#and then asked me about the writing process and didn't get hung up on the fact that it was fanfic
Up Until You | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Summary: In which Tommy Shelby realizes that he might just have someone he wants to live for.
Warnings: smoking, slight season 2 spoilers
Word Count: 3698
A/N: boy does it feel good to post a story again! I hope there won’t be as big a gap between this and my next one … I promise I’m getting these requests written! Anon, I hope this is as angsty as you were hoping….the prompt you sent is bolded. Enjoy! :)
A/N 2: I almost forgot! I wanted to give a shoutout to the lovely Mars @toms-cherry-trees for helping me so much in the planning process of this fic…I don’t think it would have gotten finished if it weren’t for you!
Comment/Message Me if you’d like to be tagged!
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(Y/N) sent Ada Shelby a look that asked 'where is he?' the second the latter opened the door. Ada answered with a head nod to the left, which conveyed the answer of 'he's in there'. A glance over the Shelby woman's shoulder confirmed it - Tommy was sitting at the table in the front room. His back was to the door, so he hadn't noticed that she arrived...yet.
She sent Ada an appreciative smile before she quietly walked into the room, hoping that Tommy wouldn't hear her footsteps. He seemed to be too engrossed in his writing for that to happen though. She stood there for a few moments, carefully peering over his shoulder as he finished the sentence he was writing.
He paused then, and it gave (Y/N) the ability to read the sentence he'd just written:
In the event of my own death, I want the following facts to be known...
Reading those words made her mind go blank. "You're actually going through with it?" she asked without thinking.
The sudden sound of someone's voice made Tommy quickly turn in his chair. He was already on edge with the day's events taking up his mind, so this unexpected visitor had caught him completely off guard. It took a few moments for it to register that (Y/N) was standing in front of him. When it did, he cursed under his breath before letting out a huff.
"When'd you get here, eh?" he asked, his eyebrows raised as he placed his hands on his thighs.
"Just now. I couldn't find you at home. The guys hadn't left for the derby though, so I figured you'd be here," she explained her reasoning. "You don't have to go through with this, Tommy," she then circled back, not letting him switch topics.
"I have to," his response cut right to the point. He didn't have time to get into a discussion about it.
"What about the other options you've shared with me? The options that don't include you having to come face to face with this man in order to get the job done," she reminded him of the talks they've had in the past, hoping that doing so would get him to change his mind.
"There's no time for those other options, (Y/N). The derby's today. The plan's been laid out," he wasn't biting.
Silence hung in the air as they stared at each other. (Y/N) was hoping that he'd change his mind. She waited on bated breath, waiting for him to announce that to her. But he stayed silent.
She couldn't wait any longer. "So that's it then?" she asked, incredulousness present in her voice. The fact that he wasn't even trying to entertain a conversation about this was breaking her heart. "You're just going to write your note and practically seal your death with it? And what'll that mean for me?" she was unable to stop herself from getting choked up as she uttered her final question. She didn't want to think about her life without him, but it was staring her dead in the face at the moment.
"The note's just precautionary, love," he attempted to assure her. Her expression didn't change, her brow was now furrowed and it was noticeable that she was biting on her bottom lip; most likely to stop her tears. Tommy finally stood then, coming face to face with her in hopes that his proximity would wash some of her worry away. "I'll be fine," he added in a low voice, blindly searching for her hands so that he could hold them.
"You can't promise that," she responded, her voice coming out as a shaky whisper. It was taking everything she had not to burst out into tears in this moment. She'd always associated his closeness with safety...whenever Tommy was close, (Y/N) knew she could never get hurt. But now his closeness was making her hurt even more.
"It'll be fine," he repeated, squeezing her hands.
"It's really been decided?" she still couldn't accept it.
"It has," he nodded.
(Y/N) sighed at his confirmation. Her gaze dropped to the floor as she pulled her hands from his grasp. She then wrapped her arms tightly around her frame as she turned and took a few steps towards the windows.
"(Y/N)." Her name left Tommy's lips as a breath. He knew he was fighting a losing battle here. "Come on, love. Look at me," he gently coaxed her. She stood still. "It'll be fine," he tried once more to assure her.
That set her off. She whipped around within a second of hearing his statement. There was now a fire burning in her watery eyes. "Do not say those three words again," she snapped at him, "do not continue to try and reassure me with things that you cannot guarantee will happen. You know how dangerous this plan is, Thomas. Please don't try and act like It isn't. You wouldn't be sat here writing a note for someone to find in the event of your death if you didn't think that there was a possibility of it happening," she spoke her mind, letting her emotions go free as all of the pent up worry flowed out.
"(Y/N)," he spoke her name again, in a different tone this time. He didn't need this lecture. Not right now. "This is what needs to be done," he continued in a low voice, staying stoic in hopes that it would alleviate the situation quicker.
But (Y/N) no longer cared about what he did or didn't need at that moment, and if anything, his statement just made her even more upset.
"It doesn't need to be done like this," she insisted, "you don't need to sign your life away for a contract...for a man who doesn't give a single care about the stakes that have been raised here so long as he isn't the one carrying out the deed. Any other person would be trying to find a way to take themselves out of the equation but you've decided to put yourself in the driver's seat."
(Y/N) felt like she was talking in circles. Hell, she probably was, but she was doing so in hopes that something would be set off inside of him. She wanted him to realize that there was still time to think up another plan; one that didn't include him being placed in harm's way.
"What is it that you want from all of this?" he asked her, his brows furrowed together.
"You, Tommy!" she exclaimed, her frustration shining clear through her words. "I want you to fight! I want you to realize that things don't need to play out this way; that you can still put another plan into play!" she paused, taking a deep breath as she swiped at the tears that had escaped her eyes. "I want you to come home when all of this is finished," her voice was level again as she spoke the final sentence. Her eyes were locked onto his, hoping that he'd realize how much this was affecting her.
Their eyes stayed locked and a few moments passed before Tommy looked down at the ground. He exhaled a sigh as he brought his hand up to the back of his neck. "It's already done," he said, his voice void of any tone.
"Then I guess I'm done," the words left (Y/N)'s mouth before she could stop them. She didn't take them back though. She was tired of fighting in a one-sided fight. It was so obvious that Tommy had his mind made up. Nothing was going to change it at this point. But yet she still held onto that sliver of hope. She hoped that her showing up today and speaking her piece would get him to change his mind.
"(Y/N)..." Tommy looked up again as her name fell from his lips, shock now present in his expression.
"I can't be here a moment longer. I can't stand in front of a man who is acting as if he's already dead. I need to leave."
Her words were spoken softly, but Tommy heard them loud and clear. He said nothing as she moved to the archway, expecting her to leave without another word. To his surprise, she turned around just before she was about to exit the room.
"I didn't believe that love existed until you came along, Tommy. But you showed me how wrong I was for thinking that way; for thinking that I'd never experience something like that. And now you've just decided not only your future, but mine as well. I can't stay here and watch it play out. I'm not sure if I'll be home when you return. I just..." (Y/N) stopped speaking as the words got caught in her throat. She let out a shaky breath, tears welling up in her eyes once more.
All words escaped her at that moment, and she shook her head instead, deciding that finishing her declaration would be a lost cause anyway. She couldn't even bear to look at him again, too afraid that she'd actually break down. So instead she turned and made her way to the door of the home, opening it and leaving without looking back.
The sun was now shining down on her. It was an absolutely lovely day in London, but yet she was having one of the worst in her life. She decided to go for a walk, revisiting the streets that still felt like home even though she'd made the move to Birmingham several months ago.
(Y/N) knew Ada Shelby before she knew Tommy. She'd met her when Ada had moved into the next door apartment with her adorable son, Karl. The two women quickly became friends, spending a lot of time together right up until the day Ada had been found and hurt for being a Shelby.
Contact stopped briefly as Ada had moved out of the apartment, but things continued like nothing had even happened when Ada sent (Y/N) a letter that contained her new address. The two frequently spent time together in the front room of the lovely new home, sipping tea and talking about the day's events in front of the fire.
Ada's house was where (Y/N) first met Tommy. Surprise riddled their first encounter. Ada had stepped away to tend to Karl when Tommy came knocking on the door. (Y/N), being the friend that she was, didn't hesitate in opening it. The sight she was greeted with took her breath away. Thankfully Ada had returned from Karl's room, or who knows how long the two would have been standing in the doorway, staring at each other. She even joked about the fact that they couldn't seem to keep their eyes off of each other. Of course it didn't help that Tommy had forgotten what it was he was even there for for the first few minutes of his visit.
That wasn't the last time (Y/N) saw Tommy. The two became very close very quickly. It was like they had known each other forever; like there was this pull present between them that neither could ignore. Things also got serious pretty quickly. So serious that (Y/N) was packing up her things and leaving her London apartment for Small Heath after only six months of knowing Tommy.
Some might think it was crazy; that things were moving much too fast. But (Y/N) had never felt so sure of doing something in her life.
Which made what was happening now hurt so much more. But she needed to keep walking. She'd done the right thing.
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Tommy placed a cigarette between his lips and lit it with a match before taking a deep drag from it and exhaling slowly. The sealed letter sat on the table in front of him. He stared at it for a few moments before pressing the thumb and index fingers of his free hand against his eyelids, hoping it would alleviate some of the pressure he'd been feeling.
"I made you up some tea," Ada's voice broke through the silence, and the sound of glass being set on the table he was working at made Tommy lift his head again.
He nodded as a thank you before bringing the cigarette back up to his lips again. He then stamped it out in the ashtray while exhaling the smoke slowly.
"I heard everything that was said, you know," she said then, moving over to one of the chairs so that she could sit. "What were you thinking, Tommy?" she asked with raised eyebrows, her eyes zeroed in on her brother.
Tommy sighed, rolling his eyes as he looked off to the far wall. He didn't need anymore of this right now.
"She was my friend first. She was the only person who cared about me when I moved here. She helped me through a lot. I'm not going to let you ruin her for your stupid ambitions," Ada had no problem speaking her mind and letting him know how wrong he was for responding to (Y/N) the way he did.
Tommy pulled the timepiece from his pocket and checked it before letting out a sigh and returning it back to its place. "I need to leave," he told Ada before lifting the cup and downing the beverage in one go. In hindsight he was thankful that it wasn’t scorching hot. "Thanks for the tea," he said to her as he set the empty cup back down.
Nothing more was said as Tommy stood from the chair he was sitting on. He looked to Ada as he pulled the jacket he'd been wearing back on over his shoulders. She was glaring at him, hoping that he'd have something - anything - more to add to the conversation.
It became apparent that he didn't when he started for the archway. So Ada left him with one last statement: "please don't let her go, Tommy. We all need her." There was a quiet desperation now present in her eyes, one Tommy wasn't sure what to say in response to.
So he nodded and turned to exit the home, heading right to the car he parked a few streets down.
Truthfully what he wanted to do right now was head back to Birmingham and stop (Y/N) from leaving, to tell her that she was more important than any plan he could ever put into place. He knew she was justified in saying everything that she had.
But it was too late to do that now. Tommy knew that there'd be men searching for him by the end of the day if he stepped away from the plan this late into it. At least now he had some sort of control over the outcome of his life. And he was going to try like hell to stay alive...because now he had someone to stay alive for.
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The house on Watery Lane was quiet when Tommy stepped into it later that evening. The fire in the main room was still lit, but he couldn't quite remember if they'd put enough wood on to keep it going prior to leaving that morning. So judging (Y/N)'s presence based on that could have surely given false hope.
He took his overcoat off and hung it on one of the hooks by the door. The suit jacket followed after, and he draped that over one of the chairs in the sitting room as he walked through it.
No one was downstairs, but he hadn't expected anyone to be at this time of night.
He quietly walked up the steps and down the hall to the bedroom that he and (Y/N) shared. He paused at the closed door, taking a moment both to steady himself; to regroup from the day's events, and to prepare himself for the possibility that he may be opening the door to an empty room.
After inhaling and exhaling deeply, he turned the knob and opened the door. The first thing he noticed was the lit candle on the bedside table. Seeing it made all of his worries dissipate. (Y/N) had a habit of lighting them and then falling asleep.
Looking slightly to the right, he found the woman that hadn't left his mind since she left him in Ada's sitting room. She was laying on her side, facing the wall, telling him that she was sleeping.
Slowly, quietly he began ridding himself of his outer layers. It wasn't until he moved over to the dresser that he noticed the bags sitting on the floor. They were packed. It was easy to see that, even in the candlelight. He looked back to (Y/N) then, putting the pieces together in his mind. She was going to leave...but something made her stay.
Now only wearing his undergarments, he made his way over to the bed. Hesitation overcame him again. Should he lay with her? Should he go back downstairs? She was in her spot, tucked up against the wall so that enough room was present for him on the small bed they shared.
A few moments passed before he made his decision, lifting the covers and slowly slipping underneath them. He laid on his back for a short time before turning onto his side so that he was facing her sleeping frame. Another bout of hesitation filled him, but he didn't let it stick for too long as he gently draped his arm over her midsection.
That was when (Y/N) let out the shaky breath she'd been holding in from the moment she heard the door open. She was awake the entire time.
"Are you still awake, love?" Tommy asked in a whisper.
"Yes," she breathed out, her voice wavering.
"You've been crying," he pointed out, able to read her like an open book.
"I didn't know if I'd see you again," she answered him, choking up as she spoke.
"I'm here," he assured her, his arm wrapping tighter around her body.
(Y/N) didn't say anything in response. Instead tears fell from her eyes as she held her breath, trying not to make it noticeable that she was crying. But Tommy was able to feel how her body was shaking.
"Turn and look at me," he said quietly, a soft demand that took her a few moments to comply with. Her tear-stained face became visible in the candlelight when she did, and seeing it broke Tommy's heart. "C'mere," he breathed, allowing her to move even closer to him so that he could engulf her in his embrace.
"No one knew where you were, Tommy," she whispered once she was finally able to get words out again. "I thought..." she paused, not even wanting to say what she was thinking, "I thought the worst."
"I'm sorry you had to think that way, darlin'," he murmured, stroking the back of her head slowly. He held her close until her body stopped shaking, giving her the time she needed. He didn't speak until she lifted her head from the crook of his neck. "Better?" he asked in a whisper, peering down to see that her eyes were still closed.
"Slightly," she breathed out a response. "I'm relieved that you're home. Is..." she paused, seeming like she was looking for the words to say next, "is it finished?"
"It's finished," he answered in a definitive tone, nodding his head as best he could.
(Y/N) let out a shaky breath upon hearing his response, feeling as if the rest of the weight had lifted from her chest. She slowly opened her eyes and looked right into his. "I was going to leave," she started, watching Tommy's brows furrow together in the candlelight, "but I realized that this is part of the life I chose with you. That this is the type of work you carry out, and that I can either fight you on it or support you the best that I could. I also realized that my desire to be with you is so much greater than the worry that your work creates." Her eyes didn't stray from his as she spoke. Watching his hardened blue irises soften as he took in her words was enough to fill her heart to the brim with love.
Tommy took a moment to soak in her words. He moved his hand from behind her head so that he could gently trace the line of her jaw with his thumb. Taking in a deep breath, he knew what he had to do. Searching her eyes for a few seconds longer, he thought of the words he wanted to say.
"I thought I could lose everything and be totally fine with it," he began, clearing his throat in hopes that she wouldn't notice the fact that his voice was breaking. She noticed. "But then you came along...and now I see how wrong I was."
"Tommy," she breathed, taken back by his admission.
