#and his best is fantastic
I feel that after Sephiroth took dating advice from Zack and it actually worked, it's only downhill from there
Read at your own risk
Sephiroth now goes to Zack for ALL dating advice, and much life advice.
Zack: Ok, you gotta bring a bow-ket of flor-ets, hehehehehe
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: chicks dig that!
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: remember protection! Don't want a bunch of kiddos running around.
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: chocolate is usually a good idea. My favorite is tootsie rolls!
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: Hold the door for her! And dress nice, get a nice clean shirt--Angeal says buttons are a must--and your bluest jeans, not ones you use for working.
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: if it rains, some old fashioned gals like it if you carry them over puddles or throw your jacket down so they don't get wet, but that's kinda outdated.
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Zack: And man, here's the real secret: you gotta, and I mean you GOTTA, flick the bean and lick the lunch meat, if you know what I mean. You'll get her super wet!
Sephiroth: Wait, I thought we were supposed to avoid getting her wet?
Zack: only in the rain, man, only in the rain. 😉
Sephiroth: *taking notes*
Later that evening...
*ding dong*
Lazard: *opens the door*
Sephiroth is standing there in a shirt that exposes his belly button and is festooned with buttons, as if it was stolen from an art student's studio after a crazed night before finals where the assignment was to use whatever was at hand and they only had buttons and a bedsheet.
He has also painted a very tasteful strand of DNA next to his belly button in the bluest blue body paint he could find. He removed the harness to accommodate the button shirt, but is still wearing his coat, pants, boots, and yes, pauldrons and gloves.
He is holding a pot full of dirt and...is that a grub? In one hand, and a bouquet of broccoli florets in the other. A plastic bag is dangling from his belt.
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Sephiroth: Hello, Lazard. Would you like to accompany me on our scheduled date?
Lazard: 👁️👁️
Sephiroth: 🐱
Lazard: Certainly. Is that a bouquet?
Sephiroth: Yes, even though Zackary pronounced it incorrectly earlier, I discerned his true meaning.
Lazard: Here, let me put it in water. Feel free to set down your...items...as well.
Sephiroth: I was informed to bring things that chicks would dig, so this is a pot of grubs. I also purchased beans and lunch meat for licking and flicking activities later, and a gift of chocolate. Please hold still. *Takes a slice of lunch meat out of the packet and gently applies it to Lazard's face*
Lazard: I'm sorry, I don't understand...?
Sephiroth: Oh! I was supposed to make you wet if it wasn't raining, and since you're using the sink to fill that vase, this was the next best thing I could think of. Is...is it working? Do you feel adequately wet?
Lazard: goddess yes, but, ah, I don't need the meat, well, not THAT meat, on my face.
Sephiroth: Oh! *Licks it off, has a nice little snack*
Lazard: *trembles*
Sephiroth: Shall we go out then? I'm unsure if the beans are meant to be flicked here or abroad; I was hoping you would advise.
Lazard, leaning against the counter, voice coming out in a squeak: We can stay in!
Sephiroth: Are you certain? While full of protein and with a vegetable, this hardly seems an appropriately fancy meal for someone I am trying to woo.
Lazard, hiding his...area d'oolala...and sweating: No it's fine!
Sephiroth: I can always summon Masamune to ward off children!
Lazard: I don't think that would be necessary either way *panting*
Sephiroth: Well, if we're not going out, I would like to show you what else I learned. *Throws another wet piece of lunch meat on the floor, then his coat on top of it (oh Gaia, the button monstrosity is a tank top that shows his arms), then picks up Lazard and walks over it.* There! You wouldn't be wet if it was raining! At least your feet wouldn't!
Lazard, face to face with the hottest man in Midgar: Take your pants off.
Sephiroth: One last thing! *Grabs the nearest door, which happens to be the bedroom door* *beaming*
Lazard: Are you...holding the door for me?
Sephiroth: Yes!
Lazard: fuck me
Sephiroth: Of course!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Horse Meshi. Delicious, in Horse.
