy banter or word games. They have lightning quick comebacks and are masters of adding side remarks to conversations. Depending on the person, these can be funny or rude - sometimes people interpret them as rude when they don’t mean to be so. Mostly, they’re just trying to have fun and don’t think too much about what is being said - once it’s out of their mouth it’s out of mind as well. Put your Gemini friends into freestyle rap battles and take home the prize every time.
In Music: Gemini Suns are drawn to music that keeps them on their toes. They may enjoy a wide variety of genres and styles - the ones who stick to one or two genres of music are still looking for the variety of styles that genre offers. Music that takes unique twists or has some sort of surprising factor to it will excite Gemini Sun and they’ll want to share that music with friends to see their reactions. If you question a Gemini Sun’s music taste, their quick tongue will throw it back at you with your music taste, so proceed at your own risk. 
Notable Gemini Suns in Jrock include Reita and Uruha of the GazettE + Hide (Buck-Tick) + Daita (Siam Shade) + Yuimetal (Baby Metal) 
Cancer Sun: Cooling off with Cancer, emotional sensitivity is brought to the surface. There’s a misconception when talking about water signs and emotions that they’re overly emotional and other signs lack emotions. This isn’t true, all signs feel emotions, it just depends how they’re felt and expressed. This heavily ties to one’s Moon sign, which will be a future post, and as Cancer is ruled by the Moon, that emotional sense is front and center. This isn’t to say Cancers are “cry-babies” as many of them attempt to keep their emotional sensitivity to the side and many come off as rather stoic. This stoicism can seem cold and unapproachable at times, but once a Cancer Sun is comfortable with you, their sweet and gentle nature comes through. Their hearts are on their sleeves if you know where to look. The people dearest to them are spoiled rotten and they wouldn’t have it any other way.
Trust is a big deal for most people, and for Cancer Suns it’s their make or break point. If you lose their trust, you’ll be met with a glacial cold shoulder. If you make and maintain their trust, you’ll find gentle comfort and a soft shoulder at all times. Be sure to respect their boundaries however, especially because they can struggle to enforce boundaries giving an all or nothing approach. 
In Music: Cancer Suns are drawn to music that ties to heart and mind together. Music that pulls at the heartstrings and expresses the emotions they may have difficulties expressing themselves. Dramatic, sweeping ballads and heavy, soulful anthems. They tie music to their emotional reaction more than choosing music based on other properties - those other properties may be considered, appreciated, and discussed, but the emotional response is a priority even if subconsciously.
Notable Cancer Suns in Jrock include Gackt + Sugizo (Luna Sea/X) + Ju-Ken (Vamps/Sengoku-Jidai) + Kaya + Moametal (Baby Metal)   ...............................................................................................................................
Leo Sun: Leo is ruled by the Sun and is at home here. Leo represents pride and confidence, tied in with the Sun’s rulership over ego the two sides of the Leo coin are either warm, positive displays of confident pride, or arrogant, haughty displays of confident pride. Many Leo Suns may struggle with confidence as it comes so naturally to them and is quickly scolded or diminished by society which takes any sign of self-confidence as bad. It is not a bad thing and is in fact natural - Leo Suns who are able to nurture and grow their confidence in positive ways serve as great teachers to everyone else on how to do so. They know their worth and pursue it. Leo Sun is naturally placed in the center of attention whether they like it or not - a large number are quite shy and dislike the spotlight. The key is finding where they shine, what areas their talents lie. In the areas of their talents and passions, they take center stage effortlessly and draw people in almost magnetically. Leo Sun can naturally build strong charisma faster than most other placements and that charisma can open nearly any door they want. No matter what they do, where they are, how outgoing or shy they are, or how large their circle is, there is always someone who considers them an inspiration and an authority in some form. Do not force them into the spotlight, rather let them step in when and where they are ready. Once that happens, they will shine so brightly no one can look away.
In Music: Leo Sun gravitates towards music that speaks to their ego and personal identity. Music that they can build a persona around. They may specialize in a particular genre or style of music or a particular aspect/instrument across genres. In turn, they enjoy teaching others about their specialized area and thrive in being an authority in that area. Many enjoy music and performance that is bright and flashy. Music that has a particular center point that’s highlighted, such as an instrumental solo or a vocalist doing an amazing run ending in a high note, will appeal to their natural sense of attention being drawn to remarkable things to let them stand out.
Notable Leo Suns in Jrock include J (Luna Sea) +Toll (Buck-Tick) + Kai (Dexcore) + Tatsurou, Miya, and Satochi (Mucc)
Virgo Sun: Here we hit the balance between structure and flexibility. Virgo Sun values having a framework to function within and enough wiggle room to do a variety of things. Detail oriented, they pay attention to every aspect of what they’re doing. This can make them very particular in their tastes. Being able to notice things that don’t easily catch the eye brings them pride and they love to show these abilities to others. Their detailed eye makes them skilled at giving critiques. Depending on the person, this can present as eloquent, constructive criticism or blunt, nit-picky criticism. Pop culture Astrology likes to focus on the nit-picky criticism however many Virgos are gentle and fair in their critiques - often it comes down to the other party being unable to receive critique that causes this stereotype.
Being ruled by Mercury, Virgo’s attention to detail especially comes through in words. They pay close attention to words and can see through sly wording meant to trick others. There’s a balance of both what is being said and how it’s being said. They speak in clear, concise, and to-the-point styles and may become frustrated with those who speak in indirect or unclear ways. The last thing to do when upset with a Virgo is to give them the silent-treatment as it will never work to your favor. Talk through things directly and everything will flow with ease.
In Music: Virgo Sun prioritizes balance in music. It should be fun yet serious. Detailed yet uncomplicated. Well structured yet free-flowing. Elements in harmony that fill out the overall song. Being ruled by Mercury, Virgo Suns also place a large emphasis on lyrics. The music itself may be fun but if they can’t get behind the lyrics, they’re likely to skip that song. The lyrics that touch their souls will put a song at the top of their list and they may even get lyrical tattoos.
With instrumental music that has no lyrics, Virgo Sun is drawn to the songs that form a story within the composition. If they can imagine what a story may be like, then they’ll like the song even without actual words being present. They may even enjoy coming up with their own lyrics for instrumental songs.
