#and that is why help doesn’t make sense to me. i survive so what does it matter. as long as i survive the rest is just details
snk-smartpass · 3 days
DISCLAIMER: This is a Repost of a Fan Translation!
TRANSLATION: @worldofchicken
SOURCE: https://aminoapps.com/c/attack-on-titan/page/blog/smartpass-au-good-night-sweet-dreams-mike/BVzL_EJuwuJo0g1mRY5Xx4e71ZWqMX7eQ3
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Goodnight Sweet Dreams Dear Vol. 16 Mike Zacharias
[People say, dreams are mirrors that reflect the heart.
Does sleep bring the tranquility needed to forget the ruthlessness of the day, or is it an abyss harsher than reality?]
“We’ve invited the chief and the squad leaders. Please eat.”
At a mansion owned by a wealthy merchant in the suburbs, there appeared Survey Corps members in full uniform.
This merchant is very important, since he helped Survey Corps that lacked funds, and helps funds their expeditions.
“Please drink this glass of wine.”
When he was talking with one of his comrades, Erwin ‘accidentally’ dropped his glass.
“No, no, it’s alright. Would Squad Leader Mike like some too?”
“I’m not a good drinker, water is fine.”
“Thanks, Mike. Was there a drug in it?”
“They probably thought the Survey Corps isn’t worth to invest in, so they wanted to switch to the Garrison. They were planning to make a scandal once I lose my composure. Seems like that’s it for our partnership.”
On the carriage that brought them back to town from the suburbs, Erwin and Mike talked about their views.
However, it’s different outside the walls, where mankind struggle together. In the battle against the hidden enemies and the titans, Mike’s smelling ability has an important use.
In the rocking carriage, Erwin gave out a bitter smile.
“Your smelling ability is godly, good for you.”
You even know what you didn’t need to know, Mike felt like he saw that look in Erwin’s eyes, snorted, and gave no answer.
…the sound of the rocking carriage, unconsciously turned into the sound of the horses he rode with his comrades.
“S, squad leader! We can’t use this route! There’s the smell of blood!”
“Shut up, Mike Zacharias. We haven’t got any info from the commander.”
“But, this smell, it must be the titans…”
“Don’t talk too much! There aren’t any smoke signals!”
When Mike had just joined the Survey Corps, Erwin hadn’t invented the long-range battle formation, all information was spread by the smoke signals.
“Damn… why didn’t anyone believe me?”
Even when he was young, Mike was able to tell the smell of blood and sense danger. He had detected the enemy’s territory, however, being a new soldier, his idea wasn’t accepted.
“My trainee class is in front of us, if I want to survive…”
At the end of the expedition, Mike lost some comrades. It happened many times until his ability was recognized and he got promoted…
“Mike, we’re arriving soon.”
The rocking carriage made a rocky noise.
“Did I fall asleep?”
“You’ve been asleep for a while.”
Mike sniffed around, and smelt his own tears. The tears flowing from his eyes, probably was caused by the nostalgia of the pain in his dreams.
Without showing it in his face, he looked forward, and casually said:
“You were saying I’m unfortunate.”
“Is it about the smelling ability?
Mike nodded and let out a smile.
“Now that I think about it… it doesn’t hurt as much now because I’m useful in the battles.”
Erwin looked at Mike, who’d suddenly become talkative, and let out a laugh after listening to him.
“I’ll count on you next time.”
“Ahh. As long as it’s within my ability.”
The two of them remained silent as the carriage passed through the town gate; they were the men that commands the Survey Corps.
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pinkspiraling · 1 year
i’m always like omg! i can’t take this anymore i’m at my limit! and i always change nothing and go on and survive
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preeningpisces · 2 months
Choso NSFW Headcanons
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Lemme know if you want me to elaborate/write something about any of these ♥️
18+ content below, mdni, implied chubby f!reader
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❥ Choso is extremely submissive in the way that he will do whatever you want in bed. If you want to be dominated, through your guidance and some trial & error, he’ll do it for you happily. If you want to tie him up & make him cry, he’ll gladly cry the prettiest tears for you
❥ You have to remind him he needs to discover his own wants & desires, rather than going along with whatever you want
❥ Can be very dirty because he doesn’t really have a sense of shame when it comes to sex. For instance, he sees licking your neck no differently than licking your foot, and is confused when you react negatively. He wasn’t exactly raised with any societal/cultural influences on his sexuality
❥ He does some odd shit like bite your armpit and when you chastise him he turns into the sad hamster meme
❥ We all know he busts in like 3 seconds, does it need to be said? He can’t help it—his dick is brand new, fresh off the shelf
❥ Bro cannot get enough when you first start having sex together; he can be pushy at times LOL but will relent & be respectful if you ask him to
❥ Very INTENSE. He prefers positions where he can make eye contact, and this mfer will stare into your soul the whole time. Also likes positions where he can get your tits in his mouth
❥ Doesn’t tend to be playful in bed, but will try to match your energy if you are
❥ Period sex makes him go craaaaazy. He’s all up in there in every way. He earns his red wings immediately
❥ I know in my soul that he’s hairy. He’s a hairy guy! No way he isn’t. Exfoliate your face with his hairy titties
❥ Lowkey into body hair himself, and doesn’t get why people are so obsessed with shaving. Likes feeling your legs when they get prickly, or if the hair is grown out. Absolutely LOVES an 80s bush
❥ On that note, anything that is naturally so human gets him going, like sweat. Kind of into musk too. He’s the type that likes it when you’ve marinated a bit LMFAO kind of pouts if you insist on showering before he goes down on you. So cute
❥ His cum doesn’t shoot, it leaks, and there’s a fuck ton of it. Stroking him through his orgasm is really fucking messy, and really fucking hot
❥ Oh my god he is awful at dirty talk at the beginning, bitch has NO CLUE what to say
❥ He learns tho, don’t you fret. Like I said, he doesn’t really get embarrassed when it comes to sex, but he also has no concept of what’s considered sexy and what’s not. You just have to survive the awkward stage (and maybe share some source material for him to reference)
❥ Fucking loves titties. Even when you aren’t having sex, just cuddling, that’s where he likes to rest his hands the most. If you have heavy tits he’ll offer to support them for you. It’s a genuine act of kindness, but also one he benefits from greatly. Rests his head on your chest when he needs to unwind
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mediacircuspod · 10 months
Obsessed with this scene and will be forever; A very long meta.
Your ‘exactly’ and my ‘exactly’ are different ‘exactly’s’
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The Scene.
Crowley’s exactly means “We need to be safe and together and away from danger. Let me keep you safe.”
Aziraphale’s exactly means “We need to help because it’s the right thing to do, and we fix things when we’re together.”
Note though, that this is the only time they clarify with each other, and they don’t actually say what they mean, they say what they want to do.
“Let’s drop him off and leave him.” Vs. “Let’s take him in and help him.” 
The dissection of this also poses the question, Why does Aziraphale think helping Gabriel is the right thing to do?
And the answer is; Crowley gives him the courage to do what Aziraphale thinks is the right thing and not what heaven decrees is good.
And we can come to this conclusion because Aziraphale for the first time ever, immediately and without hesitation, goes against heaven’s will, without having to be convinced or going through a cycle of indecision or guilt. This is… A. Big. Deal.
Season One. 
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Heaven’s good requires Armageddon to be complete, and under-way. And what does Aziraphale first say about it? “It’s all going to be rather lovely.” “I am not interested[in stopping Armageddon with you].” 
Aziraphale loves the earth in this scene. He loves the people on it. He loves all the creatures great and small. He loves Crowley, too. And he still refuses. He needs Crowley to convince him, and even then he still thinks heaven will see sense once he fixes everything. He still believes that right, and good, and holy are the same thing. Even if sometimes he doesn’t agree with it. 
Now, let’s go through some history. Between the two of them, for sure, but mainly Aziraphale’s. 
An act of defiance; The giving away of a flaming sword. The guilt and worry Aziraphale feels after giving Adam and Eve a chance at survival is not something he gets over quickly. He worries that it was the wrong thing even though it felt right. And the problem isn’t the system that would make doing a good deed the wrong thing, the problem is him. The problem is Aziraphale.
Compliance; The flood. The crucifixion. “God’s a bit tetchy” he says before Mesopotamia is decimated. Aziraphale is clearly uncomfortable with the will of heaven here, but he does not disobey. He does what he is told because the will of God is good and right and correct. He does this same thing with the same reasoning during the Crucifixion of Jesus in 33 AD. Crowley gives us context with a few lines, “Your lot put him up there.” “I showed him all the Kingdoms of the world.” We see a demon who still doesn’t understand why good is so cruel, and knowledge is so evil. And we see an angel that refuses to be conflicted despite his own inherent morality. Because Aziraphale understands why Crowley has questions, he has them too by now. However, Aziraphale has something Crowley didn’t; he has the knowledge of what good intentions and well-meaning questions get an angel.
Doing bad in order to do good. Let’s talk about the Job mini-sode, because let’s be completely real; I’ll never be done talking about the Job mini-sode. 
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Aziraphale starts this episode thwarting evil. Something he is not conflicted about. You have to thwart evil when you’re good. That’s the whole dance at this point. Crowley stops the dance though, he presents a permit. A permit from a higher authority. Meaning that Crowley, the demon, is performing the will of not only Hell, but also of Heaven. A theme that IS THE WHOLE POINT OF SEASON 1. For all their want of a war, heaven and hell want the exact same thing. 
Crowley even states, “The real ‘Big One’ will be between ‘all of them’ and ‘all of us’”. At the end of Season 1 Episode 6.
Aziraphale is horrified by this “permit”. And he goes to check on the validity in heaven, and well. He finds out that it’s real. He doesn’t go higher after that, because he knows you don’t question. He knows he can’t ask why? So he goes to Crowley. If Crowley doesn’t do the evil thing, then Aziraphale doesn’t have to break the rules to thwart it. And well, even though Crowley is a demon, Aziraphale doesn’t actually see him do demonic things all that much. Aziraphale still thinks that Crowley acts like an angel. He’s even starting to think that Crowley is on the side of good. Good being heaven. Crowley denies this, but Aziraphale doesn’t listen. Crowley says, “Kill the blameless Children of Blameless Job” and Aziraphale isn’t going to stop him. The demon has a permit after all. But then something miraculous happens. 
A crow, bleats.
Aziraphale looks at a demon defying heaven, defying hell, and doing good. He doesn’t know it yet, but this is his first glimpse of their side. At this point, Aziraphale still thinks Crowley is a little bit on heavens side, because the demon is a little bit good. But then Crowley keeps saving the Children. Crowley stands before angels and he lies to save the children. He does something bad to do something good. And then.
So does Aziraphale. 
An angel lies to save children. And then that angel thinks that decision is his undoing. He readies himself for a fall that never comes. Because Crowley is going to keep his secret. This is where Aziraphale once again starts acting with his own moral code. It’s important to remember something important though. Aziraphale still thinks he’s the one who’s wrong. Not heaven. The birth of “their side” coincides with the saving of Job’s children. But there’s a problem. 
It doesn’t mean the same thing to each of them. To Crowley it means and end to his loneliness. To Aziraphale it means the beginning of his millennia long struggle of reckoning good with right. Their “exactly’s” don’t match, and they don’t clarify with one another.
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The Book and the Bandstand; Aziraphale doesn’t tell Crowley. He doesn’t say, “Let’s go save the world, I found the anti-christ” He says, “Why would I know his shoe-size?” And Crowley doesn’t suspect a thing. Ouch. They disagree on how to continue. Crowley wants to cut their losses and run away. He wants to do this because he thinks they’ve already lost. And Aziraphale doesn’t give him a reason to hold on because despite everything, Aziraphale wants to be good in the heavenly way. He wants to give heaven a chance to do good, too. A higher authority will surely agree with him. And now, he has the courage to ask. Only after he is turned down by heaven does he make his own decision. He steps into ‘their side’ safely, because Crowley had built it that way. 
And he saves the world. With Crowley, and the Anti-Christ, and a series of human beings. 
Aziraphale retreats to the safety that Crowley has built for them and that he himself has built as well, despite constantly looking over this shoulder. And he finds comfort there. It is the entire reason he finds himself comfortable making his own choices in Season 2, regarding what is good. It’s why he helps Gabriel, and it’s how he gets Crowley to do it too. 
You might even say that Aziraphale embraces ‘their side’ more than ever in Season 2. He includes Crowley in all of his plans, excitedly tells him information he finds, calls the bookshop, the Bentley, and their existence, ours. Oppose this directly with Crowley who, in the name of keeping Aziraphale safe, actually just keeps him in the dark(The threat of extreme sanctions, Gabriel’s trial, etc.)
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Exactly vs Exactly; AND STILL THE ENDING MAKES SENSE. I have a whole meta HERE about the reason Aziraphale made the decision he did, but I want to talk about it a little bit more. Because it’s the same problem. Their “exactly’s” are different, and neither of them asks the other to explain why. 
In this particular case of the ending scene of Season 2, in place of the phrase “exactly” they use the word “together”. 
Aziraphale wants Crowley with him in heaven, because they fix things when they’re together. And Aziraphale has faith they they can fix heaven. “We can be together” is how he presents it to Crowley. Crowley rightly sees this as naive, and he’s upset that Aziraphale thinks he wants to be something he’s not anymore.
He finds it hurtful that Aziraphale wants him to change. 
“We can go off together” Is what Crowley counters. He says all of this is awful, please let us go off somewhere the danger isn’t. Let me keep you safe. Aziraphale doesn’t want to run away. He wants to save the world again. He wants to save it with Crowley. He wants them both to be good, too.
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Only Crowley doesn’t let Aziraphale win this time. Aziraphale isn’t right this time. And Crowley isn’t wrong. (I mean I don't think he's right either, they need to find a compromise that isn't the toxicity of heaven and isn't the loneliness of running away.) This time he says, “It’s finally too much, you’re finally asking me to do too much.” Crowley for the first time ever, when asked to make the decision between the two of them, chooses himself. Neither of them explain themselves, and neither of them asks the other to do it either. Because asking questions has always been dangerous for both of them. Anyway, this season makes my brain buzz and I love the ending so much.
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littlemonday · 2 months
The Emperor, The Ending, and that IGN Article
Note: This analysis was originally written and posted on the Larian forums for Baldur's Gate 3. You can find the original forum post here. This analysis includes a number of outside links to other posts I made on the Larian forums as well as the IGN article I'm referencing through out. If you choose to read the original forum post, I have a number of responses through out the thread. You'll recognize which responses are mine because I use the same name on the forums as I do here - LittleMonday.
