#and the memory issues are really getting to me -
yanderes-galore · 3 days
Could you make Yandere Platonic Splinter Vs Yandere Platonic Shredder (TMNT 2012)?
I can try, sure :) Did most of the personality from memory so this is like an overview with how they'd act.
Here's your two dads, lol.
Yandere! Platonic! Splinter vs Yandere! Platonic! Shredder
(TMNT 2012)
Pairing: Platonic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Attempted murder, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Forced (Shredder)/Dubious (Splinter) companionship.
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Honestly, these two having a rivalry doesn't surprise me.
For example, they fought for the same girl romantically.
Then later on they fight over Karai as a daughter.
I am not surprised if they both fought over you.
Maybe you're a ninja in training and manage to catch the eye of the two.
They may just see themselves as your teachers, but they could also see themselves as a fatherly figure in your life.
Although, they are very different in their approach.
Splinter already has a family so he's already very welcoming.
He treats you similarly to April in terms of training you alongside the turtles.
In fact you'd be lucky if you met him first.
The way you could meet Shredder is most likely through... kidnapping.
It would make more sense if he kidnapped you to get info on Splinter and the turtles.
Although it could've just been the wrong place, wrong time.
Either way, when you're there you manage to intrigue Shredder into sparing you.
Only to be taken back by Splinter and the turtles.
This could serve as your first meeting with Splinter too if you want, where you get involved with the family due to having nowhere else to go.
Both of them would want to train you if they felt an attachment with you.
Splinter is adamant on training you for self-defense.
While Shredder may do it to make you another pawn or weapon at first.
I can see their rivalry being... brutal.
It always has been brutal, even before you came into the picture.
Shredder already wants to kill Splinter.
Meanwhile Splinter has concerned himself with protecting his family.
When the two realize they both have a similar goal, it just gets worse.
Shredder wants to make you fully loyal to the Foot Clan so he can break Splinter.
Splinter focuses on having the turtles (and maybe April + Casey) protect you.
Splinter is much more caring, often showing affection and providing you shelter when you need it.
He just seems like a caring dad or mentor who wants to protect you.
Later on he seems to want to isolate you from your actual family... but right now he has Shredder to deal with.
Meanwhile Shredder is more cruel and intense.
He isn't really affectionate, just ask Karai.
Although he does care for you enough to show distress when others take you out of his sight.
Splinter would not usually kill to keep you in his care, not unless he was cornered.
Shredder on the other hand... would probably kill the entirety of New York if it meant you'd be his loyal apprentice.
As you can see... They are vastly different.
We've even seen them fight countless times in the shows, even times where Shredder brutally wounds Splinter.
Blood will be shed between them countless times before there is any conclusion.
The moment those two come together to fight, you can only hope whatever the outcome is will benefit you.
You no doubt are aware of the tension caused by your presence.
Yet even if you put yourself in isolation, one of them is going to find you.
I can see them both sending others to check in with you.
Shredder has countless soldiers and mutants.
Meanwhile Splinter has the turtles, April, and Casey.
I can also see you being thrown into a loop of constant kidnapping and rescuing... no matter who it is.
They try to convince you who is better, you end up tuning it out.
Frankly, you just want to go home... your REAL home.
While Splinter is more caring, he has his own issues with you being around others.
Shredder is straight up just volatile and cruel to those around you, yet strangely caring with you.
Even the best option here probably isn't healthy either.
You can only hope that some miracle saves you from this conflict.
The two have had tension for years between one another... one just waiting for the other to make a move...
With you thrown into the conflict, it's only a matter of time until things boil over and you're forced to see the fate that awaits you all.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 3 days
Costume Meta 7x06
Me on holiday trying to write a costume meta - yeah probably gonna keep this one shortish because - you know - on holiday!!!
We have plenty to get through this episode an dI had zero Idea how to set this one out because its kinda immpossible!
So in the end I just decided to go with the flow and therefore this is probably a bit all over the place in terms of organisation!
Ok so Chimney exclusively wears check for this episode, apart from his hospital gown, which I'm not going to talk about as its a hosptial gown!
Chimneys first shirt is a grey and white rectangle gingham we see him in when he is having dinner with the Lee's to remember Kevin.
Grey is a neutral colour and can be linked with feelings of depression and compromise. These are key indicators of what is going on with Chim in this scene - he isn't depressed, but his spirits are clearly depressed (as in mute) and this should be seen as an alarm bell for Chimney - he who is forever optimistic - its all adding to the arc of Chimney not being himself - of something being wrong with him.
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His second shirt is this cream with a double blue check pattern - the increased amount of check plays into his encephalitic deterioration - showing he is becoming increasingly confused/delirious etc - the check patterning ins far more obvious and distinctive, unlike the grey gingham from earlier - which kind of blurs out to look more overall grey even if you can still see its a check pattern.