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konigsblog · 2 months
a continuation from this post. ;3
baker-könig who puts his cum your food... 🍰🍪🧁
cw: perv!könig, loser!könig. MDNI 18+ 🔞
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baker-könig adores your reaction to his baked goods. the sweetness and the tanginess of the tarts he provides and bakes for you, his girthy, hot cock throbbing in the tight confines of his boxer briefs when you comment on the touch of saltiness.
he spends hours in the kitchen, sweat dripping from his forehead and the smell of the warm, sugary desserts catching your attention. what you don't know is that könig has jerked off into the bowl, mixing his bitter and salty arousal into the batter. he's so eager to hear your comments and compliments, getting off later in private to your words playing back in his head.
each stroke leaves könig breathless, his calloused fingers wrapped around his meaty shaft, gripping his large, hung cock firmly. there is flour and sugar all over the countertops, and ingredients are scattered around the kitchen. fat globs of his hot, thick release are spurted from the head of his lengthy dick and into the mixing bowl, his breath laborious and heavy.
he watches as you take a bite of the freshly baked, delicious cupcake, giggling at the perfect taste. you smile at him, telling him it's the best batch you've ever tasted. fuck, your compliments leave könig sexually frustrated, grinning perversely, and eyeing you up as you enjoy multiple of the cupcakes.
only when you suck him off for the first time do you recognise the familiar saltiness in his thick cum...
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walmart-miku · 7 months
ok people we gotta stop making mori the source of all evil with soukoku. Yes mori is evil about how he treated yosano and a lot of the pm members but that's a whole other can of worms.
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Fics need to stop making this dude try to prevent skk from dating. I want a crack fic where mori is just like "Hey how was ur day do u like to kiss guys?" To both dazai and chuuya. I want mori shenanigans where he's actively trying so hard to set them up and Elise is sitting in a corner with kouyou and they're hard core judging him.
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beskarfrog · 9 months
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rillette · 2 years
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jason warmup colorized edition 
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sciderman · 7 months
thinking of spider-man's first silly little suit (and his silly little webwings)
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thinking of you all the time (webwings)
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ywpd-translations · 6 days
Ride 755: Kaburagi and Doubashi!!
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Pag 1
2: He counted for three second and then accelerated!!
3: I'll go, yon
4: to the
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Pag 2
1: Sprint line ahead!!
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Pag 3
1: One person jumped ahead at 700m from the sprint line!!
2: Yaa!!
3: That guy's so fast!!
He's steadily accelerating on his own!!
4: He counted for three seconds and then accelerated!?
Usually, when one catches up they stop for 10-30 seconds to rest their legs
5: He did it for three seconds!?
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Pag 4
1: That guy doesn't follow the usual road-racing common sense, Orange!!
I know!! San-na, just now I was also
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Pag 5
1: Thinking the same thing!!
2: Those two are chasing too!!
3: Get behind me, we're accelerating!!
7: Fifth stage
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Pag 6
1: “Orange”
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Pag 7
2: Houruraaa
3: Ugh
4: Oi oi, he's so fast!! Seriously!?
He really got something like this in him!?
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Pag 8
1: Houuu
2: ruaaaa
3: How hard did you work, Orange!!
4: During this past year
5: How much have you sharpened yourself?
I know it'd be wrong to tell you at a time like this, but let me tell you!!
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Pag 9
1: Reckless guys are the coolest!!
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Pag 10
2: You got closer
4: You did great closing the gap, Orange!!
5: 600m left until the sprint line!!
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Pag 11
1: Hold on and don't fall behind!!
3: From now on I'll do it!!
4: Burst open!!
Don't tie it down!!
Crush it!!
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Pag 12
1: Feelings at full throttle!!
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Pag 13
3: This is bad
4: Buaaaaaah
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Pag 14
1: Aventador!!*
(*NdT.: the kanji are read as “bullfighting” but the reading says “aventador”)
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Pag 15
2: Hakogaku and Sohoku lined up in one go with the guy riding in the lead!!