Notable Virgo Suns in Jrock include Miyavi + Satoko (Fuzzy Control) + Sena (Jiluka)
Libra Sun: From a young age, Libra Sun defines for themselves a personal sense of fairness and definition of justice in the world. Their pride comes from being able to defend and uphold that sense of fairness throughout their lives. Being a social sign, they prefer to be part of a group and shy away from being in the spotlight. With the Sun emphasizing where we take center stage in our lives, this can be a source of struggle for Libra Suns. They find comfort in being surrounded by like-minded people and would rather have someone else step forward to receive the bulk of the direct attention while they themselves hang back. When they do step up to the spotlight, they do so in a quiet way and prefer to still have trusted people close by to keep them from feeling isolated in that spotlight. While Libra’s official astrological symbol is the Scales of Justice, their animal representative is the Wolf, which functions in terms of a pack. When a Libra Sun finds their pack, they can thrive. If they are or feel alone/isolated without a stable and trusted pack then they can become heavily anxious, shy, and worried about being able to find their true place.
When comfortably with their pack, Libra Sun becomes the diplomat who brings balance to any instances of disagreement or disharmony. Being ruled by Venus, Libra Sun will also often be the fashion leader of their group, setting the standard for style and aesthetic.
In Music: Libra Sun is drawn to music that heightens their sense of belonging in a group. Music they can share with friends and their social group. For the ones who are still looking for their social group, music can be a key way for them to make new friends. They likely recruit new friends at concerts or in music shops. Music that has lyrics/themes around bringing people together will pull them in. The Libra Suns who are physically isolated and don’t have a close friend system find comfort and a sense of social fulfillment in music. They’ll have the best playlist for group road trips and parties, so don’t hesitate in handing them over the aux.
Notable Libra Suns in Jrock include Inoran (Luna Sea) + Kaz (Vamps/Oblivion Dust) + Imai (Buck-Tick) + Tetsuya (L’Arc~en~Ciel) + ToshI (X) + Natchin (Siam Shade)
Scorpio Sun: Fueled by cunning ambition, the passion of a Scorpio Sun cannot be matched. They devote their lives to their passions whether that be a career, a hobby, family, friends, or any other area of life. At times prone to extremes, it’s important for Scorpio Suns to have a grounded point to keep them centered and focus their energy in healthy ways. Their determination allows them to push through any obstacle in pursuit of their goals. This combined determination and ambition means the sky’s the limit with what they want. Rejection is not well received even if it’s necessary to keep them from making poor decisions. It’s important they have a support system of people to help redirect their energy when they’re going in a direction that doesn’t serve them well.
Able to pick up on shifts in energy, no matter how small, Scorpio Sun can easily develop the ability to feel out a room. Some may be so focused on what they’re working on that they ignore these intuitive feelings. However, if they’re able to get out of that tunnel-vision mode and trust their instincts, they’ll find how easy this comes to them. 
In Music: Scorpio Sun is drawn to music that gives them an outlet for their intense energy and passions. Music that pumps them up and makes them feel invincible. Music that has complex layers that offer something new every time you hear it. They enjoy digging deep into the emotions and general vibe of the moment so music that intensifies those feelings will appeal to them. Scorpio Sun has a good sense of feeling out the mood of the room and directing music that can either heighten that mood or shift the mood in a way that suits their preferences.  Scorpio Sun expresses their emotions and feelings towards others through music and may find it easier to send someone a song that shows how they feel than directly express it themselves. If a Scorpio Sun sends you a song, album, or playlist, play attention as there is likely a message for you in there.
Notable Scorpio Suns in Jrock include Pata and Yoshiki of X + Aisaku (Deviloof) + Kiyoharu (Kuroyume) + Kai (GazettE) + Yukke (Mucc)
Sagittarius Sun: Filled with endless optimism and enthusiasm, Sagittarius Suns embody the infectious laughter that leaves everyone in stitches even if you don’t know what is so funny. Dynamic and bright, they go from 0 to 100 and back with lightning speed. Their light-hearted care-free energy is balanced by periods of deep concentration and philosophical reflection. There's a tendency to get caught in their head and need an external force to pull them back out to reality. Endlessly curious, Sagittarius Sun is constantly looking for new adventures, information, and opportunities. They see new potential around every corner and won’t hesitate to race off after something appealing. Their pride rests in being able to go somewhere new, whether this be via physical travel, philosophical revelation, or innovation in career or a hobby. Sagittarius Sun gets an instant ego boost in being able to lift people up, turn them on to a new line of thought, or push someone to take a new opportunity. In the end, for Sagittarius Sun, life is an adventure where the journey is far more important than the end destination.
In Music: Sagittarius Sun is drawn to music that gives them a sense of adventure. Songs about travel, stories, mythology, and the like will excite their sense of exploration. Up-beat melodies will speak to their enthusiastic energy and gently melancholic tunes will focus their concentration. They embrace the chance to jump into a new adventure and are the types to go to the concert of a band they’ve never heard of before. Likewise they’ll check out new music with an enthusiastically open mind, even if it’s outside of their usual genre or style tastes. Ignite their curiosity by burning them a mix cd without any song or artist names and enjoy their reactions.
Notable Jrock Sagittarius Suns include Die (Dir en Grey) + hide (X) + Yukihiro and Ken (L’Arc~en~Ciel) + Su-Metal (Baby Metal)
Capricorn Sun: Resourceful and dependable, Capricorn embodies the ideal of work hard-play harder. Their ability to show up with everything needed for the given situation is their pride. Everyone in their circle is taken care of whether the Capricorn Sun is taking care of you themselves or finding the most reliable person to take care of the needs at hand. Self discipline and structure are their second-nature. They are able to resist temptations and distractions until the matter at hand is finished - once they’re able to indulge in chosen pleasures, they go all in. While they can come off as serious when in the zone, a comfortable Capricorn Sun knows how to make hard work fun and always comes through with a hearty laugh, twinkle in their eye, and intriguing stories to pass the time. When it comes to time and energy, they are careful about where and who they invest their efforts. Once a person, career, hobby, or thing is approved for Capricorn Sun’s attention, they go all in fully invested and ready to do what is needed for things to work out for the best. The long term is always a factor, it’s unlikely they’ll get involved in anything that is uncertain or unstable. They are direct about their expectations and plans, so you never have to guess where you stand with them.
In Music: Capricorn Sun is drawn to music that hits the duality of taking them away from their everyday life while also being able to compliment their everyday life. Music that helps them forget about work while also being able to get them pumped up and confident in their work.
With Capricorn’s penchant for traditionalism, they may really enjoy classic or traditional styles of their favorite genres while also finding intrigue in artists who take those traditional styles and add their own unique twist. Anyone who can do something classic while standing out and keeping Capricorn Sun on their toes will become an instant favorite!
