#and i just love tommy and sapnap's dynamic
elmhat · 4 months
Dreblr Survey Results Pt.3 - Confessions.
So. The time has come. There was a section at the end of the survey where it simply said to "say something unhinged," and you really did! Here are some of the most entertaining ones.
Again, I'm pasting these directly from the form. If anyone thinks I wrote this stuff myself I think I'll go and sit under the sea for several hours.
⚠️ A lot of these are NSFW. I'm serious, please be responsible :)
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People being really really funny
something unhinged
Something unhinged
Ur mom is unhinged
Calls for violence against everyone who has ever wronged Dream
I want to blend (with a blender) c!q and c!sam and throw the substance to the wolves
Quackity should have died
I think Tommy should have stayed dead
Dream should have actually tortured tommy
Exile was hilarious. :)
Calls for… forgiveness?
they should've made up with c q in the finale streams
I forgive Q. We don't know what really happened behind the scenes.
Sam, both c! and cc!
Sam is Daddy and I know for a fact he reads AO3 fics that man is NOT normal
cc!sam closeted c!awesamdream shipper
I don't think anything I say can top Sam having a scrapbook of sexy criminals
you know how sam has a bunch of clones of himself to inhabit. alright now imagine him doing that with dream. this is how the awesamdream baby can still win.
c!Sam and c!Dream are fundamentally very different characters with very different wordviews but one of the few things they have in common is praise kink.
I don't think this counts as shipping but that's what I'm calling it
c!dnf gay sex post prison arc happy ending (REAL) (I SAW IT ON THE SCRIPT DOCUMENTS IN DREAM'S COMPUTER)
um um c!dnf in gay love idk they are the only ones for each other sorry
DNF kiss real
If c!dreamnotnap had slept together i think dream would have stayed sane
i think s apnap fucks d ream with his small dick and they both love it and love each amen 🙏
i want to get c!sapnap pregnant
The most superior ship is Dream/Technoblade/Punz/DreamXD/Foolish/Kristin/Philza Because in this household we love big polycules
i think dream should've done more crime and fucked awesamdude
Dream and Sam fucked in that prison
Dreblr's overwhelming preoccupation with c!Awesamdream is getting kinda worrying ngl
dream and quackity are what I seek in a relationship
c dreamity is my otp i love those unhinged bastards kissing eachother
Dreambur needs more love and I’m tired of it being pushed aside
is it even unhinged to assume that Dream fucked Fundy, Fundy's dad (Wilbur) and Fundy's Grandpa (Phil) I feel like that's just a regular sentimet on dreblr by now
dreamza prevails
Dnb best ship
Doomsday trio deserves to fuck nasty imho
He fucked that old man
c!Dream needs to get dicked down I think that would solve a lot of problems post nut clarity if you will
NSFW so don't feel like you need to put this in any compilation i completely understand BUT whenever the c!sam cuck chair crosses my dash, in my head it's traditional dynamic omegaverse c!dnb. c!sam's an alpha who wanted to show off to omega c!dream before claiming and mating with him for their mutual first time. he decides to do this by challenging alpha c!techno to a fight, but to his shock, lost. badly. he has to watch alpha c!techno mate with and claim c!dream right in front of him, because watching such a clearly superior alpha demonstrate his abilities causes c!dream to go into heat and c!techno is happy to help him with that. he's been looking for a mate anyway and c!dream just so happens to be his type. meanwhile, c!dream wants to give c!techno as many litters as his body can handle and barely remembers who that other guy in the room even is, even after his heat calms down.
Dream harems? I guess?
c!Dream has/should have a harem
Dream is a pretty boy and should have taken off his mask to start a harem to prevent war.
Things that I really don't think are that unhinged around here, given their competition
i was such a crazy c!dream apologist in 2021 i actually had a dream about it
I have a spreadsheet with every tag, character and relationship tag for every dsmp fanfciton I read and liked/found interesting.
I know people will say it is/was kinda cringy but I will never think that or regret being part of the fandom (that's not really unhinged I couldn't think of anything sorry lol)
I know its delulu beyond belief and i will never say this not anonymously but sometimes i fantasize about if i was able to be friends with dream team
Wilbur wasn't a hero or "good guy" at any point in his storyline.
Doomsday was 100% justified. (...is that unhinged enough or do I need to pick something else?)
People being too polite for this question
Sorry I am not THAT unhinged
no, but i thank you for the opportunity! I am sadly to hinged, normal even
And more!
George is the main character and we got robbed by not having him meet c!Dream again!! but in meta it is because they are together in real life and who needs their depression character anymore in that senario.
c!DTeam reconciliation arc was always intended
c!drunz are necrophiliacs.
Okay. Okay here me out here OK. So. Imagine Norman (bald guy) is c!schlatt and Pat (white haired dude) is c!Phil OK yw ENJOYYYYYYY : https://youtu.be/b7Bj1dBMYBE?si=Cz79CEISAg6EcMYS
Techno's age of 3 is actually canon and New L'Manberg comitted infanticed
C!Tubbo is the best faction leader. The bar isn't high but I think Technically he did well
c!foolish rights unlimited forever. he deserved blood sacrifices
Cc Sam and Dram were the most normal about the prison
I think quackity should have gotten to do more on screen cannibalism
If c!Quackity had taken hormones to balance his insane lust (Wilbur, Technoblade, Schlatt, etc) he would never have gone crazy send post
I think a Daedalus arc with Quackity instead would've been such a downhill for Dream's sanity. Send tweet.
in a server where we have a c!dream made of oreo cream au . quackity eats him in prison . there is fanart .
Please sir please sir please no more
✨️truama ✨️
all of dreblr contains more competency in media literacy than the rest of tumblr combined
i love how these characters hate each other, keep hurting each other, but tied to each other in a way they just can't shake off.
the only way for c!Dream to be properly Redeemed is to live out the worst thing he subjected another person to: *cue his tropical island paradise getaway arc, sunbathing on the beach with no one to bother him except for friends occasionally visiting* #trust
c!Dream was building an underwater stone temple to satan in order to pray for the apocalypse change my mind
C!Dream is very anthy himemiya coded
c!dream is a cow hybrid and has 4 beautiful tits
I feel like the only cc!dream enjoyer who's also a c!tommy enjoyer
C!dream eggs Monday is the flag of dreblr 🥚
Reminder that C!Dream is a stripper
Dream spoonfeeding post
i think dream should've been worse. as a treat. let him murder more minors please.
Prison feels like cc!Dream’s little whump arc. Also, prisontrio favorite grouping. The best angst and whump in town.
Whenever I write whump fanfics it feels like I’m sticking my blorbos in an empty pickle jar and shaking it like a kid holding a snowglobe for the first time
Todo es un invento del gobierno
Today's culinary special is teeth cake
i think we should all collectively gaslight people/edit the wiki to try and convince people omegaverse was canon to the DSMP. or make a fake second wiki.
*grabs you by the shoulders* ok so after wilbur died and fundy was alone and grieving he kept getting picked on for being an orphan by the rest of the server, for example puffy built an obsidian box around his house in new lmanburg and labelled it an orphanage. fundy was already dealing with the loss of his dad + the appearance of a ghost that was supposed to be his dad but didn't remember half of his life, and now he had to deal with this too. so he starts to mine it meanwhile jack manifold is trying to cheer him up, not helped by the fact that ghostbur keeps hanging around despite fundy not wanting him there. Jack tries to get fundy to look on the bright side, he says that the obsidian box around his house could function as protection from tnt, and so, to prove that's bullshit, fundy places a tnt beside the house he spent so long building and blows up a portion of it. Destroys his own work, a part of his home just to prove a point. It's a self destructive act of defiance. Ghostbur and jack both agree that was unnecessary and jack maintains it could protect the house from outside attacks. fundy continues to take the wall down. Ghostbur fixes the hole in fundy's house, but leaves evidence of the explosion. He puts a sight down saying "-CAUTION- Fallen debris". Now, I need you to know how insane I am over the fact that after doomsday, after the entirety of new Lmanburg was decimated, that sign was the only part of fundy's home that remained unbroken. A sign, surrounded by the rubble of a fallen nation, destruction as far as the eye can see, warning of fallen debris. A sign for a self destructive act of defiance. I am going to eat drywall about this
Okay, one more. People I'm hugging
i miss technoblade
I really want to be a part of dreblr but I feel like they're all cool kids and I'm the quiet weirdo kid hiding in the corner. It feels like if you weren't there for the Founding of the Great Dreblr, there's no way in now. Kinda like you can't get hired as a restaurant janitor as your first job if you haven't already owned the place for 5 years prior
I am in your walls
Thanks everyone for forcing my eyeballs to see this! Reading your responses was certainly an experience I'll be stuck with!