"I had nothing to live for up until you, (Y/N)," he admitted, not holding anything back now, "and I promise you now that things will change... that there’ll be no more of these plans. I don't want to have the possibility of an outcome that doesn't include you in it."
(Y/N)'s mind was swirling. It had been a rollercoaster of a day, she still couldn't quite believe the change of events that had happened. But she was so very thankful that things had ended up with Tommy by her side again.
"I love you, Tommy," she whispered, a smile tugging the corners of her lips upwards.
"I love you, (Y/N)," he repeated the phrase, his expression mirroring hers as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers in a passionate kiss.
Now that he had her again, he knew that he could never let her go. What he'd told Michael earlier in the evening would soon be true: he was going to ask (Y/N) to marry him.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21
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@cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @red-riding-wood @everythingelseisextra @little-diable
@thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife @ryecosse @padfootdaredmetoo
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musette22 · 11 months
Me, on a date: yeah I like to write, just uh... short stories, sometimes longer stories... about uh, characters, sometimes original characters but also eh, existing characters
Him: so you're like deep into fanfic then?
Me: ... yeh
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enwoso · 27 days
You have somehow managed to make me fall in love with this little universe you created with grumpy and Alessia in such a short amount of time!
Would you be able to write something about when the England squad first found about Alessia having a child and how they handled that on camp and stuff? I feel like there would be quite a lot of protectiveness, especially considering how she's part of the younger group, particulalry from some of the older age groups, like Lucy, Leah, Ellen, Jill, Jordan, Millie ect.
MINI ME — alessia russo x child!reader
*oh my god i love writing this little universe!*
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alessia had never imagined that she'd be a mother at such a young age. she had always dreamt of having a baby at the end of her footballing career while being in a stable relationship, living in a comfortable environment with little to no stress allowing her to enjoy motherhood. the total fairytale fantasy.
however that fairytale fantasy never became a reality as alessia fell pregnant at 20 while in university, after one too many drinks and night with a boy she did trust enough but clearly trusted too much as after she took a test and the two lines displayed on the test telling her she was going to be a mother — he left? he didn't want that type of responsibility at such a young age.
when alessia moved back to england and signed for manchester united she kept you hidden from her teammates worried about what they may say or think, ella being the only one who knew about you. after all she would sometimes look after you when mummy had important adult things to do or pick you up from nursery when mummy couldn’t.
"y/n? where've you gone?" she whisper yelled, looking around the foyer. you were in that toddler stage of hiding at any chance you got, putting your mum on the verge of a heart attack everytime you went out places.
"this isn't the time to play hide a seek lovie!" alessia said, a slight sterner tone in her voice as she looked around for you.
"boo!" you giggled, coming out from your hiding spot from behind the large indoor plants, looking up at your mum a devilish smile on your small face. a pointed look on your mums face as she kneeled down, grabbing your two small hands in hers.
"lovie, what have i told you about hiding, especially when we are in a new place. what if i had of walked away? you would have lost me" alessia reminded you softly as you nodded, your smile that was previously on your face replaced with a pout.
engulfing your mum in a hug, "sorry mummy" you mumbled into her chest as she kissed your forehead.
"i didn't know you had a little sister?" a voice was heard from a distant as alessia handed her passports over to the staff members, getting her room key. the blonde looking around to see who it was before her eyes landed on mille bright, lucy and leah.
alessia could feel her cheeks going redder by the second, as she stood up picking you up with her and placing you on her hip. the blonde beginning to stutter out a a response however you beat her to it with your innocent smile covering you face.
"that my mummy! i no have a sister!" you smiled at the three girls, their eyes almost popping out their head as you spoke. shock consuming them as their jaws hung to the floor.
"oh my god" lucy whispered as she was the first to break the awkward silence. alessia setting you back down on the floor as you were wriggling to be down.
"this is y/n, my daughter" alessia sighed, there being a slight silence as the information was being processed by the three girls head as you walked a little closer to the three girls, leah being the first to react by crouching down to your height. "hi y/n! i'm leah" you smiled nodding at her name looking to the other two girls standing in front of you.
“i’m lucy”
“and i’m millie”
you said a small hi to them as you moved back a little so that you were standing near to your mum, an arm wrapped around her leg. “and how old are you?” leah asked as you hummed thinking as you held up four fingers, “three!”
the girls giggling a little at your confidence, your mummy putting your extra finger down and correcting you, “lovie that’s three”
“you play football with my mummy?” you asked, looking at leah but directing your question at all three of the girls. as they nodded all in sync.
“we do and there’s a few more of us too” millie said as you looked back to alessia wondering if she was telling the truth as your mum nodded her head as a little gasp came from you.
“where they?”
“through that long corridor, getting ready for a training session later on” lucy commented pointing to the way before you turned to your mum begging her to let you to go and see everyone else.
your mummy nodding as you grabbed her hand, swinging it a little as you followed the three girls you had just met just moments ago.
“auntie ella!” you yelled as you brushed past lucy and leah as they stood in the doorway, running to get to ella as she looked up from her phone, a smile cracking on her face as her arms opened up for you to run into. faces stopping and watching the interaction with both adoration and confusion.
“hey tiny, you alright!” ella asked as you hugged the girl tight, you hadn’t seen her since the last manchester united game a week ago. your mummy having being busy with getting ready for camp and you being at nursery up until yesterday.
“yep, i met lucy, leah and mille” you proudly said pointing to each girl as they had sat down at a table beginning to talk most likely about boring adult things.
“oh that’s exciting, what about everyone else though?” ella said as you began to shake your head stopping moments later as the midfielder began to twirl the two of you around, giggles escaping from you as she did so. stopping when she got back to her original place.
you looking around the room, a few familiar faces that you had recognised from your mum playing with them in manchester seeing them when you went to games with your grandparents — mary, keets and lotte who you only ever saw if you were down in london. the rest were new people, new people to talk to and share you infectious personality with.
ella took you around each person introducing you to each person with the permission from your mum first of course. the news spreading quickly throughout the camp that you were here and whose daughter you actually were much to many’s surprise.
the day going a lot smoother than alessia could have ever imagined, she had spent the past week thinking over and over about how it was going to go. replaying over and over in her head about how her teammates would react to her having a child.
alessia spent a good part of the afternoon after the introductions were over in the garden of st george’s park explaining her story in depth to those who were most interested; leah, keira, beth, lucy, mille, rachel and ella.
“that must have been so scary, you were so young.” beth whsipers still loud enough for everyone to hear, the girls all so intrigued but also immensely proud of alessia for her whole journey since you had arrived in her life.
as alessia told her story from the start, how she found out she was pregnant to how she came back to football.
“it was, but she’s my reason now. everything i do is for her future” alessia said simply a couple of the girls humming.
“if you ever need anything and i mean anything even if it’s just for someone to talk to, don’t be scared to ask any of us. we’ll always be here for you less” leah said softly but you could hear the protectiveness in her voice, alessia nodding taking in the support of her teammates which had grown to be her family as her eyes trailed over to where you were, the other girls following where the blondes eyes were looking.
“she’s literally a mini you” beth commented the rest of the girls agreeing as they began to list the similarities between you and your mum. as alessia smiled looking at you kicking a football with jordan and georgia
“i know, my mum says all the times that’s she’s a copy and paste of me from when i was little - only difference is she’s a bit more chatty than i was” alessia pointed out, hearing you talk away to jordan about the flowers growing in the ground, as the midfielder picked the ball from around them.
“but i think she gets that from her auntie ella!” alessia grinned looking towards her best friend who threw her hands up in shock.
“mummy! mummy!” you yelled out, the blondes head turning from her conversation towards you as jordan passed the ball to you. “watch this!” you added as toy had the ball at your feet and began to juggle with it from foot to foot.
alessia watched on grinning, as jordan counted the amount you got as georgia cheered you on. a small buzz of excitement coming from you as the ball dropped from your control as you ran over to your mum.
“lovie, that was awesome!” mummy cheered, as she held her hand up for you high five. the other girls saying there well dones. alessia watching as you smile got bigger and bigger with each seconds.
the way you had bonded with the team in hours warmed alessia’s heart to no end. knowing that these girls were going to now be apart of your life forever. her two worlds had joined and she couldn’t even to describe how much she loved it.
“any chance we can borrow her when we play on tuesday!” jordan joked as she and georgia came over slotting in on the seats with the other girls as they laughed but agreeing. as they all fell into a deep conversation.
you climbing up onto your mummy’s lap, as her arms wrapped around your front. a yawn escaping from your lips as you slumped back into your mummy’s chest playing with the rings on her fingers.
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liked by keirawalsh and 612,540 others
alessia new day, new faces🩷
comments -
bethmead dibs on being best auntie!
1h 140 likes     reply
-> leahwilliamson no i am
-> georgiastanway no it’s me
-> lucybronze come on guys i obviously win!
-> ellatoone it’s quite clearly me!
-> millebright you all wrong it’s me.
-> maryearps it’s me
-> keirawalsh no me
-> racheldaly its obviously me!
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numberonetrashwitch · 9 months
Some observations about Baldurs Gate 3 that hit too close to home.
After another few runs i will probably just make an in-Depth Character Analysis for every character simply because they are good reflections of actual trauma-manifestations and how abuse can manifest in people. They are also so well written that it serves a narrative purpose to explore all the material that is out there about them. I am also personally cursed with actual medically-relevant levels of Empathy and Hyperfixation; so writing this helps me put a pin in it and move on.
But so far here are my highlights
(SPOILERS and obviously content warning bc these are deep)
before you ask; i have almost 300h in this game.
You have to convince Shadowheart to eat the Noblestalk. She actually stells you she rather get her memories back from Shar but when you hit the persuasion or intimidation (what the fuck) check to get her to eat it she'll tell you about her childhood friend. Not her name, not her parents but her best firend. Possibly because she has had a closer bond to that person after being abducted and indoctrinated. With her believing herself to be an orphan, she would've looked elsewhere for comfort and sought out her own family, this is why she falls hard and heavy for Shar and builds the backbone of her indoctrination. She is literally ripped out of her home & given a new identity to server her from all she has known. Religious indoctrination, Gaslighting, Abduction, being forced to let go of your personality are her main themes.
There is a scene out there floating around in which you see Astarions pespective of the night when he bites Tav for the first time, in his meditations he is confronted with the rules Cazador put on him, including that he can't eat intelligent creatures, can't be away from Cazador unless allowed to, has to obey every command and that they are should know that they are property. Which in turn means that Astarion literally didn't just have any autonomy, he was objectified (and not just through seductive/sexual measures) and that is really the crux to understanding why he doesn't believe in kindness, but rather shows self-serving behavior in most cases. Since we know that Astarion was extremely young for an elf before he died and became immortal (literally stopping the aging /maturing process) it is also very telling that Cazador constantly calls him brat, boy or other very juvanile names, refering to them as a family... well it is also the story of a very controlling parent. Themes of (Bodily) autonomy, infantilization ( & puer aeternus, forever-child), slavery, depersonalisation, corruption of life and torture to break someone.
Gale isn't just a guy hung up on his Ex, but also a victim of abuse. In this case a power imbalance none of us can fathom; She is described as being a jealous goddess and rules over the domain of mysteries and magic. So with Gale being a Wizard, she is literally his boss. He admits that he was foolish enough to aspire to be an equal to her, but she is so jealous that she tells him he can't really be worthy as long as he takes breath. She could just take his powers away and be done with it, that would be more than enough punishment for a guy who literally made Mystra and her domain his life's purpose, but she rather makes him do it himself. Add to that, that she literally only tells him this after years of self-isolation (after he put down so many wards that he could've blown up a whole army as he says if you click the right dialogue) to really fuck him up well. He also talks about death pretty much constantly, not surprising giving your situation, but he will tell you that he will kill himself at several points in the game, for instance after he comes clear about his nethrese orb. Themes of romantic abuse, power-imbalance, toxic work enviorment, self-isolating behavior, suicidal ideation
Wyll ... well from the looks of it he is the most well adjusted of all the companions (my opinion) but he has something that i'd describe as the "eldest daughter"-syndrome, more commonly known as parentification. This pattern usually occurs within single-household parents and is commonly described as a parent looking to their child for emotional or practical support, rather than providing it to their kid. We meet Ulder and see that he talks over Wyll a lot, not listening but expecting him to follow the standard he sets for him. That is also why Wyll repeats his fathers words like gospel (because this is what, in his mind, fullfills the expectations bestowed upon him) and why he loves fairytales / bard tales so much (because they are an ecapist view of the job he set out to do) Ulder literally exiled his teenage son because Wyll did the only thing he could to save an entire city, by sacrificing himself. Thats a lot to expect from a 17 year old - even more so, he doesn't stop with the heroics. He expects himself, as a human who hasn't even reached the age of 30 to hold up to mystical creatures such as Astarion or Karlach, or even Gale who is a accomplished Wizard. Themes of parentification, escapism, self-harming through putting himself in danger, chronic-self-sacrifice
In plain words; Gortash, Karlach's Idol sold her to a Devil. But add to that that she must have been pretty young when she was sold (late teens to early twenties possibly) and being that if you play as a Tiefling, you face a lot of predjudice she was likely forced into that position as well. Starstruck she was, with a juvenile naitivy that Gortash used. Appropriately, as he is the chosen of Bane the god of "tyrannical oppression, terror, and hate, known across Faerûn as the face of pure evil through malevolent despotism" (Source: Forgotten-Realms Wiki / Bane) So she pretty much was raised in a toxic enviorment, which forced her to become a killing-machine, first figuretively, then with the extraction of her heart, literally. Themes of slavery, oppression, misuse of trust, being taken advantage by a more powerful/older(?) person, being drafted.
Jaheira - to be honest, you need to know the lore of the previous baldurs gate games or just listen to her dialouge, ask her all the questions. She is a war-veteran against Bhaal, the good of ritual murder, and has a long history of fighting to achieve some sort of balance of power. She lost her husband and several close people all to this, or any other war, but due to her wisdom and strength people look to her for guidance. Themes of: Survivors Guilt.
Halsin - he is really closed off at first but then just casually hits you with "i was captured in the underdark and spent 3 years chained to a bedroom wall by a pair of drows who used me as they pleased". He is reprimanded by some of his druids for leaving the grove as soon as opportunity struck, just to get back and leave the next day, and if you talk to him about his position in the grove he is actually very forthcomming. He actively holds himself back; indulging in simple hobbies because he knows what lies within his heart. He is afraid of himself and his potential (canonnically he can't control his wildshape, which is very weird for an ARCH-druid) Themes of: impostor syndrome, avoidant-based self-harm, sexual opression, loss of control, emotional regulation.
Lae'zel is a very tragic case, and one that closely resembles the stories of Shadowheart and Karlach. Her entire existence is based upon a matriachial war society allowing her to live if she proves she can be of use and that in a culture which only values brutality, dominance & service. All of that culimating in her finding out that her oh-so-beloved Queen is actually just an imposter, and that everything she has lived for up to that point is merely political propaganda created to make her, and the rest of her entire species, willing pawns in a war that has no longer bearing on their survival alone, but is fought to justify Vlaakith's (the reigning monarchs) personal ambitions. Not only is she forced to reconcile that she is turned into the thing that controlled her kind for hundreds of years, that the only cure she knows of would kill her and then on top of that, that her hopes and dreams were lies and that she is now the Nr 1 enemy of the person she has served with all her being. themes of: oppression, propaganda, casual violence, objectification, child-warfare, eternal warfare
Minthara in short, her story is about being shamed for growing up in the same scenario that Lae'zel grew up in. Lolth, the god of the Lolth-sworn drows is a crazy queen who values scheming & backstabbing so much and is so volatile that you can't know what to expect of your deeds (and i mean it; there were people who were appraised by her for scheming against her, but also those who were killed. It's almost random.) She considers Lolth to be cruel and abandoned her for the Absolute, only to then be used and abused the same way Lae'zel has. Not with promises, but erasing her memory and exposing her perceived weakness. Themes of: casual violence, violent culture, her own ambition colliding with her desire to be safe, being a pawn in a larger game.
