#advanced astrology
kakiastro · 16 hours
Jupiter Gemini: Abundance of Information
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Jupiter will enter Gemini on May 25th until June 9, 2025
After being in the earthly sign of Taurus, it moves into air sign.
So what does this mean for the collective?
- we are going to be talking!!!! 🗣️There’s going to be an abundance of idea and everyone is going to want their voices heard. On one hand this is good because new ideas that can further the collective, however, there’s going to be a lot of not so good ideas being brought up. Be prepared to see lots of ignorant statements, people being more vulgar in public.
-we are going to be talking a lot about wanting to find close knit communities, Gemini rules over our local communities. More people talking about moving abroad and getting their passports will be huge themes. We may start seeing lots of people talk about there experiences in their new neighborhoods
-friendships and people trying to find new besties to hang with. There’s going to be an overwhelming need of wanting to find loyal friends. On the other hand, you may lots of public friend feuds. Jupiter rules over law and court, friends suing each other. Gemini rules over rumors and gossip, so people spreading rumors about their friends.
-lots of stories about co-workers and the people you work with. People marrying their co-worker since Jupiter is one of the marriage planets.
-siblings. Working with/for siblings, siblings going to/back to college. Your siblings going through some legal issues. Siblings traveling together, re-connecting and bonding. Siblings feuds such as suing each other. Traveling with our siblings
- Jupiter is one of the father archetypes and it rules over husbands, brothers and grandfathers. Gemini rules over our cousins and uncles and aunts. Pay attention because these people in your life is going to have a lot to say. They may be more vocal about their beliefs and ideals, some may even surprise you in a good or bad way.
-our minds are going to be heavily stimulated from the amount of information that’s going to be thrown at us. I’m not even just talking about the media but just in everyday life lol. With Pluto Aquarius, it’s going to be a lot of stuff being revealed to the public. Some of these things might not be good. so please don’t burn yourself out because it can be too much. Gemini placements, especially you because Jupiter is in your sign.
-Jupiter rules over worldly events, I predict we will hear about more things going on overseas. I’m not just talking about ongoing events such as Palestine-Israel or Ukraine but I imagine we’re going to be hearing or be more self aware about other things going on in the world. Again, it could get overwhelming so don’t burn yourself out yall. This also includes word leaders.
-religion/religious figures. Jupiter rules over religion and churches. I can’t help but wonder if some sort of public scandal comes out about some religious figures. People discussing religion and the impact it’s had on the public. People wanting to find the truth. What’s truth vs what’s fiction will definitely be hot topics. There’s going to some controversial topics so heads up. People in your life may talk about religion such as religious trauma or their personal religious beliefs. People are about to be very outspoken in a way I don’t think we’ve seen before, I’m already seeing it after reading Billie Eilish interview 😅
-writers/authors. As a writer myself, I think this is going to be a good time for aspiring authors to start or publish their projects. The writing community is in an odd space since the rise of Ai and scammers making AI books, there’s a lot of uncertainty in the air. With that being said, the good news is that the general public is still very much interested in books written by real people so if you want to write and publish, do it!
-completely random but legs and running may be topics. People talking about best places to jog or run. Leg exercises may be another topic. Running marathons, people running there first one or winning their first, I predict an inspiring story to come out this summer. You know, I forgot the Olympics is this year so track and field runners will be heavily in the media.
-this is definitely a think before you speck transit and I know so many people are about fail that lesson😭. We’re all going to have to apply the rule thumper mama told him from Bambi “If you don’t have nothing nice to say, don’t say it all” 😅
-Teachers/Education. Possible teacher strikes or more teachers speaking out about their current frustration about the system. I predict the educational system to be completely reviewed and lots of changes are going to be made. I believe people are going to pursue different routes of education for their kids, especially those with disabled children. Teacher strikes wouldn’t surprise me. More College adults seeking education overseas than here. Speaking of college adults, there’s been a lot of protesting on campuses happening and I don’t see that stopping, if anything, it’s going to enhance even further. Perhaps even globally.
-transportations. Now I’m not entirely sure how this going to play out but people who work transportation make speak out about unfair work conditions or their could also be strikes. On the flip side, more people will buying or looking to buy cars. Cars from overseas may be hot topics. Trains stations, bus stops, bike trails may be topics.
These are the main themes of this topics. To see how it affects you personally, look at the house Gemini rules.
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veggie9961 · 1 year
Your Political Habits
The energy you put toward politics based on your rising sign! You'll need your birth time to find your rising sign, which can be done on online natal chart calculators :)
This analysis is based on the planetary rulership placement of the cusp of your whole sign 9H.
