#and talking about it allows them to test the waters on the other person's views
love-too · 3 months
It's difficult for me to put this into words, but I think being aro can feel quite alienating when you're a girl. Not because of exclusion, but because of expectations. I noticed this in the past month while frequenting a new environment that's mostly men and just a few women. I get along with these women, but I felt like there was a missed layer of connection. Now, seeing it from the outside, I honestly think I messed up by not talking about romance/relationships when I was asked. I think that my not saying a lot was not taken as "she's just not interested" but more as "she thinks she's above all that" or "she doesn't trust me enough to open up" and, honestly, it's not the first time it happens but I never manage to catch it before i ruin it.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Soft D/s Element of Not Me Episode 4
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If you don't know what soft D/s element or tendencies are, then you haven't read my other posts. You can find them on my master list here. If your interested in more D/s content then check out my general master list here.
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I like this particular scene because I get so many questions about Dominants and vulnerability. Being dominant doesn't mean that you stop being human. That you stop having moments of weakness. It's more that you hold off or that you handle those situations differently. As you can see, Sean is vulnerable but it doesn't make him weak. White could have fought that hold but instead he gave comfort. Again, White chooses situations that strengthens the intimacy of their bond.
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When Sean wakes up, he is very upset to see he is cuddling "Black" but before he can question that normally Black would never allow that. They get a tear gas can thrown into their room. Sean kicks a can and then White grabs water and blanket. They immediately begin working together, something that would not have happened with Black. Black has a serious "only depend on myself" personality. Yet White as Black works as a team with Sean and they get out of the room. Sean keeps "Black from rubbing his eyes" he even uses a commanding voice. "Black" scoots closer to Sean and is practically in his lap. I think this is done to show case that when Sean isn't trying to hate "Black" and when White isn't trying to be "Black", they naturally fall into this.
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Now that Sean has had time to think, he is suspicious. He doesn't understand what Black is playing at. Has the near death experienced really changed him or is he trying to trick him? I want to quote some of this out to you because I feel it really gives some insight into not only Sean's mindset but the difference into the relationship dynamic of Sean, White, and Black.
Sean: "You've changed so much." "You've never been this kind" "but what you did today was odd" "you never cared about or helped me before" "You were an asshole" <- Sean and Black dynamic.
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White's natural defense is to help and lean on Sean. Which is the opposite of Black. Sean grabs "Black" and cages him up against the car. Honestly, Black would have never allowed this. So while White sounds and talks like Black, his actions don't match. White says "I helped us because I knew Gumpa was testing us." Which is valid, it is something that Black would think of. "If I didn't help, he would yell at me." Now this is not something the old Black would care about. Again, he is a loner and while he respects Gumpa he views him as an equal. Sean calls him out on this "So you are afraid of Gumpa yelling now?" White realizes his mistake and then sound very much like Black. Enough that Sean is left feeling very confused because his natural instincts towards this person has changed. This person has changed but is it real.
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This is one of my favorite scenes because it's when we know Sean has feelings. Sean doesn't even know why he is angry. However, the way the scene is done! He drops the sheet of metal and then a can. Looks down at "Black" who looks up startled and Sean lifts his brow. This is a total silent command, it says "say something, I dare you." The real Black wouldn't have taken this command well but White just looks at Sean until he walks away. "he must have lost his mind"
The whole scene where White struggles to light the stick and Sean coming alone and doing it, is so interesting. Sean is still angry and he is trying to put up a wall yet he is giving commands. If this was the old Black, he would never be able to command him. We see it though with "give it here" "here add them in" Meanwhile, once again, we see White instinctively trying to break down the wall. He wants to know more about Sean.
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The guys are trying to decide who will come up with the next plan. Sean tells "Black" to not pick that tooth, it was done as a command. However, White doesn't listen. I think he didn't give in because he knew Black wouldn't. Yet when he realizes it hurts Sean, he fixes it. This not only surprises Sean but makes him more suspicious. We get even more insight into Black and Sean's relationship "You are usually a control Freak" "Why are you going easy on me? What do you want?" "Someone like you will let me lead?" Now some of you might have thought that White did this because he couldn't come up with a plan. White would have come up with a plan. We see that time and time again, he is smart and able to think on his toes. He also could have let his bestie Gram come up with the plan. No, he is trying to give Sean what he wants because his instincts are already attuned to meeting Sean's needs. Some of you are balking at this I'm sure but a submissive likes and wants to give to their Dom. It's instinctive.
That's it for episode 4. Hope you enjoy. 💜💜💜
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
What is the best way, as an ESFJ 6, to get along with a 9? I really like 9s a lot, but communication with them can be hard.
I have been close friends with several 9s (by coincidence, all are feelers with Fi) and there have been things in our relationship that have bugged them. For instance, some of them view me as needy or not having good enough boundaries. But they don’t mention it, or not directly. In the meantime, without me knowing, things will be building inside of them. Even when I try to talk things out with them, they won’t necessarily give me the complete picture of what they feel. Then something will happen (something that triggers them) and suddenly, all of their frustration will come out, and they’ll just cut me off entirely. All good people, but it’s very hard to work out stuff.
You cannot change other people, only yourself. Which means if this is a pattern with the 9s in your life, there’s something you are doing to “trigger” it. So now comes some hard questions. How healthy are you, as a 6? Are you anxious and reactive? Do you read negativity and accusations into situations where none exists? Are you defensive and fearful? Are you always thinking in terms of the worst possible scenario and throwing cold water on things? Are you anxiously attached in the sense that you can’t leave people “alone” (bombarding them with text messages if you don’t hear back immediately?). As a 6 myself, I know what we can be like when we’re lacking in self-confidence within our friendships.
What does self-confidence within a relationship look like for a 6?
Being able to wait for a response, even if it’s slow, without testing them, e-mailing them, texting them, and “being needy.” Why? Because we tell ourselves “nothing is wrong if they don’t answer me. They are a 9 who is overwhelmed by life and has to ‘get away’ in order to be truly themselves.’ They are a 9 who thinks about me, but doesn’t reach out. Their silence means nothing bad.” DO NOT pester them, reread your texts to look for what you said that maybe upset them, and anticipate that they are angry with you and try to diffuse it. Allow yourself to remember that as friends, you don’t need constant access to them, and as 9s, they need space and separation due to feeling overwhelmed.
9s are very sensitive and easily absorb whatever is happening around them; they hate being made to “feel” things -- things that upset them, anger them, etc. It’s hard for them to be up-front and they process things slowly. So, if you have a lot of conflict with 9s, it may be because as a 6, you are “too reactive.”
What does dialing back reactivity look like for a 6?
Catching yourself escalating and reminding yourself that this is not a huge deal, that this person is not questioning your decision or judgment, that raising your voice won’t fix the problem, that this is not the end of the world, etc. Learning to control reactivity means recognizing it as it’s happening and taking control over it, instead of allowing it to control you. As a reactive type, you WANT your friends to agree with you that THIS IS A PROBLEM, or THIS IS UPSETTING, but 9s are unruffled, calm, unaffected. From their perspective, any attempt to get them to escalate is exhausting and irritating. They won’t escalate with you; they will only escalate if they have a problem or they have reactive fixes.
Lastly, as 6s, we tend to project “people are mad at me” onto people even if it’s not the case, and then we treat them as if they are mad at us, and that can make them actually mad at us. Don’t assume your 9 is mad unless it’s obvious (with passive-aggression or directly being told off). I have noticed, with myself, if I am talking to someone and get anxious that I may have said the wrong thing, I hurry to add to it, change the subject, or deflect rather than let it land. It’s a “look over here and not at that” approach, but... I need to stop doing it. Let the comment land, do not deflect away from it, and then see if they are upset or not. Most of the time, they aren’t. But we think “wow, too much” and try to take away their right to be annoyed if we were rude without unending to be rude. Be calmer, take things slower. As a head type and an extrovert, you also think/talk way faster than your 9 introverted friends. Don’t overwhelm them as much, let things “sit.” Give them time to react instead of demanding an instant response.
Okay, enough about you and now about them. 9s have problems being up front about their feelings and that makes them passive-aggressive to the hilt. They think directly confronting you is going to escalate into a fight, so they will deny anything is wrong and then let you have it later, once the rage builds up. This is incredibly frustrating for people who want to get it all out on the table and deal with it on the spot (EFJs). But there’s no real way to cope with it, other than to know that’s how their anger works and batten down the proverbial hatches. Some 9s are more mature than others, as well. Cutting you off for no reason, and without an explanation or allowing you to explain yourself as long-term friends, isn’t an adult way to handle a relationship problem. But all the 9 is thinking about is “how can I reintroduce peace to my life? By getting rid of this person who is disrupting my peace!” In truth, the problem is often because they refuse to admit to their role in an argument or problem and thus, contribute to the disruption of their peace by being avoidant, neglectful, absent, or checking out emotionally. It takes two to have a conflict.
I’m extremely direct and prefer the same in others so that I know where we stand. If we ever get back to our friendship, they might put up strong walls to protect themselves or attribute our relationship problems to my behavior without seeing where their passivity or lack of communication might have contributed to the problem. (Though to be clear, I have definitely contributed to the problem too.)
9s have a hard time, because admitting to them contributing to a problem makes them feel bad about themselves, upset, etc., and their goal in life is to feel good about themselves and unaffected by the world. Their inertia is not laziness so much as a spiritual resistance to spiritual growth -- admitting that they contribute to the discomfort that arises in their life, and that they cause problems for not only themselves but other people. As I said, that’s a truth they must find, and something they need to want to change moving forward. You can’t fix it.
In particular, what’s the best way to communicate with an ISFP 9 who is experiencing anger? I get really shocked at how someone so placid and nonjudgmental can suddenly be saying the most cutting things to me. And I get that sense that because this is authentic to them and how they feel, they don’t really see how their words are hurtful.
Leave them alone. I know that’s hard for an EFJ, because you want to clear the air and talk it through and reach a consensus, but IFPs can’t be rushed in terms of processing their feelings, and when stuff happens, they go into low Te blunt mode. They don’t see their words as hurtful when they are upset, because their feelings are the only thing on their mind. Give them space, and try to remember that it’s probably not personal so much as an expression of their inner pain. And later, if you really felt hurt by their words, gently address it with them. Find a time when the anger has subsided and say, “You said this and it hurt my feelings. I know you were upset that day. Did you really mean it?” Give them a chance to apologize, but do it in as non-confrontational a way as you can.
One more q: How as a 6 (and J) do I become more comfortable with ISFPs who frequently change course suddenly? I told my ISFP friend that being with him is like being on a roller coaster, and I tried to explain to him how I get really nervous at the lack of stability and predictability. At the same time, I want to learn how to handle this person’s sudden changes in mood and in life direction (an extreme example, but for instance: religious one day, an atheist the next day) that have me completely taken aback at times.
Go half and half. Meaning, you agree to meet in the middle. Sometimes you plan what you’re going to do together, and sometimes you agree to just show up and go somewhere with him. Over time, you will find it’s fun to be spontaneous, and he will learn to accommodate your need to plan a little bit ahead. As for their sudden shifts -- just recognize “oh, this is normal for him” and to be honest, don’t take anything too seriously in the knowledge that tomorrow it might change. I know that’s not stable and that you want stability, but some people are just going to be impulsive, spontaneous, and changeable -- so we have to learn to go along with it as 6s and just smile and nod, lol.
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wild-karrde · 8 months
I would love to know more about Crater and Chuckles’ relationship.
How did they get on when Chuckles first joined the squad? What kind of shenanigans did he get up to? How did Crater deal with him? How does Chuckles view Crater??? Is it respect, just an opportunity for mischief, big brother, etc?
