#and the rest of the crew of course
1-800-free-oo-mox · 2 years
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One of my ferengi ocs "Ni-Ni" Neen, chief medical officer of the USS Trawler.
Some random stuff about her:
Has one of those stupid horned dog-like aliens from tos as a pet and it's just called Dog in English
Favourite holodeck program is an over the top USA 80s stockbroker drama/simulation
Pretends to be an exaggerated stereotype of a ferengi in a very dry sarcastic way but actually feels animosity towards ferenginar
In reality is a MASSIVE Hew-mon-aboo and loves Earth history and culture, becoming extremely knowledgable about it but often using this knowledge to take jabs at humans so as to not "stroke their egos"
Named after this. this is what she sounds like
Smokes random shit she finds on planets (off duty) and then usually has to cook up some antidote to stop whatever insanity happens
Catchphrase is (disgusted tone) "Look I'm not your mother."
Makes out to all the new cadets and crew members she was some kind of evil organ harvester money collector before starfleet to scare them as a running gag
Despite obvious awful bedside manner she tends to grow on people- being deadpan funny, incredible at her job, relentlessly resourceful and cool under pressure and difficult decisions
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thinking about a whumpee on a forced march through rough terrain
hands tied in front of them, on foot while their captors are mounted, sleeping out in the open, forced to beg for adequate food and water
maybe they're barefoot, a captured royal in silken robes
maybe they're in a torn suit or soldier's uniform
maybe they were stripped at the start, increasing the exposure to the elements, the humiliation
are they a terrified mess from the beginning, or do they try to endure with dignity? how long before they're stumbling, barely putting one foot in front of the other? how long before they fall?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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King the silly guys, Lupin III!
(for @dying-suffering-french-stalkers)
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pinkcrittertomb · 5 months
It's crazy how till to this day i haven't found a fanfic about Yasopp taking Banchina and Usopp with him.
Just imagine the crew teaching Banchina techniques to defend herself. Her illness still happens, but she has her son and husband with her by her side, they try to save her, searching for a cure, but it's still not enough. Maybe when she died the crew thought Usopp and Yasopp needed a time on land to properly grieve, away from pirating and fighting marines. Luffy being there to comfort Usopp, trying to cheer him up, the crew taking care and being there for Yasopp. But when Yasopp tells his captain they need to go, Shanks knows he won't take no for an answer. Yasopp knows he's not ready to leave, he feels like he will never be, but Shanks can't end his journey just because of him, and he's not ready to leave the crew, so they prepare to depart. The thing is, Yasopp doesn't think he can do it without Banchina, take care of Usopp in the sea, he's afraid he will lose his boy too, the most important thing alive in his life. So when everything is in the ship, and Luffy gets a scar for being reckless and Shanks loses an arm, he tells Usopp. Tells him he will not me coming with them, for a loss of words he tells Usopp to not worry, he has Luffy, and Makino, and everyone else they befriended there, he will be okay. Usopp obviously start crying and begging to go with them, with his dad, he doesn't care he has all these people, he only wants his dad, they both hug, cry, and Yasopp makes promises and attempts to soothe the boy, but Shanks says it's time to go, so he has to let go.
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once upon a time, in about 2016, someone wrote HeR to find out where they sourced the images used to decorate Abby's room in MHM and were told that the art came from the Corel library.
this... was not true. obvs I don't think the HeR employee who answered that email was intentionally misleading/lying to this person, but it's bad info nevertheless. basically all the in game art from MHM/the early games came from the Mary Evans/Pictures Now collection, which I know because I've spent a buttload of time trying to id all the irl art used in the games.
so why bring up the Corel thing? because as it turns out that there is an ND game that almost exclusively* used art from Corel, but it's not MHM, or any of the early games. that game is in fact Warnings at Waverly Academy. seriously. easiest time I've ever had tracking down in-game art. (the corel art collection is waaay smaller than the mary evans/pictures now collection. like two orders of magnitude smaller. like 500 images vs 60,000 images. you get the picture.)
*and by almost exclusively I mean there is seriously one painting in wac that isn't on any of the corel art disks. and that painting? pictures now collection. why? why not any of the 450+ corel paintings that didn't make it into wac? the mind boggles.
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slitherin-away · 9 months
oneshot - 1496 words
“Where in the hells are you going?” Astarion asks, peering down into the opening with disdain. “Not sure yet. Sewers, perhaps?” Shadowheart peeks back out and tilts her head slightly. “We don’t need a celebration for a night of senseless drinking, do we? Or…morning, I suppose.” Wyll steps closer, balancing a crate with bottles on his shoulder. “You seemed like the type who would enjoy that.” “I do, don’t I." ----- OR: Astarion gets to spend the aftermath of the final fight safe from sun light, in the midst of Tav and the other companions, drinking the day away.