Libra Rising - Mercury ruled 9H
clever and conversational about politics
enjoys political thought, research, and criticism
diplomatic, wise way of speaking and thinking
cynical, logically-derived views which can change quickly
See the house placement of your Mercury for more insight
Scorpio rising - Moon ruled 9H
political views for finding comfort in society
political activists and leaders
can deliver speeches to audiences of familiar people
emotionally expresses themselves through politics
See the house placement of your Moon for more insight
Sagittarius rising - Sun ruled 9H
known for their proud, individual political views
passionate political leaders, well-known publicly
can deliver shocking speeches to large audiences
personally appreciates and identifies with politics
See the house placement of your Sun for more insight
Capricorn Rising - Mercury ruled 9H
knowledgeable and conversational about politics
enjoys political thought, research, and criticism
knowing, wise way of speaking and thinking
cynical, logically-derived views which can change quickly
See the house placement of your Mercury for more insight
Aquarius rising - Venus ruled 9H
balanced awareness of intersectional political perspectives
seeks to create political stability, diplomacy, and peace
fiercely driven to learn and discuss information
See the house placement of your Venus for more insight
Pisces Rising - Mars and Pluto ruled 9H
passionate and fierce about politics
centers of political assertion and influence
diplomatic, elegant way of speaking
strong, motivated views; unopposed to political violence
interested in political chaos, revolution, and rebirth
creates change and transformation in politics
See the house placements of your Mars and Pluto for more insight
Aries Rising - Jupiter ruled 9H
philosophical and broad-minded about politics
faithful and devoted toward institutions or organizations
sharp intellect and competitive alertness in debate
extreme views might be an inspiration for others
See the house placement of your Jupiter for more insight
Taurus Rising - Saturn ruled 9H
responsible politics, awareness of the needs of everyone
status-oriented when it comes to political views
well-known in the local community
contributes to society through over the long term
See the house placement of your Saturn for more insight
Gemini Rising - Saturn and Uranus ruled 9H
responsible politics, awareness of the needs of everyone
status-oriented when it comes to political views
well-known in the local community
attracted to revolutionary and anarchist politics
engages in political idealism---enjoys imagining a better society
unique, eccentric views
See the house placements of your Saturn and Uranus for more insight
Cancer Rising - Jupiter and Neptune ruled 9H
philosophical and broad-minded about politics
faithful and devoted toward institutions or organizations
sharp intellect and verbal skill in debate
extreme views might be an inspiration for others
views which are incomprehensible to everyone else
expresses political views through arts and spirituality
may be entirely disconnected from politics
See the house placements of your Jupiter and Neptune for more insight
Leo Rising - Mars ruled 9H
passionate and fierce about politics
centers of political assertion and influence
diplomatic, elegant way of speaking
strong, motivated views; unopposed to political violence
See the house placement of your Mars for more insight
Virgo Rising - Venus ruled 9H
balanced awareness of political perspectives
seeks to create political stability, diplomacy, and peace
fiercely driven to learn and discuss information
stubborn views based on self-comfort
See the house placement of your Venus for more insight
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ophelyia · 1 year
Sigil Magic
Symbols are the language of our subconscious mind. They have great magical power and are used in many rituals. A sigil is a coded image of our desire, embedded in the subconscious. By creating a sigil, we give our desire a certain structure, charge it with power — and start the fulfillment process.
Seance of Magic:
There are literally dozens of traditional ways to practice sigil magic now, and anyone can easily come up with another dozen symbols. Come to think of it — absolutely each one of them will work!
The main thing is to follow four simple rules in the process of this fun magic:
✶ First, you know exactly what you want.
✶ Second, you assert your will to get it, focusing as hard as you can on the result you want.
✶ Third, you create a magical seal that will do just that.
✶ And last (but not least!) is you must keep silent about what you have desired.
✶ First of all, you should define your wish. It should be very clear and be contained in a single brief sentence. You must present it so vividly, as if it were not a wish, but a specific intention.
✶ Next, you should create a sigil. It can be a monogram or a mantra that you create on your own.
To create a monogram, write down the wish, remove all the repeating letters and make any figure out of those remaining: the letters can be inscribed into one another, placed on top of each other, or add pictures to them. Remember that this is your magical seal and you are free to do whatever you want while creating it.
✶ A mantra is created in the same way, only the remaining letters are transformed into a meaningless phrase or word that you chant throughout the day.
✶ Once your sigil has been ready, it must be charged. This can be achieved through meditation (detachment from the wish) or visualization (maximum focus on the wish).
✶ The process starts! After performing the ritual, it is necessary to pull away from your desire, to forget about it for a while. In order to do so, the most common practice is to use laughter — get distracted with a joke or watch a comedy.
Useful Tips:
✶ If you wish for something lasting and as a rule intangible, such as self-confidence or health, it is better to put the sigil in a place that you can easily observe. Where your wish comes into your life once (a new car, job promotion), after visualization you should hide the sigil and try to forget about the wish for a long time.
✶ You can practice making sigils and supplementing or transforming them as you specify your wish.
✶ You can also include your loved ones in this practice and share the symbols you have created without revealing their meaning. Since you receive a useless symbol this way, forgetting about it (thereby kick starting its implementation program) will be easier.
✶ To improve the result, we recommend adding the symbol of the respective planet to your sigils:
Sun ☉ — success and fulfillment of wishes.
Moon ☽ — enhanced intuition, emotions.
Mercury ☿ — communication, knowledge, advertising.
Venus ♀ — harmony, beauty, love, material possessions.
Mars ♂ — leadership, initiative, physical strength.
Jupiter ♃ — good luck, growth, education, faith.
Saturn ♄ — protection, support, rewards or karmic work.
Uranus ♅ — freedom, innovation.
Neptune ♆ — creativity.
Pluto ♇— important changes, transformation.
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mawadaleo · 13 days
مقال مجمع ومنقول حول نقطة فيرتكس Vx معناها واقترانتها بكواكب الشريك في التوافقية :
‏فيرتكس نقطه مهمه في خريطه الولاده :
يستدلوا بيها المنجمين عند اتصالها بكواكب العبور على احداث مهمه تقع للفرد
نقطة فيرتيكس Vertex, اختصارها Vx موجودة في الخريطة في الجانب الايمن دايما وبيوتها 4و5و6و7و8 ومستحيل تتواجد في بيوت غيرهم لأنها تقاطع نقطة الكسوف في الغرب و الدائرة العمودية للكرة السماوية وهي من اكتشاف المنجم ‎تشارلز جاين
‏ايضا هي تندرج تحت العلاقات الكارميه والمصيريه
في التوافقيه عند اتصالها في كواكب الشريك الشريك او تواجدها في بيوت مهمه 1 7 4 10 ستكون هذه العلاقه التي تغير حياتك وغالبا سيتاثر صاحب فيرتكس اكثر في العلاقه
فيرتكس مهم جدا في التوافقية،وهو نقطة
حسابية تمثل بوابة الحياة السابقة والعلاقات
التي كُتبت منذ زمن بعيد
اذا اقترن فيرتكس مع شمس الشريك
صاحب فيرتكس كما لو أن صاحب الشمس
هو الرفيق الذي يستطيع أن يقطع معه دروب
الحياة دون أي ملل،ستكون رحلة الحياة أشبه
‏اذا اقترن فيرتكس مع زهرة الشريك سيشعر
صاحب فيرتكس أن صاحب الزهره سيغير
حياته للأبد، سيشعر أن هذا الشخص هو كل
مايمثله الحب و الرومانسية، ستكون امرأة
أو رجل الأحلام، و سيكون الحب هنا قدريًا،
يعطي سحر يصعب وصفه أشبه بالقصص
الخيالية، لدرجة أن الانفصال سيكون مؤلم
جدا للطرفين
جاذبيه جسديه
سيشعر فيرتكس بانجذاب جسدي كثيف اتجاه المريخ
وربما تحدث علاقه جنسيه بينهم خصوصا عندما يتواجد المريخ في بيوت مثيره
واحيانا ربما تحدث صراعات بينهم
شعور بالراحه من النظره الاولى
سيشعر فيرتكس ان القمر يتفهم مشاعره
سيشعر ايضا بالامان حوله
الزواج وانشاء عائله وارد جدا مع هذا الاتصال
شخص القمر قادر يتقبل مشاعر وتقلبات مزاج شخص فيرتكس ..