After re-reading your Crater mini-series and OSaaT, I now have a burning need to know the particulars of their relationship, if you have time and would like to share!
HI HELLO DEAR FRIEND, I MISSED THIS WHEN IT INITIALLY CAME IN, but I have MANY THOUGHTS about Chuck and Crater ALL THE TIME and shall dump some of them here haha. It got LONG, so I'm putting it under a cut.
So Crater was always an excellent pilot, and it was obvious pretty early on in his training that he was likely going to get his own combat wing to lead. He's always been the quiet, watchful sort that observes and takes plenty of mental notes, and when it became clear he was going to lead, he started thinking about what kind of leader he'd want to be, who he'd want to follow if he was on the other side. He saw plenty of trainers that couldn't lead a bantha to water, and each one was a learning experience for him. He didn't want to be the type that led via intimidation or anger, but he also didn't want to be someone that was a pushover, that didn't garner respect from his brothers. Instead, he opted to make it clear that his leadership was built on trust; his men had to trust him to lead, and he had to be able to trust them to follow him into battle, to watch his back. He felt that the trainers that tried either extreme of the approach were trying to fit all of the clones into a one-size-fits-all sort of box, and that didn't feel right to him. He decided to be someone that could embrace and adapt to the different personalities he would wind up leading. Since pilots tended to have a shorter lifespan than other troopers, he would have to since his wing's composition of personalities would likely change often.
Enter Chuckles, a trooper that had become a pilot purely on accident (he stole a fighter while drunk and wound up having a hell of an aptitude for it). As a shiny, he didn't have a serious bone in his body and seemingly loved to break the bones he did have with his antics. He flew by the literal seat of his pants most missions and seemingly didn't take kindly to the authoritative sort of leadership styles Crater was trying to avoid. He was Crater's first real test of his theory of how a wing should be run, and needless to say it proved it could be successful for him.
Chuckles very much operated on the "here for a good time, not a long time" sort of mantra and had been prepared to push back against whichever hard-ass he'd been shoved under. His first impression of Crater was that he was stoic and far too serious, but that changed quickly. There was one instance where Chuckles had set a series of whoopie cushions in the cockpit of one particularly condescending natborn commander, and he was certain Crater had seen him slink off into the shadows just as he and the commander entered the hangar. Crater never said anything, allowing the commander to climb into his fighter and plop down with a fart noise loud enough to silence all conversation in the hangar. Chuckles heard Crater make a comment about perhaps laying off some of the richer ration bars before making eye contact with him. Chuck was certain he was going to be on permanent latrine duty if not worse, but his captain simply smirked before heading off to his next briefing. That was sort of the turning point for Chuckles where he realized Crater was one to watch out for brothers first rather than just following orders, and that he could handle a joke or two within reason. That was where he started to trust him more, and that trust eventually blossomed into a very close friendship.
Crater quickly recognized Chuckles was someone the men were comfortable talking to, so he often spoke with him to gauge the temperament of the wing. He never pushed Chuck to betray confidences, but more used him as a barometer of how the wing was feeling and to determine what he could be doing better. Chuckles admired that about him, and while he always told Crater he never wanted a promotion on paper, he did appreciate that Crater treated him as something of a second in command, someone to be trusted and asked for input.
That's not to say Chuckles never pranked Crater or gave him a hard time, but there was always a sort of mutual understanding between the two of them. Chuckles never crossed a line that might undermine Crater's authority, and Crater never reported an incident, even if it resulted in yet another broken bone for Chuckles. He understood what Chuck was doing, that the camaraderie and the humor was needed, especially with what they did and how much danger they were always in. They complimented each other really well despite the fact that the two of them seemed to be polar opposites at first glance. And while Chuckles absolutely looked up to Crater and saw him as a big brother of sorts, there were also moments where Crater looked to Chuckles in admiration as well.
I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH AND THIS GOT VERY RAMBLY BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK. I really enjoy talking about the behind-the-scenes stuff with the two of them (and maybe some day I'll write more 28th Combat Wing lore).
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a very caffeinated analysis of Harrison and his 'spontaneity' that is entirely em's fault
A lot of the Harridrew banter came across as very spontaneous to me during my first listen. Harrison seems to like being perceived that way, probably because so many love stories emphasize feelings so strong that they lead to impulsive, risk-taking behavior. But I don’t think Harrison fits with characters from those stories. The more I look into it, the more I see him steering conversations to keep them within his comfort zone (or within the limits of “the trope,” which I think can be the same thing). I noticed it when I relistened to Episode 1 with Drew’s Episode 7 comments in mind.
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Drew’s not wrong. There are lots of places where this happens, especially in the talk about their stories in Episode One. Harrison brings up Drew’s story to buy himself time to answer specific questions, like when Drew asks him about music.
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Harrison steers the conversation in a direction he knows Drew will argue against. It lets him figure out a response in his own time, and Harrison saves it for a moment when he doesn’t want to answer Drew. It looks like spontaneity from the outside, but it’s a defense mechanism.
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I don’t think he’s doing stuff like that to be blatantly evasive. I think it’s a protective thing, especially because Harrison eventually gives us an explanation. If he didn’t want to answer at all, he wouldn’t give the reason he avoided it after they’ve moved on. He’s not trying to get out of answering, he just wants to water down the vulnerability of his response so he feels safer.
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He explains, but I think it goes a little deeper. I saw it as establishing a pattern for Harrison: he tests the waters and keeps things where he’s safer until he’s built a rapport with someone. But even when he’s vulnerable, Harrison is strategic about it.
Maybe it’s just me projecting my anxiety onto Harrison, but I interpreted the above as Harrison admitting the truth in a way that allowed him to get ahead of any judgment. He was nervous the reality of his lateness would be boring; instead of just telling the truth and leaving an opening for someone to tell him he’s uninteresting, he uses vulnerability to remove the option. By saying himself that the story is bland, Harrison ensures anyone who points it out will only reinforce his self-awareness. Either way, he benefits.
Harrison also does this with his belief in the magic. He admits that he can’t prove whether or not it’s real, but he emphasizes his whimsical optimism and hope to hide his actual vulnerable spot: Harrison doesn’t believe someone would choose to love him without magic, and he doesn’t view himself as someone worthy of romantic love on his own. He wants magic to be real because it takes the alternative off the table.
I don’t think Harrison dislikes his entire personality. But I do think he makes a conscious effort to highlight the aspects of his person he thinks others will admire (humor, energy, hope). Harrison’s personality is vibrant, but he tries to put a spin on how those traits are perceived to protect himself.
Matthew Menendez plays into that really well. In the first part of Episode 1, Harrison’s voice/flirtation is lively but smooth, and it’s a little deeper than his voice in other parts of the show. The most obvious place I can think of to notice it is the “caramel kind of cookie monster” line. But as he and Drew talk the voice alteration lets up a bit, especially when they’re talking about Gossip Girl. Harrison is more thoughtful in his delivery, and as he’s thinking, his voice raises to its normal pitch and he takes his time. He doesn’t lose his flair for the theatrical or his humor, but it’s less emphasized— these things come out in response to the conversation rather than driving it. 
The subtle voice change also happens in the talks that end with Drew reminding Harrison to use his DJ names. I don’t know if this was intentional, but I’ve always viewed those parts of the episodes as the times when Harrison forgets to put on a show for Drew. He doesn’t have to lean on certain traits around Drew, so he lets himself think about things without keeping them at arm’s length. Drew also gives him space to change his mind without holding his previous statements against him. When Drew references their previous conversations, it’s usually because he either wants to revisit a point or clarify that Harrison’s opinion has changed for his own understanding. 
When it comes down to it, I think Harrison is just scared of his vulnerabilities. He doesn’t think Drew has fallen for those parts of him because he doesn’t think anyone could. I don’t even know if Early-Episodes Harrison would want someone to love him when he’s not performing. That would be more vulnerable than loving someone because magical circumstances encourage it or because of a trope safety net. But by the end, I think he realizes Drew sees him in those moments and doesn’t want to look away. It still scares him, but Drew feels safe enough that Harrison is willing to allow the vulnerability that accompanies real love.
What makes Drew so good for Harrison is that he challenges Harrison’s belief that he is unworthy when he is unguarded. Drew acknowledges the moments Harrison lets his defenses down from the first episode. He even expresses awe of them. Drew actively seeks out the uncertainty that terrifies Harrison, even when it puts him at risk of being hurt. And I think Harrison brings out the willingness to do so in Drew. 
Both of them highlight the good parts in each other, and that’s why they work. Drew hides himself by concealing parts of who he is, while Harrison hides by overemphasizing the parts of him that hold up best under examination. But I think at the end of the season Harrison is a lot more willing to put his guard down. His humor is more relaxed and exploratory, he’s willing to express ideas he’s not 100% confident in for the sake of exploring them, and he wants a love story that fits better in one universe than it would in a thousand.
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reddymikkelsen88 · 4 days
Football - The San Diego Chargers
Meal truck where we stayed at was quite delicious. If you are reading this you are aware what I am talking about. One newer option is the alternate day diet regimen. Fishing is a job most people do amusement. Cyber-Dating Tip #1. If you find yourself single, sign up an online dating service. If you are already online, test add an additional or third site to your list. It is very common nowadays for singles to coming back again on 1-3 Internet internet dating sites at a real kick. View More: toptayninhaz.com - Top Tay Ninh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Tay Ninh AZ: Nguyễn Thái Hoàng Anh - Nguyen Thai Hoang Anh Another factor you must consider is which system/filtration method in order to intending on implementing. By this I mean ULNS (Ultra Low Nutrient System) or standard Berlin Live rock filtration. If you are going the ULNS route, you must to listen to the actual required recommended baseline levels, - in particular dKH. The two main ULNS systems (KZ and Zeovit) - don't advocate exorbitant alkalinity levels: Generally around 7 to eight ish. Going having a group or perhaps it a special date night? A fun place is the Melting Pot or La Fondue. The chocolate pots with dunking goodies are very rich and delicious. Unfortunately, both restaurants say that dessert only can basically be accommodated they will have empty tables at the end for the evenings.
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View More: toptayninhaz.com - Top Tay Ninh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Tay Ninh AZ: Nguyễn Thái Hoàng Anh - Nguyen Thai Hoang Anh Here, Omega Nu of Oroville will host its annual Valentine Bunco. Tickets are $15 for the games is going to also start at 7 dom.m. at Oroville Sports Club, 2600 Oro Dam Blvd. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. That implies they've prizes together with opportunity november 23 a hind quarter of beef. We have the motion, tried your wine which I am sure I would have discussed about had our tasting room staff member been more courteous and professional. At one point I asked for some water to wash it out my glass to try another vintage and she said "its right there" I said "its empty". Seems she had not been prepared to serve guests but yet. It was almost comical! To be fair they had mentioned the action was out earlier. However, there is really a certain etiquette when serving customers. Tin Top Tây Ninh AZ 24h I've been doing inbound customer service / technical support for about 7 various years. I've also worked in the hospitality industry for 10 many owned my own window cleaning service. I've been providing want to the public most of my working life. Enjoy what I do. Well, more specifically, I love helping people, fixing their problems, educating them about our services, etc. A single thing always enjoy my challenge. Earlier in my call center career, I allowed myself staying depressed. I got drawn into other people's drama, problems and problems. I was going through a divorce, separation from my kids and other personal circumstances. The everyone else are playing a major crater within schedule that has to be flooding. Either that, or the opposite-a massive OBSTACLE that should be overcome. Jacksonville increased to Zero. 5 to take Oklahoma State WR Justin Blackmon while Tampa Bay moved in order to Tay Ninh Viet Nam No. 7 and took Alabama SS Mark Barron. The Buccaneers also got the Jaguars' fourth-round pluck. When I arrived to be able to Cairns includes all ready late daytime. I decided to against and cool me down with a beer before I left to the accommodation I had pre-booked. Since i now arrived 2 days earlier then my booking was set to I need to to prepare myself one more battle along with a hotel associate. To my surprise had been very friendly and didn't have problem have an understanding of my situation (it turned out to be deemed a hotel using the same chain as in Port Douglas) and smoothly reason they quickly got me a room facing towards Cairn town centre. Kearny Mesa Bowl. Just when you thought that bowling certainly a easy sport, think again. Not only are the balls too much to carry at times, but take into account to be sure that you can accurately swing the hands to hit the pinastre. ARM: A changeable rate home finance loan. Your interest rate will flux the brand new economy and we will be not as much as a set price. It may also help you in looking for larger loans or have lower monthly payments. You will generally see a rate cap in your terminology because well. Can be your pace cannot exceed a certain amount, you are resistant to extreme market changes. With all the flux for this market place, buying a property is an uphill task, and you should consider all possible factors. Advance knowledge about these terms will complement way in assisting you completly.