(Let's be honest, the ending they gave Astarion if you don't play as him is more comic relief than anything. I present to you my attempt at fixing this. Hope you enjoy! As long as you have finished the game. If you haven't, finish the game first!)
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maudiemoods · 1 year
So if beings of stardust au eclipse can hypnotize people how exactly does it work?
He has a swirly eye that hypnotizes others! So they have to make eye contact! It can be avoided but it's hard to not look him in the face! While hypnotized, the being is still present, just not in control of their body! Eclipse can't necessarily enter the mind and take the wheel, he can sorta alter the minds of others by "ghost controlling" in which he makes them think they're acting on their own will! It's like another form of gaslighting and manipulation! Also, once he's made eye contact and hypnotized, he doesn't have to continue that eye contact. Eventually, it'll wear off and he won't have control anymore but he can "reset the timer" of his control by making eye contact again! The further away the eye contact, the less time he has to control others! Also, mental strength plays a part in it! If the being he's trying to control has an extremely guarded mind, he can't control them very well, sometimes not at all! Also, if eclipse is weak or distracted, that can limit his abilities!
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rollforjackass · 11 months
i truly and honestly believe that it would have been much funnier if snw had spock just. 100% miss out on anything crazy that happened. time travel shenanigans? he was in the lab. ship invaded? meditating. gets split into two separate versions of himself? no wonder reports were getting done twice as fast!
man has the most normal and boring starship tour of his life up until the events of the cage happen, remains totally unimpressed with humans and the federation in general, and then hops aboard with kirk and experiences the most batshit five years of his whole life
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vimbry · 10 months
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cursedwithwords · 5 months
HP Next Gen OCs: Band Edition
In my version of the next gen, Fred Weasley grows up and opens a nightclub that caters mostly to the wizarding community (this includes squibs and muggles who have some connection to the community), called Colours.
Within the club, he has live music performed by an in-house band called "No One of Consequence" — a group of five with varying backgrounds that he met by pure chance in Diagon Alley. He hired them almost immediately after hearing them play, and they live together in a flat above the club to make it easier to come to work.
Fred only knows a little about each of their backgrounds but trusts them implicitly and loves their company. They become a huge draw to the club, which is even more exciting. Considers them to be his partners, even though he's technically their boss; he sees them as equals.
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Name: Malika Shaan
Origin: India
Wand: none
Patronus: none
Profession: Drummer
Sexuality: bisexual
Details: born in India to a long line of illustrious potioneers. For generations, her family has produced incredibly skilled wizards and witches; until she was born. A squib with absolutely no magical inclination, rather than being accepted, she was shunned by her family and considered a dark omen, a sign of their families downfall. The only member of her family who cared for her was her great, great grandfather Malik Shaan, whom she was named for. The patriarch of the family, he was the only one who loved her and took care of her. The rest of her family — parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings — abused and neglected her, locking her in the family estate and refusing to admit her existence to the rest of the wizarding world. She was an embarrassment, after all.
Malik despised the way the rest of the family treated her, seeing her as good fortune rather than bad, but his age and perceived mental decline made it so the rest of the family refused to acknowledge his will despite being the head of the family. So, out of spite, Malik gifts Malika an ancient book of potions that had been passed down for generations in their family. An heirloom meant to be passed to the next head of house, Malik decides they don't deserve it. So when he feels his health fading he gives the book to Malika and tells her to leave the country, because the family no longer deserves the prestige of their name if they're willing to abuse someone not of magical prowess. He passes away not long after Malika leaves.
She can't open the book as it's locked with a magical seal, but she never lets it out of her sight. She promised her grandfather she'd take care of their families legacy, and she intends to do so even at the cost of her own wellbeing. She wears a gold locket around her neck decorated with a crescent moon and a star. Gifted to her by Malik, it holds a photograph of the two of them and is her most prized possession.
Wears loose clothes, generally autumnal colors, and has a gold septum + gold labret piercing. Carries her drumsticks everywhere she goes. In a way, it makes her feel like she's holding a magic wand, which makes her feel closer to her grandfather. A part of her does feel disappointed and angry that she doesn't have magic but has learned to live with it.