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the-final-sif · 2 years
re: the dreblr shipping poll, here's a list of my c!Dream ships off the top of my head. I'm not a big shipper when it comes to the stuff I create, just 'cause I tend to focus on platonic stuff. But in general, I tend to be cool with any ship as long as the story/idea surrounding it is interesting, but there are some dynamics that I think are more interesting than others.
c!Dream x c!George (c!dnf) - Both very fucked up & I love that for them. Great h/c potential, most likely of the c!Dream ships to end up canon. Let cc!Dream have his villain boyfriends he deserves them! >:(
c!Dream x c!Sapnap (c!dreamnap) - Excellent angst, very funny if they end up together post-prison b/c c!Quackity just cannot get a break. Lots of interesting dynamics throughout their storylines.
c!Dream x c!Fundy - Shortlived but very funny, I enjoy this ship but I also like them as really awkward exes. Becomes 5x funnier with c!Wilbur being Fundy's dad.
c!Dream x c!Punz - It's them against the world!!! I like them no matter what dynamic they have, but I do think romantic has some excellent angst in there, and a good deal of comedy.
c!Dream x c!Techno (c!Dreamnoblade) - The concept of these two idiots managing to get into a romantic relationship is absolutely absurd. 10/10 for miscommunication potential, with an added bonus of the rest of the server's reaction.
c!Dream x c!Wilbur (c!Dreambur) - Lots of great routes this can go, from angst, to horror / thriller, to the amazing humor of c!Tommy finding out his brother has decided to get with c!Dream. Great dynamic, excited for it to be confirmed they canonically fucked and for cc!Wilbur to say their relationship is open to interpretation and that the sex was a part of both of their character's competitive nature.
c!Dream x c!Quackity - Excellent horror / thriller pair, fucked up no matter how you look at it. I want to see them ruin each other.
c!Dream x c!Sam (c!Awesamdream) - Hey cc!Sam? Hey. Hey. Hey cc!Sam? Why does your character want to own men so badly? Why was there glass? Why scrapbook? Please explain the words you've said. I have. Questions. Thoughts. The general desire to kinkshame. Good dynamic 10/10.
c!Dream x DreamXD - Listen, DreamXD is canonically a god who liked Dream's look enough to steal it. Their relationship is incredibly weird, and I cannot think of anything funnier than finding out XD has a crush on the guy he's kinning.
c!Dream x c!Philza (c!Dreamza) - The beauty of this ship was recently introduced to me by the dreblr poll itself. The sheer comedy of c!Wilbur needing to emotionally deal with c!Dream being his new step-dad, to say nothing of anyone else's reaction, makes this the best ship on the list. I don't even need them to actually be dating, I just need the server to be convinced they're dating. I've broken down laughing about this idea 4 times now. Absolute gold.
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sing-me-under · 1 year
I’ve probably said this before but I genuinely can’t imagine c!Quackity living in Kinoko or c!Karl living in Las Nevadas. The countries are like polar opposites on everything from aesthetic to morality and society, matching only in their sheer scale of opulence and grandeur.
c!Karl just wouldn’t be up to the mind games of Las Nevadas. That’s not to say he wouldn’t be able to keep up. If anything, he may be too good. He’d get tired. After the initial fun, it would just be tedious to keep up with, and he’d want to try something new somewhere else. He was flighty like that. Hell, he barely even stays in Kinoko for all that he adores it as his stable anchor home.
But say, if Las Nevadas remained an extension of El Rapids, a place to vacation every now and again, c!Karl would totally be down for it.
On the other hand, c!Quackity dreams too big for the peaceful quiet of Kinoko. He is L’Manbergian through and through, no matter what anyone says. He is chaos and crime and love all balled up in feathery indignation. Kinoko Kinoko is an art museum the size of a city-state, dynamic but pristine. It doesn’t pulse and writhe at the seams with the will to fights gods. Not like L’Manberg, like Snowchester, like Las Nevadas— (like c!Tommy, like c!Tubbo, like c!Wilbur).
He’d probably be unnerved by Kinoko Kingdom. I’m pretty sure he is unnerved by Kinoko Kingdom in canon because yes, it’s pretty, but what else is there? It’s the city of dreams, perfect in every way, static like words on the pages of a storybook. It’s a city of dreams because it’s always asleep.
Meanwhile, c!Sapnap. He moves through Kinoko Kingdom as the silent sentinel of a nation that has no enemies. Its biggest danger is himself, combustible and dangerous in a place that’s far too flammable with all its plants and paper. He would know. He helped build it after all. The glistening statues and grandiose tower were Foolish’s work, but he paved every road and lit every lantern as designed by Karl and George (never him, he was never as artistically inclined as the people around him. It was c!Dream and c!George who laid out the blueprints for the Community House and the paths that would web out from it. It was Quackity and George who painted the billboards of El Rapids. Once again, it’s Karl and George pulling paintings into reality.) He loved Kinoko, really, he does. But he feels like a ghost in a city with nothing but ghosts. Not the nostalgic kinds, but the empty ghosts armed only with vapid smiles and polite words and nothing behind their blank eyes.
Sometimes he thinks about Quackity’s Las Nevadas. He doesn’t know enough about Las Nevadas to know what would have happened. What if he’d chosen to stick to his estranged fiancé’s side? He wouldn’t have, knowing himself. Loyalty was always his curse to bear, even if it was just loyalty to a ghostly nation, a sleeping friend, or a wanderlust, time-lost lover.
If Kinoko Kingdom smothered him, then Quackity’s Las Nevadas would have fanned the flames. All the worst parts about himself, and all his best, dialed up to 100. Just as intended. Except unlike the other fools swindled out of their pockets, c!Sapnap’s flaws and faults would be protected fiercely by the nation’s founder. And Sapnap would guard Quackity just the same. In the end, Sapnap would find himself a burning inferno of a protector against all of Las Nevadas’s many enemies rather than the silent one of the passive Kinoko Kingdom. Two sides of the same spectrum.
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cyncerity · 1 year
hmm how about store shifter au? i love that one :D
"if you're not going to buy anything, put that camera away and get out."
idk i feel that fits wil tryna be sneaky in dre's store, not sure if that's what you were looking for but that's the first thing that came to mind,,,
ok but i actually love this so much-
you’re absolutely correct this fits their dynamic perfectly, this is exactly what I was looking for
“So there isn’t anything illegal going on in this store?” Wilbur asked, an old handheld camera pressed uncomfortably into Dream’s face as he was trying to close up shop. Good god, he only had 15 minutes till the store closed. Why did Wil have to come in now?
It definitely didn’t help that Quackity had chosen to come and talk to Dream at the checkout counter moments before Wil came in, and was now pressed uncomfortably against the bottom of the desk since Dream’s first reaction was just to grab and hide him as soon as he’d seen a camera.
“For the last time, no. You’re not gonna find a reason to arrest me, now please leave me alone.” “What about…those!” He pointed at the pharmacy corner, looking at Dream like he had somehow won. Dream just sighed and rubbed his temples. “That’s for prescription meds, Ponk is licensed to sell those. Now please-“
Dream’s saving grace was the door ringing, signaling that someone had come into the store, Tommy walking in holding his uniform from Wilbur’s store.