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adams-angels · 4 months
Can you do one where Adam sees you as a place holder for his wives and doesn’t respect you ever but when you want to leave him he realizes just how much he truly cares about you and then like over course of a period of time (your choice) we forgive him :)
Thank you for listening ❤️
This was a fun one! I love a bit of angst. Can't get enough of the stuff!!
💖 Please send me requests! Send me your own headcanons! I will draw! I'm obsessed rn!💖
Reader POV because I got a similar ask which I'll write as Adams POV
It's all I ever asked for. To be respected. To be loved. It wasn't fair. Why did I have to be alone and wait for him while he was out galavanting around the heavens! How was it fair? He'd only ever sees me for sex. He wouldn't reply to my texts but god fucking forbid I miss one of his texts.
Or in this case ignore. I've had enough. I'm not being second choice anymore! So I texted him "we're done." I know it's cowardly to "break up" via text but it's not even like we were dating! I placed my phone down on my side table. I should of put it on silent. Why didn't I put it on silent.
Curling up on my bed, tears flowing from my eyes as I hear the vibration on my phone. He's either calling or text bombing me. I pick up my phone to see several missed called and about 20 texts already.
You think you're better than me?!
You're nothing!
I'm Adam!! I can get ANYONE I FUCKING WANT
I sob.
I must of fallen asleep during my crying of self pity. I stretch out my arms as I sit up only to see Adam at the doorway. I scream in surprise, falling off my bed hitting my phone off the nightstand in the process. "Adam?! What the hell are you doing in my apartment?!" I yell at him.
He stands there, looming over me. "You want to leave me?" He asked, never had I heard him so emotionless. I tut as I stand up. "You say that like you cared." I retort, picking my phone up from the floor. "Don't look at that." He took a step towards me, reaching out but I pulled away. "Why? You next me nasty shit? Telling me I'm worthless? That I was lucky to -" he interrupted, "y/n, I'm sorry. I just want to know what I did wrong."
I can't help but sigh, collapsing on my bed, hair covering my face. "I just... I can't... I don't want to be a place holder for you." I can hear Adam moving closer, his wings dragging across the floor. "What are you talking about?" One of his hands land on mine. "I don't want to be someone you just use until you find someone better." His fingers interlace with mine as his other hand brushes my hair from my face revealing my teary eyes. "I just want to be... I don't know, Adam."
His hand cups my face and I just can't help but melt into his touch. "Be mine?" I shrug in response. Clearing his throat he clarifies, "no, I'm asking. Be mine." I can't help but look at him like an idiot, my heart skipping a beat. "What?" He recoiled. "I mean, maybe we could start again? Like.. properly?"
"You mean like.. date? What happened to "I don't date. I'm the first man. I have the first penis ever bla bla!"" He stares at me with a blank expression. "I don't sound like that." "You do." Adam brow furrows in what I can only assume is annoyance. "Whatever, y/n, please. I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you. Please don't leave me." Never have I seen him look so weak. So... Small? "I'll have to think about it." I can't tell if he feels relieved or worried. Maybe both. "H-how long will that take?" He asked with a hint of desperation.
"I don't know, Adam." I shrug. My words hung in the air. "I really care about you, y/n. You have to believe me, babe." He kissed my hand before releasing it. "Just.. uh... Delete those texts. I didn't mean any of it." I watch as he leaves my apartment. No through the door of course, no, he always had to leave from the balcony. I usually watch as he flies away. But not this time..
It's been about a month since I last spoke to Adam. I've seen him about. Doing his thing. It makes me laugh. When ever he notices me he freezes up. Just last week he was talking to Sera and as soon as he noticed me walk past he just stared. I swear I heard Sera say "earth to Adam."
Today I decided. I head towards his office, walking past several anxious angles. I heard yelling come from inside his office and then something smash. Before I could knock the door swung open and standing before me was a very frustrated Adam. His feathers were literally ruffled. "Y/n?" He was surprised to see me but his expression changed quickly as he remembered in was in the presence of his underlings. "Come in." He stands aside letting you in to his office. It was mess. I mean, I've seen it messy before but this was a whole new level. Documents everywhere, a smashed mug on the floor and coffee stains on the wall. "Bad day?" I commented he grumbled in response. "There are no bad days in heaven."
He slumps down on his chair, watching me as I walk over to his office window, opening it to get some of that heavenly fresh air in. "So... I thought about it." He perks up, sitting straight. "And?"
"and I'm willing to start again. Properly." I don't even get a chance to turn and face him before he's already darted from his chair wrapping me in his arms. "Fuck, thank fucking Christ. Don't do that to me again. Please." His wings surrounded us. "Please, I'm sorry. I'll treat you so much better." "Promise?" "Yes, promise."
~⁠♡✧⁠。 I really hope you enjoyed! I'm not a writer by any means but I appreciate any support I receive so thank you for reading! 。✧⁠♡~⁠
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i-cant-sing · 7 months
I'm not sure what I want to write about but I have this very overwhelmingly strong urge to write about Platonic Yandere Gojo Saturo x teen/adult reader. And not like just light fluff, I'm talking about unhinged yandere Gojo- the one from the latest panels where he was fighting with Sukuna- that Gojo.
Like that Gojo just radiates "buffed up cool dad finally puts his foot down and is now actually low key scary".
Hmm, I mean I could see unhinged Shibuya arc Gojo just going absolutely feral as he drags you away from Toji (your dad) and begins to actively kill him, no matter how much you beg and grovel to spare your father's life. How you can't bare to see your dad taken from you again.
But Gojo? Nah, he doesn't care. He was serious when he took you in (kidnapped u from Naoya/Zenin Clan) and told u that he'll be the father you need.
And he doesn't even have any qualms about knocking you out either, he doesn't need u interfering mid battle and getting injured in the process. He might even hand u over to Yuta and others and cheerfully threaten them to keep you safe while he obliterates Toji, because yes Gojo is 100000% jealous of Toji and you bonding/being closer to each other than u are with Gojo. How fucing dare you??? Does he need to do the speech again?
"Through heavens and earth, I alone am tge honored one" or whatever 🙄🙄🙄
Listen to me- Romantic yandere UNHINGED Gojo with reader who'd been selected by his clan, trained and raised by them for you to be Gojo's bride. Obviously, growing up Gojo was like "yeahhh, you're not good enough for me" and well treated her like absolute trash (he insulted her) which them lead the clan to be even more harsh on you because why the hell are you still not able to seduce Gojo????? So, basically poor reader is just being absolutely miserable throughout her life until one day the Gojo Clan is finally like "Alright, we gave it our best and Saturo still doesn't like u, so you can work as a maid in our house" and like instantaneously her life turns much better now that she doesn't have the pressure to be the trophy wife/heir producer for Gojo, and reader now can even leave the house to run errands.
But then Gojo notices that there is one less person who was constantly fawning over him, vying for his attention, and he's trying to figure it out who it is when he realises its you! And when he asks his clan about you, they tell him that they demoted u to a servant instead of future Mrs Gojo and Saturo is like "hm. Okay." And it doesn't exactly hit him how much this affected him until he saw you giggling away with some man.
He doesn't react immeadiately, still treating you like you're just nonexistent to him, but deep down, it eats him up the way you were touching that man's arm, the way you looked at him like he hung the stars for you.
Why tf weren't you like this with him?
Whatever. You're just... so beneath him. Why even bother thinking about you?
And then Shibuya arc happens. This man gets trapped in the prison realm and most of his thoughts are occupied by you, and how after be defeats Sukuna and the gang, he's gonna date you and you'll be touching his arm, looking at him with goo goo eyes.
Except when he comes out, for whatever fucking reason, you're fucking clinging onto some guys shoulders, acting like you're a damsel in distress, and if things weren't worse before, they certainly were when you kissed the man in front of him (okay but like u didn't know Gojo was watching u two. Like you were with your man in alley, kissing and hugging each ither lovingly after just barely escaping death from curses and then mf Gojo is just hovering in the sky above you)
Of course, now it's instantaneous death for your man, and then Gojo is just dragging you screaming and crying, and you're like "WHY? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME??" And Gojo very cheerfully tells you, as if he still wasn't covered in blood from your man-
"I don't want my wife-to-be cheating on me."
Like whoa! Where tf did that came from???? And you're all like "What are u talking about??? Your clan ended our relationship- if you could even call it that?? Besides, you're the one who always said that we're not compatible because I'm beneath you."
And Gojo doesn't even bat an eye, as he goes "doesn't matter. You were born for me. You were made for me to marry, play with, discard, do as I please. So don't you ever even look at another man again, or I will be the one to rip your eyes out." And you know that he's capable of doing that after u just witnessed the live demonstration of your man being murdered.
Anyways, jealous Gojo, be it romantic or platonic, is dangerous unhinged Gojo.
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Look at him, the tiny waist, the Toji Fushiguro fit.
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happy74827 · 6 months
hey are requests open…. If so can I have Dom Matthew Patel x Sub female reader (lime)
Study Buddy
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[Matthew Patel x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Things get a little heated after Matthew admits his feelings to you.
WC: 1831
Category: Spice/Lime, Fluff
Matthew as a Dom? Lmfao that’s a new one (personally he gives me total Sub vibes 🤷‍♀️), but a request is a request. Hopefully I wrote it to where you like it :)
Matthew Patel. A nerd with an affinity for magic. The kind of guy you would see at your local comic book store or performing “One Day More” from Les Mis in an empty movie theatre.
He was also your best friend's ex-boyfriend. He was also currently on top of you.
The two of you were in your dorm room, and you had been studying. It was exam week at college, and you were cramming for your finals when you heard the familiar sound of someone opening your door. You were on the ground, papers, and books splayed out around you. Matthew stood, hands in his pockets.
His mouth hung open slightly as he took a deep breath.
"You're so..." He paused. "I mean, you look so..." He trailed off. You cocked an eyebrow.
"Matty… are you musical theatre-ing me right now? Because if so, I really need to study-"
"No! No, just listen." He said, sitting next to you. You could tell he was nervous, fiddling with his sleeves. "You're beautiful, you're smart, and you're my friend.”
“Uh… huh? Thanks, I guess, but where are you going with this exactly-?" You asked, trying to return to your work. He cut you off, standing.
"Ramona and I never worked out, and that's because she didn't like me. I get it, but you... You actually care about me and... and... I really… I like you a lot and... And... Can you not do that?!"
You stopped writing, looking up at him. You were surprised to see his face was red and that he was sweating slightly.
"Can I not what?"
"You're doing it! The thing! With your eyebrows! It's distracting me!"
"Matthew, calm down." You said, setting down your pencil and standing up. He was about parallel with you, height-wise. Not bad, considering he was a year older.
"No! This is a big deal! This is serious! I want... I want to ask you something."
You looked him in the eyes, confused.
"What is it, Matty?" You asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked away.
"Will you... Go out with me?"
There was a long pause as you processed what had just happened.
"Matthew..." You said, and he visibly cringed.
"I knew it; I knew I was being too forward. I just-"
You cut him off with a hug, burying your face in his chest.
"You're really sweaty; did you know that?" You mumbled, and you felt him laugh. He returned your hug, pulling you in. “And to be honest, you do actually look like a major pirate in this lighting."
"Uh,” His face fell. "Thanks?"
"But, I happen to have a type, you see. Sweaty pirates with magic powers who quote musicals. And I'm pretty sure that describes you perfectly." You said, smiling as you felt his heartbeat pick up. He let out a soft sigh, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"That's... That's a relief."
The two of you stayed there for a moment before he cleared his throat and gently placed a hand on your cheek, making you look at him.
"So, uh, I haven’t done this in a while.”
“You mean since that week in seventh grade with Ramona?” You asked.
His face turned red. “Ramona told you that?! Oh man, did she tell you about Pilgrim, too, or... Okay, we don’t have to talk about this; let's just..."
He leaned down, and you felt his lips press against yours. It was gentle and sweet, and he pulled away, leaving you wanting more.
"You're such a dork, Matty."
"… A good dork, right?"
"Yeah, a good dork." You smiled, kissing his nose. He chuckled, leaning down to kiss you again. For not having kissed someone in a long time, he was pretty good.
His hands slid down to rest on your hips, and your arms draped over his shoulders. Your hands tangled in his hair as his tongue gently pressed against your bottom lip, requesting entry.
You opened your mouth, letting him deepen the kiss. You felt your body being pressed against the wall behind you, and you let out a soft gasp. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, gently rubbing it against yours.
The kiss was messy, tongues and teeth clashing. It wasn’t the most elegant, but it was passionate and full of emotion.
He pulled away, looking down at you. His lips were red and swollen, his hair was messed up, and his face was flushed. You assumed you looked similar.
"… uhm, I think I accidentally set your textbook on fire."
You looked over to where you had been sitting and saw a large pile of ashes where your textbook had been.
"Aw, shit! Matthew, how am I supposed to take finals now?"
"Uhh... I’ll buy you another one. I'm sorry."
You gave him a look, and he looked down in shame. He looked like a sad puppy, and you sighed.
"Don't worry about it. I can just use my computer. And... Well, I wouldn't mind some help studying."
His eyes lit up, and he grinned, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips.
"Yeah, I can help. Anything for you, babe."
"Okay, ew, don't call me babe."
"Right, sorry. Honey, Sweetie, Darling, Cutie-"
"Right. Sorry. Anyway, what was it that you were studying for again?"
You laughed, and the two of you got to work, studying and laughing together. Except, you didn’t study because you were too busy making out. But, that was probably the best studying of all.
The floor became your bed, and it was covered in papers. But you didn’t mind. Because the boy who had previously been known as a nerd with mystic abilities and questionable taste in music was now on top of you, kissing your neck and whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Matthew didn’t strike you as the type of guy to take charge. In fact, you would have been surprised if he wasn't a virgin. But as he whispered to you, his hands running along your sides, his lips pressing against yours, his body pressed against yours... You could tell he wanted this just as much as you did.
It didn’t take long before you matched his energy, becoming a sweaty, blushing, panting mess. Your hands were under his shirt, running along his torso. His skin was hot, and you were sure your hands were sweaty. But he didn’t seem to mind.
In fact, he seemed to enjoy it if the groan that came from his mouth when your hand brushed across a particularly sensitive area was anything to go by.
Your name rolled off his tongue, and your heart raced as he whispered into your ear again.
"Do that again, please..."
And who were you to refuse such a polite request?
You sat up, and he adjusted his position so that he was kneeling between your legs, your arms around his neck, and your forehead pressed against his.
His coat was discarded, and the two of you were a blushing mess. His breathing was heavy, and so was yours. Your clothes had become disheveled, and your hair was messy.
But that didn’t matter because the way he was looking at you made you feel more beautiful than you ever had before.
"Y-you're amazing." He muttered, his hand on your hip. "I've liked you for so long. And now, we're here. I never thought I would be this close to you, ever. You're amazing."
You blushed, looking down.
"Matthew, you're embarrassing me."
"Sorry, I just... I need to say it: you're... you're so gorgeous."
You blushed harder, burying your face in his neck and taking a deep breath. He smelled like pine and smoke, and his hair tickled your face.