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Name: Adrien "Ren" Taylor
Origin: Australia
Wand: acacia and re'em horn (an heirloom wand passed down from her mother)
Patronus: bat
Profession: Bassist + Vocalist
Sexuality: aroace
Details: born in the Australian outback, five minutes older than her younger twin brother. Her mother was a Magizoologist while her father secretly worked in black market creature sales and transport. Mr. Taylor lied to his wife about what he did for work in order to access the rare magical beasts that she worked with as a Magizoologist. She was furious when she found out, but instead of letting her leave to call the authorities, he threw her into a room with a chained and injured beast and let her be torn to shreds. He was happy to be rid of her, but was left with two very young children to raise, and he did not want to deal with them.
He and his gang of black market thugs raised Adrien and her brother, teaching them magic through homeschooling and trying to instill a deep fear and hatred of magical beasts in the twins to make them "useful" to the gang. At a young age, her father locks her in an arena with a dangerous beast and is badly wounded. Instead of bringing her to a healer, her father allows her to develop blood poisoning and sepsis, claiming if she can't pull through on her own, then she simply isn't strong enough.
Out of desperation, her brother uses a rare and forbidden blood magic to brew a potion that remarkably enough manages to heal Adrien, but with the unforseen side effect of turning her into what the magical world considers to be a vampire; she develops a strange blood anemia that alters her genes to the point where she needs to consume blood to maintain healthy iron levels; though she hates taking blood from animals or people.
After discovering her vampirism, she and her brother are forced to acknowledge the fact that if their father discovered it, he would likely take advantage of it and extort her condition. Vampire blood and vampire fangs are rare commodities, after all, and their father wouldn't be against selling his own daughter for money. Even if he'd be selling her for parts. So they take what they can carry and run away.
Adrien manages her condition with iron supplements and isn't against stealing bags of blood from hospitals if she absolutely needs to. She's extremely pale, and the pigment faded from her hair as a side effect of her vampirism, leaving it white. Adrien is physically stronger than most people, amplified when she drinks actual blood. She burns easily in the sun, so sunblock and aloe vera are her best friends. Her eyes are naturally blue, but they grew paler after her change, the pigment fading just like it did in her hair.
She normally dresses in all black and has nose bridge and snakebite piercings, both silver.
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Name: Mason Taylor
Origin: Australia
Wand: spruce and billywig stinger
Patronus: salamander
Profession: Guitarist | DJ
Sexuality: gay
Details: five minutes younger than his sister, they used to be near identical before Adrien's change, but Mason was born with heterochromatic eyes, which always made him unique. His left eye is the same blue as Adrien's, and just like his sister, he's subjected to alarming abuse by their father. A bit before his sister is injured, their father throws him into a cage with a frightened dragon that reacts by biting his left leg clean off just above the knee. Fit with a prosthetic and walks with a limp.
This is reason number 7000 that he loves working for Fred at the club. They're both transmasc and actually have a ton in common, so they get along outrageously well. They have similar senses of humor, enjoy the same sort of media, and have a lot of respect for each other.
Transmasc, which adds to the harassment from his father and the gang, but his mother and sister have always been outrageously supportive. It isn't until they run away that he's able to work towards a life — and a body — that Mason can feel comfortable in.
GayTransmascJokes™. They are insufferable together (Adrien is very happy for him).
Has a more extroverted personality than his sister, though they both still love animals and feel no hatred or vengeance towards them for the injuries they both sustained. He wears an old bomber jacket with a fur neckline, as well as a brown corded cattleman hat with an occamy feather stuck in the hat band. The feather was a gift from their mother. Not much for tattoos, but his ears are pierced. He and Adrien share a set of earrings that used to belong to their mother. They each wear one of the earrings.
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Name: Imamu "Baron" Abara
Origin: Uganda
Wand: cherry and augurey tail feather
Patronus: blackbird
Profession: Pianist
Sexuality: straight
Details: a graduate of Uagadou and a powerful seer, extremely talented in Divination and reading runes; though his personality is not what one would expect of a seer (basically the opposite of Trelawney). He gets his abilities from his mother's side of the family, where there have been powerful prophets in every single generation without fail. They can be identified by the alarming eye color that they all share — piercing gold, almost yellow, and practically glowing. Imamu hides his eyes behind extremely dark sunglasses in an attempt to protect himself from people who may want to take advantage of his ability.
He has prophetic dreams and can see snippets of people's pasts and futures when he looks them in the eye, which is why he does not like looking people in the eye. He's extremely talented at scrying through mirrors, which is how he prefers to "see". His mother is also a Uagadou graduate, born in Uganda like him, and his father is from London. They move to the UK after Imamu graduates.
