cassyaz · 10 days
Sinceramente me acabo de rir quando vejo pessoas que escolheram recovery e literalmente se tornaram ACIMA DO PESO tentando incentivar os outros a desistirem da Ana/Mia com aquela conversinha de que "estou bem mais feliz agora" que hipocrisia... nós sabemos que no fundo você sente falta do seu antigo corpo, sabemos que você faria de tudo pra voltar a ter o autocontrole que tinha na época em que você era magra, sabemos que os pensamentos sobre seu peso/comida continuam te atormentando, sabemos que você é uma GORDA com pensamentos anoréxicos, então me digam..oq adianta?? A sociedade não se importa se estamos doentes ou não, no final ninguém liga pra sua dor, ninguém liga se você está sofrendo, a não ser que tu seja MAGRA E BONITA!!
Se deixe levar pela ADRENALINA das nossas amigas, e você verá resultados, você se odiará um pouco menos, você não irá se sentir nojenta perto das outras mulheres delicadas, você não será o patinho feio perto de suas amigas, esse papel não é pra você, deixe para outra pessoa!! não permita que uma simples COMIDA tenha controle sobre você, vc é que escolhe, as gorduras estão ai por sua causa, ninguém te obrigou a se entupir de porcaria...
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lilyneedtherapy0 · 2 months
I deleted my old Tumblr acc bc I was forced to recover and
But my recovery is going bad and I started binging for a whole 2 years and now I'm starving to get my lw back
And I can't even get my old acc back 😞
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lapetitebabydoll · 9 months
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As someone who has anoerxia I'm just gonna say this is sickening, why would you guys say these things to people or even post it online knowing that if someone said these things to you guys you would probably lock yourself in your room and cry 🤨, if you really had ana you would know how hard it is, especially because people with ana already hate and shame themselves way too much as it is, they don't need that from anyone else, why would you guys (people who claim they also have anoerxia and other EDs) want to brings others with eating disorders down and make them even more miserable? Also this isn't just effecting people who don't have eating disorders, it effects people without EDs who think theyre bodies are beautiful but are repeatedly seeing online that "they're not beautiful unless they're skinny", "they're not skinny enough", or " stop eating it disgusting " who now probably have an ed or are too disgusted with themselves to eat anything. They were probably happy and loved they're bodies before meanspo and people who post meanspo took that away from them, and anyone with a eating disorder would love to go back to a time where they were happy with they're body so why take that away from someone?
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fairycostume · 1 year
My personal reasons
To feel light and dainty
To feel a sense of control
To feel pure and not dirty
To be seen as fragile
To make people see my suffering
To be seen as weak and needing protection
To look beautiful no matter what im doing or wearing
To feel adequate
To be the small one
To be the starving artist (literally)
To feel empty
To be a blank slate
To feel euphoric
To not be seen as a lazy slob
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anagirl-23 · 10 months
burning more calories than you eat>>>>
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marspo · 14 days
Need a mtf to bully the fat out of me. Oh my gosh.
I just wanna be skinny for fucking once.
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suzukix606 · 1 month
Byłam na recovery niecały tydzień i już zdążyłam usłyszeć "czy ty zawsze musisz być taka kurwa nienażarta"
No i co witam was ponownie blogi motylkowe
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cassyaz · 6 days
SINTO QUE NUNCA É O SUFICIENTE!! Não importa quantas horas de exercícios tenha feito, quanto tempo fiquei em jejum, ou o quão pouco comi, sinto que ainda posso me esforçar mais, sinto que não estou dando tudo de mim, sinto que estou decepcionando a ANA por ser tão preguiçosa e isso é tão desgastante, preciso me entregar a 100% pra ver os resultados que quero no TEMPO em que quero
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bitchymiracledino · 5 months
I (f, 5'6) want to love my body the same again, QUICKLY. I used to think I think was too big at 150 now I'd unalive to be 150 again. Rn I'm around 220. I need to be on a strict 1000 cal diet to reach my goal by May 😭Send help, tips and tricks
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angelcake-99 · 1 year
Its great to be the skinniest one in the family but then you realize you family are all morbidly obese. 
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snowkoe · 1 year
Gaining weight sucks man 😞 starving today
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motylowy · 8 months
Najgorsza część spotkań z rodziną której dawno nie widziałxm
"Ty chyba schudłxś/przytyłxś parę kilo"
na przywitanie.
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fairycostume · 2 months
I’ve lost 10 lbs this month but my body looks the same. Maybe my stomach feels a tiny bit flatter but that’s it. Maybe I’ll have to lower my goal weight.
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skinimini80 · 8 months
My interpretation in all 8 years of my Ed:
High restriction: only used in ED spaces tbh, therefore means „high“ but like high for an ED. Pretty subjective.
Low restriction: low
Highly restrictive: low
Liquid fasting: liquid diet
Fasting: water and coffee (and imo diet soda but I’m pretty sure that technically breaks the fast)
OMAD: my beloved- I mean one meal a day
B/P (unplanned): usually out of guilt and typically not very successful
B/P (planned): seasoned bulimic, miserable successful but at the cost of everything (fr food doesn’t even taste good when you know what’s coming- and yes I ENJOY the release like anyone else)
Again MY interpretation, MY post, MY nightmare
Lmk if u relate tho
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