Notable Jrock Capricorn Suns include Shinya (Luna Sea) + Aoi (The GazettE) + Keisuke (Deviloof) + Ricko (Jiluka)
Aquarius Sun: Progression, invention, and independence shine brightly here. Often stereotyped as rebellious punks, Aquarius Suns aren’t satisfied with things being only one way. Even if everyone else says that something cannot be improved upon or changed, Aquarius Sun decides to take on the challenge of finding something new anyway. There’s always a new way to look at and do things. Challenges to the status quo aren’t out of disrespect for humanity but rather the dream of improving humanity. Personal pride comes from being able to initiate some sort of change. This could be a social standard, structural changes in business, politics, or religion, or even inventing new technology. Aquarius Sun doesn’t just think out of the box, they think beyond this world. Often defined as quirky or strange, they simply see the world from a different angle than other people. Instead of dismissing their perspective, invite them to describe it to you so you can try to understand it. That effort will always be appreciated and if you can understand their view-point even a little, it will give the Aquarius Sun a great boost.
Aquarius rules over humanitarianism, among many other things, and social welfare. They’re keenly aware of the structures in society that screw people over and may act out as a response to this. It’s important they have a productive direction to this energy so they can help implement real changes in their communities. Once they have that, they can lead major movements in a variety of areas.
In Music: Innovation is the keyword for Aquarius Sun. Constantly looking for something new, they are likely to have an extensive music collection. Whether they enjoy multiple genres or focus on a particular genre, the styles are sure to be varied and unique. They want new, strange, eclectic experiences. Some may actively reject “mainstream” music though this won’t be everyone. Aquarius Sun respects people who take innovative leaps. An artist who is talented yet holding back or sticking to a safe style won’t sit well with Aquarius Sun because they can see the potential. Artists who take chances will hold their respect, even if those leaps and chances don’t work out well, it’s the effort that counts. 
Notable Jrock Aquarius Suns include Kyo and Kaoru of Dir en Grey + U-ta (Buck-Tick) + Kanta (Deviloof) + Ruki (GazettE) + Heath (X) + Hideki (Siam Shade) + Hyde (L’Arc~en~Ciel/Vamps)
Pisces Sun: The final sign in the cycle of the signs, Pisces Sun represents the various cycles of life as they repeat endlessly. Thoughts, ideas, and even behavior patterns flow in cycles - to understand a Pisces Sun is to understand what their cycle looks like and when it ends and starts again. Their energy is ever-shifting and they prefer to go with the flow of their inner self rather than the flow of others around them. Their imaginative sensitivity is strong and are the sign most prone to daydreaming. It can seem as if their heads are in the clouds. Pisces Sun is often depicted as artsy and associated with the arts - many artistic areas have high numbers of Pisces Suns including music in general and Jrock in particular. Any sign can be artistic, but Pisces Sun has a particular strength in transforming the fantasies in their heads into physical art forms.
Very private people, many Pisces Suns hit the balance of making those around them feel like they know them well while also maintaining strong boundaries and a well guarded private life. You can trust them with your secrets as they understand the importance of secrecy and will not tell anyone without your express permission. With an underrated mischievous side, Pisces Suns are experts at dodging questions trying to pry into their secrets and privacy. Funny or even nonsensical responses distract others from the information they were originally trying to uncover. Don’t try to force your way around these tactics, if there’s information your Pisces Sun doesn’t want you to know, you will not be able to pry it out of them.
In Music: Pisces Sun is drawn to music that makes them feel that they are in a dream. Music that fuels their personal fantasyland and helps them envision themselves as the main character or protagonist in their own story. Reality is for real life and music is outside of that. Many may use music for escapism.
Pisces also enjoys elements of their life that go with their own flow. This includes pairing music to flow with their energy at any given time. Even if it’s their favorite band, album, or song, if it doesn’t match their current mood then they just can’t listen to it. Once the music flow matches their energy, Pisces Sun will feel a personal boost that can get them through anything. 
Notable Jrock Pisces Suns include Shinya (Dir en Grey) + Atsushi Sakurai (Buck-Tick) + Mana (Moi Dix Mois) + Juon + Reizi and Yumeto (Dexcore) + Ryutaro (Plastic Tree)  + Daiki (Deviloof)
What Sun Sign do you have? Do you relate to my description of your sign? What signs do your favorite artists have? Do you see these traits in them? 
Next up: The Signs in the Moon placement.
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spirit-of-phantom · 3 months
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aries mc:
- projects a confident, dynamic, and assertive image to the world.
- thrives in leadership roles and is driven to achieve ambitious goals.
- might be seen as energetic, pioneering, and unafraid to take risks in their career.
taurus mc:
- presents an image of stability, beauty, reliability, and practicality.
- thrives in careers related to finance, aesthetics, or the arts.
- values a steady and secure approach to achieving personal and professional goals.
gemini mc:
- projects an adaptable, communicative, and versatile image.
- excels in roles that involve communication, networking, or information-sharing.
- expresses a quick wit, curiosity, and a diverse range of interests in their public persona.
cancer mc:
- presents a nurturing, empathetic, and protective image.
- thrives in roles that involve caregiving, counseling, or community service.
- values emotional connections and often projects a sense of warmth and compassion.
leo mc:
- radiates confidence, charisma, and a regal presence.
- flourishes in roles that allow for creativity, leadership, and self-expression.
- often seen as theatrical, generous, and unapologetically individualistic.
virgo mc:
- projects an image of precision, attention to detail, and analytical prowess.
- thrives in roles that require problem-solving, organization, and efficiency.
- values competence, reliability, and a meticulous approach to their work.
libra mc:
- presents a harmonious, diplomatic, and aesthetically pleasing image.
- excels in roles involving relationships, art, or social justice.
- often seen as charming, cooperative, and with a keen sense of fairness.
scorpio mc:
- radiates intensity, mystery, and a transformative presence.
- thrives in roles that involve depth, research, or psychology.
- values authenticity, resilience, and often projects a magnetic allure.
sagittarius mc:
- projects an adventurous, optimistic, and expansive image.
- excels in roles that involve travel, education, or philosophy.
- values freedom, intellectual curiosity, and often seen as a bold, honest risk-taker.
capricorn mc:
- presents an image of ambition, authority, and disciplined professionalism.
- thrives in roles that require leadership, strategic planning, or entrepreneurship.
- values structure, achievement, and often projects a mature and responsible demeanor.
aquarius mc:
- radiates uniqueness, innovation, and a progressive presence.
- excels in roles that involve technology, social causes, or group dynamics.
- values individuality, open-mindedness, and often seen as forward-thinking.
pisces mc:
- thrives in roles that involve creativity, healing, or humanitarian efforts.
- projects a compassionate, imaginative, and spiritually aware image.
- values intuition, empathy, and often projects a dreamy and ethereal aura.