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Not going to dwell on Doug for long, but I do want to mention the fact that they put him in the very same costumes he was wearing in season 2. This triggers visual memories for audience members who have been watching the show from the beginning (or have watched those earlier episodes recently) because even if you don't quite connect the dots on why, you automatically know that this is a hallucination and not reality - the other visuals (such as him being there then not) add to this understanding, but it is the costumes that connect the Doug we're watching here and the Doug from the past.
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Gonna go in reverse with Maddie's costumes! here we have her in Chims hospital room, wearing a very similar outfit to the one she worse in his hospital room back in season 2 in the aftermath of Doug, the blue is now navy rather than the grey/blue of the earlier one, but that plays into the idea of a deeper relationship - they were just at the begining back in season 2 - the grey played into Maddie providing a soothing and relaxing presence for Chim, while the undetone of blue played into the growing trust and loyalty they shared. Now the navy blue is showing the strength of that trust and loyalty, while also hinting at Maddie feeling in a darkish place - her fear at losing the love of her life.
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Maddies wedding dress - it’s a stunning dress and I love that it’s not all white - it’s a mix of white tulle and champagne embroidered lace. The dress having chapagne embroidered lace is really lovely - the golden brownish yellow tones of champagne as a colour in colour theory are emblematic of a driven and powerful personality (which we see displayed very clearly in this episode) as well as of modesty, excitement and fun.
When I first saw it, not going to lie, I had mixed feelings about it - but I think most of my issues with the dress stem from the fact it’s not especially well fitted to Jennifer - not sure if it’s because they rented it rather than buying outright so couldn’t alter it or if there are other factors at play, but that aside it’s a really great dress and very Maddie. 
It makes sense that she would actually choose to go all out for the wedding - to overwrite all the memories of her wedding to Doug - this wedding is the one she wants to remember - the one she’ll look back on in the years to come, so for her to get to pick out a grand dress (especially as she likely didn’t get any choice in her previous dress) 
Beyond that there’s not a lot I can say from a costume and colour perspective - it’s a wedding dress doing wedding dress things!!
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Hen is in a black suit for her role as best woman, its full of Hens personality, whilst being subtle and fitting for a wedding - there really isn't a lot to say about it from a colour perspective, or from a design perspective - its doing everything it need to perfectly (it is also stunning and I would very much like to own it), not making Hen the centre of attention, whilst also ensuring we're aware of her importance within the wedding party.
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Then we have Bachelor party Hen, who is definetley rocking more of a 70's vibe in those jeans (which I also love and want please!!) and shirt and Karen is definetely more 90's vibes in the black and gold Chinese suit.
THis is really intentional - we have the context of Chim not being into having a bachelor party (which we know he would've actually loved and enjoyed had his brain not been being eat by a viral infection) and so every one else not being in costume except Eddie and Buck is very much about them feeding off the vibes Chim had been giving - they've made an effort to get dressed up, but they haven't gone with the theming.
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Chirs is wearing a surf shirt - it's by Quicksilver and I've included a better picture of the pattern below, because what you can't see with the filter on the camera is that the little logos on the shirt are in both blue and green. They're all symbols associated with surf and water.
So the water theming around Christopher (and Buck and Eddie) continues and we have the added fact that blue green theory is in play here as well - and it was in play a lot throughout the episode in relation to Buck and Eddie.
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Only one brief costume to look at for Tommy in this episode and its very much continuing the theming we've seen on him this entire season. We continue to see him in a Henley and jeans. This one is navy blue.
Choices were definitely made when it came to this outfit and the fact he hasn't chosen to dress up in any way - its part of the wider arc at play in this season (for all characters, not just Buck or Eddie - its the seasons theme - which is fitting considering we've moved to a new network and its a way of establishing/re-establishing the characters, their motivations and their interpersonal relationships) that Tommy doesn't know Buck - its not only highlighting the difference between Buck and Eddie and Buck and Tommy, but also calling back to the literal episode titled 'you don't know me' and emphasising that tommy doesn't know Buck and his quirks at this point (this is not Tommy bashing before anyone comes for me - I like Tommy and I wouldn't expect him to know that Buck gets super invested in things in this way at this point I am merely pointing out that the costume is highlighting the newness of their relationship).
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Bobby and Athena
Bobby and Athena are exclusively in blue and green this episode - we have the brighter jewel toned blue suit and emerald green dress of the wedding which are switched out for the more muted navy polo and khaki green jacket when the search for Chim gets underway.
The brighter colours are much more hopeful and cheerful - the bright blue of Bobbys suit with the meaning of trust and loyalty it is a supportive shade, meanwhile the green of Athena’s dress symbolises growth and health and luck.