You felt him chuckle, a deep rumble in his chest. His fingers gently stroked your sides, and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. He then moved his head so his lips were against your ear.
"You wanna hear a secret?"
"Yes, please."
"My favorite musical is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Not the Disney movie, but the actual play."
You burst out laughing, looking up at him. He smiled, looking proud of himself.
"Oh, god, Matthew, why?"
"What? I like the songs! I sang it back in high school. Granted, I sang it behind the curtains because I was only picked for the ensemble, but I still like it!"
You couldn’t stop the laughter coming from your mouth, and he began to laugh as well. His laugh was more of confusion than anything else, but it was adorable nonetheless.
"God, you're such a nerd."
"Oh, like you aren't a nerd as well! What was it that you were listening to on your laptop the other day? 'Hamilton' or something?"
"Okay, first of all, Hamilton is amazing, and I will not let anyone, not even you, say otherwise."
"Fair enough. But, can we continue now?"
"I mean, you could just sing a song from the Hunchback of Notre Dame for me."
He laughed, leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
"Maybe later." He said, and his lips were back on yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth. His hands found their way under your shirt, gently running along your sides. He was gentle and sweet and very eager. His touches were light and loving, and it didn't take long for him to become more confident.
Soon, the kisses became rougher and sloppier, his touches more firm. His hips bucked into yours, and you groaned, breaking the kiss. He grinned, doing it again. You let out a shaky breath, gripping his hair.
"Those demon… girls? , the uh... the ones that follow you around. Can they see us? I really don't want them watching."
His head perks up, watching you.
"Uh, not if I don't want them to. They usually stay in my shadow so they can't see. Besides, I've told them that I'm done with the whole vengeance thing. They're chill."
"Oh, okay.”
He kissed your cheek, and his lips were back on yours in a second, kissing you hungrily. His hands roamed your body, and your hands tangled in his hair, pulling slightly.
Yeah, you didn’t study that night. The excitement was too much. Instead, the two of you stayed in each other’s arms for hours, the smell of burning paper surrounding the room.
Excluding the fact that Matthew had burned your textbook and possibly owed you an entire binder full of notes, you had no complaints.
Matthew Patel might be a nerd, a loser, and a total weirdo to some. But to you, he was the sweetest, most loving, and the most wholesome person you had ever met.
And, as he pressed a kiss to your temple and muttered an "I love you," you couldn't help but smile and think that maybe, just maybe, there was some truth to the "nerds can get chicks" stereotype.
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ambswoso · 9 months
invisible string - leah williamson
hi lovelies.
basically i’m in the process of writing a leah williamson fic but it’s going to be on wattpad because no matter how hard i try i can’t write short fics.
it’s a friends to lovers slow burn with a hell of a lot of pining. i just wanted to add a snippet of a chapter here and see what everyone thinks.
it’s only a small snippet but i’ve wrote a lot more already.
“Hey beautiful.” I heard him down the phone.
“Hi, you okay?”
“Yeah just checking up on my girl.” I could hear his smile down the phone. “And i just wanted to tell you that I probably won't be here when you get back tomorrow.”
“Oh, why?” i frowned.
“Just got to help dec with some stuff tomorrow afternoon and evening, nothing special.” He brushed off.
“Okay, well let me tell you about what Sarina said in the meeting ear-” I started.
“Actually babe, I don't really have time to talk, I just wanted to let you know about tomorrow.” he said, sounding preoccupied.
“Oh, well I love you, I'll see you maybe tomorrow.”
“Yeah erm probably not. Bye baby.” and he hung up.
Taking a moment, I gripped the sink and inhaled deeply trying to get the feeling in the pit of my stomach to go away. Something felt off about that phone call, but something felt off in almost every other phone call we've had for about 6 months. I looked in the mirror and painted a smile on my face in case any of the girls were still in my room.
Luckily, Leah was the only one left.
“You okay?” she asked, as she put her phone down next to her on the bed.
“Yeah I'm fine.” I started to tidy up from where some of the girls had left cushions or cups. “I’m just tired, you know. Forgot how intense everything is here.”
I finally looked up to Leah’s eyes following me around the room. She was looking at me in a way only Leah did, a way that I didn't even have the words to describe.
“Can I just have a cuddle?” I asked her, my voice breaking half way through my question.
She didn't say anything, she didn't have to. She just held her arms out, inviting me in. I lay down virtually on top of her and wrapped my arms around her waist whilst hers went to my hair.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” she whispered.
“No, can you just stay here for a minute?” I said, really fighting to hold back the tears I knew were brewing.
“You couldn't get rid of me even if you tried.”
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coeurify · 1 year
hand stitched. | ellie williams
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pairing & word count: ellie williams x gn!reader (use of word housewife tho.) wc: 1.6k
description: this is basically a drabble based on this concept. sewing your inital into ellies jeans. also refrence to thst one gossip girl blair sleeve scene.
warnings & tags: none except tooth rotting fluff and shitty sleepy writing. forgive me not proof read.
It had started as a joke. An innocent one at that. Just a small way of having yourself a laugh when you caught sight of your girlfriend during a cold winter day in Jackson. A way to see the wind bitten rosy cheeks of Ellie’s only redden more when you would point it out.
You had gotten almost that, only much better.
The idea came to you with a thread needle between your nimble fingers, working on closing a hole that had ripped open on Ellie’s favorite jean pocket.
The auburn haired girl wouldn’t admit it.. but she had eaten shit on the way home from a particularly muddy patrol with Jesse and fucked them up. Jesse had mumbled that to you as they handed over the horses you had to get to the community stable. It had made you laugh so hard you fell against Shimmer when your girlfriend handed her over, your toes curling in your boots with the humor imagining the sight. You shooed Ellie’s curious glares off, promising it was just some awful dad joke Jesse had made.
Later that night she handed you her ruined jeans, all puppy eyed as she asked you to patch them up. Her apparent reason for the rips were getting through a few too many crawl spaces that snagged the denim.
What a loving girlfriend you were, not calling bullshit and instead letting your girlfriend find her way to bed as you washed the dirty jeans. A glass of wine from a bottle you had found in sheer luck on a supply run last summer sat beside you as you had stitched together the now dried and cleaned fabric. The sweet wine sat low in your belly that whole night, causing a slower fix to the denim and a hazier stream of thoughts.
You did most of Ellie’s laundry, you remember thinking. Honestly, you did most of her chores. You didn’t exactly mind the little housewife act, it made you feel wanted and loved in a domestic sort of way.. watching Ellie leave the house with the cookie you made her between her teeth.. jacket you cleaned hung on her shoulders. That thought process had brought your wine drunk actions to other places.
Places like ending up with a cracked lip pulled between your teeth, a little red string threading through the right side of one of the pockets of Ellie’s jeans, stitching the little shape of your initial into it. lt was just a joke, one you didn't tell Ellie about the neck morning when she pressed obnoxiously loud kisses to your blushed cheeks as a thank you for fixing the jeans, watching as she hopped around to pull them over her figure and shove her converses on and out the door.
You didn’t see her until much later, during a walk through the main street of Jackson. You had been tasked with carrying supplies from the gate to the make-shift kitchen down the street. With hands full of old cans and eggs from a chicken coop outside Jackson, you had caught sight of Ellie for the first time that day. Her head was turned back to scowl at Jesse, who had been laughing at something he obviously did not key Ellie into. You had an idea about what, which was confirmed when Jesse shook his head and pointed to her jeans.
“You their bitch or somethin, Williams?” Jesse had snickered as you stepped closer— a cheeky grin on your lips when the man met your eyes.
The whole ordeal was a good laugh for all of you, well.. for Jesse and you. Watching as Ellie turned around in a circle like a dumb dog chasing its own tail to see what he meant. “What are you even talking about, dick?” Ellie huffed, only stopping when she saw you. “Babe is there somethin’ on my pants?”
You had bit your lip so hard to stop your laugh that it actually hurt, a red mark left in its wake when the lip fell out of your mouth. Your finger that wasn't busy holding supplies poked her ass where the small letter of your name was, still intact after Ellie’s day. “Put my initial on your pocket, guess everyone but you noticed,” you admitted.
It went just like you thought, your too easy to embarrass girlfriend flushing like she just pressed her face into one of the icy snow piles next to your feet, freckles even more pronounced as her nose crinkled.
But what you didn’t expect was the smile that tugged at her lips, embarrassed and enamored all at the same time. “Oh- oh, cute,” was what Ellie said before telling you to get back to your work, obviously too embarrassed to get into it in front of the mutual friend.
When she walked away, Jesse shoved her shoulder and repeated profanities about you owning her. Ellie just hiked up the jacket she wore slightly, showing off the pretty red thread. The sight made something soft inside your chest grow, butterflies trapped inside your tummy and spouting out your mouth with an airy giggle. You had walked back to the kitchen a little more skippy that day— many residents asking what had you all perky.
After that it became a little routine. Ellie asked a favor of you to fix some of her clothes or wash them.. another pair of jeans ended up with your neatly stitched letter on the pocket. On a rare occasion you had even left a pretty pink version of your initial on the sleeve of one of her flannels. That one was also done drunk, just on something a little stronger than the pink colored wine.
When you saw the pink poking out from the blue fabric bunched around her elbow the next morning.. she had missed her shift by about an hour due to your shower of kisses and hugs, giggling against her ear as you proclaimed she, “had your heart on her sleeve.”
It made your heart swell in your chest that she wore them so proudly. The ice in Jackson melted away a little more each time she wore you around town with her, and you liked to think it was all from your own duing, the warmth in your chest heating the place you called home too.
Ellie cherished the small momento, even if it was a bit embarrassing everytime Dina heckled her for it, or Joel whistled in that old man way she hated when he heard Jesse make a remark about it. She likes the way everyone knew what the different color letters on her pockets meant. Likes when she takes them off at night and can run her finger over the bumps of the string while her legs sit on the bed, your body pressed behind her.
“Sorry I did it again, it’s just too cute els,” you always mumbled, causing her to shrug and press a kiss to your cheek, promising she didn’t mind.
You couldn’t help but watch Ellie from behind to catch a glimpse of the stitch during the days she dawned one of the branded jeans. Your heart skipped a beat whenever her fucked up converse pressed her onto her tippy toes to grab something from a shelf or push up through a window when a door was locked, letting her shirt ride up enough to see your handiwork.
Maybe it was embarrassing to admit the way your stomach turned over and over in a small uncomfortable rhythm when Ellie was focused on taking down a clicker that jumped at her, scrambling back to stand after wiping a bloodied hand across her shirt. She looked at you, equating the glazed over look to the dead infected at her feet, and not the way the red thread had been perfectly on display when Ellie was leaned over.
When she was crouched down to look at a map or something— stretching the fabric of her jeans against her body, your eyes always fell to that one little spot, pressing a cold hand to your cheek to cease the ache there.
When she lounged against the bar in town, it wasn’t only your eyes that fell to the small stitch. It always made your skin prick with confidence.
Ellie would often come home at night all dirty and sore, kicking her shoes off and swearing about a horde of runners or group of violent passer throughs. Her auburn hair was always messy and whipping around her angry face as she hastily pushed it away. You always helped her out of her clothes, admiring how the patch was always still there as you shoved it into the hamper of clothes you needed to clean. No matter what shit the clothes had been through, your little letter was always still there, pristine and glowing.
Maybe there was some metaphor in there, one that would make Ellie scoff and roll her eyes if you ever said, turning her head to hide the smile it would bring to her face. Somewhere in a deep, cheesier pocket of your brain it whispered something about the threads being a testament to the two of you. Never worn down by any storm, any fight. The one thing in a sea of ripped and ruined fabric still standing.
You had scribbled something along those lines down in a little notebook tucked away in your closet, a memory for only your heart when you were missing Ellie extra bad during a long trip. One look at the words, one memory about how you were walking with her even miles away, even when you were sitting on the bed you shared with Ellie and she was somewhere completely else, pressing her way through groups of infected. You were still with her.
Ellie never stopped wearing those pants, and you never stopped finding new places to hide the sign of your commitment to each other with a small threading needle and a string.
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melanieph321 · 6 months
Since you’re open to writing for szoboszlai could you maybe right an angsty one where you’re fwb and find out you’re pregnant and when you tell him he freaks out at first and leaves for some alone time to think but eventually comes around
Lovely request! 😊
Dominik Szoboszlai x Reader - Positive
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"Pregnant?" Dominik frowned. "How can you be pregnant?"
You rolled your yes. "I don't know Dom, maybe we had somthing called sex?"
Dominik did not find your sarcasm amusing. He was neither amused that you showed up at his doorstep just as he was about to leave for training.
"How could this be possible?" He sighed, his body slumping down against the doorframe. It was a bit rude of him not to invite you in to his apartment.
"We didn't use protection the last time we...you know," You said awkwardly. "And I missed my period a few days ago. I went to get tested, and the results came back positive."
Dominik was silent for a moment, processing the information. You were having a baby together? It seemed like a distant possibility, but there was no denying the truth. But as reality set in, Dominik's expression turned from shock to panic. Perhaps he wasn't ready to be a father! Like you he was only twenty-three years old, a flourishing career ahead of him. Would he let a sloppy one night stand ruin that? Most people would argue that he had alot more to lose than you, a social media manager for the ever so addictive Red Bull energy drink.
"Y/N." Dominik shut the door behind him, adjusting the gym bag that hung over his shoulder. "I need some time to think. This is all too much for me right now."
You felt a lump form in your throat as you watched Dominik struggling to process the news. You knew this was a lot to take in, but you had hoped that he would be more supportive considering that you were both in the same boat. And It wasn't like you were complete strangers. You and Dominik had history, stretching back to when you were both based in Germany, Dominik playing for RB Leipzig and you doing jobs for their social media.
"I'll call you later okay?" He looked scared and overwhelmed, a desire to jump ship and flee.
"Okay," you said softly, trying to keep your emotions in check. "Take all the time you need." You nodded. But even as you spoke those words, you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. Had you made a mistake by telling Dominik? Should you have given him more space? Were you truly ready to be a single mother? So many questions raced through your mind, leaving you feeling lost and uncertain about the future.
"I can't believe him." Your friend Sasha said.
It's where you were staying for the six months that Red Bull wanted you to do jobs for them in England. This whole situation was really her fault. If Sasha hadn't suggested that the two of you attend a sponsors event that her company was hosting, you would have never run into Dominik again and the two of you would never have hooked up. And it wasn't once that the two of you had spent night and day together. In fact, your relationship had gotten way past late night bootycalls. Perhaps that's why you were so suprised how off put he had been at the thought of knocking you up. Despite the life growing inside of you, life had to go on. You still had a job to do.
"Y/N, there is a call for you."
After spending and antire week in bed Sahsa woke you up one morning with your cellphone in her hand.
"Is it Dominik?"
"No. I think it's your boss."
How foolish of you to think that Dominik would ever call. The only word you had heard from him since you told him of your unexpected pregnancy was a text, saying:
"Need more time. Talk to you later."
"What did he want?" Sasha said, seeing you finally getting up and out of bed.
"There is a job in London that they want me to do."
You tied your hair in a gentle ponytail, marching towards the bathroom.
"What's in London?"  Sasha asked.
"I dunno, some charity event at a youth center that Red Bull is funding."
"Oh...can I come?"
"Do you like kids?"
She snorted. "No."
You smiled. "Then perhaps you should sit this one out."
As you arrived at the youth center, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. Red Bull frequently arranged a "Meet your Hero Day." Where the children of the youth center would be suprised by athletes artists and other inspirational personalities.