“Ah, Tommy!” Wil yelled, rushing over and slinging an arm around the blonde, camera still pointed at Dream’s face. “Perhaps you could shed some light on this situation. To your knowledge, has your..your guardian,” he said, as if it hurt him acknowledge Dream’s connection to his favorite employee, “committed any atrocities in this store?”
Tommy hummed as Dream simply slumped over the checkout counter, waiting for whatever lie Tommy was gonna say. He knew Tommy, he wouldn’t miss an opportunity to mess with the both of them. He did, however, take that opportunity to quickly and discreetly shove Quackity into his shirt pocket, only hearing a yelp in response and a quick whisper of “asshole” directed at him. To be fair, he wasn’t great at handling tiny people yet, he could have moved Quackity a bit more gently. But in his defense, he didn’t exactly want Tommy’s deranged boss to see him. He wasn’t sure if Tommy had seen him or not, but he wasn’t really worried about that. Sapnap would probably have told his fiancés that Dream had a kid who was a shifter. Right?
“I’d say there’ve been a few war crimes.” Tommy apparently decides on, nodding his head with a stupid smirk. “A few violations of the Geneva Convention. Owning exotic animals without a license. Did you know we have an entire room of Hedgehogs in the back? Did you know Hedgehogs were illegal to own without a license?” Tommy lies, trying not to laugh. Wilbur didn’t even seem to process it, staring at Dream like he had just won the lottery.
“Ha! Your own son testifies against you! What do you have to say to that?” Wilbur asked, crossing his arms and smiling smugly. Dream sucked in a deep breath as he closed the distance between himself and Wilbur. “I think if you’re not going to buy anything, put that camera away and get out.”
“But-“ Wilbur didn’t have a chance to finish before Dream was physically pushing him out of the store. “Nope, don’t care, out!” He yelled over Wilbur’s protests. Tommy laughed loudly in the background as Wilbur was pushed out the door and locked it behind him. He swore he could even hear Quackity laughing slightly as he flipped the sign on the door to “closed” and Wilbur banged indignantly on the door.
Dream ignored him and quickly headed back to the break room, Tommy following shortly behind. Tommy flopped himself down on the beanbag as soon as they entered and Dream locked the door behind them.
“Y’know the only reason I haven’t gotten a restraining order against him is because you seem to like him.” Dream said, taking his apron off. Tommy shrugged. “What can I say, he’s entertaining. ‘S your friend ok?” He asked, pointing at Dream’s shirt. Ah, so he did see.
Dream pulled on the opening of his shirt pocket. “You doin ok in there, Big Q?” “Fuck off, man.” He responded, only lifting a hand to flip him out from in the pocket. “You gave me a migraine flinging me around like that, you bitch.” He complained, though there wasn’t any real anger in his voice. Dream laughed. “Sorry, sorry, I panicked. You gonna be alright?” “Yeah, yeah. That your kid out there?” He asked, finally sticking his head out of the pocket to look at Tommy, who had been playing on his phone and hadn’t been listening to any of that, apparently.
“Yeah, that’s him. Sapnap tell you about him?” “Yup. You two should spend the night sometime, he seems fun. Put you through the ringer with that other guy.” Quackity laughed as Dream scoffed. “Tell me about it. Wilbur’s a bitch.” “…is he a single bitch?” “Im not gonna answer that. Plus, aren’t you engaged?” “Hey, we’re open.” Quackity responded, smirking. Dream shuddered. “Don’t even think about it.” He responded, lifting Quackity out of the pocket and setting him on the room’s counter and grabbing his box of small clothes from his cubby, holding them up so Quackity could see them. “You mind if I take you up on that offer? I’m sure Tom has his backup clothes.” Quackity smiled. “Not at all. I’ll go let Sapnap and Karl know you’re coming, if you don’t mind giving me a hand.” Quackity said, standing up and pointing to the room’s higher vent. Dream obliged and laid down a hand for Quackity, letting him step on as he lifted him up to the vent.
Quackity headed back to his home as Dream grabbed a blanket from the break room communal closet and threw it over Tommy’s head, the teenager responding with an indignant shriek as Dream laughed. “Keep that over your head for a minute, I need to change.” Tommy huffed as Dream shrunk and changed into his separate borrower outfit, kicking Tommy in the ankle to signal that he was done. Tommy yanked the blanket off his head to look down at Dream, confusion clear on his face. “Get changed and shrink, Sapnap’s fiancés want to meet you.” Dream said, climbing up beanbag to end up on Tommy’s knee. His son beamed. “Fuck yeah, sleepover!”
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suowhy · 2 years
I love early c!Primeboys so much. The way how their dynamic was just all fun and giggles and now it’s a foreshadowing.
I think it was genuinely a friendship back then (if Dream is capable of having friends at all), Dream’s stalking tendencies were called just a quirk and no one saw it as anything serious.
Tommy was weirded out, sure - remember his shaky breath when he’s found Dream’s tunnels under his jukebox? - but no one expect maybe Fundy called it strange, so Tommy just excepted it. Maybe it’s normal here. Maybe Dream hides in Sapnap’s and George’s walls too.
And imagine living like that, when someone you consider a friend does that, and you feel like you have no support, everyone just ignores it. We, as viewers, are not the exception (which is interesting, if we count Tommy’s chat as his subconscious).
I love rewatching old VODs, now that you see how it all turns out and can notice all the little things you’ve overlooked before. Sadly but understandably, we’ll never get old c!Primeboys back. I wonder if c!Tommy also missed the way it was before, or if he’s horrified, remembering the old times and seeing how many red flags he’s missed
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riacte · 4 months
screw it. give me your ten fanfic teams I’ll do it
Hiiii brave soldier in my inbox hiiiiiiii (also if you do end up posting whatever, please don't mention me by name lmao although I feel like some people will figure it out anyway lol)
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I think SBI / Purple4 HAS to be top place. Like there's basically no contention. They changed the world. If you sort the MCC tag by kudos, the first page is basically SBI found family with some hermit Tommy / watcher Grian.
[Puts on my hermit bias lenses] (Everything other than the above is hermit / hermit adjacent I know nothing about anything else) Blue9 is second place to me (I'm biased) (they have a dedicated Ao3 tag) (there are 14 fics). Mint19 also deserves high honours because it is SOOOOO Tumblr fandom influenced like we seriously put them in maid dresses?? It became part of Renchanting lore?? Very very sexy??? Hmm????
People have been asking for Boatem team so uhh Grian Scar Impulse Pearl I guess (SORRY MUMBO). Lime Life winners. Grian's various Pride teams. I think Scott Tango Jimmy (someone) would also drive the Ranchers / FH people crazy. [Digging around dynamics with clout on twt] and uhhhh Scar Grian Joel Jimmy. Bad boys plus desert duo I think people are gonna eat it up right. Right. Is that how clout works
You know what, the hermit bias is too much. I'll pull up the stats from the MCC tag on Ao3 and. Oh. Um. [Hermit bias lenses clatter to the ground]
No Romantic Relationship(s) (64) Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza (50) Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit (45) Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF) (42) Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit (35) Clay | Dream & GeorgeNotFound & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF) (26) Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza (26) Clay | Dream & Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF) (23) Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo (20) Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF) (19)
.... If you want stats they're here I guess. Also I'm pretty sure there was at least one Wilbur/Ace Race fic which is soooo funny to me.
