#and now Pokémon with theirs!!!!
gamenu · 9 months
In my 24 hours of the DLC, I have caught a shiny Sentret, a Starly, a Grubbin, and a Hoothoot. Solely by walking around and exploring!!!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
Could I get Drayton, Kieran, Carmine, and Lacey reacting to a reader that raises mostly female Pokemon, gives a lot of them human-sounding names, and affectionately calls their team The Girls? Like, "Yeah, me and the girls are gonna chill out in my dorm later, if you'd wanna come over!" Or maybe, "I just got back from a picnic with the girls, and I swear Claire was gonna bite Maggie's arm earlier! Turns out she was just hungry though, and so I gave her some of my breakfast sandwich to chill her out. Yeah, ham, egg, and cheese with butter and pepper, maybe some hot sauce if you're into it - that recipe really does the trick!" After a confused look and some funny questions, it comes to light that Claire is a devious little Gliscor that was mere seconds from using Fire Fang, and Maggie is a shiny Meowscarada that's prone to getting the zoomies after a nice bath. "That's just how I name my Pokemon? Did you think I was talking about people earlier??? Oohhh now I get why you were looking at me weird! Yeah, you wanna meet them? I think they'd like you." And the girls, all six of them in the party (more names and species can be inserted) turn out to like the other person - even with their eccentric personalities at play. After all, "A friend of (y/n) is a friend of mine."
Hghshf I see this and all I think of is Reader leading a team of fem pokemon shouting "let's go lesbians lets go!!!"
Also along with Claire and Maggie, I'll include these 'mons (some inspired by my main team):
Evelyn: Comfey, spends less time in her pokeball and more time hanging around Reader's neck
Trish: Ceruledge, cleaves through tera dens but is picky about which spots on her armor get cleaned
Clover: Shiny Scrafty, likes finding trouble and defends her gal pals with her life
Queen: Bisharp who girlbossed her way into becoming a Kingambit. She likes wearing flowers in her hair.
You were turning into quite the social Beautifly at BB Academy, making a lot of friends in the League Club--including the Drayster himself.
Apparently you have your own little "circle" now, too, only ever referring to them as "The Girls" in conversation.
One day you ask Drayton if they could visit the clubroom, which confuses him a little considering you didn't need to ask for his permission.
But he doesn't think about it too deeply.
"Sure. I don't mind meeting them." He smiles.
"Sweet! You're gonna love Claire and Maggie. They're the best."
"Oh will I?" He raises an eyebrow, now fully intrigued. "Well..I'm looking forward to it."
When you show up to the clubroom the next morning he looked very confused as he didn't see your girl friends accompanying you, asking if they suddenly bailed.
It takes you a few seconds for you to finally understand...
"Wait--oh my gosh, you thought...oh no, no. They're my Pokémon. Lemme show you." You toss out two pokeballs, and Drayton is surprised to see that you have a Shiny Meowscarada and a Gliscor.
As he quickly finds out, while you do have a competitive team, your casual team consists of all female Pokémon who you call "The Girls", having raised then since they were little.
And you decided to give them all human-sounding names.
"This is Maggie and Claire. I'm SO sorry, Drayster...you must've been super confused.."
He just laughs it ff. "It's all good. It's actually pretty cool that you gave 'em human names."
"How could I not?" You chuckle as you hug Maggie, your grass ace purring was she wraps her arms around you. "Meowscarada's kinda a mouthful, and she responded to "Maggie" so I settled for that."
"Cool, maybe I can start calling Archuladon "Archie" or something...that's kinda a mouthful, too." He jokes.
Although The Girls were initially wary of him flirting with you and trying to snag your attention (then again, they're wary around boys in general), they eventually grow to like him.
After all, any friend of yours was a friend of theirs.
Since you two shared a class he was falling behind in, you offered to help him study for an upcoming test.
"Oh! Are you sure it's no problem, [y/n]? I can always borrow your notes and give them back-"
"No, no it's fine! I've actually been meaning to introduce you to The Girls but couldn't since you were on break. They're just chilling in my dorm right now if you wanna meet them!"
Immediately, his brain shortcircuits.
"The Girls? Ah..wowzers....y-you sure they don't mind a boy coming over?" He fidgets with his hair, blushing at the thought of these friends of yours giggling and teasing him.
Surely they've heard all about him...but then again, his name was still pretty well-known at the Academy and his reputation was ever fluctuating.
He's understandably nervous about meeting new people (considering how strongly Nemona approached him back in Kitakami, demanding a battle).
But you reassured him they were cool, recalling a funny story to help him feel less anxious as you both walked to your dorm.
"So we're just having a picnic in the coastal biome, right? And I swear to Arceus, Claire was this close to biting Maggie's arm off. I didn't know what got into her...but, as you might've guessed, she was just hungry and impatient. Such an overdramatic baby. But anyways I split my breakfast sandwich with her. It was an easy recipe: just ham, egg, cheese, some butter, pepper, and hot sauce--which she actually really loved, and.......what's that look for?"
Kieran just has this SUPER confused expression the whole time you're talking, wondering why you're describing your friends as if they were Pokémon..
But after opening the door to your room, he discovers that's because they are your Pokémon. Your casual team, in fact.
He sees Maggie laying across your bed, playing with a yarn ball, Evelyn healing a scrape on Clover's arm, and Claire showing off her Fire Fangs to Trish and Queen.
"I'm back, ladies! We have a guest! So play nice, okay?" You clap your hands, spinning around and seeing the look on your friend's face. "What? You thought I was talking about humans this whole time?"