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© spirit-of-phantom 2024
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sokosmic · 6 months
Inconjunct/Quincunx Signs & the Yod Configuration in a Chart
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When there are planets involved, inconjunct signs essentially form a Yod. In astrology, a Yod, often called the "Finger of God," is a rare and powerful aspect pattern formed by three planets. It resembles an isosceles triangle, with two planets forming a sextile aspect (60 degrees apart) and both quincunxing (150 degrees) a third planet. The inconjunct planet becomes the apex planet of the Yod and represents the focal point of tension and adjustment in a person's life. It is where the energies of the sextile planets converge and manifest in a unique, often challenging way, pushing the individual to address specific issues or life lessons associated with that planet. The apex planet in a Yod serves as a catalyst for personal growth and can indicate a significant life purpose or area of intense focus. The Yod is associated with a sense of fated events, unique challenges, and a compelling need to address a specific purposes or lessons. It symbolizes a pivotal crossroads where individuals are called to make significant choices and spiritual growth, often requiring adjustments and redirection in their life path.
Aries: Virgo - Scorpio
In a Yod formation with Aries as the apex planet between Virgo and Scorpio, the intense energy of Aries becomes the focal point. Aries, known for its fiery and assertive nature, acts as a catalyst for the practical, analytical Virgo energy and the deep, transformative Scorpio energy. This Yod configuration propels the individual to take assertive action in addressing life's mysteries and making practical changes with great determination. It signifies a strong drive for self-discovery, personal growth, and the pursuit of a unique life purpose that requires a balance between assertiveness, practicality, and deep transformation.
Taurus: Libra - Sagittarius
In a Yod formation with Taurus as the apex planet between Libra and Sagittarius, Taurus serves as the focal point. This Yod combines Libra's quest for balance and harmony with Sagittarius' pursuit of truth and expansion. Taurus, with its practical and grounded nature, encourages the individual to find a harmonious balance between these two energies, emphasizing the importance of seeking truth and personal growth through tangible, reliable means. This Yod configuration highlights the need to harmonize relationships and values with a broader philosophical perspective, all while maintaining practicality and stability in one's pursuits.
Gemini: Scorpio - Capricorn
In a Yod formation with Gemini as the apex planet between Scorpio and Capricorn, Gemini takes center stage. This Yod blends Scorpio's intensity and transformational energy with Capricorn's ambition and practicality. Gemini, known for its versatility and communication skills, acts as the bridge between these two powerful energies. It highlights the importance of using adaptable communication and intellectual agility to navigate intense emotional transformations and career ambitions. This Yod signifies the need to balance deep, transformative changes with a practical and communicative approach to achieve one's goals and personal growth.
Cancer: Sagittarius - Aquarius
In a Yod formation with Cancer as the apex planet between Sagittarius and Aquarius, Cancer assumes a central role. This Yod merges Sagittarius' quest for knowledge and Aquarius' innovative, unconventional energy. Cancer, known for its nurturing and emotional nature, acts as the conduit between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence, home, and family in navigating philosophical pursuits and innovative ideas. This Yod signifies the need to balance personal emotions, comfort, and a sense of belonging with the quest for intellectual and societal advancement, promoting personal growth through emotional intelligence and a strong sense of community.
Leo: Capricorn - Pisces
In a Yod formation with Leo as the apex planet between Capricorn and Pisces, Leo takes central stage. This Yod combines Capricorn's ambition and Pisces' dreamy, imaginative energy. Leo, known for its creative and expressive nature, acts as the bridge between these energies. It highlights the importance of self-expression, creativity, and individuality in achieving ambitious goals and nurturing spiritual pursuits. This Yod signifies the need to balance personal creativity and self-assuredness with the pursuit of dreams and aspirations, promoting personal growth through confident self-expression and pursuing spiritual or artistic passions.
Virgo: Aquarius - Aries
In a Yod formation with Virgo as the apex planet between Aquarius and Aries, Virgo takes on a leading role. This Yod combines Aquarius' innovative and Aries' assertive energy. Virgo, known for its practical and detail-oriented nature, acts as the intermediary between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of careful planning, attention to detail, and methodical execution when implementing creative and individualistic ideas. This Yod signifies the need to balance innovation and assertiveness with a pragmatic and systematic approach, promoting personal growth through methodical problem-solving and the practical application of visionary concepts.
Libra: Pisces - Taurus
In a Yod formation with Libra as the apex planet between Pisces and Taurus, Libra assumes a central role. This Yod merges Pisces' dreamy and Taurus' sensual energy. Libra, known for its sense of balance and harmony, acts as the mediator between these energies. It highlights the importance of seeking equilibrium and fairness in relationships and financial matters while navigating artistic and idealistic pursuits. This Yod signifies the need to balance the desire for security and sensuality with an appreciation for artistic and compassionate values, promoting personal growth through harmonious connections and a focus on aesthetic and ethical considerations.
Scorpio: Aries - Gemini
In a Yod formation with Scorpio as the apex planet between Aries and Gemini, Scorpio takes the lead role. This Yod blends Aries' assertive and Gemini's communicative energy. Scorpio, known for its depth and intensity, acts as the bridge between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of diving deeply into matters, using strategic communication, and transforming ideas into powerful actions. This Yod signifies the need to balance assertiveness and adaptability with a focus on profound transformation and effective communication, promoting personal growth through strategic, transformative endeavors and assertive, insightful expression.
Sagittarius: Taurus - Cancer
In a Yod formation with Sagittarius as the apex planet between Taurus and Cancer, Sagittarius energy becomes the focal point. This Yod combines Taurus' practicality and Cancer's nurturing energy. Sagittarius, known for its adventurous and philosophical nature, acts as the bridge between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of seeking personal growth through exploring new horizons, nurturing loved ones, and embracing a broad, optimistic perspective on life. This Yod signifies the need to balance practicality and emotional care with a thirst for knowledge, adventure, and philosophical understanding, promoting personal growth through a harmonious blend of grounded nurturing and intellectual exploration.
Capricorn: Gemini - Leo
In a Yod formation with Capricorn as the apex planet between Gemini and Leo, Capricorn takes the central role. This Yod merges Gemini's communicative and Leo's creative energy. Capricorn, known for its disciplined and ambitious nature, acts as the bridge between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of practical and methodical approaches to communication and creative endeavors, promoting personal growth through structured, career-oriented pursuits while balancing self-expression and communication skills.