"Who is it, who's coming?" You asked one of the youth counselor, since you had no idea yourself.
"It will be the best Hero Day yet." The counselor said. He seemed equally as giddy and excited as the children. "Red Bull went all out this year. They got two Liverpool players coming."
"Which ones?" You asked, but in terror.
"Trent Alexander- Arnold and Dominik Szoboszlai."
"No." You groaned.
"Yes." The counselor grinned. He was obviously a big fan.
The children were already gathered in the hall, eagerly waiting for the arrival of their special guests. You did you job, setting up your camera and snapping away photos, capturing the energy and enthusiasm of the young ones. Soon Dominik and his teammate arrived, dressed in their signature football jerseys and a big smile on their faces. The children went wild, screaming and cheering as they walked into the room. You couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as you watched Dominik interact with the kids - he was so natural and effortless around them, while you felt like a bit of an outsider. As the day progressed however, your presence became known.
"Y/N, w...what are you doing here?" Dominik asked as you had walked up to him with your camera.
"My job." You said.
"I didn't know..."
"It was last minute." You shrugged, snapping another picture of Dominik and a kid that refused to let go of his leg.
"I've been meaning to call." He said.
"Sure you have."
You moved on to snap more photos of Dominik's teammate, who was very photogenic.
"Can you maybe do something with the ball, a trick?" You directed.
"Like this?"
Trent gave the ball a tap, sending it up into the air and catching it with his knee then foot as it came back down. He did so with ease, the children gawking impressed.
"Thanks. I think I got it." You smiled.
Scrolling through your camera you noted how many good images there were. The children all looked so happy. You found yourself getting more and more comfortable with the children. You played games with them, listened to their stories, and even joined in on some of their dance moves. It was then that you realized something - you wanted a child of your own. You glanced over at Dominik, who was currently juggling a ball with one of the kids. He wasn't sure if he was ready for fatherhood, and maybe that was his right. But what you did with your body, that was your right. But as you continued to watch Dominik interact with the children, you saw the way he lit up their faces with his presence, and the way they looked up to him with such admiration. Deep down you knew that he would be an amazing father, which made the decision you wanted to make even more difficult.
"I'm giving the child up for adoption"
As the day came to a close, you took Dominik aside and told him what you wanted. His eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why would you do that?"
You tooka deep breath, calming yourself down. "I know I might be a bit old school but abortion isn't an option for me."
Dominik searched your face then nodded agreeingly. "Me neither."
"And I...what?" You frowned.
"I don't want you to have an abortion. " He said.
You were lost for words and for a split second you contemplated punching him in the face. "Dominik." You sighed. "You've given me the cold shoulders for days, making me question ever fucking choice I've ever made in this life. You made me feel so shitty about myself these past few days and now all of the sudden you want me to have your baby?"
"I know and I'm sorry." He said. "But Y/N you must understand, growing up my parents had nothing. They struggled to take care of me and at the same time did everything for me to succeed in life. I made a promise to them and myself that my children would never have to go through what me and my family did. That when I grew up I'd be able to give them everything that they need. I really want to be with you Y/N, but I promise you I'll struggle trying to be a dad now.
"Well I'll struggle even more being a single mother, don't you think?"
You could see it in his eyes, the genius angst. But you were in this together, why was it so difficult for him to understand that?
He shook his head. "I won't leave you. I'll be there for the both of you. Everything you need, money, a house..."
"Dominik." You sighed. "I don't want your money. I want you. I need you."
His expression withered, looking a bit defeated. "But I'm not good enough..."
"You're good enough to me." You placed a hand on your flat stomach. "You're good enough for us."
Somthing changed in his expression, a newfound light. "I am?"
You nodded, tears streaming down your face. "Yes, you're everything we need, just the way you are."
He stepped forward his arms collecting you in his embrace. You sighed in relief.
"I'm gonna be a dad." He pulled you back, now a smile on his face.
"Yes, yes you are and I'm gonna be a mom."
You gasped as Dominik bent down, kissing your lips. Forgetting your surroundings, a group of children spotted you and giggled unremosrfully. Dominik turned to look at them than back at you. He returned your smile, knowing that this is what you wanted. You were both positive.
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cinnamonroll-anon · 7 months
Soft Confessions: Sun Wukong x Reader
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a/n:This is from a Pov I did for a Sun Wukong playlist. This will hopefully be the start of me writing for more characters on fandoms that I enjoy!
Warnings: First time writing, Fluff, Comfort, Gender Neutral, Nicknames, (he calls you Peaches and Baby). After having a particularly long day you find yourself extremely tired, unbeknownst to you, a certain monkey king has grown worried for you and he has a plan to cheer you up.
Today had been a long day. You were exhausted and your whole body ached. You wanted to finally get home and collapse, but fate had different plans. A certain monkey king had missed you the entire day. The day had kept you so occupied that you had to ignore all of Wukong's texts. With his growing emotions for you, and your sudden disappearance, made him grow anxious.
Did you find out? How could you have found out? Was he too obvious? Did you think it was too weird? Did you suddenly grow tired of him? Were you angry at him?
He finally got up from flower fruit mountain and decided that he was going to do something about this. He went to get food from Pigsy's and not so subtly asked if anyone had seen or heard from you.
"I saw them on their way home, but they didn't look so good. They barely waved at me and they looked a bit down" Mei pitched in.
This won't do, not at all in this monkeys head. He had a mission. You, his most precious friend, feeling down in the dumps and not telling him? Unacceptable. He's supposed to be there for you! Luckily for you he already had a plan.
So here you are in your room about to take your shoes off when your phone springs to life. You wearily find your phone and look at the screen. It was Wukong, he was calling you. You quickly answered
"Um hello?", You meekly answered.
"Hey Peaches! Whats the matter? You haven't answered me all day." His energetic voice rang through the phone.
"Um I've just been really busy and tired today. Can you call me later? I'm gonna take a nap." You said as you were just about to hang up.
"NO NO NO! PLEASE DON'T HANG UP!" He practically screeched.
"Okay, okay, I'm listening!"
"Its just that, I've missed you all day and was wondering if you could make some time to hang out with me? Please, I promise you it'll be worth it!" he begged.
"Yeah, I'll hangout with you" you said as you let out a sigh.
"Great I'll be over to pick you up!"
"Wait, pick me up? Where are we going? Um Sun? Hello?" It was too late, he had already hung up the phone. You were okay if he was coming over to chill out with you, but he's taking you out. You weren't sure if you were gonna have the energy to last through whatever shenanigans he had in store for you. A couple of knocks at your door snapped you from your thoughts. You sluggishly opened the door to reveal the one and only Monkie King.
"Hey Peaches, you ready to go?" He beamed with a bright smile.
"Actually, I didn't get time to get changed, I'll quickly get ready-" you replied, just about to go back inside of your house until an arm yanked you backwards.
"Don't worry you look great, now lets go!" He dragged you and pulled you close to his chest. Before you can even process what was going on you were already on a cloud, flying over the city. The sight was beautiful, it was around noon and the sun getting ready to set. You also took in the fact that you were pressed so close to Sun Wukong. He was so warm and comforting, you felt your face heat up at the thought.
"So, is this your plan for hanging out?" You spoke, trying to occupy yourself on anything other than the overwhelming heat on your face.
"You kidding, this is only the beginning. You just sit tight and let me do the rest, okay Peaches?" He leaned down and replied with a mischievous grin. If you weren't burning up before now you were on fire, you quickly pressed your head to his chest in hopes of him not spotting your embarrassed face. Meanwhile Sun Wukong looked down at your antics and allowed a light blush to dust his face, you were just too cute! He quickly looked up, praying to any deity that you didn't see his slip up.
"Looks like we're here" he said as the cloud lowered itself onto a little hill. The wind blew gently on the grass and there was a lonely tree. You felt like you could see the entire world from that hill, the sun letting its golden light swallow the view. As you were taking in the sight, Sun Wukong began walking towards the tree, you spotted him moving and followed behind. When you both arrived at the other side of the tree you saw spotted a picnic blanket, food from Pigsy's, a small bowl of fruit and a box of pastries.
"I heard that you weren't having a great day and decided 'hey why not surprise you", he spoke with a soft voice, scratching the back of his neck while looking away. You felt your heart flutter at his sentiment, so caught up in your head you entirely missed a lovely pink adorning his face.
You both spent the time eating, talking about your individual days and laughing at his jokes. After the laughter died down you both looked at the scene, the sun was now setting letting its most beautiful hues light up the sky. The nearby clouds also dressed in their finest pinks and oranges, all blending together to make a breathtaking sunset. Your attention snapped to Sun Wukong when he began to move around. He pulled up his phone and began to type on it, soon music came from it. He placed his phone on the blanket and got up. He then put his attention to you "May I have this dance?" he asked smugly while bowing and offering you his hand.
You felt that familiar heat engulf your face as you extended your hand into his. He gently pulled you up and you began dancing, at first it was formal but then you both lost each other to the music, simply enjoying the moment. You both had danced for a while before Wukong brought you in close to him.
"Peaches, I've been wanting to tell you this for a while, and its that I love you. Just you existing in my life has made it so much better. I feel honored that you let me be your friend and let me learn more about you. I've lived through alot of things but, I know that if I had to live through it all just to see you, to see you smile, I would do it all over again. And I wanted to know if you'd like to go out with me." He said his face turning a shade of red.
"Sun, yes, I'd love to go out with you. If I'm being honest I've had feelings for you as well, its just that I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I mean you're literally The Monkey King, and your a great person to be around." you responded.
He let out an exaggerated sigh of relief "Thank goodness I was scared that i would've ruined it and that we wouldn't be friends anymore" he said letting his shoulders relax.
You laughed at his response and you gave him a hug. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you and returned the hug.
"Hey Sun?"
"Yes baby?"
"My feet are tired"
He then burst into laughter. "Wow, i thought I was gonna be the one to kill the mood". He said in between his laughter, then he grabbed your hand gently and led you back to the picnic blanket under the tree. You both sat down and watched how the sun was almost hidden under the horizon. You then felt a wave of drowsiness hit you and you found it harder to keep your eyes open. Feeling sleep slowly creeping over you, you tried to get as comfortable as you could. You leaned on Sun Wukong and rested your head on his shoulder. You felt him tense up before slowly relaxing. He then carefully wrapped and arm around you and gave you a gentle yet reassuring squeeze.
"Its okay peaches, I'll stay here with you" he gave you the softest smile. Soon you felt yourself gradually drift off to sleep. Before you could fully knock out you felt a small kiss on your forehead.
"I love you peaches, get some rest."
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Just Called to Say I Love You
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Harry looked down at his phone, surprised to see that he had an incoming call. He was at work, which meant he didn't typically get any calls during this time. His friends and family knew that when he was in the studio, he was pretty much off the grid; he couldn't have anything from the outside world bothering him.
So he was surprisied to see his phone light up.
"Hey, is everything okay?"
"Yep! I was just calling to say I love you!" you said, your voice tender and sweet in Harry's ear.
Frowning, he said, "That—That's it?"
"Yeah, I just haven't heard from you in a while, and you're always out of the house. It feels like I'm dating a ghost," you joked. "So, I was out and I passed that little bakery where we met, and I just felt compelled to call you and tell you that I love you. So...I love you."
Looking back, Harry realized how much of a complete and utter ass he had been to you. Your reasoning for calling was incredibly sweet, and he honestly didn't deserve your kindness. He should've said thank you, he should've told you she called at the perfect time, he should've said I love you back.
"Y/n...You know I don't like distractions while I'm at work."
You didn't say anything for a moment, perhaps too stunned to say anything in reply. Then, "You're right. I'm sorry."
Harry couldn't say anything before you hung up the phone, but he still heard a small sniffle just as the call ended. He'd known he fucked up the minute the words were out of his mouth, no amount of stress or frustration about his writing process should ever be taken out on you, and he just did exactly that in the worst way possible.
"I gotta go," Harry said, stepping into the room where everyone else was waiting for him to return.
"There an emergency?" one of his producers asked. Harry never left a session early.
"Kind of—I mean yeah. It's an emergency, so I have to run. Probably won't be in the rest of the week."
Harry didn't stick around the studio very long. He quickly gathered his things and rushed out to his car. He called you the minute he was on the road, but you didn't pick up any of the times he called. Cursing under his breath, he stepped on the gas a little harder.
When he got home, you were lounging on the couch watching a movie. The house was dark, so he couldn't see your expression, but he knew you well, and the way you were curled up into a ball and huddled under a blanket meant you weren't happy.
"I should've said it back, I'm sorry."
You knew Harry had come into the house, but you weren't ready to look at him let alone speak to him. So you ignored your boyfriend, staring blankly at the movie playing on the TV.
All you'd wanted today was a two minute conversation with Harry. You knew he was pretty strict about his work life and home life, but his work life had been taking over recently, and you knew he could get wrapped up in writing and recording, and you loved how hard he worked, but you just wanted to hear his voice. You just wanted to tell him you loved him.
"I was a dick on the phone, and I know you like your space when you're angry, so...I'm home, and I want to talk, but when you're ready."
He sounded like a kid who'd been scolded. Rolling your eyes, you said, "I didn't want space, that was the whole point of me calling you."
"I know. I'm so sorry, baby. You were just trying to be nice and I was horrible. I never want to make you upset, but I did today, and...I can't apologize enough for that."
You knew you couldn't stay mad at him forever. Harry was an ass earlier, but you knew he didn't mean it, that it really was him getting caught up in his work. He snapped at you, and in a few weeks, you would probably snap at him, and months from now you might have a big argument. You were in a relationship, it wasn't always perfect.
"I brought something home to 'sweeten' the deal in case you're still on the fence about letting me onto that couch."
You and Harry had had little tiffs before, which meant both of you knew how to be forgiven faster. At the mention of sweets, you perked up, even if you were still a little upset. Still not looking at him, you said, "I have to see it first."
Harry was there in seconds, handing a little pastry box over to you. Your eyes landed on the logo printed on the box. "You went."
"Course. Had to get the best for my best girl."
"And it's—"
"Your favorite. Go on," he said, motioning for you to open it.
It was from the same bakery you mentioned earlier, the one where you and Harry met. It was out of the way of the studio, which meant he added about an extra thirty minutes to his drive home to get it. You took a piece of the pastry out with your fingers and popped it in your mouth. Your eyes closed for a moment, taking in not just the taste but all the memories that came with it.
When your eyes opened, Harry was looking at you expectantly. Scoffing, you told him, "Yeah fucking right. But you can join me on the couch."
"I'll take it," he said, quickly getting under your blanket so that you were pressed up against each other. He squeezed you tight, kissing your temple repeatedly while you enjoyed your apology-treat. "I love you," he mumbled. "I love, love, love you."
"Babe, don't distract me. I'm eating."
Harry chuckled. "Okay. I deserve that."
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sunkissed-zegras · 7 months
✮ 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤, jump then fall au!
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au masterlist! masterlist!
♡ ─ word count | 2.6k
♡ ─ summary | the story of how our little paloma came to be, and why adam has full custody of her.
♡ ─ warnings | mention of pregnancy (obvs), mention of abusive/manipulative relationship, some birth stuff but nothing graphic like at all, think that is all??
♡ ─ taglist | @literatureluster @valluvsu @lvrzegras @iminlovewithtz11 (fill in form in my navigation in you are interested!)
