hellosonganimated · 9 months
The interview we did with The Animanicast's Joey is out on Youtube now, give it a listen!
You also get to see our reaction to Tom Ruegger's reaction to our animated collab. So meta!
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poitcast · 7 months
Poitcast Episode 46: Snowball (with The Animanicast)
Hello Listeners!
Join us and our guests, Joey, Nathan, and Kelly from The Animanicast as we discuss the ninth episode of the Pinky and The Brain Spin-Off, Snowball! In this episode, Brain encounters his rival (and former childhood friend) Snowball, who steals Brain's chain letter scheme. Snowball proves to be a formidable foe as he tries to sway Pinky to his side and the mice's relationship is put to the test.
Episode: Snowball (with The Animanicast)
Run Time: 1 Hour and 46 Minutes
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bride-of-dracaenca · 1 year
First of all: thank you so much to those who made nice comments about the first part of this list (right over here)! I’m glad some people enjoyed my nostalgic rambling, but much more importantly, I loved hearing your thoughts, too! I would see other fans’ own lists, so much.
So without further ado, here is the rest of:
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(Content warning for one kind of bad word below, and worse, I vaguely mention Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue which...shudders.)
I remember Tom Ruegger and Peter Hastings, probably the most influential voices in creating Pinky and the Brain, saying something to the effect of, “It goes there sometimes, but we didn’t want to just do the old ‘a jerk and an idiot’ story,” several times. Although I’m actually a big fan of Abbot and Costello, Laurel and Hardy, etc. and the “Vaudeville Comic Duo” thing is indisputably the kernel this franchise grew around, in my opinion, it was deliberately grown into something more.
A while ago, I listened to an Animanicast where one of the PatB Spin-Off writers (Charles M. Howell) mentioned that he thought that Pinky and the Brain were more complex as characters than the old vaudeville duos, and even said he was getting teary-eyed thinking about the characters because they made him emotional. It’s been a while, but I remember hearing another story where one of the spin-off’s writers recounting talking to an executive with a fellow writer about the characters. Supposedly he was saying, “These two mice…they’re REAL,” and he joked that they thought the guy was maybe uuuh losing it, but said actually, he understood what he meant.
I think that’s probably why most of the Brinky moments I hold dear and remembered through the decades came from the spin-off. The og Animaniacs skits were very funny and cute, and my absolute favorite thing about them was their classic Looney Tunes short tone and sensibility. Still, their spin-off is really where the true humanity of the characters and their relationship was able to develop.
…okay, I know what I sound like, here. I don’t actually think that the show was some brilliant work of high art or anything. There are many weaknesses, it was silly and inconsistent (sometimes very much on purpose, sometimes not), it had a famously troubled production with the network not truly valuing it making these things less surprising, blah blah blah, etc. Still, all I’m saying, as I said in part one of this list, is here are the characters being more complex and unique than people might expect or than many people (including me!) usually remember.
More importantly, here’s their relationship being different than people would expect or are likely to remember, and deeper, too.
#3: “The Pink Candidate” and “Inherit the Wheeze” – Pinky Stands Up to Brain
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TL;DR below, but a summary: Once the mice get fleshed out as characters, if Pinky has a problem with something that Brain says or does, he just tells him. If he doesn’t want to go along with something, he just doesn’t. Brain doesn’t attempt to “make” him, and he wouldn’t be able to, anyway.
This might seem like a strange choice. Also, full disclosure: this part is much, much more about “The Pink Candidate” just because it was (in my opinion) the much better episode over “Inherit the Wheeze,” and also because American Drug PSAs from this period in general have…real-world related issues imo. Still.
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(As far as I’m concerned, above didn’t happen and was just a bad dream.)
I thought back to these when I was trying to figure out why I never really thought of Pinky/Brain as an unequal relationship, at least not in the particular way I think it might been seen as sometimes. Again, they have massive, massive issues; I think these are so obvious there’s not much purpose to my pointing them out, even. But what’s more surprising is that, even though Brain doesn’t seem to either realize or want to acknowledge this, they actually really are PARTNERS, in my opinion. At least, once their characters are properly fleshed out.
This is more depth than they had at first, while their characters were still being worked out; while it’s a great short with amazing animation, “Brain Meets Brawn” is an example of an early story where the dynamic between the two mice is more “just what you’d expect,” and I’ll be honest with you here, there are a few nice moments in the short that are big exceptions but I mostly just don’t like it! “It” being the dynamic between the mice in the short; I very, very much enjoy the short itself – just not the core relationship in it, mostly.