"...yeah...you got me. And here I was, all nervous for nothin''." Kieran does his signature "slump of defeat", feeling super embarrassed.
Doesn't help that the Girls are snickering and giggling at him, too.
"Hush, Girls. He's shy." You lightly scold them, before reassuring him that you've definitely confused more people than just him.
After that clarification, he absolutely wants to introduce his Gliscor to Claire, thinking the two would get along great (considering his own companion liked to be fussy during picnic breaks, too, maybe he'll use that sandwich recipe you mentioned...).
You wind up doing less studying and more of showing him videos of Maggie getting the "zoomies" after her bath, Trish sparring with Queen, and other things The Girls have been up to lately.
Least to say, he was glued to your rotomphone for a while.
It baffles you how this guy--former BB League Champion Kieran--still didn't have his own.
While visiting her and Kieran during their break, she hears you talking about a group called "The Girls" that you've brought along.
And she's confused bc she swears her brother only bought one ticket for you...
So she assumes these "girls" are some filthy rich students back at BB/Uva/Naranja Academy, getting a little jealous as you talk about them and the shenanigans you've been up to before coming to Kitakami.
"Already replacing me, huh?" She teases lightly, although Kieran tries telling her to lighten up a little.
She gets defensive quickly.
Tbh she'd rather do the mochi-mochi dance again than ever admit she's jealous of your new "friends".
You, on the other hand, are clueless and wonder why she's acting so aloof...but then again, the siblings did tell you about the mayhem Pecharunt caused literally the day before you flew in.
Maybe that was it.
When you invite Carmine to a picnic, she's bolting over to your location, ready to square up and see what these "friends" of yours are like...
Yet all she sees are your Shiny Meowscarada, Gliscor, Shiny Scrafty, Comfey, female Kingambit, and Ceruledge playing around or mediating in the grass, and no humans other than you two.
"Where are they?"
"Maggie, Claire, Trish..all these "buddies" of yours." She blinks as the three Pokémon in question turned their heads to her. "....don't tell me I'm looking right at them."
You nod and that's all it takes for her to start fuming, realizing she was jealous over Pokémon (but at the same time, she's relieved they're not humans).
"Why didn't you just say they were Pokémon????!!!" Her hands shake. "Do you have any idea what-?!"
"Woah there." You put your own hands up in defense. "You thought I was talking about people this whole time?"
"Yeah!! I mean--you gave them people names so I just assumed!"
".....ohh, I'm sorry, Carmine." Finally understanding, you awkwardly laugh a little. "Now I know why everyone gives me weird looks when I talk about them.."
"You think????"
The Girls have stopped their current activities, entertained by the squabble between you and her.
But after all of that's cleared up, Carmine gets to know your casual team a little more personally.
And they grow to like her, too, after initially disliking how she yelled at you--even though you told them all that's how she usually is.
When you tell her about your casual team, she's under the impression that you have little sisters because of their human names and the fact you only call them "The Girls".
Even more surprising is when you mention having six of them, and she wonders how tf you have so much time to take care of them AND time for BB League activities.
If she gets the feeling you're overworking yourself and you ask if you could organize stuff in the club room, she'll be like "nope 🙅‍♀️ nuh-uh, we'll take care of it, go home and take care of your family they are the most important thing!!!!!"
You're confused as hell, but take the day off anyways.
One day, she asks if she could see them some time, and you're like "????? okay!" and arrange a hangout in the Terarium.
When Lacey arrives, she's perplexed when she only sees Pokémon with you...but can immediately tell they're all girls.
And only then does it click.
"Oh! "The Girls" is what you call this Pokémon team?"
"Yeah! I told you, didn't I?"
"...I thought you were referring to your sisters."
You blink, before chuckling at her confusion, realizing why she might've thought that. "Oh, well..in a way they are my sisters."
When she spots Evelyn hanging around your neck, she just coos at how adorable the Comfey is.
And somehow, Queen (a Pokémon notorious for being a fearsome leader) managed to look cute with all the flowers in her hair--which also impresses her.
As long as she doesn't use any steel attacks on Granbull, Lacey is cool with her.
Now that she fully understands, she loves that "girl power" vibe you have with your casual team, especially since they're pretty strong in battle, too.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Ooh I'd love to see something about platonic Mismagius from Pokémon trapping a human darling in an illusion of a perfect life to keep them around, but darling catches on after a while and is still trapped in the dream but now they *know* and Mismagius doesn't understand why darling is unhappy as they keep living their perfect life :o maybe years later darling is still not sure if they are in reality or are dream - and it's ambiguous to the reader? If this is too detailed sorry my brain just. Went wild lol
I'll do a version of this, sure!
Your Very Own Reality
Yandere! Platonic! Mismagius Short
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Illusions, Manipulation, Delusional behavior, Kidnapping, Forced companionship.
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"It chants incantations. While they usually torment targets, some chants bring happiness." - Mismagius Pokedex Entry, Pokemon Pearl.
The Ghost Type thought they were doing you a favor! They had been watching you for awhile and you never looked happy. They thought this would all make you happy!
While you were unaware a Mismagius has attached themselves to you. As you walk down the streets or live in your home, the ghost watches. Admittedly... your life had been causing stress on you.
A bit too much actually.
Like most Ghost Pokemon, this Mismagius was drawn to your negative energy. The sudden spike of stress they got when they found you is what caused them to do something. Anything could've started it.
A falling out, a break up, failing a test, anything...
This Mismagius who's attached to your life felt pity. These Pokemon normally torment others... but sometimes... sometimes they can make others happy. However...
It seems to be a double edged sword.