3: Seriously!?
4: Don't let him get in between, get your bike close to mine, Orange!!
Got it!! San-na!!
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Pag 16
1: But
2: The seat in the back is empty, yon
3: Spread out!!
4: Uh oh
5: We won't let you
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Pag 17
1: count up to “three”!!
2: …. tch
3: You caught up and got here, but looks like you've run out of options now!!
So what will you do
4: Mountain bike guy!!
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Pag 18
1: What incredible tension!! Each one of them has their own style!!
No but don't those two guys give you the chills?
2: I've noticed it before
3: Hakogaku's Doubashi and Sohoku's Kaburagi, even though they're from different teams and so are enemies, they're cooperating while running!!
4: This is something you won't find in other sports
5: Like in soccer or volleyball, you'll never see opponents coming together and cooperate!!
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Pag 19
1: “Having multiple opponents at the same time”, that's what makes road racing unique!!
2: This is
3: the exciting thing
4: about road racing!!
5: Until the sprint line-
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Pag 20
1: - there are 500m left!!
3: You don't follow the common sense of road racing....
That's why
4: we caught up to you using the “common sense of road racing”!!
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404-art-found · 1 year
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ferryman/gabriel/v1 supremacy
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cheesy09 · 1 month
[CN] Kiro's Wrapped in Silk Date
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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Note: This date explores some very suggestive themes, so if you do not meet the game's recommended 17+ age rating, I'd suggest to avoid reading this date.
[PART 1]
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The clear night sky seems to have been washed by spring water, and the stars are akin to diamonds against the dark blue gauze.
[MC's Company Name] has recently discussed collaboration with LEEZY, a well-know foreign fashion brand, and therefore I personally made the trip to come to their headquarters in West Asia.
The first reason being because they attached great importance to this collaboration, and second one being because Kiro too was filming in this city.
It's been three months since Kiro came here to film a movie. During this time, all we could do was accompany each other through the tiny screens of our mobile phones every day.
So when this opportunity to "visit work" presented itself, I immediately applied for a visa and flew over.
After several days of meetings and visits, the contract was successfully signed. The other party hoped that we could promote the latest season of their clothing.
I was also invited to attend this charity dinner party being held by the lake tonight.
In my drunken stupor, a slight sense of dizziness floods my head. I lift the shawl of my dress, shake the wine glass in my hand and look at the figure standing close by--
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Kiro smiles and talks to the person in front of him, his golden hair shinning brightly in the darkness of night.
Seemingly noticing my gaze, he turns his face slightly, and his blue eyes catch my sight.
I raise my glass, smile at him, and take another slow sip. His eyes flicker for a moment and he calmly looks away from me.
Not long after, he smiles, nods, and comes to me with a glass of wine, lightly touching it to mine.
Kiro: I'm back!
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MC: Was that the producer who invited you to the dinner just now? Why don't you chat for a little longer?
Kiro: We've already chatted for quite a bit. He even asked for my autograph for his little daughter.
Kiro: So, from now on, my time is all yours, MC.
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Kiro: That being said... how much have you had to drink?
He seems to have noticed the unyielding warmth on my face. He raises his hand and gently touches the side of my face with the back of his hand.
That familiar body temperature departs as soon as it touches, leaving me feeling a little disappointed. I simply pinch his fingertips and take the opportunity to slip my fingers into the gaps between his.
MC: Not a lot, maybe... five or six glasses.
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Kiro: That's not a lot...?
He lowers his head slightly and draws closer to me, the glimmer of expectation in his eyes quietly falling into mine.
Kiro: MC, should we run away?
MC: Now?
Kiro: Well~ You're going back to Loveland tomorrow afternoon, and I won't be back in China for another three weeks.
Kiro: There are less than 15 hours left. I don't want to waste another minute.
That reluctance tucked away in my heart is outlined by his words and tugs at my heartstrings.