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Top Tây Ninh AZ Miramar Speed Circuit. Beneficial are too afraid of competing with real fast-paced cars, you can Tay Ninh Viet Nam choose to downgrade instead and harness your driving skills at a Go-kart soul. We headed on our tour and tried to listen but again our time there was completely ruined, all we'll think about was how uncalled on her attitude was towards certain bring a person to taste and buy wine. The tasting room staff person was operates person who took us on our guided tour, we were happy about it! The enviorment? Hey, it's San Diego, America's finest city. Most days, year around, are mild and sunny (think of watching ocean waves while having the sun on a 70 degree day). Paradise without the hassle of a passport! Word about La Jolla is getting out, which should your book your travel plans early to choose the best delivers. Of course, there a multitude of beaches lining Orange County from efficient north (Sunset, Surfside and Seal Beach) to the opposite most southern tip of San Onofre, listing quite a few qualities of all of them are to wide to narrow below. I challenge each individuals to take action different. Look for a better journey. Make a plan. Write it down. It may be something enduring like picking out a Hybrid or Natural Gas vehicle the following time you buy transportation. It may be doing something dissimilar to not waste electricity with your home possibly your office such as installing smart thermostats and programming them. Let's appreciate the great life and resources we've got while choosing way prevent wasting these precious materials! After the introduction the time had come for registering with your activities for time. Since I had already made my choices the previous day at the booking office I stayed with sparetime which afflicted me with a good correct the sundeck. The trip from the mainland into the first diving location Hastings Reef took almost 2 hours but it is no problem while enjoying great barrier reef sunny days.When we arrived to the first diving location Webpage for myself got my diving gear on and after half an hour of security brief I've been in. Hiking trails are plentiful in the top of Sacramento River Valley as well. There are nine designated trailheads in Castle Crags State Park. All the trails are accessed at Castle Lake except the Cray Rock Lake trail. View More: toptayninhaz.com - Top Tay Ninh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Tay Ninh AZ: Nguyễn Thái Hoàng Anh - Nguyen Thai Hoang Anh Written By Author in toptayninhaz.com: Nguyễn Thị Kim Thoa - Nguyen Thi Kim Khoa Written By Author in toptayninhaz.com: Nguyễn Minh Triết - Nguyen Minh Triet
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kilichansson09 · 3 months
What does video marketing entail? It is simply publishing videos online to promote your business or share a message with your customers. It might appear simple; however, there are various things you must learn before you start. By reading the following article, you can learn the basics of video marketing.
Use video marketing to allow your customers to get to know you. You could, for instance, record a weekly video in which you talk about your projects and upcoming deals. Make your video marketing campaign interactive by reserving a segment of your weekly video to answer questions customers send you. Video is a great medium for conveying ideas. This works in business by showing customers what makes your business special. A short video describing your products or highlighting your experience will go a long way to making that sale. Remember to be clear and make any ideas your convey simple to understand so that your video marketing campaign will be a total success. Focus on a certain topic and choose a descriptive title filled with keywords. People need to get hooked. This is the best way to keep them interested. Take a little time to create creative titles for your videos. Encourage your viewers to comment on your video and share it with friends. The more buzz your video generates, even if it is slanted negatively, can be very advantageous. Sharing the video helps spread your message to other people with no effort on your part, and people are more likely to view something sent from a friend. The very first thing you need to do is simply get your videos out there. Start making some and see what catches people's eyes. You need to find out what topic you know the most about and figure out a way to make it interesting. People want to be entertained. Keep in mind just how short attention spans are online. You have about ten seconds in your video to grab your audience attention. Keep your total content under two minutes in length to make the most possible impact. If this does not seem doable for what you have to get out there, spread your content across chapter videos. Don't forget the music! Using music can help you enhance the mood, give a sense of suspense or even accentuate comedy bits. If you're not good with music choices, ask friends and family to help you out. Don't play the music too loud and drown out the speaker, of course. Keep in gaming news that some people surf the Internet using large screen televisions for their monitors. YouTube accepts large video files now. So, do not turn your nose up at high-definition content. Someone looking at your content on a fifty inch plasma will not buy from you if they just see pixels. If you aren't good at making videos, let others do it for you. Sponsor a video contest in which those who make the best videos receive prizes. People will want to want to get their video out there! Your videos should be short and filled with useful information. People who are online generally want to move from task to task quickly. Do not produce videos that last more than five minutes or you will lose a lot of viewers. It does not matter how great your content is if your viewers become bored or distracted. One of the tried and true techniques to video marketing is to use cliffhangers. They have been used in television from the very beginning and are always effective. This will keep your viewers engaged and have them anticipating your next video to answer the questions raised in the first video. If you are camera shy, or you do not feel like you would be good at video marketing, look within your company for someone who would be a good fit. They are usually the most friendly and have a natural exuberance that radiates around them. This is the person you want to choose for your video marketing. Launch your video marketing campaign by creating your first video. Test the waters and have fun with it. You will soon know what will work. These tips can guide your strategy.
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luffythinker · 7 months
You seem like you really dig my story so i stayed up until 4 at night writing this im sorryvbtrbgdjf kgb
Last episode the plot thickened and I can't get these guys out of my head while i was trying to go to sleep so more writing about them, almost actually a written story addition and i did research on this one.
This one's got a little spice nearing the end but nobody does anything LIKE WAY OUT THERE
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Bakugo doesn’t have time to focus on shitty relationships. His life is in a downward spiral that has nothing to do with a certain sparkly blonde, he’s trying so hard to focus on anything and everything else. He’s been stolen by the villains, he’d been saved all he wanted to do was lay the fuck down and go the fuck to sleep for once.
Not think, not wonder, just sleep.
No matter how hard he tried how hard he shut his eyes he couldn’t block out his insecurities about his feelings. It's hard for him to explain or put into words how Sparkles a small singed mark could take up every waking and sleeping moment of his life.
He couldn’t forget about him even if he tried, you can’t forget cause there was just something so memorable about the guy who nobody really even ever noticed
Bakugo twisted and turned, tossed around in his bed with his thoughts until he finally forced himself asleep.
Aoyama on the other hand did not sleep well period, he was ass in training the next day due to this which didn’t go unnoticed, many people asked him if he was ok only to get replied “Oui, just a rocky night” or “Does my dazzling not shine bright enough today?” The fucker was putting on an act he must have thought he was so sly, but Bakugo wasn`t fooled.
He let this continue for a few days because the license exam was coming up and he really needed/should be working on super moves. Creating AP shot was going swimmingly at least he had that going for him- that was until that nerd had to come along and pour not just salt but a whole shaker into his wounds. Saving All might like he was supposed to be a goddamn pro.
This is the thing that made him nearly forget about his own problems, made him focus on what's in front of him instead of beside him.
Bakugo looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. “I’ll talk to him after the exam.” he thought watching the water droplets fall from his face into the sink. He scrubbed a towel over his face and went on his way.
Fate would allow him to avoid seeing pretty boy so his central point of interest stayed fixed on the exam. He viewed it as a good thing (but was it truly?)
After the shitty exam his classmates stood around him reading their papers searching for their names on the list of passers.
Those who weren’t fortunate enough to pass there was still a chance for them to get their licenses.there was going to be a special training course in March if they did well on their individual test they would issue provisional licenses to them. HOWEVER balancing special training with current school work was gonna be literal torture for a student. They were offering retakes for the exam in April which just wasn’t an option for Bakugo to slack off. He’d have to really dig deep in everything as if he already didn’t pour his soul into everything he did.
All of that stuff is super important but right now he needed to know something else.
“Come outside after everyone’s asleep. It’s about your quirk.” He passed by Deku, whispering hard. He made sure the nerd heard him and didn’t linger.
The first person he went to after his fight with Deku was Kirishima, he patched up his own wounds and knocked on his friend’s door. He let him in, let him vent, he listened to everything he needed to vent about that he could talk about cause unlike Deku he can keep his feelings out of other people's secrets.
He was there for a solid two hours before going to bed in his own bed. He wanted to stay god knows he would have preferred to sleep next to someone the way he felt in that moment. He honestly didn’t think he deserved it so he stayed in his own room.
Aoyama had to go to classes. Bakugo not being there didn’t stop him from staying a little longer to at least talk to him for a bit.
He watched the two of them vacuuming and cleaning up before he spoke up.
“I’m off.” He stood there making no attempt to do no such thing.
Midoriya more than glanced and nodded bidding him the day, Bakugo didn’t even look at him or so he thought. If you were a crazy person like Midoriya you would notice Bakugo stopped cleaning for a millisecond, started again. His head didn’t move but his eyes did, ruby red’s glared at Aoyama before he actually did make good on walking out the door.
“What was that?” Midoriya brought up breaking the silence a second time. Once for asking about how Kacchan thought about his fighting style, Now about whatever that was.
“What was what?” Bakugo snapped ever in the bad mood.
“Nothing i guess.” Midoriya shrugged knowing not to push it, Bakugo was being nice enough as is.
On the third day Deku was released from house arrest, Aoyama took this time to say more to Bakugo before he would go to his classes. He might not look it but he was smart enough to understand Bakugo didn’t want Deku in his business like that. Everyone was off while Aoyama turned back towards the dorm saying something like he forgot his special light up pen. Toru offered him her fuzzy pen but he said this one was special so they let him go believing the sorry excuse.
Stepping back onto the porch, he looked at the windows seeing if Bakugo was in the common area.
“What are you doing twinkle toes?” He asked lip slightly drawn up on the other side of the glass. He gave Aoyama a heart attack but he didn’t quite scream his mouth was closed so it was muffled by his tight lips.
“Aren’t you supposed to be lollygagging with the rest of the extras?” he would rest his arm against the window but he just clean that shit, he opted for shifting his weight onto one hip and crossing one leg over the other on the wall part next to the towering glass windows.
“Please don’t scare me like that!”
“Get your ass in here i don’t have a reason to be outside so i ain’t going.”
Aoyama hurried inside. The emptiness of the dorm was weird, he almost felt like he was skipping but he really just wanted/needed to talk to Bakugo.
“Spill it or get the fuck out.” he said in his usual snappy tone.
“I just wanted to say I wanted to talk with you if you have a minute...”
“Well..” he shuffled. “I don’t think we have enough time to talk so i’ll have to tell you later or another time you're free.”
Bakugo stared at him like a lion, his eyes cold. He flicked his neck. to the stairs.
“Come to my room tonight.”
Aoyama couldn’t lie a faint blush rose to his cheeks across his nose at the sound of something so provocative coming from Bakugo. DONT GET HIM WRONG he knew what he meant he just had a dirty thought is all.