Wanting to keep you close and in their sight, the Mismagius cries. One simple haunting cry... one incantation is all it takes. They cast an illusion on you and your life.
They only want to help. Plus, they've gotten quite attached to this human. You won't have to suffer... you won't have to leave them. They can keep you forever.
At first, you believe it. Your life is perfect. Everything you ever want is given to you. You're in your own personal reality.
In reality, you're locked in an abandoned home. You're watched and fed berries by the Ghost Type who has been watching you. It's not the first time ghost types have kidnapped.
The Mismagius seems happy when it sees you roam around, giggling and looking happy. Nothing can disturb your fantasies. Not even other Ghosts... unless they'd like to meet an irritated Mismagius.
However, soon the Pokemon notices you're not happy anymore. Time passes and you start to notice gaps in the illusion. You find out your reality is fake... very similar to the Truman Show.
They don't get it! Why is their human upset? They've given you everything!
Just when you think you can find your way back to reality, Mismagius places another odd hex. Your illusion must never end! You'll be... sad again.
But you're sad now too....
The Mismagius works harder now. They drown out your sceptical observations with more illusions. They keep you hallucinating... they keep you happy.
Even as years go by, where you've lost weight from only eating what the Pokemon gives you, your poor mind confused. Just what is reality? What was your life before this?
Was it even any good?
The Mismagius does their best to keep you oblivious. Nothing can go wrong! By now... you're completely theirs.
Why should you think of what's real or not anymore?
Aren't you happy here... with them... in your very own perfect life?
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sneasedtomeetyou · 11 months
Are people in a mood to do a reblog game? I kinda just wanna read through things right now...
How do your Pokémon treat guests? Are they super friendly or protective of you and your house?
Mine are generally good with guests, though they can get into mischief. If they like someone and don't want them to leave they have a tendency to steal something of theirs to keep them there longer
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Imagine this with me:
You’re a ten-year-old girl. You’ve always been an outcast and have pretty much given up on making friends. You’re about to go on a Pokémon adventure where you’ll make countless friends with the local wildlife and learn that you actually can be pretty great at teamwork.
You’re a fourteen-year-old boy. You were always sickly growing up, and were babied by the adults around you. You’ve finally improved enough to go on a Pokémon journey, and both you and the adults around you are terrified of something going wrong on it. You’re about to embark on an adventure where you’ll learn that you’re much stronger and more independent than you or anyone around you ever imagined.
You’re a twenty-year-old man. Your abusive parents would never have allowed you a Pokémon journey, and you feel like going on one now would just be a weak attempt to make up for lost time. Your best friend finds out about this and has the two of you schedule a Pokémon journey immediately. She’s never gone on a journey either, and this is the perfect opportunity- you should do it for her! You’re about to embark upon an adventure that will bond the two of you together for life.
You’re a twenty-six-year-old woman. You were deeply depressed for all of your adolescence and early twenties. Very little interested you then, and a Pokémon journey had sounded like more effort than you had in you. You’re finally managing it well now, and are ready to go on the adventure you weren’t able to before. You’re about to have the time of your life.
You’re a woman in her fifties. You never saw the hype about Pokémon journeys, but after seeing how much fun your kids had on theirs, you just had to try it. You’re going to get out there, have just as much fun as they did, and come back with so many stories to exchange with them.
You are a Pokémon professor. You have given these five people, and several dozen others with their own stories, their starter Pokémon over the years. Most people don’t advance past the sixth or seventh gym, but almost every single one of them came back with something valuable. It’s an incredibly fulfilling line of work, and it’s given a number of people the region over a reason to recognize you and feel warmly towards you.
Idk how to end this, I just love the potential that Pokémon could have to make people happy and bring them together.
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yanpotatowriter · 1 year
your yandere pokemon content is sooo good! Can I request headcanons of Raihan as a yandere please? I love that dragon man~
Thank you ^v^ and of course you can request some headcanons of the dragon man! —------------------------------------------------- He is very possessive of his obsession and dislikes/hates it whenever his obsession is paying attention to anyone that is not him, the only time he will tolerate his obsession not paying attention to him is when they are paying attention to their Pokémon or his Pokémon. His obsession is on his mind 24/7, and he makes sure that he stays on theirs by sending them pics of him doing the most basic things, like eating lunch at a café, beating a trainer, going to the gym etc.   If he has a pic he will send it. He will also post pictures of his obsession and him hanging out online, making his fanbase think that he is already dating his obsession before they actually are.
The longer he knows his obsession the clingier he gets, he will start to put his arms around his obsession as they are walking like couples would do but back off a little bit if his obsession expresses discomfort, only to try it again later on.   He wants to respect his obsessions boundaries but Raihan has been very patient and does a lot for his obsession, so it's alright for him to indulge a little bit after all his obsession wouldn’t want to upset their dear boyfriend Raihan right?? Their obsession can say goodbye to their social life due to Raihan burning any bridges before they can cross them, Raihan won’t allow his obsession to have any friends outside of him (and his social circle). Raihan will threaten and get permanently rid of any friends and rivals, they don’t deserve to be in the presence of his obsession, and they are only making his obsession look at them instead of him, and he won’t stand for it. Raihan would kidnap his obsession in the end, the unknown where his obsession is started to take a toll on his mental and made him paranoid that they would just leave him out of the blue, so the only logical thing in his mind was to look up the royalty in a tower that the dragon (Raihan) protects. He will make sure that his obsession is extremely comfortable when they are kidnapped however comfort is a luxury that can be taken away should they try to escape him, he will not be amused and downgrade the room his obsession is staying in as a way to punish them for their behaviour. He loves to spoil his obsession, buying expensive clothing and jewellery, just to see them wear it but the only thing that would make his heart explode if they wore it is of course his iconic hoodie. If his obsession ever wore his hoodie it's game over for them, simple as that, as Raihan will see it as them accepting the fact that they are dating now, and he will hug and cuddle the ever loving shit out of them, not wanting to let them go.