In addition to his seeing abilities, he is also an animagus and can transform into a blackbird. He does not need a wand to perform spells, but his father insisted on getting him one when they moved to London, as additional padding of protection. The more "normal" he appears, the less people will badger him, and wandless magic is very rare in England, which makes him stand out too much.
A jokester with a sharp sense of humor and extremely charismatic. He plays into his appearance because he knows he's attractive and is very proud of it (he is his mother's son). He can play both the drums and the piano, just prefers the piano. It was his idea to start the band as a cover to protect his identity as well as his friends' identities because all of them are being hunted in some way.
Is absolutely enamored with Roxanne because he can not see into her head, and he likes that. She's a mystery to him, not realizing that the reason he can't see her future is because her future is with him (and no seer alive is able to see their own future).
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Name: Julian "Jule" Reinhardt
Origin: Germany
Wand: willow and veela hair/dragon heartstring
Patronus: occamy
Profession: Bassist + Vocalist
Sexuality: demisexual
Details: born at the edges of the Black Forest to a fairly normal wizarding family, if allowed to grow up properly, he would have attended Durmstrang. Tragically, he was never given the opportunity, as he was kidnapped when he was extremely young by a pack of werewolves who lived in the deep mountains of the Black Forest.
A "family" consisting of just lycanthropes, though very few of them are related by blood. Their way of expanding on their "family" is by choosing young children and stealing them from their families, biting them for the purpose of creating a legacy of lycanthropy to be passed down. It's thought that the first werewolf was made from the Black Forest, which makes the "family" blind with the desire to maintain the purity of their history. Instead, they turn into murderers, kidnappers, and abusers. Jule is just one of the victims.
Julian has no memory of his original family and is not taught much magic by the pack, nor does he have a wand. He does know how the pack works, though, so he knows he had a family and that they are no longer alive. Unlike the rest of the pack, Julian has always felt like an outcast. In an act of desperation to escape the abuse, he decides to run away, though he is in constant fear of hurting people along the way.
He's absolutely terrible around people because of his isolation and has a lot of trouble trying to figure out how to act around them. Extremely quiet and cautious, he hates being touched. He's nervous and anxious but very protective of his people.
He's physically stronger than he realizes because of his lycanthropy (he doesn't know his own strength; in fact, he thinks he's extremely weak). Abysmal confidence (think albus pre-delphini). He doesn't have much faith in his magic and doesn't get a wand until he moves to England. Imamu takes him to Diagon Alley and Olivanders, where he ends up being chosen by an unusual willow wand with a core of braided dragon heartstring and veela hair.
Keeps his black hair long enough that he can use his bangs to cover his right eye, which he damaged badly during one of his first transformations, leaving him half blind and badly scarred. No one can see the scars if his bangs are in place and if they don't look too close. Most of his scars are on the rest of his body rather than his face, which he hides under thick layers of dark clothes: high neck shirts with long sleeves, leather gloves, jackets, etc.
Keeps his nails cut and filed as short as he can to the point where they sometimes bleed because he doesn't want to accidentally scratch someone. Wears gloves as an extra precaution. Also wears a black face mask over his nose and mouth when he's in public (that's how terrified of himself he is).
Being on the stage playing bass with his friends, who love him and understand him in spite of everything, is the only time he feels like he can be anything other than a victim. He's on the stage playing the first time he sees Louis, who he falls in love with at first sight. He doesn't realize it at first and thinks the racing of his heart is a sign of fear as that's the only thing he's ever felt in the past.
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ale-draws-stuff · 1 year
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Rudy was the first person who didn't run away screaming after meeting Norah and treated her like a person and equal, because of him she got to meet the rest of the Fenwood crew and was no longer alone in a dark observatory. I'd cry too if I was her
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duckapus · 9 months
Mr. L decides that he needs some allies. While he technically has Vector's revolution and the Union, they only know him as Circuit, and he's just using them so he can get into Adminspace. I'm talking actual evil teammates that know who he is and can help long-term with his evil plans.
First off, he manages to recover Remake Saiko's data, which the Crew thought was destroyed after her defeat at the end of the Bichitaru Arc, and she's more than happy to work for him if it means she'll get revenge on her outdated counterpart and those idiots who don't know an upgrade when they see it.