This brings me back to little summary I wrote before rambling. They’re partners. Brain isn’t forcing Pinky to help him take over the world. Brain wouldn’t even be able to!
“The Pink Candidate” is a really great episode for Pinky’s character, and I could go on and on about it. But it actually shows some of the nuance of Brain’s character, too, which is why put together, it shows some of the nuance in the RELATIONSHIP. I just re-watched it and was again really struck: Pinky’s even less of a frivolous doormat than I remembered, and Brain is even less dismissive or pushy. And this depth doesn’t sacrifice the show’s humor; in my opinion it’s a funny ep. – just that fact that Brain ends up on trial partly because he’s in the Splash Zone of Bil Keane’s Campaign of Vengeance against Pinky for saying that The Family Circus isn’t funny, and that that’s a REAL plot point, sends me.
By the way, Pinky’s right: The Family Circus isn’t funny. ANYWAY.
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Pinky stands up to Brain (despite actually CRYING during this scene) and gives well-reasoned points for doing so. This is my favorite take on Pinky: both more aware and, yes, “intelligent” than one would think, but also genuinely a good person. One of the reasons he supports Brain’s efforts is because he thinks that Brain’s leadership genuinely would be “what’s best for the world.” If that changes, he doesn’t stop supporting Brain as a PERSON, because he loves him. But he does stop supporting his actions and he stands up to them and says exactly why.
Brain’s actions in this episode get a “condemning with faint praise” framing from me here, but actually, it really does show how different he is here from a shallow archetype. For starters the principles that Pinky gives as reasons to stand up to Brain are ones that Brain just taught him, and Brain seems to genuinely believe in them, even if he’s not practicing them. Brain actually concedes Pinky’s two points to him in their argument scene, and sincerely (if…”wackily” and not very well) tries to address Pinky’s concerns. Obviously, his idea that an absolute authoritarian dictatorship is compatible with democracy is either hilarious or scary depending on the tone of a story, but well, delusional as he is, Brain genuinely seems to think so. Brain’s response, which is basically to have a tantrum and storm off, also isn’t commendable, but by Looney Tunes standards might be downright constrained. He doesn’t belittle, threaten, lie to, or insult Pinky here. He just tells him honestly that he’s going to do it alone and walks away. That’s it.
Of course, Pinky is going to choose Brain’s friendship over the Presidency, just by itself. But again, I like how Pinky’s reasoning here is actually deeper than even just that. Pinky mentions (to the Abe Lincoln statue, lol) that Pinky is only President because of Brain. If Pinky did what they wanted him to, and claimed to not know anything about their “Take Over the World” schemes, it would be an outright lie. Pinky is only President because he knowingly was a part of one of those schemes.
Pinky’s scene in court is also great. “I take full accountability for everything that happens in my administration.” Ironically, Pinky is impeached for doing exactly what a President SHOULD do in this situation.
The little interaction between them in the courtroom scene is nice and telling. When Pinky starts to talk, Brain shouts, “Pinky, NO!” Again, you might expect him to have blamed (or at least implicated) Pinky already or want to be saved here, but he’d rather go down alone. He doesn’t want Pinky to be impacted or take any of the blame. And again I can’t stop thinking about how, though Brain is at fault for Trying to Take Over the World TM, in some ways he’s taking the fall for Pinky here because this happened because Bil Keane wanted revenge against PINKY, and again I’m sorry but The Family Circus really isn’t funny.
Pinky also responds by cutting Brain off with, “Brain, let me handle this,” which shuts Brain right up. I often think of this when people think that Pinky just had no power or say in the relationship. Pinky has lots of issues (including with standing up for himself at times), and they and his strengths are inconsistent in this comedy cartoon. But Pinky CAN advocate for himself and he CAN take charge sometimes. I mean yeah, it’s easier when you’re the President, but this is only one of the times that Pinky puts his foot down or steps up, and Brain listens to him or follows his lead.
(One other thing is Pinky is just…weird /pos. So much that others would find insufferable, he either doesn’t mind or loves, so he wouldn’t want or need to put his foot down about it.)
“Inherit the Wheeze” might be more notable in showing just how much Brain actually does value Pinky’s opinion, despite claiming otherwise: Brain actually calls off the whole plan there, and a big part of it is Pinky’s words. While he doesn’t do that in “The Pink Candidate,” the episode actually ends with Brain thanking Pinky for standing up to him, and reminding him of principles he actually does value, even if he’s incredibly, comically bad at putting them into practice (cue “What are we gonna do tomorrow night?” joke at the end).
