#artemis 🏹
athenepromachos · 1 month
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The divine twins Artemis and Apollo 🏛🏹🏹☀️🌛🐕
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mebellad4 · 17 days
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☝️🤓poderia fazer um moodboard da artemis?
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-Artemis (hades game).🏹💚
Aqui! Espero que goste!
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lanasblood · 11 months
words cannot describe how much affection i have for you
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IT’S A LOVE OVERDOSE MY ARTEMIS DON’T DO THAT WITHOUT WARNING arrest me all you want I still love you mighty one 💕💕💕💕
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*hiruko comes to pay Kuya a Visit as well as see his new grandchildren, knocking on the door so he knows he's here*
Kuya was currently holding his twins as Artemis was trying to nom on her brother Apollo's ears. So Quincy answered the door. "You going to be ok Yokai?" He asked the fox. "I'll be fine.... o hi." Kuya turned to see Hiruko there.
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artemight · 2 years
artemis in 2010 being introduced to popular music and media at the time ... can be so personal
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Party gone...not so wrong
Cw: mentions of wine. (To describe dion.ysus)
Only mutuals okay to reblog. Ask to tag.
Summary: Nova isnt feeling too good on her party, dionysus decides its his chance to talk to them.
Pairing: Nova X Dionysus (ha.des)
Taglist: @tex-treasures
A/n: Recomended to listen to "The cult of dionysus by the orion experience"
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Nova sighed looking down at her feet,they werent fond of parties, specially not with this Many people.
Only thing that made It barely worth it was in dionysus. Yep. They had it bad for the god of wine.
He was charming, and funny, and they would not have enough courage to talk to him. Slay monsters? Yeah, hunt Giant beasts? Absolutely. But talking to a cute guy? Nope. Not happening.
"This music is way too loud..." they thought, walking away from the hulking crowd "this was supposed to be my party. To celebrate I was becoming a huntress of artemis...I kinda feel bad for not enjoying myself".
Unbeknownst to the hunter, dionysus was watching them, he was itching to get to know Artemis' New huntress, he had heard amazing things from the goddess of the hunt.
He saw them scurry away to a quiter space, sitting down on a nearby bench and just...sulk.
So, trying to Keep as much people off of him as he could, the god of wine made his way towards Nova,who, inmediatly after noticing him approaching, straightened their back.
--Why, hello there, Nova I suppose?-- He asked.
--Yes, I am Nova, nice meeting you, Lord Dionysus-- they answered quite nervous.
--Oh no need for formalities, its a pleasure to meet you too, if I May ask,however, why is it that youre here, sulking by yourself? This is your party after all
--well-- They started-- parties arent much my style. But the townspeople decided to throw a party anyway... though id rather be somewhere quieter
Dionysus nodded-- I admitt the folk here are a bit too much, May I be so bold as to ask if youd like to run away somewhere else?
Nova seemed stunned-- I uh-uhm...yes,please? --he offered his hand and they took it sneakily slipping off towards the forest, seeing this, they couldnt help but ask-- Dionysus? Where are we going?
--You said you wanted to be somewhere quiet, and I know from good faith that you like forests and nature! So thats where we are going!
Soon they got to a quiet clearing,the moon was shining down on them, lighting up the treeless spot.
--ah, much better dont you think?-- said dionysus, sitting down on the Grass, patting the spot besides him.
--Yeah, much better-- Nova agreed sitting down with him-- its...peaceful
Now that it was only the two of them , the god took a moment to observe his companion, who was quietly growing a beautiful vine of blossomed grape vine flowers, tying it with sunflowers and roses.
"What a gentle soul..." he pondered "how quiet they are...".
--Dionysus? This is for you-- Nova commented, snapping him out of his trance.
He let them put the flower crown on his hair, and smiled-- thank you it is beautifully crafted
--heh,I appreciate that-- then the both of them looked at the Sky. In silence.
It wasnt unconfortable, just neither of them know what to speak about.
--Congratulations on being named a hunter of artemis, by the way-- the god of wine was the first one to break the quiet-- you must have worked very hard for that
--i did indeed, Many years of training-- the hunter responded-- thank you for taking me here, its better...-- Nova looked up at the stars-- artemis always jokes im a star, thats were my name comes from...
-- Nova Also means new, so New star...Also very fitting-- the god followed up-- you sure are like a batch of fresh air, and you shine like a star, I can tell by only looking at you, youre a good person, yknow?
His companion smiled, looking away from the night Sky-- I appreciate that
-- If you dont mind, once this night is over, could I ask you out?...on a date? Truth is ive been meaning to meet you sooner, never got the chance to, until now, that is-- the god proposed, scratching the back of his neck.