After that it gets a little more interesting. See, during the reality fracturing chaos that SMG4k caused, all kinds of random stuff from other universes got dumped into the Mushroom Kingdom, and not all of it ended up going back where it came from afterwards, including most of a dead JC Jenson Worker Drone that the government found and took to Area 51, which Mr. L now steals so he can reverse-engineer it and use it for spare parts. Using the knowledge he gained from that, he makes both a new body for Remake Saiko and several upgrades to Brobot, including an enhanced AI and a secondary android-style module that he gives the codename "Mr. M." It of course looks like a robot Mario with a black and red color scheme. Interestingly, between the two Saiko's the one who looks more like a typical Murder Drone but Mr. M's the one with the yellow eyes(plus a single headlight where the "M" on his hat would be).
So now Mr. L has two killer robot minions. That's fun.
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Hand in Hand (part eleven)
cw: aftermath of whump, hospital setting, adult language
prev ///// au masterlist
~ ~ ~
Fleet soldiers come to collect him with weapons drawn and cuffs to replace his chains. They lift him from the bed and strap him to a stretcher, tight enough that he can barely move. Dan doesn't fight it.
They'll take him aboard and throw him in the brig. Probably interrogate him, probably transfer him to a place he has no hope of escaping once they're done. He doesn't care. Whatever they do to him, it can't be worse than Swift's ruthlessness and cold manipulation. Unlike her, the Fleet has rules.
He isn't so naive as to believe they actually follow those rules, but being an intergalactic organization puts them under a certain level of public scrutiny. And even if the Fleet-aligned public hate Dan, they won't be bold enough to condone his torture. He isn't safe, but he's safer. Wes is safer.
Maybe he can cut a deal with them. Comply and give them anything they want, in exchange for his friend's freedom. Something he'll never know again, but again, he doesn't care. He took his last breath of free air months ago.
He just has to hope they get to Wes in time.
The soldiers lift the stretcher, and he winces as the movement jostles his leg. He's barely left the bed at all since Swift dragged him away from Wes, and the few times he's been pulled from it have been agonizing. He's sure his leg is getting worse, not better. Is it bad enough now that it won't get better at all?
He can't linger on it. There's bigger things to worry about.
Like Wes.
Dan tries to get a look around as they carry him onto the ship and secure the stretcher, but he can barely lift his head.
"Where... where's my friend-- th-the other prisoner? Is he alive?"
He doesn't get a response. Fuck, he can't just not know. He needs to know that they have him, that they won't leave him behind.
"Please, give me an answer," he says, straining against the straps that hold him. "Just tell me you aren't leaving him, please."
"Shit, am I supposed to tell him something?" the soldier who speaks is talking to her teammate, not Dan, but he still picks up her whisper.
"Maybe it's best if we sedate him for the flight. I mean, it's Melchior."
Sedate him? No, they can't. Not until he knows Wes is okay. Not until he sees him being brought onboard. If they can't even promise him that, what does that mean? Is he dead?
"Don't, please, I just wanna know--"
But the soldiers only ignore him as one of them preps a needle.
And as much as he tries to fight it, Dan can't escape the drug as it pulls him under.
~ ~ ~
He wakes to fluorescent light and a low ceiling, metal ringing his left wrist, connecting him to a hospital bed.
A ship. He's on a Fleet ship.
His leg has been heavily bandaged, and he can't feel it. They must've numbed the pain there somehow. For a moment, Dan just stares at the blanket, at his own hands. He isn't free. But isn't Swift. It isn't---
Realization hits him like a bullet and he shoots up, his head spinning and woozy as he looks around the room. Wes. Where...
It doesn't take long to spot him. The med bay is small, and there's only one other bed. Wes lies in it, asleep or unconscious. His skin looks even paler in this light, his many wounds a sharp contrast. He's hooked up to an IV bag. Dan is too, he realizes.
Wes looks awful, looks like he's in so much pain, but he's out. He's here, he's alive.
"Wes," Dan croaks, though he doubts his friend can hear him. Tears are building in his eyes, but for once they're falling in relief. Whatever comes next, whatever sentence he has to take from the Fleet, Swift can't touch them anymore. She can't hurt Wes anymore.
And he'll die before anyone else gets the chance to.
~ ~ ~
@kira-the-whump-enthusiast @kixngiggles @shywhumpauthor @whumpsday @whumpacabra
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
I need to write that fic where Mirror!Tuvok meets Neelix because I do want to establish that he thinks Neelix’s cooking is great in comparison to Mirror!Neelix’s because that guy thinks its funny to keep poisoning the crew’s food. Not consistently and not enough to kill anyone but he is poisoning it.
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baby-xemnas · 10 months
not to be all mushy and gay but bepo feeling like home for law>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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twitchyritchie · 2 years
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Hang in there Mr Wentel.
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