Aquarius: Cancer - Virgo
In a Yod formation with Aquarius as the apex planet between Cancer and Virgo, Aquarius assumes the lead role. This Yod blends Cancer's nurturing and Virgo's analytical energy. Aquarius, known for its innovative and forward-thinking nature, acts as the mediator between these energies. It highlights the importance of fostering a sense of community and embracing visionary ideas while maintaining a rational, systematic approach to caring for others. This Yod signifies the need to balance emotional sensitivity and practical service with a focus on innovation and a broader societal perspective, promoting personal growth through a combination of humanitarian and analytical efforts.
Pisces: Leo - Libra
In a Yod formation with Pisces as the apex planet between Leo and Libra, Pisces plays a central role. This Yod combines Leo's expressive and Libra's harmonious energy. Pisces, known for its compassionate and dreamy nature, acts as the bridge between these energies. It emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between self-expression and harmonious relationships while nurturing empathy and artistic expression. This Yod signifies the need to balance individual creativity and partnership harmony with a focus on compassion, artistic endeavors, and spiritual growth, promoting personal development through a blend of creative expression and loving, empathetic connections.
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leo-jhon · 2 years
Astro observations #4
❆ 12th house rules over hidden enemies and when someone’s Mars falls into ur 12th house can sometimes be very dangerous cuz these ppl will pretend to have ur back while they’re actually stabbing ur back and they are really good at hiding their ill intentions and most times ppl find out until it’s too late.
❆ moon square saturn natives are more prone to catch colds and get sick .
❆ Ppl really underestimate Libra moons and have no idea how vindictive people with this placement are , think twice before u mistake their kindness as weakness
❆ Ppl with Mercury negatively aspecting Saturn can be very close minded
❆ North node in the 8th house can be an indicator of a very long life
❆ Pluto/Saturn/Chiron in the 4th house , Capricorn/Scorpio moon , moon square Saturn/Pluto these ppl came to this life to break generation curses/trauma. So yes u are the main character
❆ Scorpio/Pluto/Lilith in the 1st house most important lesson to learn is forgiveness ik it may sound impossible to do in some cases cuz these natives go through alot of suffering and betrayals and it’s really hard for them to let go and forget but the more they try the more comfortable you’ll be later on.
❆ If u wanna look of inspirations when it comes to makeup looks and fashion and stuff u should look at celebrities with the same rising sign as yours.
❆ Libra or venus in the 2nd house mostly find self love and gain confidence through other people
Thanks for reading feel free to correct or ask me about something 🔮💙
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A painting I did for an assignment at uni some time ago, just found an image of it and thought I'd share.
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inkindofmagic · 7 months
October Monthly Forecast
October 2023; Astrology and Horoscope
— Asstro News
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October promises a dynamic and transformative astrological landscape, urging us to embrace change, explore the depths of our relationships, and seek balance in various aspects of our lives.
🎃 The focus of early October is on Libra-like themes: love, relationships, money, beauty, values, and balance. Libra represents balance, justice, fairness, and equality, often seeking to please others and maintain peace.
🎃 Venus moves into Virgo on October 8th, encouraging a careful and critical approach to love, relationships, and finances.
🎃 Pluto goes direct on October 10th, signaling a shift from introspection to outward manifestation, promoting personal and collective growth.
🎃 Mars enters Scorpio on October 12th, intensifying exploration of social dynamics, relationships, and passions.
🎃 Eclipse Season begins in mid-October, with a Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14th, emphasizing relationship refinement and balance.
🎃 Mercury enters Scorpio on October 22nd, enhancing intuition and deepening conversations, often focusing on taboo or hidden subjects.
🎃 Scorpio Season starts on October 23rd, bringing powerful transformative energies and delving into the depths of our psyches.
🎃 A busy Lunar Eclipse occurs on October 28th, marking the end of a series of Taurus Eclipses and symbolizing the closure of significant collective themes. This Lunar Eclipse encourages us to release old attachments and step into a new paradigm, with the support of expansive Jupiter.
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via @inkindofmagic
source astromatrix
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astroshitter · 1 year
The houses in astrology
The first house, the ascendant- House of the self.
the horizontal calculated position of the constellation of stars that was behind the sun at the time of birth, the sign that opens the first house. The house of the ego, physical features, what people perceive of me.
The energy I radiate, the aura, the physical health. Personality and external physical characteristics that the world perceives from me.
Impulses, can also indicate childishness. House of new beginnings.
natural position (original sign in the division of the zodiac); Aries, and planet Mars.
Second House - House of our value to things, people and ourselves.
Property, finances, comfort(our comfort zone).
The sensory (the 5 senses), also connects to the throat, possessiveness, stubbornness, fixation.
Can represent early childhood, responsible for what a person needs in his life to feel stable and relaxed, a house also responsible for financial conduct.
Natural original ruler - Taurus and planet Venus.
Third House- The house of sharing.
siblings, the neighbors, the general close environment surroundings in childhood, short trips, public transport and cars in general. Communication, information, transfer of information, daily routine.
Thinking, receiving information, intellect.
Recognition of Patterns and boundaries (our ability to separate), objectivity. head>emotion|emotion=head
duality. Focusing on small details.
The neurosis alongside a constant need to learn and teach, to do something all the time. multitasking.
Natural ruler - Gemini, planet Mercury ruled by day star Mercury.
Fourth house- the family base house.
Parents, the environment we grew up in, the place we refer to when we think of our original home.
Our comfort zone, subconscious emotional security (what we need to feel emotionally secure). Roots, heredity.
Inclusion, hospitality, parental emotional care. (sometimes shows how we express love)
How we act when no one is around, what comes naturally for us
Natural ruler - Cancer and the Moon
The bottom ray on the chart that is called IC (imum Collie)
Fifth house - the house of pleasure and vitality.
Vitality, creativity, close friends, romance, being in the spotlight, ego, addictions.
The house of children (the inner child, our children and the children of other people). theatrical dramatics. Sex and dating, flamboyance, selfishness, the heart. (physiologically as well as emotionally), give and take.
Seeing the picture through the story of events from the subjective eye.
Natural ruler - Leo and the Sun.
Sixth house - House of health and service.
Bills, documents, medical treatment, medical nurses, technical daily routine, giving, criticality, patients, digestive system, perfectionism, work, practice.
Doing things behind the scenes (managing things behind the scenes)
Anxieties, obsessions, psychosomatics.
animals and pets.
Natural ruler - Virgo and night star Mercury.
Seventh house - The house of balance.
Relationships, romance with partners, political correctness, boundaries, beauty, connections, our partners. Intimacy
Behavior of partners, self-renunciation/no compromise, balance, superficiality, qualities we are not aware of (alter ego), visible enemies (of which we are aware).
Natural ruler - Libra and planet Venus.
Eight house- House of transformation.
Sex, death and rebirth, taboo, obsession, secrecy, thoroughness, research, psychology, suspicion, skepticism.