بينهم اتصال حدسي وتخاطر قوي..
دلالة امكانيه تكوين اسره مع بعضهم
سيستمع فيرتكس في الحديث مع عطارد
سيغير عطارد طريقه تفكير فيرتكس وسيحفز عقله
سيكون التواصل والمحادثات بينكم ممتعه وستتعلم الكثير من الدروس من مولود عطارد
نقطة فيرتكس اغلب المتجمعين لايعطوها اهميه ويكون التطرق لاهميتها قليل جدا. ولكن اهميتها في الخارطه التوافقيه بين حبيبين او زوجين او بين صديقين مثلا اذا اقترنت مع ‎العقده الشماليه للشريك تعتبر دلالة على الزواج.
ڤيرتكس اقتران كيتو :
مقدر لهم اللقاء، فيرتكس له تأثير قوي على العقدة و هو يمثل الداعم له في مسيرة الحياه ، من اول تلاقي يحسون بالالفه وكانهم تلاقوا من قبل ، الجاذبيه قويه.. كلهم بيشتغلون على تفعيل امور البيت الواقع فيه الاقتران بافضل صورة.
المشتري اقتران فيرتكس:
رباط خير ووفره وكرم ونيه طيبه بينهم..
كلهم يرضون عن انفسهم مع بعض..
شخص المشتري يحسن حياة شخص فيرتكس المهنيه ويسهله تحقيق طموحه
في اول لقاء بيحس شخص فيرتكس ان شخص المشتري يونس و يستمتع معاه.. وبسرعه بيجتمعون لمدة طويلة..
بيكون بينهم احاديث شيقه عن الروحانيات والفلسفه..
شخص فيرتكس يشوف ان شخص المشتري ”ضربه حظ“ وعمره ماتوقع يطيح على حد مثله من شدة احترام الناس له..
زحل اقتران فيرتكس:
رابط علاقة كارميه\قدريه؛تأثيرها قوي على الطرفين..
شخص زحل يعيد توجيه مسار حياة الطرف الآخر يا للأفضل يا للأسوء..
دروس شخص زحل دروسه مش بذيك المتعة لشخص فيرتكس لكنها اكيد راح تحفز سرعة نضجه وتقدمه ونموه بشكل او بآخر
‏شخص زحل يمثل الاستقرار في حياة شخص فيرتكس..
علاقة ابويه ؛ نصايح من زحل وتوجيهات لشخص فيرتكس..
شخص زحل من اول لقاء بشخص فيرتكس بيحس انه لازم يكون مسؤول عنه ويوجهه ويساعده بتحقيق اهدافه او العكس!..
الانفصال صعب والشعور بالمسؤولية والالتزام بيكون غالي..
‏مهنياً توجيهات شخص زحل بتفيد شخص فيرتكس في تنظيم الامور وجعل النتائج الايجابيه مستمرة قدر الامكان..
شخص فيرتكس بيحس بتسلط شخص زحل عليه لكن ما يقدر الا انه يتماشى معاه ومع قواعده
اورانوس اقتران فيرتكس:
رباط تغيير في دورة حياة شخص فيرتكس..
الجاذبية \ الاثارة عالية..
شخص أورانوس يعتبر كقوة ثورية ومزعزعة للاستقرار في حياة شخص فيرتكس
‏شخص أورانوس يفتح عقل شخص فيرتكس على عدة نقاط مهمة في مايخص شؤون بيت الاقتران عند فيرتكس..
في لقاءهم الاول بيكون دخول شخص اورانوس مفاجأ في حياة شخص فيرتكس..
وجود شخص اورانوس في حياة شخص فيرتكس بيشقلبها فوق تحت ويزعزع استقراره…
في لقاءهم الاول بيكون شخص فيرتكس مش مرتاح ل شخص اورانوس ووجوده حوله ”بيشوفه غريب الاطوار ويختلف عنه
نبتون اقتران فيرتكس:
رابط روحي جذاب وحالم..
هذا الرابط اما بيكون فيه احساس رومانسي وافتتان عالي ، او بيكون وهم شديد ”شخص نبتون هنا كأنه حرباء بالاندماج“..
شخص فيرتكس ينجذب بشكل سحري ل شخص نبتون.. ويفقد نفسه وهويته بسهوله حوله.
بلوتو اقتران فيرتكس:
رابط قدري تحولي بهدف تحقيق النمو لشخص فيرتكس..
شخص بلوتو يؤثر بشكل كبير وقوي على شخص فيرتكس ”يحوله كشخص تحويل كامل“.. وبالاخص في شؤون البيت الي فيه الاقتران عند شخص فيرتكس..
ايضا ؛
الطالع\ البيت الاول اقتران فيرتكس:
جاذبية شديدة ..