Lime14 has three fics (all by me). Pink9 has six fics. I pioneered the Lime11, Purple13, and Mint19 tags (they each have one fic). Shoutout to the tag wranglers and I'm sorry I should've tagged them better 😭 aLSO I just realised they have tags for events?? Like there's 15 fics in the MCC17 tag?? Do I have to tag back everything lmao
Y'know what, regardless of cast it's actually cute that there are so many Gen fics and fics with No Romantic Relationships. We all love that found family friendship shit. And I'm sorry that this wasn't very helpful because I'm throwing spaghetti to the wall and hoping it sticks haha
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cant answer the ask for some reason so here is the screenshot of it and my reply beneath
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[alt text: anonymous asked: Hey, I hope you’re having a good day. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on cpawnduo(i’ve also seen them be called fireflyduo)? I think they’re surprisingly similar in the way they think but they have fundamental differences. They have an interesting dynamic but I don’t see them talked about too often. end alt text.] c!firefly duo is a horrible name im filled with rage everytime i hear it anyways yes c!dream and c!tubbo live in my head rent free and youre right they have a surprising amount of similarities that people dont talk about enough. theyre both the logical, quieter type, obviously, but also they have very similar ideas on things like attachment and morality. in the exile of tommy, tubbo makes two comments on attachment: "They're just music discs. They shouldn't get to dictate the future of an entire nation!" and "The discs don't matter, Tommy! How can you not see that?" He doesn't understand Tommy's attachment to items or things that have, in Tubbo's view, no meaning in anything but the abstract, which isn't something he places much value on. It's unclear how much of this view is something more deeply rooted or in his nature and how much is a response to losing his homes and possessions so often. But either way, it is the most fundamental difference between him and Tommy, besides the obvious "head vs heart" thing they have going on. Dream makes a similar and much more well known speech in the vault of attachments, where he informs Tommy that, having realised attachments were the thing that not only controlled Tommy's actions, but the actions of everyone on the server, he deliberately destroyed the things he was attached to and cut ties with all of his friends. This is obviously similar to what has happened to Tubbo, although in Tubbo's case it was due to outside forces acting upon him and in Dream's case it was deliberate. You can even draw the conclusion that maybe part of Dream's motivation for cutting away his attachments was seeing that it had made Tubbo a slightly more effective leader, even if he wasn't quite good enough at it to be a 'good' one, although I acknowledge that's a bit of a stretch, considering how lowly Dream thought of Tubbo. In the same stream, Dream mentions that "evil is in the eye of the beholder... you're evil to me." This demonstrates Dream's idea that there is no real good or evil, that moral conviction itself is more of a story telling device -- that only the naive (like Tommy and Wilbur) think it's real. Considering how much he makes references to story telling devices/tropes in his monologues, I don't think this is that much of a stretch. Tubbo has similar ideas about good and evil. After their talk with Quackity at the outpost, Ranboo asks his husband if he thinks they're doing something bad, and adds on "am I a bad person because of that?". Tubbo responds with "Right and wrong isn't really a fair way to describe things. Right and wrong depends on which side you're on." The main difference between them, I think, is that Tubbo's lack of attachment to things is mostly about things without practical use. He doesn't understand sentimentality (or, if we're being honest, empathy) very well. But he still undoubtedly has an attachment to people, and although the way he expresses that care is often muted and lacking and not enough, he still does feel it, and makes that clear in the ways that he can, which normally involve rescue missions, a willingness to put his life on the line, and other grand gestures that keep him from having to directly say i love you to anyone. His ultimate goal, even with his lack of real scruples or attachment, is still to look out for and protect the people he cares about. Dream, on the other hand, has cut his attachments deliberately, which includes his attachment and care for the people around him. He deliberately cuts George and Sapnap out of his life, blows up his house, gets rid of anything that doesnt have strictly practical use. His ultimate goal is to have control over other people, as he says in the vault of attachment. If he holds all of their treasured things, and keeps the one thing he could be threatened with (Tommy) locked in prison, then he has complete power. It's even a little pet theory of mine that the reason he immediately resorts to murdering Tubbo is not just for the reasons he states, but because Tubbo, similar to him, doesn't have any physical attachments, and has proven to be willing to give up even his closest ones, like his friends, if he thinks it's for the greater good, but thats a sidenote. TLDR: c!Pawnduo are incredibly fascinating and I wish more people talked about them more, essentially, especially in regards to how similar they are (although it's a comparison that they would both hate to hear).
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kr1swashere · 2 years
Mcc teams that would be great
(and only using people that have been in previous MCCs I'm 100% sure without checking)(some people are repetitive excuse me I'm hyper fixated on hermitcraft and empires)
Blonde British birds:
Tommyinnit, Philza, Grian, Solidarity
Tommy Grian dynamic funny (Tommy inappropriate -> torture Grian; Tommy(and Phil) not allowed to swear bc Grian and Jimmy -> torture Tommy (and Phil a bit)
If you try to put lore into it somehow i literally headcanon Jimmy Grian and Phil as Brothers so it's funny
Easy replacement person if any of them were to have their building on fire or something: FalseSymmetry (eagle go brr)
Cyan (used to be) children
Tommyinnit, Tubbo_, Ranboo, Purpled
I genuinely just want this. Fuck you.
Trafficblr torturers
Grian, GoodtimeswithScar, Smajor1995, Solidarity
This is I'd say an actually fairly well balanced team (unlike the previous ones) it says in the title, i wanna watch the world(mostly Tumblr) burn
Bonus: mildly inappropriate jokes to come
Six the musical real not fake
Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Sapnap, Wilbur Soot
If you watch dsmp it's funny. Also i just wanna see where they'd get (other than not the top 2)(and Wilbur flirting with Ace race)
Empires Empresses
FalseSymmetry, Pearlescentmoon, GeminiTay, Shubble, Katherine Elizabeth
They Deserve the first 5 member team
They're better than you
I love when they
Chaos causers
Smallishbeans, Crankgameplays, Jacksepticeye, Inthelittlewood
It would be so funny. Like actually. They're all man children. I want the gremlins to cause chaos
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kristiliqua · 1 year
ok So . the ipre ! is benchtrio + sbi plus schlatt bc i needed someone to be lich barry :) fuck yea
sooo tommy and wilbur !! are the twins (the brothers) - tommy is taako and wilbur is lup :] - in Their specific dynamic . or smth . as in - no one is like . Fully a character , they have different roles n characteristics (?) from different characters n stuff -- like . tommy isnt Fully like taako , he's just like taako w the twin slash brother stuff - he's kinda more like magnus . Kinda
ranboo ! was the journal keeper :) is a cleric slash wizard (psa - i do Not know Any dnd shit , not rlly . all ik is from taz lmfao -- so if anything is inaccurate to the game , i ,,, dont care) and is a full elf ! theyre shy n nerdy like lucretia n barry , ig
tubbo is a fighter ! the protector of the group (like magnussss) :D !! isss a goat hybrid . idc if its not in dnd shhhush -- beeduo r in a queer platonic relationship :] their relationship's dynamic is similar to barry n lup's - ranboo is like barry and tubbo is like lup !
tommy is a rogueee !!! and is a decent wizard as well ! he's learnin the magics :)) - he excels in transmutation magic , which he learned Purely bc of the prank possibilities . he is Surprisingly good at it (he started learning magic bc of wilbah) -- he is a quarter elf and the rest is human bbyyy (crimeboys r biological brothers)
wilbur is a wizard :) !! (and a lich cough cough) he is learning rogue skills (haha brothers learning each other's skills haha) and is pretty okay at it . doesnt put Too much time into learning it . he is half elf n half human ! he has long pointy ears , while tommy has human sized ears that r a little pointy :)))
phil was the captain of the ipre .! he becomes the director of the bob . he is Maybe tommy n wilbur's bio father - three quarters elf n one quarter human , he is . is a magic man , wizard stuff and cleric . also is good at fighter shit too ! he's the one who erases their memories , like lucretia , w the same motivations n intentions as well :) ! (he asks ran for his journal , and bc he's the captain n ranboo trusts him , ranboo gives him the journal and ,, yea)
techno is phil's assistant in the bob !! lad's a fighter B) uhh . might be part elf or a hybrid or smth , not sure . he's called the wordless one :))) so ig he's Sorta like davenport but also Definitely Not
schlatt is lich barryyy - he's friends with wilbur . is a ram hybrid , and uhhh . is the red robe that appears thruout the arcs n stuff , aka barry . lich barry . yea
now for the more minor ish characters !!!