This analysis first looks at the ending choices in the game, then transitions into a character analysis of The Emperor. Approximately 3,800 words. Lots of spoilers.
Let me first start out by saying that I love this game. It would be entirely unfair to say that this game is anything less than a triumph. The level of skill that goes into a collaborative process such as the making of a video game with a rich story, compelling characters, complex morality, beautiful animation, and an immersive environment is something that should not be hand-waved away. I’ve enjoyed hundreds of hours playing this game. Having said all of that, here’s (yet another) post of “we need to talk about the ending.”
If you’re unfamiliar with the recent-ish IGN interview with game director Swen Vincke and lead writers Adam Smith and Chrystal Ding, you can find it here. I’ll be focusing on their section of the interview concerning The Emperor and the end game choices.
Let’s talk about the critical decision of siding with Orpheus or The Emperor.
I know a lot of people have pointed out that The Emperor joining the Netherbrain in the end if you side with Orpheus makes no sense, and I think it both does and doesn’t. He has always wanted freedom, and it’s almost certain that the moment he leaves the astral prism without Orpheus’ protection, he’ll be enthralled whether he’s willing or not. The explanation given in the article by Swen and Adam, as well as The Emperor in game, as “survival” feels like a 180 when his ultimate goal has been freedom. Why they chose not to focus on the fact that it’s game over for him as far as his autonomy under this circumstance is puzzling. Which brings me to my next point.
One of my biggest problems with the ending is how contrived the choices are. Along with The Emperor’s 180 mentioned above, Swen and Adam (Chrystal doesn’t say much) seem to have rigidly held on to this plot contrivance of choosing to become a monster, and in doing so, forces a binary ending whether it works within the narrative and gameplay or not.
Swen - “One of the basic questions of the game was whether you would become a monster if it would save the world. So that’s where you get that in that moment. And then the interesting bit was, well, if you’re not going to do it, are you going to ask someone else to do it, or [are] you just going to say, ‘F*ck everybody?’ That’s essentially what that moment was.”
Adam - “There was no way to save the city, save the world without giving up your own identity.”
The thing about a binary choice is that it only works if there truly are no other options available, however, the player has a lot more power and leverage in this situation than the game is willing to let them have. The Emperor wants his freedom and will be enthralled voluntarily or otherwise if he leaves the astral prism and cedes power to Orpheus. It’s also worth mentioning that when you help him defeat the Honour Guard, there’s an option to ask him about assimilating Orpheus, to which he answers that it may not work. So, assimilating is a big risk, and should it fail, he’s back to being a thrall.
Then there’s Orpheus. He cannot leave the astral prism without the players freeing him with the Orphic Hammer and cannot take on the Netherbrain unless he or someone else turns into an illithid. The player has leverage against The Emperor to persuade and/or intimidate him to join with Orpheus, and they also have leverage against Orpheus for the same thing. The whole speech Orpheus gives about how the player should have let his Honour Guard kill them and they would have taken on the Elder Brain before it evolved and became a Netherbrain is either a lie or delusion. You don’t even need to metagame to know this, yet the player has zero dialogue available to call Orpheus on this claim. He and his Honour Guard have been imprisoned in the astral prism for millennia with no means of escape, and no way of impacting the outside world. They weren’t going to stop anything, and yet, through the dialogue choices, the game treats this as though it were a given and that The Emperor held all the cards and kept this from you. He didn’t. He truly is the reason you’re alive to face the Netherbrain. Given the gravity of being on the cusp of The Grand Design, calling Orpheus on the impotence of him and his Honour Guard, and also potentially being under threat of having his brain consumed if he does not cooperate, there is plenty to leverage against Orpheus to get him to at least temporarily ally with the player and The Emperor. If you’ve struck a deal with Voss, you have even more leverage.
Beyond the other options that I believe should be available, I don’t think becoming a monster or “f*ck everybody” comes through in the ending at all. It seems like they expect players to side with Orpheus when there are plenty of role play reasons to side with The Emperor, and then no one has to become a monster, and you still save the city. The Githyanki aren’t even doomed under this ending just like they’re not doomed if Orpheus transforms and dies in the end so he doesn’t live as a mind flayer. If anything, the theme of freedom, autonomy, and alliances, I thought, came through more strongly, both with defeating the Netherbrain and with the companion quests. Under this theme, an option to persuade/intimidate Orpheus and The Emperor to work together actually makes more sense because they have to put aside their hatred for one another to accomplish the same goal of defeating the Netherbrain and obtaining their freedom. The intention seems to have been for the player to make a significant personal sacrifice to save the world, but I just don’t think that it was executed particularly well.
I think this is a good time to say that authorial intent should never be the end of one’s analysis of a text. If an author/director/writer/artist/creator tells you what their intention was, it doesn’t mean the text supports that. We don’t always execute something we create the way we intended to.
And that brings me to the next thing I want to discuss.
Let’s talk about The Emperor as a character.
I want to start out by saying that The Emperor is my favorite character. I enjoy a compelling and nuanced monster that subverts our expectations, and I think The Emperor provides a lot of that while also not living up to his full potential. I’ve already written a post on this forum regarding why I think we need to have a fully fleshed-out romance for The Emperor that you can read here. I’ll be focusing on his writing for this. I wrote at length about what I enjoy about the character in another thread on this forum, that you can find here, but I’ll include a quote:
“What’s unique about The Emperor is how he subverts our expectations. Yes, he’s manipulative, but he never mind controls you. He’s this supposedly asexual creature, yet he’s sexually interested in the player character and is heavily coded as a romantic male lead. He’s also supposed to be this heartless and soulless creature, but expresses care for the player character, and if you romance him, he’s sweet, vulnerable, and sincere. He’s supposed to be part of this hive mind, yet he wants his freedom and actively encourages the player character to form alliances to defeat the Netherbrain. He needs to feed off the brains of others, but avoids the innocent. He may want the player character to change into an illithid, but he leaves that choice entirely to you. He’s alien, yet very human and desires allies and companionship.”
I was under the impression from this interview that Swen largely sees The Emperor as a plot device, while the writers saw him as a character, even if he has a specific purpose in the narrative. There’s even a very awkward part of the interview in which Adam refers to The Emperor as “he,” quickly corrects himself to refer to him as “they,” only for Swen to insist that The Emperor is an “it,” even saying that “we often had this fight” when referring to his pronouns. I personally think that’s a bit revealing, though you may disagree.
For additional context, Swen, Adam, and Chrystal all agree that The Emperor is manipulative and self-serving, but that he never lies to you. Swen will later reiterate this very point when talking about Raphael:
Swen - “Raphael… a lot of what he says you can’t trust, but he is honest. And at one point, if you push him on it, he says, ‘All you are to The Emperor is a pack animal that’s carrying him to where he needs to be.’”
There’s another awkward exchange in which Adam speaks to The Emperor being terrified of going back to the Elder Brain. Swen then remarks:
Swen - “he’s not really terrified he doesn’t have that level of emotion.”
Adam - “Well, yeah, but I think that there’s a level of horror in being… Going back to what he escaped from.”
Now with all of that context laid out, I think his manipulative nature is pretty uncontroversial in the game’s text. He is self-serving - he doesn’t really hide that from you - he speaks in partial truths, and you are a means to an end. At least at first. And, this is where I think he becomes a more complex character whether Swen realizes it or not.
As a side note on how he manipulates the player: there’s this strange bit of dialogue with The Emperor in which you can call him on the fact that he’s hidden information from you throughout your entire alliance, and he responds by acknowledging that, saying that he purposefully lead you to believe that the githyanki Honour Guard were evil beings. I don’t recall this at all. He tells you that they would have killed you because to them you are already illithid, which is all true. It’s a strange bit of dialogue in the end that doesn’t follow what’s been established in the game.
That aside, I’ve heard many people hand-wave away all of his behavior as insincere and solely for the purpose of manipulating the player, however, I think that’s, at best, a shallow reading of the text. He may be manipulating the player character, but that’s hardly the only thing going on, where a character like Raphael is truly only manipulating the player character. In the interview, Swen, Chrystal, and Adam all say that he doesn’t lie, however, I think a more precise way of saying that based on what we see in the game, is that he doesn’t fabricate lies. He doesn’t make up a lie out of whole cloth, but rather omits information that he doesn’t think is relevant, or that doesn’t serve his purpose. Perhaps the most infamous example of this is his relationship with Belynne. As long as you remain on good terms with The Emperor, he frames their relationship as two allies working towards a common goal in The Knights of The Shield. However, if you become hostile, provoke, and dehumanize him, he reveals that Belynne was his unwilling thrall.
I’m hardly the first to point out that this cutscene is a bit suspicious. The timing of such a reveal and The Emperor framing it as “why hide” or “will this make you feel better” is an obvious threat to someone who seems likely to betray you the moment they can. The cutscene also has The Emperor casually revealing his identity to someone other than Belynne, much to this unnamed person’s horror. That is already out of line with how he conducts himself. After her death, we can have this interesting conversation with The Emperor in which he further discusses his relationship with her. With hindsight, it’s obvious that when he says their relationship “was not love” it was “deeper,” and that it was “unique,” he is referring to when she was his thrall. But, he also reveals in some dialogue options that she understood his needs, his desire for freedom, and that she didn’t trust a mind flayer at first, suggesting that she wasn’t initially his thrall. He even describes himself as being “haunted” by memories of her. We don’t know exactly what memories are haunting him, but we do know that the dialogue option with the thrall cutscene, he says to the pc “aren’t you glad I finessed my methods?” Even when he calls you his puppet, at no point in the game will he enthrall you or your party members.
It’s worth mentioning that it is well within DnD lore that mind flayers grow attached to their thralls and mourn their passing, but we later find documents in the game, one from a physician, that when The Emperor came to visit Belynne as her condition progressed, that it eased her “body and mind.” We also find a document suggesting that he was impersonating her through magic as one eye witness account described a floating blue figure, but that it turned out to just be Belynne smiling. I bring all this up because what I believe we’re seeing here is an incomplete portrait of their relationship. I think it suggests that they were once genuine allies before he enthralled her, and that he’s mourning more than just her passing, but also the deterioration of their relationship. I think this also helps to explain why he never enthralls the pc, even if it would mean preventing them from taking some very dangerous paths that jeopardize their mission. The Emperor is an unreliable narrator who speaks in partial truths, so I don’t believe that either version of their relationship you get from him is the whole truth, but is not entirely false either. This game very often takes a more-than-meets-the-eye approach to characters and storylines, so this is well within what we have come to expect from this game. She may have been a means to an end on some level, but she was hardly only a means to an end.
As far as that strange comment from Swen that The Emperor “does not have that level of emotion,” we actually feel his fear regarding the Elder Brain as it’s breaking free from the crown’s control. If the pc romances him, we literally feel that he cares for the pc, and in some interactions of this scene he’ll tell the pc that he enjoys their mind, and refers to their relationship as a bond of love. Before the final battle, one of the NPCs invokes Balduran’s name right before battle, and if you’ve allied with The Emperor, you feel his amusement that they have no idea who he once was. There’s even that scene with the Guardian at the beginning of Act 2 in which a successful insight check reveals that he is hiding the depth of his pain. I know there’s that note that The Emperor left for Ansur about no longer feeling his feelings, but he clearly does feel. He even describes the grief he feels over Belynne as “not entirely unwelcome.” The Emperor is an arrogant and prideful character, and he doesn’t seem to be entirely self aware as to his own humanity because he sees himself, as a mind flayer, to be superior.
For most endings, The Emperor will just depart after defeating the Netherbrain, much like the other companions who also go their separate ways. So, I don’t think this is necessarily an indication that the pc was merely a means to an end. However, (big spoilers here) there are two endings in which he does reveal his feelings for the pc. In a solo ending in which the pc doesn’t transform, he’ll tell them “you have become… important to me. And should our paths cross again, I will be glad to see you.” There’s also an ending where, if the pc transforms into an illithid, he will ask to stay together to rebuild the Knights of the Shield. There’s an option to tell him to think bigger, at which point he’ll say to them “Have I ever told you how much I enjoy you? Lead the way…”
I also want to note that right before the above mentioned exchange with The Emperor, the Narrator has a line that in being a mind flayer, all your companions become tools or food, but then contrasts that with:
“Perhaps you are unique among illithid-kind. Perhaps you will retain enough of who you are to resist your nature. A rogue mind flayer. Like The Emperor.”
This is a pretty straightforward acknowledgement that The Emperor does have the capacity for relationships beyond mere tools for his use.
All this is to say that there seems to be some genuine relationship building with The Emperor, which makes it, in some ways, more strange that he’s so quick to abandon the player and join the Netherbrain should you choose to free Orpheus. Many players have noted that trust is one way with The Emperor, and if that’s the angle Swen and the writers were going with him, then why have The Emperor demonstrate trust in the pc’s leadership? Yes, there are moments in the game in which he admonishes the pc, disagrees with them, attempts to persuade them away from a decision, hell even probes their mind if they lie to him about the meeting with Raphael, but he’s actually very reasonable when it comes to the pc’s autonomy and decision making. If you save the Grove, he’ll even compliment you on your leadership. He’s so hands off in so many ways, but when he does interject about certain quests like the Crèche, Ansur, or The House of Hope, those are extraordinarily dangerous quests that risk everything. They risk you, him, and anyone left behind to be subjected to the Grand Design, but he never stops you. He actually does demonstrate a lot of trust in the pc even if they’re not the most reliable at times.
I said earlier that I think the intended ending was to have the player join with Orpheus, then the pc, or one of the companions turns into an illithid. This requires a sacrifice and sets up this dramatic encounter with The Emperor in which he rides in on a red dragon and summons your dream guardians to fight you. This could have been a powerful moment, however, I think it largely falls flat when you have this forced binary decision with a character, who may be unlikable, but is actually pretty reasonable throughout. If you’ve romanced The Emperor, or are at least on friendly terms, this binary ignores the prior relationship development of the pc being more than a means to an end by not at least allowing for some kind of exchange and option for striking an alliance.