All the work that needed to be discussed has been taken care of, so I nod. After paying our respects to the organizer, Kiro takes my hand and leaves the venue.
The taxi takes us all the way back to the hotel. After getting out of the cab, I stop, shake our intertwined hands and look at him eagerly.
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MC: ...My feet hurt.
A smile seems to flash across those blue eyes. The next second, my body grows light and I'm being held in his arms.
Kiro: [chuckles indulgently] Hold me.
Amidst the cool night breeze, the embrace I am nestled in is particularly affectionate. I put my arms around his neck, and from time to time I run my lips across the side of his face, which is now slightly cooled by the night wind.
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After entering the room, he bends down and gently places me on the small sofa.
The warmth that came from being close to each other seems to escape. Just as I am about to reach out and hug him, I suddenly feel my clothes tighten. Seemingly pulled by something, he too, falls towards me--
Those slightly wide blue eyes suddenly close in within my field of vision, and a warm softness unexpectedly falls against the corner of my lips.
[PART 2]
The bright moonlight falls on the tip of his slender eyebrows, creating a faint white circle, akin to a piece of fallen snow.
His blue eyes appear deeper than usual. Through the moonlight, I can clearly see myself reflected in that clear spring.
The tenderness lingering at the corner of my lips stays for a moment, then departs slightly.
Kiro: Sure enough, you still smell like champagne.... I'll get you a glass of water.
I don't let go of the hands holding him. All I do is blink my eyes and soften my voice.
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MC: ...I don't want to let go.
Noting my retention, he doesn't get up and just gently kisses my ear.
Suddenly, he pauses slightly, picks up the beaded chain on my clothes with one hand and shakes it.
Kiro: Turns out that there was a "trap" waiting for me here.
I follow his line of sight and see that the pearl chain from my clothes had somehow managed to get entangled with the accessories on his outfit.
Kiro: I won't leave. So... there's no need for this.
Those slender fingertips travel along the intricately wound chain and slowly disassemble it under the moonlight. Every now and then the silver chain reflects a cold silver light, like starlight dancing along his fingertips.
The alcohol gradually takes over my brain, and the person in front of me appears to be covered in a layer of mist under the moonlight.
My hands slowly slide along his arms to his back, feeling the familiar contours of his muscles under the thin layer of fabric. And when his tight buttons block the path of my fingertips, I gently undo them--
His white collar falls open a bit, revealing the lines of his collarbone.
Kiro: [Almost breathlessly] ....Why are you still being naughty?
MC: How could I....
When my nails gently scratch his waist, I feel the body under my fingertips stiffen slightly, and the breathing in the air suddenly grow heavier.
I blink innocently, finding some kind of pleasure in this long wait, and gently squeeze along his waistline.
Just as I'm busy enjoying myself, he suddenly grabs a hold of my wrist and then raises it above my head without any explanation.
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At some point, he manages to untie the longest chain of beads and holds it casually between his fingertips.
His eyes, which have always been clear, are now stained with a hint of drunkenness, influenced by my own, and even his voice sounds hoarse.
Kiro: [huskily] If you keep making trouble like this, we won't be able to finish undoing this tonight.
Kiro: [x2] Leave your hands to me for now.
A cold touch falls on the skin of my wrist. Along with the slight rustling sound of metal, something wraps around my wrist one after another. Belatedly, my somewhat sluggish brain realizes that it's the chain that was untied from my dress.
My heartbeat inexplicably speeds up.
MC: [blushing] Kiro....
Kiro: [voice soft yet seductive] Don't move, it'll be fine soon.
As he says this, he deliberately slows down and enjoys every minute the peaceful moonlight has to offer.
The cold tassels brush against my skin from time to time, leaving at the first sign of touch. Tiny stimulations flow along my skin and blood vessels, causing my heartbeat to grow a little faster.
MC: Mmn...
I shrink on reflex, and he gently holds me down.
Taking in my state, he smiles softly, supports my knees and raises them slightly, lowering his head and kissing the spot where the chain grazes me.