charlie slimecicle is roswell and instead of clay its slime . i take no arguments fuck u , its perfect
i wanted june to b someone like . correlated to charlie butttt - it ended up being crumb .! ik theyve like . Never interacted , but i feel like the vibes work , so . crumb cuptoast it is
the uhhh prophet lady in refuge is karl . for pretty obvious reasons
errr the main robber guy in refuge (idk) Could be sapnap ? or at least Implied to be sapnap ? bc why not
john slash the hunger isss eret , i think ! n ranboo is the one to talk to xem :))) umm - angus is shroud , bc why not . HURLEY N SLOANE ARE PUFFY N NIKI !!! in that order . its perfect and i take no arguments on that one
karry n killion (btw if i misspell any names then thats my bad But idc . dont point it out bc i literally couldnt give less of a shit lmao) are guqqie n aimsey !!!!! in that order :)))
umm garfield the deals warlock ? i originally made him quackity but for Reasons (that youll know very soon) he is now ted nivision !!!! and leon or whatever (the gachapon guy) is scott smajor . its the vibes , man
i did Not know who to have as johann . so i chose cpk bc he has similar vvvvibes . and uhhh i made sneeg be avi bc i could :)
juaquin is eryn !!!! we love juaquin n eryn in this household
lucas is sam , and moureen (lucas' mom) is ponk !! bc we need sam to want to save someone for crystal kingdom to happen n whatnot
noelle is clementine :) ! n kravitz is quackity . i previously made it clara but ittt just didnt fit well enough for me , so . quackiteeee it was
also the raven queen is ofc , mumza :D
klarg issss ,, henry , i guess .? its kinda eh to me but whatever idk 😭😭 he could just stay as klarg honestly
i made magic brian be billzo bc its funny . magic billzo . (that Does mean he fucking dies but um . L)
btw i had the idea for tommy to have a pet fish , like magnus w steven . and the pet fish would be named clementine and live in a magic sprite bottle (iykyk) But . noelle is clementine and unle -- IN THE MIDDLE OF TYPING I GOT THE IDEA OF NOELLE BEING SHELBY NVM NOELLE IS SHELBY SHUBBLE NOW . so clementine in the sprite bottle is real now ig :]
umm - hodgepodge n upsie are both different versions of sam nook - ig sam nook is sorta just . the general base of any ai sam makes for robots - hodgepodge is sam nook: education edition and upsie is sam nook: elevator edition which is Sorta confusing bc when u shorten them its both EE but like . yea (also i realized i could make one of them fran but . i feel like neither fit so ig not)
JENKINS IS JACK MANIFOLD its perfect fuck you .!!!! benchtrio (mainly tommy ,, n tubbo) just harass him on the rockport limited lmfao
jess the beheader is beau (the beheader) !!! and i had graham the juicy wizard be replaced with scar and grian bc i wanted them somewhere in here :))) theyre the Wacky Wizard Duo (tm)
im prob forgetting some characters but errr ehhhh Whateverrrr . um - istus n pan stay the same ! same with fisher and junior :]
also id like to point out that i kept the sapphic rep as sapphic rep in this au as well . bc i think its neat B))) (didnt want to replace the rep with cishet white men shit lmaoo)
nnnnn thats it .!! uhhh - if u have suggestions feel free to give some :)) Constructive criticism , pls ! kk ty for reading B) !!!!!
also have a little additional taz crimeboys doodle for ur troubles , Smile
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dreamsclock · 2 years
I know that c!Karlnapity isn’t something you have on ur blog all the time, but my love hate relationship with it and the fact that c!dream is a blorbo I like projecting onto has my mental gears turning, sorry if it’s too long
Just c!dream despising that a small part of him feels for c!Quackity… not sure if he’d label it as sympathy or empathy,maybe pity, it drives him mad that he understands the ‘why’ and relates
Dre was cut off from the dream team and claims it to be apart of his plan, though he denies that it hurts to see the other two cut ties so seemingly easy he knows c!george and c!sapnap will have each other. C!dreams feelings of grief and betrayal gets stuffed down and turns into self destruction
C!quackity goes to create las navadas for his two fiancé’s so they have stability and safety in power while the other two go one to do the same with kinoko kingdom, but a rift grows as their complete lack of communication causes feelings of abandonment. Both parties are at fault for not reaching out, but c!karl and sap have each other while c!Quackity becomes a third wheel. He lashes out from his feelings of betrayal and grief by forcing a community and torturing Dre
Both committing horrible acts for the two people they felt left them but can’t help but love ferociously. Desperate that power will save them
But c!dream knows himself to be the only one worthy of holding the power, honor, and curse of being peace
Also c!sap makes me want to rip him up like a chew toy, how tf you going to overlook the horrible conditions of the prison and not tell ur fiancé that your mutual second fiancé is loosing his memories, I’m drop kicking him
okay so ilove c!karlnapity and iLove c!loudduo SO let me speak about the dynamics ^_^
i think c!dream’s relationship with c!quackity and his actions is so interesting because i think it frustrates him. speaking vaguely, they’re similar. both of them have done shitty awful things for their own goals, and both of them walked away after being abandoned by their loved ones. (both of them pulled away from their loved ones in their own ways too — quackity buried himself in las nevadas while dream drowned himself in his plans. they both tell themselves it’s for the best.)
but the thing i think dream can’t understand — that frustrates him — is the senseless pleasure quackity took from the torture. yes, dream didn’t hate exile. it felt good to have control over tommy, like finally scraping off a piece of dirt on a broken glass you’d once loved. but the sadism and glee quackity displays during the torture sessions in prison is something dream does not — cannot — reason away.
which frustrates him. he understands all of quackity’s motivations except from this, knows him inside and out, for the most part. but there are parts of quackity that just don’t make sense. he’s a psychopath, in dream’s eyes (another sign he just doesn’t connect with quackity’s senseless enjoyment of his pain), but he cares for people. he’s an asshole who hurts and forces him to call him sir, but he has a best friend he’d defend with his life. dream has never been a character to hurt for absolutely zero reason — even cruelties like exile and the boomerville experiments were to further his own goals — and so quackity frustrates him because quackity is that kind of character, in dream’s eyes. it doesn’t add up. it’s a puzzle piece that doesn’t connect.
(also YEAH. while i know c!sapnap is going through hell with his relationships right now, people tend to be generous when discussing his character. sure, he may not know karl is losing his memories, but the prison is something i can’t overlook. he saw those conditions. he saw dream, spoke to him, left him again. he wants dream to ‘get better’ and be ‘his dream’ again but is content to let him rot there until he does change. it just hurts :’) i love c!sapnap but come on man you’re not exactly the most innocent perfect person either you know.)
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elmhat · 3 months
Some thoughts about c!Dream and c!Purpled's alliance:
Purpled is outwardly cold. He talks bluntly about only getting into things for his own gain. To what extent you believe him is up to you, but that's a point he's consistent on throughout the Las Nevadas arc, even repeatedly saying it to Quackity's face. And I would argue that this is also how Dream wants to be seen post-prison: letting his enemies and his allies know that's he's still dangerous, still someone to be taken seriously, even after all his time out of the spotlight. It's the way he presents himself to Punz in their first meeting, and it's the way he presents himself to Tommy and Sapnap soon after.
It's also worth noting that Purpled's combat abilities are NOT to be underestimated. At the time of their alliance, given everything Dream has been through, I'd even say it's likely that Purpled is a better fighter than Dream. Everything Purpled already is, Dream wants to be. And it's specifically because they barely know each other that I think Dream's behavior around him could be a little… weird.
Here's the thing—Dream can put on an act for his enemies. Dream can, to some extent, put on an act for his allies. But I don't think he fully views Purpled as either, and that leaves him in an awkward position.
Interestingly enough, I do see similarities between Dream's (off-camera) meeting with Purpled and his meeting with Foolish. Purpled and Foolish are both highly skilled individuals, both with a connection to Quackity. That Quackity connection is also important; Dream might not know exactly where each one stands with Quackity at present, and that's a dangerous thing to be playing with. He already knows to be careful. But as cautious as Foolish is also being during their conversation, he just isn't cold and serious to the extent that Purpled is, and I think that's something that Dream would pick up on quickly. Purpled is not "friendly" with people he doesn't know. And I think that demeanour of his, paired with his Las Nevadas connections that Dream may or may not fully understand yet, could honestly lead to a pretty intimidating first impression. Dream needs to watch where he steps with this guy.