But, let’s just say you have romanced The Emperor, but the twist is that you are merely a means to an end. Well, that’s not clearly laid out either. There’s no moment to confront him, and the only acknowledgment of an intimate relationship comes when he castigates the pc and reminds them that they didn’t “reject” him, but “enjoyed” him. (If anything, that implies you used him). He just leaves and that's that. Along with everything I laid out earlier, it’s not so much a twist, as it’s incomplete writing. This isn’t even the only example of incomplete writing. Remember how your companions were able to witness your night with The Emperor but no one said anything the next morning? The so-called fix was to have The Emperor wipe their memories without any regard for the implications. The pc doesn’t have a dialogue option regarding such an action, and the only vague textual clue that this is something he does is that he may have done some memory manipulation with Belynne’s doctor. However, the doctor can still recall a lot of details of The Emperor’s visits, she just has trouble recalling his appearance. He either doesn’t or can’t completely erase her memory of his visits, even though she finds him suspicious and erasing her memory entirely might be safer for him to do. Other than that, it’s just the one line he speaks that was thrown into the game a couple of patches in. Even then the companions still don’t react to the “enjoyed me” line, or the “fornicated with a mind flayer” line if you side with Orpheus. We love hearing our companions react, so why not have that in there? It would certainly be more entertaining at the very least.
Whether these inconsistencies come down to creative differences between Swen and the two lead writers is speculation. No one was in the writing room with any of them, but this interview was, nonetheless, enlightening in some respects. I do hope that at some point The Emperor can be a fully realized character, and one that’s in line with the depth he is given in the game. And I would hope that would go along with additional ending choices that better reflect the narrative that comes before that crucial decision. A binary choice like the one we currently have doesn’t work for many playthroughs, even if it may work for some. I would like to see that someday reflected in our final choices.
Lastly, while I’ve laid out a fair amount of criticism in this post, my intention was not to cynically nitpick every inconsistency. I even deleted some things I originally planned on including here, because I realized that not all plot contrivances actually weaken the story. I want to repeat that I still love this game, and when I say it’s a triumph, I do sincerely mean that. I know all too often fans may request changes to the game or characters as a sort of wish fulfillment, but those changes would ultimately end up undermining the narrative or themes. I’ve tried my best to avoid that here, and I hope I have.
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 1 month
I am not a psychologist so I have no clue if this is just my own crackpot theory or what. And my apologies if I’m speaking out of my ass here.
We were not made for a fallen world. We were made for Eden. Since we have to live in this world corrupted by sin, the brain does what it has to in order to survive.
A toddler doesn’t know what “hot” means, until one day you warn the child not to touch a plate because it’s “hot,” they touch anyways, they feel the sting, and now they understand what “hot” means. The brain, now acknowledging this is something that can be a threat, has an immediate response to “hot.” Anytime someone says “hot,” we immediately recoil and make sure we don’t touch whatever is believed to be hot. The brain is simply trying to survive.
I think there’s a similar thing happening with trauma response. It’s the brain doing the same thing, but to such an extreme degree that it’s almost impossible to function. If someone survives a near fatal car crash, they may panic when they go near a car. Why? Because the brain has learned this thing to be an immediate and serious threat. The brain is now trained to fear and recoil. If you lived in a war zone and learned to sleep with one eye open so to speak, the brain is now trained to sense danger at every turn, especially when you’re in such a vulnerable state as sleep. You’re living in a constant state of anxiety because you expect a fatal threat. It’s why sudden noises and movements can trigger anxiety.
The brain is doing what it does. It adapts to perceived threats for survival. This heightened state of anxiety is deemed necessary by the brain, but we were not made to live in such a state. We cant. So the brain is, ironically, slowly killing itself. The brain is rewired and burned out and always looking for that next serious threat. It’s always reminding us that the threat looms. It’s where the subconscious lives. It’s why there’s constant anxiety, why there’s nightmares.
Of course, this can be exacerbated if the trauma is accompanied by severe grief or guilt.
This brings me to my point. If you would not tell someone to just pray the cancer away, I don’t think you can tell them to just pray the trauma away. We’re talking about a real physiological problem happening.
I think grief and guilt can be assuaged by the gospel. But the brain’s inner working itself? It’s a medical problem the same as any other. God absolutely can heal trauma same as cancer, but sometimes he doesn’t. Faith can absolutely bring about peace in hardships and give us the strength to carry on, but it’s not a guarantee that God will remove the hardship. That would be prosperity gospel.
And with all of this we can also recognize that certain treatments or habits may help relieve symptoms without fully curing, it exists on a medical spectrum.
And I think this is true about a lot of mental illness.
For the record, I think most mental illness in modern America is actually spiritual illness. And I think most psychologists are looney tunes. But people abusing a certain field of study and being stupid and misdiagnosing doesn’t negate the field of study as a whole.
If every sick person who walks into a doctors office no matter the symptoms gets diagnosed with cancer, it means the doctor is a quack and we have a problem of over diagnosis of a disease. But it doesn’t mean the disease isn’t real and that a certain percentage of the population doesn’t actually suffer from it. That would be a downright foolish thought.
Hormones, brain function, all of it can affect the mind. The brain is a complex organ. We still can’t fully understand it. And I don’t think we ever will. We know the brain can affect the mind. If it didn’t, people with TBIs would never suffer from sudden mental illness or personality shifts.
It seems wholly unchristian to deny the reality of both our body and the fallen state of the world.
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kiss-me-cill-me · 5 months
Can we get a part 2 of morning light where Jim gets to do all the things he wants to do to her 🙏
Okay, you've all convinced me. The world clearly demands more Jim, and who am I to deny the world? Nothing too crazy going on here, because I honestly see him as the type to still be a little hesitant in this situation, but he does get to have a bit more fun in this one lol.
Moon Light
Pairing: Jim (28 Days Later) x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Maybe moments of peace aren't as rare as you'd think, even during the apocalypse. Although, if you have anything to say about it, not all of Jim's moments with you will be quite so peaceful as the first.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of reader's recent loss of virginity, hair pulling, maybe some light manhandling, corruption kink if you really squint
A/N: This is a sequel to Morning Light, which you can read HERE!
***Please read the warnings before continuing. Minors DNI***
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The end of a long day always makes you eager to crawl into bed. That heavy feeling that sweeps over your limbs after many hours of arduous hard work - scavenging or gardening or doing any one of the other dozens of small chores necessary for survival - is like a siren’s call to the pile of blankets that wait to enshroud you and Jim every night.
Today has been long for a… slightly different reason than usual. After your slow start to the day, it's been hard to focus on anything else but Jim. And now, pleasant memories of your shared morning together still float through your head as you press back lightly against Jim’s chest; the steady rise and fall of his breath lulling you into a state of half-sleep.
Jim’s body suddenly twitches behind you; his arms contracting momentarily as he falls deeper into his own slumber. You stir, roused from the edges of some dream that had been almost ready to claim you.
“Sorry, love - go back to sleep,” Jim murmurs. 
He places a soft kiss on your temple, brushing his lips over a stray beam of moonlight that lands on the side of your face. You settle back, burrowing into the crevice of Jim’s arm that’s wrapped securely around you.
“M’not asleep,” you say, dreamily.
“Sounds like you are,” Jim teases, his breath still pleasantly warm on your neck.
He’s already nestled back into the pillows, nose pressing into the crook of your neck, lips lazily kissing you as he speaks.
“I’m not,” you insist, your voice a bit steadier.
And it’s true. You haven’t been able to sleep, even if you may have been teetering over the edge of it just a few seconds ago.
“Something wrong?” Jim asks. His own voice is sleepy but still clear; concern washing over his words as he pulls you just a bit closer.
“No. Just… thinking about earlier,” you reply.
Jim’s fingers against your waist tighten; almost too softly to notice. You might not have if not for the way your senses seem to be heightened; anticipating even the smallest movement.
“Earlier?” Jim’s voice now has the faintest hint of suggestion. “What’cha thinkin’ about earlier for?”
Your body wiggles against him; unable to hide your excitement at his slight teasing. As your back brushes just a bit lower, you don’t miss the feeling of something hard pressed up against you.
“Jim!” you squeal.
“What? You’re the one thinkin’ about it,” he hums, playfully holding your hips against his.
And he’s right; your mind is running wild. Racing with all kinds of thoughts and ideas about what he could do to you now. Now that you’d given yourself to him once. 
There’s still so much time for you to explore, and to have him help you discover this new and exciting part of life. But… why bother to wait to get started?
“Jim…” you sigh, grinding back into him.
“What is it, love?”
He’s gentle as always, letting you take the lead. You press back even a little harder, testing the limits of his resolve.
“Touch me, Jim. Please.”
Jim doesn’t waste even a second with asking you whether you’re sure, this time. He must know, with the way your back arches into him, how badly you want him again. His hand snakes down, not quickly and not slow. Trying to hide his eagerness, unsuccessfully. You hum as he pushes past your waistband. All you have on is a pair of lace panties, and not much else aside from an old t-shirt. No wonder you were both getting ideas.
“You really have been thinking of me,” Jim laughs.
His fingers curl into the wetness that’s already gathered between your legs, not quite pushing past the soft resistance - to the place where you want him most desperately. Your walls flutter at the absence.
“’Course I have,” you reply. “Liked it that much, did ya?”
Jim’s voice is still slurred, heavy with the remnants of sleep even though he’s fully awake now. Before you can think of a response, you’re cut off by your own sudden gasp, as Jim’s fingers finally press inside you.
“Too much?” he asks.
“No - keep going. I like it.”
“Mmm. Wanna do more than just think about me?” Jim teases. “Want me to stop you from gettin’ yourself all bothered?”
The word comes out a bit more desperately than you’d meant it to. But there’s no stopping yourself as Jim curls his fingers inside you, coaxing out more breathy sighs as you whimper against him.
Jim drags his fingers out of you, only to bring them up to pull down at your panties. You help him maneuver them over your hips, lifting your legs once they slide past your knees so that you can snatch them away. Under the blankets, Jim hurries to slip out of his own boxers. He’s wearing even less clothing than you are. All that’s between you now is your thin t-shirt.
“Wanna take this off, too?” Jim asks, tugging at the hem of your shirt. 
You sit up for a second to pull the shirt off, then settle back down to rest against Jim’s chest. He’s already pressing between your thighs; rutting himself through the tight space of your legs. One of his hands comes up to messily grab at your breast; his fingertips pressing into the soft flesh.
“Want me to be gentle again, love?”
Your throat clenches at the dark tint in his words. You think back again to earlier, when Jim had promised to let himself do things to you that might break the rickety old bed that you shared. Now that you’ve gotten your first taste of intimacy, you’re thrillingly eager to learn about other, slightly less soft and gentle sides.
“Am I allowed to say no?” you breathe.
“Only if you want to,” Jim says, laughing a little.
His hips thrust just a bit more roughly against you as you squeeze your thighs together. The drag of his hard length between your legs is making your head spin already. Jim brings his lips up to rest against your ear.
“You’re not the one who needs my permission, you know,” he teases. “Already told you how badly I’d like to have my way with you.”
You bring a hand up to cup over his, still squeezing into your breast. Your fingers brush lightly for just a moment, before clamping down and pressing his touch into your skin with an intensity that's unlike anything he’s dared to give you.
“Then no,” you say, your voice sounding soft even in the silence of the dark room. “This time, I don’t want to be gentle.”
Jim tears his hand away, leaving the soft flesh of your breast to instead grab roughly at your hip. In one swift movement, he has you pressed into the mattress, your chest shoved against the sheets as the blanket over you is torn off. He leans down to whisper in your ear, his voice a bit huskier now.
“I was kind of hoping you’d say that,” he admits, before pressing a quick kiss to the side of your face. “Just promise to let me know if you need me to stop.”
You don’t have a chance to reply before Jim is pressing inside of you, taking it fairly slowly at first to give you a chance to adjust, but clawing against your hips the deeper he gets. You let out a soft whine, but press back to make him slide further into you, silently letting him know to continue.
The feeling is strange again at first, but now that you know what to expect, you adjust quickly. Jim stays still for a moment, then tilts his hips, hitting the same spot inside you that made you go crazy earlier. You see sparks, and grab at the bedsheets.
“You take me so well,” Jim praises, starting to move at a slow rhythm.
You arch your back, desperate for him to do more; go faster. He’s still being too gentle, and while part of you is grateful, what you really want is for him to let loose. He’s strong, though, and each thrust pushes you into the mattress. Your hips rise to meet him, and your face presses deeper into the pillow.
“You’ve got no clue how hard it is to hold back with you,” Jim growls above you.
You feel your walls clench down around him, and Jim lets out a hiss. His fingers are so tight against your hips that it feels like he might sink into your skin. You moan, desperate for more; desperate to make him pump into you and chase his own high.
“Don’t hold back, then,” you beg, wriggling as much as you can with him holding you.
“You need to pace yourself, love,” Jim grunts, the exertion of restraint creeping into his voice.
“I told you to not be gentle.”
Your voice is almost a whine at this point, and you feel Jim’s hips stutter against you. He regains his composure quickly, pistoning in with another sharp thrust. That’s more like it, and you hum in approval. 
“This still too gentle for you?” Jim teases, leaning down to press into your back. “God - fuck her once and she’s already begging for me to corrupt her.”
You let out a small squeak as Jim grabs a generous fist of your hair, pulling your neck back a few inches as he gives it a soft tug at the roots. 
“But alright, love. I can be a bit rough with ya.” Jim pulls your hair again, and you sigh, sinfully. “Too bad, though. You were such a nice girl.”
The smirk in Jim’s words makes you grin. This is exactly what you wanted from him, and you listen with growing thirst as the sound of his hips snapping into you fills the small room. His pace is getting faster now; the sound of his breath speeding up to match. His fingers tangle in your hair, pulling back sharply with each thrust. You let yourself give in to the pleasure of knowing he's close; enjoying the ride as Jim chases his high. All of a sudden, he stops - pulls out and flips you over so that you’re laid on your back, looking up at him.
“Touch yourself,” Jim gasps, lining back up without pause. “Wanna see your face when you come.”
It takes you a second, between the distracting heat that blossoms over your chest, and the feel of him pressing back into you; stretching your walls as he picks up just where he left off. But you do, once you’ve gathered your thoughts well enough, bring a hand down to play with yourself as Jim continues to thrust.
“Fuck - might not last long enough for you to do it,” Jim laughs, more than a little out of breath. 
He stops, pressing into you one more time before pulling back, still half inside of you as he looks down, watching your fingers knead over your clit.
“That’s it, love. Oh, fuck - keep going. Need you to come like this.”
He starts to move again, more hesitantly. Wary of finishing before you’ve had a chance to do the same. It’s hard not to make quick work of yourself with Jim nearly growling over you, and soon you feel yourself tip over the edge.
Jim lets out a string of curses as you feel yourself clench hard around him. And just as quickly, he’s lifting you up, one hand snaking under your waist while the other comes up to grab hold of the headboard. He pounds into you with your hips raised shakily off of the mattress, desperate and making you grab at the bed sheets just to avoid getting pushed by the force. 