His overwhelmingly hot breath seems to carry with it a small fire, burning along the blood in my veins.
As time passes by, the body's sensitivity seems to be heightened, feeling the other person with every ounce of strength.
I want to hug that warm back, but I find my hands tied together, unable to move freely. So I simply raise my ankle and gently press it against his calf.
As if eager to occupy the little time we have left, the breath tracing the side of my neck grows more and more rapid.
In the room soaked in moonlight, the tips of my fingers are tightly clasped, as if the vacancy formed during this period of time is being filled.
The overlapping of shadows is reflected on one side, almost blending together, blurring the slowly approaching moment of separation.
This night seems to go on forever, but also seems to pass by in an instant.
And amidst the chaos, I feel as if I'm being held in a scorching embrace.
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Wanting to turn over a bit, I felt my wrist tighten. And when I open my eyes, I find a familiar metal chain still hanging on my wrist.
The other end of the chain is loosely wrapped around Kiro's wrist. Looking at the bright white pearls, my mind goes blank for a while.
At that moment, the mobile phone screen next to my ear lights up, and a travel information prompt pops up.
"The pre-scheduled flight has arrived. Please arrive at the airport two hours before departure to complete formalities..."
In that instant, the strength against my waist tightens slightly, and a tired warmth presses up against it.
Kiro: [sleepily] ...Is it morning already?
MC: Mm. It's time to get up.
I forcefully turn over and peck him softly on the lips.
He lets out a "Huh", turns over and pushes me under him. Using the grip of the chain, he grabs my wrist and nuzzles my neck.
Kiro: Okay, Kiro is attempting to get up. Progress is 1%, 14%...
Kiro: [sighing in mock defeat] Kiro has failed to get up and has now entered the Miss Chips mode with a five-minute countdown...
The person behind me mutters and hugs me tighter.
I don't know how many five-minutes pass before we finally get up from the bed and wash up.
Holding me in his arms, he helps me tie the straps behind my back.
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Kiro: You really don't need me to take you to the airport?
MC: No need. Didn't the director give you an "ultimatum" to arrive on set by 1 o'clock in the afternoon at the latest?
MC: You concentrate on filming. I'll contact you when I get to the airport.
Hearing this, he curls his lips in frustration.
Kiro: Sigh... I wish I had a time machine. It could take us back to last night, or take me to 20 days later, when my filming ends.
I suppress the longing in my heart, raise my head and gently kiss his lips.
MC: You can rest for a few days when you get back. There are several new handicraft stores that have opened on Huapu Street. We can wait in line to visit them.
MC: Or we can play games together at home and rest together.
Kiro: Okay, it's settled.
Warm fingertips occasionally glide across my skin through the chiffon fabric, taking their time, fearing that this little time will quietly slip away from our fingertips.
Feeling a sense of comfort in my heart, I change my position and lean into his arms, gazing up at him.
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MC: How long will it take you to fasten them?
Kiro: It's a bit complicated. Might take a while.
He looks at me and says earnestly.
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Kiro: So, before you get ready and leave for the airport... let me hold you like this for a while.
[PART 3]
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After returning to China, I put the new collaborative project on the agenda. And in the storm of work and overtime, three weeks quickly pass by.
Kiro has successfully completed his filming and returned to China. Our reunion lasts for about two nights, but I'm unable to find the time to fulfill the promise I made to him about going shopping together--
The release date of LEEZY's new season of clothing gradually approaches, but I still haven't formulated a promotional plan that I'm sold on yet.
MC: What's missing....
Facing a dozen documents on my computer, I find myself feeling a little distressed.
Just as I am about to pick up my mug and take a few more sips of black coffee to refresh myself, a warm embrace greets from behind.
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Kiro: What are you sighing about?
I put down the black coffee, smile, turn around and hug him back.
MC: Did you sleep well?
Kiro: Mm-- I just dreamed that my Miss Chips was being chased by the document monster, and I quickly woke up.