Compulsivity, fears, truth, underworld (Witchcraft), astrology, mysticism, traumas, closure
Repetitive patterns of behavior. karma; Previous generations of the family (grandfather, grandmother, etc.), awareness - to see the truth as it is without the ability to beautify
Natural ruler - Scorpio and Pluto, second ruler Mars.
Ninth house- The house of expansion and essence.
Trips outside the borders of the country, languages, different cultures, philosophy, optimism, the big picture without being able to get into the small details (not thinking about consequences).
Tactlessness, religion, spiritual outlook, publishing.
In-depth research, spiritual or physical journeys alone,
Lack of boundaries, lack of absolute truth (related to boundaries).
Freedom, claustrophobia, unwillingness to commit, fear of missing out , desire to see everything from everywhere.
Natural ruler - Sagittarius and Jupiter.
Tenth house- House of career, public persona.
Status, how people see me (public reputation for better or for worse).
This is a house that is crossed in the upper horizon in the chart, after all, it is the midheaven of the Sky MC (medium Collie)-
Self-fulfillment, preoccupation with how I am seen from the outside,
Investment in work, persistence, tradition. represents one of the parents. Materialism, personal promotion, pension, making yourself name in your workfield.
The 10th house reflects our ACS, the first house, which by understanding our first house, it could shows us why we want to attain the qualities of the 10th house in the first place.
Natural ruler - Capricorn and the planet Saturn.
Eleventh house- the house of the extended society.
Politics, social promotion, anti-primitiveness, anti-framework, progressive, new age, ideals.
Courts, demonstrations, action for the common good, activity for our inner ideals, the God complex, arrogance, emotional distance, feeling like an alien, strangeness.
Natural ruler - Aquarius and planet Uranus, second ruler Saturn.
Twelfth house- The house of sacrifice and mysticism.
Things that the owner of the chart is not aware of (but other people see them), hidden enemies, hospitals, institutions, prisons, closed places, emotional withdrawal, solitude, cinema, directing, music, closure, escapism, rose-colored glasses on reality, dreaming, emotional overflow, visions, tarot and astrology,
Secrets, subconscious connection to others (intuition), feet, wisdom of life, the fool / naivety / childishness,
Peter Pan complex. A house that closes the zodiacal wheel (closure)
Natural ruler - Pisces and planet Neptune, second ruler Jupiter.
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deetalksastro · 1 year
✧࿓☾⋆ ˚。⋆˚ relationships between the planets - sun edition
©deetalksastro ✦ All rights reserved. //don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms.//
‼️ disclaimer: this is an overview based on my personal understanding and is considering the main themes of each planet.
┖ please reblog this post if you've found it useful and would like for others to see it💜
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Sun-Mercury, Sun-Venus, Sun-Jupiter: work well together
Sun-Moon, Sun-Mars: the nature of the aspect is important, as well as the signs involved
Sun-Saturn, Sun-Uranus, Sun-Neptune, Sun-Pluto: regardless of the aspect, it's challenging
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Sun tends to work really well with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter even if the aspect is a challenging one. The reason is that these three provide more accessible outlets for the Sun to put itself out there. This trio supports Sun's expression and gives it the freedom it needs. Mercury and Venus are never straying too far from the Sun, the distance between Sun and Mercury never being more than 28°, while the distance between Sun and Venus is never more than 48°. Mercury might be the fastest way for the Sun to express itself since you can just communicate, regardless if another person is involved or not (Venus). Venus is the one who teaches the Sun the importance of relating to other people and connecting with them. After all, relationships can show you the different ways in which you can express yourself, but also reveal sides of you that you might not be aware of. Then Jupiter comes in and really boosts everything. Not only does it tell the Sun "hey, let me show you how you can expand", but it also reveals to the Sun how far expression can go. Overdoing it is not necessarily a good thing, but can provide our Sun with the opportunity to grow.
If we talk about Sun-Moon and Sun-Mars, it really depends on the aspect between them (the signs play a role). Even though the Sun is our ego (or as I like calling it, our core), making it part of our inner world, it's more outside-oriented. Meanwhile, the Moon which represents our feelings and reactions is also part of our inner world but has less drive to be out there so this can cause tension when the aspect between these two is a challenging one. What a challenging aspect does is create an imbalance, especially since the Moon's energy is quicker to change and adapt compared to Sun's. Sun-Mars combo is basically a ball of energy+another ball of energy = energy overload, in a way. It doesn't matter if we talk about harmonious or challenging aspects, Mars is really fueling the Sun. Put ego and drive together and you get something that will pursue what it wants through whatever methods it has at its disposal. As someone that's having a conjunction, I feel this is one pair where awareness and active effort are needed to keep it balanced as you can easily fall into the other extreme.
When it comes to struggles, regardless of the aspect, the Sun is not having a great time when it's teaming up with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Sun-Saturn has a lot of good things going on since Saturn will teach the Sun about limits, boundaries, discipline, responsibility, modesty, and so on, but all of these come with a price: restriction. I imagine this pair as taking a lit lightbulb and covering it with something. You can see its light peeking through, but it's not as bright as it should be. It doesn't sound too good, but sometimes you need to dim the light in order to see what else is there. Saturn doesn't dim the Sun's light forever, quite contrary I feel, it creates the opportunity to make it brighter after what needs to be learned is learned. If with all the other planets it's all about the Sun, when it meets Uranus it becomes a bit more about the others too. After all, Uranus' influence triggers the need to make yourself unique among other people. It's not the "one-up everyone" case, but rather "what differentiates me from others". When the Sun connects with Neptune, this is where the Sun risks losing itself, temporarily or not. Even though this comes packed with intuition, inspiration, sensitivity, and ideals, it also brings daydreaming, seeing something as something that it's not, and sometimes even confusion. In a way, we can say that with Sun-Neptune it's easier to put on the rose-colored glasses and harder to take them off. As for Sun and Pluto, I feel like this one is heavier for the Sun than the other ones. Pluto's energy brings in things that are not easy to deal with, be it transforming the ego or dealing with the so-called "shadow". Even if the Sun wants to or not, it's pushed into dealing with whatever Pluto is throwing at it. In a way, it seems that Pluto brings forth things that have the potential to break the Sun in an attempt to teach it that, even if you break, it doesn't mean it's over and that you're gone. After all, when something ends, something else begins.
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divinationtools · 1 year
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Saturn in Pisces
Make the Most of this Transformative Time!