So what you could get is a dynamic in which Dream, desperately needing to hold onto his own sense of power, is essentially trying to impress Purpled as a defense mechanism. I could picture him coming across as unfeeling and stiff. I could picture him trying his best to subtly show off his tactical capabilities, pointing out all the steps and threats and precautions they should take down to the last detail, while simultaneously refusing to share any information about himself, even down to what he had for breakfast that morning. And Purpled would be standing there thinking bro. What the fuck is your deal. Relax.
It would just be interesting to see how a post-prison Dream behaves around someone he barely knows or trusts and is forced to work with anyway. Basically: a subdued disaster. But that's just one idea for how it could go, I'd love to know if you have others.
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sing-me-under · 9 months
YOUR ART IS SO PRETTY! :) also as a fellow dsmp/batfam lover I was wondering who would be who if you made an au of the other? (From batfam to dsmp or dsmp to batfam, you can choose!) me personally Tommy gives a bit of Damian,,
Hello hello! Thank you very much ✨✨✨ I’m glad you like my art!
About the DSMP x Batfam AU…. I really had to think this one through. I love both of them, but they have such different character dynamics and ideologies. Even the very worlds they are set in are like complete opposites. However, I have also read like so many (so many) superhero AU fics for the DSMP (before the fandom tag got overwhelmingly oversaturated), so I have some thoughts on…
DSMP Characters as The Batfam
You’re right. c!Tommy does feel like he’d be a good match for Damian. Loves animals? Feral? Stabby? Genuinely good? Artistically-inclined? The youngest? If we’re going by characters traits, Tommy would absolutely be Damian… But if I did that, I’d spend way too much time comparing characters who can’t be compared… So my list is going to be based on vibes. Same vibes are also why I’m choosing to make L’Manberg the main members. I’m completely disregarding age, motivations, personality, etc. This is all (mostly) vibes. There is some justification for them.
I wasn’t able to think of a match for everyone, but I got a decent chunk.
Wilbur as Batman
Fundy as Nightwing
Quackity as Oracle
Tommy as Red Hood
Tubbo as Red Robin
Jack as Spoiler
Niki as Batwoman
Ranboo as Black Bat
Slime as Batgirl 2 (also Cass but specifically Batgirl-era)
Eret as Talia
Philza as Ghostmaker
Kristen as Martha and Thomas
Technoblade as Azrael
Karl and Sapnap as Harley and Ivy (who’s who? Idk)
Dream as the entire Rogue Gallery — every single rogue just compressed into one blob of a man
I felt compelled to draw Tommy as a Robin and Red Hood.
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Notes under the cut. They’re explanations for what little of my thought process can be converted into comprehensible words. It’s long. I ramble A LOT. Read at your own peril.
I’m pretty sure the obvious explanations are Wilbur, Tubbo, Techno, Karl&Sapnap, and Dream.
c!Wilbur is so much like Bruce Wayne — it’s kind of not funny. There’s the obvious “led children to fight a war” thing, the “compulsively acquiring children because they won’t leave him alone” thing, the “becomes evil immediately after crossing the no kill thing” thing, and the “sad little meow meow wet rag of a man but still extremely charismatic” thing…
c!Tubbo and Tim Drake are the closest 1:1 of this entire list.
Okay, okay. c!Techno as Jean-Paul. The vibes are wrong if we’re talking about canon Azrael, but I’m specifically thinking of fanfiction/“goes to family dinners WFA-style” Azrael.
c!Karl and c!Sapnap have such “married anti-villains befriending the heroes” vibes. I love them so much in superpower AUs even when they’re not with c!Quackity. As I’m writing this, I’m remembering that Schlatt and Quackity are also very often written in a Joker x Harley Quinn situation, but we’re talking about Batfam!
Dream is like the caricature of a Gotham Rogue(TM). He’s got the sympathetic motivation sticky noted onto a decades’ worth of terrorism with only the vaguest hope of redemption that he’ll probably never actually get because he’s too popular as a villain. I could make a point for any character interpretation (both fanpn and canon) of c!Dream as Ivy, Penguin, Riddler, Scarecrow, Black Mask, Joker, etc. (also, not a Rogue, but Ra’s too)
The thing about the DSMP is that it almost feels like a reversal of DC. It’s like a mirror, the same solution from a reversed conclusion. That also means DSMP characters appear un-traumatized and naive then get completely fucked over by the sheer horror that is the SMP, meanwhile DC characters appear fresh from traumatized and find themselves in a position to believe in goodness. The late-stage DSMP was filled with isolation while DC heroes always end up in found families.
It’s why I couldn’t think of a proper match for Damian.
What I loved about late-stage c!Tommy is that he keeps (disguises) that hope and love for people despite everything. Meanwhile, Damian’s character development is learning all that from the ground up. The vibes are similar but not the same. Honestly, for a hot second, I considered Purpled as Damian but alas, not enough Purpled content. If I were to project my own timeline of events upon the DSMP, Purpled would make a great Damian-esque match.
But that does not change the fact that Tommy as Red Hood has the best vibes.
No one else is quite as “doomed by the narrative and irreversibly changed yet somehow still painfully compassionate” in the same way Tommy and Jason are (also the “rejecting their father/brother but still loving them unconditionally). Their vibes are truly something.
I’m also very stern in my belief that c!Tommy should never kill because it would negatively impact his character development, but he very very easily could have gone the Red Hood route. By technicality, it’s more like Tommy as Robin 2, but I so dearly love the potential of villain! and anti-villain!Tommy. It’s such an underutilized concept. (Also I wrote a protege AU like way back and it makes me think of Red Hood now lol)
But originally, I flip-flopped between Fundy as Red Hood and Tommy as Nightwing, but I dunno. The logic was there but the vibes weren’t.
If we were considering a timeline of events, Tommy would make a great Robin 1 with Fundy as Robin 2 . Dick Grayson was the OG child hero, much like Tommy. He was angry and craved justice but he was also full of Light. Meanwhile, c!Fundy grew up in Tommy’s shadow.
However, Fundy also has that “if I can’t make them smile, I’ll make them cry” thing that Villain Dick Graysons also tend to have. Dick is always like four steps away from flipping a switch and becoming a supervillain. He tries so fucking hard to do good, but if he ever determines that “being good” isn’t enough to “do good,” he takes over the world. But Dick would also like step away from toxic energy by holing himself up in his apartment filled with depression, which is exactly what Fundy did.
Fundy and Dick are more “blood-soaked wet cats with strained smiles and bowling alley carpet polos” and Tommy and Jason are more “dramatic Greek tragedies.”
The Batgirls and adjacent female Bat vigilantes came to me immediately, but it’s not as long as the above.
Quackity as Barbara Gordon. He followed Wilbur filled with Hope and Justice. Quackity makes an excellent Batgirl 1. His Las Nevadas arc would then be Oracle but Lawful Evil and also completely isolated from any friends, family, or rational support. Quackity isn’t inherently bad. He still has good intentions, and he’s still good at heart, irregardless of how he portrays himself. He’s the classic femme fatale, including the whole sexist Hollywood “he needs a strong male love interest to take care of him” thing because he is absolutely spiraling on his own. Anyway, I am a fiancés shipper, so this would lead to a Birds of Prey-esque team up of LN and Kinoko.
Jack Manifold has Stephanie Brown’s “glitter bomb in the face” and “functions entirely on spite but also is just really tired of being hurt” energy. Jack isn’t quite Stephanie, but his dynamic with Tubbo made me consider him as Spoiler. Also consider: Jack and The Nuke being Steph’s Robin 4 arc.
Slime is so much like Batgirl-era Cassandra. There’s a lot of “innocent vs naive, manipulated by those with intentions, both evil and morally just” going on. Batgirl!Slime and RH!Tommy would have such a dynamic. I think about Fort Big a lot.