Finally, Jim pulls out with a sharp breath, letting himself sink down to nestle his face in your neck as he screams weakly.
“Shhhhit… fuck,” Jim groans. 
He’s still holding you up, your body half hovering over the mattress, your shoulders pressed into the pillows. The sheets below you are ruined, to say the least - until you have a chance to bring them down to the river and wash them, in any case.
“Sorry,” Jim laughs, clearly embarrassed. “Got a little carried away there…”
You giggle and look up at him still bracing himself against the headboard. Carefully, you push Jim across to the less messy side of the bed, flipping him over. Once he’s on his back, you straddle him, feeling the dampness that still lingers against your core as it presses into his stomach.
“Why do I have a very bad feeling that I’ve awakened something in you?” Jim chuckles.
You don’t reply, until you’ve had a chance to lean down and give him a long, steamy kiss on the lips. Only then do you pull away.
“Because you have,” you confirm.
You and Jim both laugh as he flips you over again so that you’re stretched out below him, looking up at his playful eyes in the hazy moonlight. 
“Well, since the sheets are already half ruined,” Jim says. “What d’you say we finish ‘em off?”
You nod, already wrapping your legs around him.
“Told you I didn’t mind sleeping on the floor,” you laugh.
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arctophyllax · 7 months
*clears throat* why I think Larian should let us recruit Zevlor:
More people are desperate for Zevlor than I thought at first. We all want to see him happy. We all want him to get all that he deserves and more. He just has SO much potential, he’s such a well written character just for his story to get cut off so suddenly? Thinking about how badly his story was neglected by Larian after they made us so attached breaks my heart. Of all side characters we met along the acts he is undeniably one of the most important and memorable ones; we fought for him, we saved him, we helped him, hells we even get the option to reject his payment for us for helping him and his people.
We practically got nothing out of helping him, especially the ones who reject his payments and i find myself rejecting the payment every single playthrough because i can’t find it in my heart to take something away from people who have nothing left already. If you betray the tieflings you get Minthara- and yes that may cost you certain companions too, but wouldn’t it be fair to be able to have Zevlor at camp if we save his people? At least after we save him in act 2? That way it would still be optional but god I need him so badly, I need to see him happy, I need Larian to let me look after him and take care of him and make sure that he doesn’t drown in sorrow and I know everyone who reads this feels exactly the same.
He went through so much, and every time his hope returned it got shattered to bits again. And it just feels like we’re forced to “give up” on him after we let him wander away in act 2. It doesn’t feel right. It will never feel right. We saw how miserable he was in that pod, how distressed and in pain he was. Common sense would have told us to take him with us. Make sure he fucking survives the night without doing anything stupid. Clean him off the blood and clean him off his worries, all that self hatred.
God, do I so hate to see him in such distress. And while a tiny part of me believes that death might have actually been a small mercy for him I was and will never be ready to give up on him.
Every time I see him on that damned screen, every time he speaks and every time I witness him interact with someone I DON’T see an oathbreaker who failed his people and had to be saved from being consumed by the Absolute. All I see is a competent leader who carries a burden not meant to be carried by one person alone.
This has nothing to do with him being weak. This has nothing to to with him being incompetent or not careful enough. This has nothing to do with any lost faith or broken oath. This has to do with the fact that he is so selfless that he wouldn’t allow himself to share this burden with anyone.
Yes he has (had?) his fellow tieflings, he has Tilses right beside him all of the time. But did he ever open up to her? Does he ever accept any help from his own people while he knows that they are already suffering? Would he EVER allow ANY of these people to carry even a SLIVER of his burden?
No. He would not. He would NEVER let them bear any of those duties, he has seen them in way too much pain already, seen them suffer far too often.
He is the type who gives and gives and gives and he never takes. He doesn’t know how to take, take anything positive.
His past, his comrades, his Hellriders- yes he had them. They gave him as much as he gave them. But they got torn away from him, cruelly and mercilessly.
His people, the refugees, family- he had them. And they gave him the respect and admiration he deserved. But they got torn away from him. Cruelly. Mercilessly.
His saviour, us, Tav- he had us. But we left him. Because we had no choice. We watched him walk of as though it was nothing. Cruelly. Because we could do nothing else.
And yes, I will always see red at that. Because we SHOULD be able to do better. We shouldn’t be just another loss for him.
And I will personally fistfight Larian if it meant hope for just a single chance at giving Zevlor what he never allowed himself to have: stability, encouragement. Someone he can rely on and share his burden with. A rest. Peace.
(Larian do you hear me I am under your bed we are going to fight)
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(Scratch would like him to stay at camp, too)
(And what Scratch wants, Scratch gets. Right?)
(No because when you talk to Scratch the second time at camp during the tiefling party he actually says that he wouldn’t mind if you kept the tieflings at camp… trust me, Scratch, i wouldn’t mind either)
…I’d honestly die for him who’s with me
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youledmehere · 1 month
Why do you like Rick and Michonne’s characters? (love them too just want to know what you like about them individually)
rick is just one of the best male characters to ever exist. i like that he’s strong but he’s always a family man first and foremost. he would do anything for his loved ones as we’ve seen throughout the show. he’s also so sacrificial, and something about that scratches an itch in my brain. he’s still caring and compassionate despite having to do some of the worst things in order to survive. he’s perceptive, smart and his mind is just always working?? if that makes sense? like that man constantly has plan after plan no matter the circumstances. i also think he’s the best leader and nothing will ever convince me otherwise. he constantly makes the hard decisions and is always stepping up when no one else will. he also just genuinely cares about people still which in that world means a lot. he doesn’t let the power he has ever go to his head. he doesn’t feel threatened by other powerful people and instead wants to work with them. he’s just a good man still, even in an apocalyptic world. it also helps that andrew lincoln is so goddamn talented. there will never be another rick grimes.
and michonne will always be my favorite character. she’s been my favorite since her entrance. she just has a certain presence that makes me watch her in awe. she’s very resourceful and pragmatic, her creativity with walkers especially is something that stands out and shows she thinks outside the box. i think her progression as a character is severely underrated because people just want her to stand there and look cool while having bad ass moments. she also came on the show already knowing how to kill walkers and survive on her own so people overlook her even more in terms of growth. she’s obviously iconic with her look and katana and being such a powerhouse but she has a one of the most biggest journeys in the show. she goes from being a closed off loner to an integral part of the group and a leader in her own right! she’s very loyal but she’s also not afraid to voice her opinions. she’s strong both physically and mentally. she’s highly skilled. she doesn’t take shit from people and knows when things or situations don’t sound right. she’s good at reading people. she just always makes sense and works hard to improve whatever problems arise. she’s someone who loves fiercely and is protective of her loved ones. she also has a fun side and a sense of humor. she is still a warrior while also being a mother and wife. she’s just well balanced and someone to admire. and honestly danai is the reason michonne as a character has so much more depth and personality, writing aside she does so much with so little sometimes and she is always a stand out.
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lennadanvers · 2 months
Pure Imagination: braiding his hair
This has been sitting in my drafts for too ling and I'm not sure how much I like it anymore. Still, Eddie is a smol overstimulated boy with sensory issues and he deserves comfort. Thanks for reading, please consider reblogging and/or commenting on top of liking, it makes me kick my feet and squeak.
Sometimes, Eddie hurts himself. Not physically, but his head just spits horrible thoughts at him. He has to find something to soothe the hurt.
On days like that, he gets easily frustrated. He opens the cabinets, and there is no coffee left. He goes out and the van doesn’t turn on until after the fifth try. The store is closed- he doesn’t even take the time to read why in the little note hanging by the door.
When he gets home, he takes a shower, maybe that’ll make him feel better. It doesn’t. Eddie comes out of the bathroom with his hair all tangled and dripping down the back of his t-shirt. He’s frustrated, angry just because, tired and wants to punch his bed until it’s all out. But he’s learned that it won’t fix anything.
So he closes his eyes and drops the towel next to his bare feet. Takes a deep breath. In. His eyebrows relax, his shoulders go down. Out. His belly goes soft.
Your hands hold his. Thumbs going in circles, you ground him. In. Out. You breathe with him. Eddie can feel the air that leaves you caressing his neck. He sighs.
“Come on, Eddie” you direct him to his bed. “Sit down here. I’ll take care of it, it'll be alright.”
He knows.
Eddie does as the invisible version of you says. He bows and lets his body fall on the floor, back against his bed. He shivers when he feels the rough carpet scratching his thighs. It’s almost worse than the jeans he chose not to put on. At least he’s wearing boxers.
He bites his lip. In. Out.
Eddie raises his your hand and lets it softly fall on top of the wet mess that is currently his head. In. Out. You’re sitting on his bed, behind him. It feels like you’re caressing his hair more than detangling it. One curl at a time. He focuses on you.
Eddie finds your smell comforting. Sometimes he feels like a creep for thinking about it. For knowing your scent. But it was a huge help, back in school. When Eddie was having a bad day, he prayed he would walk past you in the hallways at Hawkins High. If he had class with you that day, Eddie knew he was saved.
He'd sit as close to you as possible. When Eddie he's having a bad day, it’s like his senses are heightened; so it was usually enough. He’d close his eyes, trying to ignore the awful yellow of the lights, the way his skin was crawling under his jeans, the screeching of chairs, the teenage laughs and any disgusting high school smell. Except yours, of course, that wasn’t disgusting at all. It was subtle. Soft. Not overwhelming, unlike literally everything else. Calming. Warm. Quiet.
When the world was horrible, rough, when it felt like his skin was raw and the noise made his nerves stand on edge, your smell was like a calming bubble. A balm for his soul. Maybe you didn’t really wear perfume, he isn’t sure, even after all these years. Maybe it was just your lotion, your conditioner, you. He had never been able to find either of those at the supermarket.
Your scent was a shelter for his stray senses. He used to spend the whole class calming down. After breathing you in, he felt like a person again. Like he was the owner of his own body.
Surviving the day after that was easy. He was horribly tired, of course, but felt a soft relaxation.
That’s what Eddie is desperate to feel now.
The detangling starts at the end of his hair, little droplets of water falling all over him (in, out). Fingers getting caught on small knots, gentle pulling, soft caress. One strand free. Wet skin, soft hair; in, out, another strand. Eddie slowly melts against whatever surface is there to carry his weight. The bed behind him is soft, it could easily be mistaken for your legs. And the hum of the neighbor’s AC sounds like your voice whispering something. Yes, definitely. Fingers, water, strand. In. Out.
Once his damp hair is (mostly) free of unnerving knots and falling over Eddie’s shoulders (in, out), it is separated on three wavy strands. You know how keeping it tied up in buns or ponytails bothers him sometimes. How the weight of his hair on top of his thoughts is just too much. In and out; your patient hands are braiding his hair away. Finally, it’s not dripping anymore. His shoulders are free. Eddie sighs.
Your perfect hands finish the braid and he’s never felt more thankful. He lets his body fall to the side and his cheek lands on the bed your lap, where it’s soft and safe. Eddie falls asleep like that. The next time he sees you (at the grocery store parking lot, are you in town just for the holidays?), Eddie has to stop himself from shouting “Thank you, mighty lady!” out of his van’s window.
Pure Imagination Masterlist
Taglist: @hellfirenacht @whataboutbibi @daisyridleyss
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loversmantra · 6 months
keeping quiet.
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content. geto suguru x reader. typical geto hurt, no comfort, gn!reader, geto is implied to be taller than reader, arguing, brief gorey imagery but it is very light, me remembering halfway that he really does have a point, discussion of whether non-sorcerers deserve to live or not lmao, uh yeah he's not doing well but tbh no one is
wc. 1.2k
message from noe. is this the thing that kills my writer's block? is it? regardless, look guys! i wrote a thing!
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the question is as unexpected as what will come next.
you’ve had a habit of sneaking in suguru’s dorm lately. he says having you close helps him sleep. you know he never does – he watches you breathe until the sun rises. you know he’s lying to make you feel better about yourself – like you’re succeeding, you’re healing him, he’s getting better thanks to you. you hate it.
you notice all his bad habits: it’s not just the sleepless nights. he’s picked up smoking from shoko. he rarely eats, rarely even drinks water. he trains a lot – a lot more than his body can take.
he lies. all the time.
‘i’m fine.’
‘i’m fine.’
‘i’m fine.’
he lies.
you see everything, you notice everything, but you can’t bring it up. he deflects, he pushes back, and you’re afraid you can barely call yourself his partner anymore – not when you spend more time away on missions than with him. you’re afraid you’re making him angry with all your questions – when you feel like the Suguru you see when you’re with him, between the endless back-to-back missions, is no longer him but rather a remnant, a ghost of the boy he used to be. you’re afraid he’ll leave if you keep insisting – because most the time you spend together these days is spent with you sleeping and him watching you. so you keep quiet. you keep quiet so you can keep him.
you’re afraid, and you’re tired, and he’s tired, and you watch as he wastes away.
you see everything, you notice everything, yet somehow the question is as unexpected–
“what if we kill them all?”
–as what will come next.
you’re not sure you’ve heard him correctly, at first. it’s late, you’re already half asleep, and he’s holding you tight against his warm, warm chest. his voice is a devilish whisper in your ear. a challenge. a plea.
you rise on your elbow and turn to look at him. words fail you, and very intelligently, you say:
you think you see the ghost of a smile gracing his lips, and you would be overjoyed if he hadn’t just suggested actual murder in the most serious tone you’ve ever heard from him.
“you heard me,” he murmurs.
oh, you heard him.
“who do you want to kill?” you ask, but you know the answer. damn it, you know the answer.
suguru’s no stranger to killing, to death – to dying. kill them all, he said. kill them all…
what you want to know isn’t who. what you want to know is if he’s willing to say it out loud, in front of you. right to your face. he hasn’t been the same. you saw.
“the non-sorcerers.”
he says it like it’s an insult, like the very idea of them is appalling.
“what?” you scoff, disbelieving yet somehow not surprised. “what’s the point of that?”
“what’s the point?” he too rises on his elbow. you’re no longer looking down at him, you’re forced to tilt your chain and look up. it’s uncomfortable; it’s always like that with him. why would sharing a bed be any different?
“the point,” suguru starts again, and the emptiness, the raw coldness of his voice paralyzes you, “is to stop sorcerers from dying.”
“so you want to prevent deaths by causing deaths?”
it doesn’t make sense to you, what he’s saying. he who was so hellbent on ‘protecting the weak’– where has he gone? what is he doing?