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The more muted tones of the search play into their respective roles - Bobby becomes a fire captain just without the logo - it gives him the air of authority, while remaining supportive and dependable. Meanwhile Athena’s khaki green - a very typical shade plays into her position as a police officer - she is prepared to fight to figure out what happened to Chim - it’s an echo of the outfit she wore when investigating Eddie’s shooting back in season 4 - a key parallel considering we get a lot of other costume parallels this episode!
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Buck and Eddie
Again we're doing these two back to front, - the above picture shows them during the search for Chim and we have the very loud and obvious green and blue pairing in parallel to Bobby and Athena. its setting them up as a unit.
I am still not over getting Buck in jeans - I probably won't be for a while, so get used to me screaming about them at every opportunity - because they have played a blinder with them - the fact that we get Buck in jeans here, along with his white trainers
The other thing that I love about these two costumes is the way they both play into their respective costume styles. We've only seen Eddie in his army geen colourway once so far this season when he found out Chris was seeing multiple girls, and this is the first Henley we have him in - when he is normally king of the Henleys - this indicates where Eddie is at - ready to go to war for his found family, in the same way Athena is, but also that this is a comfortable state for him.
Bucks bright cobalt blue plays into his blue theme thats been building over the last season and a half - its telling us he's in a good place, more settled (in relation to Tommy not Chim being missing!) and its an indicator of his loyalty and trust, but the main thing about cobalt blue specifically is that its considered a colour of enlightenment - so continues the theme of Bucks bi awakening being about him becoming enlightened!
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Buck and Eddie being the only ones to have got dressed up to the 80's theme is all about showing them as a solid unit - they will feed off each others energy regardless of what it is. this is them being best friends best friending and being completely oblivious to everyone else - especially Chim's lack of enthusiasm.
The pink on Eddie plays two fold - it plays into the innocence and naivety theme the costumes are giving us this season - slotting Eddie into that narrative more firmly than just having Marisol wear it in episode 1 - it ensures that theme continues past the intial reveal that she was a novice nun - this is important because it reminds the audience subconsciously about that plotline. I don't expect to see him in any more pink this season, but I have a feeling we might see Marisol in more pink down the line as their arc unfolds.
I am interested to see how it plays into the guilt aspect though - the pink we've seen on other characters in other plots have revolved around feeling guilty - Lola being in pink when her cheating on Norman is revealed, and his innocence in it all as that plot is playing out having him also in pink. It suggests to me that we're going to get something relating to guilt - beyond catholic guilt - sitting pretty heavily in Eddies arc for the rest of the season!
(popping back in to finish this meta and now I'm screaming at myself for not connecting more dots earlier - I was so so close to connecting the mall - so close!!)
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So we have buck back in white - a key indicator that things are going to go wrong - mirroring all the other times Buck has worn white and either ended up in the middle of a disaster (tsunami!) or in some kind of trouble. The trouble here is obviously that Chim didn’t turn up for his bachelor party and has gone missing. It’s an indicator of the seriousness of the situation because Buck doesn’t wear white when it’s a trivial thing going wrong.
Then we have his greenish beige double breasted blazer - I have spent so long trying to figure out what colour this jacket is supposed to be and I’ve decided to trend towards beige with a green undertone. Beige is considered a trendy colour and is therefore its meaning suggests forward thinking and fashionable (don’t ask me why I have zero idea!!) the irony of buck being in beige is that it’s also considered the antithesis of intoxicating, The green undertone has the same vibe as the green shirt he wore to donate his sperm - and so there is a similar vibe going on here - that idea that things are going to go very awry, but will untimately end in sucess!
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I've included a couple of stills below of Crocket and Tubbs - just so you can see how perfectly the wardrobe team managed to create the vibe of them - as the same time as making both of them both Crocket and Tubbs - because they have elements of each of them in their costumes - which is just genius!!
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one final little nod to a fun thing the costume team have done - calling back to Bucks Coma dream costume - when he was a teacher - like his parents - by dressing Margaret in a blue version of the same outfit!!
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Sorry this was so late and not as in depth as some of my other meta's - but I got there in the end and I hope you enjoy it!!
Off to write 7x07's meta now!!
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In 1968, Stein was one of 700 students arrested at Columbia during protests targeting both the university’s ties to the US military apparatus at the height of the Vietnam war, and the college’s plan to build a segregated gym, at the height of the civil rights movement. “This was really a crisis moment,” Stein, 78, recalls. “Students were taking a moral stand. We were ready to risk our careers, and our lives and our futures, and take a leap into the unknown and say, ‘No. We are not going to budge.’”