As Saturn, the planet of structure, discipline, and responsibility, moves into the watery sign of Pisces, we can expect a shift in energy that will affect us all in unique ways. Saturn will be in Pisces from March 2023 to February 2026, and during this time, we can anticipate challenges and opportunities for growth in areas such as relationships, career, finances, and personal development. Let’s explore how Saturn’s transit through Pisces will impact each of the zodiac signs, and what you can do to make the most of this transformative time.
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dorothydalmati1 · 2 months
Akira Toriyama, creator of Dragon Ball and Dr. Slump, has died at the age of 68 from acute subdural hematoma.
I’m not affiliated with this person in any way, but he gave us some of the greatest manga of all time, and has been influenced by animated works like Astro Boy and 101 Dalmatians, and live-action works like Enter the Dragon, Drunken Master, Alien and Galaxy Quest. The manga industry wouldn’t be the same without him, and without his influences, Toriyama wouldn’t be the famous storyteller he’s become. May his legacy live on!
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rascosmicwisdom · 2 years
Sidereal Leo risings will not let you see them sweat. They could've just had a whole breakdown and will come out smiling like everything's just fine. You just gotta know them to know that sometimes the happiness and confidence is a facade.
They play the role of the strong friend. Lifting everyone up, whole time they need help too, and probably drowning at that. They literally have Scorpio on the 4h, they endure their mess in private. You won't know shit or see shit unless they trust you and want you to.
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spirit-of-phantom · 4 months
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aries mars:
- quick to anger, often explosive
- assertive and direct in expressing anger
- may cool down quickly but can hold a grudge
- deals with anger through confrontation and physical activity
- the fire inside is dynamic and intense, appearing as a burst of flames
taurus mars:
- slow to anger but intense when provoked
- displays anger through stubbornness and resistance
- may hold onto anger for a long time
- deals with anger by seeking comfort and stability
- the fire inside is steady and enduring, resembling a smoldering ember
gemini mars:
- expresses anger through words and sarcasm
- quick-witted and adaptable in heated situations
- may not hold onto anger for long, easily distracted
- deals with anger through communication and mental stimulation
- the fire inside is lively and changeable, flickering like a vibrant flame
cancer mars:
- sensitive and easily hurt, leading to passive-aggressive behavior
- tends to withdraw when angry, seeking emotional refuge
- may hold onto anger, especially if it’s tied to emotional wounds
- deals with anger by retreating and nurturing themselves
- the fire inside is protective and nurturing, resembling a warm hearth
leo mars:
- dramatic and expressive when angry
- seeks attention and recognition for their emotions
- may forgive but won’t forget easily
- deals with anger through creative outlets and self-expression
- the fire inside is bold and radiant, shining like a theatrical spotlight
virgo mars:
- internalizes anger and may not express it openly
- critical and analytical when upset
- holds onto anger through perfectionism
- deals with anger through problem-solving and self-improvement
- the fire inside is precise and controlled, like a focused laser beam
libra mars:
- dislikes conflict and may avoid direct confrontation
- seeks harmony and balance in handling anger
- may struggle with decisions when angry
- deals with anger through communication and compromise
- the fire inside is harmonious and elegant, resembling a delicate flame
scorpio mars:
- intense and passionate when angry
- can hold onto grudges and seek revenge
- may express anger through power plays
- deals with anger through deep introspection and transformation
sagittarius mars:
- blunt and direct in expressing anger
- values freedom and may react strongly to restrictions
- tends to forgive and move on quickly
- deals with anger through physical activity and exploration
- the fire inside is adventurous and optimistic, burning like a spirited bonfire
capricorn mars:
- controlled and disciplined in expressing anger
- may appear cold and detached when upset
- holds onto anger but keeps it hidden
- deals with anger through careful planning and self-discipline
- the fire inside is determined and enduring, resembling a slow-burning ember
aquarius mars:
- unconventional and detached when angry
- values independence and may rebel against restrictions
- may detach emotionally to cope with anger
- deals with anger through innovative solutions and detachment
- the fire inside is eccentric and futuristic, glowing like a neon light
pisces mars:
- passive-aggressive and elusive when angry
- sensitive and easily overwhelmed by emotions
- may escape into fantasy as a coping mechanism
- deals with anger through artistic expression and escapism
- the fire inside is dreamy and ethereal, shimmering like a gentle candle flame
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© spirit-of-phantom 2024
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gayest-squrrel · 3 months
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Posting this now bc I'm never gonna finish it
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mercurytrinemoon · 1 year
Astro basics: electional astrology
A few years ago I made a few posts about electional astrology in the context of social media profiles. Obviously you can still apply those rules to other topics but since I strictly focused on having the most favorable internet presence, I thought let's take it back to basics and talk about electional astrology in general. So here we are.
You can use elections in everyday life although no one wants to get too paranoid about that so what I recommend is, plan important things ahead of the time - so that you have a lot of options; and then, when it comes to smaller things, you could try to at least do things according to the Moon cycles (like transiting Moon in Gemini is good for doing errands, Moon in Virgo is good for doing any kinds of corrections, Moon in Libra is good for throwing parties or love confessions etc; btw I might do a separate post on it if anyone's interested). So this is moreso for major things like announcements, submitting applications, engagements, weddings, moving houses, important business decisions, signing contracts, travel, releasing projects etc. Also, keep in mind that starting something may be as important as releasing it into the world. So for example, wanna write a book? Not only think about the release date but also at what time you're starting to write it. But let's get into the do's and don'ts.
Generally speaking, of course, you want to aim for the best chart possible. A lot of trines, sextiles or benefic conjunctions? Noice. But these are the things you would want to pay attention to:
Position of the Moon
Moon is the most important thing but also the easiest to navigate around since it only takes a month to go around the entire zodiac. Moon in Cancer (domicile) and Taurus (exaltation) is very favorable. I don't recommend having Moon in the signs of its fall/detriment, which is Scorpio or Capricorn. Moon aspects are obviously as crucial - you want to aim for it to make positive aspects and better yet if those aspects are applying (for example Moon at 5° Aries applying to Mercury at 7° Leo with a trine) - that way it's amazing for the progressions. By positive aspects I mean trines and sextiles. With conjunctions it depends on the planet - a conjunction to Mars wouldn't be very beneficial (same with Uranus and Pluto). A conjunction to Saturn or Neptune wouldn't be that bad depending on what is the election for, but in that case I would rather aim for it to be a separating aspect (for example Moon at 25° Aquarius with Saturn at 22° Aquarius). The best thing you can get would be a nice Moon-to-the benefic aspect (Venus or Jupiter; or better yet, both). Moon-Mercury aspects are also great, especially if you're dealing with a mercurial situation (a job interview, contracts, sending an important e-mail, writing or publishing etc).