“these… they’re the reason we’re dying. all i want is our survival.”
he’s looking at you, but it almost feels like he’s piercing right through, digging through the tender flesh to try and touch your heart itself. is he trying to convince you?
“suguru,” you sigh and sit up, rubbing your eyes – stalling for time, “do you really want to have this conversation now?”
he follows. once again, your chin tilts up so can look him in the eye. “now’s as good a time as any,” is what he tells you in reply.
you’re about to reprimand him, to demand he elaborates, because you’re really just in the dark here – but he does so on his own.
“why should we suffer so they can prosper? why do we have to die while they thrive and multiply?”
“they can’t defend themselves against curses, suguru–“
“curses that they create, curses that we have to eradicate at any cost,” he breathes and his voice breaks. you know exactly what he’s talking about. who he’s talking about.
you can almost see it: the mountain of bodies the school is built on. you can almost taste it – the blood on their hands.
but this isn’t the way, you know it.
“they’re killing us,” suguru says, and you know he’s talking about non-sorcerers, but that isn’t who you’re thinking of.
“curses are killing us, suguru.”
“curses born from non-sorcerers.”
“non-sorcerers don’t even know that they’re–“
“even worse,” he snaps, eyes hardening in a way you’re not sure you’ve seen before. “they get to remain blissfully ignorant while we’re dropping like flies.”
“and what about the non-sorcerers who die? those we can’t save?”
it’s getting harder and harder to keep your voice down – it’s still the middle of the night, and you really don’t want to wake satoru , or he’ll get pissy and bother you all day.. you pause and take a deep, cooling breath.
a cloud passes, and the shadow settles on suguru’s face. his eyes are hidden, his lips shine in the moonlight.
“think about it,” you pick up right where you left off, at a more acceptable volume. “think about all of those who had to die confused and terrified because they simply had no idea of what was happening. they’re people, too.”
“you’re right,” he whispers, and for a moment you see the light return to his eyes. you see hope.
it’s extinguished just as quickly as it’s appeared.
“you’re right,” he says again, “they get to be people, but we’re just the meat shields that stand between them and oblivion.”
you feel your face fall and watch as suguru’s does the exact same, mirroring your expression perfectly. is he sad that you’re upset? you have every right to be upset. he’s so cold. so empty.
he isn’t listening. you can’t reach him. your words can’t touch him.
“i’m sorry,” he starts again, “i didn’t… i didn’t mean to hurt you. i don’t think of you like that.”
you watch his hand rise and reach for your cheek, and you’re not sure where the urge comes from– something almost animal–
you flinch away from him, and something in his eyes breaks.
“let’s just go to sleep,” you rasp, hurriedly laying back down with your back to him. “you have a mission tomorrow, you need the rest.”
“don’t we deserve to live?” he asks. he sounds so fragile.
not like this, your mind screams. not like this.
“it’s jujutsu society that needs to change,” you breathe. “satoru has the right idea.”
“of course, gojo satoru is always right…” he’s so busy being petty, you wonder if he’s even processed what you said.
he’s quiet for a long moment after that. is he actually pondering on the idea?
“what we need,” he lets out with finality, “is to strike the evil at the source.”
you keep quiet. you feel him lay back down and slide under the covers. then you feel his fingers brush against your nape. you fall asleep to his voice saying: “i love you.”
what comes next is something completely unexpected. you never see him again.
keeping quiet didn’t help you keep him.
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LOVERSMANTRA © 2023, all rights reserved. do not translate, crosspost, or copy. steal my work and i'll steal your kneecaps. bitch.
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sparks-olivarpente · 8 months
the Stranger Fics
(byler fics with unexpected powers or twists)
Turns out a lot of my favorite fics enter this category. Feel free to reblog and add fics you love :)
In the Eye of a Hurricane (It's You and Me) by Julia_Skysong "Jonathan, why…why am I with dad on the security tape????" Lonnie Byers is a royal piece of shit. Will finds out he has powers and understandably has a meltdown about it, and Mike helps him through it.
over a bridge of time by @sevensided Hawkins isn't the same without Will. So Mike goes to visit him in Chicago. Then strange things happen… Second part of the awesome serie THE DARK MIRROR and of course you should read the whole thing :)
I know the end by @cosmobrain00 The worst-case scenario has happened. … and that's all the summary you'll get from me! an ongoing serie that keeps getting better and better (or worse and worse, depending on the point of view). Tags: #Mind Manipulation #Will has powers
them’s the breaks by emelinelou Three years after moving to California, one Will Byers shows up - read: dimension-teleports or something - back in Hawkins. In the corner of Mike's bedroom. In the middle of the night. Turns out this is a bad thing, namely for Mike and Mike's sanity.
captured ghosts by etchedstars ghosts from will's past come back to haunt this. literally or metaphorically is up to audience interpretation. Some favorite tags: #plot relevant cuddles #will gets to be sarcastic #he also commits crime
Come Hell, High Water by naiesu “It’s been months, Mike,” Lucas says, staring at Mike, hard. Mike can’t remember a time he didn’t look at him that way. “Will is a cold case. You need to accept that.” The dream-like parts are amazingly written <3
yesterFriday by nbfutureboy (@futureboy-ao3) Will Byers wakes up as usual one Friday morning - he worries about his family, his History test, and telling the people he loves that he doesn’t Like Girls in that way. Then he does it again. [Groundhog Day AU where Will gets stuck in a time loop.]
a strange education (reach out and touch me) by Total_Serene (@total-serene560) 16 year old Mike Wheeler wakes up in the middle of a highway in Indiana. He can't remember what happened, but he knows three things: He was going somewhere, it was supposed to be night, and he had taken Nancy's car. The mystery in this one…!!!
The Basement by olliecoddle (@souverian-are-we) Will and Mike spend their days in a little run-down house in the Upper Peninsula with dated furniture and peeling wallpaper, two sinking recliners next to each other. But there is a beast in the basement.
A Stranger Things Ghost Story by Junigatsu84 It is the Summer of 1983, before all the horrors that befall Hawkins. The boys are looking for their own mystery to solve and find a haunted house. It’s a shame Will is the only one to see it.
Back to the Future (with Mike Wheeler) by Nymphadoragreenleaf On a list of the top five most unexpected things to happen to Mike Wheeler, traveling 10 years into the future has got to take the top spot. The half-naked man claiming to be his best friend might be number two. Alternatively known as, Mike Wheeler tries to survive a week in the 90's and figures a couple of things out along the way.
You are the Heart by TouchTheSky A fever-dream, mucho-feels, super long, semi-fix-it, version of Season 5. i feel like i know you (but we never met) by @andiwriteordie “Who?” Mike’s voice breaks again, and Joyce chokes back a sob. “Joyce, who… who was he?” Or: The one in which Will Byers doesn't exist… At least not anymore.
with all my heart by mogiah (@morganee) what happens when Birthdaygate and Lettergate meet. or another one in which Will doesn't exist anymore
i've come home, i'm so cold by astrobi (@astrobei) Will's trying his hardest to make it through fall semester in one piece. Unfortunately for his degree, he's being haunted by maybe-feelings for his best friend (metaphorically), and also a maybe-ghost with rather abysmal fashion sense (literally). The fic that made me decide to spend the rest of my life that year reading fics
Blackout by Tea_For_One_Please as if their senior year of high school wasn't complicated enough, the Party find themselves investigating an accidental death, believing it to be connected to a similar event nearly two decades earlier. Just normal teenager stuff, right? This one hasn't been updated for a while but I remember enjoying the plot and mystery a lot
baby, we’re perfect by bookinit (@bookinit02) Senior year in Hawkins. Will and Mike figure some things out. I'm not allowed to say anything else about this fic. To quote the author: "brace yourselves. sorry in advance."
you were bigger than the whole sky by delusionaltogether (@parkitaco) Mike breathes out sharply, sinking to his knees in front of Will without conscious thought. Every bone in his body is turning to jelly, because Will is here, but he's also- not. on march 29th, 1986, will byers vanishes for a second time. 366 days later, he reappears.
This is where it starts by cottonscent While the rest of the party moved on and forgot once the gate closed Will kept exploring, and the connection he formed to the other dimension it actually a lot more complex than what they originally thought.
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anaslair · 4 months
Hiii, I wanted to give the match ups a try cause why not. I go by she/her and prefer to be matched with a male character, I’m also underaged. Oh and I’d prefer to be a demigod, personally I think I’d be the daughter of Hestia or maybeee Hephaestus or Apollo, idrk 😭. Anywaysss, about me. I loveee music/art/film, really anything creative, like I have a deep appreciation for them and artists. I actually used to go to a performing arts school. I also love nature and appreciate that as well. Like, I love going on hikes when I can and even just looking at the beauty of the nature wherever I am. I’m not really much of a sports person, like I love playing but I wouldn’t do anything professionally. I do martial arts though, which is definitely a biggg passion of mine. As a person, although it doesn’t necessarily feel like it to me, sometimes I’m pretty sure I’m fairly outgoing, at least more than other people I know. But I’m also the type of person to really open up and become more social and talkative the more you get to know me. Oh and final thing, I think I’m pretty books smart but not very streets smart, if you know what I mean. 😀 Anywayssss thanks for reading all of this if you did, it’d be really cool to hear back from you!! 🫶🫶
So, it’s not that well known, but Hestia is actually one of the virgin godesses of Olympus (like Artemis and Athena). But!!! We COULD pretend she has kids like Athena does 👀 ✨just because she wants to✨
Like, Athena’s kids come from her mind… maybe Hestia’s could come from her heart? Like figuratively maybe? She’s the goddess of hearth & home so it could kind of make sense? Pls bear with me this will go rlly well with who I’m matching you with so let’s just go with it 🤓
Also the nature thing UGHHH, I always had this head cannon that Percy became a bit of a nature activist after witnessing Pan’s death 😩😩😩 Anyway let’s get to it, I really hope you like this 🫶
Tysm for requesting!!! Have a great day <3
I match you with…
Percy Jackson!!
The requester is a minor and so is Percy at this stage of the books!!
After the second titan war ended, Percy started to value some things way more than he did before it all went down
Not to say he was an ungrateful person, far from it. Percy really did have a heart of gold and often put his loved ones above his own personal needs. Loyalty was his fatal flaw after all
But there was just some things he felt he didn’t pay much attention to before the war, like Hestia for example. The goddess practically lived on camp grounds and he barely even acknowledged her before she saved him when he needed it the most, reminding him what was most important when everything was falling apart during the war
Or Pan. the god of the wild had practically died in front of him, telling him and his friends that the future of nature, of the world they lived in was actually in their hands. Everyone had to do their part for it to survive
He had to pay them back somehow, honor them
So that’s why he was THRILLED when the first Hestia kid arrived on camp after he made the gods promise they would claim all of their kids and send them to camp Half Blood, where all of the gods would have cabins for their descendants
This was his chance to pay back Hestia for her help!! So he promptly asked Chiron to mentor the new girl and teach her what she needed to know about self defense and sword fighting, since she was practically his age and had to survive until now with the mortals without proper training
In fact, how did you manage to do that anyway?
He didn’t really know, but he felt he was the best man for the job. His sword fighting skills were unmatched, only bested by Luke’s
So, not gonna lie. He was kind of waiting to show off his skills on your first lesson and help you with whatever you needed
He told you he would first show you some hand to hand combat moves before y’all could move on to sword fighting, to which you shrugged it out, being cool with it
Too cool even, you seemed super comfortable with it 🧐
“Okay. First, I’ll come at you slowly and you can try and stop the blow however you feel is right. This will be kind of a warm up to start things off. But don’t worry, I won’t actually hurt you, if you feel uncomfortable in any way, please let me know okay?” He said, smiling kindly at you while taking an offensive stance
You nodded, waiting for him to start
He slowly swung at you, being careful to not scare you out
Imagine how completely and utterly bamboozled he was when he found himself lying on the ground, the arm he swung at you now twisted and pressed on to his back, just enough to keep him on the ground
He was like 🧍‍♂️
And you were like 😄 so what’s next?
Bro what the fuck
That was honestly so impressive that when you offered a hand to help him get back to his feet, his cheeks where slightly flushed
He cleaned his throat, fixing his camp Half Blood necklace back into place
“Okay so I guess you’ve got that part covered” He said, giving you his signature sarcastic smirk
You let out a small laugh in response, explaining to him that you actually loved martial arts and that stuff came easy to you
He was completely fascinated, asking you to help him better his hand to hand combat skills after you guys finished
That was the start of a kind of chaotic friendship between the two of you. You helped him better himself in your area while he gave you sword fighting lessons
You weren’t really a fan of it but Percy was so talented and so patient while teaching you that you were winning sparring duels in no time
Y’all were a power duo in capture the flag for sure. You knocked people out and Percy wouldn’t let anyone get even slightly near you with riptide
You knew some strategies in theory from some books you had read and Percy knew how to put them into action
You quickly developed a strong bond, getting closer and closer to each other every day
You always ranted to him about art in general, he didn’t really understand most of the things you told him but he always listened attentively, even memorizing some of your favorite artists to get you stuff related to them when he went home for the school year
You often hanged out by the lake, you absolutely loved how it looked when the sun hit it just right, with the trees reflected on it
One time, Percy took you to the bottom of it, putting an air bubble around you both so you could see how beautiful it was underwater
Your eyes shone bright at the view, but you frowned as soon as you saw a couple of plastic wrappers at the bottom
You asked Percy to lower the bubble so you could collect them and properly throw them out at the surface
That made Percy stare at you with such intensity and admiration that you wondered just what the hell you had done to get him looking at you like that
You avoided his eyes, ears tinted red
It was no secret that you had developed feelings for him, he was so sweet and kind
You wondered if he felt the same
Suddenly, his warm hand met yours as he slowly interlaced your fingers together
You looked at him, eyes wide
The smile on his face made his intentions pretty clear
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v4leoftears · 11 months
Late night struggles.
Pairing: Miguel O’hara x SpiderReader.
Summary: Being a spidey doesn’t come as easily for you as it does for others, and so you find yourself struggling one night over the spider society headquarters, only to be an absolute wreck in front of the very capable Miguel O’Hara.
CW: 18+ Blood, injuries, anxiety, some naked content.
A/n: 2k words, non beta read, I don’t know if there are any major errors, (No use of Y/N) anyway enjoy!
It’s been a long day in your home world, crime and anomalies have been a little bit out of hand lately and it’s been causing you to push your limits every time. You try to recall the origin of the current mayhem around you without any luck as you swing back to your apartment, ready to grab some clean clothes and head to the ‘fancy’ headquarters showers and medical bay. 