EVERY BOY DOES WHEN YOU LIKE ANOTHER PERSON he thought trying to convince himself there was nothing wrong with the way his brain was working right now.
“Stop making that fucking face, say what you can then go get your shitty light up pencil,” He walked closer to him. “Or were you just fucking with everyone’s heads?”
The closeness made Aoyama dizzy, not normal dizzy but hazy he guessed? Not uncomfortable the opposite! He wanted Bakugo this close.
he missed him this close.
He couldn’t find the words, like really he couldn’t he had forgotten what he wanted to say. “Um, even people like me forget i’m sorry.”
Bakugo huffed him off walking away. “Fuck off.” He didn’t mean it, he just wanted him to get going.
Bakugo was smirking with his back turned, he saw that stupid light up pen sticking out his bag, he didn’t want Aoyama to get in trouble for being gone so long so he ended the conversation.
Aoyama thought about Bakugo and tried to remember what he wanted to say throughout class. If he remembered he wouldn’t know cause when that third year who was part of the Big 3 knocked him and everyone of his classmates he really forgot everything and he was on the floor. When he came to they were being talked to about his this guys insane quirk worked but he honestly didn't care all that much.
He almost swore in his thoughts about forgetting what he wanted to say to Bakugo. The ragamuffin was rubbing off on him.
Aoyama spent the remainder of his day nursing his tummy and talking to his classmates about normal school stuff
until night fell around. He waited until everyone was supposedly asleep before sneaking up the stairs to Bakugo's dorm room. The door was left cracked open and he walked in slowly and quietly. Bakugo was nowhere to be seen so he was either in the bathroom or at their spot.
On the roof.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
(DIPPING IN TO SAY SOMETHING turns out research is something you should always do because Bakugo’s room is nowhere near the roof and the only thing he could do is sit on the guard railing outside his balcony but i don’t give a flying fuck so pretend Bakugo and Kirishima live on the 5th floor cause i dont wanna move Bakugo’s room from being Kirishima’s neighbor)
back to the story
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Aoyama closes the door behind him before going to Bakugo’s balcony to climb up onto the ledge to get to the roof where he spots his blasty boy.
He’s already got refreshments and blankets. One is light purple and the one he has around his shoulders is blue has yellow All Might initials on it.  “We ran out of capri suns so we only have sunny D and Kool-aid bursts. Pick one and sit down.” It’s a weird order.
“Kool-aid please.”
Bakugo offers him a red flimsy plastic bottle that Aoyama rips the top off with his teeth like kids normally do and starts sucking on it to get the juice out.
Bakugo bluntly asks him what's been going on in the days of class he’s missed. Aoyama has to refuse. “I honestly couldn’t tell you even if I wanted to mon cheri. Mr. Aizawa would  sooner have my head on a platter.” he jokes darkly.
“Well fuck i guess.” Bakugo sighs.
They stare at the dark blue sky for a bit before they start getting to the meat and potatoes that is a conversation they should have had a while ago.
Aoyama once again stares at his feet or anything else that isn’t Bakugo trying to come to what he can say that wont get him yelled at. Bakugo is already inside his mind because he tells him to “Stop over thinking shit and say what's on your mind damnit.”
He purses his lips trying to ignore how he even knew- nevermind. He opens his mouth to speak. 
Here goes nothing.
“I’m sorry you didn’t pass.” Before Bakugo can swear about how he doesn’t give a fuck Aoyama continues on. “But i know you probably don’t care about that so you don’t have to say anything. Why bring it up in the first place i know.”
Aoyama surprises him by being 5 steps ahead of his brain so Bakugo shuts his trap since he knows everything that’s going to come out of his mouth apparently. “Fucker.” He says a smirk twisting his lips into a natural smirk. Not a angry one or a taunting one, he’s amused at how well someone that isn’t Deku knows him.
It’s endearing.
“Never thought someone would make me feel like that Twinkles, i can respect that i guess.”
“Oui,” Aoyama replies, wrapping the fuzzy purple blanket around himself a little tighter. “.. were you avoiding me because you were working on your moves or was it because of something i did?”
“I wasn’t avoiding shit, your the one who started acting weird and wanting space or whatever, i have other priorities ya know?” Bakugo shoots back.
“Oui,” repeats, closing his eyes for a brief moment. “Getting in trouble sounds important.”
“Shut up glitter face that wasn’t part of the plan, it was a byproduct!”
Aoyama brings his hand to his mouth to smother away his snickers. Bakugo isn’t really mad, he's just pissy. He likes it when it’s like this, talking, Aoyama doesn’t talk a lot so he loves to get to be half of his real self around someone like Bakugo who won't judge him.
He doesn’t have to fully pretend he can be sassy,
he can tease,
he doesn’t have to hide.
It’s nice, it gives him a chance to be a real person. Bakugo encourages this behavior all the time, he also likes it when Aoyama is this way which makes him glad he met someone like Bakugo.
He’ll miss this he really will…
“Did I truly anger you darling?” He’s smiling when he asks this but he doesn't feel like a smile, he'd hate to be the leading cost to Bakugo's anger. It rips his ribcage apart to even slightly have the other boy mad with him just a little bit. (Which isn't good for a number of reaons he'll leave alone right now)
“Like you could," he makes fun of him in a loving? manner? he jokes at him. "I'm not mad at you and I never was mad with you.”
“That’s good, that makes me feel better.” Aoyama says hugging his arms to his person.
Bakugo glances over at him, he looks comfy. He would look even more comfy if the thing he was hugging wasn’t a blanket but another human one such as himself. Bakugo stands up, receiving a look from the other blonde. He then stands in front of where Aoyama is sitting.
“Move, let me in.” he says in that voice of his. He asking for permission to be close. Aoyama looks at Bakugo for a second, before opening his arms holding the blanket open for Bakugo to come inside and share his warmth.
He gets on his knees and leans his head on Aoyama's shoulder. Pressing his face into his neck he misses the warmth of this body specifically. He whines quietly pressing his whole body against Aoyama in a hug while Aoyama wraps Bakugo in his arms.
 He speaks in french, Bakugo doesn’t know what he’s saying (He honestly never knows what he’s saying half the time if they are being honest) but he knows it sounds nice. He kisses Bakugo’s hair. He missed that too. He’s rocking a little it’s like a lullaby in body language but not a sleepy one.
“Fuck.” Bakugo softly says.
“Whats the matter darling?”
“I… I missed this.”
For once he doesn’t beat around the bush he says what he means, no long ass figuring out anything to try and understand what this means he just says what he means, what he feels.
“I missed you.” He adds in.
Aoyama hums in agreement. “I miss you too,” He replies in a hushed tone rocking Bakugo like he’s a infant about to pass the fuck out in his parents arms and be put to bed soon.
Actually thats kinda fucking weird. He thinks… nope not gonna let it ruin it.
“Can we move this to the bed darling? It’s rather chilly tonight and it’s nicer for cuddling.”
Fuck he was cuddling wasn’t he? he ‘s like a big stupid teddy bear. Curiosity suddenly over takes him but he refuses to ask whats poking him. -Could Aoyama carry him?-
“Fine,” he opts for instead, they climb down from the roof and slug their bodies into Bakugo’s bed, Bakugo turns over on his side while Aoyama gets in next to him and spoons him, locking their legs underneath the covers.
“Don’t think i didn’t see your fucking face light up like a damn traffic light.” Aoyama’s semi sleepy state is awakened when Bakugo suddenly says this thumb rubbing over the hand that’s wrapped around his god given 27 inch waist. He was in a trance about to fall asleep this woke him the fuck up.
Bakugo’s smile is evil when he leans back to see Aoyama’s wide eyes. “You thought when i said come back to my room you were getting something you fucker.” He ever so gently rolls his hips into Aoyama's, causing the boy to turn red as a stop sign. (More like go sign)
“Heh, pervert.” He almost laughs, kissing him on the lips taking a simple love bite before doing that again.
Aoyama is dizzy again in that hazy way. He has to hold in any sound not to make a fool of himself (Honey you already have dont worry)Still he holds Bakugo a little closer. His toes curl in anticipation, was Bakugo willing to go that far? He wasn’t stopping him if he was but he surely wasn’t going to try and be the first to dive into such a thing. His thoughts are soon changed after a couple more kisses and body grinds, Bakugo is doing all the work and he’s just here for the ride.
He tries to dip his fingertips into Bakugo’s sweatpants to see if he truly feels strong about this but when so much as a fringe of skin makes contact with the other blonde he grabs him by the wrist.
Aoyama flinches into the kiss. He opens his eyes. (WHEN WERE THEY CLOSED?)
Bakugo finishes kissing him, pulling his lip a little before pulling away.
“No you don't,” Bakugo says. “Not tonight.”
There is a promise of another night in that statement.
Aoyama gulps nodding, he moves his hands away like a good boy replacing them to a more appropriate position. He's got him by the chest instead. His face falls between Bakugo's neck and shoulder He kisses him on the ear.
“You really are out to get me aren’t you?” It’s a joke but he isn’t laughing at all. Nothing is funny about teasing someone this way especially when life is hard enough as it is.
The conversation doesn't get any further because Bakugo falls asleep, it was pass his bedtime. Aoyama is left alone and the bad part is he can't sneak off to the bathroom or go back to his room. (not that he really wants to,) He would have to just calm down and deal with it for tonight.
Like he has been doing for the past couple nights anyway..
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I’m going to make a sideblog so i can actually just post these cause i don’t wanna put steamy spice in your ask box ITS GETTING THERE i honestly really did forget what i wanted Aoyama to say to him, promise me you’ll continue to have comments like you did on the other two if i make a side blog put them in the replies or something on the post i live off you reading my stupid little story you and everyone else MAWH lova ya keep being beautiful <3
OMG NOOOO PLEASE YOU'RE SO SWEET AND AMAZING, I hope you caught up on your sleep :((
I'm really sorry for taking so long to reply, I had to work over the weekend and couldn't get into my computer to read properly, but I'm so glad to have something to read today before I have to start studying again!! thank you so much for the effort you put into the story, let's go <33
My poor Bakugo is going through so much and has to deal with love pains on top of everything [and Aoyama is not doing any better it seems
"cause unlike Deku he can keep his feelings out of other people's secrets" he's so sassykdjjkdkdj
"If you were a crazy person like Midoriya you would notice Bakugo stopped cleaning for a millisecond, and started again." professional observant Deku in work mode
wouldn't it be funny if Deku pressed on the issue and Katsuki just exploded blabing everything that's been going onkjjkd
thank god aoyama asked for them to talk, can't handle this awkward phase
and ofc baby you can think whatever you want patpat
HELPLKDLKD okay we don't give a fuck about the canon aspects of his bedroom! his bedroom is close to the roof to US and that's all that matters <3
/his/ blasty boy cries
not the kool aid pleasekdfkjdfjldflj
I'm so sorry but every deku mention makes my bkdk heart skip a beat because yes how can someone other than Deku know him this well, I love how this is the bar for him
if this were ao3 this would be worth of the miscommunication tag, no them going "well I was only avoiding you because you avoided me first!!!"
"He’ll miss this he really will…" not you teasing us with the prospect of heavy angst….