--Why of course, ive been meaning to talk to you, but I didnt have enough courage to pull it off, as you said though, until now
Dionysus Turned to them and smiled-- how about I take you out on a stroll, we can take a basket, fill it with food and take a blanket...we could have lunch in this very clearing tomorrow
--That sounds nice, why not-- after telling him the place where their hut was placed, they added-- I also wanted to dance tonight, guess thats the only bad thing of leaving the party, huh?
--not at all! We can dance togheter, right here-- with a snap of his fingers, a band of musicians appeared, they were made of purple light, And the song they played was slow and romantic.
They held eachother closely as they danced, smiling through it all in silence.
Then, when the night was over, Nova invited the god to stay at their hut, Dionysus didnt complain and now they were cuddled up in bed, with the god caressing the hunters hair.
They were half asleep, holding for dear life on their companion, who only looked at them as if they hung the moon and stars.
"Such a gentle soul"he thought, pulling the human for a quick kiss, and though half asleep, they kissed back to the best of their abilities.
--good night, my star-- the god muttered closing his eyes and Relaxing, planning on what to take to their first date.
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apcomplexhq · 5 months
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Olá, queridinhos futuros moradores, peixinhos, veadinhos, amadinhos e coisinhas lindas. Como vão?
Nós, enquanto moderadoras, sempre mantivemos o contato direto com nossos players, buscamos, por meio do diálogo, escutá-los e buscar solução de quaisquer que sejam os problemas que venham a aparecer e, é por meio dessa troca de interação sincera, que muitos já se abriram conosco sobre detalhes íntimos e situações sensíveis e pessoais. E, em resposta a todo esse apego, abertura e a confiança que depositam em nós quando vocês vem desabafar, é que viemos aqui também nos abrir.
Vocês não são obrigados a ler nossas palavras e entenderemos todos que optarem por pular, não há problema algum nisso. Até porque, isso não é um meio de dar bronca, pois não possuímos quase nada de negativo para falar aos nossos players, vocês sempre nos deram muito orgulho, sempre se puseram à frente para nos trazer feedbacks sinceros e alternativas sobre os problemas que enfrentamos, somos muito felizes por termos vocês conosco e agradecemos muito cada carinho recebido.
Antes de tudo, queremos deixar claro que isso não é um fechamento, não estamos vindo anunciar isso, então podem ficar sossegados, pois vocês não ficarão sem um lar. Apenas viemos comunicar sobre uma diminuída na atividade e é apenas isso! Então, aqueles que não se sentirem à vontade para continuar a leitura, podem parar por aqui, aos demais, apenas iremos explicar como trouxemos essa decisão à tona.
Desde o início sempre nos esforçamos e demos tudo de nós, para responder e cumprir com nossos deveres, trazendo eventos, plotdrops, buscando formas de resolver intrigas, das mais simples até as mais complicadas e, por mais que seja algo que cada uma de nós descobriu adorar fazer: moderar, em meio aos passos que demos, começamos a notar que temos dado tanta atenção a isso, que sequer estamos conseguindo separar um tempo para fazermos nossas obrigações OOC, momentos de descanso ou, até mesmo, jogar junto com vocês.
Sim, muitos nos vieram falar diversas vezes sobre como precisávamos descansar, beber água, dormir (especialmente durante a abertura, em que viramos cerca de três noites para podermos cumprir com os prazos), mas somos teimosas e isso não é e nunca foi culpa de vocês. Foram escolhas NOSSAS, entendem? Nós que escolhemos virar cada uma das noites que viramos até hoje para preparar eventos, atividades, arrumar as aceitações, detalhar design do tumblr, nós que decidimos cancelar compromissos da vida real para podermos resolver as questões da comunidade, pois sempre, a todo momento, quisemos trazer o melhor e o máximo de nós para que cada mínimo detalhe estivesse perfeito para vocês. Infelizmente, nem mesmo tivemos tempo adequado para conseguirmos jogar em nossa própria comunidade e isso pode ser um pouco triste, se parar para pensar que o intuito inicial era trazer um ambiente em que conseguíssemos nos divertir também. Algumas das modinhas foram de unfollow ao notar que não estavam conseguindo cumprir com a atividade ideal para não cair de AC que, pasmem, já é considerado longo. Outras ainda lutam para manter o personagem ativo enquanto buscam conciliar com as obrigações OOC e tarefas da moderação.