شخص البيت يمثل الشخص المناسب والمثالي لشخص فيرتكس..
توافق عالي لمدى الحياة.
البيت السابع اقتران فيرتكس:
رابط توافقي مهم..
جاذبيه عالية وغير مفهومه ..
دلالة ممتازه للزواج ..
شخص البيت يغير نظره ومفاهيم شخص فيرتكس عن الحب والعلاقات
فيرتكس اقتران فيرتكس :
رابط مصيري..
جاذبيه بينهم..
دلالة زواج.
ليلث اقتران فيرتكس:
رابط علاقة تحوليه..
علاقة رومانسيه ..
جاذبيه شديدة و علاقة مكثفه..
اتصال عاطفي قوي..
ممكن يكون بينهم صراع على من يدير العلاقة ”سلطه وهيمنه“..
حلو للعلاقات المهنية لانه يعطي تنافس بين الطرفين..
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memoriesofasinger · 6 months
Taurus Sun - Libra Moon - Leo Rising
Enchanting others with your wit and tendency to never rush things is one of your greatest strengths and one reason why you are almost always surrounded by your favourite people. Everything that is stressful or pressures you, is something you can not really handle.
Story of my life
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lead-academy · 5 months
The Art of Aromatherapy: Unleashing the Potential with an Advanced Diploma
The Advanced Diploma in Aromatherapy is a comprehensive program designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to practise aromatherapy professionally. Through the course, students will learn about the therapeutic properties of essential oils, their application, and how to formulate blends for specific health conditions. This course is perfect for those looking to deepen their knowledge of aromatherapy, whether for personal use or as a stepping stone towards a career in holistic healing. With over 40 hours of content and CPD-approved learning, students can be assured of high-quality educational material. The option to access a diverse range of courses, engage in micro-learning video lessons, and receive dedicated account management make this program an excellent investment for individuals and organizations seeking to enhance their professional development.Here is the course link:https://lead-academy.org/course/aromatherapy-advanced-diploma
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theblindarcher · 4 months
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Never show your hand too early.
FFXIV Miqo'te Astrologer order for NguFootman on Twitter
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tsublue · 2 years
Astrology observations
If this does not apply to you then keep scrolling. They are not all facts but my opinions and things i’ve noticed. Love you.
Scorpio moons are one of the kindest people out there.
Libra placements other than the sun, have an unique looks and features and way of thinking. Especially Libra risings.
Leo suns are typically very shy or quite closed off and mostly quite difficult to get close to.
7th house suns have a slight scorpio energy to them if you look deep enough.
People find it hard to understand someone with a 12th house aquarius chiron.
Scorpio mercuries are always mistaken for the power that they actually have. Never ask what they really think of something if you don’t wanna know. They are one of the smartest mercury placements out there. And their observing abilities are insane.
Scorpio mercury + virgo venus knows how to hit the spot in every way. Good and bad. They are too intelligent for this world.
Saturn in virgo/6th house always took responsibility even if it wasn’t directly handed to them. They were always mature and intelligent, even emotionally sometimes. Even from the youngest years they were aware.
Sagittarius jupiter always has one of the greatest success strategies, but don’t always go 210% out to follow them and make them reality. (Look at the other placements too.)
Some Gemini suns with sagittarius moon are really rude verbally to people who are not obeying or if they don’t get what they exactly want to people who did nothing to deserve it. (Look at the other placements too.)
Gemini suns who are aware of themselves and their emotions, also connected to their inner self or overall spiritual or in good contact with themselves are out of the world beyond. I worship you guys.
Most sagittarius moons have a very limited way of thinking and outlook on the world and people that is very hard to expand.
It can be hard for a Capricorn moon to move on from one topic to another in a quick time span. BUT IT IS 100% OKAY!! Some people might get quite frustrated with it.
ARIES VENUSES ARE SO PRETTY AND COOL mostly their features are a chef’s kiss. Also if you do not already know. You need a lot of red colored clothing and stuff. Or to have a red undertone. You’ll thank me later if you didn’t already know.💋
It’s sometimes really hard for an aquarius venus to find what they TRULY like or to find their style. They mostly experiment a lot or not at all. It’s just a long and hard process to find what suits them the most.
Aries placements are mostly highly corny in their relationships.
Love, Tsunami ~ <3
But that is all for now. This was actually my first post ever. I really hope that you liked this and i would love to read comments about if you guys relate to it! Alright, love you!
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Alchemical Symbolism In The Tarot | Part 1
One interpretation of alchemy (by Carl Jung, whose work inspired the MBTI) is that it represents the process of individuation (development of a full fledged adult personality).
One alchemical symbol that has suggested links to the tarot is that of the green lion eating the sun. There are a few symbolic means of this and most of them are to do with the sun as the ego or consciousness and the green lion as a greater spiritual self that devours it (symbolising ego death as a stage in the journey to individuation)
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Does The Alchemical Lion Have Any Connection To The Strength Card?
I did wonder this as the sign Leo is also about ego and the strength card CAN (in some interpretations) represent us suppressing or trying to tame our emotional selves, subconscious mind, or shadow (which is why shadow work is so hard!)
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Even good cards can have 'double edged sword' explanations (just like 'bad' cards). Strength can be a great card to get if you need strength in the classic way to get through difficult times. But sometimes it's important to use less strength over ourselves and just let things be. The emotional water signs (pisces, cancer, and often scorpio) tend to be best at this, as do NP and SP mbti types. Essentially, instead of taming the lion on the card, what about just letting it be? This can be an interpretation of the best course of action when strength reversed shows up. In some ways, this is part of the process of shadow work.
*this is not to say Leos are really ego driven! Ultimately every sign is to some extent. However many people do believe that there are connections between tarot, astrology, and alchemy, which is ngl super interesting and something I am planning on doing more posts on- so the same animal symbolism appearing across disciplines felt worth mentioning.