You do not want to be in your home world for the night, as being alone in your apartment only makes you feel more incapable and insufficient to handle all the things around you, and unlike your other fellow spiders you’ve always have trouble focusing on tasks, your attention span limited, your movements rather clumsy to say the least compared to others, and as a result you have your fair share of bruises and scrapes sustained on every battle you encounter, so you start to wonder why in the first place were you ever ‘blessed’ with such responsibility of being a spider.
One thing’s for sure though, due to the lack of what you may call ‘talents’ besides being slightly stronger than others variants, your spidey-sense is the one helping you out with miraculous escapes from more unfortunate battles.
Tonight was no exception, you’ve managed to survive by sheer sense a medium threat that scraped the hell out of your inner thigh with it’s sharp knife talons, it’s still bleeding so you are pretty sure you need stitches as soon as you reach the medical care facility, you have your duffle bag at hand and with a loud sigh you step into the portal to the headquarters.
Upon arrival you do your best to fake a smile as you greet some of your fellow spideys, trying to hide the ache of your bones and the bleeding cut that’s burning under your suit. The medical bay is only a few steps away but you hesitate to head in one more time, you are always wandering there, always in for an exam or recovering after fighting whatever threat you just encountered. Your mind starts running, building insecurity in the pit of your stomach, you think to yourself that you don’t want to be seen around always at the med bay, always injured, always unfit to call yourself a spider, and so you opt to just take care of your aching body alone this time, and so you plant your feet and head back to the showers instead.
The turning around makes your body heavy, you are so tired but you are still pushing yourself, you want to report your battle to Lyla and grab something to eat after healing and cleaning yourself. Another sigh falls from your lips, arriving finally at the good looking showers, you are greeted by a familiar gaze that sends shivers down your spine, you adjust your eyes to the light of the room and you find Miguel standing there in front of a locker room. 
-”Hello Mr. O’Hara, such a peaceful night today isn’t it?” you say cheerfully in an attempt to hide your exhaustion.
-”You are bleeding” Miguel says in a disinterested tone without really meeting your eyes, or body for that matter.
-”I guess I am. it’s just a scratch, I'll just... stitch it right away” You reply with a little tremor on your voice.
-”Shouldn’t you be checking it out with Julie at the med bay?... you know, so you recover faster?” He adds taking the last things out of his locker ready to get in for a shower.
-”I don’t feel like visiting her for the night, besides the shot that she always gives me It's causing me to heal slower than it used to” You said truthfully.
-”Hmm.” He pauses and thinks for a second as he searches for something inside the locker. “Perhaps you are growing immune to the healing serum, I’ll make sure to run a study with others and see if they have also encountered issues with it, in the meantime you can take one of mine.” He extends his hand with a couple of shots on sight so you can come grab them, and with little hesitation you approach him and take them.
-”A warning though” He advises, meeting your eyes this time, “these are stronger than the ones Julie hand out at the med bay, so be sure to use them whenever you are getting some rest.” You move your head in agreement as you go sit yourself on the nearest bench to start working on your still bleeding wound and Miguel finally heads to the corner shower stall.
The moment you start checking yourself you realize your suit is sticking all over your open wound, you cannot simply take it off yourself so you reach out to the pair of scissors you brought on your bag and start cutting it out, just enough to finally make the injury breath as you start disinfecting and stitching, all the while clenching your jaw tightly in an attempt to not be a whimpering mess in front of Miguel’s senses, and once you are done with the whole ordeal you prepare yourself to hop on to the shower. 
Inside the stall there’s a mirror, a wooden smaller bench to place your items and a hanging hook for your towel. Looking at your reflection in the mirror you realize your body is more bruised than you anticipated as you find more nasty scrapes and scratches that paint your body in a carnival of red and purple. The realization of all this makes your mind wander back once again at the unfit feelings you’ve been experiencing, and in an attempt to quiet the voices you reach for one of the shots Miguel gave you without hesitation, “healing faster shall do” you think to yourself, keeping a steady hand and squeezing every last drop of the tube on your forearm until it’s all gone and you are ready to get in the shower.
The hot water runs through your body, and you grow more and more exhausted by the minute, it’s making you way too sleepy so you reach to the handle to temper the water to a cold state in an attempt to keep your body alert and steady, however the temperature change only shocks you, sending an aching shiver all over your body making your larger wound clench by the sudden drop in temperature and with a loud thump you crash to the ground.
It takes you a couple of minutes to realize you are still laying there, shivering and unable to get yourself up, cold water running through your aching body as a coppery odor starts to numb your senses. Your stitches must have gotten ruined in your effort to not hit your head against the wall in the last second, you overextended yourself way past breaking point tonight and it might just be the last time you’ll be able to do so. Your heart starts pumping faster, the anxiety rushing through your body, you need to calm yourself or you’ll bleed out and cause more damage to whatever is going on in your body. A soft whimper and salty tears break free as you manage to wiggle your arms around, trying to hold onto something so you can stop the cold water. A couple more futile attempts happen before you begrudgingly stop yourself, your anxiety turns into anger and a small curse runs out of your lips, this time you cannot get up on your own, but you are still stubborn, as tired and sleepy as you might be getting you give your body another go to just try to slip out of the shower, and slowly but steady you find yourself half way out of the coldness, head laying on the steamy floor as your eyes start to shut down. 
You don’t know how much time passed with you laying on the floor when your ears start ringing, someone is talking but your brain can’t formulate words at this point. There’s someone at the door, you can see the dim shadow steps pace left to right, the numbness on your mind prevents you from articulating properly so with coarse voice you let out a soft “can’t”, within a couple of seconds of the spoken word you see a figure standing in front of you, at this point you couldn’t care less about your state, you are just glad someone had actually came to your aid. The tall figure wraps yourself in the towel and takes you out of the stall to gently sit you again on the previous bench.
-”¡Mírame!” you catch a glimpse of fingers snapping in front of you. “Hey! keep your eyes open!” you feel a large hand cupping your face gently as you slowly start to come to your senses, heart still beating a mile per hour, body still shivering from the cold water. In an attempt to gain a little body heat you lazily move closer to the figure that seems to be holding your back in place ever since they got you to sit down. A feeling of comfort runs through you as you lose track of the time you’ve been sitting next to the figure holding you, realization then strikes you as your mind finally recognizes who has been holding you this entire time. 
You pull back with a little too much force, causing Miguel to grab your wrists so you don’t fall back.
-”¡CALMATE! listen, it’s alright, you need to calm down” he says as he places your hands on your legs. Embarrassment starts to take over you and you can’t help but shed a couple tears, a lonely “I’m sorry” slips off your lips as you adjust your towel for a little decorum.
-”What did I tell you about using the shots?” His voice was coated with anger, he could sense your body overworking with the healing serum you used early.
-”I warned you! ¡Te lo dije! There's a reason why I take my time explaining you all everything! so things like this won’t happen, and some of you just decide to go your way and ignore my warnings” He stands up the bench and grabs his forehead in an annoyed state, placing his tired gaze back to you.
-”Why would you not listen?? ¡carajo!” he adds as he lets out an exhausted breath. 
Mumbling under your breath you keep apologizing, you didn’t want to upset Miguel, hell, If you knew how your body would react to the shot you wouldn’t have used it until you were back home, but something about your reflection tonight made you act on impulse and stupidity. 
-”I’m sorry alright” You reply with a stronger voice now. “I truly am, I know this might have inconvenienced your night and I truly thank that you were around to help me out” you hold your breath for a second before adding “Really I… Don’t really know what came over me tonight, it’s just… hard for me sometimes…" you stop your mouth from spilling longer, you take a deep breath and focus back to not make things worse, you are in no state to talk about your feelings anyway and it's not like Miguel would care either. "Just forget it” you wave your hand off as a gesture to just erase everything that happened tonight.
Miguel gives you another look, as if understanding the layers of thoughts that flooded your mind at the moment, he takes a couple steps out of the shared space you just had and asks. 
-”Can you stand?” pointing out at your nearly healed thigh injury.
-”Uh, yeah I can try” you reply while trying to stand up with a pained expression.
-”No, stay still, I’ll be right back” He says as he walks back to the shower stall you were in, grabbing your forgotten bag with your clothes and the last of the healing shot.
-”Change yourself” he commands, “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes to take you to your home world. You’ll get a week off responsibilities so you heal properly” he paces himself to the exit as he asks Lyla to monitor you while he is gone. 
You are just sitting there, half naked, feeling just as stupid as you could be. You pushed yourself to the limit and now you’ve embarrassed yourself in front of your boss and probably drowned your opportunities to take on higher responsibilities in the future. 
You grunt to yourself as you put on your clothes while Lyla keeps your vitals monitored, as annoyed that you are to yourself there’s a feeling that you can’t quite point out, there’s something weird creeping inside of you that you can’t shake off, you feel like it’s the anxiety still lingering in you body after all the madness tonight, but truth is, the lingering feeling that you are having is attraction, and as if you couldn’t feel more stupid you get caught on your own thoughts wondering if Miguel was just perhaps being a little too caring tonight.
-”Time to go” Miguel’s voice creeps beside you and you can’t help but let out a little yelp at your surprise, Miguel just stares at you unamused. 
-”Uh sure, I’m ready” You say, clearing your throat, shoving whatever thoughts you were having mere seconds before his arrival. The portal opens up and he gestures you to hang on his shoulders so you don’t press on your healing leg. In a matter of seconds you are back home and Miguel is gone.
Tonight was an absolute mess to say the least, and now you have found a new thing to worry and overthink over as if your daily struggles weren't enough. Your head hurts at the thought of the weeks to come at hq, being normal around Miguel was going to be a difficult task.
Let me know what you think! and if you all might want a second part! <3
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Malleus Draconia’s Flower Bouquet Meaning
Twst Bdays Flower Language Masterlist
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I have been waiting and waiting for the release of Malleus’ 3rd Bday card with such anticipation. I literally waited every day until the time Twst JP usually updates with news for some semblance of Malleus Bday card news.
AND NOW MY BOY IS HERE AND HE LOOKS SO FINE PLEASE. His smirk with the fangs sends me. His wink is so cute! Lilia is raising these boys right! Look at HIM.
January is the moth of Diasomnia and I love it, we have Malleus, Lilia, Silver and Sebek card releases. (Diasomnia Stans I hope your gems survive). 
As I did with Lilia’s Bouquet Post , I will be writing more than I usually do. Malleus Draconia is one of my favorite twst characters and he deserves it and all the effort (in this love essay, I will). In addition, I will be adding possible theories along the way and will be mentioning book 7 too and other cards that have been released, so heed spoilers for book 7 and cards that might have not released yet.
At first glance, Malleus’ Bouquet reminded me of Trey’s Bouquet . In the sense that it reminded me of a salad, and I couldn’t help but laugh a bit because of it. When you think about some of the meanings previously discussed in Trey’s Bouquet, it applies to Malleus as well when you think about it: past, present, and future. But I’m getting ahead of myself, we will discuss that later.
It’s really nice seeing Malleus so happy especially without any worries right now (basically flirting with us lolol). After book 7 chapter 1, I am happy he is full of energy and amusement. 
I do wish that his bouquet had more colors to make it pop more, but like Lilia’s, Malleus’ bouquet does fit him rather well. It can give you a glimpse of his past and current mindset, and also a hint to the future of what may come. (please, my heart.) 
Some observations from just from a glance, Malleus’ bouquet may not pop as much color wise, but you know what it does really well? It blends into the environment rather seamlessly.  Unlike Trey, who doesn't like to stand out and would rather blend in, which shows in his flowers. For malleus, it is not by choice. He blends in seamlessly because he is forgotten by those around him. When he is not forgotten, people are scared of him and tend to run away. The only ones to truly notice him missing are Lilia, Sebek, Silver, and MC.
We know that Malleus hates being forgotten and left out and this bouquet shows that while he blends in to the environment, it is not by choice and some of the flower meanings show his feelings towards being forgotten and ostracized. (I’ll never forget you Malleus 💕💕). 
Greem flowers tend to be rare and on further research, they also tend to be mutations in some variations of flowers. This fits Malleus because we can all say that he is a highly respected figure, not only is he a future king in the Valley of Thorns, but he is one of the top ten strongest mages in the world. If we went further, Malleus is a type of dragon fae, and royalty, maybe he might or might not be the last of his kind? Only time will tell, as we know the only relative he has right now is his grandmother. I
In terms of magic power, malleus is extremely strong and we can see how the story swings and the narrative changes when he deigns to step in and help. Book 5, Malleus fixed the stage hence allowing for VDC to continue, and in book 6, he helped Vil by making him young again. We have seen in masquerade the magic potential he has and how that affects the environment as well, and in book 7 a well. Malleus is unique and rare, and that could also show why he is so revered heavily by everyone else when all he wants is to be invited and share experiences with others.
I love how Malleus is also winking in this card, as he is in other cards. You certainly get the Diasomnia closeness as because sebek was also winking in his cards. We also have the smile that Lilia and Silver all share too, which I think is cute! I might be wrong but I think all the third years so far have been winking?
Now, let’s talk about some rather interesting...moves that twst played with the release of this Malleus card. First of all, with the release of the Malleus Bday card, We also received the Silver Dorm SSR card. This is interesting because this is the first time they released a Dorm SSR card without a story update. What’s more, its rather interesting they chose to release it with the Malleus card which makes me wonder how purposely did they do this? Was this as a way to show the connection Silver and Malleus has? 
As in a sense, Malleus can be paralleled to Maleficent and Silver could be Aurora (and the Sword, Shield, and Prince Philip technically) from what we see on the surface level. It's as if they are telling us these two are more connected than we realize and maybe they are a mirror too (or like that one promo where you see Maleficent on one side and the princess on another as two opposite spectrums).
Considering the opposite styles that Malleus and Silver were raise (by Lilia no less), it hurts to see how much this is stressed. You can tell familial love will play a big role in book7 from this alone. It also makes it seem like they are pushing Malleus to play this evil role that he clearly doesn't want to be in when all he wants is to belong and be invited.
Another interesting point I want to bring up is that, Silver is the only one without the title that basically says “___ Protector of the Valley of Thorns” Instead, He is the sleeping guardian. So, we have this disconnect between the four and shows how much of the role Silver might play when it comes to the other three diasomnia residents.  This Post shows the English titles  and this post is a jp comment about it as well I believe .