MC: ...Don't tell me. That dream is quite vivid.
Noting my slight frustration, he rubs his chin on the top of my head and looks at my screen.
Kiro: Are you still writing about LEEZY's announcement?
MC: Yeah... Their latest season's clothes were the ones they gave me before, with a lot of straps on them.
MC: I've made several promotional plans, but they all seem to lack a bit of novelty...
Kiro: Generally, brands will focus on a theme when designing a new season clothing line. Wouldn't it better to explore options based on their theme?
MC: Their clothes this season all have a lot of straps and chains on them. Their theme of design is said to be "Entwining".
MC: But this theme has been done by other brands before, so I couldn't find a unique direction to take it in.
Kiro: If you can't get any ideas by just looking at the information, shouldn't you try out some other methods?
MC: For example..?
Kiro thinks for a moment and then snaps his fingers.
Kiro: I've got a good idea. Besides, I've got nothing to do today, so let me be Miss Muse's inspiration-finding assistant!
MC: [excited] What?
He pulls me up from my seat and winks.
Kiro: Of course, we're going to use the method we're both good at - shooting!
Kiro: But this time, let's switch roles. You can be the model.
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Kiro: Hmm... This angle of the light box should be fine. For the lighting...
I change my clothes, walk into the huge dance studio, and see Kiro adjusting the bracket of the lighting board.
The backdrop has been decorated by him in a simple manner, with various colorful ribbons hanging loosely but not messily. A stool is placed in the center of the background wall.
When he sees me come in, his eyes light up, and he comes over and takes my hand.
Kiro: I want the opinion of a professional producer: What do you think? Is it pretty good?
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MC: It's very layered, and the color and backdrop complement each other well!
Watching my eyes light up fills him with a sense of pride.
Kiro: Feeling the theme for yourself might give you different ideas.
He leads me to sit on the stool, guides me to hook my hand on the hanging ribbon, raises his camera and presses the shutter.
After taking a few photos in various positions, we lean in front of the camera and look at the pictures.
Perhaps because of his rich shooting experience, Kiro is very good at guiding postures and states.
Kiro: What do you think?
MC: The composition and lighting are very good, and can be used as a photo album. It's just... I still feel clueless.
I look through the pictures carefully one after another, but I still get the sense that something isn't right.
MC: ....Is it possible that the characters don't fit the environment well enough?
After listening to my words, Kiro also lowers his head and thinks for a while.
Kiro: Wait for a moment.
I watch him drag out a box from the standing cabinet on the side and rummage through it. Then he picks up a large number of differently styled decorative chains and ribbons.
MC: Why do you have so much of this stuff?
Kiro: They were all leftover props from previous shoots. I had a feeling that they'd come in handy sooner or later.
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Kiro: Now, let me "transform" the model and scene.
After we add some of them to the background wall, we open the stool up wide and I sit directly in the middle of this tangled up scene.
Kiro holds a long ribbon and casually wraps it around my thigh.
The cool silk gently touches my skin, making me shiver and my entire body tenses up.
As if noting my slight nervousness, Kiro chuckles, drawing the ribbon around my waist, and then wrapping it loosely around my wrist.
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Kiro: Don't be nervous. Do you still remember the lesson in perception you took before?
I follow his voice and recall that in the greenhouse, he had once taught me bit by bit how to use senses other than sight to feel.
Note: This is a callback to Perception Date :>
Kiro: [voice enticingly soft] Try searching for the feeling of having your body wrapped in ribbon.
Following his voice, I carefully feel the silk wrapping around my skin - soft and thin.
Kiro's mirthful voice is akin to the ribbon entwined around my body. He gently lifts it, leaving my heart feeling a bit itchy.
Kiro: [x2] Raise your right hand a little higher... yes.
The hand holding the ribbon moves, and the soft fabric slowly slides along my skin and tightens slightly. My eyes subconsciously follow it.
The soft click of the shutter occasionally dissipates in the quiet air.