I can totally see bakugo being obsessed with aoyama's waist, yup yup makes sense
THE TEASINGGGGGG OMG, was holding my breath the entire time, so much tension fuckkkkkk
this chapter (we're gonna call it that) felt so much more structured, the way you write really sucks you into the story, it's like we're standing there watching everything!! idk I think u really should publish the story, I'm sure it could reach a lot of people and it's so enjoyable, i just be giggling, screaming and talking to myself the entire time
please do make a sideblog!! i would love to intreact even more for sure!! will make sure to be commenting and freaking out in the tags
i hope you had good days in your life, hope you're doing great, love u <3
0 notes
mi6014ikepearson · 1 year
when draft after draft featuring premises far and wide are common-place in your production; it can be hard to narrow down your ideas, and head in one singular general direction - and this was very much the case for my experience with the module..
 with ten of my strongest concepts that were the most visually clear in my mind, out in the open - and an inability to decide on a particular direction to head in: I went back to research, and from my new findings - developed an idea that would combine my favourite elements from my previous ideas, and take the project to the next level, removing any personal bias in the creative process and allowing me to best satisfy the briefs.
here’s the vision:
two pals talking around the water fountain at work about last nights “sport ball” game - one in orange, one in green
we pan down after hearing faint incohesive rambling from a comedic representation of how people see scotch drinkers
the duo react with concern at its sudden appearance, but continue their conversation
we get a far shot of the orange man walking across the road, followed closely behind by the critter - still maundering away.
this is followed by a close-up shot of the orange man in the elevator with the critter, pretending not to notice its constant chattering away, as we cut to see them talking from a high angle.
we get a slow tracking shot of the man arriving at home, and throwing his keys down - still accompanied by the critter’s incomprehensible mumbling
we get a closeup side shot of the orange man spreading marmalade on his toast
following this is a birds-eye view of the orange man laying on his bed, turning to the side - as the critter is comedically standing next to his bedside, continuing to ramble through the night.
we cut in a short sequence to the orange man, in multiple positions trying to sleep - with his head under the pillow, on the other side of the bed, etc.
the orange man looks disheveled as he brushes his teeth, the critter being visible in his hallway through the mirror (over the shoulder shot)
finally we see the orange man at the pub with his friends, not looking all too good.. the critter is seemingly not there, as his rambling begins to fade in
cut to a shot of his friends staring at him bewildered, as their eyes dart to the floor watching as the critter approaches the table, carrying a tray; with a drink for the orange man, encapsulated in an orange mist
using a low angled shot from the floor, the orange man looks over at the concoction and raises an eyebrow in curiosity
he grabs the bottle and slams it repeatedly into the creature’s skull as his friends look on in horror..
we focus in on a mock-up bottle resting over a pile of orange mush, as a Scottish voice announces “this ain’t your grandad’s whiskey” as the legal elements appear from screen left, until everything that is necessary is on screen
the orange man turns to the screen, face covered in marmalade
we end with a crossfade into the logo, and the Scottish voice reading: “William Lawson’s: no rules. great scotch.”
fade to black
after creating a simple screen-test: I have decided to alter the shots so that it is short enough, and flows more coherently
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
we follow the journey of the Geriatric, a 2D composited ‘toon who wanders through the woods, and winds up in the city: where he finds Antonina, his self appointed new best friend, who he meets his untimely (and delicious) end to..
we open on an establishing shot of vines overgrowing the cobblestone walls of the path through the woods, quickly transitioning into a short montage showcasing the Geriatrics journey to the big city.
we cut to the top of the Geriatric’s hat, he is noticeably short - as bushes and trees are seen in the background, whilst he travels through the woods.
next we cut to a shot of his head; looking through the treeline, looking up at the sky surrounding him
piece by piece we build up an idea of what this character looks like, as to remain an element of mystery and thus retain the audience’s attention
from here, we will only see the left-most side of his body as he wanders the path: one leg at a time
finally; the teasing will stop as the body of the Geriatric is revealed, when he playfully hops across the zebra crossing of a barren road.
introducing our primary figure in the story; the audience are now interested in what this character is going to be doing, and where this advert is going, based on the wonderful sense of mystery presented in the opening sequence
cut to a long shot of a wall; with the window slightly off-centre: as the Geriatric attempts to climb up the electrical box and make his way inside
it’s here where we witness him scaling the walls of a building; to look into the window above.. is this something he usually does? part of his routine? why is he doing this - his motivations are unclear, as he is a being that runs on instinct, alone: and is thus more interesting to observe: like a wild animal, with no end-goal in site.
from inside the room we watch as the Geriatric presses his face against the window - his eyebrows strangely malform inside his skin to reveal his eyes; narrowing as he stares in..
we cut to showcase two co-workers (Antonina, and Kasia) talking around the water cooler; only for their conversation to be interrupted, as the camera pans down, following their eyes;
they look down, at their feet, they spot the geriatric caricature; looking up at them
we cut to a closer shot of the Geriatric as he removes his hat; clearly a gesture of respect: and implying that this critter is humbled by their presence; and as such, in their mercy - he is not a threat to them, and they are not a threat to him.
we use a slide transition to cut back to the barren zebra crossing from before - the camera cuts into a long-shot with the road resting slightly below centre
as Antonina walks across the zebra-crossing - we cut to see she is being tailed by the small geriatric we saw earlier: clearly she has taken a light to this little guy.
we begin the next shot, on the grey and rainy outdoors; the journey home was perilous and the two are seeking shelter in Antonina’s house
we begin the next shot in darkness, from inside the bedroom as the door opens, showcasing Antonina’s silhouette, in the hallway, as she flicks the light switch on.
in quick succession we get the next sequence shots, timed to the music :
the first of her flipping on the light switch
the second of her dropping off her bag next to the door
the third her throwing her keys in an orange pot, next to the door
the fourth of her dropping off her boots on an orange carpet
the fifth her flipping the kettle on
the sixth of bread perturbing from the toaster
and the final of this sequence is her reaching for some marmalade on the edge of her counter
while reaching for the marmalade on her toast she accidentally knocks an unmarked bottle off the counter.
we follow from the path of the bottle; as it falls off the counter, casting a shadow on the Geriatric, and the music slows down..
this is starkly contrasted by a sudden abrupt cut that shows the bottle has squished the Geriatric; and he remains a pile of orange mush.
Antonina reacts in shock, as we cut to closeups of the floor; showcasing a puddle of marmalade surrounding the bottle..
We watch as Antonina’s face shifts from shock to intrigue as the cogs in her brain turn and she conjures an idea, in a sort of “eureka moment”
we cut to two friends (Joel & Alishia), who are standing next to one-another, the advert’s events taking place in the conversation the two are having as they discus the origins of the new flavour
Alishia: “wait - that’s genuinely how it happened?”
Joel: “.. yeah”
The two stare off in silence as the screen cross blurs and the logo appears on screen..
William Lawson’s: 
no rules, 
great Scotch.
0 notes
hangmanssunnies · 1 year
COLEY! My friend! It's me - 🚚 moving anon! I'm so sorry that this is so completely and utterly overdue. But after seeing the no-context spoilers for part 3, I realized I never gave you my feedback on part two of House We Share!! I have reread part 2, and now I'm here to rectify that. (bullet-pointed, so all of my thoughts don't get jumbled together (hopefully) because I have a lot of thoughts)
the desire to kiss him (even when he's all greasy) but hesitance because it's not the right moment just made my head thump; it's so sweet (they're so stupid - just kiss already, please)
this man bought a million dollars worth of bath products, and Sugar's first thought is: "oh, it must be for taking a bath with some girl" (Sugar, sweetheart, this man doesn't date (she doesn't know that yet I realize). he doesn't flirt with anyone except for you. just ask him to take a bath with you, he'd love to) AND THEN HE'S ALREADY WAITING FOR HIS KISS ON THE CHEEK?? MURDER ME.
The water bubble in the wall was just so them. The initial protectiveness when he doesn't know what's wrong, the subconscious kiss on the head, the terrible dad joke (why do I love him so much?), then the thirsting and flirting after he's soaked? *smirky spongebob face* you like him, don't you squidward Sugar? (if he was in my face, asking if I like sugar or honey better, my answer wouldn't matter because I would be a puddle of goo on the floor.)
their fight broke my heart :( I don't wanna talk about it (except to say that it was so well written)(also this poor man and stairs, someone move him into a one-story house)
I loved how realistic their conversation the next morning was (and I fucking loved his “Flew past honor and gentlemanly a long time ago, actually" - is there a hidden meaning buried in there? I would love to see this scene from his point of view. I feel like it would give us such an in-depth look at how he feels about her) and his constant checking to make sure she's still there? ugh
the blanket scene my beloved <3 it's amazing how Sugar is teaching him to be kinder to himself, how he doesn't have to suffer to prove a point to no one, how he is allowed comfort and kindness and love. these two are helping each other so much <3
“God, I need to take you to a museum. I can’t believe you don’t believe me. You are prettier than any of those artist muses... You are absolutely my muse. Nothing inspires me like you do, sweetheart.” Coley, I am going to walk directly into the nearest body of water as soon as I google and find out what that is.
helping him get ready for his date (that he doesn't want to go on) while feeling like she's going to cry? Sugar is a stronger woman than I am for sure.
it literally just occurred to me as I'm reading it through this time that he didn't have fun on the date and immediately came home to work on the puzzle table. I- oh my god. Sugar he is so in love with you and he doesn't know what to do about it except build the table he promised you out of the wood you suggested that he didn't think twice about using... I'm literally going to cry. and his hair is all messed up which means he was probably running his hands through it on the date because it didn't feel right because it wasn't his Sugar sitting across from him... oh my god. oh my god.
Sugar knowing things about his family (“Miss Celeste doesn’t believe in luck”) and Jake being so happy, talking about how his grandparents fell in love (sharing it with the person he cares about so much)? just so sweet. [also!! does this man play the cello?? I need to know everything about every item in his chest.] [also, also - go Miss Celeste for testing the bedframe *wink wink*]
Sugar out here making grown-ass fighter pilots cower because they’re being mean to her Jake? an absolute icon, I love this woman. Jake being like “that wasn’t necessary” and protecting her from his father. their dynamic of “I have to protect you” “No, I have to protect you” is so beautiful
I love how affectionate he is, cuddling into her neck, holding her against him and then all of the acts of service offering (painting the house how she wants to, detailing her car for her). then the question mark on the back of her hand, taking her shoes off and rubbing her feet. god he’s so sweet.
stairs curse stikes again, someone get this man into a double wide ASAP. this part was heartbreaking, physically made my chest hurt. I want so much for them but it’s just never the right circumstances.
the first time I read this, him saying that he was shipping out made my heart drop out of my ass - it still gets to me, several reads later. and then it started beating out of my chest at the “you’ll come home to me… I have to come home to you” I literally cried here, just the build up of their relationship, from part one to here, and the parallels between them and his grandparents and how much they care for each other and how everything is better when they’re together and now he’s leaving but promising to come back… I cried.
“my favorite girl” *insert ugly crying* (literally)
him specifically coming back downstairs to ask about her nails….. I don’t have words but my heart is so full.
his worries about her finding a new life while he’s gone is so heart breaking, I never considered what worries could come with a deployment (other than the obvious ones) but wow did that put a knife in my heart
him talking about his father and his childhood. and the fact that so many years later he’s still taking the blame when it’s not his fault, killed me. Sugar working to convince him that it’s not his fault, he was a child, and him working to accept that reasoning is just an excellent way to show how much they care about each other and how much they trust each other to be having conversations like that.
he thinks he isn’t capable of love… but all this man does is show love. to his friends, to his family, to his Sugar.
"Handsome, you already are a good man to me." this is the part where I started crying (again) and didn’t stop until about ten minutes after I finished reading (the hot sauce packets did make me giggle while I was crying)
As for what he asked her… I have been thinking about this since the first time I read part two. I think he asked, “Will you still love me when I get back?” Before going away for so many months, he needed to know if she’ll love him once he’s been gone for so long, with limited (or in this case no) contact. It is the only question I can think of that Sugar would be able to answer so quickly, so easily. They already know she loves him, but he’s around every day - it’s easy to love someone who is there. It’s harder to love someone who is gone.
all of this to say that I am so excited for part three and I can't wait to read it (also I will set a reminder for myself so that I actually give timely feedback <3)
Hello lovely,
Thank you so much for this beautiful ask and for sharing your thoughts on Sfumato. Poor Jake and his stairs curse. He insists on getting a single-story ranch home when they move after he gets restationed. I love how well you picked up on the little threads I threw into sfumato about how they really already are in love.