Anyway, I could go on and on, but the point here is:
The Family Circus is not funny.
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#2: “A Pinky and the Brain Halloween” – Pretty Much the Whole Thing. There.
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After rambling on and on too long about the last “moment,” this one is going to be short because it’s just so straightforward. The whole episode almost feels like it’s been written to just say, in big, bold letters:
This episode just makes that incredibly clear-cut. He chooses Pinky outright over, not just losing control of the world (again, he is ACTUALLY ACTIVELY RULING THE WORLD in this episode, and he gives that up), but EVER trying to take over the world again. I think Brain has an “I can do it myself!” attitude towards taking over the world that both seems kind of admirable (see him turning down the Devi-Walt Disney, and ripping up his contract right in front of him!) and also…actually kinda also isn’t, when you think about it (more massive ego stuff at work there), and I could almost see him giving up rulership for that. So he can say he wasn’t just literally handed the world.
But it’s not JUST that that Brain is willing to sacrifice for Pinky, it’s his entire dream, and his supposed goal in life and reason for living.
It's everything.
Brain is also willing to brave He-HADES in the first place. The fact that he briefly is selfish and doesn’t rush to Pinky’s rescue immediately, again, is part of how he’s still extremely flawed in this episode; Pinky made the deal he made, in part, because Brain literally, callously called him worthless. That’s really horrible, but the sheer lengths he goes to for Pinky here show why Brain is a complex (and, imo, pretty great, all things considered) character in the spin-off. It shows how much Brain cares and can demonstrate it through his actions, he just can’t bring himself to say it out loud.
Oh yeah, Pinky also sells his soul to the Devi-Walt Disney here, and that’s NOT because he was tricked. It’s because he thinks it’s a fair trade. ☹
He thinks it’s worth it to give his best friend in the world what he wants. It’s both heartwarming and sad, like so many things about Pinky. But the end is happy: Brain shows through his actions here that Pinky’s reasoning makes no sense.
What Brain really wants is HIM.
#1: “A Pinky and the Brain Christmas” – “Dear Santa, hello, hah hah, narf...”
I know I know how shocking and original, what a surprise. OK.
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So I’ve often thought that if EVERY episode of Pinky and the Brain exploded except for the Christmas special and “Bubba Bo Bob Brain,” I’d be just fine. And if I had to choose between the two, it’d obviously be this one. And honestly, kind of…yeah. If this entire franchise was nothing but a beloved, perennial family Christmas special classic and fond childhood memory that also won a flipping Emmy, I’d still love it. And pretty much, yeah.
It's all about the ending.
I don’t know what I could say about That Scene (plus the coda, where Pinky gives Brain the world ;_; ;_;) that hasn’t already been said. The performances by both Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche here are brilliant, the score is excellent, and of course the rightfully famous Tokyo Movie Shinsha Co., Ltd., animation is AMAZING. Those camera shots, those pans, those tears!
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LaMarche’s delivery of “I don’t care about your STUPID LETTER!” is a great moment where the show really clearly and effectively shows the difference between the mice’s for the purposes of comedy vaudeville duo banter and Brain actually being way over the line. He sounds vicious and cruel there, and it’s not funny at all.
Despite that, I always think of what Brain does in this episode. He’s actually ruling the world, albeit for a brief time, here. He has everybody in the world under his control, in part due to the Christmas special rule that for the special’s purposes everybody in the world celebrates Christmas, but anyway.
But all his does with it is to make everybody genuinely happy, while getting nothing back for himself. Not even acknowledgement. People don’t even know that Brain is why they feel like having a Merry Christmas. They just do.
In this one moment, Brain proves that he can be who Pinky believes him to be.  Pinky just described him as this in his letter: someone who “only wants what’s best for the world.” In this one moment, he gives the world a very happy holiday, without getting anything for himself. He made the world a better place.
And it’s all because of Pinky.
As for Pinky’s character in this episode, there I really don’t know how to express what hasn’t already been said. This is part of what makes Pinky one of my favorite characters of all time, why I even think of him as one of the “best,” instead of just the amusing but unthinking sidekick he could have been, instead. Pinky’s letter is really quite eloquent and insightful – and well written! It shows again his utter selflessness, but also his awareness of what’s going on.