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the-fanfic-archer · 10 months
Fresh Wounds Fresh Water
General - Legends Arceus
Fish Pokémon are nice to you after you get kicked out by the people you trusted
You are a child… how was it so easy for them to forget that? How was it, after everything you had done for these people, they cast you out like this? Sitting on this quiet space, a stone in an ocean compared to everything you’ve seen, you watched the magikarp swim gently around the berries you’d tossed into the water for them.
This small dry spot hidden beneath a cliff side and sat across from a waterfall was the most peaceful place you’d been able to find in Hisui. Basculegion normally left you there for some time, but this evening it sat patiently beside you in the water. The company was nice after what happened. Bubbling water and small splashes of the Pokémon eating together held you there in the quiet, allowing your defenses to fall.
It’s funny how often these ‘wild monsters’ will notice what’s wrong before you do. They sense dangers around every corner, sudden drops, avalanches, rock slides, stampedes, even something as small as rotted food, far before you do; they so easily protect you from these things, and you are still surprised when they save you each time. Especially when they even stop now to save you from your own feelings.
It was the wet slap and awkward fumbling of the magikarp jumping into your lap that nearly sent you falling to the water. The small sunset scaled creature cuddled into you as you resettled your hold it, this allowed you the comfort, the safety, the space to cry. Small, simple tears. Lonely ones, bitter ones, tired ones, everything you had felt since arriving in this strange place suddenly poured out as the Pokémon around you stayed close. Them as perfectly comfortable in your presence as you have come to be in theirs.
When you came back to your senses you felt the cold, the sky, still dark and twisting as before, had cast out the remaining light of what had been day. The ghost type beside you sturdied itself as you let the magikarp back into the water and positioned yourself for the ride. This thing that once scared you now carried you as though you were the most precious being in the word. For these small few moments, where the true nature of the Pokémon is clear, you feel like you are. By the time you find yourself back by a fire rest comes as easily as breathing, after all, you are a child.
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tealmaskmybeloved · 2 months
Toxic Consequences AU: Chapter 4
Winning It Over
(As always, notes will be under the cut. Enjoy)
Kieran made his way through Mossui Town, not making eye contact with anyone. He was going to find his sister and those liars and win Ogerpon over.
He headed to his room and grabbed his Pokeballs in a hurry, before leaving some behind. Kieran wasn't going to risk with anything holding him back.
He quickly left his house and headed up to the Dreaden Den. Kieran knew he was acting irrationally, but he didn't care. Why should two outsiders who barely knew Ogerpon get to keep her? Why couldn't Kieran befriend her?
Eventually, he made it to the Dreaden Den, where Florian and Juliana were playing with Ogerpon while Carmine watched.
If only they didn't lie to him, then he'd be there with the group, having a good time.
He'll just have to try to convince Ogerpon that he's a good person to be around, that he'd be a good friend.
The group noticed Kieran standing there. Carmine was quick to try and explain the situation.
"Kiki! Listen... we've been talking, and... this might hurt, but.... Ogerpon wants to go with Florian and Juliana."
Kieran's heart sank. No, no...
"But..." Kieran started, "But I want Ogerpon to come with me!"
This had to be a trick, right? They had to be lying! No way would Ogerpon choose those two over him!
"Kieran, I know you like Ogerpon and all, but you have to think about her feelings, too." Juliana said. Was she implying that Ogerpon didn't like him?!
"But this isn't fair!" Kieran yelled. He clenched his fists, looking at the group with a cold stare. "Why do you two get everything?! What are you, the heroes of a story?!"
He couldn't let them get away with this. He had to win Ogerpon from them.
"If.... if I win a battle, I'll get to be friends with Ogerpon.... and if you win, you get to keep it.... deal?"
Juliana sighed, a melancholic expression on her face.
"Kieran, you know how this is going to play out-"
"I don't care! Don't you hold back!" Kieran interrupted. He pulled out a Pokeball, fist clenched in anger.
The battle went as expected. Juliana dominated Kieran's team, even after his modifications. Even Florian, who was more of an artist than a battler, still won against Kieran. Was he this weak? No, it couldn't be. It was never his fault..... right?
This battle broke Kieran. He fell to his knees and covered his head with his hands. He lost. Ogerpon was now theirs.
"Figures...." he mumbled.
It took everything in his power not to have a meltdown. Why did life taunt him like this? Kieran always liked the Ogre, and was willing to defend it, no matter the weird looks he got.
But like how the Loyal 3 weren't heroes, perhaps the Ogre wasn't as amazing as Kieran thought.
He got up from the dirt, an ache in his stomach.
".... Have fun with Ogerpon. " He said before running off, his eyes filled with tears.
Kieran ran to his house and back into his room, slamming the door in rage. The force was strong enough that his mask of Ogre fell off the shelf and clattered to the floor.
The mask was once a symbol of admiration and coolness for Kieran, but now it was nothing but a disgrace. He grabbed it and shoved it in the space under his bed. He didn't have the heart to destroy it completely... at least not right now.
He wanted to become stronger. He needed to. Not to win Ogerpon over, no, he was done with that. Rather, it was to prove them wrong, prove everyone wrong! He's not just some weak little boy, he's better than that!