Did Jake play the cello growing up? Yes he did because I say so. Great catch on such a random minor Easter egg detail I included. 🫶
I am going to think about your comments for the next 10 hours while crying. <3 I hope you enjoy the final part when you get the chance.
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blandaaen1 · 2 years
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No one can tell the AAA purses purses are actually replica Valentino luggage. There is nothing phony, faux or pretend about them, they are a mirror image of the unique purses. So reasonably priced, you can buy several for the worth of 1 designer unique. In quite a lot of style forward types and colors. This kind of design feels excellent to really feel, and it makes individuals really feel satisfied! Perfumes are private, so we don’t take it personally if a scent just isn't for you. We donate all returns to charity so no bottle of perfume ever goes to waste. We eliminate retailer markups, movie star advertising, and licensing fees to offer luxury scents for 70-90% much less. A lot is happening in the scent, but it's balanced in a means that works. It opens with black cherry, hazelnut, tobacco leaf, and honey. [newline]The coronary heart of the scent reveals citrus leaf and two types of rose for a wealthy, boozy depth. 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This was done, and a monument was erected at the web site within the Lemetti, Karelia—now on the Russian aspect of the border. The night of 22 June, a reception was held in the Kremlin in which each Bykovsky and Tereshkova have been awarded the Order of Lenin. Since they'd no army experience, they started with the rank of private within the Soviet Air Forces. Training included isolation tests, centrifuge exams, thermo-chamber checks, decompression chamber testing, and pilot coaching in MiG-15UTI jet fighters. [newline]Tereshkova underwent water restoration training at sea the place several motorboats have been used to agitate the waters to simulate rough situations. Your privacy is valentino shoes kw super very important to us. Accordingly, we now have developed this Policy in order for you to perceive how we acquire, use, talk and disclose and make use of non-public info. 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She received by far the most invites among the many cosmonauts." Vostok 6 was the final Vostok flight and was launched two days after Vostok 5 which carried Bykovsky into a five-day mission. The perfume locks itself down with skin musks, cashmere woods, and vetiver. The Nude Collection is not filled with "skin scents" but gentle, light scents that wear close to your body and, to me, are made to make you are feeling sensual. This fragrance is a stunning, fresh, aquatic scent. And she mentioned she is now to buy things, principally a look to know what's appropriate for their very own, what just isn't their very own. The steel chain passes via the metallic ring next to the deal with and doesn't battle in any respect. Metal chain, handle are so down is one of the best look. Usually so standing or back up when the handle may be positioned in front, like a stand as much as shield, as part of the body. Holding the handle when the deal with like a strap, will bend a little bit with the hand. 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Our Valentino replicas are available in calfskin leather-based too and, in various delicate and bold shades of purple, blue, animal prints and pastel colors. wikipedia handbags The purse is leather made and has leather trimmings, polished brass studs alongside the borders, leather-based trimmings and engraved brand. replica valentino bag If you qualify for a marketing campaign primarily based on your demographics, you will obtain an invite (the application – e mail #1). Then, if you utilized on time, we ship a second e-mail (address affirmation – email #2). On eight June 1964, nearly one yr after her area flight, she gave start to their daughter Elena Andrianovna Nikolaeva-Tereshkova, the primary person with each a mom and father who had travelled into space. Although she desired to proceed pursuing a profession as a cosmonaut and engineer, her superiors had a different plan for her in politics. Following Gagarin's dying, the Soviet space program was not keen to danger dropping one other hero. Against her wishes, she was appointed as the chief of the Committee for Soviet Women in 1968. According to the Russian newspaper Pravda, a million flowers have been brought in to rejoice the success of the twin flights and greet the cosmonauts in Moscow. On 22 June 1963, Khrushchev greeted Bykovsky wearing his uniform who saluted whereas Khrushchev hugged and kissed Tereshkova who was dressed in civilian apparel.
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pikedinesen1 · 2 years
What does video marketing entail? It is simply publishing videos online to promote your business or share a message with your customers. It might appear simple; however, there are various things you must learn before you start. By reading the following article, you can learn the basics of video marketing.
Use video marketing to allow your customers to get to know you. You could, for instance, record a weekly video in which you talk about your projects and upcoming deals. Make your video marketing campaign interactive by reserving a segment of your weekly video to answer questions customers send you. Video is a great medium for conveying ideas. This works in business by showing customers what makes your business special. A short video describing your products or highlighting your experience will go a long way to making that sale. Remember to be clear and make any ideas your convey simple to understand so that your video marketing campaign will be a total success. Focus on a certain topic and choose a descriptive title filled with keywords. People need to get hooked. This is the best way to keep them interested. Take a little time to create creative titles for your videos. Encourage your viewers to comment on your video and share it with friends. The more buzz your video generates, even if it is slanted negatively, can be very advantageous. Sharing the video helps spread your message to other people with no effort on your part, and people are more likely to view something sent from a friend. The very first thing you need to do is simply get your videos out there. Start making some and see what catches people's eyes. You need to find out what topic you know the most about and figure out a way to make it interesting. People want to be entertained. Keep in mind just how short attention spans are online. You have about ten seconds in your video to grab your audience attention. Keep your total content under two minutes in length to make the most possible impact. If this does not seem doable for what you have to get out there, spread your content across chapter videos. Don't forget the music! Using music can help you enhance the mood, give a sense of suspense or even accentuate comedy bits. If you're not good with music choices, ask friends and family to help you out. Don't play the music too loud and drown out the speaker, of course. Keep in mind that some people surf the Internet using large screen televisions for their monitors. YouTube accepts large video files now. So, do not turn your nose up at high-definition content. Someone looking at your content on a fifty inch plasma will not buy from you if they just see pixels. If you aren't good at making videos, let others do it for you. Sponsor a video contest in which those who make the best videos receive prizes. People will want to want to get their video out there! Your videos should be short and filled with useful information. People who are online generally want to move from task to task quickly. Do not produce videos that last more than five minutes or you will lose a lot of viewers. It does not matter how great your content is if your viewers become bored or distracted. One of the tried and true techniques to video marketing is to use cliffhangers. They have been used in television from the very beginning and are always effective. This will keep your viewers engaged and have them anticipating your next video to answer the questions raised in the first video. If DRE Video Evidence are camera shy, or you do not feel like you would be good at video marketing, look within your company for someone who would be a good fit. They are usually the most friendly and have a natural exuberance that radiates around them. This is the person you want to choose for your video marketing. Launch your video marketing campaign by creating your first video. Test the waters and have fun with it. You will soon know what will work. These tips can guide your strategy.
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freedman77bille · 2 years
What does video marketing entail? It is simply publishing videos online to promote your business or share a message with your customers. It might appear simple; however, there are various things you must learn before you start. By reading the following article, you can learn the basics of video marketing.
Use video marketing to allow your customers to get to know you. You could, for instance, record a weekly video in which you talk about your projects and upcoming deals. Make your video marketing campaign interactive by reserving a segment of your weekly video to answer questions customers send you. Video is a great medium for conveying ideas. This works in business by showing customers what makes your business special. A short video describing your products or highlighting your experience will go a long way to making that sale. Remember to be clear and make any ideas your convey simple to understand so that your video marketing campaign will be a total success. Focus on a certain topic and choose a descriptive title filled with keywords. People need to get hooked. This is the best way to keep them interested. Take a little time to create creative titles for your videos. Encourage your viewers to comment on your video and share it with friends. The more buzz your video generates, even if it is slanted negatively, can be very advantageous. Sharing the video helps spread your message to other people with no effort on your part, and people are more likely to view something sent from a friend. The very first thing you need to do is simply get your videos out there. Start making some and see what catches people's eyes. You need to find out what topic you know the most about and figure out a way to make it interesting. People want to be entertained. Keep in mind just how short attention spans are online. You have about ten seconds in your video to grab your audience attention. Keep your total content under two minutes in length to make the most possible impact. If this does not seem doable for what you have to get out there, spread your content across chapter videos. Don't forget the music! Using music can help you enhance the mood, give a sense of suspense or even accentuate comedy bits. If 대구광고회사 're not good with music choices, ask friends and family to help you out. 대구광고영상제작 play the music too loud and drown out the speaker, of course. Keep in 대구영상제작 that some people surf the Internet using large screen televisions for their monitors. YouTube accepts large video files now. So, do not turn your nose up at high-definition content. Someone looking at your content on a fifty inch plasma will not buy from you if they just see pixels. If you aren't good at making videos, let others do it for you. Sponsor a video contest in which those who make the best videos receive prizes. People will want to want to get their video out there! Your videos should be short and filled with useful information. People who are online generally want to move from task to task quickly. Do not produce videos that last more than five minutes or you will lose a lot of viewers. It does not matter how great your content is if your viewers become bored or distracted. One of the tried and true techniques to video marketing is to use cliffhangers. They have been used in television from the very beginning and are always effective. This will keep your viewers engaged and have them anticipating your next video to answer the questions raised in the first video. If you are camera shy, or you do not feel like you would be good at video marketing, look within your company for someone who would be a good fit. They are usually the most friendly and have a natural exuberance that radiates around them. This is the person you want to choose for your video marketing. Launch your video marketing campaign by creating your first video. Test the waters and have fun with it. You will soon know what will work. These tips can guide your strategy.
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christensendobson85 · 2 years
What does video marketing entail? It is simply publishing videos online to promote your business or share a message with your customers. It might appear simple; however, there are various things you must learn before you start. By reading the following article, you can learn the basics of video marketing.
Use video marketing to allow your customers to get to know you. You could, for instance, record a weekly video in which you talk about your projects and upcoming deals. Make traveling kids marketing campaign interactive by reserving a segment of your weekly video to answer questions customers send you. Video is a great medium for conveying ideas. This works in business by showing customers what makes your business special. A short video describing your products or highlighting your experience will go a long way to making that sale. Remember to be clear and make any ideas your convey simple to understand so that your video marketing campaign will be a total success. Focus on a certain topic and choose a descriptive title filled with keywords. People need to get hooked. This is the best way to keep them interested. Take a little time to create creative titles for your videos. Encourage your viewers to comment on your video and share it with friends. The more buzz your video generates, even if it is slanted negatively, can be very advantageous. Sharing the video helps spread your message to other people with no effort on your part, and people are more likely to view something sent from a friend. The very first thing you need to do is simply get your videos out there. Start making some and see what catches people's eyes. You need to find out what topic you know the most about and figure out a way to make it interesting. People want to be entertained. Keep in mind just how short attention spans are online. You have about ten seconds in your video to grab your audience attention. Keep your total content under two minutes in length to make the most possible impact. If this does not seem doable for what you have to get out there, spread your content across chapter videos. Don't forget the music! Using music can help you enhance the mood, give a sense of suspense or even accentuate comedy bits. If you're not good with music choices, ask friends and family to help you out. Don't play the music too loud and drown out the speaker, of course. Keep in mind that some people surf the Internet using large screen televisions for their monitors. YouTube accepts large video files now. So, do not turn your nose up at high-definition content. Someone looking at your content on a fifty inch plasma will not buy from you if they just see pixels. If you aren't good at making videos, let others do it for you. Sponsor a video contest in which those who make the best videos receive prizes. People will want to want to get their video out there! Your videos should be short and filled with useful information. People who are online generally want to move from task to task quickly. Do not produce videos that last more than five minutes or you will lose a lot of viewers. It does not matter how great your content is if your viewers become bored or distracted. One of the tried and true techniques to video marketing is to use cliffhangers. They have been used in television from the very beginning and are always effective. This will keep your viewers engaged and have them anticipating your next video to answer the questions raised in the first video. If you are camera shy, or you do not feel like you would be good at video marketing, look within your company for someone who would be a good fit. They are usually the most friendly and have a natural exuberance that radiates around them. This is the person you want to choose for your video marketing. Launch your video marketing campaign by creating your first video. Test the waters and have fun with it. You will soon know what will work. These tips can guide your strategy.