And Pinky’s not even crying because he’s mad at Brain, it’s because he’s upset with himself for not getting his letter to Santa Claus. ☹
This whole scene could easily have fallen flat. But the fact that Pinky and Brain get fleshed out into “not JUST an idiot, not JUST a jerk” is what makes this, and the other moments on this list, work for me. If they were that simple, Pinky wouldn’t have been able to write such a letter in the first place, and Brain wouldn’t have cared about it except to think it was stupid.
It’s the way that their relationship follows by not just being “jerk leader and idiot sidekick” who don’t care about, or even hate, each other like people generally expect.
Instead, they love each other. In their own way, they are a family. They come to understand each other very well. They are well aware of each other’s flaws; though Brain is absurdly overly critical and condescending about it, while Pinky wears massively thick rose-colored glasses, even Pinky can be brutally honest with Brain about his flaws (from “Hoop Schemes,” basically - Brain says, “I’m sorry I was such a jerk,” and Pinky says casually, “That’s okay, Brain. I’m used to it.”). But both of them see the good in each other, too. ( “Lets just say that your extra jumbo sized heart more than makes up for your little free sample sized mind,” a jerky way to say it? Yes. Brain’s crummy, tsundere, socially incompetent way of saying he knows that Pinky’s pretty great? Also yes.) They care each other, anyway.
That this scene works at all shows how the mice and their relationship have been expanded into something more touching and human – the heart of the show.
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mouseydate · 1 year
I listened to the animanicast
They just basically dissed brinky 🥺🥺
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pauliecstuff · 2 years
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I’m still spreading awareness about the great cartoon purge at HBO Max @hbomax with the Tiny Toons Reboot about to be devoured by the Warner Bros Discovery Merger @wbd @wbdlife @davidzaslav @discoveryplus Please Save Our Animator’s Residuals Tonight! . . . . . . #davidzaslav #warnerbrosdiscovery #wbd #protest #whereareourresiduals #artistsrights #residualrights #montanamax #snake #caricature #exaggeration #satire #distortion #activism #cartoonistrights #cartoonistsrights #animationrights #animatorsrights #humanrights #civilrights #cartoonnetwork #tinytoons #reboot #goodintentions #revolt #rebellion #uprising #beancounter #brass #repost . . . ☄️💥🔥💯💯💯💯💯 @tinytoons.fan1092 @animanicast @cartoonnetwork @warnerbrosanimation @warnerbrosentertainment @wbanimationcareers @warnerbrostv @wbpictures @hbomaxla @hbomaxbr @hbomaxadria @hbomaxportugal @hbomaxromania @hbomaxfamily @hbomaxmovies @hbomaxnordic (at Europe) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChyHoI_q3A4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rgbyshipper101 · 3 years
There’s freaking merch!!!
At the WB store.
And Animanicast has it as well.
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thatdoodlebug · 5 years
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 i had to draw some christmassy goodfeathers cos of that cute lil antler comment there ❤️ And I absolutely cannot wait for their reunion on the animanicast: https://mobile.twitter.com/animanicast/status/1074415939473436672
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redsnerdden · 4 years
Animaniacs Reboot is underway!
Animaniacs Reboot is underway! #Animaniacs #WarnerBros #Animation #Hulu #Cartoons
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Ever since its first announcement regarding the reboot, people have been curious to know when or if the Animaniacs would return, and when they returned would it be with the original cast? A podcast called the Animanicast, they recently reported on social media on the status of the reboot. Currently, other than that, this has been kept secret mostly from the lack of information on hand.
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even though i’m gonna watch the animaniacs revival for the og voice actors and the new songs, i’m still irritated they cut almost every girl character aside from dot. rumor has it hello nurse is being put on a bus like miss bellum and there’s gonna be some new characters, but the showrunner used to work for family guy so i’m...scared, to say the least...
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lestatslestits · 2 years
I absolutely refuse to be normal about this information.
From The Animanicast Episode 99a (Discussing Animaniacs Comic Issue 12
Discussion of a Pinky and the Brain movie that never was.
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hellosonganimated · 10 months
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SURPRISE! The kind folks over at Animanicast interviewed us on the Hello Song Animated project! Listen on Spotify or right here on this post!
And what's this? A mystery announcement? 👀 Listen until the end to learn the news!
- Project storyboarders/mods Max, Greta, and Ray
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jothezette · 4 years
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Some doodling while talking with the fine folks at the #Animanicast!