1. Moon applying with trines to planets in water signs; 2. Moon applying to a conjunction with Jupiter + sextiles to planets in air signs
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Don't use elections when Moon is void of course. That means, when it's not making any aspects to any planet within 12°. This doesn't happen often but it's important. Unaspected Moon means lack of whatever you're trying to gain or achieve.
Examples of void of course Moon:
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Moon phase: it's always better if Moon is growing - so between the New Moon and the Full Moon BUT at least 12° after the New Moon. It's because its phase is symbolising the growth of the thing you're starting. When the Moon is still New and you can't see it in the sky, it's kind of like its little phase of being in the dark, literally and figuratively. Then on the other hand, after the Full Moon its momentum is slowly dying, so it's loosing its peak moment. That being said, waning Moon is not THAT bad if you don't have any other choice - just make sure that (if choosing a date right after the Full Moon) you wait for it to be at least 12° separating from the opposition to the Sun.
A lot of sources also state that the Moon shouldn't be anywhere around the ascendant (and the 1st whole sign house in general). None of the sources give the explanation tho so don't ask me why.
The ascendant and its ruler
The ascendant itself can vary. I'd say with that you can do whatever you want. It is said that ascendant in any of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) symbolises longevity, although keep in mind that Scorpio, for example, can bring out negative qualities due to it being ruled by a malefic. Aquarius can be similar. Signs ruled by benefics (Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces) with good placement for the ruling planet would be an ideal choice. I personally also like Leo rising with a good Sun placement cause that's pretty universal for elections, but that one became tricky ever since Saturn ingressed into Aquarius and is going to stay tricky after Pluto takes its place.
But what's important is the ascendant's ruler. Similarly to the Moon, we want to aim for a) positive aspects; b) the ruling planet being in a friendly or at least neutral sign. Example: if it's Venus it would be nice to have it exalted in Pisces or in one of its domicile signs: Taurus or Libra. Avoid Venus in Aries or in Virgo. The rest of the signs would be neutral. And c) a good house placements, like an angle, an angular house (that is the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) or houses 5th, 9th or 11th.
Retrograde planets
Obviously avoid the most important: Mercury and Venus in retrogrades. Mercury retrograde is a no-no for big purchases, signing contracts or a big travel. Venus is a no-no for things related to money and most importantly, love and romance (don't get married during Venus rx!). Jupiter can be as important if we're talking about legal stuff (including marriage). Mars is a no-no for medical procedures (sometimes along with Venus if it's related to beauty). The ruler of the chosen ascendant shouldn't be in retrograde either.
What about malefics?
Keep them tucked away in cadent houses. Be careful not to put them in a house that is the main topic of your election (like in the 9th if you're travelling or 2nd if you're making a big purchase or dealing with money). Make them as nicely aspected as you possibly can. You can also ease their malefic impact with choosing either a night or a day chart (if Mars is causing problems, make a night chart; if it's Saturn - a day chart) - if you can, obviously, not everything can be done during the night. But most importantly, keep them away from the angles or angular houses. Sometimes Saturn in an agular house and a day chart can be acceptable tho, depending what the election is for and Saturn's aspects.
House placements
Those depend on the thing you're electing for. If it's a creative project, maybe consider having nice planets in the 5th house; if it's for a wedding, a nice 4th, 5th or 7th house placements would be appreciated as well. If you're just trying to give the best impression with whatever you're doing, a Sun, Moon or Venus on the MC; Venus in the 1st house etc. This is the most tricky part overall because often you can't choose the exact hour you want. So, planetary aspects will always take the lead in that regard.
Example charts: April 5th 2023; January 18th 2024 (exalted chart ruler in aspect to a benefic, malefic in the 12th house, Moon applying to Jupiter etc.)
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Your own chart
Lastly, don't forget to make sure the electional chart you chose is in nice aspects to your own natal chart. You can cast a synastry chart of both and see if you have a bit of a support from the election or if it completely clashes with it.
Always remember that there's no such thing as a perfect chart. And what I always say, if something is supposed to be a lasting success, it will. We're trying to navigate the astrology and pick the right time for major events but most of the time, no matter how we try, it's the astrology that rules us - what we're trying to do is just avoid a diasaster so it's good to be aware of the energies and planetary influences.
Some examples of popular releases (with no exact time)
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On the left: Psy's Gangnam Style (I know, lol). Both Venus and Jupiter co-present in the same sign of Gemini, with Moon applying with a conjunction. The presence of the south node seems to be significant as well. The air stellium is in a trine with Saturn and Mars - both in Libra and in a sextile with Uranus in Aries. Gemini planets can underline the aspect of an internet phenomenon (with the fast mercurial energy).
On the right: UPSAHL's viral tik tok song Drugs. Venus in an applying conjunction with Jupiter in Sagittarius. Moon is applying to them with an opposition. Mars is applying with a trine to both benefics. South node being close to the Sun. Side note: Venus and Jupiter are right on top of her Sagittarius planets.
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On the left: Game of Thrones release date. Exalted Venus in Pisces. A nice Aries stellium (the martian war element is very strong here) with co-present Jupiter, exalted Sun and a domicile Mars. An approaching Full Moon conjunct exalted Saturn. Mercury is retrograde, which can signify public's later upset with how the show went on.
On the right: Wednesday Netflix release: Exact Mercury-Venus conjunction in Sagittarius (it's dark and witty yet still visually appealing and entertaining). An out-of-sign applying New Moon. The Moon is in Scorpio but it's applying to a domicile Jupiter with a trine. Both malefics in a trine to each other.
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ophelyia · 2 years
Impression of me
Ascendant in Virgo
People with Virgo rising tend to be practical, analytical, discriminating, fastidious, careful, exacting, attentive to details, methodical, quiet, unassuming, shy, critical, thoughtful, and somewhat self-centered. You have an ingenious, active and alert mind. Gaining knowledge and putting it to good use are important to you. You strive for perfection and can be quite the person to live with or to be around because your standards for yourself and others are so high. At times others can never be 'good' enough to meet those high standards. Finding fault with what's wrong with things is your forte. Sometimes, though, this can make relationships sour as you often turn your critical eye on the one you love and the things they do. Pessimism and being too self-critical are two faults you should try to improve upon. You may tend to worry too much, especially about the small stuff, the little details. Too much worry can lead to health problems. You need to learn to digest every experience and assimilate it without bitterness, regret, spite or resentment. You need to get rid of any negativity that stems from a feeling of inadequacy. You tend to look younger than you really are, no matter what your age. You are very restless and nervous, so you seldom have much weight on you. At times you can be very indecisive and unsure. Spiritual lesson to learn: Service. Mercury rules Virgo so Mercury will be important in your chart.
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