♡ ─ ev's notes | im finally back lol, the last nonnie inspired me to continue my series but i also saw the adam/luca content on instagram and i was like... yes i love these men with my entire soul. anyway, this is more background/filler chapter on the whole story behind adam/his ex. also idk if i did a good job making emma kind of unlikable but i couldn't make her too much bc at the end of day she is dovey's mom yk LMAOOO. but yeah, i was gonna include a little court segment but i didn't think it was necessary. this is kinda a summary of the timeline so yeah BUT YETH WE ARE BACK AT ITT!!!!! will be writing a more christmas-y one soon though i pinky promise :) LASTLY, my inbox is always open for au thoughts. please send them in, they literally make my entire day!
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September ushered in a peculiar kind of unease, a restlessness that only settled within the corridors of high school, unbeknownst to Adam. The weight of impending change hung in the air, a feeling that clung to him as he navigated the familiar chaos that came with being a teenager.
It began with a murmur, a whisper weaving its way through the complicated tapestry of gossip. The news was illicit, news that would shatter the simplicity of his teenage years. Adam's ex, Emma, a figure exiled to his past, was harboring a secret that would bridge their worlds in a way he never anticipated.
The autumn breeze carried an unusual tension as Adam found himself standing before the door of Emma's house, a place he thought he had left behind in the remains of the failed relationship. She had called him about two hours ago, telling him that she had needed to talk to him immediately about something very important. He hesitated for a moment, hand poised to knock, before the door swung open, revealing Emma's worn expression.
"Adam," she greeted, her eyes avoiding direct contact, as if unable to meet the weight of his gaze. They hadn't talked in a couple weeks, since they had broken up.
"What's going on, Emma?" Adam asked, sensing the gravity of the situation even before she spoke.
A heavy sigh escaped her lips, laden with the weight of the secret she carried. "We need to talk," Emma murmured, gesturing for him to enter.
"Yeah, figured." He sighed. He didn't know if he was able to trust her after all the lies she had told him over the span of their relationship. This may be one of her ploys to somehow get him back.
He went into the familiar home as she guided him up to her room anxiously and his mind was racing. What could possibly be so important that she couldn't text him, or tell him over the phone?
They reached her room and he sat on her bed as Emma paced anxiously, the rhythm of her steps echoing the gravity of her secret. Finally, she turned to face him, her eyes brimming with vulnerability that he hadn't seen in a while.
"I'm pregnant," she confessed, the words hanging in the air like a storm about to break.
Pregnant? Her words hung in the air for a few moments as he looked for any sign of deception in her expression. But no, she looked like she was about to break down in front of him. The room seemed to close in on him, and he could feel the weight of the past and the uncertainty of the future colliding.
He couldn't even process it. "What?" Was all he could mutter.
Emma's gaze wavered as Adam's single-word response lingered in the room. The weight of the secret settled between them, an unspoken acknowledgment of the life-altering reality they were now forced to confront.
"I didn't plan for any of this," Emma continued, her voice shaky. "I never wanted it to happen."
Adam's brow furrowed as he tried to process the mix of emotions swirling within him. Anger, confusion, and a distant sense of responsibility danced on the edges of his thoughts. His head was spinning with questions.
"Why now?" he questioned, the frustration evident in his tone. "Why didn't you say something sooner?"
Emma's eyes welled with tears, and she seemed on the verge of unraveling. "I didn't know how. I was scared, Adam. Scared of your reaction, scared of what it would mean for both of us. I mean I have school and-and I can't have a kid right now."
The room felt suffocating, the air heavy with unspoken accusations and the weight of their shared history. Adam's mind raced, torn between the desire to understand and the lingering mistrust that had defined their past.
Adam's jaw tightened as he absorbed her words, a tumult of conflicting emotions churning within him. "Scared?" he repeated, a sharp edge to his voice. "You think dropping this bombshell now will magically make things less complicated?"
He didn't want to sound like an asshole but he couldn't help it. All she was thinking about was her future, her life and nothing to do with what his dreams, the ones he's had since he was younger. How could he go into the NHL with a kid and unstable ex?
Emma's tears flowed freely now. "I never meant for it to be like this. I just... I needed to tell you. I can't do this alone, Adam."
He rubbed his temples, trying to alleviate the growing tension. "You should've thought about that before. Now, what? What do you expect me to do?"
She reached out tentatively, as if seeking reassurance in the midst of the storm. "I want you to be a part of this, Adam. Our child deserves that, at least."
He takes her hand and his gaze softens as he heard her voice. Our child sounded so sweet, but he didn't want to go through what she put him through again.
He sighed heavily, a mixture of frustration and concern etched on his face. "Emma, you can't drop something like this on me and expect everything to be okay. We're not together anymore, and I can't just rearrange my life because of this."
Her eyes pleaded with him, desperation evident. "I know, but I can't do it alone. I need your support, Adam. We created this life together."
He pulled his hand away gently, creating a bit of distance. "Support? Emma, you've never supported my dreams. You made me doubt everything I did. I can't risk my future for this, not when I don't even know if you're going to stick around."
As the room descended into silence, the air seemed to crackle with the tension of unspoken truths. Adam's mind, however, echoed with the memories of a relationship colored by manipulation and emotional turmoil.
He couldn't shake the vivid memories of countless arguments, where Emma would twist his words, making him question his own sanity. Her subtle undermining of his dreams and aspirations left a trail of self-doubt that lingered long after their fights and maybe relationship had ended.
Emma's manipulation often took the form of subtle remarks disguised as concern. Every success he achieved was met with a backhanded compliment or a comment that subtly belittled his accomplishments. Her words had a way of eroding his confidence, making him second-guess his abilities. Was he even that good of a hockey player? Was he as smart as everyone would tell him?
She played on his insecurities, subtly exploiting vulnerabilities he hadn't even acknowledged. Emma's behavior manifested in controlling behaviors, whether it was telling him who he could spend time with or subtly isolating him from his support system. The gradual corrosion of his social connections left Adam feeling increasingly dependent on her for validation.
Emma's manipulation extended beyond words or fights; it was their daily interactions. The constant emotional rollercoaster left him drained and disoriented. Adam had become used to walking on eggshells, terrified of setting off another emotional outburst.
Adam found himself grappling with a mix of anger and resentment. The secret of her pregnancy now added a new layer to their complicated history, one that threatened to entangle their lives again.
The heaviness of the past hung in the air, a palpable reminder of the emotional scars that had yet to fully heal. The silence in Emma's room mirrored the unresolved scars of their relationship, leaving Adam to confront the challenging path that lay ahead.
He thought he had ended this relationship for good but now, he truly couldn't leave. Knowing that if he wouldn't stay, she would raise the baby alone and he would live forever with the knowledge of his kid somewhere with her. If they were to be together again, even just to raise the baby, he would promise that he would try to shield the baby from his mother as much as he could.
Emma's eyes brimmed with tears as she pleaded, "Adam, I'll change. I promise. I never realized how much I hurt you until now. I want to be a better person, for you and for our child."
Adam hesitated, his gaze flickering between her tearful eyes and the haunting memories of their past. The room seemed to close in around him as he grappled with conflicting emotions.
"Okay, Emma." He sighed. She let out a sob of joy, bringing him in for a tight hug.
JUNE 11, 2021
Summer arrived quicker than either had expected and soon enough Emma was in third trimester. In the sterile confines of the white hospital room, Adam stood witness to the arrival of their daughter. It was a moment of transformation, where the happiness of newfound fatherhood collided with the stark reality of uncertainty. Emotions played on his face, he had no idea how he was going to deal with any of it.
But as soon as tiny newborn baby laid in his arms, all the worries and uncertainty had faded into background noise as he held her with all the care in the world.
In that moment, everything else seemed to fade away. The worries, the uncertainties, the complexities—they all became distant as Adam cradled his daughter. Her tiny features, scrunched face, and the weight of her presence overwhelmed him, he couldn't help but tear up. She was perfect in every way. In that moment, he promised he would never let anyone hurt her in anyway possible.
He felt a surge of love, a protective instinct that whispered promises of care and unconditional devotion. The uncertainty that had clouded his thoughts seemed inconsequential in the face of the profound connection forged with this tiny being.
"She's perfect," he whispered, his voice barely audible in the quiet room. The fragility of the newborn, the embodiment of a shared history and a future full of unknowns, stirred something deep within him. All he knew was that he loved her more than anything even if he'd only held her for a few moments.
Emma, watching Adam with a mix of exhaustion and affection, couldn't help but smile. "She's got your eyes," she remarked, a tender note in her voice. His pretty, big blue eyes. The first thing anyone ever notices about him.
Adam nodded, his gaze fixed on the tiny features of his daughter. "Yeah? Well, she's got your everything else," he added, a gentle chuckle escaping him. The weight of fatherhood settled on his shoulders, but in that moment, it felt like a privilege.
The room seemed to shrink, focusing solely on this new family unit. The soft whimpers of the newborn, the beeping of the monitoring equipment, and the distant sounds of the hospital—all merged into the backdrop of a moment that felt suspended in time.
Emma looked at Adam with tired yet contented eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. The room, once filled with the tension of labor, was now a cocoon of familial warmth.
Emma whispered, her voice hoarse from the exertion of childbirth, "She's beautiful, isn't she?"
As Adam and Emma marveled at the beauty of their newborn daughter, the hospital room's door creaked open, and Adam's parents entered with a blend of excitement and nervousness. His mother, a mix of emotions painted on her face, rushed forward to embrace Adam.
"Oh, Adam, sweetheart, you're a father!" she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears of joy.
Adam smiled warmly, hugging his mother. "Yeah, Mom. Meet..." His words died on tongue when he realized they hadn't picked out a name for her yet.
"We haven't decided on a name yet," Emma adds quietly as she yawns.
"What about Paloma? Like your grandmother. It's perfect, just look at her."
Adam's eyes met Emma's, and for a moment, a silent agreement passed between them. Paloma—the perfect name, a homage to his grandmother, a symbol of heritage and a new beginning. They exchanged a nod, and Adam turned back to his parents.
"Paloma," he said, a smile breaking across his face. "Her name is Paloma."
The decision settled like a warm blanket, wrapping around the newborn with a sense of identity. Paloma, their little dove, had found her name in the embrace of a moment filled with love and the promise of a shared journey ahead.
Adam's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he and Emma found themselves ensnared in yet another argument. The air in the room crackled with tension, a silent precursor to the storm that was about to erupt. Paloma, blissfully unaware in her crib, slept soundly, while her parents grappled with the unresolved issues.
"I can't keep doing this, Emma," Adam muttered, his jaw clenched. The weight of unresolved issues hung heavily between them, each word an echo of past disagreements. "We need to talk."
Emma, her expression defensive, crossed her arms, a subtle defiance in her stance. "What's there to talk about, Adam? Everything's fine."
A bitter laugh escaped him with the weight of their shared history. "Everything's far from fine, and you know it. Paloma needs stability, and you can't keep pretending that everything's okay when it's not."
Emma's eyes flashed with irritation. "I'm her mother, Adam. I know what's best for her."
Adam's jaw clenched, frustration palpable. "You barely spend time with her but refuse my help. Every time I ask you to be a part of her life, you find an excuse. This isn't fair to Paloma, and it's not fair to me especially when you dragged me into this in the first place."
Paloma stirred in her crib, a subtle reminder of the fragile peace that hung in the balance. The argument, a reflection of their complicated past, loomed over them, threatening to unravel the delicate threads that held their connection together.
Emma's gaze hardened, and she retorted, "I didn't force you into anything, Adam. You were a part of this too, remember?"
Adam's frustration escalated, his voice sharper. "I was a part of it because I wanted to be a father to Paloma, not because I wanted to be stuck in this cycle with you. I can't keep watching you push me away, I wanna be apart of her life-"
She scoffed, a bitter edge to her tone. "You act like I'm the bad guy here. I'm doing my best, Adam."
"You dragged me into this," he continued, a sharp edge to his tone. "I fought to be a part of Paloma's life because I wanted to, but you make it impossible. This isn't about us anymore; it's about her. You need to step up and be a mother, like you'd wanted to almost a year ago when you decided to have her."
Emma's eyes narrowed, defensive walls fortified. "I am her mother. But you don't get to dictate how I should do things. I have my own life, Adam-"
"And Paloma is a part of that life, whether you like it or not!" Adam yelled, the frustration in his voice reaching a boiling point. "I can't keep covering for you, Emma. My mom asks where you're at and half the time, I don't even fucking know. You can't just show up when it's convenient for you and disappear when it's not."
Paloma's soft cries began, the room filled with the sound of her distress, a reflection of the anger surrounding her. Adam's frustration transformed into determination. "I won't let you keep hurting her with your inconsistency, especially when she's old enough to remember. If you can't be a constant presence in her life, then maybe it's better if you're not a part of it at all."
The words hung in the air, a heavy proclamation that seemed to mark the unraveling of their already strained connection. Emma, caught between defiance and vulnerability, met Adam's gaze with a steely resolve, setting the stage for a tumultuous chapter in the story of Paloma's fractured family.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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hibiscuswrites · 3 months
If you have the time, could I please request a HC/would include of Ray accidentally dialing the wrong number and it ends up being his future SO? Like maybe he’s in jail and they start talking by accident and it’s a super slow process but they begin to trust each other and end up meeting/falling in love? 🌺
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This idea fucked. me. up.
He was just trying to call his boy
Blow off some steam
Shoot the shit before his time ran out and he had to go back to his cell
He was scratching at the paint on the phone while he waited, hearing the line click and expecting to hear the deep voice of his friend
But instead its a much softer voice
One he's never heard before
And his brows knit because who the fuck is this?
He doesn't have to wonder long though
"Uh, hi. Ray was it? Yeah uh, you have the wrong number. Sorry. I didn't want to hang up before the call connected so you wouldn't waste your time calling again and again. Not sure who you're trying to reach but...this isn't them."
Your laugh is awkward yet...endearing
Soft and light
Such a contrast to what he hears in here
Not to mention, he hasn't had a woman laugh in his ear in quite some time
Even if it's through this shitty phone
He chuckles himself and leans against the wall
"Yeah, I guess not. Tony could never sound so beautiful."
You laugh again and Ray smiles on instinct at the sound
Shocked that you haven't hung up yet
You knew he was an inmate
The collect call always tells you ahead of time
So that meant you stayed on the call and accepted anyway
Just like you said, so he wouldn't waste his call time
And the thought is so selfless that he doesn't wanna hang up
He expects you to though
So he lies
"Well, they don't really let us call another number once we dial. We only get the five minutes with one number. If they don't pick up or we get cut off, tough shit. So maybe we could talk for the next...four minutes and 20 seconds?"
It's a shot in the dark and he's 100% expecting the line to click
"Oh, well...ok. Not sure what you want to talk about, stranger."
You laugh again and so does he
"What's your name?"
The silence stretches for a bit and Ray winces, feeling like he fucked it up
"Nevermind, it's all good. I'll call you Sunshine, since that's how your voice sounds."
He knows it is ridiculous
Spitting game to a girl he doesn't know and will never speak to again, but it's enough to pass the time
Your laugh is sweet like honey when it passes through the receiver and even though he has no idea what you look like, he can almost see you roll your eyes
"Smooth talker, I see."
"I try."