He adjusts the position of the ribbon around my body, arms, neck...
And the soft fabric seems to come to life in his hands, ensnaring all of my thoughts and following in his lead.
Occasionally, he adds one or two thin pearl strands that make a crisp sound every time my body sways.
I think of the chain wrapped around my wrist on that moonlit night.
My heart beats loudly, and my ears are so hot that they are on the verge of bleeding. I can't help but move my body.
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MC: ...You - please be serious.
Kiro: Hm? But I am seriously trying to help you find that "entwining" sensation.
His eyes widen slightly, but the curvature at the corners of his lips betrays the cunning in his heart. It's as if he's playing an interesting "game".
I purse my lips, suddenly curious about the "reason" that has captured his interest, and with a bit of force, I grasp a hold of his wrist.
His surprised face gradually enlarges in my field of vision. He stretches out his hand to the wall beside my face in order to support and steady his body, and for a moment, his breathing becomes chaotic.
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MC: In addition to being entwined, I too want to experience what it's like to entwine someone...
MC: Can this superstar help me out?
[PART 4]
There's a hint of a smile present in his brow.
Kiro: Sure.
The hand holding me tightens. He turns me over and my entire body presses up against him.
A scorching body temperature comes from our closely connected skin, and the side of my face and the base of ears are also dyed in a slight warmth.
I prop up my body, and following his example, I slowly pull a ribbon from the side and gently touch it to his ear.
His whole body seems to relax, lazily waiting for my next move.
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Kiro: [whispering temptingly] Need help?
MC: I - I want to experience this for myself first.
Even though I say this, I'm unsure as to what to do next. I aimlessly wrap the ribbon around his slender fingers and slowly slide it down...
Stopping on his well-jointed wrist.
I wrap the ribbon in my hand around his wrist, imitating his actions from that night, and tie it into a somewhat clumsy knot.
He arches his eyebrows slightly and glances at me.
Kiro: [I HV NO IDEA HOW TO DESCRIBE HOW SEDUCTIVELY HE DRAGGED HIS VOICE HERE BUT HNNG-] I see... I reasonably suspect that you're trying to "avenge yourself".
MC: I'm just serious about set design!
Another pale yellow ribbon is loosely wrapped around his neck. I hold the other end of the ribbon and trail it across his arms, chest, the curves of his sides...
Then, gently tighten it.
The hair of the person in front of me is slightly tousled, and entangles with the strings of ribbon scattered on the side.
Among these bright and beautiful colors, those blue eyes gazing at me get darker and darker.
Kiro: [temptingly soft again] Does this give you inspiration?
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MC: My eyes have captured it... But I also wanted to capture this on camera.
I lift up my camera and capture this scene.
His languid eyes look directly into mine through the lens, like a warm current hitting my chest.
Kiro: [x2] Actually, there's something else that could also help you.
MC: ...What?
Kiro: [x3] Unlike entangling something, untangling these entanglements could also be fun... Do you wanna try it?
He holds my hand, guides my fingers to pick up a ribbon that had dropped onto his skin, and slowly pulls it away.
I look down at him, wrapped in colorful ribbons, and at this moment, he looks as if he's waiting to be unwrapped...
Like a gift.
The memory hidden in the recesses of my mind cause my heartbeat to pound a bit out of control.
Noting the pause of my hand, Kiro raises his eyes slightly, a couple of doubts present in his eyebrows.
Kiro: ...What's wrong?
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MC: It feels like I'm opening a gift...
He startles slightly, and then a smile appears on his lips.
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Kiro: I've always been a gift belonging to you alone. You can open it at any time.
The black ribbon absentmindedly wraps around his fingers, drawing out lingering memories and taking me back to that Valentine's Day filled with the scent of essential oils.
This time, I take over the role of "signee". I lower my head a bit and approach him, gently tugging on the silk threads in my hand.
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MC: You are also the most precious gift given to me by God.