It alludes more and more to the fact that Silver has a connection to ‘dreams’ and that could also be a hint on how Malleus and everyone could be saved given that Malleus is the King of the Abyss as well. Maybe, Silver’s UM is connected to dreams as everyone speculate, but I digress. We know at the end of the day, these two have a connection and only time will tell what kind of connection and what it will put everyone through (and how it will eventually wreck us too, get your tissue boxes ready everyone. Book 7 chapter 1 already came for us without reprieve.)
Another fact that I find funny is that Malleus’ Duo is Ace. So, I can’t wait to see how Ace and Malleus interact given that Ace....doesn’t care for manners when it comes to people in power and will basically say what's on his mind. Which, we can see from Endless Halloween. I also personally find it funny because many people tend to ship MC with Ace and Malleus and these two always end up in a triangle and I can’t wait to see what happens after the interview lol Ace also doesn’t have his UM so maybe its a hint of Ace’s role in Book 7 (he could be hiding it as well, since we know how much of a trickster he is).
Malleus’ card spells are similar to those of Idia’s Bday ones apparently. Which is funny and interesting given that Idia will play a big role in book 7, especially in terms of grief and moving on and recovering from the loss of a loved one.
I can’t wait to see Malleus’ groovy. I hope its either in dawn or dusk because that would not only be beautiful but give a wonderful symbolism as well. 
Malleus holding the bouquet so effortlessly also shows his strength, I mean look at him, no struggle at all.
You know what makes me so soft about Malleus’ bouquet? It’s that he has signs of those he loves in his bouquet. He has flowers that symbolizes Lilia, Sebek, Silver, and even MC/Yuu.
Now, lets talk about Flowers 🌺💚🌺💚
[As usual, my disclaimer from before stands, flowers have many different meanings depending on region and color, so the meanings I have might differ from the meanings you know.]
In addition, I know there were some feelings of sadness going around with Malleus’ bouquet because most of the associated flower language were negative, but remember every flower has more than one meaning and together, the flower language can change as a whole depending on the bouquet. It also depends on the meaning we choose to empathize over the others. 
His flowers are kind of hard to tell, so I put whichever ones I thought they might be. Get your hearts ready and anything you have that has Malleus’ face because you are going to want to hug him. (total opposite from how I wanted to yeet Lilia during his post lol) 
Flower Colors (general meaning): 
Green Flowers: Health, resilience, good fortune, and youth. We know Malleus is young in terms of Fae age and we know he also has to learn and mature more when in comes to certain instances over the others. Some examples we have seen was when things didn’t go his way and you can see the weather being affected, but also we have to consider that he never really got to act his age has he? Health and good fortune for his future.
White Flowers:  True love, purity, innocence, sympathy.  We know True Love Kiss plays a role in Sleeping Beauty and I can’t wait to see how it plays a role for book 7. In a way, Malleus is innocent in his experience with anything related to modern times, and his situation does make you feel for him. (Malleus, we love you 💕).
Red Flowers: Love, passion, pride, vigor, and strength. (rather fitting, wouldn’t you say?) 
Green Roses: Renewal, rejuvenation of spirit and energy, growth, abundance, balance, stability, peace, good news and new beginnings. Possibly the future healing that Malleus will go through? (you know, after his mental breakdown...I know know, I’ll be quiet now) [To my knowledge, green roses do not mean jealously. It’s the yellow roses.] I was hoping they would give him red roses to symbolize his rose garden back home too. 
Carnation: Fascination, distinction, and love. In Greek, it is known as God’s Flower.  As some tend to worship Malleus like a God, it's rather fitting for him to have this flower. (Sebek and some diasomnia students come to mind).
Curcuma/Hidden Lilies: Love, Rebirth, Devotion, Purity, Fertility, clear and sincere intentions. When I first saw these, my mind literally went Lilies = Lilia and with several of the meanings it makes you wonder doesn’t it? Especially as Rebirth seems to be a themes in Malleus and Lilia’s bouquet. (Sleeping curse maybe?) These also look like the flowers you see in the Live Action Sleeping Beauty 2 Movie, during the wedding. You know when Maleficent walks Aurora down the Aisle. So it could also be stressing the relationship Malleus has with Silver. Technically, all three of them. Can be used to treated stomach problems and this makes me laugh because Lilia had stomach problems in that one Firelit Sky event, hence another factor in representing Lilia.
Green Lisanthus: Appreciation, charm, charisma, and confidence. (Malleus in a flower basically 💕)
Cala Lily (Burgundy): Life’s right of passage, purity, holiness, faithfulness, courage and determination. (Silver and Sebek determination to protecting their Lord.) 
Dracaena Fragans: meaning Dragon, financial and career success (he will make wonderful king), peace and good fortune.
Amaryllis: to sparkle, pride, strength, determination. These flowers blooms every year despite looking frail and it doesn’t take much to have them grow year after year. An interesting story is about a maiden who fell in love with a cold hearted man. She pierced her heart with a gold arrow and visited his cottage. After 30 days, her droplets of blood became beautiful flowers and the man fell in love with her and she was healed. Another type of Amaryllis is the cluster ones, we know it as the spider lilies. Common ones are the red spider lilies which is basically a red flag because it usually means death and last goodbye. This could symbolize the long life Malleus has ahead of him as well. White Amaryllis means beauty, devotion, and love. In addition, White Amaryllis symbolizes children and the innocence that comes from them. It reminds me of the story that Malleus told MC about how he just wanted to belong and had a tantrum that led to the castle becoming frozen in ice. Lilia was the only one who stepped forward and helped him and it implies that's how Malleus ended up loving ice cream. (My heeearrrttt) Also, the other story of how Lilia had his hair burned because baby malleus blew fire too lolol.
Houseleeks/Succulent: Always Living, enduring and timeless love, forever, does not change, Will live in harsh environments (My heart damnit, my heart).
Elderberry/Elder: inner strength, courage, calm fears, resilience, joy, protection from evil, prolong life, and peaceful sleep. “Eld” can also mean fire.
Olives: friendship and reconciliation, cleansing and healing, light, victory and richness, and above all, a sign of peace. (I’m not crying, you are!).
Hypericum Berries: symbol of peace, protection, rebirth 
Acai Palm: Nutritious, growth in wilderness.
Thistle: Pain, aggressiveness, pride, and Protection.
Cordylines: Added to flowers to add emphasize to other flowers meanings, good luck, and fortune. Often it is confused with Dracaena. 
Random Fact: Anniversaries could also be considered, since its the 3rd bdays for all the boys, their flower will be Sunflower: strength  be well, happiness, male healing, confidence, self-esteem, assertiveness. Sounds just like them, doesn’t it?
Credit: Thank you to Lala (@/mobagehellocal) for her help as always. Please go talk flowers with her too. We love talking about them. 🌺🌻
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i-trash-about-things · 4 months
a.n.: I can't believe this took me 6 freaking months to write. It definitely doesn't live up for the hype, but for some reason the words just wouldn't flow. In the mean time, I graduated! Actually went to prom! It kinda sucked, I really don't see the hype behind it!
Anyway, enjoy– and thank you for the patience to those that were interested in this story. If you're still interested by the end of this part– well, you'll know for yourself if there will be more lol ;)
Multiple perspectives (3rd and 1st person); Henderson!Reader; GN!Reader; use of Y/N; Billy Hargrove Survived (but he isn't a racist piece of shit); Everyone might be OOC, sorry lol; swearing; light violence; mostly fluff; English is not my first language! Sorry if something doesn’t make sense :p; no beta, we die like Vecna should’ve
4.5k words.
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Third Time's The Charm.
Dustin’s day has been good, in his less than humble opinion.
School sucked the same as always, but hey! Everything other than that was actually pretty awesome!
His older sibling popping by on a whim wasn’t a rare occasion, far from it. When they first moved to college, he cried the whole day thinking he would only see them on Christmas, and now it’s like they never moved in the first place!
Well, maybe it’s because of the Upside Down thing and how they almost died about a million times in the last 4 years, but Dustin liked to believe it’s because they just love him very very much.
But, one thing actually did change.
“Dustin, my man, my favorite nerd, what a sight to the sore eye you are right now!”
Speak of the devil.
Him and Eddie have known each other for a while. I mean, how could he not when the metal-head has been his sibling's best friend for almost all his life?
And with the time to get used to each other, plus Dustin’s natural attentiveness and attention to detail, he can read this guy like the cheap rip-off comic of spider-man he is.
Eddie wants something.
“Is that a new upgrade to your walkie? Dude, that looks sick, what does it do?”
“Nothing, it’s just a normal radio actually.”
A snort leaves his nose. Dustin shakes his head, setting the walkie talkie on the library table before looking up to his friend.
“You really aren’t subtle, my friend.”
“First things first: how dare you. Secondly-” Eddie pushes the nearest chair back, giving him enough space to sit on the old table. The notebook under him crinkles, but he just pushes it aside, clearly in too much of a rush to care about a random person’s notes. “I need your help.”
“If it’s about the whipped cream on Lucas’ backpack and his basketball shoes, it’s too late. The operation is already in motion.”
“Operation- wait, did you put whipped cream on Sinclair’s shoes?”
“What? No I didn’t. You didn’t hear that from me.”
“Mhm.” Eddie just sends Dustin a look, raising an eyebrow with just a very done expression on his eyes, before shaking his head. “You know what, I’m just going to pretend I didn’t hear anything.”
He leans closer, likes he’s about to tell the biggest secret of his life. The notes beneath his butt crumble further.
“It’s about your sibling.”
“Y/N? What they have to do with anything?”
“I’m gonna ask 'em to prom.”
If Dustin were drinking something, he would’ve done a spit take right now.
“SHHHH!” The other school library attendees shush him, all glaring in their direction. Dustin flushes a little, curling into himself, but Eddie doesn’t even flinch.
“I want to take your older sibling to prom, Henderson. Like, real bad.”
“That’s my sibling!”
“And my best friend! So??”
“So–” Dustin sputters. How does he even respond to that?!
Don’t get him wrong, of all the people he could’ve picked to compete for your hand, Eddie would always be his champion. His two favorite people??? Sign him up!
Doesn’t mean his into it, tho!
“What do you mean ‘why’?! You’ve ever met ‘em?! They're the coolest most beautiful, and funniest person I’ve ever known! Why wouldn’t I want to take them to prom?”
“No, not that- why the change? I thought you wanted to go with Chrissy??”
That gets a reaction out of him.
Eddie flinches, looking away. He passes a hand through his hair, half hiding himself beneath the brown curls.
“Chrissy… She’s…”
Dustin does not like the hesitation. The kid crosses his arms over his chest, squinting up at Eddie with distrust.
“Look, I’m all for you going after my big sibling–”
“Really? That wasn’t what it looked like two seconds ago.”
Dustin squints further, frowning, and Eddie groans.
“Just keep going.”
“As I was saying, I don’t mind you taking my big sibling to prom… If you actually mean it.”
It’s his turn to frown, a mirror of Dustin’s expression, but in confusion and a little bit of offense.
“What? Why wouldn’t I mean it?”
“You were just drooling over Chrissy, like, two days ago! I get you getting rejected, but don’t use them as a rebound, dude!”
“SHHHHH!” Strike two, the people around them shush them both again. Dustin doesn’t flinch this time, both him and Eddie a bit too enthralled in the topic at hand.
“How could you say that?! You know how much I care about Y/N!”
“I know that, but I also know how much they cares about you.”
“What does that has to do with anything?”
“Uh- Literally everything? What, you think you can just go and ask them all willy nilly to go to prom with you like it’s no big deal, and they won’t feel like it’s a big deal? Thye care, dude! What you say matters to them!”
Something in that makes Eddie pause, breath hitching on the tip of his tongue. He knew that, of course… Didn’t he?
His mind flashes back to the three years ago, just in the middle of prom season.
“Y/N Henderson, you did not–”
“Oh but I did! I did, despite it all!”
Eddie feels the bright afternoon sun on his back, the ever warming spring air making his hair and their hair flutter in the wind.
Today has been a weird day. His friends all seemed either jittery or smug, like they know something he doesn’t, a joke he didn’t get the punchline yet.
But the weirdest thing? His best friend wasn’t waiting for him by his parking spot.
At the end of class, he found a pretty envelope on his locker, attached to it a blue little flower– one of the few he recognizes. Forget-me-not’s.
“6 years sure go by fast. We’ve been through a lot in that time, didn’t we? And we will go through a lot more shit, knowing us like I do.
I was hoping you’d indulge me on a little game, just for old times sake.
Check the supply closet closest to you.”
From then on, he went on a surprisingly elaborate scavenger hunt. Passing through closets, to bathrooms, even checking in with his friends when the little clues told him to. Surely enough, each one handed him a new letter, and each one had a soft and excited smile on their lips.
After a good half hour of running around the school like a headless chicken, Eddie had accumulated enough clues to fill both his pockets and enough flowers for a small bouquet. The last letter sits on his hand as he dashes around the halls, a big smile on his lips.
“Ok, I promise this is the last one– for real this time, I swear.
This had been a rough year on you, but I was hoping to send it off with a bang. One last middle finger to the world before I have to leave you behind to fend for yourself in the lion’s den.
So, Edward Munson, meet me by the woods, in our usual spot.”
“Henderson, you absolute maniac!” Eddie all but jumps over the picnic table, practically throwing himself on his best friends arms. They don't even blink, only opening up and holding him. Firm, steady and warm. Their laughter feels like electricity and care all at once over his skin, and he breaks into goosebumps.
“Did you like it? Had any fun?”
“Hell yeah I did! How long have you been planning this, dude?!”
“Ah, who cares about that?” They flick their wrist, like trying to get rid of an annoying fly. Eddie’s way too used to their dismissive and nonchalant nature at this point, so he just laughs and hugs them close again.
“Jesus Christ, Henderson, what did I ever do to deserve you?”
He can’t see, but their smile softens. The hold on him tightens, and they buries their face into the mess of his hair.
“You’re you. That’s more than enough.”
After a beat, they finally pull away from the other. Eddie doesn’t even questions at their dazed gaze, used to it at this point, even if he never truly knew the reason behind it. He squeezes their shoulders, still a little incredulous at the situation. Taking his little moment of silence as an opportunity, Y/N steps back and takes one last flower from their pocket. It’s a little bit beaten up after being squashed in the hug, but it makes Eddie’s heart feel tight anyway.
“Look, I know this hasn’t been an easy year for you. You’ve been through a lot of shit, dealing with shitheads like Carver and Hagan, and that you didn’t graduate, but… But I wanted to make the end a good memory, you know? Eat junk food, dress fancy for once in our lives, pretend that we’re the protagonists for once, you know?”