The rest of the call goes by the same, him flirting gently and you laughing until the automated voice signals that the call is going to end in 30 seconds
And against his better judgment, he calls again the next day
And you pick up again
The days pass like that, his light flirting and you entertaining him
He asks what you ate today and you tell him in elaborate detail to where he can almost taste it
Asks what the weather is like and your words are so vivid, it paints the picture for him to where he feels like he can see through your eyes
He longs and yearns for your voice and talks
Soon enough, you've been talking every day, him getting your name and stopping with the flirting once he realizes that he's actually into you
And the days turn into weeks
Weeks into months
You send him a picture of yourself, praying that doing so isn't a mistake
And he sends you one back of himself
You write letters to each other
Video calls when he can
He has another inmate paint a portrait of you and sends it as a gift
And before either of you realize, his release date is coming up
He extends the offer to see if you'd be willing to meet him, and even though he wants to, he wouldn't be hurt or offended if you refused
Proud and understanding of your apprehension
So he offers to meet in a crowded public place if you're willing and you are
Both of you sporting each other under the bright sun in the local farmers market
Your eyes brighter than he ever could've imagined
Your smile enough to make his heart feel like a puddle of warm butter
He stands before you and stuffs his hands into his pockets, itching to touch you but not daring to
"Hi, Sunshine."
And the twinkle in your eye as you gaze at him is enough to convince him that punching the number in wrong that day was the best mistake he's ever made
"Hi, Stranger."
General taglist
@titty-teetee   @vibranium-soul @ateliefloresdaprimavera @glimmerglittergirl @hatterripper31 @lilac-tea-time @krysiewithak
Ray Merrimen taglist @effie365
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talesofesther · 1 year
sweet calamity | ch 9
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Series Summary: It was something people described as the sweetest pain, the feeling of when the soul that’s destined to find yours is closer to you. Wednesday saw it as a curse, promised herself she would hate whoever was chosen for her; but it’s easier said than done.
A/N: Softest Wednesday ever and I hope she's not too out of character lol (but cut her some slack, girl's in love c'mon). Was listening to this while writing. <3
Masterlist | Read ch 8 here
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"So here's something interesting that happened last night," Enid started, teasing hinting at her tone.
You gripped a little tighter onto the straps of your backpack.
"I get back from my date with Ajax, and Wednesday greets me with a goodnight, even asking if my date was enjoyable."
You hummed at her words, kicking a pebble from the stone path you were walking on. Last night's snowfall left its mark on the gardens, white snowflakes were still clinging to some of the trees around you; there was frost on the grass; mist in the air. The scenery was worthy of a painting.
"Why is that interesting?" You eventually asked.
"She never asks me about my dates," Enid exclaimed, "like ever." Taking hold of both your arms, the werewolf stopped you in your tracks and came to stand before you, forcing you to look up at her.
"She looked happy. Unusually happy," Enid narrowed her eyes at you, wolfish grin on her lips, "did something happen while I was out?"
Sometimes, Enid was too smart for her own good. You wanted to share her enthusiasm, tell her all about last night — how hearing Wednesday play gave you goosebumps, how her lips left you breathless — yet you found yourself hesitating. Everything felt too fragile.
You chuckled humourlessly, squirming under her hold. You could feel your face heating up, "nothing happened, we just hung out for a while."
Enid audibly groaned as she rolled her eyes, "come on, I saw you two dancing at the Rave'n, didn't you finally admit your obvious love for each other?"
You frowned, lips hovering open as you connected the dots, feeling your stomach lurch with apprehension. You answered her question with another, that you felt you already knew the answer to; "was that your doing by any chance?"
"Of course," Enid told you animatedly, "Wednesday was giving me her usual 'I don't do feelings' speech and hurting both you and herself in the process, I had to talk some sense into her," she scrunched her brows, taking on a serious tone, "don't tell her I said that though."
"Oh," you breathed. You're not sure why it bothers you. To think Wednesday would do something against her will was foolish, at best; but the last thing you wanted was for her to feel like she has to be with you.
"So," Enid dragged the word, pink cheeks molded by her pinkier snood, "no special moments last night?"
"W-well, we-" you stumbled, "I mean, she-"
You closed your eyes and breathed out a sigh of relief upon hearing Wednesday's voice. She walked up to you and Enid with haste, backpack held by one shoulder, scarf snug around her neck, and her black beanie pushing down her bangs. She looked worthy of a painting too.
"Wednesday," Enid turned to her best friend, bouncing on her heels with glee, "we were just talking about you."
"Thrilling," the Addams girl deadpanned, glancing between you and Enid before settling on the latter, "I'll need my partner back now."
To say Enid lit up like a damn Christmas tree would be an understatement. Your heartbeat skyrocketed at the words too, before you remembered what exactly she was talking about.
Enid emitted some kind of excited noise — undoubtedly already planning your wedding; "your partn-"
"We're partners in fencing," you cut her off before she could create a scene you probably wouldn't be able to escape too soon. After your little incident with Bianca, Wednesday made sure no one but she was partnered up with you in fencing. How she accomplished that, you preferred not to know. And if anyone as much as whispered about her going easy on you when sparring, they'd receive the complete opposite treatment.
"Yes, and class started two minutes ago," Wednesday said, pointedly raising an eyebrow at you and your lack of time management.
You mouthed a sorry to her, offering a soft smile.
"You guys are no fun," Enid mumbled to herself, hugging her sweater closer to her body.
Cold air bit at your fingertips and you stuffed your hands in your pockets. Part of you could sympathize with Enid's frustration, you and Wednesday have been dancing around each other for a while, and then she finally kisses you and… and now you find yourself holding back, afraid to let your guard down.
You're still not sure what to call what she is to you. It's not like you and Wednesday are the epitome of healthy communication.
It's almost like she feels your discomfort, "let's go, I don't like waiting," Wednesday grumbled, half extending her hand out for you, giving you the chance to choose whether to take it or not.
The way you were so quick to reach for her was second nature, softly taking her hand in yours. "See you later, Enid."
"Bye lovebirds," the werewolf sweetly said, starting to walk in the opposite direction, "don't forget what we talked about yesterday, Wednesday."
"How could I? You've hammered the idea into my brain," Wednesday huffed, but Enid was already out of earshot, which left only you to grin at her words.
It was new and fragile, but maybe also just the way it was supposed to be. Maybe it was simpler than your overthinking self made it out to be — you were focused on your feet, trusting Wednesday to lead your way with her hand securely around yours.
The comfortable silence stretched for a few moments, until you reached the end of the gardens and walked inside Nevermore's walls. It felt nice to feel normal for a change; two normal girls too shy and too in love to meet each other's eyes.
"Your hands are frigid," Wednesday broke the silence, absentmindedly brushing her thumb along your skin.
You chuckled under your breath, feeling the familiar swelling of your heart, "I keep forgetting my gloves."
You refrained from groaning when the doors to the fencing arena came into sight. Before you could push them open, Wednesday pulled you to a stop. You glanced up at her curiously; only to see her cheeks an unusual shade of pink, her jaw set tightly in place, eyes strangely a tad too wide. It's rare the times that you can visibly tell what she's feeling.
You curse the way your heart automatically expects the worst, and hold your breath.
"I was-" Wednesday tried, before averting her gaze from yours and inhaling deeply, "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me this evening."
She spoke so quickly you almost didn't catch the words fully, but you did; and it sure felt that simple. "I'd love to."
Wednesday nodded stiffly at your answer and all but burst through the doors.
It takes some getting used to. Sometimes the turmoil of emotions that you make Wednesday feel gets her nauseous; she thinks she resembles a babbling idiot whenever she tries to mimic what she sees the other couples do — to say she's inexperienced in the area is a huge understatement; she's trying though, in her own way, but she is.
After a day of classes that kept her mostly away from you, Wednesday was making her way to the greenhouse, the place where she knows she'll find you. And she could feel that sensation — pumping through her body with each frantic beat of her heart the closer she gets to you — the tightness on her chest, the turning of her stomach. It's nearly painful. Dangerously addicting.
The evening sun had made its appearance, soft rays seeping through the glass walls as Wednesday pushed open the door. It was quiet, eerily so. No students were around, thankfully. She realized you liked your own dose of solitude too, it's not the first time she's found you hidden away all by yourself in the greenhouse.
Wednesday was quiet as she made her way inside, preserving your space.
You were standing in front of one of the tables when she found you, eyes focused solemnly on the flower pot in front of you as you hummed a song unknown to Wednesday. Blissfully unaware of her watchful gaze on you.
Your hands were delicate with their movements, making life bloom from your fingertips; there was a ray of sun casting over your cheek and lips — Wednesday envied the pesky thing.
You pushed back a strand of loose hair, smiling faintly when you got on your tip toes to put the flower back up on the shelf, a sea of green and gold around you.
Wednesday suddenly felt the back of her eyes burning faintly; because she refused to blink or something else, she was not sure.
But she's looking at you as if she just realized what love is.
And she could love you if she wanted to. If you allowed her to.
She thinks she already does anyway.
It's unlike anything she ever expected or wanted to feel — it's pain and bliss altogether — because she had the sudden need to be closer, to hold you, touch you; otherwise she'd spiral into madness.
And so she did.
You jumped when you felt two hands grasping at your waist, sharply turning around to see whoever thought had the right to touch you like that; yet any unkind words that were ready to leave your tongue disappeared when you were met with a pair of twin black braids you were all too familiar with.
Your skin is instantly littered with goosebumps. Wednesday's hands were firm on your waist, her thumbs barely sneaking under your shirt and grazing the skin there.
Before you could even try to speak, she was shutting you up with a searing kiss. It was different from last night; she pushed herself to you, desperate in the way her lips moved with yours — as if you hadn't seen each other in six years instead of six hours.
You took only a moment to recover, grasping at her blazer with your hands and embracing anything she'd be willing to give you.
Her lips were still as plush and warm as you remembered them, as you knew you'd never be able to forget.
Wednesday pulled back when air became an annoying necessity, all soft eyes and swollen lips. Her hands still gripping your waist, gaze darting to the mouth she'd just kissed only to see you gulp and look at your feet; away from her.
"Is this acceptable?" Wednesday found herself asking, voice raspier than usual, puffs of air coming out shallow and ragged as she regarded you with worry.
"Yeah," you were quick to breathe out, bringing one hand up and hesitating only a second before gingerly touching Wednesday's cheek, your thumb tracing the lines of her bottom lip. "More than acceptable."
"But?" The raven-haired girl raised a brow.
"I just-" you could feel your heartbeat, and wondered if she could feel it too, "I don't want to force you into anything, Wednesday." You gave her a melancholic smile, "I want to make sure you don't feel like you have to be doing this," you motioned with your hand between you and her, and she was so close you could barely breathe at all.
Wednesday's eyes shuttered with a sudden blankness and nothing could prepare you for the utterly adorable look of confusion on her face that followed; eyebrows pinching together and lips turned down at the corners as she pulled back only to look at you better.
"Never in my life would I do something I do not want to do," she said matter of factly.
You bit into your lip, one hand taking hold of Wednesday's braid so you had something to fidget with.
Straightening her posture, Wednesday gulped back her pride; "I'm not… good at this," she shook her head softly, her sudden fragility surprising you, "any of it."
And you finally see it; you see it in the way her eyes lose their sharp edges, how impossibly darker they are, shining under the fading sun; you see it in the way she insisted on holding your hand even when curious glances were thrown at you; you see it in the way she doesn't let anyone else spar with you in fencing or the way she always has an extra set of notes whenever you miss a class; you see it in the way she came after you and didn't give up even after you pushed her away. You see the way she's been loving you from day one, even if both of you didn't admit it.
"And I hate the fact that you make me want to try it anyway," Wednesday whispered, bringing you back to reality.
You huffed a chuckle, sliding your hands behind her neck to pull her closer, "you hate it?"
She rolled her eyes endearingly, "take the win," she said, before stealing another kiss from your lips.
Wednesday lingered close to you, her nose bumping yours. She didn't dare open her eyes when she asked the one thing she needed to hear you say; "so can I call you mine?" She choked out, upper lip grazing yours as she spoke.
There was a beat of silence and the Addams girl was almost already considering her early grave when you didn't answer right away.
Until you did, and she could feel your cheeky smile, "only if I can call you mine too."
Wednesday's lips twitched with the treat of a smile. It was an easy bargain.
With her hand in yours, Wednesday walked out of the greenhouse; her destination being the Weathervane, where she'd buy you a hot chocolate, and a coffee for herself and do whatever couples do together.
You wanted to stop by the quad first though.
The weight of Wednesday's hand was pleasant in yours. You took her to the middle of the quad, to where stood your finished project, at last; the big maple tree was the star in the center, surrounded by countless flowers with colors that complemented each other beautifully. Two stood out amongst them, a couple of black dahlias just by the foot of the tree, their dark color unmistakable.
"You remember I was renovating this flowerbed, right?" You asked softly, stealing a glance at your girl.
Wednesday hummed, "yes, I recall."
"I think it's finally done, what do you think?"
You watched as Wednesday's dark eyes skimmed over your work, they lingered a little longer on the black-colored flowers and your lips twitched with a smirk.
"It's nice, I'm sure Enid loved the multitude of colors," Wednesday commented, "the dahlias are a nice touch," she timidly admitted eventually.
"I thought you'd like them," your cheeks warmed up you raised both your joined hands to your lips, planting a kiss on the back of her hand before pulling her along to the main gates.
Before, you didn't understand why soulmates bring each other pain whenever they're near. But now, you can see there's something magical to it — it's the fact that, even with the pain, you won't abandon the one you love, and it's a kind of love that comes without warning, burns itself into your soul and marks your heart in the best possible way.
You admire the boldness of the universe; to create something so potentially tragic yet so delightful, so blissful.
Wednesday's shoulder bumped yours as you two walked, personal space forgotten. You could feel your heartbeats mingling.
Her hand warmed up yours.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 10 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are literally what keep me motivated to continue posting here, so I'd appreciate it if you could take some time to reblog and comment if you want. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @simp4wanda26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr @imlike-so-gaydude @user284747 @dreifhraniquo29 @emeraldevan @simp4nat @boobabietch @impossibleliv1031 @deadpool-in-a-snood @rainbow-love4ever @maria-403 @pompompuri @halleest @wandaromanova @marveloussimp @rainbow-hedgehog @left-and-right-up-and-down @get-the-fuck-outta-here @awolfcsworld @elduster @alexkolax @georgi-salva @imdumbhi @youralphawolf72 @reginassweetheart @justyourwritter69 @yangsroboarmm @8e-h-e8 @irish-piece-of-trash @femalehomosexual666 @wol-fica @wednesdays-woes
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lavenderslabyrinth · 5 months
A Sacrificial Game 2
King!Dragon x Reader
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p.t 1
pt. 3
Welcome to part two! I'm a very slow writer so you may notice that I posted these parts somewhat consecutively. That's bc I wrote part one last year;;; I know, I know, but I got a new keyboard and I'm obsessed with the way it feels so hopefully it will get me back into writing again! Does anyone even read these...? Gah whatever. Enjoy!
CW: ♢ Abduction ♢ Blood/Injury ♢ Mention of Forced Stripping (Brief, not done by love interest) ♢
The next time your eyes opened back up to the dreary world, a groan was involuntarily passing through your lips. Pain. Fuck. Every breath felt like you were splitting open, and as a result, moving was not a very appealing option. Your ribs, whether fractured or broken, you didn't know. But, oh, it was undeniable something was wrong.
The pain had you sweating despite the night's air being blisteringly cold-- colder than it should have been for this time of year, and the more you got your bearings, the more you were able to process what was around you.
A single, dingy lantern hung from the wooden ceiling above you. It swung wildly with every bump and jostle, the flame within it threatening to flicker out each time. The room you were in was moving, no, no room, you were in a carriage. You tried to push through the pain to get yourself up but found your movements restrained-- expensive looking silk ropes curling around your body and a simple white gown you hadn't been wearing before was now draped over your figure. Though pretty, and far more expensive than anything you'd ever owned before, it did little to ease the painful shivers that wracked through you.