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kakiastro · 5 months
Jupiter + the type of husband you will have
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Hey yall! It literally took me a couple of weeks to make this post because I believe I’m experiencing burnout 😫 I think I’m going to take a mini break😅anyway, I hope you had a an amazing holiday!! Today I’m going to be talking about the traits and type of husband you will have based on your Jupiter.
Jupiter traditionally rules the husband. For those who are seeking a husband or husband-like partner, Jupiter is the planet to look at.
Look at your:
1. Jupiter sign
2. Jupiter degree
3. Jupiter house placement
4. Jupiter aspects
Also look at your Jupiter persona chart for deeper details as well!
Jupiter sign and house breakdowns:
- may love to wear athletic brand outfits, have tattoos, prominent forehead, may have bangs or hair just cover their forehead, thick eyebrows, strong sex appeal to them
-their bold and confident
-may work in military, law enforcement, medical field dealing with lab work(blood draws, blood disease researcher), entrepreneurship and being the boss, welding or anything dealing with metals, butcher, working in a gun store.
-could be athletic or loves the gym
-loud or outgoing
-may lack impatience and tend to be impulsive
-always on the go, they have to always be doing something
-loves hot or spicy food
-may love debates and may come off as argumentative
-risk takers, they make quick decisions based on impulse. This can can either back fire or work in their favor LoL
Taurus/ 2h
-may have Venusian look to them so curly hair, smooth skin, very pretty. They may look like they can be a model, they look good on camera. Might have a mole, birth mark or a tattoo on their neck, something about their neck stands out. They’ll have an attractive voice
-money matters such as dealing with money by working in a bank. Working in the culinary industry so owning/working in a restaurant, working for a company that deals with food. Working in real estate or in the housing industry, working the arts such as fashion, painting.
-may be stubborn and like to take their time in doing things
-loves going out to eat especially to their favorite restaurants. If food is involved, they’re going!
-very sensual, loves to wear good smelling fragrances, dressing nice. These are the type of husbands that loves to buy flowers for you just because.
-loves physical touch such as holding hands, cuddling, arm around the shoulder types.
-very charming, may have a lot of friends but only a few close ones.
-loves passion and romance
-listening to lots of music
- you may meet them through a close friend, siblings, someone close to your neighborhood, library, school, they can be a former or current classmate
- they may have a unique laugh that catches your attention, may have smile that appears mischievous, may wear glasses for reading or prescriptions, messy hair do
-loves to talk as long as it’s airy and fun
-speaking of fun, they’re down for whatever, very outgoing person.
-may have lots of friends or know lots of people
-loves to read or write books or blogs
-may have a prominent chest, moon face that’s round or crescent shape, pouty lips, big round watery eyes. They may be wearing comfy clothing
-can come from a close knit family or they are family oriented. Can be close to his mom or has motherly figures in their life.
-may prefer to be at home
-may be proud of their ancestral roots and would want that displayed in there home
-loves home cooked meals
-very private person
-Leo energy has a strong aura, they give A list celebrity energy so you may noticed them right away due to that, something about there hair may stand out to you. Likes dressing and looking good
-have a lighthearted warmness to them like their ruler the Sun
-may be well known, not necessarily famous (although they could be) but they have a lot of friends or they’re known for something.
-really artistic and love the arts such as theater, entertainment, dancing. They could also work in these fields
-may be intuned into there inner child, not necessarily childish but they know how to have fun
-may love children. Work with children or children is apart of their lives.
-may be overly dramatic about certain situations in their life
-may work in the medical field or is interested in medical stuff
-daily routines are important! These are the type of husbands who have a scheduled routine everyday lol
-may be workaholics, work is important to these hubbies. Now work doesn’t always have to mean their career/job either, working around the house, doing a project, fixing a car. They’re always doing some type of work!😅
-just like Gemini, virgoes love to read as well. The difference is Virgo loves to read things that has lots of detail. They need to know the who and why while Gemini just need the overall story and they can fill in the details themselves lol
-can be critical and judgy, mostly of themselves though, they can project on others if they’re not self aware.
-health is important to them! They may read up on different dietary recipes that can improve help.
-they either love animals to a fault or run away from them. There’s no in-between 😆
-could be managers or have a lot of co-workers as friends
-very elegant and put together. May wear cologne or nice smelling body wash
-very charming indidvial, know how to swoon you
-don’t ask them where they want to go eat because they don’t know😫it’s best to just remember their favorite food and go from there Lol
-may be business oriented or wants to own a business
-partnership is very important to them. Libra is a people person so close relationships are ideal
-doesn’t like unfairness at all. If you’ve been mistreated, they are the type to defend you if they feel like you’re being treated unfairly. They’re very much social justice warriors
-having some sort of balance in there life is key!
- may also like fashion things
-family may also be important
-intesnse stare. You may feel intimidated by them at first but really are sweethearts when you get to know them
-there really private people, they don’t trust others easily at all. Once you have their trust then then you have there heart forever
-power dynamics with friends, family, lover may be themes
-they have sexual appeal
-they may have strong jealous tendencies. If they are self aware and put in the work to address these feelings then they are fine not if their the crazy jealous type, that’s not good and leave
-money may also be a theme, shared finances
-loves the color black
-may work in mortuary science, funerals, graveyard, taxidermist, finances, psychology, therapy, detective, forensics
-may be from a different culture, city or country from you
-may work in overseas, as a judge, historian, in a church, as a pilot/airline employee , cruise ship, writer, professor
-loves traveling, may have a lot of knowledge on different cultural backgrounds
-religious or is interested in religion. They could study theology
-these people love adventures, no matter how big or small it is the adventure is. Going to target can be an adventure because they’ll make it one 😅
-love reading books especially books that educational or something that broadens their minds to different ideals and ethics
-May have some good lucking legs 🦵. They may have a history of doing track or love running/jogging
-there may be an age gap and it doesn’t have to be a huge one. Maybe a few years older. They can also be very mature or has a lot of life experience for someone their age.