It is literally a crime that c!Jack Manifold and c!Slime never interacted in the DSMP.
Ranboo as Black Bat. I don’t know how to explain it, but Tim Drake and Cassandra have such a great dynamic (albeit one that I’m only familiar with in fanfics). I was originally going to say Ranboo as Orphan, but I don’t think he’s quite there. Maybe GhostBoo as Orphan.
Speaking of ghosts, GhostBur as Carrie Kelley’s Robin. He’s in the wrong places at the wrong times and (unknowingly) shoves himself in situations, and he’s got that unfair “why” going on during Doomsday. Unfortunately, GhostBur suffers from memory loss and is often willfully ignorant. I think in an AU space where’s he’s an actual character and not the echo of an idea, he’d make a great elseworld-type Robin.
c!Niki is a WLW revolutionary war veteran with a very close relationship with Wilbur. There’s more, but again, Vibes.
Now here’s where my hot takes truly lie: Philza as Ghostmaker and Eret as Talia.
We all like Dadza but c!Phil? Absolutely not a Dad. If you actually look at c!Phil without the rose-tinted lens of his content creator’s dad energy, c!Phil and Ghostmaker aere weirdly similar? I really don’t know how to explain it exactly, but I think that Phil would have brought Wilbur up as like this weird amalgamation of BTK-era Bruce, Phantom One, and Clownhunter, leading to Wilbur eventually being… not abandoned because Phil wanted Wilbur to have more independence… but struggling to make it on his own. Eventually, Wilbur would follow his parents’ (Mumza would be Martha AND Thomas) footsteps and become something that’s essentially the same but different. Like how Ghostmaker is basically Tynion’s Batman OC but somehow more edgy except Wilbur is in the opposite direction. Like how Martha and Thomas saved people through philanthropy and surgery and Bruce wanted to save people in his own way too. Phil and Kristen influenced Wilbur towards fighting crime… Also I could totally see c!Phil becoming a crime fighter as a fun and challenging art form rather than any genuine interest in being a good person. c!Phil’s got that immortal dilemma where he’s basically a sociopath running purely on an ingrained and steadily eroding moral code.
Now… Eret as Talia. Where do I begin? I love Talia. She’s such a badass but also she’s a kind person who believes in Bruce’s cause but she’s also extremely loyal to her father’s cause but she loves her family so much but she’s also a assassin princess but the world is against her and everything she is will only continue going downhill until she either becomes straight up evil or stands her ground. I love the characterization of Talia who chose to side with “the greater good” against the person she loves and more has to live with the burden of this decision for the rest of her life and continue to do what needs to be done even, for better or worse… Did I say Talia? I meant Eret. Wait, no, it’s both. That applies to both. Talia’s choice is betraying Bruce to aid her in running a global assassin cult and killing people. Eret’s choice is betraying his revolution to run a monarchy and enforcing taxes. Yes, the vibes are the same.
This has been my TED talk. Thank you for reading this far.
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I posted 390 times in 2022
That's 390 more posts than 2021!
66 posts created (17%)
324 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 231 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#snake's rec feed - 27 posts
#lore - 19 posts
#snake rattle and roll - 15 posts
#fic - 15 posts
#snake's rec list - 11 posts
#dreamnap - 11 posts
#laugh rule - 8 posts
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#ideas - 5 posts
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Longest Tag: 134 characters
#lmfao i'm just imagining either all the gods are super big and so c!dream is like...sitting on their laps just doodling and not paying
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clay | Dream/Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF) Characters: Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs Additional Tags: First Meetings, Misunderstandings, Alternate Universe - Bakery, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Meet-Cute, Fluff and Humor, Fluff, DreNapWk2021_D1, Clay | Dream Being an Idiot (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap is So Whipped (Video Blogging RPF), Rivalry Summary:
Day 1: Meet-Cute
In the box were four neatly presented chocolate croissants. He had never seen anything more threatening.
The owner of the new patisserie across the street leaves a treat outside Dream’s bakery every week. This can only mean one thing: war.
5 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
shoutout to roman for 1) being my only follower and 2) somehow finding 6 of my 22 tumblr blogs and following them wtf
6 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Hey do you guys wanna read fic that updates on average once every 5 days and has been ongoing since August? One that focuses on heavy themes of grief, found family, revolution, and overcoming trauma? One that currently has 97,788 words across 46 chapters? One where none of the creators (except Schlatt bc that seems like something he'd like) are irredeemable, and, honestly, even villans? One where Dream and Tommy are actual, genuine friends? One where SBI family is a thing? Where Puffy is Foolish and Dream's dad? Where Dream and Ranboo are half-brothers and therefore Endersmile??
Then you may like my fic, The Ties That Bind!
It's got karlnapity, puffy/niki, Emotional Trashfire Wilbur Soot, baby Fundy (coming soon), dteam family feels, velvet is there sometimes, Dad Bad, mind control curses, and the end of the world! Oh, and have I mentioned that they're all kings/queens/princes (some exclusions apply)??
And there's more!
Puffy and Phil are married (for political reasons only)
Through marriage Techno, Tommy, Wilbur, Dream, Foolish, and Ranboo are all brothers
I accidentally made past Sam/Puffy but its okay it was platonic
Niki is Trans! I love her
Technoblade is a nerd. Half of this fic he's literally just been reading and its great
Tommy is a smart kid!!!
There is a slight hint of lemur throughout the fic
George is pissed off!!! If you want to see Rabid George click the link!!
This is essentially a Sapnap sickfic
tbh its everyone whump no one is having a good time lol
esp not the dream team tho
There is no smut at all. I cannot write that and I don't want to lmfao
Ender dragon Dream, Niki, and Ranboo! Yeah!
Some considerations before you start reading:
HEAVY mentions of child abuse, torture, and violence. This fic's main driving thing is mind control lol
A/B/O is a thing in this world but ONLY for like...5 characters and it is completely unrelated to romantic relationships. The A/B/O is just used for 1) mind control and 2) family dynamics.
(Sorry I'm over explaining but I know a/b/o is a turn off for a lot of people and I wanna let you know its different and only relevant in that they're literally bound together through platonic love!!! They care about each other your honor!! Also I wanted to give them telepathy)
If you want to read a fic with all of this, check out The Ties That Bind Today!!!
6 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
/dsmp /rp
my favorite thing on earth is platonic dreamnap they're just so *clenches fist*
it was like a year ago but I read a post about quackity selling sapnap an "enderdragon" and quackity dropping a fucked up dream off at his door and then bouncing. The thing had stopped there but my brain hadn't
was it one of those where quackity knew it was wrong? one where he expected sapnap to agree with him? did he see dream as so subhuman that he didn't think twice about it? did he hear sapnap rant about how much he hated dream and assume that he would enjoy owning Dream and getting to do to him the same things Quackity had enjoyed?
and, if he didn't, if quackity knew that delivering dream like that would cause sapnap distress, to ruin anything he may have had left with his once-fiance, did he do it out of spite? had he had dream the whole time, broken and under his thumb, until his fight with sapnap escalated? and he begun to associate dream with sapnap, and dropped him off in a way to 1) get dream off his hands and 2) get back at sapnap?
How would sapnap react? Would it be anger? would he chase quackity? would he bring dream inside and try to help, only learning more and more howbad a shape dream was in? Would quackity lie and say dream had chosen this, or it was sam's idea? Would sapnap buy it? would there be some part of him that was happy?
I dunno man my brain just keeps going
18 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
George's Desk Light
Vauge Hollow Knight au in that Dream is a lumifly. Nothing else is really specified lol
Trigger warning for dehumanization and objectification, as well as a sprinkle of neglect. This is my first writing I'm posting directly on tumblr so please be kind >.<
George loved his desk light.
It was just an object, one Quackity had given him for his birthday, but it was so perfect that he loved it.