[...] But what hope – or cautions – do these older protest movements, and protesters, offer in the present?
[...]Observing the new protests from the outside, Stein found a great deal to admire. “I think the students have been incredibly organized,” she says. “And, let me say, completely peaceful.”
[...] The Pakistani British political activist and intellectual Tariq Ali, 80, is similarly buoyed by the images of the protests he sees on TV and social media. “I feel very joyous,” he says. “It does bring back memories.”
[...] “The most important thing,” he says, “is how important this is for the Palestinians, and how they must be feeling in Gaza and the West Bank,” he says. “That’s what we used to think when we were marching in the 60s. ‘Does it have any effect at all? Do the Vietnamese watching us know what we’re doing?’ And they did! Later on we found out that many images of demonstrations … were shown to the Vietnamese people, and to the Vietnamese army.”
Thanks to social media and 24-hour news coverage, US students haven’t had to wait to see thank-you notes from Palestinians in Gaza.
Stein sees a similar comparison, in terms of how Vietnam and Palestine serve to exemplify, and crystallize, the more egregious excesses of US (and US-backed) military campaigning. “In my day, the moral issue of our time was Vietnam,” she recalls. “When I look at the students today, I think they’ve identified the ongoing genocide in Gaza, and the US’s role in arming and providing high-speed, high-scale weaponry, 1,000-pound bombs, for Israel, and they’re saying: ‘Business as usual can’t go on.’”
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For other veterans of the American left, the direct comparison between the Vietnam war and the military incursion in Gaza feels a bit incomplete. The American writer John B Judis – a Berkeley grad, frontliner at Vietnam war protests, and self-identifying democratic socialist – thinks the current situation is more complicated. “I welcome protests against America’s unconditional support [for Israel],” Judis says. “For me, it’s a question of whether the student protests are an effective way of doing that.”
[...] For Judis, the current movements evoke some of the missteps of earlier protests. “They recall, to some extent, the errors that the anti-imperialist wing of the New Left made in the 60s,” he says. “They’re not focused on ending America’s unconditional aid to Israel, but on these broader goals: free Palestine. Or they want to see a secular democracy of Palestine, which I think is really unfeasible. It’s not going to happen. The Israelis are not going to allow that to happen.”
[...] Judis argues that such broadly anti-imperial aims are not only unrealistic, but also indulge a certain tendency toward “romanticizing foreign governments” that has long dogged American leftism. He cites previous generations’ glorification of Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, and Ho Chi Minh as examples.
[...] “The idea that this is too controversial, or will produce such a conflagration of ideas, is exactly the opposite of what the university is for,” Stein says. “And students who want to discuss it have been silenced. I think that has led to frustration, and anger, among the students. Protest does have a history on campus. But in this case, the protests were necessary to even get a conversation started about what’s happening in Gaza.”
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[...] A man of Quaker and Jewish upbringing, Isserman condemns Israel’s inordinate response to Hamas’s aggression, while maintaining that the nation has a right to exist, and to defend itself “within limits that it too often violates”. And he has a hard time watching socialists (new and old) throw their lot in with fundamentalist groups. “These people are not our friends,” he says of Hamas. “You’re talking about a rightwing fundamentalist sect; a murderous sect. [The protesters] are making a very old error. Just in a new time.”
The New York University historian Michael Koncewicz notes that the anti-Vietnam war movement drew a broader coalition: not just progressive college students and American communists but liberals of all stripes. “There were people who viewed the Vietnam war as a tragic mistake that we needed to end. And then there were those who viewed it as a criminal act perpetrated by the American empire,” he says. “Those two sides were both on the streets.” That said, in his research and reporting, Koncewicz has found broad levels of support for the current movement among older radicals. “This is something that not a lot of young New Leftists had in the 60s and 70s: actual support from elders.”
[...] Historically, the US role in foreign conflicts hasn’t really moved the needle in domestic electoral politics. “We’re in uncharted territory here,” saysKoncewicz, “in terms of trying to figure out whether a foreign policy crisis will actually impact an American election. Because very few do. Most times, these things don’t matter.”
But the recent action across campuses speaks to a more intimate front emerging in the conflict. Another key distinction between the wars in Gaza and Vietnam is that the latter also took the form of a domestic crisis, with the mandatory military draft drawing American families (and voters) into this far-off conflict much more directly. The campus protests could have a similar effect. Images of militarized police forces sweeping through campus quads, rounding up students, professors and other assembled sympathizers, may win hearts and minds more than the images of a war being waged halfway across the world. “We saw that in the 60s and 70s as well,” says Tariq Ali of the police presence on campuses. “This is nothing new. What is interesting is they’re not being called by the governors of the states concerned [as in the 60s], but by the heads of the universities.”