They take a deep breath, eyes locked on the little flower on their hand. It’s impossible to lift their head and finally gaze into the eyes of their best friend. The love of their life.
Bah, call 'em dramatic. They're already way too deep into this cheesy bullshit to care.
“So. Eddie. Eds. Angel. Would… You, maybe… Like to… Gotopromwithme??”
Well that was smooth.
Still, it doesn’t seem like he cares about their awkward stumbling.
Instead, he just pulls them into one more hug, laughing like a maniac.
“Yes! Of course I’d like to, you dumbass! You’re my best friend!”
And those words make their heart races and breaks, all at once.
They let the little blue flower fall to the ground, unbothered by the numbness on their fingertips.
“I know. You’re my best friend too, Eds.”
Eddie shakes his head, locks brushing against his nose at the intensity. This is a crisis for another time.
“I know, believe me. But I’m telling the truth! I don’t care about Chrissy, I legitimately want them to be my date!”
Dustin raises an eyebrow, feeling the genuine longing in Eddie’s tone. It’s a surprising match to his siblings, every time they talks about Eddie. That lingering bitter-sweetness in the end of the sentence, the longing in each and every word. He’s heard them rant and ramble, on and on, about the metal-head more time than Dustin feels like counting, he knows that tone. It’s a perfect match.
So, he sighs, leaning his head back against the library’s chair to the point his cap almost falls off.
“Fine, I’ll help.”
Today was… Weird.
Maybe it was the way the sun was beating down my face, too hot for a spring day, maybe it was the fact that the 7-11 I passed by didn’t have my favorite slushy flavor, but something just seemed… A little off today. Like someone just tilted the world a little bit to the left.
I take a long drag from the cigarette between my lips, watching the shining sun from my spot by my car. Sitting beside me is none other than Billy Hargrove, the same glare up at the sky as mine.
It’s always funny hanging out with Billy by the school’s grounds. We used to beat each other up in this same parking lot, about two years ago! And now look at us, sharing a can of coke beneath the spring sky like two dads waiting for their kids after football practice.
“I can hear your brain about to cook up some weird shit to say, Henderson. Please keep it to yourself.”
I don’t even blink at his harsh tone, putting a sugary sweet expression and leaning to lay my head on his shoulder.
“Awn, I know you love my commentary.”
He’s quick to brush me off, with not nearly as much strength as he used to a few years ago.
“I’d rather hear the screams of children.”
All I can do is snort, laughing slightly before taking a sip of the can between us.
Billy is one of the only people acting somewhat normal today, same snarky responses that once made me lunge for his throat and same pissed off frown.
He’s also one of the few people I trust the most, funnily enough. What can I say, he’s seen the worst in me and somehow still sticks around- probably because I’ve seen the worst in him too, but still. Maybe that trust is what made me press the halfway burnt cigarette into the ground and turn to look back at him.
“Hey, dude?”
“Is it just me or is everyone kinda off today?”
And to my surprise, he doesn’t immediately respond. Instead, he raised his own cigarette to his lips, taking a long and deep drag.
“Nope, just you.”
“Pfft, weird, something tells me your lying?”
“Something? What, like voices in your head? Damn, I knew you were crazy, Henderson, but this is new ground.”
“… Hmph.”
He stuffs his hands in his jeans pockets, sunglasses tilting down just enough to see the look he sends me. I shake my head and he relaxes. There’s a small pause after that. He flicks the cigarette ash off, before glancing to me again.
“Look, it’s nothing you have to worry about, ok?”
I can’t help but chuckle at his words, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Last time you said that, you were possessed by a god damned spider monster thing.”
“Yeah, but this time I’m not. So chill out.”
Isn’t he sweet?
I chew on the inside of my cheek, breathing in slowly before letting out a long long sigh.
“Fine.” A pause. But then I turn to look at him again, with the most serious expression I can. “But if you are possessed again-”
“Fuck off.”
The loud ringing of the school bell quickly brings our attention back to the front doors of Hawkins High. Like clockwork, they open and the sea of teenagers roll out, flooding the parking lot. My eyes drift between faces, looking for any sign of my favorite club, but the first thing I catch is a familiar cap and a mess of red hair.
Dustin immediately runs up to me, his cap hitting me on his attempt at a dive hug. Max is not so far from him, but instead of the affection attack she just flips Billy the bird… which he quickly reciprocates, smirking.
The two types of siblings.
“Hey, Junior.” The sarcastic and rougher edge to my voice quickly melts off, turning to the normally sweeter and more relaxed tone reserved only for my little brother. Dustin immediately turns to me, smiling like he always does- but, of course, there’s something off.
“Hello there, older sibling figure.”
… ok.
I just let out a chuckle, a little weirded out. See? It can’t be just me, everyone’s acting all skittish for some reason. Did I miss the memo?
Max pushes Dustin’s cap over his eyes before he has the chance open his mouth again, her eyes literally screaming for him to shut up. Then, she turns to me.
“If he hurts you, tell me. I’ll kick his ass.”
“… What???”
The hell’s going on?
Dustin clears his throat, pushing his hat back and sending Max a half hearted glare.
“As I was about to say- Eddie told me to give you this.”
From the depths of his many pockets, he pulls a… letter? A note, better said, scribbled in a chicken scratch of a writing I know way too well.
Before I can open it, he quickly pulls me so I look at him again.
“I’m gonna catch a ride with Max today I’ll see you later ok bye-”
And he practically drags Max to Billy’s car… which she weirdly let’s him do. I look back at the blonde next to me… and he doesn’t even blink at the interaction, stepping on the rests of his cigarette before turning away from me without a word.
What…. the hell.
As the familiar camaro drives off the parking lot, leaving me to my lonesome by my truck, I glance down at the note in my hands. Crumpled notebook paper, with the little bits used to wrap around the spiral still attached, and that familiar handwriting.
After a huff of amusement, I open up the letter.
“Greetings, dear adventurer! It is I, Eddie the Pardoned (we really need to workshop that title).
This is your formal request to join in on an adventure through the ever changing land of Hawkins High school. Walk across the mighty and dangerous hallways where jocks once slammed our faces into lockers, or traverse into the terrifying lands we call the gym showers!
Follow the riddles and clues, and if you’re lucky, the gates of a whole new adventure shall open to those with brave and worthy hearts.
Good luck.”
“Dramatic dork.” I mumble beneath my breath, but the smile on my lips can only be described as disgustingly smitten.
I look over the note again, flipping it between my fingers. Surely enough, more writing in the back.
“Those who trail my path are the best liars, but also the most emotional of artists. The many nights you’ve spent between my walls, you were never quite yourself. Oh, wow, he really wasn’t kidding on making riddles, huh?”
I can’t help but let out a chuckle, raising my eyes from the paper in my hands and looking around the parking lot. There’s a lot of people walking around right now, most speeding to get home after a long long Friday, but my eyes don’t catch a single hint of anyone using the familiar Hellfire shirt. Which is definitely weird, they’re normally the first ones to leave the school. Still, no sign of Jeff, or Bryan, or Gareth, much less Ed.
I look back down to the riddle.
“The many nights you’ve spent between my walls” So it’s a place, then? One I’ve been before, if Eddie isn’t being a little shit and using “you” because he thinks it sounds better.
“Those who trail my path are the greatest liars, but most emotional of artists.” Greatest liars? And most emotional of artists. Well, if it’s a place, related to art, then the art room? But then why the lying?
“You weren’t quite yourself.” Wasn’t… quite myself. Hm.
A place, probably one at school since I doubt he would’ve gone so extra as to go around the entire city, related to art and lying. “Wasn’t quite yourself.”
Wait, the drama club?
Art of lying- could he mean acting? A room related to acting in which I’ve been to before.
The drama club, at D&D nights!
My feet are moving before my brain is, crumpled up note being carefully stuffed into my pants pockets.
Not far…
“The bird has taken flight, over.”
“Dustin, will you stop with the codenames?! Just- Just get into position! Over!”
How many damn riddles can this man write??? I must’ve collected more than twelve by now!
There’s a small collection of notes in my left hand, my pockets too filled up to stuff any more of them without damaging. My shoes squeak against the floors of the mostly empty school, echoing in my ears as I run from room to room, classroom to classroom.
I swear, If this is some sort of elaborate prank, I’m going to kick Eddie’s ass until Halloween comes.
I let out a groan leaning down to reach another, stuck beneath my– well, not mine, it hasn’t been mine since I graduated– seat at the iconic Hellfire Club lunch table. When I turn to the back, I’m surprised to see there isn’t a riddle this time, no little set of verses to greet me. So, after a small hum of interest, I fold it open.
“If you’ve reached this point of your quest, fair knight, I’m proud to tell you your prize awaits you! (Because I’m not like SOME people who do FAKE OUTS THREE TIMES IN A ROLL)
All that’s left is for you to come and get it. Your king awaits in our usual spot.”
“Pfft– my king?” I can barely pay attention to the soft laugh that leaves my lips, chest too warm and filled with cotton to notice. Dork.
Still, I just set the note with the rest, walking to the nearest exit with a smile on my lips.
I’m still have no idea what Eddie is planning with all of this. Despite the dozen plus notes, he hasn’t gave me a single of hint for the reason of this scavenger… Hunt.
I mean, it’s not– it’s not possible, right?
He was talking about inviting Chrissy less than a week ago!
Nah, nah, yeah, it’s not… He wouldn’t. Not me, anyway.
Well I just made myself sad.
A groan leaves my lips as I shake my head, hair flowing around with the motion before bouncing and stopping, strands sticking to my eyelashes. Enough with the self pity. I’m better than this. Whatever it is that Eddie has planned to me is going to be awesome.
The hallways echoes with my steps, the sound of my combat boots squeaking in the shiny tile flooring being the only sound as I leave the school. It’s late afternoon at this point, the sun starting to set as everything is painted golden. The walk through the woods is longer than I remember, the late spring wind ruffling through my clothes. After a while, I’m reaching the clearing…
And there’s no one here…?
“Eddie?” I spin in place, looking in between the trees for any sign of the silhouette I know better than my own. It’s quiet here, with the exception of the singing birds and early crickets. I stuff my hands in my pockets, and my brows twitch in worry. “Did I take too long…?”
When I pull them back, one of them holds the last hint. It’s impossible to be anywhere else– he literally said our usual spot, and this is it, isn’t it? Unless my first suspicion was right, and he really meant to spread these around the town– wait, no, then why would he set them up around school? What am I m–
“BOO– OW!”
My knuckles sting, heart beating louder than a drum as I stare at my fallen best friend, cradling his own face. Immediately I reach for him, falling to my knees by his side.
“Jesus Christ, Munson, you scared the shit out of me! I’m so sorry– Oh, god dammit, sweetheart, c’mere, c'mere… Let me see…” I gently tug his hands from his face, touches practically feather light and with as much care as I can channel. He laughs all the while, completely unbothered by the forming bruise on his cheek.
“Jesus Christ, Henderson– You pack quite the punch! Holy crap, I think you dislocated my jaw–”
“Stop saying shit like that, you’ll manifest it.” I chuckle under my breath (but do check his jaw, making sure everything is in place and I didn’t punch one of his teeth in.). “Why the hell you sneaked up on me like that? What thought process made you think that was a good idea??”
“I don’t know!” He laughs, falling limp on the grass while looking up at me. His smile is almost dopey, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he said he just got baked. He doesn’t smell like weed, tho. Just smoke and cologne, the one that makes me wish I could bury my nose into his neck and just live there. “I thought it’d be a good idea? All I needed to do was distract you for a little while!”
“Distract me?” I snort, brows tilting in a playful frown. “From what?”
“Shit–” And at the sound of my brother’s cursing, I lift my eyes from my best friend’s face.
What do I find if not the rest of the Hellfire club, haphazardly stacked on each other’s shoulders putting up a huge banner on the branches of the nearest threes. Jeff has Mike on his shoulders, while Bryan has Justin– and Lucas and Gareth watch a few steps away, clearly trying to not bring attention to themselves as I turn to them.
“Michael, if you ruin my jacket with your dirty ass shoes–”
“I’m trying not to! Stop moving!”
“Guys! Guys, I’m gonna fall! BRYAN–”
“You’re not gonna fall, Dustbin– stop being a pussy and just tie the goddamn thing.”
“What the hell…?” I mumble, even more confused than when I found the kids sneaking Eleven into Mike’s basement.
Eddie doesn’t answer me with anything but a cackle, getting up to his feet and jogging up to the rest of the club. His grin is so wide his dimples are lost between smile lines, brown eyes shining in the late afternoon sun that warms my skin and cheeks. He skids to a stop under the banner, not even waiting to check if it’s tied up properly before tugging the bottom and unrolling it.
And the arrows badly painted on the bottom point directly at him, that turns around to beam my way with his smile brighter than the sun.
I don’t know if the guys have fallen silent or if I just gone deaf, but I don’t have the mental power to look. It’s like the whole world turned… quiet.
My heart can’t seem to choose between skipping beats or skidding to stop. I can feel my skin tingling, my knuckles going from stinging to burning. As does the back of my neck and the bottom of my gut.
I read the words, over and over again, shocked…
“Is this…” My tongue feels like it’s knotted, tied and shipped to the other side of the country. No words could ever describe– whatever the hell I’m feeling right now. “Are you… Is– Are you for real??”
“Yeah.” He chuckles, the warm orange lighting almost making it look like his cheeks are dyed a soft red. His smile is confident, almost cocky and playful as he looks down at me. “As real as a I can be.”
My mouth feels drier than a desert, and I swallow harshly. I can’t turn my eyes from him, like I’m transfixed… which, in someways, I am.
He has hypnotized me, a puppet on his strings.
I feel starstruck.
Eddie takes my silent as a go ahead, because after standing under the banner for a second, he slowly walks to me again. For some reason, I don’t even think to get back on my feet until he’s almost right in front of me, his head obscuring the sun as if he’s the only star I need.
“Henderson,” He says, the smirk on his lips almost sheepish. “I’ve got to apologize. I’ve been… kind of a shit best friend for the last couple years. You’ve been my paladin, my white knight, the voice of reason when I wasn’t thinking and I didn’t even thank you properly.”
He extends his hand, the black stone in his ring finger catching the sunlight from his smile.
“So let me make it up to you… Will you let me take you with me to not-prom?”
My throat closes up, my eyes sting, but my smile is as bright as the moon.
“Yeah, I will.”
And I take his hand, letting him pull me to my feet.
taglist! @eddiesgirlforever @plk-18 thx for the support and the patience!! :D
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