So you are fine with Orthodox Jewish communities lying to their children about the age of the earth? Because "Baby's First Critical Theory".
I love how you use "Orthodox Jewish communities" as a hypothetical as if I'm not actually someone who grew up in an Orthodox Jewish community. I went to Jewish Day School all my life. Our school day was extra-long, and it was split between Judaic studies and secular studies. In my Judaic studies we learned what many Jewish interpretations believe. In my science classes we learned what science believes. I was given the tools to choose for myself.
Nobody was lying to me- it's true that many within Orthodox Judaism take the Tanakh literally, and believe the Earth is 5,782 years old. That's their truth. It's not lying to say that according to the Tanakh, it has been 5,782 years since the creation of Adam. Because yeah, that's the truth, the Jewish year wouldn't be recorded that way otherwise.
And my teachers that staunchly believed in Tanakh-literalism? They also staunchly believed in combatting climate change and preserving the planet. Because taking care of the Earth and fighting against overconsumption and waste and harm to animals are key tenets in Judaism.
Passing down your cultural beliefs isn't lying to your kids.
And even if it was.....why do you care so much about the Truth? Why do you care so much about everyone sharing the same Truth as you? Sounds pretty Christian to me to have that ideology, that everyone should bow to your beliefs and yours alone.
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creature-wizard · 8 months
People who think that getting rid of religion would somehow fix our patriarchy problem apparently didn't hear about the time the Roko's Basilisk guy came up with "tradhumanism".
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captainjonnitkessler · 5 months
It's kind of fucked up that every time an evangelical goes off about how those godless commies/queers/liberals are trying to destroy America and the church, tumblr embraces it whole-heartedly - Yeah, we're gonna attack and dethrone god! Yeah, we're satanic rebels intent on overthrowing the angelic hierarchy! Yeah, we're godless commies/queers/liberals and we're gonna destroy the entire fabric of American society!
And then as soon as anyone actually tries to criticize organized religion and the role it plays in the oppression of basically everyone it's suddenly a bunch of handwringing about how "ugh, you're just an edgy atheist, you only think that way because you're only familiar with Christianity (which is the Bad religion), any criticism of religion whatsoever is actually an attack on me and my community and so it's actually really harmful for you to say things like that."
And it's especially hypocritical coming from a website that complains so much about how any social justice movement eventually gets watered down and turned into a cheeky aesthetic, undermining its ability to effect actual change. Sorry that I actually believe in working to dismantle religious hegemony and wasn't just saying it as a quirky "fuck you" to a mega-pastor on twitter.
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crazycatsiren · 7 months
"I don't have a religion therefore you can't either" isn't any less colonialist than "my religion is valid and yours is not", by the way, people.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
Oh, you can't conceive of a critique of religion where the solution isn't that "all religion must be abolished"? Skill issue.
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transmascpetewentz · 22 days
*sighs* well, here i am making this post, thank you antisemitic "leftists" for forcing me to spell it out for you.
"traditionally, the idea that all women/people generally should dress modestly has been a way of oppressing women and excusing men's misogyny" and "more recently, shaming women/people for dressing modestly and in some cases forcing them not to has been a way of targeting specific cultures, especially jewish and muslim communities" are statements that can and should coexist.
you're justified, and i'd encourage you to, critique how the new wave of "tradwives" believing that all women should be modest due to some biological difference are being openly misogynistic. that's all well and good, because these are white women from mostly xtian backgrounds who want to force their beliefs on everyone. you can and should also criticize when oppressed minorities weaponize misogyny, as long as you are sure you are correct that that's what's happening. but what i've been seeing on social media recently is nothing like just "criticism."
dressing modestly is a choice. just like you (general) should be free from people forcing you to dress a certain way, it's not in your right to force others, especially tznius-keeping jews and other minorities, to not dress in that way. simply, the way other people choose to dress isn't any of your business. just bc i post about being into modest fashion doesn't invite you, random atheist from reddit, into my inbox to scream about how i'm such a misogynist for... choosing to dress modestly as a trans man.
this post didn't make much sense but tl;dr: quit being annoying about people choosing to dress in accordance with the religious law that they follow, it's their personal choice.
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me when i hate religion so much i choose to ignore the existence of judaism and all jews
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burningwitchinsalem · 10 months
I was recently watching a video discussing obscure religions, and cults, when I thought of something that was one of the reasons I originally turned to atheism. What makes a cracker sacred? Or a glass of wine? If these can be seen as for example, the body of Christ, why can't another man-made item resemble the body of some other God? These items aren't, (how do I say it?) natural... they aren't naturally occurring, so how does a man-made item, become sacred, if you don't bake a cracker properly is it not sacred. If you do not ferment the wine long enough, is it not the Christ's blood? What makes a sacred item, a sacred item? Or is it just idea, of mind a hallucination created by our manmade urge to see more in this universe, thousands of years ago, derived by our ancestors.