The disgust at the authoritarian response to these protests seems to run across the various splinters fracturing the contemporary socialist left. “I have some criticisms with the encampments,” Isserman says. “But when you send in the cops, then my sympathy is with the students. That’s a separate issue from whether they could be more effective if they moderated their stance.”
Eleanor Stein hopes that, if history is any precedent, the reaction to these protests may be the thing that shifts public opinion. Like the draft, images of students being rounded up in paddy wagons wheeled on to college campuses may have a way of bringing the war home, and moving the needle of public opinion.
“In 1968, Columbia was quite divided about the protests,” she says. “But once we were all arrested, and the police were occupying our campus, the tide of opinion shifted dramatically in our favour. And that’s what you see happening now. This is how people learn … It represents a tremendous force for change. And without it, I shudder to think of where we would be.”
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 days
I'm starting to believe that Armand and Daniel haven't fallen in love yet...
After their bickering I interpretated some moments as Armand being unstable but still controlling his anger for Louis (Some smiles appeared to me not as teasing but as anger). He also didn't want at all the Interview to happen again and wanted to get Daniel to return home on a plane... Like he's not even a little relieved he's in Dubai, he's more of a nuisance (Or maybe it could be tied to an Alice scene? Like a betrayal?)
But then, why would RashidArmand be smiling at Daniel when they were alone in the balcony, or them knowing about Alice...
I'm a bit confused ahahaha, I really would like them to have fallen in love already in the 70s, cause since Louis will probably leave Armand at the end of the season, Daniel would fell very much like the only replacement Armand could find (Considering Armand's attachment issues)... What do you think? For you how are they going to adapt DM?
So I think there’s two possibilities (by what we‘ve seen by now, subject to change!):
1) Armand did not fall in love with Daniel in the 70s. Against that stands the Alice OST track we already know of. Which brings us to
2) A part of DM happened in the past, but Daniel “got his shit together“ for the baby. Armand might see that as betrayal. Maybe that is where all this suppressed and helpless anger stems from.
However, I also have the impression, that… maybe Armand does not remember everything either. He says the 70s Daniel is still there, buried, so something that both he and Louis want to find is there. In Daniel. Pertaining to Daniel.
What if.. it’s all a lot more complicated than that. Rashid does not wear a mask but gloves. What if he is also a vampire. Rashid was Eudoxia‘s fledgling in the books, who Marius killed (he also killed Rashid in the books). Maybe that event went a bit differently (and it involved Those Who Must Be Kept!!) and if this is that Rashid… then his part in all of this is a much bigger one (and another connection to Marius).
Maybe Marius is around, as theorized before. Marius took Daniel in in the books, for a while, when he went a bit mad. I said it before, but what if Marius is actually the one who erased Daniel‘s memories. And maybe influenced Armand, somehow. Though I would think even without influence Armand’s feelings might be very complicated already.
But even if Marius is not involved - a felt betrayal is something that would fit imho: softer feelings on seeing someone again.. and then the anger resurfacing at comments or even the inability to change the past.
There is a lot of frustration there, imho.
So to get back to the main question: I think we will only see in ep8 if Armand and Daniel truly fell in love back then - until then it will be showing more towards fear and anger - on the surface.
But there definitely is history.
History which is able to crack Armand’s proverbial armor.
And considering that… I think they did. Fall in love. :) And it hurt Armand, terribly.
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drdemonprince · 1 day
CW: suicide, commitment, psychosis
My sibling is someone who unequivocally says being committed saved their life and was not inherently traumatic outside of the extremely traumatic mental health crisis that led to it. (However, our local psych ER/psych inpatient is probably one of the better ones and does not use any kind of restraints or force medication. They seem to have an okay track record explaining what the pills are and asking if the person can try them, which I get can still be coercive in some cases, but worked well with my sibling. Also, I was visiting them as much as I could every day, which they found really helpful, and I could keep my eye out for any issues.)
My sibling (~30) had a severe psychotic episode that doesn't quite fit any current DSM diagnosis. They went 0 to 100 from no suicidal ideation to actively attempting suicide in front of me due to delusions about being hunted by supernatural entities who would torture them. They finally could not sleep for days, and therefore I could not go to sleep because they'd try to kill themself. They were not dangerous to me intentionally, but one or both of us could have been hurt by me trying to take a weapon from them. They could not think at all outside of panic and delusions and had no short term memory, so they describe themself as having been incapable of understanding their condition. They weren't able to engage with any social interventions, because how would you have the time or bandwidth if you were living in terror of demons about to torture you and couldn't remember conversations from an hour ago?