He couldn't rely on his old team, no, they weren't good enough.
But then, a thought hit Kieran. That odd Pokémon.... it offered Kieran whatever he wanted... perhaps it would allow him to get stronger. He had to try!
Kieran left his house and headed to where the Loyal 3 and that Pokémon were last seen. While the Loyal 3 were absent, the odd Pokémon was there.
He walked up to it, a determined glare on his face.
"Listen... I.... I'm ready to... accept your help. I.... need to become stronger. A lot stronger."
The Pokémon was pleased with this. It opened up its outer shell covering and offered a pink chain to Kieran.
The same one that the Loyal 3 wore.... this was its way of making the deal, wasn't it?
Kieran was having second thoughts about all this, but the memory of the battle made him confirm his decision.
He took the toxic chain from the Pokémon, and immediately felt a wave of nausea and pain overwhelm him. It was getting to be too much for him to handle. He was losing consciousness...
Dokutaro's POV
It is done. The deal has been made.
Now, it is time for the next stage of the plan.
Oh goody Kieran making bad decisions yippieee
Can't wait for tomorrow when the next chapter is uploaded (do not ask me how I manage to keep up with this schedule)
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zibiscusloon · 1 year
Had this idea so Imma yell it into the void
So ya know how AI Turo just ascends into the future through the time machine? Thought about him slowly having to adjust into a completely new surrounding, experiencing the world his creator always wanted to see (tho he’d rather be back in the present)
The future alongside all the paradox and robotic future Pokémon still has some organic life, including actual humans! And along the way, I dunno how, but he runs into a descendant of Arven & MC (cause I ship em don’t come at me), and the man ends up having a full ass mental breakdown because oh god this kid looks so much like Arven and abahahakaahak- said kid doesn’t know why this weird robot (who by their time’s standards is extremely outdated) is crying so much, but they decide to take him in anyway! So now they have an AI grandpa! AI Turo works towards giving this kid the proper affection he was never able to give Arven.
Decided to call this kid Helio, they’re a funky lil mechanic and history nerd who helps keep AI Turo up and running while also pestering him about the past.
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They also have a lil buddy that’s a pre-evolution for Iron Valiant! Couldn’t think of a better name for it so for name this lil paradox ralts is called “proto valiant”, but Helio named theirs Knight.
Knight is a sassy lil shit.
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alolanrain · 7 months
(Ash is 24 and Raihan is 26)
Non-HAO!Au where Ash and Raihan finally decide to get a house because their adults have have been together for a while at this point. They decide to live in Galar, making frequent visits to Kanto when they can between both of their schedules, and Ash’s friends fucking corner him. Basically vomiting up information he should absolutely know to make sure he and Raihan get a good house. The do’s and don’t and all that.
Ash’s Unovian friends scare him with stories about HOA’s and evil neighbor Karen’s. Even though Galar’s neighbor hood’s are very different then Unova’s, Ash is determined not to fall in love with a house in an HOA. Despite how many times Raihan has told Ash that the don’t exist in Galar and that his fear is wholly unfound.
It’s already hard because Ash is picky about his house. He wants it out in the countryside. Wants a garden like his mom and room for their Pokémon to enjoy and tumble about to the full extent. He prefers a more older look. Brick houses, long gravel road and preferably plenty of trees surrounding the potential future house.
Raihan, the simp legend that he is, is on board but I’m one condition. He wants a more futuristic house. He’s tired of living in old buildings, he lives and works in the oldest gym in Galar already. He’s tired of this shit. So they settle on a compromise; Raihan gets to pick the house and Ash gets to decorate.
Of course their not monsters to each other. Each gets a say regardless as it’s both their future home. It’s lucky that Raihan prefers warmth and comfort over the cold sleekness of what designers dare to call furniture now. He grew up in that kind of cold home and refused to let it deep into his. Not when his love deserves the soft security he’s been denying himself these days do to stress of both their jobs.
It was almost an international league PR scandal since Ash is the Champion of Alola and Raihan is the strongest gym leader of Galar. It’s a rule that gym leaders and other league members like the Elite Four and the Champions can’t date each other, Steven and Wallace excluded because they were engaged before Wallace started going for Steven’s throat on the battle field, and ever more if it’s a colleague from across the pond. The kicker is that the last part is just unspoken. Ex-nay on the dating someone from a different league isn’t written in the rules. Just them coming out dating alone had caused such waves of support and backlash.
Another reason to move somewhere discreet so no one can fuck with them.
If people found out they were finally moving in together at the ages of 24 and 26 after a three year relationship after meeting each other in Unova during a drag type convention during Ash’s later travels in the region.
Low and fucking behold, the perfect house that they both love. It’s a 5 and a half acres in the woodlands that surround a medium sized town just between Hammerlocke and Turffield near the river. The gravel road does come into a more modern neighborhood. Besides the entrance to their property the street is a dead end to anyone else. They fully expect not to know their neighbors and Ash is fine with that. They have no kids and their friends are scattered across the continent and they could just call them. The time spent at their house is theirs and theirs alone with each other. It’s not going to be often with what their work demands of them.
The house is nice and more futuristic looking then modern but the space house design blends well with Ash’s choice of furniture and decorations. The most important part is that the real estate, that Leon recommends still he was blue in the face, took Ash’s fear in stride. Assuring both of them that she checked, double checked them triple checked their house wasn’t in an HOA. Raihan couldn’t be even more thankful for her and offers to pay more so she gets a bigger commission from the sale. It’s not like both Ash and him are even near strapped for cash after all.