You'd been washed, groomed, and redressed with care, but hot rage filled your chest nonetheless. You'd had little to nothing to your own name-- living still with your family and no claim to a spouse, child, or land.
They've stripped you of those things. Taken away your chance at a normal life, and now, too, they've taken your dignity.
A particularly rough bump in the road sent your body up and off the ground for just a moment before slamming you back into the rough wood of the floor. By the Damned... The pain left you winded as a stabbing sensation shot through your entire body.
"Are you alright?" A meek voice spoke up from above you. There, on one of the benches, a meek priest looked down at you with sad eyes full of pity. Was he also Chosen? Were you both about to meet your end? No... His hands were not bound behind his back as yours were-- instead, they freely laid folded in his lap.
Your gaze hardened and, seemingly unable to stand it, he looked away in shame. “Why are you doing this?” You asked coldly--you knew... but hope was still pushing back the dread that was steadily gathering in your gut. He didn’t answer at first, instead he simply shrunk into himself more, as if somehow he would be able to curl around himself and hide away from your accusatory eyes. “Where are we going?”
It took time for him to give you an answer. Time you, whether willingly or not, gave. The air thick with the silence between you two, only broken periodically by the groan of wheels or the creaking of the lantern above, but with your stubborn, uninterrupted glaring, he broke.
"The border that separates man from beast... you've been Chosen."
Bastards. Those bastards! What were the chances?! Did they even actually draw?!
It kind of dawned on you that... they may not have. You questioned authority often, butting heads against those who supported this horrific tradition-- many of the higher officials found your outspoken presence to be a nuisance, and with their own unmarried children to look out for..... Was it really that far of a stretch to say you'd been sacrificed in more ways than one?
"...Let me go." You demanded, and when you were met with resistance, your rage bubbled over. "Let me go this instant! Now!" Shouting hurt, but the fear and adrenaline eased your pain into fuel for your rage.
“Please don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
Harder than it has t- was he fucking kidding?
“You cruel bastard! Damn you and damn that Temple as well!”
As though the carriage had also had enough of your behavior, the jostling movement stopped. With an eerie croak, the doors swung open to reveal the drenched silhouette of gruff looking man in temple garb. If it would have been a stranger you saw, it would still have been equally terrifying, but perhaps it would have hurt a bit less.
You immediately recognized the man as Father Kyron, and a cold weight settled in your gut. The Father had watched you grow and mature since before you could walk-- often taking the time out of his day to play ball or sneak treats to the other children after services had ended. He'd always been such a warm pillar of the community, someone everyone could feel safe with. But those kind eyes that had always looked on at you before were now completely vacant of that gentle affection.
A monster was all that was left.
The rain pelted down on his leather-clad shoulders, cold droplets splattering onto you from the force of their impact. Whether or not he was a holy man of the temple, he looked nothing short of a demon in this moment.
Your screams went ignored as you fought not to be dragged out by your hair; body being dumped unceremoniously into the ground's painful embrace.
Kyron didn't spare you another glance as he once more took ahold of the reins. The priest did the same, shutting the wooden doors with a slam, snuffing out the little light the lantern within had to offer you.
The raging tides of emotions slowly simmered away as the carriage finally moved out of view, and now, instead of anger, hopelessness began to ease it's way into your veins. What could you do? You'd been abandoned. Left to lie in the dirt with only the echoing throbs in your side to keep you company.
Your screams turned to wails, then to sobs, and then to silence. And for a few moments you sat there, unable to process the shock of it all.
There's a funny thing about shock that no one tells you about. When there are plenty of important things for your mind to race through-- whether that be the betrayal of a beloved mentor figure, what would happen to your family, if your father was alright, who would tell Alikar... your mind often defaults to something insignificant; something harmless. And all you could think about were those damn peaches that had been laid together so carefully in your mother's wicker basket by Alikar's careful hand.
Had they all been trampled into the ground? Or would your family be able to salvage the last things you touched into something good and safe and warm for themselves...
Your eyes fixated on watching the way the rain thinned your blood and how it trailed down your skin to mix with the mud beneath you. The colors sickeningly seeped into the once pure white satin of your dress like the branching of a tree. The fabric feeling like it took root to your skin as it clung uncomfortably to your figure. It was a suffocating feeling and, surprisingly, was enough to bring a grimace to your face and give your mind enough clarity to realize footsteps were fast approaching where you sat.
"Here! Over here!"
"Damn it all, I knew I heard something!"
"Get the towels, the poor things soaked!"
Unknown voices made their approach accompanied by the warm, softened glow of lantern light. Though vaguely, you could make out the figures of a small group of armor-clad individuals.
Perhaps it was a bit of a cliche. The knights in shining armor coming to the maiden in distress-- but you could afford little to focus on the irony of it all. All you knew was that whomever held that lantern would be a fate far kinder than hungry animals or a slow fall to the elements.
You were saved.
"H-Help me" Was all you could muster, the relief allowing exhaustion and weakness to finally take root in your body. Lead weights settling in your limbs and a quiver in your voice.
The closer they came, the clearer you could see them. They were guards, no doubt patrolmen assigned to protect the border, but very obviously not those of the human kingdom.
Primarily shifters from what you could tell because, despite their mostly human appearances, their natural, beastly features still shown through. Large rabbit ears, a long flowing tail, wings stuck to their backs, or faces that just weren't quite arranged in the typical human fashion.
To some it would have an been off putting sight, but frankly after all the interaction you'd had with humans for the day... an inhuman face was a welcome sight.
"We've got ya, we're here to help, don't be scared." The rabbit shifter cooed, her gentle paw-like hands cupping your face sweetly as the bat's nimble fingers worked away at your bindings.
Her palms were soft and warm, the sleeves of her tunic smelling like the herbs and incense your mother often used at home. Your eyes closed as you couldn't help but lean into her comforting touch. For a moment, just a moment, the thumb swiping away your tears was not that of a stranger, but your mother. And for a moment... just a moment. You weren't shivering in the cold rain of an unknown land, but instead simply sat at the kitchen table at home waiting for peach pie on your birthday...
Ah. Was this death? If it was... it was peaceful. Never before had the space around you felt so soft and warm, and, faintly, there was the gentle scent of citrus in the air.... but was death supposed to be this painful?
Inhaling deeply, you winced, eyes cracking open as you moved blearily to try and sit up only to experience probably one of the most excruciating pains you'd ever felt.
"Easy! Oh, easy, my lady!" A familiar voice fretted, those same gentle hands from before supporting your weight with surprising strength against your shoulders. Carefully, she eased you back in place. "Lie down, the doctor gave strict orders for you to rest as much as possible until the healer can arrive. They aren't broken, but whomever you put up a fight against did one hell of a job on your ribs."
Your gaze fixated on the rabbit as she began to visually check you over once more with her large, rounded black eyes. She wasn't very tall, a bit below average at most, and held a very lithe figure. But despite that, she was donned with heavy, metal plated armor kept a sword neatly sheathed at her hip.
"Who.. are you?" You cringed as your voice was much rougher than expected, but who could blame you? After a night of screaming into the cold like your life depended on it, because it most certainly had, anyone's voice would have been a bit spent.
Without missing a beat, the rabbit shifter handed you a warm glass of water, which you greedily gulped down as she spoke.
"My name is Eve. I am a member of the king's guard here at the palace. I've been assigned as your personal guard, my lady." She bowed at the waist with a practiced precision, her fluffy ears tilting back so as to not land in your lap. "May I know the name of the lady I serve?"
"Hey, pause. Palace?" You full-stopped your assault on the glass of water and took your first good look at your surroundings. Sure enough, it was far from your typical healers hut or hostel.
The sheer size of the bed alone was the first thing you noticed. It was definitely made for something, or rather someone, that was far larger than you as the length of it easily extended another three or four feet past where your own legs ended. The tall, expertly carved banisters loomed over your head, supporting a canopy of heavy silks that seemed to trickle to the floor like water.
And the room
What a room it was. It was as massive as the bed with pristine, marble cut floors and high arching windows. Beautifully intricate moldings were placed all around, masterfully crafted to perfectly mirror one another. It was a chamber fit for a lady, no, a princess-- both of which you were not.
"I... don't think I'm supposed to be here." You murmured, eyes still trailing over the details of the walls that practically dripped with luxury.
Eve's ears tilted back once more, this time nervously as her tiny mouth curved into a frown. "Is the room not to your liking, my lady? I can ask to have you moved to something bigger--"
"No! Goodness no! This is more than enough! Too much, actually." You stumbled over yourself in your haste to not be fussed over to such a grand extent, which made Eve's expression falter from one of concern to confusion. "I'm not a noble," you clarified. "My name is (y/n), just (y/n)." Back home, impersonating a noble was enough to lose a limb if you were lucky-- your head if you weren't. Hopefully, if you cleared up the confusion quick enough, whoever misunderstood and brought you here would be more lenient with their anger.
"How could I dare call the future queen by her name?"
"......Pardon?" Surely you hadn't heard that right. "The what?" Was it.. the shock? Yes, the shock. It must have not worn off yet, that was all.
"The future Queen. I'm afraid it isn't my place to elaborate any further, lady (y/n), but I assure you once his Highness' meeting finishes up he will be here to speak with you himself."
So it wasn't the shock... and the king of beasts himself would be coming here, to you, like.. this?
You didn't need a mirror to know you were ill prepared to be meeting royalty. Your hair and skin still felt dirty and strange from your previous night's rather rough introduction to the ground, and your clothes... well, perhaps more accurately described as the lack thereof...
You felt your cheeks heat in a bit of embarrassment as you gently lifted the warm blankets to peer below. You still wore the underwear you'd had on before, identifiable by the stains of blood and dirt which had settled permanently in the crevices of the fabric, but what covered the rest of your torso and legs were bandages and dressings. Your cuts and bruises had been treated, rather professionally at that if the skill and quality of the supplies had anything to say about it.
But still, it was far from a dignified look.
As if reading your mind, your rabbit knight chimed in once more. "Don't worry, my lady, his Highness is an understanding and gentle ruler. He won't judge you for something like being wounded."
While it was sweet Eve was attempting to comfort you, you were less worried about appearing weak and more focused on the fact you were damn near naked-- though that was probably an idea that mattered a lot less to someone completely covered in fur... You didn't have the heart to tell her that though. Not when she was so eager to please and had that hopeful look in her eyes.
Not that you would have had the chance to anyway as, without so much as a knock, the two heavy doors to the room swung open.
Your hands moved in a flurry to gather the thick comforter up over your chest, your startled eyes locking with another's, and for a moment, the both of you paused.
He was tall, taller than any man you'd ever known, with shoulders just as broad that laid draped in a dark-stained cloak. It was still wet with rain and what you could guess was blood based off the thicker, red pigment that dripped from the bottom hem. Heavy, leathery wings sat poised behind him like two elegant, massive shields as his spear-like tail swung languidly between them. It was evident why everything here was the size it was now. He was massive. He was imposing. And he was horrifically attractive in a way no boy from your village could ever hope to compare.
He didn't need the crown or fine clothing to be identified. You could feel the authority he held in the air the moment he entered the room, and immediately upon seeing him, you understood the stories of your kingdom's best soldiers turning tail the second his taloned foot stepped onto the battle field.
Dipping your head as best you could, you quickly averted your flustered gaze and blushing face. "I greet the King of Beasts."
You'd expected a plethora of reactions. A gentle acceptance of your greeting, a roar of anger as to why someone as lowly as you laid within his palace, or even silence as he ignored you completely
What you hadn't expected was laughter. It was a deep rumble that could have shaken the cores of mountains if he'd leaned close enough.
"Is that what they call me nowadays? 'King of Beasts?' Of all things... you humans and your silly imaginations never fail to entertain."
You only felt your cheeks darken in humiliation as you lifted your head to stare at him with complete bafflement. Was that the wrong thing to say? Instead of answering your wordless query, he instead pulled up one of the oversized chairs to your beside.
"Eve," he called to your rabbit companion with a far calmer and level tone. "You're dismissed." Your guard, whom you'd momentarily forgotten in the chaos of it all, quickly scampered out and very suddenly it was just you and him left alone in the room together.
"Forgive my intrusion, this won't take long." His tone didn't flow like an apology, but more like an order or expectation that you would forgive him. It left a sour taste in your mouth and evidently an equally sour look on your face.
His eyes narrowed.
"Unless there's something you'd care to object?"
For a moment, a primal instinct surged in your gut beneath his gaze: Fear. He was the descendant of a long lived, powerful bloodline known for having the power to snuff out thousands of lives like yours. You were comparable to a meager speck of dust in his eyes, surely-- but an emotion that overtook your momentary fear was... anger.
No, it was rage. To be ripped from your home, stripped of your dignity-- your identity, thrown to the wolves, all to be mocked and disrespected and then be told to forgive them? Forgive him?
How far must you bow your head in order to save it? How much more humiliation did you have to endure for the sake some man deeming you worthy of survival?
Men in power had stripped enough away from you today, you'd be damned if you allowed this one to make you watch the last shred of self respect you had trickle through your fingers.
"I do actually. Quite a few actually."
The beast's narrowed eyes didn't ease, but he made no move to stop you.
"Well? Go on."
You took a breath, steeling the nerves that were pleading with you not to go through with what you were about to do. It was far too late to back down now. Instead, you hold his gaze.
"You laughed at my greeting, yet failed to introduce yourself. You came in without so much of a knock, not having a shred of thought towards my decency. You sent away the only person I knew, leaving yourself, a man, alone in a room with me, a woman, which shows you also have no concern for my dignity. Not to mention you're absolutely filthy covered in... who knows what. And to top it all off you don't ask me for forgive you but tell me to." You begin to falter, slowing your ramble as his slitted pupils begin to round out. "I think you're rude, and inconsiderate and..."
"And?" He urged, leaning forward a bit which only had you pressing further back into the plush pillows that had propped you up.
"And scary."
At that, the towering dragon leaned back, the sturdy wood of the chair beneath him creaking with the shift in weight. "You look me in the eye, tell me what I can and can't do within my own home, in my own country, tell me all your objections about me... all while you think I'm scary?"
Unsure where this is going, you nod a bit lamely. What else could you have said?
"I see. Well. I suppose, in my haste, I have treated you a bit roughly for a lady."
"You...have." You affirmed hesitantly, your death grip on the blankets over your collarbones easing slightly.
"Then, for that, I extend you my sincerest apologies and ask that you find it in that fiery little heart to forgive me." You weren't sure if his tone was playful, mocking, or both... but it was a start.
"I'll think about forgiving you then."
"Then I'll put forth the effort to earn it. But for now, let's start from the beginning. I am King Jarkah Drak'in, ruler of the Etherian Empire. And you are?"
You had pondered giving him a false name before, but at this point there seemed little reason to it. "(Y/n). My name is (y/n)."
"(Y/n)." He repeated back to you, the gentle rumble in his voice almost bringing back that warmth to your cheeks. "I rarely hear human names so sweet on the tongue."
You tried and failed to formulate a reply to the compliment, your thoughts stuttering over themselves.
Seemingly able to see your internal struggle, Jarkah stood back up, signaling the end to your little exchange.
"As much as I'd prefer to talk further, I realize I should take your fragile circumstances into consideration, I'll postpone our conversation until I hear word that you've recovered." Was he... still mocking you? Or was that genuine consideration? It was difficult to read his reptilian features, and even more so when his back was turned to you. "Goodnight, (y/n)."
You floundered for a response but all you managed was a meager "Goodnight" as the door clicked shut softly behind him.
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