Até que chegou um momento em que a palavra “cansaço” veio à tona. Não por causa dos nossos players, pois eles, em sua maioria, não nos trazem problemas. Não por causa de haters, pois sequer ligamos para os comentários não construtivos, tanto que muitos de vocês já devem ter percebido como vivemos fazendo piada com eles. Não por causa de brigas, pois nós sempre buscamos separar a amizade que nutrimos uma pela outra, do nosso papel como moderação. Mas sim, pelas nossas próprias escolhas e teimosias. E, sendo transparente com vocês, como sempre fomos e sempre pretendemos ser: o fechamento foi sim, uma possibilidade que veio à nós. Chegamos a definir possíveis datas, pensamos até em finalizar em dezembro, mas após longas conversas e desabafos trocados, inclusive com colegas de fora da moderação, decidimos acalmar o ritmo. E, durante uma dessas conversas que tivemos sobre o assunto, chegamos em algumas conclusões:
1. Se, em algum momento, realmente decidirmos pelo fechamento, nós não vamos fazê-lo da noite para o dia.
Isso não é nenhum tipo de ataque a nenhuma comunidade, mas sim uma escolha nossa para o que nós achamos melhor aos nossos players. Se isso realmente vier a acontecer, nós iremos falar com vocês primeiro. Falaremos sobre o assunto com sinceridade e traremos datas, pois assim, pensamos que será mais fácil e menos desesperador para que consigam ver as comunidades que estarão abertas no futuro, para decidirem, com calma, onde irão, que rumo os plots levarão, se irão encerrar ou continuar em outro lugar ou, até mesmo, em 1x1. Não achamos legal a ideia de pensar que poderão dormir e, no dia seguinte, acordar com uma nota de fechamento, do nada, estampado na face de vocês, sabe? Então preferimos definir esse cuidado que, talvez, possa não fazer diferença para alguns, um grande número de unfollow pode vir quando anunciarmos, antes mesmo do dia definitivo mencionado, mas é algo que decidimos por nós mesmas ao colocarmos em pauta todo o carinho que nos é mostrado. Mais uma vez: nós não vamos fechar a comunidade agora. Isso não é uma nota de encerramento!
2. Vocês sabem como somos molengas.
Somos apaixonadas pelo que fizemos em conjunto, não apenas entre nós quatro, mas também com vocês: cada personagem que há aqui nós temos um carinho grande, pode ser que pensem que cada um não basta de um único player, mas saibam que é muito além disso. Como falamos numa ask anterior, vemos vocês com um carinho especial que nutrimos com o passar do tempo. Independente de sermos mais novas ou mais velhas que vocês: podem nos chamar de tias, AUHSUASH. Não conseguiríamos dar adeus a algo tão maravilhoso assim de uma hora pra outra.
3. Compreendemos que, nesse problema que levantamos, pode haver solução.
Se nos esforçarmos tanto para trazer um ambiente em pura perfeição, nos dá cansaço, então, uma forma de tentar evitar que essa sensação de exaustão se alastre é: diminuir o ritmo. Mas ó, se acalmem! Não entendam errado, não iremos deixar vocês jogados por aí. Apenas iremos diminuir a quantidade de eventos e atividades grandes. Não deixaremos nossa essência de lado, então saibam que ainda estaremos por aqui, do nosso jeitinho de sempre, prontas para fazer brincadeirinhas, trazer jogos e inovações, porém, em um ritmo menor e, principalmente, tentaremos seguir com o período ideal de resposta, colocado na página da moderação. Acho que sequer devem saber que tínhamos definido dias e horários para respondermos as coisas da comunidade, né? Quantas vezes vocês nos viram respondendo coisas em plena madrugada? Pois é, hihihi, nunca seguimos o limite que nós próprias colocamos.
E sim, aos que vieram correndo pedindo por crossovers: nós pretendemos fazer outros, sim! Só que, mais futuramente, tudo bem? Agora, no momento, precisamos descansar um pouco.
Temos VÁRIAS e VÁRIAS ideias de eventos gigantes, plotdrops divertidos e reviravoltas para a Avenida Acropolis, então saibam que a falta de ideias não é e nunca foi um problema! Mas, para conseguirmos aplicá-los, precisamos estar com nossas energias nas alturas. Porque nós podemos até errar ao fazer atividades que passamos noites e madrugadas nos esforçando para organizar, mas nunca nos perdoaríamos em passar algo cheio de problemas para vocês, com a consciência de que sequer tentamos consertar com antecedência pra que desse certo.
Esperamos que possam compreender o nosso lado e agradecemos muito, a cada um que se deu ao trabalho de ler esse comunicado. Somos eternamente gratas por termos a sorte de ter vocês como players e esperamos que continuem conosco, mesmo nessa diminuição de ritmo.
Qualquer coisa, nossa DM sempre estará aberta à vocês, seja para desabafarem, tirarem dúvidas ou quaisquer que sejam os motivos.
Um cheirinho divino em cada um de vocês. 💛🏛️💜
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adminnie · 3 months
16. pick a date: jumping around and dancing in the rain or staying in and cuddly up by the fire?
20. have you ever accidentally told someone that you loved them before you were ready to?
For Bachelorette #9 from Artemis!!
16. pick a date: jumping around and dancing in the rain or staying in and cuddly up by the fire?
[#9] Cuddling up by the fire! I do think dancing in the rain would be nice but only if you can get home quickly to shower!