-very ambitious, they don’t climb ladders, they climb mountains and will make it to the top every time
-respect and status is important to them. It doesn’t always mean fame status but status in a “I just want people to look up to me in a respectful way.” They may be managers or bosses, they can just carry that energy as well
-they may look put together, clean clothes that matches, hair groomed. They just look like they have their life together even if it’s currently a mess😅
-they have a jawline that was crafted by the Gods 🤌🏾
-family is important to them as well! Building a solid foundation that can be passed on to the next generation is a huge thing for them. They may be the patriarch of the family
-very close with their grandparents especially grandma. If their still alive and well, You’ll probably meet their granny before their parents
-may have started off as acquaintances, then really good friends, not thinking much about dating until feelings starts to develope
-yall could of met while on a dating app.
-this is a cute, adorable, quirky, and weird husband. They may have different interest than you but that’s what you love about them!
-these partners are the type who will give you your space if you need it, they’ll actually encourage it!
-they may know lots of people and you’ll meet lots of new people through them.
-rules? What’s that? Lol they don’t mind breaking a few if they feel the need too. These people definitely live their life by the beat of their own drum.
-may be involved with humanitarian work, tech, science, astrology
-your connection my feel “divine” or like this person was handpicked for you specifically. There’s a spiritual connection between you two. You may dream a lot about each other.
-may also be from an unknown or foreign culture or country.
-water related things may be a theme such as the beach/swimming in the ocean, taking a cruise, kayaking, yacht, traveling to a water based city like Venice, Italy
-spiritually discussions can be part of your relationship
-creativify such as singing, writing songs or filming could be careers. Also being a healer like a spiritual teacher
-you may worship the ground they walk on and put them on a pedestal. Just try to make sure you don’t wear colored glasses and see them for who they are right now and not who you want them to be
-telepathic connection
Any married people here? Does some of this describe your hubby?
I’m not married yet but when I do, I’ll reblog this and let yall know 🫡
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veggie9961 · 1 year
The Knowledge of your Rising sign (Pt. 1)
You'll need your birth time to find your rising sign, which can be done online. Disclaimer: this analysis is whole sign, archetypal and based on what I've personally seen---take what resonates ;)
Both Sagittarius and Aquarius represent knowledge. Sagittarius represents the knowledge expressed as one's own opinion---this knowledge is important in fields like social science or politics. Aquarius, along with Virgo, represents developing a precautious balance between everyone's perspectives. But while Virgo's an objective learner, Aquarius has objective knowledge (more on the Virgo-Aquarius connection in my article "The Sixth Aspect"). Aquarius represents knowledge expressed through objective awareness---this is more important in fields that center innovation. In this part we'll talk about Aquarian knowledge, or objective awareness.
Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn. Saturn is a fearful planet--it represents being ready for the external. Saturn's knowledge is the awareness and responsibility that comes with age and experience, and the wisdom that emerges from hardship. Saturn's knowledge ultimately gives it fear. Fear is about being prepared for anything. Practical Capricorn prepares for anything by planning for the material reality of future scarcity. Intellectual Aquarius, on the other hand, prepares for anything by collecting every perspective and determining through experimentation the path that is most efficient. Empirical objectivity and innovation results from Saturn's fear of leaving possibilities unconsidered. Tying in the idea that Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus, you end up somewhere around the trope of a "genius" or "mad scientist" who anxiously operates on the edge of out-of-this-world innovation.
Aquarian knowledge is rational and empirical; is a conclusion based on perspectives collected.
Having an objective understanding gives you the ground to experiment and innovate a new more efficient way of doing things
Aquarian knowledge, like science, is ultimately aimed at providing for society through new ideas
Objective awareness in your chart
Libra rising - Aquarius in 5H
a genius at expressing themselves through personal style
has a mental catalogue of various different ways people express their identity
dates all kinds of people; is unbiased and open-minded in early dating and for their children
a genius at innovating a sense of excitement for others
objectively aware of what has the potential to make people happy
Scorpio rising - Aquarius in 4H
a genius when it comes to the preservation of their own comfort
objective knowledge about human emotions, knows efficient ways to deal with their own emotions
knows that the future could entail difficulty and anxiety
awareness about the diverse family and cultural background of various different people
inventive approach to their own self-care, family and home
Sagittarius rising - Aquarius in 3H
a highly intellectual brainiac who's adopted an optimistic and confident outlook
gathers and processes information efficiently and with objective awareness
might make up their own ways to say things; the way they see things is different and they want others to know that