They went to the hospital voluntarily after being stopped from attempting, but then they were committed because of aforementioned memory issues when they shortly informed the doctors they had to leave and kill themself. In a moment of lucidity, they were glad to be there, but they just couldn't stay lucid from moment to moment. Trying to get outpatient help in the weeks all this was escalating had been fruitless, with a lot of dismissive assholes, but these particular inpatient docs actually cared and asked how they were doing and figured out a dose of antipsychotics that made it all just... stop like a switch had been flipped.
Once they weren't operating under the terrifying delusions, they 100% did not want to die and were so relieved I stopped them and got help from others when it was becoming too dangerous to us both for me to intervene alone. I get that this kind of crisis is really different from living with chronic suicidal ideation or depression, which is something I personally deal with on a low level, but it was a genuine, terrifying situation where someone's expressed wishes were the opposite of what they wanted when they could understand their situation more fully.
I am allowed to share this, but if this is somehow not on anon, please delete it. Stigma about psychosis is REAL.
Yo this is super helpful, thank you for sharing. One of the trickier aspects of upholding disabled people's autonomy and taking a harm reductionist approach to suicide and self-harm is the fact that people in a state of psychosis may temporarily want something they would otherwise never want.
Though with some experience working through it with a caring and informed support network, it is possible to stand in for the person's stated desires and help them get through the period of lacking lucidity -- and of course psychosis can become a lot less destabilizing with time. i know someone who relies on a close friend to help ground them when they're having delusions and hallucinations -- a quick phone call is now enough to convince them they don't need to kill themselves, but that's after years of getting used to having psychotic states.
glad you and your sibling found solutions and made it through this okay.
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pookapufferfish · 2 days
yall, big post time about this blog
(it's nothing bad )
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(images to make sure people see this)
so uhh, my eyebleeding colours and rain world banner and pfp may be gone soon so that I can fully hyperfixate on new stuff
I love rain world, never leaving the fandom (and still very much drawing all my fellas)
but I really have needed to experience other stuff. With rain world, I came here, got way more love and attention than I knew what to do with. met new friends, got new experiences, got new memories good and bad.
Honestly through the years my fixation on rain world felt more strained, it brings comfort yes but i also needed new stuff. and aus weren't helping, and roleplays never really work for me. and some friends became ex friends. and new trauma was made. and while I still love the scugs, and they are a part of me. I feel like this new fandom I am falling into has more love and fun experiences I can learn and grow with.
i need to stretch my skills and improve, i need growth and rest. I need to fall in love with something new. like I did with rain world.
These are my earliest rw art I have saved (25 july 2022? apparently, but i did change computers at a point and that might have changed the date) and my most recent full artwork (26 april 2024)
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I have improved a lot, but now I feel stagnant, i feel like i need new challenges outside of school work.
i was stuck in a real time loop of draw or people stop seeing me, talk to all my friends about their problems or they will all leave me, hide how I feel because people might abuse my feelings. But I know none of that is true.
And as I have said before, this is a blog for all my dumb stuff and hyperfixations. I love people, and I love this community. and I hope my art still makes people happy
might even start doing more oc stuff. i leave college after this year and i might need a portfolio. I hope some of you stay but I understand if me changing might be a bit much and you unfollow.
But really I am still the same guy, you can still send me rain world asks, and talk about rw ocs, and I will still add rw to my queue, and I am not unfollowing any of my mutuals. Who knows maybe this is a phase and I will come right back to this
And I know I can make a side blog but really this feels like a thing for my main blog, if you want I could adapt a side blog to have all my rain world art and I can keep posting rain world more there. if people want that.
But i feel like my art as a whole will get better from this. and maybe I can be that fun art guy rather than just the poly ship rain world guy who has a lot of weird issues.
TLDR: My blog is changing. I still will do rain world stuff but my focus will be everywhere else. This is for my mental health and so I can improve my art. But i am still a big rain world fan and that won't stop any time soon
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time for my isat era
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moonshynecybin · 1 day
Thinking for vale, now more than ever, with Marc racing the way he used to, it must feel more familiar but also the reminder must be more hurtful that vale isn't there riding next to him. Things like if I was there I wud have done this & this to to stop him. Because of course he has his vr46 kids to live vicariously through but they don't know about the age of aliens and they don't ride like them. And no matter what dani-jorge-casey-marc will always evoke different poignant memories than his other beloved riders
i DO think vale is a lovely and sweet mentor in a very unforgiving sports world its one of my favorite things about him. i do alsoooooo think about bezz flopping extremely hard this year until vale showed up in jerez and more or less fixed his issues on the bike in one conversation. what the hell. the difference between a generational superstar and a regular very elite athlete summarized VERY concisely imo. so yeah i do think it grates a little that he cant be out there actually stepping to the competition because that ‘swhat his entire life has been shaped around for many many years. and he LOVES it. you HAVE TO love it to do what he did. watching Q1 on his phone signing autographs even though his little babies are all in q2 kind of behavior.
so yeah! i think it eats at him in that same quiet tragic way that all generationally talented athletes have to deal with when they get older and are forced to confront the fact that their body cant quite do what it used to. all that strategy all that knowledge all of that impotent kinetic energy just coiled in his limbs without the ability to take off... ESPECIALLY when his little baby boys cant quite work one over on marc (or anyone really). like advice can only go so far ! and part of me wonders if he watches an overtake or a hard braking zone on the tv and starts thinking of about eight different strategies that wouldve been more effective....