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onionchime0 · 2 years
Houseboat Plans - First Step To A Life Afloat
First decide where you want to be employing your new fishing boat; in the lakes or even in the waters. Are you just going in order to consider short, daytime fishing trips or do you wish to to stay overnight on your boat. For overnight fishing trips, you may want to select a boat with a hull in order to riding the waves less complicated on the public. The rent credits that i'm talking about in the primary half from the section could be the portion of the rent is actually why compensated around the purchase price, only in the event you paying your rent on time. it is a quite common method such as the feel whenever you are irregular in payment among the rent that you'll get the finance. Do not forget to explain this point on the agreement.
Buying another house in this area would conserve the finer things in life personality you need to. buy a home know I would enjoy sitting in order to dinner by incredible view in my grasp towards the 52nd floor of the top Hub restaurant, waiting for mouth-watering food in front of me to take place. A view like that is enough to relax to observe the sun set behind the other buildings in your area. Alternatively, you need to look for plans will be rated by woodworking capability. A riva row boat house can actually be surprisingly simple build, but only if make use of one whicj has been tested in person by true novices or people with only basic skills. Of course, if you're experienced woodworker, or currently have one or two "easy" boats below your belt, then go ahead and challenge yourself with some thing elaborate! But now, the tourism industry is blooming as well as more than 12 lakh tourists visit Kashmir each year houseboat for sale . It's expected a greater number of 20 lakh tourists 12 months. It's a biggest turnout in likely 22 many decades. This figure may rise to enhance in the long run. A word of warning, no matter which method you use. Don't be tempted to retouch runs or sags all of the paint or you may ruin the.wait until the paint has fully dried then together with it! It's tempting but paint always seems to gel quicker than what you know already! Some house boat holiday places may rent water equipment to you like jet skis, boogy boards, dingys etc. In case you will be towing them behind, ensure you know about safety concerns that must remain adhered so that you can. Lots of companies will also let you tow such extras behind so you can savor whatever area you select to dock up to allow them to.
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notnctu · 3 years
jaehyun: the charming
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━ welcome home to housemating smut series :)
☆ click the link above to read background info about this housemate!
☆ GENRE: smut, pwp ☆ DETAILS: fem!reader, college!au, housemate!au ☆ WARNINGS: explicit language, nicknames, dirty talking, possessiveness, rough sex, praise kink, oral (giving and receiving), spitting, choking, unprotected (wrap up yall!!) ☆ WC: 4.1k ☆ SYNOPSIS: A harmless game of Truth Or Dare with your housemates reveals Jaehyun’s true desires and has him eyeing you the entire night.
☆ AUTHORS NOTE: this is the only part for jaehyun ! sorry for the long wait,, i started this during my writing hiatus and did not have much motivation to finish it since its been really difficult to write smut lately :/ regardless, i hope you can leave me some feedback if you liked it <3 doyoung’s part will be the next in the series once i get to it !
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“If you could kiss anyone in this room right now, who would it be?” Johnny beckons his drink to Jaehyun, who blinks at him with knitted eyebrows and a quizzical expression.
It’s one of those rare nights where all your housemates are home and Doyoung is actually out of his room to participate in everyone’s foolishness. All six of you sit comfortably in the living room as the fifth round of Truth or Dare commences. 
You share the large couch with Jaemin and Haechan, sandwiching you in between them happily. Doyoung, Jaehyun and Johnny are seated in their own respective chairs that circle the tiny coffee table in the center. 
And if your housemates could be any more distracting, Jaehyun sits laid-back without a shirt on and grey sweatpants that fit loosely on his legs, manspreading as if he has all the space in the world. His soft hair falls messily around his face from constantly running his hands through it and his abs flex without him needing to do much.
It’s hard not to stare, but no one in the room calls you out for doing so. They’ve all stared at you plenty enough times on other occasions, so it would be hard for any of them to give you a counterargument. Jaehyun simply looks good enough to devour, and he can say the same for you as he steals sly glances your way.
Every subtle connection of smoldering eye contact sends a thrill down your core, and the smirk paired with his dotted dimple has you swooning for him over and over. Jaehyun knows every way to drive you wild without needing to say or touch you.
It’s unbelievable how that man has only allowed you to see his intimacy once with the way he whistles whenever you walk down the stairs in a cute outfit or how often he compliments your butt just for the pure satisfaction of you having one. Despite having the highest body count in the entire house, he has great self control and never comes off as being too needy. 
And every time he is needy, he already has another girl in his room to satisfy him. So, this never gave you another opportunity to sleep with him as much as you wanted to. If you weren’t so bashful, you might’ve had enough courage to just walk into his room and ask. 
Nonetheless, here you both are: sitting across from each other during a slowly escalating game of Truth or Dare and eyeing each other every chance you can get.
“Shouldn’t you ask y/n that question?” Jaehyun mumbles, finding Johnny’s question rather ridiculous since the ratio in the room is 1 girl to 5 guys and finds no curiosity to know how bad of a kisser the rest of his housemates are. “I think you’d rather know her answer than mine.”
You clear your throat when every attention is drawn toward you, expecting you to give a truthful response when it isn’t even your turn. “What if I didn’t pick truth?”
“You want a dare?” Jaemin rests a hand on your bare thigh and turns delightfully toward you with a dark mischievous gleam in his eye.
Gulping, you try your best to diffuse the situation. “It’s not my turn.” 
“I’ll give my turn to you.” Jaehyun smiles and proceeds to gesture toward you to speak.
Bewildered, you’re looking to Doyoung to protest about such unfair grounds of switching the rules. However, he doesn’t say a word, shrugging it off like it’s not a big deal. “You’re all unbelievable.” You scoff sarcastically.
“C’mon, it’s just a friendly game. Everyone wants you to go.” Haechan clicks his tongue out of impatience, the anticipation practically suffocating the whole house.
“Ask me when it’s my turn.” You stand your ground and send Jaehyun a quick glare. 
The tension drops instantly from the stiff atmosphere. Haechan’s groan erupts beside you as he sits back against the couch with his arms crossed. 
“Okay, buttercup. I’ll answer Johnny’s ridiculous question, but know that I have a good one for you.” Jaehyun leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees with his hands clasped together loosely. “I’d kiss y/n.” 
Your breath hitches, but no one else is actually surprised by his answer. “Yeah, I’d kiss y/n too if this was my selection pool.” Doyoung remarks with a roll in his eyes.
“I mean,” Jaehyun sits back coolly in his chair, hands stretched behind his head and every muscle flexed in view. Every movement has your mouth watering at his impressive body on display. “Even if we were playing with other people, I’d still choose y/n.” A dimple smile causes your heart to beat rapidly.
Johnny scoffs, “if we circled up all your flings, you’d still choose y/n?” 
Jaehyun ponders the hypothetical for a second, but his eyes land back on yours and every hesitation disappears. “Yeah. She has the softest lips.” He says, very matter of fact.
Your fingers unconsciously graze against your lips briefly, before you clear your throat and shake away the power of his arousing words. “Okay, okay. Let’s move on?” 
“Okay, y/n. Truth or Dare?” Jaehyun picks this open opportunity to bring the attention back to you. Your housemates wait patiently for your choice, with eyebrows raised in the thick tension that this simple game has built up.
With shifty eyes and a dry throat, you mutter. “Dare.” 
There is a notable sparkle in Jaehyun’s dark lustful orbs. “I dare you to kiss the person that you think is the hottest in this room.” 
“Well, it would be difficult to kiss myself.” Rolling your eyes, the edge in your tone is enough to make the rest of them snicker. 
“I’m done after this round. It’s always the weirdest twists whenever we play games like this together.” Doyoung crosses his arms, throwing a small fit at the request. 
Johnny smirks, “because you know y/n wouldn’t kiss you?” 
Doyoung’s mouth opens to protest, but he falls short of a defensive response. He takes his defeat and slumps back against the chair, pouty and grumpy. “Just get it over with and kiss Jaehyun.” 
With a turn of events, you get up from your spot on the couch. Jaehyun follows your every move, your stare never leaving his own. Like a lost puppy, you lead him into thinking the kiss would be for him. However, you lean forward and hold Doyoung’s chin gently, planting a soft kiss on the equally shocked boy. 
“I think Doyoung is the hottest because he treats me with the most chivalry.” The sweetness that taints your mocking words has Doyoung turning red and Jaehyun turning into stone. The charming smile that lights up your darkest parts is gone, and Jaehyun blinks back at you with a tight jaw. 
Jaemin and Haechan read the room too well, excusing themselves before the tension reaches its peak. Doyoung gulps, glancing between you and Jaehyun, and awkwardly makes his way back to his room. Johnny chuckles at the abrupt end of the night, patting Jaehyun’s shoulder lightly before also heading up to bed. 
Every next move is crucial. With your weight barred on your left leg, you cross your arms with as much attitude as you can to push Jaehyun’s buttons further. “Jaehyun, if you really wanted a kiss, you could just ask me without wasting a turn.”
“Where’s the fun in that, buttercup? You clearly like testing your limits.” His voice drops at the end of his sentence. Jaehyun stands up, approaching you slowly. “But if you want my attention, you could just ask me without trying to make me jealous.”
His boldness catches you off guard, leaving you a bit speechless to formulate a proper explanation. Your hesitation gets caught in your throat when Jaehyun lightly places his hand on your waist. “It’s late, we should probably get to bed.” His raspy baritone cadence rumbles your chest.
Fingers graze his arm softly, but he pulls away before you can get a hold of him. “Are you actually going to sleep?”
Jaehyun walks to the bottom of the staircase, motioning you to walk first. “No, I’ll be up thinking about you.” A smirk finishes his sensual taunt and you cautiously head up the stairs. 
He follows directly after you and a whistle escapes his lips. “Have I given you your daily ass compliment yet?”
“Got one this morning.” With each step, Jaehyun is quick to match. 
“Well, you look amazing everyday.” He meets you at the top of the steps and when you’re ready to part back into your room, he stops you. “Where’s my kiss goodnight, baby?” 
You can’t possibly count the numerous times you’ve rolled your eyes being around him. “In my room, if you dare wish to enter.” Though your statement was clearly sarcastic, Jaehyun raises an questionable eyebrow. 
“I’ll only come if you let me in.” His innocent eyes do not match his sinister tone and his hidden innuendos. 
“I guess I always go into your room, it would be nice to have a change.” Taking his hand, you lead him down the hallway. The doors of your other housemates are oddly closed, but you figured they wanted some privacy. His warm hand feels rough against your palm and your heart drums as you two inch closer to your bedroom.
Jaehyun gently closes your door and examines your room as if he’s never been inside. “Don’t be a stranger.” You say, dropping his hand and sitting at the edge of your bed.
“Do you leave your underwear drawer open for all your friends to see?” He snickers, his pinky holding your special red lace panties up in the air. Your eyes go wide as you quickly yank the material out of his possession and shove the cabinet closed.
“I wouldn’t have figured you were the nosey type.” You grumble, but he takes this close proximity to pull you into his bare chest. His firm hand gives your ass a soft squeeze.