It was a little glass jar, not ornately carved. For all he could tell, Quackity may have made it out of an old jelly jar. The top was covered in a thin metal lid that had two latches on either side. Holes were poked through, allowing the small lumifly hybrid to breathe. One in the center was larger than the others, allowing George to drop food flakes every few days to keep the hybrid alive. For a while it had begged, asking for food more often, but Quackity had warned him that this one was particularly gluttonous, and that if he fed it more than every other day that it would become sick. So, for the sake of the lumify, he ignored the small cries. They stopped eventually, anyways. 
Turning the lantern off and on was pretty simple, considering its power was near limitless. Lumiflies created their light through flight. George’s hybrid, however, would often just curl up in the bottom of the jar, sleeping or shaking. Quackity had found a solution, however. On the outside of the jar there was a small chain. On one end it was connected to a small collar around the lumify’s neck. The other had something akin to a clamp, one big enough it wouldn’t fall through the hole in the lid and get stuck. On the side of the jar a small peg had been attached. Whenever George wanted to turn the lantern on, all he would have to do is tug the chain and attach it to the peg. The chain was short enough that, once attached, the lumifly would not be able to touch the ground without choking itself. This meant that as long as the clamp was attached, the lumifly would have to fly and therefore create light. 
The chain doubled as a way to keep the lumifly contained. If George decided to change the glass, all he would need to do is affix a peg to the side and keep ahold of the little chain to place the lumifly in its new home. Sapnap had given him an ornate bottle a few days ago, one that had originally stored alcohol. George had started preparing it, just waiting for the glue to set. He’d tried to clean it out as best he could, but he figured the scent would probably last a long time. He asked Quackity, and the man said that it would be fine, that lumiflies were resistant to any fumes in the air. 
He sat at his desk, smiling as he read his book. Beside him, the lumifly fluttered, pretty and graceful in the center of the jar. Sometimes, George could swear the other was watching along, but that was silly. Lumiflies bred for captivity never learned how to read, only wild ones. And Quackity wouldn’t be the type to steal a lumifly from its home. 
George hummed, turning the page. 
Maybe he should find a couple picture books at the library. The lumifly would probably enjoy looking at the pictures. 
George loved his desk light. 
35 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
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villainsally · 1 year
yknow I was thinking BBH too, then Mumza (that could make it a little weird though) then I just thought that, well extreme canon divergence and plot convince are things for a reason 👍
Mumza could work but then there's the problem of both Pearl and Greg. Because both like rose. And pearl is Phil
(garnet is techno, amethyst is tommy and Steven is Wilbur I'm going on vibes, dont talk about the ages)
But if Mumza was Rose then we would need a second person to be in love with her (and have Wilbur) which gets strange. But then there's the problem of family dynamics with BBH as well given Sapnap is canonically his adopted son, so that would get weird. Plus Phil liking him...
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transphilza · 2 years
Okay so Wilbur being Sam is the smart choice putting their personalities and even their arcs together but Sam is the younger brother which would give Wilbur and this AU(?)’s Dean a weird dynamic. 
Now if we wanted to keep Dean as older we could use Techno to fill out that whole SBI/SPN family dynamic and if their father is Phil that also fits the whole “Dean/Techno has always gotten along better with their dad/Phil” thing 
AND Techno’s a bit more comedical so he could fit that role BUT Techno is not really all that much like Dean since Dean is more impulsive and emotion based in his thinking than c!Techno. BUT Dean is also very loyal and there’s probably like parallels you can make between the mark of Cain and Techno’s bloodthirsty voices.
However if we want crimeboys here Tommy can still fit in Dean’s role since he is also comedical, more impulsive, and emotional. Despite this Dean isn’t stupid, so c!Tommy does fit mostly. You'd just have to switch some stuff around to make Tommy/Dean the younger brother
Either way though Cas is an interesting one. Like let’s obviously throw away the ‘he’s in love with Dean thing’ while we have our Dean as Techno or Tommy, Dream could easily be Cas because of the whole revival thing. But like character wise not at all, they’re extremely different. Dream fits like Metatron a lot more
My proposal for Cas if we’re using crimeboys is actually c!Sapnap. The arcs do kinda of line up with the whole ‘served the bad guy who was god/wanted to be god then became friends with the others and now protects against all the other people who he used to be friends with’ type beat
BUT if we’re using twinsduo then Cas c!Phil for sure. The arcs don’t line up all that well buuuuuuuuut I will always make a stretch for c!Emerald duo
Also Cup is right about Bobby coded c!Techno. Sooo true Cup
Anyways Puffy is Ellen Foolish is Jo
this au is getting out of hand
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qnfarc · 2 years
We do a little forgetting how Tumblr works but we always remember in the end, look at us go 🥳 I feel like I didn't grasp exactly how top tier and chaotic George's sot pov was until I saw the dash later, first place overall points whos surprised that's our streamer. I heard Hbomb reviewed his performance but I haven't checked it yet because I want to watch another pov (grians) myself but let me know your thoughts! I think George was in the chat for this one I love that he caught it live. I remember Quackity said the day after MCC when he was over at George's he was asking him to go for a walk but George convinced him to wait and watch MCC reviews 😭 he's just like us fr.
Definitely a bit more distance in the Georgebur dynamic but I do hope this on-screen interaction is the set-up for more between them. Wilbur did invite him to be in the next mv at the end but for the price of a Lamborghini I don't know how set in stone that is. I agree it was definitely a chill team, despite the others interacting much more together it worked. It was so funny, George really told Sneeg do your wedding right next time hm? Also there was a point where George said "yeah I've been wondering why I wasn't invited ever since I heard about it" and I genuinely thought he was going to continue and say he only heard of his wedding in that same conversation 😭 I too would very much enjoy Sneeg sticking his nose under the steps where Sapnap and George pour their heart and soul out to each other, just as Jack Manifold did that one time. Yeah I genuinely thing it'll be near impossible to beat what MCC12 green guardians had going on ;-; That was actually the first MCC I ever watched live but I watched Tommy pov I fumbled so hard. I really swore never to make that mistake again with the George commitment 🤒 Next MCC being a month away is the worst but I hope George's next team is a fun one for him (and us, mainly us)
Ooh tea tea tea pop off fr :0 Tyty my typing is horrendous both on mobile an laptop despite English being my first language (although it really shouldn't be), autocorrect is the only saving grace
Yeah, the dash and post of George having biggest number of points was so he is unhinged, he is free and we want to see more 🥳 I saw Hbomb reviewing his sot run yesterday and it's so funny, most of the time it's just his expressions that take me out and George did drop by in chat and it was pretty fun with him just being deadpan humor about it. Live how Hbomb mentioned all theories going around about why George never dies like is it pretty privilege or main character syndrome or plot armor? I think the answer is just yes to all with addition of skill and George being sot favourite chaotic son lmao Love how George would stay home to watch reviews even with Quackity there, what an icon and it shows he cares about or at least is interested in feedback or reactions so good for him! Tbh I would love George to be in another mv, it would be beneficial and fun for both I think so I hope it actually works out, George just go outside sometimes please, it won't hurt I promise 😭 And him just having no filter or being so blunt just... love that for him, he really went 'why was I not invited 😐' 'I just met you today man hahah' 'so? 😐 are you a hater? 😐 invite me to the next one then 😊' like literally what I cannot with this man sometimes, he went for the throat even if he didn't know it 😭 It would be funny, guess we'll see and yeah the vibes were too immaculate to beat so easily but I hope at one point we will get at least similarly entertaining winner pov from George, I really have my fingers crossed for his win next time and fun team and good for you realising there are priorities like importance of watching George's pov and you corrected them, sometimes it takes a while to see the truth but you got there 😌 I honestly don't remember which mcc was my first, it could be mcc 13 actually cause I think I remember joining the fandom around late autumn/winter but it took me a while to watch actual streams? Nooo, you are very well spoken and sometimes it just shows you were excited to talk about something and I think it's cute that you can read that from how you write ^_^ I think at one point I sent you an ask that complimented you on the way you word thing and write, you probably don't remember, it was a while ago when I was too shy to write longer asks or send asks at all
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