So it’s just their luck when a person comes knock-knock knocking on their door as they were relaxing, finally unloading the last of their collective stuff into their new place. It’s a women, obvious Unovian descent and with an okay Galaran accent. Obviously learned through passing and not born with it. Before Ash or Raihan could even get a worse out, the woman let out the sentence that set Ash’s heart to his stomach and Raihan’s stress through the roof.
“Hi my name is Karen, I’m the president of the HOA here, let me be the first one to welcome you two to the neighborhood.”
Leon’s prized estate seller has some explaining to do.
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prof-peach · 2 years
Heya professor!
I have a question regarding my Torterra, Ygdras. I'm starting college next semester and wil be staying in a Pokémon-allowed dorm, but the scamp evolved a bit unplanned...
Considering his size now (I'm 6ft and his head is at my chest-height), and my 3rd story room its safe to say he can't sleep with me like we were used too. My room overlooks a patch of forest on the grounds however, where he could potentially spend his nights. But winters can get a bit chilly here (north of Kalos).
How cold can Torterra handle? Are there any special steps I can take to keep my buddy healthy during the colder winter nights? Or would he be better of at home where he can sleep in his greenhouse?
Also, is it true Torterra keep growing?
Thank you!!
Think of it this way: Torterra and its evolutions exist without human intervention just fine, and know how to survive winters without us fussing so much. Plants are built to survive, and have many ways to wait out the rough weather and bounce back in spring.
Issues arise if the Torterra in question is a variant that does not belong in the region you reside in. This is not alwasy the case but for instance a palm torterra will need wildly different care to a pine torterra in winter. I will assume yours is a bog-standard pure breed deciduous turt, seeing as youve not mentioned otherwise.
So winter time the leaves should drop, their energy levels will reduce, and if its quite cold, they do tend to bury their bodies in the dirt, and wait out the worst of the cold. This is essentially hibernation. A torterra will find an adequate patch of nutrient dense dirt and start to dig. You could help them with this if they show signs of wanting to do so, but otherwise they are more than capable with those stone toes of theirs. If they struggle to find good dirt, mulch a patch for them that THEY like, and turn it into the dirt. Leave it for two weeks, and then let them dig into that. Should be fine by then. They do not need watering nor feeding during hibernation.
If it's hanging out in a forest with other tree cover, it shouldnt have any issue, even if it snows. even frost is fine with this species, theyre very tolerant. If leaves start to shed, and they seem sluggish, id encourage rooting and burrying the body. They will do this until the ground frost stops.
You could send them home, theyd stay active in a greenhouse but still slow. If theyre in dormancy with you, they wont exactly be up and moving, not wandeiring around or intercting with you much. They sleep, pretty much permanently until the spring comes when its that cold.
Have a chat with them, they may want to do this, it does usually encourage more healthy growth come the new year, and rejuvinates their energy more than if they wander around all through the colder months. You'd see healthy regrowth and a much more vibrant mon, hell, maybe even flowers next summer. Without this rest, pokemon can become a little more run down, but adequate food and rest seems to counter this just fine.
Its a personal choice, some are hot blooded and want to keep moving and battling, others are happy to huddle for the winter and store energy for the coming months. Chat with them, see if you can make your mind up.
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Ack, this has been eating me up inside so I want to know if I'm the asshole or not!
AITA for training my service pokémon to be potentially battle-ready in case of an emergency?
For context I'm a champion-ranked trainer in Paldea but I have a service pokemon that looks like it could battle (BUT IT DOESN'T!!!), I do however have an actual battle team that accompanies me.
Another note is my Service pokémon has a visible vest and bandana showing that it is a 'mon at work
I was in Galar visiting my family when a trainer approaches me, they look around 16 give-or-take. My service pokémon is out with me at the time (they are similar to Cyclizar, but bigger and stronger, Iykyk) helping me with carrying groceries as I couldn't carry them all due to having one hand avaliable at the time (my other hand is holding my cane).
We strike a conversation, which was normal. They ask me about my pokémon and I ask about theirs yada yada. They show me their partner pokémon (an excadrill), and then insist on a battle.
I obviously say no. Multiple times.
Anyways they get mad, keep insisting, and then their excadrill gets impatient or something and tries using Drill Run on my service pokémon.
Now here's where the AITA comes in.
My 'mon can fight back, I've ensured all of my pokémon can defend themselves because I don't want them getting injured when out and about with me (I study ecosystems a lot and wild pokémon are terrifying creatures). They use a move in retaliation and end up knocking the other pokémon out.
Cue this person getting upset n such. Screaming at me that my service 'mon is fake because it can battle and that I have to pay for damages blah blah blah. I don't think I'm in the wrong here! Their pokémon attacked first without warning and my pokémon did what it had to do to defend itself.
I did cover their pokémon's medical fee at the center, and then told em to fuck off and not to bother me and my pokémon anymore.
I just feel like an asshole about it so yeah, AITA rotumblr?
Also if you're wondering my groceries got ruined. >:(
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lumenflowered · 5 months
[A video is attached. Maria is looking directly at the camera with an unreadable expression. Not much of her surroundings can be seen apart from her.
"Whatever happens," Maria says, "I wish for this to be recorded. And... shared. Whatever happens to me."
The camera bobs up and down, as if the person—or ghost, as it so happens—holding it is nodding.
She closes her eyes. Takes a deep breath.
She opens them again, and looks once more at the camera. In the low light, Maria's eyes are a very pale blue that could almost be mistaken for grey, or for silver.
"I am not ready," she states matter of factly. "I suppose I never will be, entirely, but that hardly matters now."