learns using innovative strategies to gain an awareness before confidently presenting their own view
raised around interesting, different people; ends up comfortable with many kinds of personalities
Capricorn rising - Aquarius in 2H
a genius at acquiring and managing wealth and material
keen awareness of the state of their belongings
plans for future scarcity; a builder of wealth and a dependable provider
objectively aware of the methods used by different people to acquire money
spends very efficiently or innovatively, unafraid to come off as eccentric due to what they choose to own or consume
Aquarius rising - Aquarius in 1H
leads their life with instinctive awareness and intelligence
understands their individual personality objectively in relation to others
highly aware of their own true identity, which allows them to depart from expectations, experiment and innovate in how they present themselves
objectively aware of the right way, so does it the wrong way
Pisces rising - Aquarius in 12H
a genius at empathy and understanding the emotional patterns of humanity; objectively aware of subconscious behaviors
a genius at secret-keeping--anxious awareness of the true secrets that they keep; the ability to find innovative and eccentric ways to cover up those secrets; awareness of the secrets of others
tried-and-tested knowledge on sleep---plans efficient and effective ways to do these things
cautious awareness and intuitive mastery over the power and diversity of drugs, dreams, sexuality
Aries rising - Aquarius in 11H
a genius when it comes to the various kinds of people, and is efficient with who they keep in their life
reveals to friends and acquaintances their open-minded side
cautious aware of the views of society; experiments with defying society
innovates a path of the future; they know how things will end up, and so they want channel their energy toward discovering other possibilities
Taurus rising - Aquarius in 10H
objective awareness of the realm of social image
mastery over their own public image, which allows them to experiment and be seen in public as unique and different
aware of how different people acquire accomplishments and achievements, and innovates their own original reputation
inventive, genius approach to career which ultimately results in fame for their unique talents
Gemini rising - Aquarius in 9H
develops a keen awareness of the views of everyone; has inventive, original views which question the status quo
objective knowledge of several different philosophies, political ideologies, cultures, or religions
might have anxiety when it comes to long distance travel or leaving town; do research and make a plan that suites you
inner genius unveils itself during higher education; might opt for something multidisciplinary, inventive, original or creative
Cancer rising - Aquarius in 8H
keen awareness of their own worst qualities, insecurities, and toxic traits emerging from the ways in which they were ill-treated
objectively aware of how trauma manifests for different people
innovative and free-spirited use of their awareness of their darkness, which could mean manipulation, or artistic endeavors
open-mindedness with intimate partners; might opt for queer arrangements such as polyamory, NSA, or asexual
Leo rising - Aquarius in 7H
keen, even anxious awareness of the people most important to them, including close friends and long-term partners
a player; has several relationships of several kinds
objectively aware of the several people in their life, and efficiently plans time for each of them
keen awareness of everything that goes against their being---finds ways to avoid these things
inventive and original with they way they approach relationships
Virgo rising - Aquarius in 6H
detached, objective knowledge about the problems, difficulties, challenges and suffering of life
aware of the different ways people struggle, and wants to help
seeks to find unique and innovative solutions to difficulties using the information they collect
knowing awareness of their own duties; find efficient ways to deal with their routines and household chores
See the house placements of your Saturn and Uranus for more insight on how Aquarian energy manifests in your chart
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ophelyia · 2 months
Venus trine Ascendant
Your ability to create moments of unity, cohesion, and beauty brings bounty into your world. You know how to smooth ruffled feathers, preen your plume, and attract a wide variety of playmates to your park. You treat the exchange of pleasantries like an Olympic sport when necessary, and few can escape your charms when you've decided to lay them on thick. Like honey, so much sticks to you when unprotected. Make sure you save the sweet stuff for those that know how to reciprocate.
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mawadaleo · 14 days
Vinno. مقتطف من منصة تويتر عن موقع ليليث في🖤❤ بيوت الشري
🖤ليليث في البيت #الأول للشخص الآخر
ستكون هناك جاذبيه جسديه وجنسيه قويه قد يكون شخص ليليث مهووس جدا بمظهر شخص البيت وسلوكه وهذا ما يجذبه إليه ، يرى شخص البيت في شخص ليليث انه شخص لديه الكثير من الامور المشتركة معه ، شخص البيت يمكنه إظهار نفسه المتمردة والأكثر غرور على الفور تقريبا
🖤ليليث في البيت #الثاني للشخص الآخر
سيكون هناك حيازه قويه ، قد يستخدم شخص ليليث شخص البيت كراعي له ، بمعنى أي شخص يمكنه تزويدهم بالممتلكات المادية التي يحتاجونها ، قد يحب شخص البيت الاستثمار في شخص ليليث ، فهو يشعر بالتمكين ويحب الشعور "بالاستغلال" حتى لو أدرك ذلك
قد يكون شخص البيت قاسي على ليليث في الاتصالات الجسديه ، قوي جداً ، ويتصرف كما لو كان يمتلكه
🖤ليليث في البيت #الثالث للشخص الآخر
شخص ليليث هو الذي يعطي شخص البيت أفكار مظلمة جداً ، وغالباً ما تكون سيئه ، فهم يوجهون عقل شخص البيت في اتجاه معين جديد ، حيث يمكن أن يكون شخص ليليث أفكار غير مألوفة بالنسبة لهم