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autistic-singer515 · 3 years
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Here’s my fan art of one the scenes I want in the Pinky and the Brain live action movie from my Pinky and the Brain movie idea list. That’s where CGI Pinky got shot with a bullet in the heart by the police or any other organizations in the live action world. As a result, Pinky dies from his gun shot wound due to him not being a 2D animated toon mouse anymore. That’s what caused the Brain to choose to save Pinky over world domination. They went back home in the 2D animated world. The Brain turns back into a 2D animated toon mouse, but Pinky was still dead and CGed. But the Brain’s 2D animated teardrop dropped on Pinky and it turned him back into his normal 2D self as well as bringing him back to life as the live action bullet slips off of his cartoon chest due to his friends deep love for him. Here’s a fun bit of trivia, the same finding the gizmo in the real world plot was originally going to be in the rejected Pinky and the Brain movie back in the 90’s both thought up by Kirk Tangblad and Russel Calabreese both from the original show. But in that version, Pinky and the Brain were both turned into humans who both would’ve been played by their own voice actors from the original shows and the reboot, Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche. But it was ultimately rejected by Warner Bros because it was deemed too expensive. I heard about that planned idea from TV Tropes and the AnimaniCast podcast when they reviewed the comic book issue 12 of Animaniacs.
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pauliecstuff · 2 years
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Part 2 of Slappy Squirrel gets Revenge. Part 3 TBA. Part 2 of Montana Max and David Zaslav’s Merger. Be sure to use these mentions: @hulu @hbomax @warnerbrosentertainment @warnerbrosanimation @wbpictures @wbanimationcareers @davidzaslav @animanicast @theanimaniacs And these hashtags! #art #animation #cartoon #slappythesquirrel #montanamax #davidzaslav #explosion #snake #savewb #saveanimation #savecartoons #firezaslav #stopmerger #merger #ash #bloom #eat #caricature #exaggeration #savehbomax #savecartoonnetwork #savehulu #satire #protestsign #editorialcartoon #picketsign #overturnmerger #cartoonexplosion #funnydrawing #drawingfunny (at Peloponnese (region)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chcw7SEKD6w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pluto-art · 4 years
Animaniacs Reboot Countdown!
Helloooooooooo, fans!!
As many of you are most likely aware, the Animaniacs reboot will be officially released on Hulu on November 20th, 2020. Whether you’re excited, nervous, or just flat out don’t care, one thing is for certain: It’s coming, whether you like it or not, so get ready!
The Animanicast has been doing a rather fun little countdown, starting from day 100, if memory serves me correctly, in which they are reposting on their Twitter account past podcast episodes in preparation for the reboot. I figure... why not do something similar?
Although this will be a rather late start, it might be fun if we all got together and did our own countdown, starting from day 60... which is in a couple of days: On Sunday, September 20th, 2020.
Start/End Dates: September 20th, 2020 - November 20th, 2020
The Rules:
• Post one thing related to Animaniacs and/or Pinky and the Brain on your blog (personal or side, doesn’t matter) and tag it with: #a!countdown
• You can create something yourself or post up, say, a quote or a screenshot from an episode! Fan works are highly encouraged, though. As long as you’re not stealing/reposting someone else’s creation, you’re good.
• No nsfw, please.
• You can post up something either daily or weekly, depending on what works for you. Whatever floats your boat! Also, if you join late, that’s totally cool.
Examples of What to Submit:
Here are some ideas to help get you started!
- do a little sketch - write a mini fic - write a multi-chapter story (one chapter a day/week) - post one quote from the show (A! or PatB) - post one screen shot from the show (A! or PatB) - post a page from one of the comic issues (A! or PatB) - come up with your own unique answer to "Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?" - watch an episode a day - if you have mice, rats, and/or hamsters, submit a photo of them - confess something you like and/or don't like about the show (A! or PatB) - make a plush of one of the characters (with progress updates daily/weekly) - come up with a unique plan that you would use to take over the world - submit an obscure fact about the show (A! or PatB) - compose a short piece of music that fits the theme of an episode in some way - do a musical cover of a song from the show (A! or PatB) - share an interesting science fact - tape yourself acting out an episode or a portion of an episode (if the former, you could do a couple of minutes of it a day/week) - submit a headcanon - cosplay as one of the characters - start an ask blog as one of the characters
Very Important Rule:
My participation will be a continuation of the “braincaps” that I’ve already been doing for some time on my main blog, the only difference being that I’ll tag each one as #a!countdown beginning on September 20th.
Have fun, guys! :)
- Pluto
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i-restuff · 4 years
When do you think we'll get a trailer for the reboot since we got the poster today?
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Animanicast podcast confirmed it that we'll get something on New York Comic Con! Which is next month~
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