She turns, walking away. She is still wearing the golden cape from last night's show, and as she walks it becomes apparent that she is close to the top of the Bell Tower in Ecruteak City. The roof is adorned with statues of a birdlike Pokémon, presumably Ho-oh, all facing outward.
She is not alone on that roof. Five women in kimonos await her.
"Good morning, Zuki," Maria says to the closest, nodding to the Kimono Girl in black. "Miki. Naoko, Sayo, Kuni."
A chorus of variations on good morning greets her in response. Zuki regards her with a serious look in her eyes.
"Dawn will break soon," Zuki says. "The time is now. Are you—"
"I am as ready," Maria interrupts, "as I ever will be. Let us summon ourselves a god."
Zuki slowly nods. Behind her, Miki and Naoko—the Kimono Girls in red and pink respectively—exchange worried looks.
"Take this," Zuki says, passing Maria—something small, something metallic, something shiny. "We will perform our dance for Ho-oh, and at its conclusion—ring this bell."
"...And then?" Maria asks.
"And then," says Sayo—yellow—with a look of faint excitement in her eyes, "we hope that Ho-oh answers our call."
Maria slowly nods.
"Positions," Zuki says, and the five get into theirs. "Maria, stand—right there, yes. That should be close enough for our dance and your heart to resonate, but not so close that we risk running into you or each other..."
"That happened a few times in practice," Kuni—blue—whispers conspiratorially. Sayo raises a hand to her mouth to poorly conceal a giggle, while Zuki merely sighs.
"This is not practice," Zuki states matter-of-factly. "This is our performance, and it is more important than any performance we have ever put on before. Ready?"
Several nods.
Zuki counts off for the five of them, and the Kimono Girls begin to dance. It is clearly a well-rehearsed dance, even if space is rather limited at the top of the tower, and Maria watches it with something akin to awe in her eyes.
Then, at last, the dance concludes. Zuki nods to Maria.
She raises the bell in a single hand and rings it. The sound carries, farther than a sound normally should, and she continues to ring it for several seconds. Until—
Miki gasps. "Look! It's—"
There, approaching in the distance—approaching from the direction of the rising sun—is a massive birdlike Pokémon, iridescent in the light that reflects in all the colors of the rainbow from their wings.
"Ho-oh," Maria says, resigned.
"You did it," Sayo says. "You really did it."
"...And now?"
"Now," Zuki says, "you talk to them. Ho-oh isn't coming for us; if they were, they would have come here the last time we rehearsed on location. No, they are coming for you."
The video ends.]
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dailyfigures · 3 months
do you have any experience with kotobukiya figures? i really wanna get the pokémon ones but since they're kinda expensive right now i wanted to ask around first what their quality is like
i do, i own 14 kotobukiya figures and they're all very solid!
in my general opinion kotobukiya is very much what you see is what you get. if their figures don't turn out great, you'll be able to tell right away in the promo pics instead of being negatively surprised by it when you receive it. if they look good in the promo pics, they'll look good irl too (sometimes even better).
it can also help to check the comment section on myfigurecollection of any figure you're interested in (scroll back a bit to around the release date, when everyone just got theirs and shared their opinion)!
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Shuckle (#213)
Shuckle modernus
General Information: Shuckle the Slime Mold Pokémon! This non-evolving Pokémon is known for its ability to turn berries into a mysterious juice packed with vitamins… and the fact that it has the strongest defensive stats out of all known Pokémon!
Shuckles have powerful digestive juices that allow them to turn their food into nutritious “Shuckle Juice” (it’s not always made with berries), and Shuckles will use their digestive juices to slowly dissolve rocks to form a new shell.
They average at 2 ft (0.6 M) tall and 45.1 pounds (20.5 kg), that weight being almost entirely the rock that forms its shell.
Habitat: Shuckle live in the mountains all over the world. How did they get there? Who knows! But Shuckle fossils have been found in rock beds for long over half a billion years, particularly in the modern remnants of the Central Pangean Mountains (Appalachians, Little Atlas Mountains, the Scottish Highlands/Caledonian Mountains, Ouachita Mountains), a range that was formed by multiple orogenous events over hundreds of millions of years. Because of this, Shuckles are believed to be one of the earliest surviving Pokémon species, a living fossil event amongst the other living fossils. Their simple shapes and survival strategies have earned them the privilege of remaining relatively unchanged after all this time, though of course it’s hard to know for sure what ancient Shuckles looked like since it’s their rocky shell that fossilizes well, not the soft squishy bits of their real body. But to better understand the longevity of the Shuckle species, they survived multiple mass extinctions and were ancient even to the dinosaurs, and they will likely survive humanity, too.
Life Cycles: Shuckles can live for decades. They are laid in small batches of 10-20 at a time, but each batch can be laid within a month apart from each other under optimal conditions. Newly hatched Shuckles receive no parental care, instead left entirely to fend for themselves. This is fine because Shuckles have a powerful instinct to know what they need to do: find a rock and claim it as theirs. Often the parent Shuckle will gather some discarded Shuckle shells or suitable rocks to have near the eggs—this is the extent of their parental care. The eggs will hatch in about 3 weeks after laying.
Unprotected Shuckles are at a strong risk of predation from primates, birds, rabbits, and rodents. Their soft squishy bodies make a fun gummy snack for predators, but once a Shuckle has its shell the risk of predation drops tremendously. Now, the predation risk comes from Pokémon that like to eat rocks, because they will definitely also eat the Shuckle. But have no fear, Shuckles are tough Pokémon that have survived on Earth for half a billion years for a reason!