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fierysword · 1 year
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magnetothemagnificent · 11 months
Why are you jumblr assholes so fucking obsessed with atheists? My guess is you found a group of people more despised than you and decided to join in on the atheist bashing. And you can hate on with impunity because no one else cares about us. And you have this build in defense where if anyone calls you on your bullshit you can just cry “antisemitism” and shut down the discussion. Because no matter what you’re always the victims. And then you wonder why we hate you!
Honeybun like if I had to guess at least 80% of Jumblr is atheist or agnostic.
At least 7% of the world population identifies as atheist. 0.2% of the world population is Jewish. There are 35 times as many atheists in the world than there are Jews.
But sure, Jews are oppressing you.
The person with the victim complex is you, anon.
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dykefaggotry · 1 month
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I have some bad news for you about hitler & stalin & mao & castro and-
also I just genuinely want to know from antitheists: what makes war waged over religion inherently Worse than war waged over politics? both end in senseless loss of life over ideology. both are used as a tool and a weapon. one genocidal maniac believing in god(s) and another not does not make a material difference in them being a genocidal maniac.
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coolseabird · 2 months
To marter one's self for the fickle gods is insanity.
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crazycatsiren · 10 months
I don't know which antitheist needs to hear this but "my way is the only right way and your way is wrong because it's not my way" is still the cultural Christianity that you pretend to hate.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
Two rabbis argued late into the night about the existence of God. Using strong arguments from the scriptures, they ended up indisputably disproving God’s existence.
The next morning, one rabbi was surprised to see the other walking into shul for services.
“I thought we agreed there is no God,” he said.
“Yes, but what does that have to do with it?”
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transmascpetewentz · 30 days
Atheists are not your enemies man, you also ignore that there ARE atheists from those minority religions who heavily criticize them right?
the problem is that antitheists who are not from those cultures constantly overstep boundaries and act like it's okay to be bigoted to minority cultures because "religion bad". don't conflate antitheists with atheists.
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voxpraxis · 11 months
lately i've been... idk if you can really call it "debating" but i've been interacting with some muslims in the comments of an instagram reel in which a young girl was speaking to a young boy (i want to emphasize that they are both children) and telling him that she wasn't allowed to speak to boys until she was married, because her parents and her religion said so. the boy was sad but replied with something like "oh, alright" and the caption & comments were all talking about how "sweet" the situation was. i commented that i didn't think it was sweet, and actually that's a horrible thing to put in a child's mind. the post never directly mentioned islam and neither did i, but everyone who's been replying to me is proselytizing islam, so. anyway, these are the points that have been thrown at me so far:
it's not wrong because both genders are forced apart from each other
in response to me saying it still enforces an extreme divide between genders and encourages them to see each other as opposites rather than equals: the separation is necessary to prevent rape
there is no rape in islam because of the separation between men and women, rape only occurs in western society because men and women are not separated (...because apparently we cannot expect men to not rape women unless they're physically kept away from them at all times)
rape does not happen between family members, it's just not a real thing, ever (incest doesn't exist?)
if you're interested in a girl you should marry her immediately, because dating leads to cheating
men and women cannot be just friends because "islam and science and psychology says so." one guy said it's because "women can't talk about cars and sports"
(i also got called a simp for saying i have female friends. can't make this shit up)
in response to me pointing out that what the girl is saying implies that she won't have any say in who her husband is: arranged marriages are better because they always work out and unlike western marriages, they never end in divorce! (i'll give you one guess why that is.)
similarly, single parent families and suicide are solely western problems
men and women are NOT equal
i need to shut up and respect it because that's their religion
islam cannot be questioned because islam says islam is true
and that's not including all the personal insults and threats i've received, in just a few days.
i will say this is one of the least challenging "debates" i've ever had, in the sense that almost no point brought against me has any logical foundation and is easily refutable. but it's one of the most frustrating because the problem is that they won't hear me at all, because islam teaches its followers to never consider anything else. it teaches them to accept exactly what they are spoon-fed as the ultimate truth. and this is by no means a problem exclusive to islam, but islam does this kind of control better than any other religion i know. people raised into islam are not taught to think in any logical terms - in fact, they're deliberately taught to avoid thinking logically. logical fallacies are the rule. so not only can they barely form a coherent argument in favour of their beliefs, but they have absolutely no clue how illogical they sound sometimes. when i point out a lapse in logic in something they've said, the response i get is "no, that's true because islam says it's true." no other explanation required. at least, i've sometimes heard people of other religions attempt to use logic or science to prove their beliefs, but with the muslims in these comments, those are unnecessary things to be absolutely avoided - it's like they don't even understand why i'd bother to use them. you can't use logic to get through to them because they've been taught to avoid logic and cling to the mantra of islam-is-true-because-islam-says-so.
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