All of this is a call back to Entwining / Unwrap the Gift Date released for the game's first Valentine's day event :>
What answers me is a gentle pressure on the back of my neck and a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth.
The pounding in the left of my chest grows faster and faster, as if mirroring my desire to open this long-awaited gift to see what surprises are kept in store.
One by one, the ribbons are pulled away from him and scattered to the side.
After tearing them all off, I am left confused for a moment. He takes my hand and gently places it on the button of his shirt.
Kiro: [voice dark & husky] You're not done yet.
A burning sensation comes from beneath the thin silk fabric.
Kiro: [x2] Continue.
Bewitched by his gentle voice, my hand slowly travels down from his collar, and with just a slight flick of my fingers, the buttons of his white shirt come undone.
One, two...
Those blue eyes seem to bear an indescribable gravity. Just the way he gazes at me alone prompts me to draw closer and closer.
By the time the last button comes undone, our breaths completely merge.
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His slender fingers grasp my wrist unobjectively and he lowers his head a bit, biting the chiffon string on the bust of my dress and gently tugging it open.
His scorching hot breath falls on the skin of my chest, like a falling spark, setting my entire chest on fire.
Kiro's eyes are half-lidded, and his somewhat hoarse voice carries an inexplicable rough quality to it that gently caresses my eardrums.
Kiro: [x3] Did you like that?
His headless and baseless words are so soft that they almost scatter with the heat of his breath, but they fall heavily onto my heart.
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MC: Of course I liked it... In this world, I like you the most.
Upon hearing my answer, his breath suddenly surges and almost melts into my body.
Even though it's obvious that there is no pull from any thread, my body feels bewitched. I unconsciously murmur his name.
MC: Kiro....
My fingertips glide over his skin, seeking out his deeper exploration. He deliberately feigns ignorance, however, and tilts his head in curiosity.
Kiro: What's wrong?
His curled fingers tighten a bit, and the breath in my ears makes me feel as though my ears are about to combust into flames.
I bite my lip, unwilling to lose in this silent tug-of-war, and turn my face a bit to the side.
MC: I was just thinking that I do have more ideas... Mmn.
As if dissatisfied with my answer, he lightly nips at my collarbone, causing me to tremble slightly.
Kiro: [with the hint of a sulk] I can't believe you're still thinking about "work" right now, Miss Chips.
Kiro: Looks like I'm gonna have to get even more "serious" to make you think of me with all your heart.
There's a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice, and he presses the tip of his tongue to my collarbone and gently licks it.
He unties the chiffon straps on my chest bit by bit, slowly and carefully, his gaze, now shrouded in desire, still feeling extremely precious.
Due to the time we spend together, this throbbing that almost engulfs me never seems to fade away. It only gets stronger and stronger.
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MC: I always think of you with all of my heart...
I close my eyes and allow our interlocked fingers to tightly intertwine.
The last strap of chiffon is finally undone. He gently releases his teeth and the soft strap drops to the floor beside him.
Daylight gradually fades, hiding away all the warmth and turbulence of the night.
More Translations: Here
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kerizaret · 7 months
I am really tired but imagine Tsukasa having matching painted nails with wxs, but one day Saki says she wants to have matching nails with him too and he's extremely conflicted because he doesn't want to disappoint either side. So, he ends up having matching nails with wxs on one hand and with saki on the other
They are completely mismatched, and they look funny, but he couldn't be happier or prouder of them
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philipwittebane · 2 years
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I find it funny how different my two favorite owl house AUs are lmao
@idoodlestuffsometimes @jess-the-vampire
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Since when you two are friends?!
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!]
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chidoroki · 5 months
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December 30th - Happy Birthday Nozel - ft: his tvtropes
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hajihiko · 1 year
I rewatched 2.5 recently and I kinda love the idea of Fuyuhiko finding out that Nagito's psyche apparently treats him as the symbolic representation of confidence and machismo.
Thats a GREAT thought I never thought of it like that ....
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This is silly but y9ure on to something
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mayasdeluca · 14 days
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