“It was quite obviously on display.” His dark whisper sends a chill down your spine and butterflies to swirl in the pit of your core. The faint smell of his body wash suffocates you all around and his sultry stare has you melting in his hands. It is so difficult to resist him, you want everything that is Jung Jaehyun.
Your words are quite possibly caught in your throat, but the hesitation does not show in your expression. Lightly, your fingertips trace the outline of his biceps and his dark stare follows every drag. Admittedly, Jaehyun will find any excuse to grab your attention. Call him possessive for no good reason, but something inside him bubbles with envy whenever your other housemates even leave a lingering stare.
Although he’s not the type to be vocal about it, his facial expressions speak volumes. May it be his competitive nature, but he can’t let the others have you. You have unknowingly become off-limits to the rest, but frankly, you don’t care all too much. Your prize is already in front of you.
“Are you going to kiss me or do I have to wait all night again?” With every will, you try your best to control the nervous tremble in your bold rhetorical question.
Jaehyun wastes no more time; soft lips crash into your own and you feel like you’re floating. Only he can make you feel this way. Hands in hair, the tug on his fresh locks has him moaning through the kiss. Jaehyun loses himself in you, rubbing his semi-hard cock against your thigh and gripping your ass harshly in his hand.
Every drip of saliva is swapped in the mess of your connected mouths and you’re reminded of how rough this man enjoys to be. Your knees buckle at the thought of him and Jaehyun is quick to hold you up, placing you strategically at the end of your bed. 
Pulling away, he stands in front of you with the largest dick print against his sweatpants, along with a small wet spot. There are no bashful words exchanged as the room is filled with heavy breathing and sultry looks. Jaehyun guides your hand to his waistband, silently waiting for you to free him.
Looking up at your beautiful boy, the neediness of release almost ruins his perfect charming look. Hair is tousled wildly across his eyes and his bottom lip escapes underneath the top row of his pearly teeth. He just looks so fucked out already, you can’t imagine how much he was holding back earlier.
You pull down enough of his pants for his dick to spring up right in front of you, not expecting the lack of underwear. Your small gasp cause him to chuckle, pushing the back of your head forward toward his hard cock. “Surprised?”
“You weren’t wearing underwear the entire night?” You question him as your hands cup his balls. A sharp intake of breath is his only response before he can compose himself. 
Through gritted teeth, Jaehyun stutters, “Like you were?” He throws his head back when your warm tongue flicks against his throbbing red tip. Every vein in his arm and neck pops on display as he grabs a hold of your hair.
“You wouldn’t know.” You snicker, running your tongue up and down his shaft. Jaehyun looks back down at your piercing eyes and his dick right above your cheek.
A smirk grows devilishly, “I’m about to find out.” Pushing your shoulder back gently, your back lands comfortably on the mattress. Your heart is racing as Jaehyun gets down on his knees, situating himself in between your open legs.
“May I?” He asks, warm hands on your inner thighs as he patiently waits for your answer.
“Yes.” Jaehyun pulls your shorts down to reveal your favorite comfort cotton panties that have faded from their original color. Naturally, you grow embarrassed and quickly slap your legs closed before Jaehyun can process. 
He blinks at you questionably, quite taken aback by the abrupt motion. “Are you okay?”
“Let’s just say I wasn’t completely expecting to sleep with anyone tonight. I’m not quite prepared down there.” Your gaze drops and you anxiously fist your sheets in your sweaty hands.
Jaehyun nods, understanding your implications. “I don’t care about those things. You are…” landing a quick peck on your bare knee, he rubs reassuring circles with his thumb. “.... the prettiest baby ever. And if you’d let me, buttercup, I want to make you feel good.” 
He has always been suave with his words, as if he knows the handbook to get butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Slowly, your legs open back up before him and the slightest groan rumbles from his throat.
The wet patch on your panties is hard to ignore and he’s mesmerized, to say the least. He peels down your underwear and uses his thumb to spread your lips. Leaning forward, Jaehyun lightly licks at your erect clit and your twitch in response is enough to feed into his ego. 
He dives hungrily, eating you out until your eyes roll to the back of your head and your back is arching off of the bed. He flattens his tongue against you, pushing in and out of your dripping hole in a rhythmic motion. His nose is deep in your skin, intoxicated by your arousal, and his eyes are drinking up your uncontrollable reactions.
It’s as if electricity shocks through your lower half. The pleasure that comes with every lick and sweet suckle has you panting for more. His name echoes from your tender lips while Jaehyun inserts two fingers to stretch you out. The initial ache subsides into an indescribable pleasure; it’s the feeling of being full of anything mixing with the sensitivity of tongue against clit that has you practically on the verge of release. 
Jaehyun isn’t going to give it to you that easily. The moment your moans grow bolder, your legs begin to shake, your hand putting a little more pressure on his head, he pulls away and gets up. A desperate sigh crushes your chest as the build up leads to dissatisfaction. Jaehyun wipes his chin with the back of his hand, his two fingers glistening before being shoved into your own mouth. 
“That’s my good girl, give yourself a taste.” His hot words cause you to flood a bit more, the feeling of wetness pooling at your core. However, you two toy each other with no end as he is provoked by the way your tongue sensually swirls around his digits and how your hips keep squirming closer to the edge. “How badly do you want to get fucked?”
His firm hand holds your moving hips into the bed and you’re aching to be filled with his dick. He’s so hard that it slaps against his abdomen, red tip and spewing precum. Nonetheless, his self restraint is quite strong as he notices the defeat in your expression. Enough teasing, your body wants him endlessly. 
“Jaehyun, I want you to give me all that you got.” At the end of your request, he enters you slowly with a breathy moan. The stretch is much more than his two fingers, causing you to squirm and wiggle. Inch by inch, Jaehyun fills you to your brim and pauses for you to adjust to his size. 
“Fuck, it’s been awhile since we’ve slept together. I almost forgot how tight you are.” How could this man possibly smile with so much innocence while saying such foul things? The next action causes you to go a bit dizzy as he spits down at your clit and rubs it lovingly with his thumb. You practically see stars on your mundane ceiling. 
He starts moving his hips, deep long thrusts pulling out to only sharply fill you up again. Jaehyun is relentless as every thrust forward has you moving more and more up the bed. Your legs are pressed against your chest, folding you over to hit your sweet spot. When his tip grazes upon the greatest feeling ever, your grip on the sheets grows tighter and he’s smirking at how your mouth hangs open in pure ecstasy and shock.
“You’re so good at taking my cock.” He pants, moving faster than before. “My baby hasn’t been fucked properly in a while, has she?”
You’re at a loss for words at every drag and push. Regardless of you wanting to speak, no words seem to make its way out. Jaehyun narrows his eyes at you, dark grin and a menacing taunt in his low voice. A chuckle begins his sentence, “I know… it’s hard to talk when you feel so good right, buttercup? I can feel you getting more excited down there.”
Placing your legs around his waist, he leans down over you. His sneaky hand travels up your torso, giving your boobs a light squeeze through your shirt. Then, he wraps his hand around your neck gently and carefully, only applying enough pressure to drive you wild. 
He breaks his rhythm, reverting back to the previous slow pace. Something about the way you feel around him, hot and tight, needy and wet. Jaehyun just loves how your body reacts.
The feeling of soreness occupies your lower half and you’re more than certain it’s going to be rough tomorrow morning. Every thrust is agonizing, yet powerful enough to be felt in your guts. Jaehyun never fails to leave an impression.
Through your moans, you manage to stutter out his name. “Please, harder.” Jaehyun picks you up, hands supporting your butt and pressing your back against your door. Placing your legs down, you’re standing up right facing him with a confused expression at the change of location.
For a brief moment, his lustful glare is warm and friendly. It’s the same look that greets you in the car when he drives you two to campus. It’s the one he often looks at you with across the dinner table, usually accompanied with his robust laughter. Jaehyun looks at you as if he’s only ever seen you.
However, his next words are far from romantic and his hand finds its way to your throat, pinning you up against the cold door. “I want them to hear how good I fuck you.” Them. The rest of your housemates. Knowing that the house is far from soundproof, Jaehyun wants everyone to know how enthusiastic he makes you feel. 
“But--” As you begin to protest, he drives his hips up and nestles into you. His free hand grips your waist steadily as he barely pulls out, fucking you deeper until you feel him at the pit of your stomach. There is no ability to hold back your pleasure, moans just naturally fill the room and bounce off every wall.
“Cum for me, I know you’re close.” Jaehyun has no intentions to stop, the feeling of both releases being at the tip of your tongues. “Be the good girl that you are and cum for me.”
The small bubble inside of you is ready to burst. Jaehyun sucks on his fingers to coat them with saliva and reaches down to stroke at your clit. Like a switch, your internal light bulb explodes and every spark of electricity fuels your every vein. 
Your orgasm electrifies you, causing every limb to shake uncontrollably and sporadically. Jaehyun keeps thrusting up, helping you ride out the intensity of your high. 
“There you go, baby.” A small kiss on your shoulder, he pulls out and the emptiness is felt immediately. Getting on your knees, you take his cock in your mouth to help him finish. He rests his fists on the door, hovering over you as his abs flex beautifully under the fluorescent light. Hollowing out your cheeks, your throat invites him deeper and this causes him to mindlessly thrust into your mouth. 
Jaehyun sounds breathy above you, whining about how close he is to cumming. Silence in the room has been replaced with his heavy pants and soft groans, the sound of suckling and slick saliva droning out anything else.
“Fuck, y/n.” He says, as he holds your cheek in his palm and maintains eye contact with you through his brown locks. The view of his dick being swallowed up in your mouth is more than enough to drive him to his edge, strings of cum coating the back of your throat from his release. The saltiness immediately hits your palette.
Jaehyun tosses his head back until the satisfaction dissipates. Slowly pulling himself out, he moves quickly to find you a tissue. For a moment, neither one of you speak as he silently dresses himself and you wipe the remaining spit off of your lips.
He helps you up from the floor, lightly dusting off your bare knees for you. And he says something to break the slightly awkward atmosphere, “are you kicking me out like you do with the rest of your hookups?” Jaehyun laughs, wide smile and dimples deep in his soft cheeks. The glow in his skin radiates in the dimness, he’s a sight that’s too difficult to look away from.
“Did you want to stay?” Tossing on a pair of fresh underwear and pajama shorts, you have a vague memory of Jaehyun holding you after your first fuck together. 
Though Jaehyun is your friend before anything else, he responds like every other hookup unsure about the next steps. He shrugs, turning around and tapping his back for you to hop on. “I’ll take you to the bathroom to wash up.” 
Jumping on his back and wrapping your arms around his neck, he carries you down the hall to the shared bathroom. “You didn’t exactly answer my question.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, knowing how embarrassed you are going to be the next morning when facing the rest of your housemates.
“I know you’re just going to come into my room anyways, right?” He sets you down and the door to the bathroom swings open to reveal an equally surprised Haechan. 
“Shit, you two scared me.” The dramatic boy rests a hand on his chest to calm his startled heart. “You might want to air out the bathroom before doing anything in there.” Jaehyun and Haechan share a laugh as you groan, irritated by the putrid fumes that cursed the poorly ventilated bathroom.
“You’re so gross.” You say, punching Haechan jokingly on the arm.
“Says you.” Haechan pauses to poke at Jaehyun’s bare chest, “and you. We are never playing Truth or Dare ever again.” 
“Don’t hate the players, hate the game bro.” Jaehyun snickers.
Haechan pays no more attention to the two of you, back turned and hurrying into his dark room. “I do hate the game now!” He yells in a whisper, shutting his door to end the conversation. You sigh out of relief that Haechan didn’t press for more details or jokes.
Housemates, you never know what adventures you’d run into with them. Nonetheless, you don’t mind and getting to see a shirtless Jaehyun parade around the house is always a treat.
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