قد يكون شخص البيت خائف منهم ، إنهم يرون أن شخص ليليث هو الشيطان الصغير على أكتافهم والذي يعطيهم نصيحة "أنت تعلم أنه سينتهي به الأمر سيئاً ، ولكن لماذا لا تفعل ذلك على أي حال"
🖤ليليث في البيت #الرابع للشخص الآخر
الاتصال الذي يدمر البيت ، قد يكون ليليث هو الشخص الذي يخرج شخص البيت من منطقة الراحة ، وأخلاقهم ، والطريقة التي تعلموا بها التفكير ، يرى شخص البيت شخص ليليث على أنه شيء مثير
شيء يمكن أن يثير منزلهم وعائلاتهم قد يكون الجنس ايضاً أمر غير معتاد للغايه بالنسبة لشخص البيت
🖤ليليث في البيت #الخامس للشخص الآخر
قد يكون الجنس بينهما غير معتاد ، فلا حرج بينهما ، قد يكون ايضا شخص ليليث مسيطر جدا على شخص البيت ، شخص ليليث يعرف شخص البيت على هوايات خطيره ومثيره مليئه بالمتعه أيضا
يشعر شخص البيت أنه مخطئ وقد يشعر بالذنب ايضا ، لكن نفسه الداخليه تشعره بالفضول تجاه شخص ليليث ولا يمكنه مقاومته ، قد يعرض شخص ليليث أيضا شخص البيت الى الخطر ، ويخاطر به من أجل الترفيه
🖤ليليث في البيت #السادس للشخص الآخر
يمكن أن يسبب شخص ليليث تمرد وفوضى ومغامره في الروتين اليومي لشخص البيت ، يريدهم ليليث أن يتركوا العمل ، أو في حال ذهبوا الى العمل يريد ليليث أن يذهبوا معا إلى مكان العمل ، وسيرغب شخص ليليث في قضاء يومه بأكمله مع شخص البيت
يريد شخص ليليث التأثير على ما يفعله شخص البيت ، ايضاً شخص البيت يشعر أنه يحتاج إلى ليليث ، وسوف يستمتع شخص البيت ويبحث عن تلك الإثاره في شخص ليليث ، ايضا شخص البيت سيستمتع بالهروب من الحياة العاديه البسيطه الى شخص ليليث
🖤ليليث في البيت #السابع للشخص الآخر
سيكون هناك تلاعب متبادل بينهم ، يمكن أن يخرجوا أسوأ ما في بعضهم البعض ، اشخاص ليليث قد يكونوا جيدين في البدايه وعندما يتزوجوا يتحولوا إلى اشخاص اخرين مستفزين ، وهم لا يحبون الحدود في العلاقات
سيبحثون ايضاً عن أشخاص آخرين لمجرد استخدامهم لمصلحتهم الخاصه ، يمكنهم استنزاف بعضهم البعض ، قد يستخدم شخص ليليث شخص البيت كعلاقه بأشخاص آخرين / واشخاص البيت قد يكونوا ضحايا المستقبل لاشخاص ليليث
🖤ليليث في البيت #الثامن للشخص الآخر
الموقع الأكثر إثاره سيُظهر شخص ليليث لشخص البيت جوانبه الاخرى الاكثر عمق وسريه ، ايضا سوف يكتشفون امور اخرى عميقه ومظلمه معا ، و يجربونها معا ، يشعر شخص ليليث بالشر في العلاقه الحميميه مع شخص البيت
ويشعر شخص البيت بأنه قاسي على شخص ليليث لانه لايعطيه كل ما يريد ، مثل شخص لا يفهم ما يحتاج إليه شخص ليليث طوال الوقت ايضا يمكن لشخص ليليث التلاعب بشخص البيت لكشف بعض الأسرار ، سوف يجعل شخص ليليث الموت مثالي لشخص البيت ، وقد يجعله يبدو مثيرا لشخص البيت
🖤ليليث في البيت #التاسع للشخص الآخر
سيُظهر شخص ليليث لشخص البيت جانب جديد من العالم ، وجانب جديد من الروحانيه ، قد يعرفون اشخاص ليليث اشخاص البيت على الطوائف والمعتقدات الخطره والتلاعب بها ، سوف يجعلونهم يستخدمون روحانياتهم بطرق خطيره ، ويغسلون أدمغة الاخرين
شخص ليليث سيحاول تغيير معتقدات وعقلية شخص البيت ، سيشعر شخص البيت بالإلهام تجاه شخص ليليث ، وسيرى العالم في ضوء جديد ، وأحيانا لا يشعر بمدى السوء الذي يمكن أن يكون عليه ، يمكن ان تكون هناك مشاكل أثناء السفر معا
🖤ليليث في البيت #العاشر للشخص الآخر
سيستخدم شخص ليليث شخص البيت لتحقيق مكاسبه الخاصه ، والنمو الوظيفي ، والسمعه ، وما إلى ذلك ، يمكن أن تتحول سمعة شخص البيت إلى سمعه سيئه من خلال التسكع مع شخص ليليث
ويمكن لشخص ليليث تدمير الصوره العامه لشخص البيت ، سيستخدم شخص ليليث الجنس كوسيله للتأثير على شخص البيت
🖤ليليث في المنزل #الحادي_عشر للشخص الآخر
سيقدم شخص ليليث شخص البيت إلى أشخاص جدد ، أشخاص قد لا يكونون في صالحهم قد يكونوا أشخاص لم يخطروا ببال شخص البيت ، سيحاول شخص ليليث تغيير أفكار ووجهات نظر شخص البيت تجاه العالم ، وقد يضع شخص ليليث الأفكار الشريره في راس شخص البيت
🖤ليليث في البيت #الثاني_عشر للشخص الآخر
سيخرج شخص ليليث الأحلام المظلمه والأوهام من شخص البيت ، يمكن أن يسبب شخص ليليث الخوف والسلبيه وتدمير الذات لصاحب البيت ، سوف يلبي ليليث جميع الرغبات الجنسيه لشخص البيت ، قد يكونون اشخاص ليليث مهووسين بالنفس المخفيه للاشخاص البيت
وسوف يحتاجون اشخاص ليليث إلى استكشاف شخصية اصحاب البيت بالكامل ، الأمر الذي قد يستغرق وقت طويل ، لأن الجدار الفاصل بينهم والحدود لا يتم تدميرها بالكامل ، ليليث لا يريد أن يترك صاحب البيت في حاله ، فهو متحمس لغموض صاحب البيت ، قد يشعر شخص البيت بالاختناق من شخص ليليث
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memoriesofasinger · 6 months
12th of May Taurus and Career
It may take these individuals several career starts before they can put down roots in what will be their life's work. Business management and the decorative arts are two distinct yet plausible career choices for May 12 individuals. They have a good head for business, yet their artistic talents need to be satisfied, as well.
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lead-academy · 5 months
Advanced Phlebotomy Mastery: Competency Training in London
Advanced or competency phlebotomy training in London is intended for experienced phlebotomists or healthcare professionals who want to enhance their skills in performing venipuncture and capillary blood draw procedures. This training course goes beyond the basic knowledge of phlebotomy, covering advanced techniques, quality control measures, infection control, safe handling and disposal of hazardous materials, and data management. Participants will learn how to deal with difficult and complex cases, such as patients with small or fragile veins, those with coagulation disorders, and those with high anxiety or other mental health conditions. They will also gain a deeper understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the circulatory system, the principles of phlebotomy equipment, and the importance of patient communication and empathy. Upon completion of this training program, participants will have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide safe and efficient phlebotomy services in a variety of healthcare settings, including clinics, hospitals, laboratories, and blood donation centers. Here is the course link: https://lead-academy.org/course/advanced-phlebotomy-training
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commeneige · 5 months
question to the astro community: I want to get into a side hustle but need some inspiration. Which chart could I use to find more information on which side hustles would work best for me?
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