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sysig · 6 days
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Wuh oh (Patreon)
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The novel experience of being crushed by a giant rock, a visual metaphor
#Doodles#ISaT#Siffrin#Loop#Yaaaay suffering <3 <3 <3#Lol#Starting with a cute practice Sif to get used to drawing them a bit more they're so cute what the heck#He's so shaped I love that for him and about him#Crisp design very nice#Sif really is the embodiment of ''Ignorance is bliss'' and being so maladjusted about it :'D#His memory issues make the me a sad#Ironically I try not to think about it too hard or else I'll get Really sad lol#Memory is the foundation of individual personhood! It's such a tragedy weh#Him brushing things off by falling back into his issues is just so agh Sif no you deserve better!#Some sillies lol I never know if I should give content warnings for these kinds of jokes - I don't make them often!#Loop's line in the Jello streams is So good I couldn't not lol#Happy Wednesday fr btw lol yes I did do that on purpose#The last one agh the red and like - can we talk about Sif (and Loop's and Odile's) specific portraits where their hands do the spark thing??#I always forget how art can be Whatever and that overlapping/removing lineart to imply shapes and movement and just jfdslafd#It's so cool I love it so much it's very inspiring#The bonus is mostly a joke lol - again while watching the Jello streams Lenti was talking about how much she relates to Sif#And I was privately like ''Haha thank goodness I don't relate to him! Couldn't be me!'' And Then#It's fine lol I'm aware of my overlapping issues - I fall more on the Isa side of ''Sounds fake but okay'' but yeah.....yeahhhh lol#As long as I don't get trapped in a time loop about it! Poor Sif haha
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dailymanners · 1 month
Be respectful of other people's time. If you make plans with someone else, avoid being late (at least beyond fashionably late) or flaking on them last minute, and especially avoid being a no-show. This is especially applicable for time sensitive things, such as going out to a movie or live performance.
This also applies to appointments with professionals, such as hair appointments, nail appointments, ect. Because the person you've made an appointment with is likely a working class person just trying to earn a living and make it through the day, but when their clients are late this can affect their ability to keep their work schedule and keep all their clients happy, as well as keep them at work late and affect their personal life (such as being late to pick up their child from day care because they had multiple clients who were late to their appointments that day)
Flaking last minute on appointments also affects their livelihood, as it can be hard to fill an appointment time slot last minute so this can affect their earnings for the day. Respect working professionals by respecting the appointment times you've made with them to the best of your ability.
Of course, life happens. We all forgot things, and we all have unforeseen circumstances pop up which force us to be late or cancel plans. But it is important to at least make an effort to be on time, and to honor the plans you've made, so as to be respectful of other people's time and energy.
If you must, set phone alarms and/or leave notes for yourself.
Part of this is being honest with your friends about making plans you don't actually want to do. It's better to be honest with your friend that you don't want to see that movie with them on that night, rather than lying and faking interest only to flake last minute. With the former they could have planned more accordingly and found someone else to go with or even been prepared to go alone if they wished, with the latter you are wasting their time and energy.
Again, life happens, sometimes the bus or train is late, sometimes the traffic is worse than we anticipated, sometimes health problems crop up. But at least make an effort to be on time and honor the plans you've made, as this is more respectful to other people's time and energy. When we make no effort to be on time or honor the plans we've made this can come across as disrespectful to other people's time and energy. Your time and energy is not the only time and energy that matters.
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commsroom · 1 year
eiffel returning to earth and encountering people and places and things that he's known so closely for years - that some part of him might even instinctively feel he should recognize - but without the ability to consciously remember them vs. lovelace returning to earth and seeing all those familiar things and knowing them, and knowing how they've changed in her absence, but being unable to shake the part of her that keeps telling her she's seeing them for the first time. how both of these could be used as an exploration of trauma, and returning to a place (that hasn't changed at all; that's changed too much) that you no longer fit into; that rubs up against the changed shape of your life in raw and uncomfortable places.
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moeblob · 2 months
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Deacon loves two things: Ymber and digging himself a grave.
Fulj hates one thing: Deacon.