20. have you ever accidentally told someone that you loved them before you were ready to?
[#9] Oh no, definitely not! I've only ever said that I loved someone once before and it was on purpose! Not on accident!
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athenepromachos · 1 month
Bit more detail about these gorgeous murals. They were painted by Karl Friedrich Schinkel in c.1827 and were originally in the Palais des Prinzen Karl and Ordenspalais in Berlin which Schinkel remodelled in the C19th. During the Nazi regime, the building was used for the Ministry of Propaganda. Sadly though, the building was destroyed in 1945 leaving us with only a few photographs. The murals depict the Greek Gods and are really gorgeous 😍 🏛😍
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Rare shot of the Interior
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Rhea gives Cronus a swaddled stone to eat instead of baby Zeus ☠️
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Zeus with his Eagle and Hera with her Peacock 🦅🦚
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Hades and Persephone with a fabulous looking Kerberos 🐕💀
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The divine twins Artemis and Apollo 🏹🏹
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Dionysus and a dancing Maenad 🍇🍇
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"You should be who you want to be, Kuya. I don't like that others try to judge you for who you are. You shouldn't change yourself because someone said so. I know others tend to speak to me ill due to having wolf blood and human blood in me and I know others tell me that my kids have my blood and yours but they are happy with that. They don't let others bother them even if it hurts." He looks to Kuya but held his hand.
"You shouldn't let others who likes to judge another get to you because you should be happy for you. Not because of another. I love you for you and know you are always going to be the loving person I married. No matter what." Shinryu smiled but was looking at him with eyes closed and his cheeks light pink. He even saw their babies hug Kuya's legs looking up at him.
Kuya sighs "no it is just I don't particularly care for myself. And back then my older self didn't like that part of me. I don't like my past self." He held Shinryu and his twins close in his arms.
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thcdoomed · 23 days
🎲 !!!
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kiss roulette || accepting [🏹]
|| @epistrefei
31. A kiss to the inner thigh
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The archer had longed for respite in the quiet din of the woods. The city was no place for a person such as herself; the hustle and bustle of people milling about, the calls of street merchants to come and buy their wares, the sounds of children playing in the streets. All perfectly lovely sounds to anyone used to it, she was sure, but she wasn't among them. She longed for the serenity of bird calls in the middle of a moonlit night, when the forest is cast in hues of silver and blue and long shadows drape the ground she walked. The goddess Artemis, one she kept so secret from others, walked these nights and hunted as any mighty predator would: when prey was most vulnerable. And that is where Dronia found her this evening, an elotheridae, dire boar, laid out at her feet, an arrow cleanly shot through its forehead.
The huntress said nothing, simply regarding the goddess whose beauty only seemed amplified in the silver light of the moon. Any time she felt the presence of the Goddess nearby, she felt drawn, like a moth to a flame. Maybe it was mere fascination, but she's starting to suspect it was more than that. Infatuation? Devotion, maybe? She didn't feel so monstrous when she was around Artemis, as if her hunter's instinct was seen as worthy of respect instead of fear. She felt a reverence, and it wasn't the same kind of reverence she held for Mielikki, it was something else and she could barely put her finger on it. But when Artemis beckoned Dronia to join her, she came, as if her feet moved on their own.
Hours passed as the moon crawled across the sky but Dronia never noticed; her attention was transfixed on the Goddess, in awe of her skill, her command over a bow, and the way she resembled a perfectly carved statue, those silver eyes as haunting as the celestial body above them. And when the hunt was over they rested, somehow Dronia found herself laying her head in Artemis' lap, allowing her muscles to rest and her adrenaline to work its way out of her system. Maybe it was something about the heat that flushed through both their bodies from such an intense hunt, maybe it was how the moon could make anything look beautiful under its silver light, or maybe Dronia just felt dangerously bold. Her head shifted, eyeing skin that was bared by a gap in the garment of Artemis' gown. She inched close, lips brushing against the skin briefly before a warm kiss pressed against the Goddess' inner thigh and in that moment, she could name that feeling that had plagued her these last few weeks. Love.
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lanasblood · 11 months
bb your 'just neteyam' fic singlehandedly wrestled away my art block im truly grateful thank you so much
no f-ing way!! 👁👄👁 omg artemis that makes me so happy ngl 😂🤭 I'm so proud of you!! ♥️ let me know what else I can do to keep that art block away for a long loooong time
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nyuiarantes · 2 months
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Apollo and Artemis 🏹🌿✨
I really enjoyed to make this piece! I did the lineart traditionally and painted it digitally
This piece was based on an attic red-figure cup from the 4th century BCE
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thisismisogynoir · 4 months
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artemight · 2 years
mar.vel au but i throw artemis into the young aven.gers
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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"The perfect short during moonlight"
Ha//des S/I, the apprentice of artemis.
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