As for mating habits, Shuckles have higher understanding of when it’s time to make more of themselves and when its not. They can reproduce up to every month for years at a time, but this is seldom necessary. Instead, Shuckles have an innate sense of when its an appropriate time to reproduce and when it isn’t. Scientists are uncertain when this higher reasoning trait evolved, but it almost certainly has led to Shuckle’s success as a species. Plus, while Shuckles have “males” and “females”, they are fully capable of agametic reproduction should it become necessary. And their “males” and “females” are not determined by sex chromosomes, but rather is determined by mysterious environmental factors that have eluded scientists for centuries.
Behavior: Shuckles are not terribly picky about who they mate with, and will often mate with whoever is nearby and down. The fact that Shuckles are, for some unknown reason, in the “Bug” Egg Group, has surely done the species a huge advantage in mate availability.
As individuals, Shuckles are shy Pokémon who will hide in their shells at the sight of danger. They are incredibly slow moving and thus do not spread out quickly. Sometimes a Shuckle will hitch a ride with a bigger and faster Pokémon to get to where they want to go.
As companions, Shuckles are loveable and friendly and super safe for children of all ages.  
Diet: In “modern” times, Shuckles eat berries and other fruits. These are stored in its shell that slowly decompose and ferment into its famous Shuckle Juice. What did Shuckles eat before the evolution of flowering plants? That’s a great question, and one that has been puzzling scientists for decades. Its believed that Shuckles once ate lichens, mushrooms, algae, and the early terrestrial plants that existed half a billion years ago. In fact, Shuckles will still eat lichens and mushrooms if their favorite food (fruits and berries) are unavailable, but this produces a Shuckle Juice that is distasteful to humans.
Conservation: Least Concern
Relationship with Humans: Humans have had Shuckle friends for millennia, a source of fermented fruit juice that is packed full of vitamins and amino acids that may be difficult to acquire during hard times. This harvesting of Shuckle Juice is not a fast process and certainly no substitute for having enough food to eat, but poor families have been able to feed their Shuckles beets, blight potatoes, or even certain inedible berries and have their Shuckle produce a juice that helps balance their nutritional intake, making it easier to withstand famines and blights. Shuckle Harvesting is a time-honored tradition in Northern Europe, Morocco, and the Eastern United States, where Shuckles are at their most abundant.
In modern times, Shuckle Juice is moderately expensive, often made in small batches at local farms.
Classification: There are many “species” of Shuckles over the years, but many of these species designations are for archeological distinctions rather than any substantial evidence that there is a meaningful difference between them. There have genuinely been clear species distinctions, largely in the form of different shell shapes, but for the most part Shuckles have remained relatively the same. The modern version of Shuckle, Shuckle modernus is called thus because of the fact that it happens to be the current species.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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rosemaryblossoms · 5 months
Once there was a greedy old man who wanted power more than anything, there was something else he wanted but he couldn’t get it with money at all and which made it “difficult” for him. He wanted someone to teach his methods to, Someone to spread his legacy with a bloody red R. He first used a beautiful rose and a magenta buddleia but they weren’t enough for him. Together they were strong but weren’t strong as he wanted to be. They failed him far too many times. He ignored the buddleia and her pleads as well as the handsome rose and left them behind locked up and beheaded Meowth their beloved cat and partner. Later on he found another pretty flower, a pink water lily. She was strong as her two legendary companions and passionate with her work, so he simply plucked her away from them and began to work. His scientists worked and worked to give him the perfect heiress, it was difficult because of how she fought but with a few clips of her petals and she was new. She succeeded at first as her once colorful spirit in her petals slowly died out but she failed her final test so she was locked up with the others, never to go back home again. He was angry, he had succeeded before, why was he failing now he thought. He research and looked over everything until a few colors caught his eye. Red, Bue, and Purple would race his mind. Red, Blue, Red, Purple swirled in his mind like an epiphany. A legend, another Legend, and a determined one to be a legend. The two were strong, the third wasn’t as strong but he had determination to be as strong. He went to his basement to see the others, instead of hushing their shouts and cries of pain he listened only to the water lily like a song, a song he could try to play. One day he went out and played the familiar song to them from a far, each captivated by the familiar call causing them to go into the grasp of the darkness. They were trapped and he knew it, he got them, it was hard with how hard the fought and screamed but he did it, the Pokémon were confiscated and trapped as well but far from their trainers. He finally did it he was going to make the perfect heir and the perfect weapon, it was going to be beautiful, he could just see his future now. The strong figure ruling over under his power, it was so beautiful to him.
When I woke up, I was “beautiful”. I was sore and felt like throwing my guts out at both my feelings and the sight of me. I could still hear there cries and their screams of pain. I could hear there voices in my head screaming at him about what he did to them.
I felt their memories and vibrations of their voices bubbling in my head to the point I felt it was going to burst. I could feel all their tears on my face as I processed every thing when I woke up. As I was trained, a new mind formed with their’s, giving me my own voice in a way slowly but I was yet to fully have my voice because it was taken away from me over and over again. He took away our Freedom, He took away our legacy, and He took us from our families and friends. He took our voices to make a new one. Blue, Silver, Red, The trainers in my head. The ones who guided me to lead him into a false sense of security. We worked together with the others and killed them all dead, they took us from our families so we took them from theirs.
Lavender, Magenta, Purple, Blue, Red, and Green were the last colors they all have seen before going into a deep and permanent sleep. He was the the last one left, and he was dead. But we had no where to go so we made the fucked up facility our home and the Pokéball our beds.
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