#my characters#waiting on some info on the next commission so i indulged in ocs today bc i doubt i will have as much time for lil comics for a bit#deacon is so devoted hes like yeah i would kill for a deity that could easily kill anything himself but yknow teehee#and fulj just did you tell him you needed therapy also does he even know youd murder in his name#deacon caught red handed haha no of course i havent told him it should be obvious enough haha.... and its in his defense not his name :c#man really does have some issues but i love him so much and hes so devoted but like. unhealthily after a while#he does in fact need a chill pill and therapy but to be fair#ymber has needed therapy for centuries and yet he just bottles it all up and suffers so#its pretty unhealthy until they yell at each other one (1) time bc they are so insecure about things and get mad over very valid reasons#but then theyre like you know what that was necessary and i still want to stay by your side if you let me#and then fulj is like dude hey sorry you seem really happy did you fu- and ymber is like no please stop there we have not#fulj just squinting cause have not is very different than will not but whatever she doesnt wanna think about that with deacon involved ew#and eventually fulj is like hey ymber im sorry to say but i really do hate deacon and i dont even know why but he makes me uncomfortable#while deacon is just. in the room. hearing this and thinking how he knows she thinks hes weird but wow that wording hurts#and ymber doesnt wanna fill in memories better forgotten by fulj which she had forcefully removed#so he just says oh well his hair and clothing are black and you had someone in the past that you might see in him and its not a pleasant en#so you know maybe its that idk#and fulj is then WHATST i was rude to him for someone i cant even remember? lame im gonna try SO HARD to be nice to him now#and deacon just still sitting there with some food like this is v awkward and i wish i could not be here for it#and later he asks ymber about who he resembled and as ymber is descibing her it clicks in deacons head and he gets really sad#that he might somehow remind fulj of the woman she loved before she was punished for loving a mortal#and he feels kinda bad pestering her so much with his curiosities about deities and he kinda gets it#the fact hes close to ymber might remind her at the core that she was once that close with a mortal if not closer#anyway story time in the tags again#im so obsessed with these peeps and i have made them suffer so much but they do all end on a happy note#its still funny and nice to me that while fulj is creeped out by deacon and doesnt like talking to him#he still expresses the most emotions to her - he tries hard to remain serious around ymber and collected and obedient at all times#and when out and about with ymber he has to be intimidating and refuses smiling but fulj?? all sunshine and smiles and emotions easy to rea#and she is just that is so weird go away i hate you
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aroacettorney · 1 month
do not let caseys sunshiness distract you from the fact that she is just as much emotionally constipated as ludger.
#academy's undercover professor spoilers#academy's undercover professor#casey selmore#the fact that casey has never told anyone including betty and terinna about delica/memory storming events is so wild to me#like girlie why r u suffering from all that by urself#ppl hating on casey for having negative EQ but that only reflects how much emotional support she usually gets from others#case in point: marias selmore#wouldnt surprise me if casey has never trusted to emotionally open up to anyone ever again when its her own family treating her like that#in her entire life casey is close to only 4 ppl but they are either:#1) her sister who historically sucks#2) bestie no. 1 who is almost always swarmed with work#3) bestie no. 2 who once again gave her trust and abandonment issues#4) bestie no. 3 who is not even a human but an automaton also learning how to deal with her own emotions#not to mention to maintain her reputation as a renowned detective she must have been neglecting her own emotional needs#casey selmore my beloved just because you dont look at it doesnt mean it is not there#casey tryna brush off her emotions after the memory storming and seek to solve the problem logically like a thinker she is but#she didnt realise that she was just delaying the inevitable and so the basara arc hit her like a truck + left her bedridden for a month 💀#caseys apologies to ludger only really solved the problem on logical terms#but there is never any emotional closure between them bc they are both painfully emotionally constipated so back to suffering we go 💀💀💀#lesson learnt from ludgercasey angst galore: stop trying to solve emotional problems with logics
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u3pxx · 9 months
cleaning up and throwing away things is so difficult for me bc i get attached to even the smallest piece of clutter that i don't need anymore , like girl pls ....... it's a scrap piece of paper ........ throw it away PLEASE ...................
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sincerity--extreme · 2 months
Does anyone know if it's possible (and normal) for memory issues due to ADHD to get worse as time passes?
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vaugarde · 8 days
isat is such a good example of how memory issues and comprehension issues can wear down a person and make them incredibly self deprecating and exhausted even at “smaller” incidents
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neurospicyyy · 6 months
Yes, I threw fits when I was a kid.
No, I wasn’t in control.
No, you shouldn’t judge me for it.
Yes, I am aware you think I had the choice.
But surely you understand I didn’t really have one?
Surly you understand I was struggling?
That I’m still struggling?
That I always will be?
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